The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 10, 1873, Image 2

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    PRIDAY JANUARY 10, 1S73.
Oro Fino Hall was thronged last Sun
day evening by an attentive and intelli
gent audience, among whom were many
of our most prominent citizens, all
gathered to hear, and, if possible, learn
of "The Future Life." We cannot for
bear mentioning one serious annoyance
on this occasion; and we hope never to
have cause to advert to it again. We
allude to the presence of of rude, unruly
boys, who clamber up and down the
stops? exchange whistling signals and
go in and out among the people, thereby
causing confusion. These boys are in
variably the children of mothers who
"have all the rights they want;" moth
ers who are too strictly religious, many
of them, to attend our ministrations,
an(k yet others who are so intensely oc
cupied with fashion and folly that they
let their boys run loose on the streets to
get rid of them. We are proud to say
that the boys of our Woman Suffrage
friends are invariably quiet and orderly.
Their mothers are always present at the
meetings, and the boys, taught in the
high lore of self-respect, behave like
gentlemon because they respect woman
hood. The City Marshal has given
ordors for the arrest of any unruly boys
who may make these disturbances here
after, and a policeman has been an-
polnted to execute his commands, so
there Is little danger that the offense
will be repeated.
The next, and seventh lecture of the
series will be upon an "Industrial School
for Portland," and we hope all our
friends will attend and bring their
friends with them. The original poem,
"The Fallen Heroes," will be repeated
on that occasion by special request.
We are surprised and gratified at the
cordial reception given our humble ef
forts and it shall be our highest aim to
deserve it.
terlnnnd tvi it ml it- t ii .wi,m n h mui
of humanity's benediction. And the ages shall
answer. Amen."
All of which means, "This is a man's
Government, made by man for man,
and if you'll be obedient and altogether
lovely while standing outside the gates
of our hotel, maybe we'll open the por
tals sometime and invite you In; but
you must not presume to claim tne
right to enter, lest we call you 'a crawl
ing thing."
O, Tempora! 0, Mores.'
Wo have watched with considerable
interest the various comments of the
press concerning the incarceration of
3II&3 Anthony within the walls of a
felon's cell. The general impression of
the obtuse mind-masculine seems to be
that the law is in no way to blame for
her imprisonment, since she could
easily have given bail if she had so de
sired. Now, brethren, wo must candidly de
clare that while your sophistry has the
appearance of logic upon its surface,
that surface is very thin indeed. Do
the man-made laws of the country owe
thotr justice wholly to the wealth or
popularity of the person who in the
conscientiousdischarge of duty is caught
within their meshes? Suppose that Miss
Anthony, instead of being popular and
r ii . . IT.'l fit. , , .
iimuuuuui viim a very large anu im
portant class of the Republic's best so
society, were a poor, obscure widow.
whose husband had fallen a victim to
the rum fiend, whose ravages are yet un
cheeked; suppose her half dozen boys
were growing up within the influence of
daily temptation from the same terrible
source? She reads the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution and the
laws, and finding there no barrier to
woman citizenship, she resolves, for the
sake of her children and humanity, to
test the validity of this mooted ques
tion, and armed with man-made laws
she casts hor ballot to set a bravo ex
ample. Man says her act is illegal, and
casts her into prison. Who will be her
suroty? What matter if her chi'ren
starve c "j r sue chooses w
'.oon life, let
press; and man,
nn v1 Inn nf nrM n nf a
uesuny, sj- , .. . .
her enjoy it," says
the protecting
Then be con
sistent, oh, bachelor brother, and offer
yourself as hostage for our Susan. Say
"J represent woman. It me bo pun
ished for her misconceptions of duty."
Ah, gentlemen, you know your logic is
but sophistry, you will not represent
woman when to do so is a sacrifice,
You are only willing to represent her
when you can gain cash or power by the
usurpation of such a privilege. But let
womanhood thank God for Susan An
thony. It has been truly said of her
that though a maiden, she is the mother
of womanhood. We rejoice that she
has the bravery to dare and do the right
to show men just what their law is; just
what it means, and to just what it
tends. Providence has made her worn
an's Nemesis. And in due time she
will come forth from her prison cell
justified, exonerated, crowned," and all
womanhood with her.
A writer in the Woman's Journal,
over the signaturet)f Selwyn L. Stellis,
a man who is evidently a ward politi
cian and police court barrister we
judge him by his pettifogging sophis
triesIs out with an elaborate essay,
wherein he questions the spirit that ac
tuated the women of America who
voted at the last election, in a fault
finding spirit that plainly proves that
he has not yet conceived the true spirit
of Individual freedom and its accompa
nying obligation, as understood by the
original framers of the Constitution and
the compilers of the Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Amendments thereto. Hear
eome of his sophisms:
Under a monarchial government, where
land ownership Ik one of the conditions of the
lranchlse, if an unqualified citizen should cast
avoie oecause uc oenevea every man nau me
Inherent risht to do so. both he and the officers
receiving such vote would Justly be subject to
Imprisonment. Their conscientious belief In
Republican principles would havo no effect
whatever in alleviating their punishment.
Ivow. the question arises, Is tills a
"monarchial government?" and If not,
why go to monarchial governments for
precedents ? Again :
We believe Suffrage to be a right, according
to the laws of God and nature; but until it is
so recognized bv the lawol the land, to "take
the kingdom of heaven by violence," I a dar
ing that is not bravery: and the act brings op
probrium rather than honor to the cause, be
cause It savors not of the gracefulness of true
womanhood, and Is not n portent of political
reform through Woman's advent. It Is Just
iiuchtlfrifkntaiid unlovely measures that hnve
repeatedly brought disgrace upon tne Woman
jiuveiiii ui una retarueu lis progress.
Could a man more clearly prove his
consummate misconception of the
meaning of Suffrage as a right than by
this silly subterfuge? "A right," for
sooth, "according -to the laws of God
and nature;" but until the darling men,
who havo usurped that "right," theroby
ueiymg the "laws of God and nature,"
6hall unanimously consent to recognize
tne authority of the Omnipotent,
woman must not dare to act iu harmony
with that same "God and nature," lest
she "take the kindoui of heaven by vio
Oh, woman, how much more "daring"
than "brave" you are! You refuse to
recognize the superior "laws of the
land," and obey instead "tlio laws of
God and nature!" Nevermore try to
hold up your head, O "defiant and un
lovely" creature that you are, for these
things "bring disgrace upon the Woman
Movement" in the eyes of God's su
preme dictators.
But our censor obtained one gleam of
truth, which he committed to paper,
although he recognized it not:
When the popular cry was raised atmlnst
Woman in the nulnlt.and St. raul was cited
ns authority, wo proudly answered, "Take St.
Paul's teachings in the spirit, not in the let
Now, sir, when the popular cry is
raised against woman at the bnllot-box,
toe proudly answer, "Take the teachings
of the Constitution in the spirit and in
the letter." Had woman waited before
taking her place in the pulpit until
man had discovered the spirit of Paul's
teachiugs iu her favor, she would
neither be there to-day, nor yet In all
coming time. There is no comparison
between St. Paul's positive command to
women to "keep silence in the
churches" and our Federal Constltu
tion's comprehensive expression, "all
persons," etc., etc., and the pettifogger
who will "proudly point to the spirit of
St. Paul's teachings" in support of
woman's claims to the ministry and in
the same breath declare that she is "de
fiant and unlovely" when daring to
obey the "Jaws of God and nature,"
needs more than any one a double dose
of his own prescription, "let us be con
sistent, though the heavens fall."
We quote him further:
It Is an established principle of our Republic
that the majority rule; nnd untH the icople
are so moved tuat the majority shall decree a
new amendment, the iuicctors of election
will have no legal right to receive the voles of
For cool, unsophisticated impudence
commend us to the writer of the nbove.
Until the people are so moved that the
majority shall decree a new amend
ment," forsooth! And yet he would
give the "majority," who are women,
no opportunity or power to decree such
an amendment, because for them to
presume to do such a thing is "a daring
that Is not bravery," and might make
tne unfortunate creatures "unlovely" in
ins eyes.
To further show the obtuse nerceo-
tions of this gifted (?) expounder of
American libertv we clvo tli!
admission to
Iter. A. F. Waller, the Methodist
missionary and principal founder of the
Salem University, who departed from
this life a short time since with the full
measure of his days crowned with deeds
of goodness, left us a. legacy of the last
conversation wo held with him which
is far to good to be lost to the world.
It was during the excitement regarding
our bill, then pending in the Legisla
ture, for the enfranchisement of women.
Mr. W. D. Hare, Presidential elector,
and ourself were conversing upon this
topic when Father Waller came up and
joined us.
Mr. Hare said he was "willing that
women should vote provided the ma
jority of them should express their de
sire to do so."
"But," said we, "this proviso has
never been exacted of men. Why make
invidious distinctions iu regard to wom
en ? Is our sex a crime or disgrace that
it should he thrown in our teeth con
tinually as a reproach ? How would it
suit you, sir, to bo compelled to ask the
majority of men, even in your precinct,
saying nothing of your State, if they
would let you voto in this so-called land
of freedom, where you and I are taxed
to support the government?"
Our friend reiterated the same stale
argument, and Father Waller spoke
"Of course Sister Duuiwaydoesn't want
to compel any woman to vote," he said,
earnestly. "But let a law bo passed
permitting all women to vole who may
desire the privilege, and your plan will
work without proscribing anybody. If
you have no objection to permitting
women to vote if they want to, give
them a free chance to do as they think
Mr. II. passed on and Father Waller
lingered a moment to take us by the
hand we little thought it would be the
last time and ho said: "God bless you
sister. Your work is noble and vou
have my hearty sympathies. Beform
must struggle much before it can grow
strong; but you havo struggled and you
will soon succeed. Prejudice is dying
Wc see-by our exchanges that Paulina
Wright Davis, whom Mrs. Woodhull
cited as authority in confirmation of
her attack on Mr. Beecher and Mrs.
Tilton, Is out with a positive denial of
auy imtimacy with either family, or
any knowledge or suspicion of improper
relations between the parties, blie
states that she was never at Mrs. Tilton's
house but once, and that was ten years
ago, in company with Mrs. Johnson,
and she never heard Mrs. Tilton speak
of Mr. Beecher except as a man of honor
and her pastor. This is the best and
broadest blow at this scandal that we
have seen. Weawait further investiga
tions with interest.
A lady friend, writing from Salt Lake
City, says: There has been one forward
step taken by tho ladles of Salt Lake,
viz: The organization of a class of
ladies to become proficient in the study
of medicine. Tho following Is the list
of officers: President, Mrs. S. M. Kim
ball; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Emeline
Benedict, Mrs. Mary E. Cook; Becord
Ing Secretary, Miss E. It. Snow; Cor
responding Secretary, Mrs. Hattie C.
Morris; Treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Home.
The editor of the Laramie Sentinel re
joices in a bran new baby. The way he
philosophises over the "little stranger"
while ho does the work and "that nurse
looks and prognosticates concerning
certain signs" is a caution to men of less
wit and sagacity. Good luck to you and
yours, brother Hayford. If that young
stcr equals our latest, he'll be sticking
type the next time we go over to Wash
ington. But what have you named
him, cli?
We guess Bud Thompson's chamber
maid has learned that he, or it, is not a
"woman." It is a great blessing that
the poor creature's coming to its senses.
It hasn't thrown auy slop for several
weeks. We congratulate you, Bud.
From the maudlin tone of the leading
articles in a recent issue of a certain
West Side weakly we conclude its editor
is on a drunk.
R. K., Yrcka : Very sorry we cannot
comply with your lequest. The story
Is average, and with some pruning
woum ue qui to reauauie; nut ir we
should undertake to purchaso such we'd
The Soulless Nature of Monopolies.
Experience has thoroughly demon
strated that nothing but wholesome op-
Iu3iiiuu ocr uiuku private corpora
tion mindful of the people's interests.
Especially Is this true of railway com
panies. Once permit such a company
to acquire a monopoly of the carrying
trade, and straightway it becomes over
bearing, tyrannical aud oppressive. It
suits its own times, places and purposes,
and exacts its demands with all the as
surance and bearing of an antocrat.
From Omaha to Chicago there are
three parallel lines of railroad, all bid
ding for pvblic patronage. Each road
vies Willi me outer two in lis cuoris to
please the public. The best of accom
modations, and the most considerate
treatment of passengers, characterize
each line. A surly answer to a fair
question by an employe insures his dis
charge. The criticisms of the pres3 are
resrtectiuuv consiuereu. anu u louna 10
bo lust are promptly acted upon. Their
time schedules are kept constantly and
nrominontlv before tho nubiic The
companies recognize tho rights of the
people In the management of their roads,
and respect those rights. For any one
of said companies to attempt to ma-
inulate legislation to its especial auvan
tage would be to arouse a storm of pub
lic indignation tuat wouiu speeuuy
teach it itsnroner place. The same con
dition of tilings exists from Chicago
eastward to the sea-board. An active
and healthy opposition regulates each
competing line, anu Keeps it true to tne
pumic interest.
But now is it with our own monop
oly? It builds its roads with tho Gov
ernment subsidies and the proceeds of
its iirsi mortgage uonus, letting tne con
tracts at exorbitant rates to itself, tak
ing its own securities for pay. Its sur
plus bonds It uses to buy up all corapct
inir lines, whether by land or water,
thus riding rough shod over tho people's
best interests, it perpetually ignores
the richts of the people, and looks upon
all interference with its policy as med
dlesome assumption. It can readily
show by its books that its average earn
ings are not lar in excess ot lis outgoes,
and thus pull tho wool over tho eyes
of the Legislator, who might seek to
reeulate its freights and fares; but it
does not show that by its sharp system
of construction its expenditures are
lanrolv fictitious.
We do not question the fact that the
overland railroad is of great benefit to
the wealthier class of travelers anu
tourists. It has brouclit us largo num
bere of this class, many of whom have
come to stay to build up and beautify
our cities; but that, from its nign rates
or i a re, it operates as a bar to tne lnimi
gration of tho laboring and poorer
classes, that the Shite so much needs at
this time to develop its industrial re
sources, is beyond question. On the
other hand, it lias operated, the past
season, to take from eight to ten dollars
a ton out or tne pockets or our rarmers
in the way of high freights for wheat.
A few years ago our incoming ships
came heavily freighted, and could aflord
to carry out-going cargoes of grain at
low rate. Now they must needs come
In ballast for tlieir cargoes, and are
out. You have made your reform re-' rutl entirely out of funds and ruin our
spectable, and the thickest of the fight
is over. Go on, and God will bless
Tears blinded us aswc proceeded on
our way; but our heart was light, for we
had walked and talked with ono who
held communion with the Infinite, lie
rests from Ills labors, but his works do
follow him.
struggling enterprise. We do not know
of any paper on the Pacific coast that
pays for stories. As you are "very
much in need of money," we hereby
tender you our heart-felt sympathy, for
"misery loves company," and you de
scribe our case exactly.
"Ma Masslc," Yamhill : Look out for
your poem soon.
t. m. J v. : we havo rocoiveu you
poem, "I Found a Gun," but are not
able to find the author throucrh the me
dium of the above initials. The tiling
Keeping Children Busy.
These restless little mortals are quiet
only when they are asleep, and oiteu
not even tnen, ror-iu urenms iue aic
playing croquet, or galloping on horse
back, or fondling their dolls. They
need playthings just as much as they
require bread and milk, and shoes and
clothes. Many parents, thinking they
cannot afford time or money to provide
amusemeut and occupation for their lit
tle ones, leave them to shift for them
selves aud hunt up their own toys. So
Johnnie gets into mamma's Bureau or
closet, and enjoys the muss he makes
tbere more than lie sorrows over m
punishmont that follows it. As he
grows older, jack-knife and foot rule,
hammer and saw, gimlet and drawing
knife, screw driver and pinchers, will
be in requisition to make his bows and
arrows, his ships and carts. Little
Susie will take her mamma's needles
and thread, her buttons arid scissors,
and leave her work basket in sad dis
order unless all these articles are given
to Susie for her own special use. Witli
a work-box ami needle book, a pair of
scissors, and occasional supervision ot
ner motiier, Susie may grauuauy ue in
itiated into all the mysteries of darning,
overseaming, hemming, aud backstitch.
We all know that children are very
anxious to do what they cannot do, but
this inclination, which is frequently
quite annoying, may be turned to ex
cellent account. Instead of driving them
away, let them be taught the difficulties
of what they wish to undertake, the best
way ot overcoming tnem, anu let mem
lend a helnintr hand in doing the
coveted thing till they can be intrusted
to do it ainne. livery boy suouid Jcarn
tho use of tools, and lie able to drive a
nail properly, to push the saw and shove
the plane, to make a button for a door,
and exercise his ingenuity in the man
ufacture of hanging baskets, brackets,
rustic benches, sleds anil bows. Though
what he does may bo a failure, it will
lead to ultimate success.
If one is disposed to count the com
parative cost of letting children hunt up
their own sources of amusement, and of
providing tnem with means or occupa-
The Work ofOno "Woman.
Robert Collyer tells tho story of an
old man living, nine years ago, in Duch
ess county, N. Y., who owned a farm of
about 300 acres, and had three children
a son and two daughters. He was au
om man tlien and past worK, anu nis
son managed tne larm. men tne om
man made a proposition. Ho could not
live long and wanted to divide the prop-
1 . I . . r , . 1 I
eny m mis manner, tie wouiu uiviue
it into two halves; give his son one
half, and the other half to the two
daughters. Then the son made a prop
osition. The property was worth from
eleven to twelve thousand dollars; and
he said he would sell his share to his
sisters for five thousand, on condition
that thov would take cans of tho old
man so long as lie lived, une ot luese
sisters, a small delicate person, acts for
tlio other, who Is something ot an in
valid. Thov arrreed to the proposition,
and then the first thing this small per
son did. when she cot hold of the land
anu tound herself in cent ne luousanu
dollars, was to run in debt four thousand
more, with which she bouzht new stock
and implements, put her buildings and
lences into good repair, anu got every
thing as a woman likes to see it. That
is niue years ago. Her father lived five
years, and got to be so helpless that she
had to wash his face for him and shave
him. and wait on him hand and foot.
She fell sick herself of the strain, and
could attend to nothing Tor some
months. But now that whole nine
thousand dollars' debt is naid. The
farm is in better condition than it was
when she took It, she has got so fore
banded that she is able to go around
visiting iter friends, and was sitting
among you in this church tho first Sun
day after vacation. And I suppose you
would not know ner, it sue were Here
to-night, from the lady who seldom goes
outside her own parlor. She has had
tne wnoio oversight or tho place, some
times birliur a foreman to work with
the men when she needed one, but never
giving up her own plan of ruling and
guiding the hands. One day, when she
was not far on with her work, her
brother camo to see how thimrs were
going not indifferent, I suppose, to his i tion, it will be found that the latter is
share of the property still invested. He I the more economical in a moneyed
saw some stone wall that was just done,
and said: "lou must not build a wall
like that. Tho land will not aflord it."
"What do you think that wall cost?"'
she said. The brother named the price
it would cost him. The sister brought
out her book, showed him every item,
and it was not quite half as much as he
had said it would cost. But then he
found that, while the woman did not
touch the wall with tho tip of her finger,
she inspired and directed the men, so
that they built as they built at the walls
of Jerusalem, in tho days of Ezra, the
Scribe; and so tho wall was finished.
AU this she had done, and has raised a
poor lad besides, taught him farming,
started him on a farm of his own in
Missouri, and is now looking out for
Not because we enjoy repeating the
encomiums of our brethren we think
they'll bear us witness that we more
beartly enjoy picking their fault-find
Ings to pieces but because we would
encourage other women, who feel the
inherent wish to enlarge their field of
labor, and the inherent ability to ac
compllsh much good If they but had
the opportunity, we print the following
generous notice of ourself and our work
from tho Daily Bulletin of Monday last:
, The lecture or sirs. Duniway last cvenlngat
i,T?,Wno Hall, on tho subject oP'TheFu
f'" wa" listened to by a large and ap
iSEm 1LLJaudlenpc- T" subject was ably
uUoi?,Ye.lra8tu'erew few or hcrau
iurewhJ!nTt2l RWy at he close of the lec-
yhe4l?mM'b,;ilh:'a(:ht ol scenes bcT
Inetlii.iSL Iuntway notwithsUnd
sel"hore01blhfiair,x,"u nitalnst all of her
smoke of the kitchen and the n f,J" , !!.
This caption is called forth by the fol
lowing letter, which we beg the reader
to note very carefully:
Please notify tho Publisher or Publish- 1 Uc W,Ul0Ut know,nB iour rcal a,uc-
merit, but wo cannot give it further no-
drawing roomlnto the oin airSr2T of i1,e
alrcadwon, with tongTSndrn0,
and admiration of thfs eommKu'v w????
rerelvtrust thnt the ruii '"I ,?J" . sin-
that the eceTy ixritihcBetul
are paW, since the talented lady hi J,
ously undertaken to employ of h
time, and expend no little' laborfoV Their cnuS
talnment jnd instruction free of charge.
We find tho following beautiful fancy
in the last Christian Advocate:
My Bro. Waller has Just gone over saiely, and
I hear his voice rrom tho other shore, saying:
"Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye
think not the Son ot Man cometh."
"William Roberts.
If a centlemfin ei.nt.i.f
r ' an? "e rerused. even though
grieved, since he felt that lie Im.I .
""' ""--ic u any oilier guest, would lie not
rfromle his dignity in asking the cleric ?o
Now, sir, if a gentleman should seek
admission to his own hotel and be re
fused, would he not compromise his dig
nity as partner in the concern, if he
should whlningly beseech a clerk to
1. i l . ... . .
mane a - siue uoor ror lilm that lm
might thereby "compromise" with the
unlawful sole possessors of a joint prop
erty? Women jvho know what they
are about are asking no boon, begging
no favor of "superior ofilccrs." They
are demanding their own political free
dom, and whether you think them "de
fiant and unlovely" or not is nothing to
them so long as "justice be done."
Tho writer's idea that our National
"hotel" is man's exclusive property in
stead of a joint stock concern leads him
into still other blunders, more ridicu
lous than any yet quoted. Says he:
Although admlringyouroamestness nnd sin
cerity of motive, I would not have you seize
upon that beautiful idea of liberty as a name
would seize a flag and bum it up with mis
taken zeal.
Now, women, do any of you who
voted meditate treason against "that
beautiful idea of liberty" embodied iu
our Federal Constitution aud its various
Amendments? If not, our friend's
breath is wasted. We assure him that
he needn't fret lest we "burn our flag;"
thero is far more danger that he will
yet continue his effort to keep it wrested
from us.
His advice in his closing paragraph
is in keeping with his other nonsense.
Ho tells us to say:
ciwinT-Jl! n?V lhr"Sh clammy crevices,
welli Mnrtr,kX,lE,om ,llte a crawling thing;
tie MrXf ?2 Jlthout .lhe Kat and wall till
me portals are opened wlife.then we will en-
erea or tho "New NonTUWEST" that
Mrs. M. Warren does not receive her
(male) mail at thU office, and hence the
paper to her addressed Long Tom
has to be forwarded or Ue in this office.
Yours, etc., etc.,
It. Jones, P. M.
Long Tom, Lane county, Oregon.
Bv H. C. Heusto.v,
Long Tor, Oregon, Jan. 2d, 1S73.
There are several points in the above
which require special attention. 1st.
The (male) at the Long Tom office who
compels the New Northwest to lie
there, displays a wonderful degree of
masculine evasiveness in his determi
nation to dodge his opportunity to give
correct information concerning the pres
ent post office address of the lady whose
name appears in his communication to
our city postmaster. 2d. The New
Northwest has nothing to do with
"receiving" the lady's "male," and we
doubt If our city postmaster considers
such reception auy business of his ; so
the query arises, why write to him or us
on such a subject? 3d. There Is an im-
plic.itlon in this choice masterpiece of
masculine erudition that "II. C. Heus
ton, Deputy," knows the address of our
subscriber. Then why does he neglect
to give it? Is he so unreliable that ho
cannot be relied upon to do his duty?
Now, what is our duty in the prem
ises? The friend who gave us Mrs.
Warren's name and subscription or
dered tho paper sent to Long Tom. "H.
C. Houston, Deputy" for "B. Jones, P.
M., informs ns that the paper must
"be forwarded or lie in that ofllce!"
Only that and nothing more.
Is there no woman in the classic
shades of Lougus Thomas who is capable
of becoming postmaster? Isn't it time
that masculine ofiice-holding In that
community be voted an intolerable
We respectfully ask our Senator elect
to make a note of this.
It is well known that the regular sub
SS JS" T.iC l D"M Magazine
we S . K'fit f SUCh opportunities as
mc can command to secure themselves
an extra supply or good reading, Wo
have made arrangements by which wo
are enabled to send the New Nohtji
WEST and DcmorcsCs Monthlu Mann.
zinc for one year for $4 60; or for So 50
you. can nave the New Northwest
DcmorosPs Monthly and a splendid pair
of chromos (Falls of Niagara, and Yo
scmite Falls), which could not be pur
chased at the book store for less than
$10. Orders of this kind must be in
variably accompanied by tho cash for
both publications at once.
obliged to charge accordingly.
What we need and must have is a
competing overland line to correct these
abuses, and to teacli our arrogant mo
nopoly that tho people have rights
which they should respect. San Jose
Pleasant Ideas. Pictures aro al
ways beautiful when they represent
Eleasant Ideas, but we never fancied a
attle scene on a parlor wall. Wo can
not see the propriety of ornamenting a
sleeping room with a murder scene, and
a sick chamber with the cut of some
body's "tomb" or a floral cross taken
from a colli n. Cemeteries are a neces
sary evil, under the present constitution
of things, but wc like to havo them kept
is quaint and peculiar, possessing some u!e,r P1?- " "ot always quiet-
jaws of dentil open to receivo him.
uivc us a landscape for tlio parlor a
landscape that will thrill you with hap
piness and Inspire you with noble mo
tives every time you see it. In your
sleeping room, hang the lovely face of a
tired child that has drooped off to
dreamland among the roses. Give to
the sick ones a peep into the sunlit vale,
with only shadows enough to make it
look liko rest and peace, and let them
see a clear, still lake, with a green and
quiet shore.
But these "master-pieces" of death
agonies where shall wo put them?
Surely not in our happy homes; not
among our Mowers and little children.
We must have no skeletons in our
closet; no thorns in our home circle.
That one place of retreat from the noise
of the world must be fresh, and fair, and
sunny. Wc know of but few localities
where the skulls and cross-bones do not
look out of place. They are perhaps
significant in a drug store, beside the
pills and poisons, and a skeleton may
with perfect propriety grin in one cor
ner or a doctor's office, where its pres
ence is highly suggestive of too much
medical treatment. Investigator. ,
Mrs. H. C. M., Salt Lake: Yours of
Dec. 15th is received. Havo corrected
the number of your post ofllce box as
you requested, and hope you'll have no
further trouble. Thanks for the items
of news. You will see them elsewhere
in our columns.
S. C. W., Lapwai : Cash received aud
placed to your credit. You are now
credited with two years' subscription,
"a friend" having paid for one year.
L. C. B., Mekwonago, Wis: Your
story is accepted with thanks. Have
credited you with one year's subscrip
tion, bee reply to "R. K." Hope to
hear from you again.
Mrs. H. D. C., Umatilla: We had
supposed your "Godey" was received
long ago. Very sorry. Cannot find
out just where the blame Is. Send the
balance, as you suggested, anil we will
give the proper credit.
C. W. T., Salt Lake: Accept our
thanks for tho papers. We have been
receiving tho Montana JVeip A"orfi West
for some time. Supposed we were do
ing something original when we named
our bantling, but its prototypo soon
came to hand, and admonished us that
there is nothing new under the sun.
A mother, Salem: The clastic bauds
formerly so universally used to support
children's stockings, thereby hindering
the circulation of the blood, have given
place to straps of the same material,
buttoned to the waist and also to the
top of tho stocking. This strap holds
the stocking securely in its place, and
is not only more healthy, but more use
ful than the old-fashioned ligature.
LIsettc A., Eagle Creek: Frayed ruch
ings are not as fashionable as last year.
Plain bias bands,,bouud with auy fancy
material of the same or a contrasting
shade, arc stitched upon the skirt, form
ing very slightly fulled ruflles. Use as
many as you like. Tho polonaise is
still in high favor.
M. F. C, Lafayette: Wo wish we had
a hundred agents like you. Have writ
ten you particulars privately.
S. B. A., Roseburg: Accept this
method ot answering your last iu lieu of
time to do better. Why don't you send
us something for publication ?
Helen H., New York: The Modoc In
dians aro seemingly as far from Port-
laud as they aro from your city. They
aro rew In number, aud their present
revolt is in consequence of dissatisfac
tion concerning their reservation
iueir uepredations were committed
upon our extreme border, where the set
tlements aro sparse and remote from
eacu other. You need not fear them if
you want to immigrate.
When does a man havo to keep his
word ? When no one will take it.
How a Shrewd Max Got an Of
fice. The following conversation be
tween a well-known official and his
friend took place recently in front of the
St. Louis custom house:
"Where have you been?"
"To Washington to see the President
for tho purpose of securing an appoint
ment to ofllce."
"Did you get the appointment?"
"I did."
"Well, since you are an official I ad
vise you to go and get a new stove-pipe
hat; if you and your friends can't afford
tho expense, I will lend you fifty cents
to get tlio coruscations ironed out of
the shabby one yon now sport. It looks
as though a Briton, a hill, or Horace
Greeley had fallen on it."
"No, I will not smooth away a wrin
kle; I will wear it as it is, aud bequeath
it to my heirs as a rich legacy. It was
the cause of my appointment."
"Tho cause of your appointment!
How so?"
"Well, yon see, when tho President
saw mo with this hat on, he mistook
me mr a relation anu immediately gave
mo the position I asked for."
"He thought you his relative on ac
count oi your nati Jiow?"
"Yes; he saw the 'Dents' in it!"
"Kate True" prints an open letter to
Dr. Holland on his prescription of uni
versal housekeeping for nil ilm snoini
and sexual ills of life; and, while rather
agreeing wmi mm than otherwise. In
sists that the great majority of women
aro already takiuir his natcnt nllls.
Whore one womau dies of idleness, she
says, ten are exhausted in their prime.
Leave our cities and go with me to tho
country, if you like." The wife of the
farmer works more hours than he, with
less strength, and tho sad story Is told
iu tho worn faces and despondent ex
pressions. From Maine to Oregon x
have found women active, euercetic and
helpful, while tho only person who de
clared "tlio worm owed mm a living,
and ho was bound to have- It," was a
six-footer of tho far West. Can a few
Idle, silly women "disgrace a nation" of
true-hearted women?
Tho niano sent to the future Empress
of China Is of gold and lacquer, keys of
mother oi pean, ana piays itself iikoo
point of view, to say nothing of other
points in its lavor. The waste anu
destruction, the mischief and havoc that
juveniles, left to themselves, will make,
would, judiciously forestalled, furnish
ample means for their pleasant and
profitable recreation, aud the forming
of habits invaluable to them in future
life. Excltange.
Bed-Riddex for Fiftv-two Years.
In the Aberdeen (Scotland) Herald, No
vember outh, we nnd this:
At the farm of Ballachladach, on the
estate of Fowlis, Boss-shire, lives an old
woman who has been au invalid ror tho
long period of 54 years, during 52 of
winch she has been conhned to bed.
She has now attained the ripe old age of
81 years. Her name is Mary Munro.
She was born on the estate of Fowlis,
ami was some years in service in the
house of Mr. Matthew Adam, Rector of
the Royal Academy, Inverness, and was
afterwards In that or a Mr. Stewart, gro
cer, who lived at Midmllls, near Inver
ness. Taking in clothes one day from a
bleachlng-green, she slipped her foot
when jumping a walk, and a large tub
fell upon her breast. This was the ori
gin or her long illness. She was sent to
the infirmary and dismissed as Incura
ble. While lying at her father's house,
Mary was taught to read the Bible in
botli Gielic and English. A sort of
wooden frame made to hold a book was
suspended before her face in bed, and in
this position she learned to read. The
frail invalid is now so much reduced in
strength, and her eyesight so defective,
mat, oooks are oi no use to ner, but she
expresses thankfulness to many friends
who visit her and read portions of the
Sacred Volume. After various shift-
ings, rendered neccssarv bv the death
and removal of friends, Mary settled iu
uur present uwening nouse about six
teen years aero, and has ocnunifid tliA
same bedeveraince. For fifty-two years
she lias lain hopelessly in the same position.
There is a strantro Tin in in rnm i n
suddenly upon a relic of one's hv
youth some lock or golden hair, cut
mii-u juur narr, geniie lauy, was
golden, which is so white now some
portrait painted when lire was young,
when the lips' red charm, ami tl in nriifa
or the brow were in their prime, when
...i. n,, sunn nuiuii is now parcu
ment. You feel it too. strontr m. timf
you are, and your lips curl half scorn
fully under your grizzled mustache, as
you look at the face of boyish bloom
which a wandering artist painted half a
century ago. Was that you that young
face, with tho frank, fearless eyes which
no care had made dim, the tell-tale
color, the eager mouth? What were tho
ambitious of thatold time? How differ
ent they were, those day dreams, from
me sooer schemes oi to-uay: now you
hoped how you trusted with what
sublime faith you looked on into the
future. Now you are old and the
world is cold, and the rose color of youth
has faded Into the sober gray of middle
age. This is a better tiling, you try to
think you are wiser, you are stronger;
but there is a little nain. nevertheless, a
sigh of longing for the "something
sweet" which
"Followed yon with flylne feet
And can never come again."
A BEAtrriFfL Sextimkxt. In
Augustine Daily's great play, "Under
the Gaslight," Laura Courtland uttered
these beautiful sentiments: "Let the
woman you look upon be wise or vain,
beautiful or holy, she has but one thing
she can give or refuse, and that is her
heart. Her beauty, her wit, she may
well sell you, but her love is the treasure
without money and without price. She
can only ask in return, that when you
look upon her your eyes shall speak a
mute devotion; when you address her
your voice shall be gentle and kind.
That you shall not despise her because
she cannot all at once understand your
vigorous thoughts and ambitious plans,
for when misfortune and evil have de
feated your greatest purpose her lovo
remains to console you. You look upon
trees of strength and grandeur; do not
despise the ilowers because their
fragrance is all they have to give. Re
member, love is the only thing which
God permits her to carry beyond the
A wag affirms that pillows, though
not belonging to tho human species,
come under the head of rational beings.
Jealousy. Jealousy is at onco the
meanest and the most unaccountable of
vices. What belongs to us we shall
have, Inevitably; and what we want and
have not, we shall never win by unrea
son, ir we are lovely, we shall be
loved; and ir we are unlovely, we shall
not be loved, no matter whether any
other takes our place or not. Jealousy
or the wealth, tho social importance, or
tho happiness or others is alike unac
countable and absurd. Your own house
is not lowlier because your neighbor's is
two stories hiehcr. It he should fail,
aud havo to give up his carriage, it
would only crowd the omnibus a little
more, and by no means provide you
witli a vehicle. What is it in human
nature that makes our poor fare seem
poorer because our neighbor is eating
roast duck and drinking champagne?
To envy the lovo bestowed upon an
other is enuall v idle. Hearts keep their
noponnts nsnallv with very tolerable
fairness. "Wo shall receive that of
which wo are worthy, no more and
what is our own, by virtue of our desert,
no fate can take away.
On the 181 h of December to the wife of Mr.
Dellinger, of the Empire Bakery, a son.
The foUftwIn person are duly authorized to
act as Agents fur the Xkw Xokthwbst :
Hornee It. Hay New York City
Irs. s. M. Miller 32 mL Chance
Mrs. Mary Ilybee Lower Clear Lake, Cal
Mrs. I. II. Filter- Albany
Asliby IVarce Bffhton county
Dr. Kayl.
A. A. MunmiiK-
MUs Vinci"::. Uld.
H Irani Smith
J. H. D. Henderson
V. V. Heaoh
Rev. Win. Jolly
Hon. T. W. liovenport
Mary J. Magerx.
A. W. Stauard
S. II. Clanehton
C. A. Rel.
Mrs. O. T. Daniels.
Mrs. Xellie Curl
1. C. Sullivan.
Mrs. M. K. Cook
Mrs. M.CCline
Mrs. It. A. Vawters
Mrs. 15. IS. Illxhop.
ltev. J. F. Damon
Kev. D. Kagley.
Mrs. Jane M. Wilson
Philip Illtz -
i l). .Moore.
-.Eugene City
..Bnena Vista
Mrs. It. J. George
Mrs. M. J. Knolgn.
a. 11. IJIood
Mrs. M. JetTrics-. -
II. IL Welch
Dr. J. Watts
A. X. Arnold. ...
G. W. IjHwson.
M. P. Owen
Sirs. C. A. Coburn
Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson
TIios. Parsons-
II. Pentland
MlssSallle Appleeale
Miss It. A. Owens
J. T. Scott, Ksq
Mrs. A. K. Corwin
ueo. Eiieie
J. W. Jackson...
i l'. Fisher..
Walla Walla
Walla Walla
Port Towneend
Traveling Agent
Traveling Agent
Traveling Agent
Washington eounty
Korext Grove
Oregon City
The Dslles
.Forest Grove
...Traveling Agent
...San Francico
Mrs. Laura DeForce Gordon.
Miss Nellie Moasmatu Olympia,
I. T. Maulsby ......Vancouver
G. W. Brock . Union Ridge, W. T
G.W. names. Ochoco Valley
J. X. Gale Washington-Territory
Mrs. K. Oakshett- Traveling Agent
Mrs. J. C. Hayes Gervais, Oiegon
James Vance . . Yreka, California
Daniel Waltman Sacramento, California
Mrs. Sarah Harry .Stockton, California
Mrs. Sarah Wallis ..Mayfleld, California
Mrs. Chapman Tales .San Jose, California
"Woman' Journal" Boston, Massachusetts
Charles W. Tappan .Salt Lake City, V. T
Other parties desiring to net a Agents will
please forward tlieir names. We want Agents
at every postoOice throughout Oregon and
Washington Territory.
A few days since a "weo bit of a boy"
astonished his mother. She had oc
casion to chastise him slightly for some
ofiensoiio had committed. Charley sat
very quietly in his chair for some time
afterward, no doubt thinking very pro
foundly. At last he spoko out thus:
"Muzzcr, I wish pa'd get annuzzer
housokeeper; I've got tired seeiu' you
To srntrrcAU&TS and Other Liberal
TlltXKEiss. A full supply of Spiritualist and
Reform Books kept consiantly for sale atSnows
Liberal and ltefonn Bookstore and General
Pacific Agency, 319 Kearny street, up stairs,
near Bush. Also Adams A Co.'s Golden Pens,
Orion's Anti-Tobacco Preparation, and Spenee's
Positive and Negative Powders. All goods sold
at Eastern prices. Itemittances In Lnited States
paper currency received at par. dreulars and
catalogues mailed free. Address Herman
Snow, 1. O. Box 117, San Francisco, Cal. v2nlt
Tlie I'lotliiiisr Trnile Into, wltlilu 1
last thirty days,undergonearegaIar re vol ntioii,
by Fihel & KoltertK having opened a flrst-elass
Clothing establishment, comer of First and
Washington streets, where Men nnd Boys can
be tilted to perfection In every kind of Clothes.
They are manufacturing on a large scale, and
con make anvthlne tor Men and Boys' wear to
onler in the very best style, at extreme low
t'ticva. iiieiraim isiopiease witii in umus
nnualttv. A rail 1 to their establLshment,eorner
First nnd Washington streets, will convince all
of the fact. ap96-tf
Book ana Jol) Px'inter,
Portland. Oregon.