The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 22, 1872, Image 1

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    MIW. A. J. ltlMH'AY. Kdilor and rroprlftor
Ori'ICC-Cor. Trout nml Stnrli Slrc-els,
One roar.
Six months
... ITS
. 1 00
ADVKnTISEMEKTS.Inerwa on Iteftsonaule
The I'llslit or the Rlrili.
BT Aliri C A it Y.
Last nisUt I sat bawd the pane,
AihI beard ncntft the uiUt ot rain
TIi'b wild WrJ twiner low,
And thought bow won the lenrr ncats,
Now warm wHIi little spMkled breasts.
Would all he Ailed with J.nov.
I wiw Hie -iem wet leifvo fit.
And cried, God shield andjgave'ye all,
Illsek birds, mid bluet nVid brown;
And nil ye tribe at rHiHyliilngs,
With Hntagson yournshen wines
.Saltan ihvthMfeM down.
And je with toji-knulii on your heads
OferimMHi grains and warlat reds,
And toncnex n wild and loud ;
Rod save, I mid, in kindest autre,
Keeliitfjre drift along the air
I.1keaisei etiiod.
And ye In jtrpy and ru-wei suits,
Andye wtth rattle ullln'fliites
Alwiot yoir nfcck nXlllne;
"When April einlt lier laraiw ordew.
To llRbrlterdarkened datxles through,
Ood'releli ye, darlings mine.
Ad ye, with tuneful, lender throats,
And ye, wtth white and spotless conts,
And yn that hold In scorn
Sort rauso, and while summer gleams
Kit by year doubles; In (he streams,
Snapping yHir bills of horn.
And let what will my life befall,
I still shall love and need ye all;
Xor out my heart make choice,
Or hula the nightingale, preferred .
Above the eookoo, less a bird
Than "Just a wandering voice."
Therefore I pray, and can but pray,
Lord keep, ami bring tliem lack when 5Iny
Shall come wtlh shining train,
TlrfekVroWered wHh neWs of wheat,
And batterfllm and field pinks sweet.
Ami yellow lee, and rain.
Yes, bilus them back across the seas
Iu clouds of golden wllne.vse,
The grand, the grave, the gay;
And If Thy holy will It be.
Keep me alive once more to see
The clad and glorious day.
Bntereil.aceortlliig to the Act of Cnncres,in
the year 1ST!, by Mrv..Snie'VlthereII,Iii the Of-
fiee of the Librarian orooiigress at Washington
TIVE. Thus the two who had Leon so
strangely thrown together became con
fidential friends. Neither moved or
spoke for some moments the one over
come by her sad feelings and the other
with joyful hope. At last Ixxli broke
the silence by saying, as she wiped a
few falling tears:
"Listen, and when you Tviiow some
thing of my life you will not hate the
lone Indian woman for bearing you
away to become the bride of a man
whom you do not love; for I felt glad to
think another heart must ache as well
as Lodi's.
"About twenty years ago, when I had
seen but sixteen summers come and go,
my father, the great chief Sanutee, and
myself went out hunting for game. "We
had wandered far away from our wig
wam, and were belated in the forest,
where we had to remain all night. It
was a bright night, and the fane of the
Great Spirit looked down from the full
moon upon the hunting grounds below,
Throwing ourselves beneath a large
tree, I told my father I would watch
first; but feeling tired and forgetting
my promise, T was soon sound asleep
beside him. It must have been past
midnight that I was aroused by a low
growl. Starting to my feet, what did I
behold but an enormous wolf with my
father in his claws! He had seized him
by the throat, killing him instantly.
unougti i Knew no lear, and had never
been known to run from danger, still,
for the first time, my courage seemed to
have entirely forsaken me, and I stood
almost riveted to the ground with hor
ror, as I beheld the wild beast gloat
over the mangled remains of my once
loved father, and expecting to receive
the. same fate every moment. Suddenly
my thoughts returned to me, and grasp
ing my arrow, which lay upon the
ground, I was just In the act of shoot
ing, when I heard a loud report, and
the wolf full dead at my feet.
"When next I remembered anything,
T 1 1 i 1 1 tm.j1f Innnillf. linn 41m - . I .
x ' LJ, "l " . """'H
a young Indian. Soon realizing all, I
could not restrain the vivid blush which
stole over my cheeks as I gazed upon
the handsome face of my unknown pro
tector. " 'Forgive me, maiden, if Lonanl has
been too bold or oirendcd you. He did
all in your defense.'
"Forgive him! Could I do other
wise? "I arose to my feet, and though I
deeply mourned for my father, whom I
sincerely loved, still I could not help
feeling an inward pleasure as I gazed
upon the youthful stranger at my side.
Taking me by one hand, and my bow
and arrow in the other, he bade me lead
him to the wigwam of my father.
"The light of the moon threwa ghast
ly ray as it presented to our gaze the
dissected bones of my father witli the
bleeding animal lying beside him.
" 'Stop till I bury my kindred,' said
I, and covering his bones with stones
and leaves, and moistening it with my
tears, I left him to rest in solitude,
while I returned to my mother and
home in company witli the stranger. I
need not fell you that I loved him, for
this would scarcely reveal to you the
donlhidfauy passiou. I had received a
rude education from books that my
mother had in her possession, and of
which I was very fond, and was there
fore delighted with a companion who
could express his ideas in the tongue of
civilization, for, rude as T was, I felt I
above my station. I
"For two months ho tarried with our
tribe, and I grew more and more at
tached to him, till at last he seemed
necessary to my happiness. Though he
had never spoken a word of love to me,
still his every action showed it, and he
was ever ready to grant my every wish
would linger at my side to anticipate
my slightest bidding. One night as we
satin our usual place beneath a grand
old cottonwood tree, which grew close
to our wigwam, he looked up to the
moon as he said:
" 'When yon moon is again that size,
Txmard will be far away.'
"'Away!' screamed T, as the bare
possibility, of such a thing crossed my
mind. 'Whither would you go'."
To the strange and noisy cities of
the white man. Lenard would sec more,
that he may become wise and great.'
" ' ould Lenard seek a wife from
among the pale-faces?' asked I, quiz
zingly. " Though Lenard might love a pale
daughter, yet such a thing as marriage
lias never entered his mind. Ho seeks
not yet a wife.'
"My head dropped upon his shoul
der. The bright dream of my younir
life was gone so soon. He loved me
not. Could it be? Could I have mis
taken friendship and kindness for love?
Such thoughts as these ran rapidly
through my bewildered brain, though I
stirred not a muscle, so lifeless did I
feel. At last he took my hand, saying
as he did so:
" 'Lenard shall never forget Lodi : he
loves her like a dear sister. Does she
love him as well, or will he be forgotten
when he is gone?'
Fear not; Lodi never forgets. Her
memory is as strong as her pale sisters.
She will always remember her strange
brother who saved her life and made
her so happy for a while,' answered I,
rising to conceal the feelings which I
was too proud to reveal, for I would not
give my love unasked. Bidding him
good-night, I watched him enter the
wigwam of our chief, when I threw my
self upon my pallet and cried myself to
sleep. The next morning when I awoke
he was gone.
"For two long years I heard nothing
of him, when one day, happening to be
at Baton Itougc, T saw him enter a ho
tel with a sparkling, beautiful white
girl, scarcely as old as myself, iiftun his
arm. I know at once, from his tender.
careful look, that she was his bride.
Casting one long, lingering look upon
him and her, whose countenance was
stamped forever upon my memory, for
I already hated her. I turned and re
traced my steps towards my home, feel
ing more dreary and desolate than ever;
for hope the hope of his return and
love that had before brightened my
pathway, was now gone, and I cared
not what became of me. From that
hour I hated every pale daughter, and
determined to sadden the heart of the
first whom I should happen to meet
with. ou are the first.
"But troubles and the lapse of years
have softened in a measure my heart;
and when I looked upon your young,
innocent face, I brought to mind ray
own youthful days, how sad my heart
had been, and I thought perhaps there
was one you loved as fondly as I did
him, and for whom you pined. Then I
resolved to be kind to you and return
you to your parents and friends, for
Lodi has but a short time longer to live
and must do deeds of kindness if she
would sport in the happy hunting
As she finished her narrative, the
poor old woman dropped her head in
the lap of her prisoner, and together
they mingled their tears. It was a pic
ture enough to melt the stoutest heart.
The bright morning sun of a warm Oc
tober day shone cheerfully into the open
tent. Au elegant skin of the leopard
was spread upon the ground, and nion
tuts a bright scarlet mat, on which our
heroine, in her wild Indian dress, was
LcateU. Her ,
around her head iu wild disorder, and
her lovely eyes were sufTused with tears.
One arm was thrown !,.:..,.. .
her Indian friend, while the other sut
ported her head. Lodi gaze.1 witli tip-
v.'vo mmii ,uiui.i wun seeming
A little farther oft upon a mat, whose
color might have rivalled Mime canary.
lay ttissey, ner cheek resting upon her
black palm, as she watched iu perfect
amazement the display of afleclion be
tween her mistress and the strange
Sonora broke the long silence thai
followed by asking:
"What was the other name besides
"DcMidci. I cannot forget it," was
the reply, as Lodi raised herself. "It is
written here," placing her lmnd upon
her heart.
"Lenard de Midei! file husband of
Catherine! my preserver and friend!"
exclaimed Sonora, clasping her hands.
"Do you know him? Speak! Does
he yet live? And his wife does she
still share his love? Answer mo quick.
girl!" nnd with a bound she sprang
upon her feet.
"Calm yourself, Xioui, and 1 in my
turn will toll you a story, and all
know concerning Lenanl, who; wife
once saved me from being wedded to in the yard. "I declare it is too bad to! mo for being so slow; she did not know
that vile man who persuaded you to'beP1:,y'Btliatl0.Kyo,thIngadolIara!l was up half the night, and my head
bring me here."
"Say you so, fair girl? Had I but
known this but it matters not. Go on,
for I fain would hear all concerning one
whom I have loved my life-liuic," and
seating herself again, she listened with
eager attention to the history which
Catherine had related on the day of the
unfortune bridal. As Sonora closed with
the lamented death of WhiteStar.Lodi,
as she gritted her teeth, exclaimed:
"Wretch ! Had I but known tills be
fore, how mucli sorrow and suffering I
might have saved! Ah, but it is not
too late yet. I will show him that even
an Indian cannot be bribed with his
cursed gold. He caused the death of
Lenard's child ! 'Tis enough ! 1 would
have died for him and his, though I
once hated her for taking the place I
pined for in his heart. But that is past,
and I too will avenge the death of
White Star! Fear not you shall not
become his bride while Lodowiski lives.
From this hour, girl, you have a friend
in me. But hark you Hard Heart
must not know this. List! he would
keep the pale girl to cltccrhis toigtmm
to be his bride."'
"What! do I hear aright? Oh, too
horrible!" screamed Souora, now newly
"Even so. He knows my vow of ha
tred to the pale daughters and thinks
you secure with me. His intention is
to put the white chief to death, so that
lie may claim you as his squaw."
"Oh, horrible! Even more horrible
fate! Save me, Ixxli, save me, and I
will make you rich and happy. My
"Sh ! no more, child ! He comes.
Look sad. I must bo stern, dark and
cruel; but fear not," and rising, she left
Sonora's side and took a seat in a dis
tant comer, assuming that same cold
and wicked look which she had worn
throughout the whole.
"Does the pale dove still pine?"
asked Hani Heart in his own language
as he entered the tent dressed in the
full costume of a chief of his tribe, willi
his magnificent plumes of scarlet os
trich nodding gracefully as he turned
his head to look upon our heroine.
Still the same. She pines for the
old doves in whose arms she would nes
tle; but leave her to Lodi. She will
soon be glad to forgot aud become a
willing squaw to the great chieftain
who sighs for her love. Have patience,
The harder the battle the more lasting
n. ..w.. . i- 1 ti: 1 .1
he gloo," replied Lodi, in the same
" 'Tis well, then. Hani Heart is pa
tient, knowing that he has her safe in
the hands of a bravo squaw, who will
not be too mild. When the white cliier
comes I will beguile him, and when we
become good friends, aud the money is
ourf, then I will take his scalp to grace
the belt of Hard Heart's bride. See?"
and the deceitful savage chuckled a low
"As you say. 'Tis time lie conies
soon. I must not let the pale dove
During this conversation, which was
carried on in the Indian language, So-
nora sat perfectly quiet, thinking, "Is
my Indian friend to be trusted or not?
Perhaps even now she is plotting my
destruction." But with a firm reliance
upon her Father in heaven, whose
watchful eye she knew was upon her,
she felt safe
Poor Itisscy knew not what to make
of the strange gestures and language of
the Indians, and would crouch down
with terror whenever one approached
her; but with her eyes fixed upon the
serene countenance of her young nth
tress, she determined to be as brave and
composed as she, for she had been
taught by her the love and fear of God,
though her ignorance aud superstition
rendered her less capable of bciug re
To le continued.
Charity Its Objects.
The Great Teacher, on being asked,
Who is niv neighbor?" replied: "A
man who went down from Jerusalem to
Jericho." and tho parable which fol
lowed is tho most beautiful which Ian
guage has ever recorded. Story-tolling,
though often abused, is uic medium uy
which truth can be most irresistibly
conveyed to the maioritv of minds, and
in tuc present instance we nave a desire
to portray, iu some slight degree, the
importance of cliaritv in everv-dav life.
jvBreat (teai nas been said and written
on the subject of indiscriminate giving,
.."A w" avc utile sympathy
vn'i L u"i .r distressed make the
exrl!?T1rUnWO,rtInCS3 of tl,c ol,Ject all
r.c ..for withholding their alms:
" ""'era, who really possess i Hrir
a large
ness in unln . "UIan Kind
ness, in awaiting opportunities to
yet t was the "widow's Svht 1
amid the many rich gifts east. i,,V .i"'.
iicisui,), nun uiiproval of tho
omiviivi hwiw, .win nave lus as
surance that a cup of cold water clven
-. t ..i -ii-i. ! .
uur design in uiu inuaciib aituiuu is 10
call the attention of our own sex to a
subiect which lias, in too many in -
stances, escaped their attention; for our
ideas or charity embrace a wiuc item,
and wc hold that It should at all limes
be united witli justice, when those less
ravored than ourselves are concerned,
"I do not intend hereafter to have
washing done more than once iu two
weeks," said the rich Mrs. Percy in re
ply to an observation of her husband,
who was standing at the window, look
ing at a woman who was up to lier
knees in snow, hanging clothes on a line
Free Si'kkcji, Fkee Pjiess, Fukf. People.
week for our wash, and only six iu the
family. There she has been at it since
seven o'clock this morning, and now it
is almost four. It would rerjuiro but
two or three hours longer if I get her
once a fortnight, and I shall save fifty
cents a week by it."
"Where your own sex are concerned,
you women are the closest beings," said
Mr. P., laughing. "Do as you please,
however," he continued, as he observed
a frown gather on the brow of his wife;
"formy parti should bcglad if washing
days were blotted entirely from the
At this moment the washerwoman
passed the window witli her stiffened
skirts aud almost frozen hands ami
arms. Some emotions of pity stirring
in his breast at the sight, he again
asked, "Do you thliik it will be exactly
right, my dear, to make old Phoebe, do
the same amouut of labor for half the
"Of course It will," replied Mrs. Percy,
decidedly; "we are bound to do the best
we can for ourselves. If she objects, she
can say so. Tliero arc plenty of poor I
can get who will be glad to come, aud
by this arrangement I shall save
twenty-six dollars a year."
"So much," returned Mr. P., care
lessly; "how these tilings do sum up!"
Here the matter ended as far as they
were concerned. Not so with "old
Plnrbe," as she was called. In reality,
however, Phcobo was not yet forty; it
was care and hardship which had
seamed her once blooming face, and
brought on prematurely the appearance
of age. On going to Mrs. Percy iu the
evening aftcrshe had finished her wash,
for the meagre sum she had earned, that
lady had spoken somewhat harshly
about her being so slow, and mentioned
the new arrangement she intended to
carry into effect, leaving it optional to
the poor woman to accept or decline.
After a moment's hesitation, l'hrabe,
whoso necessities allowed her no choice,
agreed to her proposal, and the lady,
who had been fumbling in her purse,
"I havo no change, nothing loss than
this three dollar bill. Supjiose I pay
you by the month hereafter; it will save
me a great ileal of trouble, and I will try
to give you your two dollars a mouth
Pluebe's pale cheek wasted still more ,
ghastly as Mrs. Percy sjiokc, but it was '
notwuiiin mat lady's province to notice
thecolorof a washerwoman's face. She
did, however, observe the lingering,
weary steps, as she proceeded through
the yard, and conscience whispered
some reproaches which were so unpleas
antatid unwelcome, that she endeavored
to dispel them by turuiug to the luxtiri- I drained, so that plants would not suirer
ous supper which was spread beforo lier. ; either from too much water drouth;
And here I would pause to observe, that ' three loads of well-rotted yard manure
whatever method may be adopted to were scattered over the earth after plow
reconclllate the conscience to withhold- 1 itig, and thoroughly dragged in; the
ing money so justly due, so hardly ground was in good heart, and I set out
nnrnn.1 fdm fltanlthvjul flm iwthtltiv'fk in. Iclmivlutm viniw Willi irriflt Oaro 00
junction of that God who lias not left I
the time of payment optional with our-:
I fclves, but who has said, "The wages or
ihim that is hired xhall not abide with
thec alI Illght ,mtil tIlu lornillK..' j
Lev.. 19 chap.. 1.1 verse.
The husband of Plm-be was t dav
laborer; when not Intoxicated lie was
kind; but this was of rare occurrence. Tor i
most of his earnings went for anient i
spirits, aim tuc laoor 01 me poor wue j
and mother was the main support of .
herself and four children the oldest
nine years, the youngest only eighteen
mouths old. As she n eared the
wretched hovel she had left early in the ,
morning, she saw the faces of lier four i
little ones pressed close against the 1
window. I
"Mother'scoming! mother's coming!"
they shouted, as they watched her ap-
proacning tiirougii me gloom, and as
she unlocked the door, which she had
been obliged to fasten to keep them from i not a weed showed its head above
straying away, they all sprang to lier ! ground, therefore the crop was not
arms at once. checked, and the surface never became
"God bless you, my babes!" she ex- compact; the rain filtered through grad
claimed, gathering them to her heart, I uallv, giving the best condition for the
"you have not been a minute absent growth of the plnnts. From the first
from my mind this day. And what crop raised, 55 quarts sold for 20 cents a
have you suirered," she added, clasping quart, placing in my pocket-book $11
the youngest, a sickly, attenuated-look- in irreonbaeks. T find the hoe a most
ing object, to her breast. "Oh! it is
hanl, my little Mary, to leave you to the
tender merciesof children hardlvable to
take care of themselves."
And as the baby nestled its head!
closer to her side, and lifted its pale, im-1
ploring face, the anguished mother's
fortitude gave way, and she burst into
au agony of tears and sobbings. !
By-the-by, do some mothers, as they
sit by the softly-lined cradles or their
own beloved babes, ever think upon the
sufferings of those hapless little ones,
many times left with a scanty supply of
food, aud no lire, on a cold, winter day,
while the parent is earning the pittance
which is to preserve them from starva
tion? And lest somo may suppose that
we are drawing largely upon our im
agination, wc will mention, iu titis
place, that we know or a child left under
vuch circumstances, aud hair perishing
with cold, who was nearly burned to
death by some hops (for tliero was no
fuel to be found) which it scraped to
gether in its ragged apron, and set on
fire with a coal found in the ashes.
Phcebo did not long indulge in grief,
however: she forgot her weary limbs,
aud, bustling about, soon made up a fire
aud boiled some potatoes, which con
stituted their supper after which she
nursed the children, two at a time for a
while, and then put them tenderly to
bed. Her husband had not come home,
and as he was nearly always intoxicated,
and sometimes ill-treated her sadly, she
felt his absence a relief. Sitting over a
handful of coals, she attempted to dri
ller wet feet. Every bone in her body
ached, for she was not naturally strong,
and, leaning her head on her hand, she
allowed the big tears to course slowly
down her checks, without making any
attempt to wipe them away, while she
"Twenty-six dollars a year gone!
W hat is to become or us ? I cannot get
! i mm tnose authorized by law to
' M5ir "i 1 "S"1"0 lo l'
"'1 children, anil r rannm ii.-. .....i
them nl,5, .1 " ...- .mu t.-v
! ten ler i OVcrwfc t their
: fhthor ,h.V.. ' t,'ik their
- ' fntbor iiVU.1.. 1-vopie lliuiK their
r ! help "ft t if, i i f"'I,lorVls; 't how , I
, I for riitko11 V?, flT"ib B,l ,,ls oaniiiiRs
s shVdidnot U"
she did not lavnie mv , is,
i and now I eannot l'.'i n?' J.0,",B,,t'
i. i... i.. i..,., i
uaujr '"PV and her HUC
must remain cold a while longer nil
must do without the llour, i'that i
was going to make into bread, and the
potatoes are almost gone."
Here Phcebe'a emotions overcame her
and sho ceased speaking. After a while
she continued: "Mrs. I'ercy also blamed
has ached readv to split all dav. Oh.
dear! oh, dear! oh, dear! if it were not
for my ba'oes I should yearn for the
quiet of the grave."
And with a long, quivering sigh, sucli
as one might hear at the rending of soul
and body, Piuube was silent.
Daughters of luxury, did it ever occur
to you that we are all children of one
common Parent? Oh! look, hereafter,
with pity on those faces when the
records of their suffering are deeply
graven and remembered. "Be ye
warmed and filled," will not suffice, un
less the hand executes the promptings of
the heart. Aftera while, as the lire died
out, Phoebe crept to her miserable pal
let, crushed with the prospect of the
days of toil which were still before her,
and haunted witli the idea of sickness
and death, brought on by over-taxation
of her bodily powers, while in case of
such an event, she' was tortured by the
rcllection "What is to become of my
children ?"
Ah, this anxiety is the true bitterness
of death to the friendless and poverty
stricken parent. In this way sho passed
the night, to renew, with the dawn, the
toils and cares which were fast closing
their work on her. Wc will not say
what Phobe, under other circumstances,
might have been. Sho possessed every
noble attribute common to woman
without education or training, but she
was not prepossessing In her appearance;
and Mrs. Percy, who never studied
characters, orsympathized with menials
or strangers, would havo laughed at the
idcaof dwelling with compassion on the
lot of the washerwoman with a drunken
husband. Yet her feelings sometimes
became interested for the poor sho heard
of abroad, the ioor she read of, and she
would now and then discant largely on
the few cases of actual distress which
had chanced to come tinder her notice.
iiid the liltle onnortuiiitv she had of
anu me nine opportunity . '
bestowing alms. Superficial in her
mode or thinking and observations, her
ideas of charity were limited, forgetful
that to be true it must be a pervading
principle of life, and can be exorcised
even iu the bestowal of a gracious word
or smile, which, under peculiar cicum
stances, may raise a brother from the
dust, ami thus win the approval of Him,
who. nlthoiiL'h the Ijjrd of ancels. was
I pleased to say of her who brought but
the the "box of spikenards" with tears
of love, "She hath done what shecould."
A WKSTIUtN (.illllS tjirr-iMHJK
Womc I livo in Southern Michigan,
and I write of my own farming. I took
the advice of the Tribune, and in 1S70
my father prepared a plot of ground,
heavy clay soil, and thoroughly under
of thoAVi'lson, .",00 of theTriompho de
Grand two feet tisrt faeh way; and
soon :is planlc.1 ashes from bones, forest
leaves, inar.-h Imv and straw, equal
parts burned, 1?. bushels in all, were
sown tiixui tln ulot. How the vines
"rew. I can iive but a small idea. But,
in November, a hand cultivator was
drawn between the plants eacli way,
breaking up tho soil anew, in a looe
slate, thus enabling tne auno-qnierc m
act upon it. and bv this action tiie whole
became thoroughly pulverized. A
mulch of forest leaves was spread thlck-
lv river tb whnle surface. Jt Is a well
known fact that, if the roots of a plant
arc exposed to the open air when the
cold Is extreme, they will perish; but
if covered thev are safe. In the Spring
the mulch was raked between the rows,
left close around the roots, keeping the
siirfiinit i!I moist nncl of uniform tCIll
lierature. Through thegrowing months
potent Instrument for turning soil into
dollnrs. After working in the pure
ninriiini' ir mi lmnr. I can relish a
good farmer's breakfast, instead of
yawning over half an egg, or toying
with my teaspoon, as too many young
ladies do. Many a dainty lip has curled
witli pride towanl me. But I am pass
the good morning witli my hoe in ray
hand not Iu the least abashed.
Symi'ATUV. Till we have rellected on
it, wc are scarcely aware how much the
sum ot human happiness in this world
is indebted to tills one feeling sympa
thy. Wc gat cheerfulness and vigor,
we scarcely know how or when, from
mere association with our fellow-men.
and rrom the looks rellected on us of
Gladness and enjoyment. We catch in
spiratiou and power to go on from hu
man presence ami ironi cueeriui iooks.
The woman works with additional
energy having others by. The full
family circle lias a strength and life pe
culiarly its own. The substantial good
and the cllectual relict which men ex
tend to one another is trilling. It is not
by these, hut by scmething far less
costly, that the work is done. God has
insured it by a much more simple ma
chinery. He has given to the weakest
and the poorest power to contribute
largely to the common stock of glad
ness. Tho child's smile and laugh are
mighty powers in this world. When
bereavement has left you desolate, what
substantial benefit is there which makes
condolence acceptable? It can bestow
upon you nothing permanent. But a
warm hand has touched yours, and its
thrill told you that there was a living
response there to your emotion. One
look, one human siph, has done more
for you than the costliest present could
Cut This Out. A tea made or chest
nut leaves, and drank in the place or
water, is said to cure me most obstinate
case or dropsy.
A tea made or ripe or dried whortle
berries, and drank in the place or wator,
is a sure and speedy cure for a scrofulous
difficulty, however bad.
A tea made of peach leaves is a sure
euro for a kidney difficulty.
The willow which bends to the lent
pest often escapes better than the oak
which resists it; and so, in great calam
ities, it sometimes happens that light
anu irivolotis spirits recover their elas
ticity ami nrnHi'iieo of mind sonnnr tlmn
thosoor a loftier character. Sir Walter
Two Sides of One Canvass.
' One beautiful afternoon in August
there came to me the heart-broken wife
of nKlatc prison convict. We tried to
plan for his pardon and restoration to
home and the world. It was a very sad
case. He was the only surviving son of
a very noble man one who lived only
to serve the poor, the tempted and the
criminal. All he had, all ho was, lie
gave unreservedly to help thieves and ,
drunkards. Jlis house was tlielr home.
His name their bail to save them from
Frison. His reward, their reformation,
t was a happy hour to hear him tell of
the hundreds he had shielded from the
contamination and evil example of
prisons, and of the large proportion, he
had good reason to believe, permanentl v
saved. Out of hundreds, he once told
mo only two left him to pay their bail,
forfeited by neglect to show themselves
in court according toagreemeut only
Bred under such a roof the son started
in life with a generous heart, noble
dreams and high purpose. Ten years of
prosperity, fairly earned by energy, in
dustry and character, ended in a bank
ruptcy, as is so ouen tiie case in our
nsi;y aim cnangiiis iraue. -111011 came 1
a struggle for business, for bread temj)- i
tation despair intemperance. He I
could not safely pass the open doors that 1
tempted him to indulgence, forgetful
ness and crime. How hard his wife 1
wrought and struggled to save him from j
indulgence, and then to shield him from 1
exposure! now long wne, sister and
friends labored to avert conviction and
the State prison. "I would spare him
giauty," wrote me iirusecumij; attorney, (
"if lie would stop drinking. He shall'
never go to prison while he is a sober I
man. But all this wretchedness and
crime come from rum."
Manfully did the young man struggle
did he promise, and keep his promise,'
. , ,,,, i, A.. m ,
lJ IIOV IjSIV, I'l't- -fttSlSl ttlllt ln"ll
nerhans a month then fall, lie could
not walk the streets and earn his bread
soberlv while so many open doors
onened bv men who sought to coin cold
out of their neighbors' vices lured him I
to indulgence. So, rightfully, the State i
pressed on and lie went to prison. An ;
linnnriul fi tin. I lOrtMWM I fl Ifivirirr hnmn
-'T ' 1 T V TV 1 ,
uruKcu uii, u ttiuu uirum hi tiiintreti 1
sorely pained, a worthy, well meaning i
matt wrecueu; sorrow and crime, "Ali i
comes oj turn," says the keen-sighted ,
As I parted from the sad wife on my
doorstep, I looked beyond, and close by
the laughing sea stood a handsome cot-,
4 n irn 'I'll i- rrivttiiii l? lfrtM Iniil nut nviiau.
, y fe'"7'"" ""V"'" n 'n I
ait'tli ttiil 11 Mi iTfrMit ifiLtn I lvnf fits I
, "
great taste. Over (he
mg lazily an Intern
e arouud wore richly
broad piazza hut
uammocK, wnue aroiiuu were nuuiy 1 1,
painted chairs and lounges of every easy 1
anil tomntincr form. Over head were
quaint vases of beautiful llowers and the1
delicious lawn was bordered with them. I
On the lawn itself gaily dressed women
laughed merrilv over croquet, and noisy
children played near. A span orsnperb '
horses pawed the earlh impatiently at '
the gate, while gay salutations passed
between the eroouet plavers and the
' fashionable equipages that rolled by.
It was a comfortable home as well as a
luxurious one. Nature, taste and
wealth had done their best. It was a
scene of beauty, comfort, taste, luxurj-,
and wealth. All enme from rum. Silks
:md diamonds, llowers and equipage,
stately roof and costly attendance, all j
eame from rum. 'the owner was one
who, in a great city, coined ins goiu out
or the vice or his rellowmen.
To me it was a dissolving vine. I lost
sight of the gay women, the frolicsome
children, the impatient horses and the
ocean rolling up to the lawn. I saw in
stead the paleconvict in his cell, twelve
feet by nine, the sad wife going from
judge to attorney, from court to Gov
ernor's Council, begging mercy for her
ovcr-Umplcd husband. I heanl above
the children's noise, the croquet laugh,
nml tho surf waves, that lawyer's stern
reason for exacting the full penalty of
the law, All this comes from rum.
Woe unio mm mat, gtveiu ins ncigii-
bor drink. "Woe unto him that buildeth
bis house bv unrighteousness aud his
ehambcrs bv wrong; for the stone shall
cry ont of the wall, aud the beam out of
jf.T. ,.i.nii if llu...7rr
me iiniuui aiiuit .iiiaitwi ii. irtjiucHi
I'hillij)s in Xalional Standard.
Giiils who "Wouldn't Pay Toll.
The Jersey City Journal says: The other
day two youug ladies of Monticeilo
avenue started out ior a wane, mey
rambled out into the fields, and talked
over their love affairs in a confidential
way. as young ladies are wont to do.
After a walk or some twenty minutes
they came to au old-fashioued stile,
through which only one could pass at a
On the top sat an English sailor, who
had just enough "alf and alf" alloat to
make him saucy, while a shipmate
strolled on a tew feet ahead of him.
Tho girls passed sailor number one
without any trouble, but number two
was not so easily got rid of. He kept
possession or the sine, declaring they
were "bonny lasses, an' he moii av a
kiss, alore they could cum hover.'
The girls greatly objected to this kind
of toll; but were loth to turn back, and
entreaties and threats were alike un
heeded. Jack had possession, and lie
meant to make the most of it. "My
wonl," said lie, "aw could git only lass
to kiss me at 'omc, an' aw can stop here
till yerc ready." But the lasses had no
notion of staying there very long, and
seeing the other sailor was passingalong
very quietly, they grew bolder, and told
him "to get out of the way, as they were
goiug over anyhow."
And with this notice they uotn siancu
for Mr. Bull, jerked him out of the stile,
in double quick time, and "laid him
out" iu the ditch, where he got a pretty
good coat of Jersey mud, when the girls
made good their escape. Ihe lasti thei
heard of him lie was exclaiming
"Ere's a go; licked by two Yankee
nded woman
t twmit. man the following gentle
stroll made the following gei ue
to a politician who had called at
ausetoget her husband to go to the
and vote: "No, sir, he citn'tgo
her house
....11 .
r ..i.rnr: n'tr. and he's got to iron
to-morrow, and if ho wasn't doing any.
thing he couldn't go. I run this 'ere
house, I do, and if any one votes it'll be
this same Mary Jane."
Mrs. D. Clair It. D. Evcrse bpetligue,
of Boston, spoke in Wasingfonl, t. re
cently on "Lovo and Marriage." The
lecture was set ten minutes earlier than
the usual hour in onler to give the gen
tleman who introduced the lecturer
plenty of time to call off her name.
A Journal for the reople. 5
Devoted to the Interests of HunBtt
Independent In Polities and-TtetjgtoW
Mlve to all T.lve Iu, anrt Thoroughly
Radical in Opposing and Exposing u w-ngs
ol the Masses.
Correspondents writing over assumed ur na
tures must make known their names to 'the
Editor, or no attention will be, gtvntto ifcelr
communications. .
A successful portrait of General
Thomas, the lamented "Old Pap," -has
grown under the brush of MTSs Itanaoni,
or uieveianu.
Hannah Matilda Dodd, decease!,
gives $1,000 to be expended in medals for
the best girl graduates of the- Boston
High School.
Mr. Greeley has recently been inter
viewed by the dairymen, and in re
sponse to an Inquiry said: 'The best
butter is undoubtedly an old ram." .
A writer says: "It is not the drink
ing, but getting sober, that is so
terrible in a drunkard's life." "Why
get sober at all, then, says old Snug
gles. .
Hector's daughter (to Sunday, schol
ar) "Oh, you have an elder brother;
well, how old is he?" Sohftol-boy
"Dunno, miss, but he just started ,o'
A drover who sells his cattle by'livo
weight always gives them as much
water as they can drink before driving
them on the scales. That is hiswaybf
watering stock. . -
An old maid suggests that when men
break their hearts'itis the sameas when
a lobster breaks one of his claws-'an-other
sprouts out immediately, and
grows iu its place.
The Norwegian clergy are fond of
their grog. The preacher takes his-s'pir-
1 its in the vestry, aftor his labors, aud at
.clerical gatherings wine, beer ami punch
iu nuerauy iiruviueu.
. mt. iri ... :to 1 dm-
dayj and swid to UiepnTprietor
, a half whf3'per a liule rilUai .t
t nioney'lloff much chewing gum
Ho you give her for nothing?" b h
"rfix feet in his boots!" exclaimed
m RnMu-,,v wlint will th .
1 Mrs. iJeeswax; "wnat, will mo imnu-
deuce or this world come to, I wonder?
Why, they might as well tell me that
the man had six heads in his hat."
Advices from Paris say that two
thirds of the priests in Paris arc ready
in I-.. !!,.... II. ...:. .(!.'..
i soon as tney can
- ..... ...
they can iind the essential
American widows with S"o,000 apiece.
AVhat is the fashion, Annie? .Fash-
1011 is something mat. causes ueisj,
who goes oareheaded all week when the
sun is shining, to wear gloves and carry
a parasol on Sunday when it is cloudy,
x si said a woman pleading for
- ' - ' - . ' 1 . .
I her husband, who was before the police
judge for beating her with a poker,."ho
'.-t ahvays fhat way. Tiere a
, , timo j , gtruck m
"cr husband, who was before the police
. . . . . . ... . ...
wjtK"j,j3 fist
Lord Bacon says, "But little do men
perceive what solitude is, and how far it
extendeth; for a crowd is not company,
and faces are but a gallery of pictures,
and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where
there is no love."
A lady, who says that her opinion is
based upon a close observance, says hat
men, as a rule, reganl their wives as
angels for just two montiia namely, a
month before marrying licrand a month
after burying her.
Devotion to public opinion was
evinced by a lady, aged SO, who recently
married a man of correspondingly ap-
propriate age, because"he comes about
my house so mucu, it i uyii-i, murry
him people will talk."
They are boastingof a lion in Virginia
which has just hatched a four-legged
chicken. For eating purposes, the mpro
legs to a a chicken the better; but whTjn
it comes to scratching in a garden, give
us chickens with the minimum num
ber. A high-toned young gentleman at
Brentville, Virginia, has been indulging
iu the safe amusement or shooting au
intimate friend or his sister through the
bars or a jail. We doubt if this would be
considered good form even among tho
A situation-seeking young lady no
ticed an advertisement for one to do
light house-keeping. She wrote imme
diately to tho advertiser, asking where
tho lighthouse was, and if there was
any way of getting to the shore on Sun
days !
There is but one temple in the world,
and that is tho body of man. Nothing
is holier than this high form. Bending
before men is a reverence done to this
revelation in the llesh. AVc touch
heaven when we lay our hand on a hu
man body.
TheXew York Tribune speaks of the
irbirm' Journal as boing "conducted
by several very estimable ladios of both
sexes." It has, therefore, the advant
age of a large number of other journals,
that are conducted by ancient grannies
of the masculine sex.
Dickens says: "I have known virtt
quantities of nonsense talked about bad
men not looking you in the face. Don t
iniot fr. ibif oniivoniinnal idea. Dis
honesty will stare you out 0freo.u"'e,,'
ance any day in tho week, if there is
anything to be got by it."
The seal can be readily tamed, and
i . ..ii-.-f innate. Jt may,.ue
oecomes slmL-inw
taught many
things, VA,--"""
hands bowing ami
tho seal is soft and JIiite-iiKc, ami
somlihTs certain sounds which are co
sembles certa u SOU1K1S "I"' .io
seniunsu'w" ani, o nn-nn or
mon to all iaiig"B
ninks says he knows just the kind
nf A dwelling that his wife wants, be
cause The hMdescribed it to him. Sho
wants "a house largo enough to accom
modate eight persons, with a parlor,
dining-rou,i live ueu-roums, umocij,
bath-room, closets in every room, us
ment kitchen, cemented cellar, high
attics, all on the first floor."
Dr. Franklin recommends a young
man, in the choice of a wife, to select
n i.tmeii o-lvinp- as a reason, tnat
when there are many daughters they
improve each other, and from emiilaUo t
acquire more accomplishments, aim
know more,
and do more, uiw-- 2"
cliiid spoiled ty " with large
This is a comfort to people "
families. . ,
- irvjJNoB- Kovengo
The XoiiLKST KB" ph whicll Ip ai.
is a inoiiientao d by remorse;
most iuimeihuteli ? ls tll nobIeSt
while forgi veness, , 6tuai pieas
of all wvo,lgn "aid by a Bomau.em-ure-
to puMnfOndto
SfiT enemies by covcrtinsB?Pi "to
friends. . ? t.