The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 27, 1872, Image 1

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    tlaT'iinsw ajaMMslMi immmttHKtttmmmm aiwiiiin -uaMi'' n " r J '(! . iv,hm' m .yaaasrr-'
A Journal forjtliareople. -
IJevotctitoJ&aatcrestsof Unmaaiiv: T J
Mlve to all Live Issues, nnd Thoroughly
Radical fn Opposing and Exposing tfie Wrongs
trriCn-.Cor.r Froiit,mul..Stnrk ..Strerti,
One yenr. , .., i sftrrH. r
oi the grasses.
1.0 ' j
Six month
XlirtH- montus...
Frex Speech, Fr.KK Vntss, Fncc Pror-tn
orresppntJnt writing oyerassumedIgna';
es mnst make .known, their names to the
tnppn nmsL make.known. their
Etlltor.or no attention will Bi given lortlfilr
TiVF.imSKENTBilfntl on Reasonable
Jt-rillil. -
eommmileatiohi? "
1 75
by t. r.roiiAViKSc RRAtir-
Fiom a beautiful lake in tMltlfmnttiln '
Two rivnl.'s emne down, j
With a rn-tl.- and il niter I ike ribbon of bine
lty Uelle:ii- hre.-e blown. J'
(IVr bods of golden lnf
In the shadow of rrx-k
They turni: tin'' :ara
tlielr Mlvery
ton..- !IT
And clai'K'il llu-ir l'nud.yIjLef.
O'er rooks itli mo 1W
They eddied and m h!rjfefflrki
a waltzing
Till hand in hand with lauganrand leap
They m1nlel their mlntyjMr.
i'i r the aelf-ame lodjin.
Nineing the M-lt-fc.inie tune, j
Tlioy paw., d Inini April to breezy Slay
Toward I lit- Holds of Joae.
Thry whirle.1 ;! dan.-.-dVand dallied,
Aud Utti.ui-li the miadaweld.
Til V TKef Hfe ttttek-CTua Sttff flower -
Their future xurc wac hid. ,
I saw two beautiful children
Of one fair mother lxrn,
I.lkc two young clouds nf jcolrtnn fcnr
That smile on the breuKtofjara.
The same in age and hexmlj.
The saahe In volee and Mae
i'liu same bright hair upon their head.
The same blucu thelrcjwa.
singing the same fcong ever
J l the elf-saiiie silvery tone.
They passed from pril to breezy May,
Towards the tields oi Jaae.
Ihej whirl. -d and danced aad dallied
The beautiful vales amid.
Till under the same thick leaves and Howe
Ther tatuye course was laid.
Entered, aeeerdin(t to the Aetof Cwigirw.ltr
tli.- enr 172, by MiKKnaie the Of
fice of the Librarian of 'omrrtaw at Washington
The day-following lior visit to lilaiichc
Sonora complaiaed of a headache, whiah
seemed to taflleall attempts to,
and at last she yielded to tersuasTon
and allowed her mother to send for Dr.
Meadows, their family physician, ho
pronounced her suffering from a severe
attack of brain fever. I'resrrlbing 'for
her and ordering perfect quiet, ho left,
promistitg Is call next day; JmWong be
fore he arrived she was raving in wild
delirium. Culling first upon her par- I
enU to rescue her, and then lamenung
the absence of Clnrenee, she passed the I
night till ditwn, when she relapsed Into
an uneasy slumber. All was done that
could be by juixjnsaiHl sympathizing.:
relatives, w1k fearel their troubles were
only commenced. For nin.e dftys she
continued ' in this slate, during which
time she unconsciously divulged the se
cret of Blanche's love, and whes name
the was constantly calling upon. But
her naturally good constitution at last
gained the vletory, and sho .vds pYo
nou need out of danger. Assoonasthe
jojful tidings were given to Clarence,
who had postponed his return home on
this account, he began once more to
make preparations for leaving. He was
expected to enter upon his ministerial
duties, and his little Hock were anx
iously awaiting his presence. Com
mending his betrothed to the care of the
Almighty to be restored to her friends,
with the joyful hope of again beholding
her in a few months, never again to be
parted except by death, he bade fare
well to those friends with whom he had
spent some of the happiest and some of
the saddest moments of his life.
"Why, 'Xor, you are looking splen
didly this clear, cold morning," cried
Robert, as he -and Harry entered the
breakfast room two weeks after the de
parture of Clarence. "I guess your ride
yesterday, to say nothing of a certain
letter, has done you more good than
all old Dr. Meadows' prescriptions."
"You are right, Herbert; I feel liketi
new being after that drive, aiW I hay
made arrangements for another gossip
"Where now, gay pet?"- asked her
father, just Uteri entering, followed by
Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Summers and Adele.
"To Captain Marsh's. You know,
papa, as Qonlelfe&NSO soon to leave us.
it is but fair that she should devote her
time to Blanche and me for a while. Do
you not think so too?"
"You two young ladies are no doubt
very Important personages just nov,
broke in iiarry, nudging itooert, as
they seated themselves around the ta
ble, while Lodi passed the chocolate.
She was attired in a neat delaine dressy
over which she 'wore a largo gingham
apron. About her ueok she wore a col
Jar whose snowy whiteness cou
trasted strangely with her browned
complexion and her really splendid
hair, combed nicely aud put up in
becoming way. She looked at least ten
years younger than when she first ap
peared to our view. As she left the
room, Bobert remarked:
"Have you ever noticed, auntie, the
striking resemWauee between Lodi and
my fathers portrait?"
-i. nave several times thought slieM
jooueu very muen like some person
had seen, and now you mention it,
agree with you."-"Porliaps-she
may prove to be a ml.
five of ours," said Ham-, drawinir down
his mouth aud lookiijg at ids mother
ratucr comically.
"Strangefcthjnj&than.lhat have h.-m
pened, my liWrpJ"' roplied the Colo
nel, "eyoIhgEcwSloseiy'hs slid eiftdreu
the room. 4 ' v - 1
'.. Converattiou'uponvarious topios and
the annroa'chiucmarriagefT Robert and
Cordelia, which was to 'be solemnized
onthe-approaching Sabbathj-occnpied
them during the rest of tno meal.
As they arose from tho table and were
about to disperse, the Colonel said
"Children, as thereislucpnrtlcular
amusement on hand this evening, sup
pose I ontertuin you withrattriio story."
"Oh, delightful! db!" exclaimed they
with one accord. v
" 'Tis a sTory of my own life," con
tinued he, "and inay not only prove in-
teresting,4jut.may also belhe, means of
a-w wAjM' UlUilia V
fle mysloryTRobert, of
the resemblance of Lodi to your father's
ftiUijn'ess; bo to-night after supper you
may consider me ai your-service, one
Vim! nil." ami alosiii!? the. fl.
oor, tno oiu
, ---
miUeiMn.felirSd Wlil3llbrary.
"Well, Dell, I shall leave you to keep
your motner anu mine company iu-uhj,
for I am of! in a few moments," said
"What is your hurry?" akcd Harry.
"Belter wait till they are tip."
"Olif never fear. They rise early at
the Marsh's, you know; besides it is
best to go early, aud return early,
though I anticipate no more danger
urom Kiunappcrs, out i wish to be on
lhand liiime to hear papa's story; .so
an rcvohr till my return," aud throwing
on her cloak and hood, she descended
the steps, followed by Samp, who would
;aliow no one else to drive, thinking
himself a sure protection from all harm.
' A1U was bustle and preparation at the
Marsh's, and Blanche, who had imbibed
a little of the contagion, was stirring
about here and there, while her checks
looked as blooming as in days past.
Cordclia,Avho'had lost much of her
languor and.inactlvity since her ludf
crous'4 elopement with the incognito
"Claude," was busily engaged in sun
dry domestic arrangements when So
nora entered. .
"Ohrgood morning, ma dure amie.'"
exclaimed she in a lively tone. "I
feared you would not come, the air
seemed.RO frosty.".
"Oh, : Jack Frost lias pinched my
cheeks, you see, a"flU .brought Uaek some
of the lost color," replied Sonora, glanc
ing in tho mirror"TfeforeAbl&rJarfd' smil-
"and besides. I could not miss
spending one more" day wttli'ygfi before
you assumed tho matronly tille'or'Mrs.
Bobert Hewitt."
A rosy blush mantled tlujjirow. of1
Cordelia as grandpa entered the room, j
saying: - T OrtC-
"But not quite so romantically sound
ing as Mrs. Claude Montroso hey,
"Xow, grandpa, you are too provok
ing," replied Cordelia, tossing her head
and pretending to look very in'dfgnant.
"I shall never hear the last of ,Tlfal af
fair. Every once in a whilo Jtobert
asks me when I have heard from 'dear
Claude,' and laughingly adds, Oh, of
course it was not the five thousand but
the dear girl that he cared for.' "
A merry laugh from Blanche, who
stood peeping in at the window that
opened upon the piazza, caused them to
look that way, when whom should they
see accompanying her but Andrew
"Good morning, all. Dp jnot ho
frightened at my sudden appearance, 'l
was in this neighborhood on some busi
ness, and thought I would call and in
quire after tho health of all parties and
whether you had heard any more from
that 'dear Claude.' "
"There it goes again!" exclaimed Cor
delia. "Do have morcy upon me. I
havo long since repented of my roman
tic notions and my acquaintance with
'Monsieur,' to say nothing of my thank
fulness tovards,my preserver.?
'Had you given 'Monsieur' the title of
rascal' you would havo called him
what ho truly is, for ho has lately mer
ited another name, which, though not
quite so bad as stealing young ladies,
the name of 'forger,' is quite sufllcieut
to give him an entrance into a large
mansion called the peuiteutiary, whore
he will have several years to repent of
his crimes, and perhaps reform."
"Good!" exclaimed urandna. clan-
piug his broad palm unon tho table.
"You see how tho wicked are punished
in . the end, while thoso-.who endeavor to
do right generally come offt victorious,
even though they may pass through Uio
nury irmis. vjiaiwe will very likely
finish his career in the State prison, and
Norman has already finished his, Hav
ing been killed by tlic hand of Cathcr
iiTc"dc"Ml8cT." "Are you quite certain of this latter
assertion, Captain?" asked Andrew
"As certain as this: Sonora, you
know, was a.captivq, with the Indians.
She was rescued by hor'friouds, Cather
ine being one of thoir number. Xor
ruan fell into the. trap he had set for
others, and became himself a prey to
the Indians. They intended to burn
him at the stake, but Catherine deter
mined to see him dead ere she left him,
and plunged a dagger into his heart,
and our friends left him dead on the
camping-grounds of.tho Natchitoches."
"A dreadful fate indeed! Then I
must have been mistaken, though I cer
tainly thought I saw him in New Or
leans a short time ago, and I thought,
loo, he recogiiizfcdm, for he retreated
from mjj view aquickly as possible,
and though I followed him up closely,
could ganf no further clue."
A shudderpassea river'Sonora as she
'thought of (he fearful scenes slio had
witnessed, ami then after all the possl-
bililv of his again crossing her path;
but It was only for a moment tiiatsho
suffered herself to be disturbed with
thoughts of one who had caused her so
much trouble. .
"Well! well! perhaps ho holds a
charmed life," said grandpa. "How
ever, we'll take good care that ho never
gets possession of our llttlo. net hero,"
tapping Sonora on tho shoulder. "So
let us make ourselves easy upon this
pointj and I'll get my paper which con-
(tains a paragraph not very flattering
ilostho gentleman wo alluuo to," anu
hastening from the room, grandpa soon
returned with the paper, which wo have
Glancing it over; Jtfr. (Jollcr said:
"Ah, this reminds mo.that I saw Miss
Vernon to-day, who has -just returned
.from Europe after payinga visit to the
sister of the original Mcintosh, and she
deeply regrets that through her recom
mendation of one whom she certainly
thought to be her relative, she is in a
measure blamablc for the access of a
villain into good society.. It seems this
"Norman Burke was a distant relative of
the Mcintosh's, hut through some mis
demeanor had been disowned. Partly
through roveuge, and better to aid him
in his nefarious designs, ho had assumed
the name of his relative, whom he
somewhat resembled, and whom he
supposed would never return or was
porhap3 deceased. . Thus.he palmed
himself off upon the public, ami suc
ceeded in deceiving even the most dis
cerning; but it is to be hoped that he
lias at last met with hi just punish
ment,, sad though it was, and will
trouble us no more."
-AS'Aiidrew finished speaking, grand
ma'arid df rs. Marsh entered. After ex
changing the usual salutations, grand
ma 'insisted (lint he should remain at
the wedding, which was to be rather
private, according to the wishes of Cor
delia, whose thoughts reverted back to
the death-bed of those dear sisters who
had been with theni but little more
than one j-ear ago. Accepting the cor
dial invitation, Andrew was soon in
stalled beneath the hospitable roof of
Captain Marsh, who thought nothing
too good for one who had saved his
thoughtless grand-daughter from a fate
worse than deatli
"Suppose.-Mr. Colter, that you aiid 11
walk over to Colonel Hewitt's and leave
the ladies to arrange matters aud talk
over tne event wnicli is soon to rob
Claude of his dear five thousand," said
the old gentleman.
"Now, grandpa!" anil Cordelia shook
her finger.
"Well, as-1 was intending to see the
Hewitts before I left for Europe, which
Mill be in January, wc may as well go
now as any time. So come, Captain."
"Are you going so soon?" asked
Blanche, who had learned to regard the
jovial bachelor more as a brother than a
stranger. "I do not know as we can
spare you until the return of summer,"
added she, glancing meaningly towards
"Oh, an old bach likuwill scarcely be
missed from so merry a party," laugh
ingly replied Androw, closing tho door.
Grandma and her daughter-in-law
repaired to the kitchen to aid in the art
of certain particular cakes aud other cu
liuary secrets, which wore being suc
cessfully carried on under thoir supcrin
tendance. . ,
"Mr. Coltor is tho very personification
of good nature," romarked Sonora as
tho trio entered Cordelia's room to com
plete the Irossehu of the bride elect.
"A noble,, gonprous man, and one
whom any woman might be proud to
coll her husband; and do you think our
Blanche here was honored by an offer
from him,, and she actually hadthe
coolness- to refuse him," said Cordelia,
and giving utterance to a thoughtless,
giddy laugh, she ran down stairs, to at
tend to her pet "canary, whose cage she
had left standing on the dining room
tdble in close proximity to their favor
ite "Maltese."
"That is news to n?o, my Blanche,"
said Sonora, who wa3 yet In ignorance
of Andrew's- offer, which was made on
the night of Cordelia's projected elope
"Yes, I refrained from telling any one
except 'Delia. I thought itjbiWltolet it
remain a secret, but sho has thought
fully divulged it. I cstcemlhlin highly
as a frieiul, nay, almost a brother, still I
vwuiu not, uccoine bis wife, for you know
3 ,irx lies dead within me. .My ill
fated passion I need not repeat to you;
" ,s V" nc aa I now regret my
foolish wickedness. Clarence Is now to
me one of my dearest friends, one who
Is dear o you; oven had lie reciprocated
my fcelirigs and I been happy in return
I should not have enjoyed life long, for!
'Nora, my days are numbered;, yes, I
know it and regret it not. I onlv waif
niv K.-illinr's call. Ronn T l.nll o '
delia married, and then can I live to sec
. . .. cku v ur-
you united tothconeyou have so wisely
chosen, T can depart in peace Jo that
blissful shore where my .parents are
waiting to receive me."
"Oil, cheer up, sweet Blanche. Cor
delia's remarks havo mado you alittle
blue. You, know 'the darkesttiour is
Jjustbefote the dawningof lheday."rYou
do'notknd'whow much happiness may
yet be 1 n store' foryou. Y'uifemeniber
you . uarevi promised
again tact
bridesmaid upon the event of. my mar
riage, which I hope, may prove a hap
pier day than the one which brought so
much gloom to our hearts. 'I have.
something sweet to tcllyouf aythe song
says. Clarenco joins with, me In wish
ing you to take up your abode with us
in our lovely southern home, which ho
is now preparing. Think of that, dear
Blanche; wo are not to bo soparated,"
and sho threw her arnw lovingly around
her friend. "Come, now, you must uot
say no. Your grandparents can spare
you since they arc. to havo Cordelia re-
maiu with them. The balmy air will
soon restore you to perfect health, and
nothing shall be lacking that can bo
done both by Clarenco and myself to
render you as happy as Jtftppy can be,
for ayo botli love you, as a dear, sweet
"Darling girl, your thoughtful kind
ness overpowers me aud brings to mind
more forcibly tho mean treachery I
would havo practiced upon you. You
hzve indeed 'heaped coals of llro upon
my head.' It will give mo the greatest
pleasure to spend my few remaining
days with the friend of my childhood,,
and I gratefully accept your generous
oiler and hope to make amends for the
past by contributing to your future hap
Here they were interrupted by tho
return of Cordelia, carrying in her arms
her favorite- cat. propping him care
fully upon a soft cush!ont she drew out
a little tabic, and seating herself beside
it, said:
"Now, girls, I am mistress of cere
moniesat least so you havo been try
ing to make me think and I want your
opinion about the trimmings, so come
sit up here and examine this box of
Here let us leave them for Ihc rest of
the day. When Samp arrived at dark
with Ule carriage for hisyoiing mistress,
wc mm iiiauene in quuo gieeiui spirits,
lookingalmost as cheerful as her.cousin,
upon who've heart care and trouble had
never left their impress.
To be continued.'
M. M. M., Salem : Your subscription
will expire with number jo.'
Martha A. 11.: Dress-making Is over
done in this city. Trytlo learn tele
graphy, phonography, .or. some other
light,- remunerative businessr "We are
sick to deatii of this demand for situa
tions as dress-makers.
Nancy G.: "We know of no situation
in that line. "We don't know to whom
the irerald alluded in its account of the
woman who had gotten rich in Portland
in the real estate business. AVc rather
guess the item was sensational.
Harry: Certainly. Ifyou can decide
about tho terminus of thoNorthcrn Pa
cific Bailroad, go there at once. Fell a
tree and proceed to erect a habitation.
Sell corner lots and you'll' make lots of
money provided you don't get fooled
in your venture.
. 4.
Haltie: Your hand-writing is fair, but
your orthography is abominable. The
idea that ou can get such articles
printed, much less paid for, is absurd.
Susan: Don't fret for Susan B. An
thony. Depend upon it, sho knows Just
what she's doing.
Mrs. H.: Your dress goods is called
frougee. "Wc can match IL You could
trim prettily with bias ruftlcs of black
silk, pinked at tho, edges, and sewed on
with a very slight fullncss.-
T1! Tlin-sri.- i Tre Tli- AlIi1iTt nun
lof the pottery inspectors in Stafford
shire, has put forth a very, sensible pro
test, says tho Istncet, against a very
pernicious custom, which rarelyreccives
sufllcieut attention, cithor from tho
medical profession or tho nublio. He
says that the women of the working
classes make tea a principle article of
met ltisieau oi an occasional uevcrage;
they drink it several times a day. and
the result is a Iamentablo amount of
sickness. This is no doubt the case,
nnd, as Dr. Arlidge remarks, a portion
of tho reforming zeal which keeps up
such a tierce and bitter" agitation against
intoxicating drinks might advantage
ously be diverted to tho repression of
this very serious evil of tea tippling
among the poorer classes. Tea, in any
thing beyond moderate quantities, is as
distinctly a narcotic poison as is opium
or alcohol. It is capablo of ruining the
digestion, aud of generally shattering
the nerves. Ami il must bo remem
bered that not merely is it a question of
narcotic excess, but the enormous quan
tity of hot water whicli tea biblers nec
essarily take Is exceedingly prejudicial,
both to digestlou and nutrition.
Sackedness ov Teaiis. o, speak
not harshly of tho stricken one, weeping
in silence! Break not tho deep sol
emnity by rude langhtor or Intrusive
footsteps! Despise not woman's tears;
they arc what mako her an angel.
Scoll not if the stern heart of manhood
is melted sometimes into sympathy;
tliey are what help to elevate him above
the brute. I lovo to see tears of alllic
tion. Theyaro painful tokens but still
most holy. There is a pleasure in tears
an awful pleasure. If thcro be none
II. 1 . 1 f . t f v .
I u".tar.1" "w a 'ur ,uc. 1 SOUlll
, iiol wish in nvi; nun n
no one mii-hf
weep over my grave, I could never die
In peace.
The strongest argument in favor of
the co-education of the sexes Is afforded
by the way in which the young women
acquit themselves in the colleges to
which thcyhavcLbccn admitted. Ober
lln, Antloch, and Michgan Universi
ties, all", bear, testimony to tho good
scholarship mx epty and fidelity of
their female pupils, audjtheir excellent
Inflocucc upon tho mannerTand morals
of the other sex: A'single fact like this
outweighs aworld of fears.-
Interesting Eemiaisccace. '
Beriah Brown, editor of the Seattle
Dispatch, had the good fortune to be
Intimately acquainted with the late
Horace Greeley, some forty years ago.
In a late number of his paper ho gives
to the public tho following interestine
details of his early intercourse with tho
departed philosopher, author and edi
Moro than forty years ago we were an
wprentice in a printing office in Frio
Pennsylvania. One day at that time a
hoy apparently about sixteen virw of
age, though nearly twenty, came to the
office in search of employment. A more
uuattractive or unpromising specimen
of humanity could rarely be met with.
His unkempt hair was the color of tow;
his face perfectly colorless aud as inox-!
pressivc as a lump of dough; his speech
whinins and stammeriti"- fm 111 nvrtnei
of bashruhicss, and his dress in keeping
"' t:i3uii i-uarso O1U0 C011011
roundabout aud trousers, bluestockings,
brogans, and a cheat) felt hat. Un h-,.1
a white swelling upon one leg, which
U3 not iiicu ctireu, anu wnicli crippled
him for life, civimr him a tuiinrniiv
awkward gait, and. unou tho whtili. n
more pitiable obiect wo never seiw. nr
one which appealed more powerfully to
our unsophisticated sympathies. When
no nau gone away, uisappolnteil in uis ap
plication for work, he was tho subject of
much jocular comment in the in?e
upon the style of boys seeking to be
como printers, the proprietor jokingly
proposed to employ him if we wntilil
sleep with him. Wo took him at his
wow, and went in pursuit of the forlorn
boy, with the chivalrous purpose of
takimr him under oursnecial nrntpelinn
at all hazards, but found lie had already
engaged with Mr. Sterrett, of the Eric
uazcuc, at ten dollars a month for a
year. We did not, however, surrender
the care of our protege, several years
our senior, but instituted ourselves his
champion against the ridicule of all the
printer boys in the town, and a more
grateful, and faithful and affectionate
friend we never found through life.
When he had faithfully served out the
year for which he had been engaged
wltn Mr. hterrct, no oiler could induce
him to renew the engagement: he had
determined to go to New York to seek
his fortune. Willi the savings of his
year's wages lie bought Ids father a
yoke of steers with which to clear up
and cultivate forty acres or hemlock
land on the then wild borders of Penn
sylvania, in Chatatiqua county, bought
nimseii a new suit oi domes at a cost or
less than ten dollars, and started on foot
for New York, with but five dollars in
liis packet, and actually reached his
destination, partlyon foot and partly on
canai uoais, Keeping ins traveling ex
penses within his mean, with a few
shillings left when he arrived in the
city. . .
The SriDEii's Rumen:. One chilly
day I was left at home alone, and after
I was tired of reading Robinson Crusoe
I caught a spider and brought him into
the house to play with. Funny kind of
piaymate, wasn't it? wen, I iook ai
wash-basin and fastened up a stick in it
like a liberty pole or a vessel's mast,
and then poured in water enough to
turn the mast into an island for 1113
spitler, whom I named Crusoe, and put
on the mast. As soon as ho was fairly 1
cast away, lie anxiously commenced
running round to find the road to the
mainland. He'd scamper down the
mast to the water, stick out a foot, get
It wet, shako it, run round the stick and
try the other side, and then run back up
to the top again. Pretty soon it became
a serious matter with Mr. Robinson,
and he sat down to think it over. As
in n moment he'actcd as if lie win ted
to shout for a boat, ami was afraid lie
was going to be hungry, I put a little
molasses 011 the stick. A lly came, but
Urusoo wasn't Hungry ror Hies just then.
He was homesick for his web in the
coiner of tho woodshed. Ho went 1
slowly down tho pole to the water and
touched it all round, shaking his feet
like pussy when she wets her stockings
in tho grass, and suddenly a thought ap
peared to strike him. Up lie went like
a rocket to the top and commenced
playing circus. Ho held one foot in the
air, then another, and turned round two
or threo times. He got excited nnd
nearly stootl 011 his licad, before I found
out what he knew, and that was this,
that tho draught of air made by the fire
would carry a lino ashore on which lie
could escape from his desert island. He
pushed out a web that went floating in
tho air, until it caught on tiio table.
Then he hauled on the roap until it was
tight, struck it several times to see if it
was strontr cnouu'li to hold him, and
walked ashore. I thought he had earned
his liHerty, so I put him back in his
woodshed again. Jfcarth and Home.
Anecdote ok Daniel "Weiistei.
Mr. Webster was full of fun and humor
at times, and when in company with a
few intimate friends lie unbent, and ex
hibited his wonderful versatility of tal
ent, to the delight of all listeners. Ho
had marvellous narrative powers, was a
capital mimic, and imitated a broken
dialect to perfection. He was not an
unamlablo man, and never said a ma
licious thing In his life; but when per
turbed or uncomfortable, cither from
indisposition or the effect of exuberant
conviviality, he was as inapproachable
as a porcupine, and often indulged in
peevish exclamations and satirical re-
I once heard him describo a visit that
he made to the elder Adams, at Quincy,
a few months before his deatli. The
venerable sage, then ninety years of age,
received him with cordiality, thanking
him for hiscivilty in coming to see him.
He was lying in bed, supported by pil
lows, a heavy, plethoric man, inclined
to dronsv. and drawing his breatli with
mucli difllculty. He seemed to pump
up his words, Mr. Webster said, rrom
a great depth, aud spoke in -short sen
tences. "How aro you, Mr. Adams?" inquired
his visitor.
"Feeble, and nearly worn out," was
the "The old tenement is in a
state of dilapidation, and from what I
can judge of the Intentions of the land
lord, he is not likely to lay anything
more out in repairs." ITarprr1 Maga
zine. "Mother," said a little girl, wIo w
making her doll an apron, "I bohcvB
I will be a Dutches when I grow up.
"How do you expect to' be ftlcto
my daughter?" "Why, bX,n-,a"yi"?r?
Dutchman, to be sure." replied the girl;
Habits and Dress of American 'Woman; or
Home laik; With Young and Old.
The intimate relations existing be
tween dress and our habits of life, must
impress oven the commonest observer,
while to the rellectivo mind, thev sug
gest many topics of absorbing dud vital
interest. The influence acconled to
dress at tiio preent day, opens up not
only subject matters of reform, but be
comes suggestive of mauy homely and
practical inventions.
Even under the pressure of ail the
combined intelligence of the age," the
young mother still feels at a loss as to
the really best manner of dressing her
new born babe, so as to secure for it
present comfort and future health.
Long before the first hour of breathing
existence, down to the last breath which
suffering humanity draws. tlirout;liin-.
fancy, middle lire and old ag'ertho fe
male sex is martyred in a thousand in
describable ways, to tho harness it
Truly, woman's dress, though exuber
ant anil flowing, plain, fauciful br ele
gant, still remains, from first to last,
simply and absolutely a harness, which
nearly stilles the poor body itpneases.
The puling infant striving to kick ofl
Its various encumbrances covered with
innumerable layers and folds, aud
blanketed up to steaming proportions
is only lighting out nature's hiw-of lib
erty. Baby protests with scream upon
scream, against the discomforts which a
fond mother heans unon it. mut we. ....,'
tho bitter end. when babyhood finally 1 happy nest-building, the wearisome sea
casts oil its icadiii" strings. nierefrieinii : si" of hatching, and the toilsome time
aud false-hearted social oniiiions mnin-!
tain powerful sway over the young and '
hi owing gin.
Incipient womanhood is befooled uud
belittled by a multitude of notions up
bringing from its own fertile brain, or
gathered up as a holocaust from the
past, to be yet further eliminated and
strengthened by the Juggernaut of so
ciety. Even as the poor pagan mother
will toss her infant into the Ganges, or
lay her own abused bodv under tht
wheels of a destroying god, so do thous-4
anus 01 mothers at the present day sac'
mice, inn as ruthlessly, the precious
burden of humanity which Heaven en
trusts to their care.
Id on by a false estimate of the
worth of externals, many a mother neg
lects to urge her grown up daughters
through a persistent course of house
hold instruction instruction in those
details with which she herself has been
forced to become famiifar. Therefore
much of the valuable time which young
girls should devote under the eye and
experience of a mother, to preparation
for the future which awaits them, is
frittered away in the vahiest of all pur
suits. Running after the last fashion
swallowing reprehensible novelties
neglecting to lay up those treasures of
valuable information which the needs
of the future will demand at their
Nature is gormxed hy no law oulttde
of her own necessities!. No woman can
become a wife no woman can become
a mother, without being constrained to
a consideration of the laws which gov
ern her being. How recreant to duty
then, does that wife and mother prove
who neglects due admonition and affec
tionate, urgent, persuasive instruction
to the daughters given to her charge.
"If ignorance be bliss, 'tis folly to be I
wise" but we have yet to learn that
ignorance and bliss are synonymous
terms, in relation to a proper and intel
ligent recognition of the laws of God.
Sicily June in San Jose Jlercitry.
Motiieii Eve's Seuvant Girt-.
"Can any of you tell why. when Eve
was manufactured from one of Adam's
ribs, a servant girl wasn't made at the j
same time to wait on her?" Because
Adam never came whining to Eve with
ragged stockings to bo darned, a collar
button to be sewed on, or gloves to be
mended, "right away, quick, now!"
Because he never read the nowspaper
till the sun went down behind the palm
trees, and then, strcaching, yawned out,
"Ain't supper almost ready, my dear?"
Not he. He made the fire, and hung
over the tea-kettle himself, we'll ven
ture, and pulled the radishes, peeled the
bananas, aud did every thing clso that lie
ought to. He milked the cow, fed the
chickens, and looked after the pigs him
self. He never brought half-a-dozen
friends home to dinner, when Eve hadn't
any fresh potngranites, and the mango
season was over. Ho never stayed out
until eleven o'clock to a "ward meet
ing." hurrahing for an out-and-out can
didate, and tlieu scolding poor Eve be
cause she was sitting up and crying in
sido the gate. He never played billiards,
nor drove last horses, nor choked Eve
with tobacco siuokc. lie never loafed
around corner groceries, whilo solitary
Eve was rocking little Cain's cradle at
home. In short, he didn't think she
was especially created for the purposo of
waiting on him, and was under the im
pression that it disgraced a man to"
lighten his cares a little. These arc the
reasons that Eve did not need a hired
girl, and wo wish it was the reason why
none ot her lair descendants did.
Threatened Famine ix Ireland.
There are serious apprehensions in ire-
land or another laminc. The Irish peas
antry in some parts of the Island are
writing to their friends in this country
that tho utmost anxiety prevails in re
gard to tlie food supply, aud that fears
arc entertained 01 wiuc-spread anu terri
ble destitution. Information derived
from entire different sources leads to the
conclusion that there is too much rea
son for the prevailing apprehension. A
writer in an English journal who has
made a special tour through Great
Britain for the express punioso of ascer
taining tho condition of the crops, and
who is recognized as an authority on
such subjects, estimates tho value or
the potato crop to be less by seventeen
millions of iwunds sterling than that or
an averageJ year, and of thb lo more
than one-half falls on Ireland. If this
estimate is correct it may be considered
certain that great distress will exist the
com ig winter among the poorer classes,
who depend principally - upon their
m ato patches1 for subsis enec. The
wheat crop of Great Britain is also
likely to fall short of an average one.
Mrs. Moore, an industrious woman of
Topeka, Kansas earned money enough
to support a good-for-nothing husband
and bring a niece to live with them.
The husband eloped with the niece and
she is now nicely rid of both.
If vou should he asked when a Kit t
like a teapot; you might- reply, " Wlieni
you-re teasin' 11.!' ..- . 1 . ,j
JWeddinr Tnjs. '
The custom of -taking a bridal trip
seems to have" been -derivetl' from the
birds, though 110. improvement upon
their fashions, which is rather a court
ship tour than a wedding " journey.
Theirs is not a lonely, dually, 'selfish
affair, but the joyous migration of happy
flockswhere the: fluttering, coquetting;
young folks are matronized and patrpu-j
ized by the steady old couples", who keep,
out an indulgent but cver-watcliful eye,
to see that coquetry shall not degenerate'
into flirtation, and are ever ready to ad
minister an admonitory peek or,nan to
any young scapegraco of either sex who
shall show a disposition to frillb with
tiio allcctious of another.1 "But- when
courtship lias given place to marriage,,
there are no more frolicsome journeys,
butagoncral sitting down ttftlTO seri
dus concerns of life, anxious scarchlngs
for aud consultations abouUthe location
of their future liome. In these, Mr.
Robin gives it as his opinion, that the
cherry tree, being excellent foragiug
grouud, would be the best spot-for thoir
nest; but Mrs. Robiu declares that cher
ries attract too many savage red squir
rels to make it a safe place of abode.
So they finally decide upon the heart of
the low, thick lilac bush, as being near
the house where crumbs are plenty ,.and
having neither fruit nor height to tempt
those ramnajriurr squirrels who have 110
sort of conscience, and prefer pretty blue
eggs to any other kind of diet, the
shameless tliincs! Then follows the
"f filling the ever-empty, Craving
mouths of those ugly, rapacious young
sters, who will in time grow pretty and.
venturesome, and must be taught to use
their weakly ambitious little wings.
And ail this while the happy, loving
ways of Mr. and Mrs. Robin aro.nlbst
delightful to see. But from the mating-
uay we do not find them talking of
aerial voyages, until after their children
are fairly launched in life: though a
a trip to Canada would cost them noth
ing no railroad tickets to buy, no ex
tortionate haekmen to pay, nor long
hotel bills to frighten the feathers ol
their pretty little heads. i
Now, out of thousands of newly-niar-ried
who will take the tyrannicfib.ous
tomary wedding trip this season7now
many will do so with a feeling ofllonest
enjoyment ? How many are there1 who
will not secretly wisii they werefree to
go at once, quietly and unobserved, to
their nest-building? Christian Union.
FnAXcn -VXD Prussia. A Paris cor
respondent of the Chicago 'J'riljwie re
lates the following aneedote one out of
a thousand, remarks the writdr-MIIus-trative
of the moral hatred boCVveen the
French and Prussians a hatred which
lias lasted for ages, perhaps sinee the
Rhine flowed between tlioni, and which
will probably last until the Idea of a
Federal European Republic has ' tri
umphed over all these fatal rivalries:
At Metz, recently, a little girl, 12 or
14 years old, was playing ballon soine
walk where tiiere happened to be a
Prussian General, accompanied by 'a
couple of aids. The child's ball hap
pened to roll between the logs of the
General. He picked it up, and lioldulg
it out to the little girl, said to her: "
"Come and get it."
"No," replied she; "I do not want it."
"Why not?" said the Genorai.
"Because you are a Prussian."
"lam not a Prussian I-am a Bava--rian."
"Ah!" said the little girl. ''A,er-,
vant of the Prussians, then. "?bu, can
keep my ball." '
biie then went away, anu tho Ueneral,
transferring- his anger to tiio- unlucky
ball, which was net to blame, tramped.
on aud burst it.
Perhaps, some day, the son of the
General will marry the child, then a
woman. It is possible that the sons of
Barburossa have a hard job. They woro
able, for a time, to hold the Adriatic a
captive, but never to marry her as" the
Venetian Doges did. If Metz orTor
raine ever become Prussians in 'head,
heart, or tongue, dogs will become cats,
and Americans become again English
men, and tho subjects of Victoria
A Father's Advice to a Cini.p.
"Said a young husband whose business
speculations were unsuccessiui. "Aiy
wife's silver tea-sot, the bridal giffcofa
rich uncle, doomed mo to financial ruin.
It involved a hundred unexpected ex
penses, which, in trying to meet, make
me the bankrupt I am." His experi
ence is the experience of many oth'ors,
who, less wise, do not know what is the
gobliu of the house, working its destruc
tion. A sagacious father of great wealth
exceedingly mortified his daughter Jby
ordering to be printed on her weddrag
cards, "No presonts except those
1 adapted to an income of $1,000." Said
lie, "You must not expect to begin life
in the style I am able, by many yeararof
labor, to indulge; and I know of nothing
wuicn win tempt you to try it. more
than the well-intentioned, but pernici
ous gifts of rich friends." Such advice to
a daughter is timely. If other parents
would follow tho samo plan, many
young men would be spared years of in
cessant toil and anxiety; they would not
find themselves on the downward road,
because their wives had worn all their
salary, or expended it on the appoint
ments of the house. The futc of the
poor man who found a hnch-pin. and
felt himself obliged to make a carriage
to lit it, is the fate of the husband who
finds his bride In the possession of gold
and silver valuables, and no largoi,in
come to support the owners in gpljl and
silver style. , '
At the close of his "Recollections rjf1 a
Busy Life," written four years '-ago,
Horace Greeley said: "My life has b.een
busy and anxious, but not joyous.
"Whether it shall be prolonged a few or
moro years, I am gratified that it has
endured so long. Looking calmly yet
humbly for that close of my mortal ca
reer whicli cannot be far distant, I rev
erently thank God for the blessings
vouchsafed me in the past; and with an
awe that is not fear, and a consciousness
of demerit which does hot exchlUKlfope,
await the opening before mjmsflps of
the gates of the Eternal Worldf" --
A Mother. One good r-frd.
Geo. Herbert, is worth rtrlnr .
schoolmasters. In the honlelr5ai-r
"loadstone to all hearts, and. loadstar tot
all eyes." Imitation.oLherjSiConstant
-Imitation which Bacon JjKgns,to a
globS of precepts." rvla, &aX i
more than precept. In itlnsfractioud.-ii
action. r. .uizif-i-