V- 1 A Jaurnal tor the People. . IWyoied to the Interests of Hmnanlty. .-independent In l'oliliait and.Bc'lIeton. .lAHvo'to M Wve. Issw nod ThorongUly 'likilleal hi Oopo1" ttvi Kxpo"-'ns the "Wrongs fjomwpoudewt writ Ins over afeumed fctjnn- tunas MM make known their naiaci jo tbe XMor.or no attention will be glyeri to their oawnuf4cMlok. Alter Tmntj- "Venn. Written tlx" litmt Plains, opprwdte my Jfoth' jprave, mar Fort Laramie, May 31I1, 15. Attanrn the dead and distant yean "Iy memory tread the sands of time, Aud t)shti hoi a vision ream, &&ehed by toHtudes aabllmc. iiv . . ;. . i"-"XoAHnwn lb mystic, dreamyspatt, J!tiiteidnioodIllnBernWt A'"rtje prairie, old atidvaM, MovpHiMHSoTaxpn.Iontffand'Mow; Their rButh-ribbed lde and hollow eye And )4tlM' Rate and lazytread, ' 'fit under cloudO. tanning ricle ' ur waym,traekle--wastestliey led. Inn 1 - in w rt IntHT into. . lTodny attfrra hore, "TheStorow" rvfAlt pantlMarairtMseVrtbO'plalnt 1 -audit timoMi Mitbtam4MaiWaandtmrm iAs on lie thunder wlitt our train. v Afarrlhe Itixtky Mountain rfe, , Thptrntgnml steep adorned with anew, ' And o'er the hill tho anl'lope hie xlnd IittH wander to and fro. - Tbe ImfPlo gazes from afar, ;-' A1ierer in trnt serene he fed, t. TPer man upon liiin had made war, - 4Vm1 he was wont at will to tread Anear tm r wagon, sure and slow. Pnrt Ijarainle a-ri away, JSeyend-yon IrfUk that Intervene Ury m'eWrj ee ns on thatday mfcUfSnKTeas bo Ura keen. There, hi the helming hills hard by, itSjMaaml Tin Mack," attorned by wood, iyj-'fiwlher laid her down to die ; IhTwwe Brand, awful solitudes. . "Tb wild coyote yet roams at will, 'Die antelope and taillaki, , JPbe timfcl hare ami nre-lieii Mill . In tMm raiiK", and rome and go, While IHfltata faze In seorafu! mood. Oom are IIhi osen, pattent brutes, AmlUrivew, with the oath and Jest; " (Winder days they were the fruits. And telling well they did thrtrbeM. iTlwJr days it pan ; and new, at oae, "We KMde aleng nt rapW pace, Gazing abroad while thoughts of Uibm', TJiedays of yhrr, take present plaeo. And I uih elf-torgetrul too; KerlhroHgh the htne, eventful part, Slaee Jam I fused upon the blue, Arched detnc above thee Plains ao-voit, I ftwt of twenty years no trace. (Miiwh-i4eeiv,1leirGod,asj6liit ;,Hr pnaaefol lorm wliun we, that day, - laid hrtoreet,nnirehcdon and wopt, f, tHpod to talk, too dumb to pray. . A.J. P. ,soKOBA2pwrrT. by mrs. swn: wmiKr.Ei.i Bntorad, aecordiiu; to the Act of Congress, In thji(yarlS7t,J- Mrs. Stale IVithenjlUin the Of fice of the librarian of Congresa nt Washington rnAiTKit vii. ft A Ihiit there was another who )jjas still more delighted. Blanche, from the mo ment that Norman entered, had deter inlritd that he should be the lover of So nora if it were possiblo for her to bring it to pass; and she knew that she had only to inform him that Sonora was an heir ess to win his disinlcrcMed love for her, and to tell Mrs. Hewitt that he was a wealthy foreigner, with immense estates, to make It secure on her side. So she at' once commenced operations by intro ducing him, and matters were progress ing finely so far. But how was it with Clarence, who, with Harry, stood aloof from the rest, watching movements? His noble, mau ly heart was filled with love for only one, and the machinations of the artful Blanche failed to make any impression upon him. He knew his love was re ciprocated, and he trusted all else in the hands of his God. "While he and Harry were thus en- gaged,iin(I Sonora and Grace were talk-1 ing to Mrs. Hewitt, Blanche had called 1 jSorman to one side, ostensibly to exam- Inn cAmn ranuin 1 . . 1 X.. . :.. ' cti.hi, auuoiu, VUl ill ICU111V, IU J li ft) rm him of what was in her mind. j "Well, how do you like Miss Hewitt?" j was her first inquiry. "Very much! I think her a magnifi "centareaturo, the fairest In the room phrdon, miss, with the exception of your o'wii.baautlful self." Vow, no flattery, Norman!" said she, addressing him familiarly. "But own that she is the most beautiful! So ura Hewitt, too! Think what a lovely mame4 and then she is an heiress. Khe . is" my most intimate friend, and n lovely nlrl!" n ."Ah, an heiress, a beauty, anil your 1 does she! Proud beauty! Perhaps Nor frieiiid! 'Pon my word, I should be , man Mcintosh is not us good and sanc- rjbllgcd' if you would sicak a good word for me;" and lie shrugged his shoulders ami smiled as he continued, "But per haps her heart is already in some more favored fellow's keeping." "That Is it exactly," replied Blanche. 'You seo that young gentleman staud- ing by the window," as she cast her 1 character of Norman Burke, the noto eyes in that direction. "That is her rious pickiwckct!" and he gritted his brother a fine fellow! Besido liim, -with his hand upon tho back of a chair, isiMr. Clarence Pierpont, her adorable. 'She took it into her head to fall desper ately in love witli him while waiting upon him during a severe illness, and all her mother can do or say caunot ier suade her to give him up. He is a stu dent at Yale, witli no other prospect be fore him than the ministry, which does not suit Mrs. Hewitt, who wishes her daughter to form a more brilliant alli ance. Mr. Pierpont Is a noble fellow! rnlin ,i(lii- ninlil 1 . 1 - ..v. W..V... ...b..v oan-u me iroui a wa .teryrgravc," and she related tbe circum stance. "Still," slip added, in conclu sion,. "41 l were in Sonora's place. I would obey my mother, aud give him Clarence had determined upon seek-nP-,v- ', inir an interview with Mrs. Hewitt as "Perhaps she may think dlfTerently , after a vhilc Ton my word, I think I ahull endeavor to win her myself. Will you assist me, iuiss ASiaiicne, by speak speak - and he ing In my favor occasionally?" MsMl M S 'Jm Sk-i a U a. A AtotMsr i VOLTJJtE II. gave her another of those appealing looks. - j "With all my heart,7? j(j6in'l fihe, for I am half in love with the poor stu dent myself." "Ah, .so, kI "Weill success to you, my f:iir lady. We will speak upon this sub ject again," whispered lie, as Clarence came forw ard with Sonora. "3IissLcvere,wIIl you and Sonora now favor us with that duet? I am longing to hear it." "With pleasure, Mr. Pierpont." Then, turning to her friend, she said, so that 1 Mr. Mcintosh could hear her, "and then, Sonora, you must favor us with ona. of yQur, lovely 6f ngs alone," and whispering, she added. "Jlemember I'm just eighteen to-day, and my commands yon must obey." Sonora blushed slightly, as they took their seats at the piano and mingled their voices together in a powerful and maguiflceut song, from the opera of Givvanni. As the last words echoed through the rooms, n general applause resounded from all, both old and young. "Well done, girls. That was capital!" said the Colonel, clapping a hand upon the shoulder of each. "You deserve praise." "Magnificently executed!" responded from beneath the black mustache of Norman. "Your daughter is indeed master of the pianoforte. Pray, may I inquire how long she has taken sons?" les- "Jiver since she was old enough to linger tho instrument the same as Ulanche, and is therefore no more tie- serving of praise than she," answered Harry, who stood by. A look from his mother silenced him j from further remarks, and giving her a roguish smile, which, however, was not returned, he walked away aud joined a group of young ladies sitting upon the sofa. "Come, I must have a song from my pet to-night," said grandpa Marsh, tap ping Sonora upon your guitar. Y said he, as she always docs my you sing. It reminds me of the days of auld lang syne," and the old gentleman gave his wife a look of aflection which the lapse of years had not obliterated. All present joined with him, atrd nothing but a song would sat ify them. So, seating herself upon a low stool, she sane tho old-fashioned "Comintr throuirh 1 the rye," witli as much feeling as Burns ( had when writing it. "O, that was splendid!" exclaimed the young people in a breath, and grandpa Marsh and the Colonel laughed till their sides ached. Mrs. Hewitt was all attention, listen ing to the lavish praises of the arislo- cratfc Norman Mcintosh, who thought the head. "Here is Lord, stiji I-aui but human .nature, and, cqms my welfare V" at the turn events had taken. ' nleadcd in 1 voice whielt l'niL'ht have! ou must not say no," could not help but pine for you, my own i "Certainly, sir," replietl she,. laying "But T never was more in earnest in ,,v'ii,wl fIlo ,,., f ..,.,.,1,!,,,; i,i .-.,.! was about to speak. "It 1 love." aside her:basketJ.while a very ludiguant my life, I assure you, niy trien'd. Yotrj ,t..t ,110tiler nn.. T ur!t w"i't!tn old heart good to hear i Sonora laid her hcad-upon his bosom, look already, settled itself hjioii lier fine Jscc the truth of it is tills" and lie wenkfoncc ,noru ijcfore lleloavos, 'fhv-T nnf f to win the mother's good graces half) you forever, my own dear Clarence." the battle. (Then, rising, she added, "I will wait "Where is Gracie?" said grandma, 1 looking around and perceiving her sit- ting upon the sofa, laughing at some re marks one of the gentlemen had made. "Come, Gracie, darling, you must not think to hide yourself." "Oh, a song from Gracie! a song from Gracie!" re-echoed from several voices. Harry led Grace forward from tho piano. but she begged to bo excused from singing. Seating herself, she played several brilliant pieces, much to the gratification and admiration of all present. Then, modestly rising, her place was supplied by one or two others in succession, till at last the music stnk- ing up a march, supper was announced, Two or three quadrilles having been danced after supper, Norman politely requested the pleasure of Honora's hand in the "vaisovleune." "Thank you," she replied, "but I never waltz with any one except my father or brother, and must beg to be excused. I have no objection to the next quadrille." But the last had been danced, and Norniau had not the pleasii re of danci ng with the belle of tho evening. Norman's proud lip curled as he said within himself, "She scorns me already, iineu as inrcnce rieriont:" and helpoor, contemptible fellow!. He shall: sneered as he walked towards Blanche, to bid her good evening and arrange a meeting to form plans for future opera - tions. "Perhaps," continued he, men tally, "she would look more favorably upon me, had I sued for her love iu the teeth and laughed a demonical laugh to himself. "I will bring her pride low yes, that I will ; aud I have a powerful ally in the young lady before me," aud wishing Blanche good evening, turned upon his heel as she followed liim to the door. Harry had just finished playing a duet witli Clarence when their carriage was announced. The Colonel, his wifo and daughter, bidding their friends good evening, immediately retired, while Harrv and ills friend remained, the for - mcr to arrange preliminaries for a pic - uie before Grade's return home. CTLVPTEU VIIL ritr fAvrrrtrxfrL 1 soon as tho party was over. He would have done so the same day on which hc declared himself to Sonora, but, fearing ! any unpleasant feelings might prevent Sonera's anticipated pleasure, had tie - 3?0"RT3-.VISTX). ferred It till the day after. We tlnd him on this morning Iu tho garden, with his tieat pocket Bible tightly gnuiped within his hand and his eyes cast down, seem ing to be thinking. He had arisen ear lier than usual and gono out, partly or a walk aud partly to indulge iu thought, and so busily was ho engaged with tho ; latter, that he heeded not the well known footsteps till Sonora' merry voice beside him made him start. "What! Miss Hewitt Sonora, I would say are you up so early after last night's dissipation?' ix wa9 y0 ciareuee. rpreferretl the lovely morning air to dozlnc Mi A I have been up a long' time,' and' f:if just returning'from Ih'e summer 'house by an opposite' path -when I1 .aw"y6u, and thought I wdiild join you."' ' "I am very glad indeed, dear Sonora," said Clarence. "Let us return there again, as I have something to say to f you," and taking her hand, put it within his arm, as they proceeded down the ! walk. As they seated themselves Clarence said, "Sonora, I am going back to col lege to-morrow." "What! So soon! .Why, I. thought you had made up yourj miudto.fipoiid the summer with Harry.";- "Xo. Harry will remain at home till the fall term, biit'arfontTe; I think it best that I should tro. As soon as I have ! the opportunity to-day, I will see your , mother and ask her consent." tionora 1 blushed as he coutiuueil, "I fear wo shall meet with opposition on her part, (Your father 1 think will have 110 objec-1 I tions. Long have I prayed, dear Sonora, for grace to sustain me iu that trying moment, should she blast all my future, I happiness in this world by refusing me tbe boon I .crave," and putting his arms around her, drew her to him as ho ex- claimed, "Yes, my beautiful one, you 1 arc uiy all, all 1 ask on earth! 1-or, i and the two wept in silence. At length j he spoker "Sonora, should your mother not be willing that I should address, you, would you wait yet a few years till I attain i wealth and return to claim. your hand ? Is your lovo for me so decptis this? Can 1 Ro out into tho world witli tho knowl- edgo that thero is' one heart that beats for me alone an eye that willsparkle at my return ? Answer me truly, and I shall be happy." Sonora, raising her lovely ej'es, suf fused with tears, dropped upon her knees, and clasping her hands, ex claimed, "fco true as there is a uou , above, so true will I prove in heart to years; but my mother" and shot Mopped as Clarence proceeded-. "But you would not wed without her, consent. Neither would I ask you to. But fear not, my beloved. Had I wealth j perhaps she would not now frown upon , me." j "No," replied Sonora. "My mother's commands have ever been my pleasure j though I profess to be a servant of the j you upon a subject, which deeply con-' nest," said Harry, very much surprised jicrscif IK)I, jlcr iUCC!i before1 her she ' to obey, aud should she even see fit tojitt, tho pain which a denial would give mar my joy oflife, will I obey still, and pray that God may teach me submission willingly. But my lieart is yours, now and forever," and placing her haniU within his, repeated her former words, "Yours and no other's, for my lieart is at my own disposal, though my hand , "Howvdaro you, Clarence Pierpont, may not be." win tho love of my daughter by your "It is enougli,'"' said Clarence, rising. artful devices? And then have the face "I am satisfied. Let us return to tho j to tisk,hcr hand in marriage? No, never house. I will seo you after I have had (ahall, you wed her. Sooner would I see an interview with your parents," and , her buried from my sight than to be walking through Jhe,, beautiful -shrub-iconic the bride of a poor man. She is bery, he picked a delicate blush rose yet a.school girl, aud knows not what and placed it among her curls. .j she is about. AViieu the tiiuo arrives I The Colonel, who Blooded, the. window,,twilL. see. that she makes a suitable of his dressing room, saw the graceful eholec-i.and, besides, we have already a act, aud turning to his wife, told hor of genthijuan in view who adores her, and it, adding iu conclusion: , "Do you kuow, Alice, I believe they, uirii tii'iiin for fjiitli of liprl "Oh. what nonsense. Mr. Hawitt! 1 You seem nerfectlv infatuated with that i - 1 1 . it..i j never have Sonora, eveu if. he should ask for her, for I believe Norman Mclu- '. tosh was made for her.". "Hal ha! iia I" laughed the Colonel, j.more , pride than to. favor them, but he her, and, should I do" so, perhiljft It "What! that silly coxeomb! Well, J is, but a youth, and will learn wisdom iu j would not be ' Xr Ihe lie.-l." SaVing shall bo sorry enough if. Sonora ever , a fow,years. I .-hall lake good care to 1 this, Clarence arose anil advanced to lakes it into her head to fall in love keep 'inv daughter out of your way , wanl the door. wiiii a man who has nothing but an aristocratic name and n 'lovely mils - t . 7 tw'" """' inni. Norman 1 Mr. Pieriwut? You can never aspire to Mcintosh!" aud hc laui?lii,l Lriu1,,.'.',..' i t.ii it..:n. . o ..vitiuii than ueiprc. 1 v-ni. wniil.1 at oncn poilsIiW l.o. " ... o..it ni.i,.',,i i.o ,..?,.: 7,n.. skid Alr Tinwiil , ,..w 1 sucer. 1 "Not at all, my dear Alice. I thought, tyou understood mo better than that. Should I, be so!fortunateiasuto obtain Mr. Pierpont .for,ajSon-iu:Uw,.Lpuld send Sonora, as I uowjjitcnd, qnoyear. longer to school,, at wbich4timo(Ehewill o-ro.lnnlA nn.l llin .-tl.. nln.,.. l.-v. . ...v-, ... a stow her hand upon tbe.man of lier cliAteA nnH wlinni T L-nnn. will !m-n fin.l choice, and. whom I know will love aud protect her witli as much care as her . father." "ou are euoueli to lirnvnt-o n. . .....i. At," Tr ... ' L.r, u"uoor. rt - .m ,.-.,iiu your poor! As she washout to, open it, C notions, n suviiusn ciareuee, as you 1 spoke- :.t.or '"Wiilou notigiveyoureonsent, a , v -lKUla 1 Vl.lt "TT... .r rnr 'T"""" - . !mmmmmm !.'.;.J! ! i I I ' OKEGfOlVl.tiritrDA.Y, JU2VE 1-1, leirs. "Well, T shall iihver give my consent. "Well, my "dear woman," said the Colonel, ay tiie breakfast hell sounded, "wait until ho -asks, for perhaps he thinks nothing of her; hut I know" "You don't know anything about it," IntcfVirpted Mr. Hewitt, highly in censed afthe idea-of her husband liking Clarence; "but I know he does, for So nora'lSld mo so," and opening the door, remarked, ilt would not make myself, if I were you, appear in haste to marry my daughter oil, by speaking to him mpou tho subject, until ho saya some thing to you." Which I will take good cilrotoiprevent, said-she, mentally. ' "Never fear.'ilear Alice. T hope my Utile" pet' may never wish' to leave her father's rooT;' and depend upon it, I Hiall 'make' no ellbrt toliave her do so," and following "her-down stairs, they were neon joineU by the rest of the fam ily. Harry noticed traces of tears upon his sliter's fnce, but guessed too well their caue to make any comments upon them. Thc'hieal-was -rath'cra silent one, fccl ings"ofiaiigcr:p'aHlominating in the breas'f of 'o'nei and liqpeS 'anil fears in fomS'oT tilcArtluIrs-. " ' At length, upon rising from the table, the Colonel reijugsting the presence of his soii. in' the library to arrange some "usines.iinuiers, .urs. uewiti, Clarence 1 ' IT ... anu V11.0"'. ru" to lllc parlor. Miort- li" :,tT Jhf JaUer,excUMiig herself, has- tuned tof lmr room, leaving her mother a,M t-Iarence alone. Mr. Hewitt apijeared busily engaged with the contiiiits of her delieate little work basket,, while Clarence, who sat oppositc,.ncar tho table, examining an album, hud it down as the door closed, saying: "Mrs. Hewitt, we arc alone now. May - naveaiew moments conversation wmi features. "Proceed, sir, if you please." "It is a delicate subject which I am abput toj broach, Mrs. Hewitt, and one which. not only, concerns me, but also your.daughter." , "My daughter!" exclaimed she, feign ing surprise. Y03, madam. I love your daughter, and she reciprocates my love. I would ask your consent to a union between u, should all things prove favorable, at the end of two years. You already are, no doubt, aware of .my future prospects. I need not, therefore, repeat them. Not only my entire happiness madam, 111 your acquteseen the future, happiuess of your daughter. ( I noL only then plead for myself, (but alio for. her who is so dear to my heart.. I am poor, it is true, at present, 1 but I have youth and health before me ond a determination, with tho help of God, to win for myself not only fame, but also a position which I shall one day be proud to call my own. Do you ofl'er any objections, madam, or may 1 be so happy as to hope? I am willing to waityears; but spare me, Mrs. Hew- nio," and lie was.FiIent, looking toward her foun answer. I'or a moment .Mrs. Hewitt stirred not but her couutbuauce betrayed the workiiigS'Witliin, t lanl she arose as she exclaimed: who has birth and wealth to lay at her feet. Therefore, Mr. Pierpont. it will , 1m iiiloo; for vim In t-ir iimrn mwiti flilc isuliiett:..and. moreover. I forbid von f v - - i - ' i- i-..i . 1 from anv.further iiitercoiirsc with Miss Hewitt.., .Her father is already dis- plusisod y.ithfyourcloseattentions toher, and ouly'fur me, would have long since ispokou.to vou. Harry I believe lias no , while you remain a guest beneath her , father's. .roof. Do you understand me, lliu Jlllliu Ul ti.iiiiliui,; illllt iflllL . I ui.'vv .iimoii w inv .ii.iiiv, 11 1I1U11 Is IO ;. ' ,i,.,ui ,,.r. ii,!i.,i.i-.,ioM.,i.i-i"i'iiiii,t.i,- i.i . 1 JiauizlllJ '1UJVT ' "i-i-i luiirtitu ( v i ' larcndc pro- 1 S-f. i I tl.nl rF Una-W Oil Uare yo. further lusult ine beucath M - "1''0"" ""turning and giving him a.an niio-i-r-lo.i o-J uva. , Hayc. I not already told, you his opinion, upon tin. -ubin't? As n pom- paplon to,Uarryhe has no obiections. i'or Ii either, but .fill vtliinrr furtlirtr icini ilili 1 . - -" -t -1 T-. Z AC-lvrr.m meet wltlia secoud re- msai, audielosjbigthe.dppr behind her, llWitil moro. fnr Jl.o ,. , i ;ll .. , , '--vh Hwu i,,.:i(n,B- 1rVl,iwsU.n(Hl tocher daughter's , As. soon ,a. ,ho was gone, CI t- i . . . room. Clarence dropped lil head upon bis hands, and neither Moved live minutes, w nor stirred for at least hen he uttered a groan so deep that it seemed from the depths of the grave. "All gone! My hopes are all blasted! Alas! alas! Hut Sonora poor girl! Those were bitter words 'how dare I win her love by artful devices! God alone knows twas honorable and sought not to win the love I wriuld gladly pos sess. But Tlvee, O my Father! Thee do I thank for giving me grace enough to bear it all in silence without retaliating. Spare this vain, frail woman, that she may see the error of her -ways, and grant that she whom T love so may bo spared the misery of an ill-assorted marriage! Give 1110 strength to beac my disappoinl'nifnas -becomes a child, of Thine." Baisiug'hi; head he contiu tinuetl: "I must leave thl3 house at once. But I must sec Sonora oueei more, to speak the last farewell and bid her hope. Surely Mrs. Hewitt can have no objection to this." He remained quiet and so abstracted by his own sad thoughts and foelings thai he knew not that the door had opened until Harry, the confidential friend of his youth, stood beside him. "Why, Clarence, you seem to be in rather dull spirits this morning. What is the matter? Has that sister of mine becii coquetting with you' and making believe slie is lit love willrlliat 'aristo cratic' would-be-somebody, eli?" and he strutted iu imitation of Norman Mc intosh. "Come, what do you say to a . fishing excursion to-duy?" said H:irry, light ing a cigar. 'Nothing woilld pltaise me be.tler than to spend a day ih' fharh'ealthy amusement," replied Clarence', ''Blit I shall be obliged tbf refuse myself that pleasure, as I Inteiid to return to Yiilc this afternoon." "What! "Why, 1 thought T was sure of you for the next two month". Wltat lias happened to cause you to change your mind. You surely arc not in car- on to state an regarding sonora, notit.,.,-, ,,, v..ii omitting the conference between Mrs. Hewitt and himself, aud its results'. Harry bit hW lip as he listened to the 1 as ne jisiciif.il ui me rwlini . nn.l 11 i-nniHLtiio-iiU lininl rifli 1 " la force which made the table ring, ex I claimed, "Too bad! Clarence, too bad! ! But T will return witli you; yes, that I wili. A shame! Yes; I am ashamed to think that my mother possesses a mind so weak as to be overruled by gold in preference to tile intrinsic worth1 of a true and noble heart. And my much loved, gentle sister! Clarence, I could rests dear1 " "er " greater Happiness man ner u but also'""'01" ,vun you- Believe me, if 1 cau i i .1 i. . . , . , prevent it, she shall never "marry that detestable pupby! I know she abhors him! Something tells me ho is not what lie seems, and I will Shoot him before I will submit to see my sister the wife of such a silly fool! I blush to think my mother would countenance such a fellow!" and he paced the iloori In his excitement. "Hush, Harry, do not give way to any angry feelings on my acoount. I have put my case in the hands of my God, knowing that He, the Judge of All, will make all tilings work together for good to those who love Him. I am not ashamed to own to you, my dearest friend, that your sister is dearer to me than life, and that I would willingly lay down that life, which is now bereft of even hope, coullfr but know that she was happy. But, alas! I fear sho will sutler also. Twill go, and perhaps she will more easily become reconciled to her mother's wi-hes and, Harry, 1 eould not bear to rcmaili longer beneath a roof under which lives one who scorns me, for this, I feel, your mother does; and had she not' been my elder, and a woman, though I am a minister of God, I would not have taken her bitter taunts without resenting them. j But blessed be His Holy Name who gave me grace enough to force back the nnirrv wonls when tliev roo In lnV lilts I will be readv to start by the three . - ' ..?..?..l. t I.. rl A. I... r..... o'clock train 1 11.11c uui. i"vt';""" tions to make t ,wiu ien a rew Jiues to Sonora aud cntrtt-t the'iii Will you deliver them? fbi iu to your care. for f sutmosG if ! will be useless for me to attempt "sceinir Harry, laying his hand tMKJil his arm, 1 said: "Ciareuee, I cannot fro Willi you to-day, as I have promised to Antit on r- xrii-rl. of .Ail...t.j ,..i.fii 1. r. . . i ... . I i.mv i ivv I".-., iiiuiirii. Milk 1 u tl lllil tieiciui upon seeing me uie loiiowing day. I have a desire to sec how the 'aristocratic Norman will fi-rure in the fural'Uistricts. '"K'lJcp lip a good heart: l.A. I ..III tlfy T m ....A 1 F 'J ""J " " ' V iiseii in possession of the love of sfi dear a I brother. Norman Mchitbsh my 'sweet ' ij i...,.i,.;.i t iiri... : aisivi iii.su.iiiiii 11 ii it. iiiiiieo itv , mad To think of in"TOspi)il that 'lovo of a iiitistaelif-iiS'-mdtl e'r calls it, in i less time than I'm talking of him." C'lareneo merely, smiieil at Ham''sJ 1 I . . ,1 enthusiasm, forjie felt too down-hearted to attempt a reply; exjojuling his hand and giving that oG (Uis ,lrieu a lienrtv shake., he left-'.lhe-rooiu. . a firpyiiiiiniiiJiuir himself to that Father who knowcth the secrets of all, tin wtntn .1 lontr letter to Sonora, tell ing her to obey her mother in all things, If and, if possible; Wrgtf him; but if Hot, to hopraml pray that alt might turn out well iif tb'e foil; and, above all, to put her tru in God, to whom she had pledged herself in her youth. But as for him, lie should ever remain the same, adding that he would occasionally write to' her as a. friend If it were agree able, and, in order that the1 letters might not be Intercepted, would direct them to her friend Blanche, and request ing her, If she consented to tills arrange ment, and still entertained the same re gard for him, to answerhis letter. Seal ins this, and hastily packing his cloth ed, he summoned a carriage .and. bade farewell to the house in which he had experienced' the happiest- moments' of his life, and in which the bright hopes of hisyoutigJicart had beenmthlessiy crushed. . --..! " ' o Mrs. Hewitt, upon entering her daughter's room, found her sitting by the table, witli her Bible open liefore her. She appeared, to have been ween- iug, bub seeing her mother, gave' her a suiilo so touching that for a moment her 'mother's heart relented. But at length, summoning all her pride.to her aid, sho hiformcd Sonora of her inter view1 with Clarence, and upbraided her in cruel terms,, foe i 'countenancing the "love of a poor fcohool-boy, a canting hypocrite, who only loved her for-her money," ahd concluded by command- Iter to remain in her room unlit after his departure, telling Iter that had it not been for her intercession her father wnuld'have-turucddfnifotil.-of doors, so incensed was he at Clarence's audacity, thus giving Sonora to understand that she need expect no sympathy from him. Mrs. Hewitt's object iu this was, un anything to her father upon the subject Sonera's tears llowetl faster than her motlicr's words, but she siiokc not tin- Mhy Oh! jraut me this, '.t .. T- 111 Ul'UI II1ULIIU1. Mrs. Hewitt, who had nerved herself - n... At i,i..i ., , ' . . . t' v )di 1 il line iiifill.ni. Itnttin.! l,m.. I I 1-1 n llntinhfor Willi n fmn-n an ,lni-l- n.i,lTl l - l: ...... r , - - - d - - . v c-v u.i.ix tii cold that, if the pi" K'rl could have seen if, she would have ceased to hope. t - r Yr' !.i i .1. i ;vs .Mrs. jiewiii-opcncu uie uoorsue ex- riaiuieii, wiiii uiiier empnasis: -.ever, onora Hewitt, never! You have seen one week." - him for the la.-t time unless voit do so1 1 ",i"k cv.en, the llnest flannel- too in , , , , . I rough for a babe's tender skin; somv without my knowledge and consent," iast baby wore next his skin a iong and closing the door behind her and sleeved, high-necked shirt, made or'fino ln.l.l..n 1 1 . .. I i.n T ! 1 . 1- .. i 1 Yl 1 11 Cfl,tl- Tllft c!AAfM9 mnlln Tnt.... leaving poor Sonora a prisoner iu her's,ylc Iiro . m "c" ;aslar Pt-on than , , , ., l, , , when cut in tho other style. Next this own father's and motlicr's house, andjsllirt Is ono ma(le of ati.wooI flannel, all for gold! Oh, money! thou art in- . witli flat pearl buttons set on at rebular deed "the root of evil." (Tolx- continued.) A LEGAL MABEIAGE. nviuNKw-sex. I will offer a can, in point to Mm! the consequences of a legal marriage, iill done up in Monroe count v, Virginia, ' according to rule. Two gentlemen , i . i i Byrne and Alexander-ownM im-, mense estates there, and, in fact ruled ( the eountv. Mr. Alexander had an . only daughter, beautiful, refined and , ,, ., . ,r , ,, I and highly cultured; .He had tvo sons. , Mr. Byriie-had-ftn-only-soii, Andrew, j who from.hi3 earIyla"j7Cshovl strong; signs of wickedness. His father was so ' ?ollltl llc V iruprovement. uittie'stoek , , . ., - , . 'nigs of fine Saxony yarn, to reach! the much engrossed in riches and their , j., wlth ljttle feifo5s of merino or ool liarassing cares that he paid little atten-, ored flannel, Iiueil witli Canton flannel tion to his son's surroundings and gen- , and fastened with three buttons, are re- cral deportment, ndrew Byrne and . J Mary Alexauder received their etluca - tion at the same Academy. She had good opportunity to observe the man- nets anil morals of young Byrne. He , wasyerj profaneand. gross in his mnn - ncrs,; and she detested liiin. There was a yoiiiig man in tiiat school James Slianklin-whoso parents were in mod- .. , 1 . , , urate circumstances, vet free from want. They were well respected, but yet in! , ilm nl.J i:..., Studious, : i.wi,. n!,,,. ,..,, --?'?"-o .i . .iiiv t 1 "anusome exterior, no wonder tliat Miss - . .. . Mar" highly esteemed him Their friendship was sincere 'Ami pure, itudSO"'t"catar ""ftpSVno evTil Hk from such frieiiihlilp the roft.Uo anient " love is' Short. - At the ivm of seventeen! timn with hcad-aclie, baek-ache and Miss Mary became the affianced of Jtimcs Shanklin. Her parents became aware of this and broiuilit her . . . a away in a from school, and locked her up strong upper chambcrof their fine brick mansion "in the county town. They then acquaintcdjier with the fact tlmf an agreement fiad been made between litem and tiic-parents of Andrew Byrne some years before that sho should be . . i.:i. tmnlil hold tiieir como ins wue, . ...(,.it,nr in ronnection. She Iiki She had L-StniV.TlWe.V"" i 1 not -tho control ol ucrsm " fherefore must submit to their: win. ...i r.irilierniore. she whs made ac - o....i!ied with thfe fact that she was to I a treasure, aiMMheQCCLiid a regular vi 1,ih locked up until her marriage t rago he rausetl tT.e monument to be day, and that if her lover siioum ai-tenipt-to-ateal-her-nwnydeath would be Ids portion" M i J 1 , ,, , Tiius matters were. Aimren; jyrnc liut'he never intimated Il'tat lic'loved ' - -r.. r .'l.S VJfJ'' .'ii. L ner. i "'" wiui oasc women had rendered him callous and hardened in heart, aud he was Incapa- hie of truly loviug a pure and noble "o :i-miftiil (6 visit lier in Vier room "1 ana oftcittaiVeti! tol otiiteh future! vonTrfi and splendid esfablLshnienf-T n- Proprlttor ornlVCor. Third mid WnjihlnxtonSIt iri .,! TEHM-J, IX' Am.O.l!E ll'm- One veaf. SI inonlhi;. inree inonins. ADVF.imfiEMEXTSIncrtlonn!w)le 11 1 IlIM, woman. Poor Mary wept, and'bc&lught him to relinquish her and marry-some other woman. She told him thaher heart was another's, and that their wedded life, it thus commenced, would bo to tliem utter miserj'i though thoy might have a million of money. But ho told her that hfs and her parents had made up tho match years before,, that there should bo tio flinching- on his part, and that she had hotter consent at once to their marriage, ami thereby come out of her prison. Tho heart of poor Mary and that1 oi lier lover were wrung with decp an guish. They could not-p5luIy fos.teHl be with each other, and ,all possible chances of writing letters woro guarded or cut oft". ' ' i' . '. -Three mdnths rolled by, aiftl ''hope, "the anchor ot the soul," 'gu'vo witty. Her parents and young Byrne'iarid'his parents were inexorable. JameS'Shank lin, with almost broken heart, leftJlfor Illinot--. Poor Mary's health begaii'to give way under her coiiiinementytftul jt length she agreed to the lnarriie. A noted clergyman was-senl fdrnfrom the next eountv: with STlW'marrfiigS'fco, and many were the guests iiiviletlto that princely wedding. When-Mary came out of her room in bridal: 'attire she was pale as a corpse,-, and 'deep seated anguish was depicted in her-fate. I At tho close.' of tho marriage senvice, (which, under the garb of religion,,lastel a half hour, she fainted aud fall OitttJie carpet, sjhe was in law, HOMtMre. ; Byrne. t?hu kept hor 1ml for 3ixiwo"eks I and never -smiled' again. Her libertine husband Uok full Jiccnse in? siting his .former paramours and, carousing and 'drinking, no left her to thacaro f.V JnvAtnlw n'ml Minf eoliln'm ' aatfni- .11,1111; .ciiu: ui iwi-ivu uiuiuiir siiu im- came flic another of a son an heir to imnien.-e wealtlu "In six months nioro : ehe passed over the river. liif? (hi tens legal marrittijc.' - .J Infant's ."Wardrobe. . Mrs. T. W. S. gives us her method of cutting aud mailing- an infant's ward robe, which is certainly a verygoQd mie. Why should babies be banda'getl up tightly any more than young calves,' or pics or colts? The Chineseeschew-bdn- uages aiiogemer, ana uiey are a popular dages altogether, and they are a popular i ; i i sti , . . .. ,.ianu ancjotit neonle. Cblneso linbins i iiiiiiifi iil tmriier iiiti? 111:111 onrsiiin. niifi it is claimetl that the freedom Of their muscles from compression is the eansi jof their greater strength. Mrs. S. says: ..j flm, j lImleCessary ary to keep .the, old- lasiiioneil band on aii infant more tun lian The sleeves made Itaglan nifirl lillMmm CM- nn ol rairii 5,if ni--tla iimlinrl tlin lintlnii nf lli'n .......'..-' - .v. ......ui. ... mi; ii.ii:.u i to fasten the skirt of flannel, cut gored, i and having a hem with button-holes to correspond with tho buttons on' tho waists; iu Winterlusetwollanncrwaists and skirts. Tf ono desires, a fine'nl uslin t skirt may be added, cut and fastened in ffifi, necked, long-sleeved, gored, andhen made of fine and pretty material,--aro v,c.r attroel ive, A wardrobe made i it this way needs no alteration until the ch!M ,IC hl9 to walk, t.s the backs' arc all fastened witli button-holes antlatrinK in the neck. The suit looks -erynicoly, !.IS " ,,over pushes up on the child, and is always room' enougli, wlilch-nannot be said of bands fastened with pins I have leaned my patterns to a great many persons, and every duo SayS'tHero 'P . " ,u l."eat: s"''ef. " t KM t limit lllll(lnrillf T tl nilniilnt frtii -ila ! t 1 T i'- 1 it . t . i . ,lni,(,r .iinii knittr..! ..- tii TOi. ( string. No mother need fear her little one's back will grow weak without? tight ' Z l-' nn? thrmn ?f muol'?t fenng to tnc poor little tlnngsf-riv 1. Tribune. , 1 '' I Overworked "WiVrs. The lian'fet- i il'S sfcasoa 53 9fP aflmmiiwhen I the farmer will require a gang of, men .t n... i.i . n. 0...1 ti,n , ------ ,-i work of the hoiiwifo will be doubled mill otuKlrmilmt tti nntiwvTifnrt(. Piirm- ers are notalwayg sutllcicntly careiui oj . i. 41. i,ii-eicnn. nrMi ' Liiuil iituiiii; iiiin - i lli.-ie wiviwiliiriiii. fllirf IlllV-.Stl ilihi nftl iirnt-l.la tliem with ''Stllliciellt i help. Up in the nioruiug at fopnatid i souieUniea heart-aohc forio ja"0'"" t:'sii r.ri,or lnhnnd. she' seeKs1 for HlUlill . I e sweet balm of refresliin sleeilii.l finds it not,-is it any wonder tlmb her eflbrts to bear up mimi uuiuww should bo apportioned to five or s,ix, so nianv farmer's wives break rtqwn in health, and drop into untimely graves? Fanners should look to this, aud'p'royido their wives with sufficient Iiolp during the coming harvest. The extra expense will be much less than would a respect able funeral, or a doctor's bllliS". J. yMarcvry. : A man who had lost Iwowivns.wKhed ou(J monument to be ereeteri'their , mcmbrV; butratlnrflrsfdne had been iiinetHi ul inc nrst w ne -s gnivo,jiini m : i. ; .. 1 1 l . it inscribed: "HiJ ;lou. Then carved'" unfleilneathV''pbint iiig td the-Second 'wife's'grave witlilthis line: ;; . . .. -:; - . I. vf'i ., " Can'i, yny that pf dip nexne. f.;. . A Detroit man lias justWjSl his mAna lilrf.L -li tiTArfra o ' l!rfllnf rCtlf anil : " "'",'. -,'.-: "..,.::riiu oi.f ,,1 bhie then he expects to haw a plan- that will attract attention. T ! nTjni; ;uf "ii-.t - if .1 1 I 1.1