HP' Una fettle t MRS. A. J. HllMHAT, Editor 5an4 rroprlrlor OrriCE-Cor.TliIrd and iVnslilii-loii Sit TKRMfl, IX AIVAN08 Six ittcattbn Three Month... , 1 v 1 ADVERTISEMENTS Imvrtod on TUauonaWe Tens. S0N0EAHEWITT. KT MRS. BfwIE WmtKREIX. Entered, anonling to tbe Act or CongreM. 1 a the ?aar K, by Jin. suite Ttherell, In tbe Of fice of the librarian ofCongr at Vhlnton Cltf.; Fits SfKBTtf, Kntii! Tnisw, Vkkt. Vmvi.r. rHAITEK XVI. A NEW 1 K AK - I.AKKNTE ANW Hi. VSTHT. It is the last night or the old year, and great preparations arc going for ward at tho Hewitts to meet It, as they hod always Iieen accustomed to, with great glee and merriment. j Senimi and Adele were giving a few extra touches to the elegant table! whieh lMtd been spread for thehencfitj of their friends, while Harry and l"s! father were decorating the parlors and halls rilli wreaths of evergreens. Mt?. ! Hewitt awl Mrs. Summers were silling together upon the sofa conversing upon different subjects, when a loud ring at the door caused them to start, and iu a few moments Xornmn Mcintosh was U9hered into their presence. "Good evening, Norman," was Mrs. Hewitt's friendly salutation, and intro ducing Mr. Summers, they were toon engaged in conversation. "We have been expecting you back for tho last two months, and had al most despaired of ever seeing you again," said Mrs. Howitt, laughing. "I was detained longer than I ex pooled," replied Xorman, hut since I saw you I have crossed the Atlantic and back. Business relating to some financial affairs required my immediate presence in London, from whence I have just rciurued." "Ah, well, you have been very expe ditious and arrived iu a very good time, for to-morrow Xew York will be all life," replied Mrs. Hewitt. "Are you from London?" queried Mrs. Summer?, looking earnestly at or mau. "I was born at Devonshire," answer ed ho, "but have of lute years resided in London part of the time." Then, without saying more, he turned the subjeet by asking where Sonora was. "She and Miss Summers are in the third room arranging the table for calls, and the Colonel and Harry are decorat ing the lialls with evergreens. Come, let us go ami take a peep at them," said Mrs. Hewitt, rising. "I will introduce you to Harry's in tended, the wealthy Adelo Summers," observed Mrs. Hewitt to Norman soft- jy, as Mrs. hummers walked toward a table to lay down a binh which she had in her hands. "We expected Cordelia Marsh and Blanche to spend the holidays with us,' observed Sonora, as they were all seated round the fire, after everything was ar ranged to their satisfaction, "but poor Grade's death has east a gloom over their once happy home, and they havo both remained to comfort the disconsol ate mollier." "Poor Gracle!" sighed Norman, as he raised his eyes and met the ga.e of Mrs. Summers fixed upon him with such a penotrating look that he felt somewhat uncomfortable. "Well, girls, I think you had better retire, as you will need your bright eyes to-morrow, and it will not do to have thora ruined by late hours," ob served the Colonel, as there was a pause in the conversation Sonora, only too glad to be alone once more arose and said, "Come, Dell, let us retire, for I know you must be fa tigueu, ami we must bo up early, you know." "Yes, indeed. Call us at peep of day," sakl Allele, as she bid them good-night Harry soon followed the example of the girls, and not long after Mrs. Hew itt sliowed Norman Ids room, for he was to remain their guest for a short time, leaving the Colonel and his wife and Mrs. Summers tlie only ones re maining up, for they had determined upon seeing the old year out and the new year in. After Mrs. Hewitt re turned to the parlor, which the did in a few moments, bearing a plate of fine spitzenberghs, Mrs. Summers remarked: "How much Mr. Mcintosh rcmiuds nie of a small portrait on ivory which I have in my possession. I think Adele noticed it, too, for I saw her looking vory earnestly at him. He lias the same eyes, the same expression about the mouth and thesame forehead, though ho has a heavy beard, which the picture has not. Still, had he said lie once lived in Marseilles I should he inclined to think lie was the same per son, though tho name of the one I allude to was Burke and strange co-incidence, it was Norman, too! I will rolatc to you ltow I came in possession of the likoness, ir you would like to hear it," continued she. "Do, by all means," said the Colonel, seeming to take a deep interest iu the conversation. "And it will serve to pass away the nine more pleasantly," responded An-a Hewitt, drawing her chair closer to the nre as sue prepared to listen. TV lirvii. 1 I1...T1 -w "6'"i wibii, - jmuu .irs. summers, i jiiuv iciua- a iun.ion oi my own life. I was born of English parents, in l. don, iu the early part of the year IS. Aiy maiuen name was Douglas, Flor ence Douglas. When I was about ten years old my parents, with their two only children, myself and Lily, who was au infant scarcely a year old, re- when we went to live with a maiden aunt at Marsailles, who, having no J other connections, adopted Lily. Two j years after this I was married, and em igrated with my husband to Louisiana, where we have since lived, leaving my Utile sister Lily behind with my aunt. We have regularly corresponded since she has been able to write, and now comes tho part of my story relating to the picture. About four years ago it seems she formed the acquaintance of a young married lady who lived but a short distance from my aunt's. They became firm friends. This lady was the wife of Norman Burke, who, it appears from Lily's letters, married her for her money and tlien cruelly deserted her. Lily was her only and confidential friend, and upon her death-bed she dis closed the secret which had crushed 3PO-RTJL.AISD, OKEGOX. FKIDAY, A.TJGTTSX ST, lrI. IS'TTMrSEXt 13. and kneeling down laid her wooly head i in the lap of her young mistress, cx-! claiming, "Oh, Missy, how cau Bis do widout you? Take her wid you, do, an' I'll uebcr 'stress you nor do any more wickedness," and the affectionate creature sobbed aloud. "Why, Rissey, wliat lias caused you to feel so dreadfully? I am not going away, at any rate for a long time yet." Throe months, only three, short months! she murmured to herself. Then she asked, "Who told you anything, Kls sey ? I am sure I have said nothing of the kind." "No Missy, I know you hasn't, hut dat olo woman said sumfin bout Massa Norma goin to take you off an an kill you like he did de udder one. O, Missy, only take mo long, an I save you ; for I pull ebcry spec of mustouchc out one by and broken her heart. Dying she be- one, and scratch dem great black eyes queathed her small remaining property, I out that stare so vengeful fore I let him logothor with her only child, to tho care hurt a hair of your precious head. Take of Lily, begging her to be a mother to , Ris long; she lubs you, caze you am her her darling boy, which my sister faith fully fulfills. Two years ago my sister married and paid us a visit, extending lior bridal tour to the United States, bringing her foster child along with her, a beautiful little fellow of five years. The picture was one which the unnatural father presented to his wife on her wedding day, and she gave it to Lily to keep for her child, but Lily, in her haste, "forgot it. I have carefully preserved it ever since, intending to vis it Lily some time and restore it to its rightful owner. I will show it to you when I think of if," observed she, as she coosed speaking. "Well, I hope all will prove satisfac tory regarding this man, who is to be the husband of my daughter, but I fear all is not right," said the Colonel. "This is certainly very derogatory regarding him, though I do not think lie has ever been in Fraucc, as we have ncvor heard him mention anything of the kind, though, of course, had ho been guilty of sucli dastardly conduct, ho would be careful not to do so," continued he. "Oh, I do not think ho is the person I refer to," said Mrs. Summers, "but ho reminds me very forcibly of him." "No, I think not, either," responded Mrs. Hewitt, who seemed to be in deep thought, "for though he might havo ohanged his name to Mcintosh, still I have it from the authority of my friend, Miss Vernon, that he is a true gentle man, and was born and brought up m Devonshire, England, her own native place. She is acquainted with his sis ter, who keeps houe for him in Lon don. So you see I have good reference for his respectability. However, I would not wish Sonora to wed one to whom was attached the least" suspi cion." "You are right, Alice, nor I either," said the Colonel. "I would not think so much of this, for there arc many who resemble one another, hut there are other circumstances which do not look very llattcring." "Oh, you mean those anonymous notes," broke in Mrs. Hewitt. "Well, I feel perfectly satisfied on that score, for I almost know it was Carrie Vernon, for he has no other intimate acquaint ance iu tills country." "Well, he has every appearance of a gentleman, certainly," observed Mrs. Summers quietly. "Twelve o'clock !" exclaimed Mrs. Summers, as the little French time piece tolled the hour, and rising she wished her host and hostess "A Happy Now Year!" "Happy New Year! Happy New Year!" resounded from tho lips of the happy family assembled around the breakfast table of Col. Hewitt, whose good-natured, healthy looking face was covered with smiles. Happy family, I say, for thoy were all happy but Sonora. Poor girl! how could she feel perfectly happy under the circumstances? As soon as breakfast was over they all proceeded to the parlor to examine the presents and see that everything was arranged for the comfort and ta'-tc of their expected friends. Numerous were the presents which were spread upon tho center table, each marked with tho name of iu owner. There were jewels and boxes, and va- t f . 1 . T . . nun es oi uuicr tilings, uesiucs a num ber of hooks to add to the already well-stocked library. Among the pres ents belonging to Sonora was a little inlaid box of rosewood, containing Miss Hannah Adams. BY JAMES l'AKIOy. Manv limes since the Woman's Rights agitation began, I have had the wish to write a book with a title something like this: Women Who Hare Taken Their Jlighli Without Making a Puts About It. Not that tho fu has not been of ser vice in removing from our statute-books many laws unjust to women, and in re moving from our minds some prejudices that limited their sphere of labor. The agitation has done good, and wo sco the proof of it every day. A few doors from where I live a highly accomplished and educated lady practices medicine; and I saw, the other night at tho opera, a lady playing tho haqi as a regular member of the orchestra. Her presence was wel come to every one, and her playing ex cited universal admiration. Recently, women in New York havo begun to de liver morning papers, some of them even going down three hours before daylight to get their supply. I am con fident, too, that tho time is at hand when women will bo admitted to tho bar as advocates. For some brandies of Ioeal practice they have been endowed with peculiar talents. Tho agitation of Woman's Rights lias certainly made it easier for women to strike out into new paths of honorable industry, and has imparted to the public mind a certain inclination to give women :i fair chanco iu competition with men. But long before Woman's Rights were ever heard of, women pushed their way into unusual occupations, and accom plished works under disadvantages which arc now almost inconceivable. Hannah Adams is one who did so. She was, I believe, tho first American lady who gained her livelihood by literature, and she carried out her purpose to do so when there was not a man in the United States who lived by his pen alone. As fur as I cau learn, the first person who received salary as a mere writer was Thomas Paine, who was engaged In 177-i, at an extremely low salary, to edit a Philadelphia magazine. Hannah Adams, born at Mcdfield, eighteen miles from Boston, in 1773, was tho daughtor of a village store keeper, who sold dry goods and books ; and it was the books her father had in his store that afforded her the chief part of her early education. At school she learned little more than reading, writing, sewing, and a little arithmetic. Several traits marked her in early life as a peculiar person. She was bashful even to a painful extreme, being unable to appear in strange company without positive suffering. Another peculiarity was a most anient love of knowledge. "I remember," she says In a little me moir which she wroto lato in life, "that my first idea of the happiness of heaven was or a- place wnero we should II ml our thirst for knowledge fully grati fied." Another trait was a singularly enthu siastic admiration for natural beauty. From youth to old age, she was always enchanted with a line prospect or a beautiful liowcr. The tie which bound her to kindred was so strong that the announce once more that midnight has j death of her mother and sister caused thrown her sable mantle abroad, and "or inexpressible and long-continued .. , ,, ... . , . .....languish. Probably if circumstances had invited the weary world to rest within flu?orcUi if slle haj Hvcd , M1 old cmm her arms. Naught is heard, save now try instead of a new one, if her mind and then the tramp of some watchman. ' and imagination had had a better best fren," and she clung closer to the dress of Sonora. "Who do you niean, Rissey, by 'ole woman?' You must not speak disre spectful of Mr. Mcintosh." "I don't know, but dat woman what ole Missus says Missy Vernon git jeal ous bout; but I won't say nuftln more bout Massa Norman's dlspcclfuhicss if you say I musn't only take long poor Ris," and she looked up with such a pleading look that Sonora replied: "Well, Rissey, when I get married you shall live with me if you continue to be a good girl; but say no more about Mr. Mcintosh, nor anything re lating to him." "Thank you, Missy Nora. Rissey so glad!" and clapping her hands she kissed the hand of her mistress and ran out of the conservatory. Sonora, hearing the voice of Adele calling her, started to answer her, and meeting her in the hall, the two girls retired to their rooms to dress for the day. . The day was one of unusual excite ment in the gay metropolis. Theground was covered with gllstonlng snow, which sparkled as tho glorious sun shone upon it; and tho sleigh loads, con taining the merry faces of the sterner sex, drawn by their praucing steeds, rattled over its frozen breast, while the jingling of the merry hells, as they stopped before the houses of some of our iioit tons, caused the hearts of the gay belles to flutter. All is life! But at length it is over, and the closed shutters and quiet city osf. Her work continued to sell, and several editions were published ; one of which, of two tnousanu copies, yieiueii her a clear profit of one hundred dollars a vear for five years. But no one, in these extravagant days, can realize the vast magnitude of o hundred dollars in a New England village eighty years ago. Her next work was called a Sum-man- History of New England, which was followed by one entitled a View of the Christian Religion, anil this was succeeded by a History of the Jews ; all of which were moderately successful, brought her a large revenue of respect and gratitude, and, possibly an average income of a hundred dollars jwr annum. Of course she was unable to buy books. When she needed to consult works, she used to go to Boston and spend day after day in booksellers' shop?, copying and abstracting from tho books on the shelves. When she was preparing to write her History of New England, she resided for sometime at Providence, and worked regularly in the public offices, reading ancient tracts and manuscripts, almost destroying her eyesight in the process. Later iu life friends gathered about her; clergymen opened their li braries to her; a gentleman procured her access to the Boston Athoiucum, and she was thus enabled to pursue her vocation to better advantage. Tho tim id little lady would come softly to the library door of her clerical friends while they sat at work composing their ser mons, ami, being admitted, take her seat lu some quiet comer anil noiseless ly pursue her labors, hour after hour; for it was understood between them that there should be no conversation until work was done. And so her life wore away. She suf fered much from nervousness, and there appears to have been no one then to tell her that taking smilf and drinking strong tea were not very quieting to a lady's nerves. Old age came upon her sue sprang from a long lived race be fore she had been able to make any ar rangement for her declining years. Sev eral gentlemen to their honor be it spoken among whom were tho late Jo siah Quincy, William Shaw and Steph en Higgiiison, joined iu settling upon her a small annuity, which placed her entirely at her case the rest of her life. She died iu 1S32, aged seventy-seven. During the last thirty-live years ot her life, she was a person much sought and greatly admired in the literary cir cles oi jsoston aim neigiiuonng towns, V Journal for the People. 121 I voted to the Interet-tsof HiwpiaaUnot. Independent iu Polities and IJeUgiojjjov; Alive to all lire IHiea,.aiHt ",'IHrMfVf ltalial iu OpiMHliijantl KvpoKinf tiy WHmp ol the Mases. ' , f led J. :x Urf I CorrcspAmteiit writing orer anmftfiUgna tares mutt make known tbet name'! tHe Editor, or no attention will be glva fhelr comuitiulcatkHig. ., i my's lands, ttud the -army had lost all trace of the two young heroines whom it had drawn into Its misfortunes and exile, Vanderwalen ouitted tho mHitnn- service and traveled through Germany ill Mrarrii ti nvr 10 wiiuiil lie OWetl ills life. He searched long, and at last dis covered thorn, refugees in the land of Denmark. His gratitude ripened into lovo" for the young girl, who had re sumed the dress, graces and modesty of her sex. They were married, and he brought her to his own country, with Theophile, hor sister and companion in glory. Theophile died there while yet young, without having been married. She cultivated the arts was a musician and a noetess. liko Vitinria r'nlmmn She left poems stamped with masculine ! luts. been good Heroism, icmtnine -sensibility, anil ! "c tti" Tho Ciristi'tn Union makes the JW lowtiig comments on the article of M ward id. Lee, on Sum-age in Wvorrrihf , in the O'alaxu. ' . .i Tho question of Woman Suffrage ls religious as well as political relations. Indeed, it relates to all social lift. Ilenco the result of the movement ito yoming deserves careful considam tion. An article from Edward M. J.a, In the Galaxy, states, with annareut candor, the working of the s-vstem:' It was introduced, ho savs, not frtn conviction, but as an atlvertlsemant of the Territory. Under it women "have acted in the capacity of justice of the peace, superintendent of-edueatfon, jtf- rurs mm voters, anu in an canes tn r- 4s to Uie iMuy $is- woriny or accompanying her name to l ier uecisions in civti cases were immortality. From Lamm-tin Jli- sometim lory of the Girondists. Why 'Women Are Sxtravagaot. Somebody once said that the women or to-day are so extravagant in dress, and so helpless in other respects, that none hut rich men can afford to marrv, and foolish people have been saying the same thing, or something verv like it, ever since. Every time a man fails in business, people take a mental inven tory of his wife's wardrobe and crv out, "Poor fellow ! he was ruined by her ex travagance!" No account is taken of his club ex penses, or his unnecessary restaurant bills, or his fast horses, or the vanity which prompted him to buy a bigger or a finer house than he needed. Nothing is said of his dress coats made by sonic Monsieur Snip, who charges extra price because he calls himself an "artist tailor." The man may have gambled his money away, or have lost in reck less stock speculation, for all anybody knows to the contrary, while his wife, believing liim to be rich, has dressed and lived only as his circumstances warranted, doing it, too, only for his sake, that he might not be ashamed to introduce hor as his wife. Or if he had been as extravagant as he, the fault is usually his so long as tho fact remains that any proper man can lovingly con trol tho course of anv proper wife. V omen are often extra-vacant. Tho fact cannot be denied. But that they are more so than men is by no means true. As a rule, every woman wishes to live within her husband's income, and es annealed from liv the naWfas deeming themselves aggrieved; but in- neany every' instance tliey areoonnrnieu by the appellate court. During hexrau ministration a decided improvemeui: hi the tone of public morals was not! eeaUIe, and tho laws had never been so aolyjid ministcred iu that vicinity." The influence of women iu the jury has been uniformly good. They carrrW their religion with them. Mr. Lee says of one ease, "It is alleged that the wonv cn passed a considerable portion of .the night in prayerful contemplation of the grave responsibilities resting on them, whilst tho men indulged in a cheerful game of cards." The women gave tone to law and justice. Iu a political convention, wherrude men were involved in strife, andiure- ceeded even to blows, the eutranae of women restored order and decorum, and probably averted loss of life. In voting uie utmost decorum lias been ouserveti. Mr. Lee says no one listened to a sylla ble or observed an action that could Of fend the most sensitive woman. He as serts that women have lost none of their female jjraces and refinements, that their influence lias purified the political atmosphere, ami given power to the exe cution of the laws. There has been no tendency to frec-Iovc, hut, on the other hand, ati exemplary fulfillment of do mestic duties. The women are not; in jured by love of power or political am bition. Tlie mines ot suit rage very little time. ee lie ma ml in Occasionally, despite her timidity, her nine families out of ten all the econo conversalion was animated and elo- I nming is done by the wife. Tliiscon quent, drawing all the company about , stant iteration o'f the charge against her and holding them In admiration. ' women, however, has secured a kind of She was wholly unlike any one else ' passive acceptance for the thcorv, and small in person, shy, awkward, reserved ; nothing is more common now than for and yet there was an atmosphere the young men with salaries of two or about her which we observe to invest . three thousand a year to lament their individuals whose minds, during a long inability to marry, because women are life, havo been accustomed -only to en- i so extravagant. One of these has re tertain good thoughts and kind feelings." , ccntly told the public through the news She was absolutely destitute of self-as- i papers how it takes all his salary of two sumption; but her quiet glances pone- j thousand dollars to support n single trated disguises in a manner which , man, and looking over his bills of items sometimes surprised tho-ie who had re- and finding that it takes fifty dollars marHcu nor unobservant manner. Mie 1 worm or iierfumery every vear to keen rvc praise and exaltation ; lace," which supported her very well dwxls it pprfninlv should 1 until 1,1(5 rurn of peace. In the course j deeds, It eertainli hiouiu of ,IW lh ,)ad lncd witl, a m .firemen. '1 hough this is tic ci,ancc assistance, a considerable as he trudges around on his nightly journey to guard the peace and property of the sleeping citizens, or the distant firebell as it peals forth its doleful alarm and calls forth that noble class from out their warm bods, where, perchance, thoy have just lain their already tired er. At first she gained her livelihood limbs to seek repose that noble-heart- I ly Uo only industries then practiced in ed generous set of fellows who 5 their own lives daily to save the llvesj cioswi the ports, she found a more hi atal property of their fellow men. Of (crativc employment in wonving"bobbin any who deserve praise and exaltation '"ce." which supported her very well for their noble be the gallant not the proper place to speak purlieu- : knowledge of Latin and Greek; and she Iarly about them, still we will not for- i w turned this knowledge to account , 4,.i ....:..:,. , by assisting to preiwrc three young ueur cApiraaiuK i b "i""'"" : men for college. On6 of these, who af- u pon them. - . terward became a respectable clcrgy- But whose is that dusky figure which : man, had no other teacher lu his pre- now and tnen crouciios ueuiuu some , j '"""3""" bi" stoop or tree to ovado the gaze of the "l J,ur um" ,,L cuwreu u, 1 .... i 1 1 . 1 . t r ; I ! - . . . ....... waicu," wiiosc cjv, uiuusu neuii, inns . Artcr tno war, being compelled to tan to perceive it. How it watched thatdiack tqioii her needle and spinning flickering light, which at last disap- j wheel, alio was sorely straightened for , ' , ... , ,r . means. No one, she says, in easy cir- pearcd in an upper room at the Hew- cumslal ,ces can form an va demiatc idea itts. of tho ioy she used to feel when she pro- Go on! go on! Not yet! Time I cured any work by which she could earn ' iid then venseanco will be a low winnings; "anu inis kiiiu oi cm . Aim men ciigeaucc win ul mine! Ha! ha! ha!" and then disap- 11', !von to tho uoor. appears intended had her own opinions of persons and thing; She followed the Unitarian controversy, for example, with close and calm attention ; weighed all the argu ments; had a keen perception of all the difficulties on both sides, and came, at length, to her own conclusions, from which she never swerve!. About the time of her death tho cem- : ctery at Mt. Auburn, near Boston, was him sweet, wo ntlite asrreo with him that he should not marry. Hearth and Jfome. M.nxnn tl... ...mil. I ..... ...1 1 1 1.. Liititut;, cut; Muuiii iiat u inn fc ui 1 nitwit' I . . , i .r literary career, or produced works of about to be openetl. Her i lasting value. , removed to this cemetery About the beginning of the American Revolution, this delicate and timid young woman, morbidly bashful and In imperfect health, was thrown upon her own resources by the failure of her falh- remains were she was the first tenant of that beautiful ground and a monument was erected to her memory. H'oofV Jfoutrhold Magazine. Two Heroines of History. Homi: Wouds. Kind wonlseost noth ing, yet how prone men are to forget them! Often one goes on his weary way, full ofcarcand full ofgrief.feellng that for him all is trouble and all is toil, when but a simple word of encouragement or a look or sympathy would cheer his soul, and rouse him from despair. A child will often dry Its tears when kind ly spoken to, and soon will fade away Its childish sorrow. If each one of the sons of men would only speak a single wool of kindness or of convolution iu a fellow mortal's car father and passion for their country had . . i .- . i . . i 1 1 .... 1 1. . : , .- torn inein iroui tuo sneiier ui men se.. and age, were thrown into the camp. Their filial love had left them no other asylum. The Convention cited the names of these two young girls to France, and sent them horses and arms of honor, in the name of the country. Dumouricz, at the period of his first command iu Flanders, held them up to the admiration of the soldiers iu tho camp ofMaulde. They fought at Valmy and Jcmappes. The eldest, Felicite de Fernig, followed the Due de Chartres on horseback, and did not milt him durinr the battles. ponring, was lost around the corner. ; to soften the many difficulties In their I The second, Theophile, .prepared herself marked out for the venseance of the Atislrians and burned. Having no othor country but the army, M. de Fernig, with his sou and two uaugiiiers, went, witit Liuiuouritv. into the cainiMiieii of Argentic. These between the grav dawn of evening, how .. 1 . 1 . 1 . T I e 41... . Ar I : c . M.dcl-ernig.an inhabitant of l-rench li utcl, wollll, t, Aows lleo ! landers, during thofirst reverses t.f the I from olf men,s brovvs ; A Uc Irench army iu 1S72, had his house, ,. i ." Tf .,,., ' fragrance will gently fioat along the i coming years long after the tongue : which uttered it has mouldered iu the ; dust. Often the despairing and hoieless be ing lias been snateneu ironi tlio very Nkw AitouiiEXTs. There is a cease less call for new arguments to oouvinee tho opponents of Woman SoflVage. "Why don't you bring us somethufe now?" But the old is not answered. "The coiisont of the governed is held by all to bo the basis of just govern ment." Apply the principle Say we. "We have heard that, till we are tired of it," says the euemy. Wotneu ouglrt not to bo reckoned politically with idi ot". "You are all the time saying thsr, tell us something else." This is done to every argument which cannot be aiir swered, to every principle which ought to he but is not applied. Tho Suffragists have borne this with endless patience, while they have laid deep and sure the foundations on which will one day be built a government which will not make political and legal distinctions based on sex; but the 'peo ple will be the rulers and the ruled. We have now arrived at a stage where it is proper for us to apply new methods We have this to propose when a candi date is nominated or suggested for any office, either Town, County, Stato or National, the combined influence of all Suffragists shall be against the candi date who shall be against suffrage lor women, no matter how worthy and valuable he may be in all other reaneete. He is the enemy of the political rights ins nomination is "not This argument will'lfe advocates of are a power. of women, and fit to be made." felt and heeded. There arc now main- Woman Suffrage. They By tongue and pen their influence 14 everywhere. There is scarcely a "town in which is not some woman, whose steady, determined opjiositioii would de feat a candidate who would rank her with idiots. Woman1! Jourmd. young girls, whose tenderness for their , ,)f tl snicill(Js gravo ,,y thc enough! ' situation." While she was learning to carry to old Gen. I errand the orders of the General-in-Chief, and to march ,, , , i ,i i i.ifi! i lino sue was le.iiinnir jiiui mm Tim following is the best pari of Presi- c .... 1 dent Grant's letter of acceptance of his . , , .....:. si10.VP(i ,' - renommBtioii : "licn reiiuwwi j UiiinuHSPlnt which he had copied from the responsibilities of ray present trust m L. , , ivln nn CCQXlnl of by tlie election 01 a succcssui, 1 the .ijirerent religious denominations it be at tho cud or this term or uie i nexi, aUlt their bulicrsi. liver eager for kuowl- youngest sister, following the Due do I limm to Wvn him. as Lxccutne, a 1 ., , ,..,, .. , , , r.,. ,.. 11... i.it.u. r.f !, .-. country at peace 111 its on iwordcrs, at j read alI tho bo()ks sho nlwi Wlth the britllo in her teeth and pistol of a loving word of cheer and sympathy. He stops and lists; the sound of a melo dious human voice whispering its com fort breaks on his ear, and melt his hardened heart, as they 11 oat along like the strains of far-off music on the calm air of night, ire turns; the abyss of despair no longer yawns before his stumbling feet, and he is saved. An erring one may be reclaimed from the paths of sin, and almost from the re gions of thc lost, by an arm of love stretched out for rescue. Speaking a kind wonl here and there is like scat tering seeds upon the broken ground, which in due season will bear fruit. How desirable Is the presence of one who has ever hanging on Ids lips, reauy ior utterance, a woru 01 love. 01 tlie uenerai-in-iuei, anu 10 "larcii 1 U!s - .,.... into t. ,; " with him to the assault. Dumouricz brlcla ffi showcHlthesetwocharming his soldiers as models or imtriotism and I Vrmrklc T witli afforded similar information: .i ..i.M.n.i mill ttMinnnr oiii . ... . . uu uuiuau, ..i.u ,.... and, altiiougii sue soon became tllsgust questions to threaten I IU fa- , wUh the waIlt of anJ QUr. magnificent set of pearls a gift from with it all the protection and privileges i;"?,, ' Norman, and Intended as part of tho lT$i th 1U trosseau for that event which was soon ! Very respectfully 1 magnitude to render one In a measure happy and the other wretched. As she looked upon them a deadly paleness over spread her face, and struggling hard to conceal her emotion, she hastily left the room, not, however, without the notice of Mrs. Summers, who knew nothing of the events that caused So nora so much sadness, and of course she wondered at the betrayal of such hitter feelings. Sonora proceeded to the conservatory, where she sat down in the midst of some of her favorite flowers, in the hope to regain her composure in the presence of nature's choicest gifts, whoso balmy influence seldom fails to soothe and cheer the troubled heart. She had been there but a few mo ments WllPll ilm flAftHnnnnml mill THA moved to Paris, where we remained six entered, loofci,, .1 a yea., til. tho death of our parents las,, percl, nm to her ! mfn. Your obedient servant, U. S. GltAXT.' ucacc witn ouisiiio naitous.wiiii u ubuu , .,.,,. .'...I . MllltH ai uomc anu auroau, aim wimuut karrassiug Questions to threaten its fu " . - . . 111 tiiiii till; ti.il lure prosperity, ltn tlie oxprtion 1 .ic .,,,,,..!,,, ,,.Pi.a . ft V lro t0 8? ih Kspt,y.,iei inL.! the subject; and at length began to all bitterness of feeling between mako a compilation of facts and argu ons, parties or races of citizens and mmt, ....'j., mcreiv to ,,, tue time wticn tlie title or citizen carries nr ,: ?. ...i iter manuscript, grew apace, had become a volume of some . i-oiwitrnll,. 1 iimuiiiiuue. , respectrulli, rnKaiH ,v nm-erfv after tlin wnr Mm thought occurred to her that perhaps j others would take pleasure in reading wimL unit aiiiimcii iter mi mucn nieasnrn Now, mere is notmng a weak man jn wrUing; and gradually the project of lilffw gi .vnll n in 1m pnniililnwwl btrniif . ... . . .. f i. . ""W 1 ptiiuisiimg it was iorniei in ncr mind, nothing a hen-pecked man likes so , AfiP i,,.; rai,i0 dilficulties.nn.l nm. much as to be regarded as a j tyrant. If (curing, by persona! solicitation, tourl you ever hear a man boast . his de erml- U,,,,,,,, -oIfnre lie iluhICed a u.lcr nation to rule lis pw n house. 3 oil may I lo ,a8U0 ono thollsan, COpics. The print feel sure that he is subdued. And a ,er, unhappily.was a contemptible scoun-hen-pecked husband always makes a dreli ro l(o took all the subscription great show of opposing everything tiiat , monoy) ofr tle edition, and gave looks towards the enlargement of the j ti10 poor authoress bv wav ofcomiieua work or privileges of women, bucli a j tio( jifly jy,. ;IFr A(, not man always insists on the shadow of ait-, onjy tnat f10 hail ti,e impudence to thority because he caunot have the sub- , wrlt0 to Ucr) telling her that he was stance. It Is a great satisfaction to him auout to jirit nuother edition, and that his wife can never be President, j wislied to know If she desired to make anu mat sue cannot mane bpctx-ura anv additions. As she had taken the precaution to secure a copyright, she was enabled to make better terms with another printer; so that the second edition, published seven years after the first, placed her. Thomas Carlylc has come out iu favor I as she says, "iu a comfortable situa- of a prohibitory liquor law for itrcat tion," and enabled lier to pay ou an ueui", aim put 0111 a sinim sum ,11 uuer- le spirits or all ailglirics of victory. . . . I i.mnnh.w.nmlslni.lmvdll.w, ,. Wl'iJi. During the battle ot -jemapiH, the , ;,, " 1 ; i; V ' and wo caze upon tho feattirat of nur departed tlear one, then wo will never regret tne gentlo words spoken and the kind acts done; but we will regret every unkind sentence that has ever issued from our lips. In her hand, reproached the soldiers for ilecing from dangers which she braved. Another time, in an encounter be tweon tho advance guard of tho French and thc rear guard of the Austrian?, one now Easily Bitters Si-oii.kd.-of the young aniazons, 1-elicitc, who A farmer's wire writes: "Of all tho prod bore the orders of Diimounez t tlio ,Icts of tlle farm, butter ia moat likely to 1 1 r l.x .iMiitnti Tfiftttfl napcnlr nn-l . ..... ' . . .. . iiciiu 01 ms wi"-i. v. ne latnteu bv noxious oiiors lioatiuir in praj-er-meetiug. While he retains these hndires of superiority, he is still, in some seuse, head of the family. Edtcard Egglctlon in Hearth and Home. ......... ,. , . I IMIHIUI UJ I companicd only iy a nomnm 01 r renoii the atmosphere. Our people laid some hussars, surrounded by the enemy's hu- , vc:li in the cclar from 'which blood lans. Avoiding witli difficulty tho sa-: tloweil out and was neglected until it bres around her, sue lurneti ner bruiic, commencetl to smell. The result was with a group of hussars, to join the col- ti,at a jar which was then packed timn, when she ierceiyel a young olli-1 smcllel and tasted like spoiled beef, ccr of the Belgian volunteers, who had I Another ladv reader observed that there been thrown from his horse by a shot, 1 was a pond or filthy, stagnant water a defending himself with a sabre against . few hundred feet from their house, from the hulans, who sougui 10 aiuj mm. 1 winch an oflcnsive eflluvium was borne Although this officer was unknown to otl the breeze directly to the milk-room her, Felicite rushed to his succor, killed . when the wind was in a certain direc- with two pistol shots two 01 uie nutans, tion. The result was that cream and put the others to llight, dismounted butter would taste like the disagreeable irom ner norse, reiretw """"; 1 ouor coming irom mat ponu, anu wlicn man, confided him to her hussars, and ; the pond was drained we had no more accompanied him herself to the military 1 0r th0 damaged butter. . 1 1 - ..- 1 . i. , 1 1 One of the women in the Hoii3e of tho Good Shepherd, St. Louis, Is a carpen ter and a shoe-maker. This is well. Three dollars for eight hours' work is far better for women than washing and scrubbing for less than half that sum. i iMi'uni: Watkh ix WEr.Ts. Matiy 01 the lorins of typhus revcrs in ottios and villages have been traced tp impure water in wells. Through imperfect drainage, and other means of introduc ing surface water therein water con taminated with the various decaying substances always found, especially in cities, have always made them hot-boil3 of miasma. But it is the farmer that we wish especially to caution here. Many nay, nearly all our population have supposed that when they have dug a well, and banked it sufficiently to pre vent surface water from running in di-, rectly from the surface, that they werfe secure, and that they must necessarily. luivo pure water; but such is nob tbe case. The filter eventually becomes foul and ceases to act ; and so, often, with the earth about a well. It is Simply A natural filter, and therefore the dralrtago' from tho barn-yard, or other impure sources passing under tlie ground in tl line of the well, must eventually con taminate it. This may be obviated by under draining, and this should alwrijB be one of the first operations attended to, if the water iu the well proceeds, from any such probable source as hag been hero named. As a fact bearing' Oil this subject, we may state that out of thirty-six samples of water sent fbr ex amination to Dr. Voeleker, ho found many contaminated with sewerage: nnil he earnestly invited attcntidfi to tho serious injury which may be pro duced to health by the use of such-imff pure water. , AnouT AVomax's Bioirrs. Bev.' Dr." lirwttit.il This young officer was named Vander walen. Left in the hospital at Brussels after the departure of the French army, he forgot his wounds, but never could forget tho heroine he met on the field or carnage. Her countenance, in the dress or a comrade in arms, precipitating her self into the vielec to rescue him from death, and leaning afterwards over his blood-stained bed ill tlio military hospi tal, tenaciously kept place in his re membrance, An English law compels a married woman, if she has money, or tho monn of making it, and her lord has none, to support, mm, oe no ever so worthless, that the cxnensA nr Ma l-iunim, m-.v AVhen Dumouricz had fled to the ene- not come upon the parish. " Chopin, in a recent discourse on 'The- Crown or omen," said: The condition of obligation and the condition of rights are inseparable. To exercise these, women must have oope and opportunity. Her obligations eoni-' pel her to demand her rights. Sho has a right to develop her nature to the ut most of its power. AVhatever power de nies this is tyrannical. AVoman has the right of doing and being the besfe she can. The question of Woman Sut--frage was above ridicule. Throwing. ridicule at it was like firine pop-sH,,?.ir a thunder-storm It may be funny . " f it is not forcible. God would su society together as he holds the ve'i, together.0 AVoman should be free to do the work she can do. She smg. the highest education. I emielusto the preacher counselled you ng 9M. to bo strong, true and toffSffi queens of society, but drbt m mercy and charity, ami nrsu 5 It 1 ...r..t' ' ncss lorau jjuuu Travelers ay women are "Id at that ii .n i in Egyptian .1 vt-rv old at 30.