II M. A. J. IrtMWAY, Wl(r and Proprietor orrirr-Cor. 1'MMit null Stark Street. A Journal for Ute Teoplp. Devoted to the Interests oi Humanity. Independent In Folium !ind Beliglon. llre to all Live Issue, an Thoroughly Railiral In Opposing smlKrposiiH? the yron . At the Manes. U.P.Ms IS ADVAXCE: ...... .u to 1 7i 1 0 Hix iin.i.ili-Thj-t n.nih Fkcb Speech, Fkbe Press, FBKE PEOriE, Correspondents willing everafwumej Mul tures miul make known their name-, i. l. . HdltoT,or no attention will be etven to th, . eemmunleatlon. AT'VnnTIEMEXTRInsorlcdon Iteaaonable VOLU3IE II- PORTLAND, OREGON, FKEDAY, SE17XJ23X13ER 13, lfer;2. INTTTrBEIt 19. WWMiMMMMtWMMMMMW.MMM"''Mg..---- - f tri - i f " IIJ W 14 S0M0BAHEWITT. Ill MHS. srIE WITUEXELL. RntcrM.acennlinc to the Art nt Congfem, In the year 11 Mr-. Htasio Wllhf rell, In the Of- llee of ilic- Librarian of Cmi(rcs at Washington t.'ttv ; ciivriER xxn. rur jiujsEr. em: ape. 'Well, Alice, tire you satisfied (hut Norm a ii is a rascal, though his name may sound aristocratic and his air is quite a distinguished one?" asked the Colonel, a the door closed upon Cather ine. "Nev.-r mention his name to me again, I lieg of you, tny dear husband," replied Mrs. Hewitt, rather crest-fallen. "I never was so deceived in a person be fore. Hut, thank Heaven, our chlhl is saved from ho dishonorable a union!" she exclaimed, as she threw her arms around her daughter, while the tears dropjied from her eyes. "1 sincerely rejoice with you, my dear friends," added Mrs. Bummers. "I must see that woman once more, for I have taken a deep interest in her. Per haps I can persuade her to visit her brother in France, in company with myself, where I intend going sliortiy." "And, mother, for so I must now call you," said Harry, smiling, "we will take a trip with you, providing 'Dell agree-." "Which would suit her exactly," re plied the happy young bride. "That's a bargain then," said Harry "We will start for the Soutii this after- iiuuii, wiere we uiienu spending a month or two, as we promised, ami then heigh-ho for Europe! And sup pose you go along, Sis," added he, as ho turned to his sister. "Thank you, dear brother, for your kind invitation, but I would prefer re maining at home to keep papa ami mamma company, for you know they would be very lonely should we bolh leave for so long a time." "Ever thoughtful, sweet sister," said Harry, patting her on the head. "But come, mother, let us take luncheon. It is nearly twelve o'clock by my watch, ami we are to take the cars at one." "Certainly, my son, I will see that it is ready immediately. I had almost forgotten that you and my newly-marie daughter were to leave so soon," ami ' rising, she lea the parlor. Harry, Cordelia and 'Pell stood .look ing out of the window, commenting upon the various pedestrians. Blanche, who had taken Mrs. Hewitt's scat, was rejoicing Sonera over Catherine de Midci's opportune arrival. leaving tl Colonel to entertain Mrs. Summers, when Rissey, opening the door, ex claimed, as she showed a double row of ivories: "Massa Hewitt, dar am two perliccman at de front door, waitin' to 'seort you 'long wid 'em de same as Massa Nor- hirii yisterday!" and throwing the door wide open, revealed to view the same two officers who had taken charge of Norman. "Good day, sir," said one of them, coming forward and bowing to the Col onel. "The prisoner whom we cap tured yesterday has escaped, aim we are on track of him. He was said to have been seen coining in this direction last night between the hours of eleven and twelve, ami knowing no reason to' Lite contrary, we thought perhaps you had him secreted. We shall therefore be obliged to search your house." "Which you are at libertj to do; so walk in gentlemen," answered the Col onel ; "but as to me secreting so noto rious a villain as lie is, I assure you I have not, neither do I know anything of his whereabouts, and the only thing that alarms me is that, now he lias es caped, he may not be brought to justice and feel the severe penalty of the law which he certainly deserves. But how did he escape?" "Why, you see," continued the first speaker, "he threw the officers entirely off their guard by his indignant sub mission, telling them that to-day lie would bring forth witnesses to prove hie utter innocence of the charges made against him gentlemen whom he said had known him from childhood. He then asked the favor of a more comfort able apartment than a prison cell, say ing lie would pay for every accommoda tion, ami much more which I cannot remember. Seeming to feel greatly dis tressed to think that he had even beeu suspected of so gross a crime, ami at a moment, too, when he supposed himself the happiestof men, the judge, taking pity upon him, ordered him to he re moved to an upper room of the prison, which was done ami a sentinel placed at the door to keep guard. About nitm o'clock last evening he requested some refreshmenu to lie brought to his room, -handing the jailor a ten dollar gold piece to procure them with. In the course of half an hour or so the jailor returned with the desired articles, and placing them upon a table, was turning tp depart, when the prisoner grasped him by the throat ami placed a small vial to his nose, containing, it in sup posed, chloroform. 1 Ids is all we know about it, save that he served the senti nels in the same way and thus made his escape. When the jailor revived, he found himself lying upon the floor! Picking himsejf up as quickly as possi ble, he looked around, but the bird had flown. Hushing from the room, In his fi ij.'bt he "-tumbled over (lie sentinel, an-1 thus brought him to hiJ sense?. Thoy searched everywhere, but in vain, ami wo were Pent In pursuit. We were tokl by a colored woman who sells hot corn in front of the Toombs that she saw a man coming from the prison di rectly towards here, when she, turning a corner, lost sight of him ; so we, sup posing it might le the one we are in pursuit of, received orders to search your house; but, feeling confident that he is not beneath your roof, we will re tire," and bowing politely, wore de parting, when Harryremarked: "If you could first fiud the woman who brought you hero yesterday, per haps she would bo of great service in assisting you." "True enough! true onough!" ox elaimed both in a breath. "She is to appear to-morrow as witness, and till then we will proceed no farther." lire. Summers, speaking low to the Colonel, desired him to send for Cather ine to come to his house onco more, say ing she knew of no other way for a lat ter to reach her, as sho was to leave that day for tho South. The Colonel did as he was requested, and the officers, promising to do all in their power to wards finding Norman, bade them good day. As soon as they were gone, luncheon was announced, which having been hastily dispatched, Harry with his brido and her mother entered the car riage and were soon on their way to their sweet sunny home at the South, leaving Mrs. Hewitt, the Colonel and the three girls feeling quite lonely after their happy sojourn with them. "Well, girls, now that all excitement is over and we are once moro alone, suppose avo have a little rati9ic," and opening the piano, the Colonel led Blanche to It, telling her she must not refuse, but sing one good old-fashioned song for him. Just as Blanche had finished her song and was about giving placo to one of the other girls, Andrew Colter and Claude Montrose were announced. "Go on! go on!" exclaimed the jovial Andrew, as ho saw Blanche leaving her seat. "You are a little too late; I have just finished," replied she, laughing. "But Miss Marsh will favor you; will you not, 'Delia?" and she cast a supplicat ing look towards her cousin. "I will play, hut I seldom sing ; it re quires more exertion than I am fond of," answered Cordelia, as she took tho seat offered her and liegmi playing a brilliant opera. 'That was superb! 1 Imve cA a jxn- chant for music! Do be kind enough to favor mo with another as good," said the youug Frenchman, shrugging his shoulders, as Cordelia finished. Re seating herself, she played one or two waltzes, and then gave place to Sonora, who favored them with several songs. As the last was ended, Andrew turned to Blanche: "Well, girls, what do you say to an j evening at Burton's? After the melan clioly termination of yesterday's happi ness, we all need something to cheer up our spirits, and I know of no antidote as good as n hearty laugh at the comi cal Burton. Mr. Montrose and myself called purposely with the intention of inviting you three young ladies. Soj what do you say ? Come, Toodles' will ! do wonders toward making us lively." "Oh, I should be dolighted!" ex claimed Cordelia, with more animation than she had exhibited for some time, as she silently caught the gaze of Claude fixed upon her. "And I, forauother," chimed Blanche. "Let us go, Sonora." "I feel so perfectly "happy to think that my unfortunate bridal terminated as it did that I need no other restorative to my feelings, and must therefore de cline your kind invitation, preferring to remain at home in quiet," was tho gen tle reply of Sonora. "I do regret exceedingly, Miss Hew itt, that you cannot make one of our happy party," said the exquisite Claude; "but I fully appreciate your delicate feelings, while I lament the sad career of one whom I unfortunately considered a friend. Poor fellow! Really ho is to be pitied," and he flourished a highly perfumed handkerchief. Souora made no reply, for she already dislikod this fop, and doubted his char acter almost as much as Norman's, though he pretended to be so Indignant at the conduct of the latter. She said muning, inougn in tier nenri sue nail a strong suspicion that he had assisted j Norman in his flight. "Well, young ladies, we will call for you at an early hour," said Andrew, as they arose to leave. "Wo shall be In readiness," replied Blanche, as they followed them to the door, when the young Frenchman tipped his hat as he gave Cordelia a lin gering glance which might have done. credit to a knight or the olden times. "Well, 'Delia, acknowledge that you are in love with Claude; I will venture to say ho is with you," said Blanche, h .1.. ....... !...! laUgtling, as wv miuv utuuni uiviri way to Sonora's nine room to nave a good school-girl chat, a privilege they had been denied for the last few days. "Well, if it requires no more trouble than that to fall, in love, why, there is no knowing what I may tlo," replied Cordtjlia, yawning. "Dear Del!a, take my advice and do not favor the attentions of that French man, for I feel confident he is ho better than his chum Nornian Burke, as I shall call him In future," said Sonora, as a chill passed over her frame. "Oh, you of course are prejudiced, dear 'Nora, on account of his close prox imity to Norman," said Cordelia, color ing slightly. "I think he has every ap pearance of a gentleman, and I discover nothing In him to dislike. However, I am not in love." "Better not be wilh him," thought her friend, though sho said nothing more. Cordelia, taking up a novel, threw herself upon the sofa, and was soon bur ied in its romantic pages, while Sonora helped Blanche to arrange some articles of dress in connection with her even ing's toiler, Andrew and Claude, true to their agreomentjWereonhandatan early hour. Never did Cordelia appear more lively or Blanche more lovely than they did on this evening and so thought the gentlemen as they handed thorn to the carriage, which was soon on its way to tho scene of pleasure. Ourhcroine,with a mind as composed and tranquil as the uuripplcd wave on a calm summer day, sat conversing with Iter parents. Different subjects had been discussed when Mrs. Hewitt, who seemed to be In deep thought, turned to her husband, saying: "What do yon suppose I was think ing about?" "Well, I really can't tell, Alice?" "I was thinking of Mr. Picrpont." "Of Mr. Pierpont, hey?" answered the Colonel, glancing toward his daugh ter, whose cheeks for a moment Hushed crimson, then, the color retreating, was succeeded by a deathly paleness, as she sat with her eyes seemingly riveted to the floor. "Yes. I have been contrasting his conduct with Norman's," resumed Mrs. Hewitt. "I have changed greatly within the last few days, and should I ever meet him again, shall consider him one of my best friends, and shall do all In my power to retrieve the con duct I once exhibited to him. I admire his principles, and consider him an up- . right, noble-minded Christian, which , was always my opinion, notwithatand- Ing I once despised his poverty ; but as , 'experience is the best teachor,' I have i learned a lesson, and in future shall consider but secondary in comparison to good principles and unsullied rcputa- ! tion and true mental worth, a man who I can bring nothing but good looks to ! recommend him ; and I know Clarence Picrpont to possess the three qualities I have mentioned." "Bravo! Nobly spoken, my own dear I Alice," said the Colonel, taking the! f ,., .,, , , . ,r I hand of his wifo and Imprinting a i hearty kiss upon it. "I always knew -your heart was right, though you tried to teach it something that it could not learn." Sonora, whoso heart leaped within ; her, could not speak for joy, till her i "i p'ves confidence and repose. With father noticing her countenance, came I grow self towards her. and placing her head i iim injvmaiilomtnnitinnnici.fwi- tim against his breast, said "Did you hear thai, sis? Do not weep, my pet. Your father has long read the true state of your heart. Cheer up, all may be well yet! I am going to write to a certain person, I need not say who, to invite him to spend a few weeks with us at our summer residonce. There will be nothing in that, you know, for we expect your cousin, Robert Neville, who will bo lonely without a compan- ion. l will maKe all necessary apolo - gles, and if he loves you truly, he will overlook evervfliinr In tlie linnn nf boa. j a r . ...... ing you once more. So cheer un. mv little one. Your father has not forcot ton that he was once young." Sonora, whoso sobs were distinctly audible, looked up into her father's face with a look that spoke far more than words, and kissing him affectionately, arose,, and taking a seat beside her mother, wound her arms around her neck, murmuring: "Mother, dear mother, you have made mo so happy!" and bursting into tears, thoy wept together, while the Colonel, feeling his own emotion choking him, left the room to regain his wonted com posure. Just then a loud ringing at the door bell caused the mother and daughter to start. "Who can that beatsolatcan hour?" asked Sonora, drying her eyes. Before she had scarcely time to re - cover liorself. Catherine de Mtdei snrmif ! . . .. . ... " Inln llm mi-lni. i:. uoctor; "UUl now many limes in me in o the parlor, exc aiming: course of the day do you go to the cider He lias escaped! he has escaped ! . cask, there, close by, under the pantry My revenge is still incomplete! Ah'sheir? How many times a day? Tell but I will have it vet "' ' that!" "How many times, doctor?" "Calm yourself, mv rmr.,1 n..mn. - o . . ........... woman. Every endeavor will bo made lo re-cap ture him, which no doubt will prove successful " said the Colonel, who had admitted her. "Bo seated, dear madam." added Mr. Hewitt, "dHd excuse me one moment," and hastily leaving the room, -fc. turned villi -Mrs. bummers letter, which she handed her. ! eignt bundles or matches. A transfu- Catherine read the contents, and plac- ?I,V,of Pv0 l."dred cubic centimetres : i, :., i. w. .i,in.l,-nru.tn'?.f."99,, w,,,oh 1,ad Ji"t been taken go: "Piralto Valerie, the husband of Mrs. Summer's sister, is my only brother, and though dearly do I love him, still I never expect lo sec him, for I cannot accept this kind invitation," and resent ing herself, she briefly related tho story of Josephine Minium, the lovely wife of Norman Burke, as we have already heard it, stating the maimer in which she became possessed of the facta, which were as follows: Many Canoes, who had been in search of Norman for the last ten years, as well as herself, had traveled through thegrcafer part of EurojK?, when passing through Marseilles, ho became weary and stopped at a cottage to get scms refreshments where, rclatingsome of his adventures, he mentioned the name of Norman Burke, when the lady, who happened to be tho identical Jose phlno, requested him to relate nil he knew about hor husband. In return she told him hor own true story, which only served to embitter Many Canoes still more, who immediately upon re turning to tho United States informed Catherine of it, and she, wilh this added to the wrongs of an injured mother, had pursued him ever since. Once in the meautimc she had seen him entering a hotel in New Orleans, but e'er she could wreak her vengeance upon him, lie had become aware of hor watchful .vigilance and eluded her grasp. Then moro and more maddened than ever, she had fol lowed him till now, and just as she thought him safe within the walls of a prison, ho had again escaped, and where should sho turu ? She knew not. "You had better remain with us to night, dear madam. Take my advice and givo up the pursuit of so heartless a villain. He will meet his just reward, depend upon it," said Mrs. Hewitt, endeavoring to calm tho oxcited woman before her. "Never! so help mo Ood, never! till I have my revenge of the wrong done my child, my beautiful White Star, who, though an Indian maid, was as dear to the heart of her mother as the child of tho pale-face. And can I obtain it no other way, I will plunge this daggerinto ids heart!" and laughing a bitter laugh, she threw open thedoor,and before they were hardly aware of her intention of leaving, was gone, none knew where. "Pdor, poor woman, how I pity her!" exclaimed Mrs. Hewitt, as her husband closed the door. "Sho is indeed worthy of sympathy," answered he. "I fear she may be led to commit a deed for.whioh she may have cause lo repont. I do sincerely hope that rascal may be re-captured, not only that he may be punished, but that she may be satisfied, for this is all she asked, though she is determined to bo revenged some way," and taking up the evening paper, tho Colonel endeavored j to direct his thoughts in a different channel, while Mrs. Hewitt and Sonora sat at tho window enjoying the bright moonlight as they thought of the future in hopeful anticipation. T .T.:r . , ;fi , Ladyhood. A pleasaut and clever ,vriir 'r!iw. r.Lr,T, .i f.,.i. the following oxnulsite limning of "the truo lady:" l-roni tnc lady mere cxiiaies a subtler magnetism. Unconsciously she circles herself with nn ntmosmhere nf linrnftlml strength, which, to thoso who come into rmlo are constrained to bo manner?, and I the refined aro perfected; all spoiled I unawares by tho charm of the flexible lifirrnilv. tfin enmmnnflltif rrnnllnniiaii ti,c thorough womanlinsss of her look! speech and demeanor. A sway like this s purely spiritual. i.very sway, every jgjjgft oTKeScur! ny, of right over brutality. The only 'real gains wo over make arc spiritual ! gains a further subjugation of the "nlnn 1 to the 1, fines ! , the most characteristic acts of a lad v in volve a spiritual ascension, a going out i of herself. In her being and bearing. . i,.ui, .....c.:.. 17A 1?"-" W"&ryil yj.,"?i graces that give shape to the virtues of trutniuiness. in tlie radiant reality ot ladyhood tho artificial and the conven tional are naught. Different from, op posite to, the superpositions of art or tho dictates of mode, is the culture of the innate, the unfolding of the living, j as (liiiercut as tucgiowor licaitu istrom tho cosmetic stain that would counter feit its tint. A Wauxino to Cider Dijixokks. A small South Welsh farmer one day said to his medical visitor, "I cannot think what has come to me, doctor; I can't sleep o' nights, and tho least tiling sets nic all of a quiver. 1 wish you would give mesoraethlng to take for it." "I wish," answered the doctor, "I could fake away from you something you take. You have got, or aro getting, delirium tremens." "Nonsense, doctor!" the other replied, "that's quite impossible. I have always heard that delirium i tremens comes from slronir drink. Now. i I never take any tiling stronger than our ! home-made cuter, auu only this little cupful at a time." "True," said the 1 ilrvfnr- "lint HOW ili ra' 1 ,,fi. 'u,t "ICU1' i rail u iiiiii i i: iirvT" i tinii er counted them, doctor. I never thought of that." j rnA1!S , interesting case ! blond from one ok Blood. A very of tlie transfusion of person to another re- , cently took placcin Berlin. Thepatient J-pffiS,? lfffigSfeSS , taken a solution of the ignition mass of from three persons In good health, was effected in a vein of the arm. five hundred centimetres of the patient's own blood being at the same time taken from an artory. An improvement in ids condition at once set in, and he was able to leave his bed soon after. ' According to the American Chemint, a solution of three parts of borax and two and a half parts" of sulphate of magnesia will render dress fabrics fireproof. Sex Yertna Humanity. The great evil which women have to complain of Is that thoy are always re garded as teomen rather than as human being, endowed with the same faculties, the same needs, the same Interests, and the same responsibilities, as are all the race, and consequently requiring the same freedom of action, anil the same protection from government. In order for them to develop their powers, they must have freedom in all directions. It matters little whether tho chains that bind them are laws or customs, public sentiment or absolute control, for the one is just as cramping to the mass of human beings as the other. A few in all classes will rise above the controlling influence of custom and public opinion, but only a few; and, with the training which lias kept woman in a subject state for so many generations, it is not to be expected that she would in many instances brave the ridicule and scorn that is heaped upon her whenever she steps out of the narrow groovo in which her life lias run forcenturles. In the treatment of woman, sex has takou the foremost place, and all else has been made subservient to it. That sex modifies the character, and deter mines it to be different in many ways is clear, but that it should be regarded as so powerful that the whole nature is changed by it, so that the needs and aspirations, nay, even the personal rights, are affected by it, is an cxtremo exaggeration. Whoa women are regarded as a part of the human family, and notas women, we shall see the dawn of a brighter day, both for men and women; for all which tends towards greater justice, and com plete equality m tho treatment of the race, tends, inevitably, to the develop ment and elevation of woman. Are not the- interests of all classes so intimately bound together that it is im possible to separate them? Aro not women a part of every family, of every church, of every State? and is not their life a part of the life of every com munity? How then can they be dwarfed and not dwarf men ? Are not all men children of women, and arothej not dependent on their mothers for a part of their hereditary qualities? now uinui, men. Is the seltisliness that seeks to subject one-half of the race, I their relation to Christ, may ask and re in order to dignify and cnnoblo the ceive this enduement of power to win other. Tho fable of the dog and the shallow is a good illustration of the result. That women are different from men, superior in some ways, inferior in others, is only a proof that they comple ment each other, mid that both are needed in all that interests the race; ami when their united action is felt In mak- I.,,.. ...l .-w... !.. ., .iu iiou, in i ne iniiiisirunons oi religion, in the healing of the sick, and in all the organized charities and penal institu tions of the world, we shall see the grand hnrmony tiiat God designed when lie made woman it help-meet for man. Mkkcy B. J.u-ksox. Now. If I were to give you a motto to go through life with, one that would stand you for warning and counsel in any strait in which you might find yourselves, I would give it In this word, .1 UK'. Don't waste vour lime and vour strength, and your opportunities, by always meaning to do something tlo it. uniy wenKness comes or indecision. Why, some veople have so accustomed themselves to this way of dawdling along from one thing to another, that It really seems impossible for them to squarely makeup their minds to any thing. They never quite know what they menu to do next, ami their only pleasure seems to consist in putting things ofT as long as possible, and then dragging slowly through them, rather than begin anything else. Don't live a single hour of your life without doing exactly what is to be done in it, and i going straight through it. from begin ning to end. Work, play, study: what ever it is, take hold at once and finish it up squarely and cleanly; and then to the next thing, without letting any mo ments drop out letwcen. It is wondertul to see how many hours these nromnt noonle contrive to make of a day; it's as if they picked up the mo-1 incuts that the dawdlers lost. And if1 you ever find youself where you have many things pressing upon tiiat you hardly know how to begin, let me tell you a secret: take hold of tlie very first ono that comes to hand, ami you will find the rest all fall into file and follow after like a compajiy of well-drilled soldiers; and though work may be hard to meet wtien it charges m a squati, it is easily vanquished if you can bring it into line. You may havo often seen the anecdote of the man who was asked how he had accomplished so much in his liife? "My fathor taught me," was the reply, "when I had anything to do, to go awl do it." There is the secret the magic word you: Efficacy of Prayer. A brief but bold essay recently appeared in tho Contemporary Ilcview, on the question whether the Deity does or does not give a practical assent to the human prayer. The article throws down one of the most daring challenges, even in this doubting generation, ami to a people who nave listened to the speculations of such men as Comte, Herbert Spencer, Tyndall. and Huxley. This essay is prefaced by a note from Professor Tyndall, and though appearing as anonymous, is known to havo been written by a man of great eminence in his own high profession. The writer suggests a plan to obtain an accurate measure of tlie degree in which praycrs for the sick alter the bills of 1 ... tt l.l ..i .. : .. .. morality. -Tie ince in u purlieu- lar hospital a number ot persons suffer ing from diseases which havo been ascertained to cause on an average a certain numbernf deaths. All believers in tho efficacy of prayer would then be invited to beseech, during four or five vears. mat me jimiB"ii uu'u !raiun) nf nrtvice ml behalf of those patients. If the prayers were answered, the death rate would, of course, he less than in the hospitals that were not so highly favored, and scientilio men would detect tho influence of a spiritual force beyond their nrovinee, and appreciable by none of their gross tests. The believers In a special Providence are challenged to fight a battle on the Held of stntiirtlcs. Dr. Johnson once silenced a notorious female backbiter who was condemning somo of her friends for painting their cheeks, by the remark that "It is a far less harmless thing for a lady to redden her own cheeks than to blacken her neighbor's character." Finnej on Woman's Preaohing. Rev. Charles O. Finney, of Oberlin, a venerable Christian minister of un doubted orthodoxy, has enrolled him self among the advocates of woman's preaching the Hospel. llodeclares that the Holy Spirit calls not alone upon men to convert and save, and, looking back over a life-long experience in the ministry 1 adds: I could name scores of laymen whose exhortations and conversations have been instrumental in converting hund reds upon hundreds of souls. This enduemcnt was not at first, nor has it been since, confined to the male sex. Women have possessed it, and very often in a remarkable degree. Paul had his female helpers in proclaiming the Gospel, whose usefolness he was frank to acknowledge. In every age of the church, and especially wherever revivals of religion have existed, this power has been given to women as well as men. I am rejoiced to know that tho American Board is learning more and more the power and usefulness of female labors in the missionary field. However men may interpret the Bible, whatever prejudices may exist in any branch of tho church against tiie public gospel labors of females, the fact remain that God imparts to females, often in an eminent degree, the power to win souls to Christ. I have myself known a goodly number of women who have been amongst the most efficient laborers for souls that I could anywhere find. I could name women of diverse ages and culture upon whom this power from on high rested in a degree too manifest to bo overlooked or denied. This emble ment, then, is not confined to cither sex. This power has been possessed by both young and old, by young converts and by ripe Christians. Many liave pos sessed it from their first eonx-erstou, whilst others have failed to obtain it until they have beeu in the church for many years. I have known ministers, who have labored many years without it, at last come to possess it in an emi nent degree. Facts undeniably prove that this enduement of power from on high is and has been a gift common to Christians of all ages and sexes and of every degree of culture. It appears, then, that all Christiana, bv virtue of souls to him. It is evident that the promise was not originally made to any particular individuals, to the exclusion of others. It is also manifest that the bestowmentof tin? gift has not beeu con fined to office, ace. or sex. So far as my observation has gone, I havo found it to exist as frequently amone laymen as clergymen, and nearly as often among women as men, ana quite as oiten among young converts as older profes sors of religion. Had 1 room in your columns, and health ami strength to perform the task, I could summon a cloud of witnesses as proofig ami lllns- trations oi wnni l nere asserr. NO I.VTEJtBST IX TlIBIIt WORK. Light and trifling minds do not suc ceed in life, for the reason that they take no interest In their work. What they do Is done mechanically, without tliougnt or care, so mat they "kill" so much time, and get paid for it. If they talk, it is about that which has no sense in it, showing clearly sraallness of calibre and vacancy of thought. If giris or young men, they aro or would be constantly on the "go" and chatter about very little somethings or noth ings. An hour in such company is enough. If it lie young men of tho same class, the weightiest discussions nreon "how to make tlie hair grow" on their femi nine faces, or about somebody's fast horse, lighting dog, or tho late runa way match of two silly youths. One seldom hears from them any reference to the real duties of life, or to tiie work by which they are to get a living. If a target company or a band of street min strels passes the premises where they "work," all these "light-weights" rush to the doors and windows, leaving their duties, it may be, in confusion. With out exhibiting interest in their work, witnout application, without energy or perseverauce, and with no economy as to the way in which they spent their time, is it surprising that their "efTorts" are not appreciated by their hard hearted employer? These eyo-servairts, these giddy human soap bubbles, aro now "fixing tilings" for life. They are sowing the wind, and will reap the whilwind. Having "no interest in their work," they will come to naught, and perhaps assist in filling poor-houses, asylums, hospitals and prisons. Come Dowx, Father. Some one has paraphrased the song, "Door Fathor, Come Home," as follows: Oh, father, dear father, come down with tho stamps, my dressmaker's bill is unpaid sho said she would send it right homo from tlie shop, as soon as the llounces were made. My new dress from is down in the hall, the boy will not leave with out pay I've nothing to sport with can't go to tho ball, so please send the shop-boy awav! Come down! come down! Pleabe, father, dear father. down! Oh. hear the sweet voice of thv child, who cries in room alone; oil, who could resist her most pitiful tears ? So, fathor, with stamps you'll come down. Oh, father, dear father, come down with tlie stamps, my curls aro not fit to bo seen the hair dresser said he would not do them up unless I could pay him fif teenho only asked twenty to give a new set, and take tho old hair in cx- nliimnn liml.lm .1.. .11.. .l-mfnT-f. ill'T Oil". J fully rough, and so my back hair will looK strange. L'otneuown! comeuowni come down! nnni r ilnivn Please, father, for Britian A Britb. A party of excursionists from Vallejo were returning home, when they met a wagon containing a man and his wife, the latter with a babe in her arms. As they met, a wheel of the wagon sunk into a mt hole, giving a severe jolt, which threw tho woman and infant out in the road. Before the car riage could bo stopped both its wheels passed over the woman, and also her child, whom she held in firm embrace. The Vallojo Chronicle says it is not known how much they were injured. as the woman's husband would not per mitany of the excursionists to dismount to her assistance, declaring the accident was all his wire's fault. When the two parties separated the man was upbraid ing and abusing his wife for being so awiiward as to fall from tho wagonl If me man nau been holding tho baby he would undaubfcdlvhfivAih tosave himself. That woman isentffled to a divorce. Who Was Lola Meutez ? A traveler in Limerick says: "Per sons still living in that city say.-, thev remember Lola Monte lit her girlhood, and speak of her beauty and kindne. . of heart as something not to be forgot ten. Tho house in which she was born is pointed out a rather dingy building in a narrow street." A different story of her origin is there told from that usually accepted. Her name was Eugenie Moncton instead of Elizabeth Gilbert. She was the illegit imate daughter of a French officer and an Irish widow or position ana bril liancy, who became attatcbed to each other in Paris. Hei mother lived in Dublin, but went to Limerick to con ceal her condition. The child was g;wn to an honest and reputable family t rear as their own, receiving a liberal sum for her education and support. At ten the little Eugenie was sent to a con vent in France, where she displayed re markable precocity, and at thirteen was considered a paragon of beauty. At fifteen she had formed a clandes tine corresponconce with a Spanish of ficer, who had seen her while visiting his sister at the convent. She eloped with" him to Madrid, and, after living as his mistress for a year, was deserted by him. She then returned to ran?, where she had numerous Uasons; ami, while traveling in Italy, is reported to have fought a duel with an Italian Count, and wounded him, because he insulted her in the street. She had acciuired various manly ac complishments especially in the use of arms and suffering from the outrage offered her as a woman, she donned masculine attire tho duy following, and threw a glass of wine in the face of h.-r insulter in one of the fashionable cafes of Milan. After variousadventures ami intrigues she went ujiou the stage, and as an ac tress wou tlie heart of the old King, of Bavaria. After that her life became well ktfown. Her mother lost all traces of her after her elopement, ami tried in vain to find her. She left five thousand pounds to Eugenie in her will, but the sum was never claimed. She was more sinned against than sinning, ami had good reason for hating men though i she did not hate them who, froai tine first to the last, betrayed and abused 1 Iter. She had at different periods of her life large sums of money, which she either gavo awny with a prodigal hand or was robbed of by designing sharpers. At the close of her checkered days she was so fieeced by men she had benefitted and confided in, that she died in poverty and want. She now rests in Green wood Cemetry, with nothing but "Eliz abeth Gilbert" inscribed on her unpre tending tomb. Sights and Sentcics in Ewrvpc Laxcet's Prescription. Dr. Lancet was a blunt old fellow and an excellent physician, and he never drove around au obstacle when there was need of going tli rough it. Matilda Jane had just come hoi..- from boarding school, and was not feel ing well. She was troubled with a rushing of blood to the head, with dizzi ness, and with loss of appetite. In.thia condition she called in Dr. Lancet and asked him if lie cottld help her. "I have been trying to doctor myself." she said languidly-, and with a faint fluttering smile, as tlie ok! physician felt her pulse. "What have you been doing?" "Well, I have taken Llninehln'H sarsaparillo. and Knave's anodyne, ami Hummer,spills,andNumhead'8balsftm, anu rooiers ionic, ami rsone-such Ex pectorating cordial, and Dr. Flathead's universal verifying recuperator, and and " "Goodness mercy," gasped the doctor, "and haven't any of these things given you relief?" "No," replied tho pining fair one, "thoy havo not helped me at all. O, dear doctor, what can I take that will be sure to do me good ?" "What can you take?" repeated the old man, moving back and. eyeing her from head to foot. "Take," he ox claimed, with a flush from beneath his shaggy brows; "dear girl, take off your corsets!" Ketc York Ledger. Tub Modehx Press. The printer being asked what he printed, said he printed thoughts. When tsked, how can you print thoughts, which are invisible, intangible things, his answer was, that thoughts live and workyaml walk in things that make tracks, ami with pieces of metal called types he could measure the track of any thought that ever made its burning footmancs along the pathway of ages. Thus thought, when measured by types, ami touched by printer's ink, assumes form, takes on a body, and is clothed in gar ments of beauty, that makes it a living, working, intellectual, moral and politi cal force in tlie wide world. Thought first works through the machinery of the human bodv. and reveals itself in I the flushed face, the flashing smile, the 1 tender glance, tho musical voice, the graceful movement, or the gentle pres- It next works through the maeliliiery of the printingpress, ami by itisstampeil witii immortality, and in all the news papers is scatteied abroad as leaves of the "Tree of Life for the healing of the nations." In the newspapers of the present day, more than in books or pe riodicals, is the mind-feed served up and distributed that is to satisfy tlie appe tite and feed the strength of the teeming millions of the earth's rational popula tion. . How to Pop the QuKimoar.-rPittdi is a capital business hand. Ha exam ines thegoodslieis thinking of nu rah as ing, and then says: "Well, 111 -hiek around, and if Idon't fiml.inythingthat suits me better, I'll call and take Bihj." Not long ago Pitts said to himself: "I'm getting rather long in years, ami guess I'll get married." His business qualities wouldn't let him wait; so call ing on a lady friend lie oriened the eon-t versation by remarking that he would " like to know what she thought about getting married. "Oh, Mr. Pitts," she replied, "that ia an aflair in wjiicu i aiu not so very greatly interesteI, ana i prefer lo leave it to yourself." But, says Mr. PilU, "you are interested, and my dear girl, will ymt marrj'me? ' Ih, lady bluihed very red, lffltatal.i finally, as Pitta was ver - well to , de a and If 1 don't find :;; 1 !" 1 , -me better than yon, I