it." J" i'"wv-i-r'mj- ' - -- J.' 1 'J H y." II I - ' JUIS. A. J. IHTMWIV lMlfA.. - t.r4r a A Journalfer the People. KdmUelntemuoriiumani.,. ' Independent-ln reHtletaaa Hellion. Alive to air Llvo James, and Thwoagkly - . ... "miiwi ituu varietur UrviOR-Cor. l'ront aud Stnrk Streets. TBRMf?, IX AUVAXCB : itnuicai m urposingana Hz posing tti One yew. oi the Masses. Six month IS CO ITS 100 Three smmMul. Speech, Free Press, Fkee People. Correspondents writing; nm n nwntim tares must make known their naateg-b the Editor, or no attention vriU be xlura astheir ADVEKT18KMEN1BlMrtedofi Reasonable VOLTDIE XI. rOlilVISTD, OREGON. FKIBAY, JVIVUJRY lO, 1873. NirarBER 31 communications. 1 www I For Uie New North wa. IVn It a Spirit; by joitn a. mnuK. Once, at the hour of nightfall, A I listened to the rain latterltg down with llRhtfall Against my window-jiane, I felt a soft, sweet touch Of a hand within nay own, And saw one I loved much. Who had long been dead ami gone; And on the next day morula? , When the sun began to shine. And early birds gave warning Of their Maker's grand dastgn, I heard her foot-step lightly. While walking slow along; And her beauteous eye sfceoe lightly On the flowers and Mn f anna;. But gone again my spirit tore Hhe somes to me I Gone Ik now my cooing lothe poaceM shade of tfcexlnUNs shore. S0N0EA HEWITT. BY "MRS- srsIE WmiWtELl. Kntered. aooording to the Act of Congress, In the year 1CZ, by Mrs. finale Witherell.lii the Of lice of tor Li br rian of Congress at Washington fity. CHAPTER XXXV1L THE LIFE OK MAGOIK H KWITT. "I have a faint recollection of a home somewhere very unlike, the one I was accustomed to inhabit, and a fair pale face has often come to me in my dreams. Then again I would remomher two little boys rolling hoops and teach ing me to play horse' and many child ish sports, and a sweet, fairy form with long curls has often flitted before nie. but whether it was a little sister or not I cannot say." "It was doubtless my husband's sis ter," interrupted airs. Summers, "Min nie Summers, who was your guest at the time you were stolon, and who still lives in hopeful anticipation of again beholding the playmate of her infancy." "JiiunieT ies, .Minnie was a name I remember. And we both live to meet again, thank God! Of my father and mother I know nothing, but my nurse Patty I distinctly remember, for, though the cause of all my misery, still I loved her almost to idolatry, and it was but natural, for she acted as my mother for many years. "On tiie day on which I so myste riously disappeared I was playing with Minnie as you call her, though I had forgotten it, when Patty, wlto was watching her opportunity, beckoned to a dark, strange-looking woman, who was at the head of a Mtnduf gypsies, and whose name was Lodowlski. Com ing forward, site quickly caught me up, presenting me witli a large orange and some candy, and tossing some more and a gay ml scarf to my little playmate, she slipped slyly out into tho road with me ami ran with tiie fleetness of a deer. I soon found myself in a carriage driv ing as fast as it could, and in an hour was safe within tiie gypsy camp, whose tribe was on the tramp towards North Carolina. So quickly was it done, and I was loaded with so many delicacies, that I scarcely beetled that I was with a stranger, until I became surfeited with sweets and tired, when I began crying, 'Mamma! oh, whore's my mamma?' in tones so piteous that the heart of my captor was moved, and It was witli dif ficulty that she could pacify me by call ing my attention to the horse on which she was riding with me in Jier arms. Presently the motion lulled me to sleep, ironi wuicii i tint not wake until I was safe with my kidnappers and many miles from home and friends. Seeing so many dark, strange faces around me, I began screamiiiK frantically for my mamma and then for Patty, until, swal lowing some dark liquid which they forced down, I again fell into a deep sleep, from which I did not awake for forty-eight hours. What happened dur ing that time I know not, but when I awoke the first person I saw standing over me was Patty, weeping. I threw my arms convulsively around her, beg ging her to take me to my own mamma. " 'Call me mamma now,' was her only answer. "Eyeing her keenly between my sobs, I tried to comprehend what all this meant; but as my grief was that of childhood, in a few days all passed away, and I was as happy as ever, play ing witli the little swarthy children around me, the merriest of the lot. "I afterwards learned from Patty that she had been sold by my father, and be ing infuriated at the act and his former severity, had stolen nie out of re venge. Pretending to submit willingly to her fate, she had deceived her new master into the belief that he had noth ing to fear from her, thus throwing him off his guard. The day after my disap pearance they commenced their jour ney. That night, watching her chance, she arose at midnight and escaped to the gypsy encampment. They having been well bribed by articles of jewelry belonging to my mother, had promised to wait at a certain ph; thus it wa3 that I found her standing over me when I awoke from my long p. Instant search was at once made, but she man aged to keep out of the way through the cunning of the gypsies. Tiley wou,u travel at night and camp iu the dav time. As soon as they stonru-i t.... would seareh for a thickly foliagod tree ivliiMi aUo. utmiLl .......... ...... b "., ' """" witu me in her arms. Tho gypsies would then camp a liftln dfainnno n(T. -ivlmi-a M, .. . , VUUJ( WOU1(1 yjj. main a iuay-ior ,iwo, amusiug mo verv mueh by ringing, aud playing the tam- bourine, as they danced so gaily and dressed so fanciful. In this way we were not to be found, though our pur suers were twice within the camp. Titus we traveled for months, until within a few milei of Asheville, in Norlh Caro lina, where we stopped. Here Patty became acquainted with a young man partly of Indian birth, who was in the habit of visiting the camp for tho pur pose of having his fortune told. She soon became enamored with him, and after his fashion they were married, she agreeing to go with him to Louisiana, which was his home, he belonging to the tribe of Coupees. I was of course to go with Patty. But now arose a dispute. The gypsies, having become much at tached to mo on accounfcof my singing, refused to part with me, tbrcateningifqr tho first timo since her baby-hood TV it.. A I 1 t. - 1 - 1 I " m ...' Patty to make known her retreat' if she did not comply with their request of leaving me, promising to take good caro of me. Though she had been cruel enough to steal me, still she had proved kind mother to me, and refused to leave me with tho wild and treacherous race, and by giving up what little she possessed, and her husband giving them a small sum of money all ho had they consented and let us go. Patty has since told me that I have gypsy blood in my vciusr She said one after noon my parents left me in her care. Having been severely scolded that morning by my mother, whom she says she fairly hated, she says she deter mined to do something for revenge. My parents had been gone but a short timo when some children came to play with my brothers. They all ran off, leaving me alone with her. She sat holding me upon her lap, thinking over the past and trying to form some plan for future malice, when suddenly a noise arrested her attention towards a window opening upon tho verandah. There she beheld the dark form of a gipsy woman, who, trying to open the win- dow, broke a pane of glass. She ad vanced into the room, much to the alarm of Patty, who was terribly fright ened at her wicked expression.' and. throwing herself upon the rug at her feet, asked her if she would like to know the future. Her first feelincs liavintr' subsided upon seeing no harm intended, s i a i ' her curiosity gained the mastery, and she presented her hand for inspection into tho various linos of Paimestry. " iou hate! You would seek re venge!' gritted the old sooth-sayor be tween her teeth. " 'You speak the truth,' replied Patty. " 'Is this the child of your enemy?' " 'It is.' . "'Steal her!' whispered sho in the ear of my nurse. 'Listen. I will tap a vein iu the child's arm and infuse some of the hot, fiorce blood from my own pure Egyptian, hey? In a few months I will return with my tribe to these parts, and when a good opportunity of fers you can give me some signal, when I will transplant the tender plant to a home wild and free, though less grand and pompous,' ahd drawing a small l,:l r-, l,, i.. i x i .7 7 ,., "7""' " to Patty, telling her to give me a few drops if I appeared drowsy. Next she took a small knife Irom her belt and tapped a vein in my arm; then, per forming the same operation on herself, she transferred the blood from her arm to mine. Quickly washing it over with some of the liquid she had given Patty, she prepared to depart, leaving her to account for it as she pleased, which she did by telling my mother a direct false hoodthat I had fallen against the glass door and cut my arm. Thus by the transfusion of blood did I become united to the wild gypsy race, and this scar," holding up her arm, "I shall carry to my grave as a token of the cruel act which deprived me of home and friends and sent my parents heart broken to their graves." At thi3 partbf her narrative the Colo nel could restrain his feelings no longer, and gave vent to a fit of weeping as he recalled to mind the time, long since gone by, when he, a romping boy, was called to stand beside the open colli n of his mother, while grief for his littlo sister was yet fresh within his mind. "I soon recovered my health, though Patty said my eyes never looked tht same, and I was not as gentle as before, though probably that was more on ac count of mother allowing mo to act as I. pleased, for after this I was petted more than ever. At the expiration of tho time agrecu upon mo oiu gypsy re turned, and I became the victim of the revenge of one and the heartless wick edness of the other. "As soon as Patty and her husband, whose name was Sanutec, arrived at Louisiana, they agreed to raise mc as their own child, and they procured for mc a bright scarlet shawl, which Patty wrapped around me like a blanket. My hair and eyes being jetty black, helped to favor the decoptiou. Every morning I was plunged into water colored with some herb, which gave to my brunette face a still darker shade; aud then, dec orating my feet with moccasins and my arms, neck and cars with gaudy jewels, she would hold me up to her husband's gaze, triumphantly exclaiming: " 'Missy's child! Patty's piccaninny! Patty's papoose!' aud sho and Sanutee would lovingly caress me. One little locket she attached to a string of bright. giass ueaus, and fastening it securely around my neck, told me always to wear it that it was my guardian angel. Though I did not understand her lan guage at the time.slill I never forgot it. As I always obeyed her slightest in junctions, so I did this, and the locket is still my only jewel," and unfastening her beads she handed it to Mrs. Hewitt, who, after examining it carefully, as she thought, passed it to her husband. Tears dropped from the Colonel's eyes as he eagerly grasped the little treasure, exclaiming in an excited manner: "It is the Identical locket that my father presented to my mother on her bridal day, and which I have often heard hor say she prized more than her diamonds," and touching a secret spring, he held it up to view, revealing the face of both parents in the bloom of youth. Handing it to Lodi, she gazed upon the faces of those who went sor rowing to their graves for their loss. The brother and sister were not the only ones who wept, for not a dry eye was there in that group. As tears mitigate our sorrows and servo in a measure to wash their acute- ncss away, so did Maggie at last become composed euough to again resume the recital of her tale. To be continued. An Inhuman Monster. Tho examination of Harris, Supcriu intendent of the Industrial School, now being held before a Committee of the Sau Praucisco Board of Supervision, reveals a depth of depravity and devil ishness that makes us shudder for tne depravity of mankind. As an illustra tion of the brutality of this wretch, wo copy a couple of extracts from the testi mony elicited before the Committee. Tho first relates to the boy Riley, who had been accused of stealing a pistol from one of the assistant teachers. The boy taid ho knew nothing about the pistol, and it was subsequently found in the lamp-room where it had been placed by another boy. For the purpose of cx- tortintr a confession from the bov. liar . ris ordered him to strip and get down on iiis icnees, when he was brutally flogged with a leather strap. This was repeated at intervals throughout the day; and other ingenious modes of tor ture were practiced upon him day and niglit for a period of sixty hours. Here is a sample of the evidence: "fr ( :mlrrroWlinfi flirt lint. uon tti-f accused, who mimitiniiNMiim ? n:. t it Witness Mr. Harris and mvself. Mr. George You liavo said that the boy denied his guilt. What was your impression at thattimcasto his guilt or innocence? "Witness I was satisfied that tho boy was innocent that he kuow nothing about the pistol. Mr. George And Harris, nothwlth staudiug the protestations of innocence, ordered him to strip and ordered you to flog him? Witness Yes, sir. Mr. George What was your impres sion in regani to the degree of punish ment and its possible elfect ? Witness 1 thought it was entirely too severe, and expressed to some of the other officers a fear that serious conse quences to the boy's health might re sult. Mr. Forbes Do you mean to say that you thought the boy's mind was af fected by his punishment? Witness 2ot exactly. I did say to one of the officers that I had heard of peoine ueuomiug iiismio irom loss oi l I , r r i r , sleep, and that as Itiley looked haggard and wild about the eyes, I was afraid his mind might have been allected Mr. Goodwin Was the boy not al lowed to sleep at all fromTuesday morn ing until Friday night? Witness He was not. Hero is how the boy McMahon, aged seventeen, wa3 treated. He was accused of being concerned iu a design to es cape: Witness Tho boy McMahon was stripped and laid on the floor, and Har ris flogged him. One of the blows cut the boy in the most tender part of his body. He screamed with pain and rose from the floor. Harris urasped him bv the arms, whirled him around, threw him on the floor and then resumed the flogging. Mr. Menzies What sort of a whip uitt ne use . a. x rawuiuc wnip. Q- Did lie lay on the blows with all his force, as far as you could judge? A. He did. The blows left large welts, and some of them, I think, drew blood. in nuilition to his cruel treatment of the boys under him, it is shown that Harris indulged to excess in intoxicat ing liquor, used the coarsest and most brutal language to tho boys, and was also cuiltv of other cross irregularities. Such conduct iu the superintendent of an institution, whore nought uut Ktnu iicsa should prevail, is sickening. Such men arc only fit for first-class devils. ban Jose Mercury, The Locality ok Heaven. Jesus evidently did not believe in long up ward fliehts to clorv. He brought heaven nearer home. And why should not heaven bo nearer home? Heaven at one's elbow, God and the angels about our iukstands and sewing machines, in our shops aud sanctums, is more proba ble than this idea of an Immensely ele vated rccion "bevond tho skies." Why '.should preachors, especially, continue iiicir eye-rollings ami tneir gestures in tiie direction of the clouds? Let them address themselves to God where ho Is iu the visible and not the invisible uni verse. Let them not overlook aud crush him in the blossoms under their feet, while they lift handsand eyesand lungs in vain supplications to the "great while throne." The Index. Woman Suffrage. Tho MUnourt Jlctmhlican says of woman suffrage: "Tnie Republican party has half prom ised to grant the demand, and tho Re publican party, having control of Con gress and of thirty State Legislatures, is able to make good its pledge. It is too late to say that the masses of that party arc not prepared for tho question that, m fact, they are opposed to the sweeping revolution which it involves. The Philadelphia platform gave it a semi-iudorscment, and in electing a Re publican Presideut and a Republican Congress on that platform they may bo considered to have approved every word In Miit nlfitfnrni Innliidltir the itldorSC- 1 luent of woman suilrage." The Outcast. The snow was fulling thlckand fast; Its starry flake the wind blew past. Hurry I "if travelers hustled by. All lieedlc&S of the Outcast's cry. With shoeless root and outstretched hand With trembling limb tnat Trebly stand, nnrmonts that spnree her form fnrni.i The Outcast wanders through tho col J. "Please, sir, help me." "O JIIss, I'm poor " "I'm seeking help rroin door to door. None seem to heed my pitying cry; Without your help, I'll starre, I'll die." Her bleeding feet In starlight glow. ieave blood stains on the clear while snow Uy cold o'ercomo she seek it rest On cold stone steps of Uioe most blest. A stranger paused white hurrying by Ills heart touched by her piteous cry While kindly taklinr her outstriii..'i Her spirit lied to a better land. ' Our Political Superiors. "My dear madam." said the mil taking from his lips freigar which cour tesy forbade him to Unlit in the nros- enco of a lady, though it did not forbid turn to bring into tier presence his at mosphere redolent of stale smoke and d3artcd spirits, "you utterly inisap- prcneuu mc. it is not uccausc i am less the friend of woman than you are that I oppose what is popularly called woman's rights, but because l am too much their friend to be willing to seo their purity sullied by dabbliug in the dirty iool of pontics, l auorc tne sex; woman has been the guiding star of my existence, and I would have her as fur removed from the coarseness aud corruption of politics as tho stars in heaven arc from the fogs of earth." And having uttered this bit of cheap sentiment, which he evidently thought reflected great credit upon him, tho judge, with an elaborate bow, bade mc good morning and took his way to the polls. It was tho morning of election day; tho whole town was astir. All business was suspended; every man was intent upon doing his duty as a voter, eager to secure the election of his favorito candi date. There was no danger that the ex istence of any old, or sick, or paralytic, would bo forgotten. !No matter how many horses were sick there would be enough found to take every voter to the polls who was not able to walk there. Watching the groups go by, 1 could see that Pat was fully aware bf his rights as an American citizen, and that, early in tho day as it was, the" sense of his im portance as one of the sovereigns, and a little extra whiskey, had filled him lb overflowing with Pal-riot-ism. One after another the colored men went by dressed iu their Sunday best, proud and happy in their recently-won manhood. Kvery type of man, black aud w hite, in telligent aud unintelligent, moral aud immoral, felt that he had a personal in terest nt stake, talked wisely or foolishlv of men aud measures, felt that he could tlo as much as any other towards bring ing about tne tiesireu result. 1 too fult an interest in the election. Hundreds of women with whom I was acquainted were Interested iu it, and yet lii-y, ilKo mo, were lOOKing lroiu uiuir wiutlows, mere spectators of a scene in which they knew they ought to bear an equal part. I wondered, as I watched group after group of men go by, if any of them realized, as I did, the ailront which the men of tho country were that day putting upon the women of the country; that to these fellow citi zens, their ecrs in intelligence, out numbering them by some hundreds of thousands, property owners to the ex tent of millions of dollars, they were virtually saying, "You have no lot or part in this matter, nothing tosayabotit tho laws that shall govern you, about the objects for which you shall be taxed. It is no concern of yours If we choose to declare war, and draft your sons anil husbands to carry it on, no concern of yours if wo decree a dram-shopon every corner to brutalize and destroy them. It is our business to govern yours to obey. Wo honor you too much to allow , you to meddle with politics, but we do not honor you enough to give you the, same means of protection against wrong and injustice that we demand for our selves. Wc decree that what would bo intolerable oppression for us, is quite right and projer for vou; that while we would fight to tho death to maintain our rights as American citizens, you, our mothers, sisters aud wives, shall not share those rights; that when great hu man Interests are at stake, interests that Involvo all you hold dear, you shall stand powerless, unable to advance those interests by so much as the weight of a single ballot." I could not help pondering these things in my heart that morning as I looked into the faces of the men who went by to the polls. I though of their wives, many of them women whom I knew, intelligent, earnest, con scientious, who had stood by them in poverty, nursed them in sickness, sus tained them uuder discouragement, and I wondered if these men felt altogether comfortable as they -set out alone to ex ercise their masculine prerogative as voters. I looked at the young men, some of them going to cast their first vote, still living at home, so dependent upon their mothers, owing to them the best part of what they knew; such a lit tle while ago cradled iu the arms of those mothers, indebted to them for more than life, and I wondered how this newly acquired superiority Impressed them. Glancinir from my window In the midst of those thoughts, I saw the crowning indignity of the day. The in male of the county poorhousc on (heir tray to the poll. Tho drunken, the weak-minded, the blear-eyed, the fllthy, i me mere uregs nun scuimcnt oi Human j ity. "And these are our political su periors!" I exclaimed, my heart hot I with indignation; "these be our mas I tors. If any thoughtful man can wit ness such a sight as this, can sec those men vote, exercise a right rroin which tho best women In tlto land are de barred, and then look Into the face of an Intelligent woman without blushing, I marvel at the stuil of which he is made." Still more do I marvel that any women should be blind to the in dignity of her position, blind to the im portance of bringing to the aid of the government, enlisting in behalf of so ciety the intelligence, tho conscience, the devotion to duty, that aro embod ied in women. To men of the country, I say, try your experiments, gentlemen, do without us as long as you can, but bo sure that no just or permanent gov ernment of men and women will be de vised till men and women unite iu de vising it Chua Bukmjiuh. For the Centennial of American inde uendenco.' Pliiladelnhla will building that will cover fifty acres of ground. Where Social Eeform Must Originate. Iu the present age of the world w on. oy countless advantages over all that lave gone before us, in theconifort -n'wi conveniences which the grasping, com- firehenslve mind of mau, with the bles ng of God, continually brings to light, but with tho multiplied wants, and puny strength of the present day, each new Invention to economize time and toll seems only just sufficient to enable man to exist until something more can bo dono to lighten his grievous burdens. His complicated and numberless bodily ills drag him down like an Incubus, and chain Ids mind to the dust when it should surmount the clouds. Men of intellect and learning spend their lives con cocting drugs with which to combat the multiplicity of diseases which prey upon humanity, and humanity blindly, recklessly, swallows all, patent pills. nirtiM!n,i!o,ra7f Atn Vo a-V ardent ttpiriia in tuo form or bitters nmt inn .,..ti. i . r. .. I WniCIl last Still further Inflnmn tlina gross animal passions which, all admit, are, iu their unchecked career, the root of nine-tenths of these debilities. It is acknowledged that excessive indulgence has robbed man of his primitive vigor aud given rise to a long train of fright ful diseases which will continue to af flict tho race until means cau be used to end them. The sooner this is dono the better, and the troublo must bo met boldly. It Is useless to cry out against social depravity and deplore its evil work and never lift a weapon against it. It is equally useless to light against remote consequences and leave the ruling cause untouched. Why cannot men learn the folly of battling against effects, while nurturing and fostering causes? Why bewail tho work of tho destroyer in des olated homes and the blighted promises of many a fair young life, and call the strong arm of veugeanco on the head of the evil doer; ami still purge not tho hidden springs of iniquity, aud ignore the fact that those same mourn ing households have contributed, and still contribute their mite to tho deep fountain of that deadly poison which creeps insidiously through society, the highest and the lowest, ever on the alert for its prey, here aud there fasten ing its fangs upon the most promising in the land, never relaxing its hold un til it has devoured, not the body only, but the usefulness, the peace, the soul of its victims? Aud why bo slaves to physic, seeking by its unaided strength to overcome disease of body and mind, while moral or rather immoral causes are daily originating new phases of suf fering? The source of disease being sin, it must receive mental and moral treatment. It is not enough that the vigilant eye of tho law is ever watchful to detect, and its strong right hand ever uplifted to punish crime; these meas ures deal ouly with cflects, cropping here and there a twig from the great tree of immortality. But its weapons are too short to reach the great, strong trunk which is no more disturbed by tho allppiiifta IlittU a "'mnft oak by the pruning knife. Now the strength of so cial crime lies far beyond the verge of legal jurisdiction, and at itssafedistancc, mocks its futile endeavors. Then where shall wc look for its antidote, and whence is our deliverance to come? It Is plain that the fountain of sin must be cleansed before the stream will run clear. But where shall we look for this fountain? Social evil does not derive its strength and perpetuity from those miserable libels on "the Image of God" who unblushingly avow their infamy, and are shunned as lepers by respecta ble citizens, for they, poor, miserable, comfortless wretches as we kuow them create far less evil in the world than is laid to their charge. It is where they cannot enter; where peaceful, law-abiding citizens dwell, that the seeds of crime are planted and nourished until they "cau be no longer hidden," and then spewed forth togoabroad fulfilling their dreadful mission. Look to it, you fathers who "live abovo the law," and piously bewail the depravity of the world, that you are not secretly giving aid and sustenance to that very cause by giving full license to those appetites which cannot be said to degrade man "to the level of brutes," since brutes, without the aid of reason and religion, do strictly obscrvo tho laws of Nature. Oh, you honest citizens! do you degrade yourselves "below" the brutes by disre garding Nature's laws in your own sen sual gratification, persistently closing your eyes to tho fact that thus you per pctuato and foster a low tono pf morals, aud send abroad into the world exag gerated types of your own depravity, to carry their pestilential presence and shameful deeds everywhere? Do you honestly acknowledge to your accusing consciences when your sons give them selves up to evil excesses that your own ways of life have been their ruin? Do you ever repent in secret anguish that you did not exercise your divine right of sovereignity over your own inferior passions and lead instead of following them, exercising them ouly with a llxed and holy purpose, as a sower scatters grain In tho spring? This is i where so cial reform must originate. AVhen you do this, oh, fathers and mothers, and forsake tho use of stimulants, you shall havo tho proud assurance thatyour sons aud daughters will never be unresisting victims to those detestable passions nrolific source of bodily suffering and mental anguish in this sin-weltering world. This course will restore man's piimitive vigor, and clas3 as entire gain, instead of mere necessi ties, tho wonderful inventions of genius. This will strike the heart of social evil aud give law no subjects on which to waste its idle strength, and rob the countless swarms of quacks of their victims whose own sins place them helpless in their power. And fail not to remember, oh, parents! that as you aro responsible for the existence of deathless beings, so you are responsible for their dispositions; ami mat tiirougu them, your secret thoughts aro brought fr. liiriit? mid do not dare Iirnore your re sponsibility, nor use irreverently your leanui, your wuuutnui nju.B. Hum an1 s Exponent. Br.ilu work costs more food than hand work. According to careful estimates aud analyses of the excretions, three hours of hard study wear out the body morn than a whole day of severe physi cal labor. Another evidence of the cost of brain work is obtained from the fact tlmt ilimnrh the brain Is only one-for tieth the weight of tho body it receives about one-fifth of all the blood sent by the heart into the system. Brain work ers, therefore, require a more liberal supply of food, aud richer food, than manual laborers. The Law of Progress. AN AnPWSS TO PETER IIHX, ESQ., OF DETROIT, (MICH., I BY MRS SAN.NCTTK C OiltDN KK, OS Til K iit'CASIOX Or HECE1VIJ.-Q HER TJIIIED VOTE, NOV. , 1ST., THE FUOT HEIKQ APRIL 3, ISfl. The great continent we inhabit was ror ages incalculable, densely covered with a profusion of uncultivated verdure and foliage. Peering out from this vast wilderness might have been seen an occasional rutlo and savage uetng, wno eKeu out a miserauio ex istence by possessinga trifle more crafti ness aud knowledge of the arts than the iih, reptiles, birds, and beasts he preved upon. Few were ids itleas, anil fewer sun were ins virtues. Passionate, tyr annical, indolent, and voracious, he recocnized no laws but those of forcn and necessity, and showed no pity to anything unable to cope with him in rForthls vast period of time,tlie Law trfPm-rm ...... rrrij lii.sieai power. .... Imtinmnri'.'nhil ritv immense country might have remained the same howling- wilderness forever, had not another race of men discovered and peopled it. They and their descendants have exterminated most of these savage men and beasts, and have transformed their hideous land Into an abode of peaco and plenty," with a rapid ity that excites tho wonder and admira tion of mankind. They boldly claimed for their guidance a code of perfect prin ciples of justice and equal rights to all. ...I. j uuiaicu uiuir proiessions 1 by fettering millions of their brethren Tor generations in an unrewarded and unrequited servitude. They, too, per mitted the direst forms of intemperance and myriads of social, moral, and polit ical evils to exist unrebuked. and Imvn steadily persisted in denying to one-half ui uicii u.u.uu3 any voice or participa tion in their government The dreadful crime of slavery has recently been propitiated by the sacrifice of a million of lives and untold treasure, but the moral vices and political tyranny con tinue unabated. Such is the situation in the Second Lra of our country's his torv. The extinction of this semi-barbaric era is now begun. Men of advanced po litical sagacity and exalted virtue see the justice and necessity of joining her influence, voice and power iu redcemiug c .1 ... i . i i men uuiu luu evils overwuenniiig him. They seo that "It is the heart, and not tho brain, That to the highest doth attain;" mat justice ami mercy are necessary guards against selfishness and despot isms. iuey see too, inata nigiier moral standard must be crccteti than has hith erto been maintained, if wc would be come the exalted people thatourearnest reformers hope we may, and struggle so earnestly to make of us. As in our city of Detroit, women were seen rushing to save from a conflagration the once beau tiful fabrics of merchandise, the new era will witness their ellbrts to save ther sous, brothers, aud fathers from the fiery floods of alcohol that blacken and deface once harmonious natures. Their vole in Danbury, ft., hut a few days since, of al7 to 2 against granting licenses to liquor dealers illustrates their sentiments upon this question, and that when permitted to act upon It, our laud will be speedily purified from its dire eflects. The greedy aud selfish men who traffic in vice almost undis turbed, and iu utter contempt and vio Iation of the laws which men make to restrain them, will find in woman an efficient and active police to enforce the laws that she may have a voice iu en acting. So, too, in the vast ramifica tions of our social and political systems that are notoriously reeking with cor ruption. AVoman having no voice in making our laws, assumes no responsi bility in enforcing them, aud thus our social and political fabric loses the ben- ellt that ner love ot virtue anil or tne beautiful might be powerfully instru mental in exalting iu worth as well as iu loveliness. This Third F.ra, whiph will bo the crowning glory of an enlightened civili zation, is now rapidly dawning. It will inaugurate the reign of "peace on earth aud good will to man." as well as to woman. The removal of unjust dis tinctions for sex, color, or race, giving to each and to all tho graud opportuni ties for developing the talent and Inch est purposes that naturo has granted i cacn lniuviuuai mcmuer of Humanity, will stimulate all in the grand race of life to excel. The glory of American freedom tints established will shine as a resplendent halo upon all nations, lead ing them, as a pillar of fire of old, from despotisms, bondage, darkness, and des olation, upon peace, prosperity and glory. The eras of savagisms aud bar barisms will be ended, aud enlightened civilization become universal, atfording the same striking contrast that the new artistic temples of liberty, to receive the ballots of a nobler race of men and fair and virtuous women, will be to tho dens of infamy now too generally used ror the sacred purpose. To Peter Hill. Esq.. Alderman of the 9th Ward of the city of Detroit, belongs tne Honor oi being uie nrst oiucei ot registration who has given suilrage to woman uuder the 14th and loth Amend ments of our National Constitution, and this banner is presented to him by Mrs. Nanucttc B. Gardner as a grateful memento to the liberal and progressive ideas governing Irim, and the high moral virtues and courage displayed by him. Iu tho days of Rome's greatness aud glory, to be a Roman citizen was the Inchest title accorded to any beiiicr. But In looking at their characters, wc discover that their pretensions were greater than their merits. That so far from beincr pre-eminent for virtue or II lustrious deeds of civic honor, their boasting was mainly for triumphs on bloody fields, and their riches mostly acquired by robbing and enslaving their neighbors. The citizens of America, when the now degraded half are raised to freedom, will In tho future tower to loftier heights of greatness than have yet been imagined. And in taking the lead in this grand movement, Mr. Hill will become3 a niounta n among his peers for being the first to act as Worn an's Emancipator. NAXXETTEB.GAKDNEK. DnrhoiT, (Mich.,; ov. C, 1S7- Tf i related that in Gaylordsvillc, in old lady who is so dea that a lar bell rung Immediately iwr c . T,J?y o ivill co to church, listen to aTenhy Sd then retlirnhome and bo "lie to repeat the discourse word auu uu '.in, knowledco of the Son belnggained from the motion of the speakers tqw. The World of Lor. It Is sweet as we Journey through liflfc "V -- uv wrmirwHl sin. , ... 5 Sofullof unbrolherlystrif", ' So far from the goat we would wl r ' H To know that a bright world of lova ' "3 .Surrounds us In every land; 7f? To know that the angels above . . Rejoice to be ever at ltand v To "lift up the lap ofthe dark And SDeak r.leflnHtAfilnthiAh n lit To kindle tho heavenly spark . , uiu.i imsmtranu purer snail nMR.t t--umiun, it, cuuneei, 10 warn. To lighten the bnrriim otHn' To point to a happier morn. iu uuniMi me groom oi despair: To clve bread to the famishing souf, . . ..... i. .nm irccuom loinoseinacara ooussaft? .tun hiii us me uqsvil epreou -more nsnt" to we nations To speak of onr Father la Heaven. To speak of our braUwas on earth, Ofthe penitent sinner forgiven. ui ueiii,a3tuaspinBew binti if In a world more dlrinel; fair Than foot of man nnrbiw trod : Xo sorrow, nor trouble, nos rare. in uiui gionous cny oi uou. O, 'tis to hold converse with those Who have irons to the world of 1 Yin I Where the tree of life evermore tmiws. aqu iuu soui mat is weary ma) ressT The Subordination of Woman. The Chicago Advance, the oraur of Western Congregationalism, holds the following advanced(?) views: "From the first proclamation of the 'Woman's Rights' doctrines, we have foreseen and foretold their ultimate re sult in 'free love.' The claims of total independence, made for woman, the at tempt to deny and ridicule tho subor dination of the wife to the husband, the irreverent treatment of ScrinturaJ doe- trine on the subject, the rejection, also, and naturally, of the New Testament limitation of divorce, these and other indications certified us that some of the professed reformers meant immor ality in the end, and that others, at present pure, were steadily drifting to wards it" All of which means, when yon get down to the pith, that the subordination of woman to man is essential to her purity. Mau is such a pattern of pro priety so angelic and spotless In his character and nature, and bo prone to lead woman upto higher levels of purity and excellence in all the relations of husband, friend and protector, is such a first-class saint, that dependent, help less, simple woman, needs but to look upon the light of his radiant coun tenance to be saved! Man never, gets drunk and wallops his wife never in dulges in low and grovelling thoughts never wastes his time ami money in idleness and dissipation always rives woman a fair chance in the struirrfes of life never leads her astray is always her true friend and kind aim loving pro tector; and then his exercise of the elective franchise is always so consci entious, and the laws of his making are so noble and just sure enough, what does woman want more? Whv can't she bo satisfied and contented to be taxed for the support of a government sho has no voice in, and behave herself? uoesivt ner Husband know enough for both? Didn't Paul say, "Wives, be obedient to your husband," or some thing of that sort? .Suppose her husband dies and leaves her with a family of small children on her hands? He lias no business to die let her marry again. What if there isn't husbands cnoutogh go round, as is the unfortunate tet in many places and countries, and tens of thousands of women are compelled to enter the world of work and toil with their own bauds for their daily bread? Well, that is a dispensation of Divine Providence that society has no right to meddle with. Dear, dear, why will not these women suffragists let good enough alone, and not bo eternally kicking ana fuss and shocking the proprieties by clamoring for civil and social rights that belong exclusively to the saintly "lords of creation." San Jose Mercury. The Licente System. Of all the laws that ever disgraced the statutes of a civilized people, that which proposes the license to open a grogshop is tuc most iiisgniceun. it is not oniy directly calculated to destroy the prop erty, health and lives ofthe people the most important interests that it is the province of law to protect but it is yir tually setting aside the law of God, and making it legal for men to commit crime. Under it every conceivable crime finds protection, and every virtue finds its death. Instead of pro ting the innocent from the devilish designs of the guilty, it throws the cloak of re spectability over the vilest criminal, and delivers over the suffering vieUi to the tender mercies of a set of cold blooded villains, and, for so much money, pledges society to aid in the most unblushing robbery. It enables the rum-seller, the most detestable of all criminals, to hold up his head among respectable dealers, and gives him, through his influence over his deluded victims, the power to command the ua port and the willing obedience of politi cal parties. To repeat the lieen-e sys tem, and enact in its place Prohibition, would at once strip from the htUr traffic all of its borrowed respectability, and place rum-sellers where ho rtitnt fully belongs, by the side of the horse thief, the counterfeiter and the gambler. Under the ban of law, the moral senti ment of the people uld soon stamp would dare'toHnk his fortunes with the outlawed traffic would speedily tail Lib Sin and in the future avoid all scl enungling alliances To the cmpSento-f this work every effort of temperance men should be bent N o consideration of party no desire fer the success of this or that candidate fr 0jyce no appeals from Interested pbu-.f- scekers should be allowed to prevent the consistent temperauee man from, east ing his ballot in favor of the removal of this stain from the statute books of the State, and in its place enacting the pro hibition of the rum traffic. The politi cian who, to secure place, is willing to pander to sucli a body and soui-uestroy-ing business as the rum traffic, deserves only the scorn and contempt of honest men, and the political party which is willing to submit to the dictation of the dram-shop, deserves to die; and it is the duty of every temperauce'man in the country to aid in burying every such party in a grave so deop that no soun.l or resurrection shall over break upon in slumbers. Down with the rum trafn-', and all who support it, should beta.' battle cry of ovory fnond to U-npec-auce. ' "