nil Hni 1 1 FRIDAY.. .JULY 26, 1872 Her Sphere. No outward Rbrn her angelhood revealed, SawaUwiber eye were wondrotu. mild and The Hirsute round Jier forehead n eoocrard Mr pale Rlory of ber shininj huir. She ban the voke and wore I lie name of wife Tin ami who made her tenderness and gni-e A MMre eoovenierwr of his narrow life. And jmt a aeraph In a servant' place. Sbetlnniul his meagre h earth ; the bieed and , warned . . liia poverty, and met IU harsh demands M'ltfc nek, unvary lnt pat teiKsts and performed It HMBdai tasks witli stained and battered She wwwd his ehiulreb tlrou;h their helpless Oaw tliem her strength, her youth, her nawfi pnme; Hare tor tbeui sore tvtaatlnii. toll wf iMr Which made beroldand tired before her time. Amtwhen Hence fever smote him with Its blteht. Her aahm, eon-ollm Mresenee charmed hU TlirniULii ion and thankless watches, Uy and lier ttMtering Angers cooled h is faee like rain, "With soft, magnetic touch, and mnrmnrs sweet we asrogni nim steep, ana siutea nis ireuni And taught hi flying pulse tn repeat The mild and moderate measure of her own. ftfce had aa artiats ouick, perceptive eye For all the beautiful ; a poet's heart War every changing phase of earth and skies And ail tilings fair in nature and in an. She looked wMti all a woman's keen delight On jewels rich and dainty drapery. Rare fabric and soft hues ; the happy right Of those ton- favored but less uUr than a be Oapailid pearls, which glimmer cool and white, remmlng proud foreheads with their purity: Oav iwu vMeh gleam and ripple in the light, And shift and shimmer in the summer sea ; Ommmu like drops by sadden sun light kissed, "WJeM Ml the last large brilliant of the rain ; mbs) oeaicaie as uie irozca um Baafaroideriug a winter window pane; Vet. avear the throng of worldly bottertlex, e dwelt, a chrysalis, in liome'y brown ; With fswUiect spteudoni Haunting in her eves She went her dull way in a gingham goa n. Hedged in by alien hearts, unloved, atone. WmataMder shoulders bowed beneath their trod the path that Fate had made her own. tsw meionc aiaarcu spirit on toe roaa. HstWlljf the rears rolled onward and at last. 'When the bruised reed was broken, and ber sow Knew its sad term of earthly bondage past, Assl felt Its nearness to the heavenly goal, Then a strange gladness dlled the tender eye vrauen gazea aiar neyoaa an gnexana sin, ABsl ate used to sec the gates of paradise Uachsrlwg for her feet to enter In. Vmtuty the master she had served so long Clasiad her worn hands, and, with remorseful lean. Cried: -mar, oh, stay! Forgive my bitter la me atone for all these dreary years!" Alas mr beeedlcs. hearts and blinded sense! With what faint welcome and what meagre fare. What mean subjections and email recompense We entertain our aturels nnaware! Serlbncr'B Magazine Brave Kate. The year 1781 wits n dark, slooinv one for tlie Americans, who were thai) strug gling lor imiepetHieitce. in fcoutii Car olina afiairs were in a critical condition. General Green made an uiisuccesoftil attack on the British iiost of Ninety Six, ami withdrew his men beyond the Tiger ami Uroad rivers. Lord Itawilon followed him, but could lvot draw the Patriotic general into an engagement. At that period there stood, in South Carolina, a plain and uiMgsuininghoue; it was a one-story buildiiur. neatlv whitewashed, atrilgurroumled by a fence. Tlie garden contained many choice (low ers, ami the beautiful 'honeysuckle shaded tlie doors and windows. It ws the house of Mrs. Heath, who lived with her two daughters, while her son George was in Washington's army lighting for freedom. Kate, the eldest of tlie daughter's, was a beautiful girl of sixteen summers; her auburn hair hung in graceful curls down hershoulders, and her faee beamed with kindness, while her eyes shown like stars that lit up the azure vaults of iiea ven. One evening, as Kale was standing at the cottage door, she beheld two mounted .otllecrs approaching. They were richly dressed, and one of them she recognized as Lord Itawrion, the commander of the I5ritirli forces in that jwrt of the coun try. Tliey rode up to her, ami Itawdou Iwnt over his saddle and said in a kind voice, "Well, mi-, can you let me have tire use of a room for a few minute-." "Yes, sir, our house is ojen to you." "Gome, Colonel, let us hasten to'buxi nes," saidltawdon, dismounting, while the Colonel did tlie same, the latter lemlhte the horses to the stable. Iortf Itawtion advanced to where Kate was standing, and said, "Who? house Jathie, Miss?" "Mrs. Heath's, my lord." "JIa! Her son is in tlie rebel army, under Washington, is lie not?" Kate trembled at the instil t, and she looked at the llriton with n searching glance. "My brother is no rebel, Lortl I!aw don: he is fighing ftr liis country." "I am sorry for that. He is a brave boy and ould, no doubt, make a good i.V1' 8oWiri" returned Ilawdon. Lord Kawdon, you insnlt me. 1 would sooner see George die a felon's lentlt than see him in theKinc'sarinv," was the prompt answer. I see you're a rebel, too, Miss Heath. But liere conies the Colonel," said Haw don, as he saw that worthy coming from the stable. Tliey entered tlie house and went into a small room to hold a consultation. Kate drought they might have some thing important to say, so she resolved to nlfij- tlie part of eavesdropper. She told her mother of her intention, who approved of it, ami Kate placed herself in iMtsiuon io oveniear ine iiruons' plnns. it was a dangerous undertaking, and r fiiul she knew that if she was catieht in the ul nf liclAllimr elm tritnlil lu. lnl..l ... ......t. w.. s....u w ni a SUV. and nerhnns executed, for J.or.1 itawtion ;new no mercy, .siie cau tiously approached the door and looked through the crevice. Itawtion and the - - . . . , - J-oioiiel were seated Iiefore a small ta me, on which lay maps. They were examining tliem closely, while Itawdou exirlaining tliem to the Colonel. u' e Ss Green's camp," saiil he. lfJTust,mft4le a lKu stroke; and ir it 'Mwf"1, Gree" w511 I destroyed." eeed Vl VLf Wl'y u s"ou"1 not C- they hkve herL "K"1 as well as umphantexpreiUr a8M,m'S rl- aredrh",ff4-PIw,('?' rebuls their mle will be f'?,,-? ?. "l JtoborUi. er sald Colonel lot it be said thft i o'CtSS a rebel.. never!" exelui fed ItU? don, rising to Ins feet. au- ""riicn we make the attack at dav brcak, do we not?" asketl tlie CotoiteL " We do. Have your regiment ready and make your men fight like demons " "Let us go now. But hold! what 'is the countersign for the picket (o-ni-ht niy Xonl ?" ' "JiiiflOHdf" answered Inl Kawilon. lowering Ills voice. Kate listened to the Urilous' nlmis with a wildly beating lieart, and she resolved to savo the patriotic army. When she heard tlio countersign she left the door, and busied herself in her household duties; and soon the two offi cers emerged from the room. "We must ko. Miss Heath: hut first let me thank you for vour kindness." said Itawdou. our thanks are reeflvml." roidietl Kate, ' Their horses were smlillml. mid the officers were soon on their way. Kate "aieiieuuicinuu tliey wereout ofsigut, mm men prepareu Jor Her perilous jour ney. She threw on a shawl, and went to the stable. Her llect-footed horse neighed as she entered, and she natted him on the head and said, "Well, noble Selim, you must etirrv me safely to night; Tor nyoudo not, General Oreen will be destroyed." l ite animal seemed to undestand her. for he gave a loud whinnv. Oiirheroine saddled Selim. led him from the stable, and was soon ridin" towards General Green's camp, eight miles distant. She road swiftly, forshe wanted to reach ner destination in time to let the uatri- otic general form his men to meet the assault. The British pickets were four miles distant, and she would be com pelled to pans through their lines, but as sue was in nossession of the counter sign, she did not fear the result. Soon Kate saw tlie picket's bayonet gleam in me moonlight. aim licaniliimcrvoui. "Who goes thertr."' "A friend, witli the countersign." "Advance, friend, and give tlieconn terslKii." She approached the picket, and whis pered "r.ugland!" "HiKht; wss on. I5ut stop!" cried the picket, as he caught a glimpse of her faee. Kate Mopped her horse and laid her hand on a pistol. The jiicket ap proached, ami said, "Is that you, .Mis Heath?" "It is, Guy," exclaimed Kate; forshe recognized the soldier to lie Guy Jack son, who had often visited the gardener at their house. "Where are you going to-night, Miss Kate?" he asked. "To see Mrs. lilako; she is very ill." "Just like you, Miss Kate always visiting the sick; you're a ministering angel," said the ISritish soldier. 'Thankyou for the compliment, Guy. I.ut I must be going. Good-night." And Kate was again on her journey, while the picket returned to his post. She had to jiass four miles yet ere she would be safe, so she urged on her steed. Uefore she had gone a hundred yards from Guy Jackson a dozen mounted liritons rode furiously up to tiie nieket and the lender cried out, "Iid any per son liass this post a short time since'."' it, Mr, was lilts iiiuiiuis repiv. "Do you know who it was?" "I do; it was Miss Heath." "Had she the countersign?" "She had?" "I fear she is safe. Forward men: If she escapes Gen. Green is saved! A hundred golden guineas and a commis sion to the man that catches her!" cried the leader of the Imnd, as they dashed utter tlie umve girl, leaving the picket in a state of bewilderment. Kate soon heard the sound of her pur suers and she pushed on faster. It was a race for life or death. Tlie ISritish horses were fresh while hers was begin ning to show signs of fatigue. "Forward, Selim! You must take me I to Gen. Green's camp!" said Kate to her iiuirv. 15ut her enemies gained upon her, and one of them seemed bent on catching her, for he was some yards in advance or ins comrades. Kate hoard the om inous tramp of his horse, ami drew her pistol. Kcarer he came, until lie was at her side, and then cried out, "Halt, you vile rebel ?" These were his last words, for Kate fired and the bullet crashed through his brain. The others did not stop to look at their dead comrade, but pressed on. They neared her again, and another trooper received his dentil wound. Tlie remainded halted, and a moment after wards Kate heard the American pickets cry out, "Who goes there?" "Kate Heath!" cried our herofnc, as she dashed through the line. The soldier hud raised his gun, but when he heard her name it was lowered, anil lie answered, "All right?" The American camp was readied: Kate threw herself from the saddle, anil placed her faithful horse in charge of a soldier. "Where is general Green's tent ?" she asked. "To the right, there, where you see that light," replied the man, pointing to the place. She entered the General's tent, and found him engaged in writing. He raised his eyes then rose to his feet, and said : "You come here at a late hour, Miss Heath." "T do, General. You are in danger." "How is that?" nxelaiined Green. Tlie brave girl told her story, and the general grasped her hand, while tlie tears trickled down his war-worn cheeks. "Thank heaven! yon have saved my army. Miss Heath! I can never repay yon!" "1 want no payment. The thought man nave rionemyiuiy,aiHi tlie t of General Green, aro worth more the thanks tlinn more than rave reply, golilaiHi diamonds," wasthebrav JTl. 1 l. 1. . l.l innc "i lliwilisi-, iii, utukir lil, .11111 j ., , .....ii iiiiuil lie lla beell sttlUar. may the (treat Jehovah watch ovcrandl''S ore than a year. If a man nm, I .11 Jl I. -1 1 J.w.n . n.....ll.. 1 . " " L1I , guiuc uii iiiiuiiKii ine iniiiiiKiiiK smnw nif.. ii . p;..i "You Will not. I shall lie engaged in i to meet the attack." ..left the tent. . , forniin; my trouns And Genera! Green t.-..i -i .i .1. ... ....... . . v--.js.jCT. .v s ic-t iiiut niiii, 11,1 41, n ik.k.,... . . 1 " i I tn luii .....I !...-r..i(.. ..!: I ur' ...nt ... till, im.i iiiiiLi i:L' It'IHl lirei'Il dllllf news! Tirtl ftnwilnn is in full t-otr. I IV.. l,.l. . ...I o.t. .... in. i.iun ,i iniuiiui ima iiiuniuit;. who sava von frii.-trall lliAir t.l..!..?L.. iv.i - f . : a . .i... ii i i. ; A,HlnayHesave.nyco..ntrj-,too, the bodily habit, being regular "very &?att?,"' iMkietl Kate. tlaj, he had lietter leave himseir alone ra lirltannlaTen Pot; "You need rest. Here, sleep in my whether lie is as bier as a hotrsli.-ail ni1 P.r ? Kerosene Lamp: lent to-nil.t, while Iseek a rosIinB place a thin ami dry as a fence raiT Sacral 1 o&IESt" among my men," sHi.l the kiiMl-heartetl I Briglit's diMse lmvs lieeii re- '. Ola"u5h;, Green. iwrtetl by medical "I io not wNh (o rob voii of vour a ilirect wult of xmMloi in,;;.:".,:! JSW'? KnibroWtwl Hnnilfccralilef; i.Iaaj i ... i i fji. !... e. f "i" ." v..if.r. ...". ! ior i niu Buuig m loimw uawHiu, anil I,wil, Imi.i lUl ir.,n.i. lVli... is.-4ii.ii nim tii.iv iiuvoii iiuiii. ,1 iit-n ;nv vou going liomeV l....,nOI "In a few minutes, General." "Good-bye, and may you have a safe journey," responded Green, shaking her by tho hand. Her horse was. led forth, and she was soon on the way to her home, which was reached in safety. Kate Heath lived to see the war cIom?, and peace and plenty spread their wings over the land, and not long afterwards she was wedeu to AYaiter Gordon, who had been a Colonel in the American army. A story is told of a father in a church who, when the marriage service came to the iint where tho clergyman asks, "Who givetii this woman to be married to this mail?" replied, "Well, sir, lam called upon to do it, although it do go lKj the grain. I wanted her to marry IMU I'lowser, who is worth twice the money o' tins ere chap." wiTas lla3, a !awyer aged forty-three n..J er ,lm,,k a drP of "'luor, who rb..rbW'0van,oaU,a,',, belongs to no sort r .. c' shou,a Uke to kw hat t s-. i !l Ia,V';ur a,,(1 wllat sort of a me jinn, jieuien ine- you ior tiitii --"n:ii, iiuik, sugar, svnin. and ill oiK loo.1 act! lint I must Ipovb von i.o.e ! and fat iVvJl U...'f'W a.H ' Struggling Witli the World. A young lady who has been teaching school for a Jiving in the cat, full of the quenchless veannug for a wide Hold aud fair play, tells a story which it would he well for those having voice and authority in such matters to heed. On tlie threshold of ncr career, iiuuing that one obstacle to her success was the dilfercnce in the amount paid to a man and a woman for the same lauor, Mie complained to a friend, who quoted r.. ..!,.! rr,i.-tr,- in im "Tliow Is 'mnm There is 'room enough up-stairs.' If you would receive better wages, lit yoursou ior a niguer position. Jlo you not see inai you are surrounded" bv an incompetent host. Come up higher!" She had long la mented the fact that so many of her sis ter teachers worked on from year to year i in a irroove. neither ImnrovinK their own minds nor learning better methods for the development of those intrusted to them. She knew that many of them were deserving pity more than blame, because the time employed for gentle man teachers for rest ami recreation must be used by them in sewing ami housework, on account of their small salaries. She determined to find a place "up-stairs," if untiring elforts would se cure it. Her days were spout in school, and much of tlie night over her books. Time and money were spent in visiting llrst-ciiiss schools, studying the best methods of school government, and the simplest anil clearest way of imparting instruction. After long mouths of toil, she felt and knew Unit she wa master of her work, and looked for the reward of her labors. After t'jaehing one or two I terms, she applied for a position as first assistant in a school, ami a lew nays ai tenvard was waited upon by the presi dent of the iKianl, who informed her that uion strict inquiries tliey had dis covered that she was competent to con duct tho school herself. Ujkhi the recep tion of this news her heart beat with joy, as she felt that she had reached tlie "nom up-stairs." Filled witli this thought, and thankful that her efforts were to be crowned with success, she did not think of the remuneration until asked what pay she expected, when she inquired what tliey had usually paid, when she was informed that sho was a woman, and this was an experiment. They had paid a man, tho last year, seven hundred dollars for six months, but proposed to try her for three months at lil'ty-live dollars a mouth, telling her that, if she succeeded, her pav would be raised at the end of that time. This time passed quickly, when the school was pronounced a success, tiie board in- I forming her that such entire satisfaction ! had never been given before. 1'ari'nts noble corps of assistants who had worked out nor plans so ablv: ami with cheerful endeavor tho work of the venr went on. ri.,,. ii... ...r 4...... : i .!. i i..v- ..i-.t, lujiu viuuc. iiiiit nine ii- iially closed, as did tiie first. Tlie large boys and younsr men who lind Imi her pupils, and had finished their school days tinder her leaching, gathered about her witli tearful eyes and thanked her with trembling litis fur her untiring ef forts in their behalf. The girls vied with each other in ollering tokens of love and respect, while all expressed the hope Hint she might be with them tlie wining year. With mingled feelings of joy and sorrow she closed her school room door, hair wishing the long vaca tion over and herself ready for work again. Tlie secretary of the board, in giving her tlie onler for the Inst term's iwy, waxed eloquent over her success; hut when she glanced at the paper he gave her, and found only fifty-live dol lars allowed per mouth, he hmi nothing more to say. and referred her to the president, who informed her she had done nobly, telling her the school had never been so well conducted, and that she had saved them lots of money. Upon her asking if lie had not agreed that she should have her salary raised tiie second term, he said: "Wellyes: JJut we talked it over and concluded that liftv five dollars was rnou(i fur a irom'tn!" This conversation took place in Mr. I'' '3 bank, just at the hour of closing. At the door, in a carriage, waited his el-egaiitly-dressed daughter. Our "teach er" felt almost wicked as she passed her with her father's words In her ears "enough for a woman!" There was no written contract, ami she was helpless. Hitter tears were shed in the solitude or her room that night, mr she felt that she must seek work elsewhere. They would gladly have employed her anoth er year, in onler that they might save " otsof money;" but, finding her ser vices could not be secured for less than they gave a man, they let her go. Anil this is too generally the ease j tH0 management or such matters. God siicctl the day when ability, not sex, slinll decide the question oration and pay; when the key to the "room ui staire" may r be held by tho. competent to. judge of the merits of those who would enter. I LESH.-Not long ago a gentleman or threescore, who had l.anlTy ever beei sick in his life, thought he wLloo lleshy ami Ixtn to IfainUniiie. He hiippmyIihI fntiw.i.iil.. i i . . . . 7'y - friends that he had got rid or ten noini ill a Tew wiskj t liiii , i' llnb . l wee Ks. A little later he wnsi jaltaekeil with a painrtil and laugemus! tZX . V T V'" "' uonmeu to liis Iinlmln fr. . """' "Wraii ' , .-"uiuii , ims a iroou aitnet il i in. i,M,il,:n,.i ' 'r'" ........ I . safest way to get rid of Tut in' ' work it ofl'. This may lie aided bVeai. ! , Ingfootl which contains a Iarieamoml ,.r..iiv "'"ouni, uuseii, nun a small amount of ear. 1 in 1 1 I . f I . . . si... ' u...i. ...iini'i in IflfMI w II. fit ,..l.ll. . si .....I I. ..." "mill I Ves MrlMiiianoiicr.wionV ",Kl?'' f.. . . . . v " ",l " UiaKC if auuii as cneese, Dolalocs rie (in ' Dens. Imn i..tXLi l. . .'" corn Ism ml i ,tii. . . . ' " j :i. ' .. - , --.. -, ...i....,., .tuow ruor. pnrn i.. i" " """r oernes ""Kvij enien arc gamt aids to n-.lii. iM.. ! Mill. ,1.1 !.. .. l"'lllllg i "siiom. j.iii, uner an. nm I 1111111. .linnl.l 1.. D ance should lie on exercise and work in heo'nair. Barclay, the great K tLln ,wtn' wl' lrfoni?edgrea fr feats than Wesfon, I0st ten munds in two or three days' walking, and Us nnvnr flu. .-.. .. r. rJ as .... i , - ...v i.wi.-c torn. jiair Journal. a T.'.IK APOIITY lOI.I..VR.-"I5rotl1Pr Smith, what does this mean rou,er "What does wliat mean V" ..ti?."?'"5,11 ,,iggcr to t,,is clmrch." I he pew is my own." sl.SSLe1 JJIuthe is intelligent anra1,'0,. "Who cares for that? lie is n nig ger." "JJut lie is a friend of mine " "What of that? Must you therefore insult the whole congregation V "JJut he is a Christian, and belongs to tho same dcnomlnatian V" " "What do I care for that? Let him go and worship witli his fellow nl. gcrs." & "JJut he is worth five million dollars " said the merchant. ' ' "Worth what?" "Five million dollars." "Worth five million dollars? Jem. salem! Urother Smith, Introduce me." " ... r- - .miiuiiii v I i m lit s f II .innn I , 1 T I 1 1; i' rt' 1 1 , II , V ' i..... npiiiiiir lllll II. A NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! UnparalleledJnducementsto Clubs .AWt "NEW . -r i -: THE "NORTHWEST, ,1 Jonriiiil fiir Hie People, AN'tt OEVOTEO TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. Annngemenwha'vd ben nuulo ton-cure the Service or a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any ami all ttlijecl of Public Inferest. Tlie New Northwest h not a Woman's Ktein. 1"l Huiimn Right rsan, ilevoied !'.: .V:r. '"M'S, ISSSSrS.HV. iK,lltie,non-ll2hii, no iwrty.' iVf.iuS .i AfrnmHear!1,! rrMm.uiN in I.ANnscAi'K Paint ni OUR PREMIUM LIST. Ax nn Inducement lnr our frtcmln lo make exertSniK lo meure lurxe clout lor the Nku NoKTmrusT, we nircr the following Hit of val uable premltiniK: vnr twenty ulerllien', at -1 TO each, accom panied by the Tamil, wo will clve the IIOMK SIUTTI.K SKWINU MACIIINK, wltlMMlt ta ble, tienntluilly ornamented. lYlce, S3'. I".r thirty-live snherllx!rii,at SI Oj hrtheraali.vrp will lvealIOMK slll'TTI.K SKWINf! MACIIINK, with Ulaek Walnut table, bronzed ami nleely tlnlshed. Prlre.Stu Kor forty fuucrtbcr, at SJ fl each, accom panied by theen-li.we will give a HOMKSllLT- TI.K SliWIM. MACIIINK, Mulshed III extra style, witli IilHik Walnut table and cover. Price, 111. The above Sewing Mnehlnes, wliteh arewar nui'ed llmt--lajw In ever" nartletilar, ean be Keen at the ollleo ol Geo. v. Trover, 112 Front "treet, Portland. l'or tiny iuberlber, at St 00 each, aerom IMilihsil by the (iisli.wc will give a MASON A IIAMI.IN lYlRTAIl'.K tlltCAV. r.Mir wlmv. Kliwle reel, Willi blaek wiiluut cne, automatic lellow.')nrell,two blow imhilK, Improved ceu- ter prwtire reed valves, etrj. Prlee,$.',a Kor seventy-live subscribers, at 35 (Ueaeli,ae - eouiniiied ly the ctisli, a double reed MASON A HAMLIN ORi;.VN; roeiubles tho Urst ex- cept that it Iiiik nm a knee Ktop. Prlee.STT . Kor M-venty-flve Mibcrll-ers, at 5-1 (M eaeli. aeeompnnied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will jrlve a MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN, of nvK OCTAVKS, ONE KTOI-, .sEi.r-AnivsTi.vo itr.i:n vai.vim, I'ROVEII IIRLlJOWS, TltnjIUI-OT AND KJfKK- swki.i. Priee,$lt one iiiiiiumi fuif-riien", ill v wil, and twenty dollars additional, we will clve a MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN, KIVK iKTAVKS, KIVK ST0fS,TWO MTTS OK III I1ILVTI lit-. TIIIIOIOII- OIT, IMI'KOVKII CHAIirATKll SI.I.K-AIUf.sTINd iti:KnvAi.vM.ijiri:ovi:nnKi.uiws,TittMri.ANT ash Ksr.tWitm.i.1. VIOU. DIAP.VSON, Kl.l!TK,TRKML'LANT. Price, Those who Oeslre to work for thec premiums eau send the namo and money a-s fast a re eeive.1. Tlie subscrllterx will be placed to their eredit. and If enouzh names are not recelveil iliirimc the year to procure the premium ile- mnsii uiey can enooea ieu.erpr'muim,oriney will lieeulitlisl lo recelw twentv-Ilve n.rrenl. ineasli of the amount remitted for Iheir lalmr. OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. An Tin: Nbw Noirrn wit lias already proved a iMipulurMiccfnx.we are decided that It. shall also nroveaTiririivii. To enable our friends who may decide to can- ' ior our imjxT to oenellt Ixttli lliemselve-i and us by iucreaslncoursiileviiiitioii IJt.we propiM to cive the follow Iiik additional Pre- jiiiiiiiih 10 canvassers : Any Mibscribcr who Is In arrears for the Nr.w Nohtiiwkkt, wiio will send us his or her own Mib-crlplloii fee, and one new auhscrilier, ae enniaulisd ly the cash Jfi (n)-we will give : A pair 1 "aria !i Marble Vases: tira isoiiemian (ilass Vase; ?.rt 1'"e,"' Oml Receiver; Mr'; doicn Ivory Napkin Rings; r dozen PlateI Tc sioons; ' r 1iK,lr Alexandre's ici.l Gloves; tira Idy'K Kan, iani;Ied, leathered edxe; ra Hint Case; Or an Album for holding lol plelures; Oran Album (exlni) forliohtlii!;.'i pleltires; line soap, Or.'i U'ml.nti.l.l..iV..i.. ;!rh,!oze,,TabI'J'i,l'iins; oJae'ieIionin A.r1SMft.i n rrofi rs lorn venr'ji n.iiiTipiion,anii wno win send nisor ner own sulcrlptlon ami two new sulncrllieis. ac- eomauied by the ca-sh maklnir SO W we will elul : V f-vt ol Roarers' Table Knrlrs. trlnle tdnte.!. on i whlto 1 livr. ; . V I. . . f c. ...... ..rf iU.;ers'TabeSIKon,lrlpIeplaled, " "hi- iiii-ini. warninien .... .,H, ...S-li.l, l.llllil.llSI . ' Dmuilnr llnmiNl T.M. Miiiwltl. fH.itntilnfisil. , i. .. " mi on white metal, warranted; Or '4 dozen Rogers' Russell's Table Knives, be.-t itiallty, warranted; tr a haud-onie Hlnl Cace. Any person In arrearsrorsubscrlpliou to Tin: Nkw NoirritWKST, who will send Ills or Iier MilMcrlptlim fecund three new subscribers, ae eompanlwl by the cash, making i; Oi, we will fend : A handsome Marsalllcs Quilt; Orn handsome Woolen Quilt, red and white, or blue and white; Or n pair ofTiible Cloths; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lare Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre' Kid Glove, any enbirorKlze; Ora Japanese Inlaid Work Rox; r'r 18 yards best yd. wide Sheeting. Vor seven snbscriliers at $iOO each, amount ing lo Sit u, we will send : An extra (intor, triple plated, on white mpta! valued at 50 l: Ora I.ndy'n Writing Desk, of equal value; Or aCablnet.Jaiiauesc Inlaid; Oran Ultra Japanese Inlaid Worlc Rox. Theo nrtlcles arc all valuable, and arc war ranted to be Just ns we represent them. Per sons living In this city or who can visit us can receive these urtlclcslrom our own hands at an hour's notice; or If not convenient to visit us, JIH send the articles by express to any ad No onler of this kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies it. send money in Po,tomco orders at the cu.s jomary rates of currency, or send draft if prc- AJI orders promptly attended to. no sincerely hope that tills unparalleled oner, which is a new feature In the newspaper business in Oregon, will meet with a hearty rc spone rrom tho many friends of our paper, who up to this time have seemed to rail to real Ire that Tub New Noimtwrjn' cannot he run without money. Now is the time to makeup clubs. Rcgln before some other person gets the start of you. rice what you can do for your seli, the Public and Tiik New Northwest. iiscella2;eous. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. B,'H3 0Fi .Kr COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland as lollows : Tor The Halle: Daily (Sundays excepted) nt 5 o'clock a. sr. l'or Astoria: Monday, Wetlnes day and FrWay at 5 o'clock For Montlcello: Pally at 7' o'clock a. r. nST J. f. AINSWOimr, President. LADD & TILTON, B J 1ST EL 33 3EL 1 , PORTLAND.. .OltrilON 22stuTliMlicl, DKPOSrrs RECKIVRD AND accounts kept MilJect to cheek on ilrnft. INTHRIJsrr allowed on Tl.MK DKPOSITSor iin'ni ri,.ip, in Minis or USK UOLLAl AND UPWARDS rmmilateordeposil. MONKY I.OANHI1 nn .-i...mvfj..t lbind. Sloeks anil oilier -nluables received ntleiH)it for safe ket'iittii- Collectloim intide and prucced promptly re- InveslmeniKln Real ltale and oilter pron ertr made for partliw. ' ' Sight and Teleentlile Kxclmnseon San Frnn- .viinmi- pirate Kiraale (iovemment Seeuriliex Iniii-ht v.1.1 Agent Tor the tranKii-tlonof ali kinds or PI nancial and Trust lliedneM. " i n. aiiATTrcK. n. KILMN. .SlI.VrrL'CK A KILLI.V, Attornoys-itt-Lsi-w. 0 WICK-ROOM NO. 1, DKKUM-S BUII.D ItiK, I Irnt hlnvl, Portland, Ofckoii. nltr l'ROr. tJANS GIVES IE3S0HS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences of Pupils. ri'ERMS REASONABLE. t. anl.t-d. Sat l.-fattioti Onar u2 .iiils. s. j. nrji.sEV, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER "IAN UK Kol'NII IN IIKIt STUDIO, on the tlilnl ttiKirof IVtrhett's Newlinildlni;, Iruui in . v. mi i e. m. nrwii ur ISAAC Union IIIIRCM.VN, Cor. Second mid M'nsliintoii Sis. HAVINC! RECENTLY PURCHASED THIS Matkel, I am now preiMrcd to .ell on reos- oname leriin ine uei jieutH me eouniry ai- fonts. nl 12iiilirc Hotel, MMN STItEKT, DALLKS CITY, OREGON. BOARD P.Y TUB DAY. Week or Montli.on tlie UHMt reasoiittlile terms. Siiierior aeeommodat!on for famlllep, CAiuiinl Comi-Ii to and from the hon-e free. A larxe s.if? for tlie keeping ot valuable. House oih'Ii all nleht. ill" THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. ! PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. I AI.IIKKT A. 3IANNIN! i T-I5KISA I'Hf4T-CIfcSS HOARDING HOCSK IV lor the aeroinmolation of insnptc whp pn- "'r n 1lel iMiine to me eonmion oj a notci. i Term iniKlerate. olympIa.W.T. nstf. , .nulu JAMES F. BROWN, I r- T,. a Attorney, Counsellor at Law and I MnTAnv nnnTTf i NOTARY PUBLIC. t-,'-i.-v-i.' rm- OPPROV "' Consitltalioni in the Knslioh, Freneli, Ger- I H1HI1 aud HOIUIllI laiiRuages. n I . - 1 JACOB MAYER, Importerand Wholesale Pealerin ID jFL Y G-OOIDS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gi:nts Furnishing Goods, Ladles nnil .Mlsjses' TltlMMMRD AND L'NTIIIMMKD HATS AND HONNKTS, Frames, lira Ms Conls, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmlngs.etc. Dress Goods, AVhltc d'oods, Tankcc Xo. tlons, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE F.I.I.F.NDALI: MILLS CO. WOOLRN -t Pull' Slock of JllanMe, Yam, Ilea ffrt Tweeds and Castimcrcs Comtantl' on Hand. LATEST STYLES BV EVIIRVSTnAJIER. CiT PARTICUUMt Onlers. ATTHNTJQN 1-ald to l nl Empiro 33fvliLoxy TEr.X.IlSTG3SK & CO.. Washington W., lt.-Sfteon,! andTIiInl, PORTUVND -rtltnGON rR JIANUFACTHRn an A N O. 1 ARTICLE or UIUUD, CP.ACKKRS CAKES, And-n'll kinds of Paslrvusiiallvfound In a First ni.'iss lkikerv' cr Good? delivered to any rart of the eltv Jll.'JIulS SAN FRANCISCO. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW EVERYTHING NEEDED IN it niamtiy, from the Heaviest to the ugiit' est fabric. It Does More Work. More Kinds ofWork, And Iletler Work TJn hny cilifr Machine. If there is a Florence Sewing Machine within one thousand miles of.San Francisco not work' ins well or giving entire satisfaction. If I am Informed of it, it will be attended to without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent. 19 New Montgomery St., Grand Hotel Ruildln?, San Francisco. .SMI) iOi: I IKU LA US AMI sUlt'LiS 1)1' HO UK Active Agents Wanted Everywhere. Jan. 3S, iS7l-n I8m CHAH.LES TENCE & CO., JI PORTERS OF 9Xilliiici'r STRAW and FANCY GOODS NO. 15 HANSOMR STREET, Kelween Itmh anil Suiter, nejt Cosmopolitan Hotel, san rit.N'isro., .CAI. Nn K. Rue dH Faulors-PoIstonnieriy, Paris. nia-l s-tr - I AGENTS WANTED! LOST CITY TIIE CHICAGO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. ATtttrrORY OF THE GREAT CHICAGO Fire Truthlnl and accurate. A vivid and ilKW en'ThoiVi iiVl world', "tirtlln incidents. "Hair Rreadth 'scapes." Tho feaTful ravaees or the Fire llend. The 7elcn of TerrrV Ifuel- and lieaulitully 11 lu.irinl incliidlns views or tho city belorc andirfce the Are, still sublimely Kr.ind in it mini Onlers wllf be niicl and reci-ivcd. Tlio raattscillnsb.okcversId by agents. Send JlfcSnvii.."inff outflt and secure an Agency Immedlateiy. .usti""""' "ui,i,-u WONDERS OF THE WORLD. One Thousand Illustrations, comprislnr; star tling scenes, InterostliiB Incidents and wonder ful events In all Countries and nrnonffall Peo ple. A. I IIANCROIT A. CO., ft: nan rraucisco, cai, rORTLAND ADVJ3RTISKMEKTS. FIKST PKEMITJ3I Oregon State Fair, 1S71. THIS SPJIE RESERVED FOR H1MES & BACHELDER, Steam Rook and Job Printers, who Intend Ail ing It wlih an advertisement as soon as they tret time to writ.? one. In tiie mean time call on them at 98 Front St. if you want any kind ot Printing done. ittf DIE. J. il. tSI.V.XX, ZD HU 3NT T I S T 107 I'ront Street, PORTLAND -OREGON nl SIRS. It. LAWLESS, ANUFACTURER AND DE.VLER IN M SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, ETC., Corner Front ami Yamhill streets Portland Shirts Jlnitc to Onler Of the best materia, and warranted to fit. All KiiHisoiinentitiiiriione. n. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. "W'itliei'ell Sc Holiiiini, Xo. Front Street. IortInnl, "Vni.L FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALI. IT those applyin;; for situations In any ca pacity irom Wood-cliopper down to a Fat Of tiee. lny secial attention to obtaining Farm Help, House Servants, Railrowl Hands, etc., irrespective of Nationality. Parties KemliiiK orders from a distance must bo explicit in their orders, stating just what tliey want, what they will imv. etc.. (accompa nied by our ofUcc lees, j2 , which may de ducted from employee's wages), statinx wfietli erthey will or will not be responsible mr trav eling tuiieiiseM ot hired help. J. R. WITIIERELU nlltf F. UILUVRD HOIIAN. J . 31. FKYEK, DCLER IN DRY GOODS AXD CI.OTI1I.VU, Jrccrlesi, Roots, Shoes, Noil's, Etc., ANB... FUKC1IASER OF FAKllEKS' PKODUCE. Hhlhest Cash Price paid for WOOL. CORNER FIRST AND MADISON KTRKETS I'OItTIVNI), OREGON. a5-nl3-tf MISS MACNAMARA HAS OI'ENED A LARGE AND CHOICE As sortment of 3rilliiii'y Goods, At 71 First St. bet. Wilsliiii-ton AStlirk, Next door to Iuld A niton's Bank, Ami hopes by attention to business and prompt ness n executing orttern to meet a share of pat ronage. Two first-class milliners, wanted immediate ly. To first-class hands highest wages paid. AIo two small clrls wanted as apprentices. Apply at tlie More,71 First street, immediately. aWnoiStf ta-''WiiEiti:-et eiTIlid -llr. !:.; t Hint rnt Cliickcn?-WU "ir fllY, IHJNT YOU KNOW? SIIE GOT I I 't at ASCHENHE1M & BUUELEY'S WASHINGTON MARKET, where they keep all kinds of Tresh Poul try, (Same and Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vezetables." N. R Consignments from the country solic ited, nlltf. .liritl'IIY A KELLY, DKAI.ES IX FAMILY GROCERIES, fOr.STKY PKIIDrCE, KRIITS .VXD VEfiETABlES, Comer of Tlilnl and Washinston streetsloD- ixislte lresbyterian Church 1. Portland. Orecon. Goods delivered to all parts of the city FREE ur ni 1K. K. It. lnriXAXD, tl.VTH OP HAN FRANCISCO,) I 13 aV T I S? T . ROOM NO. TWO, DEKUMS RUILDING, Cor. First and Washington Sis., Portland. H AVINO HAD A NUMBER OF YEARS' s..In. I.. 0M.tA I fiMfiMtZiriAtAnt. m ium:iii-u 111 mil rinin 11 - to do First Class Work in all Dental Opera tions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nitrous Oxide admlnitereI. llercreuceHj Rev. Wm. Roberts, Judge O. N. Penny, Dr. Dlrkson, Messrs (nimby and Perkins, ami Slr. Dunlway.of tlie New Noktiiwbst. nl IIL MARY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR RESIDENCE AND OFFICE XL between Sialmon and Main -THIRD ST. opposite the Public Square. .. i-.i. i.t- calls attcndetl in any part of the city. I?i cries for saic.and Instructions iven on the use "f electricity as a Reniedial AicnL nl. HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. W. Cor. Morrison nml Firt Sti., 1-ORTL.VND, OREGON. PICTl I!i tnKen in an ine iniesi ami most Improveil styles, and not inferior to any on the coast. Work well done and completed in side of twenty-four hours. d'llAniii and Cm l.l) it f.n should be brought in between the hoursoflu and S.always dressed in ilsht clothes. 2-8 ANDERSON, HORSFALL & CO., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND ltnTAII. ilROCERS TEA D E ALEXIS, MRsjoiiie Iluilttlii-, I'ortlnuil. Oregon, HAVE nlways on liand a choice selection of Tcas.Husur!i, Mocha and oM ""verament Java Coffees, Swiss Cheee. Enallsh Pj8lcJ"'' ITescrves and Sauces, and everything In the Grocery line. Cheapest House in Portland! Also. Sole Agents forK-T. Suits ;t OoA and C. A D. Grav's famous brands ol Kcntuck Itourbons and Scotch Whlskics.SonomaW Ines, Cr,:i?ii,l nml see u. Eveothing first-ctass . n.cheaI,,ainiMmoV. HORSFALL .V tV.