The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 14, 1872, Image 2

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..JUNE 14, 1872.
Theodore Tillon, who, notwithstand
ing his desertion of the woman cause in
the Cincinnati farce, when he ran after
Greeley and the loaves and fishes in
stead of woman's enfranchisement and
the answer of a good conscience, has
not altogether forgotten his first love,
for he does say some good words yet for
woman, albeit they Imj terribly diluted
because of his Greeley ism. Hero is one
of his characteristic rhapsodies:
While the women of Massachusetts ami New
York have liecu talking about It, their hitter
lu Oregon have cone and done It. They have
asked Congress to amend the Homestead Ijiw
m as to allow them to nrcsc-mnt tmlillr limits.
And Congress liati too murh Justice an well an
gallantry to refuse the fair petitioners, and
there Is every probability that the amendment
will nass. The President nnnnivra It. nml Mrs
Senator Williams Is hnnnv. nnd Mr K.iu-ffitf
the President of the Woman' Ileal Estate As
Noclatlrm.has gone to Oregon to act a agent for
me orave women wno mean to try what virtue
thPre Is In the soil. Why should not women
have an equal right to and share of the land
with men? Hie real estate InMlnct Is femi
nine, for it rotues of a pure love of Mother
Kiirth. If woman's sphere is home, as the con
servative, wiseacres never tire oftelllng us, give
nera itomostrau to buna it on. we have an
idea that nothing is so likely to give n woman
dignity and Independence 10. the knowledge
that she owns a homestead, and nothing will
lake the bachelorism out or a man so effect
ually ns the sight of a little woman carrying on
11 snug farm or her own. Ijel Kve make a I'ara
dlseandshc will find it hard to raise n fence
high enough to keep Adam out, Adam has a
great liking for that sort of thing.
Now, Theodore, we women arc tickled
wonderfully when you do thus nut us on
the pate and brag about us, for It makes
us happy and costs you nothing; there
fore go on with your pretty talk. But
the editor of the New Northwest, as
a living Oregonian, beareth witness
that, but for the co-operative action of
Eastern women, their sisters from Ore
gon could have had no show to "go and
do it," Elizabeth Cady Stanton, of
New Jersey, and Dr. Clcmence Lozier,
of New York, headed Mrs. Sawtelle's
petition with their signatures and cash
aud many others wisely and justly did
Before this reaches the eye of the
reader wc shall have heard of the action
of Congress in the matter, which we
very much fear will be simply to "table
the bill." But wc live in hope.
Wc ask Horace Greeley and all other
political dough-faces who, from dab
bling in the man-made pool of party
politics, have become so beslimed with
partisan corruption as to be unable to
comprehend the ethics of personal lib
erty except npon the basis of personal
aggrandizement, and almighty dollars,
to read what the Germans of New York
are doing. From over thc broad Atlan
tic, where the tottering, one-sexed dy
nasties of Europe are gazing upon our
growing Republic which is not a Re
publicwith wonder and amazement;
from across the great American desert,
where, on the shores of the billowy Pa
cific, the people are looking on in aston
ishment ; yea, even from thc rivers to
the ends of the earth, comes up the one
exclamation, addressed to our leaders,
who, having eyes, see not, and ears, but
do not hear : "Your Republic is a living
lie. It is based upon the Declaration
that all are endowed with the inalienn
ble right to life, liberty and representa
tion; yet the majority of your people
are political nonentities. They pay
taxes to support a government in which
they have no voice. They suffer the
legal disabilities of idiots and criminals,
without like exemption from the conse
quences of crime. They reach forth their
appealing hands to you and cry
out continually for representation, rec
ocnition and equality, but you turn
from them in vain, glorious self-adula-
tion, and heed not their supplication
and their cry."
For humorous reading now wc com
mend our readers to the columns of "the
Woodhull" paper since the nomination
of that celebrity for the Presidency.
That the infatuated leader of thc free
lovers and Internationals really believes
she will be elected there can be no
doubt. Schemes for thc bestowmeut of
Federal natronace. the overthrow of
monled aristocracy, the equal distribu
tion of wealth, thc abolishment of in
terest rates and the complete demolition
of the marriage system, are some of the
hobbies upon which she expects to ride
into power.
It is indeed pitiable to behold a wom
an of Mrs. Woodhull's ability thus de
luded and deluding her followers. It is
the old story ovcr again of thc blind
leading thc blind till both fall together
into the same ditch.
The Philadelphia (Republican) Con
vention re-nominated General Grant
for the Presidency. Senator Henry Wil
son, of Massachusetts, is the nominee
for Vice President, Tills makes four
Presidential tickets in the field Davis
and Parker, of the Labor party; Gree
ley and Brown, Liberal Republicans;
"Woodhull and Douglass, Free Love, In
ternationals,Commuuists, and what-not;
and Grant and Wilson, straight Re
publicans. The Democracy will proba
bly not make any regular nominations,
but content themselves with endorsing
Greeley and Brown. It is not alto
gether improbable that aWomanSuf-frage-or
rather Human Rights-ticket
will also be in the field.
P. C. Sullivan, of Dallas. Poiu-
county, claims the honor of being th
first woman voter In Oregon. Tlte
JJallas Brpublican says that Mrs. Sul
livan and Mrs. Hagood presented them
selves at the polls, and amtd perfect
silence and most respectful deportment
of those around, gave in their votes,
and they went upon thc record unchal
lenged. Their votes were not counted
hy tlif judges, but the ladies intend to
test the question in the courts.
Mrs. Duniway will probably be home
about the first of next month.
"Faith's" suggestion in reference to
sending delegates to the Pacific Slope
convention is very good and should be
acted upon.
The Republicans had a Temnerauce
plank in their State platform in the
election campaign just closed. The
Republicans have elected a majority of
the legislature, "Will they enact a
stringent Temperance law?
The last Monmouth Messenger gives
space to a long-winded essay from some
other paper lulminating against wom
an's right to preach. How lone will
old fogies continue to place the Bible
across the track of the invincible car of
The "funny fellow" of the Herald
fells how, in order to save the weak
candidates of his party from attack dur
ing the late campaign, he drew the Re
publican fire upon himself. Tiie idea!
Go to, old braggart! That may do to
tell where you came from, but it's too
thin for this latitude.
The Philadelphia Convention throws
out this bait to Woman Suffragists:
"The Republican party Is mindful of
Its obligation to the loyal women of
America for their noble devotion to the
cause of freedom. Their admission to
usefulness is received with satisfaction,
and honest demands of any class of citi
zens for additional rights should be
treated witli respectful consideration."
All very fine, but nothing to the point.
The Olympia Courier objects to wom
an's taking the "short cut to liberty,"
as Mrs. Stanton calls it, and wants a
Sixteenth Amendment "We would re
mind thc Courier that slavery in Eng
land was abolished by a more liberal
construction of laws passed without ref
erence to the subject at all. But we
care not about the manner in which
the enfranchisement of woman may be
brought about. While we believe
that women have the right to vote un
der the fundamental law of the land,
yet we would give a Sixteenth Amend
ment our most hearty support.
Of all the disrepuatble transactions of
the late election none was quite so
low as the publication, on the morning
of votiug day, by the Bulletin of this
city, for electioneering efiVct, of a re
port that Governor Graver had par
doned several convicts in order to ob
tain their votes for the Democratic
ticket. Of course there was not the
slightest degree of truth in the report.
Aud now the editor of the Bulletin, when
called upon to explain and give his au
thority for the report, merely responds
with silly attempts at pleasantry and
.:::.,, ,.,,, Mn.f...i.
r ' ' i.t.i. 1 .i
ui .& fr annual iiue mumi iiwuumi i
in Portland a number of years ago. An
election roorback was nut in circulation
I... n nr(nt ,,
notify his friends that it was an un-
.. "lliui, i.. .
t 1. e i.t if
nuii i. uieiuuerui nun kuiiiu tiuiurn
party a whole-souled, honorable man I
,i,cii i. t.i..ial1" i i"c hiaie wnerein tliey reside."
believing the canard to be true, indus
triously circulated it. Au explanation
and thc authority being demanded, this
gentleman came to the editor, and, to
his great astonishment, found that the
report had not thc semblance of truth
in it. The gentleman was very much
perplexed in this dilemma. The editor
came to his relief with this lucid If not
very honest plau: "You refer them to
me; I will leu tnem mat w was my
authority." "Why, you didn't get it l"B i'B'"' luai nt'ut Mnuer tl,c
from him, did you?" "No; but then I Constitution belongs equally to the fe
you see he Is about as big a liar as I am, I male citizens. Ry what authority, now,
and the consequence will be that his 1 raUbt n"lesUy ask, is it contended
friends will believe that I lie, aud my I t,,at we ,,!lV0 no rKt to vote? There
friends will believe that he lies." ! is 110 capo from the conclusion, unless
The reason, doubtless, that the editor il bo successfully maintained that
of the Bulletin did not pursue a similar wou,en are not persons. If this last po
course was because he could find no per- 81110,1 u-' true, then wc yield the contro-
son whoso reputation for veracity was
so near bankrupted as his own.
A woman's newspaper, to bo called
the 11 o))ian' Exponent, is soon to be
started at Salt Lake City. The mate
rial is already provided, and the first
number will be issued in a few weeks.
Thus vindicators of womanhood are
springing up everywhere. Not only
in the more enlightened and civilized
countries is the cause of freedom for
woman gaining ground, but in the Sul
tan's dominions and pologymlc Utah,
where woman Is most signally degraded,
her protests against the galling slavery
to which she is subject are going forth
to the world.
Tills veteran journalist has gone to
his rest. His career has been one of
the most wonderful. While there are
many things to condemn in his life,
no one can do otherwise than admire
thc consummate ability he exhibited
from first to last as proprietor of the
New York Herald, which, under his
able management, lias Jong been ac
knowledged to be without a peer among
Dr. Mary P. Sawtellp, the brave and
energetic little woman who has been
battling so nobly to get a woman's
homestead bill through Congress, and
who will undoubtedly succeed in accom
plishing her object at the next session,
may be expected home very shortly.
We learn by telegraph that she lectured
inhan trancisco a few evenings since.
The Vancouver Jtegistcr man is ex
cessively worried because Mrs. Duniway
made some reference toMr wii...iu.
going the whole hog," evidently Im-
agining that Aid "baPOll la In ll
j We beg of him to be quiet. 7r ,, i
the one meant at all. That would l,e!
.....,- ntn .or ,nc Woodhull."
BV JlltS. r. C. hCLLIVAK.
Dai.ias, Polk county, Oregon,
June 8, 1872.
Editor New- KorrrnwEST :
Last Monday was one of Oregon's
lovely days.
After my usual round of morning du
ties, feeling very patriotic, I concluded
that I would throw on my hat and
sliawi and step ovcr IO thc url no'usc
and vote for the candidates of my
choice, as every body else seemed to be
doing. So, in company with one of my
neighbors, Mrs. Hagood, I proceeded
to the iiolls, ticket in hand. When
within some fifty yards of the spot
where American citizens exercise their
most sacred rights, we discovered a
crowd of gentlemen standing around
the window of the County Judge's office,
some of whom were talking very loud
and somewhat boisterous, but as wo
ueared the place everything became
quiet and peaceful. Not a profane,
harsh or disrespectful word was heart.
Wo were received with congratulations
from friends wlio stood near. As we
stepped upon the platform the crammed
mast generously and gentlemanly gave
way, and we proceeded directly to thc
window where the sovereigns of Dallas
precinct pass in their ballots. A boanl
of good-looking men were sitting at n
table inside, who of course constituted
the judges and clerks of election, and
who were the legally constituted judi
cial tribunal to decide upon thc qualifi
cation orappllcants. At first glance the
faces of this tribunal (with some of
whom we were personally acquainted)
presented a mixed look of pleasure and
surprise, bnt they maintained their ju
dicial dignity in a manner commenda
ble. Wo demanded our right to vote
under the laws of our country as they
now appear upon the statute books. Wc
did not go to beg, but to demand our
rights. Our votes were received and
registered without objection, and wo re
turned home nftcr an absence of perhaps
forty minutes, and found the roses
blooming in the front yard as sweetly
as when wo left ; the old castle was still
standing undisturbed, and no one in
jured, to our knowledge; and at twelve
o'clock dinner was on thc table as usual,
prepared by our own hands. We delib
erately came to the conclusion which
resulted in the exercise of our political
rights from an examination of the laws
upon the subject, which seem very sim
ple and plain, using those words only j
which could convey the Idea of a Ropub-!
Ilcan form of government.
It seems that up to the passage of the
Fourteenth Amendment no law lias !
ever been passed by thc Congress of the '""P" ve winked at and counte
TTniin.1 Bfoa n,.i., nnnitnfMitnn r! naiiccd the whisky traffic! If you wish
United States fixing the qualification of
a citizen In tills country; and so we find
that Webster defines the word citizen
in the United States to mean one who.
me privilege oi exercisinrr ino
elective franchise. That Amendment .
. . .
w" 13 Ttt of the Constitution j
of " ViMcd States, declared "that all ,
1 t i i, i . .. I
iierwjiia uuru ur naturalized ill llie LHIl-
, ... , . ... .
?uuJt the jurisdiction i
t-Uii Ulf tllliiCil Ul Ull? dlUCMl ftLalfM.
. t . . .
Here, then, we have as fixed by the
highest authority the qualifications of
thc citizen. Now. the Constitution of
Oregon declares, Sec 20, Rill of Rights,
that "no law shall be passed granting to
ani' citizen, or class of citizens, privi
leges or immunities which uion the same
terms shall not equally belong to all
citizens." It follows, then, if a woman
is a citizen of Oregon, and the laws of
Oregon have extended to male citizens
J I .1. I. 4 1 , , . .
! vcrs' ,lot otherwise; but it is not true,
and can only be maintained by the de
cisions of courts who shall take the re
sponsibility to override law and good
sense by arbitrary legislation upon the
bench; if the words, "all persons," do
not include women in this case, then in
ail other cases where thc same phrase
occurs in thc law, in the absence of any
qualifying words, women of course are
also included." If tills is the construc
tion, then, by the same reasoning, wom
en in Oregon are not liable for any
crime tliey may choose to commit, and
Mrs. Fair, for the murder of Crittenden,
ought to be discharged from custody, for
it is notorious that the same phrase is
used throughout the whole criminal
code of both Oregon and California.
But, says the objector, your reasoning
would Include infants and Idiots. We
answer, the objection Itself has no foun
dation in fact, for the law excludes both
in both sexes. How beautifully the
laws would read as they now stand with
the construction placed upon them by
the opponents of human rights. Here
it is: No woman, however great her
wisdom, intelligence and education,
shall have thc right to vote.
Naturalization laws as amended In
1S70: "Be it enacted by Senate and
House of Representatives of the United
States in Congress assembled, That the
naturalization laws are hereby extended
to aliens of African nativity and to per
sons of African descent," Africa, with
all her ignorance and barbarism, can
come to the United States and vote,
but the noble women of this country are
to have no encouragement, no voice.
Oh, consistency, thou art not only a
dear, but a shining jewel!
The Pioneer comes to us in a new
dress and eight page form, looking very
neat and tasty. We congratulate our
contemporary on this evidence of Its
prosperity. Long may it llv.
for tlin mno nf TTnmnn TIIM.I
e to battle
The increase of the vote m
past lwo years ,s 3 000
"Sister, bring her In here. I will tell
her what I think of her."
A sister Good Templar had invited
me to sit au hour with her before lec
ture time. The next a. jr. my host said
he heard the above conversation.
Almost the first words after introduc
tion were an attack upon the character
of women scholarly, pure women,
mothers and wives whose children rise
up and call them blessed; womeu who
have given the world intellectual sous
and daughters, and yet are so vigorous
in intellect and pure in character as to
win the praise of their enemies aud
the respect of the world.
"What do you strong-minded women
want?" was the oft repeated question.
"We want Justice, not flatter; we
want knowledge, not novels or sweet
little simpering talk; we wantialrpay
for a fair day's work; we want, If we
make a logical, argumentative, telling
speech, the 'well done' accorded be
cause it is deserved not the milk-and-water
approval, 'Oh, very well for a
woman!' "
A man said to us yesterday, "A wom
an's place is at home."
"What," we asked, "and who is that
bent,sad-faced woman across the street?"
"She? Oh, she's a wash-woman.
She's carrying work home."
A little daughter followed, bending
under thc load of garments.
"Why does she go away from home?
Why does she take washing to do?" wc
"Her husband Is :i drunkard," was
the ready answer.
"Who made him n drunkard? Who
permitted men, too indolent to work,
to toss out the glittering, sugared bait
that lured the weak-minded man to his
destruction? wno reached his avar
icious, unholy hands into this woman's
happy home, and, little by little, took
the husband's money and his ability to
make money took his self-respect
took his affections took Ills time took
his manhood, and coolly shoved the
money in his till, aud the wreck of a
man into the street to die like a dog,
and to le buried like a beggar? Aye,
sir, who hollowed the young wife's
cheeks aud robbed them of their roses,
and from her eyes drove the love light
of former days? who imposed upon
her tasks that a Chinaman would break
down under yes, upon her, the dell
calely reared, frail little woman? You,
sIr an(l i'our """SMleM, selfish corn-
w"' ,or l"L MaKe OI P'l m-
women forever to slay at home, why do
you, uy your failure to protect our
homes, drive us out?
"Last night in my audience sat
thinly dressed, anxious mother. Three
, . , ,, , . , - ., ,
'"" naooiiy uressea giris nesuen
ler. She wept-her whole form
itia clinL'mi Willi imnf.n U liv on
...... " "j
in la t.t o tt .
u K"
iiu.iuaim ki vuu wiin ui uiu
. . - , lt . .
tempter ne speuunig ma money on
'ew'1 women and in gambling hells.
"Give these women the ballot. Let
i them clearly understand that they can
use it to save their husbands and little
ones from degradation, and sec If they
will not use it conscientiously nnd witli
an unction for the overthrow of these
twin relics of a selfish, sensual age."
I don't care how good a case yon
make out a woman's place is at home.
There is I, L . I hate her. Why
don't she stay with her husband?"
"May I tell you, sir? Her husband,
Judge , married her, pretending to
bo wealthy and learned. She had
worked at school teaching, type setting,
rending, copying, to make honest
bread. Her father's estate gave her a
marriage portion of $1,400. Like a true
but unwise woman, she passed this
money over to her husband. Traveling
cxpcn:es, board bills and house-keeping
expenses were paid until she was satis
fied that he would not try to do any
thing. Then she resorted to the uucer
tain profits from boarders, to eke out the
means of support. To-day I learned
that she applied for work nt the ofllce of
your county paper, and was refused
Her wardrobe needed replenishing. She
was a spirited, ambitious woman, and
could not meekly sit down, conscious
that her bread aud garments must be
scant or 'bummed.' Do you blame her
for wishing to cat honest bread? To
earn it she was obliged to go where her
talent as a compositor would bring her
wages. From her scant earnings she
has helped to clothe her lazy husband.
He puts on an injured air and speaks
! disrespectfully of all women who earn
their own living. And you, from the
pinnacle of your good health and pros
perity, clap your hands and cry 'good!
forgetting that thc wheel of fortune
may turn and leavo you if not i
drunkard a beggar, and your sister i
helpless dependent, not as well calcu
latcd to win honest bread as tho pa'
ticnt, pale woman you affect to despise
so much."
He answered: "Well, there is Lizzie
S. What have you to say for her?
Surely, in that case, you can find no
apology for her conduct."
"Do you know, sir, that her parents
crossed tho 'Plains' when she was six
years old? That her fattier, In the win
ter of 'G0-7, was a miserable drunkard?
That her mother had seven children
aud but her own poor head nnd hands
to earn bread for them all? That Lizzie
was the only girl? That girls were
scarce, and of course were petted, and
coaxed to rides nnd routs and parties
by men six times their age? These
men dressed them elegantly for their
company. It is done now, sir, in your
cam ti. You have made presents of
drpss to little plrls in school. This was
her history. At thirteen years of age,
not able to read or write, she was made
a wife and taken to n farm, where all
' mnnner of exactions were required of
her. She went. He swore. She ran
He relented and coaxed her
but furnished no instruction or
help. Ho taunted her for lack of skill
Sho could not do that she had not been
taught to do. She was a lonely, spoiled,
ignorant cnuu. Jtie said: 'I will compel
her to wash and mend and save her
clothes. She shan't have anv new ones
until sho does.' He told of it. She told
of it. A smooth-tongued old roue came
aud with his money anil finery bought
the child. Sho is a cast-away? Yes.
Who made her oue? Whisky-steeped,
selfish, sensual men 'lords of creation
gentlemen! Yes, polite, sauve, polished
gentlemen(?) lie in wait on thc street
corners, gloating over the innocence and
infantile charms of our little girls! Oh!
imagine the joy of your associates! That
is the way you and they protect women
and helpless children!
"What would we do with the ballot?
Wo would besiege the citadel of public
opinion until our votes, counted witli
the votes of truly good men, would cause
laws to be enacted that should make
it an offense punishable with the Peni
tentiary for a man to marry a child of
thirteen years. We would apprentice
all whisky sellers and gamblers for a
term of years to learn trades by which
they could make an honest and honora
ble living. We would use the ballot to
save the world, not to curse it"
The young man fell back to the old
assertion that "priority of creation made
man the head of woman." Thc poor to
bacco slave could not see that by that
logic mules, having been created before
men, were therefore the head of the
man, or the masters and rulers of men.
According to Genesis thc horse and his
kiud were created before man, and the
young man's logic, if correct, should be
sent to Congress and tlte several State
Legislatures, so that they may know
who are their lawful superiors. We
honestly think that the bray of a sensible
mule would be as rational as much of
the opposition to our claims for equality
before the law.
KniTou Xr.w Northwest:
In a former communication T endeav
ored to show the absolute and uncondi
tional equality of the sexes. Upon this
doctrine I predicate woman's right to a
participation in all that pertains toiler
own interest and the interest of the
community of which she is a member, i
uu uie republic, Kingdom or country
of which she is a citizen. The funda-
mental principle, which has passed
into an axiom, that all power emanates
from the people, cannot bo ignored with
reference to woman. Woman's rinht to
a voice in the election of rulers, in mak
ing and executing thc laws by which
she is governed and to wliich she is
amenable, is just as complete and per
fect, and Just as necessary to her hap
piness and welfare as man's; and any
system of legislation which contravenes
this great truth and denies to woman
these natural and inalienable rights to
whicli Cod ami nature entitle her is at
war with the highest and best Interests
of humanity, nnd is subversive of the
great principles of human liberty. For
if we may make laws for our fellow
creatures without their consent iu one
case we may in another, and if thc
simple fact that a person happens to be
a woman deprives her of liberty and
makes her absolutely dependent upon
the will of another in all matters per
taining to legislation and government,
the highest principle of human liberty
Is contravened and set at nnught, and
woman becomes what for ages she has
been regarded the servant and thc
slave of man.
This Government will never extricate
itself from the maelstrom of political
corruption and moral perfidy and crime
until woman obtains her rights iu thc
field of tho world's enterprises, and vin
dicates herself from the slanderous im
putations that have been preferred
against her iu thc declarations of selfish
men that she is incapacitated and dis
qualified, by virtue of being a woman,
from taking a part in the public affairs
of the country.
And this she will do whenever the
opportunity is afforded her by thc re
moval of the political disabilities which
now hold her iu chains and compel her
to be a silent spectator of the world's
iniquities and the wrongs of selfish leg
islation. And as surely as the sun shines
in the heavens to-day and lights the
earth with his beneficent beams, so
surely, at no distant day, will woman
rise in her greatness and power and de
mand that these chains aud fetters
which havo for ages held her In thrall j
be broken in sunder in order that she ,
may enjoy the glorious and sublime
privilege of laboring side by side with
her brother man in the great reforms
that arc to renovate the world nnd bring
the long-expected day when swords
shall be beaten Into ploughshares and
spears into pruning hooks, and the na
tions of this world shall learn war uo
more Nothing short of the recognition
of woman's absolute equality with man
before the law nnd the removal of all
nnlltlnnl .lUl.lltlt. . . 1
ri.-iii, ner
from thc enjoyment and exercise of this
equality will answer her demands nnd
purposes and enable her to exercise that
power and Influence and enjoy that hap
piness of which her nature Is capable.
And that woman's right to this equality
will soon be recognized bj' the powers
that be is clearly evinced from the con-
slderation that many of the most emi -
...... . . r in.ii.iin or i,
iiliiv -
warm advocates and supporters, and the
vote upon the question in several of the
State Legislatures shows conclusively
that woman's right to political equality
im.nt much loncer be withheld. And
when this glorious event shall occur!
tiimticrhout the nation a
new era will
dawn upon the Republic. Reforms that
will refine and purify society will bo in
troduced and carried forward to success
ful consummation, some or which wei
Hhall hereafter notice.
Labak Case.
I.VCKIAMOTK, Ogn., May 2-", 1872.
L.VKAYETTK, Og)! JuilC 6, 1S72.
Dkak Xkw XoitTiiirisr:
Iii looking over the columns of the
last "People's Paper" I see a "Call for a
Pacific Slope Woman Suffrage Conven
tion." Now I do not .know that you
will think it amiss if Pgivcyou a few of
my thoughts on this momentous ques
tion. In tho first place any candid per
son who is not biased by prejudice will
admit that Woman Suffrage -Conventions
are productive of good results.
For instance, the late New York Con
vention if it accomplished nothing else
worthy of notewas,, tlS. agency which
brought about thc "bolting" of "the
Woodhull" and her infatuated follow
ers, and nothinir could have happened
which would have been so productive of
good to the "Woman Movement" as has
this one act of this avowed "free lover."
We are all aware that for thc past j'ear
and a half Iter name has been a reproach
to the cau.-e. That she is a wonderful
woman none can deny, and that she has
done much towards bringing about the
emancipation of her sex all must admit;
yet her many vagaries have been detri
mental to the cause she has so distract
edly represented. And, now that she
and her many foibles can no longer be
hnrled at the "Stanton wing" of the
Woman Movement, the same will be
rid of an odium, a slur, which must re
sult in great good for the cause of Hu
man Rights.
Relative to the plausibility of these
conventions, and to the "Pacific Slope
Woman Suffrage Convention" in partic
ular, it would be desirable if Oregon
could be represented in our sister State
by delegates from each and every local
ity where persons reside who have been
honored by receiving circulars inviting
them to participate In the proceedings
of said Convention, for by agitating and
taking a lively interest in the same it
will servo to keep the people of this
coast wide awake on the subject, and
will have a tendency to caii3c them to
investigate the matter for themselves,
thereby paving the way for the enfran
chisement of one-half the people of our
great, glorious and free(?) Republic.
We should ever bear in mind that we
not working solely for ourselves, but in
part for the good of future generations.
In "the good time coming" historians
will marvel that here in America, in
the nineteenth century, "equal rights
rr nil" existed nlv in name. That the
. rrp?it. civil of insf ion will nnn ho rnnnlind
is. however, the firm belief and prayer
of Faith.
I -
i AflSWriRR TO flfl'R'RTRPIYN'n'E'N'TS
J.N. G.: The receipts were forwarded,
together with the written authority.
Hope you will receive many subscrip
tions for the "People's Paper."
"Patience Philanthropy:" Your artl-
i cle wm appear next weeic.
Mrs. R. J. G.: Subscription received
: and paper sent as directed.
i Harry C: Yon will find the profession
! of journalism greatly over-stocked.
Still, there's always room in the tipper
".Moiiie:" .Nearly every woman in
the country who wants to make her
own way gels an invoice of millinery
and me consequence is that there is
generally too much competition. If,
however, you think you can secure and
hold the trade you mention, we would
by no means dissuade you from embark
ing in the enterprise. It is hard for us,
at this distance, to judge in your ease.
Sarah M.: Think not.
Susan G. : Write again. If your ar
ticle is rejected once, don't let that dis
courage you. Perhaps your next may
please better. Try, try again.
Mrs. H. D. C, Umatilla: Note and
subscription money received. Your
subscription, in consequence of your
having ordered tho back numbers, ex
pired at the close of thc first Volume,
Hope you will succeed in getting up a
Address of Mrs. Clara Neyman.
The following address was delivered
before the Steinway Hall Woman Suf
frage Delegation in New York by Mrs.
Clara Neyman, a sweet-voiced, pretty
and earnest German lady, whose man
ner captivated her audience and fairly
took thc house by storm:
"Appearing before you, a stranger to
the language, I must crave your indul
gence for any deficiencies in either ex
pression or pronunciation. I prefer to
attempt to express myself in the lan
guage of my adopted country, being
conscious that I shall thereby be under
stood by botli German and American
The question of the equality of the
sexes has thanks to thc untiring ef
forts of a few high-minded men and
women extended to such a degree as
must gladden the hearts of all those who
are to-day honing for the speedy politi
cal emancipation of one half of the hu
man race.
We live in an age of general enlight
enment, hi wliich old customs and su
perstitious prejudices must give way to
the march of progressive ideas. The
blind faith called forth and fostered
through the ignorance of thc masses is
disappearing more and more in the field
r . ii s.. ..i: i:.,t mi1 co.
s'eiice, ;i ntrii as in l"'"1"-,"
Cjaj questions, w e observe a uesire :mu
' longing for truth and reality which lias
iim-fir liooit wllnpsspd before
But let us not underrate the import
ance of the great work we have yet to
accomplish. Much is still to be done
before we can reach the desired goal,
nnd we call upon all progressive minds
to do everything in their power to ob
tain it. Much can be done in our iamt
, iy circles by properly training the youth
; to believe the equality -o. the t wx es, and
especially by Imparting to our gins a
better and more thorough and morei
siblc education. ,, , , .
Much must also be accomplished by
Much must also lc accompiisneu uy
e constant agitation of these matters
a wider sphere, and by the force of
r own example in our every-dny life
our own example
Having once obtained our object, and
and actions.
inns ireeu women " ,r""""
social Domiago u" -" '
those who have co-operated in this at
tainment may then look with proud
and lofty feelings npon the efforts they
have made to accomplish it. or this
i, i ... .1 i nMnifiamlitHntt t . 1.;.
I win do toe jirsi' ij"i A.w.unvn in ma-
tory to occur wiinout uie sneuuing of
i blood, nnd from it will be dated an era
of peace that shall bless the whole hu-
man family. "Thc -peaceful solution' pi
this question wlILprociaim to the world
the knowledge that there is no more
need of contest and no further call for
human sacrifice logratify man's vitiated
Although little has been heard among
thc Americans from German citizens
in regard to this subject, yet their lead
ers nave not ueen less energetic man
their American co-workers, 'llictrstyio
of agitation is different. They act more
quickly, and if they lack in spirited
demonstration, they gain in dispatch
and thoroughness. Their worK is, tuere-
fore, not the less important. In all tne
momentous hours of this Republic the
Germans have been at their post in
times of danger and necessity, and it
would be unjust and short-sighted In
Americans to ignore the significance of
thc German element.
A great many German societies have
already declared themselves for equal
rights and adopted in their platforms
the principle of Woman Suffrage, and
wo count among our most earnest advo
cates by far the greater part of all the
German Radicals in this country.
A few months ago there was forniod
in this city a great German Woman
Suffrage Association. We held our first
great meeting on tho 21st of April in
thc large Turner's Hall, which was
crowded to excess, and the speeches by
tlie German suffragists created storms
of applause. Discussion was thus awak
ened, and a general interest brought out
for this great reform.
We feel that we have much cause to
congratulate ourselves upon the action
of the great Society of the Turner's,
numbering many thousands of mem
bers, among whom are many of the
most profound thinkers of the period.
In their Annual Report this body of
men declare themselves positively in
favor of suffrage for women.
And now let me close with an earnest
appeal that the great suffrage societies
of this Nation may hereafter work to
gether for this great important object,
that we may establish in this now and
beautiful land a Government of tho
whole people, which shall be a model to
all Nations'."
From thc Hellglo-Fhllopblcal Journal.
Oregon Spiritual Convention.
By request, we publish the following,
as showing wliat tne Spiritualists are
doing in our midst. We believe in giv
ing ail sides a Hearing. JiD. .new
The Spiritualists of Oresron will hold
their next Convention at Woodburn
Grove, seventeen miles north of Salem,
commencing Monday, June 17th, 1S72,
aud continuing until the following Sun
day. It is expected that decisive steps
will be taken toward laying the founda
tion for thc establishment of a "Liberal
College." The question has been agi
tated with some earnestness during the
nast vear. and all feel the necessity for
schools and colleges which shall be con
ducted upon more liberal and progres
sive principles than the strait-jacket
seminaries, where pupils are manacled
with fossil creeds and tho bigotry of a
barbarous age. We need new text
books, too, free from that insinuating
sectarianism so craftily introduced into
all our popular school books that the
minds of the young are imperceptibly
drawn into the embrace of error and su
perstition. This thought suggests another. We
can boast, In the Spiritual ranks, of the
deepest philosophers and ripest scholars
of the age. Our literature rates with
the foremost. Our speakers and debat
ers have no superiors. And yet we are
comparatively bankrupt in text books
for educating our youth. Here is a
great desideratum, and a standing re
proach. We have the talent among
Spiritualists to prepare better text books
(independent of weeding out the sec
tarianism) than those now in use. But
unfortunately those possessing the tal
ents are poor and without influence.
Were they to write tliey could not pub
lish. If the wealthy will now step for
ward and guarantee the publication, the
writers would soon be at work. Will
they do it, or must our children still
continue to be trained in error? My
Astro-Theological lectures have awak
ened much interest here in Oregon, and
Brother John S. Hawkins, of Salem,
having generously proposed to furnish
capital to pay the artist for a scries of
views to illustrate my astronomical and
allegorical explanations, William Par
rotte, of Salem, a highly gifted and in
spirational young artist, lias been for
several months engaged upon the work
which we anticipate will be so near
completion that it can be exhibited at
our convention in June. This is not
merely an individual enterprise in its
effects, although strictly so in the under
taking, for Bro. Hawkins and myself
have agreed that all proceeds arising
therefrom, beyond reasonable living ex-
f tenses, shall go into the fund for cstab
ishing a Liberal College, printing
books for use in same, and for aldintr
generally in disseminating the sublime
trutns or our ucautiuil puilosopuy. He
will travel with me, making the tour of
the United States, which will probably
require several years.
ltrotiicr iiavktus lias invented nnd
constructed a "Planetarium," consistiug
of a flaming sun in the centre, around
which the planets, attended by their
moons, will ue seen revolving, at differ
ent distances and rates of speed, inside a
zodiac seven feet in diameter. The ef
fect produced is not inferior to tho best
apparatus, costing thousands of dollars,
to be found in colleges, and owned by
private individuals. A "revolving plan
isphere," seven feet in diameter, on
which are painted the zodiac, ecliptic,
and constellations, will represent tho
daily apparent motion of the heavens,
whereby many of the puzzles of the Bi
ble can be made so plain that even a
child may understand them. In addi
tion there will be thirteen other views,
painted in oil colors, arranged in pan
orama style, constituting a very inter
esting exhibition, aside from the Inter
est and novelty of my lecture-, casting
horoscopes, etc. ....
The readers of the Journal will re
member in one of my articles a year
ago, T predicted success for myself when
Jupiter came upon thc midheaven of
my horoscope. I will only say that this
enterprise promises greater results than
I dared hope for.
Overworiceo Women. It is useless
to deny the assertion or quibble about
the statement that while there are
many wives who lead idle lives, more
than two-fifths of the wives in the coun
try are cruelly overworked, virtually
broken down in health aud spirits in
the very prime of their womanhood.
"I think," says George W. Curtis, "of
many and many a sad-eyed woman I
have known in solitary country homes
who seemed never to have smiled, who
struggled witli hard hands through
melting hot and piercing cold to hold
back poverty anil want, that hovered
like wolves about an ever Increasing
flock of children. How it was scour
and 6crub morning and night, and scold
all tho day long! How care blurred the
window, like a cloud, hiding tho lovely
landscape. How anxiety snarled at her
heels, dogging her like a cur. How lit
tle she knew or cared that bobolinks
drank witli blithe idleness, tumbled and
sang in the meadows below; that tho
earth was telling tho time of year with
flowers iu the woods above."