FRIDAY -AUGUST 30, 1S72. HOMEKEWS. There are no vacant houses in Salem. Legislature will convene one week from next Monday. There is a natural bridge on the lite rati in Polk county. Monmouth College will resume stud ies on next niomlay. Seattle merchants are buiser than they ever were before. The Portland Academy and Female Seminary will re-open September 9th. The CheniekeU H6lel at Salem will probably be open on Monday, Septem ber 24. An unusual number of prominent men through the Stato are sojourning in the city. A Territorial Pchool Teachers' Con vention will be held at Olympia early next month. It is expected that water will be let into tiie Tualatin-Oswego Onnal by the first of .October. Twelve thousand bushels of new wheat had been received and stored at Tangent up to the 51st Inst. An examination of the Stato Treasur er's Report shows the funded debt of the State to be $290,467. The JlrpulrfieaR says the weather was too damp last week for the threshers to work in Polk county. About seven hundred dollars in pre miums will be distributed at the Jack son County Fair in October. leu uiousonu uoiinrs m premiums will beofrered at theStateFair this year. Fast horses will take the large purses. There never was, in the history of Olympia, so many improvements in progress at the same time as at present. The Portland Free Discussion - Club have tlieir weekly meetings every Sun day at 3 o'clock p. m. at Xo. Sfl First St., up stairs. Crops are good in Washington coun ty, and a large amount of now wheat is already stored in warehouses awaiting shipment. Clark Smith, of Washington county, reports having found extensive deposits of stouo coal about twenty-five miles from Cornelius. A little son of Mr. McAlieter, residing near Oregon City, was so badly burned several days ago that he died soon after from the effects. A large number of settlers are going into Grant county, which must event ually be one of the richest counties in Eastern Oregon. Washington county will hold its an nual fair at Ilillsboro, October 14th to ISth. It will think itself the best county fair in the country. A meeting is called at Lebanon, Linn county, for September 5, to take action in regard toobtaininga branch or switch of the railroad to that place. The Young Ladies' Bible class of the First Presbyterian Sabbath School will give a Festival for the benefit of "The Home" on Wednesday, September 4th. Harvest is about over in Jackson county. The crops are very poor, yield ing not more than fifteen bushels per acre. Wheat is dull at Sl 00 per bushel; oats, 75 cents. The Benton Democrat says most of the fall grain lias been garnored, but the spring crop, in many localities, is yet uncut, the cool, damp weather prevent ing it from ripening. The Albany Democrat says large quantities of wheat are now pouring into market. But little has been sold and no price oan really be said to have been settled upon by buyers. The Bulletin says: "Mr. W. T. Smith, of Wasco eounty, raised the present sea son 440 bushels of clean spring wheat on a field of only nine acres. The variety, we are informed, is tiie little club wheat." The Albany Register tells the story of a woman Mrs. Luper who, on account of the scarcity of hands, mounted a reaper, drove the team, oiled the ma chinery, and acted as captain of the en tire turn-out for two days. The Jtcgiater urges the citizens of Al bany to "wake up" and act about the work of bringing In the water from the Santiam to Albany for manufacturing purposes, and says the construction of the propwed ditch would be of incalcu lable benefit to the town. H. C. Clement of Halsey writes to the Register that the warehouses of that place have received only about 14,000 bushels of grain as yet, as farmers have not fairly commenced hauling. Halsey i rapidly increasing in size and popu lation, and business is very good for the season of the year. The railroad bridge across (lieUnip qua is about 1,500 feet in length, con sisting of five spans of 100 feet each, the balance being trestle work. The first span is nearly completed. The bridge is of the Howe truss pattern and will be of great strength. Colonel Leon ard, of Portland, is the oonlractcr. J. M. Sutton, No. 14 Morrison St., announces to the public that he is pre pared to do all kinds of plating and gild ing loeks, bolts, gas fittings, stair rods, watch cases, spoons, castors, and table ware plated and gilded to order. Elec trolyping done on short notice. Prices reasonable, and work insured as repre sented. - The Albany Democrat says: 'C. P. Burkhart, Esq., informs us that he has received an order to furnish the Xew York City Board of Exchantro wliii specimens of all the difloreut kinds of gram i.iuuucuu iu uregon the amount to consist of tliree ousbels of each va rioty. He will send barley, rye, oats wheat, and all other kinds of cereals produced in thitMatiturteiu- - The Orenonian says: Wo have beeu shown a letter from a gentleman living in LeRoy, McLean county, 111., which contains the following: "I heard a letter read from a Mr. Murphy who went from this place last fall to Yamhill county, Oregon. He says, 'Oregon is the most God-forsaken country on the face of the earth; so dry that people are driving their stock to Colorado. There are no potatoes, so dry people cannot raise them, and they are worth $2 a bushel. Everything is dried up, and all the old farmers are trying to sell out and re move to Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Ne braska, and other places.' " The writer of the letter says, "I have no confidence, however, in what Murphy says." Now, we are not acquainted with the Murphy referred to, but we will venture to say that lie is vastly more "God-forsaken" than the country which he so falsely denounces. And, besides, every citizen of the State knows that his statements above referred to are false in every re spect, not one of them having a shadow of truth from beginning to end. There is no State in the Union with as few drawbacks in an agricultural point of view, and it is only because occasionally some such a grumbler and falsifier as the Murphy referred to, by some means happens to come amongst us, that any other impression ever gets abroad con- corning Oregon. To those who havo ever been in Oregon a denial of Mr. Murphy's statements is not necessary, and it is only for the information of those who have not a personal know! edge of our climate, resources, etc., that we deom it necessary to thus defend the country from his untrut hful and slan dcrous statements. Cum: For. Dnuxiccxxcss. Pepper mint water, six ounces; tincture of nut meg, half an ounce; magnesia, eighty grains, and suiphat of iron, forty grains, dissolved in the peppermint water. If you are in the habit of having n cock tail before breakfast, take a couple of teaspoonfuls of the mixture as soon as you get up. If you feel that you can't resist the old temptation until break fast, take n third spoonful, but not more, as, though it is not dangerous, it may sicken your weak stomach. Then fill a one ounce vial with the mixture, put it iu your pocket, and every time you feci the old desire coming on too strongly take a teaspoonful. As your stomach, if you have been drinking hard, is easily nauseated, don't use more than the one ounce vial full, in addition to that get tliirr un. at any one dav. The reeino Is sullicient for about a week, by which you should be nearly or wholly cured. But it is well to keep a supply on hand in case the taste returns. For inflamed eves, use the iuice of the strawberry after being strained and set- tieu. For the very best photographs, go to Uradloy fc IluIofKOn's Gallery without STAIRS OSTASCKND IN TIIE ELEVATOR, A3) Mont gomery St., Kan Francisco. OUR AGENTS. The following persons arc duly authorized to aet as Agents for the New Northwest : Mrs J. II. Foster Albany Ashby Pearee . Benton county Dr. Bayley Corvallls A. A. Manning Olympia Miss Virginia Olds. - MrMlnnvllle Hiram Smith Harrislmnr J. II. D. Henderson ...Kusene City W. W. Beach Uuena VIstn Rev. Win. Jolly Ilillsboro Hon. T. W. Davenport.. -Silver!. m Mary J. Macers (jervals . w. stanaru umwnsville S. II. Claughlon v.. A. Reed Mrs. O. T. Daniels ....Lebanon Salem .Salem Salem Dallas Lafayette Kalama ..Waltsburg -Pendleton Mrs. Nellie CrL 1. C. Sullivan. Mrs. M. F. Cook. Mrs. M. C Cllne Mrs. R. A-Vawters Mrs. R. B. Iiislmp. Rev. J. F. Damon Rev. I). Bagley. Mrs. Jane M. Wilson.. Phllln Rllz P. D. Moore Mrs. R. J. Oeorge Mrs. M. J. Enstarn -Seattle rattle I Walla Walla Walla Walln Port Townsend Traveling Agent -l-omanu O. B. Blood Traveling Agent Mrs. M. Jeffries .Traveling Agent H. II. WeieJi Washington county Dr. J. Watts Lafayette A. N. Arnold .AIbany G. W. I-awson Salem M. P. Owen Dalles Mrs. C. A. Cobwm Forest Grove Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson Oregon City Thos. Parsons- Mflivaukle R. Pentland The Dalles Miss Sallie Apidegat Yoncalla Miss B. A. Owens Roaeburg J. T. SeoU, Esq Forest Grove Mrs. A. K. Oorwin Nehalem Geo. Kngle TraveIlng Agent J. W. Jackson Eugene I 1". Fisher- -Sun Francisco Mm. I-iiira De Force Cordon California MK Nellie Mosninan Olvmpift I. T. Mnulsby Vancouver l. W. Brock Union Ridge, W.T ;. W. Barnes J. N. Oale Mrs. K. OakflietL. Oeltoco valley . Washington Territory Traveling Agent Oilier parties desiring to act as Agenbi will please forwrd their names. We want Agents at every notoffiee throughout Orertm and Washington Territory. NEW THIS WEEK. POLITICAL MASS MEETING COURT HOUSE la this Clly, on I'rlilB.r r.teiilng, August noili. 1S72, 3IKS. A.. J. DTJjVX"W.A."Y", -TTAVING RETURNED FROM THE EAST- JL'-L ern States, will address tho citizens of Multnomah county, on the political lsues of llie day, at tno court jiouseon i-nuay evening next, commencing at eight o'clock. Every one Is cordially Invited to be present. Music by Cordcs' Portland Brass Band Mrs. Dunlwav, having attended a lanre num inr nnlltiml meetings East, nnd having con versed personally with many of the prominent politicians or the country. Matters herself that Ii, ,rm i.t nliln tn talk to a Portland audience Intelligently. She will al-o give a synop-ds of Her Interview; Willi Horace JroeIey LET THERE By order of COUNTY BE-A . - GOOD TURNOUT I CENTRAL COMMITTER. SPECIAL NOTICES. To SpinrrtTAi.irr TuixKKits. A fall supply of spiritualist and kciurm duuk3 Keni constantly ror sale at snows Mv-i.ii iiuu iwiunn uooKsiore ana uencrai Pacific Aeencr. 319 knic iinvL ii n stains. near Bush. Also Adams & Co.'s Golden Pons, Orton's Anti-Tobacco l'rcpa ration, and Speneo's Positive nnd Negative Powders. AH eoods sold at Eastern prices. Remittances in UnltedStates paper currency received at par. Circulars and catalogues mailed Tree. Address Herman Snow, P. O. Box 117, San Francisco, Cal. vSnlt The Clolliliic Trail linn, within the last thirty days.undersoncaregularrevolutlon, by Flshcl 4 Roberts having opened n first-class Clothing establishment, corner of First and Wasliinztou streets, where Men and Boys can be lilted to perfection In every kind of Clothe. They arc manufacturing on n lanre scale, nnd can make anything for ilen and Boys' wear to order in the very best style, at extreme low finces. ineiraim istopiease loin in muni; anu n quality. Acall to their establlshment-corner firi anu Washington streets, will convince nu of the fact. ap3Hf W. H. COBURN, Boole si ml Jol 3?x-intex-, 5 WASHINGTON STOEET, Ur-STAIRS, Portland, Oregon. Work done at REASONABLE KATES, nl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TSEAJD THIS : XJICASIO WATER-CURE Is situated In Oall i lomla the healthiest Stato In the Union; in Marin county the healthiest in tho State; and In NIcaslo Valloy a place combining all the advantages of climate and beauty of loca tion. It Is reached In a few hours from San Fran cisco, via either San Rafael or Petaluma, nnd patients ran, by special arrangement, have easy carriages, with bed. If desired, at very low rates, by application at Bay View Stables, San RanfacI, or to the livery stable of Unkless, Washington Street, Petaluma, opposite Brook lyn Hotel. Stages leave San Rafael, Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays, at r. m stage leave Petaluma at the name hour, Tuesdays ami Fridays. NIcaslo 'Water-Cure has larililies for successfully treating the sick unexcelled by any cure. East or Wot The ritvsitiASs arc skillful, and they have had long experience In the Hygienic treatment of chronic diseases. They employ In addition to the rommon Waler-ure orHvclcnle treat ment, klectkicity in baths and, otherwise, and 1NIIAI.ATION.S of oxyoiin, which prove very valuable In many cascsof lung and throat diseases. They also pay particular attention to all diseases rKCCLi.itt to women. They are nrii aiiiih u u miiuisi iui tnu iiutiuiicv Jim,. of the "Pacific Journal of Health," a periodical which has high rank as one of the best popular Health papers In the world. We therefore confidently assert that In no place In tho world can the sick receive, for the time anil money expended, more substantial benefit than In the Nir.tMO WATEit-Ct'iiK. DR. W. J. YOUNG, Manager. 31 It.S. Ll-II.VJI IIENDEE, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Ilnll, llusli Street, Room 48, second floor. Circles Thursday and Saturday evenings. Seances for business. v2nl I A NEW ARRANGEMENT OF THE GROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINE, FOR OPERATING BY HAND AS WELL AS BY TREADLE. SPECIALLY ADVANTAGEOUS FOR INVALIDS. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS SEWING MACHINE OPERATED EITHER BY HAND OR FOOT, AND MORE SIMPLE, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT ..... In Aii ANT ulntK. W. T. SHANAHAN, AGENT, SEVENTY-ONE FIRST ST., ;3 PORTLAND. SEWING MACHINES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS OF TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. E. WITHE HELL, No. SO Front Street, Portland, -IITII.T. FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR AI.I l thosp annlvlng for situations In any ra partly Irom wcoi-cnopper uown to a rat in lice. Pay special attention to obtaining rami Help, House Servants, Railroad Hands, etc., Irrespective of Nationality. Parties sending orders from a dlstnnee must be explicit In tlieir orders, stating Just what they want, what thy will pay,ctc..(accomia nled bv our oflice fees. S2 10. which may de ducted from employee's wages), fctntlng wheth er they will or will not 1m responsible lor trav eling expense ol him! help. illl i. a. ii f lr.iiriitij. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! -nitAcrriCE ECONOMY IN ALL Vorit 1 dally expenditures. Lxamine tin- IMPROVED S45. HOME S45. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Before Biivlng. Then decide which Is BEST. IU SIMPLICITY and DURABILITY give It the preference. rnouiai urn riui hu jiai mr. using tho COMBINATION I'ATEXT. Largo supply Just received. GEO. W. TRAVER, l.rncrnl akciii. i lili Philadelphia Shoe Store, 112 Front St. 31 KS. 31. J. EXSIGX, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker,; Third Street, Nenr Washington, (Next door to New Northwest Office), HAS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAT tomsror Ladles' nnd Children's Clothing for sale. Dressmakers can get full assortment of pat terns, consisting or fifteen (full size), lor is 00, which will be sent to any part of the State on receipt of price. Letter of fashion, how to trim ami make, will be sent with each package Prices of single patterns: Ladies suit SI CO; polonaise, 73 cts. : ovcrsklrt.Sil cts. ; waist 25. cts. ; children's sults.Tocts.; overskIrt,25cts.; waist, 25 cts.; boys'snlts. Torts. Cutting and fitting done on short notice. Please state age in sending for children's Tnbove patterns will lie made for home use, and will be found much superior to East- iSerMV'i.ENSIGN. HKC BERGMAN, for. Kceonil nutl VnsUln(ftou Sts. TTAVING -RECENTLY PURCHASED THIS ri Market, i am now prcpan-u iu tvii on reu onablo terms the best Meats the country af fords, nl FORrjjAND.ADYERTISEMENT. GKAY'Si 1 ft MUSIC STORES! CLAY ST., San Francisco, 101 Tlrnt Strert. Portland, Oregon. Stcinway & Sons' Krsnltb, Eth i Son's, HAINES BROS,' AND M. CRAY'S PIANOS. TUB World Kenowncd BURDETT as SIION INGEIt .. ORGANS. "HOWE'S" New Improved SKWI.NG MACHI.NK. BUTTBRICK'S i Cclcbrnloil l'altcrns' .op Ladles' and IhllJrrns' GARMENTS. Agents Wanted In Every County on tiie toast. J. I DePRANS, Manager Oregon Ilranth House. v2-n0-tf 3IRS. ACH, JUST RETURNED FROM SAN FRAN Cisco with a large and Splendid Slock of DB.T GOODS, SCCII AS SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Mnricilles, r.le. A Ijrge and Beautiful Assortment ol MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Pine Laces, Etc., Of every variety and description. SI raw Goods, and Kid Gloves 01 tho best quality. JF.WF.I.KY, r.VXG'Y OOI.S. ETC.. On hand and made loonier. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of all descriptions. ('All mut: Jlxninlne the Stork. Goods Sfold to Suit the Time. i.. Atir, B7 First street, Portland. Br CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies by every Stciinicr. nlS SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. "WM. BECK aiul SOIV Imjortets and Dealers in rXS, RIFLES AND ItEVOI.VEIlS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, B.tsKms, Btr.ii Cages, Cutlery, Croquet Games, Carls and 1Va?;oas BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., 120 FRONT STREET, l"ORTLAND, OREGON AGENTS for Wheeler Wllson'sScwing Ma chines, Needles, Thread.Sllk, Oil, Etc AImi Agents for the California Powder Works' Blasting and Sporting Powder. vSnltf THE SELECT SCHOOL Under the direction of Mrs. II. O. Bro-vvn INFILL BE RE-OPENED FOR TIIE RECEr- Hon of pupils on Moudiiy, May istli, 1ST. U Location Cor. Second and Halls, Portland. ll branches comprising a liberal cducatlou will lie taught. Ut-sons on the piano will also lie given. vSnltf $50 00! $50 00! THE NEW WILSON STRAIGHT NEEDLE, UNDERFEED SEWING 3IACHINE. TAKIiS THE IXJCK STITCH ALIKE ON Ilntli Sides. Huns easy, and will do cither light or heavy sewing. Is the only nrsi-ciass fwing Machine sold for less than ( CM. Examlnoand Judge for yourselves. Don'tlio humbugged Into paying $t W for a Sewing Ma chine, when you can get a New W!lou for HO. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, No. 73 First Street, l'ORTLAXO, OREGON. ACENTS WANTED! MINER A PEARSON, General Agents. eaAll kinds of Sewing Machine Needles on hand and sent to any part of the Coast by mall or express -lor vj ci.per"cioicn. enu m your oruers. , vjyn NOW HS: THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE'' 'NEW : NORTHWEST, A Journnl-iror theI'eojilp, AND DEVOTED TO THE' IHTETESTS 'OF HUMANITY. Arrangements have been made to seeuro tho Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. The New Northwest Is not a Woman' Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever noltcv mar bo necessary to secure me greatest goou to me greatest, numoer. 11. knows no religion, no party no color, nu creed. Its foundation Is fnstcnei! upon the rock of Ktcrnat Liberty. Universal emancipation nnu untrammeieu iTogression, OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement for our friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for tho NEW roitTiiwE.ST,weoueriiie toliowing nsioi vai- uanic premiums : ror twenty subscribers, at SS (X) each, acconi' panlrd bv the cash, we will give tho HOME SHUTTLE SKYVINU MACHINK, without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. Price, $SQ. For thirty-live subscribers, at Si CO companlctl bv the cash, we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SKYVINU MACHINK, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely Ilnlshcd. Price, $15. For fort- subscribers, at f.1 W each, accom panied bv the cash, we will give a HOMKSHUT TLK SKYVIXO MACHINE, flnlsheil In extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. Price, $". The iiliove Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-class In every particular, can be seen at the oflice ol l!eo. . Traver, 112 Front street, Portland. For fifty suliserlliers, at 3 CO each, accom panied bv the cash, we will give a MASON A HAMUN 1-Oirr.YBLK OIUJAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut cose, automatic bellows swell, two blow pedals, improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc. I'rlre, 3S0. For seventy-five sulcribers, at $3 (O each, ac- companieii ny mecaii,a uoume retni )hi!iUA A HAMLIN OlttiAN ; resembles the first ex cept that It lias also a knee stop. Price. 373. For seventy-five subscrll"crs, at & 00 each, accompanlisl by tlie cah and twenty-flve dollars adillllonal. we will give a MASON & HAMLIN UllUAN, of K1VK OCTAVES, ONE STOf. SELlABIUSTINO REED VAI.VEM, 1M' l'KOVr.D llELLOWS, TREMULAXT AND KNEE- swelu Price, SlUO. For one hundred subscribers, at $S 00 each. anu iweniy tiounrs auauionai, we win give a MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN, five octaves, five sTors, two sets of nmiLVTonJi Tiinoroit- OCT, IMI'KOVEIl OIUIHTATEU 8EI.F-AIUUSTIN1I ltEKDVAI.VES,lMI"EOVEDnKI.IX)W.S,TREMUINT AND KNEE-SWELLS. VIOI.A, UIAP.VSON, FLUTE, TREMULANT. Price, ?13V. Those who desire to work for these premiums can send tho names and money as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their cretin, anu it cnougn names are not received during tho year to procure the premium de sired thoy can chooeo lesscrpremliim.orthey will be entitled to receive twenty-live percent. In cash of the amount remitted for their lalor. OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As Tun New NoirrmvESThasalready proved a popular success, wo are decided that ft shall also prove a Tnicjii'jt. To enable our friends who may decide to can vass for our paper to lieneflt both themselves and us by Increasing onr Subscription Lists, we propose to give the following additional lrc mlums to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In nrrears for the New NoirrjtWE.sT,who will send us his or her own subscription fee, and out new subscrilier, ac companied by the ca!i- 10-we will give : A pair Parian Marble Vases; Or a Bohemian Glass Vase; Or a Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; OrU dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or 4 dozen Plated Tea Spoons; Or 1 pair Alexandres Kid Gloves; Or a Lady's Fan, spangled, leathered edge; Or a Blnl Cage; Or an Album for holding 1C0 pictures: Or an Album (extra) for holding H) pictures; lira Knnpv fitter tTti-e: .Or a box Toilet Articles, Including soap. chalk, perfumer-, etc.; urn iiriuinniu a lis; Or a Kerosene Lamp: Or i dozen Glass Goblets; Or JJ dozen Glass Tumblers; Or a lar'C Glass Fruit Dish; Or a Work Basket: Ora Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or -dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; OriTWoolcn Tablo Cover; Or i dozen Table Napkins; Or ii dozen Towels; Mr un elegant lurtmonla. Anv subscriber who is In nrrears tor a year's subscription, and who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two n-w subscribers, ae- companicu ny iuc vv-u iimum- w win .end : . . . Asctol lingers' raoie rorKs.inpie piaiei,on viii metal, warranted: urn u.tnrltiK-ers'TnbleSnoons.trinle nlalnl. .... wiiite metal, warranted: Or a set ol itogers- im rpoons, inpic piaicu, un while metai, murauiTO; Or 5 dozen iwsrra k nusseu-s liiiae jvnives. IMiquaiuy, s""?""-"! iinmKnme Bird Cnge. Anv person in arrenrsior suuscriptinn t tub Vev Northwest, who will send his or her subcrlitlon fee and tliree new subscribers, ac- ComlfcUUCU Oj l4ic jiiiviii . i w, we will iinnme -Miir-uuies uiili om haiKlMjme Woolen Ouilt. red and white. or ulueaaa wniic; orapairoi uiuiciuihb, nalrsof Nottincliam I.icc Cnrtalns Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, any colororstxc. , Or a Japanese Inlaid A ork Box; Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For seven subscribers at S3 00 each, amount Inir to S'-l tl), we will send : An extra Castor, triple plated, on white meta! T Or aLadyiWrltlng Desk, of equal value; Or aCabfnct, Japanese Inlaid: i. v,in .tnminese Inlaid Work Box. These articles arc all valuable, and arewar nnin'i tn lie lust as we represent them. Per sons living in tills city or who can visit us can ,i,.vn Articles from our own hands at an ir If not convenient to visit us. we will send the articles by express to any ad- U Noonlcr of this kind will receive attention Hiila tttft rl ! urcomnanles it. Send money in lVitofflco orders at the cus tomary rates of currency, or send dralt If pre- rerreu. . 1 1 nHt.H nmmnt v attended to. ii-.. .i.,r..if tinne that this unnaralleled offer, which Is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re- rmm flin mnnv friends of OUr Paper. who up to this time have seemed to fall to real ize that THE New Noethwest cannot be ran without money. Now is me lime 10 mane up clubs. Begin before some other person gets the start of you. See what you can do for your self, the Public and the .new southwest: PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. HURGREN D vIREf'T IMIH-HTHTH VND MXNFFAf- turcrs Mtee rv n 01 PARrR, BKD-ROiiM, DININO, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE F TJ K i 1 JL U K IS , ts. Oak, Walnnt, Ko'.fiiood, Ihrstnnt. Etc. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALHUT LUMSER, Pnlu. Ilnlr. Mosh. Excelsior Iiip. Etc., Etc., Etc. THE JVRfiEST STOCK ! THE BEST tSOODSI THE LOWEST PRICES! WAnr tlnoMS Nos. 1M. DOS. 170 and 171, Cor. Salmon and First Sts.. l'ortland, Oregon. iniu PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROOMS Corner Unit mid Murk Ms., oTer Lndd & niton's Bank. Contain Orer Ihrre Thousand fhidrr I'.noks .ANI1. Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Dues 81 OO Paynble Quarterly DlltECTOiw Wm. S. Lathi, P. C. Fkshuyler, Jr., SI. P. Deady, I II. Wakelleld, W. H. Bmekett. A. CL Gibhs. a II. Lewis, M. W. Fechhelmer.H. Fulling. I- Blum. Officers: L. H. WAKEFIELD H. FAILING P. a SCHUYLKR.JK M. W. FECHHK1MKR... HENRY A. OXER. President Viee President -Treasurer Corresponding Sec Librarian and Ree. Sec J. I- Atkinson, Notary Public 1TI.KK UUUim.Mtll. I). W. WAKKFIELP. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson & Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS NO. 102 FRONT STREET, Portland. Oregon, ttavf! Fort KALE FARMS AND ITNIM- 11 proved Lands in Oregon and Washington 'I rrit H..T Also, CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sale nml In T?tnf We attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate In f ' I f v .ml Poll II t TV. Special attention given to the Renting of lToiecty and I ollecllon or lien is, looKing alter Rcinirs and Payment of Taxes on Property In our hands when uesireu. I.egal papers written and acknowledgments taKcn. LOANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate S. cnrlty. lartles having Money to I .oan are In- vltetl lo give us a ran. niStf ATKINSON, WOODWARD & CO. HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. W. for. Morrison nuil First Sis.. PORTLAND, OREGON. PICTURES taken in all the latest and most Improved styles, and not Inferior to any on tho coast. Work well done and completed In side of twenty-four hours. r.-ll.nits and Ciiiliiiien should be brought In lietween the hours of 10 and 2,al ways dressed in light clothes. 2-S JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In j MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladles" mill .Hisses' TRIMMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Yankee No tions, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OP TUB ELLENDALB WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Full Slock of Blanket, Yarne, Bea ver, Tivecds and Cantimeren Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLES II Y EVERY STEAMER. GB- PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to nl Orders. DELTirs-Gaart a go. Wnshlueton St., Iel. Second and Third, PORTLAND. -OREGON E MANUFACTURB 4VN A NO. I ARTICLE Of BRE.VD, CRACKERS CAKES, Clai!0Baker?0rPaStry nsnallyfof" In a First & SHINDLER, OTJ-Goods delivered to any part of Ihe cltv Jil.Tlni: jMISCELTiAXEOTJS. OR. VAN DEN BERQH'S Sovci'eijrn v onu syx-iip. THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE is warranted to expel all worms from the lioweis anu iouihuii, cmtiji ini-w 'ri!I1Wnrietnr has taken much Dalns to lest the comparative merits of the principal AVorm Medicines oi inc uay, urcu,uuuiuu. . Entozoa themselves, have overspread the land, each claiming for Itself the name of spe cific; and. while we frankly acknowledge iimu many ox ilium an- unci, sutvrora.u.,... Stood, were we not assured that this combines advantages possessed by no other worm medi cine, its introduction at this lato day would not nave oeen nnempieu. The pleasant tasto and exceedingly small quantity of this medicine required to test the existence of worms, or to remove every one irom me system its operating in a imvnuure, unaided bv anv other ounrf. together with Hh certainty of effect, constitute It one of the most oninant discoveries of the age. Had we space here, scores of certificates might be adduced to show Its progressive and t. TI.H .- I ........ ..ol H.nnl.H . .l.n Inc. tetP years; but to promulgate its fame and C8tb llsh its character, we only ask Tor a trial. Its speedy operation in all sudden attacks, a convulsions, colic, fits or spasms, gives It an unrivaled superiority. Sent by express on re ceipt of price. 3YMITOMS OF WOI1MS. Alternate paling and flushing of the coun tenance, dull expression or the eye, drowsl iness. Itching of the nose, a swelled upper Up, tongue whltely furrel and thlekly siieckletl with red points, feted breath, an enlarged belly, a partial or general swelling or pufflngnes of the skin, a starting In the sleep and grinding ot the teeth, a sensation as if something watt lodged In the throat, a gradual wasting of the rtesli, sickness of the stoniaeh, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, at other times loose, great fretful ness and Irritability of temper, pains In the stomach and bowels, colic, llts, com ulsions and palsy. Its value In removing masses of crudities from the stomach and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot be too highly es- Prepared nnd sold, wholesale and retail, by DR. VAN DEN BERGH and Agents In all eil Ie and towns. Dr. Van Den Bergh can be consulted on all diseases that the human system Is heir to. Ills long exierieiioe in uiseaseu ot women ami children cannot be surpassed by any physi cian in the United States or Europe. DrvV. ad- toes ladle troubled witn any irreguHtrtues m the Uterus to try his new remedies and, get cured. Bv consulting ami undergoing a simple ex amination the afflicted can learn If their dis ease be worms or not. At all events, Dt Van lien Berxh can tell them rrom what disease they are suffering. Consultations and examinations free of cliane. Office Rooms 38 and , over PeStofflee, Salem, Orecun. letters uescnoing sue yiiijujms win wj rtrnmtitlv answered, and iersons Hvlmr at a distance will be saved the expense and treubie of calling on the Doctor. Address Die J. w. iir.., ti P. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. Empire Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. BOARD BY THE DAY, Week or Month, on tho most reasonable terms. superior accommodations for "amines. Cnconl Coach to and from the house free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. House open all night. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. 3I.VNNINCJ KEEPS A FIRST-CLASS BOARDINQTIOTJSE lor the accommodation of people who pre fer a quiet home to the contusion oj a hotel. Terms moderate. Olympia, W. T. nStf. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. ECGENE CITY .OREGON Consultatlons In the English, French, Ger man and Holland languages. , n9. PORTLAND ADT2RTI3EMENTS. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland as lollows : For The Dalles : Daily (Sundays excepted) at S oWock ajx?. For Astoria: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at S oVoak A. x. For Montlcello : Dally at ' o'clock a. sr. nST J. a AINSWORTir, President. LADO & TILT0&. 33 -a. 1ST 3S3 JEL S , PORTLAND -OREGON 13stalliliea, 1859. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kept subject to check on draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or TRUST FUNDS, In sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS rrom date of deposit. MONEY LOANED on approved security. Bonds, Stocks and oilier valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted. Investment In Real Estate ami other prop erty made for parties. Sight and Telegrahie Exchange on San Fran cisco and the Atlantic states foraalo. Government Securities bought and sold. Agent for the transaction of all kinds of Fi nancial and Trust Business. nl K. D. sh.vttuck. E. KIU.IN. SIIATTtjCir ct KILLIN, A. ttorncys-stt- X-i svw . OFFICE ROOM NO. I, DEKUM3 BUILD ing. First street, Portland. Oregon. nltf ntor. gans GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences or Pupils. r flERMS REASONABLE. Satisfaction Ouer X anteed. 3IR.S. S. J. KVM.SEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, CAN BE FOUND IN HER STIjniO, on lite third Boor of Corbett's New Building, from in , i till 1 1. 3r. of each day C-LlSOX.S GIVEN IS lASD6CVfl PAIKT- TELE CLOTHING STORE! IS THE PLACE WIIERK GENTS' CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, Itojfi nml Yontlis 1011110?, FuTnisning Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, c, Etc., CAN BR HA DAT Sstii ITVaiieiKoo Prices IW Front Street, Portland. Harris & Prager. . PRAGElt, Tori land. WM. ILVRltIS, . Son Francl"CO. MT