The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 26, 1872, Image 1

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    MRS. A. J. Hl.VUTAT. Editor and I'roprlttor
OI'1'IC'C-Cor. Third nml Washington .Sis
A Journal lor the People.
Iievotad to the Interest or Humanity.
iBttopendaat in Polittos aiul Religion.
Alive to all Live Iattei, and Thoroughly
IUHlkml In Opposing antl Kxpnsinc the Wrontn
of I he Masses.
Entered, according to Ute Act nt OongrvM, in
the year fcfls, by Mr. surtie Wltbwll, in the Of
ateof tae I imrian of lomrwa M Wartilnslon
MUii or cracc Asm umt i.rxA.
W will invite the render to take a
trip with as to Norwich, where we will
stop awhile at Grace Marsh's home.
Mre. Marsh, wlw Imw really recover
ed her health, is seated by the side of a
bright eoai fire. Upon the opK3ile side
of the room sit two little boys busy
At game of checkers. At Iter feet
kneels a little cury-headed girl, or five
summers, wry intent with "Mother
q&t's Melodies." To (he left, partly
recMtrimr niton the oW-fashloned ohintz
lounge, with iter feet upon a footstool,
sits Cordelia, her ecoml daughter, por
ing over tlic iges of the last new novel.
On the right, near the window, in a
large easy chair, with a heavy tartar
shawl thrown over her shoulders, sits
oar old friend Oracle, looking like a
visitant from some spirit land.
"How late is it, mother? I wonder
liow long it will lie before Blanche will
be iterer" asked the invalid, looking
anxiously out of lira window upon tho
nw leaHess trees, which shaded the
walk from the house to tiie street. I do
want to see her onee more before I
leave this world. I have something to
tell Iter," continued she, as she wrapped
Ute shawl closer about her frail form.
"It is almost four, und she will soon
be here if she is coming to-day," an
swered Mrs. Marsh, as she arose and
walked toward tier daughter. "Grade,
my ohfkl, you are not going to leave us
for lnanv vears. I trust. Io not talk so
st maw niu fi iir.iriil v" nnl !
tiie aflfectioHatc, doting motlier pillowed
Iter daughter's head upon lier bosom, j
while the tears of maternal love flowed ,
thick and fast. '
"There is a carriage driving up," ex-'
claimed Cordelia, throwiiig down Iter
book ami running to tiie door.
"Thanks! thanks! Cousin Blanche
has eome at last!" murmured tiie in
valid, aia) as her mother went to meet
Bland te she added, "'tis the last time
I sliall ever see lier on earth."
"Wliat did you say?" asked little
Madeline, climbing into her sister's lap
awl patting her mm lovingly around
lier neck. "Sweet Grade, what did you
"I am going te leave you, Una," an-,
swered Grade, "ami yon must be a good
girl and oliey motlier; and you must
take Grade's place when she is gone
wf!l you not?" asked she, as fcho parted
tlte goklen ringlets ami kissed the baby
The child made no reply, for Iter little
heart swelled with grief; but laying her
liead upon that dear sister's breast, she
wont hi silence.
"Darling, darling Gracie!" and the
arms of Blanche were twined around
For a moment there was silence
Tlien Blanche, releasing herself, stepped
back as she fixed lier gaae upon her
cousin. "How changed!" she inwardly
I was afraid you would not come,
dear Blanche, ami began to lie impa
tient, but now that I know that you arc
ltere at last, I will lay down a little
while ami compose myself, for I am not
very well to-day, ami a little cxcile-
ment makes me weaker."
Mrs. Marsh assisted lier daughter to
Ute next room, which had been fitted
np expressly for the dear girl's comfort,
lifting her upon the bed site kissed lier
pale 'brow, and bidding lier "try and
take a nap," drew down tho curtains
and left iter alone, while she returned to
Ute sitting-room.
"J low Grace lias changed!" observed
lttftmeke, in a subdued voice. "Why, I
lmd no idea site was so ill when she
sent for me. She seemed very well the
last time I saw iter."
SIrt was always -rather delicate, vou
kow," answered her motlier; "but lier
oougli lias seemed to grow worse for the
last year, ami her health has been de-
OtlHiHg ever since. Mie never com
plain, nor utters even a groan, but I
fear we shall not have lier long."
A low sob was heard from the oppo
site shle of the room, when, looking
around, they beheld little Lina, her face
burled in her hands, weeping as if her
lieart would break.
"What Is tiie matter, dear Lina?"
as&ed Conlelia, going to iter ami taking
her up.
"O, my dear, sweet Gracie is going to
dleP sereamed the child, clinging to
her sister.
"O no, Una," said her sister, trying
ie oomrort lier. "WImj told you Gracie
would die?"
"O, no one here. But Gracie said sho
was going to leave me and I must take
her ptaeM sobbed the little creature.
"And I4na knows that Gracie will die.
fer the lmppy angels told her so," con-
uiiuou sue, uryiug her tears aud point
T ...111. 1 f . 1
ni wim uer nuger to the sky. "last
Higiit. i heard such sweet music! even
sweeter man (..'raciesings! And, moth
er, an angel, a bautiful augel, stood by
uraaio on one siue and papa oa tilc
other, and said, 'Come home. Gracie
coma home;' and I thought I held her
JUSt, and papa said, ox shall come,
. topr my nine xana.' And tliou such
...... "" t r
iiiusiui j iiiuuiui yj uuna: i was so
happy! But now Gracie is going with
out me!" and hiding lior face, shesobbed
lowler than before.
All wept as the child finished, and
Mrs. Marsh left the room to give way
to the feelings she could not control.
Poor woman! she feared that her home
ws twice to be darkened by death's re
lentless ltand.
And her fear?, alas! were not ground
lee?, for her first-born was soon to leave
her for another world. And this was
not all. Her baby, the almost angelic
little Lina, was soon to follow.
As her mother had said, Grade had
always been rather delicate, but for the
last year, since her return from Bridge
port, she had seemed more so than ever,
and when at last she was- compelled to
givo up her pupils, her friends begau
to fear the worst. At times a deep mel
ancholy would seem to settle upon her,
and then again she would rally her
spirits and appear quite lively.
At last Grace expressed a wish to sec
Blanche, and being unable to do so her
self, got lier mother to writo for lier,
merely saying she was not very well.
Tills letter arrived at Capt. Marsh's
two days after Blanche's return from
the South. They Immediately for
warded it to New York to Blanche, who,
directly upon receiving it, started for
home, and from titere for her aunt's,
where she had just arrived, as we have j
Gracie arose no more from that bed
until slie was carried from it to the
grave. That night she seemed bettor;
but the next day she was delirious, and
for two days following she knew no
one, not oven her fond mother or dar
ling little sister, who refused to leave
her bedside even for lier meals, but
sat and funned her heated brow, while
a peculiar, heavenly smile seemed
rest upon Iier baby features.
At last reason resumed iter throne,
Grade, twining her arm around her
mother's neck, said :
"Mother, I am better, but do not let
tn a I in I r n r tnua itrtnw Hit" i niirr uuu
leave you. You have others dear as
myself, who must fill my placo when I
am gone so that you will not feel my
loss. I will tell Cordelia to be more
domestic, and my two little brothers
will soon be a great comfort to you
dear mother; yes, and so will sweet lit-
tic ldtia, our pet," and she pressed tiie their los3. Poor children, they had m
littie oreaturo to her bosom saying, , deed met with a loss!
"you must comfort mama." Blanche, who was the only one who
"I will! Yes, I will be her guardian I had .my command over lier feelings,
angel!" and pointing liar little finger
up, sue sang:
"In ym fair work!, m raMk and bright,
I'll noon r happy ancrt tkt
AihI turthly ys with tmHBlrttt llrit.
Can have no charms Ibrinr.
"Hut, mama, when I'm farafcove.
With golden harp in hand,
IU pray al auk the Mod of love
To bring you all to Happy Inid."
Mrs. Marsh lifted Una from lier seat
upon the lied, and pressing her to her
bosom, carried hor from the room, fear-1 gether.
ingtliooxcitcmentmightprovctoomuch! The Hewitts were very much sur
fer Gracie. As she was about closing prised to hear of the death of Oracie
the door Oracie called to her, saying, and little Liua, and immediately sH
"Mother, send lllanclie, if vou please, i out, with Mrs. Summers and daughter,
to sit with me awhile. I have some- j to pay the last sad tribute to their loved
thing to say to her alone." a,ul lovc,y yo""S f"ol1-
About ten minutes elapsed, when 1 Blanche handed the letter and ring
Blanche, opening the door, softly en-;
irwi aim Mfuiiii iiursuu uuaiuu hvl kvuo- t
in. and, as she commonood fanning her,
said, "Did you want nic, Gracie?"
"lllanclie, my ever dear cousin," said
Gracie, in a voice strong from emo
tion, "you are aware, 1 have no doubt,
that I have but a short time longer on
earth, and must soon cease to speak or
be with you, until we meet in that
happy world above, whitlter I trust 1
am "ioing."
Blanche dropped her head upon the
pillow, while the sick girl continued:
One year ago last summer I was at
your home, and there, for the first time
in my life, I saw one whom I could
love. Yes, Blanche, though I have had
many admirers, still I never saw but
jone to whom I could give my heart,
ami to that one my love went forth tin -
asked ami unsought. Though I con-
cealed it from him, yet I would have
been willintr to die for him. Tor I am a
I true Marsli ntul rein Invo one.. Ami
...i.i .. , i .... ..... ,a l KI1UW WIIOIIIIU One
was i 1 w ill ten you, for now that 1 am
going I need not blush to own it. It
was Harry Hewitt, that noble, whole-
soiiled man," and dinging to the pillows
. . . . " 1 utl""""a
sue wept long and lussioimtely.
"Don't give way so, dear Gracie.
will over-exert yourseir, I fear,
Blanche, scarcly able to control her
own emotions.
"So, it will do me good, for this se
cret kuowlcdge has worn like a canker
into my very lieart. Oh, Harrv'
Harry! why was it not ordaiued that I
should tako the place of the hapnv
Adele? But it is nearly over and
knows it not. And now, Blanche, dear
girl," continued she, "1 have one favor
to ask of you. hen I am dead give
him this ring, which is made of my
hair, together with this letter," taklug
one from beneath her pillow, "and ask
him to wear this ring for the sake or
one who loved him better thau her own
lire, and dying loved him still."
Sinking back upon the pillow, she
seemed utterly exhausted, and Blanche,
rearing she was indeed dying, ran to
call her mother.
Mrs. Marsh, followed by hor entire
familv, entered the room of the dying
"With one bound Una sprang upon
the bed, and uttering one long, deep
groan, she threw herself almost lifeless
by the side of hor idolized sister.
Gracie opened her eyes, and taking
the hand of Conlelia, bade her be a du
tiful and affectionate daughter to her
loved mother, and fill her place that she :
miHif not h TniesA.1 fmm the circle:
then to each of her little brothers she
bade an affectionate farewell, and after
speaking a few words more with
Blanche, took the hand of her mother
within her own, and drawing her down,
imprinted a fervent kiss on her brow as
'she said: "Weep not for me, dear
mother, but prepare to meet me above,
for there I am going to be with father,
who is waiting," and closing Iter eyes
she murmured, "I am happy now
happier than I have been for so long!
But Liua, darling! Raise hor up, dear
mother, that I may kiss her a long fare
Well." Hearing the voice of Grade pronounce
her name, the child raised her head,
and clasping her arms around her, im
printed kiss after kiss upon the lips of
the dying sister. Then, nestling her
head upon the pillows, she remained
perfectly motionless until Grade, with
her last breath, exclaimed, "Farewell!
meet ino in Heaven !" and with one
gasp her happy spirit lied.
"I will! yes, 1 will! Sooa shall I be
with you, dear, darling Grade!' ex
claimed Liua, starting from lier pillow.
"Happy Linn! Papa ! Heaven! I
come, Grade!" and with her hands
clasped the unearthly child breathed
her last.
"Have mercy! O, my Father! Lay
not thy chastening hand too heavily
upon mo!" screamed Mrs. Marsh,
throwing herself upon her knees and
burying lier face within the bed-clothes.
'My children! give me back my dar
Illicit M,. lilm- n mimo liapb '"
lings! Mj dear one?, O, come back.
"Don't, dear auntie, don't give way
so! Think of your remaining ones,"
said Blanche, trying to comfort her as
well as her own mournful heart would
permit. Then looking at Cordelia, who
was kneeling at the foot of tlte bed, she
walked towards her with tlte hope of
comforting her; but, poor girl! her
silent grief had been too niiieh for her
and she had fainted. Uimn the lounge
sat the two little boys, weeping over
left the room to call help, and then,
j having sent a dispatch to her grand
j parents, telling them to come inime
jdiately, and also inform the Hewitts,
; she hastily returned to tho chamber of
! death to comfort the mourners.
I Three days after sweet Grade Marsh
was followed to her grave, and in the
jsamecollin witii her was the little I.Ina.
They had loved each other dearly on
earth, and in death
they reposed to-
to Harry the first opportunity that of-
fcred itself, telling him exactly what
j her cousin had told her.
Deep surprise
was depicted upon his open counte
nance as lie listened to tho recital, and
when ho stood over the grave he thought
to himself: "Would tuat I lmd known
it before, dear Gracie! I would not
, ! . I til
have sulleretl that joung lieart to have
'gone down to the grave in sorrow.
, Sooner would i nave oecu less uuppy.
But, Gracie, though ho would doubt-
) less have made you happy, still you are
bettor ofl, for you have, no doubt, gone
to that better land, aim though you
have leit dear ones ueniiid who deeply
mourn your loss, yet it may be the
means of bringing them to the foot of
the cross, for thoy know that without
the Saviour's redeeming love they can
1 never meet their loved ones in that
j blessed world which is now your bliss-
j ful home.
wninnn wants VOU;
don't forget
K-T. - - If n'm nnr .Ton'l tVMll.
to bc ricIl. if voll ,0( tc to one if you
nmfir. to Im married. Marrv while you
are young anil struggle up together.
mark you" , n,a."' . I
.Inn'! wntir. vnn If shn is to divide her
.Cmtnn win, n rfr. ..niiioon. or
; whisky jug. Neither does she want you
! if vou" don't take care ot her and the
littio afterthoughts which are pretty
suro to rollow. Xelther does she want
you simply because you are a man, the
definition or which is too apt to be an
animal that wears bifurcated garments
on his lower limbs, a quarter section of
stove-pipe on his head, swears like a
pirate, and is given to filthy practices
OI... . . 1 . . .. .......
eneniuv. uu twiuu. tun mr .i einii
lieil'anlon, for a helpmate she wants you
to have learned to resume your appe
tite and passions; in fact, the Image of
God, not In the likeness of a beast. If
you are strong in good purpose, firm in
resistance of evil, pure in thought and
aetion as you requre lier to be, and with
out which inward purity neither of you
are fit to bo husband and wife; if you
love virtue and abhor vice, If you are
ccntlemanlv. forbearing and kind, aud
not loud-talking, exacting and brutal-
young man that woman wants you
marry when you like, whether ricli or
poor; we'll trust you both on the above
condition?, without any further secu
rity. Miss Emma S. Eastman, of Worcestor,
a former student of Vassar College,
and Miss Sophia B. .Fleming, or Ithaca,
X. Y., are the first latlv Students at
I Cornell.
Kbek Speech, Face laEg, Vmer. People.
Big Brothers and little Sisters.
There was once a tiny girl toilfully
going through her Sunday school les
son, and it was observed that, as she
studied, the small face grew more and
more clouded, until at last she lifted up
lier voice ami wept iouii aim ion
whereat there was great consternation.
until it occurred to somebody to ask
what vas the matter.
"Because because,", sobbed poor lit
tle Polly, "the verse says, 'Add to your
godliness brotherly kmdnestf and if
that's kindness like Tom's I don't like
it at all!"
What did she mean? "Well, I suspect
she meant that Tom was just such a
brother to her as a great many of you
am to vour little Pollies at home. I
&u"W& ,S i
lu.r ilnlU limi" mi in tiie fiDiiIe trees.
and her kittens' tails lied together, and
to be leaped at from ixlrind doors, and
to be growled at In dark corners. I im-
aciuesiiciiuu ueen iickicu aim iniivucii
25 S ' K o !
. ' 7. " Twiii tL-i o.,.i n orv.hnliv. 1
d a Tittle pug, and to trotting with '
t out feet iti "stairs, and downstairs, '
t to the orchard, into the tool-room,
hither and yon, on errands,
ior iiic no i
mly a tweak
t in nhipo of i
liiir of which sho received on
of tho ear, or a careless jest, in place or
Yet, I also suspect that Tom was a
generous lad, who despised a "sneak,"
and who, if lie had seen another boy
abuse or torment Polly, would have
promptly ollered to bestow on that indi
vidual a black eye. I have no doubt
that in the play-ground or at school he
was good-natured and honorable, dis
daining a "mean" action and emulous
to be manly. Ho would open wide eyes
of astonishment at any suggestion of
cruelty in hisconduct.loward his sister,
and reply with honest candor:
"Why, it's only Polly. She don't
Ah, boys ! "only Polly" has a tender
little heart, and It aches many a time.
when you don't know it, with the sting
or your careless teasing. The words you
utter so lightly, and forget in ten min
utes, are arrows to her sensitive little
soul, and the tricks which seem to you
so trilling are wetguty trials to tier.
r . f mjn,i. W,,, know u- I ... i m... u;. , .til..
don't mean anythin'r."
That is one view of it. I suppose if
she were a boy, or grown up, or wise,
sno wouldn't niinu ; but being just roi
iy. little, weak and silly-if that is what '
you call it-she can't help It. You know I
if you squeeze a rubber ball tightly in i
your hand it will expand Into as round t
a ball as ever, and you cannot even see ,
the nlace where it was comnressed. But '
ii you try tiie same experiment on a
handful of rose-leaves the result will be
very difiercnt. And rose-leaves are not
much more easily crushed fiat than
Polly's feelings. Jt scenn aburd to
Tom; but then it is a fact, and facts,
you know, even if they are ever so much
in tiie way, cannot be disregarded.
Wouldn't Tom be a truer gentleman irj
he accepted Tacts and spared I'olly's reel-1
ings even at the loss of a little fun V Af-1
ter all. Is tho fun so amusiiur it can't be
replaced with something better? Then,
too, Polly loves Tom so dearly; she N so
ready to ueiieve in tiie t
strength antl wisdom anil
will but leave her faith undisturbed
toAfiflM umiiL'e Tnm ltB o ivflmi li
vately enjoys Polly's love and admira-l
tlOIi; Ullt lalSOtllillU it isa pitj lie COV- "11."1' "V v""" ""i an emme, to mi. iuu very least, ami
ers up his feelings o carefully antl 'though in some or her tantrums she acts success adds only interest to crown cu-
rather snubs I'ollv's kisses. For the tlay i enough to drive hint crazy ?" riosity.
will enmo when tho little sister's love i "Once," continued my friend, "I was Having arrived here, during the even
will be valued at its worth, antl, it may invited to spend Sunday at , C happaciim. ns after the story of his successful voy
be. wished for in vain ' Mrs. Greeley was m one of her disagree- had lieen well circulated and be-
OllPn wo worn frnimr on n .rrmul fi.1i. !
nig excursion from Cherrywold, and
word was brought that a certain famous
traveler would like to join us. He Was ,
a man that had ridden elephants in In-
dia, antl polar bears at the North Pole
for all I know' He had hunted lions
and been lost in hineles. and Iiplii friz-
zled in hot countries and stiflened in
iretic regions, and had been all over the
world ; lie had been a soldier too antl i slll window and unbolt tne uoor on me ; motlier is our Martha; she not only cn
evcrybody who knew him knew what I inside, when to the astonishment of us ters into motherly counsels as to the
courago and patience anil nobility made h. she quietly showed us the key, Wiiy of turning the keeping-room
up the man. You can imagine how the which she had kept m hcrpocketaii lite carpet and Bob's worn-out pants of
boys shouted at the prospect of having time.;' . , malting Kitty's new ftock antlTommy's
vh a fislilttjr companion, who could1 "Was not this done as a joke . i pinafore, hut neeilles and thread and
tell stories of everything they wanted to
l ivu oitii tvrt in uiui, til I in; iiiuv n initial tit
( ;ll0Wf uln answer all their miestions,
and who liked boys, too!
Well, the realitv was iusl as delinlit-
fill as wo all expected, which is saying a
great ileal, as every one knows who has
ever belonged to a debating club and
discussed the question about the pleas
ures or anticipation. After wc came
home I said to the famous traveler:
"Which of tiie boys did you like
I best?"
ami ne answcicii promptly, ",iacu
ltiso i ihiinht ho
cir iJIr-k or I rr-
he .aid-
no j asKcti wny, uccau
would have said torn
ry, ami this was what
"Because he went bock after we wore
starteii to kiss his little sister, and was
! not ashamed of it. either."
Then tins brave, wise man the brav
est man 1 ever knew told me a secret.
Saiti he:
"Tho real promise for a boy's future is
shown In the Way Iu which he treats his
little sisters."
"Dear me!" thought I, "what a love
ly time your little sisters must have
inn i tiniirt say mat. I only won
dered how many or the Toms I know
mo ofl
i lit-
would bo willing to have the ho
iheir future manliness ninasui-fMl
their treatment of their little Pollies.
But oh, my dear i0ys, I think my
traveler was right; for the most truly
brave soul is tender toward the little
and weak ; the most manly heart is the
one that loves most; the greatest arc
the most patient; anil the St. Georges
who are suro to conquer the dragons
abroad arc gentlest with the Pollies at
home. Chr'utian Union.
. ., ,
A curious portrait or General Wash-
ington, on earthenware, is displayed in!
a. Ve,w.y.rk Jcwclc;,s v;lUo":- 11 i
staled that soon after Washington's
death an American traveling in Kuglund
discovered some sets or earthenware
with these portraits enameled upon
tnem. ile purchased the whole lot. had
the portraits-cut out and framed,
distributed them among his friend-.
. A. a - . '
iud 1
"Ma, why llon't yon speak
littlo Jake, "if Why don't you
I,i fnimv?"
i say suih-
M What caml say? Don't you see I'm
busy frylugjjfdouglinuts? Say suthln'
"Wal, yeHiriightsay Jake, won't yer
hcv a cake?' That 'ml be funny for
Mrs. Greeley.
H vwreipowleiK oi (he Chit-ago Iaat.f
Yesterdav I met a lady friend who is
intimately" acquainted with Mrs. Gree
ley. The'wife of the perfinjyg next Pres
ident is now in Europe with iter two
daughters, most kind and amiable
young ladles. As Mrs. Greeley may yet
be our next Republican Queen, incidents
which would otherwise lie sacred from
the journalistic pen, now become the
inheritance or the people, whose ser
vants we journalists are.
The wire of the future President who
is to receive the nation's iruests in the
White House is a legitimate subject of
discussion, and Mrs. (reeley now statins
before tho public no more sacred than
Mrs. Grant, or no more sacred than were
Q-n aiut ,7er houS. hwe legitiue
Harriet Jme or .Mrs. Lincoln. the
themes for the Court Journal.
Mrs. Greeley is older than lier bus
band, who was sixty-one on the 3d of
last 1- ebruary. hho is described as once
living been beautiful.. For yean, she
nas been an invalid. Willi intermittent
"PCs oi iovo ami kukuh
husband, ami then showin.
eccentric stoicism, Iruj
s noils of love and kindness toward In-r
g long seasons
ingratitude, and
"What lias caused this
l'er temper?" I asked m
uuevcutu'ss in
temiier?" I asked my lady friend.
who Knew .Mrs. Greeley intimately.
"Well, she was born in the ordinary
walks of life. Her mind is strung and
without culture. We all consider her a
little insane. Sho was formerly ac
customed to occupation, and even to
hard work, as a mother and head of a
family, but of late years Mr. Greeley's
financial position prevents the necessity
of labor on her part, and her mind has
become uneven and her .temperament
"How did she use to be ?"
"She was much better suited to Mr.
Greeley yeais ago than now. Then she
entered into all of his cold water and
vegetarian ideas with n zest worthy of a
Roman mother. Mr. Geeley tells even
now with great pride with wlint Spartan
stoicism Mrs. Greeley used to preside
before company at their Granamitc
meals when he was running tiie Morn
ing Pott, in 1S3."
"How do vou mean ?"
"Why. Mr. Greeley lived then in a
cheap way. Neither he nor Mrs. Gree
ley ate meat, or drank tea or coll'ee.
Their diet, Graham bread, boiled beans
and salt, and cold water, Mr. Greeley
lias told me about it a dozen limes,"
eontintied my lady memi; "ana ne ims
me bow Jirs Greeley acted wiieu
s,, had nends to visit her from the
wm1lJry ,,
PW, w?s ! .". . . .
"Well, she would set lier little table
with (indium bread, milk, beans, salt
and water; ami when they all sat down
sue would never npniigiy.e, or even ex
plain anything, but leave lier eonijiaiiy
to do the best they could."
"Sometimes," said Mr. Greeley, "I
used to suggest to my wife that woouaht
to explain matters to our visitors, but
Mie said, -ao, no, i lorace: w ntu i
Spoil enough Tor us is good enough Tor
r"1,1 Mr. t.ree-
'ei"i laughing, "that people who , came
to stay a week geiicrftllj stooti Jlrs.
" I 1
Greeley's cooking altotit two days, and ,
1 1 asked
"Well, Horace lets her alone. He
able 11100dS. SilC made MT.
. Greelej
im the tie-
walk into the farm on foot rrom
not to drive two iroals: tiicn when we
r.'ot half-way there, she inquired oi tnc
driver Ills price, llils site reiuseti to
' Pay. :uu' wc a' 8t ol,t and walked the
rest of the distance. When she got to
I the house, she declared she had lost the
, key, and when Mr. Greeley came up, she
matte the ioor man crawi iiirougii a
not t " 11 ,lon. ,
I Prc dovi
ii'-" ,
Jlll, Jlinb
. "And 3lr. l.recleyT"
1 "Why he neither ,'n 7 ""-f
xtnt oi ills int.- iisl i ii!is?ti f rai aiuiis ami
abilitv If he to. They never came hack for pleas- j wonderment at his sing
i,v ' ure." 1 unce ne was naiieii as a
rt I "How are their relations nowadays ."' . ian. but he onlv in
IIU11I1U11. Ill liltil, . ... , lllUIll .11111 JU.trililV tiitllKIViKtJIS. J1CI
Mrs. Greeley and her whims, he is thcle,,- is always open to the unheard-of!
best man 1 ever Knew, ne necr ior-
cets her, but waits on lier and takes her
scoldings liko a young lover, inueeti, i ( i
do believe that Mr. Greeley loves ins
i wife with all her faults. Jlesnya lteiiau
! txinl tt-nrl.- In "el lior. Unit he married
her for love, and that he always shall
' love her-no matter wimt she doe."
I "Don't he ever try to please him?"
h."e ln ""il1 . "1 1
used to ucneve mat ""e"'-
to be brought up in a state or nature,
imimiiimullcd by clothing, lo carry
out tiiis Idea, she used to have straw
placed on the parlor fioor, have the chil
dren undressed, and make them run up
ami down like Raphael's cherubs and
then laugh with the children at their
harmless but queer rrolics.
"Once I called ami found Mrs. uree
l,... Mm. .ivitrvNimr the children. I suk-
.i.i Mint, it was alwut time tor Mr.
Greeley to come tome, ami
I shouiihi-t help her drees tli
'"'o, no'.' exclaimed Mr
'if Horace don't like my thet
Greelev to come home, and asked her if
ute ciiiiiircii.
rs. Greeley,
theories he can
stayawav. 1 doirnniaiiyinitig to picase
any fool "of a man.'"
"How long will Mrs. Greeley remain
In Europe?" I asked.
"She will probably remain m T.uropc
with her two daughters until after the
election, miles she takes it into lier
1,0.1.1 tn Mime home. It she does take a
freak to come back neither Horace nor
inii moil can stop her. If she should re-
; turn she woultl certainly do something
" jeomnWe his election. She don't
5? wimt the word poliey meaus.
J V ,W as like as not do and say
ri'nCuiou3 thing-, j"t to bother her
!n,"f Mi?i
. nvvuia sl,c to the White Hou-o?"
t .-nriainlv would if she took
I . V .i.nnnvniiitmlnverlir
! Ill II Hill. llJllit j .
i...f i.or iIovoIihI tiauithters. Tliey have
really shown something or the auseiic
in their care for their motlier. Thoy
have worn themselves out waiting on
A negro maid servant, lately from
Virginia, recently came down to her
mistress, complaining bitterly of a head
ache. Said she: "I dunno what makes
it aclip so. Specs 'twas cos I soaked it
! in kerosene to kill de bugs dar."
What Determination Will Do.
"Arrived, June 27th, nondescript Car
rie, Captain ( inodeiiough, twenty-one
days from Seattle, W. T., passenger and
merchaitdie to Woodward's Garden", or
tho Lunatic Asylum."
The abovo is the entry that might
have been made yesterday at the Mer
chants' Kxchange. The aimouncampiit.
made a few days ago, that Alexander
uoodeuougii, a practical mechanic, but
a "landsman" too, had started from
Rogue River in a nondescript eraft for
San Francisco, created considerable
merriment, even at the cxnense of
man who was thought to be a doomed
adventurer. Yesterday afternoon, how
ever, lie sailed into port, jHissed along
me water iront, and moored Jus naval
curiosity at Long Rridge. Tiie report
of his arrival was not at first credited.
It was considered a sell until late in the
day, when parties eamiu with ecroh-
oniiivu testimony.
On the authority of C. 11. A. Brick
wcdel, corner of First and Bmnnan
streets, we have to base our account of
ins adventures. Mr. Qoodenough is a
practical machinist, who has ou some
occasions exhibited inventive genius,
ire was engaged to serve as engineer in
a saw-mill on Puget Sound sometime
ago. Subsequently he was out of em
ployment and desirous of coming to
San Francisco. His friends, however,
were insiillicient to furnish him with
the necessary means, so ho looked about
for some means wlicrebv he mhrht
economize and still accomplish hjs pur
Wliile cogitating on the subject, he
discovered a Useless hull of a cigar
shnped boat, which was given to him by
the owner. This hull is twenty feet long
by three and one-half feet wide in the
center. In lateral form it is round, tap
ering to points at either end. It is so j
ballasted that it retains a certain posi-1
tion in the water, and keeps up the open
hatchway in the center, which is ur
arranged with a sliding cover. A mast
was rigged in thin peculiar craft, and
bed ticking was made use of for sails. A
mainsail, topsail and jib were provided,
tho gear all being so arranged that it
could ! worked by it person iu the
hatchway. Thus equipped, with twenty-one
gallons of water, ship bread,
canned fruit and blankets, the intrepid
landsman cmharxeu on ills voyage
twenty-two days ago. He waa consid
ered insane by many, lie Had no
knowledge whatever of navigation, and
was wholly dependent on his inventive
mind, assisted only by a small com
When out upon the ocean he sat erect
in tiie liatenway, wttli the slitiiiiK hatch
drawn cloe to Ids body. In this wav
ho prevented water from bcine shinned.
Wlien the sea was smooth and the wind
light, he would crawl into his shell like
a ltoatiug snail and take a nap with per
fect composure and comfort.
His shell was called Carrie, and she
was well named. On tiie 20th inst., he
leu Jtogue itiver, having put in there
for a short time for rest anil provisions.
Sometimes lie experienced rough weath
er, nut never Mupped a sea. ile was
only frightened once, and that was when
IIM1I llir,MtVliV(Uli.lUIt illlU UtlJ 1 A (CI ft
ile aaW himself, a picmv in tiie deep.
surrounded byasehooi of whales. He
ereateu no little
ular appearance.
strayeti itsiier-
ade the wonder
greater when he explained his crack
brained purpose. It was a dare-devil
.lieved.Uiere was a general demand that
the craft that had made 900 miles at sea
-.liould bo nloeetl on exhibition. The
. daring navigator is staying at tiie Con-
fctitution House, corner or I-irst and,
Pramuui streets, where, no doubt, lie j
will be extensively interviewed. .v. J'.
oi'i: martiia. A kind of second
1 sc;or5i Rre, impienients in her hands by
1. mull it eillllt,- vfi IIIC 11,1111 its iiuvuill-
plishetl. e talK oi an associate editor;
, .Martha is aiiatsociatc mother, ami she
. ? a?p a mediator between parental an-
pranks and sly capers of Bob and Ied;
i .,j jrartha "never tells," but somehow
I the penalty is made eusy after the secret
, js committed to her kecpin
( j0w often it happens that a couple
lu.iiw 1 T. in :i sninll irnv f I In. t-urv
( ,ttom of the ladder, aud the oldest
; daughter must help bear the burdens
; which grow lighter as they mount up-1
1 ?Yaru i nuepenuence, burdens that !
j t ie younger children never know any-
; thing about. As that ancient Martha,
acting the part or older sisterand mother
combined, in her village home near the
Mount ot Olives, was encumbered with
many cares and much serviug, so are
our modem Marthas our oldest daugh
ters or the household. Wcsay, God bless
them, wherever they are. We pitv the
home that has no Martha in it, the
mother who has no oldest daughter to
lift her burdens and enter into her coun
sels. Wo pity the little Tommy who
has no big sister to build cob houses for
It i 111 t'lwitl Im 5 a tvful nml fmttv mill
"- --. lie 1J3 tlUl tiiv -n-n.j
uon'i wain to go to bed; the miscniev
ous jsoo who has no "go-oetweeu,
wnen ne expects a unarp reunite,
Tabby, the house cat, reels lier cheery
presence as she purs contentedly by her
side while Martha busily stitches away
on Ned's new handkerchief or mends
his torn kite.
Si'KAKixo Hek Mini). A friend of
mine who has a- little girl that speaks
lier mind freely on all occasions, took
her along one day"6n a shopping excur
sion. After looking at some articles
and filially purchasing one, tho shop
man, who was a bland, grey-haired gen
tleman, was attracted to our little Min
nie. "Why, how do you do, my little
girl?" he asked, -with an engaging
s in ne.
"I'm pretty weir," said the little one
with a pout, "but I've been here all the
"How -old is-your mamma?" asked a
love-smitten old bachulor of tho daugh
ter of the widow who had enchanted
him. "I don't know, sir; her ago varies
from about fortv-thn-o 1 fiirtv-livf.."
was the artless reply. The bachelor was
i disenchanted.
Correspontlenl writing overasromett sija.i-
ttires mxtnt. make known their names trf the
Editor, or no attention wilt fee given to beir
(Schumann's "Jlomlnnclit."
Sin lit t th. uiu QMln t
The wIM nod notes that breathe of haHMtkag
The wllii sweet notes that thrill my heaitjHh
hlkm; .
Qnlek tlirobblnenow irtlh naiwtonale illwlaln,
ning soa an eremite Uewc Wan
sins me the song again.
Itepeat the womirous tune!
The ftUl brood glory oftlia perfect nma,
The pearly glimmer of the rluMHruc learn.
The gtxHlly Muulowsof Ute night's a tacit Moo.
My listening nool penelveo:
Keeat the wondrous tune!
Klnzuie the aoug again!
FVr through the (Midden change of the traia
railing like dewdrona from the ttartilna r i
Pli rctlieftii;nlhof a soul in !ato,
Tiiat known not where l (kmi-v: ,
Slug me the song again !
Sins me the song forever! - '
So nhull its pMWlon and ita patlioa never
Inve the rapt ear, hot all the ItngMnr night.
Through the low melody come sighing ever
Infinite lowing, iiirnilterieiicht:
.Sing like the .ong ibrever! -
aBtTB lilMMwr.
I.ippirtcoMf Magazine.
Stamp Duties Abolished. :'
At the close of the last Congress; an
aet passed amending the Internal Reve
nue Act by abolishing, after the first of
Octolicr next, nearly all the stamp du
ties. This beintr a matter of interest to
our renders, wo give tho following list of
instruments on wliich stamps are to uc
abolished, according to the Internal
llevemte circular toon to be issued,
which the A Ita vouches for as being cor
Contract, for insurance against acci
dental injuries.
All agreements or contracts or renew
als of tiie same.
Appraisements, of value or damntre or
for any other purpose.
;?Mirmnents, or a lease, mortgage,
poliey of insurance, or anything obi.
UUI oi exchange, foreign inland, let
ters of credit, or anything of Umt kind
now taxed by stumps. . t
mils oi lading ami receipts, in I lie
United States or for anywhere else. '
Hills of sale, of any kind.
Bonds or indemnification, of anv
kind. 1
liond or administrator or guardian, or
anything that lias the name or bond on
it and now taxed by stamps.
ISrokers, notes. ,
Certificates or measurement of any
thing. Certificates, of stock, profits, jlaniajge,
deposit, or any kind of ccrtifteab? now
taxed by stamps. ; ' - "
Charter or its renewal or. a. charter
part of any kind.
All contracts of agreements. .
Conveyances anil any part of the work
or conveying deeds.
Endorsement or any negotiable or not
negotiable instrument.
Kntry, for consumption, wnreiiousing
or withdrawal.
Guagers, returns.
Insurance policies, contracts ticket,
renewals, etc., (Hfe, niuriMe,--IrrlRtril-anil
I.ense. All through the lease list is
abolished. . . ,.
Legal documents. Writ or othernro
ces, confession of judgment, cd&navft,
appeals, warrants., etc., letters-ofr ad
ministration, testamentary, etc
Manifests nt Custom House, or any
where else, or for any purpose.
Mortgage, ofany kind. ,
Passage tickets, to any place inHlie
world. , -
Pawners, checks.
Powers of attorney for any purpose.
Probate of will of any kind.
Promissory note for anything.
Protest of any kind. f
Quit claim deed.
if ichulel in present ktw in aiunirl?,
wjn be hereafter exempt.
Sheritrs return.
Trust deed. -
Warehouse receipt. ,
Warrant of attorney.
AVeiEher's return, of anv diameter?
I Stamps retained. The tax of 2 cents
! on check", drafts and orders 1st all of
schedule B that is retained.
And tins is the detail or tiio stamp
abolitions iu the law of June 9Ui,lS72.
Thk Skxtimkntamst in- CouitT.
"What is your name?"
"My name is Norval on the Grampian
Hills." :
"Where did you come from ?" "
"I came from the happy laml wlttsre
care is unknown." , , ,
"Where are you lodging now T"""
"I dreampt 1 dwelt in marble'Iialls."
"Where are you going to?"
"Far over hill and dale."
"What is your occupation?" . j
"I played on a harp of a thousand
"Are you married?"
"Long time ago. Pollv, put tha ket
tle on." " '
"When were you married?"
'"Twas ten o'clock one starlight night,
I ever shall remember."
"How many children have you?"
"There's Doll and Bet, and Moll and
Kate, and"
"Was your wife good looking?"
"She was all my fancy palntod hrjr."
"Did vour wife treat you badly?'
"Oft in the stilly night."
" Wiiat possessions have you?"
"Old Dog Tray."
"What do you propose to do with
iiiui ?"
"Send hint to the other side of Jor
dan." "How do you propose to make a liv-
- j jfj
- 1 np,,n 0fj
my coat and roll tip-my
The judco could not stand nnvmnre.
and accordingly shut him up for three
That's a sensible lover out iu Mon
tana. He found that his dearost and
best friend cast lier eyes on another fel
low, and that other fellow wasn't averse.
He didn't get mad anil pitch Into the
girl, nor swear revenge scratching, ter
rible, annihilating revenge not much;
but lie got his rival in a quiet corner
and gave him $50 to withhold his atten
tions. And the rival consented. fv
tho girl wonders why it is that he don t
tlrop iu once in a while ami talk to ner
as in the days or yore.
Josh Billings neversaid a ueuer j. -b
than this: "I hov altara obwrvcdthnt
a whining dog is sure tojeeUtakbln a
als ks
Xo cur or wen .kK kjkm"
als kan resist the temnwuou u , -
tries to silcakT'ofT
,inrn flint i. "
with his tale
' . 1-, ;....-o Ida InfTS. Tlio
ueti" -.00
whinin' business
two years 01 tum""