FRIDAY.......... 3IAY 3, 187i OUB SECOND VOLUME. The season is now near at hand when v many hundreds of our subscriptions to the Xkw Northwest will expire. We nrjr- upon our friends everywhere the importance of immediately renewing their subscription fees. A little effort "Wtipon the part of each of our numer ous readers will enable us to start out with the Second Volume with debts all cameled and in the enjoyment of safe financial prospecU for the future. We could then bring a light heart to our work, to which, since wc took up the lnad of financial care that a large news paper business requires, wo have been a stranger. There are also yet many de linquents upon ourlist menand women who have regularly enjoyed the products of our toil for the past year, and yet neg lect to pay for their paper. To all such we say in respectful solicitude, wc need thr money. The sum of three dollars is -mali to each of you, but the aggregate indebtedness of several hundred delin quents makes a sum of much import ance to us. We trust that this call will in t be passed unheeded. We have toiled diligently at dress-making, millinery, lecturing, story writing, editorial work und canvassing, doing faithfully the v ork of half a dozen to keep up the ex- pt-nscs of the paper, and our strength is severely over-taxed: and wc now ask s ur friends, one and all, to cheerfully put shoulder to the wheel and help us through the Second Volume, which -hall be in all respects suporior to the lirst. iu Portland. Wc had supposed tha1 there -were already about as many daily papers in this cityas could be supported. This paper is, however, very likely only intended as a campaign sheet. The Dalles Mountaineer of a late date says: Mr. William Davidson, the great real estate dealer of Portland, has sold Judge Humason's property in that city, consisting of a house and lot, for the sum of $7,500 cash. The Judge is well pleased with the sale and spoKe very highly of Mr. Davidson as a rename business man, and recommends him to all in this section vho may require the services of an honest, competent and thorough business man in mat city. The Bulletin says that the Oregon and California Railroad Company will hereafter sell tickets at this point for all points iu the United States. These tickets arc what are called coupon tick ets, and each and every road over which the holder passes clips off a coupon. Tickets aro sold for cither routo to Cali fornia, via steamer or stage and railroad, across the plains and mountains by the Central and Union Pacific Railroads, to Chicago by either of three roads, to St. Tennis bv either of two routes, and from either of the two last named cities to XewYork by any desired route. Just so soon as tho arrangements can be com pleted, tickets of this description will also be sold at Eugene, Harrisburg, Albany, Salem and Oregon City. At the different ticket offices on the line of tho Oregon and California Railroad, tickets of this description aro now sold for any point in Oregon or California. Persons traveling will always fiud It advantage ous to purchase tiirougu ticKets. NEW SEEIAL STOEY. A new serial story of extraordinary merit by Mrs. Susie Witherell of Port land, Oregon, will begin with the Sec ond Volume, and continue from wcok to week until finished. The following extracts from its table of contents will enable our readers to form - 'me estimate of its merits : The Fortune Teller; A proposal, and what came of it; Tiie moonlight sail; Clarence and Blanche; Mcintosh and Old Katyj A New Year; The half made Bride; The White Star; Incognito Lover; The plot revealed; SSonora a captive; Plots and counterplots, etc Snake Poison. In tho last volume of "Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria," published at Melbourne, there was an account of Dr. Halford's inter esting researches into the nature of the change produced in the blood by the poi son of snake bites. Tho doctor wor; ked with the microscope, satisfied himself mere was a cuange, and described it and has since had an ornortunitv nf tpsllnir his theory and his antidote. A man working on a railway was bitten by a snake; ere long drowsiness came on; medical assistance was obtained, bnt by the time it arrived the man was coma tose, and his lower extremcties were paralyzed. Dr. Halford was then sum moned by telegraph; he made an incis ion in a vein, iuserted the nolnt of a syringe, injected ammonia diluted with water, and tne etlect produced Is do scribed as "marvellous and immediate." The man became conscious, steadily re covered, anu oceanic quite won. xietice- iortu lei au people wno live in districts infested by snakes remember that am monia Injected into a vein is the remedy for a bile. S. F. Herald. To Freshen Rancid Butter. Hero is a fact worth a year's subscription to a paper: "To a pint of water add thirty drops (about half a teaspoonful) of liquid cmonue 01 nme. wasn in tms two anu a half pounds of rancid butter. When every particle of tho butter has come iu contact with tho water, let it stand an nour or two; men wasn the butter well again Iu pure water. Tho butter is then left without any odor, and has tho sweetness of fresh butter. Theso prep arations of lime have nothing injurious In them." Ex. CLUBBING 'WITH MAGAZINES. Send us $5 00 and seouro a weekly isit from tlie New Northwest and a iiionthly one from DemoresVs Parlor .Y ifiasinc for one year, and depend upon ii, ladies, you will not regret the in .. niiu. Hie fact that the New V'KTiiwkst Is awakening so much ln- t- ri '-t with Eastern publications as to auso them to make magnanimous of fi n for our mutual benefit gives our readers an idea of the estimate that iirst-class periodicals place upon our J "llli.ll IUI (lie i lJjrii-. We have made arrangements with 'lie publishers of Arthur's Home Maga i by which, on receipt of $4 50, we w ill be enabled to send the New North wr..-T and Home Magazine each for one year, accompanied by a large and ele gant steel engraving, entitled the Wreath of Immortelles." This picture was engraved as a special premium for Arthur1 8 Home Magazine, and its retail price is $6 00. Gixlcifn Lady's Book, the standard 5 00 monthly, has agreed to club witli Hip New Northwest at the rate of j io per year, in advance. Save a dol lar by sending for both publications. Stimulants. George D. Prentice. who, according to all accounts, ought to be pretty familiar with what men usually term stimulants, writes tuus truly anu beautifully: There is a time when the pulse lies low in tho bosom and beats low in the veins; when the spirit sleeps which, ap parently, Knows no waiting, sleeps m its house of clay, and the windows aro shut. the doors hung in the invisible crapo of mclanclioly; when wo wish tno golden sunshine pitchy darkness, and wisli to fancy clouds where no clouds be. This is a slate of sickness where physic may be thrown to the dogs, for wc wisli none of it. What shall raiso the spirit? What shall make the heart beat music airain. and iml.-e through ail tho myriad thronged halls in the house of lire? what snail make the sun Kiss tuc eastern hills for us with nil his old awakening gladness and the night over flow with moonlight, love and llowcrs? Love itself is the greatest stimulant, the most intoxicating ot an, ami performs all these miracles, and is a miracle it self, and is not at the drugstore, what ever they say. The counterfeit is iu the market, but the winged god is not a money changer, wo assure you. Men have tried many tilings, but still they ask for stimulant. Men try to bury the lioatingdead of their own souls in the . I.llf (lin nnmon iLno "Wn 1IJV LUIIi UUU ,l IW A 1 I ' t see their faces in the bubbles. The in toxication of drink sets the world whirl ing again, and the pulses to playing music, and the thoughts galloping, but the clock only runs down sooner, and au unnatural stimulant only leaves the house it filled with tne wildest revelry, more silent, more sad, more deserted. There is only one stimulant that never Intoxicates dHty. J)uty puts a clear sky over man into which the snyiarK- happiness always goes singing. H0MENEWS. B. ker county has 309 school children. Albany is to have a grand picnic to morrow. The Waklron Troupe have gone to Victoria. Work on the now Methodist Church at --alcm has ceased. The municipal election at Oregon City occurs next Monday. The first piano ever brought to Oregon is on exhibition at Salem. The Dramatic Chronicle has discon turned publication for the present. The next Linn county Agricultural (?) Fair will be decidedly a "horse show." Congress has appropriated $00,000 for the erection of a capital at Olympia W. T. Washington Territory has a new Gov ernor. This time E. P. Ferry is the lucky individual. The Odd Follows Fifty-third auniver .irvwas appropriately observed in Port land last Friday, tho 20th tilt. Rich lead mines arc reported to have bee n discovered at the foot of tho Uns t'ados, in the Sauliain district, in Linn i-miity. The Cumberland Presbyterian of Leb anon are going to build a fine church this summer.. Over $2,000 have already been subscribed. Mr. Kyger, County Treasurer of Walla Walla county, W. T., has been arrested to answer tho charge of robbing the c utility of $20,000. Oro Fiuo Theater has been re-leased by Manager Waldron for another year, or until tne new ineaire uulldinc bv How to Judge Books. would you know whether the tendency of a book is good or evil examine in what state of mind you lay it down, iias it induced you to suspect that what you have been accustomed to timiK unlawful may, after all, be innocent, and that that may be harmless whicli you have hitherto been tauglit to think dangerous? Has it tended to mako you dlssatished and impatient under the control of others; and disposed you to relax in that self-covernment, without which ootu the laws of God and man tell us there can be no virtue, aud consequently no happiness ; Jias it attempted toauate your admiration and reverence for what is great anu good, anu to uiminisu in you the love of your country and your leilow creatures.- Jias it auuresscu itself to your pride, your vanity, your selfishness, or any other of your evil propensities v nas it denied mo imag ination with what is loathsome, or shocked tho heart witli what Is mon strous? Has it disturbed tho sense ot right and wrong which the Creator has implanted in the human soul? If so If you are conscious of all or any of these pftVcts or If. bavins escaped from all, vnn h.ivn felt that such were the effects J . .11 1 J.I 11. , it was intended to prouuee, inruw we book in the fire, whatever name it may thf title nacre! Throw it in the fire, young man, though it should have been the gift of a friend; young lady, away with the whole set, though it should be the prominent furniture of a rosewood book-case aouuiey. ID-ELY GOODS, SCCII AS SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseilles, Etc. 33 jQl. NT 3E2L 23 33. S , A Large and Deautlful Assortment ol MILLINERY Q00DS, RIBBONS, t-MUU OL IIUiUH, Tine Laces, Etc., Or every variety an J description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid Cloves Ot the best quality. jewelry, r.VNCY goods, etc., On hand and made to order. HILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of all description. Kasnail. a French chemist, finds cam- hora remedy for that fearful insomuo- enco which attends the first stages of insanity. When opium and an the drowsy syrups of the cast fail of effect, a grain of camphor, formed Into a nlll. and followed by a draught of an ounce anu a nan oi tuciniusionoi hops, mixed wim nvc drops ot sulphuric ether, is his usual remedy for procuring sleep. For Felons. An exchange says that a pouitico oi onions, applied morning, iiuuu, unit nigm, lur iiirec ur luur unys, will cure a felon. No matter how bad the case lancing the finccr will bo un necessary if this poultice Is used; the rcmeuy is a sure, sale, and speedy one. That terrible scounre. tho cholera, is expected to invade us again from Europe una summer. eB-CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies oy every steamer, do HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Portland Market. Hour Extra, S-" T5 per Iwrrcl; Extra country brands. So 2rw5 .VI. wiiwii si ami per cental. Ruller Klne dulrv. IVVio ner round: onlln- i. 1 i , . n?m ' jici uutui OUR AGENTS. The following persons arc duly authorized to act as Asents for the New Xoktu west : Mrs J. ir. Foster Mliany Ashby I'earce Ur. Bayley A. A. Mminiiic Miss Virclnla Olds. Hiram Smith J. H. D. Heiulen-on W. W. lleech ..Allmny Rer. Win. Jolly , Hon. T. W. IMVeniwrL. Slnry J. Maeere. A. W. stauanl S. II. ClniiQliton r. A. Ileetl Ml. O. T. Daniels Mrs.Xellle Curl I. C. Sullivan Mrs. M. K. Cook- -CorvallU Olympia McMlnnvllIc IIarrllunr .h.uzcno Cltv Uucna Vlnta Hlllfiboro - Bllverton -Gervals ..IiroivnuYllle I-lanon . Salem Mrs. M. a Mine Mrs. It. A. Vawtcrs Mrs. . H. I!llH)p. Rev. J. V. Damon ICev. u. UaRloy... Mrs. Jane M. Vllson.. Philip IUtr u. iioore.. -Salem Salcin Dal Lis Lafayette Kalamn Waltftburg nenuieton -Seattle ..Seattle 1 Mrs. R. J. George. Mrs. M. J. Knslgn.. n. B. Itlooil MrK. M. Jeffries II. If. Welch . .. Dr. J. Wattt..... A. . Arnold. O. W. I-iwKon ., M. r. Owen Mrs. O. A. Ixiuum. Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson. Tho. Parsons R. Penlland... Walla Wnlln Walla Walla ....Port Townsend -Traveling Accnt -lDrtlnnu -Travcllne Agent .Travellnc Agent Washington county . iiiayeitc Albany .Salem -Dalles Miss Salllc Applegatc MKs 1L A. Owens J. T. Scott, Kso, Mrs. j. r- uorwin. fien. Engle. J. W. Jackson- 1 P. Fisher Mrs. I .aura DeKorce Gordon Miss Nellie Mossman , I. T. Maulsby.... Other parties deMrln; Foreit Grove Oregon City Mihrauklc -.The Ihillos Yoncnlla Roselmrg .. Forest Grovo -Ztehalem -Traveling Agent Eugene ...San Francisco California ..Olympia ...-.. Vancouver to net ns Agents will please forward their names. "We want Agents at every nostofilec throughout Oregon and Washington Territory. For the very best photographs, go to Bradley RuIofMinM Gallery without STAIRS D3-ASCEKD IX THE ELEVATOR, 42) Mont gomery St., San Francisco. SPECIAL NOTICES. The Clotliluz Trade Iin-s, wKlilit the Inst tiiirtrilnvK.undenroncareguinr revolution hy Flshefi Rohertk having opened a first-class Clothing establishment, corner of First and Waiiinirinn strpcts. where Men and Ilovs can bo fitted to perfection In every kind of Clothes. They are manulacturlng on a largo scale, aud mi.. moL-o nnvihliiir for Men and Hoys' wcarto order In the very best Myle, at extreme low nHc. Tlmlrnlm Is In nleajio both In lilting and in quality. Acnll to their establishment, comer First and Washington strcclx, will convince an ottneinct. ui.-u-i Aukeny is finished The Oregon State Sunday School Con vention for 1S72 will be held Iti the Con- M 11 gregationai cnurcn at jiuany, com menting Tuesday, March 23, and contin uing three or four days. Miss Annie Tixloy and aud Mr. Itobt Fulford, both-well known in theatrical circles, were married at the St Charles Hotel in this city, by the Rev. John Itonberg, last Tuesday. The AMinomah Jlcjmbllcan is the lame of a new daily paper just started Womav Lawyers. When tho large number of ladies who are at present studying law in this country shall com mence to practice in the Courts, it is surely reasonable to expect that there will he such a flood of eloouoncc as was never known before. Everyone who has had any acquaintance with tne sex (anu who has not)? is well aware that a woman's ton-rue is the longest tiling out. "Extend your tongue a little further a little further," a doctor once requested two or tnree times ot a lauy patient. "Why, doctor," was the arch reply, "do you think there is no end to a woman's touguev" hhe got well, as sho deserved. One thing is quite certain a woman can talk a man oil his legs any day in tne wcck, anu retain as great a super fluity of words as ever, l'rosy old law yers, therefore, will not have the small- . . -.i. . . . est snauow oi a snow wiicu iiucut icnit- nines tout their briefs. This will be rather a pleasant innovation which no one will regret, aud perhaps the sooner legal hacks arc superceded by sprightly racers the better it will be for clients Generally. Tho great fear entertained in will, as they do now, lovo the sound of their own sweet voices aw mat nobody else will have a chanco to get In a wonl, and further mat they will wheedle the jury so successfully that the vordints will contain more flattery than justice. Alia oatiwvuu. rvr -vrcnTrirvES. Dr. Hall relates 4i. n!n n man who was cured of bil lousness by going without his supper anddrlnkingireciyoi nuiuuut. morning this patient rose with a won derful sense of rest aud refreshment, and feeling as though tuo uioou u iu,fl.. .ndii lonnsod and cooled by lemonade and the fasU His theory is that food may bo used as a remedy for Dr. NO ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH a tniinns nf ilio Tjincs. Deafness. Discharges from the Ears, Nervous or General Debility, Sore Kve, Granulated IJds, Opacity of the Cor nea, Films, etc.. arc successfully treated by Dr. Almrn. corner Third nnd Morrison streets. CHRONIC DISEASES, especially such cases as have resisteii me onunary moucs oi treat ment, are the class of maladies which Aborn treats with unparalleled success. 'ir IlflK fnr rVlllsultlltlon. TnrmsMot(iraio and agrecablo to the cl enmstances of the patient, so that all who arc nmlcteu can procure ma iroiuucm mu wish. nai COBURN & McCABE, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS 5 W.VSIIINGTON STREET, UP-STAIRS, I'ortlnml, Oregon. Woik done at REASONABLE RATES, ul lXll UiOVtUW ouvv' W m tit II 1 by the use of salt; epilepsy and yellow fnvpr u-inrmoinns- kidney aflectlons: titvn avcoft oil: erysipe las, pounded cranberries applied to the parts affected: hydrophobia, onions, etc So the think to do in order to keep in good health is to know what to cat, and not what medicine to take. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i : : r. i " r- TT . t4MM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I PORTLAND ADVERTISED CENTS. I ..,im$.f MBS. ACH, UST RETURNED FROM S. HIAN- rlMX Willi a large anu spipnuiu wm-t oi Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland ns iollows : For The Bnlles: Daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock a. if. Tor Astorln: Monday, Veilnesday and Friday at 5 o'clock A. n. For Moutlcello: Dally at T) o'clock A. M. ns: J. C. AINSWORTH, President. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. USV ONE WISHING THE SERVICES of a Coruiietent American Nurse Can secure the same by calling at the corner of Mini anu nuj bls. nsni . 1 GO TO HENDEE'S GALLERY T?OR REMHIl.W 174. I'JIOTOGAPHS, SUN JL? I'carls, LlfeIie Pictures, aud I'lctures or i.very Grade, rriilMrpii's and babies' Pictures taken cheeiv fully nnd satbfaction guaranteed. Prices mod erate. Inl2 PKOF. GANS GIVES LESSONS OH THE PIAHO AT Residences of Pnpils. TERMS REASONABLE, anteed. THE Satisfaction Gnar- ronTriXD -OREGON Estallilied, 1850. MRS. S. J. ItCMSEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, -"AN RE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the 111 1 xr fill J l" v. nf l:iph U.1V - Bar LESSONS GIVEN IN MMHCAfli INO. "l DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kent suhlect to check on draft. IVTUWEVn nltAM.n.1 .... Tllll" nPPftCITert. ... a -..w- ununi-u ... ....... .. . ' J fall nnd Examine the Stock. Goods Sold to Suit the Times. I AOII, 97 First street, Portland. TRUST FUNDS, In sums of ONE DOLLAR 1 Aii i ui'v.JiLm irom uaiooi uvikjmu moxey luankd on anDrovea securltv. Ilonds. Stocks nnd other valuables received I on dcrjoslt for safe keenlnsr. collections maue anu procccus promptly remitted. Invextments in Real Estate and other nroD- Ienj maueior panics. Sight nnd Telesrahlc Exchange on San Fran cisco and the Atlantic States for sale. I IGovenimcnt Securities bonirht and Mild. Agcnuor ino iransacuon 01 an Kinus or Fi nancial anu jtusi uusiness. ni PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROOMS Coruer First nnd .Stark M. over Ladd vt Tllton'.i Rank. Contain Otrr Three Thousand Ibolre Book AND- Over 100 Papers and Maj;azinos. 1- m. pabmsu. c e. watkins. e. w. Cornell. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. 2 TRAICJHT Parrisli, Watkins & Cornell, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, (E. Y. CORNELL, NOTARY PUBLIC) 90 Front St., bet. Washington nml Alder Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. "iyE ATTEND TO THE BUYING AND Selling of Real Entatc, Nvsotlato Loans, 1 iwciil iiuuwi. iiura M5in-ii(ii nun ArEnnv . 1 cugemcuis inKcn. WC I1LY ASD SELL City and County Property. PAY TAXES, .Monthly Duet 61 00 Payable Qunrtorly DmrcTons Wm. S. r.idd. P. c. Schuv lor. Jr.. M. P. Deady, L. II. Waketield, W. H. llmckett, .. u. uidus, u. it. ixiwii, m. w. r eenncinier, 11 Faluns, L. Blum. Officers: I. II. WAKEFIELD. 11. FAILING p. ti schuyij-:r,jiu .President -Vice iTcsIdont -Treasurer NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal for the People, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. M.W. FECHHEIMER. Corresponding Sec HENRY A. OXER Librarian aud Rec.Sec NEEDLE. SELF-ADJUSTING Tennlon. Adantod to even" variety of Fam ily Sewing, from the lightest muslin to the heaviest cloths. Agents Wanted. Call on or address . tV. TJtAVER. 112 Front St., Portland. ROYAL SMITH. Asrents Salem D1L IL C. HILL i SON, Agents Albany niu 31KS. 31. J. EXSHiX, I Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Thlrtl Street, Nenr lYimiilugtoii, COLLECT NOTES A2fD ACCOUNTS, TTW'1" aksorpient of pat- M IV terns, trimmed and untrlinmed. COUNTRY DRESS-MAKERS Negotiate Loans on Approtcd Security. Uv, flnd ,. , ,,,,. nJrantilM to cive her a DR. VAN Sovcrcipi DEN BERGH'S Worm Sjnti). Ill IS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE I 1m rnmintiitl to exnel all wormK fnim the Dowels and hStomacli,exceil Tape aud Chain Worm. The proprietor ha taken much pains to ten the comiiaratlve merits of the principal Worm .Meuiemcsoi me uny, wuicu,uiimeruuK as uio Entozoa themvclvcii, have overspread the land, each claiming forltwlf the name nf p clnc; and, while we frankly acknowledge that many or them nre often successful, nnd do great good, were wo not asured that thli combtnet advantage posiew-ed by no other worm medi cine, ilk inirouucunn ai nils iiuc uay wouiu inn nave ieen auempicu. Tlic nleasant taste and exceedingly small quantity of this medicine requlrwl to te!ttho existence 01 worinu, or 10 remove every out' from the system lUopcmtlnR In a few hours, unaided by any other puree, together with its certainty of ctrect, constitute It one of the nit brilliant uiseovene or mease. Had we space here, scores of certificates might be adduced to show Its progressive and rapuuy increasing repuiniion lor 111c lasiiew rcars; uih 10 prumuiKuiu iui tame anu usiair Ish Its character, wc only ask for n trial. Its sneed v operation In all sudden attacks, as convulsion, colic, tits or snasms. elves It an nnrivaleJ superiority. Sent by express on re ceipt of price. si i ur WUUMS. Alipmntn nallnc nnd flushing ot tho coun tenance, dull expression of the eyes, drowsl- InCSS.llCllinROI HID HUM-, nini Uit-r iij.. tongue whltely furred nnd thickly sieckled with red polnu.fcted enlarged belly, n ,virfin nr ppiHinil swelling or nutllngness of : . ' . . . . 1 . 1 .. 1 t 1 .1 1 1. ..r I IIIC SKlll.ll nuvrimji 11 HIV Ntvii Mliiunih 1 the teeth, a sensation as If somcttung was lodged in tho throat, a gradual wasting or tne nesh, sickness ot tuc sinmacii, vomiung. a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes vora cious, mother times rceble, bowels sometimes cotlvc, at other times Iooe, great frctfulncss and Irritability of temper, pains In the stomach and bowels, colic, Sits, convulsions and palsy. Its value in removing masses ni cruoiun from the stomach and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot oe 100 uigiiiy es timated. ... . ... Prepared ami som, wnoicsaie anu rcian, oy DR. V.VN DEN REROH and Agent In nil cit ies and towns. . , Dr. Van Den llergn can nc consuueu onnn Nenrly Ttvputy YcniV Itelileiice In Oregon lias made us witli thi vnlup I ol City and County Property, together with the 1 Yuriuii-t lucHiions. For Iliroruuitloii Appertaining to tho Real Estate business, par- iii-.x win 111111 11 io ineir inieresi 10 auvise wuu -Mr. Parrish, who is the oldest Real Extate ueaierin tnecity. KtmnscrM Desiring- Iiiformitt Ion Are reque-ted to call upon us. We are pre- ami 10 oner tiinirawo invesiments in every part 01 un-Kon nuu wasitingion lemioQ. We Are Well Supplied With Otllelnl Maps, and other Imiwrtnnt Infor- maiiuii, which is ouereu 10 Hif-muilc. 1'AItltISll. M.VT1I.S .V I'OIIXUJ. nirvim calL Orders Exerutrd with N'catncM and IJUpattb. Charges Reasonable. ntS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. AY Witherell .Sc Holinan, No. SO Front Street, Portland, TILL FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL 1 those annlvlng for situations in any ca pacity from Wood-chopper down to a Fat Office. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm Help, 1IOU-.C Servants, Railroad Hands, etc., IrresiiectlveofNatlonalltv. l-.mies senaing orucrs rrnm a ttistnncc mnt lc explicit in their orders, stating Just what they want, what they will jay, etc., (accompa nied by our office fees. S2 u). which may de ducted from employee's wages), stating wheth er tuey win or win noi De responsible lor trav- Arrangements have been made to secure the Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects or Public Interest. The New Northwest Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever imllcy may be necessary to secure tho greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no politics, no religion, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation is fastened upon the rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation and Untranimeled Projrresslon. OUR PREMIUM LIST." As an Inducement lor our friends to make exertions to secure lance clubs for the New NoimrwRsr, we offer the following llt or val uable premiums : Kortwa'.y subscribers, at S3 (lOeacli.aocom- Eanled by the cash, we will give the HOME HUTTLK HEWING MACHINE, without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. Price, $93. For thlrty-tlve subscribers, at $3 DO each, ac companied bv the cash, we will given HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Price, tor tony suDscnocrs, at a w eacn, accom anled by the cash.we will give a HOMESHUT- MISCKLLANEOUS. I ellng expenses ol hired help. I. 1C WllJihlihl.U nltlf F. 1UI.LAHD HOLJtAN nit kimhdatki 0 s. w. Mcdowell, m. d., r Sntrin, ANNOUNCED AS THE 3?ooileM TomiJOiMiiicc WOMAN SUFFRAGE CANDIDATE CONGRESS. OR. ABORN, Oculist nml Aurlst. Ttiroat nml I.nns: PIIYNICIAX. Laboratory. Consul ting- and Opcrartinff APARTMENTS, CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STS., I'ortlnml, Oregon. n29 J. . FBYER, DRY (iUODS AND CI.OTlIINtS. Groceries, Bootv, .Shoes. Nails, Etc., AND PURCHASER OF FARMERS' PRODUCE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL. CORNER FIRST AND MADISON STREETS, PORTL1XD, OREGON. ao-nlS-tf TI.E SEWING MACHINE, finished In extra style, with Black. Walnut tablo and cover. mee, s-. The above Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-class in every particular, can be seen at the office ol Geo. W.Traver, 112 Front street, Portland. For fifty subscribers, at $3 CO each, accom panied by tho cash.we will give a MASON & HAMLIN PORTABLE OltOAN, rohr octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatic bellows swell, two blow pedals. Improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc. Price, $50. For seventy-five subscribers, at S3 00 each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN; resembles the first ex cept that It has also a knee stop. Price, ST5. For seventy-five subscribers, at $S 00 each, accompanied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will give a MASON Jt HAMLIN ORGAN, or FIVE OCTAVES, ONE STOl", SEI.I-'-ADICSnXO RBED VALVES, IM I'KOVKD BELLOWS, TKEMULAUT AND KNEE SWELL. Price, Slot. - For one hundred subscribers, at 3 00 each, nnd twenty dollars additional, wc will give a JIASiUX ilA.MI.nN Ullli-A., FIVE OCTAVES, I VE STOrs, TWO SETS OF ItinnATOItS THROUGH OUT, IliritOVED GRADUATED SELF-ADJUSTINd REED VALVES, IJIFKOVKDHELLO WS.TK FJI ULA XX AND KNEE-SWELLS. VIOL.V, DLVPASON, FLUTE, TREM ULANT. lrice,JI2S. Those who desire to work for these nremluma can send the names and money as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their credit, and If enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de- lreil they can choosen lessernremlum.or thai- will be entitled to receive twenty-five percent. In cash of the amount remitted for their labor. rpHE DOCTOR WILL FURNISH HIS PJIO X togrnph to any nddross In good style (cabl- diseases that t ho liuman system Is heir to. His to vote that tIckctnextJune,for the small sum ,1111m lAin-UCUtv .1. uintwv a v. .... children cannot o sunaseil by any physl-i-inn In the United States or Eumnc. Dr. v. ad vises ladles troubieii wnii any irreguinnncs oi tho Utcnts to try his new remedies and get cured. ... . Ily consulting ami unucrgomg a simple ex amination the ntlllctcd can learn If their dls nntn 1m worms or not. At nil events. Dr. Van IK-n Bergh can ten tnem iroin wuni uiscasc they are suffering. Consultations und examinations free of chante. .. . OFFICE Itoojis iS anu over iwiuiikvi Salem, Oregon. Letters uescnoing uio sympioms win u nromntlv answered, and persons living at a instance will be saved the expense nnd trouble of rolling on tho Doctor. Address DR. J. W. VA UKS lll-.ltijll, 15 P. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. of "iOcIs. In postage stamjis. Send by malt or ress S. W MISS MACNAMARA TT.VS OPENED A LARGE AND CHOICE AS- sortmcntof nil Mcdowell, m. d.. Salem, Oregon. Milliiiox'y Goods, At Empii'c Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. T)OARD BY THE DAY, Week or Month, on u tne mosi rcnonniie terms. Snnerinr accommodations for families. Canconl Coach to aud from tho house free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. linusc oncn n nii-ni. ul7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. 1 First St, bet.AVnshliigton .t Stnrk, Next door to Ladd A Tilton's Bank, And hopes by nttcnt Ion to buslncssnnd prompt ness In executing orders to meet a share of patronage. Two first-class milliners wanted Immediate ly. To first-class hands highest wages paid. .iso iwo small gins wanicu ns apprentices. .vppiy iu inc More, 1 1 irsi street, immcuiateiy HURGREN & SHINDLER, XEW ADVEUTISE5IEXTS. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. MANNING TT EEPS A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE IV fir the nrenmmodatlon of ncoole who nre-1 tcr n nulct homo to the confusion 01 a hotel. I 1 ... - . . ... ...t- i- 1- oc.r I 1 ienus niuueraiu. uiiihi, n. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the English, French, Ger man anil Holland languages. NEW MASONIC GROCERY STORE, I'ortlnml, Oregon. FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT ! GOODS OF THE VERT BEST QUALITY AT TIIH VEUT LOWEST POSSIRLV. TRICES COFFEE AND SPICE MANUFACTORY. vrjimcit A TOUnXEL, '-r-tnFr-r IMIHIRTERS AND MANUFAC- MANUFACTCRERS AND DEALERS IN 1 U turcrs of every variety ot Ueuulne Java French cli.nrnfVito nml spices of all kinds, wholesale and retail, No. I PARLOR, Vi .111II.IV1 CU, A uitiuim VflVJJOII. Y i 1101 I. L. ATKINSON". Notary Public TYLEll VO0DWAKn. D. W. Wacefseld. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Late Atkinson A Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon, TT AVE Fnrt RALE FARMS AND UNIM- Xi proved Lands in Oregon and Washington ' I'm i-rlt n. Also, Choice city property, for saic and to Rent. . . We attend to Buying and Soiling Real Estate In f!l(v nml Cjnntrv Special attention given to the Renting of Property and Collection of Rents, looking after iiepnirsanu i-aymeni 01 xaxes on i-rupi-uj iu our hands when desired. Iegal papers written and acknowledgments tnkfMi. LOANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate Se curity. Parties having Money to Loan nre In- Vlteu 10 give us n can. iilStf ATKINSON, WOODWARD & CO. IT BED-ROOM, DINING, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE TJRNITURE, IN' Oak, Walnut, Kosrnood, t'hfvtnnt, Etr. Dlt, MARY A. TIIOMISON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR RESIDENCE AND OFFICE-THIRD ST. XXi between salmon anu jiam, uiijiusiu: me lubIlcSuarc. Calls attended In any part of the city. Batteries for sale, and Instructions given on the use ofclectrlciiy as a iwiimimi vikciiu nl. n&TlC natmna-ronf eltlrxnc la roa r ft t T 1 v cviiUtVU. ANDERSON, HORSFALL & CO. ra"Goods delivered free ol charge to any part oituoclty. nIStr 3IKS. It. UVWLINS, MANUKACTURER AND DE.VLER IN ........ nmuiFB. f,h 5HIRT5, UitutKSniHia, unnma, Lib., Corner Front and Yamhill sSrccts, Portland. Shirts Made to Order Of the best mnterlal.and warranted to tit. All kludsofmenuinguonc. MISS E. PHILLIPS, FASHIONABLE DRESS, BASQUINE 4. CLOAK-MAKER Rooms over Mrs. Levy's store. Orders Executed ulth Promptnejs ana Dlpttb- ns-tr n5 Temperance House. MOULOINCS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, I'ulii. Hnlr. Mow, Excelsior illiip. Etc, Etc., Etc. LOVE'S Will Frlsblc... HOTEL, -l'roprletor THIRST STREET, between Main and Madison, inr.i...i iwn. New House. New Fur- uitnre, Kxceiicni ACCOiniiiuu..""..- ' i" week, to 4 Per day, Jl to Jl 00, according to n39-tf TIIl: LARGEST STOCK! THE BEST GOODS! THE LOWEST PRICES! WAnr. Rooms-Nos. 1, as, 1T0 and IT Salmon and First Sts., Portland, Orcjon. ntltf !, Cor. MCRPIIY KELLY, D KALES IS FAMILY GROCERIES, l-Or.MllT PROIirCK. FIUTR A0 TfclitTAIILES, Comer of Thlnland Washington streets (op posite Presbyterian Church), Portland, Oregon. Goods delivered to all parts of the city HIEE u C11AKUE. " JlltS. II. Hilliooro, S. CRAWFORD, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As THE NEW NoimiwisrrliaRnlrnfldv nmrnl a ixpular success, we are decided that It shall also prove a triumph. 10 enaoie our menus wno may iiccldc to can vass for our naDcr to benefit lmth tiimcitrna and us by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we propose 10 give me louowing auuitioual Pre miums to canvassers : Any subscriber who is in arrears for the Nrrw NonriiWEST.who will send us his orherown subscription fee. and one new subscriber, ac companied by the cah 36 00 we will give : .v pairi-anan .Marine vases; Or a Bohemian Glass Vase; Or a Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; OrK dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or dozen Plated Teaspoons; Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Ora spangled Lady's Fan, leathered edge: Or a Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 pictures; Or an Album (extra) for holding 50 pictures; Or a Fancy Letter Case; Or a box Toilet Articles. Including vnn. chalk, perfumery, etc.; uraiiritnnnia len X'ot; Cm 1.'imc.nATnmni Or Vi dozen Glass (tablets; Or Yt dozen Glass Tumblers; Ora large Glass Fruit Dish; Or a Work Basket: Or a Fino Embroidered Handkerehlftf ; Or dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or li dozen Table Napkins ; Or dozcnTowels; Or an elegant Portmonia. Any snbscriberwho Is In arrears foravear's subscription, nnd who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac companied by the cash making $9 00 we will scnu : A set ol Rogers' Table Forks, triple ptateu, on white metal, warranted; OrasetorRogers'TableSpoonstripJeplatod, on white metal, warranted; , . , Or a set of Rosen' Tea Spoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or K dozen Rogers' A Russell's Table Knives, best quality, warranted; Or a handsome Bird Cage. Any person in arrears for subscription to THE Nkw Northwest, who will send his or her v subscription fee and three new subscribers, ae companled by the cash, making S12 00, we will 8CA handsome MarsalllesOnllt; Ora handsome Woolen Quill, red and white' or blue and white; Or a pair ofTable Cloths; Ortwo pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, any colororslze: Ora Japanese Inlaid W ork Box; Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For seven subscribers at $3 00 each, amount ing to $21 00, we will send : An extra Castor, triple plated. on white metal valued at $9 00: Ora Lady's Writing Desk, of equal value; Or aCablnet, Japanese Inlaid: Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all valunhli. nml nmwnr. ranted to be Just ns we represent them. Per sons living in mis city or who can visit us can receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or ir not convenient to visit us, wo will send the articles by express to any ad dress. No order of this kind -will receive attention unless the cash accompanies It. suml monev in Postnmoo nntars at the cus tomary rates or currency, or send draft ir pre ferred. All orders promptly attended to. , , We sincerely hope that this unparalleled offer, which Is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse from the many friends of our paper who up to this time have seemed to mil tp real ize that THE New Northwest cannot be run without money. Now is the time to makeup -iii IU"ln heron. V.....U miier nerson gets j. B. Consignments fmm ih ,nntrv solie- the start of you. See what you canjlo for your tied. nutr sell, the Public and The New jukiukui, -Oregon, KEEPS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF EVERV th ng In the Millinery line. BS-Bleaching and Pressing done to order, nts-lm cr3"WHEKE-Sa M-rld Mrs. n. Get thnt Fnt Chicken Vta "yHYDON'T YOU KNOW? SHE GOT ASCHENHEIM & BULKELET'S WASHINGTON MARKET, where they keen all kinds of Fresh Poul try, Gamo and Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vt-ceiaoies."