She tto Ikilteesi FRIDAY AUGUST 1G, 1S72. HOHENEWS. Travel on ttic railroad is increasing. Waco anticipates a very full crop of grapes. Wheat is worth sisly cents a bushel at Salem. The lire engine bought by Corvallis cost $2,000. Tlie first Oregon peaches have put in an appearance. New wheat is coining in rapidly at the Salem mills. Albany has had its picture taken, and it is to be engraved. Wheat for storage is arriving in great ojiautitiee at Salem. nouses in Iloeburg are in great de mand and the supply limited. It is reported that Walter Maflutt is going to build a 1,500 ton bark. At Albany one bushel of potatoes is worth as much as two of wheat. The Phillips family, Lane county, have all recovered from the small pox. Farmers are swarming in the city with all kinds of vegetables, berries, tic. Two Fort Stevens girls paddled a small boat the other day from the Fort to As toria. Work is progressing rapidly on the railroad bridge across the North Ump cjua. The Fair Ground is being thoroughly overhauled in anticipation of the State Fair. A new cable will be stretched across the river at the foot of Stark street next week. Business at Canyon City this year is very dull. The miners are gradually failing. A special term of the Circuit Court of Yamhill county, commonoetOIouday, ugust 12. The Eugene Guard predicts that CO rents will bo the price of wheat at that ylace this fall. The assessment roll of Union county shows a valuation of property amount ing to $0SS,31S. The cars will run to Itosebuig by the 1st of October. There is still live miles of track to lay. Mr. J. M. Bacon estimates his loss by the Oregon City postolllce robbery at one thousand dollars. No boats have reached Salem for the last few days. Low water and but little freight is the cause. Five hundred thousand brick havo been used In the first story of tho new court house at Salem. The streat-preaehing at the cornor of I irstandStark streets last Sunday oven ing was well attended. C'has. Roebuck was sentoncod Thurs day at Portland to three years in the penitentiary for perjury. East Portland is getting exalted now aliout the location of the bridge to be built across the Willamette. The Oregonian learns that a new quartz lodehasbeen discovered near the head waters of the Sautiani. A miner at Auburn, Baker county, the other day,, picked up a nugget of tjold weighing forty-five ounces. The name of the West Side has been chanced to the Yamhill Jlenoricr. T. B. Handley continues as alitor. Members of the M. IS. Annual Con ference and their wives will be carried l.y the O. & C. R. R. at redueed rates. Messrs. Beard & Co. have erected a warehouse at Tangent, Linti county, which will hold 00,000 bushels of grain. A meeting was held at Oregon City Friday evening to take in consideration the feasibility of bridging the river at that place. The Portland Free Discussion Club Lave their weekly meetings every Sun day at 3 o'clock i x. at No. 88 First St, up stairs. Bishop Morris will add seven new teachers to the various schools estab lished by him in Oregon and Washing ton Territory. Farmers at Washington county refuse to take 55 cents for wheat delivered at stations. The grain threshes well, and is unusually plump and large. Salem's burglar is slek, and citizens of that place feel great relief. It seems never to have entered their minds to catch him and stop his business. The Academy building at Baker City is again approaching completion. It was once destroyed by lire. The State lends ten thousand dollars to build it. The material of the Roseburg Entign has been sold to Mr. R. Tyson, late of the Dallas Jlepublican, who will pub lish a naner to be called the Patda- roph. The City Couneil of Salem has lately concluded to discontinue somo of its htreet lamps, and also the services of one of its two watchmen, on the score of economy. Snag pulling is in operation on the Wiliamettc rivcr at Bowers' Bar, a few miles below Corvallis. A Corvallis pa per says that tho snags are the chief obstacles to navigation, as there is wo. ter enough. There is a contest at Salem for the po sition of Chief Engineer of the Fire De partment. The Council can't decide which one of the contestants is elected and tells the boy's they must pull straws for it. The Albany Democrat says that Mr. Wilson Johnson, just fromEastcrn Ore gon, contradicts the report about the killing of Mr. Rice and son by Indians. Mr. Johnson camped with Mr. Rico only a few days ago since the report was published. The Farmer tays: The farmers who are hauling their wheat to market re port that the yield for the present har vest runs from 25 to 37 bushels per acre for fall wheat, and averages better than in 1S71. The spring grown grain yields less, but is still better than last year. It is reported that Mrs. Carrie F. Young is making arrangements to es tablish a Hygienic Home atHood river, in Wasco county. The neighborhood i3 fast filling up with a good class of citi zens, and the location is one of the most beautiful and healthy to be found any where. The deaf mute school will re-open in Salem on September 1st, under the su perintendence of Prof. Smith. The pro fessor has been very successful thus far in his tedious work, but he is deter mined to doeverythingwithinhis power for his unfortunate fellow beings. At least 25 pupils are expected. An act of Congress provides that Col leges which have capacity to educate 150 students may have a Department of military science under charge of an of ficer of the Army. President Gatch, of Willamette University will ask that Lieut. Fred. Schwatka, now of the 5th Cavalry, stationed on the North Platte, may be detailed to act as such Professor of Military Science at that place. The number of institutions so favored is lira ited to twenty. Last Monday morning an accident occurred on the railroad near Comstock's Mill. It appears that a number of men were propelling themselves along the road on a baud car, and had just turned a curve when the shrill whistle of a lo comotive was heard. The freight train had been delayed some time and was in a hurry to reach the first station beyond the mill, ahead of the passenger train. It was her whistle that the men heard. Four of the men jumped, but one, named nenry Otto, either paralyzed with fear or become insane therefrom, remained on the hand car. The approaching train could not be be stopped, and strik ing the car knocked him oil. He fell before the locomotive, which, with the entire train, passed entirely over him, killing hi in instantly. The following complimentary obser vations iu regard to this city and State appear in a San Francibco paper, from the pen of a California!!: "Oregon Is growing so rapidly that the capital available is insufficient for its business, though the rates of interest have risen considerably. A usury law limits the legal interest to twelve per cent, annu ally, and for the sake of securing loans, the borrowers pay a bonus of five per cent., equivalent to seventeen per cent. A quarter of million could be loaned in thirty days at that rate, as we arc In formed on good authority. The influ ence of railroads, immigration, good crops and high prices of grain, has in duced the farmers to purchase largo stocks of agricultural implements, and the merchants of Portland have erected fine buildings. That town has doubled its population in six years, and has now thirteen thousand inhabitants. There is not an empty business house in the place, and its banks with an aggre gate capital or, are not able to accomodate the banking demands of the State." SPECIAL NOTICES. TO fcPIRinTAT.fSTtJ ASTT, fYrirmi T.TTlfTCATa Thinkeim. A full supply of Spiritualist and ihi-turjii ikju&x Kepicoiisianuyiorsaicaimiou s Uberal and Reform Bookstore ana General Pacific Agency. 319 Keamv street, up stairs, near Bush. Also Adams fc Co.'s Golden rens, Orton'n Anti-Tobacco Preparation. and f-pence's Positive and Negative rowdcrs. All (rood sold ai eastern prices, Remittances in initeusiaics paper currency received at nar. Circulars and catalogues mailed free. Address Herman Snow, 1'. O. Box 117, San Francisco, Cal. viil I Tim CIollilii Trade linn. ultlllU the last thirty days, undergoncnrcgularrcvolutloii, liy Flshel A Roberts having opened n first-class Clothing establishment, corner of First and Washington streets, where Men and Boys can be Ulted to oerfectlon In everv kind of Clothes. They are manufacturing on a lanre scale.nnd can make anything for Men and Boys' wear to order In the very best style, at extreme low price. mciraim is to please uotn in uuinganu in quality. A call to their cstabllshmcnt.corner anu waMimgton streets, win convince an Of the f:let. ap2G-tf V. H. COBURN, 13oolc antl Tol 3?xiiitcx, 5 WAMIIXGTOX STREET, UP-STA1US, Portland, Oregon. Voik dene nl REASONABLE RATES, nl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T5EAI THIS I -yiCASIO AVATER-CURE Is situated In Cali 1 iornla the healthiest State In the Union; in Marin county the healthiest In the Stale: and In NIcaslo Valley a place combining all the advantages of climate and beauty of loca tion. It Is reached in a few hours from Kan Fran cisco, via cither rjan Rafael or Pctaluma, and patients can, by special arrangement, have ensy carriages, with bed. If desired, at very low rates, by application at Bay View Stables, San Ranfaci, or to the livery stable of Unkless, Washington Street, Fetaluma, opposite Brook lyn Hotel. Stages leave Ran Rafael, Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays, at 2 1'. 51.. Stages leave I'cialuma at the Mime hour, Tuesdays and Fridays. Nicnslo "Vnter-"'tire has lacilltles for successfully treating the sick unexcelled by any cure, East or West Tut: physicians arc skillful, and they have had long experience In tlicllyglcnic treatment of chronic diseases. They employ in addition to the common Watcr-Cure or Hygienic treat ment, Ki.iXTiticiTY In baths and, otherwise, and inhalations ol oxygkn, which prove very valuable lumatiycasesof lung and throat disease. They also iay iwrticular attention to all diseases rfccui.iAU to women. They arc well known as editors, for tho last three years, of the I'aclflc Journal of Health," a periodical which has high rank as one of the bet popular Health papers In the world. We therefore coiuldently assert that lu no place lu the world can the slrk receUe, fur the time and money expended, mole substantial benclit than lu the Nlcwsio WATRli-CtntK. DR. W. J. YOFNO. Malinger. PORTLAND ADVEUTlSEMENTS. MRS. I IM1A5I IH:NIEE, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Ilnll, Hush .Street, Between California and Montgomery street. Room 4s, second tloor. Circlet Thursday and Saturday evenings. Seance for business. vSnll A NEW ARRANGEMENT OF THE GRQVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINE, FOR OPERATING BY HAND AS WELL AS BY TREADLE. SPECIALLY ADVANTTGEOUS FOR INVALIDS. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS SEWING MACHINE OPERATED EITHER BY HAND OR FOOT, AND MORE SIMPLE, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT Woman's Power for good and Evil. One gifted and beautiful wom an, if wrongly disposed, can scatter more seed of corruption and death than a score of men with their utmost ellorts. Her capabilities for good in the different .l.,n.t.,.nk. r mnMn 11.. and such proportion to her jiowers, both j THAN ANT OTHER. ior goou anu evil, must tie ner conuem- . T oununusii apcmt nation, if she is false to her holv stew- i w- onAWAnAN, AUtN I, ardshlp. Society cannot be destroyed if j ccuFNTY-flNP FlRsVr ct. irnrnfm to f ntn nnr cnvul f wnmnn false. Besides, society shows no une qual discrimination in regard to this particular class of officers. The rule ap plies to all. A profane woman, a drunken woman, a female thief or mur derer excites always a greater horror and disgust than if the crime had been committed by a mau. And this is right, and it will bo an evil day for tho world when woman, in her sin, excites no more abhoraucc than a man. Kr. PORTLAND. SEWING MACHINES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS OF TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH. v2nl3 The New Era in Steamboatino. The Evansvillc Journal says: The rights of women liavo ueen luny recognized ou board the Skilliugcr, and the charming young wife of Mr. George V. McUoy, J r., cliicl cicri:, was carrying the keys of the safe and the money drawer, paid wharfage, printing antl store bills with the most bewitching graco and dignity. Captain Chcnowctli was m excellent spirits. Fur the very best photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofon'8 fiallery without STAIRS--ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, iS Mont gomery San Francisco. OUR AGENTS. The following persons are duly anlltorlzed to act as Agents for the New Northwest : Mrs J. H. Foster Albany Benton eouutv - .Oirvallls Olympia McMlnnvflle HarrUburg Eugene City lllMMm VUln Uv-X'mAJ,1,ly S Hillsboro Hon. T. W . Davenport Silverton Marv J. Mazers. . . fiprvuis A. W. Htanard ..Brownsville m. it. Lanugnioii iinmon C. A. Reed . .Sal tin Mrs. O. T. Daniels- . Salem Jim. Nellie Carl .Salem I". C. Sullivan Dallas Ashl.y 1'earee- ur. uariey .. .. jiRiiuinc Miss Virginia OKls Hiram Smith J. H. D. Henderhon W. W. Beach- Mrs. M- K. Cook Mrs. M. C. Cllne -.. Mrs. R. A. Vawters Mrs. R. R. Bishop. Rev. J. F. Damon Rev. D. Bagloy. Mrs. June M. Wllson Philip Rltr 1'. 11. Jioorc Irnyttto Kaiama Waltsburg Iendlctnn Seattlo .-Seattle Walla Walla Walla WallH .Port Townsend Mrs. IL J. George Mrs. M. J. Ensign.. . R. Uloou Traveling Agent I"ortland ......Traveling Agent Mrs. M. Jcflries ..-Traveling Agent H. H. Welch ..wasningmn county Dr. J. Watts Lafayette A. X. Arnold , Albany r" iv'niren Dalles Mrs. & A. Cobum Mrs.J. DeVore Johnson. Thos. Parsons.- R. Pentland. Miss Salllo Applegate- Miss B. A. Owens J. T. Scott, Esq Mrs. A. E. Corwln . Oeo. Engle. J. AV. Jackson U I'. Fisher ...Forest Grove Oregon City Mllwanklc The Dalles .. oncalla Roeburg .Forest Grove -Nchalem MUSIC STORES! CLAY ST., San Francisco, 101 First Street, Port land, Oregon. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. I Steinway & Sons' Kraolrb, Each A Ron's, HAINES BROS,' ASfl M.CRAY'S PIANOS HISTORY : rrillS REMEDY IS OQMPOSRD OP THE I Axtlva nriitrtnlo of tin- link Rm. Thnsiltim Onnlatum Orhjlnl;:, Int. indigenous (O Oregon, imnw mni nminunnuy ami per feetly In Washington nxmly. Unparalleled itiUucements to Clubs It contains an Active and Volalll Principle. extnwUHl by Eiher. and a Irftler Tonic Prin ciple. TUB World Renowned BURDETT AND MIOXIXOKl! ORGANS. THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journnl for the People. "HOWE'S" Xcw Improved I SEWING MAl'IllNE. DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. TUKT RETURNED FROM SAX FR.X- V eico with a large and splendid StocK of sunt as SILKS, WORSTED COQOS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseille. Ktr. BUTTEHICIC'S Celebrated Patients ...or LaduV ana (hlldrrns' GARMENTS. Agents Wanted In Every County on tho Cisi-t. . I- IlcPRAXS. Manager Oregon Itranrb Ilonsf. v2-li9-tf 5IRS. ACII, Arrangements have bwn made to secure the I Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. Tho Xew NoitTHWKsT is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever nolicv mar lie necessary to secure tho greatest good to the greatest number. It JIUUW n nil IM'A, iit mi 1 uiit; mil, 4IU mi , no color, no creed. Its foundation Is fastened npon tho rock of Iwnml Liberty, universal Emancipation and Untrmninelcd I'rogreusliui OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an inducement for our friands to make exertion in secure lanrp clubs tor the XBW XoirrmvrsT, wo offer tho following list of val- uamc piemiums : ,pftrnlv Ktihscnltors. at S (10 each, accom panlcil bv the cash, we will elve tho HOME SHUTTI.V: SEWIXtJ MACHINE, without ta- liln luvitif Inilli nrntttiiontMl. I'rlcc. Isal. Pnr thirtr.Ilve St UJ comnanled by the cash, we will give a iiiuir. SHUTTLE SBW1JU 31AUHl.r., Willi ihhck Wiilnnt table, bronzed and nicely linislied. lrlM ti. I For forty snhscrllKr, at SJ 00 pbcIi, nrcom-panlcdbvlheca.h,vrewllleteaHOMESHUT-TLE SEU'IN'G MACHINE, finished In extra U2TK AVKED IlEitEDY. PORTLAND ADUTISEMlsrrS. HURGREN & SHINDLER, PROPERTIES, ETC.: MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES It Is the most sure and speedy cure for Rheumatism, Itheuinnlic Gout and Rhetimatle Pains oral! kinds that wasever introduced Into the Materia Medlca. The UNK WEED REM ril 1 , 11 iii-ji.iicu ii ill nimciireuiT t i uir exisiing outer iinncipic, iiosscsses me sarj' virtue oi oeing a J?ovei'liil Tonic, Promoting the Appetite and Invigorating the wnoieuigesiive Appnraius, tiius ntiiiiiiiur np and strengthening the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, being ab sorbed in the blood, acts specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, removing It from the circu lation and system. There are few remedies known to the Medical Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison from the blood, but whose action Is so nowcrful In denresslng the system of tho al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, tliat their uso has to be abandoned before specific ctlects are obtainable, and hence the want of success In treating this prevalent and consequently heretofore Incurable disease. Unlike these medicines, already known, the UNK WEED REMEDV.nltlinugli producing as active and as powerful eflectsou the blood and system in re moving the Rheumatic Poison, also Doessesa strong Tonic and Recuperating Element which admits of iu continued ns even by the most delicate and debilitated. Thus we Iihvo the combination for the first time of these two necessary elements in one remedy, which ae countsforlts supcrioraiidiiever-tailiiigcurutlve elfects in Rheumatism, Rheumatic (Jonl and Rheumatic Pains of nil kinds. N. R. The UNK WEED REMEDY Is uartk- ulariy APPLICABLE TO LA DIES. In conse quence of Its Tonic tiuaiilies. DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MAXUFAC turers of rvery varlet j o rARLOrt, BED-ROOM, DINING, " 1 I.IBU.RY AND !K COUNTINO-HOISSR FUKNITXJR ...tN. 0k, Wnluat, RoetroaJ, t'Sifstnur, Ktr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, l'nlii. Hair. Moss, llxcelslor Cliiej Etc., Etc., Etc. THE I-tI.Wn.ST .STOCK! THE RUST ; US' THE LOWEST RIflE.t! Ware Rooms Xos. lSd, 3K, 170 awl 172. Salmon and First Sis., Portland, OnHjfOHJ niui TV as- PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROOMS Corner FirNt and Stark. .Ss., over Lild it TtllonM Bank. Oonlalni Ovrr Three Thousand Cbolce Ciiol.s .K Over 100 Papers and Magazines."' .AKTI-. TESTIMONIALS : MEMBERSHIP FREE TO- A'LL. .Itontlil.v Ine tilt OO I'ayablc liiartcrlj- slvle, wllh Black Walnut table and cover. iticc, s-.u ThealioieSewIn!' Machines, which are war ranted flrsl-clRss In exery lmrtlrular. can le seen at I he oillif oi U. w. Traver, 112 Front slrcel, Portland. For nnv subscribers, at St On each, aeeom- M1LLIMERY Q00DS RIBBONS, panleil by the cash, ko will ive a MASON A ILLincm U U U U O , U I D D u m o , I J,AMU If irtable ORGAN, four oetnve, single rce.1, wiiii iiiiu-k waimiicase.nuiomauc A Iinreand Renuliful Awtorlmcnt ol Pine laces, Etc., Of ovcry variety and description. Straw Goods, I'arasols and Kid GIOTes Ol the Lost quality. JI'AVr.I.ItY, FANCY HOODS. ETC., On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of all description, ('nil anil Examine the .Slock. Good Sold to Suit the Times. i Afir, 07 First street, Portland. bellows swell, two blow edals, improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc iTloe, $GQ. For scvenl v-Ove subcrl tiers, at St l each, ac- companlod by the cash, a double reed MASON HAMLIN ORf IAN : rcsemWes the Jlrst ex cept that It Iihm also a knew sUip. Price, STTi. For n'veniy-nvi suOM-ribers, at si ui cncii, acctimiKinleii by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will give a MASON .t HAMLIN tllttiAN, Of FIVK OCTAVt3, ONE stop. s:i.K-AiiirsTiNO nBEn valves, iji- fllOVEIl BELLOWS, T11EM UL.1NT .VND KSEE- kwell. Price, Slul. Kir one nuniireu sunscnocrs, at w cacn, and twenly dollars additional, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN OROAN, FIVE ocr.WKrl, FIVE STOPS, TWO SETS OP 11I11KATOIJN THKOUOll- OUT, IMPltOVEI OUADUATE1I SKI.1AIUUSTIJ.U IinEDVAI.VES,IMPltOVEnnKI.LOWS,TllEtULANT AND KNEE-SWELLS. VIUIU, IJl.l.OU.', FLUTE, TREM ULANT. ITice, SIS. Tlinso who desire to work for these premiums can send the names and money as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their credit, and if enough names are not received during me year io procure ine premium e slrcd they can chooca lesserpreinlum, ortlicy will be entitled to receive twenty-live lwrcent. Incasuot me amount remiiieu loriueiriaoor, Wc are aware of the tact that It fat senerally an easy mailer to procure certificate attesting me cnicaey oi intent remedies irom a certain clus of thoe who use them. We have selected the following because the names atlaied to them are those of men of the most careful and scrupulous character, and because the large class oi ineir acquaintances m uregon nn mo, ror a moment, acetiseor mi-iwhwiihii any exaggeration iu the stateinciits they may make: Certificate from the Depnty Jailor of Mult- nomah Comity Jail: City Jail, Portland, Oregon,) June 7, 181. f Dr. A. M. Ixiryrn A Co.: I was attckel with a severe case of rheumatism. It was In my thighs, hips, fingers, shoulder blade indeed in all the Joints or my body I suffered great win and anguish. I was attended by a regular phy- ! slcian. but with no ellect. I was indneed to try i your Unk Weed Keninl.v, and it immediately ; cured me up. I consider it, from ray expe- rlenee, tne uest remeuy lorrneamatism Known. ' ALFRED F. TURNER, Deputy Jailor. , Tills Is to certiry that the above statement Is i correct to mv own knowledge. JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. AltnCallfornlaBookandJobPrinllnKOiTlce,") w ijiiiiKjiiiiiiniinri, San Francisco, June 1, 1S71. J Dr. A. M. Loryea A Co.: For several years I have Iieeii subject to rheumatism in mv rleht arm aiul shoQldcr, moderlmc me unable to work, on recurrence or tne attack some lime since, I was induced lo try your "Unk Weed ltemedv." and the result was a nerfeet cure In a few days. I took only two-thirds of the contents or one nouie. .My iirm belter ts that the "Unk" Is a certain cure for rheiima tlm in all its forms, and I would heartily rec ommend all altUrted with that dreadful dis ease to fry your "Remedy" and lie cured. Directors Win. S. Ladd. P. C. SchuylMUr., M. P. Deadjr.I. II. Wakefield, W. IL lhHSkctt, A. C. (WiIk, V. II. Leu is, M. MT. I"-chhelllr,ir. Falling, l Blum. OtEcera: ' . "" U H. WAKEFIELD -FrefilmU. II. FAlLINtJ YVee IresMe)M l C SCHUYLER. J" Treasurer M.W. FECHUKIMER. Corres poari I ng Sf u HENRY A.OXBIt IJbrarlan aa4Kee.Sie TTAVE FOR SALF. FARMS AND -IJ J ins'lsJ. nniml f 4 mis in Oreson and WasliInzlOB rerrltorry. Also, CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sift and to Rent. We attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate in City and Country. special attention slven to tho Renting or Property and Collection of Rents, looking after ; itciwirs anu I'aymeni 01 .taxes uu XTopeny in I our hands when desired. Lecal puers written and aeknowledgmene taken. Certificate of A. R. Shipley. Ksn.. snecial con- I LOANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate Sa- tributnr to the "Wnilamelte Farmer," and Sec- j enrity. Parties bavins Money to Loan are in- rctary of the Oregon Horticultural Society Osweiro, Oregon, March 2!, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Ioryea: Some lour weeks ami I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; in fact I was almost helpless. I sent tovou fur one ll- iu nee Ixittie of the "Unk Weed Remedy," by ineiiM-iii which i eAiwnenceti aimosi imme diate relief, and by the time Uie bottle was eone the rheumatism was frone. From mv own experience, and Irom what I have heard others say who have used the Unk Weed, I oeneve 11. to oe a certain care lornieuinnusm. Yours respectfully, A. R. SHU'LEY. era" CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies by ovcry steamer. no AY No. riLL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. E. WITHEEELL, SO Front Street, Portland, FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. AV3. BECK una SOiV, Importers and Dealers in otxs. itiri.r.s and revoi.vek.s those annlvlnz for situations In any ca pacity from Wood-chopper down to a Fat Of- j nee. , Pay special attention to obtaining rami Help, House Servants, Railroad Hands, etc., . IrresiiectlveofNatlonallty. j Parties sending orders from a distanco must 1 lie explicit In their orders, stating just what 1 they want, what they will pny,otc,(accoinpa- , nled bv our office fees. 52 09. which may de-, dueled from employee's wages), stating wheth- er tncy win or win not no resjionsioie lor trav eling expenses oi hired holp. 4ltf J. iL W1TJ1EIIELI. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! TRACTICE X dally expenditures. ECONOMY IN ALT. Examine the YOUR IMPROVED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, Baskets, Bum Caoes, Cro-Env, Crouuct Games, Tarts and wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., 121 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The New Northwest lias already n roved a popular success, we are decided that it. "hall also prove a ti:ii Jirn. To enable our rrlends who mav deeldc to can vass for our paier to lieneflt iiolh thenmelves and us by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we proioso to give me louowing auuuiouai i re miums to cniiTOssers : Any subscriber who is In arrears for the New NoimtWEST, who will send us his orherown subscril'tion fee, and ono new subscriber, ac companied by the cash 6 00-we will give : A pair i"anan jiaruie uses; Or a Bohemian flas Vase; Ora Bohemian Glass Card Reeelwr; Or 14 dozen Ivory Napkin Ring; Or ii dozen I'latetl Tea Spoons; Or 1 pair Alexandre's Ivid (jloves; Ora lAdy's haii.spangieii.ieatnereu ouge; Ora Blnl Cage; Or an Album for holding 1ft) pictures; Oran Album (extra) for holding SOpIctures; fir n Vnnrv loiter t!ae: Or a box Toilet Articles, Including soap, chalk, perlumcry. cic; ora iintanuia xen i ui; Or a Kerosene Lamp: Or 54 dozen Olass Oolilels; Or J4 dozen GlnssTumblers; Ora large Glass Fruit Dish; Or a Work Basket: Ora Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; OrHlozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or !4 dozen Table Napkins; Or W dozen Towels; iirmi l'ortnionla. Any subscriber who is i unciirs lurujcun HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. IV. Cor. Morrison nml First Sts.. . rORTL-VND, OREGON. PICTURES taken In nil the latest ami mot improved styles, and not inferior to any en the coast. Work well done and completed In side of twenty-four hours. rrirltAniRi and Chi i.dkkn should 1m temimlit Certificate from Hon. A. J. Durur. ex-I'real- In between the hour of 10 and 2, always ilrefati dent of the Orexon State AKticultural Society in Ilglit clothes. s-IR and author of "Statistics of Oregon:" . . i East Portland, April 1.JS7L Dr. A. M. Iiorvea Co.: I was alllictetl with a severe attaek of chronic rlienmatlsm; was con fined to my bed most of the time irom January , to July, when I used the Unk Weed and It ! cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. t'n To Dr. A. M. Iiaryea LUi:C llir VlllVilVJ l.l .linn , lift It cm llcillTUJ , or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was afflicted lor moniiis wmi a very serious attack oi ln tlammutorv rheumatism, ami tried nearlv all of the so-called rheumatic remedies without : ; any relief iwreetvable. i then trieil your H.VTS AND UBNTS FURNISHINO GOODS, Remedy, and Its use resulted in the most happy . , J ell'ects a perfect cure. Truly yours, i J.VJUi -Traveling Agent -...Eugene ....5an Francisco California .OlvuiDla . Vancouver Mrs. Iiura DeForce Gordon, Miss Xcllle Mossmniu -. IT Afnttldl.v G. W. Brock- Union Ridge, . T . W. Bamcs Oehoco Valley J. N. Gale Washington Territory Mrs. E. Oakshctt Traveling Agent Other parties desiring to act as Agents will please rorward their names. We want Agents at every postofllce throughout Oregon nnd Washington Territory. 345. HOME S45. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Before Buylnr. Then decide which Is BEST. IIS SIMPLICITY and DnitAHII.tTY idve It the preference. . ,'"i.i inv i'Kit-KD MACHINE ulng the COMBINATION PATENT. Larce supply Just received. GEO. W. TIIAVKK. , General Agent. nlJ l'hlladelpliia Shoe Store, 112 Front SL 31US. M. J. EXSIGX, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, TliirtI Street. Nenr AVnsliliiKon. Next door to New NoitTitWEsr Office), HAS A IR(JE ASSORTXIENT OF PAT ternsfor I-ndles'and Children's Clothing ror sale. Dressmakers can get full assortment of pat terns, consisting of nftecn (full size), lor Sa W, which will be sent to any part of tho State on receipt of price. ICtter of fashion, how to trim and make, will be sent wllh each packnge. Prices of single imttems: Ladles' suits, 1 00; polonaise, 75 rts.: ovcrsklrt,liii cts.; waist 23, els.; children's sulls,75cts.; oversklrt,25cts.; waist, 25 cts.; boys' suits, 73 cts. Culling and fitting done on short notice. Please state age in sending for children's nattcnis. The above nattems will lie made for home use, and will lie found much superior to East ern mauc. All orders promplly attended to. Give me a call. 2nS MRS. M. J. ENSIGN. AGENTS for Wheeler .t Wilson's Sewing Ma- mbscrlptlon, nnd who will send his or her own chines. Needles, Thread, Silk, Oil, Elc. I Ubcrrr.tIon fee, nnd two new subscribers, nc Ato Agents for the California Powder Works' cmnpaulcd by tho cash making i9 00 we will Blasting and Sporting Powder. THE SELECT. SCHOOL Under tho direction or aix'K. ir. C. Brown viiitr . A set ol Rogers' Tabic Forks, triple plated, on white meiai, wurr.nnt-, Ora set of Rogers' Table Spoons, triple plated. on white mcuu.warraiiusii t-n .nl r ltiiers' Tea Si i r ltii-.ers' Ten Snooiis. triple nlated. 'doScn log Russell's Table Knives, cation Cor. second aim nuns, i-onianu. i " wr TrJo.rsiiliscrliitlnn lnTiir MESS con.prls.nga education "TOWff subscriptlqii tee .aim i..r 'ZT,"Tr, compauicu uy iac w.., - -txriLL BE RE-OPENED FOR THE RECEP- lion or pupils on jidisw , Jiay i n, IxMSitlon Cor. Sccoml and Unit, Portland. All brnnciic tpIII lwi ,ntiiltt Lessons on the piano will alo be given. v2nltf $50 00! THE NEW WILSON STRAIGHT NI1EDLE, UNI)F.RFi:ED SEWING 5IACIIINE. BClHli . :i,M.,ll. nra haiidome Woolen Quilt, red and white, $50 OOMWoVofTlbfrcioib.: -VsJU UU, XLJl.r".,rVoiilnelinmTrfiro Curtains: Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, ut TV TAKES THE IXKJK STITCH ALIKE nv Both Sides. Runs easy, and will do cither llsht or hcaw sewing. Is the only first-class Sewing Machine sold for less than 111 lU Examine and judge ror yourselves. Don't lie l - . . t I ,.-.1. Tn. Ora Japanese ininm .7' nivb JL!a. i.- wldeSheethii iw'.nKscribers at s3W caoh, amount An extraDwtor, tripleplated.on white meta! valueitat svp w: . Oral-iuys writing -. Or aCablnct, Japanese Inlaid. -.- t...., f-i,,nnesn Inlaid ork Box. These articles are ail valuable, and nrewar intcd to be Just as we represent them. Per :"rvfi nrwhocan visit uscan receive th?se articles from our own hands at an hour's notice: or If not convenient to visit uj, we will send the articles by express 10 any uu J. L. Atkinsox, Notary Public. TS'i.kk Woodward. d. w. WAKmnn. Atkinson, Woodward & Coif ( Lnle Atkinson Jz Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS; XO. 102 FRONT STRElffT, I'ortlnml. Oregon, vileil to irlve us a call. nlStf ATKINSON, WOODWARD & CO. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Denier lu. 1 . 1 1 .1 ... r T....... I.-l, 41. .. t 1 I eri.iicniir iium amiiTn . j i,- n-iuifitiim . tock-growcr and "King of the Oregon Turf:' 1 tj rpr U &4anvie'S isianu, January 11, 15,1. 1 Sitcifc: Tins is toacknowl-1 GrO 0 X S,j Certlllcate from the well-known merchant, . W. Weaver, Ksq.: The Dalles, May 23, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Ioryea A Co.: I have ued the "Unk Weed Remedy," and can cheerfully recom mend it to nersons allllcted wltli Intlammatory rheumatiMii. It cured me of that disease. My hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints wore swollen and very painful. U. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. NaL II. I-ine. Pilot Commimionerof Orecon, and a member of the City Couneil ol East lortland: East Portland, April 19, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Iiorveu A Co.: I have lieen atllicted for several years past with "weakness in the back." and wuiidunnz rheumatic oalns. ae- comnanmi by severe constlnatlon. Bv the use of one Isittle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or uregon ibiieuiiiiuic vure," 1 nave oeeu entirely reiieveu, unti 1 cueeriuiiy recommenu it as a most valuable and cttecllve remedy. .Vi. II. IiAili. rVirf lflAA(i fmni Hi,,, TI 1.1 member of the City council of East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Lorvea . Co. .eiits: TViIm la tn In- fonn you that I havo used your "Unk Weed" lorneumigmauu rueumaiic lmins, ami round relief from tho use of only one bottle, and can recommend it to those in neeil of such n rem eUi". Yours, GIDEON TIBBKTTS. Certificate from Hon. E. L. Oulmby. ex- County Commissioner of Multnomah county, Oregon : East Portland, April I, IS7I. Dr. A.M. Lorvea A Co.: I have used lhe"Unk Weed Remedy," nnd am satisfied It is a valua ble medicine. It regulates and invigorates the system. This is my experience with the Rem edy. Truly yours, F- I. QUIMBY. Certlfleale from tho celebrated musician, Pror. Otlo Viouxlemps: Orenn Musical Institute. Portland. Maj-2-', 1S71, Tir A. Tnrvea Xi Co - t was attacked severe Innammatory rheumatism, suiiering great pain, and was so prostrated that I was unable to tend tomvbuslncss. I used one I01 tle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Orecon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cured by Ralone. OTTO VIEUXTEMFS. I.ndles nnd Jllsses TRIMMM ED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AJJD BONNETS, Frames, BrakU, Cords, Ornament, Flowers; Ribbons, Trimmings, ote. Dress Goods, White Goods, Tankcc Xo llons, Etc. i r Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE KLLENDALB WOOLEN MIUS CO. A Ftdl Stock of Blanket, Yarns, Bea vers, Tweeds and Casimar& GmtiaRtly on ITand. LATEST .STYLUS BY EVRR Y STEA3IER. CV PARTICULAR Orders. ATTENTION Paid to til . vith PUT UP IK TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, ...AT One Dollar nnd Fifty Con Is per Rottle. ISAAC BERGMAN, Union Market, Cor. Second nml AVo-shlngton Sts. HAVING RECENTLY PURCILVSED THIS Market, I am now prepared to sell on reas onable termi the best Meals the country af lords. nl tlJVN. . . in I n. Noordcr of tins Kinu win unless the cash accompaniea r. i ii in nr nnlors at the cus- humbuggcl Into paying 0S tj for a Sewing Ma- tomary rates of curreiicy, or send draft If pre clilne, when you can gel a New Wilson for 3l. r2jj tausouuimu, All orders promptly aHenucu io. We sincerely hope that this unparalleled offer, which Is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse from the many rrlends of pur paper, who up tn this time have seemed to fall to real ize that The New Northwest cannot be run without money. Now Is the time to makeup clubs. Begin before some other person get the start 01 you. Kee whatyoucan do foryonr eli.the Public and Tim Nrw Northwest. OFFICE AND .SALESROOM, No. 73 Tirst Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ACENTS WANTED! MINER A PEARSON, v2n9 General Agent. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, WRslilnglon ?L,liel. Second and Third, TOIITIJVND ORBCTON K MANUFACTURE AN A NO. 1 ARTICLE V BKK.U1, DTI , IL OltYIIV &; CO., EAST PORTLAND, eREfJON. CRACKERS CAKES, And all klndsof Pastry usually fo"'l In a First Class Bakery! -For. St.r by all Pr.ronivis. luli ua-aooldellvensl many par' Jil.Tlni; ..rih.- eliv