3 -IL": HUS. A. J. DIMJVAT, Editor snd Proprietor OFl'ICE Cor. Tront and Stark Streets. TERMS, IK ADVANCE: One year. Mix months Three iuontli ADVHRTISBMEXTSInserted on Reasonable The Tntllng: rail. The stgulng, sobbing, (ad south wind riajg on my peaceful, placid brow. As o'er the dim and distant days Oryenrs or yore I linger now. The pitiless and pelttnsraln, Drlpis from Uie dark and dlney eaves, And, splashing In the puddles, plays At liWe and hunt with homeless leave. A red-lira wn robin bows beneath Tho grass-srown groundsill of my door, Bat Mag no more bis low, sweet sons Of shimmering sunshine as of yore. The barn-yard brutes the .burdened day Endure, as down the drowsy west The sombre atin, with uee unseen, Sinks slowly to bis saddened rest. A hurried horseman halts beside The sodden stile and shakes his cloak, IimoHBts and throw; the tangled rein Around a drenched and drooping oak. The oblekans cackle ut the crows; The crows caw round the gabbling geese; A bleating lambkin blunders by The half-drowned dam with dripping fleece. Indoors the deepening darkness drags It lazy length upon the walls, "While glimmering gleams of glowering glare Gioam through the lamp-light In the hall. Grim blackness broods about my bed, And settles lu the silent air; I slam the shutters In the gloom, And coddle In my cozy chair. Sweet silence soothes the sad south wind, And lulls to sleep tho sobbing storm. 3fy lone heart yearns for years of yore And many a merry-making form. And as they flit before my face, The dear, dead darlings of the past, The sad south wiud a solace rings That promises sweet peace at last. A.J. D. EONOEA HEWITT. BV SIRS. SCSIE WITHEItELL. Entered.aceordlng to the Act ofrnm in tho year 1ST2, by Mrs. Susie IVItherell, In the Or- ueeoi inoijoranan of Congress at Washington uiiysj CHAPTER XXXI. JtEBTISS OF CATItEHIICE AND I-ODI ARHIVAL or FBiEcrns. About a month after Lodi Jiad prom ised our heroine licr release they sat to gether, as usual, at the door of the tent. watching the sun as it cast its declining Biiauows over the bare and leafless trees, whoso branches now and then creaked mournfully as the chill November blast swept by. Lodi was consoling Sonora and Risscy with the hope that they should very soon be released from their bondage, when suddenly she sprang to her feet with a cry, "He comes! he comes!" Such a yell as went forth was never heard except on great occasions. Hard Heart was tho first to run and greet one whom ho supposed was his pretended friend; but as lie neared the place from whence the form was emerging, judge of his surprise and consternation when he beheld strange pale-faces, and not one, but four, who were none others than our Bridgeport friends, headed by Catherine. "With a peculiar motion she made signs to Hard Heart to approach alone, telling him they were friends and meant no harm. Sho told him in a few words the intent of their journey and appearance among them, asking his protection and aid during their stay, for which he should have gold double the amount of the bribe that Norman had offered. "Hard Heart is chief a mighty war rior among his tribe. All obey him. He will see that no harm comes to you, but the palo bird cannot be released. Hard Heart means otherwise. You must wait till the white chief comes, and then take him and depart" "Let it be as you say. We will abide till he comes," was the reply of Cather ine. "Follow to the wigwam of Hard Heart. There you will be safe," and ho led the way, while the savages looked on with surprise, some uttering yells and others dancing at the sight of so many pale-faces. Leaving our friends there, ho went to inform Lodi of this new occurrence. "Pursuers, hey!" exclaimed she, as he finished. "Come to carry away our captives! "Would you let the pale dove go?" asked she, quizzlngly. "He! he! he!" laughed the savage. "The palo dove must be mine. I will see that she is not taken. Keep her se cure. The white squaw who accompa nies the three pale-faces has my prom ise to return in safety." "The while squaw! The pale girl's mother porhaps." "No, an enemy to tho chief whom she will wait for. I will learn more and let you know," said he, rising to go. "I will go to her," said Lodi, rising and following. Sonora and Bissey now clung to each other, for our heroine knew by the sav age yells and looks and manner of Hard Heart that something new had hap pened, and her heart sank with fear as she thought that probably Norman's arrival had caused it. Little did she think that the friends who loved her so dearly were near her to rescue her; that Harry, her darling brother, was waiting to ciasp ner to ins breast; and that Clar ence, the devoted lover, was within a few steps to bear her home to friends and happiness. Had she knowii all this under the present excitement the conse quences might have proved fatal, for the too sudden revulsion from fear to joy would have been too much for her just then. A Lodi entered the tent where our friends were -seated her eyes instantlv fell upon.Cathenne. For a moment she ei'JlienJy then, diking towards her, she uttered, '(Leuard'a bride," and clasped to her bosom her astonished VOIOIVEE IX. guest Then, taking her by the hand, she said: "Como with me. I would alone a little while." see you Catherine, who feared nothing now did as sho was desired, not knowing what was mo cause of this sudden friendship. .uout leu uatnerino tiireclly to the place where fconora and Bisscv were Bidding her enter, she stood at the door a spectator. So sudden and unexpected was the meeting that for a moment So nora lost all control over herself; then ..in. n i. i . "u uuunu sue mrcw nor arms around the neck of her friend, weeping as a nine cmid. Ilisscy, whose joy was utterly unspeakable- at the sight or a a friendly face, entirely forgot her in ferior station, and with one spring fol low eu tue example of her mistress. clinging frantically round the waist of Catherine, -crying: "liresa you! Bress you ! De Lord hab sent you fer us! Hab you come to take us home? Bis will lub Miss Suory's God forever dat sho will! Oh. im you! bress you!" and tho over-joyed creature wept and prayed together. bonora Bpoke not for a few moments; then, falling upon her knees, she ut tered a short prayer of thankfulness. calling down blessings upon tho heads of those who had so kindly befriended ner, and asking that through them she might be delivered from the onnres- sion ot ner enemies." Lodi, whose heart was far to full for words, looked on in silence, while Hie scalding tears coursed each other in rapid succession down her wrinkled cheeks, as she vividly brought to mind her youthful love and tho lomr hatred sho had borne her unknown rival, who now stood before her; and then of the sorrow she had been the means of caus ing the fair captive, who knelt ami be sought blessing after blessinc upon her. and she determined at all hazards to re trieve the injury by doing all in her power to aid in her escape. "Ulcss you! Thank you. dear Cath erine, for your second preservation of my happiness. How shall I sufficiently recompense you, one of my best of friends?" were Sonora's words as she nroso from her knees. 'By never mentioning it again. Rather thank those who accompany me. Harry, Robert and Clarence are waiting in yonder tent to conduct you in safety to your anxious narcnta" "My brother, my cousin, and Clar ence! Did you say I should so soon see Clarence?" asked Sonora. tho obi look of peace and joy returning to her now rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. un, leau me to their presenco, quick! Oh, Lodi, you will let mo go?" were her incoherent words, as she advanced with rapid steps towards tho door-way. "Oh, Miss Snory, don't leave me! Please don't!" screamed RIssey, fearful mat she was forgotten. "lou shall go when I do, my faithful RIssey; never fear," answered Sonora, coming back and putting hor arm around the waist of her worthy servant. "It will bo necessary to wait a little longer," said Lodi, rising. Then, turn ing to Catherine, she continued: "Re turn to the wigwam of the white chiefs for the present, and to-night when all sleep, before the moon comes forth to light our path, meet me at tho foot of the cotton wood tree that grows a few rods from this tent. Then and there I will tell you all regarding myself and my Intentions towards yonder maid, whp is as sate with mo as though she slept upon tho bosom of her own mother, and whose freedom I promise you. But hark! Yonder comes Hard Heart Say nothing. Appear willing to do as he says. Return now, but remember, to night ero the moon rises," and waiving her hand, she motioned for hor visitor to depart, as Hard Heart entered with a scowl upon his countenance. "What does the white squaw soy? Has she asked for the pale dove?" asked he, In his own language. "ishe has," was the reply. "And what was your answer?" "That she was our captive, and could go when wblto chief claimed her only." 'You have done right so far. But I will see that the pale dove is put in a safer place, for Hard Heart fears he may lose his bnde," and rising, uo tooU Sonora by the hand. "With a scream she darted from him and threw herself at tho feet of LoJi; but with a dark frown she spurned her from her, when Sonora recollected that she must conceal their friendship or all mightbelost She therefore maintained a quiet reluctance and allowed Hard Heart to again take her hand and lead her forth to another wigwam, where. motioning her to be seated, hc beckoned to a ferocious looking savage. After whispering a few words in his unknown tongue ho walked off, leaving Sonora palo with fright at tho apiiearancc of her watchful guardian, from whose un couth face she could not gain one gleam of pity. RIssey was now almost incon solable, but Lodi did all sho could to paciry her and make her realize that she should soon sec her mistress and return home in safety with her. "With this assurance she at last became quite reconciled and contented with her situ ation. That night,' according to agreement, Catherine and: Lodi met, and before they parted fully understood each other, and had become firm true friends, for in 3?OXtTr.i4JNI, OREGON, FXtlDA-Y, lVOVEJirBETt 29, lSrsr. borrow wo find our dearest friends in those who can sympathize with us by once Having troubles similar to our own. "I will see that Norman receives his just dues," said Catherine, as sho arose from her scat beneath the old tree. "If I cannot obtain my revenge any other way, I will use this," and she flourished the dagger in tho air, which she still carried. "See you," continued she, that the pale-faces are restored to their home in safety, and I will wait here for Aim." "I fear the anger of Hard Heart more than all else not for myself, but for tho white chiefs in yonder wigwam," whis pered Lodi. "Should they persist in not going without tho palo dove, his anger would prove terrible, and danger must certainly fall upon their heads, Wo must manage to persuade them to escape in some way." "I have it," answered Catherine, her eyes brightening. "I will prevail upon tiie young chiefs to comply with the wishes of Hard Heart and pretend to leave willingly. They will proceed to t'lague Mine and await her coming, which you must manage in some way unknown to Hard Heart, who suspects not mat you are her friend." "That is sufficient if you can succeed with your part. Depend upon me. win not leave her until she is with thoso who can protect her from harm," and leaving Catherine to return to the pallet she had left, Lodi directed her steps cautiously to the wigwam where sue had seen Hard nart conduct So nora. Listening, she found all soundly sleeping. Opening the canvass she be held her captive stretched upon a blanket, alone and evidently sleeping. biepping cautiously, she stooped uown, wucn fcouora, who was awake. started, but finding the intruder to be her friend, clasped her round the neck. ueggmg ner to stay with her. This cannot be, though I will watch you as carefully as if I lay beside vou Catherine de Midci has repealed all to me, ami the murderer of Lenard's child can never wed the palo dove," and there, In the darkness of midnight, wnue tiie cold autumn winds whistled mournfully around them, did Lodi in form Sonora how she and Catherine had planned tho escape of herself aud Rissey. As she concluded sho asked: "Arc you satisfied with this arrange ment, and willing to remain a little longer till the white chief comes, for Lodi cannot do It till then?" "Anything so I can but return lo my home," answered Sonora, weenino- as sho thought of the timo which must elapso ere she could behold thoso dear friends who were even then so near, and her anxious parents, who were mourning for her return. "I must now leave you and go to my wigwam, before my absenco is known, for none suspect me of being your friend but the Good Spirit, who knows I am," and the rudo Indian woman placed a kiss of pure affection upon the check of Sonora, whom she really loved. Sonora remained awake the rest of the night, for sleep had refused lo visit her weary eye-lids, though she had courted him in vain. Tho morning light had scarcely appeared In the firm ament ere a foot-step broke upon her listening cars, and the next moment Clarence stood before her delighted gaze. Though she had changed much during the two years that had passed since he last saw her, still hc failed not to recognize her In her barbarous dress. Forgetting her ludicrous appearance, disheveled locks, the placo aud every thing, save that her lover stood once more before her, she sprang to berject, and with one wild shriek threw herself into the arms which were ready to re ceive her. "Sonora! my own loved Sonora! Once more do I clasp you to my heart, never again I hope lo bo separated in this world," and he imprinted kisa after kiss upon her pure white brow, which nestled so lovingly against his manly breast "Clarence! dear, dear Clarence! Do not leave me again. God has indeed answered our prayers, and wo have met once more. Say you will not leave me, for oh ! I cannot, cannot stay!" and she clung tighter to the arm that supported her. "Leave you, never! Sooner would I stay and stiller witli you, were such a tiling necessary, than to leave you for a moment to take the chances among these brutal savages." We must here inform the reader that Catherine had not yet told our young friends or her plan for Sonora's escape, and Clarence had therefore done tho very thing which he should not-or seeking an interview with Sonora. "Ah! Say you so? The pale chief Is very brave. He may suffer too soon!" exclaimed a brutal voice at the open canvass. With one long loud scream Sonora sank upon tho bosom of her betrothed. as she beheld Hard Heart enter, wicM ing his tomahawk above his head, and grasp the arm or Clarence. "How dare the white chier steal to the wigwam or the pale dove, who be longs to Hard Heart, and whom ho would havo to gladden his homo with her love?" asked hewith a demoniacal grin. 'The white dove was mine ere she Free Speech, Free Pjiess, Fjiee People. cam among your midst, and is mine still ; aud by that right will I protect her. Be content to choose rrom among your own sisters. I will see that she is returned to the home or the while mau; thereforo lay not a hand upon me or mine." . Letting go of Clarence's arm, Hard Heart said : II11TI.fl . "iv into cniei iooks anil speaks very bravo. He is no squaw; but he departs not from here. The belt of the red chiefs bride will be decked with two bravo scalps." "With a shudder Sonora released her self from Clarence. Turning to Hard Heart, sho said "Never! Let the white clilcf go, and willingly will I suffer in his place ; but yours I will never be. You may torture me ; but do what you may, I will never be yours!" Uttering a savage yell, Hani Heart called to his side two or his stoutest chiefs. Ordering them to bind the hands of Clarence, they let! him fortli from the presence of Sonora, though not withoutgrcat resistance; but they stifled his cries, as well as the frantic screams of our heroine, who believel they would kill him before sheshouldstchim again. But such were not the Intentions of Hani Heart, who meant tc keep him a captive until such times as they should see fit to torture him, provided he would not conform to their wishes for the most cruel and heart-rending means are always adopted, as they prova more sat isfactory to their hanlened natures. As soon as they were cone, Hard Heart, taking Sonora by the hand, who was weeping bitterly, led her to another tent some distanco off, where, lashing her firmly to a stake, he left her alono without speaking one word to let her know her fate or what she had to hope for. In this position she rcimincd until nearly sunset, without a morsel to eat or a draught of water to cool her lips, with her mind in an agony of suspense. At length Hard Heart made his appearance. offering her a pieco of venison and a flask of water. "Watching htr as she swallowed a small pieco and drank a little, he at length spoke: "Does tho palo dovo consent to stay in tho wigwam or the great chier or the reu man, and let the white elder go? Or docs she rcrusc.and wish to sec him tor tured before her eyes aloiig with tho other brave pale-face who comes to claim his bride?" "What mean you ?" asked Sonora, at this indirect reference to Norman. "I would stay could I but take the place of yonder white chief at the place of tor ture. Let hint go. The Good Spirit will watch over me, and save me from be coming your slave." "'Tiswell! 'tis well!" gritted he be tween his teeth. Just then another fierce yell went forth announcing that something new had taken place. Going towards his captive, Hard Heart unloosed her fetters that Sonora could He down, aud leaving a savage to watch her, he has tened to enquire of this new outbreak. ""White chier has come! "White chier has come!" was tho exclamation, and looking in the direction pointed to, he beheld Norman, mounted upon a mag nificent charger, talking with oneof the tribe. Going towards him, Hani Heart greeted him, and bidding him dismount, led him to the wigwam which our hero ine had occupied the night before. Sit ting down, he quickly related the factor the arrival of our friends the day before and of tho capture and confinement of Clarence in tho presence orSonora. "Good ! That pleases me! You aro a brave chier, and shall havo twice the amount or gold I first promised. Say you that three pale chiefs arc here, and among them a woman?" "Even so. But one, remember, is a captive now," was the reply of Hard Heart. "Hide- me. Let them not know I am here. Let the two depart ill peace, but keep the one you cay she called Clarence. Keep him; ho wifi make fine sport for you. And as for the wom an, leave her to me, for mcthinks I know her." I will sec that she troubles me no more, muttered Norman to him self, as ho followed his guide to a tent occupied by some squaws and a sick In dian. "Hero for tho present you are safe," said Hani Heart, as he left him and re turned to the tent or Lodi to inform her or all that had taken place. To be continued.) A boy was tempted by somo of his companions to pluck some rijio cherries rrom a tree Which his father had for bidden him to touch. "You need not be an-aid," said they, "for if your father should find out that you had taken them, hc is so kind that ho would not hurt you." "That is the very reason," replied the boy, "why I should not touch them. It is true my father may not hurt me, yet my disobedience, I know, would hurt my father, and that would be worse to me than anything else." Was not this an excellent reason? i,imJnitiho-i?r8J suspension bridge was building in England, a fiddler offered to Striking ono iioteafter another, he eventually hit Its vibrating note, or fundamental tone, and threw it into such extraordinary vibrations that tho bridgo builders had to bec him lo desist Only recently a bridge went down under tho tread or infantry in Franco who had not broken step and three hundred of them were drowned Muscular Exerciso for Women. If vigorous exercise is beneficial to of nge, for the want of exercise to strengthen anil uuiiu up the enervated bouyv wnyare men advised to hunt, practice gymnastics, play ball, and live in the open air as much as possible, when physically reduced and needing a change in the mode or living, when women are kept indoors, dosed on stim- uitnts. and aiiviseu to "keep qiuet," --avom excitement,-- -anil go out only in the morning for a short walk?" If active exercise ami out-dooramusemcnts aro good for one, why not for the other? The fact of tho matter fs, that wo aro not accuiomci ro see lauies indulge in what is known as "manly sports" and the exercises that are now exclusively practiced by men. In rare cases there is an exception; Vassar College, honor lo its name, has taken a few progressive steps in thisdirection. Ifall our colleges would pay more attention to this sub ject, aud combine sonic practical cus toms anu ineir naoits witn tneirstuilies or physiology and-nicdicino, our women or to-day, and ourscholars forthc future, would bo greatly benefitted. 1JAI.I, PIAYIXa. what reasonable argument can be raised against woman playing ball, both as an amusement and a healthy exer cise ? Make it a school exercise, for In stance, underall theconditionsnecessary for propriety and order; what objections can bo invented against it as a pic-nic pleasure, or an amusement for private homo gatheriniw. where spacious grounds will admit or it Only let it become mshlonable, and we shall see less or pale lips, round shoulders, blue veins amonir the eyelids, and hear less or aches, that are never common in healthy constitutions. MILITARY DRILL, ir tills Is essential, or beneficial in benefiting tho physical condition or boys and men, giving it strength, sup pleness and beauty or form, why is it not equally beneficial for girls and women? Wo believe in tho inllitarv drill as a part or the muscular exercise that should be adopted in ail or our fo male schools; aud that it should form a part or tho routine or school lire. "We educate our children, it is true. Boys have access to military schools, but the gins or tno country aro supposed to cul- tivato tnc or.un and poiisii tnc woman that will ornament society in address and conversation and a Tow accomplish ments: but the health, the purity or her system, tnc development of physical closely with the mind, are almost for- lorces, an 01 wiiicn sympathise so gotten and neglected; girls, many of them, graduate from school with wear- led book-aick inimls. ohvsicallv weak and delicate, who are supposed to have "studied too hanl," aud with lanquid spirits, all indicate the lack of proper excrete, while crowding themselves forworn in school studies ami book lore. These are the women who are to become wives and mother.-;. Is it at all straniro that so many puny delicate children are born into tho world that so many short graves are lotuui m our cemctern-sv Jiv all means encourage the drill in female schools. Once adopted, it will grow into public favor, and lieople will wonder that so beneficial an exercise has been so long neglected. It is true calisthen ics have been practiced for many years. but the method fails to meet the de- maud required by the muscular forces. ROWING. One or the best exercises forarms chest and back is rowing. It is popular with men as an amusement, but rarely toler ated by women. Ida Lewis was lion ized for her ability in managing a boat she was brought into public acquaint ance by a deed or heroism, resulting rrom her efficiency as an oarswomau. She would not have been considered an eccentric woman, departing rrom the sphere or "the refined delicate lady'' had she come into public simply as a good oarswomau "capable or going to sea alone." But it was engrafted upon public tolerance through the medium or romantic heroism, rather a heroism seldom known only in romance. Ida Lewis proved, however, that women are capabio or rowing boats If they desire to and the fact of being women Is no hindrance to acquiring tiicart; for this reason we admire Ida Lewis. ARCHERY. This most delightful practice has been introduced by New "iorkcrs into the programme of amusements in Central Park. This is pleasant to chronicle: we are hopeful for the muscular health of V- . - I . I .1 T 1, . 1 . I .ew iuiiv lauics. vu mi-si: juxigrcsaivu steps must come via amusements and tolerance. "We are proud or the results and bless the means. The New York Jlural, speaking or this amusement, says: "Archery is yearly growing in favor in this country. If one visits Central Park, in New York, or the grounds of many or the line residences wiiicii line the Hudson, parties of young folks will bodiscovcreilengagedinthlshealthyand delightful amusement. A striking characteristic of our English cousins is their lovo for out-door exercise, and iu the pursuit of this may be found the secret or their ruddy cheeks, and robust constitutions, which iu many instances contrast so favorably with those of American women. Tho turf, the water and the lawn have about equal sporting attractions. Croquet lias a certain charm. Ladies, like men, like changes, and tho practice of archery is found to be a most agreeable one. During picas ant weather parties congregate among the trees In Central and Prospect Parks for trials of skill, sight, patience and nerve. Lawn parties having the same object In view promise to bo popular this season at the Springs, the sea and mountain side. All amusements of this harmless nature should be encour aged." In the middle ages the women prac ticed archery, and Swiss maidens are said to excel in the practice. As an amusement it can be traced oack to the history of almost every nation, and women were often noted for tills perfec tion in the exercise. In regard to all these suggestions that force themselves upon us, relative to the muscular benefit to be derived rrom a universal practice or archery, ball playing, drilling, rowing, etc, among women, we would add a word relative to tiie dillerenco or treatment often ad vised for men and women in cases or dyspepsia. Men aro recommended to rough out-door life hunting, horseback exercise, and farm labor but women women, many of whom come into the ti,mk acconling to fasl ion-"go out in wor d with delicate organiutioiu, and tll0 ulorning for a short walk-," wear aiu iiiauus ui-iuii: arc iwcutv Years 1 1. ISTJSJGBIDIi SO. who are needing the same treatment, so far as possible, are aiiviseu to spend the summer at sonic lasiuouable resort, igh-heeled shoes and other outrageous lticumurauces an this diiierence ot ad vice necauso one happens to he a wom an, is the result or a foolish pandering to custom, weuo uot countenance any practice that unsexes a woman or robs her or her qualities or heart and nature. as a pure and refined woman, but we do not believe that good health Interferes with a woman being a lady, or that properly indulirinsr in muscular exercise giving her health has any tendency to regenerate tho woman. This prejudice, as it is called, against any departure iium ruies 01 society and customary usages is all a matter of education and fashion, and where lioilfli la cnnwmwl absurd and foolish; it is not a prejudice of principle or belier at all for that nuicii is iookcu upon as proper and honorable, and croditabln fnr -i lmiv do to-day, would have been outrageous and disgraceful twenty years ago. Sup pose a woman nau apiieared in the the dress was as harmless difference is not In its propriety, but its liiaiiiuuauiu Loiuraiion. "We would encourage every exercise that will add to and build 1111 tll Till V'Cil. cal health or the American woman; and win loo iavorauiy upon muscular prac tices, rural sports, and out-door amuse ments ot all kinds, that are nronerlv conuueteu. aiiu with this view we hope to see the American schools en courage the drills, croquet, ball-playing, archery, rowing, and all such exercises as will promote tiie growth of healthy physiques, and stronir able-boided anil able-minded women. Slander Suits "Where a Looat. Editor "Was Concerned. In all ages of the world, says tlicDes Moines Regis ter, since newspapera have had a being, slander suits have been their lot Only last week a Dubuque journal compro mised a little $20,000 dillicultyof this description, and now a local Ink-slinger of Des Moines is said to threaten ven geance dire against the Iowa Homestead for certain strictures appearing in tho last number of that paper. The amount of damages claimed we have not learned, but it must be large. An onllnary edi tor's reputation is wortli at least half a million, and a local's good name is worth numbers fail us. Go count the stars or heaven; compute the bubbles on the ocean's foaming crest; number the hairs on the tails or the cattle on a thousand hills; estimate the sands on Sahant's burning desert; enumerate the colics in a load or unripe melons, but don't try to fix the valuo or a local edi tor's reputation. It can't be did. Like Csesar's wife, he is above suspicion. He will out-Joseph Joseph and leave not only his shirt but his stockings and his toe-nails -behind him rather than sin. Hc Is as incorruptible as Plymouth Bock. Pompey's Pillar reached not nearer heaven than a local's character, and the driven snow is sullied and dingy when compared to his spotless purity. AH well regulated clocks are set by them; they arc so steady and regular in their habits, and the equator is balanced by. them. Every morning Apollo looks in at the third windowatthe Walnut street front of the Register office before he starts the sun, a wise precaution that always keeps that fiery old god from going on a bender. Money can never settle the harm or slandering such im maculate characters as local editors; blood alone can wipe out such a stain. Let it bo pistols for two and ooin.n fnr n dozen, and let the Leader local hold the oilier leiiow's head. St. Joseph vancr. UEORC1E 1-RANCIS TRAIN. A wilil Nashville man thus writes up this sin gular iciiow: -juiosc who nave not seen him ask what he Is like. He is like everything. He'sasimoou rrouilndia a gentle zephar from the downs ofDc- vuu, a wiurijiuui 011 uiu coast 01 Nor wayan eddy iu a New England trout brook; a tornado rrom the plains or Texas a soothing, summer breeze rrom the hop yards or Mimiesota; an incar nate denunciation a merciless swecnintr Iconoclast; a miserin praise a prodiiral in abuse; a modern reversed atlas, who stands on, iustead or carrying the world; an over-powering egotist, without vanity; the very Hghtening butr or possible reformations: the Moil- em Hercules, who undertakes the job of cleaning tiie jvugean statues 01 society, government, religion, morals, laws, physic, education everything. He's the creditMobilier; tho credit financier; the prospective sextiliionaire the next President of the United States; the em bodiment of international; a huge syn dicate; a blase traveler, who has seen this little world, and who aspires to a jaunt over Saturn and adjacent plauets. He's tho chain-lightning orator of the new dispensation; he's the reckless bull in tue mina snop ot uie worm; lie's a Ilochefort on a large scale; a little Com muno all by himself; he's a self-wind ing machine, continually throwing oil intellectual hyrotechnics, and scatter ing them broadcast over the world; he's a human mower and reaper mowing uown (in ins imagination; ionics and errors, blunders and iniquities, and reaping all the fame that comes rrom tho improvements timo works iu its natural course; he is, in fact Train, and nothing but Train; tho only Train, who when dead, can never havo an imita tor." A Jersey paper tells a very interesting story or a little boy in that State. He was climbing an apple tree, and when upon the topmost limb he slipped and foil to tho ground. He was picked up and carried to the house in an insensi ble condition. After watching by his bedside through many weary hours, his mother perceived signs or returning consciousness. Leaning over him she asked ir there was anything she could do for him, now that he began to feel better. Should she bathe his forehead, or change his pillow, or ran him ? Was there anything he wanted? Opening his eyes languidly, and looking at lie'r, the little sufferer said: "Yes; I want a pair or pants with a pocket behind." He got them. One or tho features of a London thea ter is a woman stvlinir herself tho Trvi. can athlete. She holds suspended by a cord from her teeth two ISO-pound ball3 aim au mu same time a luo-pouud ball I n each hand. Sho also shoulders a 500 pound cannon and holds it while a round is being fired. street ten years ago dressed In a Dolly anion, a hugh chignon, and dyed hair, would sho have been tnlimtvi' vJ A Journal ror the Teople. -v Devoted to tho Interests of Unman!,,- a Independent In Politics undlteHguiQ. Alive to an Live tenet, anfl -Tnoronthiy Radical In Opposlnsanil Exposing tho Wrong, of the Slasses. Correspondents writing over assumed slmn. turos must make known their namS to tho Editor, or no attention will bo given, to their communications. Self Help Invaluable. Let those who sneer at woman's ofTnri to become industrially independent mml the following item, which is iroinff tlm rounds of the newspapers, and then sneer n they can. It is the tale of thousands. What women need more than anything else is industrial educa tion. Tho suicide of an American trirl iu London occurred under very sad cir cumstances, about three weeks ago. She drowned herself at Waterloo bridge, and the motives which impelled her to the act are vividly set forth in this letter which she left behind her: "The crimo that I am about to commit and what I suffer hereafter, is nothing compared to my present, misery. Alone in ixmdon, not a penny or a friend to advise or lend a helping, hand; tired and weary with looking ror something to uo, tailing in every way, footsore and heartweary, i prefer death to tho dawning of another wretched morning. I have only been in Britain nine weeks. I came as nursery governess with a lady from America to wick, in bcotland, where she discharged nie, refusing to pay my passage back, giving me my wages, 2 10s. After my expenses to Loudon, I found myself in tins great city with only os. what was to do? I sold my watch. The paltry sum i obtained for that soon went in paying for my boanl and in looking for asituation. Now I am destitute. Every day is a misery to me. No friend, no hope, uo money; what is left? O God or heaven, have mercy oh a poor help less sinner! Thou knowest how I havo striven against this, but rate is atraiust me. I cannot tread the path or sin, for my dead mother will be watching me. Fatherless, motherless, home I have none. Oh, for tho rarity or Christian hearts! I am now mad; for days I havo foreseen that this would be the end. May all who hear of my death forgive me, and may God Almighty do so, be fore whose bar I must soon appear. Farewell to all, to this beautiful aud yet wretched world. Alice Blanche Oswald. Iam twenty years of ago the 14th of this month." Almost equally sad is the following item which we cut from the Desert JVeip. How can any woman think patiently of the miserable dependence which compelled this poor woman to accept such a sordid wretch for a hus band ? What a fate to bo bound for life to such a man, and to accept even such a lot as a blessing! Last night, or at an early hour this morning, a woman, a native of Sweden and about forty-one years old, attempted to commit suicide by hanging. When found by a police officer she was in a state or insensibility, hanging with a cord around her neck, and the other end attached to the Knob or a door, in tho rear of Stepper & Hannak's saloon. East Temple Street A letter was found be side licr, which was directed to a man who had seduced her, by whom she was pregnant, and who had lately deserted her. The unfortunate woman wa3 taken to the City Hall, and her alleged se ducer, also a Scandinavian, was arrested, and was brought before Justice Clinton this morning, on a charge brought under the 21st section or the laws or Uah, re lating to debauchiug, etc., any woman previously or chaste character. The ex amination clearly indicated that the woman was very simple minded, and that the accused had induced her to yield to his importunities by proposals or marriage, and that after accomplish ing his vile purposes, he deserted her, which resulted in her attempting to take her own life. Mr. Hogo acted as counsel on the part of the prosecution, and Mr. W. It Keithiev for the defense, and both made speeches at the conclusion or the evi dence. Their eloquence, however, was all "wasted on the desert air," for the court decided that the prisoner bo bound over in $3,000 bonds to answer at the next regular term or tho Probate Court Mr. Keitliley protested that the bonds were excessive, but the Justice was in exorable. Mr. Keitliley then" held a short consultation with the prisoner, after which ho drew tho attention of the court to tho fact that the statute under which the charge was brought provided that, if the accused was ready to marry the party Injured by the committal of the crimo charged, further proceedings bo stopped, and stated that the accused was uot ready to give bonds for his ap pearance at the Probate Court, but was willing, then and there, to enter into the bonds of matrimony witli the woman ho had injured. Thecourt room was pretty well tilled, and on this announcement being made, all the spectators signified their approval by laughing, while the court expressed its feelings in a serene smile. Tiie parties then stood up before Justice Clinton, who-, pronounced tho marriage ceremony, making them man and wife; the bride, who had heretofore appeared in a very despondont condi tion, suddenly brightened up at the cheerful aspect matters had assumed, and at the conclusion of tho affair, both parties received tiie congratulations of friends aud acquaintances. Those who witnessed these strauge proceedings were both interested and amused, and left the court laughing about and com menting upon theaflUir. As tho matter terminated as it did, we withhold the names of tho principal actors in this drama in real hfo. Trade Marks. Every person, or firm, doing business, no matter of what kind or nature, so long as it is honora Mn slinnlil have a trade mark. It serves as an advertisement, and the first mere 1 . . . .1 mi. - nominal cost is a inuc. xnu n.iue uiarK is a distinction, which cannot be imi tated, as the law protects it Ameri cans, who excel in tho manufacture of certain classes of goods, and place their coods In European markets, soon dis cover that they are not only in competi tion with tne nest matters ot the same line of goods, but find that their trade mark protects them from-imUation and counterfeit Ingenuity can bo called into exercise bv tho use of trade marks. Some use an almost indescribable mon ogram; others aro eccentric or uniquo ones, but the most appropriate is the concentration of apitudo for tho especial ousmess in which parties aro eui-hv-If a pyrotechnist, he would not use for a trado mark a tire engine e Ha "-r -ting outtheflamesof a building. There should bo an eternal Atneffl oTthln There are many SSboatall same business, yet , al orfginality uiiucuitio ua u manufacturers in their dinnowiproduc put a trade mark upon au io M . t .1 i .-. ini i t"u - . nous, unu --' u"""rnl,i Itia.a proicc the wares they w'dft VaSf business, tion to tho former, "Ud oi benefit to the other.