i FRIDAY .Alt; U.ST ' 1S72. H0ME2TEWS. It is snitl that 250Swetlisli families are on their wny to 1'ngct Sound. The new penitential?' at Salem was to lie ready for occtiimncr yesterday. During tlie recent hot weather the thenioneter at Seattle, Y. T., reached onlyahight ofSS". Arthur Jf&me Muyatinc and ChU tlrerft Jlcmr for August are at hand." Both are good numbers. Hie Slaietman predicts that farmers will liexbie to get inorc than OS or To cents a bushel for their wheat. An illustrated mothly magazine will soon he ieetied from the office of the Al Iwny Jtegirtcr. Terms, $1 a yrair. CorvKlHs lias two fire cisterns all com pleted ami ready to he filled by the new fire engine, wliieli is expecfod to arrive soon. The Portland Free Discussion Club have their weekly meetings every Sun day at S o'clock P. M. at No. 80 First St., up stairs. Messrs S. A. Clarke and D. W. Cmig have purclMised theWillamettei'brwier, Mr. A. Ij. Slinson, the old proprietcr, retiring on account of ill health. Tlie I'lahxlCHler fy8 the grading on the railroad is completed to the river, twenty-five miles north of lloseburg, ami the traek will bo laid to that point in a few days. There will be a Spiritual GrovoMoet iug on August 2d, 1S72, opposite Pt. Folalla, and one mile and a half or two miles below Canby, at railroad bridge No. 10, on Mr. Parrot's land. Hon. T. II. Odeneal, Superintendent of Indian At lairs, has received instruc tions from Washington to proceed to the Malheur country and select a reser vation for the Snake Indians. In Walla Walla county, W. T., the wheat erop will be about a two-thirds yield, hut much more ground was sown this year than heretofore, making the aggregate about tlie same as usual. The Baker City Academy building which about a year ago was burnt to the ground is now up, weather-hoarded, painted, etc., and will be completed on or before the next term of school com mcnees. A correspondent of the OreyoniuH at Eugene City sys ftirmers in the cotin n-1 try arouinl arc busy Imrvcstiugand bus iness in town is dull, so that all who can getaway are gone bunting gamcand , uernos or lisiun D. Neweont, writing to the Fanner, says tlie gardens in Marion county, since tiic late heavy rains, are doing well, but the fruit crop is nenrly a fail it.-.. 1 ii , e i 1 T rJ ii , m ir" nes will partially supply the deficiency. Prof. T.II. Crawfonl, one of tlie tench- ' ers iu tlie Portland nublie schools fori ers lu iw l oruauu puunc ecnooi, lor several years past, has removed to Sa- j lem, huving been engaged to fill the, chair of Katural Science in the Wil-1 lamette Universitv. Prof. C. is a sue-' ceeaful and lKimilar teacher. . l.fananauan, Agent for theOroer and Ilaker Sewing Machine, advertises Its many merits in this issue. Those wishing a first-class machine should give him a a call. He will sell the Grover and Baker Sewing Machine and take his pay in installment of $10 per!mhl(Iing of UlL pbyaical conditions of ............ , wcllare mucu as we no. upon tlie J. M. Sutton, Xo. 14 Morrison St., I shores of this continent land every 3car announces to the public that he is pre-! 1s"'h1s of parents who in their youth n i mi. i , , ,. , i.l , had no opportunity of getting knowl pared todo all kinds of plating and gild- JJuy etching soon tlie spirit of ing locks, liolts,gas fittings, stair rods, 1 their new country, and perceiving tlie watch eases, spoons, castors, and table ! lower that comes of the possession of warn nlate.1 n-ul pHi11 in nnlor Fli- i knowledge, they resolve that their ehil waro plated a.Ml gilded to order. lAee I ,iren nan imve the advantages of edu trotj'pine done on short nollce. Prices , cation at any C03t. it is a most coin reasonable, and work insured as repre-1 niendable resolution ; yet such parents, senteu. ignorant of tlie laws of health, and The catalogue of tlie Albany Colle-1 without experience of their own in tlie Pinto Tnsf itiifn slinw i In itmtitiillnn to1 IHSitloH of kliowleilge, are almost ginte instuuto siious that institution to . gure to u t,je,r chdren hlto an inju. be in a prosperous condition. During rj0us excess of their mental labor. All tlie year there were 110 students in at-j around mo I sec children who are vic lpralftiiff. .-lassiflod follows: .in mors, tims of their iKirents' uiienliglitcucd c. t-.i. i. ' ambition. Nothing saves some ciiil- 5; Sophomores, Ireshinen, 4; Prc- ,!rcll fronl ulter lIetrction but their imratory, 75; Primary, 25. Prof. War- ceaseless rebellion against our murder ren has only been in charge about a ous requirements. They will not learn year, but during that time has given it , those long lesson out of school! They areputationasaneducationaliustitution I will coax excuses and holidays from second to none in the State. j their mothers. We compel them to -r c-i.., -r..i hi i . i ' disobey and misbehave, iu ordor to save Mr. Stephen Maybell's lecture last , Ule!r ijVe.-Jaic 1'arlon. Friday evening, at the Masonic Hall, i was one of the best intellectual treats to i Advocates of a liberal education for whleh we have ever listened. His lan-1 women will bo glad to learn that a guage was pure, chnste, terse and vigor-!"0,,nS lady student iu the State Uni- ...., .,' . i w versity of Missouri has gained tho first out, and the whole lecture was replete , vrisc t Greck scholarihip. Miss J. with images of beauty. His peroration t Itipley lias the honor of being the to ioetry was indeed eloquent and his , first woman who has ever surpassed the dofiniUou of it the only true and rational ;yunr Il,c.n-hl such a contort. Tele- one. We are sorry Mr. M. did not have the audience which such a masterpiece as his should have secured. Last even-' ing he lectured in Last Portland. He 1 intends also lecturing in Oregon City. Salem, and other valley towns shortly. Success to litm, say we. , . t. m tmii. l. s..,i l llie JJUrui. unci xiivii imn jusl ucuii . . i i 1 1 . i i i :.. t couipietcti auu iiiu num a iui in few days ago. Tim mnin iiifpli Is nlinnt ...ji i 1 1 fovi ,n IlJIiea lUll Ulflt llli3 .1 LZiKtwilJ ui -j'WJ inolias of water. For two years it re quired the employment of from 250 to 400 men constantly to construct it. Tlie ditch contains two flumes, one of which is 400 feet longand 73 feethigli, theother 250 feet long and 00 feet high. The cost of its construction has exceeded $400,- 000, of which the supplies amounting to ou,wu were i.rought from Ciiicngo li rect.. 1 lio ditch is owned by a company of Kastern capitualists, who arc im pressed witli the richness of the mines A Linn county correspondent of the Oregoman says: "I have jst returned from Pinley's Soda Springs, about 18 miles southeast of Lebanou and wouW recommend all those who health or pleasure to give those siirinss a trial They arc the uio,t eilicacious mineral -.uors in tiic State for all dis eases of the stomach or lher. Manv persons are now there who have been greatly benefitted by using the waters. At the present season there are hund reds of people in the mountains hunt- intr, lishiinr. cntherinir berries. s,.ni,i..! rvHu.t. i .....1 ..t..i.' ",""b selves generallv in that re"ion Vt J. I'illlcv. nronriflor of tlm sni-Tnn. D ,.i' ways ready to furnish amply the wauts of both mau and beast in the way of food." A correspondent of the Orcgonian at Oregon City sends the following account of a serious accident at that place: Mon day evening, between 5 and C o'clock, a serious accident occurred at the Canal and Lock Company's works, by which some 12 or 15 Cliinnmen and several white men were severely if not fatally injured. It seems that Mr. Moore, who has charge of tlie blasting, had as usual clmigcd a deep hole drilled in the hard rook for the purpose of springing, it that is, to clear the hour of gravel and water, to prepare it for tlie usual charge of jMwder necessary to blast the rock. It would appear that in the lower part of the hole drilled, which was ten or twelve feet deep, there was a layer of soap or some other kind of soft stone, and when the fuse was started for tlie purpose of springing as above, the whole charge was ejected through this soft stone, as if discharged through the mouth of a cannon, and tho rocks, in stead of rising perpendicularly, as usual, were forced oat horizontally and in a straight direction toward a gang of thirty or forty men who were working in tlie deep hole. Immediately 12 or 15 men were leveled with tlie earth, and it is most miraculousthat none were killed outright. A panic ensued amongst the Cninamen who were unhurt, and they became so excited that they even seized their picks and made for tho foreman (who, by the way, -was not to be blamed, as it was one of these unaccountable ac cidents that could not be foreseen), and would have assaulted him seriously had not lie and one or two others shown a bold front. Two Chinamen and a white manarevcry seriously hurt, and in tlie j care of Dr. Barclay. The company have ordered that everv care should be taken of those injured, and they are properly ! cared for. ! The CnoxaCnw. ok the Age. j It lias been truthfully said that "the crowning error of the age is thirst for! temporal riches; it is not only the crime i of the individual, but the nation, yea. the nations, are wallowing in the gilded and seiiitial rut of acquisitiveness. And i the bitterness of the curse it brings is I upon the lips of all eopIe; upon the! lips of lhoe who achieve opulence i'l the exercise of superior greed and cun ning, and upon tho lips of thoe who stiller deprivation therefor." Human selfishness is becomins almost univer sal: men. in their nossionatc desire for . riches, forget the noblest attributes of their manhood. Honor, integrity, truth . i ml con.-cicnce arc unhesitatingly laid upon the altar of mammon, and sacri- liceu to tnetr ncouisue ambition. iney deny themselves of every worldly pleas ttre.'they are deaf to everv anneal of hu- nntti cliarity, they harden their hearts anil oppose their iron-clad natures to ; every tender emotion and feeling of liu- man sympathy, that their ill-gotten gains may increase and multiply, and that their possessions may not be di minished by relieving tlie distressed and lowlv. They forget their obliga- iiuin iu uuu, .lull iiiuik uiiiiua lu 1 1 1 1 1 follow men, while every act and purpose jof thu5r iuobie Uves is promptett by some selfish design, and with the desire of attaining some selfish end. 1oo lnisuide1 illiman brotlier, what is the bubble you are pursuing, for which you are giving tlie happiness, the joy and the sunshine of your life; for which you are toiling with such earnestness, and giving your noblest talents and l.ictitncil ,Iva? AVlinl will II Iu. in x-nn wi,e vou sn future vears mav crasn it i.. ....... i. -!..n. i 1..T...1 . ...i ii. i.i. jii.u. V'r',, I "r i . iii. ui-uuiii iiiu siiL-uuuv? j uu tit. t u inmld fitiil flirt u-mnwinf IlinAwlin linvo sutlerud deprivation ? ! VlM''lTTAV T Vn ivnn1n Itnnil J ' '""tlr' OUR AGENTS. Tlie folio Wllir iwivhig f4reillllvalillmHTA.t fi. U-tiAreiiuf,.rU.cN-inv North wn-; I Mnj. h. Foster Aiiwny iSMSyJ " ''''ecwvil'i'i'f4 I .?!'""! .7.J.V..'"'2oiviiitiIn Jlls vinantaOldx MeMlunvlne . I llintm.-milll Hnrrl.l.i.r,. j. jj. jj. HenderMm- Ktlcctitt f1t. I W. V. Ileaeh- llneiin Vlm i a; ,:.ijr.rj. ".'"""ra iev. t in. unit i Hon.T. W. Davenport , null. i. i . intTriij.ni siiveitoti MarvJ. Maseru... -Oervalu ltrowimvllle - - Iirinnnii -Salem .Salem .Salem A. W. SUinard K. II. Clnui;litii. C. .V. I teed- Mrs. O.a-. IHwlel Mm. Nellie Curt. 1". C Sullivan Mrs. M. K. Oiok Mrs. M. C. Cllne Mrs. ILA.Vwtr Mrs. 1L H. Itishop. I lev. J. F. IMnvoiu. IMlIi Lafayette Kaiaina WalUbunc l'eiHiieton Seattle .Seattle Walla Walla : jmie M?-wil7 I'hllln Kite Wallow aim ....Port Townsend -Travellns Acent I'. I). Moore Mrs. It. J. Oeonje Mrs. M.J. Enclipi -1'ortl.ind ;. n. niooi Travellns Acent Mrs. M. Jeirrle... ..Travel ins Acent II. II. Weleh Washington county Lafayette Vr. J. Watts- A. N. AnioliI O. W. Iawson M. I'. Owen . Mre. C. A. Coburn. Mrs. J. I)eVonJoliiion Time Iiimuiii . Albany -Salem Dalles ...Forest Grove Oreson CiLv ...MiiwauKic IL lVntlaud -Tho Dalles MIsji Sallle Applesatc... Y oncalla Mls 1L A. Owens lUweburK I J. T. Scott. Kso Forest Grove : Mik. A. K I'unrln : Nchulem tieo. EiiKle -Traveling Acent i J. W. Jackwm- Eusene I I 1. Fisher .Sun Francisco Mrs. IHUm DeKomj Cordon. Cnllfomla MlM.N"eltl -M..iii.m Olymplu Vaucou-er .Union Itklje, V. T I. T. Maulsby . W. ISrock W. llarnes... Oolioco Vnllev oakkhoit. Traveling Agent uiiierpartlen dehlrin? fo act as Airents will ' P. ronvan "eir names. AW want .Vents ' ' ' v,ry Itofnee throuehout nr.ir'.ii and! Wa-hlnjtoo Terr,tor- "'Tis strange," muttered a young man us he staggered home from a sup per party, "how evil communications corrupt good manners. I've been sur rounded by tumblers all the evening, and now I'm a tumbler mvself." Tor the very best photographs, go to Bradley Rulofson's Gallery without STAIRS ng-ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, 1J9 Mont gomery St., San Vranclco. SPECIAL NOTICES. The t'lolhluc Trnde has. Ml till 11 Hie last t hlrty days, undcrgonca regular revolution, by Pishel & Roberts having opened a first-class Clothing establishment, corner of tint anil Washington streets, where Men and Boys can I m flffotl In wrf,it Inn In ir(rv kind of ClOtlie. They are manufacturing on a large scale, and can make anything for Men and Boys wear to order In the very best style, at extreme low prices. Thelralm Is to please both in uuing ami First andWashington streets, will convince nil orthe fact. alPi-lt W. H. COBURN, Book nutl Job Ix-iiitoi-, 5 WASHINGTON STREET, UF-STAIRS, Portlnud, Oregon. Work dene al REASONABLE RATES, nl A call IO lllClr csmwisiimciii.cwinri NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A NEW ARRANGEMENT OF THE GROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH CClll MP MAPUINF OLWIilU iilAOniill., rn ftDPRATIMR RY HANfl fUrf tKAIINli BI "Areu AS WELL AS BY TREADLE. SOCIALLY ADVANTTQEOUS FOR INVALIDS, . , THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS -.ulun Mipuiuc 5tWINU MAUnlNc nPFRATrTJ EITHER BY UrtHAICU t,lnctt 01 HAND OR FOOT, AND .IUDlr MORE SIMPLE, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT THAN ANY OTHER. W. T. SHANAHAN, AGENT, .,., .... dtVtNIT'UNt rlnal ol., pnRTI ANn -" SEWING MACHINES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS OF TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH. vSnM EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. S. WITHE RELL, Xo. ttO Front .Street, l'ortlanil. Ji.ij ri.xu f.Jli JAji .nr.. i rjii mose niioiviuz lor Miuniions in anv cit- imclty from lice. ood:hopier down to a Kat Of- l'ay Riieclal attention to obtainin!; Kunn , Help, llitlse Servants, ItallroHd IlaudK. etc., . irre-qiectlve of Nationality. I l'artlen Fending orders from a distance must I U A.nll.11 I.. . In.t. ..,.. I., n-tint :v:... J," "..',' ""'." .J" ' nii by our otiice fees, 2uo, which may de- ducted from employee's waees). Matins wlieth- er ,h,y will or will hot be repohl!lo lor trav- ci nig eieiiM? oi iiinm jicip. tut 3. It. WITlIEItEI.I. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! nitACTJCE ECONOMY IX AM. vorit X daily exiondItures, Examine tlie IMPROVED $45. HOME S45. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Ilefore lltivlnr. Then decide which Is I1EST. It SIMI'UtlTY and DL'KAUIMTY give It the nreference. Tho OXIA" IjOW PRICED MACHINE tiliff tlie cojim?.vnu i-.vir.--si. i.arse supply jusi receiveu. i.i.w. iii.m.ii, ;eneml Agent. n!2 1'hllndelphla Shoe Store, 112 Front St. MUSIC STORES! CLAY ST., San Francisco, 101 Flrt Streel. rortland.Orecon. Steinway & Sons' Kranlrn, Enrh t Son's, HAINES BROS,' AND M.CRAY'S PIANOS TUB World Renowned BURDETT AND MIONINGER ORGANS. "HOAVE'S" New Improveit M.WIG MUI1INE. HUTTEUICK-S Celebraled Patterns ...or Udlrs' anil rblldrrns GARMENTS. Agents Wanted In Every County on the Loasi. a. I- Del'nANS. Manager On-con Brsnrk Uoar. v5 n9-tf XKW ADVEiraSELI32NTS. 'Sonora Hewitt,' BY MRS. SUSIE WITIlEItr.LL, AS JUST COMMENCED PUBLICATION IN" Till I'AfEE. Everybody Should I tend It! SUBSCRIBE NOW AND READ THE STORY THROUGH. THE SELECT SCHOOL Under the direction or l-t-i . II. C. Broivn -IirH'I' BE RE-OPENED FOHT1IE HECEP- tlon of pupils on Monday. May 13th, 1S72. l.ocauon tor. Jscconu nnu Jians, i-oniami. All branches comprising a liberal education III be taught. Lessons on the piano will also be Riven. v2nltf OR. VAN OEN BERQH'S Sovci'tiifrii AVor-m Syrup. 1HI1S TIIULY WONDEIIFUIj MEDICINE I Isvmrnmted to expel all worms Irani the llowels and ijlomach.escept Tape and Chain Worms. The proprietor has taken much pains to test thcconiKHrattve merlttof the lirincliml Worm jit" iidiies. .ii ine uav, wiiicn, iiiiiuerous as me Knlozoa themselves, have nvennreml tlm land, each clalmlnz for Itself tlichnmnnf imv. elflc; and, while we frankly acknowledge that many ui iucni;ireuueii5ucccsiui,nnu do great goo.1, were wo not assured that this combines advantases jKissessed liyno other worm medi cine, its Introduction at this late day would not mitt? uvi'ii uueiuiueu. The Pleasant tiisto and excei-dln-rlv small quantity of this medicine required to tet tlie existence oi worms, or 10 remove every one from the system Its operating In ft few hours, unaided by any other puree, losether with Its certainty of eMcct,contitutc It oik- oi the most nriiiinni discoveries or the age. Had we space here, scores of certificates tnhrhl be adduced to show Its nriKrrcsslve and rapidly Increa-lug reputation tor the last few years; but to promulgate lis famo and estab lish Its diameter, we only ask lor a trial. Its speedy operation in all sudden attacks, as convulsions, colic, I1U or spasms, gives it an unrivaled superiority. Sent by express on re ceipt of pTice. 1 MIHIMS Ol" WORMS. Alternate paling and tlushln? uf the coun tenance, dull expression of the eyes, drowsi- ines4, itciiingoi iu uoe,a swelled upper up, tongue whitely furred and thickly speckled U'ltli nl lir.lnfw ri.twf I.Afltl. nn anlflmiullmllif a partial or general swelling or puUlngnessof me sKiii.ii suiniiiK in inc sleep turn grinning oi tho teeth, u sensation as If .something was lodged in the tnront.ii gradual wasting of the jlesh, sickness of the stomuch, vomiting, a siiunuiiiitiry eougu, npieiue sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, liowels sometimes cotlvo, at other times looe, great fretfulness and Irritability nftemis:r,iktliis In the stomach and lMjeIs,eollc,llts,eoiivnlioiisaud palsy. lis vuuie in rt:iiioing miisscn or eruuities from the stomach :.nd bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot be too highly es timated. rreparcd and sold, wholesale and retail, by 1)1 L VAN DEN IIEKG1I and Agents In nil cit ies mid towns. Dr. Van Den Ilcrgh can be consulted on nil Ilseases that tho human svslcm iKlielrfti. Ills long experience In dl-eases of women nnd ehlldrcn cannot lie surinsxed hv anv physl ehin in tlie United State or Europe. Ir. V. ad vles lwlles troubled with any irregularities of the Uterus to try ills new remedies and get cured. lly consulting and undergoing ft simple ex amination the afflicted mil li-.irn If their ills. ense be worms r not. At all events. Dr. Van jen jicrgli can ten them rrom what disease tiieyarc sutrerlng. Consultatioiiii and examinations free of charge. Omen Iloous-SS and i. over l'o-tofMce, Salem, Oregon. jitters docriiilng the symptoms will 1k promptly answered, and persons living at a distance Will bo saved the i.timmis., mill trvknltlf of calling on the Doctor. Address IUS. J. W. VAN DEN 1IEKGII, I". O. IIox lTi,Salem, Oregon. $50 00! $50 00! THE NEW WILSON STRAIGHT XEEDLE, UXDEP.FEED MAKES THE LOCK STITCH ALIKE OX Hot h Sides. Ituns easy, nnd wiiidocitncr ugui or iieavy sewing. Is the only ftr-t-clas Sexving Machine sold for loss than SIJ1 rX Exnmlneand Judge tor yourselves, iion't oe hiimluiinreil into Having SV IJU for a Sewing Ma chine, when you can get a New Wilson for JfO. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, Xo. 73 First Street, PORT I. AX l, OHEGtlX. AGENTS WANTED! MINER i PEARSON, vSnO General Agents. THE CLOTHING STORE! IS THE PLACE WHERE GENTS' CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, IloyV and Youths Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, R(c. Etc., Etc., CAN RE HAD AT San ITi'iiiKMKeo Prioes I 113 Front Street. Portland. Harris & Pragor. Wit. HAIIItlt, Sail Francisco. I- Prtvorn, Porllnud. 2nT MRS. M. J. EXSIGX, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Xenr Washington. (Next door to New Northwest Ofllco), TT.VS A IVRGE ASSORTMENT OF PAT- .. it-nisior 1-auies' nnu iniureii's Clothing for sale Dressmakers can get full assortment of pat terns, consisting of fifteen ifull slzol. tor ii in irhl.li will l. O.,., r .71. V r.T? , loej-uiiefin receipt of price. Letter of fashion, how to trim nnd make, will le ent with each tiaekage. Prices or single paiteni-: ladles' suits, jl do polonaise, To els.: ovcrkirt,."ii) cts.; widst2cts.' children's suits. 75 cts.; oversklrt,3jcts.; waist! Sets.; bovs1 suits. 7."i cts. Cutting and fitting done on short notice. Please state age In sending for children's patterns. The above patterns will be made for home use, and will be found much superior to East ern made. All orders promptly attended to. Give me a call. 2ni MISS M. J. ENION. PORTLVXD ADVEKTISEMEXTS. tKS. ACII, TU.ST HETUUNED FUOM SAN FKAN f J eken with a large nnd splendid Stock or srett as SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese SUk, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Jlnrsellle Etc. ...ALSO... A Ijrje and Beautiful Assortment ol MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Fine Laces, Etc., Of every variety and description. Straw Good, l'arasols and Kid Cloves Ot the best quality. jr.wrxitYf r.ixcv annus, etc.. On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Or all description. ('nil and Exnniliie the .Stuck. Goods Xohl lo Xait the Time. I. ACII, 97 First street, l'ortlaud. tar CONSTANTLY Kc!vlng Xew Supplies by every Steamer. Mi HURGREN & SHINDLER, IRECT IMPORTERS AND M NI Kt- lurers of every ninety i PARIX)R, nr.iKooM, DIVING, LIRKARY AND COtNTlN(MlOCSB F U K N I 'X IJ J? E , .ts... Osk, "alnul. P.orioJ. (hr-tnut. r.tt. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, I'ulii. Ilnlr. aioss. E.veelsinr Jlne. Etc., Etc., Etc. THE J.AIttiUST STOCK! THE II EST CODDS! nn: lowest iMticr-s! Waiik Roojis Nim. lA ti l rt 172. Oor. Salmon and Klrt sis.. I'OTlUtuUOwimn. nlllf PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ! .... ItOOMN-inrurr i'lrst nnd Sim I. St.. over iMdd A- TUlon's lUnk. Contains 0cr Three Thousand (poke i!iwls Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL, DinixTOJW Wm. S. IjhIiI, P. C. Schuyler, Jr., M. 1'. Deiidr.L. H. Waketield, W. H. ltrackelt, A. (i Gtlibs, C H. l-wls, M. W. PFCJihelmer. H. Fulling, U ilium. Officers: L. H. WAKEFIELD. H. FAILING .. President -Vice Iresldent P. a SCHUYLER. Jr, Treasurer SI. W. KKUllllKI.MKlI. HENRY A. OXER. ... . ..Comiwnillng Si ..Librarian and Ree. see COFFEE AND SPjC MANUFACTORY. VERDI EK V ToritXEI MANUFACTCREItS AND DBALEItS IN Genuine Java French Chartres Cotree and siiint of nil kinds, wholesale and retail. No. v. nsiiiugton St., fort la ml uregon. vin.it J. L. Atkinson:. Notary Public. Tvt.Kit WoonwAun. D. W. Wakefield. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson A Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon, 1.-1UMC A "V 11 r-VTr TTAVE FOR KALI proved Lands in Oregon and Washington Tcirltorrv Also, CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sale and to Rent. We attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate In City and Country. Special attention given to the Renting of Property nnd Collection of Rents, looking after Repairs and Payment of Taxes on lroperty In our hands when desired. I'gal papers written ami acknowledgments taken. LOANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate se curity. I"arlles having Money to Loan are In vited to give us a call. nlStf ATKINSON, WOODWARD A- CO. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. B13CIC snitl ?01V, Importers and IValcr in Ul'NK, IIII'I.KS AMI Itr.YOI.VEItS OF E KK DF.RIPTION. FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, IIaskets, Ilttai Cages, Cm.Eitv, Croqucl Games, Carts anil Wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., 13 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON .4 GENTS forW!i...-l..r.v W'll.nn'sSewIng Ma- V. chines, Xecdles, Thread, silk. Oil. Etc. I ..Also Agents for the California Powd-r orks' riiasunganit Hportlns l"owdr. vmni UXK "WEED ItEJIEDY. THE LINK WEED REMEDY Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY : Rltlliwlanf l .T! " fKtly in WnshlnstiHieouuiy. lr- PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Active ami Volatile Principle extracted by J'.ther. and n hitter Tonle I'rin' U1JHC MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the most sure and speedy enro fnr IUiruiuatlsm. Hheumatlc Uout nnd Rheumatic Ialiisnfall kinds thatwasevcrlntrodueeil Into the Materia .Med lea. Tho UNK WEEDIIKM KDY. as prenareil by us. in eonsenueneeof lie existing bitter principle, possesses the neoes- burj vinuu ui uemg n Po-vcriul Tonic, Promoting tho Appetite and Invigorating the iwioir ivii.u jppumius, inus ouimiug up nnd stre'igthenlng the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, lielng ab sorbed in tho blood, acts s)ecif1cally on the Hhcumatic Poison, removing it from the circu lation and system. There arc few remedies known to tha Medical Profession which will remove the Kheumatio Poison rrom tlie blood, but whose action Is so Iwerful Iu depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Kheumatio patient. Hint their use has to 1j abandoned before speeilic effects are obtainable, and hence the want f success in treating this prevalent and coneenuentlv heretofore incurable disease. Unlike Ihese medicines, already known, the UNK WKBIl! ' llh.l K l .nirnillloll niVulRni.iir ne -n .. isiwerfiil elTeets on the blood and svsteni In re-1 moving the Kheumatlc Poi v.u. al vi noti.w : strong Tonic and Itecuperating Element which admits of Its continued use even bythemot d' tlcato and debilitated. Thus we have the combination for the first time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which ae-countsf(irltssuperlorandiiever-riiifingennitle cflcct In Itheiimatlsm, Uheumatic Gout and IEheumatie l:iInsofnll kinds. ! N. It. The UNK WEED 11E.MEDY I- imrtlc ularly APPLICABLE TO INDIES. In mnse- ' ijuem ofitii Tonic llnalitli-. TESTIMONIALS : e are aware of the fact Unit it is generally an easy mailer to procure certificates ittte-Ung thoellleaey of patent remolles from a certain elassorthoc who usuthem. Ve have selected the fallowing leeause the names attached to them are tlmse of men of the moat careful and soruimlons character, ami because the large class of their nnjuaintnnccs Iu Oregon will not, us un'itiriti, Hiwi'itr susiecv iiiein oi any ' exaggeration in the stntemciiti lhc mav I mike: " ! Ortlfleate fiT.m tl- Deputy Jailor of Mult-! nnmah County Jail: i City Jail. Portland. Oregon, " June 7, IS71. f Dr. A.M. Ixrea A Co.: I was attacked with a severe case of rheumatism. It was in my thighs, hips, fingers, shoulder bladi lnded In I all tlie Joints or my body I sutrered great iialn T ...t1. , ...... ttn...l..l 1... .. . . I . .1 and anguish. I was attended by a n-gulnr pliy- sicinn. nut wuu nocm-ci. j was ituiuceu u, try lyourL'nk Weed Remedy, and cured me up. I consider it, I t Immedliiti-li cureti me m. i isinsiuer it, inim my exie 1 rlenee, tlie lK".tremtl.v forrheumatlsm known. 1 ALFRED K. Tl'RNER, Deputy Jailor, i Tills N to certify that the nbote stnteiuent is 1 correct to my own knowledee. . JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. AltaCHlifurnlnnookandJohPrlntingOftlce,") .III Callfornht street, - han fninclseo, June I, ltju ) Dr. A. M. Loryen i Co.: For several vears I have 1hii subject to rheumatism In mv right seen at tho olliee ol Geo. y. Traver,112 Front arm and shoulder, rendertiiir me unable to street, Portland. work. On a recurrence of the attack Mime For fifty snbscrlliers, at $3 00 each, aceom tlme since, I was Induced to trv vour "Cnk I panied by the rash, we will gtve a MASON Jt Weeil Itemed v." and the result was a perfect HAMLIN PORTABLE ORG.VN, four oetave, cure In a few days. 1 took only two-thirds of ! single reed, with black walnut ease, automatic the contents of one Isittle. My firm lielief is i bellows swell, two blow )eduls. Improved crn that tlie "Cnk" Is a certain cure ibr rlieuma- : ter pressure reed valves, etc. I"rlee, SSft. tlsm in all Its forms, and I wnnld heartily no I For seventy-five subscribers, at 3S fji) eaeh, ae- , ommemi an iiiuhwu whii iiini ureniuui it! eio-e to trj your "Remeily" and lie cured. j JNO. It. McLAXB. ' Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Esq.. special con - iriouior l.f me " iii.ijiieuu r ariuer, ' aim .H'C- ' retary ot the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, March 2S, 1S7L Dr. A. M. Loryen: Some tour weeks ago I was entirely im-tnitsl with rheumatism; In fact I was almost helnles. I sent to volt for one lo om ice bottle of the "Unk Weed Remedy," by I the Hie of whleh I experienced almost lmine j illate relief, and by the time the Isitllc wiu. gone the rheumatism was gone. From mv . own exerlenec, and from what I have heard others say who have usi-d the Unk Weed, I i believe It lo be a certain cure tor rlieumatiMii. j Yours respectfully, A. It. MIIIPI JY. I Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dnfur, ex-PresI-! tdent of the Oregon State Agricultural Society . .... iirezoii:" Et Portland, April 1.1S7J. M. LoryeH A I tu: I nv.is atltlctel with a ttttck ofehronlc rhciimatim; waseon-, mv ImsI most of Ihe time from .Imiitnrv Dr. A. M-ere attack ofehronlc rhciimattm: was eoii' rlneil to my bed most of the time from January to July, when I used the Uuk Weed and it cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Certificate fnm James ll.vhee. the celebrated stock-grower and "King of the Oregon Turf :" Sanviu's Inland, January H. 171. To Dr. A. M. LoryenACo.: Thislstoaeknowl eilge the elficncy of your-'Cnk Weed Remedy. rr llnMnm Itliotimattc f nr " I viu tlllpl.l i ,mlnI11.l(,r. rheumatism, "and trhsl nearlv all I ,,r tK. Mlaiii rhiHimatie remedies w ithout r months with a very serious allncK orin - anv relief pereelvable. I then tried your Remeily.andlts use resultedinthemot happy eutvts a perieei core. i nny yimrs, JAMES IIYREE. Certificate from the well-known merchant, O. W. Weaver, K-q.: The Dalles. Mv"t. t71 Dr. A. M. Loryen A Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedy," and ran cheerfully recom mend It to iersoii atilleicd with inflammatory rheumatism. It eured me of that disease. My hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my joints were swollen and very painful. O. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Xat. II. Lane, pilot Commissioner or Oregon, and a member of tho City Council ot East Portland: East Portland, April in, 171. Dr. A. M. Loryea t Co.: I have lieen allllcte.1 for several yeurs iast with "weakness In the i imck," and wandering rlieumatie pains, ac- ; ciimiianled by seero eonstliKition. Ily tho ue i of one liottle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or ' T I . n. ...... t i.. ..,M " T 1 r.. i 'Wt'V ...... M. lUltCIRTIlClllliriV I relldvcl. anil I rlicerfnllv rmniitiHiml II uj . 1 m.i vaiuaoie aim euecuve remisiy XAT. II. IUXE. Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tiblietts, a member or the City council or East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Ixrj-ea A Co. ients: This is to in form you that I have used your "Unk Weed" for neuralgia ami rlieumatie pains, and found relict rrom tho use of only one bottle, and can recommend it to thoo In need of such a rem edy. Yours, GIDEON TlBlIETTS. Certificate from Hon. K. I. Quimby, ex County Commissioner of Multnomah county, Oregon: East Portland, April 1, 1871. Dr. A. M. Loryea Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedy," and am satisfied it is a valua ble medicine. It regulates and Invigorates the system. This is my exiierlence Willi tlie Rem edy. Truly yours, F- L. IJUIMIIY. Certificate from tho celebrated musician, Prof. Otto Vleuxtemps: Oregon Musical Institute. Porttand,May2;.lS71.f Dr V. M Loryea & Co.: I was attacked with severe Inflammatory rheutiiallsm, stifferliig great pain, nnd was so prostnited .that I was unable to tend to my bus ness. J" ""t" I tie of your "Unk Weed Itemed), or Oregon, lllicTimntle Cure" and was entirely cured by , i nio trrro vikuxtemi-s. PUT irP IN TEN-OUNCE iiOTTLE3, One Dollar nnd TlltV CenlH per Do t tic. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, IT2. LORYEiV t CO. EAST PORTL.VXD, OREGON. ce-ryCKALF BV ALL Dl'.Vir.lsl S. 1UU NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal fur the People, I- f. HUMANITY. DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS Of tsTrX .-.isoit " Arran-emaMs Iiav Immi mxlg to4mjj4lh SerIciOfa COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. Tin- Xew NotrritWKsrr is not a Woman's Rights, hut n Human Rights organ, devoted to wlint't r pidiey may be necessary to settire tlie greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no sex. no jslitits, no religion, no party, no color, no i-recd. iu foiinilattoH is flenert iiirnn the ns-k of Eternal IJherty. Cnfvr"ftl Kmnncisit.u and t'ntr;minlel lruvrfsiujia OUR PREMIUM LIST. As nn inducement tor onr frieihl tu mako exertions to secure large clubs for the Vhv NonTtnv3ST, we offer the followiiif; list DC val uable piemlnms : rortwen'y subscribers, at W esoli.aeeom- liniii-ti o nit- iTi-ii, ne win ive IM ilU31r I SHI TTLH SEWINU MACHINE, without la- t "- "iuiiiuiij uniain-nieo. t'nee, iWL For thirty-the subscribers, at S.t lii .h.ac- companiisl lv the cash, we will giea.IOME , SHl'TTLK SbWIXG MACHINE, with ObSSi Walnut table, bronzed ami nicely tlnl?btl. ' I'riee, St. For mrty snbserlliers, at SS 09 each, aeeom ' pa n led b v 1 1 le cash , we wi 1 1 give a I IOM K SH DT- TLB SEWINfJ MACHINE, tinlshe.1 In extra lyle. with Black Walnut table and eover. Price. S.7I. Tlie atsive Sewing Machines. which nmtr.r. ! ranted first-class in everv nnrtlenlar. n tw conipanieu i,y iiiecnsn.a double reed M.VSOV ; & HAMLIN OIK SAX ; resembles tho first ei- , eeiit that It has mImi a knee stop. I'rlee, $75. For seventy-flve subscribers, at $3 00 each. ) accompanied by the cash and twenty-llvo uuhhi. Himitioiitu, wc win give a JIASOX i!t il.v.illl.-. uutt.l.s, Ol FIVK OCTAVBJ, OVK STOP. SEI.l-'-AIUr.STISCS KKKD VALVES. 1M- i-Bovf:n iiKi-ixjws, Ti:Eir;iv-r axd io.ee-swkli- I'rlee.Jlft). For one hundred snlweribers, at 8 00 each, nnd twenty dollars additional, wo will give a MAPOX A HAMLIN OROAX, FIVE oct.VVIS. KI VK STOPS, TWO SKTS OK KIHK.VTOILS TlinOOaU OIT, IXI'KOVKD OILVPCATKU SEI.F-AWCSTIXO KKED V. IXOt, 1 3tPBOVEI nELIJVS,THBtUlKr ANIl KNKK-SWKI.LS. VIOIV, DIAP.VSON FLUTE, TREMUL.VNT. Prlee. il& ' liiose who desire to work for these premiums can send the names ami mnnnv- .1 r...- . The subscriber will be placed to their 1 CiHii! e"ough names are notreoetved , lllirlll'. lll( VWl, In Iwuulna , I. a 1 j . ... , . -. . . ..n ipiumauu ui- j will'beentmAl TXiT in ot le alIlollnt reinltte ibr thelr'nbSr iorMirinoor, I 11 1 cnoosca lessor premium, or they OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The Nkw XoiiTiiWKsTliasnlraB.lv tm-avatI a popular success, we are decided that ft shall SIS1 l)rOri B THtrMnl. i loviinuicouririi-nnswiiomny iieciite to can- vum for our pniwr to beuefltboth themselves , and us by Increasing our Subscription L!ts,we prpo-e to give tlie following additional l'ro- miiims io canvassers : Any suocnuer wno is in arrears forthaXcw NoiiTinviT,-who will send us his or her own I snbserlptlnn fee, and one new subscriber, ae- I eompanied by the cash SC W-we will irlToV A is-iir lUrlan Marble Vases; yjt .Milium.. u uitvo , ..AC, Orn Rohemlau Glass Cnnl Receiver; Or W dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or doien Plated Tea Sivs.ns: Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Or a Lidy's Fan, spaujtleil, leathered tlct OraUinlCage; fa"" Or an Album for holding 100 pletureg; . .; Or an Album (extrn) for holding M pletiirftj: Or a Fancy letter Case; . Or a liox Toilet Articles, including ip, c!ialk,pertumery,ctc.; -Or a Britannia Tea Pot; , Ora KeroscneLimp: ' Or dozen Glass (Joblels; Or V, dozen QlassTumblers: ,..i Oralnr'e Glass Fruit Dish; ,ii Or a Work Basket: Or a Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; ' ''- Or dozen Linen Handkerchiefs ; t-' Or a Woolen Talllc Cover; Or X dozen Table Xapklns; Or H dozenTowols; Or an elegant Portmonla. Any suliscrlborwhois in anvwrs loryar"B sulMrlption, anil who will send hHorhtrown suliscriptlon fts,and two new subseribr ae eom pauled by the cash making SB rt) w wilt A set of Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, white metal, warranted; Or a set of Rogers' Tablespoons, triple plated , on white metal, warranted; . Or a set or Rogers' Tea Spoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or S dozen Itogers' Russell's Table Knlvet, best ouallt.v, warranted; Or a handsome Bird Cage. Any person in arrears for sulwrlptlnn (a Til Nkw NoirriiWBST, who will semi his or lior subscription fee and three new subscribrs, Ac companied by tlie eash, making iti CO, wo-wlll send : A handsomo Marsailles Quilt; Orahandomc Woolen tjullt, rI and whHo. or blue and white; Or a pair of Tabic Clothe; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lnee CnrtaJA- Or three pairs Alexandres KulOlove, &y colororslze; ' Or a Jaiianesc Inlnld Work Box- Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. Ing to iil 09. we will send : vaintsfit sKl-r' trlPlel,IateJ.on white metal' Or a lady's Writing Desk, of oqual valuer OraCaMnet, Japanese Inlaid; Or an hxtm Jaimneso Inlaid Work Box. Those articles are all valuable, and are war ranted to he Just as we represent them. !'" son living In this city or wlio can visit is en receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or ir not convenient tovlrttus, wewllUendthe articles bv exiwts to any ad dress. . Xo order of this kind will receive attention unlea the cash accompanies It. Send money in IVstolHce Mje7,1"1i tomarj- rate of curreuey. or nl dma if p- terreit. AH orders promptly atten1"',,.--.,, W .liicen.lv lione that this nnpamllieu I nm , i i.pw feBture In tiienewsiHireir I huslnesslu Oregon, will lu!,,''r s Isponse from.th? '" fr,?i feartyrrs- ixmse from tne many , ," .nSr.i: Who up to this time have see ,.v - ize thit THK Xf.w Xoitlltw without mon-y. Now l !?.a geu ,-lubs. IKin b.for.- ..; jJX?vor,fl !! start ol jou. s.-. ' V- ' ' Y-,,w,st . I ,Mi- Pimll- .did Tilt M-'-lUttLaT.