The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 26, 1872, Image 2

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JULY 2G, 1S72.
"While it is true tbat the great major
ity of the women of America did uot
get the man of their choice as nomi
nee for Presidential honors in the com
ing Republican campaign, it is also true
that they have not the ghost of a show
for political freedom in any other party.
"We have not not been wan tins in cour
teous overtures of amnesty toward our
Liberal Republican, but really illiberal
Democratic brethren, who have swal
lowed Greeley whole, taken possession
of Ids citadel and hoisted him at the
end of their banner, from whence he
looks down upon them with a self-com
placent grimace, as much as to say :
"What an honcel Democrat I am !
And when the rebel horde get mc for
President, won't I get my pay with
usury for all the abuse they heaped
upon me in the days of their pet insti
tution, aforeryf Isn't it a jolly joke that
they, of all men in the world, are foist
ing me into power? Of course I'll have
to jtromise them onice and all that
they wouldn't vote for me if I didn't.
Rut then I'm such an honest man that I
can clrango my mind or my policy
wnen j piease. wneu 1 go uacii on
my well-established principles and de
clare, in spite 01 records, mat l was
never other than a steadfast Democrat
you know they will believe me. Oh
it's better to have a name for honesty
than than anything but the Presi
dent's chair!"
0 temjtora, O more.'
Now, women of Oregon, let me say to
you, gird on your political armor! Old
party ties are as nothing. "We hav
hadageueral political upheaval. Grant
a reformed, reclaimed, victorious Dcnv
oerat, at the head of the Republican
party, with a plank in his platform
upon which the women of America can
stand and sip unsalted water gruel the
only political sustenance ever yet offered
them by any party and Greeley, a
renegade Republican, who has bartered
his birthright for a mess of pottago
(which he wiii never get), as leader of
the Democratic cohorts, are in the field
to-day, and to one or the other must
descend the Presidential toga. The Re
publican party declares that our "de
mand for additional richls shall be
treated with respectful consideration,"
General Grant has done more for worn
en than any former President, and "Wil
son (uot our Joe) says (list "woman's
claim to the ballot shall le respected,"
while Greeley thinks it will be his duty
to turn every half-paid woman out of
office when he gets in and that Heav
en has commissioned him to proscribe
all women, and Rrown can't see a won
an in a Liberal Convention when she
presents herself as a delegate.
AVoman Suffragists of Oregon ! noble
men and women who work for princi
ple! two Presidential evils are before
you. "Which do you consider the least?
I respectfully urge the women every
where to form Grant and "Wilson club.
Beeomo political manager, dear, dis
franchised friends, and wlien the poli
ticians learn your real value, depend
upon it, they will appreciate you.
To-day, at the head of this column,
I raise th banner of Grant and "Wilson,
and while, as usual, holding an inde
pendent position, with the right to
think, speak ami act for myself, I shall
work till this campaign is over to de
foal Horace Greeley and sexual suf
frage. And It is u consoling relleclion
that tlie Republican party has taken
V. S. Grant from tlte depth and mire of
Democratic demoralization and made a
decent President of him. 11 is also
pleasant to remember that
0r proud flat; floats ovr bnive defender.
And or I'lywes ne'er surrenders.
A. J. Duxnv.vv.
Some Democrats who are in favor of
AVoman Suffrage do not like the stand
taken by such leaders as Miss Anthonv,
Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Livermore, Mrs.
Gordon, and others, ant! such papers as
the Woman's Journal, Pioneer and
Xew Xokthwest, in favor of the Re
publican parly. Had the (so-called)
Liberal candidate for President been a
wide-awake, thorough-going Progres
sionist, running upon an equal rights
Platform, there is no doubt but that
lie would have commandsd the support
n,nw SulrraBit throughout
the land. But from first to last the Lib
erals ignored the demands of women
Then came the Pl,llaUt4plliae0U;i
tiou.and although it did not do much
:sr u s
Baltimore was now the last chance
for an unconditional, uneomproniHmr
demand for equal suflrage. AVith
a demand iu their platform the Demo
crats would have placed themselves on
record as the progressive party of the
country, aud thereby infused new lire
into their then decaying aud now dead
organization. But, alas, the leaders
saw it not. The Convention was sim
ply an echo of Cincinnati. To show
conclusively, however, that AVoman
Suflragists need expect nothing from I
the Liberal Republican-Democratic
coalition, wc give the following resolu
tions which were Introduced at the Bal
timore fiasco on behalf of the Woman
Suffrage Democrats and were referred
the Committee on Platform, but
were not allowed to come before the
Jiceolred. That accenting llm Pnnstl-
tution as it is. with tho Kniirfr-enth
Amendment declaring all persons born
or naturalized in the United States, sub
ject to the Jurisdiction thereof, citizens.
aim concurring in tne opinion or Juuge
Taney that a citizen is oue who has
entire equality of nrivilcires. civil and
I . . . . - .
luiuicai, va are logically eompeneu 10
.muni, inai women, oeing citizens, un
possessed or the right to vote anil enti
tled to national protection in the exer
cise thereof.
Also the following:
Democrats who believe that officers
should be encouraged to register the
names and receive the votes of women
citizens equally with men, leaving the
question of the legality of such voters
to the decision of the Iiecislatures of the
several States, respectfully ask the
adoption of the following resolution by
the National Democratic Convention :
Jlemlvcd. That the Democratic party.
true to its name and oriciual purpose
of recognizing the sovereignty of the
! I r - . , . ifi,. .
uiuiviuuai, dues nuw cunuaiiy uiviie
the sympathy, labor and votes of all
citizens of the United States, irrespec
tive of sex, color or condition, and
pledges itself to the protection of women
citizens at the ballot box equally with
The Republican parly is the only one
which AVoman Suffragists can consist
ently support in this Presidential elec
Sax Francisco, July 20th, 1S72.
Drak New Xortjiwiwt :
Leaving Salt Lake City, from which
place I last addressed you, after having
lectured in Brigham Young's Temple
to the Mormon faithful, for which I ex
pect my man's rights brethren to be
consistent and accuse mc of espousing
Mormon doctrine, I hied mc onward to
this Golden City by the sea, where for
one week I have been diligently en
gaged in necessary preparation to fling
my banner to the breeze for Graut and
Wilson, as the nearest exponents in the
present political field of the doctrine of
equal rights, humanity and progres
sion. I was last night greeted by an im
mense audience, a fine band of music
and any amount of enthusiasm at
Piatt's Hall, where I spoke for nearly
two hours upon "What I know about
politics and Horace Greeley."
I hoped to get off to-day on the steam-
cr for home, but business which do -
nvmds inv iwrsonal attention prevents.
and I must remain a few days longer.
I am spoiling for the chances of the
Presidential row, and must work out
mv mission. Tlie chances are that I
shall come back to California to stump
the State, but will give Oregon the
preference if desired. A. J. I).
"Joaquin" Miller's latest poem, the
"Isles of the Amazons," will com-
mencc publication in the September
number of the Overland Monthly. This
. . . . .
inn ill 11 iriliLilit ia i a l.l sr ra a v v i
inm inoul In- Tin urnnr o nr
4 w
of the Orerland at the rate or $1 50
per line. Most anybody could afford to
write "moonshine" at that price. A
new flood of nonsense about rolling
over and over iu fields of clover and
meeting an Indian lover and a straying
rover down by the river's brink and
over in the waving clover, interspersed
witli red kino, brown hands, white
palms, golden sands and homed moons
llke surly brutes rushing down
mountain sides, may be expected.
"Sich is fame!"
Speaking of the low wages paid to
women, Here is tne statement oi a uos
ton working-girl :
"I can relate a case of a linen suit, all
be-llounced and lluted, with oversklrt
:imlf(C7e to match, made for the stun
of sixty-two cents, and it took two days'
steady wonc."
Upon this tho Boston InvcMiyator
well remarks:
"Ministers nreach much airainst the
'social evil,' which will probably con
tinue while women are obliged to work
for thirty-one cents a day, and out of
this sum pay rent, provisions, clothing,
Is it any wonder that a few of the vast
number of oppressed laboring women
go atray?
Elsewhere will be found a poetic gem,
entitled "Memories." Mr. Maybell, the
author, may well be proud of this, his
latest production. It is above criticism.
There are but few to whom the simple
yet eloquent words and fond memories
will not come home with thrilling ef
fect. Beyond all question this poem
shov3 the author to be possessed or jw
etical talent of the highest order. Read
and judge for yourselves.
By the way, remember that Mr. May
bell gives a lecture and readings to
night at the Masonic Hall.
Laura DeForce Gordon is making
herself famous in the liist as an ea
nest and eloquent pleader for the cause
of Human Rights. Mauy nattering no
tices of her speeches have been pub
lished in prominent Eastern papers,
and it is predicted of her that she will
yet rival tlie hitherto peerless Eliza
beth Cady Stanton on the rostrum. AVe
heartily congratulate Laura on her de
served and well-earned euconiuuis.
Long may she live to do battle for the
"The AVoodhull" won't exchange her
paper with ours any more.
AVe reel bad.
Ditto "Tillon, the timorous."
AVe weep!
A colored man has been elected Bish
op or the M. E. church. Querv: AVhv
ot a woman fill the same iwsi-
bel,ecla has
Grant. Greeley, Mill supports
to onriiANs' iioMi:, xenia, oiiio kh bal
timori:. Leaving New York the same morn
ing that tlte editor of the New North
west left there for the Boston AVoman
Suffrage Convention, a ride of eight
hours over the reuusvlvania Central
Railroad brought me to Huntington,
Pennsylvania, a thriving, pleasantly
situated town iu. the Alleghany Moun
tains. Owing to delay of letters and
failure of telegrams (which are vexa
ciously common, by the way), much
doubt prevailed in regard to the an
nounced meeting, until our arrival at
eight o'clock removed it, and about a
hundred earnest and Intelligent men
aud women gathered in the hall to hear
for the first time a lecture upon AVoman
Philipsburg, one of the most thriving
and pleasant villages in all that roman
tic aud picturesque region, is located on
the side of a mountain in the Alleghany
range at an altitude of about two ihnns-
aud feet. The people are healthy, men
tally vigorous and decidedly progres
sive A large audience was in attend
ance upon the lecture.
From Philipsburg to Osceola and
Charfield pleasant little towns like
Philipsburg, and situated in the moun
tains on a branch of the 1'ennsvlvania
Railroad where we lectured one even
ing at eacli place, and met with encour
aging success, considering the iguorance
or the people in'all that section of coun
try upon the AVoman Question. Sub
scribers to the New Northwest were
obtained in each of the above places.
which would prove that the interest
awakened by our pioneer lectures was
not inconsiderable.
All that is needed to be done iu Penn
sylvania in order to secure to woman
the right to vote is the thorough can
vassing of the State by some good lec
turer, prepared with arguments and
printed documents to rouse the people
up to a consideration of the question be-
fore the State Constitutional Conven-'
tiou, which takes place sometime the
coming fall, convenes, of which fact not
many of those we conversed with upon
the subject seemed to be informed, so
little interest in political matters is felt
uy me masses oi voters.
Returned to Philadelphia in tune to
. attend tlie National Kepuulieuii um-
, veiition. Found our noble advocate,
j feusan is. Alimony, ine oniy oue oi mc
! large delegation or tattles expected
' there, on the ground aud ready for
work. Of course that noble and unlir-
ing worker required little assistance,
except from men who were members of j Weebfoot girl), still I have never seen a
the Convention, which Miss A. easily .savage Indian yet. AVhy is this, if they
secured the first day in the person ofjaro so plentiful as our friend seems to
Mr. Henry B. Blackwell, of Boston, j think?
who presented our request to the Com- j Out here our land is better, and our
nnttee on Platform, which was nar-
rowed down to the negative recognition
of our rights contained In the 14th
I'htnk-or "splinter" is more appropri
A !.,. ...: 1 .l I
JJiuiiv, J limsiiiaiiiii, i ini v-i. .
I ! few days very pleaantly with some
friends known years ago as advocates or
all that pertains to Human Rights, aud
who still remain true thereto. Lectured
here one evening to good audience.
Again journeying eastward, in re
sponse to an invitation from friends in
Philadelphia, to attend the yearly meet
ing of Progressive Friends at Txmgwood,
Pennsylvania, we had a "feast of rea-
the! son," and a season or social and Intel
' lectual enjoyment was entered upon and
continued unabated through three days.
The record or these annual meetings ex
tends through two decades, giving evi
dence or the devotion or noble men and
women to the great principles or Hu
man Progress and Equal Rights. It
would be difficult to find as large a pro
portion of young men and women In
any similar society in tlie country as
are to be found in this faithful laml of
earnest workers. At this, as at all pre
vious meetings, tlie Friends gave their
"testimony" iu favor of Peace, Temper
ance, AVoman Suflrage, etc., and excel
lent shaking characterized the discus
sions. Mrs. Livermore, of Boston, who
was the officially invited speaker for
tliis year (it being their custom to spe
cially invite one lecturer for each an
nual gathering), was most interesting
and entertaining in her remarks. She
prefaced her fine lecture on AVoman Suf
frage with the facetious remark that to
talk to the people there assembled in fa
vor or Woman Suffrage was like taking
coals to Newcastle, .since it would be
but repeating their own views; but none
could object to hearing their pet doc
trines, however hackneyed by constant
discussion, presented in so eloquent and
charming a manner, even again and
Having decided to attend tlie Demo
cratic Convention at Baltimore and
make a last ctfiirt to have a great na
tional party recognize ttncrjuivoctrily our
right to vote, we started AVest to visit
friends of other days, stayed a few days
at Tyrone, the same at Cincinnati, and
then to Xenia, Ohio, where wc passed
two days at the Soldier's and Sailor's
Orphans' Home. Dr. Griswold, the Su
perintendent, and his amiable wife, tlie
matron, and Mrs. Barlow, assistant
matron, are all friends to our cause; and
the weekly visits of the Boston Woman'
Journal arc fully appreciated there.
Will the Xi:v Xouthwest keep it
company? Space will not permit a de
tailed account of the judicious manage
ment and wise arrangement of this
Home, but in brier will state that tlie
institution is all the word home can
convey. The children, girls and boys,
ot whom there are nearly three hund
red, are the healthiest, rosy-cheeked,
happy-faced troop of urchins to be seen
anywhere. About one hundred of the
children left the Home ou a visit to re
lations or friends during vacation, the
last day wc remained, and the affection
ate leave-takings between tlie teachers
aud matrons and the children wcrei
touching in the extreme. The little
folks sobbed out their "good-byes" with
tears, aud their assurances of love for
those remaining could not be doubted.
The permanent buildings (except three
or four cottages) are unfinished, and
temporary quarters are now occupied,
which renders the labor of the officers
and teachers very arduous; but this will
end iu a few weeks, as the Home is be
ing rapidly completed. In proof or tne
excellent sanllarv condition of the insti
tution, which is evidence of its superior
management, Is the fact that during its
continuance, two vears and a half, Willi
from fifty to near three hundred in
mates, at present but three deaths have
From Xenia to St. Louis for a brief
visit; thence here, en route to Balti
more. Of its Convention will write you
next week.
Laura DeForce Gordon.
Cincinnati, July 5, 1S72.
Some of our Eastern brethren seem to
think that our far AVcslern country pos
sesses no attractions that could indueo
them to give up the glories of Yankee
life anil be happv, nay, T mean content
ed, in our faraway paradise. Alt, we
know that few who have had a glimpse
of Oretron will ever bo satisfied else
where. AVcbfoot is a wonderful lata
even to her children a bright, beautiful
land, filled with birds and Howers, and
everything else that goes to make up an
Eden. One must certainly bo very dull
not to appreciate all this loveliness,
Again, our Yankee friends pretend to
believe that Oregon Is inhabited by the
very dregs of creation ; that no person
of average ability would be guilty of the
sin of living iu our dear little State.
Not long since I picked up a paper, pub
lished in Ohio, which gave an account
of an outrage committed on some white
men by the Indians of the Silelz reser
vation of Orcson, concluding with the
words that it would cause a terrible
war, and would very probably end witi
the extermination of the whites in that
nortion of the country. Now. isn't this
x good joke? And why have we never
heard of the threatened danger? AVhat
a pity our dear friend was so verdant iu
the history of the AVest. That's where
all the calumnies spoken of Oregon
arise with men that are entirely ignor-
ant of the fact that ours is even a civil
izetl State; who teem to think we liv
iu hollow trees, surrounded at all times
bv a band of howling savages. Now,
this is rich, and goes to prove the intel
ligence of our neighbors. I have lived
j the few years of my life in Oregon
!fiid am tirotid of the honor of belli!? a
j fanning is done upon a much larger
scale than our Xew England brethren
could deem possible. Our grain grows
to a larger size, on account of having
men or brains to till the soil, as should
be done. That is not all; perhaps our
Eastern Mends can also boast that. Our
soil is richer, much richer, thau that ot
any or the Eastern States. Even though
wo are so much in advance or our par
ent States, we will give the emigrants,
one and all, that arc talking or coming
here a cordial welcome, and teach them
the value or AVcstcrn hospitality.
I was almost done when the latest X.
A'. Tribune arrived, and in glancing
over its columns I noticed a terrible in
justice done Oregon, in the shape or a
letter rrom a fellow signing himself II
B. Perhaps you noticed it also. If so,
you can bear witness to the healthiness
or this State against tlte misrepresenta
tions or this rellow. Where did he go
lo have tho ague in Oregon? I'll tell
you first to one or those low-down
whiskey shops which are tlie only dis
grace that can be cast on the AVebreet;
next to some swamp, where he laid
down on his two blankets, and experi
enced a slight touch or snakes running
away with him, and arose to find Iiim
scir iu an ague fit or delirium tremens.
Oh, shame! Another accusation about
white men walking the streets or Port
land for want or anything else to do,
while Chinamen were employed because
or their working cheap. Now, I shall
not deny that there are more dandies in
Portland than are needed ; but let them
scatter out and go to some honest em
ployment; there is plenty or It waiting
for them at good wages. I know this to
be a fact, for here in Benton county I
hear almost all or the runners complain
ing that they cannot get men at any
price. Understand, these gentlemen are
mot or them rrom older States, come
out here to put on style and be some
body or importance among the Oregonl
ans, nntl are fiir too proud to earn their
living by the sweat or their brow.
Serves them right, say I, to be obliged
to come to that.
Again, Mr. E. B., there is another and
raiser tale than either I have yet spoken
or; it is about the climate or Oregon,
ami about the Orcgonians going to the
mountains during the awAil hot(?) sum
mer season. The climate is mild very
seldom do wc have intense heat or cold.
True, we have considerable ralu during
the winter months, but as to the moss
growing so thickly over the house-tops
that we have to dig it otr, why, that is
raise. Ir, as you say, you have ever
vistetl Oregon, why need you go back to
New York with raise tales or AVebfoot?
Sir, do you remember what the Bible
says about tale-bearers? Do not think
we are dying to have any r your New
Yorkers out here; 'tis only for their
takes, not ours, that wc arc urgiug them
to come. And I think Mrs. Sawtcllc
deserves great credit for her persever
ance ; next you may thank Mrs. Duni
way. Both or these ladies have done a
great deal for tho AVcst. Girsv.
ConvALLis, Oregon, July 8, 1S72.
Subscribe for the Nr.w Xoktuwkst.
The busy city lies n-drvam
Unbroken Kllonce reigiis;
Its weary hearts and wwry hcaiU
Ollvlons to tliclrpalns
Its weary hearts anj weary hontU
Oblivious to their woe
While I alone tlie vigils kej,
And dream of long ago.
I walk through memory' corridors
Beneath the broad noonday
I see n happy childUh group
ISeneath nn oak at ploy.
And one the mot I recognlzf.
The happiest U lie
I know him by his merry Ininli.
I know him by his glee.
I see a family group around
The winter hearth arrange;
The slro relntes a fairy tale
An ancient story story strange
And one I know among the rt.
Villi childlfh rupture filled,
Who llts In breuthlex wonderment,
Vhose Interest Is thrilled.
And one I see among that group
How like a seraph now!
She smoothes thai wondering child's fair
Hick from his waxen brow;
She Iwnds and on liU parted 111;
She gives the stalnles kls,
Whilst from her heart attends tlie prayer
Up for his happiness.
How pure, how rhate dolh she revl
Through these quick tear!-nnd im.w
How sacred ami how on 1 inly fair
The love-light on her brow!
How doth these earthly pavlons dmnp
That oncc&eemed faralxive!
How shrinks the World to lHtleness
Ileslde her spothss love!
I see a village churchyard now,
Where drooping willows wep
Where many a stone keep brief record,
Where loved and Iot ones sleep;
An humble slab amid the ret,
With single word I ee
Tisa!mo faded from theslone,
l:m iva from memory.
I stv u ruin now.
Sad, slliit as the dend;
And there, where merry laughter roe,
Complains Hie owt Instead,
While through thenillcii roof stroma down
Pale I.uiih' sliver rays
Upon the earth, where gHtliered once
The lights or other day.
Iloncuth a sunny, eloud lea sky,
lTlm lift' broad highway,
I eo a yrtith Mep bravely forth
Into the huny day;
Tlie sunny sky becomes o'eiWHI,
The .-(am fade, dim and few,
Ami iDrtiml him shrieks tlie wintry Mast
A faint If t niggles through.
Krom out my rliHinber mirror look
A Mllid,nre-wim race,
1"mii trhwv etched ami haggard brow
Time many a war dotli trace;
Upon wh etched and haggard brow
The hairs arc thin ami few;
From out KlHr-e features thin and wnn.
Tlie grinning skull looks through.
Tlie Abbot and Learned Woman.
A certain abbot, paying a visit to a
lady, finds her reading Greek and I-itin
authors. A dispute arises whence pleas
antness or life proceeds; viz, not from
external employments, but rrom the
study ot wisdom. An ignorant abbot
will by no means have his monks to be
learned ; nor has he himself so much as
a single book in his closet. Pious wom
en in old times gave their minds to the
study or Scriptures; but monks that
bate burning, and give themselves up
to luxury, idleness aud hunting are pro
voked to apply themselves to other
kinds of studies more becoming their
Antkomos Macsdaiv.
Ant. AVhat sort or household stutrdo
I see?
Mag. Is It not that which is neat?
Ant. How neat it is I can't tell, but
I'm sure it is not very becoming either
a maid or a matron.
Mag. Why so?
Ant. here are books lying
about everywhere.
Mag. AVhat, have you lived to this
age, and are both an abbot anil a cour
tier, and neversawany books In a lady's
Ant. Yes, T have seen books, but
they were French; but here T see Greek
nnil Ijitin ones.
Afnir AVhv!
are there no other hooks
hut French ones that teach wisdom ?
Ant. But it becomes ladies to have
something that is diverting to pass
away tiieir leisure iiours
, . ",s!
.inn m '
with wisdom ; pleasure is ladies' bus!
Mag. Ought not every one to live
Ant. I am o! opinion they ought so
to tlo.
Mag. AVell, can anybody live a pleas
ant life that does not live a good life?
Ant. Nay, rather, how can anybody
Uvea pleasant lifo that does not live a
good lifo?
Mag. Why, then, tlo you approve or
living ill, int be but pleasantly?
Ant. I am or opinion that they Uvea
good lifo that live a pleasant lire.
Mag. AVell, but rrom whence does
that pleasure proceed? From outward
thing", or from tlie mind?
Ant. From outward things.
Mag. O subtile abbot, hut thick-
.11.1 .,1. !l., ,!,- Imt. I. .11 til
" l . " "
what vou suppose a pleasant ine to con -
L o
ISl. ... ....
Win. in clnniiiiirr mill rnnslilli.
ami liberty or doing what you please,
i ,mj, ... ... ...... .a, ---o
wealth and in Honors.
Mag. But suppose to all these things
God should add wisdom, should you
itiv i.lvimtlv then?
Ant. What is that you call by
name or wisdom .
Mag. This is wisdom, to know that a
man is only happy by the goods or the
mind; that wealth, honor, or descent
neither niauc a mini uappier ur ueuer.
Ant. ir that be wisdom, rarewell to
it for me.
pleasure In reading a good an
.nag. .-7uiiijy uim i iiiivu iiiuiu
iuui l nan
you do In hunting, driiiKtiig or gaming,
won't you think 1 live pleasantly?
Aut. I would not live that sort of
Mag. I don't inquire what you take
most delight iu, but what is It that
ought to be most delighted in?
Ant. I would not have my monks
mind books much.
Mag. But my husband approves very
well of it. But what reason have you
why you would not have your monks
bookish? y
Vnt. Because I find they arc not so
obedient; they answer again out of the
decrees and decretals, out or Peter and
1 jlaV AVhy, then, do you command
them "the contrary to what Peter and
Paul did?
Ant. I can't tell what they teach;
but I can't endure a monk that answers
again. Nor would I have any or my
monks wiser than I am myself.
Ala". You might prevent that well
enough, if you did but lay yourself out
to get as much wisdom as you can.
Ant. ott very improperly connect ..le folintr'andsittintr un all ni-lit
beintr wise ami living pieasanuy lo- ti,.i
Ml IT. wll infi fin-it rva tin nntiutitn.
I haven't leisure.
AVhy to?
Beuausc I haven't time.
AVhat! Not at leisure to be
Prav what hinders you?
Lonl? nravers. tlie atlairs of my
j wise?
household, hunting, looking after my
horses, attending at court.
.Mag. well, and do you uiiiik uiese
things are better than wisdom?
Ant. Custom has made it so.
Mag. AVell, but now answer mo this
one tliinjr: Sunnoso that God snouiu
grant you this power, to be able to turn
yourself and your monks into any sort
of animals that you had a mind, would
you turn them into hogs and yourself
into a norsev
Ant. Xo, by no means.
Mag. By so doing yon might pre-ent
any of them from 'being wiser than
Ant. It is not much matter to me
what sort of animals mv monks are, if I
am but a man myself.
Mag. AVell, and do von look upon
him to be a man that neither has wis
dom, nor desires to have it.
Ant. I am wise enough for myself.
Mag. And so arc hogs wise enough
for themselves.
Ant. A'ott seem lo be a sophistres3,
you argue so smartlv.
Mag. I won't tell you what you seem
tome to be. But whv docs this house
hold stufl'displease you ?
Ant. Because a spinning-wheel is a
woman's weapon.
Matr. Is it not a woman's business to
mind the affairs or her randl v and to in
struct her children?
Ant. Yes, it is.
Mag. And do you think so weighty
an oilice can be executed without wis
dom ?
I believe not.
This wisdom I learn from
Aiit. I have three score and two
monks in my cloister, and you will not
see one book iu my chamber.
Mag. The monks are finely looked
after all this while.
Ant. I could dispense with books;
but I can't bear Latin books.
Mag. AVhy so?
Aut. Because that tongue is uot fit
for a woman.
Mag. I want to know the reason.
Ant. Because it contributes nothing
towards the defense of their chastit v.
Mag. AVhy, then, tlo French books
that are stutted with the most trilling
novels contribute to chastity?
Ant. But there is another reason
Mag. Let it be what it will, tell me
it tilanilv
Aut. They are mora secure from the
priests, ir they do not understand
Mag. Nay, there's the least danger
rrom that quarteraecording to your way
oi worKin
pains you
ini tmnuv .via itmv
irtl.. !,..
can to Know anytntug oi
Aut. Tlie common neonle are or mv
mind, because it is such a rare, unusual
thing for a woman to understand J-um
Mag. AVhat do you tell me of the
common people for, who are the worst
examples in the world that can be fol
lowed ? AVhat have I to do with cus
tom that is the mistress of all evil prac
tices ? We ought to accustom ourselves
to the best thiiurs; and bv that means
that which was uncustomary would be
come customary, and that which was
unpleasant would become pleasairt, and
that which seemed unbecoming would
seem becoming.
Aut. I hear you.
Mag. Is it not becoming a German
woman to learn to speak French ?
Ant. Yes, it is.
Matr. AVhy is it?
Ant. Because then slie will be able
to conver-o with thox that speak
Mag. And why then is it unbecom
ing in me to learn Latin, that I may be
able tinny to have conversation with so
.many eloquent, learned, and wise au
thors and faithful couusellers ?
Ant. Books destroy women's brains,
wno nave utile enough ot themselves.
Mag. AVhat quantity of brains you
have left I cannot tell: and as formvseir.
let me have never so little, I had rather
.spent! mem in study than iu prayers
mumbled over without mv heart going
along witli then, or sitting whole nights
iu quailing of bumpers,
Ant. Bookishness makes fools mad
Mag. And docs not the rattle of you
pot-companions, your bantcrer.-, and
drolls make you mad?
Ant. No, they pass the time away.
Ma?. How can it be. then, that such
j pleasant companions should make me
i mad?
Ant. Thai's the common saying.
, Unt i ,y experience find quite
tho contrary. How many more do we
Ant. By my faith, T would not have
a learned wife.
Mag. But I bless my life, that I have
gotten a husband who is not like your
self. I.ettrning both endears him to me
and me to him
Ant. Learning costs a great deal of
pains to get, and after all we must die.
Mag. Notable Sir, pray tell me, sup
pose you were to tlie to-morrow, had you
rather die a lool or a wise man 7
Ant. AVhy, a wise man, if I could
come at it without taking pains.
Mag. But there is nothing to be at
tained iu this life without pains; and
yet, let us get what wo will, and what
pain soever wc are at to attain it, wc
must leave it behind us; why then
should we think it much to lie at some
I nnilM for tho limit nroolnna Hi!iinf nil
1 , .. , :., 1
i the fruit of which will bear us company
..,.!.. .,nfi,.,r i;r. 1 J
mi mi.-.
Ant. I have often ltcanl it said that
a wise woman is twice a fool.
Mag. That indeed has been often
said, but it was by fools. A woman who
! is truly wise, does not think herself so.
i but on the contrary, one who knows
nothing thinks herself to be wise, and
that is being twice a fool.
Ant. I can't well tell how it is. that
, as panniers don't well become an ox, so
i iiciincr uoes learning uccome a woman.
Mag. But I suppose you can't deny
but panniers look better upon an ox,
inaii a mure upon an ass or a sow
What think you of the Virgin Mary?
Aiit. cry highly.
AVas not she bookish ?
Yes, but not as to such books as
AVhat books did she read ?
The canonical hours.
For the use of whom ?
Or the onlcr or Benedictions.
Indeed, what did Paula orl-.tts-do?
Did not they converse
1 with -the holv Scrinttires
1111. Vy, Ulll IIIUI. 13 . liiiU tlllU
Mas. So was a block-headed abbot
i ..i i ... . i ... i . w.
in old limes; but now nothing is more
common. In old times, princes aud
emperors were as eminent for learning
as for their governments. And after all
It is not so great a rarity as you think
it. There arc, both In Spain and Italy.
not a few women who arc able to vie
with the men; and there are the Mor
ites,iu England, and thcBihbald-duka
aud Blaureticlcs in Germany. So that,
unless you take care of yourselves, it
will come to pass, that we shall be di
vinity profesor in the school", anil
. i s-ee irrow matt uv Hani (Iniikinir. itiisea-
uuu ttiivi luvrj twill iiiir? lumiu 'VujfiU
nreach in the churches, and lake pos
ition of your mitres.
Aut. uou lorotu.
Mag. Nay, it is your business to for
bid it. For, ir you hold on as you nave
begumevengeesethemselves will preach
linf.iro tlinv'll endure vou dumb pastors.
You seethe world is turned upside down,
and vou must either lay aside your
Iress, orperfonn your parr.
Ant. iiow came i i i '"i"
n-nnmii'scnnimnv? If you'll come to
see me, I'll treat you more pleasantly.
Mag. Alter wnat manner .
Ant. AVhv, we'll dance, anil drink
heartily, and hunt, and play and laugh.
Mag. I can nanny iontear laugning
Tho above was taken from the Owo-
tjuies of liranmu, published in Latin,
Iti'i: A. i). JJalley's Kngusit transla
tion, Loudon, 1775 A. D.
Tlie daughters of Sir thonm Moore.
A Sword which Cuts on All Side.
The following is a part of a letter
written by Mr. Wendell Phillips on the
"A'ott know that T am neither a Re
publican or a Grant man. A hotn shall
1 vote lor, or wiieuier suau x voie ai an,
I do not know. But certainly as against
Greeley, I am for Grant. We have had
one Andy Johnson; I will not run the
risk of another in iiorace ureeiey. i
want a man with some decided princi
ples; Greeley never had an3 Besides,
I consider Greeley a secession caunuiaie.
f believe the nlot to nominate him was
hatched by some southern white rebels
more than a year ago, and has been
mainly nursed b- them. T advise any
one who means to vote for him to tintl
out first what agreements have been
made bv Mr. Greeley's friends with
Jell. Davis and his stall as to oilice and
patronage. I am perfectly certain that
there is a distinct mutual underetand-
ng, if not a positive contract between
them. If Horace Greeley enters the
White House, Jell. Davis will be as
truly a part of the Administration as
Sewanl was in Lincoln's days. No ne
gro can vote for Greeley who values his
life or property or cares for his race. Jt
bv a frown of Providence he is elected, I
shall advise every Southern loyalist to
load the revolvers that Grant's arrest of
North Carolina Ku-ICIttx has allowed to
be laid aside. If he is elected, let the
negroes live in snuads of fifty, whom no
cowanl will dare shoot down, and show-
no property after sunset. Iotieiy men
will be shot, and no black will own a
mule forty-eight Hours it any reuei
knows tlie fact.
"As for Adams, I tlo not fear htm an
aristocrat bv birth and a Democrat by
pervcrseness the love of money makes
such a union possible. He is a Demo
crat, but afraid lo contess his creed or
wear its unitorm. it any party allows
him to leatl it, he will lead it to its
grave, as all tne .Adamses nave always
done. Old John Adams' vauity, bigotry
aud bale or Hamilton put the federal
party into us tomb. John Quiiicy
Adams' administration was the death
blow to the AVhig party, then called Re
publicans. The light which gutts tne
Adamses is that of sunset. They insure
defeat. Chatham said Sir ANilham
Young's voice was the death-knell of
his country. The breath of an Adams'
fame has tlie emu ot the ciiarnei-nouso
In it. Let them nurse their money-bags
like timid misers, and allow nobler and
more unselhsh men, whose foreheads
arc lit by the rising sun, to help tho
world forwanl, undisturbed by their
greedy ambition or their querulous
"For a loyal administration, to pro
tect the negro, awe the rebel and give
the working men a chance, Grant's lit
tle linger is worth a baker's dozen or
Greeley's. A'ott rs,
"Wkxdeix Phi i.t.i re."
I-'rriiii the Seattle Inlelligeneer.
The Tides ofPuget Sound.
AVhile the tides on the Atlantic slope
ebb and llow twice each day with but a
slight difference between the two suc
cessive high and low waters occurring
before and after noon, those or the Pa
cific, flowing twice a day also, vary con
siderably in height, ami the intervals
between" the recurrence ot high and low
water are irregular. Shoaling bottoms
and the configuration of the Pacific
Coast line, no doubt, cause this marked
(inference; but nowhere, probably, are
there greater variations iu the titles ob
servable, s far as periodicy and equal
ity is concerned, than the w'aters of Pu
get Sound. Here we have a combina
tion of about all the different classes of
tides known to scientific research usu
ally two each day, sometimes only one,
and occasionally scarcely any percepti
ble ebb or llow. Tide tables, with the
exception of giving information as to
the extremes between the highest and
lowest water, gotten up for this arm of
the sea, would alfonrabout as much ex
act knowledge of the magnitude and
time of the tides at any given place, for
each day of the year, as do the predic
tions contained iu a comic almanac or
the changes in the weather.
However anomalous the tides maybe,
though, iu their periodical returns and
magnitude, the extremes all over the
Sound are but slightly in excess on an
average with the rise and fall at the
principal ports in the State of Massa
chusetts, and not so great as at Cher
bourg and Havre, in r ranee, aud .Lou
don docks, in England ; and nowhere at
any of the Sound ports are there, as has
been the supposed by many bororo com
ing here, such rapid risings and fallings
of the tide, or such tidal currents, as
render it unsafe or at an dinteuic tor
vessels to lay at anchor neither could
there well be when the strongest tidal
current, at least at this port, does not
exceed one mile and a half per hour.
The extreme difference between the
highest rise and lowest fall or the wa
ters at the following ports on the oast
side of the Sound, during the Spring
Tides, is as follows: Olympia 22 feet
(Meeker puts it as high as 24 feet);
Steilacoom, 19 to 20 ; Tacoma, IS to 19 ;
Seattle, IS; Mukiltoe, 15; Bellingham
Bay, 12; and Semiahmoo Bay, 6. Suck
extreme difference is infrequent, how
ever, and during the eap Tides of
course the difference is much more re
duced. It will also be noticed that, as
we follow the above coast line up the
Sound, the hcighth of the tide slowly
increases, till at Olympia it attains its
greatest magnitude. This is owing to
the convergence of the shores, or tho de
crease in width of the Sound as it ap
proaches the last named point.
One as Good as the Other. Talk
about the changeable character of wom
en! Present her moods and phases in
all their variegated hues, and then turn
to find their corresponding colors in ev
ery slightest tinge and shade in man.
True as gospel, men are equally as
changeable as women. If the time over
comes when women cease to be an in
teresting target for men's sarcasm, ridi
cule and false charges of inconstancy,
fickleness, gossip, frivolity, vanity, co
quetry, etc., there will be a dearth or
tonics amonsr them. Certainly they
cannot then turn to the contemplation
ortheirown idiosyncracios, peculiarities,
weaknesses aud faults. In woman they
have exhausted the subject. A truce to
charges aud counter-charges. Men ami
women are just as good as anybody else,
and neither are as good as they should
be. i7ft)i Orion.