FniDAY.....T...Z..JMAY 31, 1S72. To ?f.v IIiilninl. Come, rest thee, wears one, awhile, AowttIirWe: I louf; to are thy earnest Millie, When seated hy wy "I lore my darling more and more. Than I dM long -" Ami though tltou tcil'st It every Hne TJiBrtslHKlyniyWet Hr dearer tar. tltoegb ) a wife. Than when I was a bride. I coin thy whlkers Into gold. And lock them In my heart, They'll tie tny treasures when I'm old. Should death our beings part. 80 sit thee down, and chant thy song Kaeh time 11 sweeter aeeins, jLUiUs ttc music all daflong,. : An Angel in a Saloon. Pino nfTarnnftll til lm v 11 1 1 Tunn a lady in deer) mournlnjr, imd followed by n child, entered one of the fashionable saloons In the city of K . The writer happened to be pussing at the time, im pelled by curiosity, followed Iipr to see what would ensue. Stepping up to the bar niyi, ad drying thpropriptorv.iio happened to bepreeent, who said : "Sir, can you assist me? I have no home, 110 friends, and am unable to work." He glanced at her, then at the child, with a? mingled lodk df curiosity and pity. Evidently lie was somewhat sur- Crised to see a woman In sueh a place egging, but without asking any ques tions, gave her some change, then turn ing to those present, lie said : "Gentlemen, here isa lady in distress, can't Mine of von assi-t bora little. They all cheerfully acceded to his re quest, ami n purse of two dollars was raised and placed in her hand. "Madam." said the Gentleman who gave her the money, "why do you come in saloons? It isn't a proper place for a lady; and why are vou driven to sucli n step?" Turning her mournful yet expressive eyes upon the speaker, with an expres sion I shall never forget, she replied : "Sir, I know it isn't a proper place for me to be in, and vou ask why I am driven to thistep, 1 will tell you in one short word," pointing to a bottle behind the bar labelled "whisky," "(hat iswhnt has driven me to this whisky. I was once happy and surrounded by all the luxuries wealth could procure, with a fond and indulgent husband. But in an evil hour he was tempted, and not pos essing the will to resist that tempta tion, fell. In one short year the dream of happiness was over, my happy homo forever broken and desolated, and the kind husband and the wealth some called mine,Iot; Iot, never to return, and all by the accursed wine-cup. You see before you only a wreck of my former self, homeless and friendless, with noth ing left me in this world but this little child." And weeping, she affectionately caressed the golden curls that shaded a face of exquisite loveliness, llegainiug her composure and turning to the pro prietor of the saloon, she continued : "Sir, the reason I occasionally enter a place like this is to implore those who deal in the deadly poison to desist, to stop a business tnnt sprcatls desolation, ( ruin, poverty and starvation. Think one moment of your own loved ones, , then imagine them in the situation I am , in. I appeal to your better nature, I ' apjwal to your heart, for I know you 1 pos-ess a Kinu one, 10 retire lrom a Dull ness so ruinous to your patrons. Did you know that the money you receive in exchange for the vile stulfyou sell across tills bar, is the same ns taking the bread from the mouths of the famishincr wives and children of your customers? That I itstrips the clothes from their backs, de prive them of all the comforts of life, and throws unlinppines, misery, and crime and desolation into their once happy homes! Oh, sir, I implore, be seech and pray you to retire from a bus iness you blush to own you arc engaged in before your fellow-men, and enter a business that will not only be profitable to yourself but to your fellow creatures also. Please excuse me if I have spoken too plainly, but I could not help it when I thought of the misery and unhnpplness it has caused me." "Madam, I am not offended," he an swered, in a voice tremulous with emo tion, "but thank you from my heart for what you have said." "Mamma," said the little child, tak ing her mother's hand, "here's a gentle man wants me to sing 'Little Bessie' for him. Shall I do It?" "Yes, darling, if they wish you to." They all joined in the request, and placing her In a chair she sang in a sweet, childish voice, the following beautiful song: Out In the Bloomy night, mdly I roam ; I hare no motherdrar, no pleasant home; Nobody cures for me, no one would err, Kven If poor little Bessie would die. Wry and tired I've been wandering all dar. Asking for work, but I am so small thev mj"; On the damp ground I must now lay niy head, leather": a drunkard and mother I dead. hPPy till father drank rnm, (KSlliJ ' our "Tow and trouble begun : iIlST. TLp,ar "nU wl "- ery tlSy ltaby and 1 were too hnnerr to nliv KLmfSS nlgltt ! 'rhViEh u "rt111 nu white; The scene I shall never forget to tny dying day, and the sweet cadence of her musical voice still rings in mv ears, and every word" of the song, as It dropped from her Iip, sunk deep into the hearts of those gathered around her. "With her golden curls falling carelessly around her little shoulders, linr fhrvt n? nflixrnnl beauty,, ami looking so trustingly and confidently upon the men around, her beautiful blue eyes lighted up with a light that seemed not of this earth, formed a picture worthy of the pen of a poet or painter; although a statue of purity and innocence. The unfinished game of billiards M ere laid by, the cards thrown aside, the iincniptied glass remained upon the counter, and all rimccoil iku.1. . ... . .. : , 1 . ...... i-vjvAt tiuti, nun l'UIIU.ll V, with sadness, and some with pity beam ing from their eyes, entranced with the Illusion! vaim .,..! l....... r -l. il l . unit uuaiui ui illL" C1111U, who seemed better lit to be with angels ab?Ye,Vm,i such a place, wooni. Le close ot. u,e so"S "iy were for vrmeU who lMMl not S'"-"J tear ior 3 ears, now wept like a child One urffituftfli 1?v5n' lnol,'er aJ ucar menus to lead a better lift? to iIoit from a course that was wa4 mr his for tune, and ruinlnrf his iwiti fe or preached the " liild am? i"W ?' hands while tears strLdowi SX lge.cl.eek, exclaimed with'j, "God bless you, my little anel vou have saved me from ruin and ce from poverty and adrunkard's grave there were ever angels on parib one; God-bless yout God bhlJ vi,?, Rri Placinga bill in the'han ,Kf tiS u":1 said, "pluase accept this trifle as (ok of my regard and esteem, " yoiVnuie girl has done 1110 a kindness repay. And remember, wl,ei"0? ?I? ..ln, yu "!! ever fl V,d n inomij " ie same time "i vi,, i. i ; name and address. Takinf , ft,"-! the hand I.e tamed log, bt liis&i at the door, said : im-hu i "Cod blc-s you, gentlemen, and please i accepUlheheartfelUthaukaofa.poor- fr;mwii woman for the kindness and courtesy vou have shown her; and before one could reply, she was gone. A silence of several minutes ensued, which was at last broken by the propri etor exclaiming': ' - "Gentlemen, that lady is right, and I have sold my last glass of whisky, and if any of you want any more, you will have to ko eisewnere." jAnd Lhave 4drunk mjylasUglass of wliUky,"lsaid a young manwhS-Tiad long been given upas utterly beyond the reach of those who had deep interest in iiisweiiare mai ne uau sunK too low 10 ever .reform. ,rTliero is a temperance organization in this city, and at the next meeting I shall Eend up my name 10 ocaummeu. no win go wun me. ' "I!'1 "I!" "I!" and "I!" several ex claimed in a chorus, and fifteen names were suljieu to ins. ., m True to liis wonl, the owner of the saloon where this strange scene was en acted, disposed of his entire stock the next dav, and is now engaged In an honorable business. "Would to heaven that lady could have gone into every hamlet, and town, and city throughout our country, and met with. the ,saine cheer! ng resul ts. Plymouth' JRocI;. " Eecipes. A Good Breakfast Disit. Pour ecirs. three ouarters of of a pint new milk, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut, salt and pepper .to. suit j.no taste. Heat the eggs, and the milk and butter, aud nournll together into a hot frying-pan containing half a spoonful of irymgs. nr constantly ior inreo or four minutes, when it will bo ready for the table. Quito a nice flavor is ob tained by making it after frying ham or fresh suasages. To cook codfish, says a writer in West ern Rural, never freshen it, but nick it ui) fine and nut in a frvinir-nan with a large piece of butter and one quart of miiK. IjCI 11 como,to n boil, uicu pour in a teacup of cold milk 'with a table spoon of Hour stirrediin it. Season with pejiperto taste. tTufiJish will salt it sufficient." WPP TO-JJltOWX POTATOESUN'nKIt MEAT. Boil some line, largeJlmealy potatoes; take oft' the skinscarefuIly,'(an"dJSbout an hour before the-meat "is copkedjput them in tile drinping,pan,.havinSprell dretlced them with ilour.'teeforofierv- ing, tirain tlicm from any grease, and . 1; uiciji iif nut. Poached Eggs. These are often brought on the table sloppy with water, the yolks salvy and broken, and the whole in a mussy state. The right way to do is to have the water in the fiat bottomed dish or spider, boiling, and then place it 011 the top of the stove where it will keep at that heat but not boil a particle. Ureal: tho eggs one by one and turn them into thc'watcr.carc fullv. so as to keen them in nice form. Ilm irafor lw.iurr fifsiiif mi iiw.li nr .1 T . i.. 1 :...... i ?, 1 ., . -TiB5'-1"'"" - I then lift each one out on a small skim- , mer and place then neatly side by side j wrtwea y subcriberK, nt ss mciich.nernm- o i.i,,, ,. .,,,.1 i,,.t, ...ill lnlel by the chxIi, ire will vlve the IIOMK on a platter or on toast, and tltoy will j J;m'TTi.r: sewing machine, witboui ta be handsome on the table, as well as taste j iie, benutiriiiiy onmnicnicd. Price. 3'J). deliciouslv. For tblrty-nvc kubrilcrs,nt 8 WJ raeh.nc- ' comiiaiihil bv the cash, we will KlvcaHO.MK WAFEnGlNGHKimE.M).-Ilalf HIKJUIld '?'ir''.K, ?fc"'I-NO 5t-CIIN-K. with Illack of Hour, and half a pound of the coWst , !en;aMe' bronz,M ttnd nlcu,J finlHhwl- oucii iUt4Li:i Ut i iruuiiu ui uiii.- tcr. one desert-snoonful of allsniee. two ! ,i:i,f 1 ,. ' i" r 1 .miu ui s.uuuu jiiunHi, "j jTCi ui nan .1 , lemon crated, and the whole of the iuice: mix all these incrredicnbl toirether. add- ing about half a-pound of treacle, 'so as ; to make a naste sufilcicntlv thin to snread unon sheet tins: beat it well, but- ter the tins, and spread very thinly over ' them: bake it in rather a slow oven. and watch it till done. "Withdraw tho ', tins, cut it in squares with a knife .the usual size of Avafer, biscuits, and roll eaclf around the fingers as it is raised from the tin. CtV -sirrsT- I rT- T T -r-s r rn ntln suVtehoiry'nneUudona lasses, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon xrof. sELF-Anius-rtNa hekd v.uvb, im cinnatnon, one-half teaspoon cloves, .'Jj pricc'wl' TnrMU"-vr knkk- iine ie:iimou souu: oeai tu iiiree vkk, i one cup chopped raisins, four CUJW of Hour. Steam two hours. lint witli su-1 ;ar and milk. Baker's Gingerbread-- Two cups of molasses, four tablespoons' of butter. Stir together without melting; add one cup of Hour, two tablespoons of sal status dissolved in one cup of'sour'irillkf' two teaspoonftils alum dissolved In one-third cup of boiling water; one tablespoon of ginger. Mix soft cut out and bake. OrorMnmis. Take one riuart of zood alcohol to four quarts of water; put the cucumbers in fresh from the vines. Vije them first with a wet cloth, or wash aud drain them. Put in a warm place until fit for the table, then keep them in a cellar or a cool place. They stay hard and green, are always ready for the table and will keep two years. Lemon Pik. Take one-half teaspoon tartaric acid dissolved in one-half cup of cold water, one-half teaspoon extract lemon, jmo of sugar,- lyelk-.ofegg, one soda cracker. After dissolving the acid, stir the yolk and sugar together and mix with the acid and water, then tlio extract, then the cracker crumbled in. Hnk in crust as for custard tile ami cover with the white of an egg, and ! brown. I Ued Bugs. Take as much common salt asaquart of cold water will dissolve, and wash the 'bestead,rth6rotighly.)r,Ar-1 ter a few trials'.-tlitlfe'wni I'to' occaMbn j to repeat the proce. ! Tp-.OBaveHonsE HA.rR.-a-QfteiLtinfef the owner of a valuable horse discovers a spavin or curb making its appearance; a blister is applied, and many times the hair conies olf, which', of course, the owner wishes to have grow out as soon as possible. Now, a gentleman of Den mark, Xew York, has furnished a recipe which lie claims will caue the hair to start right away on bare spots caused by blistering, harness gall or otherwise. Take an old boot or shoe, place it on tho fire, burn to a coal, nulverize. and mix with hog's lard to a thin paste. A few nimi;n.iTmic f fliv tiigIa in flm I m m "nLn !ll .lo tlio venri. Trv It. ' ... ...w .. . -.j , I . . . . . I A KEEN t RITICIS1L A bliaKSpcriail critieiPin COIlieS to US from Germain-, i thc unexiwcfcd.pflrtiuducbrAndljuslicc of , which remiiKi.soiiuoi un-;a.ii ir-uiai-rs , Cattle picture that tho cattle in the: picture were getting up fore feet first, Willie ill Jlff1rr..CaiUe raLseiOIl Uieirf hill'd feet first.' T)lirinKthe performance Of "Hamlet," When the melancholy xrtucc souioHuiii,"u , ii,, f 1 1 "Butthatthe drrad orsmnetiiingaiieriieaiii, The undiscovered country from who-e bourne No traveler reiums. fi A country feUow,flrIithogalIcry ex claimed, ".tunIu!tjJIdniCTY0Uee your fatlicr's spirrMaajigh'tiBVhere do you think he ca m 6"f rorff'Jgj Important J)icpvERYBxtcnsive beds of wat, said to iJcfullynual to the liest. 1'nLlnni firtlMci! linen-linAM fllecm ercl in the low Innds lying along the Noordcr r ''l'n,i'" ifecelvo """ line of tho San Pedro Railroad, com- uu mono- Intorncl orders at the ens Ilienciug atiV point .about ten .miles he-; j tomnry rules of currency, orcnd dran If pre Iowthis cltvand oxfeiidlifir' to tlio soa 'ferred. . ..... shore. Pits have been sunk In dlllerent deposits will, it is expected, sunillv Ios Ati"olc.s eountv with an Hm, I ,,.,. nr dilSn nioi rL j vA ' cheap ruei. L.o Angclc ir2)r. li.iv.v.o .iiuug my jiiii; ui. iiiu rauruau unu , oner, wnicii is a new .iAAn ..u. 41. n ii..n ne ii ti i i the dcrtOit fonn'd to lmnrflV.i In (Umlitv 'business in Oregon, will with depth, J'eat.haB w becttjused a S?ffif.?iem,?ffiv. fuel in tlie cast anil ohl world, and these i. th .iTitv Nrw n AS.THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs St !.'!" !- : jrrW v' THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal Kir the People, DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS . OF HUMANITY. Arransemcnt have been made to secure the Serviced of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS nonany andall subjects or Public interest. The Xkw VoirrnWEST Is not ft Woman' Iliclils. but a Human IMshts organ, ilevoted lo whatever jmllcy may le neceary to .secure the grentest cMd to the creates! numl)Cr. It ftllUU X HO hCXfWI IHIIUICK,!!!' O'llKlUll, 1IU no color, no ereeil. Its foundation Is fastened upon the rock of Ktcnul Liberty, universal KmanclKiiion ana Untrnmmeled lngres.slon, OUR PREMIUM LIST. As nil Inducement lor our friends lo make exert tons to mcure lanre clubs tor the NEW Xokthwkst.wc offer the following list of val uabie nremiums : nui Bun-nuwi ro vj vulii. iiiii- E"n!U,JV,IPl;lh? w'!'KVP ' Kviru tAUiUMi, nnisiicu 111 extra jiyi wllj, mnclt AVnlnut table and cover, Price, sat ThenbovoSewIns Machines, which arc wnr- t fllTSK? o? TtSb8? htreet. Portland. can be rout Var nrty auboerllicr, nt ft 00 ench, acenm- ff? iiSoTO7 single rceil. with black wnlnutc.ii.e.nutimiiilc HJ!l'w?"lic,i:i,f?..1:1.?T inijmproved - vSlMn&oh.ne. rviiipumii uy inu umiuie reeu aij & ; nscmuien the cntt ox cent that It has nlso n knew inti. PrW it: For evenly-nve subsrril-crH, at si Wl each, accompanied by the cakli and twentv-Jlve v.;., n i,m , n.i .i..rou. . .. and twenty dnllnrs additional, we will give a' H V?N . 1IAMrjN oiuian, kivk octaves. nw.aiui, inunr.nuK i;illK.Tlll.s TlllEOlJOH OIT, IMl'KOVKIl (ilc.Vlll .TKI SKLK-AIUCSTINi; Ki:DVAt.VK.S,IMl,l:oVKIIIini.IW,Tl!r.MUIlNT AND KNKE-SWf.I.I.S. V10L., DIAPASON. FLUTE, TREMUIVNT. Price, J1S1 Those who desire to work for these premium. can send the names and money ns fust us re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their credit, and lf,enougli names aru not.recelved during th year to pToctire the premium de-"'rPJ'"-'1' Tan f liowa lesserpremiuui, or they will be entitled to receive twenty-rive percent incnohortlioiimouiit temlttnl forthilr lnlor OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As Tub kw Nokthwkst hasalrendv proved a popular Kucre., we are decided that It shall also prove utkiummi. To enable our Mends who may decide to can vnss for our paper to benefit both themselves and us by Increasing our Subscription Llkts.we propose to give the following additional Pre mium to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In nrrears Tor the New Northwest, who will nend ushls orherowu subscription fee, nnd one new subscrllier, ac companied by the cash 5 uo we will give : A ialr l'urlan Marble Vae; Urn Bohemian (ilius Vase; Or a Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; Or '.dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or ; dozen Plated Ten Slioons; Or.lpiUrAlexandre's Kid Gloves; Orn Lady's Fan, spangled, feathered edge; lrn Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding inn pictures; ; Or an Album (extrul for holding 50 pictures; ' urn Fancy ItlcrCae; Or a box Toilet Articles, including soap, chalk, perlumery. etc; Urn BriUinnln Ten Pot; Ur S dozen Glass tioblets; Or J-j dozen Glass Tumblers; Ora large Glass Fruit Dish; urn null, i ... . . . , Orn Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or S dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table cover; Or dozen Table Napkins; Or H dozen TowcK; Oran elegant Pomnonln. Any mliscrlber who Is In arrears lorn year's Mibvrlptlon,iiud who will send hlsnr herown MibcrlptIon fee, and two new Mibscriben, ac companied by the cash making j W we win end : A t.et ol Roger' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Orn set of HogeiVTnbieSpoonsrlple pluteil, on white metal, warranted; ora set ot iiogers' Tea xpoons, tnpic pinteu, i on while metal, wnrrniiteil .F ' ""'"V Table Knives, oesiquauiy, warmuieu; lra handome BInl t'airc. Any person In nrrearsfor subscription to The -EW Nokthw3t, who will semi his or her ulcrlptlon fee and three new subscribers, nc- "YV"""1 "J ",e cas"t 'aK,DK wp w' AlinndsoracMarsnlllesQullt; Ora handsome Woolen uullt,reit nnd white "oSe cloths; Ortwona Irsor N-tlln.-ham Lncc Curtains: Or tlm-e pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, nny orJaVranesc Inlaid Work Box; uriS3Trusuestyii.wiueriieeiiii r 'or seven subscribers at S3 CO e:ich,nmounl- n-ln.l'J 111. we will tend : An extra Casior, triple plated, on white meta! valued at ill 00; Or a Lady's Writing Desk, orcoual value; Or aCablnct.Jnpancse Inlaid: Oran Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. niuinxMiN nn. nil valuable. and are war rants! to be lust ns wc represent them. Per- vons living In tills city orwho can visit us can receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or lr not convenient to visit us, . ...i 1 1 .i .t,A niKiM liv express toanviut- .M SSSvSAystA meet wun a nearly re- fnenus oi our paper, 'seemed to fail to real- oKTttWEST cannot be run without mouej-. Now Is the time to makeup club". Begin before some other person gets the start at you. bee what you can do Tor your-1 fctn, ti,e imLiic aud Thk New Nostuwmt. NOW aiISCEIiILNEOU3." Oregoa Steam Navigation Co's Notice. BOATS OK THE COMPANY WILL LKAVE Iortlaud as lollows : For Tlic Dallea: Dalty (Sundays esceptcd) at 3 o'clock a; 3f. For Astoria: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at S o'clock A. 3U For Montlecllo: Dally at 7J o'clock A. X. n7 J. a AIKSWORTII, Preildent. LADD & TILTON, 33 1ST EL 3E3 3EI S , 1'ORTL.IKD.. .OREGON 3EHtnlliHlicl, 1859. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kent miblect to check on drnft. INTKItESr allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or Tltl'ST Fl'NDS. In nurns of ONE DOLLAH AND DPWAUDS rrom date ordeposli. MOS'KY IXlANRtl nn aunraved kCCUrltV. Ikinds, Stocks and other valuable received on dennlt forsnfe keeulnir. Collectloni tuade and proceod promptly re mitted. Investments In Real Estate nnd other prop erty made for iwrtlex. Stent and Tefecrnhlc Exchange on San Fran cisco ana tne Atlantic Miaien uirsaie. I nrertmient SecurlMefi bouchtaiul hold. Ageiitfor the trarualctlon of all kinds of FI- nanciai anu itum iiusincKs. in r. i. aiiATTfCK. n. xiiajx MIATTt'CK A- Attorncys-nt-Li ti "v . -FFICE ROOM NO. 1, DEKUMtt I1UIIJV J ing, First Klreei, rotuauu, utvgon. nin 1'ROr. WANS GIVES IESS0MS OK THE PIANO AT THE Itesidsnces of Pupil. TERMS RE.VSONAIILE. Satisfaction Guar- Jt IIS. N. J. ItOISKY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, tAN RE FOCND IN HER STUDIO, on the y tinrunooroi uorneti's ew jiunuing, rrom 10 A. M. till t P. X. oi eucu aay -LES.S0.VS OIVKN IM ISDsCAPE PAINT' INC. Ill ISAAC IlKUUMAN, (or. fwcond nuu n nslilngtou Ms. TTAVINO RECENTLY PtTRCII.VSED THIS 1 1 Market. I am now mcnarcd to sell on reas muble terms tho best Meats the country nf- lurus. in Empire Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLF-S CITY, OREGON IJOARD JtY THE DAY, Week or Month, on jlj me mom reasonaniu iermi. .Superior accommodatlonn for families, Cnconl Coach to nnd from the house free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. House open nil night. u!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor, PEIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. AI.lir.nT A. JIANXINO T-KEPSA FIR.ST-CLA1.S HOARDING HOUSE XV for the accommodation of people who prc- icr a ipnei iiomc in me coniiiKion J a noioi, j erms moueratc. uiytnpia, w. r. nvsir. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the English, French, Ger man nun iioiiauii languages. nzJ. JACOB MAYER, Iluiiorterniid Wholesale Dealer In XIfS- Gc0 ODS MILLINERY AND FANCY 000DS, Hats and OrLvrs Fcrnlshing Goods, T.ndle nnd Ml Men TRIM M MED AND UNTRJ JIM ED H ATS A ND lj .si J-7IM, Frames, Braids, Conls, Ornaments, Flowers t lUbbons, Trimmings, etc Dress. Goods, White Goods, Yankee S'o K Hons, Etc. liadlcs' Cloaks, Cloak Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE UJ.NDALE, WOOLEN A Will 'Stodk'bf-inanlci, Yarn, hca : s iverr, Ttcccds uhd Cnxnimerc Ctnitant1y on . Jrantl. u , ; 1. AT EST HTYI.11S 11 Y EVF-HY STEAMER. V I'ARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to Onlenc- 1 1 1 t i ni ii2r.r.iivG3!:rt & co n Washlngto'n"St1,'lei. Sci-otkI nd'TiTlrd, i"orrnvNi) . -OREGON "y E MANUFACTltRE AN A Jitt. 1 ARTICI.E OF imt..l, ' CIUCKERH Klfl JT . CAKES, And all k In. lnr Tn.ir. 11 vrnmiil In a First. Claj Bakery 'e-GiKls dellveretl to any partof theeltv JJt.TInW THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rneumatlo Cure. HISTORY: millfS REMEDY IS COMPOSED OF TOE J. Active prtnciple-of tho Unk Weed, Eng. Thasplura Cordatum OriglnlK, Iit. Indigenous to uregon. orow niuai auiiiiiiauiiy anu per fectly In Washington county. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Active and Volatile Prlnclnle. extracted by i;ther, and n bitter Tonic I'rin- cipie. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is tho most sure nnd sneedv cure for Rheumatism. Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains orall kinds that wascver introduced Into the Materia Medlca. ThP UNK EBI REM- l nB nMnvu.l I... .b I ..-i .... r v, existing bitter principle, possesses the neces sary vinueoi ueuig.t 3?oveiil Toiiio, Promoting tho Appetite and Invigorating the whole Digestive APimratus. thus bulldln? ui and streugthenlng tho system, while nt the samo time the volatile principle, being ab sorueu in me oioou, ncis Pixincaiiv on tne Rheumatic liaison, removing It from the ciir li gation anu sysiem. tncrenre tew rcmmies Known to the Medical Profession which will remove the Rheuinntlu Poison from the blood, but whose action Is m powerful In tk'Dresslnir the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, tltat their use has to le nlaandoncd before specirle errectH nn-ouiniiiitijii-, unu iieiiee me ivmii 01 vuiceitS in trenlllig this prevalent and consequently iien'ioioru iiieiiraiue ui'-ease. uninui meso medicines, already known, the UNK WEED REMEDY.nltlioiish producing as active and ns power) ii I effects ou the blood mid system In re- movim: ine itiieumaiic l'oison. also nossesoes.i strong Tunic and lbcuieratlng Element which admits of Its continued use even bythemoit delicate and debilitated. Thus wc have the combination Ior tho llrst time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which nc-coiintKi'orltssiipt'iiornndncver-falllngcURitlvc enecis in i.iieumaiism, itneuiuatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of nil kinds. N. R. The UNK WEED REMEDY Is partic ularly APPLICABLE TO INDIES, in 'nnu. iiiriiw oi iin lumi- iuaiiuex. TESTIMONIALS : We an-aware of the fact thai it Is generally an eay matter to procure certlllnites attesting i.iw.i.va. j ... itiiik it-iiicuiuK iniiii aeenain class of those who uthem. WV h.n-e ikelivto.! jne louowing ms-aiisc tne names nttaelied to them are Iho-cof men of the nmstcsroriil nn.i scrupulous chanictcr, nnd because the large class of their iiot!aintanccs in Oregon will not, for a moment, ncciireor susjiect tiiem of any .-iiKi.ii1'!! in me siauriiieius mey may Certiflcnte from the Deimlv Jnllnr nr Mult. tiomah Couuty Jail: City Jail, Portland, Oreeon,! June ., i!mi. i reaAC'o.: I was attacked wllh Dr. A. M. Inry n severe case of rheumatism. It was In my thighs, hips, ringers, shoulder blade Indeed In all the Joints Of mv bodv I suffered erent nAlii and unzuMi. I was attended by a regular phy- niL-iiiii,vuui. Mini imviiccu a was uiuuceti iinry juui iua. i vi-ii iveiiieti v, unu ii. immeoiaiei)' tun-u me u. i consiuer n, irom mv exie rlence, the Is-it remedy forrlieumatism known. AI.FRKD V. TI'IlXKlt. IVimtv Tnilr Tills Is to certify thnt the above statement Is correct to my own Kiiowieuge. JOHN P. WARD.Jallor. -UUCallfornlaBookandJobPrintlngOfflcc,"! Sr California street, V San Francisco. June 1. 1S71. I have lieen subji-ct to rheumatism In my right arm and shoulder, rendering me unabld to work. On n recurrenco of the attack some time since, I was Induced to try' your "Unk Weeil Remedy." and the result was n ncrfect cure In a few days. I took only two-thirds of the contents of one bottle. My Arm belief ts inai nin -uiik" is a ceiiain cure ior rneuinn' tl-mi In nil ll forms, and I would lieartllvi omuiend all nmiclnl with that dreadful iXW ease to try your "Itcmedj-" nnd le rurwl. JNO. R. McL.NE. Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Esq., special con trlbuiorto tne "Willamette Farmer," nnl l retary or tho Oregon Horticultural Society: Osweco. Orezon. Mnrcli IS. 1S7I Dr. A. M. Lory": Some lour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; In fnct 1 was almost helpless. I sent to you for one 10 nunce bottle of tlio "ITnk Weed Ileinei!ytn by the use of which I experienced nlmost Immo- uiate reuei, nuu uy tne nine ine ooitic was gone the rheumatism was gone. From my own experience, and irom what I have heard others say who have used the I'nk Weed, I believe It to be A certain cureforrheiimntisni. Yours respectfully, A. R. SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufiir, ox-Presl-dent or the Oregon State Agricultural Society and author of "Statistics ororegon:" Eat Portland, April 1, 1.171. Dr. A. M. Loryen A Co.: I was ainicte.1 with n severe attack of chronic rheumatism; was con fined to my tied nioitof the time from January to July, when I used the link Weed and ft cured me up. A. J. DUFDR. Certificate from James Byliee, the celebrated stock-grower nnd "King of the Oregon Turf :" Riuvie's Island, January 11, 1KTI. To Dr. A. M. IiryeaA Col: Tills Isloncknowl edge, theefneacy of your" I'll k Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was mulcted for months with n very serious attack of In flammatory rheumntlsm, anil tried nearly all of tho so-called rheiimntlc remedies without nny relief perceivable. I then tried your Remedy, and Its use resulted In the most happy fleets ii perfect cure. Truly yours, JAMES BYBEE. Certificate from the well-known merchant, n ii' w ... . r II. MCM1I.-I, r.Mj,; The Dalles, Mays, 1871. Dr. A. M. Loryea .t Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedv." and can cheerfully recom mend It to persons nfllletcd with Inflammatory rheumatism. It cured me of that disease. My hands wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints ntztw ihuiii'u iiuti very ikiiiiiiii. O. AY. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Nat. II. Line, Pilot Commissioner of Oregon, nnd a member of the i;uy council or Kast l'ortlana: . East Portland, April 19, 1S71. Dr. .. M. Irvca A Co I lmve tMen ntlllf-til for several years past with "weakness in tlie oar, ' mm uuiiuenug rneuuiatic imllis, ae comnnnlcd by severe eonttltiniinn w tin. of one l-ottlo of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or vri-Ko" iiiii-Hiii.nic uun-." i nave oeenemireiy relieved, and I eheermlly reeommend it as a most valuable aud effective remnl v. , NAT. 'II. L.NE. CcrtiOcate from Hon. Gideon Tibbetts, a member of llic City council of East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1S71. Dr. A. M. lioryca Co. Gents: This Is to In form you that I have used your "Unk Weed" ror neuralgia nnd rheumatic' "pains, and round relief from the use of on! v one bottle, nmi vii recommend it to those In need of such a rwm- euy. lours, Ulur.UN TIBBETTS. Certificate from Hon. E. T. Qulmbv. ox- Counlv t!nmnifslnnir if fnlf ....... i. w ..HUUIIIHUWltl Oregon: ' ' . ,r , fcnst Portland, April Llsn. ,,Pr-,-V.M-L?r'ca. IhavoiLsed the "Unk J eed Remedy," and am satisfied it is a valua- lile miMlffne ft p.... 1.. i i . system. Tlilsls my experience with the Reni- "uy jours, r Ia. IJUIMBV. prv.cuTmp,Fcclebratcj Mun- Oregon Musical Institute. 1 t. . r . Portland, May 2LlS71.f lir. A. M Loryea fc Co.: I was attacked with Ul'.m Itlftnliimnlnn. l . . . I ...... 1 .....iiumgij II1CUII1UIIMI1, lUIII'IlllK great pain, nnd was so prostrated that I was im.l. . ,n ...... I ....... 1 7 . . , 1 . . ...u. ... i. iiii i.i iii v uusines, i Mile mn- tle ot your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cured by it alone. OTTO VIEUXTEM1M. PUT UP IN TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, vr One Dollar sud 1'lftr Ceiil per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, nv DK. LORYEA S CO., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. -FouHAL)sur AU. DRUOOtsTi. JUVJ SAX FRAKCI5CO. .iist til' m ' ' '!U THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE W.I. SEW EVERYTHING NEEDEDrIN ' ' " 'auuy,rrom the Heuvleit t . to the Light- est rnbric. It Don More Work, More Kluds of Mork. Aud Better Work . ii ii j. . 'i f hiuTfiny other MfiHilne. '! " ' Iflliero Is a Florence Sewing Machine wltliin one thousand miles of Sn Francisco not work ing well or giving entire satisfaction, If I am Informed of It, It will be ntlended to without expense of any kind to the owner. NAMUEI. Ill LI., Axeut. 19 New Montgomery St., Oram! Hotel Building, San Francieeo. SK.MI rOll UCCIUIU) AMI SIMPLE OF IV0RK. Active AgenU WanUd ETcrywhsrc. Jaii.a.,IS71-n3HI0m fit- S..1 V. il . ; Wd , bft-H if . l, CHARLES TENCE &. CO. IMPORTERS OF 1?i"Micli.- !MlllIniy, STRAW and FANCY GOODS NO. IS 9ANWin. STREET, RetWfeu Bush and 'utteivriext Cosmopolitan .Hotei; ; . "' . ! i'j ' ' i. : t's.. .i... . .SAN FRAxVlRCoiiVil,;.. CTAI. No .Ti Run du Fiiubont-PoNslonniere, Pafit.-'ii-tr.K . . : i if ." ..il' i! 5 t'i? '" . '.) -4 . - "! I't . . '. . '';,!. i-. ' ... :ura "kt vflti ' Ssi bo. ACE NTS' WANTED! TIER LOST CITY ; ...on. CHICAGO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. A HISTORY OF THE GlttW CIUCACO i. Fire. Tnithtul and accurate. Avniaiuja dcuilled account of tho ',f.L4Srii that has ever IK-Ollfn Vi.I .s,. Startling Incidents. "HaU- ""'Ufino us'tratcd. inclu-dlng, V?t SEdSS '"o'nle'A will SSgllrflSa'rvS?1 Ssttlml"''', i,y gfntev Kanj i. ,irt"!..5i .,i(it mid seenro an Aeency f,medtotely:"s also wanted for WONDERS OF THE WORLD. One Thousand Illusjrnjlons. TOmpriMnK star- tllllP M?!ltS. IiUcrvSli1 siv rt uuuer ful events in all CniSilVJ",0"?"'' pie. J.--'v'-TZ- : ati'tt PORTLAND ArXVERTISEilENTS. FIR S.3J -. ElRJE 3X I TJ Orcgon State Talr, 1ST1.. . , ' ,! i.'i " v ' ,t .11 It. . ,v it i ttiww mtkf intS SP.lfE RESERVED FOR HIMES & BACHELDER, Steam Book and Job Printers, who Intend nll lng,It with an advertisement as soon as they get time to -write one. In the mean time mil on them ntKl. Front Si. If jou.waHt nny kind of Printing done. ' ' ' untor ..V. 5il a' . ,ifyr j-. -j (.lllliii JUi, I If in:, j. (i. GLiarar, D E KT T I S T , 107 Front Street. PORTLAND OREGON nt MRS. It. IWI.ESS, jJ-ANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SHIRTS, UHULnSHIHTS, DRAWERS, ETC., Corner Front and Yamhill streets, Portland. .Shirts JInilc to Order Of the best material, and warranted to At. ah Kimis oi menuing uone. no MRS. M. J. EXSIOX, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Near Washington, -TrEEPS A IXI.L AORTMENT OP FAT AX terns, trimmed nnd untrlmmed. COUNTRY DRESS-MAKERS Will find it to their advantage to elve her a cull. Orders Eiccuttd nlth .Neatness and Illspatcb. Charges Reasonable. n2) EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Witherell &: Ilolinnu, No. 80 Front Street, Portland, V"".L FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR AIJi I V those applying for situations In any ca pacity from Wood-chopper down to a Fat Of fice. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm Help, House Servants, Railroad Hands, etc, Irrespective of Nationality. Parties sending orders from a distance must be explicit In tboir onlers, stating Just what they want, what they will pay, etc, (accompa nied by our ofllco fees, $ (W, which may de ducted Irom employee's wages), stating wheth er they will or will not be responsible jor trav eling expenses of hired help. J. IL V.'ITHERELL. niltf F. DILLARD HOLMAN. DR. ABORN, Oculist nnd Aiirlst, Tliront mul Lung 1'IIYNHIIAX. Laboratory. Consultant and Oporarting' APARTMENTS, CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STa, Portland. Oregon. nC9 J. t. FRY33R,' HEALER IN UBT lilllins AND CLOTHING, Groceries, Hoots, Shoe. Xnlls, Etc., .AND PUKCilASKK OP FAKMERS' PRODUCE. Hlgliest Cnsh Price paid for AVOOL. CORNER FIRisT AND MADISON STREETS, POIlTIlNI, OIIKGON. ai-nl-tf MISS MACNAMARA HAS OPENED A LAROE AND CHOICE As sortment of Millinexj- Oootls, Vt 71 First St, bet. Washington A-Slnrk, Next door lo Ijidd A Tilton's Rank, And hopes by attention to businessand prompt ness In executing orders to meet a share of pat ronage. Two flmt-clnss milliners wanted Immediate 13. To first-class hands highest wages paid. Also two small girls wanted as apprentices. Apply at tlie store, 71 First street, immediately. aponosMi Bir"wiiEm:-T B-DldMrH.IJ.ettlintlitliIcUeur-S sT7-HY, 1X)NT YOU KNOW? SHE GOT Y It at ASCHEHHEIM & BULKELEY'S WASHINGTON MARKET, where they keen all kinds or Fresh Poul try, (Jame and Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vegetables." N. R. Consignments from the country solle tied. niltf. Temperance House. LOVE'S HOTEL, Will Friable ...I'roprIelor I TWIST STREET, letwecn Main and Madison, Portland Orciou. New House, New Fnir nlture. Excellent Arcomm.Mialinns. Bonril per room. -. JIKItrllY A KEI.I.Y, DE.SI.EH IN FAMILY GROCERIES, itit.vTBr .FKODrtf.Kiarrs ia TtfiETABLts, Corner of Tblrdand Washington streets (op- - . . . . . . . I ...... 1. . . I . I . r posuo rreujieri.iu i. miii-m, i iiriiuuu, uregon. 7tAA.ldHAlfvi.rMl to llll Tliirii. i.f t Ii A. Altv i.-iflh. rt rir iTff:v? ,.1 Bit . K. FRITELAND, (UTBOK SAN PR.VNOISCO,) DENTIST. ROOM NO. TWO, DEKCMS- BUILDING, Cor.Firttnnd Washington Sts., Portland. TTAVINtt "HAD A NUMBER OF YEARS' XJL practice in San Franeico. 1 feel competent to do First Class Work Jn ail Oontal Opera tions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nitrous Oxide administered. ltercrencew: . . . . . . V TlAnni Tli- Dlcksou, Messrs Qiilmby and lekins, and Mrs. Danlway, of the New Northwest, nl DK. MARY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEHK RESIDENCE- AND OFFICE THIRD ST. between Salmon and Main, opjiosite tbo lubllc Square. ... Calls attended In any part orthe city Batteries for salcnud instructions given on the use of electricity as a Remedial Agent, nl.