FRIDAY 1IAY 24, 1872. . HOMENEWS. Salem needs more dwelling houses, Considerable building is going on at Seattle. Kuiall pox U reported in San Fran co again. The citizens of Dayton intend having a free bridge. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. met this wr-ek at Salem. The wheal erop in Linn county looks very promising. Picnics of all sorts and descriptions are plentiful just now. The Multnomah Democrats have in- tiorsou the People's Ticket. t ji ftl i ft Mrs. Bhafer, mother of ox-Gov. Salo mon, died at Olympla recently. ine property value for the present year of Clarke county, V. T., is ST.'jO,- Several eaeeriof small pox are reported among the IiHiiaiis.on the Siletz vation. The Columbia river is rising, and con sequently the Willamette is also rising at huh jiiHue. The Improved Order of Red Men of Portland held a picnic last Tuesday at Kauvie's Island. Grand preiarations are being made for the celebration of Decoration Day fn the 30th hist. See notice of Spiritual Grove Meeting, which commences Juue 17tli next at oodburu htntioii. Godry'x Lady's Book for June at hand. It is a number that will bo found un usually interesting. i rops in Washington Territory are looking well, but need a little more rain to secure a bountiful yield. A military company, to be known as the "Dolly Varden Zouaves," Is in process of orgonization at Salem. The annual meeting of the Christian Brotherhood will be held near Dallas, lMk county, on the 13th of June. Corvallis has been visited by another destructive lire. Loss, about $8,000. As usual the Ore started in a liquor shop. At Albany butter is selling at 202$c per pound; eggs at 25c por dozen; wheat at 05c per bushel; oats at COc per bushel. Rev. A. "V. Sweeney, formerly of Al bany, has taken charge of the Cumber land Presbyterian Church at Walla Walla. The M. E. Sunday school of Portland held a very pleasing picnic at SauvJc's Island last Friday. Thore was a large attendance. Recent heavy frosts have committed sad havoc with the fruit prospects in Yakima valley. The entire peach crop has been destroyed. "Work has been commenced on the new lighthouse at Cape Foulweather, in Til lamook county, near the southern boundary of Benton. The State Horticultural Fair met yesterday at the skating rink. It will continue to-day and to-morrow. Liberal premiums are offered. Rev. Geo. Burton delivered a very interesting lecture last Wednesday evening in Masonic Hall, on the "Lim its or Jluman Knowledge." A vocal and instrumental concert, under the direction of Prof. J. B. Mc- (iibenv. was civen at the Concreca tional Church last "Wednesday evening. The Common Council of Vancouver have- passed an ordinance granting to Captain Joseph Knott the ferry" 'ran chise across the Columbia river at that place. An aggregate of 5,140 tons of railroad iron, enough to lay sixty miles of track have been shipped via San Francisco to Kalama, from the East, for the . I. It. 11. Co. Hart, the railroad contractor, who was arraigned on a charge of perjury, has been adjudged not guilty. He is now being tried on another charge that of fraud. Geo. W. Traver, Agent, has just re ceived a new invoice of Home Shuttle ewinc Machines. Call and see him .ill you who want good, efficient, sub stantial and withal cheap sewing ma chines. From Pumphrey's (now Olaqua) to Olympia competition has reduced pas senger fare to eight dollars by the oppo sition line of Corbett & Co., although the regular mail-coach line yet charges ten dollars. Portland evinces substantial signs of improvement and prosperity in the many new buildings constantly being built. It is estimated that not less than live hundred new buildings will be erected during 1S72. The California Horticultural and Floral Magatinc published at San Francisco, Cal., is a periodical deserving patronage It is tilled with interesting articles in its line, and must be of much -value to all Horticulturists. The local of the Oregonhm observes that the "Xicliolson pavement Is bein n paired in numberless places." Wouldn't numerous be the better word? Couldn't the places really be counted now, say in the course o'f twenty-four hours? It is estimated by the English press, that when the Northern Pacific railroad is finished, they will be able to go from Liverpool to Japan in thirteen days less time than by the Suez canal. The route will be from Liverpool to Halifax, thence by the Canadian system of mil ways to Duluth and Puget Sound. An official letter from the Commis sioner of the Land Olllcc at Washington has been received by the Register at Walla Walla, informing that officer that the whole district of country north of the Spokane, and extending to the British possessions, has been set aside as an Indian Reservation. This reserve in cludes the whole of Colville valley, and takes in a scone of country that now furnishes homes to several hundred white settlers. What will be done with these settlers? Miss AnnaMchlitr.; the. celebrated pianist, Is coming to Portland. She will sail to-morrow from San iranclsco, Much credit is due Mr. DePrans, mana ger of Gray's branch music store in this city, and others, for their efforts to in duce this ladv to visit this point Ev crvbodv should hear and witness her performance upon the pianoforte. There was received from Washington, at the Executive Office at Salem last week, list No. 2, embracing 01,127 83-100 acres of lands, approved to the Mam ette Valley and Cascade Mountain Mili tary Wagon Road; also list :No. 2, con-tainIngJC3,4S7:09-100 acre?approved to the'Dhlles Military Wagon Road, from Dalles City to Fort Boise, on Snake river. The Colorado Monthly, devoted chiefly to the resources, industries and wants of Colorado, has reached us. It Is a spicy little publication, and evinces good 'judgment and taste In the articles which appcarin its pages. As there should be, it contains a Woman's Department, which Is edited by Mrs. Dora T. Boyer. We welcome the Colorado Monthly to our exchange list. Samuel P. Warren, of Washington Territory, Charles T.Warren, O. S.War ren, J. S. Lockwood, W. H. Hood and R. 2C. Moxham.of 2cw York, and A. L. Winner, of Kansas City, Missouri, have filed articles of incorporation for a com pany, the object of which is to carry on the business of banking in the city of Seattle; capital siock, 55uu,uuu, with the right to increase Ihesame to $2,000, 000. Dr. Bourne lectured last Monday evening in the Masonic Hall in thid city. As is well known, the Doctor is a reformer in the medical profession. His manner of delivery is free and easy, with no attempt at flourish, simply tell ing what ho lias to say in a practical manner, which comes right home to all. He is very severe on the allopathic practitioners aud drug stores, thinking there is very little use for cither. Dr. Bourne believes in the simplest kind of diet, excluding all kinds of meat, salt, pepper, tea, coffee, tobacco, whiskey, etc, also rich cakes, pies, pastrv, etc Water, in his opinion, is tho sovereign remedy for diseased humanity. He declares that there is more virtuo in a few pailsful of. water titan in all medi cines. The audience, which was a fair one, but not as large as it should havo been, was highly interested to the close of the lecture, which occupied an hour and a quarter in deliverv. Tuosdav night ho lectureil to gentlemen alone. Dr. Bourne intends slartimr to Califor nia Monday, making the trip on foot There are not many persons in this country sixty-six years of years of age Dr. Bourne's aire who would volun tarily undertake such a iournev. He intends to average thirty-five miles a day on his journey. We bespeak for him a cordial recention wherever ho mnv choose to lecture along the route. The Doctor will lecture at Corvallis Wednes day evening. Let there be a good turn out He will also lecture at Aurora Monday evening next, provided a suita ble hall can be obtained for the purpose. Fashion in the Nr.w and in the Old Would. The young king of Slam, cherishinga friendly feeling foranAmer- ican iauy who nau, during the reign of his late father, resided in the roval eitv. re quested her to send him tier likeness. This was accordingly done by the hand- oi a mutual inenu, ana tne gilt, as we icarn iroin a recent, letter, was received with marked wlcasure bv the mnnnrah. Rut after a long and careful scrutiny, he asked with a mizzled air. "Has mv friend changed her nation or her relig ion ? It must ho one or the other. The features are tho same, but tho dress t This is not the costume she wore when I saw lier lasu" And thus it ever is in theEast. Orien tals cannot possibly comprehend why the style of drcs should be changed, un less of necessity. Among them each nation and tribe has its peculiar cos tume, as well as Its insignia of religious creed; and those fashions are perpetual, me lapse oi inousaiius oi years ordinar ily being unmarked by any special change. The loose Oriental sleeve, adopted of late years by our ladies, has been worn in China for thousands of years; the various basques, sacks, and jacke'tAj'so' generallyprevalcnt among us at the present time, have all been portions of the national costume of Ilur mah, Siam, and Malaya from time im memorial; and so of many of the styles Introduced nsnctcinour Western World. Sowic of their fashions, it is true, seem very absurd to our unaccustomed eyes; but oura doubtless appear equally strange to an Oriental, who regards red as the appropriate color for a bride, white for mourning, and yellow as the distinguished costume of the clergy. LippincotCs Magazine. ITelen Barnard Is the New York Her ald? special rejwrtcr of proceedings in thcllouse; in filling which position, she has the honor of olTering a precedent to her sex that reflects great credit upon herself. So ndmimlilv 1ms linr work fbeen executed that serious doubts arc expressed at headquarters whether a woman really did it at all. The compli ment is questionable, perhaps; but, in the present status of the sex, it is proba bly the highest that could be ollered. Personally, Mrs. Barnard is a very ad mirable character. She is tall and linely formed, with a most commmuli dice, ami, although not handsome In any classical sense, there is that about her which ranks her socially ammif tim most fascinating women in Washing ton. Her intellectual endowments are wnat may oo icrmeu rare m her sex, her writing being remarkable for vigor, rather than for warmth or brilliancv of style, and present indications seem to point to politics as the sphere of her literary career. MUtouri ltepublican. Brooms and Sewing. If brooms are wet in boilinc suds once a week thev will become very tough, will not cut the carpet, last much longer, and always sweep like a new broom. A very dusty carpet may ue cleaned oy setting a pall of cold water out by the door, wet the broom in It, knock It to get out all the drops, sweep a yard or so, then wash the itroom again as ueiore, aim suceii again, being careful to shako all the drops oil" the broom, and not sweep far at a time. Tiie water may need to be changed once or twice ir tlie carpet is very ausiy. Snow sprinkled over a carpet and swept on Deioro it has time to rueiranuuis solve; Is also nice for renovating a soiled carpet. Moistened Indian meal is used with good effect by some housekeepers. Robert Collyer thinks well of hus bands. He says if Adam had been with Eve she would not have eaten the apple. Probably not. If like some of tho hus bands we happen to have seen he would have himself. Golden Age. A South 'Sea Eden. According to the account of a corres pondent of tho Washington Chronicle, who has lived at the Navigator Islands, they might well have been the scene of our first parents' little adventure. The writer says: I know of no Island in the world of equal dimensions so well watered as that of Upolu, with its numerous rivers and waterfalls. Brooks which are supplied from never-falling springs of pure, cool, crystal waters are to be met at short dis tances in all directions, and together with a lake of fresh water, situated at the summit of the highest ridge of land, ! surrounded with a scenery which with that of the surrounding landscape is un surpassed, and may be justly classed among inemosi picturesque ami neauti- fill that is to be met with in any part of i .i t - i i V ir it " " , mis jsiaiuns ucauuiuiiy iiiversiueii wiiu valleys, plains and irregular hills, the whole of which is covered with shrubs of various kinds and trees of perpetual verdure. It is here that the wanderer may enjoy the pure air, and truly par adisical scenery that surrounds him. They may talk of the Italian skies and Sicilian shrubbery; no island or coast in or around the Medltterranean Sea can rival this island In salubrity of climate, fertility of soil or beauty of scenery"- Its air is dellclously balm Its shrubbery luxuriant. Health and beauty hero revel together. Nature is dressed in ever changing but never-failing charms, and her sunny smiles are reflected from the human countenance. From the dawn of day until some time after suurise tho most sparkling fable of Turkey, Persia or all the East Is fully realized. Every leaf and flower and spray and blade of grass is gemmed with dew drops of ex traordinary clearness and purity, which have imbibed so mucli of the vegetable fragranco that when they begin to ex hale in the increasing warmth of the solar rays, the whole atmosphere Is filled with the most delightful perfumes, and every passing zephyr scatters grateful odors from its wings. This is tho hour for healthy recreation: the by-paths arc now crowded with the equestrians of botlt sexes, while the fields, meadows, lawns, hills and valleys are sprinkled with people some in groups, others in pairs, and many in contemplative soli tude. But when the suit has attained a somewhat higher altitude and the strag glers begin to feel the jwtency of his beams, they all repair to their dwellings with keenly-sharpened appetites for the luxuriant breakfast that awaits them. Tho natives are the finest specimens of mankind that have been found in the Polynesian world. They are iwlito, in telligent and hospitable; their lauguago Is soft and harmonious. They are renowned for their chastity and moral behavior. They have intelligent and pleasant countenances, and modest de meanor, and a most noble carriage af their person. Many of the females aro no darker than a Spanish brunette, are very handsome, with tho most sym metrical forms. They have never been drawn up in a machine of torture that was never heard of among all the dia bodical inventions of the inquisition a machine of whalcbono and steel, aud cord and pulleys and levers; a machine Mr more riuicuious ami mischievous than the iron shoe of China, as the body aud vitals of a human being are of more value than the feet But they stand out in theirbeatificsimplicity and loveliness, the emblem of the great Master's handi work in His happiest mood, a combina tion of beauty, grace and innocence, which no Christian can look upon with out the deeiest sentiments of lovo and admiration both toward the Creator and the created. Portland llarket. Flour Extra. S3 75 ner barrel: Extra country brands, $-" 'SMi tti. w neai m ami aj pcrceniai. llutler Fine dairy, o"j0c per pound; nnlln- nry, 2jtv-. lilCCs- Sic IT dozen. OUR AGENTS. The following persons are duly authorized to act as AKentt for the Nkw NoirriiWEsT: Mrs J. II. Foster- Allmny Ashby l'enrce Albany Dr. Hayley- Corvallis A. A. Manning Miss Vlrclnln Oldd. Hiram Smllh . Hnrrlnbunr J. H. I). Henderson Eugene City W. W. Reach Hnena Vlsla Rev.AVm. Jolly Hlllsbom Hon.T. W. Davennort Sllverton Mary J. Mnsers Gervals A. W. Stanard S. H. t:iaURhton. f. A. Rpel Mrs. O.T. Daniels Mrs. Nellie Curl I". C. Sullivan ....ISmwnsvIIIe . .Iyclanon Nnlrm Salein Salem . Dallas Knrnyclle Kalama Mrs. M. F. Cook Mrs. M.C. fllne- Mrs. R. A. Vawters Mrs. It. It. Illfchon. Rev. J. F. Damon. Wallsbunt I'enuleton Seattle Rev. D. llaglcy.. -Seattle Mrs. Jane M.Wilson Philip Rltz I'. D. Mooro Mrs. It. J.Georce Mrs. M. J. Ensign. Walla Walla Walla Wulla Port Townscnd -Traveling Agent Portland G. 15. Wood.... -Traveling Agent Mrs. M. Jeffries II. II. Welch Dr. J. Walts A. N. Amokl !. W. Lawson .Traveling Agent -Washington county ..- Lafayette . Vlban any I .Salem M. 1'. Owen Dalles Forest Grove . Oreson City Mllwaukie -The Dalles! Mrs. C. A. Cobum Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson . Thos. Parsons R. Pcntland Miss Sallie Applcsatc. Miss a A. Owens J. T. Scott, Esq Mrs. A. E. Convln Geo. Engle - J. W.Jnckson- .. ,, loncalm Ro.cbu ..Forest Grove Nchalem -Traveling Agent r? Kueene I P. Fisher .San Francisco Mrs. Laura Do Force Gordon-... -...California MIm Nellie MoMini.iii OlvillDla I. T. Maulsby .....-- Vancouver G. W. Brock Union Ridse, W. T Other parties desiring to act as Ascnts will please forward their names. We want Agents at every postolllee throushoul Oregon nnd Washlnston Territory. SPECIAL NOTICES. SI'IRITl'AI. GROVE MEETING. There will be a Grove Meeting at Woodburu Station, commencing the I7Ih of June and last ins one week. There will he n lnrge numlier of mediums nnd speakers In attendance. IToC W. H. Chaner.ofNew York, will he therewith ins new aim womieriui painting, roiicii up cs- leciaiiy ior ine purjiosc oi iiiuiraiiiiK "c --i' enec of Astrology. All arc cordially invited to attend. By order ol the Committee of Arrangements. -2nJtf The t'lotliliir Trade linn, ultlilu the last i hlrl y days, undergone a regular re volut Ion , by Flshel A- Rolierts having opened a first-class nothing establishment, corner of First and Washington streets, where Men and Boys can be filled to perfection in every kind of Clothes. They are manufacturing on u large scale, and can make anything for Men aud Bovs'wearto order ,n,1,e vcr' best style, at extreme low prices. Thelrntm Is to please both In fltllngand in quality. Acall to their establMiment, corner First and Washington streets, will convince all of the fact. npi-tr ASTHMA, IlllONCHITlS, CATARRH Affections nf tllf. Tjinmi lVMifnlwa. TH u-l I II IT-OR ram the Ears, Nervous or General Debility, sore Eyes. Granulated Ud, Opacity of the Cor- -. rums, ete are successfully treatea oy ur. Abnni, corner Thlnl and Morrison streets. CHRONIC DISEASES, especially such cases as have resisted the ordinary modes or treat ment, are the class of maladies which Dr. ii.1?? ,reots with unparalleled success. NO C HARGE for Consultation. Terms Moderate and agreeable to the cir cumstances of the patient, so that all who are afflicted can procure his treatment If they wish. n.tar W. H. COBURN, Boole nl .Tol J?riiitcv, S WASHINGTON STREET, UP-STAIRS, Portland, Oregon. Woik done at REASONABLE RATES, nl Good Exoron to be True. In a littlo Vermont town, the Methodist and Unlversallst denominations combined to build a chapel, which is occupied in the morning by tho former, and by the lat ter In the evening. A few weeks since, the Unlversallst pastor asked the Meth odist minister to announce that the evening's discourse would be on "The Death of the Devil." The sturdy fol lower of John Wesley, irritated by this summary taking-ofT of a personage of the utmost value lor scaring sinners Into sanctity, revenged himself by say ing from his pulpit : "This evening, my friend, there Is to be a funeral in this house. One peculiarity about tho ser vice will be the fact that the son preaches his father's funeral sermon." The church Is now-closed until the pend ing Inn-cult frll'tfttinll rlfllt. tn Otm nr flirt otner sect: and tiie Universalis! clergy- man believes mam mere isany man too wicked to be saved, It is his Methodist "brother." - For the very best photographs, go to Bradley & Rulofson's Gallery -without STAIRS aa-ASCEND IN TIIE ELEVATOR, 42) Mont gomery St., San Francisco. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Tho Apprentice Girls rpo DO DRESS-MAKING. APPLY IMME Xdlately to MRS. M. J. ENSIGN, Thlnl St., near Washington, v2nl-tf Portland. THE SELECT SCHOOL Under the direction or jMEx'h. II. C. Brown BE RE-OPENED FOR TIIE RECEP- tlon or pupils on Monday, May 12th, ISTi, Location Cor. Second ami Halls, Portland. All branches comprlslngn liberal education will bo taught. Lessons on the piano will also be given, vauw SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. AV3I. BECK ana SO IV, Importers and Dealers In OCXS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FISHING TACKLE, FANCY GOODS, BEADS, Baskets, Bird Cage., Cctlekv, Croquet Gaines, Carts and Wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., 129 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON AGENTS for Wheeler Wllsnn'.sSowing Ma chines, Needle, Thread, Silk, Oil, Etc. Also Agents for the California Powder Works' Blasting ami Sporting Powder. -2nItf "Sonora Hewitt," iiv mrs. sdsn: wrnirntELL, HAS JUST COMMENCED PUBLICATION IS TIIH FAI'KK. Everj ImwIj- .Should Rend It! SUBSCRIBE NOW ! AND READ THE STORY THROUGH. COFFEE AND SPICE MANUFACTORY. VERDIF.R A TOUItXKT., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Genuine Java French Chartres Coffee nnd Spices of all kinds, wholesale and retail, No. 97 Washington St., Portland Oregon. vln31 J. I. Atkinson", Notary Public Tvlkk WooiiWAltn. IX, W. Wakkkiklp. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson & Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 FRONT STREET, Portland. Oregon, HAVE FOR SALE FARMS AND UNIM proved Lands In Oregon ami Washington Terrltorry. Also, CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sale and to Rent. Wc attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate in f 'ltv nnd Poiinlrv. Special attention given to the Renting of Property and Collection of Rents, looking after ucpiurxanu i-ayincni oi laira on i-ivyvny in ntir Imnilx when iloHlret L I-gal papers written and acknowledgments taken. IAIANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate Se curity. Parties having Money io i-oan arc in vlted to give us a call, nlstf ATKINSON, WOODWARD 4 CO. HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. NEEDLE. SELF-ADJUSTING Tension. Adapted to every variety or Fam Sewing. from the lightest muslin to the heaviest cloths. Agents Wanted. Call on ot address li. W, TRAVER. 112 Front St., Portland ROYAL A SMITH, Agents Salem DR. It. a HILL A SON, Agents Vlbany nlO 3 rRAIGHT NEW ATA'ERTlgEMENTS. TSLTtS. .A-CIi, JUST RETURNED FROM RAX FRAX ciseo with a large and Splendid Stock or OOOXS, srcii as SIUS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawas, Jliii-ncllle. Etc. ...ALSO... A Large and Beautiful Assortment ol MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Fine Laces, Etc., Or every variety and description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid GIotps OI the best quality. jr.wr.i.itr, FAxrr goods, etc.. On hand nnd made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Or all descriptions. Call nnd Ex a mine the Slock. Goods Sold to Suit the Times. i Acir. 97 First street, Portland. tV3" CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies by every Steamer. nlS DR. VAN DEN BERGH'S Sovcrcipt "Worm Syrup. rpiIIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE J Is warranted to expel all worms from the llowcls and Stomach, except Tape and Chain Worms. The proprietor lias taken much pains to test the comparative merits of tho principal Worm Medicines of the day, which, numerous as the Entozoa themselves, have overspread the laud, each claiming torlt.-olf thonameof spe cific; aud, while we frankly acknowledge that matir of them are oflen successful, and do irreuL good, were we not assured that this combines. uiivaniagc possesseu ny no oincr worm meui--luc. Its Introduction at this laic day would not have been attempted. The pleasant taste nnd exceedingly small quantity of this medicine required to test the existence of worms, or to remove every one from the system Its operating in a few hours, unaided by any other pnrge, together with Its certainty of effect, constitute It one of thu most brilliant discoveries of the age. Had wc space here, scores of certificates might bo adduced to show Its progressive and rapidly increasing reputation for tho last few years; but to promulgate its famo and estab lish its character, wc only ask for n trial. Its speedy operation in all sudden attacks, as convulsions, colic, tits or spasms, gives it an unrivaled Miperlorlty. Sent by express on re ceipt of price. SYMPTOMS OK WOI1MS. Alternate paling nnd Hushing or the coun tenance, dull expression of the eyes, drowsl- lucx, MciiliiK ui ine nose,: itwcucu ujpt:r tongue whllely furred and thickly speckled with red liolnts. feted breath. an enlarged belly. n nam a I or irpnerul swcllluir or iiutllngness of the skin, a starting In the sleep and grinding of tht teeth, n sensation ns If something was hxlgrd In the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and drv much, utinetltu sometimes vora clous, at other times feeble, Ix.weis sometimes costive, at other times loose, great fretfulness and Irritability nriempcr.pams in inestomacii anil bowels, colic. Ills, convulsions nnd nalsv. Its value in removing masses oi cniiitucs from the smtnncli and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot be too highly es timated. I"reiared nnd sold, wholesale nnd retail, by DR. VAN DEN UERGll and Agents In all cit ies anil towns. Dr. Van Den llcrrrh can he consulted on all diseases that the human system Is heir to. His lone experience In diseases of women and children cannot be surpassed by any physi cian In tho United States or Europe. Dr. V. ad vises ladles troubled with any Irregnlarltles of lite Uterus to fry his new remedied aud get cured. Ily consulting nnd undergoing n simple ex amination the iifillctcd can learn if their dis ease lie worms or not. At all events. Dr. Van Don lSergh can tell them from what disease they are suffering. Consultations nnd examinations free of charge. Opkice Rooms 5S nnd m, over I'ostoftlce, Salem, Oregon. Letters describing the symptoms will lie promptlv answered, and persons living at a distance will lie sav ed t he expense and trouble of calling on the Doctor. Address DR. J. W. VAN DKN nERGH, T, V. O. Ilox 172, Salem, Oregon. HURGREN & SHINDLER, DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MANUFAC turersofevcry variety ol PARLOR, BED-ROOM, DINING, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE TJRNITURE, Oak, Walnut, Rosenood, rbrstnnt, Ktr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, IMiIh. Ilnlr, Mohh, Excelsior Glue, Stc, Etc, Etc. TIIE LARGEST STOCK! TIIE BEST GOODNI THE LOWEST PRICES! Wakk Rooais Nos. UK, .W. 17rt nnd 172, Cor. Salmon and First St., ronianu.uregon. nlllf PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. HOOMN-Corner First "I Mnrk Ms., over Ladd A Tllton's Bunk. Contslas Urn- Three Thouund rbolrr Books AND. Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly nuesi 81 OO-l'nynlile Quarterly DinETTons Win. S. Ijidd, P. C Schuyler, Jr. M. P. Dendy, L. H. Wakefield, w. H. Ilrackett A. C. Glbbs, C. II. Lewis, M. W. Fechhcliner.H, railing, L. mum. Officers: I- H. WAKEFIELD H. FAILING -President -Vice Ircsldpnt . . .-jjiij i i.r.ii, Jiu M. W. FHCHIIEIMER P. a SOHUYLER.Jn- -Treasurer CorresiK)iidlng Sec .Librarian and Uec. 53ec ItKNRY A. OA Kit anSCELCANEOUS. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. B"55 OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland us lollows : For Th Dalle: Dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock a. m. For Astoria: Monday, Wedne-day and Friday at 5 o'clock A. U. For Moutlcello: Dally at 7J o'clock a. m. D.T7 J. C. A INS WORTI I, President. LADD & TILTON, PORTLAND.. .OREGON Etalliliccl, DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kept subject to check on draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS nr TRUST FUNDS, In sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS iromuaicoiueposn. MONEY LOANKIl on approved security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. Collections mode and proceeds promptly re mitted. Investments In Real Estate and other prop erty made for parties. Sight and Tefegrnblc Exchange on Snn Fran cisco and tho Atlantic States for sale. JOovernment Securities bought and sold. Agcul lur um iniiuacuuiiui uii muiu ui fi nancial and Trust Business. n 1 E. D. SUATTCCK. B. KILLIIf. S1IATTCCK A KILLIX, Attorncys-at-Law. OFFICE ROOM NO. 1, DEKUM-S BUILD lng, First street, Portland, Oregon. nlfl PROF. GAX.S GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences of Pnpils. rpERSIS RE.VSON.VBLE. Satisfaction Gunr n2 l aniecu. MILS. S. J. RUMSEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, C1AN BE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the i third floor of Corhett's New Building, from 10 A. M. till 4 P. X. of each day JTLESSONS CIVICS IN liANDSCAFE PAINT- ISO. Ul ISAAC BERGMAN, Cor. herand nml Wnsliluston Sih. TTAVINO RECENTLY PURCHASED THIS JLJ. Market. I am now prepared to sell on reas onable terms the best Meats the country af- lorus. ui 3Eiiijix-o Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. BOARD BY THE DAY, Week or Month, on tho most reasonable terms. Superior accommodations for families, Cancord Coach to and from the house free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. House open all night. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. MANNING TT-EEPS A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HO USE IV for the accommodation of people who pre- ler a quiet nome 10 ine coninsinn oj a notei. Terms moderate. Olympla, w.T. nSStr. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations in the Ensllsh. French. Ger man and Holland lamruagcs. n9. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Denier In GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods, lUuHen nnd JIlsxcs TRIMMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Tankee No tions, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE ELLENDALE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Idl Stock of Blankets, Yarns, Bea vers, Tweeds and Cassimcrcs Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLES BY EVERY STEAMER. UP PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to Orders. nl DELLINGER &, CO., Washington St., bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND . -OREGON -MANUFACTURE AN A NO. 1 ARTICLE OF BREAD, CRACKERS aVKES, ClaaatkeryJOrPaUaUa,lj'r0Um 1,1 nFlrst OS-Goods delivered to any partoflhecltv j:i,71ntS -Pi : NOW IS THE TIME TO' SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clutis. THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Junrunl for tlip IVopIe.t -Hi ' AJTO - "V- OEVOTED TO THE IHTETESTS OF HUMANITY:- ' Arrangements have been made totccurellic Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. The Nkv Northwest Is not a Woman's Rights, but :i Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greate-t good to the greatest number. R knows no sex, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation is fastened upon the rock of Eternal Liberty. Universal EmancilKitloii aud UnrrSmmeled Progression. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement tor our friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for the New NoirruwEsr, weotrertlie lollowtng llloi val uable premiums : rortwsaty subscribers, at S3 00 each, accom panied by the cash, we will give ilie HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, without ta ble, beautiful ly ornamented. Price, J81 For thirty-five subscribers, at $tuu each, ac companied by the cash, we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Price, S IT. For forty subscribers, at $.1 Oi) each, accom panied bv the cash, we wlIlgiveallOMESlIUT TLE SERVING MACHINE, finished in extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. Price, $.YL The above Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-class In every particular, can be seen at the office ol Geo. W. Traver, 112 Front street, Portland. For tiny subscribers, at S3 00 each, nceom- f nnied by the cash, we will give a MASON t LVMLIN PORTABLE ORGAN, Tour octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatic bellows swell, two blow pedals, Improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc. Price, Jjft. For seventy-five subscribers, at $3 CO each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN; resembles tho first ex cept that It has also a knee stop. Price, $7i For seventy-five subscribers, at $3 00 oach. accompanied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will give a MASON Jfc HAMLIN ORGAN, of FIVK OCTAVES, ONE HTOP, SELF-APIUSTINO REED VALVES, IM PROVED BELLOWS, TUEMCLANT AND KITEE swell. Price, $100. For one hundred subscribers, at 3 00 each, and twenty dollars additional, we will give it MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN, FIVE octaves, KlVKSTOrS, TWO SETS OP JtlllRATOlW TiinorKJii OCT, IMl'liOVED OKADVATKD SKLF-AWUSTINU IlEEDVALVES,IMPlOVKInr.LI.OWS,TREMCLAXT AND KNE-SWELLS. VIOLA, DIAPASON. FLUTE, TREMULANT. Price, $125. Those who desire to work for these premiums can send the names nnd money as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will bo placed to their credit, and if enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de sired they can choosea lesserpremium.orthey wlll beentltled to receive twentv-flvo percent, in cash of the amount remitted for their labor. OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The N ew Northwest nm-. a popular success, we are decided that It shall ni"o prove a Titiuairu. To enable our Mends who mav ilecllf tr ran. vass for our paper to benefit both themselves and us by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we pniiMj io Kive wie lonowing auuuiouai pre miums to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is in arrears for the New North west, who will send us his orherown subscription fee, and one new subscriber, ac companied by the cash 56 00 we will give : .v pair i-arian jiaruie ases; Or a Bohemian Glass Vase; Ora Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; Or K dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or S dozen Plated Tea Spoons; Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Ora Lady's Fan, spangled, leathered edge: Or a Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 pictures; Or an Album (extra) for holding pictures- Or a Fancy Letter Case; Or a box Toilet Articles, inelinllno -m chalk, perfumery, etc.; ' or a Hriiannta tea pot; Or a Kerosene Lamp; Or V-x dozen Glass Goblets; Or 4 dozen Glass Tumblers; Or a large Gloss Fruit Dish ; OraWorkBjskct; Or n Flno Embroidered Handkerchief; Or dozen Linen Hnndkerchlefs; Ora Woolen Table Cover; Or 4 dozen Table Napkins; Or dozen Towels; Or an elegant Portmonla. Anv subscriber who Is In arrears mnwai'j subscription, and who will sond his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac companied by the cash making $9 00 we will Mid: A set ot Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or a set of Rogers'TablcSpoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted ; Or a set or Rogers' Teaspoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or;4 dozen nogcrs- nuiseii's iiiuie rviuves, best quality, warranted : Ora handsome Bird Cage. Any person in arrearsfor subscription to Tun New Northwest, who will send his or her .iiiwcrlnttnn fee and three new subscribers, no-' companled by the cash', making ii 00, we will send: ,, A handsome jiarsaincs yuiu; Or n handsome Woolen Oullt. red and whlta' or blue and white; OrapairorTante L'lotns; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, wiv color or size: Ora Japanese inlaid work Box; Or 18 yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For seven subscribers at S3 on eneii. amount. lng to $21 00. we will send : An extra Castor, trlnleril.iteil. on vhiiomMaii valued at S9 a); Ora Lady's Writing Desk, of equal value; OraCablnct.Japancse Inlaid; Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are nil valunhle. nnd nre war ranted to be Jnst as wo represent them. Per sons living in this city or who can visit us can receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or ir not convenient to visltus, we will bond the articles by express to any ad- No order of this kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies It. h renu money jn i-osiomce oni- "-,:, . tomary rates of currency, or send uraii. lerreo. , All orders promptly attended to. . . We sincerely hope that this Infa offer, which Is a newfeaturo ,' ,VA a hclrty re buslncssln Oregon, will meet with a he art re sponse from tho many Mends ' ou r j , who np to this time baveseenml W 'oreo. Ize that THE New "S?"" ke up