FRIDAY JCXE2S, 1S72. HOMEHEWS. Now hay 5b 'telling at Eugene for $10 per ton. Allmiiv- millers nre offering SO cents per bushel for wheat. The attention of ladies is called to Mrs. Ensign' new advertisement. Tiie Fourth of July will be celebrated all over the State to an extent never be fore equaled. Fifteen hundred dollars, the amount needed, has been raised in Salem to se cure the erection of a town clock. The Oregon State Agricultural So ciety owiift 140 acres of land near Salem, The improvements on it are valued at Col. B. B. Taylor, or Portland, deliv ered an address to the different societies at the "Willamette University, Tuesday evening. Volney Smith, son of Delazon Smith deceased, of Oregon, was a delegate In the Xatloimi Convention at Philadel phla, from Arkansas. Miss Era I. Wilson took the first prize for declamation at the Salem Uni versity, last Tuesday, and Miss Lydia E. Chamlerlain the second. Willamette University, Albany Col legiate Institute, Christian College, Pa cific University and Corvallis College have just closed their spring terms. Tiie annual examination of classes in the Portland Academy took place on "Wednesday and Thursday, June 2Cth and 27th, 1S72, commencing at S o'clock a, sr. each day. Itev. Thos. Condon of the Dalles has been Invited to deliver tho Annual Ad dress before the "Walla Walla Agricul tural Society, at their annual Fair in .heptemuer next. The steamer Ttlnho was not so com pletely disabled as first reported. She was rescued with but slight damage to herself. The California was more seriously injured. Vivian, at Oro Fino theater, has at tracted good audiences during the week, As a comic singer he issplcndid. Every body should hear him. Grand matinee Saturday afternoon. Grand preparations are being made for celebrating the coming Fourth of July in Portland. Hon. Jesse Apple gate lias been chosen as orator, and Stephen Maybell as poet. Everything will go o!I in grand style. Tho fifth session of the Yamhill Coun ty Teachers' Association will be held in tiie Academy at North Yamhill, com mencing Tuesday, July 0th, 1S72, at one o'clock, p. sr., and continuing four days. The order of exercises during the ses sions will be the consideration of tho subject of Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar, etc ine ten asm vourter, oi tiie lulu in stant, nays the California cud of the Oregon and California Railroad is now graded to the American ranch, and the grading forees are making good time for Bell's, on Clear creek, to which point tho grading will probably be finished next week. The bridge across Cotton wood will be completed in a few days. This is an assurance that the Oregon line will soon be reached from that direction. The folio wi ng statistics of Puget Sound commerce, for the year ending June, 1S72, are taken from the Olympia Trans cript: Number of vessels belonging in the district, 110; tonnage, 29,131 tons. Value of foreign imports, $150,094; value of domestic imports $9S4,OO0. Value of foreign exports, $457,404; value of do mestic exports, S2,509,222. Number of vessels eniereu, &ui; tonnage, 30.3,031 tons. Number of vessels cleared, 4."; tonnage, 2S5,6G1 tons. The Mercury says: "The improve ments now going on in Salem will add very much to the appearance of our city. The now Court House, which will be tiie handsomest structure of the kind in Oregon, is going up rapidly the foundation, jail, etc., being now com pleted. The M. E. Church, Sisters' School and Agricultural "Works are all progressing rapidly. Tho residence of Air. . a. LooKc, now being erected on the north side of "Wilson's avenue, will probably be unequaled by any in the State." The Albany papers contain accounts of tho finding of buried treasure. amounting to $14,000, on the farm of M. C. Calloway, about six miles from Albany, in Benton county. It is said to have been found through tho agencv of a medium. It appears that this me dium was informed by a departed half- breed where he (the half-breed) had se creted the treasure, for the possession of wmcn ne commuted muruer ami in consequence was hung. We let the edi tor of the Democrat tell the rest of the story: "Having implicit faith in the information thus imparted by the ac commodating spirit of tiie defunct half-breod, our medium took a couple of friends into his confidence, secured their companionship and assistance in the enterprise, and on last Friday night, when all the inhabitants of Soap creek were wrapped in slumberous repose, the trio of noctunnl 'gold hunters,' with picks and shovels silently wended their moon-lit way to the spot so accurately described by the 'alf-and-'alf spirit, and after assuring themselves, by the clos est scrutiny of the landmarks, that they had not mistook the spot, they silently anil prayerfully invoked the continued aid of the sallows-freed snirti i., search, and delved into the bowels of the earth They had given but a few strokes with the pick and cast un but i fesvshovelfulsofearth.whentlieirstrain jng and watchful eyes caught a cllms of the shining ore WrtlclesV Stf broken through the partially decayed bag and boot and were attempting to again assimilate with their mother earth. Although the leathery deposi tory of the gold was almost entirely de cayed, it had still kept the gold In such a compact mass that our treasure seek ers uau out, mue unucuuy in securing the entire amount which had been fiS posited, and were shortly on their waw homo, rejoicing In the possession of a iiug mue lonunej" PEEMIUMS Awarded at tie Horticultural Pair. 1T.UITS. Cherries (greatest number of good va rieties correctly named) S. Luelling, 1st premium; G. W. v ailing, im pre mium. Best six varieties J. H. Lam bert, 1st premium ; G. "W. Walling, 2d premium ;SS; Luelling. 2d premium. Best one variety G. W. Walling, 1st nrcmium: S. iAieuiug, -m premium: J. H. Lambert, 3d premium. Best exhibit S. Luelling, 1st premium; G. W. Walling, 2d premium. Best new seed ling (named bv Committee, the Clark) Titus G. Clarke, 1st premium. Strawberries (greatest number of good varieties correctly named) A. R. Shin- ley, 1st premium. Best six varieties A. R. Shipley. Best one variety Mrs. P. L. Price (Poabwly), 1st premium ; A. R. Shipley (Jucunda). 2d premium. Best exhibit A. It. Shipley, 1st pre mium. Raspberries (greatest number of good varieties correctly named) A. R. Ship ley, 1st premium. Best Red J. H. Lambert, 1st premium ; A. R. Shipley, 2d premium. Currants (best exhibit) A. E. Walt, 1st premium. Best one variety A. E. Wait, 1st premium ; H. Prettyman, 2d premium. Gooseberries (best exhibit) S. Luel ling, 1st premium; H. Prettyman, 2d iin-miiim. jest one variety w. I. Watson, 1st premium ; B. F. Smith, 2d premium. vryiCTAnr.Es. Turnip!! (best exhibit) J. H. Lam bert, 1st premium. Cabbage (best exhibit) J. Ranger, 1st premium. Lettuce (best exhibit) Mrs. P. L. Price, 1st premium. Rhubarb (best exhibit) Maj. Simeon Francis, 1st premium; S. Luelling, 2d premium. Potatoes (best one variety, early) J. Ranger, 1st premium; J. H. Lambert, 2d premium. Cucumbers (best exhibit) L. Kier nan, 1st premium. Parsley (best exhibit) T. G. Clarke, 1st premium. Radish (best variety) Mrs. P. L. Price, 1st premium. FI.OWE1LS. Best exhibit 50 varieties Mrs. Nat. Lane, 1st premium; L. Pfunder, 2d pre mium. Fuchsias (best exhibit) P. Limmer oth, 1st premium ; L. Pfunder, 2d pre mium. Monthly roses (best variety) L. Kier nan, 1st premium ; lu Pfunder, 2d pre mium. Geraniums (best exhibit) L. Pfunder, 1st premium ; Mrs. X. H. Lane, 2d pre mium. Rose" geranium L. Pfunder, 1st pre mium. Nutmeg geranium L. Pfunder, 1st premium. Geraniums (any variety) L. Kiernan (Black Prince), 1st premium ; Mrs. N. H. Lane, 2d premium. .Double mammoth fuchsia (best sne-1 cies) L. Kiernan, 1st premium. i ullage plants L. Pfunder, 1st pre mium; r. J.tniinerot.i. 2d nrcmium. Floral desien I. Pfunder. 1st pre mium. Soutii American arum I. M. Kimr. 1st premium. Oleander (best exhibit) Mrs. J. W. Beatty, 1st premium. Japan lilhes (in bloom, best exhibit) Mrs. N. II. Lane, 1st premium; II. Miller, 2d premium. liS'iirangca (best cxiiluit) I. J. liow- ell, 1st premium; P. Limmcroth, 2d pre mium. Colla (best exhibit) Mrs. N. Lane, 1st premium. Carnation pinks L. Pfunder, 1st pre mium; L. Kiernan, 2d premium. Lady Washington geraniums L. Kiernan, 1st premium; Mrs. N. Lane, 2d premium. Verbenas (best variety) L. Pfunder, 1st premium; T. J. Howell. 2d pre mium. Chinbry plants fbest exhibit) L Pfunder, 1st premium: P. Limmcroth. 2d premium. Cactus (best exhibit) H. Miller, 1st premium ; i: j.inimerotn, 2d premium. Hanging baskets (best exhibit) L. nunuer, ist premium. Heliotropes (best exhibit! L. Pfun der, 1st premium; Mrs. N. I-ane, 2d pre mium. Pansies (best exhibit i L. Pfunder, 1st premium. Nature pictures unoss) Mrs. Dr. Hatch, 1st premium. Boquct of roses lb Pfunder, 1st pre- uiiuiii, ib j it-man, ii premium. Boouet of mixed llowers Mrs. A. It. Shipley, 1st premium ; Miss Kate Kier nan, an premium. Boquct of wild flowers Cora E. Ship ley, 1st premium: Mrs. N. Lane. 2d nro- Is a Stack Kiss I.koal? A singu lar action for damages was recently brouglit against an opera singer in Vienna. In lirtzms's onern. "Wnf- fenschmied," is a scene in wliich the hero has to kiss the heroine, first her bands and artcrwards on the lips. The latter kiss cannot be omitted, as men tion is repeatedly made of it during the opera. At the ltrst performance the lenor, Jii-rr aumon, duly kissed the iaiy, Aiuiic. itimic-lc, wiiicli so incenseil ner tnat, milling she could obtain no re dress from the manager, she forthwith eniereu an action airainst Hcrr -Nnurrmii. v line rue suit was yet pending, "ar fenchmied" was jcrformed again, and the house was crowded with spectators curious to see how the kissing scene would come oil. After Nnumau had kissed the lady's hands, she Interposed with "There, I will not trouble you for the kiss on the HpV' to wliich the iin- gauant tenor promptly retorted, "Thank Heaven! I ilo not have to kiss that fright!" Mdlle. Oindcle became so ex uitvd that she had to be carried oil in a fainting condition, and acain com- piaincu to t ie manager. The result of i.ic uii, in ue oi special Interest to stage jurists, as it will settle whether a kiss given to a lady on the stage can be regarded as an insult by the recipient. To carry on the business of life you must nave surplus power. lie fit tor more man tne tiling you are nowilolntr. Let every one know that you have a re serve in yourself; that you have more power tnan you are now using, ir you are not too large for the place you oc cupy, you are too small for it. How full our country is of bright examples, not only of those wiio occupy some proud eminence m public ine, out in every nlace vou may find men going on with steady nerve, attracting the attention of tliAir rHrm. i5t!ynns mill fnrvlnrr mil for tbnmsolves names and fortunes from small and humble beginnings, in the face of formidable oustacies. uarjieuvs Elements oj bucccts. Smith and Jones were at the menage rie, and the conversation turneu on Uar win's theory- ".Look at tnat moiiKey," saiu hinitn Think of its being an undeveloped hu man!" "Human!" said Jones, contemnuous ly, "its no more human than I am!" "It Is a pleasing .thing, to reflect upon," said Dickens, "and furnishes complete answer to those who contend for tbe gradual degeneration of the hu nian species -that everj' uby born into me world is a finer one than the last." The Old Homestead. What en dearing rccollectious gather around the scenes of early days. "The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wildwood," where as unfettered as the mountain air our lightsome foot-steps were wont to rove the rustic church to which, with the returning day of peaceful, holy rest, led by tho hand "of parental affec tion, we used to repair but above ail, the home of our domestic enjoyments, the sanctuary of the family circle, where, under the guidance of a father's counsel and a mother's love, we passed the sunny hours of life's sweet spring time, all rise In grateful, fond remem brance, full of purest delight and tender- est associations. And these reminiscences lose none or their Interest from the circumstances that the same snot which was conse crated to hope and gladness was in the onward flight of time, destined to be visited by disappointment and sorrow. it was not only tiie abode oi tno loiidiy loved. but there wo witnessed the de parture of the early lost. There, too, a father blessed us with his dying breath, and a mother looked and smiled upon us, to look and smile no more. Sadness and Joy, commingled thus, hallow the fnace wnero we enjoyeu incir leuowsnip n life, and where they now reposo In the unbroken silence of their sepulchral rest, "Who would not fain preserve these cherished domains from vandal hands who would not prize the privilege of there passing the evening hours of life, and of thcro being gathered to his fath ers? Or if this must be denied, at least of being permitted to return at times to the peaceful scenes of youth, witii the cheering reflection that they are still identified with us and that we can still claim them as our own? The bridge across Cozine Creek, Yam hill county, has been completed. It is 255J feet long, and 10 feet wide, and is supported by 27 strong bents, the high est of which is forty-five feet. What is to be? Why, a verb. For the very host photographs, go to Bradley A Rulofson's Gallery without STA1RS- oiTASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, tS Mont gomery St., San Francisco. OUR AGENTS. Tiie following pcr-ons are duly authorized to net as Agents for the New North wkst : Mrx J. II. Foster - - Albany sliliy Pearcc l!enlon county Dr. Bayley- ..Corvnllls A. A. Mnnnlnjs Olymnta Miss Vlrclnla Olds JirMiiiimne Hiram Smith Ilnrrisbtirg J. II. 1). Henderson Eugene City W. W. Ilearh UiiPim VIste Rev. Win. Jolly HUlsboro Hon.T. W. Davenport .SI I vert on .....Gervnis -Brownsville Lebanon Salem .. lein Mary J. Magcrx. V. W. Statin nl S. II. Clanghton C. A. Reed Mrs. O. T. Daniels Mrs. Nellie Curl.. SaIem C Sullivan Dal his I.arhyet(e Mrs. .M. F. Cook Mrs. M. C. Cllne . .KnlH ma Mrs. It. A. Vuwters Mrs. 1J. It Bishop. Kev. J. F. l)anion .. Walt situ ru -lviniieton .Seattle .KesUte Rev. I). Bagley. Mrs. Jane M.'WIIson WallR Walla Milllp ltltr Walla Walla u. .Moore i-on iuwiitiu Mrs. It J. Georsc Travellns Aaeiit Mrs. M.J. Enslirn 1-ortlaml a. It lHood- Travellns Agent Mrs. 51. Jcrrrles -..Trnvenns .gm II. II. Vclch Dr. J. Watts Washington county m Lafayette AIHiny .Salem -....Dalles A. N. Arnold... (S. W. Lawtou - M. l. Owen Mrs. C. A. Cobnm. Mrs. J. DeVorc Johnson Forest rove Orcson City Thos. Parsons-. MiiwnuKie It I'entlanil Miss Sallle Apnlezate .The Dalles Yonealla Miss It A. Owens IloeUurR J. T. Scott, Esq Forest Grove Xehalcm Traveling Acent Eugene .San Francisco Mrs. A. It Corwin Geo. Kiltie....... - J. W.Jackson- . L. I. Fisher Mrs. I-mra DeForcc. Gonlon California Miss Xcllle Mobsman OlyniMa 1. T. Maulsliy Vancouver CI. W. Ilrock Union Klilge. W. T G. W. Harnes Ochocn Valley J. N. Gale. Washington Territory Mrs. li. Oaksliutt Travclln;: Agent Other parties desiring to act as Areata will please forward their names. AVe want Affents at every postofllce throughout Oregon and Walilngton Territory. Portland Market. Flour Extra, 73 per liarrel; Kxtra country brands, - '-H-r 'A When! SI frtal TS wr cental. llutter Fine dairy, 3)-Vie ier pound; onlln- ary,aw-. Kggs Zc per dozen. - r SPECIAL, NOTICES. Till- t'lolliins Trnilc lins. ulllilii Hip last thirty days, undergone a reguln r revolution, by Flshef & Kolcrts having opened a Mrst-class Clothing establishment, comer ot First and Washington streets, where .Men ami lioyscan lie fitted to perfection in every kind of Clothes. Thcvnrp manufacturing on a large scale, and can make anything for Men and Hoys' wearto order in the very best style, nt extreme low nrlr-os. Tlieiralm istnnlense both In titling and In quality. Acall to their cstabllshmcnLcomer First and Washington streets, will convince all of the fact. apat-tf W. H. COBURN, Boole nncl .Tol) 3?i-intoi', 5 WASHINGTON STUKBT, UI'-BTAHtS, I'orllnml. Oregon. Work dene at UEASONABT.K KATES, nl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. 31. J. EXSI0V, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street. Nenr Washington, ( Next door to New NoimiwrsT Offlrei, TTAS A LAItGK AKSOIITM KNT OF IAT- XX terns for ladles' and Children's Clothing for sale. Dressmakers can get mil assortment of pul terns, consisl ling of tineeii (full size), lor Si ( which will lie sent loany part of the Stale on receipt of price. Ietterof fashion, how to trim mid make, will lie sent with each nackaze. I'rlces or single pnttems: iiuies' suits, i m; loliiliiisp. 7"i rlK. - livrrvlrlrt ..".) rls. : waist 25. ets.: children's stills. 7". rts.; overskirt,Scts.; waist, jiris.; isiys'suils.T.iCtS. uiitting ana llttlnz done on short notice. Flense state age In sendlu? for children's patterns. ine aimve patterns will lie made for home use, aim win oc round much superior to Kast em made. All onlers promptly attended to. Give me a call. 2nS Mil's. M. J. F.XSIGN. THE CLOTHING STORE ! IS TIIF. ruCK wiikiu: GENTS' CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING Hoys mill Yoillhs Clotblug', Furnisbing Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Ktc., Etc., Etc., CAN BE HAD AT San lTrniiciKuo Prices 113. Front Street, Portland. Harris & Prager. WM.,,-tf. Hjn FrancIfCfl, JPiuauc, ?n7 I'ortland. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Sonora Hewitt," 15V MKS. Sl'SIF. WITIIEItELI., HAS JUST COMMENCED PUBLICATION is Tin r.irETi. KvcryUoily Should Itend III SUBSCRIBE NOTT! AMD REAQ THE STORY THftQU&H. . t -Hl .-.. U- 41 .-. 3 O O O O H HOME SHUTTLE IMPItOVKI sr.wixci 1VI C II INES ! Sold tlimugh CENERAL AGENCIES! 2MI In OreRon and Washlnjrton Ter ritory. Eveuv MAciiisn AAi:i:.vm:o ! JOHNSON, CLAISK & CO. Jjtrxe supply, with late Improve, meuts, JUST RECEIVED ! sw . Traxror General Agent, IMiiladclphla Shoe Store, na ritovr STHF.ET. TOUTLANI), OREGON. 0 E Vint THE SELECT SCHOOL Under the direction of II. C. Bi-o-wn -lrn.L 1!K ItK-Ol'KNKl) FOIt TIIK 1:F.CE1 IJ Hon of pupils on Monday, May IXth.lSTi location Cor. Ssecond and Halls, I'ortland. II branches coinprlslii;a Ilbenil education will lie taiicht. lessons on tho piano will also be given. vSnll f DR. VAN DEN BERGH'S Soveveijrii "Worm Sj'vni. riMIIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE X Is warranted to expel all worms from the I lo we is and fetomach, except Tape and Chain Worms. The pronrietor has taken much nalns In lest the comparative merits of the principal Worm .iieuicnics in inr nay, wmcii, numerous as ine Entozoa themselves, hnve nvininiiil Mm land, each claiming for Itself the name of snc- cific; and, while wo frankly acknowledge that many oi incm nreotien stifvesvnil.aud do great good, were we not assured thai this combines advantages possessed by no other worm medi cine. Its introduction nt this late day would not linvr neen aiicnipicti. The pleasant taste and exccedlnelv small quantity of this medicine required In test the existence of worms, or to n-moc ever' one irom inosysieiii us operating in a lew Hours, unaided hy nny other nnrce. together with its certainty of elleet, constitute it one ot the most uriiunni discoveries nrtne age. Had we saee here, scores or certificates might be adduced to show Its progressive and rapidly lncrealng reputation lor the last few years; but to promulgate Its rame and estali llh Its character, we only ask for a trial. Its speedy operation In all sudden attacks, as convulsions, colic, tiU or spasms, gives it an unrivaled superiority. Sent by express u re ceipt of price. sYjirrons of woiim.s. Alternate paling nnd Iluhlnr of the coun tenance, dull expression of the eyes, dmivsi- iness, iicuiugoi 1110 uosc,a swcuiti upiieriip, tongue whltely furred nnd thickly speckled with red iwlnLs.feted breath. an enlartreil liellv. a partial or general swelling or puftlngness of ine sKin.n sinning in ine sieen anu grinuiugot the teeth, a sensation as If something was lodgeil In the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, apiietlte sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, liowcls sometimes costive, at other times loose, great rrctfulness ami Irritability of temper, pains In the stomach and liowcls. colic, tits, convulsions nnd nalsv. its value in removing masses or crudities from the stomach and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot be too highly es timated. Prepared nnd sold, wholesale nncl retail, by DR. VAN DEN 11E1EGH and Agents In all cit ies and towns. Dr. Van Den Rercli can be consulted on all diseases that the human system Is heir to. His long exjierlenee In diseases of women and children cannot lie surnassed bv anv nhvsl- clan In the United States or Euroic. Dr.Y. ad vises lames imuuien Willi any irreguiantiesni ine uterus in iry ms new rcmcuics ami get curcu. Hy consulting and undergoing a simple ex amination the uflllctcd can learn If their dis ease be worms or not. At all events. Dr. Van Den Ilergh can tell them from what disease Iheyaresullerlng. Consultations and examinations free of cliarnr. Oppicr Rooms as and S), over Postofllce, Salem, Oregon. letters describing me symptoms will lie nromnllv nnswered. nml ncrsons llvlm il n distance will lie saved the cxieuse and troulile olrallliignn me Doctor. Aiiuress OIL J. W. VAN DEN I!ERr.II, I'. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon ANDERSON, HORSFALL k CO., IMITlRTER.", wiioi.r.s.vLi: and retail nnorrits ...ANt. . TEA DEALERS, .Masonic Iliilldlng. I'orllnnd. Oregon, HAVE ahvays on hand a choice selection of Teas. Sugars, Mochn and old Government Jnva Coirees, Swiss Clieesi', English IMekles r-ii, ". iiJTi ...i.iib in me Cheapest House in Portland' AICA CI. . r.C2 f f.. 1 . . . 6. Oray's famons brands oi Ki?nfurkv etci. etc ' Wlilskles.Sonoma Wiiies, and elS.",? i"nd EvpWIUn5 llrst-clas., 2-r, ANDERSON, IIOILSFAI.L. & CO'S. HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS H. Y. Cor. Morrison ,ui nt stH I"ORTLAND, OREGON. PICTURES taken in all the latest and most -- j i in trior io nn v tho coast. Work well tlone ana comnlctoil nldo of twent3--four hours. """Picica t 11 1 TIT 1 CI Hi I II T.I....1...t I . . In between the hoursof lit nnd2, always dressed PORTL.VND ADVERTISEIENTS. MRS. ACII, TUST nKTUUNED FROM SAN FRAN J cLco with a large and Splendid Slock of ZDZEt-ST GOODS, srrti as SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseilles, Etc. A10... A I.nrge and Ileautlful Assortment ol MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Pine Laces, Etc., Of every variety and description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid Gloves OI the best quality. JF.WEI.ItV, FAXCY GOODS, ETC., On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of all descriptions. Cnll and Examine tlia Storlt. 7oo(3 Sbld to .yiiit the Time. i Acir, 97 First street, Portlamt JT CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies uy everj ieamcr. nis HURGREN & SHINDLER, DIRECT IMPORTI.RS AND MNI FC turcrsoi every variety oi pari)i:, , HED-ROOJI, i DINING, I.IRR.RY AND COUNTING-HOUSE PUB N I T U R E , ix 0iU, WalBUl, Koornaad, t fcrstnnt, Kir. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACX WALNUT LUMBER, 'III. Ilnlr. Moss. I'.veelsloi- :lne. Etc., Etc., Etc. the i.aitcskst stcick! tiie rest goods: tiii: lowest iMticr.s: Waiik Roim No. MK, ms, 179 and 172, Cor. Sdlmon and First sis., 1-wt laud, Oregon, nlltf PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. HOC) MS Corner First nnd SCnrk St-. overlddd .t niton's Rank. fonlaln Otrr Thrfe Tuausaad flislfe Kooks ANP. Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Dues M 00 Pnynhle Ounrterly ! DtiiKcrons Win. S. Iaild, P. C. Schuyler, Jr., M. P. Deady.L. II. Wakefield, W. H. llrackctt, A. C. Cllhbs, C. II. Lewis, M. W. lVchhelmer, II. rauilUK, i iiiiiiu. Officers: L. II. WAKEFIELD- President Vice l"resldent II. r AU.I.N(.-. C SCHUYLKlt.Jit .Trcosuror M. W. FECHHEIMER. Corresponding Sec HENRY A. OXER. Librarian nnd lire. Sec COFFEE AND SPICE MANUFACTORY. VEItDIER A TOl'ItXET., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Gcuuinc Java French Clmrtrcs Cofioe and Spices of all kinds, wholesale nnd retail. No. 57 Washington St., I'orllnnd Oregon. , I ATKISsov, Notary Public. Tyler WoonwAna D. W. WAKErlELD. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson A Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 KROXT STREET, Portland. Oregon, Vn FOR SALE FARMS AND VNIM proved l.-inds In Oregon and Washington H TeirltotT-. ai f'untrv: ciT- lltnt'i?tTV r.,r and to Rent. We attend to Raying and Selling Real Ksfntc In Cltv nnd Country. Siiecial attention given to the Renting of rropeny nnu uoueciiou oi licnis, looKingaiier iccnrnrs linn I'vinciiL in iiixch on i roncn v in our hands when desired. iKipers written ami acknowledgments Lnken. IRAN'S NEGOTIATED on Real Estate Se curity. Parties having .Money to Loan are In vited to give us a can. nHU ATKINSON, WOODWARD A CO, SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. Witt. BECK imil SON Iniportons and Donlera In ttvxs. and nr.voi.vnts OF EVERY DESCRIITION, FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, Baskets, Bird Cades, Cctlery, Croquet Games, Carts and Wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., 13 FRONT STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON AnpvTsi for Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Ma chfn NecdletlThrcad, Silk, Oil. Etc. Alii Agents for the Califo-yda 1-owder V, ori Blastlngand Sporting Powder. nltr UNK WEED ItEJfEDY. ' THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: trims ItCMEOY IS COMPOSED OF THE X Active principle of tho tfnL- fil1" to Orvzon. Groirs most nbuminnii.- ".J " fectlvlu Waihlnetoncmmiv. J PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contain? nn Active nnJ Volntni rrinuu PTfnirlMl tv Killer, nml t Hit t at ntn ri ' , " ' -' aviu, iiu MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the most sure and speedy cure for Rheumatism. Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds that was ever Intrrxlnci intn the Sfalcria Jledlca. The UNK WEED REM EDY, as prepared hy us. In consequence of the exlstlnc bitter principle, possesses the neceV MIJ tlllUUUl UC1I1 il Io-Nvei-iiil Tonlo, Promollns the Appetite and Invnroratlnir the whole Dlcestlve Appuratus, thus building up and strengthening the system, while nt the same time the volatile principle, being ab sorbed in the blood, acts specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, removing I Wrom tho clreu- iui ion aim sysiem. There are tew remedies known f ih irn.u,i Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison rrom the blood, but whose action Is so powerful In depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their .-- iioa iu us ttuaimuut-u ociore spectiic ettects tuv-uuiauuiuii-tmm ne nee me warn or success in ircaung mis prevalent and consequently heretofore incurable disease. ITnin.-o ii,.. m.,n.,,.? -I'F1"1 known, the UNK WEED REMtln .although produi ingas active and as powerful effects on the blood and system In re- mo inj; me itiieumnuci'nison.aieo pos-ese-sa strong Tonic and Rccuiieratlng Element which admits of its continued use even by themo-t delicate and debilitated. Thus we hae the combination for thp first time or the two necessary elements In one remedy, wlihUi nc counts for Its superior and never- ftillingcumtlw efTccts In Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains ornll kind. N. R. The UNK WEED REMEDY is partic ularly APPI.ICAM.E TO INDIES, i '.on.Ne quence oflts Tonic Ctualltics. TESTIMONIALS : We are aware of the fact that It Is tu-in- an easy matter to promt ru certlHentes attesting the eflleaey of patent remedies from a certain class oflhose who usethem. We haveselccted the following lecniise the names attached to them nre those of men of the most careful and scrupulous character, and liecauso the large class of their acquaintances In Oregon will not, for a moment, accuse or suspect them or anv exaggeratlon lu the statements they mav make: Certificate from the Deputy Jailor of Mult nomah Comity Jail: City Jail, Portland, Oregon, I June 7, 1871. f Dr. A. M. Loryea t Co.: I was attacked with a severe case of rheumatism. It was in my thighs, hips, fingers, shoulder blail Indeed In all the Joints of my body I mi tiered great pain and anguish. I was attemhsl by a regular phv sician. but with m effect. I was Induced to try yourUnk Weed Remedy, and it Immediati-ly cured me up. I consider It, from mv cxim rience, the best remedy fnrrheumatlsiu known. ALFRED F. TURNEIt, Deputy Jailor. Tills is to certify that the above statement is correct to my own knowledge. JOHN I'. WARD, Jailor. Alto. California Rook and Job PrintlngOffice,", Sl California street - (. San Francisco, June 1, 1S71. 1 Dr. A. M. Loryeii Jz Co.: For .several years I have been subject to rheumatism In niv right unn ami shoulder, rendering me unable to work. On n recurrence of the attack some time since, I was induced to try your "Unk Weed Remedv," and the result was a perfect cure In a few days, i took onlv two-thirds of the contents of one bottle. My firm belief Is that the "Unk" Is a certain cure for rheuma tism In all Its forms, nnd I would heartllv rec ommend all attllcted with that dreadful dfs ease to try your "Remedy" and lie cured. JNO. R. McLANE. Certificate of A. R. Shlplev, Esq., special con tributor to the "Willamette Farmer," and Sec retary of the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, March 23, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Iiryca: Some tour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumntiMii; in fact I wa almost helpless. I sent to you for one 10-ounct- bottle of the "Cnk Weed Remedy," by the use of which I experienced almost imme diate relief, anil by the time tho iMittle was gone the rheumatism was gone. From my own exierience, and from what I have heard others say who have used the Unk Weed, I believe It to be a certain curi'fnrrheumaljsm. Yours respectfully, A. R. SHIl'I.KY. Certificate from ITon. A. J. Dufur, ex-FreM-denl of the Oregon State Agricultural Society and author of ".Statistics of Oregon:" Dr. A. M. Lnrycn .jt VL: I was afflicted with a j severe attack of chronic rheumatism; was eon-! fined to my bed most of the time from Jnnunrv , to July, when I usisl the Unk Weed and It ! cured me up. a. J. nur ui Certificate from James Rybce. the celebrated ' stock-jirowcrand "King of the Oregon Turf:" ) Sauvle's Island, January li, 1S71. To Dr. A. M. LoryeaA Co.: Tblslstoacknuwl-1 olgo the eflleaey of your "Unit Weed Remedy, ' or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was alillcted for months with a very serious attack of In- ! ilammatory rheumatism, nnd tried nearly all of the so-called rheumatic remedies without any retler tierceivame. i men tried your ' Remedy, ami Its use resulted In the most happy effects a perfect cure. Truly yours. JAMES RYI1EE. mend It to persons atnicted wltli inllammatnry rhcumatlsm. It cured me of that disease. Mv .14.. 1 mmil i .III.T.'.U, all 11J JTJIIIIJ, . were swollen and very painful. , l.nn.t.. II- ! 1 1 1" .nt-tau lli.l.n.l nil . I I .. . . ' u. w. weaver, j Certlflcato from Hon. Nat. II. Lane. Pilot ! Commissioner of Oregon, and a member of the City Council ot East I'ortland: East Portland, April lfl.lsTl. Dr. A. M. Iirycn A Co.: I have been nrtliclcd I for scvernl years past with "weakness In the Imrk." and wandering rheumatic nalns. nr. enmiumled by severe constlatlou. Uy the use I or one bottle of your -Unk Weed Remedy, or! Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I have been entfrc-Ir relieved, anu i rneeriuny recommend It as a ; most valuable and effective remeiiy. i NAT. II. LANE. I Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tlhlietts. a I memberorthoCltyeounellorEnst i'ortland: East I'ortland, April 7, IS71. Dr. A. M. Iiryra A Co. Gents: Tills is to In form you that I have used your "I'nk Weed" lor neuralgia and rheumatic pains, and found relict from the use of only one bottle, and can recommend It to those In nivsl of si,.i, r..,,.. cly. Yours, GIDEON TIBUETTS. Certificate from Hon. E. U Ouimbv. ex- Certlfleate from the well-known merchant, I compamea uy ir.e casn : w-we win gtvo: O. W. Weaver, Esq.: , A pair Parian Marble ases; ti,iv,ii.. m ie-i Ora Bohemian Glass asc; nr Ar TyirvM I hivc,sr.5? "nVit- 0ra Uohemlan Glass Card Receiver; Dr. A. M. l)ryea J: IO., i n.n c used tho "Unk nrii iiozeu Ivorv Nankin Itlnes Weeil Remedy." and can chccrmllv recom-l jj? ? 4?"" i;?ii J ."v. "'JIT' i-ouiny v ommissinner oi JIUIinoinan couniy, I , " mnled Oregon: ' b"tnt alltj.nieu East Portland, April 1. 1S71. Dr. A. M. Iinn-en A Co.: I have used the "link Weed Remedjv' and am satisfied It is a valua ble medicine. It regulates and Invigorates the system. This Is my experience with the Rem edy. Truly yours, E. U QUIMin. Certificate from the celebrated musician, Prof. Otto VIeuxtemiw: Oregon Musical TnsMti mil ute. I y IS71. 1 Itackeil with l-onn.ii'i, Dr. A. M loryea A C.J.: I was at nc; sintering severe innaninnm"j i,;,Vwi Hint I was great pain, and was so Dlipiimatlc Cure," an"-'."'v, ..--.r-siiisi OTTO VIEUXTEMPS. It alone. PUT UP INTEX-OUXCE IIOTTLES, One Dollar nml Fifty C'eiils per lUiltle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, RY TTt. T Olt YILtl? & CO., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. -Fon Sale bt all DRucaw. mil' NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I Unparalleled lntlucementsto Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, X Journal for the People, 0EV0TEO TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. -tW Arrangements have bn made Iosjurolhe Senlees of a COMPETENT CORPS OP WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. The New Northwest Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights nnran. ilem-nfix! to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest numlier. It knows no politics, no religion, no iiarty, no color, no .-reed. nH foundation is fitstened upon the rock of Eterjnal Lilierty, Universal Emnneii-Htion and Unrranimelt-d Pniressfln. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement tor our friends lo mnke exertions to secure large clubs lor the New" NoirriiWEST, we offer the following list of val uable premiums : For twenty subscribers, at $3 (10 each, accom panied by the cash, we will give the HOME .SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, without ta ble, lieautlfully ornamented. Price, $. For thirty-five subscribers, at Silt) each, ac companied by the cash, we will give a HOME SHITTTLE SEWING ACHINE with IJIiiek Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Price, Si. For rorty subscribers, at $3 CO each, accom panied by the cash, we will give a IIOMESHUT TLE SEWING MACHINE, finished In extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. Price, S-VJ. The above Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-class in every particular, can bo seen at the olllce oi Geo. V.Tmver,112 Front street, Portland. For fifty subscribers, at S3 00 each, accom panied by the cash, we will give aSIAPONA HAMLIN lORTARLE ORGAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatlo bellows swell, two blow pedals, Improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc. I"rice, 850. For seventy-five subscribers, at $5 (0 each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASOK J: HAMLIN ORGAN; resembles tho first ex cept that It has also a knee stop. Price, $75. For soventy-flve subscribers, at S3 CO each, accianpnnied by the cash and twentv-flve dollars additional, we will give a MASON t HAMLIN ORGAN, of five octaves, oxk STOP, ftKLF-ADJr.STINlJ KEFD VALVES, IX I'ROVEII BELLOWS, TKEJtULANT AND KSES- sweli. Price, SIOO. For one hundred subscribers, at s.1 00 each, and twenty dollars additional, we will give a MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN, FIVE OCTAVES, FIVE STOrS, TWO SETS OF RlnKATorisj T1ICOUOH OIT, IMntOVED nRAnCATED SELF-.niUSTtSO REED VALVES, IMPROVED R E r. tJiVTS , TR E2( ULA NT AXI1 KNEE-SWELLS. VIOLA, DIAPASON". FLUTE, TREMULANT. Price, SIS. Those who desire to work for these premiums can send the names and inonev as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their credit, and If enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de sired they can choose a lesserpremlum.orthev will be entitled to receive twentv-flvo percent. '" casI' of t,ie "" remitted tor their labor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The New Northwest has already proved a popular success, we are decided that It shall also prove a trivmi'II. To enable our friends who may decide to can vass for our iraper to benefit both themselves and us by increasing our Subscription Lists, we propose to glvo the following additional Pre miums to canvassers : Any subscriber who is In arrears for the Sew Northwest, who will send us his orborown sUDscnpuon ice, nnu one new sunsenrjcr, ac- Or 1 nalr Alexandre's Klu Gloves: Ora Lady's Fan, spangled, leathered edge; Or a Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 pictures; Ornn Album (extra) forholdlngCO plctnres; Ora Fancy Letter Case; Or a box Toilet Articles, Including soap, chalk.perfumery, etc; Ora Britannia Tea Pot; Or a Keroseno Lamp: Or V4 dozen Glass Goblets; or H uozen uinss lumniers; Or a largo Glass Fruit Dish; Or a Work Basket; Or a Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or X'UK'm Linen Handkerchiefs; i Ora Woolen Table Cover; 1 Or 14 dozen Table Napkins; I Or dozen Towels; Or an elegant Portmonla. 1 Any subscriber who Is In arrears (orayfwr's I subscription, and who will send hlsorhcrown suoscripnuii in-,iiiiuinu " "ii Vim conipanled by the cash-making S 0-we will SCA set oi Rogers' Table Forks triple plated, on white metal, warranted: Ora sctorRogcrs'iaDlcpi""""-'."'!"-' i- , j yxmyMi, on white mew. """ Or'dozen Itogerii' A itassell's Tabte Knlv. SrahaKtlage. VLU UztLin in nrrearsfor subscription to Tun Nrw NonriiWEST, who will send his or hir Jiihscrlntlon fee and three new subsarlbcrc. iu cimpanleil by the cash, making 12 pn, we will SPA handsome Marsallles Oullt; handsome Woolen Oullt. red and nhH.-. or blue nnd white; Or a pair oi itiuic uiouis; Or two pairs of Nottingham Laco Curtains: Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Glnrtsu. Tri color or size; Ora Japanese imam work nox; , Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. , For seven subscribers nt s.1 m onM.. -.mnnni. Ing to S21 00, we will send : An extra Castor, trlplerlated.on whlto mem!' valued at S9 U); XrnArVrtt,n Do,k' "f iual value; Or a Cabi net, Japanese Inlaid ; Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all vnlnniiio n n 1 1 nm war ranted to be Just as we repi-escnt them. 1'er- iii us nviiiK in iinsciiy or wuo can visiiustsui receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or ir not convenient to visit us , we will send the articles by express, to any ad dress. No order of this kind will receive ainuiiuu unless the cash accompanies it. Send money in Postofllce orders at t ho cus tomary rates or currency, or send draft li pre ferred. , , , All orders promptly attended to. Wc sincerely hope that V'hInaMr oner, which Is a new feature .VhMrtv re buslncsslii Oregon, will '"JSpcrT sponso from the many ftndJ.0 S'jfloronl--who up to this time '"irI7iot bjfun Ize that Tiik New" "T.1i7inielfl mntoup without money. Now lhP,.,I'"ie "ion gets clubs. Begin before "'rnPySSr tlicstart of you. See S'SSwruw est self, the Public and THE Mw NumttwiaT. ur --t unveil xiii.ii.-u iiru niKtuiis: