The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 24, 1872, Image 1

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    MH. A. J. lirsiH'AT. Editor ana rroprlrtor
OITIt'K-f 'or.TliIrtt and Washington Sli
TEUMS, IX atjvasck:
llire hkmUik.
. i (
00 1
ADVBIWISKMBXTS Inserted on Reasonable
(Writreii forthe Xew Northwest.
I watch and weep fur thee,
WhOe evening badows flee;
WkrwnU litou not to me.
Thou leant of life?
The mourned Mrs appear,
Art Jfr iBMiOon's t wtr
Slihft; thoof h-'none beriter
Olie gaudy tulips sleep;
The heavens o'er them weep
Drops from that anw deep
Where oft we gaze.
The bleeding heart droops low, J
Tt vlolera tear drop glow. '
Alxl swaying to ami fro '
BreliMt jtirves.
. Jlaabthou f.rfit iinv.!'. ,j".,.. .
hoel4rit jearns-iorthec? . (
"'KrrtendithlpT.flee,. :
We live !n woe,. . . ,' .
0 towel oneo fondly told I '
U rise of virgin gold!
Jlaw jre So him grown okl
If ttnts IWeV morning btoom
In marred by wirrown gloom,
0 wtai must be the doom
Of future years?
Dai numbered oou life's pnds;
AtthwheU the heart's demands.
And, fWdlnsT weary hands
I'U steep at lat.
Xor feel the cohl earth'.-! chill,
VrHru magnetic thrill,
XohnmRti good or III
Shall wake me more.
SAUK, April 17th, VSJt. Constance.
(Written for the New XortbweM.J
l'icture or Milj nt Son.
A bark -whose prow points to the fading day,
Far out upon the restienfc, roll Ins sea,
A nooTV-trl fifed bird from kindred faraway.
She glides an atom 'midst Inanity;
Swiftly he flees from gntn'rlnggloom astern,
Uut swifter still night's sable shafts are hurled,
Till northward now the sea-boy can discern
Ills beacon star; then every sail unfurled.
And speeds ehe through the night, steered by
you Kiim'rinir world.
nr si as. snsm wmi krell.
Entered, according to the Act or Congress, In
the year ISTf, by Mrs.Surte"Vltherell,ln the Of
fice of the librarian of Congress at Washington
Harry had intended to have remained
home but one week when he first came.
But as "circumstances alter cases," so
it proved in his case. His friend, Clar
ence Pierpont, who had complained for
a day or two of a severe headache, was
taken sick the day following their ar
rival with an attack of bilious fever,
which confined him to his bed for ten
1fl va mill flinnnlia'c Tinvt nrr nlinut
to take place in the course of aTiother .
week, they were prevailed upon to give
up returning till the commencement of
another term. Mrs. Hewitt, who pre
ferred pleasure to a sick room, could
scarcely be prevailed upon, even for po
liteness sake, to come in once or twice
during the day to see her son's friend,
and the entire care devolved upon Harry
and Sonora, who did all that lay In their
power to render his illness as comforta
ble as possible. One or the other re
mained with him constantly, but upon
Sonora fell the gentle task of adminis
tering his medicines and arranging the
pillows, so that he might rest more
comfortably. Her hands also arranged
tho delicate nosegay upon the table ev
ery morning, or looped back the cur
tains to admit the sweet breeze of sum
mer. No voice had ever seemed so
gentle to the ear of the patient as hers
as she read from that good book which
to him had been a comfort and a staff
from childhood. He was well versed in
its mysteries, having labored hard to
store his mind with its sacred truths.
Mrs. Hewitt scarcely knew how he was
getting along, so seldom did she inquire,
now that she knew he was out of dan
ger, till the morning after the sail was
proposed. Looking from tho window
of her room she beheld Mr. Pierpont,
with her son on one side of him and her
daughter on the other, walking down
the long avenue in front.
"Oh, he is well," said she, to herself.
"I must keep Sonora away from him,
ior l am uciermiuou sue snail never
marry a poor student who has nothing
to commend him but beauty. A pretty
sound that would be in the world of
fashion! The rich and handsome So
nora Hewitt marry a student? Never!"
and she curled her lips disdainfully as
she watched their retreating forms. '41
uo not llilUK uie gin cares auyimiig ior
him yet, hut I must be in time, ere her
father becomes enraptured with tlie un
sophisticated youth," and retiring from
the window, she began preparing for a
ride with her husband.
Soon after her departure our three
friends returned to the house, Sonora
and Mr. Pierpont wending their way to
the sitting room, while Harry amused i
himself with hunting up and mending
sundry fishing tackle, preparatory to
having some sport on the following day.
"Will you sing me that charming lit
tle song of Bums', 'Should old acquaint
ance be forgot?' " asked Clarence, as he
placed the ribbon or Sonora's guitar
string around her neck.
"With pleasure. It is one whose
words echo back my own feelings. Tlie
words, though simple, express so "much.
But I fear my vocal eflbrts will fail to
give full justice to the musical Scotch
man. You should hear my friend
Jiianche sing. I am sure you would
never care to hear me again."
Then I have uo such desire, for I am
only too happy when listening to Hiss
"Nowno flattering!" and withainerry
little laugh she began playing the ac
As her voice died away so sweetly on
tho "auld lang syne,-" she trilled a few
Cnotcs -arid then sang those exquisite
words :
"I have been dreaming strange wild dreams too
Sweet dreams of earth, but passionless and
I have been singing o'er tho self-same song
Till my heart beau an echo to the strain
The dreams, the song there's none can paint
ui inn
Tlie Mranw sweet though Is that In my txrara
"There, will that do?"
TJiankyou,'? said Clarence, as Sonora
finishedand arising, he'took the guitar
from, his companion" and. laid it upon
the piano. Then,.taking ft seat beside
her, he said: "Those words express what
I would say. Do not frown upon me,
Alisa Hewitt, at least till I have finished.
But listen from tbc'flrst Itime I saw
you I have loved you not with a love
that will wear off with the nest new
object, but with a love that nothing can
ever obliterate, nothing, not even
death, for God is love, and I know I
shall be permitted to love you still in
that Heaven to which I look forward.
Do you love me? Can yon love me?
Only answer me and let me know my
fate, be it good or bad only let me hear
it from the lips of her I love alone and I
shall be content;" and kneeling before
her, he took the little trembling hand
within his own as ho continued, "I loved
you ere I scarcely knew it myself, but
when I saw you the ministering angel
hovering around my pillow: when your
gentle hand bathed my heated brow:
when your low sweet voice read to me
the sacred word of God, but above all
when I heard your prayers ascend to the
l-ather on high for my recovery, when
you thought I slept, then, ah then, 1 1
loved you ! I could have clasped you to
my heart and bid farewell to earth and
earthly things. Can you, do you blame
me? Love me, only lovo me, 'not in
fancy, not in fear, but love me as if life
doubled in you when I was near.'
Speak! dear Sonora, speak! and let me
know the worst," and without moving
he still knelt before her.
For a few moments there was a dead
silence; then, rising, he again look the
seat beside her, still holding her hand.
At last Sonora broke the stillness.
"Clarence, dear Clarence!" was all
that she could utter, and bursting into
tears she hid her face upon his bosom.
Pushing back her curls, he imprinted
his first kiss upon her pure brow, as he
God bless you for this
,,, ,
much, dear girl," and clasping her still
tighter to his manly breast, he added:
toonora, I have opened my heart to vou
and laid bare its iumost feelings, but by
so doing let me not influence you, nor
cause you to yield your love in return
for the sake perhaps of saving moments
of anguish to the heart of the strange
youth who has sued for your first, pure
love. Let your own feelings, exactly
as they are, prompt your answer, be it
what it may, for I know you will speak
the words kindly, even though they
should be the means of breaking my
heart ; 'for this earth can no pleasure or
happiness give; if I cannot live with
mee, i asu not to live.' 1 am a poor
young man. I am studying for tho
ministry, and have yet another year to
remain at college. At the expiration
of that time I expect, should God spare
my life, to take charge of the Episcopal
church at D , Georgia, which is my
native place. Left an orphan at an early
age, I was brought up and educated by
a wealthy uncle, whose home I still call
my own. Should I prove successful in
my expectations and become settled, at
the close of two years, providing our
lives are spared, may I, at least, hope to
call you mine?"
Sonora raised her head, while her
hand still remained in its former rest
lug-place, as she replied :
"Perhaps you are already awaro of
mamma's prejudices to a poor person,
for any one with less penetrating eyes
than you could see this; I, therefore,
cannot promise you my hand, though
you Have my heart already; but, dear
Clarence for so I love to call you can
you obtain the consent of my parents?
I am yours yes, I will promise before
God never to yield my heart to another's
keeping," and raising her eyes to his.
! she ad(ledi From the flrat r &
you 1 loved you, so you sec our love
must have been congenial," and smiling
sweetly, she arose as she said," Yours and
no other's."
Clarence, rising, placed his arm around
her waist as ho said, "Remember your
Then, walking towards the door, the
lovers parted, Sonora to her room, to
think over the golden era of her exist
ence, anil Clarence to find Harry and
relate to him his happiness, for he was
cognizant of affairs 6incc his friend's
convalescence, and was perfectly de
lighted at the idea of Clarence for a
Meeting her daughter in the hall, Mrs.
Hewitt said laughingly, "Sis, you
should have been with us this morn
iug." "Why so?" questioned Sonora.
"Oh, such an adventure! Come into
my room and I will tell you about it,"
and opening the door, they entered, Mrs.
Hewitt throwing herself into the largo
i bonnetbegan
easy rocking chair, and taking off her
"After riding about three miles, your
father insisted upon going to tho woods
to. see old Cato, who lies sick with the
consumption. I never saw such a man,
always ruuuing around to console some
sick person, or investigating their finan
cial affairs, with the hope of bettering
their condition. Well, we had just got
into the thickest part of the forest,
about two miles this side of Cato'e,when
the horses, becoming frightened at
something, reared and plunged into the
midst of tho trees, perfectly unmanage
able. I never was so frightened in my
life!" and panting for breath, she seemed
utterly exhausted even while thinking
about it. "The Colonel told me not to
bp alarmed, there, was up danger, but J
had no notion of havlng.niy neck
broken, and screamed with all my
might. Just then, as I was about to
jump out much against your father's
wish the thick brush was pushed one
sido and a gentleman came forward,
leading a splendid horse by the bridle.
Leaving his horse standing, with one
bound he seized our horses by the bit,
and before we had time to think had
curbed them into perfect submission.
Then, coming up to the carriage, in
quired if wo were unhurt, and offering
mo his hand, said 'I had better get out
and rest,' while he assisted your father
to mend sonic parts of the wheel, whicii
was broken. Then, taking an elegant
handkerchief from his pocket, spread it
upon the stump of an old tree for me to
sit down upon with as much gallantry
as if he were waiting upon sonic young
lady of sixteen instead of thirty-five.
After mending tho wheel and secinc
that all was right once more, and with
out giving us time to thank him, ho
mounted his horse, and tipping his hat
oh, so gracefully he was out of sight
in a few moments. I did wisli you was I
along so much!"
Why, what for? I should think you
would have been glad I was not, for I
might havo been frightened and jumped
out, and perhaps killed my precious lit
tle self," said Sonora, laughing.
"Oh, no, there was no danger, for ho
would have saved you as ho djd me.
Oh, he was so handsome and had such a
distinguished way with him. Perhaps
ho was a count or some ricli lord on a
visit to this country in search of an
merican wife who knows? I do wish
I had inquired his name. I have no
doubt it was an aristocratic one," con
tinued Mrs. Hewitt, as she rolled and
unrolled the rich brocaded strings of her
Well, this Is quite romantic," said
Sonora, as her mother finished, "but
you seem to have taken a great interest
in him, mamma. If you were a young
lady, I should think you had fallen in
love with him."
"And so I should, providing I knew
he had the one thing needful," respond
ed Mrs. Hewitt "I only hope that
chance may throw him In our way once
more, that you may havo ocular demon
stration of his beauty." i
"And perhaps become charmed by his
fascinating manners and lose my poor
heart, and what then?" said Sonora,
drawing down her mouth, as sho mis
chievously looked at her mother. Then,
looking serious, sho added, "But,
mamma, I have something to say to
you. What if I should tell you such
was already the case?"
"What! You surely have not seen
"No, dear mamma, not the Afwi you
speak of, but another, one whom you
havc seen, and whose goodness you j
could not fail to admire."
"Ami pray who is the person whose
goodness you so highly appreciate?"
asked her mother, sneeriugly.
"None other than our guest, Clarence
Pierpont," blushiugly answered Sonora.
"Clarence Pierpont !" and Mrs. Hew
itt's lip curled disdainfully. "Why not
call him Mr. Pierpont? I think famil
iarity very unbecoming in so young a
"Well, Mr., tflcn, mother," and seat
ing herself on a stool at her mother's
feet, told her all, and ended by asking
her sanction to their marriage, should
nothing prevent, at the time appointed.
Mrs. Hewitt's face first became pale,
then turned red again, as she pushed her
daughter from her.
"What do you mean ? How dare you
give your affections to any one without
first consulting with your parents?"
Though her father will no doubt be de
lighted, thought she to herself. Then,
in an angry tone, she went on, "I com
mand you, from this time forward, to
keep out of Mr. Pierpont's way. He
can never be anything more to you than
he is at present. If you have no pride I
will exercise mine for you; ami besides,
you are yet a school girl. Wait till he
broaches the subject to me, and I will
give him a piece of my mind, you may
depend. Say nothing to your father
upon this subject," and stamping her
foot on the floor, said, "The mean, con
temptible fellow!"
"Why do you speak so, mother?"
said Sonora, mildly. "I am sure he is
a perfect gentleman, both by birth and
education. He has done nothing to
merit your anger. He cannot help his
affection, even though he had not de
clared it, any more than I can mine;
and as for me doing without consulting
you, I am sure I have not, for I have
just told you, and would rather tell papa
at once than not."
"Yes, I know you would," Interrupted
j Mrs. Hewitt. "I suppose you think he
will favor the suit, which no doubt he
would, but I am determined he shall
not have it in his power. I intend for
you to marry some one of wealth and
distinction, or have you remain single.
just which you please' but you shall not
throw yourself awayupon a poor st
dent so you may setyour heart nt rest''
"Dear mother," said, Sonora, advanc
ing towards the door, "I will say no
more at present, but leave you to think
the matter over; but remember, moth
er, my every hope of happiness lies
within your answer. ' Be it such that it
may not entirely obscure the light of
my young, days and I am willing to
abide your own ttine, though it maybe
years," and closing IhejlQor.behind her,
she proceeded to her own room, where.
throwing 'herself upon her knees, she
wept while sho prayed for strength from
on High to submit to her fate, even
should It prove a bitter one.
(To be continued.
From the Banner ofTJght.
Abandoned "Women.
"Abandoned women" that's the
phrase in Common parlance. Abandoned
of whom? Not of God; for owning, lov
ing all, "his mercy endureth forever;"
not of Jesus, for from that pure, all'ec
tional soul there still comes the gentle
words, "neither do I condemn tlipp ra
and sin no more;" not of tho angels, for
there continues to be "joy in heaven,"
when, through angelic pleadings andin
terccdings, an erring one is brought to
repentance; not of the spirits of the
"just made perfect," for they delight to
minister to tho least and lowest for
redemptive purposes; not of philan
thropists, or reformers, of tho good or
the true. Abandoned of whom ? If by
anybody, by those passional men in
strumental in their temporary ruin, and
such of their sister sex as, from a vivid
consciousness of being themselves
human, with a taking tendency to the
weakness of yielded temptation, put on
the extraneous airs of a purity too ex
alted to touch or snatch from further
degradation a sister, once pure as the
crystal snow, and still God?s child, bear
ingthedivinoimage. These pretensions,
lint Tk.ticstitn .. CI...!.
spearean "If thou hast no virtue, -
; fitwic to have it."
In the sltrlit of God. antrela. heavenly
hosts, and constellations of philanthro
pists on earth quite unknown to fame,
mere are no abandoned women, no
abandoned men, for God, heaven, sym
pathy, mercy, loveand redempti veellbrts
are over and around all.
Under the oily crust of city life there
lies half-concealed a huge, hideous vice,
that often thost who are too delicate to
talk about, are not too delicate to prac
tice. It is frequently termed tho "social
cancer." With venomous roots pushing
out and down in every direction, it is
the destroyer of inward peace, the
enemy of happy households, and fatal
to tho mental and spiritual growth of
the soul.
Faying nothing of Brooklyn and ad
joining cities, New York has, at least,
twelve thousand of those styled "aban
doned women." The actual census of
185S gave tho number then as seven
thousand eight hundred anil fifty. Tlie
increase of population, witlt the demor
alizing influences of the war, have
numerically greatly increased this
ghastly army. Credible testimony
proves that more than one hair or these
frail women are under twenty years of
age. After fully yielding themselves to
boily trade anil traffic, their average life
is less than four years. Wines and
champagnes, midnight revelry, ami
poisonous rum, with hack-brain in
dulgencies, reduce the earthly of fresh
beautiful girlhood to loathsome masses
of disease, to be hidden quietly, fearlessly
in paupers' graves.
Besides these twelve thousand public
fallen oucs, it is estimated there arc
thirty thousand who are cither kept as
"mistresses," or frequenters of houses of
assignation. Were the full names of
these published in the city dailies, as
they are kent in the soul's meinorv-
chamber, and read by angels, it would
produce a most fearful social earthquake.
jjazziiug ueiiiiift marine nans and im
posing brown fronts, are the glittering
fruits of sin, as under silks, Parisian
laces and "Grecian bends" arc aching,
cankering hearts, and souls too, stuug
with keenest remorse.
Great social crimes abound most in
populous cities, under sanctimonious
pretences to piety and respectability.
Fifth avenue, fourteenth, and even
Bond street, wero shocked, a few years
since, irom reading 111 tho iew lork
morning papers of a licentious husband,
rich in this world's goods, being con
ducted by a friend to a house of Infamy
and thero finding his own wife awaiting!
her paramour. Each, till then, had sup-!
posed the other faithful.
The facts touching these cancerous
crimes are apparent. Enough of statis
tics. Causes and remedies arc the sub
jects that most interest living thought
ful men. With the more positive and
guiltier sex, it is generally animal in
dulgence and violent outbreaks of pas
sion, rooted in ante-natal perversions,
often intensified by rich diet, tobabeco.
1 liquors anil other stimulants. Relative
j to the other sex, in a majority of cases,
I the primal causes arc ante-natal tcn
1 dencics, pyschological susceptibilities
I 1 ..A li.. ......v..-. .tit...-. 1 , .
aim siurii 1110 jn.-ti-ssint.-M. xsoii cuoice,
but poverty, love of costly dress, temp
tations to indolence, harsh treatment of
parents, sensual crosncss of husbands,
and tho wiles and false promises of se
ducers fAf8C are the more immediate
and prominent causes.
Full one-third of the women wander
ing in towns and cities, under the gas
light, are driven into the streets and
dens of pollution from pressure of pov
erty and extreme want. Think of it!
Woman, with the original seal of imio.
I cence and sweetness upon her counte
nance, compelled 10 choose between
starvation and prostitution!
Society another namo forgilded sham
-and even woinen in the higher walks
of life, of whom we are heartily
ashamed, will, while smiling upon,
waltzing aud flirting with the libertine
full fed and gay, turn sneeriugly away or
mercilessly trample upon the starved
victim of ills -lust. To the fallen sister
their language virtually is: "lam holier
than thou!" Heaven save us from a
Pharisaic self-righteousness! "None is
pood (absolutely good)," said Jesus,
"but one; that Is God. A boasting, sat
isfied, selfish, do-nothing purity will find
itself outside the walls of tho city celes
tiai long after negative, crrring women
have, though fiery trials and severest
uiseiphno, been permitted to pass into
those upper kingdoms of God to put on
robes of beauty. Sainted sisters, ye who
are safe from terrible temptations, be-
causo moving in circles aoove penury,
and walking in the sunlight) of noble
souls, be snaring of t no stones you hurl
at those who fell, through miserable
wages, psychological influences, and a
fashionabfe world's crushing coldness!
Eflbrts of Magdalene Societies, in this
country, have done something; but the
".Midnigiit meetings or ijoiulon" nave
done more for this class in England. A
living writer tells us that
"To one of these meetings an afflicted
mother sent Iter own daguereotype, in
hopes that her erriug daughter would
rccoguize . the face, and Jbe won by its
mute pleadings to a better life. Tho
picture was nassetl amuiid in -several
meetings, until at last it met the cyo for
which it was lutctulcu. and tlie truiltv
girl burst Into tears, and set oil for the
home of her childhood."
The evil is patent. Where and what
is the remedy ? Centralized into a sen
tence, it is this: The independence of
u-oman; tanc ner, or neip tier to maKc
herself, socially, maritally, politically
and financially independent, and you
have laid the axe at tho root of this
deadly upas Iree. Systematized, the
method will bear tilts general statement:
A full recognition of woman's nrimal
equality with man.
Iguorlng such specials as "woman's
rights," ''man's right," "freedmen's
right," "Indian's rights." "Chiuamen's
rights," "children's rights," we prefer
that better term, at once broad and
comprehensive, iicsiax iuohts! As
related to woman, they may be classified
in tills wise :
I. The richt to vote, hold office, and
select that life vocation best adapted to
tier glowing genius.
II. The jtiBtice:iii"l inbral necessity of
naying her the same wages paid to men
lor the same amount of labor accom
plish cd.
ill. "lho exercise of the same privil
eges that are granted to men m such
civic advances as look to friendship,
courtship, love and the marriage rela
IV. The creation of suchahich public
sentiment as shall gladly guarantee
equal rights to all, with no rivalry save
that which would strive to build up,
beautify and bless the nio3t souls.
the constituents of our social edtlice
after tin- highest interests bt each mem-
.!"Vrin8 that whatever bene-
fits even the Iea.-t, benefits a world-wide
Theorists must make their reform
theories practical. "What have you
done?" is the qtiestiou the angel ask.
To gossip, tea-party fashion, about these
"unfortunate women upon the town,"
amounts to nothing. 1 n anil do some
thing! To talk about their condition
deploringly, to pray for them devotedly,
to think or tlieni tenderly, to shun them
in the streets gracefully, to speak of
them sisterly, is talk cheap talk! noth
ing more. Away with this silver
tongued hypocrisy! Do something!
ltedeem them! and the blessings of the
angel world shall be yours,
o.iuu.i. Ufc unn:u uj i..u ui , Company submit for your approval
interest, habit or circumstance, but by ,nj,pg offrie plan 0f the bridge across the
JmU tePr, .prit justice, 7m- Willamette river at Portland. Una
path an.l love the mightiest princi- , voidable delay has occurred in present
"".lv?r.e, of. . lugthe plans, occasioned mainly in pros-
r.lw...!. t 4 ...1 1... 41.,. A.-, C
nillMlllllHl (II liKixviuunis, HllOUItl lOOK '
1 1 j uum jumuau aim roauwav travel on
to mi t e. o -1.1 nr two trusses, with partition, fence or
A Sensible Letter from a Sensible Woman, screen between the railroad and road
From the Oregon Good Templar. w-ay, ami so contracting tlie dimensions
J?d. Good TcmpUir:ln a late issue of I of the pivot pier. The abutments are
your paper there was a correspondence j to be of stone. From the scale, the
from Junction City, signed Van, which height and dimensions of piers are
I wish to answer if you will give me ' easily ascertained. The pnot and
space, for I don't really think lie doe3 1 seftt piers are designed to be of stoue.
the women justice. In thetirstplacewe They will be founded upon piles and
will admit that Dr. Boswell ami Dickey 1 timber grillages, on timber cribs well
Henderson are good temperance lec- banded together, forming bins or cells
turers, but they can neither of them, lo u5 filled with stone; otherwise thev
notwithstanding one of tlicni has been 1 wil1 be timber cribs, with suitable foun
to Congress, compare works with Mrs. dations of piles or timber grillages, the
Carrie F. Young in the temperance cause,
and by works are we to judge this tem
perance movement and not by flowery
speeches, notwithstaudingshc can make
as good a speech as either of them. You
speak of a good sister throwing a bomb
shell into the camp at Salem, aud in
tho next place compare her to the devil,
or rat her say the devil appeared through
her. Now, sir, can you put so low an
estimate on woman as to compare her
to a devil, when you owe your existence
to a woman, and are indebted to her for
your first and most noble ideas? You
say it would be just as disgraceful for
women to hold olllcc and fight their
country's battles as for drunkards to
rule. Now wo women never expect to
fight our country's battles on the actual
field only when men turn cowards
and run, ami wc ahvays teach our sons
to light when their country calls them,
en will ln no !iofnifv (nr u-ntnim I
fighting their country's battles on the!11 " to he timber cribs, witli bins or
active field. You talk about thedisgraeo eljs, to be filled with stone, and secured
of women holding olllcc; now, sir, wouid, ' its position by iiles. A supcrstruc
you be afraid of your mother or sister '"re for tlie railroad or roadway can
disgracing themselves, put them in only be available in this instance where
-linf,vpr nositinn vou miirliLV No. sir. the street is sufficiently eliv!itfil In HI.
you are not uneasy about them, but it
is some other man's mother or sister
that is going to be disgraced. Now, sir,
what would our lodges bo without the
presence of women, sir? You know
full well that should we withdraw from
them to-day, twelve months hence
would not find a Good Templar Lodge
in Oregon. Now about that awful dif
ficulty of mother .Eve and the serpent.
The command was given to Adam aud
not to Eve, but still he did not hesitate
to eat when she offered itto him, neither
did he remonstrate with her, but will
ingly took of the forbidden fruitandate,
knowing at the same time that he was
bringing ruin on himself and wife, whom
lie should have tried to protect from the
charms of the serpent, instead of will
ingly submiting to it.
You appear to want to hold us women
exactly to the text; so we will do the
same with you, and instead of getting
up fine dinners and suppers for you, we
will tell you to go and eat of tlie ground
and of the herb of the field as God com
manded you. You say if women are so
desirous of being useful why don't they
discontinue to recognize as gentlemen
drunkards and gamblers, cea3e to fel
lowship with them or marry them.
Do you think one of nature's laws
can be changed ? If you do you are
wonderfully mistaken. Furthermore if
wo should do as you advise, there would
be ten drunkards where there Is now
only one. You talk about reforming
drunkards by slighting them aud not
recognizing them as gentlemen. Why
don't you men do what you are so keen
to have 119 try? I suppose you think
it isn't good policy for you. Kind words
and floods, sir, will "do more towards
bringing an erring one to the paths of
virtuo and peace, than all the slights
and rejections that woman can bring to
bear. Furthermore you. as good as ac
cuse women of being responsible for the
drunkards and gamblers, and you are as
far ofT the mark, here as in many other
places. Sir, do you suppose that there
is a mothor in tins land that would go
to the polls and vote to continue the no
uor trafflc a single day? No, sir, there
is not one. Give us the elective fran
chise anil we will do away witli King
Alcoiiol lortiiwith, and then thero will
be no drunkards for us to recognize as
gentlemen. Now, kind reader, which do
you think. is themost natural and quick
est way of destroying one of thegreatest
curses which the human family has
ever hail to contend with, to- have the
ladies not recognize drunkards as gen
tiemeiif or gtvo (he laches the ballot uurt
lot them, as they surely will, vote it out
of existence? It is deplorable, as vou
say, for sixty thousand drunkards to go
down to drunkards' graves anriually,
out none deplore this moro than the
mothers of our land, and none are more
ready and willing to chancre affairs, and
will it not be the case? But such lnt-n
as you are just in the way of this great
temperance reform you are only a
brake on the wheel of progress. Now
you may say this cau all be done with
out the women voting; if so, why have
you not done it? The fact Is, it never
can be done so long as policy party poli
ticians rule, and political power is
sought for instead of hist principles.
The license laws are all wrong, for it is
wrong to license an evil, but still it i
done and will continue to be done until
the women who suffer the most thereby
are allowed to go "trailing to the polls,"
as you say, and then anil thcro voteitout
of existence, and all the license laws
with it, and the drunkards into sober
men as their Creator intended thev
should be. Then we hope we can recog- j
nizc them as gentlemen without wound-
tng the reelings or van. A womas.
Ueuvais, Oregon, April , ri.
The Proposed Bridge.
Accompanying the plans and speeifi-
I cations of the proposed bridge across the
Htauicttc at this point submitted to
the Council recently. Colonel Chap
man, as President of the Portland, Dalles
and fcalt Lake Kailroad Company, read
the following communication: Tlie
Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Kailroad
. nndltJlitol of which
0 brilg fa Ssii Keen
the plan only embraces the bridge across
the Willamette river from abutment to
abutment. Not having secured a loca
tion when the plan was made, Madison
street was taken as a civen point, and
the lengtn of bridge and height of piers
adjusted to the width and depth or tho
river at that locality. The plan shows
the draw to be of the full width of the
bridge, embracing three heavy trusses,
and, therefore, very ponderous and un
wieldy. But in the bridges of this char
acter, as in case ot the new Long Bridge
at Washington, constructed by the Key
stone Bridge Company, tlie width of the
1 roauway 01 uie draw is contracted to
j thirteen feet in tho clear, anil carrying
cribs to be well banded together, form
ing bins or celts, to resist the force of
water and shocksof timberand Ice. The
other piers, extending over the sand bar
from tlie draw to tlie East Portland
shore, are to be timber, founded upon
cribs well banded together, forming bins
or cells, to be filled witlt stone. On the
top of these cribs will be bolted the sills
of the timbered piers, whicharcsecurely
fastened to the cribs by long bolts, pass
ing up through tlie crib walls. These
cribs may be more thoroughly secured
by means of piles. The plan of these
niers a linear ononeof thnnmimnntii-incr
maps. If, however, in tlie progress of
mo wurtt, uuuer uie eye 01 a sKiiitui en
gineer, it be deemed advisable, timber
piers will be omitted, and the crib piers
carried to full height. In all cases where
practicable tho cribs are to be semirpil
tit tueir position oy piles. Xhe map of
the fender to the draw explains it,rlf
(low one or the other below and between
the street and Inch water. Thin I not
the case either at Main, Madison or Jef
ferson. I have selected Madison and
Asylum streets in East Portland to fill
tho requirements of the ordinance and
agreement, hoping that the Council will
allow an opportunity to secure a perma
nent location. Should a location bo se
cured where the streets are more ele
vated, so that the railway may rest upon
! tho superstructure, the plan of the
bridge will be contracted in width to
rourteen reet for the roadway, antl sus
tained only by two trusses, instead of
three, and the piers reduced accordingly.
The size of timbers, iron, &c, are
marked on the maps, from which can
readily be determined the strength and
capacity of the bridge. Iam informed
by competent Judges that it is ample
for the heaviest railroad, and roadway
travel; and will be secure if railroad and
roadway and net walk are used simul
taneously. The bridge Is estimated to
carry 3,000 pounds per lineal foot 011 the
railroad side, and 1,500 pounds per lineal
foot on the roadway side. The braces
and rods to bo proportioned to sustain
tho bridge when swung open; and the
traveling load when closed. Tho pivot
bridge will rotate on the patent anti
friction cones, and turn-table as shown
on theaccoinpanyiuglithographic plan;
the same now- in use on theLongBridge
at W ashington. 0
T fit l.Clliln,, . .
t'luucuLi; aiways attend your
pleasures; it 13 the way to enjoy th"e
sweets of them, and not bo afraid of the
A Journal for the People-. - -
Devoted to the Interests of Humapity.
Independent In ToHtlcs and Kelifipn.
live to all Live Iue. and ThoroojbJy
Radical In Opposing and Kxtobjg the Wrongs
ot the JMiKes. 1
i .-..i
" . ".::i: i.i' li .hi
Correspondents writing over rs!imeli4gna?
tures must make known llielr tho.
Edllor.or no attention will be given to their
communications. ' "J7, '
Mrs. Fair Again in Court.
tri efWntW!ek fiIed in the 15th Di
mnr.:o "l U10lr ""cntion to
move Oil Sntllnlm. nnt-l. i. . '
- tjir.vtv lui a en mure hi
lTZ';n? , !e. Srotind that a fair and
impartial trial cannot be had in this
CltV. OWlllir tn !.!,. 1 - V,
- - 0 . ' 111111 preiiMiico
against the defendant. The motion is
oasett on an
Made bv Mrs. Vnir
forth that Crittenden was a praeticitA? '
attorney of many years standing, ami it
man of trrpnr. mraiiinl ;,,n, ,.. - ,
generally known and much esteeuied
throughout' tho city-and cdnhfy;??ht
Mic luigu uinao 01 iniuis and 'relatlvwr
have, from the date of thttaHegpdihotni
cide, been industrious in Mi
of reports and rumors derogatory folier
character, and denouncing her its' a cold
blooded, heartless murderess.
:Vtliant furHier Hmf i,o
at tlw date of said alleged homiciihj, and
still jlit!,- .. 1.1 '
- , ',.. """j ct--iviy news
papers published in said city and county,
of Svt n ,'rfiitnic.vk nml . t . : . 1 .
- ..111! ,11,1U111J uinu uie
Alia, the JltiUnhi. tho HnU fl, .i..-
clc, all of which published what pur
ported to be accurate accounts of the al
leged shooting of the said A. P. Critfen
den by this affiant, and at the same time
containing highly inflammatory- arti
cles aL':iin-,t her. Tlmt c..i,l ....i. ...
generally read throughout this city and
county, anil were calculated to and did
prejudice and poison the mind of the
community against her. That from tlie
time of the alleged shooting up to the
present time, said kvo iimnct
continually slandered and maligned this
alliantby the publication of what pur
ported to be an account of her past hts-
tui aim me, most 01 wiiiQh were utterly
unfounded and defamatory to her char
acter, anil all tending to inflame the
public mind against her, and to prevent
iii-i ,iuui naviiig a, iair ami impartial
trial iff said city and county.
The affidavit; piios mi ;nnn.i nf ci.
articles, one which appeared in the
Ihromcle of Nov. 4th, 1870, headed as
follows: "A Woman's Revenge," "As
sassination of A. P. Crittenden by the
notorious Mrs. Fair," "He is Shot on
the Oakland Boat while Surrounded by
his Family," "The Career of the Assas
sin," "The Wiles of a Bold, Bad Wom
an." Also an article in the Chronicle of
Nov. Stli, 1870, headed: "The Assassina
tion," "Eulogistic Tributes in and Ad
journment of all the Courts," "Mourn
ful Obsequies of Alexander Parker Crit
tenden," "Tlie Assassin in her Prison
Cell," "Fourth Marriage," "One of her
Evil Deeds," etc. Also an article in the
Alia of Nov. 4th, 1S70, headed: "The
Tragedy," "Playing Crazy," -"Who Mrs.
Fair is." Also an article in the JSulleihi
Of NOV. 4tll. IS70. hp.nlorl' "Tlinfi-tt(n.
ilen Tragedy in San Francisco," "A
Prominent Lawyer Shot by his Jlistre3
in the Presence of his P-imiir ai
an article in the Call dated April 3d,
1S72, appeared, with which Fair claims
she had no connection whatever, head-
, .ah injunction 10 restrain v. C.
Ralston from foreclosing a mortgage
given to the bank by Jirs. Fair's "vic
tim." Affiant alleges that sho is informed
and believes that a large number of the
most influential citizens combined to
gether anil contributed large sums of
nionnv to Iiirn nrivnfo ixinnsul .,r .1: .1.. ,
x. 1. ui liisilll-
Killshod ability to assist, (ho Tmc,,);,,
Attorney. -b
Alhant says she beliWer tirafshould
she be acquitted, there will be ait at
tempt to take her life. S. F. rioneer,
A "RRSTnilKn Wmriv Ur.,
11 Ei! iALi.ES Sisteks. 3Irs. Alice B.
Wnviio. from
... .-i-iuii, simivu elo
quently in Tremont Temple, Boston, on
Tuesday evening, pleading for "Fallen
Women." Mrs. Livermoro introduced
her, prefacing the introduction by relat
ing niu Biory 01 .iMiza, 111 uncle Tom's
Cabin, who endured so much pain and
peril, yet at last found friends to help
uti iiuin .i mi; ui uuuungc. Jane ear
nestly pleaded for this Magdalene who
liflil llniiinalroft 1i.i1r unl.-rf 1. n: .
Mjiiiiu nisi sis
ters, and asked her hearers to help liar
u) me sweeiness ami iioiiness 01 a lire,
to live. It was woman that made the
return to virtue so hard blocked the
path in which so mauy had stumbled.
Mrs. Wayne is not beautiful in the su
perficial interpretation of the word, but
she is beautiful in thoimpres3 of redemp
tion, beautiful with tlie love and purity
of an elevated and ulevating edifice,
beautifully in earnest. Clad in simple
black, her pale, sad, serious face, appeal
ing eyes and graceful, dignified presence,
at onco won attention, confidence and
n-aprou story in mat 01 many
thousand helpless, hopeless women,
crushed by circumstance, not choice,
driven to ilosnnimnil iliwrano hvtliAin-
justico of men's law and conscience.
Ot.. 1 1 .
one uiuiuu ner uearura uuupiy as sub
developed the misery, agony and degra
dation of fallen women, imploring the
mothers to extend a helping hand, for
their daughter's sake and safety. Sho
was rightfully pitiless witli condemna
tions of the injustice and insecurity of
society, the feebleness of liberty and
morality which would weigli the se
duced in the balance and not put tho se
ducer in tho opposite scale. She com
pelled the audience to acknowledge 'twas
easy to compute where we "know not
what's resisted." Forgiveness is oftoner
a puff of breath than a fact. With
sweet charity we utter "to err is hu
man," yet think ourselves divine, nev
ertheless, just because we have never
suffered, not been tempted.
, ...;.ijt. 1 UA. Ill
icw- of the reappearance of small pox
on this coast, this item may be of use:
uiscovcry issaid to have been
recently inmlo I.,. ..... n.
British array in China, in the way of an
v-uv.-iji.uai rumcuy ior small pox. xno
mode of treatment is as follows: When
tlin m-rtM1 ... 1". . 1 1 . ' I. n..,
i'-wiiiii lever is at. us iiigm, !
just before the eruption appears, the
chest is rubbed with croton oil and tar
taric ointment. This causes tho whole
of the eruption to appear on that part of
the body to the relict' of the rest. It also
secures n full and complete eruption, ana
thus prevents the disease from attacking
the internal organs. This is now the es
tablished mode of treatment m tlie Liig
lish army in China, and is regarded as a
perfect cure."
In England it is not permitted to
marry alter twelve o ciuc. -v