The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 10, 1872, Image 2

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    nTnAV....... MAY 10 1672.
UME. To-day we issue the first number of
the Second Volume. Looking back
upon the year that is past and gone, we
find it crowded with various expe
riences. None but those who havo
passed through the ordeal can know
with what anxious solicitude, doubting
fears and prayerful hopes a journalistic
enterprise of this kind is inaugurated.
But reviewing all the occurences of the
j-ear, we find that our success has been
more than we dared too hope. The cir
culation is large and dally increasing,
and we hope to double it by the end of
the present year, and ask the aid of our
friends everywhere to accomplish this
result. Give us all the help you can,
brethren and sisters in the great cause
of Humanity, Equality and Progression,
and enable us to place before you this
coming year a better paper than during
the last.
The Puget Sound Courier by-the-by
a very ably conducted paper is out
with its say on the "Woman Question.
It frankly acknowledges that woman's
condition is not what it should be, and
while it is in favor of the Human Rights
Reform, wishes its advocates to "hasten
slowly" whatever that may mean.
Here is the position taken by that pa
First relieve the sufTerinir, give work to the
nwuTi reed the hungry, and clothe the naked,
and when I his Is nil done evemrhere. vnn nifir
begin to think about tho menus of securing
all this, and making It jxrmanent by the
power of the ballot-box. Hut If you push for
the ballot-box at flrst, you run the risk, in your
and Billing to set even these flrst measures of
rwiei, wnence onRinaiea me real ground and
strength of yourappeal for help.
Then, a little further down, follows
this advice:
Seek free access to every Port of occupation
I hat you are tilted for, and go lo work in it, not
stone in school teaching or sewin, liiuvle and
lrauii)fr, orln Hie more homely tolls of wash
ing and ironing, hut in clerking and book
keeping, store-tending, the art of healing, of
editing, or banking, of pleading and preaching
no less than In of gardening, watch-mak-icg,
type-setting, engraving and a thousand
other employments for which women are
adapted. Argument and reason, and best or all,
practice will Mon demonstrate the advantages
of this course.
All very well, friend Courier. But
what encouragement is there at present
for a woman to do any of tho various
things you have mentioned? In all the
departments of labor you have men
tioned, her work, though performed
equally as well as man's, is rewarded
witli half wages. It is to remedy this
state of affairs, by making women sov
ereign voters of the land, and therefore
law-makers and rulers, that wo demand
the ballot. Never until women vote
will they have the same rights accorded
them in the various avenues of business
and labor as men now enjoy.
The ballot is the magic key which
alone will unlock the door of fogyism
and admit women to all the civil and
political rights now enjoyed by men.
The recent Convention at Cincinnati
made a serious mistake in ignoring the
Woman Movement. It has put forth a
platform which has no special meaning,
and we suppose the whole aim of the
Convention was simply to beat Gen.
Grant. A party cannot be built up in
opposition to one person. It must needs
have some great principle for whicli to
battle. This the Convention might have
had, had it indorsed Woman Suffrage
As it is, Horace Greeley for President
and Gratz Brown for Vice President are
but representatives of the personal op
position in the Republican party to
President Grant's re-election.
What the effect will be upon the pol
icy and success of the regular Republi
can ticket it is hard to divine. Much de
pends upon the tactics the Democrats
may adopt.
One tiling is clear a party must be
"organized specially to bring the question
of Woman Suffrage before the people.
The scales of prejudice are at last be
ginning to fall from the eyes of the legal
fraternity. The Supreme Court of the
District of Columbia recently so modi
fled its rales as to admit women to
practice as attorneys before its bar.
Already several ladles have availed
themselves of tills opportunity. The
following, from the Washington Star, of
a recent date, explains Itself:
In the Supreme Court of the District, yester
day, Mrs. Itelva A. Lockwood and Mrs. I. J.
Hall-Grafliiln made application, through Fran
cis Mlller.fur admission to the bar. The appli
cation was referred to .Messrs. nine, Apptcuy
and Kendall, the examining committee. The
ladles yesterday afternoon passed a sufficient
examination as to proncicncy.
Commenting on this the Washington
Chroninlc says :
u' lmve now u iadr lawrer in the Courts.
What would Woshlngtonians have said to this
In antl-bellum days;"
Truly the legal talent of the country
is progressing, even though it does
"hasten slowly."
Thf-re aress places in this city where Intoxl
vSJ M?.rllV2i1 or "ld. One saloon for every
Siv!&SiiU,e men women and children oMhe
tarU iiHjIl'ulMton to be 12AM.-Port-
Is there an honest, virtuous woman in
l Z f wh0 Joos ,,ot to havo
Snwi 'TV1'1 this terrible fiend,
J i Min ? c1? AVUld onc refu to cost
a ballot in favor of candidates for office
who would abolish from our city 1!
this infernal liquor traffic?
Rumor has in the past assigned the
post of editorial honor of this paper to
nearly every man of any brains at all in
the State, the idea seeming to be that
a tcoman is not capable of writing. The
last man editor whom rumor (and by-the-by,
this is man gossip oh, no! men
never gossip J) has provided is Dr. Watts,
of Lafayette.
Send on some more, brethren.
manner in which the Republican
primaries were carried last Tuesday for
the Holladay wing was anything but
creditable to the victors. Xearly thir
teen hundred ivies vocrc polled. The
Republican vote two years ago, at the
general election, was not quite one
thousand. Then considering that in
the primaries last Tuesday many of the
rank and file of tho honest portion of
the Republicans did not vote, there is
no way of accounting for the tremendous
majority for the Holladay ticket except
the most unblushing, shameful and dis
graceful use of corruption and importa-;
tion. "Will the honest portion or the
Republican party tamely submit to this
outrage? j
Another feature of the contest Is this:
During the struggle the Holladay fac
tion has been lighting ostensibly for
only one object the Sheriffalty. Not a
word was said about what men should
be sent to the Legislature. That ques
tion was studiously kept in the back
ground. The sequence will be that to
morrow (Saturday) an entire Holladay
ticket will be nominated. The candi
dates for the Legislature, if elected, will
do Holladay's bidding and vote to send
some tool of his to the United States
Senate. Ben Holladay, more than any
thing else, desires to liave a man in the
Senate Chamber from Oregon who will
assist him to bind our beautiful, young
and growing commonwealth with tho
iron bands of his monopoly. Are the
people willing that he should carry out
his programme?
"We have spoken thus plainly becauso
this is a question which rises above all
mere party considerations. We have
no choice between Democrats and Re
publicansas such. But we do desire
to see the people arise in the majesty of
their might and effectually rebuke the
officious intermeddling of the one man
In Oregon who seeks, by the aid of In
timidation and money, to bend every
thing to his will.
Much has been said by theTempcr-
ance people of Oregon in favor of voting
only for known Temperanco candidates
for office. A great deal of talk has been
indulged in and high-sounding resolves
made, but yet, wo fear, little will come '
of it all. The Temperance men will i
vote their straight party ticJcct, no mat-
ter how many whisky candidates are
placed upon it The consequence will 1
be that a whisky Legislature will bo j
elected again, and no temiwrance legis-1
lation can be secured.
Just wait till women vote, and we'll
see if a whisky Candida te ever gets
elected! The Temperance Reform will
never accomplish anything except
through the aid of woman's vote.
San Francisco, thank Heaven! And
now that our sadly stirred-up organism
is enabled to settle its rebellious bile on
solid terra jirma, we resume the thread
of this narrative where it was suddenly
snapped short when the steamer was
nearing Astoria (as you remember) by
sudden bellowiiigs for New York, with
our heads all thrust suspiciously over
the vessel's sides and our countenances
distorted into doleful grimaces, while
ever and anon was heard Mark Twain's
ejaculation from some sea-sick wight, the
inevitable "O my."'
We were steaming slowly forward, in
the teeth of a strong sou'-westcr, which
caused the Oriflammc to shake Its
timbers with a constant shiver that
raised n sort of tintinabulatlon in our
nerves the very music of misery and
kept us retching till we almost expected
to cost up our boot soles.
On the second day out we met the
Ajar, which kindly lay to, like a great
lazy whale, and allowed a number of
our men to board her (only we never
knew a whale to do anything of the
kind; she only looked like that, you
know), and all her passengers shot up
from her hatches to get a peep at us,
looking like ants on an anaconda, and
we doubtless looked to them but then,
we can't think of anything else that
some of us looked like just then, except
vultures on a carcass, and If we'd say
the like of that Ben Holladay's Man
Friday might think we'd slandered the
Oregon railroad, so we won't attempt a
A goodly number of passengers were
our companions In misery, and on Tues
day, our last day out, the fickle wind got
behind us, filled our main sail, steadied
our steamer, and sent us ouward with a
velocity that was exceedingly gratifying.
Mlduight, and we reach the crowded,
jammed, crammed, pilcd-up, running
over docks of the Transportation Com
pany, and soon find oursclf and friends
packed away in a coach and bound for
the Russ House. But Mrs. F. F. V.
no men intended, 'pon honor and our
self, after paying two and a half each for
the privilege of leaving tho vessel, where
we at least had shelter, were met at the
Russ House door with the announce
ment that there were no vacant rooms.
Doubtless our readers remember the
adventures of Japhet in search of a
father. Two ladle?, in a strange city,
after midnight, driving from one hotel
to another, fruitlessly seeking a place to
sleep, after having been so worn by sea
sickness as to be almost unable to sit up,
made a picture ludicrously like poor
Japhet in his wanderings; but the reader
may, of course, make such application
of the simile as suits him.
The International, or Webfoot Hotel,
at last gave us rooms. Somehow, wher
ever Oregoniaus are in the habit of con
gregating, there Is found the very sow
oi Hospitality.
Representatives of tho "Committee of
one Hundred" had recently arrived in
oani-rancisco, for the purpose of look
ri .a r ,U'e ral,road Interests of St.
unTw,1110 Go,dcn C"y. and It is
U o vHlt "fVbelr sudden raid upon
ho Ullage had blockaded its kotels the "yof public acmmV
dations. Got to bed about one o'clock,-'
and to sleep about morning.
Spent tho day with Emily Pills
Stevens, the Major General of the Cali
fornia Woman Suffragists, one of the
sprightliest, busiest bodies with whom
we have ever been acquainted. Under
her able management tho Pioneer is in
teresting, influential and useful. She is
a stump orator of the most popular cast,
and is in high favor with the business
men of Sau Francisco.
Dinner in the cvculng with Hon. John
A. Collins and his amiable wife noble
Woman Suffragists, whose lives are de
voted to Humanity and Truth and to
morrow morning we are to be off for
New York, with just two hours dodging
room ahead of us if we make our desti
nation by 9 a. jr., May 9th, which the
Railroad Company says will be easily"
San Francisco, which is always on the
make, is now terribly excited about
mining stocks, and her stock sharps,
whose name is legion, are half delirious,
some over their enormous gains and
others because they sold out just at the
wrong time. The wide side-walks of
California street the Wall street of the
Pacific coast between Montgomery and
bansome, rroin 10 a. jr. to 4 p. m. nre
literally black with assemblies and ex
cited broken, and resemble somewhat
the mouth of n bee-hive In tho swarm
ing season. A few rich strikes on the
Comstock lode, over in Virginia City
ami Gold Hill, in what is called the
sagebrush State of Nevada, havo ad
vanced in one year the market money
valuo of the mining stocks, on about
four miles of that lead, at least one
hundred millions of dollars. Crown
Point, that sold about a year slnco at
$10 a share, sells for $1,500, and Belcher
from $5 to $1,500. Men who a few
months since were comparatively poor
are now rich. It is reported that several
liave cleared within tho past six weeks
from one to five millions of dollars each.
Speaking of stocks reminds me that one
gentleman who owned and ran a very
fine and extensive job printing office,
becoming suddenly rich by the rise of
somo mining stocks on his hands, put
his office in the market for sale. Mrs.
Emily Pitts Stevens, the active and Ir
repressible proprietor of the Pioneer
newspaper, and President of the Wom-
an's Pacific Coast Publishing Company,
saw that it was offered at a bargain,
closed tho contract, made the first pay-
ment of $2,500, and will now carry on
an extensive book and job printing bus
iness. The capital stock of this Pub
lishing Company is $25,000, divided into
2,500 shares at the par value of $10
each. Mrs. Stevens lias demonstrated
to the business men of San Francisco
that woman is not only callable of mak
Ing a first-class newspaper, but that she
is equal to tho management of an exten
sive business. Of her success in her
new enterprise no one who knows of her
energy, perseverance and business tact
entertains the least doubt.
We have not had time to go about
much and renew the acquaintances with
our old friends made nearly two years
slnco and learn by personal observation
as to the growth of the suffrage cause in
this city. This labor is not necessary to
obtain a knowledge of the fact that the
cause has numerous and influential
friends both in this city and State.
While neither of tho great political
parties i3 at present prepared lo incorpor
ate Woman Suffrage as a plank in its
platform, the sentiment is very general
among all classes that woman's Indus
trial and educational sphcro is alto
gether too limited, and that woman
ought to be encouraged to follow any
calling or profession for which she has a
taste, inclination or capacity, and that
she is entitled to equal pay with man
for equal services equally well per
formed. The lower branch of the Cali
fornia Legislature, which adjourned
about a month since, adopted two bills
by a large majority, to enlarge the per
sonal, industrial and property rights of
woman, but these failed to receive the
approval of the Senate. One of theso
bills, adopted by a vote of 43 to 11, al
lowed the widow to succeed to the estate
of her deceased husband, and thus de
stroy the thieving probato system, so
far as It allows the vultures of the law
to fleece the estate which belongs to the
widow and orphans. Tho other bill
made women, married or single, eligible
to any official position In the Public
School Department in the State. The
next Legislature will doubtless-be in u
condition to grant to woman all that
she now claims.
In milliner- we notice hats in the
windows with high, puffed crowns of
lace, crepe and tulle, having slightly
drooping brims of gimp and cactus, the
whole surmounted by an enormous rose
at the back, from which depends a trail
ing vine and knotted lace nnd ribbons.
Dolly Vanlen calicoes, Dolly Varden
hats, Dolly Vanlen collars and Dolly
Vanlen dandies arc all the rage. Theso
last are all bare on the chin, with vil
lainous side whiskers (If they can raise
'em), which they pet and twist while
walking, aud at intervals a sort of noi
some smoke ascends from an ugly ori
fice above the naked chin, from which
protrudes a machine called a mccr
ecJiaum, or some such horrid name, the
Dolly Vanlen dandy all the while imag
ining that he Is kllllugly irresistible.
But hold! Wo headed this article
with "Fashions for Ladies." Whither
aro we tending?
The weather, which made furs a ne
cessity in Portland only four days ago
this is May Day is here (in San Fran
cisco) warm to suffocation. White
piques, witli black ovcrskirts, and linen
suits of tw shades of brown are very
fashionable, the trimming being laid in
kilt pleats and broad ruffles. Brown
and lavender are much used as con
trasts. Guipure lace (real) Is in high
favor for trimming 8HkB,""and mohair
guipure for alpacas. Fringes are not
so fashionable as formerly.
There! Ladles yes, and gentlemen
busy as we have been to-day, and many
weightier matters as we have had to en
gage our attention, you see we have not
forgotten the "Fashions." A. J. D.
Tiie Oregon City election last Monday
resulted in a Democratic victory. Per
consequence the Republican papers
think it lias no special political slgnfi
cauce, while the Democrats profess to
see in it a fore-shadowing of the general
result In the State election next June.
It makes all the difference In the world
with tho opinion of the party press
which side gets whipped.
Tho Multnomah Republican primary
election last Tuesday was carried over
whelmingly by the Holladay wing. The
county ticket will bo nominated to
morrow (Saturday).
The Cincinnati Convention lias met
anil done its work. Horace Greeley was
nominated for President nnd Gratz
Brown (Jasper's uncle) for Vice Presi
dent. The nominations "nilcht have
been bettor and they might have been
worse." We are really disappointed
that our friend Jasper didn't get the
nomination for President, or Vice Presi
dent anyhow. It would have been such
a compliment to Oregon!
This department of the Nkw Nouth
wkst is to lie a general vehicle for ex
change of Ideas concerning any and all
matters that uiav be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding it practi
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends tho disappointment that would
otherwiscaccruefromourinabillty to an
swer their queries. AVe cordially invite
evcryliody that has a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, orascolding togive
to contribute to the Correspondents'
Sylvia A., Amity: Yes. Bishop Lawn
is as becoming as anything. Embroid
ered bands on such a dress would be
fashionable and becoming. You have
good taste.
Harry G.: Don't do It,
Mary E. : Your conduct is all right in
the matter. The gentleman If ho be a
gcnllcman respects you for it, whatever
lie may say.
Sylvester C. : We would not advise
you to come to the city if, as you say,
you have a good home. If you can con
tent yourself there It Is better for you to
stay. There arc many temptations to a
boy liko you in a city, especially if
friendless and unacquainted. However,
as we do not know everything connected
with your situation, we cannot give any
definite opinion In the premises.
Sarah E. : You will find something
nbout the latest fashions in another
place. AVe suppose there is no necessity
for a fuller statement of them here.
The first chapter of this Interesting
serial story begins this week. Every
body should read it. Those who do not
tako the New Noktiiwest should sub
scribe in order to get it, if for nothing
else. Back numbers containing the
story can be had at any time.
nv tin. st.utY e. waucer.
The following notice recently appeared
In the Washington Star:
"Tho Man Question" is the subject of a lcc-
iure u imj uenvereu uy ltcv. u. iioynton at
the Assembly Church, corner 1 and 5th streets
Is. to-morrow nizht. We have heard a good
deal of tho "woman movement," and it Is about
time the olhcr sex had a chance.
The substance of his lecture may be
Imagined by what followed.
It would seem that, when "Man's
Rights" aro so well defined aud so well
protected by law, all men ought to un
derstand them without further Instruc
tion, and would feel perfectly secure
from any invasion by women. But the
presumption is that tho mass of men
either do not comprehend the magnitude
of such rights, or elso that they need to
be warned that thero Is danger of their
being usurped. But, whatever the case
may be, tho fact is before us that tho
Bev. Mr. Boynton felt that there was a
necessity for giving a public lecture on
the subject. This was all right, for he,
not because of his manhood, but because
of his ability to talk, had a right to dls
cuss any subject he chose. Thus far
docs his right extend, and as much
farther as ho can use his God-given
powers without injury to others. But
we protest against his assuming to de
prive any one else of the rights that
they have derived from the same source
that he received his own. There is not
only a want of the most ordinary jus
tice in such action, but a want also of
that Christianity which is set forth in
the words, "As ye would that others
should do to you, do ye even so to them."
Were we to speak of the clergymen as a
body and say that the "leaders" among
them were all "free lovers," It would
evince- anything but a true Christian
spirit, although Mr. B. must admit that
there are clergymen who are practical
"free loveis," and in his own denomi
nation, too. This he would dare not
deny, since these men's practices have
caused them to be expelled from the
church, or at least have deprived them
of the minestcrlal standing. The for
givingof "ssventy times seven" forsuch
vile offenses against God's laws has
never been practiced In any church
where such wrongs to society and to
woman liave been generally known. It
seems that in the number of times that
churches forgive offenders they do not
come up to the Bible standard.
But I am not deciding at this time
whether the churches are right or
wrong in determining for themselves
how often with safety they may forgive
"free love" wrongs in the clergy, but
all must agreo that they are not living
out the principles of the "seventy limes
seven" (490) command when they deal
with tho sorrowing (?) offenders. If to
"offend in one point" and not carry out
this490 times forgiving, is to be "guilty of
all," where do thoso who decide upon and
enforce church laws stand? The "sound
ing brass and tinkling cymbal" people
do some good, but do they not forget
that such organizations as churches have
it in their power to expel the doers and
preachers of "free love" doctrines, while
it is not in our power to follow their ex
ample? If the clergy fail to keep up a senti
ment that prevents people from the wor
ship of money, It Is to bo presumed that
some weak people morally will be in
fluenced by the pernicious doctrines of
those who make a show of money,
mixed with some good principle.
Whoever fears to attack such persons in
an open field clearly shows that he feels
incompetent to cope with them, or is not
perfectly sure of the stability of his own
position. Let all wrongs and errors bo
brought to light, and then the side of
truth, aud pure and noble lives, may be
made to exhibit such a wide contrast
that great good will result. The human
mind Is so formed that contrasts are al
most a necessity in teaching good and
preventing evil. But It is neither fair
nor Christianlike to wholesalo the ior-
ale or some or the recent rccrusits of
Woman Suffrage with those of us who
have been for many long years working
in a cause that our labors have placed
before the people In a light that is highly
I am personally responsible for my
own aei.s unit preacumgs, out, as 1 am
4. I - 1. f , . -
not responsible for thoso of others,
protest against a clergyman, or any onc
else, making a wholesale sweep in his
charges against the women who arc now
prominent in the suflroge cause. I wish
every one who makes a profession of re
ligion were possessed of the same, and I
wish as fervently that all who advocate
the Woman Suffrage cause were right on
all moral questions, and particularly on
the subject of marriage. I wish all be
lieved that a marriage should be for life
unless unendurable, and then that law
and order should be observed in separat
ing. But as there aro those who advo
cate the doctrine of "freo love" in its
vilo acceptation, those of us who do not
advocate it ought not to be slandered by
clergymen who have never called upon
U3 to ascertain whether they were
speaking advisedly or otherwise, and
have never read our writings or listened
to our speeches upon subjects that they
profess to be informed upon.
But I am not speaking for myself
alone, for there arc many grand and
noble women In the front ranks of our
cause who would sacrifice life rather
than surrender their high moral princi
pics; anil if those who arc unfortunately
without such moral integrity are able
and desire to work in the cause of worn
an's political equality, have they not as
much right to do so as have men to work
In any cause when they are no better
Every one can reach their own class
far better than those whose Ideas on
other subjects aro not at all in common.
To excuse or apologize for moral
wrongs is onc thing, while to tolerate
and make the best of what cannot be
cured is quite another thing.
Wama Walla, May S, 1S72.
Dear Mrs. Duniicay:V-c did a
mighty sight of thinkin' in my time, I
have; but I've thought more, an' lianl
er, for the last few weeks than ever be
fore in my hull eventful life, and the
followin' resolution is the blessed re
sult Beln' as how many of the pertest
and best edlcated women of our free and
beloved county are a-tryiri' to ride that
ere hobby-hoss called Woman Suffrage
(aud an age of sufferin' it'll carry 'cm to
cf my opinion is wuth anything), and
beln' as how innumerable facts like
mighty stumbliu' blocks will bo con
stantly a-risin' up before 'cm, and over
which it will be of no use tryin' to pur
sue the uneven tenor of their way, there
fore llcsolvcd, That I this day set out upon
a tourof observation, the object of which
shall bo to search out said facts and
place them before tho eyes of my poor,
deluded sisters, hopiu therby to induce
'cm at once to dismount and return to
their proper spere.
Agreeable to said resolution, I began
airly this morula' makln' preparations
for my final departure by givln' direc
tions to the gals concarnin' the manage
ment of tilings inside the house, and to
Josh and the boys outside. He's my old
man, Josh Is, and he remarked that "I
had better stay at home and attend to
my own business ; that It looked very
much as though I was a-gettln' out of
my spere," etc., etc
I was not to bo backed out In that
way, so I jest told him that "Duty was
a-calliu' me now, and wherever her im
plorln' voice' bade me to go, there I was
a-goln ; and that he might as well larn
now as ever that
'Wheotn?man he wl" ; 1,0 m,Kt depend
And Snd 'on'!? S''1 hC Won,t : nud ,hat's tue
Then I put on my best alnpacker dress
and my black caliker sun-bonnot (I
wouldn't wear a hat much sooner than
I would the unmentionables), and put
tin' my kulttin' work in my satchel, I
was off in less time than it takes mo to
tell it.
The fust place I hauled np at was
neighbor Marks'. She's in strong for
Woman Suffrage, Mrs. Marks Is, and
people say he Is too; but I kinder
thought as how he might be afearcd of
risln' a fus3 in the family ef he went
agin It, so I jest said to myself, "I'll
keep my eyes and ears open, and like as
not Til find a fact wuth publishln',"
and sure enough I did, fur I hadn't
morc'n got comfortably settled down to
my kulttin' nnd made a few passln' re-
marks about the weather, condition of
the crops, and slch like, when neighbor
Mcllor came in, and it wasn't no time
afore him and Mrs. Marks were engaged
in a periitical conversation.
By the way, I suppose you went to
hear Miss Anthony lecture while she
was in Walla Walla," said she.
I? No! I never go to hear any on
em Icctur," said Mellor. "I know
enough already to know that this ere
woman suffrage business will never do,
no, never! Aud Til vote agin it every
time. I tell you men aro too jealous!
Now, for instance, suppose somo one
was a-runnln' for office that I didn't
like, and he'd seek a private interview
with my wife aud uso all the eloquence
he was master of to persuade her to vote
for him right agin my principles, how
d'ye spose I'd feel then ? Why, madder
than a wet hen. And I tell you now
that politics will make more excuses for
men to seek private interviews with
other men's wives than anything else
under the shinin' sun."
Jest at this pint Mr. Marks stepped in,
and after bowin' very genteel-like to
nie, askln' about the folks at home and
shakin' hands with Mr. Mellor, he said
"he was sorry he couldn't stay and jine
in the conversation, but some men were
a-waitlu' to be shown over the farm,
and if Mr. Mellor would accompany
them he would bo glad of his company,"
whereupon Mr. Mellor looked confused
like, anil said that "he would like to ac
cept the invitation, but that he had
come to have a little private conversa
tion with Mrs. Marks in regard to his
wife's health, as it had been very poor
for some time past, and he know'd Mrs.
Marks was well posted in such matters."
"All right; you are perfectly excusa
ble," replied Marks.
"We will not talk politics, my dear:
therefore you need not be jealous," put
In Mrs. Marks, with one of her most be
wilderin' smiles, and the pleased look
he cast onto her, as he passed out, was
most easily Interpreted, leastwise so it
seem'd to me.
Well, I went out then and pretended
to look at the poses, but instead of doln'
so I sot right down behind a big rose
bush ami wrote this ere letter, hopiu'
that the Woman Suffragists will not
lose sight of the important fact which it
contains. Yours truly,
Patience Philanthropy.
Dear JMilor: Candidates are about
the plentycst conimodcty in the market
now-a-days. Almost every body I meet
is a candidate, and them that ala't want
to be. I waut to run for office too, but
for the life of me I can't tell what office
I want. Iam just good enough for any
body. I was a soger boy in blue. I was
in the army fighting for my country six
months. I was most afraid I'd get
killed; but they made mo go. I couldn't
get out of the draft, but I always run
before they could shoot me. I wanted
Government to give me a mule. Mules
don't liko work. They are stubborn
and unmanageable animals. They fre
quently despite their riders run away
from the battlefield, carrying the rider
with them. Onc never stopped until he
arrived in Oregon, but I got out here
without the ado of a mule, and I got
here, too, without having any of my
arms shot off. I went to college two
weeks, too, so that I cau say that I am a
schollar, aud fit for any office on the
tikit. I thought I'd like to be Treasurer.
but then there are so many already got
the promise of that office that I thought
I'd like Sheriff, but when I go after that
I find the chncxs equally slim for that;
then I thought I'd like to be Constable,
but I see no show for that either. I'm
afraid my chances for office are slim.
But I'll tell you the truth I don't want
ofilce for the money that is in it, or for
the good of the people, but I do want it
for the honor it will bring me. I'd like
to be a big bug and get office, too. So I
can be a big bug and get office is all I
want. So you say to tho people if they
will make me Treasurer, or Sheriff, or
Constable, I will give them all the office
will make, and live off the stealings
myself. Now, dear editor, do the very
best you can for me, and I'll make
Woman Suffrage speeches for you af
ter the election as sure as I'm elected (I
might be defeated if I should make
them before). Don't put this last part
In your paper, or people will think I'm
trying to buy your vote. I scorn the
Idea as being beneath any man of in
teligence such as mine. Do your best
for me and get me to make Woman Suf
frage speeches. I will show the people
there can be a great saving in running
this Government that the salerics paid
the big bugs can just as well be saved to
the people. There Is no question in mv
mind but that this Government can bo
nin without fees or salerics upon steal
ings alone, aow do the best you can
for me, and get me to make Woman
Suffrage speeches. Yours,
P- P. If you could get the Post Office
or Custom House for me, maybe I could
affonl to give you some of the stealings.
They are big things. C.
Lkmox Juice in DiirrnEniA. Dr.
Revlllout. in n naner presented lost
summer to the. Kronoh Anademvof Med
icine, asserts that lemon juice is one of
l lie most efficacious appliances ioraip
thcria, and he relates that, when a hair
dresser In the hospital, ins own wne was
saved by this timely application. He
got three dozen lemons, and gargled her
throat with the juice, sue swsuiowiub
1im of limn, in order to acton
.WrwKMied narts. Tho doctor
has noted numerous cases of complete
success obtained by this method of treat
ment. Nails in tub Foot.-To get relief
from the terrible effects of rutins a
nail in the foot of a man or a hoRe, , take
peach leaves, bruise them, apply to the
wound, confine with a bandage, and the
cure is as if by magic Repeat .the ap
plication twice a day, if nfX?g.0
application generally docs the work.
Both man and horse have, in i a few
hours, when apparently on the point of
having the lockjaw, been cured.
Oregon-f A Bird's-eye View.
Oregon is' now a pa'rf of a beautiful
picture. Invisible fairies bave been
throwing shuttles, weaving the web of
srrasses that, soiter aim cieaner man
royal velvets, carpet an ;i mus ami
valleys with richest green. Long
mouths past, the chemists have been at
work. and preparing .
Tyrean dyes, for the busy-fingered artists
1 ... i i i ; . ii
wiionow, nigutauu nay, uruiaj nig mem
upon buds aud blooms. The trees are
laden, bending, with delicately painted
hlnnms. nnd tinted, swclliuff leaf-buds.
The fanner, cheerfully chirruping to his
horses, as the plow turns tue ricn moid,
has only to litt his eyes to see Mounts
Hood, Jefferson, Adams, Saint Helens,
and numerous lessor peak?, snow
crowned, lifting their heads far up into
bluest skies. Grand domes, clothed with
majesty; magnificent pillars, supporting
thftiloor of heaven: thestreamsot untold
centuries have beat against them; swell
ing floods, summer suns, nnu tue early
and the latter rains, are powerless to
dissolve their icy, cloud-draped gar
Then the hills the everlasting hills
far-sweeping, swelling, wooded hills
miniature mountains, where the bear
and the reindeer, the cougar and wolf,
ami .Indian, are yet ac nome uiey con
tain treasures in spars, and mastfl, and
fire-grained, hanl-wood timber, that
will enrich busy thousands, after this
generation of people shall have passed
away. Blue and dark, almost impene
trable, they stand, grim guanlians be
tween the valleys and any possible
eruption of volcanoes from the distant
The nearforests odorous with resin of
fir trees, holding in their shady depths
the sources of innumerable springs
securely guanl the bright, Ieanintr
streams whose crystal waters make glad
all this beauttiui land, forests slurt tno
valleys, and, in many a curve and solid
square, stand along tno banks or tue
the wmuing rivers, inese ierine val
leys, beautiful praries, and sloping hills
will, in tho near future, produce bread
for millions of people. There are thous
ands of acres where thorough culture
will produce lony uusueis oi clean,
plump wheat to the acre. One valley
(the Willamette), contains 8,000,000 of.
acres, and not more than 500,000 acres
arc under cultivation.
None but those who have carefully
traveled over the country by private
conveyance can ruiiy appreciate tue
variety, extent, and beauty of the hills
and valleys of this young State. Wool
and wheat, cattle aud horses, flocks and
herds, meadows and green pastures,
orchards and grain-fields, mills and
work-shops, and happy homes a hos
pitable, kind, and warm-hearted people
this is Oregon.
We will go down tue niamctte one
hundred and twenty-five miles, to
and find twelve thousand people, two
railroads, the city on both sides of the
river. At her wharves are ships and
steamers, loading for China aud Japan,
the Sandwich Islands, Mexico nnd South
America, Puget Sound, Alaska, and the
extreme North Pacific In a few months,
there will be a line of vessels direct to
London aud Liverpool. They return
with goods, furs, fish, oil, ivory, silks
and tea, and men. The commerce of
this part of the Pacific coast is yet in its
infancy. When the four hundred,
millions of China shall begin to ask for
flour aud fruit, who can estimate the
importance and value of the commercial
position and capabilities of Oregon and,
Washington Territory ? Jfrs. Cctrric
"Okegon Loojiing ITi'." TJnder this
head, the Sau Francisco Pural Press
speaks good words for Oregon and Wash
ington Territory, as follows :
"No longer that out-of-the-way place
on the faco of the globe, Oregon, from
the indomitable energy of her people
and the grand system of railroads now
being inaugurated and rapidly pushed
from point to point in her wide domain,
is, as a .state, assuming an importance
that cannot but attract the attention, if
not the envy, of some of her older sister
States. Her cities and towns have
awakened to renewed life and activity,
her population is rapidly increasing, and
other evidences of a progressive and
prosperous future, from this day onwanl,
are apparent on every hand. A similar
spirit of enterprise, with like results,
seems also to have seized upon the peo
ple of Washington Territory, whore ncw
and vast improvements are already in
progress, that will havo no relapse till a
developed country and a mighty people
be found where, and of which, but a few
years we knew but little more of, than as
the great Northwest."
Death of the Oldest White
Woman x Oreoox. The Oregonian
of last Friday morning says:
A large assembly of the people of Sau
vie'ss Island met yestenlay at tho house
of Jonathan Moar, to atte'nd the funeral
of his wife. A number of Portland peo-
Sle were present, among whom was the
lev. Dr. Lindsley, who conducted the
solemn services. Mrs. Isabella Moar,
formerly Mrs. Logie, was extensively
known to the early settlers of Oregon.
It is stated that she was the first white
woman who settled within the present
limits of Oregon. She was a native of
Scotland, and came hither under the
auspices of the Hudson Bay Company.
She was a woman of established Chris
tian character, noted for her usefulness
ana nenevoience. The news of her sud
den nnd unexpected death will carry
mourning to a wide circle of friends.
She was nearly 4S years of age. She had
doubtless lived longer in the limits of
the State than any other white woman
in it.
rKEJiATURE BcitiALS. A great many
people indulge in serious apprehensions
of being buried alive ; and, indeed, no
idea can be more horrible. About ten
or fifteen years ago the French Academy
of Medicine took un the subject of pre
mature burials, and finding to their as
tonishment that no infallible and speedy
test was known, offered a premium of
fifty thousand francs to any person who
should discover one. After several
years of investigation two were found,,
and a duplicate reward given :
1. Hold the finger of the supposed de
ceased to the flame of a caudle, and &
blister will rise. After a few momenta
puncture It, and if water exudes life
still remains in the body; if only air
fills tho blister, death is certain.
2. If tho hand of the patient, when
held between the observer and a strong
light, shows ruddy between tho fingers,
life remains; if colorless, or if :v whitish
blue, death has supervened
What She Says. An elderly
maiden, who has suflonxl some disap
pointments, thus detincs tho human
race: Man A conclomerate mass of
hair, tobacco smoke, ooufusion concoit
aud boots. Woman The waiter, per
force, on the aforesaid animal. Husband
An Instrument constructed to growl
over shirt buttons that "arn't there."
"Wife A machine for darning socks,
sewing on shirt buttons, and malting
Euuulngs nnu oilier miugs. xumci 1
cing who thrashes the boys, and won't
tone over as uia iun uuu muutura
desire. Mother A pleasant, song a
sweet vision of childhood.v Child A
compound of delightful and distressing
. i... , tiivmirinn for
elements. xauj : f
keeping people awakp at night, and for
tue nggranuizeweiu