'St. FRIDAY AUGUST 2, 1ST Sixteen ami I'orly. BV rRAN'K. . .. wht- vo-1 uinosc that I do; And me much honor-yon know It Is lw$8in ftwty wHh srtddv sixteen. ..... i-..,. ... .i;flMnmli ! riven to me! Thi " bracelets, this necklace they're nt ror I'm rouil-Tiled enough; tor.darilnr, ypu know One is n-lly liougnt at me ge oi Miievu. Oh, ! I've hod vUlonc I tell yo the truth nr' - in l n :i collate." and romance ne'er en: Ol a bride an1 a groom In the bloom or their youth I suppose iv a fancy of dreaming sixteen, Tim'1 a hv the stories I've read and been told Tl at to wed wiUigmylMiiBwaf Mtcoinmou, I ween; ' "When the shafts of Don Coptd, though pointed witlt gold. Had mil.- etlect on the heart of sixteen. I've R roM ions since withered, a carl of dark hair. And h idiotograutitrtnV I carefully wreen From the point: eye of "Madame la Mere;" Tby are all that remains of my dream of six- teen. "A tartde oi the period" the ret of my life. That I am unhuDvr no vcrsou luui seen: My brhl-irrooin has boturht him a fashionable ' to fe&i&of tnVjrftf sltefiX 1 averly Murailne. Women's Steps. "There it is again, the old rang, 'I'm xing so tired, it? I wonder if all Indies MIf T ask you to play or sing it is al ways, 'I'm so tired.' And as to a social game of cribbagc or whist, you will play a short rubber, and run oil to your ever lasting sewing, leaving me to amuse mysolf. I do not wMi to find fault, my dear, butitdoes seem to me a wife might exert herself a little and make the even ings pleasant for her husband, after be has been bothered with business ail day. The simple truth is teamen take a great many mmeaxmry trjyt." These were the very words uttered by Hon. James Huntley to his beloved wife Elizabeth, one winter evening. James Huntley, the successful busi ness man, the courteous, dignified, elc gantigontleman, and a universal favorite with the ladies; Elizabeth, Ids wife, once blooming and still lovely, had just put tile three Huntley saplings in bed, witli iiilume labor, and mucli assistance from nurse, and now, when Fred had taken i his last drink of water, baby had cried herself into the arms of Morpheus and out of his mother's aching ones, she had walked slowly down stairs, thinking how glad she would be to retire herself, but conscious of the duties still to be done and anxious to join her husband for a little quiet chat, the one bright thing after her bustling, weary day. She entered the library with her mend ing basket in her arms, hoping her hus band would offer to read aloud while she attacked the haunting household demon; but no, his words of greeting were: "Well, Lizzie, I thought you were never coming down. Why don't you lot nurse get baby to sleep?' "For the good reason, Jamie, that I am its mother, and poor nurse has her hands full with the others. Do you want anything?" "Yes, I've been waiting here two good hours to hear you read Wilson's speech, you read so much better than I do, and besides it does me good to lay otl" and smoke." "Sorry to disappoint you, Jamie, I must work. All the contents of this and mally, dear, I am very tired." Then the ITon. James expressed his views concerning tired women as slated above, and threw himself on the lounge with ids cigar in his mouth, rattling his paper mther more than the occasion de manded Iilzzle drew her basket near her and put out her hand to begin operations, whon an imperious voice said: (it i . r. - i . i . . "I wish you would havo the cootlness to move that tabic with tho drop light a little nearer; a man can't read in the dark." Oh, Hon. James, just think of it! you, thc"elegont society man," "thedevoted husband" and "polite gentleman" ad dressing your wife in such a manner! Did wo not see you, one week since, walking throught the elegant conserva tory of our friend, Mrs. Jones, and did we not hear you tell her "your wife was a model woman, aud highly accom plished?" Did she not urge vou to bring her there and you promised it! for "yourMarliug Lizzie was very fond of flowers." And here you are thinking only of self, and ordering her to move a heavy table for your accommodation, whilo your words and manners are such as you would not dare use to one of your servants. I am drawing your picture from life. and you must not fin., lault with the drawing because the wart on your nose is so prominent. If the wart did not ujiiEk uij kvi MiiKiw iiui, .-w-11, und uu and all tho Huntleys are at liberty to touch tin the picture and improve il if you wish. .Lizzie Huntley moved Ine table and sat down again. A blur jiossed before her eyes, and a little stab of pain shot through her, but not a word passed her lips. She was learning her life lesson in the wrong way. AVith her great unselfish love she had fancied all troubles sent are troubles to be borne with patience. She had yet to learn that trials sent us by the All-wise aro the only ones under which wo should "sutler and be strong,"1 hut'trials and troubles of men's devising are to be fought against in just indignn- 11011. On top of the work basket lay a letter, a plump, crumpled letter, which Lizzie had tried all day to lind time for read ing; she had brought it down intending to asK James lo snare it wan iicr, but tue little cloud "no bigger than a man's hand" hud arisen in the domestic sky. She looked at her husband, and decided he was not in a favorable mood just , bne would reau it to mm again. Underneath the letter was the usual medley which accumulates, you know in Ml0' b.ut ,iever f"il3 t0 accumulate II,. IVf k611 wlle" mother is the nerni or tiie household," as she should cuTout.V,8 f?r J, to be hut yoBteruJy 5,,?, -,,e remarked a little thing omSA m1 vhS such . i uity ilinou ' ' r. mc in a man's vi. i Jl. rf?y mean had taken them in . l IJaie would have completca &th?nf oxpeoted guests' She SJi f",r,"- mg tue sowing girl to attend lo iV i "I was curtlv told to .io u ,. to "..hut! then it would be done right " " and Two shirts, eight pairs of stock! nK a sheet with the corners snapped out wiii. l.o wliul. .Tiimns Junior".. iiTT "Ui.V.U" ventilator at the knee, a "shirt's wirtf' , -, wiin a witu tne uanu rent asunuer, a string less pudding bag, a pair or drlvinggloves for the Hon. James, and her own more dainty ones. "Wasit not aeheeringprospoct? Even the seamstress had her evenings and had gone out Tor a walk. Cook took her ,two or three evenings out with un- failing rogMlHrll.v, and miree likewise; btl WlizzIBrnevcr knev?bnc,LouF8f liiSGTOcut, aiid' wilinhTTcbriataiit Siturl u it i. C3I... T....1. i.s-.i : . r I ....... ...... ... t.iir i .1.,. -.at. . tn (nlMiurown. Sue bad' tried it for a year or two, determined not to degener ate, but the hour for "practice" became "tlic ciiHureirs uour," ana ! rencii ana German were neglected whilo sho at tendetl to the practical matters of daily life. Every one in the household had her allotted task but Lizzie: hers was al ways 10 uo over tue half-done tasks of otuors, nefforra many self-imposed ones, and do her utmost day by daw a con scientious woman who began her mar ried life with the determination to do everything well, and all she could. She had done her very best for her famiiv, and the very worst for herself. To-night she looked again at her hus- j band, who bad now fallen asleep, and said, half reproachfully, "I wish I had more time to unvote to mm. lie eannoi be more tired of this horrid sewing than I am; It is a worry. By the time Jamie is well luted up, 1' red is out at tne el bows, and baby Is a constant applicant for tucks let out. I never find time to look after myself until I am driven to it. I wish I could run away from it all fnr n fu- mota. na NpINo sntra-pstni in ! her letter. I have tried three times to i ing days? Would a woman with proper read it and failed." ' self-respect stoop to ask a favor or at- Yes, the postman had left It in tlieitentlon which properly belongs to her, morning, and Lizzie had taken it from and which Is, or should be, a gontle tlie servant between her thumb and fin- man's pleasure to bestow?" ger, then lield it in her teeth, and at last 1 "Lizzie never complains." transferred it to her pocket; for on its , "2so, and never would; it is only n..:.-n lint... nmcinrr l,lntciir nnv. i wmiipti of Mfiru nMun3 who do that. thing but "a well-spring of pleasure," , having made an attack on a pail of wa ter left for a moment near tne door. Nurse was at hand to to mop up the carpet, whilo mamma attended to the rubbing down and reconstruction of this son of Adam. Going to her own room after quiet was restored, Lizzie opened her letter and entered heartily into her friend's plans for the summer, but just as she reached the never-forcotten "my husband says," the door burst open and Hie fmntln nitres nvMnSmnil. quick, please; Master Laurence has swallowed a penny." Down went the letter. Afleran hour's struggle, a dose of physic, and a series of i sprnmns. fliA tvrmv. v?iq ilicpnvnrml rp- ' posing between the child's bib and dress. Still trembling with fright, she was called upon to repeat her directions to the seamstress: "Did she say two tucks and one rufllc, or two nifties and one tuck ?" That weighty matter decided, Lizzie went to her room. Master Fred, an irrepressible youth of three years, had taken advantage of the open doors aud excitement in the nurs- ; cry, aud made a raid on mamma's room. wnen mamma entered, sue saw tne Jotter on the floor made into a. ball, her work basket up-set, a bottle of Bay-v'atcr nad wasted its sweetness on uieiirusseis carpet, her tooth-powder was scattered about promiscuously, books and papers were thrown down, and about the lloor such trilling adornments were seen as half a dozen clothes-pins, a tin pan, a broken-nosed baby, a rubber ball, a feather duster, and the last Ilazar with tne lasnton plates as mucn disordered as the hair of a fashionable belle. The lit tle culprit stood In the corner, ncenhnr out witli an expression compounded of i impudence and fear, the former predom mating, frequent repetitious oi "you naughty boy" caused an additional dis play of dimples, and the irrepressible youngster marched oft with nurse, look ing triumphantly at the scene of his late exploits with an assurance which seemed to say, "Didn't me lix 'em ail nice?" At last order reigned, and Lizzie at tempted again the persual of her letter only to hear, "We need a yard and three-quarters more of this trimming for baby's dress." AVell. Marv. I will run down inim for ; jt, the girls are all busy now." , tho girls arc all busy now." Tho er- rand done, after a hurried walk, Lizzie umis it to oe tne cnuureirs dinner Hour. nnil willi inntlu.i-lc rirn .ln ......11.. joins them, taking' bahy down for a frolic Throughout the day these little wor - riva llllo,ra o.wl kept up,andLizzie thought ofthc even - , ing not as a time for idleness, hut quiet j toil after confusion. i So Lizzie laid tho dreaded shirt in lmr1 . ...... . - - lap anu reau tue letter, itu tunllcv snored of some siot and no doubt dreamed wnere women aro never tired. Hnw ohpprilv "olllo xvrnlnt "Tf vnu will come," she said, "we will exert ' ni.n1.., ...... il.- uuiavnia in iiunu juu wutir iiium iiii. - happy, vivacious Lizzie." iiow deliclltlill it would be to un over the well known paths with this dear friend. How thoughtful John was con cerning Nellie's comfort aud happiness! ; James used lo be in tiie old davs, was it her fault now? She hoped not, it was so hard to lookafter everything and do everything well, and she had kept faithfully the promise to herself to do all in her power to make home hannv. "What would James say if sho proposed a vacation? Just then the door-bell rang, and their neighbors, ('apt. JUunt and wife, came in; Capt. Blunt, an old ! classmate or Huntley's, and his wire,' nnn rf II.a .nti.i n.ni.ni.. i j whose lire flowed In easy channels. ' The noise of entering did not waken , James, and ilhint proceeded to perform niBi. uisiv in tils usual manner. j "Come, sir, get up; this a pretty wav to entertain your wire while she works for you. Good lhlnir for von she. linsn'f. the pluck or my little woman, or you would get a cold bath for presuming so.' Huntley roused himself and looked stupid, "I jruess r did foriret mvsolf ." "Guess you did? not much doubt on ! " 'lllunl,' he says You have a young that score. ToHtc, aren't you? "Who ' and pretty wife, see to it you take cm was it, Lizzie, who used to visit vou live!ofher; more women die or starved hearts nights out or seven and stay till after than the world dreams or. Don't let midnight? Never smoked cigars and 1 yours and above all, don't boast and snored then, did lie?" brag about your wife in company, and "Jamie gets very tired, and this stupid ! fret at her at home. When the ehll work makes me poor company.' jdren come, remember "women are the "Poor fiddlestick! What tloes he do weaker vessel" and don't put all the to tire himself anv more than von. or , care on her frail shoulders: if the Imhios half so much. liut that Is just" like a woman, always making excuses for her; husband." . j XannicDIuut proposed going upstairs to take a peep at the babies, for Nun- nie's youngest was at tills very moment winding zephyr for a charming young lady, and Nannie's great heart took in j all the little ones and her stout arms; were always open for "Auntie's jiets." The two women went tin tosether and soon became deeply absorbed in conver sation, Dannie borrowing a thimble and attacking some or the stockings. "No use for you to tell me to nut it down, dear child, for T shall not. What are friends rrood for if thev cannot lieln one another over the rough places? The ract is, Lizzie, you are killing yourseir with over-work, and who will thank you ?" bo tho women talked and worked, wiuic uowu stairs LapL Jiluut gave Huntley what he called "a cood troimr I over." " .'.Faet,ts' Jim 1 ,1!lvc been just ready vri JLras ! y,ou at ay t5mc the last six out cnl "l?.,m.0!:0. !p"p nou are y ite couLin." ""suanii oi my lavor '5.. 'at, ar.J 0U driving at ?" our ! law does imIT.i "m .ol "'"fw ie common ,."' auu a" the more siifio.,.-. women am tim silent "Kini "Sot it " i 'TJ7i A? y crazy ? dly with a , aniount or a, coatting Bkon ,out or labor it wnnlf? frtitutiliu i or klninvon?1' wilhout the encourage- owu natural ambition and deiirb fo do her whole duty." "That is not my fault. She can have more servants if she needs them, and when a man is willing to pay for it, I don't think he should be blamed for her persisting. I am sick of hearing her say I am so tired.' " 5 "Then never let her feel it. A largo number of servants only increase a woman's cares." s 2 "Well, ivntnon nrr alwavs taking un necessary etens. I have told Lizzie so repeatedly." "Yes. 1 Heard von once, aim in ieii minutes you asked for a cerlain paper, I and instead of getting it yourself, you allowed her to go up stairs for it, al- Hinntrii sim inld vou where to find it.1 You have remarked frequently that the women of Hip mvscnt treneration lacked stamina, and vet with your superior strength vou allow her to carry your heavy boy up stairs instead of taking mm yourseir." "Wliv down'! slip ask fflC?" "Ask a father to care for his child and his mother? Did you ever wait for her to ask vou to onon a tioor ill the court or in any way disturb the harmony of home. Jlccau'ie she ha borne your scl fishnesi quietly, she deserves thegrcator kindness from you. Such mon should catch a Tartar in the matrimonial draw ing. Superior women invariably endure in silence until endurance is no longer possible, and then it takes keen sutfer nig and bitter pain to make her ac knowledge her idol clay. "I scolded Lizzie once for not making vou bear your full share of family cares, lnit she oniv said in her gentle way. "'Don't blame Jamie, cousin, he never was used to it, and as to asking hint Jo do little things for me, I cannot. The attention which t not prompted by lore T tin not tJeslreJ "ine iruiu is, jiui, juu ui i- tuiiiiuii ting tills kind of murder just as hund reds of others are doing, thoughtlessly and solfishlv. but surely for all that "Lizzie is readv to work her little fin gers oil for you and her little brood, and j you let her do it ami even lucreasc ner work. "If she proposes an evening at the opera, n concert or a lecture, you always think it too damp or she is too tired, when the truth is the house seems like a prison to her, and she is longing to get out of it and rest. Sho Is shut up here with a thousand nameless worries, while you go out and freshen yourself by contact with your fellow-men, listen to the news of the day, chat a little, smoke a good deal, aud entertain friends in your office. If business is brisk, you work your clerks harder and pay them well for it, and perhaps put your own shoulders to the wheel a little. Then you come home and eat a nice dinner which she is very anxious about lest it should not please you, and thou while she is doing the hardest work known to women, caring for her babies, you lounge and rest, or fall asleep in the li brary. "Do you remember last winter when your book-keeper was sick, how you worKed until nearly morning ror a week?" "Yes, and rough it was, too, working night and day." "Then think of Lizzie. She lias not had a full night's lest since little Jamie came, and now the others add to her anxiety, iou expect ner to be your : companion, to entertain yourself and friends, to dress handsomely, receive gracciuiiy, be au accomplished house keeper, a model mother, a readv seam- , stress, and oversee all iiinlloiM cmieorii. jR the house. This she does with snoh lielp as your income admits of, ami our 1 unfortunate, unskilled servants can af- fonl llpr. Xn mntlpr lin tirrwl nifl, I "ds her! Mothers know well their H,ost precious hours are thoe when the children are safely tucked in bed, and the house ouiet. This ishercolden Oil- jwriuiuij- luuncrup ine raveiwl edges , ofthe domestic work and prepare for the , . . . . . . . . ' coming morrow. , "iOUilO not think th, niirvo (dimiiil i he trusted with u.Miy at night, ami yon (Ill not. cnliatrinr vnnrcnlr ni...nl : ; - njum iu ii, cretin, una ii eiiousn uamei aro noi received i simply because you have not taken a'l,IIrl!,R "10 'ir to pmcum the premium de- proper view oi u: ior 1110 good I'atlier never gave man children for him to 1m- po.M; me eiiiire care oi incm on the , i moiner. js l tea Dannie tnov nro nut- cuiKircu aim 1 must uo my part of the labor as well as enjoy my full share or! tue pleasure. "Lizzie's slumbers are d sturlwxl. her health injured and her spirits bro- ken. Many a woman goes to her grave a so-called victim or consumntion. ' whoO life is worried out or her he mnui. less labor and the slow 'iburciiii?' or i . .lfiuh mm, " "'bb'"t, "i a t.llinil lllllll. "Don't you put it strong, Capt. ? Ii dnn'l liolir.vn mon nro nnil.. o l....i, . 'although I confess I can see now lUiSiS ' my wife has rat her a hard life or it; pure ' thoughtlessness on my part, and Lfzzio i wises tilings so ijiueiiy." ' 1 don't put it a whit loo slronir. Look at my white hair and remember that I should have made tho ' 'ake you have done, ir it had not been i for a good old friend. He came to mo one nay wnen i nad been marriml month or two, and gave me some advice . I never could fonreL have to be cared for at night, remember who cares for them all day, and, Uhint, keep up all the little attentions you used to pay her In the old days. If a man wants his wife to look young and fresh "o must iauc care ot ner.' "That la about what he said to me, and I have acted on it; Nannie keeps up her part well; the result is we are a happy old couple and my boys didn't have a step-mother." "Well, Capt.," said Huntley, "If I am the sinner you say I am, 1 must beg Lizzie's pardon." "Itight, my hoy, and while you arc about It, just talk a little lesss alio lit kohioi' unnecessary jfqw." Hon James Huntley has gone to the beach this season with his family; ru mor informs ns he is extremely devoted to his wife, and Lizzie has rosy checks, and smiles once more as she used to. Salem Observer. A clergyman said to a man burying his fourth wife, "The Lord has indeed allllcted you." Tho mourner, sobbing, replied, "Yes, yes. He has," and paus ini; a moment ami winimr his nose, he ; continued: "Hut I don't think the Lord ' got much ahead of me. for as Tast as he took one I took another." Tlic Fort "Wayne Sentinel makes the following cheerful announcement: "A conin room lias been established on "Wayne street, iu the rear or the Sentinel building. Any one reeling like attack ing the editor will save his relatives trouble by coming round that way and selecting his box." NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! vr. si- Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal f.ir?the People. DEVOTEDl'TOl'THEilNTETESTSOF HUMAHITY. Arrangements have been made to secure the Service of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects or Public Interest. The X evt NoitritWBiT Is not a 'Woman' ! KiRlitK, but a Human Klglit.s or?an, devoted ' to whatever policy may ixj necos.'xiry to mscure the greatest Rood to the Krcatot number. It knows no sex, no politics, no religion, no iwrty, ' no color, no ( recti. Its foundation Is fastened uixiii the rock of Ktcrnal Liberty. Universal Emancipation und Untraminelcd Iivrelon. 1 OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an inducement lor our friends lo make, exertions io Mnro large cuioi lor me iEW XoirrilWBST. we offer the following list of val- UV(Z,L,,1,U,. . .... . panled by the cash, wo will clve tho HOME SIIUTTLK SKWIXO MACIIIXK, without ta- hie. beautifully ornamented, rrice, ssu. For thlrty-Ilvo Milocribers.nt SI (ju ench.ac- ' eoinimnled by the cin.li, we will give n IIOMK MlUUlib MiUIAU .MUIU.NK with lliack Walnut table, Price. Slfc bronzed mid nicely ilnhhed. ful loll.. r.i.r lin-in, iiv w ni ll UU 'ULI' I paiiledbyIheca).li,wewillgiveiiHOSIK.SlllT TLK SKWIXtJ JIACIIIXK, IlnMied In extra ! Myle, with lilack Walnut table and cover, i Price, $.7). The nlmvo Scwlns Machines, which are war- j ranted Hrst-clios in cveo- particular, can be , seen at tlic ntllco ol (Jco. W.Traver, 112 Front htreet, Portland. 1 For tiny ubrribcn', at S3 DO each, accom- ' panieti ny inn nun, we win give a .m.vmj.n a HAMLIN 101TA11LK OltOAN, four octave, K Towawell 'presre'rcU ror hcveniy-iivc riiiuMrnoerx, n( f.s w earn, ac eompanled by the cash, n double reed MASON cent that It has nlso a knee Mon. Prloe.STT,. J: UAMU.N uuiia.n : reseinnieii inn urst ex- ; $rg$r dollar additional, we win give a mason a Ihamlin oiujan, of fivk octavm, onk I !fro1 hf."-AnilSTIMJ ItEKIl VALVKS 1M I'KOVEtl )IEI.IWS. TltEliriINT AJiU KNEE- ' For one lmndred m m'Tvii v'mmv ! VI VK kTltN. TWO l-T-l swell. Price. SIOO. Miiivnoers. at .1 ou eacn, additional, we will clve a mu..", five octaves, ' rnsniui.iuuHi.Tiur iiiik.itoi Tiuzoroii 1 iju'koveii oiunvATEn selk-aiuustixii yiSmSJSS! t 1 . . . . . i FLi?TK.TitF.MiLANT. Price. sir,. ! Tluwc who desire to work for these nremiums 1 2,".. I . .r.:""-,fl V" ".""! 1 xlred they can choosen lejisrrpri'iiiliim, or tliey . will ho entitled lo receive twenty-five percent. In eaidi of the amount remitted for their lalor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. ARTiir.NirwNouTHWixTlininlready proved B1i,0iM,,arMICCC!i-;;!wc decided that ft shall T;.i.n vast for our naner to benefit IkiOi themselves nl"' ", lylncreaslnsoursnbcrlplloii Lists. we , proIKse to give tho fuilowInR nddltloual Pre- . lilIlimafi.Mnrnaef.ru. AnyMibscriberwhdlsinnrreaniforihoNKw NoimiWEST. who will send us his or her own Niir j-nriau .iinroie asc; Or a llohemlnn Glas Vase; Or a liohPinlan CJlatvs Card Itccetver; Or U dozen Ivory Napkin Hlims; Or'i doren Plated Tea Spoons; Or 1 alr Alexandre's Kid Oloves; Orn Ijidy's Kan, spangled, tithersl edge; )ra lllnl Case; Or an Allium for holding ICO pictures; Or an Album (extra) for hoIdlucriOplclures; Ora Fancy Itterl'aRc: Or a box Toilet Articles, Iiicludliit; soap, chalk, perlumery, etc.; Or a Ilrltannla Tea pot ; Ora Kerosene Lamp; Or l dozen filuss IJnlilels- Ordozcn tla)MTiiiiibIen; Orn lnrso (ilass Fruit IJlsh; ! 1 t tir 11 Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or J dozen Table Napkins; 1 jr (j uocen lowuis; , I OruuclesniitPortinonla. ' )- Any milii-cilberwlio Is In arrears lor a year's I f.ubcrlptlon,iind who will fend his or her own 1 ubcrliitloirree,nnd two new subscribers, ac companied by the cah maklm; 39 w we will etid : A set ol rtozem' Table Forks, triple plated, on I white metal, warranted: Or a setor Uo;cn,'TabIeSpoons,trllile plated, I on white moral, warranted ; I On. fetor Itoser Tea Spoons, triple plated. on white metal, warranted; Or dozen Hosere' i Ituxcll'H Table Knives, liest qual lly, warranted ; Or a handsome Ulnl Case. Any pcrvon lu arrears for suliscrlpt Ion to The New Northwest, who will send Ids or her subscription Ivc and three nexv subscribers, ac companied by die cash, making $12 to, we will send : A handsome Marsailles Quilt; Ornhandsomo Woolen Quill, red and white, or blue und white; Or a pair ofTablc Cloths; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or tlirca pairs Alexandre's Kid (How, any color or size; Or n Japanese Inlaid Work Hox; Or 18 yards best yd. wide (Sheeting. For .seven subscribers at S3 ft) each, amount ins to ;21 CO, we will send : An extra Castor, triple plated, on white metn' valued at S3 UO; Or u Lady's Writing Desk, of equal value; Or a Cabinet, Japanese Inhiiil: Orun Kxtra JajiaueM! Inlaid Work Dos. These articles arc all valuable, and arc war ranted to be Just as wc represent them. Per sons Ilvitis in this city or who can visit us can receive these artlcleslroin our own hands at au hour's notice; or If not convenient to visit us, wc will send the articles by express lo any ad dross. No order of this kind will receive attention unless tho cat.li accompanies It. Send money lu PoidofUce orders at tho cus tomary rates of currency, or tend drart if pre ferred. All orders promptly attended to. .. , , Wo sincerely hoiie that this unparalleled oner, which Is a new feature tn the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse rrom the many friends of our paper, who up to this timo have seemed to fall to real ize that The New Nokthwest cannot be run without money. Now Is the time to makeup clubs. Begin before some other person gets the start ot vou. See wuut you can do for your- j sell, the Pulillo and Tub New Nohtuwest. 1 MISUELLAEOUS? Oregon Steam Navigation CoV Notice. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LE.VVu Portland as follows : n Tor The Dallei : Dully Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock-ATJfr Tor Astoria: Monday, "Wednesday and Friday at S o'clock l'or Montirello: Dally at 7)4 o'clock x. at. nS7 J.CiAINSWOUTir.rrertdcnU LADD & TILTON, S OST ES 3H. SS , POItTIlXD.. .oi:r.co.v DKPOSrrS RECRIVKn AND ACCOUNTS kept subject to check on lrn. INTI-.KKsrr allows on TIMK DRPOSITSor Tiui.ir i'u.nus, in mums or (INK DOLLAH i i- .w- iroin unieotdeiMKll. 3IONKY LOANK1) on annniml uvnirltr. lioiKls, Stocki and oilier valuables received on dlosit for Bare keentn" ('ollectluiiY made ami proceeds prtimml v re mllte,. S lnveilmentii In Ileal HMnte ami other nron- t llj ainu- n4b(CPs Hlght and Tefesrahlc Ksehanse on i!an Tmn cicu iiiki me .Mianiicuiiei lorsale.' Government Securities hoiiahLnmi Agent for the tnuisaclloii of all kinds t,r Fl- E. !. SU VTTrCK. SJIATTrCK A- Kii.r.i.v, AttoiMicys-nt-Lii-w AKriCE-ltOOM NO. I, DF.KUM-S IIUILB- iiK, nrsi sin-ci, i'ortlanu, Oi 1MCOF. UAXS GIVES LESSONS OH THE PIANO AT THE ! Residences of Pupils. I qiKKMS RKASOXAIII.n. 1 JL anleed. Satisfaction Ouar- n2 JlltS. S. J. mi.1I.SKY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER "IAN Hi: KOl-XI) IN IIKU STUDIO, on the ' llifnl lloor of lorlK'lt'it New Ilulldin?, from lu a. ji. nil i r. m. oi cacii day n- I.i.-i-. iiivrx in ItAXDicAFf: I'aint IN).. Ill , isaac m:ut;jiA, Union 3VT,X"li.o-fc, lor. .Second mid YiiiHlilnton SLs. TTAVIVfj 11FCKNTLY Pl'RPlI SFD THIS H MaVuVl. Fani mi retmUo iell onVeal- '" "n i-c lK-,t Me, the country af- 1 I 3Cimii-c ITo i t- MAIX STKKKT, DALLES CITY, OIIEGOX. l)OAItD I1YTIIK DAY, Week or Month, on jj me mo.i reaouauie icrmx. Siiierlor accommodations for families. Ouconl t'oach to and from the houo free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. Ilotikv oien all night. nli TIIO.M.V.S SMITH, Proprietor. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. Ai.i:i:itT a. jrANXiXfi r KKI-S A FIltsTTASS HOARDING HOa'SK iV for the accommodation of people who pre a ulrt """,e " ,,,e conn'i'on oj a hotel. ObaIV.T. natC JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law au NOTARY PUBLIC. rxcr.NE citv ouegon Consultations In the English, French, Ger man and Holland languages. n. JACOB MAYER, Iniportraiid Wholeanle Denlerln. ZD 3EL "3T O-O O X S MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gknts Ft'itNisiiixc Goons Ladies mid JIIhscs TP.IMM MF.n AND UNTIUSIMED HATS AN! llOXNETS, I-'raines, llraKU, Cords, Ornament, Flowers Hlbbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Yankee .Vo lions, Klc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGHNT OP TIIK KI.I.KNDAI.K WOOLBN 3IIM.S CO. A Full Stock of Jilanlels, Yarn, Bea vers, Tweed and Castimcreg Constantly on Jfand. I.ATKNT STYLUS BV KVEKT STKA3I lilt. tsr PAItTICUIP. Order. A1TKNTI0N Paid ul DELLINGEU. co. Wnshlnginn'fet., M. Seeond and Tlilnl, I-ORTLANI) .OREGON B MANUFACTIIRK A"N A SO. 1 AKTICI-i: F IJRK.VD, s-.'.y CRACKERS CAKEU, And all klndsof Pasto'usuallyfound In aFlwt Class IlakeryJ ozr Goods dellTorcd', ar Prt ofthe citv jll.'VlnlS I . -Hi) -r'l " r ' t -. X HE FLORENCE "SEWINQ MACHINE f n famiiv. fm'm thp Ileaviost to theIJgbt- vni luvin. I More Work, More Kind of Work. 'Ariii Belter WorkJ .t - 'sa Titan, any ollnr. Machine. If thero I a Florence Sewing Machine within one thousand miles of San FraneUco not work- ins well or giving entire satisfaction, If I am Informed of It, it will bo attended to without expene of any kind to the owner. .SAJIUKL 11 1 1. 1., Airent, l'J New Montgomery Grand Hotel Building, fan Franclsoo. MIX II t'OIl liltClLlItS AMI SliinU 01' H011K. I Active Agonts Wautod .Everywhere. Jnn.Ji,l?;i-hJHlCm J CHARIJSS TENCE & CO., IMPORTIliS OP "ITi'Ciioli lilllnoi--, STRAW and FANCY COODS NO. in S.VNSOMR STREET, RotwwHi lmh and Sutter, next CotmopoUtun Hotel, SAV ritANCTlSCO. CAI. No C lino dn Tmbors-Poll(anlere, Paris. ntMf AGENTS WANTEDI TIIE LOST CITY; AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. CHICAGO t HISTORY OF TllVvlVPanS A. Fire. Truthlul and '."ifcic calamity detailed account of he int "Uzed world, that has ever befallen tl Ojju, 'capey Startllut: liicidcnts. Fiend. The The fearful ravace "fJr.0a bcautilully 11 rcicn of Terror. l'rofuI nu , lustrated, lnciudliifT v'Sy grand In Its and since the nVfVU, Sid received. The ruins. Orders will bo by asentn. Send fastest selllns book "d jsreure an Agency . WONDERS OF THE WORLD. One Tlioixsand Illujtratlonnrs jer. tilng scenes, lntcretins in d amone au yo ful events In all Couu'ri". jtfaoyj. A CC , pie. - "' sail Francisco, Cal, VOKTLXSD ApVEItTIETu5CTS. rifJrfgpu ,Stnte Fair, 1T1. this spjirE ntsEnuD for HIMES & BACHELDER, Stenm Book and Job Prinleffi. who Intend flll- Inc It with an advert (seniontasoonattlMy get time to write owe. In tilt mean time cntl on llhera.atSS Front St. if yoHrant any klml ol Printing done. nir nit. j. i;. i.enx. X JE2 3NT 37 X JS T , 107 Front Street, PORTLAND OREGON nl 31 BN. . I.AAVI.ESS, JANUFACTUIIER AND DKiVLBU IN SHIRTS, UNDERSKIRTS, DRAWERS, ETC., Corner Front and Yamhill streeU, Portland SIilrlH 3Indc to Order I Of the best material,. ind warranted to fit. Ail KIHU8 oi iuenuinc none. lu EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. AVitlici'ell & II 1 in :i ii , No. MO Front Street, Portland, irir.I. yiXD EMPI.OYMKNT FOR ALL those aiMiIylne for situations In any ca pacity from ood-choppcr down to a Fat Of fice. Pay special attention to obtaininir Farm I ...in ......... .- ..... . .. : I . I T T.. .. I .. A,n irrespective of Nationality. nirtics senium; oruerx irom a nisiance musi In; explicit iu their orders, stating Just what they want, what they will pay, etc., (accompa nied bv our office fee. S2 UO. which may de- I ducted from employee's wases), stallm; wheth er they will or will not be re!poiiiilbIe for trav eling expenses of hired belli. nlltf F. DILL.VHU II01.3IAN. .T. 31. FRYER, I)K.LEK IX DKT OOIS AXI CI.OT1IIXO, tSroecries, Hoots, Shoes. Nails, Etc., .AND. PFHC1IASER OF FARMERS' PRODUCE. Highest Cash Price paid for "WOOL. CORNEIt FIRST AND MADISON STRERTS POIITLU'D, OKF.GON. a-nlS-lf MISS MACNAMARA .VS OPENED A LA ROE AND CHOICE As sortment of lilliiievy Goods, H At 71 First St. bet. IVnHliiiiKton A-Stark, Next door to Ladd & Tilton'.i Bank, And hopiw by attention to business and prompt i ness lu execntiiiR orders to meet a share of pal ronpKC Ivo nrsi-iass milliners waiueu lmmeutaie ly. To flrt-clas liands hlnhest wages paid, i Also two small Rirls wanted as apprentices. Apply at ihe store, 71 Flit street, immediately. aw "AVIIKRE-SW KS-Ddd Mrs. It. Get tlint Fnt Clilcken?-S .lirilY. DONT YOU KNOW T SHE GOT lir II at ASCHENHEIM Sl BULXELEY'S WASHINGTQM MARKET, where they keep all kinds of Fresh Poul try, Game and FIMi, and receive by every .steamer a splendid assortment or California vegetables." N. B. Consignments from the country sollc tied. ntc 3IFKIHY A KEI.I.Y, I1EAI.ES IS FAMILY GROCERIES, roixinv pnouiCE, f-ki its and vi;gltabus, r-nmor nf Tlilnl and 'Washlneton strectslon- posite Prefcbyterlan Church!, Portland, Orecon. Goods delivered to all parti, of the city FREE OF CHARGE. nl DR. 11. It. FRF.EI.AXI, (ITF. OF RAN FnANXISCO,) DENTIST. ROOM NO. TWO, DEKUMS BUILDING, Cor. First and AVashington SIk., Tortland. HAVING nAD A NUMBER OF YliVltt.' practice In San Francisco, I feel competent to do First Class worn in u wiihm uinrra tlons. Satisfaction cuaranteeil. Nitrous Oxide admlnUtered. Bcrcreuces : T, i.aiuih. imlvA ft. V. Dennv.DT. Tlii-tsnn. Mi.s.rs Oulmbv and Perkins, and IStrs. Duniway, of the New Northwest, nl BR. 3IABY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCJ.ui. RKSIDENCE AND OFFICE-THIRD ST. between &lmmi and Main, opponito the iliblic Square. , . cal s atienucu in ., ..; - ".Biven on lHiiienes lur tVI,ViiiiiI Airent. hi. the U! of electricity a-s a ltetaetMijW ' 7. o..mim DfinMC HENDEE'S PHOTOUKArfi.u ; -" S. W. Cor. Morrison n - I0RTL.VND, OREGON. (.v.,, in all the latest and most PICTURES .token in inferh,rtoanvo I Improved Kiylea wnnapf(1 In. u? .J'K " ' . Kie oi iaiiiw rniLiiRKN should be broucht l tatwSn the hoursof M) aiHl2,always dreed in light clothes. ANDERSON, HORSFALL & CO., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND KITTAIt. BOCEBS TEA DEALERS, Mn-sonlc Building. Portland, Orcjeon, H.VE always on hand a eholee selectisn of Teas. Sugars, Mocha and old Government Java Coffees, Swiss Cheese, English Pickles, Preserves and Sauces, and everything in tho Grocery line. Cheapest House in Portland! Also, Sole Ascents forS.T.Suits ds Co.'s and r & D. Gray's famous brands oi Xentucky BourbonsandScotch Whiskies, Sonoma Wfnes, C,CaUtround and see us. Kvorytlilng fitttlaw 3CbMIANDERS0N. HORSFALL d COU