- . ' ntrtTrnnAffff TIT"9 4M tttfi A i t.. - rr-- ' ' " MM - f J ?.Hm-ttf...srf Mia. A. J. DCMW'AT, Edllor and Proprietor OFriCIi-Cor.Thlrrt nnd WdhIiIii-ton SW TEIiSLS IK ADVANCE: Qniymv. Six months Ttiree. months.. ss.ro . 1 73 . 1 00 -A.DVBRTISEM ECs'TS Inserted on Reasonable lyriaK. SONOEAJSEWITT. " uv anus, susie witiiekbll. DKUICATEU to til) daughter, i.VfiS HOUOKA USWIXTt 1SSL ' ' WHh ho other preface than a hope expressed ltikcthUunprmMnslltheolu'iriTnAy prove Interesting enough to beguile nfcw""leluro iKiurs or those who mas read tt.niid leate If poMM some good Impremlon, It Is otrreJ for the perusal or the public PsBiXAxn, Oregon. Entered, according to the Aet of Conorsss. I n the year K7Z, by iIrs.SuieWitherell,ln tlieOf- nee or uie librarian or (JongrM at Wuslilngton City. niAiTHU r. THE WHirtrNETELI.HE. -J "What! Closeted with a Uxik onTiucli a lovely May morning as luls? Why, I have been everywhere looking for you. What ilo you Ray to a good gallop on horseback? Come, it will do you good," and the merry-hearted Blanche Levere, already attired for a ride, pushed wide open the door of her friend's boudoir, as she walked in anil seated hen-elf near the open window, with the familiarity of an old friend. "Come, get ready, and I will wait" "Well, since you have taken the trouble to ride over here after me, I will go, though I was very much interested,1' answered Sonora Hewitt, as she laid down her Iwok and arose to prepare for a ride. "But where do you intend go in ? o - till, anywhere: I am not particular, Suppose we go as far as Katy Burke's? i iiavc never been there yet. Thev sav she is an excollont fortune toller, aud V am going to Have mine told, be it good or bad." "You surely do not believe in fortune telling, Blanche?" asked Sonora, as she adjusted the skirt of her habit "Why, no, I cannot soy that I really do, but I should like to hear what the old lady has to say, just for the novelty of it. Will you have yours told ?" "I will go with you, but I will not have mine told. I am not anxious to know the future, and besides I think it very wrong. If God had intended us to know what was in store for us he would have revealed it, but in an all wise prov idence He hid futurity, and wo should not try to pry into it," answered Sonora, as she followed her friend to the door. "Oh, you little parson,1' said Blanche, laughing, "you always see everything in a different light from me. I wish Miss Levere could imbibe some of your good sense." "Be boss am ready, missus,".said Sampson, poking hiswoolly head in at the front door as they descended the 'stairs. "Why, I had forgotten to order my horse. I must bo absent minded in deed," said Sonora, turning to Blanche. "Oh, I took upon myself the responsi bility to tell Samp, as I came in, that if I was not down stairs iu live minutes to have Jetty ready for you." "Well, I'm obliged to you for your thoughtfulness," said Sonora, as Blanche placed her tiny slippered foot within Samp's black palm, while with a spring like one accustomed to equestrian exer cises she seated herself upon the saddle. Then, helping his young mistress to mount, he handed her the reius, as he stepped back looking as proud as if he had done some notable act. In a few moments the horses, -with thoir fair rid ers, -were lost to sight by the grand old trees which skirted the road on both sides for a distance of three miles. Having introduced our heroine and her friend to the reader, wo will inform them of something pertaining to their characters. Sonora Hewitt was the only daughter of her parents. Her father, Col. Hewitt, was in every sense of the word a gentle man. Having won glory upon the, battle field, he was now, in the meridian of his days, enjoying the society of his family, together with that wealth which he had labored hard to achieve. For his city residence he had built him a spleudid mansion, opposite Graimnercy park, New York, and surrounded as he was bv all that wealth could procure, might havo been perfectly hnppy as far as this world is concerned had in not leen for his wife. She was one of those haughty, high-minded women who look upon wealth and station as first in all the at tainments of life. Possessing a hand some face aud a few accomplishments, she had won the heart of her husband, who, like too many othor young men, bad looked only at the oxtorior, never think Ing that beneath lay a disposition yet to bo tried, but believed the beautiful girl who appeared so amiable before him could never change. Alas for human nature! Too late he found out hti error. The first three years of their married lifo they had spent in traveling, and it was not until after the birth of their only son Harry that the Colonel deter mined to settle down and enjoy life in the bosom of his family. Four years later, when his home was gladdened by the birth of the little So nora, his joy knew no bounds. Now, thought he, as he gazed upon his wife) she will change and give up this taste for fashionable life, whose allurements are so Hollow and vain. IJut how was it? rot as tne rond father and afrec j i .i i. i. . uonaic nusuaiiu nan anticipated. At first Mrs. Hewitt had seemed more do mestic, and the Colonel thought his an. ticipatious were to bo realized; but as the child grew and developed that beauty for which the mother had been 7T03L.TJirE II. noted, her vain hopea and plans were centered in her, and she determined to train her up to that life of which felie was so fond, audio form for her a bril liant alliance, and thereby bring credit and hohor, as she thought, upon herself. But how she succeeded iu her plans our Mory will show. Sonora Inherited her father's disposi tion, combined with her mother's beauty. She possessed a firm, sound mind, while she was loving, gentle and amiable. She would never yield a point wherein sIiq knew hcrseir to 1ms right, but in maintaining her own will she did it with such unobtrusive kindness that nhe seldom gave offense. From early childhood she had shown traits of an extraordinary mlnd':nnd sho -was not only fond of storing il with the good and useful of earth) but sho also took a deep iuterest in religion. Xothing gave her greater pleasure than to sit and lis ten to the sublime aud beautiful doc triuesof ourLonl. At the time our story opens she was just entering her seventeenth year. She was of medium height, with a form fully developed. Her complexion was of that transparent white without spot or blemish, with just enough color in her cheeks to give greater brilliancy to her lovely eyes; and herein lay her greatest personal charm. They were of that dark blue which at times can scarcely be distinguished from black, ami when she raised her loner, black I lashes would have that lovely, pleading j look so much admired by our poets. When wrapt In balmy Meet). Her lashes on her checks in silken fringes lay. Eliewas directly opposite in contrast to her friend Blanche Levere. Though, like Sonora, Blanche had been the onlv daughter,-she had alsobecn the onlv child. She had been left an ornlmn nf the early age of three years. She had been left to the care of her maternal grandparents, who, by doing all in their power to promote her welfare and hap piness, endeavored to console themselves for the loss of their last child, her moth er. She was a tall, finely formed girl, about a year and a half older than her friend. Her hair of raven blackness fell in curls to her waist, while her eyes were of the same midnight hue, and would twinkle when she laughed, which spoke truly of the merry heart beneath. cs, Blanche had a heart as light and free as the gentle breeze of summer. She had never known a sorrow, for. though an orphau, she had never real ized it, so faithfully had her kind grand parents fulfilled the trust reposed iu them. Life had been with both girls only a summer's day up to the time our talo begins. Blanche had completed her education a year before, but Sonora was still an Inmate of Madame C 's school. Hav ing a vacation of a few weeks, she, with the rest of the family, had gone to their pieasam, country seat at Bridgeport. Conn., whither they went at tho return of each summer, and here it was that Blanche lived. This was the first year that Sonora had gone when the rest of the family had, generally coming at tho close of July, but they had lea the city earlier man usual, and it was her father's wish mat sue siiouid accompany them. He wished her to.see nature unfold herself, arrayed in the beautiful garments of spring; to refresh her mind and give full play to her better self; also to be hold the works of the Creator as they are in the country, where the light of the sun, moon aud stars are not ob structed by buildings, whose tops re semble the . tower of Babel, and whioh always bring to the mind the wonls of good John Ilodgers, "Build not your house too high, but always have before your eyes that you were bom to die." Thought. Hewitt, or Colonel (as he was always called) was not a professor of religion, still he was a strictly moral man, and held iu great reverence all that pertained to the Holy and Divine. The morning that we introduced our fair heroine to the reader was one of un clouded splendor in the blooming month of May. Xaturo was adorned in her richest garb. 'Hie trees laden with blos soms might well have tempted mother Eve to.pluck them ere thev became tho luruiinie-i iruu. i,c uiitlie little binls as they carroled from tree to tree, were enougu to mi me Heart with Jov ami gladness and cause us to utter from the TJottoni of our hearts indeed, "God is love.' After parlaking.of breakfast and ar ranging a boquet upon her mother's dressing. table, a.Jiabit which she had followed from childhood, Sonora had taken a lavorite book and gone to her boudoir for a perusal of It alone, where she was found by her friend soon after, as we have seen. Blanche, who never let a pleasant morning "pass without a ride upon her noblo white horse, Beauty, had called for her friend, detcrmiuing to have her enjoy herself also, for a horseback ride to her was at aII.liuie3I,refera0,e to a book, and she meant, if possible, to make othcrs.thlnk so too. The home of Blanche was a noble old mansion, whose massive pillars reached from the 'roof to llie 'floor of the com fortable piazza, which, extended around three sides of the house, and whose floor had vibrated to the treadof merry young feet years before The. cozy old oak set tee, which looked so inviting, had lis- tened to many a tale of love from youth' ful Hps, long since silent in that sleep which wakes ouly to immortality Blanche's mother had played there when a child with numerous brothers and sisters around her; there she had plighted her vows lo tho man of her choice, aud there, at the close of a warm summer's evening, had alio closed his eyes in death, little thinking that in a few short months she should follow; but so It was, and need it be wondered at that Blanche was attached so deeplv lo the home of her childhood? She had often heard her grandmother tell how her mother had had her fortune told, and tyie was very eager to haver her own fold. also. Her grandmother's ever-ready reply to her questioas was, ".My child, seek not to ifriow the future evil, but be content with tho present good." But Blanche was determined to find out tho evil, If there were any, and at last persuaded her grandmother to let her go to old Katy's. This old woman lived about five miles from Captain Marsh's, In a miserable little out-of-the-way hut. She appeared to be of Indian descent, though none knew anything of her nor when she came. She apparent ly subsisted by her art, and had nearly bewitched most of the young people of the neighborhood. Let us take a peep in while our friends are there. Seated at a small pine table sits old Katy. A neat bandana handkerchief tied round her nicely combed head answered the place of a turban. Another handker- chlefjWhose whiteness rivaled the suow, was pinned nicely across her shoulders, mhwu a rcuaim oiacK striped petticoat. reaching to her ankles, covered by a check apron of nearly the same length, completed her attire. Iu one hand she held a deck of cards, while upou the other rested her head. In this ixsition she sat eyeing her visitors for at least live minutes. Sonora sat upon a low stool near tho door, while Blanche was seated at the tabic, opposite Katy. "fto you do not believe Katy, hey, miss ."' and she laughed, showing a row of teeth which many a bcllo would have envied, as she cast a piercing glance at Sonora. "Not exactly that I do not believe you," answered Sonora, trembling as she spoke, more at the look than the question, "for I know nothing of you, but I do not boheve in fortune telling." "Well, well, I'll tell the black-oyed lady's fortune that will do as well. Yes, indeed, 'twould be but one. What Katy says comes true. You'll believe her one of these days," and the old witch gritted her teeth as she struck the tabic with the palm of her hand with such force that a glass of water sitting upon it fell to the floor, breaking tho lass and spilling tho contents on Blanche's dress. "Ha!, ha! ha!" almost screamed the old woman, as. she wiped on me water with a towel. Then hold ing it up to her visitor's gaze, "See that color from your dress, hey? So your life the brightness will all be washed out," and reseating herself, took the hand of Blanche within her own, as she began : "Yonr life lias lcon one summer's day; But one thins dark has marred theiray; Your parents ImhIi, when youn; and fair, Uled, and left you to tho care Of thoe who (rave your mother breath, And tried through love toliafflc death. ' For eighteen years you've wandered on. With flowers 'round your pathway itrown. Twice moro'll return youru'alal day. Xoir, believe me, girl, what I shall say: You'll meet with one whoe gentle eye Your lovin? heart with pain will try; Toward her whom you your sceret tell Your breast with wicked thoughts will swell. Against whose liapplnesx you'll plot, to blast Her dearest Joy of life at lat. Hut how will you stieeeed? Ah, here's tho ex planation: Hetributiou will o'ertake theo.and banish all in contemplation; Sickness, that vile destroyer, will lay theelpw, And friends, with all that wealth can'tlo'io raise thee no! .. r Kordeath, with hU relentless hand, , Before twent years will Join thee to the Heav enly lanu." "Are you satisfied, girl?" asked slie, as she finished, and rising, walked to wards Sonora. Standing directly In frout.of her she said, "Think not too harshly of old Katy, for a time will come when she shall prove a true friend. Go In peace, my child," and muttering something sho opened the door for her guests to de part. Tho girls, only too glad of the oppor tunity, hastily left, Blanche dropping a a piece of gold into Katy'.s hand as she passed out "Oh, I am so glad .we are rid of her presence once nV6re!" w;as Fonora's first exclamation as they rodd towards home. "She fairly made me tremble when she looked at me. I never saw such eyes! win you noi agree with me, dear Blanche, that fortune telling is not onlv a sin, but also aigreat worrimcnt to our own peace, for I must confess I do not feel half as happy as I did before I went?" "Well, Sonora, to the latter part of your remark I agree, for somehow I feel rather fidgety myself, but pshaw! I do not believe any thing she said.- Accord ing to her prophecy, I am to become your rival, for you are tho only friend to whom I tell my secrets," and Blanche gave a nervous jerk to her reins, while her countenance betrayed a tumult of feelings within. "You had better come in .and spend the day with mc,'isaid Souora, as she reined up before, her own door. "Xot to-day, thank you. I am in Fkek SrntXH,;Fr.rj: .'riE&s, ikke Pkoi'le. I?OIlTX.ASX, OREGOIS', ITJRIDA.Y, haste to get home and tell grandma tliat she is to have her little plague but two years Idngeri How consoling!" and the thoughtless girl laughed merrily. "Oh, JL hadnlmost forgotten to tell 3011, r ex pectiny cousin Grace Marsh in a week or so. She tvilllbe here to celebrate my birth-day in June- -Then we shall have some glorious times; so good-bye, my little mentor," and kissing her hand she was soon out of sight "Holloa, Sia!" exclaimed Ham' Hewitt, springing from behind the door as Souora entered, "Why, you look sweeter than a.May rose. Where have you. been?" "Why.. Harry!. When did you get liome?- Xthougiityptt wasatA'ale. and did not expect you for a month yet," said Sonora, putting her arms around her brothcr.aud.returuiug.hIs affection ate kiss. "We have a week's vacation, and I have come home to spend It with you. I have brought my room-mate with me, Clarence Pierpont, and a noble fellow he is, too; but be careful, Sis, you do not become a captive to his charms." "There, hush, Harry. Jlemember I am only a school girl. But where is mamma? Have vou seen her vet?" "Indeed I have. I rushed up and em braced mother just as she was coming down stairs to meet me, sadly misplac ing sundry laces mid ribbons, the tiso of which I never could see into. Father and Clarence have already become the best friends imaginable, and have gone for a walk to examine some of the beau ties of our, Bridgeport home, while I have been waiting with tho greatest im patience for the last half hour for you to make you rappearauce. You have grown so during tho six. mouths that I ha-c been absent that I should scarcely havo recognized you, had it not been for the well known laugh of Blanche, whom I might say was your shadow. How very gracefully she rides." "Yes; do you no't think she has im proved greatly since your absence?" "Decidedly so. I must call on her this evening," answered Harry, bending his "wide awake" a la Xujwlcon. "I am going to find my chum, so cm rctor till dinner time," and he nodded a 1ltlfll.W. - 1 . . ""ti"'"tt Kuuu-ui-i as "e wound tils way through the shrubbery of Spring Brook Place in search of his father aud Clarence. Sonora hastened to'hcr mother's sit ting room, to inform her of the events of tho morning. 'She'found her deeply engaged-with-a-fasliTriiiSUIe" novel, but looking up as-lier daughter entered, she exclaimed: "Where have you been, my child? You look so heated ! You r cheeks are per fectly crimson! I do wisli you would not romp around the'counlry so much. You will bo so fanned by tho time we return to the city you .will be a perfect fright" "Oh, do not worry about that, dear mamma. Brbwrf fs'a good standing color, you know, and besides I never wish to look like some city ladies, as white and sickly as if a breath of heav en's pure air had never blown upon them," and throwing back her lovely brown curls she stooped and imprinted a kiss upon her mother's beautiful lips. "Have you seen your. brother? Do you know tliat Mr. Pierpont whom he has brought with him ?" "I have heard. Harry speak of him, though I have not seen him yet" "He is very handsome," resumed Mrs. Hewitt "I wonder if ho Is rich," and looking at tho clock, she arose to pre pare for dinner. "Providing ho is a gentleman of re finementand education, of what import ance are riches? They only serve to engross our.minds niore with this world aud make us oftentimes forget a better one." "You are just like your father," an swered her mother. "He never thinks wealth tho least consequence. It Is a wonder to me tliat. he gained sufficient of tho needful to enable us to live as we do. But were it not for me, I verily be- lievo he would give it nearly all away ! J now, if he thought b3 so doing he could render somcpoormortal happj," contin ued she, as she gave an extra brush to her already smooth hair.;. . v "Here thc3 come.ijnotlter," said .So uora, glancing down the long avenue in front of the house. "I must go aud change 1113 dress for.- dinner." And closing the door after her she went tripping to herownbed room, a cosy little aparment on the simo fioor with her mother's. As she closed ,tho door Mrs. Hewitt gave vent to tho, following: "I do wish Harry, and Sonora had some of ni3 pride. This is-,- some jtoor student, doubtless; a gentleman, no doubt, but then well, I would not care so much if I had no daughter. But who knows what ma3 follow this acquaintance? Sonora has such strange ideas; however, I shall watch them- pretty closety," and turning some "Prankpanni" upon her elegant .mouchoir, .descended tQ t-)e parlor to meetjier guest (To be continued, i A German lady hi Indianapolis, whose husband died about a jear ago, leaving his property mortgaged to the fullest ex tent, has managed hls-bushiess so skill fully that she- hastreleased it all, and is now in possession of. an income of S -000. ' By'tho''sameb'peratiou! a man 0133 contract a debt and stretch his credit ! 3L1Y lO, 18rS. Matrimonial. The following bit of charming unso- phlstication, purporting to have been written by a young wire iu Kew York, to her prim and spectacled maiden aunt in Boston, willbe read.with ctirlous In- n-rest ay me nioie eiiiiiiu-iiei reauer; My jjcar jium: Aijnough. you told me wnen 1 lnviien 3 011 10 my wedding, that I was too young to marry, and not capable of choosing a mate" properly. and with due consideration, I write that you may now feel that I was wiser than you thought In selectingdear Orlando 1 nave gained a most aiiectionate and attentivo husband, and one who has neither a fault nor a vice. Heavens! what must a girl suffer, who finds her self united to a dissipated person, neg lectful of iter, and 'disposed to seek the society.of unworthy petrous, who drlnkj- MiiuKe, aim cto an sorts 01 ureauiu! tilings! 'iliank Heaven, Orlando is perfection. To-day is mv eighteenth blrtiid.iv. and we have been married a year. We keel) house now. and I can make nrettv good pie. only the under crust will bp damp. However, I think it must be the oven. Once I put peppermint iu the pudding sauce instead of lemon flavor ing; but then Orlando was trying to kiss me. right before theglrl, who didn't much like either of us going into the kitchen at all. The flowers are coming up beautifully n the back garden. Wi sowpd n front. matiy seed, but hardly expected so many plants. Among the most numerous is one variety with a very large leaf, that scratches one's lingers, and don't smell nice. I wonder what it is. Orlando frightens me hi talking about weeds; but weeds always como up, don't they ? Dear Orlaudo! I come back to him again so excellent temperate, and true. Tell all the girls to marrv as soon as they can, if they can find a husband iiKu mine. I have but one trial business i.ikes him so much away from me. A lawyer must attend to business, vou know, and sometimes they carry on the cases nntil at, iiigm. uiten and oitou lie has ex amined witnesses until half-nastl2 and como home perfectly exhausted. And the nasty things wilt smoke so that his dear coat quito smells of it And it manes nun as ill as it docs me. I have to air it. and sprinkle, tho lining witli cologne water before he dares to put it on again. I had a terrible fright tho other night dreadful. Orlaudo hail told me that business I think he said it was a easo of life and death would detain him late. So I sfit up as usual, with a book, and did not worry until 1 o'clock. After that I was a little anxious, I confess, and caught a cold in my head peeping through the uiKtairs window blinds: I for dear aunt, it was not until 3 o'clock mai 1 ncaru a cau driving up me streets ami saw it Slop at our door; men J mougni 1 snouiu Taint, tor 1 was sure some dreadful accident had happened to unaiuio. I ran down to open the doon a friend of Orlando's, who is not, I confess, very much (o 1113 taste such a red-faced, nois3 man wasjustsupportingny dear noy up me steps. "Oh, what has.happened?" cried I. "Don't be frightened, Mrs. White?" said Mr. Smith, "Nothing at all; only White is a little exhausted. Applica tion to business will exhaust a man, aud I thought I'd bring him home." "All right, Boll," said Orlando, Smith tells the truth rni exhausted." And, dearest aunt, he was so much so, that he sioke quite thick, and couldn't stand up without tottering. Smith was kind enough to help him up-stairs; and he 1.13 upon the bed so prostrated tliat I thought lie was going to die. Then I remembered the French brand3' 300 gave 1110 in case of sickness. I ran to get it out "Have a little brand and water, dear?" I said. "The very tiling. Smith is exhausted, too. Give some, to Smith," said he. And so I reproached 'ni3self for not having thought of It before Smith' was gone. But I grfvo a glass -to Orlando, nnd under providence, I think it saved his life; for, oh, how bad lie was! "Bell," said he, quite faltering in his speech, "the room is going round so fast, that I can't catch 3our e3e. Aud besides there's two of 3011, and I don't know which is which." I knew these were dreadful symp tom. "Take a drink, dear," said I, "and I'll tO to wake Mar3, and send for the doc tor." "Xo," said he, "I'll be all right in the morning. I'm all right uow. Here's 3'our health. You-rc- a brick. I" And over he fell fast asleep. Oil, wli3 do 3-011 think so much of money making? Is not health better than anything else. Of course, as he had Iain down his hat, I took that oft first And I managed to divest him of his coat But when It came to his boots dearest aunt, did vou tv?r tall0 011 a ? "P Vrou- . . .. 1lnt rta vnii nn ft fiinfln lm! wlint !'! - j - , a lasK V j low no mey ever get, litem on? I pulled and pulled, and shook, and wrauglcd and gave it up. But it would not do to leave them on all night so I went at it again, and at last one came oil so suddenb, and over I went on tho floor, and into his hat, which I had put there for a minute. I could have cried. And the other came oil iu tho same wa-, ju.-t as hanl and just as sudden at last Then I put a soft blanket on Orlando, and sat iu my sew ing chair all night. Oh, how heavily he breathed! And I had, a you may fancy, tho mot dreadful fears. Ho might have killed hitmelf by his over application lo buMness, for all that I know. The iwrfect ones go first, it is said. Oh, howdiflerontly should I have felt had anything happened to 1113- beloved Orlaudo. He has not had so exhausting a daj' since and I think lie sees the folry of overwork; though if courts will keep open so late, what can poor lartyers do? I think it vety Inconsiderate of the judge. I wonder whether he has a wife the mean old thing! Coflce is highly recommended as a neutralizcr of foul odors, nnd can be used to advantage where Other disinfect ants would be inadmissible. In cases where rats or mice die in.spaces between the floors of dwellings, a pound or two of frcshhy burned rotlee will produce the desired ellect It is also said to boin- c6mparabl3 superior in a sick chamber 10 most, (lisimcctauis: 11 uns a ueucuciai action on theatmosphere, besides giving out au agreeablo -perfume. How to make time go fast use the spur of the momeut JsTBIBEIt 1. The Name of God iu Porty-Eiglit Ian guages. As Louis Biirger, the well known au thoress anil, philologist, was walking in tile Avenue des. Champs El3sees he heanl a familiar volceexciaimlng: "Buy some nuts of a poor man, sir ? Twentv for a penny!" He looked up and recog nized ins out uaruer. "What ! Are 3ou selling nuts ?" aid ne. "Ah, sir, I have been unfortunate." jiiit mis is no busiuess ror a man like you." "Oil, sir. if you could onlv fell me of someming better to no," returned the oaruerwitn a sign. Burger .was touched. Ho reflected moment; then tearing ajeaf from his uiemorauuum uook, ue wrote .ior, a lew moments and handed It to the man. saying: "Take this to a printing office nun nave a niiiaireii copies stnicK oil; here is the money to nav for it Get n license from the Prefecture of the Police and sell them at two cents a Conv. and jou will have bread on the snot. Tho. strangers who visit Paris cannot refuse tins tribute to the name of God, printed In so many different wa3s." the s.r op con ik rorrrY-EioirT l sc:r.tri fr. Hebrew, Klohlm or IrMi. Uie. Kloati. Olaln tongue, ru. German and svls, Uott. FlemWi.Ooed. Dutch, (jodt. Kngllidi and old Sax on, (Tod. Teutonic, Until. Ihml-li and Swedish, Cut. Norwegian, Cl ml. Slavic, Itueh. Polish, og. 1,'olacca. Jiunc I.npp, .lul.iiml. Finnish, Jumala. Itnntc.As. Iannouian.I.stu. Zembllnn, Fetizo. Hindo.st.uiee, llalu. Cbromautlel. liraina. Chnldale, Elah. Assyrian, Kilali. Syrlae and Turkish, AlalL Malay, Alia. rabie. Allah. Language or the Magi, Orsl. Old Egyptlan.Teut. .miorian, Teuti. Modern Kgyntlan. Tcnn. flreek, Theos. Crotan.Thlos. .t.ouannnu uorle.IIos. I-atln.Dens. Ijow Latin. Piex. Celtic nnd old (faille. French. Dlcn. Kpaubh,.l)los. Tartar, MagataL i-omigese, uoos. Old German, Diet. i-erxiau, Nirc. Chinese. Prtissa. Provencal, Dlou. IiOW Ilrctoii. Done. Japanese, Goezur. Italian, Dio. .Muuagaecar, Mannar. Peruvian, I'achomic. A few davs after Burtrer met II10 har bor. "Well." said he. "has tho holv tiamo of God brought 3011 good luck?" "Yes, indeed, sir; I sell on an average ouo hundred conies a dn3, at two cents each, or two dollars; but the strangers arc generous ; some give me ten ceuts and others twenty, lliave even received half a dollar for ucop3r so that, all told. i iu miming iio uuiiurs a nay." I .11 . . .... " "i ivo uoiiars a ua3 c" "Yes, sir; thanks to your kindness." "The deuce!" thought Lnnrer. as 1ia walked awa3. "If I were not a, litorary man I would turn peddler or publisher. There is nothing so profitable as selling mo learning or wit of others." Commerce of tlie "World. France exports wine, brandies, silks, fanc3 articles, furniture, jewelry, clocks, waieiies, paper, perutmeo, and fancv goods general. itaty exports corn, oil, llax, wines, essences, dye stuffs, drugs, fine marble, soap, paintings, engravings, mosaics, aud Silll. Prussia exports linens, woolens, zinc, articles of iron, copper and brass, indigo, wax, hams, musical instruments, to- uui.-i.-u, u uie, ami jiorceiaiu. Germany exports wool, woolen goods, linens, rags, corn, timber, iron, lead, tin, llax, hemp. wine. w.iv. tUn. n.ni cattle. Austria exports minoml. maniifaeluieil silk, thread, glas.-, wax, tar, nut gall, wine, honey and mathe matical instruments. England exports enfln tic wnnfitna glass, hardware, earthenware, cutlers, ".""i '""aiiK! wares, salt, coal, walclies, tin, silks and linen. Ittissia exports tallow. flour, iron, copper, linseed, lard, hides, wax. duck, cordasre. bristles, fur, lml.teh and tar. Spain exports wine, brandy, oil. fmsh and drieil fruit, quicksilver, sulphur, salt, cork, saffron, anchovies, silks and China exports tea. rhubarb, mud-. ginger, borax, zinc, silks, calssia, filigree num, nury ware, lacquered ware and porcelain. Turkey exports coffee, opium, silks, drugs, gums, dried fruits, tobaran. camel's hair, carpets, shawls, camlets aim morocco. Hindostan exports gold and silvor. cochineal, indlco. sarsanfirSHn. i-n 11 ; jalap, fustic, Campcaclrj wood, pimento, uiugj aim iij u i 11 11.1. osrazu exports collee, indigo, sugar, rice, hides, dried meats, lnllniv. rrnh! diamonds and other precious stones, gums, mahogany and India rubber. West Indies exports sugar, molasses. rum, tobacco, cigars, mahogany, dye wood, cofiee, pimento, fresh fruits and preserves, wax, ginger and other spices. Switzerland exports enlHo nh.. butter, tallow, dried fruit, linen, silks! 4ui-.ii, iace, jeweio, paper and gun powder. list India exports cloves, nutmegs, mace, pepper, rice, indigo, gold dust camphor, benzine, sulphur, ivor3. rat tans, sandal wood, zinenml n.i Lnited States exports principally agri cultural produce; cotton, tobacco: Hour, provisions of all kinds, lumber, tnrpen- tinn. .nut imn.tti 1 ' - Thoughts on Satuuday Xinirr. homebody gets off the following beauti (ill tlmi.nl. ... j.. II. . . . S7. .. "uj-i;ia uu uie closing niglitot the week, -mere is a volume of truth and sense in them i "Saturday night makes peoplo human, sets their hearts, to beating softhy, as they ued to do before the world turned them into war drums and jarred them to pieces with tattoos. Tho ledger closes with a clash, the iron-doored vaults come to with a bang, up go the shutters with a will, click goes tiie key In the lock. It Is Saturday night, and business breaths free again. Home ward, ho! The door that has been ajar all week gently closes behind him, the world Is all shut out Shut out? Shut in rather. Here arc his treasures after all, and not in the vault, and not in the book save the record of the old family Bible and not in the bank- Maybe 3ou are a bachelor, frosty and fortj. Then, poor fellow, Satunlay night Is nothing to 3ou, just as vou are nothing to any body. Get a wife, blue-eyed or black eyed; but, above all true-C3ed. Get a little home no matter how little a sofa, just to hold turn nr two and a half. and then get tho two, or two and a half 111 if F t' .. t i . , 1 " i " oiii.urua3" mgui, aim men -w this paragraph by the light of your wife's eyes, and thank God and take courage." A revolver the earth. A Journal for the People. Devoted to the Interests of Humanity; Independent In Pol ft Irs arid itelfeWn. illve to 'all fJve Issued 'alW'Thoro'lishIr RaUlcalln Opposlnffiirtd iSpbtfnff t"fi'eyrones of the Classes; ' ' - .--V 'lt Correspondents wrltinc o ver awimelleni. tnres must make known ttielr namejm llie Hdltor.orno attention will be grVen'ttf thrtr communication. From the Democratic Rra.) " Wltn Xatlire. lit STErilBJ XAYSIILU Ir nto Ihy unmolested scenes, 1 mill l.ll.l' li n i. I . t .1 T. '-j ..t.i.t.L.1 1 nvvt . . ii i roam amid ihe.e dim old woods, Anliiiple child ofthec; T'XS.ttz0 "Pn "lis dreamy rohe , That covers land anil wn. ii ii. i .! Vt'J in ''.Mil T,'T 9"ter form, thy Inner will To hear, to feel, to see. Within the fragrant violet A world of rwttuix- II: ".V.1."." "" "" a lores, blooms. Ith mountains, wood and dSrs fhe litt le drop that nestles on The tiny leaf I see, Th rotw n vast ocean fuHUTIH?, I'lnlte, infinity. Yon Itlle butterfly that sips The honeysuckle's Dwect, . ThenanielesstmrtRtriatcraw-ia At XIiOigruwalKmvniyreet,. . , .-"r m Sprltnrfrdm thawme ntraal warnfe As whenee all lire began,'. - :st Thrills with tho same eltiieMrk .1 il .VSegotlstlcman." ' -.i . j !ihfa- AVee Innocents, thy hour Is brief!. (I Full soon ye yield the breath, 1 ' And e'er ye tasto the autumn fruit,-!. ,rn Fall from the flower in ittatli: " An emblem of terrestrial hopes, ' ,vofi Delusive dream soon told Lire's beautinil, lalr-passlng elm!, Wwl That fades as we behold. . Beyond the rllt within yon cloud .Methiuks that I enn see .' '11 A fair, oelestiHl garden bloom, . Sacred to poeliy; " lorsi MliUt liowera.blnl., lakes, mountain, wfefeds. 'Xenth golden canopv, 'W Stands a while, ethereal maid, 'U ite-.icliln her arms tome. 1 MM I love to weave these Idle thouchtit,- l'ien.ed am I Willi thcirglenm. ' I'm but a dreamer at the best, Who cannot heln but dream Whose rude, untutored Angers sweep lit nit- lyre's lueiouious smogs Who sings nnd yet he knows not why, Hxcept he loves to sing. Gleanings. Marryinr; a woman for her beauty, is like eating a nightingale for its' singing. The same peoplo who can deny others everything are famous for doii3ing tncmsclves nothing. Said Goethe, we should do the utmost to encourage the beautiful, for the. use ful encourages itself. A man In Illinois was bitten bj" a rat tlesnake seventeen 3ears ago, and is still taking whisky to cure the bite. Kemains of elephants in Alaska have been discovered in quantities sullibTo'nt to supply the world with ivory fon,ceu turles. A Iad3 physician at Trenton, Js; J., has performed in the city hospital more than 150 dilllcult and successful surgical operations. "What are 3ou doing?" asked afathor of a son, who was tinkering an"6ld watch. "Improving H13 time," whs the wiuy riyoinucr. . ... Eighteen hundred vessels aro" em ployed, irrespective of railroads, in con veying ,j,2.0,000 tons of coal annually to warm up the city of LonUoll. A piece of vegetable charcoal laid on a burn at once soothes the paiu, sajis, the Gazette Medicate, and if kept applied for an hour, cures it complete. "Grandma," said a shrewd child, Ko 3011 want some canity?" "Ye-, dear, I should like some." "Then if. 3ou'.ll bu3 some some I'll give 3011 half," said Polly. The eldest daughter of Dickens. Jin?. Colling lately sent a water-color pic,tiiro to the exhibition in London, aiul it wis atoncc accepted asa workevirioinggreat talent , "My dear," said an aflVctthnatn snnnV to her husband, "am I not your onlv treasure? "Oh, yes," was the cool re ply; "and T would willingly lay it up in Heaven." A farm of 400 acres iu England is kept by a woman, to whom thennrnl'AWi. cultural Society gave its highest pre mium last season for general excellence and S3stem. Ladies should remember that. .1 n"prfo of linen moistened with turpentine and put into tho wardrobe drawers "for a single da3', two or three times a year is a sullicient preservation against moths. An Indiana editor makes a pathetic appeal to his readers, sa3iug: "If there is anything you know, that is worth knowing, that we ought to know, and you know that we don't know, please let us know it" A schoolmistress was trying to teach a clas3 of four and five-3ear-olds the names of the days of the week. Ater practicing them a wallet she askedi.a tive-year-old girl, "What day is tbia" "Washing day," was tho quick repli. A cotemporary saj'.s: "To obtain a good night's sleep, sponge the entire length of the spine in hot water for ten or fifteen minutes. This will reduce tho circulation, quiet the nervous sys tem, and induce sleep better than 3113 drug." Olive Logan commenced one pf Jifii" lectures at Jsewark, recently, wiJi .the remark, "Whenever I sec a prett3'glr, I want to clasp her in my amis." "ao Ho we," shouted tho boys in the gallery. For a moment Olive wis nonplussed, but recovering her self-po.ession, she replied, "Well, boys, I don't blame 3-011." The Law of NEWsi-Ai'ims. 1. Sub scribers who-do uot give-express notice to the contrary, are considered as wish ing to continue their subscriptions. tL If an3 subscribers order the discon tinuance of their newspapers, the pub lisher 1033- continue to send tliem.uhttl all arrearages are paid. 5. If subscribers neglect or refuse, 'to take their newspapers from the oillcos, to which the3 arc directed, the law hold. them responsible until thc3 have set tied the bills, and ordered them discpn tinued. . ,in A. If subscribers remove to otlierpla'ces without Informing the publisher: aiid the newspapers arc sent to tho former direction, the3 are held.responeible. a. mo courts nave uecuictl tliat reius ing to take newspapers from the olllce. or removing and leaving them uncalled r : . r.. .. 1 1 . .: . rtHi.ni;wnni lur, 1a piiiiiii luirii'UYiiieiii.-c'Ji. iiiti-iuiuu.ti fraud. -C. The postmaster who neglects togjyOi . 1 . .. 1 , . ...1 1 Hill!..,-. C 41... .1.11.1 lull n f n'-twvH UlU lib1" "uw Ul liiu sal sou to take from the' Oflice tile' newspa pers addressed to him, is liable to the publisher for the subscription pricei J' r.i? .vd-Mij To Removk Tjioud Flesh. Pulver ize loaf sugar very tine, and apply itcr the part atlected. This is a newand" easy remedy, and is said to-rcmovexit entire without pain. It has been prac ticed in England for j'eiru.