I FRIDAY AUGUST 23, 1872. Judge Denny is still conGnetl to his bed. Salem wants six bits a bushel for her potatoes. Letters from Switzerland reach Salem in 23 days. Crops in Yamhill county are turning out a good yield. Crops in the vicinity of Corvallis are lighter than usual. The corps in Southern Oregon are turning out poorly. At Salem, oats are slow at 55 cents, wheat is quoted at 6-5. The Albany Democrat ha3 entered upon its oighth volume. The fires in the mountains around Jacksonville have abated. A Brick-laver's Protective Union has been organized in this city. Monmouth College will re-open on the first MoiHlay in September. The Statesman says flax seed is worth three cents a pound in Salem. The public schools will re-open next Monday morning, August SOth. Butter is scarcely to be had at any price in Salem, at times ef late. A passenger coach runs twice a day between Koseburg and the railroad. The depot buildings at St. Joseph, lamhill, will be finished this week. About 400 men are employed in and around the coal mines of Coos county. The railroad bridge at North Uupqua river will be completed in five weeks. Baker City continues to improve in building, etc, and trade is looking up. The Dalles is rapidly crawling out of the ashes of the great fire of a year ago. The Linn county fair will be held at Albany during the last week in Septcm her. It Is thought that construction trains will be running to Roscburg by the first of October. To Srinm.-Ai.isTS ami Orirrrr. LinrnAT. Tuiskeks. A full supply of Spiritualist and ueiorm noons, kcpi constan uy ior sate ai snows Liberal nnd Reform Bookstore and General Pacific Agency, 319 Kearny street, up stairs, near Bush. Also Adams & f!o's Golden Pens. Orton's Anti-Tobacco Preparation, and Spcncc's i-osiuve nnu .csaiive -owners, ah koous soiti nt Eastern prices. Remittances in United States Paper currency received at Dir. Circulars and ratalosucs mailed free. Address Herman snow, I". O. Box 117, San Francisco, Cal. v2nl J The Clotlilii" Trade lias, within (lie last thirty days, undcrgonen regular revolution, by Ilshel & Roberts having oiened a first-class nothing establishment, corner of First and Washlnzton streets, where Men nnd Boys can Ik- lilted to nerfectlon In everv kind of Clothes. Tlicy are manufacturing on a larce scale, and ran make anything for Men and Boys' wear to order In the very best style, at extreme low prices, iiieiraim isiopieasc pom in mungaiiu in quality. A call to their establlshmcnt.comcr First and Washington streets, will convince all oft lie fact. ap2Vtf W. H. COBURN, Book and Jol J?iriiitex", 5 WASHINGTON STREET, UP-STAIIIS, Portlnnd, Oregon. Work dene at REASONABLE RATES, nl Corvallis, surrounded by a rich agri cultural country', complaius that it is unable to procure any butter. There are five hundred and twenty- nine post-offlces in Oregon, nineteen of which are money order offices. One of the party of Boston Excursion ists writes that they have, one and all, formed a favorable opinion of Oregon. Ben Herrin, a resident of Union coun ty, disappeared suddenly a few days ago. He left a young wife behind him. A new mine has been opened on the Siuslaw, in Lane county, which is said to produee coal of an excellent quality. Oregon City thieves are impudent fellows. One of tliem stole the Record er's coat before his eyes the other day. The Insane Asylum has had an addi tion built to it, to be used as a place of amusement and for religious exercises. Tlie Salem burglar has recovered from his recent spell of sickness, and is again at work. A very industrious chap that. Oneof the largeplate-glass windows in tho Masonic Hall building was broken one ovenlng last week. The loss is $400. The Portland Free Discussion Club have their weekly meetings overy Sun day at 5 o'clock p. ji. at Ko. SO First St., up sUdra. Tho Good Templar, published at Al bany, and organ of that order in this State, will cense publication after the next issue. Hydrographic surveys of the channel and bed of the "Wlliamotto river were being taken Wednesday for the Oregon Bridge Co. A report is current in "Washington county that the railroad company de signs putting in a side track one mile east of Hillsboro. AVheat buyers at Salem complain that the grain brought into market is damp and green. Millers have been compelled to refuse some parcels. A telegraph line is projected from Roseburg, Douglas county, to Empire City, Coos county, and subscriptions of stock are being solicited. Tho rialndmlcr says Jasper Johnson was not much in Oregon, but he looms large now by contrast with tho feebler minds of tho Atlantic side. On Thursday the Willamette Woolen Mills shipped over 520,000 worth of woolen goods, the largest shipment ever made by -the mills in one day. Two men uamed Lee and Brady have been arrested on suspicion of having a hand in the Oregon City postoftice rob liery. Brady is held to answer. Indians don't? want to give up Wal lowa valley in Union county, and threaten to burn whito settlers out. Xo families have yet gone there. Business is somewhat reviving through the valley towns, as the farmers come in to purchase harvest supplies and to dispose of their summer's prod uct. Baker Oily shows greater signs of life and nativity thau any town in Eastern Oregon. It is the center of a large min ing oouHlry, which is yet scarcely developed- The trial or the Canyon City mail robbers is to be commened Monday. Aug. 12th. Several prominentattorneys oi tnebUite are already in this city pre paring the case. The Herald soys it is reported that the Walla Walla Railroad Company has disposed of its franchise to n. party of capitalists, wno win at once put down a first-class road. The Court House in Hillsboro is fin ifdied to the top of the second tier of windows and is going to present a neat appearance whoa finished, and be an flnmraWrffcYlrtffcdnty. " ' J'etitious for the next Legislature for the suppression of the liquor traffic, are j now in circulation throughout theState. These petitions have been printed and sent out by the State Temperance Alliance. The arrival of a fire engine at Corval lis has thrown that town into fits, from which serious results may follow. Tho Herald says the local paper is wild over the event, and its editor will hereafter wear nothing but a red flannel shirt. At Oregon City, last Saturday, while the train was in motion, a lady, -with a babe in her arms stepped off the cars, and fell, her feet extending under the wheels. Some gentlemen pulled her away in. time to prevent an accident. From the Salem Mercury: "We learn by a private letter from a gentleman residing at Cornelius, that on Saturday, August 3d, a lady named Mrs. DeLctta was suti-struck at Ccntcrvillc. At last accounts she was not expected to re cover." Oregon City is agitating the question of building a free bridge across tho Wil lamette at that point. It is estimated that the bridge will not cost over $50, 000; and that responsible parties arc willing and anxious to build it for that sum, waiting until tho structure is fin ished before they receive their pay. The Lafayette Courier says: "The bridge question is now agitating this community, and if they build such bridges as they have heretofore it may well agitate tax-payers. If we cau get no better bridges than the kind they build in this country, we had better go back to the old system of hunting a ford." The Farmer says: "It seems that the general report from prairie farmers is that the fruit lias been cut off by tho late frosts, which even killed many of the trees. It is probable that enough for house supply will be furnished us, but not much of a surplus. Apples will be apt to bear a fair price all the sea son." J. M. Sutton, Xo. H Morrison St. announces to the public that he is pre pared to do all kinds of plating and gild ing locks, bolts, gas fittings, stair rods, watch cases, spoons, castors, and table ware plated and gilded to order. Elec trofypingdoue on short notice. Prices reasonable, and work insured as repre sented. tVrticIes of incorporation of the Salem Bridge Company, having for its object the construction of a bridge across the Willamette river, were filed in the office of the County Clerk of Marion oiiThurs- day. The capital stock is $100,000, di vided into 1,000 shares of $100 each. W. W. Piper, Rufus Mallory and W. F. Boothby appear as incorporators. A large number of persons in different parts of the State have been chosen by the Spiritualists as a committee to take all necessary steps preparatory to a loca tion and incorporation of the proposed Liberal College, and that they receive all bids, propositions and donations con nected therewith, and report the results of their labor to the next Grove meeting at Woodburn, on the 12th of September, 1S72. A member of the Executive Commit tee of the Oregon Stale Agricultural So ciety, informs the Statesman that ex tensive improvements are in progress for the coming State Fair. Nearly one hundred additional stalls for cattle have been erected, and workmen aro engaged in building pens for swine, additional stables for horses, etc. In accordance with tho order of the Board, the track has been changed, and the ground sur veyed for the building of one hundred booths for the use of retailers during the annual Fair. Twelve of these are being finished, which will add material ly to the appearance of the grounds, and when, next j'ear, the plans already com menced shall have been completed, in lIace of the dismal-looking shanties, which have heretofore been a disgrace to the Society, we are to have hand somely finished and nicely painted buildings. Other improvements are in progress, and nothing within the means of the Society will bo left undone to make the Fair of 1872 a success. From information received by the officers, it is believed thatthecxhibition of blooded stock will be far in excess of former years most, if not all of it, equal to the best in the United Stetc. SPECIAL NOTICES. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. READ THIS VTICASIO WATER-CURE is situated In Cnll i lornia the healthiest State in the Union; in Marin county the healthiest In the State: and in Xlcaslo Valley a place combining all the advantages of climate and beauty ofloca tlon. It Is reached In a few hours from San Fran cisco, via either San Rafael or Petaluma.nnd patients can, by special arrangement, have easy carriages, with bed. If desired, at very low rates, by application at Bay View stables, San Hanfaci, or to tho livery stable of Unkless, Washington Street, Pctaluma, opposite Brook lyn Hotel. Stages leavo Ran Rafael, Mondays, Wednes days aud Saturdays, at 2 r. x.. Stages leave Petaluma at the same hour, Tuesdays and Friday, Nlcnslo Wiiter-Cure has facilities for successfully treating the sick unexcelled by any cure. East or West The ruvsiciANS are skillful, and they have had long experience in the Hygienic treatment of chronic diseases. They employ in addition to the common Water-Cure or Hygienic treat ment, electricity In baths and, otherwise, and inhalations of oxvoex, which prove very valuable In many cases of lung and throat diseases. They also pay particular attention to all diseases vecumau to womct. Tliey are of the "Pacific Journal of Health." a periodical which has high rank as one of the best popular Health papers In the world. We therefore confidently assert that In no place In tho world can the sick receive, for the time ana money expended, more snusiantiai benefit than in the Nicasio Watkii-Cciie. BR. W.J. YOUNG, Manager. jiiis. ri'ii.vM iiExnnn, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Ifnll, Hush Street, Room 43, second floor. Circles Thursday and Saturday evenings. Seances for business. v2nll A NEW ARRANGEMENT r, OF THE GROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINE, FOR OPERATING BY HAND AS WELL AS BY TREADLE. SPECIALLY ADVANTAGEOUS FOR INVALIDS. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS SEWING MACHINE OPERATED EITHER BY HAND OR FOOT, AND MORE SIMPLE, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT THAN ANY OTHER. W. T. SHANAHAN, AGENT, SEYENTY-0NE FIRST ST., PORTLAND. SEWING MACHINES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS OF TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH. v2n!3 For the very best photographs, go to Bradley I A Rulofsou's Gallery without STAIRS OB-ASCKXD IX THE ELEVATOR, 13 Mont gomery St., San Francisco. OUR AGENTS. The following persons arc duly authorized to act as Aicents for tho New Noimi wkkt : Mrs J.lL Foster Albany lr. lfaurler A. A. Manning . Miss Virginia Olds Hiram Smith J. H. 1). Henderson W. W. Bench ltov. Win. Jolly Hon. T. W. Davenport Mary-I.ftiagory A. W. Stanard S. IL Ciaushton C. A- Reed Mrs. O. T. Daniels Mrs. Nellie Curl P. C. Sulllvnn Mrs. M. I Cook Mrs. M. a Cllnc Mrs. R. A. Vawtcrs Mrs. R. B- Bishop. Rev. J."K. Damon Rev. D. Baslcy. Mrs. Jane M. Wilon Philip Rlti P. D. Moore Mrs. R. J. George Mrs. JW. Enslcn O. It mood ily Corvallis Olympla McMlnnvillc Harrisburg Kugene City Buena Vista Hillsboro SI lverton ... Gervuls lirownsvillc - Lebanon - Salem -Salem --Kalem Dallas Lafayette Kahuna Wnltsburs l'enuieton -Seattle .Seattle Walla Walla Walla Walla Port Townsend Traveling Agent -lurtiand Mrs. M. Jeffries IL IL Welch . Dr. J. Wntts A. N. Arnolil G. W. Lawson .. M. r. Owen- Mrs. C. A. Coburn- Mrs. J. Do Vore Johnson.. Thos. Parsons. R. Pentlnnd Miss Sallle Applegato Miss B. A. Owens J. T. Scott, Esq Mrs. A. E. Corwiu Geo. Kngle ..Traveling Acent iTavei ing Agent -Washington county .Lafayette - Albany Salem Dalles Forest Grove .Oregon City GRAY'S MUSIC STORES! CLAY ST., Sun Francisco, , 101 rirtl .Street, Portland, Oregon. THE World Renowned BURDETT AXD .siioxixar.it ORGANS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Steinway & Sons' Kranltb.Bnch A Son's, KAINES BROS,' AND M.CRAY'S PIANOS Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Jonrnnl for the People, "nowFs" Xew Improved SKN1XU MACni.VE. DEVOTED TD THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. UUTTERIGK'S Celebrated Patterns -.or Ladles and Chlldrfiii GARMENTS. Agents Wanted In Every County on me loan. . I- DePItAXK, Manager Oregon Branch Bouse. v2-n9-tf Arrangements have been made to secure the I Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. The Xkw NoirrnwnsT Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. It HMuna nu rc.&,UM injiilll, liu iithiuu, liu I'.tl o I no color, no creed. Its foundation Is fastened upon me rocs oi l.iernai i.iueny, universal emancipation auu untrammeieu l'rogresslon OUR PREMIUM LIST. .arifcs. -A.cn:, fUST RETURNED FROM KAX FKAJT- 1 Cisco with a large and Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS, sucn as SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Mnrtcllles, rtc. .AI.0 A Largo and Reautlful Assortment oi PORTLAND ADERTISEIENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. HURGREN & SHINDLER, RF.CT IMPORTi:ils a turerof' v-i .irntv of T"IRF.CT IMPORTmis AND M VXVFAC XJ PAP.rm, nuivnoGM, DIKING, I.IRRARY AND COUNTING-nOUSE Jp TJ R- jV I T TT T 23 , 0k, Walnut, Rocwood. (brMnnt, Ftr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, Pulii, Hair, 3Ioss, Excelsior .Inc. Etc., Etc., Etc. T1IK I.AROEST STOCK! TIIF. II EST WOODS! THE LOWEST PItUIES! Warh Rooms Nos. lfiG. S. 17B and 172. Cor. Salmon and FIrstSts., Portland, Oregon. nun PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROOMS Corner first mid Stark over Ijidd i Tilton's Rank. Contains Orrr Three Thousand tholcc nooks Over 100 Papers and magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Jfontiily Dili's HI OO Payablp Quarterly i DR. VAN DEN BERGH'S j So-veircis'ii "Worm Syrup. TniS TRUr.Y WONDERFUL MEDICINP. is warranted to expel all worms from the i Rowels and Stomach, except Tape and Chain I Worms. I The proprietor has taken much pains to test I the comparative merits of the principal Worm Medicines of the day, which, numerous as the Kntozoa themselves, have overspread the I land, each claiming: foritsclfthe name of sne- ! nlft.. .hlla ,m Tmnt-lv 'irtl-Timrlt. T )l many oiiiiemarconensurcessiui.HDu uu en-ai good, were we not assured that this combini--advantnges possessed by no other worm medi- i-iiip, its inirouuetion at tnts late ay wouiu not - n auempiea. The pleasant tnstn find TcNl!nr?lr small quantity of this medicine required to test the " urms, or to remove every one from the system its operating in a few hours. Unaided by anv Other nnn tWAlh.r irlth II certainty of effect, constitute it one of the mo-r uriuiaiiL discoveries or the age. Had we snaee lifiv kmi-m rr MrtiRMtca might be adduced to show its progressive and rapidly increasing reputation lor the last few years; but to promulgate its fame and estab lish its character, we only ask for a trial. us spcctiy operation in an suunen attur-Ks. a.-. convulsions, colic, fits or spasms, gives it au unrivaled superiority. Sent by express on re ceipt of price. SYMrTOMS OF WORJIS. Alternate paling and flushing of the coun tenance, dull expression of the eyes, drowsi iness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper lip, tongue whitely furred and thickly speckled Willi red points, feted breath, au enlarged belly, a imrtial or general swelling or pufilneness ui the skin, a starting in the sleep and grinding m the teeth, a sensation as If something wjt lodged in the throat, a gradual wasting or Ilif flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, n short and dry cough. anDetite sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, bowels sometime-! costive, at other times loose, great fretfulne-s and irritability of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convulsions and palsy. Its value in removing masses oi aruuiiies from the stomach and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot be too highly estimated. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, iy DR. VAX DEX BERGH and Agents in all ci t les and towns. Dr. Van Den Derail can be consulted on all diseases that the human system is heir to. Hit long experience in diseases or women ana children cannot be surpassed by any physi cian in the United States or Bnrope. Dr.V. ad vUes ladles troubled with any Irregularities of. the Uterus to try his new remedies and get- cured. lly consulting and undergoing a simple ex amination the attlicted ran learn If their dis ease lie worms or not. At ail events, Dr. Van Den Bergh can tell them from what dlseafe they are suffering. Consultations and examinations free of charge. Officb Roous 3S ami a, over rosionieBv Salem, Oregon. Issuers uescnoing me sjiuiimiiih win w nmmnllr flnvnvml. and nelsons living a& m, distance will lie saved the expense and trottfete of cal ling on the Doctor. Address lll(. .1. V. .V. lll'.i-i liaii.Il, . .1 45 P. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. . Dirkctoks Wm. S. I.Kld, P. C. Schuyler, Jr., M. V. Deady, I- H. Wakefield, W. H. linselcett. A. u. liiuiis, u. li. lwis, ji. w. r-cnneimer, ii Failing,!. Blum. Officers: As an inducement lor our friends to make exertions to secure lnnre clubs for tho NKW XoRTitWEST, we offer the following list of val uable premiums : mriwenrv suiLscnners. nt uuencn.nccoiii' tinnled Ihn cnsli. we will Klvc tlie HOME HHUTTI.V: SKWINH MACHINE, without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. Price, sau. For thirty-five subscribers, at SlOu each, ac companied bv the cash, we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, with Black Walnut tabic, bronzwl and nicely llnlshed. Price, SIS. For fortv subscribers, at S3 00 each, accom panied bv thecash, we will give a HOMESHUT TLBSEWlNG MACHINE, finished in extra style, witn tiincic walnut taoie anu cover. nice, s.. nieniKive sewing Jiacnines. wiiicu are war ranted ilrst-class In every parjleular. can be seen nt the office ot Geo. W. Traver, 112 Front street, Portland. tor nny suuscrincrs, ai 5-3 uu cacn, nccom- I. H. WAKEFIELD H. FAILING P. C SUiiuvi.KIt.Jit President -Vice Iresldent ..Treasurer M.W. FECHHHIMER CorresiioiHlrngSec HENRY A. OXER Librarian and llee. Sec Empire Hotel, MAIX STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGOX., BOARD BY THE DAY, Week or Month, on, the most reasonable terms. superior accommouaiions ior mmniw, Ctncord Coach to and from the Itousa frea. A large safe for the keeping ot vsduaMe. House open ail night. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor; MIMINPRY RnnnS. RIRRnNS. panle.1 by the cash, we will give, n M.V-OX , , . ilA3njj( 1-U1H-A11I.K J. I Atkinson-, Notary Iubllc. Tyi.kk WoonwAiin. D. W. W VKEFIEU). Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson .t Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 FRONT STKEET, Portlaiul. Oregon, Pine Laces, Etc., Of every variety and description. Straw (ioods. Parasols and Kid Glores Oi the best quality. JEWELRY," r.lXCV GOODS. ETC., On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Or all descriptions. Call nml Examine tlie Stock. Oodd Sold to Suit the Times. Afir, 97 First street, Portland. HAVE FOR SALE FARMS AND UXIM 1. roved Lands In Oregon and Washington Tcrrltorry. Also. CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sale ORGAN, four octavo, and to Rent. single reed, with black walnut case, automatic i We attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate liellnws swell, two blow iwHlals. Imm-nvcd ren- In CItv anil Country. special uuuiiiMiu Kieii in me j.?ming oi ter nressure reed valves. etc ItIcc. vTjU. mr seveniy-nve suoscriners, ai si in eacn. ac- cornpaiilcd by the cash, a double reed MASON ii..ii,iA tiiiii.vs ; resmiues ine nrsi ex cept that It has also a knee stop. Price, $73w For seventy-live snbM.-rlbers, ut fa w each, accomianlisl by the cash and twentv-flve dollars additional, we will give a MASON fc HAMLIN UllUAi, or FIVE OCTAVES, ONE STOP, SKLF-AWUSTINO REED VALVES, IM- rilOVKD 11ELIX1WM, TIIEMCI-VNT AND KNEE- HWKI.L. Price, SIOU. For one liuudred subscribers, at M m each. and twenty dollars additional, we will give u .M.SU. K Jl.VJIIil.N UliU.V, FIVE OCTAVES, five trroiM, tvo sets of ninn.Toii.s tiiisoucii- ODT, IMPROVED GRAUr.vTKD SELF-AIUCSTINU REEDVAX.VES,I3irilOVEIlIKI.IAWS,TIIK.MUI.lT AND RfmhOTKMS. VIOLV, DLU'.VSOX, FLUTE, TRE.MUIVXT. Price, S125u Those who desire to work for these iiremiums can send the names and money as fastas re ceived. Tlie subscribers will be placed to their credit, and if enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de sired tliey can choose a leaser premium, or they will be entitled to receive twentv-flve percent. lncasuoi ine amount remuieii lor nielr lior. Property and Collection of Rents, looking after itepairs and I'aymcni in luxes on l'rojieny in our hands when desired. Igal papers written and acknowledgments Uikeii. LOANS NEGOTIATED on Ileal Estate Se curity. Parties having Money to Loan are In- Vlicii 10 give us a can. n IStf ATKINSON, WOODWARD Jfc CO. HEN DEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. IV. Cor. Morrison nml rirst .Sts.. PORTIVND, OREGON. PICTURES taken In all tho latest and most Improved styles, and not Inferior to any on the coast. Work well done and completed In side of twenty-four hours. C3-BABIKS and CHILDREN should be brought in between the hoursoflOnndZ.alwuvs dressed In light clothes. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. AI.11ERT A. MANNING KEEPS A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSK for the accommodation of people who pre-, ter a quiet home to tlie confusion oj a hetel. Terms moderate. Olympla, W. T. rrStf. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOT ART POBLIC. , , EUGENE CITY ORBOONS- Consnltalinns In the English, FmMh, GM ' man aud Holland languages. vSL FORTLuYSD ADVERTISEMENTS. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Hoticc- 730ATS OF THE COMPAXY WILL LUVVK- 'ortland as follows : For The Unites : I i Daily (Sundays excepted) at a oeIoolr..-M. ror Astoria . -r--.fi Monday, Alfcdnesday and Friday at S p'afoafc M r JW ': ft For .llonticello: . Dally at 7X o'clock A. jl ;! ':tiX nS7 J. C. AIXSWORTH, Preilnt.'. BB" CONSTANTLY Receiving Xew Supplies I by every Slenmcr. nia OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. "Wivr. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. E. WITHERELL, No. SO Front Street, Portland, WILL FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL those annlvlns for situations In any ca pacity from Wood-chopper down to a Fat Of-Urn. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm Help, House Servants. Railroad Hands, etc., irrespective of Nationality. l'aniessenuing oruers irom a uiMancc musi bo explicit in their orders, stating Just what lliey wain, wiiui nicy win jm,iac,iucmjiiiiu nled by our otllce rces, S2 U0, which may de ducted from employee's wages), stating wheth er they will or will not bo responsible for trav eling expenses of hired help. 4iti j. it. wiiu-jiir.i.i (ll'XS, BECK nntl Importers and Dealers In RIFLES AMI REVOLVERS AsTiiENEwNoimiwESTliasnlreaily nrovctl In pojHiIar success, wo nre decided that ft shall also prove n triumph. To enauic our inenus wno may ueciuo io can- sifs? I vass ior our paper io ueneni uoin iiicmseivos I anu us HOW TO SAVE MONEY! I T5. Mllwaukie .....The Dalles ..-.Yoncalla Roseburg ..Forest Grove Xchalem J. W. Jnckon.. L. P. Fislier .Traveling Agent Eugene ....-San Francisco s, -i .im iunrniw- Gordon. Callfomia Miss Nellie Mossman ....Olympla I.T. Maulsby 1 ;n"e' O. W. Brocki-uii-iJ -.Union RldRe;V. T O. W. Barnes ..Ochoco Valley J. N. Gale v 'ashlngton Terrltoo- Mrs. E. Oakshett Othor parties deslrlns to act as Agents will please forward their names. We want Agents at every postoffice throushout Oregou and WahlnBton Territory. T)RACTICn ECONOIY IN ALL VOI R JL dally expenditures. Examine the IMPROVED S45. HOME S45. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Before Buying. Then decide which Is BET. Its SIMPLICITY and DURABILITY stvc lltne preference. The ONLY LOW PRICED MACHINE using the COMBINATION PATENT. T.inro sunnlv Just received. GEO. XT. TltAVEIt, Gencrnl Agent, nli Philadelphia Shoe Store, 112 Front St. MKS. M. J. EXSIGX, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Near Wnshlngton, (Next door to Nirw Northwest Office), HAS A Ii.VRGE ASSORTMENT OF PAT ternsfor I.idlcs'and Children's Clothing for sale. ,. Dressmakers can get full assortment of pat terns, consisting of Iineen (full size), lor ti on, which will bo sent to any part of the State on receipt of price. Letter of fashion, how to trim and make, will be sent with each package. ih-iv. nf uino! nnttcrns: Ladies' suits. 1 CO: polonaise, 75 cts.: ovcrsklrt.&J ctis; walst25,ct..; children's sults,75et.; ovcikIrt,23cts.; waist, 2." cts.; boys' suits, 7j cts. rtnti,i m,.i fiftiiilnne nn short notice. I'lease state age in sending for children's ''npl.'iT'J.'Kn-n nnllnmc rlll lw made for llOlllC use, and will be found much superior to East ern made. All orders promptly attended to. Give mo a call. 2nS MRS. M.J. ENSIGN. IS.1AC BEKGM.VX, Union nvXitrlasot, Cor. Second nml "Waslilngton Sts. HAVING RECENTI.Y PURCHASED THIS Market, lam now prepared to sell on reas onable tenns the bot Meats the country nf fords. nl by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we proposo to give the following nddltloual Pre miums io canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for the X r.w Northwest, who will send us ills or her own subscription fee, and one new subscriler, ac companied uy me casu se uu we win give : A rair i-anan Jiaruic vase Or a Bohemian Glass Vase: Orn Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; ur J4 uozen l-iaieu lea rsiioons Or 1 nalr Alexandre's Kid GIov Or a I.idy'8 Fan, spangled, leathered edge; uruiiim cage; (Iran Album for holding ICO Pictures: Or nn Album (extra) for holding M pictures; Or a Fnncv letter f!xise: Or a box Toilet Articles, Including soap, chalk, penunicry, etc.; urn Britannia tea i-ot; Or H dozen Glass Goblets Orjjdozen GlassTum biers; urn large uniss r ruib uiaiij Or a Fino Embroidered Handkerchief; Or 5$ dozen Linen iianuKcrcineis; (i. Wrtrtl.m Tnldi Cover: Or li dozen Table Napkins; Or KdozcnToweis; limn eleir.int l'urtmonla. Anv snhscrilior who Is in arrears lorn vcar's iniivrintlnn. and who will send Ills or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac- - i , ... .1... n.n !'( ii . Sn rV) ,111 nml , A set oi Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted: Orasctof ltogers'TableSpoons.trlpIo plated, nr. .pititA meinl. warranted: Orasctof Rogers' Tea spoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; n, .lnren Roirurs' Husooll's Table Ivnl ves. or niiiiiis oil jioiiiiav. .tinv i:an. is.. i ucmuuuim-i - ' ' .. , . 1 . . 1 .... .1 t t ..i i . , t I n n hniiifwnliie Illrd LlgO. .'brrmpri;ingI will bo lauzht. Xew NOKTIIWEST, who 111 send his or her Lessons ou tho piano will also be given, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, Baskets, Bied Cages, Ct7Ti.Env, r. - . , n.i. .. tTOUUCl uami-s, tarin iiiiu iiiiguiis, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC V3 FRONT STREET, IORTLAXD, OREGON' AGENTS for Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Ma chines, Needles. Thread, Silk, OH, Etc Also Agents for the California Powder Works' I Blasting and Sporting powder. vsnltr "THE SELECT SCHOOL Under the direction of Mrs. II. C. BroM-u "1 XT-ILL BE RE-OPENED FOR THE RECEP- U tion i JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Oists Furnishing Goods, Lndles nml -Hisses' TRIMMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND BOXXETS, Frames, Braids, Cords, OrnamenW, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc- Drcss Goods, While Goods, Yankee No tions, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE ELLENDALE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Ihdl Slock of Blankets, Yarns, Bea vers, Ticceda and Castimeres Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLES II V EVER V STEAMER. LADD & TILT IO h. 1ST TZ. m JEZ. s , PORTLAND -2nllf $50 00! $50 00! THE NEW WILSON STRAIGHT XEEDI.E, UNDERFEED SEWING r.CJIITf33. subscription fee and three new subscribers, nc- cnuivamm --v - " - "... send: . ....,.. A tiindcnmi .inr?jlllie.- iuiii; nr a handsome Woolen OuIIt.red and while. orbluennawiuic; Ora pairor taoie iii--i Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtalni; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, ai color or site: ,. r . Ora Japanese iuii n. w r.c hest vd. wide Sheeting. Lv,n subscribers at S3 00 each, amount ing to Sit uu, we win . , ... . , Ait extrn Castor, triple plated.on white meta! valued at $9 U: ,. Orai1dJ"S W riUUS " "'"ju.li 'am.;, OrnCabincl,Japancse Inlaid; r.m tnnmise Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all valuable, nnd aro war ranted to be Jut ns we represent menu t-or- llplni In 111 s CUV ucn HI UUI UI,Ul.tlll ALIKE ON I U-lii,. nriielesfrom our own hands at an hour's notice; or if not convenient to visit us, MAKES (THE IXCK STITCH Both Sides. Runs easy, nnd will do either light or henvy I will !nd the articles by express to any ad Ls the only. lirst-class fewing Machine sold for less than SO) ut Examine and Judge for yourselves. Don't bo humhuggeil Into paying SirriiOfnra Sewing Ma chine, when you can get a New Wilson for J.T). vin9 OFFICE AND SALESROOM, No. 73 I'lrtt Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ACENTS WANTED! MINER & PEARSON. General Afent. Xrionlcr of this kind will receive attention unless the cash nccimiiiiii- n. ,no in ivistofflce orders at the cus tomary rates of currency, or send draft if pre- nil v attended to. xv. .inriiv hone that this unparalleled offer, which is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse rrom the many friends or pur paper, who up to this time have seemed to fall to real ize that The Xew XoimtWEST cannot bo run without money. Xow is the time to make up oii, TuTin heforo some other person gcLs the start of you. Sec whatyou can do for your- ell,the Public and tub ev northwest. era- PARTIdULAR. Orders. ATTBXTIOX Paid to nl -OUEGOV. EHttillIslictl, 1839 DEPOSITS RECEIVED AXD ACCOUNTS kept subject to check on draft. INTKREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or ' TRUST FUNDS, in sum of OXK DOLLAR, .s ij ii i' .tiu irom uaic oi aeposiu , , jio.nbv luakij on approved security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables receives -! on deposit for safe keeping. .-, ., Collections made and proceeds promptly ra Investments In Real Estate and other nrrss-i erty made for iHU-tles. u Sight and Telegrahic Exchange on San Fran-.,, eisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bowglit ami sold. ' Agent for the transaelton of all kinds of TM-t, naneial and Trust Business. nl, . ,. T- V. SHATTUCK. , til b. KitinJ SHATTUCK t UILI.IX. j. C t o ! ii oys-:i t,-T:x av . OFFICE ROOM. XO. I, DBKU3PS BUILD-il ing, First street, Portland, OrefOn. nltC : PROF. GANS "j GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE v ricsianees of Pnpils. rpERMS Ri:ASONABLE. SatUftcUon Guar-, X an teed. i KXl.irsTOEi?. as co. Washington St., lief. fVcnnd timlTllIrd, 2trts. h. j. nniscY, ' T; PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER,. C VN BE FOUND IX HER STUDIO, Oil th third lloor of Cornell's Xew BulWlnfr,from IB (V. X. IllH 1 Jl- 1" ul" , w CW I.BSSON.-i GIVKJi 1 1.JJMCA1-K i-AI2ir- INO. - ttl PORTLAND. -ORKOOX fK MAXUFACTURE AX A XO. 1 ARTICLE. OF" IIRRAD, CRACKRRH' CAKRI, THE CLOTHING STORE! IS THE PLACE WHERE ,i ; GENTS' CUSTOM-MADE GLOTHING, . Itoys" nnd YontliH t'lothlnsr, Puxnuhing Goods, Hats and Caps, iiie.. BOOTS AND SHOES. Rtc, Etc., ClatsaBakefylf Pas,rynsuallyro,lmWn aFir"- CAN BK HAD AT San. Francisco 3?i ice I lWFro.it Street, rortlnml. Harris & P'ager. US" GooiU del i vcred to nny part of t hp eltv JCt,Jlnli WM. HAiinis, San Francisco. 2n" I i: v.-r.it, Portland,