The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 31, 1872, Image 1

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Editor And Froprlttorl Hft HI l-ir l Itfl '4 l!,17 iT II il .'V I til HI 3V 1 :5&' 1WI t HI I Ml HI Mi Ul
Thre months 1 00 1 Tv.r.r SpraOTT, TtCrX. nll&s, Fkkk 1pi.e.
i - 1 i . i
Terms. , , , ji,,,,,,, i " urn n .
OFFIOE-Cor. Third mid Washington St
For the New Northwest.
Ninety Knlooii lu I'orllanil.
"It I nM there lire ninety saloons In Port
land." iny mper.
Ninety saloons In tliii little city I
If such be a feet, O Heaven! havo pity
On fathers and turns nnd husbands who drink
In Ton splendid saloon and yonder low sink!
They there qaalTthe wine cup or flowing punch
To the ruin or manliood nnd detructIon of
Bear tbAUpnor mthr with her son she now
Then with her hiwband she next Intercedes:
"My dr boy, my only, why WuM your young
WHh tiMit fermented rap that's full of mad
It will rob yu of earthly and heavenly Joy
New taste k asjnlH, I beg you, my boy J
With yB,niy dear hntbnnd, h'of6fr have-1
plead '
As only a beggar might plead ror Ills bread!
But little ywi heed the prayers of your wire.
Who to mv you would yield up her life:
O hatband, why will you your own coul de
And bMn tbe ntln of our one precious boy?
You know that he likes It you too go astray
Ti dreadful, sch places as 'oxer the way
But w wives and mother!) must plead all In
You but laugh it to scorn and call us Insane."
"I am all alone now, for u either would stay
O Godl.ean It be they've cone 'over the way?' "
"A riot at midnight! Tis a low drunken brawl,
And I thlulcllienrdsomooneapolieeman call;
Now a alow-reeling stop Is being led to the
O mother! your lteart will break with a wall!
Tisyoarown darling boy who goes there to
Thank God! In III mercy lie's spared you the
Heaven pUy that boy, who is still In his tcen.
Yet growing familiar with such fearful scenes!
If his poor mother knew where her boy has
been left,
Surely slieM be of her reason bereft.
The husband and father may reach home at
The sad wile and mother knows what must be
Her grief must be hidden and smiles play In
stead, Till she help the poor drunkard Into his bed;
As she smoothes down his pillows his red eyes
can trace
A spirit-like pleading in her sad, wistful face,
And something reminds him of their first
wedded bliss;
He draws down her face and leaves there a kiss.
Khe sickens and shudders and hurries away,
To fall on her knees to plead and to pray.
"O God! save my dear ones help them yet to
do right,'
Is the prayer that she pleads throughout the
long night.
Her boy returns not. She guesses all now,
And sadly b fears he engaged la that row.
The day s now dawning an age has rolled on
To that poor weary mother since her boy has
been gone.
And soon site must go and Sad her poor child
She is sane she knows where nnd the thought
drives her wild.
A golden five dollars site takes from herstort,
Then thinking a moment, she teurs twill be
Another 'tis all that now she commands;
She earned ever- cent with her own trembling
But what cares she now be thetablenotsprend
She longs fer her boy and cares not for brood.
Her husband leps on; he will not waken
She hope to return by the hour of noon.
Yes, her darling Is there, looking haggard and
His loeksareall tangled, his clothing all torn
But her arms are about him she calls him her
ButO! 'Us In sorrow it cannot be Joy.
A trial, a fine mve dollars and wt
Oul v a trifle to these poor ieople lost.
A pang to be borne by the heart-broken mother;
Tis no wrse fer her than for many another.
Tis over. Together they hurry away;
She begs from her neighbors a loaf tor to-day.
But how can she hope? Those saloons nre
there still;
Her husband and son, they will go there at
You know these saloons ore all sanctioned by
So grievtsg and pleading will weigh not a
This eae la a mild one. There arc many much
And alt brought about by this came Honor
Who is K thatbw-ues license to men
To keep Hqnor saloon or k)v brothel den
lint husbands and fathers, with sous to be
O.drinklng's the vice that's mpt to be reared,
Kor It sleeps Hs poor vteilm In diseases and
OR making his bed In the filthiest slime!
O, husbands and fathers! cannot yw awake
To a sense uf yuur duty, and such measures
As will drive this vile monster dear out or the
And leave the whole people one temperance
We know you could do It If only you would;
We women would do It If only we could.
But then we will have our rights before long;
As a cold water army we'll provo ourselves
By voting the demon clear out or the land,
Thus leaving the people one temperance band
Ucmember, you dealer. In liquors and wines,
In part you will have to account for the fines
Required by the law for the drunkard's mis
deeds. The wants of his children, his widow's scant
For the ruin of bright and beautiful boys,
Who bat for rdm would been rth'HChlefest Joys;
Kor the Ml of Mill others J care not. to name,
YelbtMHm of wine will know all the same.
All you who
soil liquor, lake warning and
Or the '-bottomless ptt fer you're Just on the
Look IntothatcauWron-'tlssoethingand blue;
Souhs together are erowdmg to make room for
And soon you'll be walling and gnaMiin" vour
teeth, '
For those hissing blue names 'round your own
souls will wreathe;
Then afar ye will see 'round the white throne
or God
The spirits of tho-e who
I'OHTINli, May IT, lSTi
'passed nnder the
A debtor gave as an excuse for non
payment, itiar, -money was very close
Dut. not, tuosu uuuugii yci ior mm 16
reaon tr.
Avounrr&janrn Who keens a collwitnn
of loclw of hair of Ills lady friends, 'calls
lucui nix nuir ureuuui escapes.
nr jibs. susiE wrrnEREi.t
Entered, according to the Act ofCongrcss.ln
the year 1S72, by MrcStule Witherell, In the Of
fice of the Librarian of Congress nt Washington
Wednesday morning was one of un
cloudeded splendor. The warm June
sun had arisen in all his glory, anil the
azure sky, here and there spotted with
clouds of crimson and gold, seemed to
reflect new light upon the earth. Such
a morning no doubt shone upon Eden
when Eve, in all her innocence, partook
"of the tree of good and evil," and
thereby brought sin and sorrow to the
hearts of her children.
Souora had arisen at an earlier hour
than usual, and throwing a loose wrap
per around her shoulders, took a seat at
the window to watch the majestic clouds
roll away as they admitted the golden
sun on his daily pilgrimage.
"What a superb view!" exclaimed
she, as some little clouds of purple and
crimson wreathed themselves around a
larger one of golden tint, and looked as
if they were suspended in the air, ready
to drop upon the earth as they arose
from their bed behind the distant hills.
"I never wish to return to city life
again. Xo! I am sure I prefer a scene
like this to all the grand houses, lofty
steeples, or anything else made of earth
ly materials. 'Tis true the same sun
shines upon New York, and the same
cloufc arc in the firmament, but then it
is a dlflicult matter for a person to see
them as I seo these," mused our fair
heroine, as she sat perfectly eutranced
with the beauties of nature.
"I do hope mamma will give up our
city home altogether and live here,"
continued she. "I am sure she would
be much happier, at least I should think
so. I know I am. I never was so hanpv
in my life. To be loved by the good
and noble Clarence Pieqwnt is enough
to make any one happy. I am glad
Blanche is coming to-day, so I can tell
her all about it, I know she will rejoice
with me dear Blanche! I sometimes
have fears that tlear mamma will not
consent to our union; but then two
years is a long while, and perhaps papa
will persuade her, for I know he will be
willing; at any rate I shall soon know,
for he intends to ask mamma's consent
the day after the party. Till then I
must not worry. I wonder what Blanche
will say? She is two years older than I
am, and has not even thought of love,
but then she has never seen a Clarence,"
and blushing to herself, she hid her face
in her lap.
"Why, there is the bell! I must hurry
up," and rising, she began arranging
her luxuriant curls before the mirror as
she went on: "Blanche would not like a
minister, I suppose. She is more fond
of gaiety than I am. Though Clarence
is not so strenuous in his ideas as some
are. He delights in amusements, pro
viding they are rational ones, and saj's
lie would as soon play a game of bil
liards or dance a favorite quadrille as
not, were it not for the influence it might
have over worldly people, who would be
ready to exclaim, 'A minister dancing!
A minister playing billiards!' It would
never do for these demoralizing times !"
and rolling the last curl around her
dainty little fingers, began the process
of dressing.
"Good morning, my pet," said her
father, as she entered the dining room.
Why, your checks look as blooming as
some of the roses I have been watering
this morning. I think your walk must
have done you good yesterday," and
giving her a very knowing look, took
his scat at the head of the table.
"How about the sail do you intend
coinsr?" asked Mrs. Hewitt, as she
glanced towards her daughter.
"Yes, indeed, with your consent," an
swered Sonora. "Why, T -would not
miss it for anything, and the girls will
enjoy it so much, I know."
"Iiook out, boys," said the Colonel.
"Moonlight sails are dangerous."
Clarence merely smiled, while Harry
"Xo fear of me losing my heart. I am
proof against anything of the kind until
I see Adele Summers, of whoso beauty I
have heard so much," answered Harry,
winking to his mother.
"J am pleased to hear you talk so sen
sibly, my son," observed Mrs. Hewitt,
smiling complacently. "Miss Summers
is a lovely girl, an heiress of eighty
thousand," continued she.
"Which renders her quite perfect,"
emphasized the Colonel.
"I consider riches but a small item
compared to true mental worth," re
marked Clarence.
"Does the young lady of whose beauty
you just spoke reside near you?" asked
Clarence of Harry.
Oh, uo. She is a Southern belle.
Her father, dying some two years ago,
left the whole of his fortune to his wife
and only child, who resided at that time
in Louisiana, but they have since spent
most of their time in rsew oik, ror the
purpose of fiuishlng the young lady's
education, which event happening
about six montlts ago, they returned to
their home, and where Sonora and I ex
pect to pay a visit as soon as she gradu
ates. Adele is an old school mate and
friend of my sister's."
"Ah! Well, I hope "you may succeed
in winning tlio heart of so golden a prize,
providing Mie Is worthy of you," added
Clarence, in a lively tone.
"Time will show," said Harry, laugh
ing, as they arose from the table.
"Come, Clarence, you and I will take a
walk down to the river and examine
the little nflalr which Is to afford us so
much pleasure this evening."
"With pleasure," answered his com
panion, and the two young men, arm in
arm, started out the door. As It closed
after them, Mrs. Hewitt remarked :
"I am glad to be free from the pres
ence of one whom I detest. I never saw
a person in my life to whom I took such
a dislike before. What one can see In
him to like I cannot comprehend," and
giving her daughter a very significant
look, began picking to pieces a' boquet
which sat upon the table.
"Well, I, for one, differ with you, Al
ice," said the Colonel, "for I can see a
great many noble traits in him which I
admire, and I only wish that our child,
should she ever wish to change her sit
uation in life, may be fortunate enough
to obtain a husband as good as Clarence
Pierpout. For a companion to Harry
ho could not have chosen a belter one,
had he searched the world over. Modest
and unassuming in his manners, with a
refined and well cultivated mind, gener
ous and candid, and above all a professor
of religion, and I believe a possessor."
"Well, really, have you finished? I
should think you did admire that para
gon of perfection," said Mrs. Hewitt,
sarcastically, as she turned to her
daughter. "Sonora, you had better prac
tice a little this morning. The girls
will not be here for an hour or two."
"Yes, dear mamma, I will," answered
she, rising. "And Blanche and I arc
going to practice our ducts together to
day, that wo may be perfect next Thurs
day evening."
"I do wish that party was over!" ejac
ulated Mrs. Hewitt, as Souora closed the
door after her.
"And why, Alice?" asked the Colo
nel. "Because because I do not want So
nora to be so much in company with
Mr. Pierpont."
"O, fudge ! He has not seen Blanche
yet. Her black eyes may have a deeper
effect upon him than the laughing blue
ones of our pet."
"I'm sure I hope so," rejoined his
wife. "But here she conies. Hush!"
and she arose to meet them at the door.
"Good morning, Mrs. Hewitt," was
Blanche's first salutation. "This is my
cousin Gracie, of whom you have often
heard Sonora speak."
Mrs. Hewitt received them with the
affection and familiarity of old friends,
taking them to the palor, where her
daughter was practicing some favorite
Leaving Sonora to entertain tliem
with the pleasure in anticipation for the
evening, Mrs. Hewitt retired to her own
room to pass away the hours till dinner
Supper having been ordered an hour
earlier than usual, the girls, donning
their opera hoods and thick shawls to
protect them from the cool night air,
were soon wending their way to the
river, accompanied by their gallant es
corts. Clarence walked between JJlancne
and Sonora, while Harry, accompanying
Grace, carried Sonora's guitar, and be
hind, all followed Sampson, bearing a
large basket of refreshments.
The night on which our young friends
set out was one of tranquil beauty. The
calm pale moon shone forth in all her
glory, while scattered through the clear
blue vault above were millions of Heav
en's diamonds, the twinkling stars. Not
a sound was to be heard, save now nnd
then the croaking of a toad in some
neighboring pond, or the nightly song
of the whippoorwill, which was occa
sionally deafened by a merry peal of
laughter from one of our light-hearted
"O, what a sweet, pretty boat!" ex
claimed Sonora, as they ncared the wa
ter's edge.
"It looks as if it hailed from fairy
land," added Grace, and she spoke truly,
for the little Speedy looked indeed fairy
like, with her snowy sails spread to
catch the gentle breeze, while from her
tiny mast waved a miniature flag, bear
ing the stars aud stripes upon one side,
and upon the other, In gold letters upon
blue ground, stood out in bold relief, "A
tribute to youth and beauty."
"If I were a gentleman," saldlJlanche,
Clarence, utKing one ot tuc oars,
seated himself between her and Sonora.
"I would certainly be a sea captain, for
i uo love the water so."
"But you know, Miss Leverc, there is
a vast difference between the pleasant
sails you have taken and a sea captain's
lire, or even a passenger's life, upon the
ocean," returned Clarence, smiling as
he looked to wards Jier. - .
She blushed as she replied, In a laugh
ing tone, "Well, that shows how very
verdant I am. I had an idea that It
must be as delightful upon the water
anywhere, or at any time, as It is here
upon this beautiful river in our cozy
little boat, with plenty of friends around
"And the moon above and a lover be
side her," whispered "Grace "to" Sonora,
who sat upon the other side.
Sonora laughed, but said nothing, as
the thought, "Perhaps he does love her
already," passed quickly through her
mind, then left it as soon. '
"Come, Miss Hewitt, favor tin with a
song with your guitar," said Clarence, !
as he handed it to her. j
"0, you must excuse me from singing
first. Miss JLevero is a much better i
player than I am."
"Now, Sonora, no fll," and Blanche
put up her fingers in token of silence.
"WeII,who will take nn orange first?''
asked Harry, as he produced a basket
from under the seat. "You see I always
'look out for the inner man,' as I neither
sing nor talk. Well, no matter. I
must do something to amuse the com
pany, so do help yourself, Miss Marsh,"
aud he handed them first to Grace, look
ing so droll and comical that she could
not help smiling.
MKov, then," said Harry, as Blanche
'threw the skin-of her orange overboard
and wiped her fingers. "Now, then,"
and taking the guitar from his sister,
placed the ribbon around Blanche's
"I seo you are determined I shall sing
whetherl wish to or not," said Blanche
laughing. "What will you have?" '
"O, any thing;' wc are not particular,"
resounded from all hands, and giving
the instrument a few strokes, filling the
air with music, she began In her clear,
low, melting voice:
"Could I but win the love orthec,
I would the wealth or worlds resign;
For life has naught on earth for me.
Hut one sole wish, to call thee mine," etc
As she finished she exclaimed, as she
cast a glance at Sonora, who sat looking
into the water:
"There! I think that was love aud
sentiment enough to lost awhile."
"Beautiful! beautiful!" said Clarence.
"The words were very sweet, but the
singing was far more so. Now, Miss
Hewitt, one from you."
"After Gracie," said Sonora, looking
at her friend in rather a pleasing man
ner, as she handed her the guitar.
"I do not play that Instrument," an
swered Grace; "but if my voice will
give you any pleasure I will try and
gratify you," and she sang, in a voice
which drew tears from the eyes of her
listeners. "Oft In tlio slillv niiMir. "
"Thank you, thank you," responded
"That was perfectly
nil in a voice.
olioirln?r "
"f shall scarcely dare attempt now,"
said Sonora.
"We havo all heard you before, Miss
Hewitt," said Clarence. . "Have no
Sonora blushed at the compliment in
ferred, as she began the good old-fashioned
song of "Horn", Sweet Home."
She had scarcely finished the first
stanzas when Blanche, who was leaning
over the side of the boat, dipping her
fingers into the water, lost her balance,
and witlt a .scream sank beneath the
In a moment all was consternation,
aud before any one had time to speak,
Clarence pulled oil his coat and plunged
in after her. Being used to the water
from childhood, he was an expert swim
mer, and had but little fear.- Ah soon
as Blanche arose to the surface he
caught her, and in a few minutes, to
gether with his burden, was once more
safe within the boat. Blanche was not
insensible at first when they laid her
down, but the joy at once more finding
herself safe after so dreadful a fright was
too great a shock, aud closing her eyes,
she fainted in a deathlike swoon. Clar
ence, putting on his coat, and wrapping
her large woolen shawl around her, took
her head upon his lap, while the girls
chafed her hands and wether brow, with
the same water which had nearly
proved her death.
steer for
power to revive the inanimate form be
fore him. She remained so for nearly
half an hour, when a chill passing over
her, sho .opencd-hcr-eyes, -and seeing
Clarence looking down upon her, raised
her head, while the blood rushed up to
her brow, and then, retreating, left her
looking like a piece of marble. Draw
ing n deep sigh, she sat upright, then,
leaning her head upon Grade's shoul
der, remained perfectly quiet the rest of
the way home, refusing any refreshment
ifter recovering a little from their
fright, Sampson brought forth the bas
ket, the contents of which they had ex
pected tojiavccnjoycd so much. They
all narlook of . somethlinr excent
Blanche, but a gloom seemed cast over
the spirits of all, but more so over So
nora, who seemed buried in deep
thought, anil when addressed by any
one, would start like one awakened from
"Come, Sis, cheer up. Blanche is safe
again, and will get over her fright in a
day or two. Did you think you was go
ing to lose your eherc annV?" said Hur
ry, putting his arm jiffectionately
around his sister.
Sonora leaned her head upon his
shoulder aud burst into tears.
Grace could not help following her
example, while Clarence endeavored to
console her by pointing out the hand of
God in rescuing their young friend, aud
telling her of the thanks due to Him
While he spqke all was silence, save the
low sobs of Sonora, which were attrib
uieti to inc circumstance related to
But was this the cause?. Not'entlrely
Her first, her pure love had begun to
doubt its objects-and yet this could not
be without a reason. What was it?
Let us see. Surely she, the noble, gen
erous-hearted Sonora, was not jealous of
the attentions bestowed upon another.
Was it because hcr every look had not
been returned, her every thought antic
ipated? Ah, true love, llioti art indeed
Jealous! Not that mean, low jealousy
which we often hear spoken of, referring
to things of lower order, aud which oft
times makes the possessor of it a victim
to his own base passions, but that jeal
ousy wiiicit springs irom me ueepesi
depths of the heart overflowing with
love and kindness towards an object,
and prompting us to do those little acts
which miLst be received to be appreciat
ed, and then to have that object not
seem to notice them particularly, but
bestow some similar ones upon another,
with a look or .a smiler which we feel
should be ours. This is noble jealousy,
a feeling which God has implanted
within us, aud which shows itself even
in the infant of a year old. Let the
mother bestow somo little favor upon
another child, and appear to slight her
own, even though she docs not mean it,
and sec how the little eye will glisten
aud the little lip grieve, aud often calls
forth the expression, "O, it's little heart
Is broken!" This, then, was the jealousy
which Sonora felt.
Blanche had met Clarence that day
for the first time at the dinner tabic
about an hour after Sonora had told her
confidentially her heart's dearest secret.
From the instant that his eyes rested
upon her for a moment (for she was
very beautiful) she had loved htm yes,
loved him with that tierce, wild love
which is only known to one of her tem
perament. Sho possessed a heart in
which two feelings contended for the
masterj'i love and hatred, and one or the
other must gain the victory. Sho con
cealed it, however, within her bosom,
and tried hard to banish it, for had she
not just heard he was another's? Was
not her dearest friend's happiness bound
up, too, in the return of his affections?
Why, then, should she seek to gain
what by right belonged to another?
But did love ever stop to reason? No;
aud Blanche Levere determined to win
the lover of Sonora Hewitt or die in the
attempt. But how was she to do this?
He might not love her in return. At
any rate it was wortlt trying for, and
the attention of some one many times a
day, and constant oversight. In fami
lies wnere aciiua s nurse is never em
plovetl, and whero mothers take pride
in "doing till of their "own work," a,
woman jicts praise ir slie lias an "excel
lent faculty lor turning oil her children!"
The woman who allows herself to be
"hindered" by any calls for sympathy
in her children's pleasures and sorrows
is supposed, by many, to be lacking in
faculty as a housekeeper.
I'annot any person ot sounti mum per
ceive that a oaoy is worK and care
enough for the woman who is the baby's
motiier, mi us days oi actual nauyiiood
are over.' JNo; mere are very lew wnni
en or men who can understand this at
the present time. But better days are
surely coming for mothers and for ba
bies, and so for all!
i suppose mere are people wno really
like to hear of mothers dointr such nn
amount of work, outside their regular
motherly duties, 'iuey look back upon
tho "good old times," when our grand
mothers baked anil brewed, scrubbed
and spun and wove from morning till
nigut, wniie uunumuereu babies clung
to their skirts and lay in their laps, as
the very paradise of existence. Such
people would find more pleasure in The
odosia, if she had not only done all her
housework and sewing, and child-uurs-iug,
painting pictures, practicing music,
learning new languages, etc., but had
also become a mother anew as often as
once in two or three years. Couldn't
she do as much as that for her country's
There may be wonieu, even in our
day, who bring forth children with such
frequency, and do all their own house
work. The country is full of broken
down, nervous remnants of womanhood.
But this model Theodosia had time also
for music, tainting, literature, lan
guages, society, hospitality!
Here is something better. It is the
best thing I have reatl "concerning
women" in many a day. Jennie June!
Bless her! Sho also has done too much;
but she gets up ami confesses It, for our
sakes. Does she indeed love humanity
too well to allow herself to lie set up
before us all, as a heroine of the times
an cxamnle to stimulate oilier worn
en ? Wo have all read of her wonderful
achievements in the triplo career of
writer, housekeeper, and mother. I,
for one, thought no more of her for per
forming so much; but when I read her
own words that sho feared she had
done harm by making it seem possible,
and profitable, to carry on housekeei
ing, and maternal duties, and literary
labors at the same time, when it was
not, I wanted to send my love .to the
brave woman for speaking those true
words. She says that the strength of
the woman should so into me motiier.
have him she would, or Sonora never i and that the children must sutler if the
What ! Blanche, the beautiful, ac
complished friend, plotting against the
peace and happiness of the lovely and
gentle Sonora, whoe every thought
connected with her had always been of
love and kindness? But so it is. Some
times those in whom we put the most
confidence, and who seem tho dearest,
an- the first to betray and forsake us.
(To Ik continued.)
From the Woman's Journal).
Housekeeper and Mother.
Two davs after I parted with my last
"hired girl," I chanced to read an arti
cle on "Ideal Housekeeping," copied in
the Weekly Tribune. It was about a
woman who kept her house in perfect
order and perfect taste, ivy vines,
hanging flower-baskets, sewing machine
and all; who kept up her piano practice,
painted pictures lu oil colors, read tho
l.itost hooks and npriodieals. learned
new languages, and brought forth rrwZjday?
brought u n children! I don' t know how
many, but they were in the plural num
ber, and the oldest, a boy, was only ten
years old.
With good servants, a capable woman
might do as much as that; but this
model (?) woman did "every hand's
turn" of tho work for that household.
Her last servant was dismissed when
the eldest child was a year old.
Tits writer says, "It is all true, and I
am so glad it is!"
TIM. t.10t IT..- Tl.nn.lni,;.lo
immediately ordered Samp to I friend miglurrejoice
home, and then did all In his ff 1-,, obliged by circumstances to
periorm me proper lauor ior tnrco aoie
bodicd women, she has not made a com
plete wreck of her health and con
demned herself to live out only half her
davs. We mav all reioicc. lawfully. In i
seeing how much a human being can do
and bear without detriment to the hu
man nature in any part. But, from all
that experience and obsetvation have
taught me, I should consider it flying
directly "in the face or rrovidence" for
any woman to uuueriaKo to ioiiow me
odosia's example.
I read "Ideal Housekeeping" after my
day's work was done, at eight o'clock in
the evening, jut beforo I was going to
bed. I called my day's work done, be
cause I had got tired enough for one
tlay, I thought. There was plenty more
that I would have done if I had been
ambitious to take rank among the per
fect housekeepers; but I had a way of
thinking of myself as "the baby's
mother," and I thought the baby's
mother oueht to stop work and go to
IkhI. For many days, thereafter. I
thought a good deal about "Ideal Housc-
It touches subjects upon which the
ignorance ot me peopie is amazing.
"Every hand's turn" of the" household
work for a family includes the pretiara-
tion of three meaisuauy. .even ir one
is of simple mush ami milk, it takes
some time and toil to clean the mush
Dish wnshini! is no small matter, and
occupies a good deal of time when the
meals arc eiauonue, u it cannot, dc
shirked in any case. Then there are
tm IimIs to be made, and several rooms
to be put In order. "Not a speck of
dust" is a nice tiling to say; uut only
the experienced know now hard is the
battle daily wagedagainstdirt. Besides
ho ilnllv work of the household, there
nrn the weekly and semi-weekly birr
jobs of washiug.-ironing, baking, mop
ing, etc.
Anil flipn. tho Selnldren! I usuallv
dress too Kinali children with occasional
assistance to a third, while the girl, or
the "man of the house" prepares the
family breakfast. As soon as supper is
fairly over, the "Sand Man" begins his
onerntlons. and an hour or two passes
before mamma has time for anything
but good-night care of the little ones.
While children are small, they require
mother is pressed with other cares.
Judging by my own observation, I
suspect that there are thousands of ex
cellent women, wno arc constantly dis
couraged by their inability to keep up
with the demands of public opinion in
regard to woman's duties, as motiier and
housekeepers. I know what it is to feel
paralyzed by tho amount of work wait
ing for me work which seemed a sheer
imposition in comparison with the sweet
though arduous motherly duties that
must Inevitably suffer, when a mother's
hands ore tied by the never ceasing
cares of a housekeeper. You can write,
if you must, after the children nre in
bed at night; but you cannot conven
iently cook dinner or wash breakfast
dishes then. It is n misfortune, to say
tho least, when a woman is obliged by
circumstances to carry any other'burden
while the sacred one of maternity rests
upon her.
Gail Hamilton has said some excel
lent things on this subject, and women
surely thank her for that. She sees
pretty clearly how some tilings arc, in
me mm tv.-iiignt or tlie approaching
I hope there is no incurable
defect In hersight. But let hcrspcaknn
Wc need to see just how things are,
especially how bad they are, so as
heartily to set ourselves toward better
things; but it Is too bad to go to throw
inir blame right and left. Wc didn't
any of us "go for to do it" this mischief
tliat lies all abroad in society, tlie world
over. Anybody, with half an eye, can
see that truth and right do not prevail
in the land; that tlie spirit of slavery, or
caste, Is in the chief seats; and tliat
Pharisaism binds heavy burdens, when
ever it gets a chance, and won't lift its
finger to help those who stagger under
them. It is a pretty bad state of things;
but, in one sense, I suppose it is all
right all right as a part of our race-experience,
through which wc may learn
something like race wisdom.
Faith RociiESTEn.
A Journal for the Teople.
lievoted to the Interests 6t Humanity.
Independent In rolttles and I:J!mi.
llve to all IJve Isnes, ami Thoroughly
Radical In Oppoiirflrand ' Wr4fc
ot tlie 3Ia.e. "
Correspondents writing over assumed skna-
turcs must make known their names to Hie
Editor, or no attention will be given to'tlWr
The Grumbler.
Tlie grumbler is one of the most un
fortunate of beings; he travels the worst
roads, drives, the worst horses, drawing
the worst vehicles under the aim. Ho
eats the worst dinnors, especially at
home, and wears the worst clothes of any
live man.
He spends most of his thoughts In
wondering why he Is not Alexis, or the
Prince of Wales, or the President of the
United States, or the Grand Mogul of
somewhere, instead of plain John
Smith, Jr.
To tho discontented man his wife,
heaven help her, is a constant source of
annoyance. She is too tall or too short,
too grave or too gay, too voluble or too
reticent, In fact it is doubtful whcthqna
companion imported directly from .the
celestial regions would be a complete
success in his eyes.
If she goes with him to an evening
entertainment or for an afternoon visit,
he spends tlie homeward ride in grum
bling because she does not sing like Mrs.
A., or play like Mrs. B., or dance llko
Mrs. C, or talk like Mrs. D., and ouds
by complaining because she is moodily
silent, and won't answer them at all.
He wonders why she looks so sad and
careworn, why she does not welcome
him as gladly or laugh as cheerily as
before marriage; why she has tho habit
of starting nervously every time he
enters tho room; and why she does not
care to ride, or walk, or talk with him.
l'oor man: lie is continually planting
briers by the way! What wonder if he
reaps a plentiful harvest of thorns ?
Does our grumoier travel, ne ineeus
witlt more hair-breadth escapes, comes
in contact with more villainous people
who make him the sole object of their
vile intentions, which, however, from
his .superior discernment he sueceods in
eluding, than Ledyard or Von Humboldt
ever encountered. .
Tlie best way to cure a discontented
man is to help him complain; agree
with him that he is the most unfortunate
person living, and he will very soon
undertako to pro-e thatlio has quite as
much to be thankful for as the most of
tKKJple.. T ....
A friend whom I was once visiting
lind the misfortune to have a husband
who was always exaggerating the ills of
life. One morning lie sat down to
breakfast as usual, ate a hearty meal,
and just before its eloe leaned back in
his chair, saying tliat lie was unwell;
and forthwith began to diseant upon his
many ailments. He declared that ho
felt that he was not long for this world;
it was his fate, but he was resigned.
Here he recounted a number of incidents
to prove that an evil genius had followed
him from his cradle to the present mo
ment. Said he:
"I must consult a phvsician immqdi
ately." "Yes," replied his wife, anxiously;
"you must g to Dr. Cur'om this very
day. Start right awaydo, tlear; don't
defer; pray don't"
"There, that's just like a woman,"
replied the husband, "you always think
that I can leave my business at any
"But," rejoined the wife, "only think
of the danger of delay; you are going to
put it oil" until it is too late. You will
die, T know you will! Oh, dear, oh,
dear! I know you will," she cried,
"Well," said lie, angrily, "I can't nor
shan't leave my business to-daj"; so
there is no use in making a fuss," and
marching firmly to tlie hat-rack he In
vested himself in coat nnd hat and left
for his place of business.
As he passed out of sight my hostess
burst into a merry laugh; and seeing my
look of surprised inquiry, remarked,
"You know Henry is rather notional,
and I find it best to humor him." . '
I think sho was right, for during my
stay I heard nothing more of Henry's
ailments. His wife's prescription no
doubt proved more efficacious than any
which Dr. Cur'ein could have adminis
tered. Wc-tlein Rural.
Lincoln's Dream. The President re
marked that the news would come soon
and come favorably, he had no doubt,
for he had last night his usual dream
that had preceded every important
The Curse of the Hour.
There is too much lying. On every
hand we meet with exaggeration, equiv
ocation, deception. We call it all lying,'
and every man or woman who varies
one iota from the strictest fact and truth
is indeed a liar.
The expressman agrees most solemnly
to deliver a trunk for you nt a certain
place by a certain hour. He delivers it
the day after the time promised, and
thus lies. The grocer promises to send
you the best tea in mo market. He
takes tlie first his hand falls upon with
out any care for tlie quality, and dis
patches it to you without a twinge. He
is a liar. The printer promises to do
your work cheaper than it can be done
elsewhere in town. Ho forgets his
promise charges you what he pleases
aud lies. The tailor atrrces to deliver a-
! suit of clothes without fail by six in the
i nvntiim "Vnn rrof tlinm tlm mnpniti.
i- .i.X t i 7 i if . " V ; "oi
eieui. m iu x inwuireii uie par- !Uui me tailor is a liar. The demise
ticulars of this remarkable dream. He pledges his word tliat the teeth filled by
said it w-as In my department It related him w ill be all right for n dozen years,
to tho water; that he seemed to be in a i The fillings come out in six mouths, and
singular and indescribable vessel, but the dentist lies. A man over the way IS
always the same, aud that he was mov- n need of a temporary loan. You lend
ing with great rapidity toward a dark him a small sum, which lie promises by.
and Indefinite shore; that he had this everything to return it at n given time,
singular dream preceding the firing of He keeps it a month over the time, a'tid
Sumter, the battles of Bull Bun, Antic-1 Is a liar. An auctioneer tells you that a
tarn, Gettysburg, Stone River, Vicks- certain picture is by a master artist,
burg, Wilmington, &c. Gen. Grant re- when he knows that it was painted by.a.
marked, with some emphasis and as-! fourth-rate painter. He lies, and is not
perity, that Stone River was no victory I worthy of trust. A salesmau lies about
that a few such victories would have ! his goods. A bootmaker lies about your
ruined our country, and ho knew of no i hoots. Tho ieweler lies about vour
watcn. gossiper ui wie uiunur-iauie
tells exaggerated stories to astonish the
ladies, and is nothing but a liar. Tjlie
florist assures you that his flowers were1
picked in the morning, when they .are
nearly two days old. He lies, and will
lie about anything. The book publisher
advertises that his book is selling by tlie
tens of thousands, when he has not sold
a thousand. He is a liar and one door oil
from the murderer. ,.. .
Evervwhere. cvprvwliorn ri ' lipnr
lying, lying. Men and women who
I would knock you down if you caHed
tticin nars, no every Hour, uecopiio"
Is the rule rather than the exception.
Canvassers lie about insuranco coiii-
f antes. Brokers lie about stocks-.
tors lie about politics. Exaggeration
and misrepresentation ruiei-- "
are its curse. . j-.'
Gentlemen-ladics-why cannot tlte
truth be told always ami or. VJJj
all this deception and lyi nfT; V, p w
much falsifying and cheating In tUo
name of all that is pure and good neneg
fff 'ai you asreel-gggrJftg. ",'t
"You're a queereiTieken," as.lho'hen.
said when she hatched out a duel.
important results from It. The Presi
dent said that perhaps he should not al-
togetner agrco with, mm, but wnntovcr
might be tlie facts, his singular dream
preceded that fight. Victory did not al
ways follow his dream, but the event
aud results were important. He had no
doubt that a battle was about being
fought "and Johnston will bo beaten,
fori had this strange dream again last
nignt. it must relate to Mierman; ray
thoughts are In the direction, and I know
of no other very important event which
is iiKeiy just now to occur."
Great events did follow. Within a
few hours the good and gentle as well as
truiy great man wno narrated tits tiream
was assassinated, nnd tho murder which
closed forever his earthly career, af-
incieu ror years, aud perhaps forever tlie
welfare of his country. Gideon Welles,
in April Galaxy.
Grammatical Gikl! A young lady
says that a gentleman ought to never
feel discouratred when thrf "momentous
question" is negatived by tlie object of
us uuuice, ior in uie, as in grammar, wc
"always decllno before we conjugate."
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