. Journal for the reonlf. 't Mrj. A. J. Drxnm, Editor and rroprlrtar .TZ i orrirn-rar.Tnlnlnari Washington St. I Dovotdto the Interests of Humanity..- tt i Independent In Pollfles.'and Jlellglon. Mlve to all live limes, and Thoroughly ! nodical In Opposing aSHExposlns the Wrongs ol tho Masses. TBItJIS, IX ADVANCE: Ono year- fiCO .. 1 75 . 1 00 Six month CorraspomlenU writlnjr over axsumcd slna- FREE SPCECH, Kit EE ritESS, FREE PEOrLE. TUrcejuontlis tures must make known their name to the' JWIter, or no attention 'will to given to their -VOjLTTIE 1. "TVUSCBER SI. ADVERTISKMEVTainT1 nn TfmeinnMo oemmunleatloni. Term a. t IJnrs Susses! n by the Scene or Xou; A so. The shlmmerlnc aprinMme sunshine slants Adown the sloping; mountains, And fir trees shoot their feathery forms Prom sides ofgargllne Ihuntalnc, And dreamy munie In the air. Waited from Inwrt' voices, . PIoaM round me like a melody, WMeh my sad soul rejoices. Ton monarch great whoe scaly trunk Supports his buse proportions. Yet beam uloft his emerald crown, Inspiring old emotions; And toward the dear and arehl ng sky lie lowers In strength majestle, Just ns lie stood In days of yore. When I, In haunts domeoile. Breamed out a lire of toll ami rare, " lly the great world unheeded, And gathered, gazing on his form, Support my spirit needed. A half a seore of years ago, O earth and sky and mounUlrft, I irazed upon theM scenes and drank ' Prom Inspiration's fountain. But I have chanced, and thegrcat world Kits now In rapt attention, dulling for more, while yet my Hps Have failed to make half mention Or all the thoughU that years ago But racked and tosned and lore me, While I, In shade and solitude, Saw no life-work before me. Have oulet days ami earnest toll Without remuneration, Net thinking that my dreams, Oair And earth and vegetation. Would In these days of active life Work out their full fruition. And yet I know and now my head Is bowed in deep contrition That but for the trials or jhe years Orion ago as teacher, I should not be prepared to-day To be of truth a preacher. And as I stand and gaze onee more On verdure, sky and mountains, And on you monarch, lone and old. And on yon gurgling fountains, Tho melodies or long ago, Wafted from lnccts' voice, Float o'er me, and In the music sweet My saddened soul rejoices. A. J. D. ELLEN DOWD, THEPAEMEE'S WIPE. (Entered, according to the Act of Congrcss.In the year 1S52, by Mr. A. J. Dunlway, In the Of- nee of the librarian of Congress at Washington urty.j foliage, rose two immense, well finished barns, araund which blooded horses stood basking in the sunshine, while sleek, fat cattle lay asleep in the quiet shades. Ellen greeted them at the cabin door with a weary smile. Her face had been so often blistered In her frantic attempts to enre toothache and neuralgia by ap plication of cantharides that all traces of its former beauty had vanished. She weariljbore a great child In her arms, while its twin companion kicked and crowed upon the cabin floor. "Aunt Betsey, Doctor, Katy, Uncle Jakey, I'm very glad to see you all," she said, brightening up. "This is a pleasure that I feared would never be mine again, dear AWitie," smoothing her snow-white hair and wrinkled face. "You have a lqvely situation here," said Dr. GofT. "These are fine, rollick ing babies, too. Quite an outcome in them since I saw them at birth. But you look tired. The two babies are very trying on your strength this balmy, lazy weather." "Tired! I haven't been rested for ten years.; I never expect to rest again until J get into my coffin," was the despairing answer. "Nonsense, Ellen ! One would IhinE you hadn't a great deal of work to do. You haven't a very large house to take care of. But then, of course, the babies are troublesome." A bitter laugh betrayed prominent eye teeth, between which the bright red gums exhibited . ragged row of rotten roots, from whicli the thin Hps rolled away as if glad to retreat from the near proximity of such repulsive deconiposi tion. "If the twins were my only care I should think I had vcry little work to do indeed. But Peter keeps six hired men, and I cook and wash for them make butter and cheese for market, and for the bouse. I do all the milkin mopping, washing, churning, cooktug, sewing, ironing and other drudgery my CIIAITEK XVII. Ten years passed rapidly away, and self in addition to caring for my family l'eter Dowd was rich. He had crown 01 eleven children." sordid and selfish bevond all tho nmm- "But your older children are large ise of his earlier manhood. Nothing enough now to assist you in household but money, or its equivalent in some- uuucs- thing that could be bought or sold for "They must go to school; besides, cash, found anv favor in his pvps. they are not strong: and whenever Ellen Dowd followed in the footsteps they're about the house they have the of her mother and sister. The predispo- 031-6 of the" twins on their hands. I want sition tooxcessive maternity which had I to make their childhood as happy as- characterized them was aggravated in possible. They'll never have any enjoy- her case. Every year had added one, ,nent 413 women." and In some instances two babies, to the "But how do you accomplish overcrowded household, and the poor, nuich ? You look frail and weak. You care-worn mother was indeed like the certainly need somebody to take care of old woman of the nursery rhyme, who you." "had so many children she knew not "Care of tne, Indeed! If I only were a what to do." No woman who has had cow, or a sheep, or a marc, or a hog, experience with the necessary self-denial somebody might reason thus; but I'm and overwork which "getting rich" im- nothing but a woman not" considered poses on a farmer s wife in a new coun try' will need the information that El len's pathway was not strewn with flowers. Jacob and Betsey Graham, the good old couple who had cared for the Dowd children in their orphanage, were fail ing rapidly. Dr. Goff was their constant visitor now. Ho had gradually risen in his profession until he stood high In deed in tho estimation of the inhabit marketable, you sec. "But woman is the noblest work of God, my dear. You are not doing your self justice In thus overworking your body. Your children will reap the sad results or your folly. Think of your mother; of your sister Sarah ; of Ziek Mammon's scattered family; or your own certain death If you persist in this course, and try to remember that your first duty Is to yourself," and Dr. Goff ontsof the rustic neighborhood ; and it looked almost sternly at her as he spoke. was the general belief that but for his "Speaking of myself, sir, reminds me skill and care Aunt Betsey would ba-o that I have not yet finished my wash Jong before been dead. "On the morning of which I write the good old lady sat In her uncouth easy chair, supported by pillows, and the youngest child of Ziek and Sarah Ham ilton, now a sprightly girl of eleven ing; and there is dinner to get for twen ty-four of us. So you will please excuse me." "'Pears to me that Ellen has a heap harder time than Sarah had," said Aunt Betsey, sitting in her easy chair by the years, stood by her side reading from a window and watching her as she re- story book. The window was open, and treated. "I don't see as property the luxuriant rose vines, ladened with much help to anybody if it only makes perfume, swayed back and forth, in the slaves of 'em." gentle breeze. "It's Ellen's fault as well ns Teter's, " 'Pears to me, honey, as if the Doctor was Uncle Jacob's sensible comment was long a-comin'. I'm growin' dread- "She begun in as trrasnin' an' avaricious ful frail." i n mnnner na lin ilhl in mvi mnnor nnrl -Here tie comes now, Auntie. Good jest as lone as she will do all this work. morning, nr. uou." jest that lone: she mav. Peter don1 ooou morning, little Puss. How's considcr. A heap o' men hain't no fhc our patient to-day?" h,ity o' findin' out what's needed In "Better, but mighty weak, Doctor," family ; an' Ellen's testy an' snappish was Aunt xietsey's languid reply. "It too. I -think pr.r l.-in,i rn,,.i iii-n 'pears to me that if I could only visit They don't get along together accord! n Xilien liowu once more u would uo me a to my notion." power oT good." I should say they didn't!" was Dr. "Well, there's nothing to hinder you (.loirs emphatic reply. "How in croa- from going, is there?" tion is any woman going to be otherwise "Do you think I'm strong enough for than snappish and testy with all this the ride ?" work on her hands, and half sick In the "Of course I do. Uncle Jacob, get the bargain. Thousands of women are con horses and wagon. I'll accompany you, sureu lor being m-tempercd when they and we'll see if we can't have one day of are only suffering from ill health and genuine enjoyment." overwork, c iicie jacou, u s very easy Uncle Jacob, assisted by another child ior you or me to sit. at, our ease ana lay of Ziek Hamilton's, a fine, manly boy the blame or that poor child's unhappy of fourteen, whom he had kept since his lot upon ncrseii, out recKon .we n laii mother's death, brought round a span of much farmer snort oi a stale ot piaciu patient, well kept horses, and hitching good nature man sue uoe3 a we nau them to the wagon, as It stood before half her burdens to bear. "WecouWn't tho gate, called out that all was ready, bear them at all ; ic wouiu ne impossi- JJr. Uolt bore the old lady to the ble." wagon in his arms, followed by Uncle "But, Doctor, Ellen didn't start Jacob, who carried the arm chair, in right" whicli the patient was securely seated, "What if she didn't? She was young and they started off for a visit at the and inexperienced at least ten years home or l'eter and Ellen Dowd. her husband's junior. If he should see A long avenue of locust trees, with that one of his farm horses was too am- their graceful branches of purple green bitious for his strength, he'd begin to joucu wiui ouus ami bloom, led the wavl nt a nhpek rein at once. X do wish from the substantial gato and solid rail men were but just half as wise about the ience up to me eaum door, where geran- necessary care required by the mothers iuujs auu neuoiroiHj were nourishing in of thr-lr rfiildreri to keen them In good broken pots and pans. Morning glories condition as they are about the lower were creeping over iue rough, blaelr U,,sm.io logs, and vining roses clambered up the A lm,W Rnddenlv darkens the door- roof. To the right and left of the cabin, way, and Ziek Hamilton, whose hair uuu u s..ori uiswi.ee away inrougu the has become almost white, and whose shoulders have acquired a much greater stoop since the good reader last beheld him, stands before them, leaning on his cane. Ho has had another wife for many a day an oldish woman, who broke A fin in" much after the style in which he had counselled Peter Dowd to break" Ellen. His older children have long been married and gono from the home-nest, the younger ones have been driven away by the step-mother, and a second family of half a dozen has kept him struggling against the winds and tides of ndverslty as he little deemed that ho should ever be compelled to struggle. "Tan my hide for sole leather !" ho exclaimed, while1 a gleam of pleasure noshed across his face, only to be dis pelled by a settled look of melancholy. didn't expect to see you out, Aunt Betsey. How are you, Katv? How 'ye do, Jakey?" to his children ; "And Doc-and Uncle Jake, how do you flour ish?" Then, without waiting for re plies, he continued, "I thought I'd come over to-day and look round a little'bout Ellen's health. I believe she'll go off into a dcclino just as as her sister did, if she don't havo rest and change. Peter don't seem to see how she's fallin'. It's strange that men never do see these things till it's too late." "This was the very subject under con sideration when you entered," said the Doctor. "Ellen will not live two years longer at tho rate she is going now. She has work enough on hand this morning for half a dozen women, and while you and Aunt Betsey are talking the matter over I'll go and sec if I can't aid her in the kitchen." The apartment styled the kitchen was a low shed, in which a clumsy, old-fash ioned stove, now red-hot, was mounted on brick bats, above a smooth dirt floor. Ellen was busy lifting the steaming clothes from the boiling suds, aud did not perceive the doctor through the fog un til he had the clothes stick in his hand, and she did not fully realize the situa tion until he began with his strong arms to lift the clothes himself. "You must never do another washing, Ellen Dowd," he said. "You must tell your lord and master that tho family physician forbids it," "Doctor, you are very kind," was the weary reply, as she stopped to wipe tho perspiration from her face -with her sudsy apron, "but I fear that your com mands will remain unheeded. Such a family as mine need a great deal of washing. And there's nobody else but me to do It." "Make Peter wash!" was the blunt reply. "He's strong as an ox. Wash ing isn't a woman's work, anyhow." "You'd have fun getting Peter to wash," said Ellen, smilingly, as she dropped Iter weary form into a chair. '.'Is dinner 'most ready, Ellen?" The speaker was a shabby, seedy-looking fellow, In buckskin trowsers and hick ory shirt, with an offensive clay pipe in his mouth, and a drled-up stream of amber coursing down each side of his chin, whom the reader will hardly rec ognize as the Peter Dowd whom Ellen first met in an Eastern intelligence office. Yet he had not changed for the worse one-half as rapidly as had the young and desperate creature of whose neces sities lie had taken dire advantage. when he compelled her to marry him because she believed she was choosing the least of two evils. "Dinner!" was the short reply. "It can't bo near dinner time." "I'd like to know what yon havo been doing all the forenoon? My men must have their regular meals, or they can't be expected to do their regular work. You know my rule is to feed them well, and you must be up to time, or they'll grumble." "And I'd like to cet a chance to do mv regular work without being compelled to get my regular meals. I'd rather go to bed this minute than sit up and cat my din ner, even though it was all ready and waiting." "wme! come! no whining! X never could sec what good it did a woman io be in a constant fret. Why, halloa! doc tor! You here?" and tho clouded face changed its expression to one of sur prise aud pleasure. "Have.yon tumed washerwoman?" "I thlpk It's high time somebody turned washerman in this house, sir," said the doctor. "Your wife Is working herself to death." "I've known men to cet rich bv at tending to their own business, old GofT. ir iAien and I can't nianairo our own aiiairs, you can't help us." uut I, as her family physician, have a right to speak, and only tell you this ior your goou and hers." Anu j, as nead of my own house hold, have a right to discharge mv fam ily physlclnn if ho meddles where he Jtas no business. Your services are no longer needed, sir." "Oh, Peter!" pleaded Ellen. "Dr. Goff took care of my mother when I was a baby. He has always been kind to me, and I need his advice. Doctor, don't mind Jilin. He don't mean It." "Hold your tongue, . woman! Your pet doctor may ,not be quite so easily poisoned as your pet dogs, but " "There, Peter Dowd! Not another word! You poisoned my dogs! I know you now! You are the very villain who brought that old ghoul to my grand father D'Arcy's, and you have been a curse to my existence ever since." Peter looked at her with a malicious grin, and the poor child, realizing tho full extent of her Iong-pcjit hatred for the man who had wrecked every hope and ambition of her life went off Into convulsions. Dinner was not again thought of that day by Peter or his wife. Ellen was laid upon a bed in the fjont room of the wretched cabin, and though she would sometimes recognize dear Aunt Betsy as she reclined in her chair beside her, she took no note of other surroundings, except to shudder and go off into renewed convulsions whenever her glimmering reason would enable her to recognize her husband. EvenIngcame,anJgood old AuntBet seyGrahani was carried home to lea veher couch no more. A few weeks passed rapidly away, and her remains' were de posited in the churchyard, whereaplaln white board was planted at her.head, on which were inscribed the precious words, "He givctlt His beloved sleep." Ellen gradually recovered from her severe Indisposition, and resumed her accustomed duties; but to Peter Dowd she showed no signs of recognition after that 'dreadful day. Headers mine, who have thus far fol lowed Ellen Dowd through her sad llfe-vlcissltudes, there are happier days in store for her. You shall hear more anon. (End of Part I.) Women af tie Bed-Side. Florence Nightingale has written a characteristic and Interesting introduc tion to the memorial of Agnes Jones, "Una and her Paupers," published by Geonrc Itoutledgc 5c Sous, a verv rich book in Its way, showing what a young woman who religiously wants a life work, aud when she finds it, enters upon Its performance In a spirit of ligious consecration, can really bear and do. Miss Nightingale touches tho right string when she says that nursing is tin art, and if it is to be mado an art, re quires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation as any painter's or sculp tor's work : for it deals not with a dead canvass nor with cold marble, but with the living temper or an immortal mind It is it line art, if not the very finest of tine arts. Tills is one of the hardest things in the world to make our neonle understand They seem to think that any poor, dis appointed, broken-down woman, who cannot possibly do unything else, even li sue can unci anviniuz else to do. can take care of tho sick a work which re quires trained perceptions, us well as (luic.k and rich svmnathies. and n ixr- fect self-command, as well as affluent resources and ready invention. But it Is a work which brings peculiar com pensations to those who engage in it with Hie right motives rter proper preparation. Aim we arc pleased to nud Miss Nightingale saying that the hap piest people, the fondest of their occu pation, the most thankful for their lives, in her opinion, are those engaged in nursing the sick. True, this work has had its martyrs. So every best thing comes from the costliest sacrifices. Every blessing we enjoy has been paid for in heart's blood. But those who have made tho sacrifice have been least aware of it, and have found their cross heavou-crowned. There are hundreds of young women among us with gifts ns great and aspirit as noble ns that or Miss Jones, who, like her, would devote their talents to tho service of men, which is the service of God. Like her, they want a life- work. They havo no sympathy with any Uliurcli party, and cannot join either a Protestant or Catholic sister hood. - Thej have home-ties aud duties to perform. But these do not complete ly ausorn or satisfy inem. nicy long to leci mat tuey arc rorces m tne world ; that they arc rendering actual and im portant service to humanity ; that they are ministering spirits in a world filled wiui sorrow, suiicring and wrong, mm for these, among other Important offices and occupations, is the care of the sick, for which women have the finest apti tudes, often nmountinir to real ccnius. Every year it becomes more evident that the nurse is quite as Important as the nhvslcian. and that the nroncr care of the sick is an essential condition of their cure, women are fust conquering: the prejudice whicli environs the medi cal profession,- and findinir within It a fitting and congenial field. It remains for them to make nurslnir an honorable and remunerative profession, by lifting it up to its true place as an art wntcn requires skill and training to master, and patience to properly execute, and as a service to man which the spirit of nictv and duty will invest with nil the sanctions and satisfactions of religion. uouicn Aye. An Every-Day Story. TjisL week a woman died, of whom we wish to say a wonl here. It does not matter how or where she died. She was so obscure, belonged to so common and poor a class, that no notice of her death found a place in even the cheap est paper, and no one wno Knew ner will read these words. Only one of those thousands of ordinary lives that, day by day, end unnoticed, no more missed by the worm man so many burned-out candles. This woman had neither beauty nor wit, nor large cul ture; she brought no gift with her when she was born to make her greatly wel come to the world: never could sing a" song or write a poem; was not even litted to reign in a drawing room. fcne was only a sweet-voiced, gentle lady, full of womanly affection and eager ten derness, who had kept her childish belter unchanged to middle age. Silio was little, sickly, shabbily clothed; she lived in a tawdry house, with glaring paper on the walls, and torn, dirty mat ting on the floor; the air she breathed was that of want and vulgarity; year in and year out she worked at n machine, sewing dresses for servants and shop girls wno uuiucd ner, not unreasonably, ior sue was out a poor seamstress, it tne truth must be told. Her husband, a coarse-grained, gossiping fellow, tried tuts trade ami mat, became a ward poli tician, (uu wnai ne could ior uts lamuy, but felt that- his wife must do her share. He had been used to raw-boned Con necticut farm women, beside whom she doubtless appeared inefficient enough. ii otiiers remembered now tenderly nurtured she had been as a girl, and that tho fortune she had brought him ho had flunc awav. he never did. Nor did she. They were wretchedly poor, and it was just and proper she should work. So she worked, .stopping now and then to give birth to another child, to be nursed at the tired breast, and watched and prayed over with the blind, idolatrous devotion she gave to mo others. Certain logical moralists lay down as axioms that there can be no tragedy without crime, and that no woman wun love, a husband and chil dren, ought to ask for more. The loud. bragging politician remained her hero to me last, li ner lire slowly dried and withered away, as a treo might, tapped of all its juices at the root, she thought it was herself to blame. This poor lady was cursed with as finely wrought an organizntiqn as any favorite of fortune; both body and mind required compan ions of her own caste, and that nutri ment which Nature and Art give but to few, hut whicli that few must have or die. Besides, not even tiie strongest woman can furnish bread and butter for houseful of children, make their "Wotaan's Natural Protectors. Of tiie ten applications for divorce re ported by thecity press, as coming before courts on Monday of the present, week nine were made by wives to be released from the protection of their natural se lected guardians. The6e facts reveal a sad state of affairs. Woman, from her natural diffidence and retiring disposl tion. will, as a general rule, suffer long and much before she can make up her in I lid to publicly complain, mic is rap idly outgrowing the slavish and depend ent condition to which custom and tradition have assigned her. She Is be ginning to aspire to something higher and nobler than to be. a serving drudge or embellished puppet, to gratify the cupidity, ambition or personal pride of some man, wno may leed ner, nouse her, dress her elegantly and introduce her to his friends as an evidence of Ins good tsste and capacity for display. Such women may be tho envy of their what are generally termed less fortun ate sisters, and yet they may he not only dissatisfied and discontented, but wretchedly miserable. Woman, as well as man, is entitled lo a personal indi viduality, both before and after a mar riage, there is no moro reason why the wife should be a satellite revolving in a prescribed orbit about the husband. shining by borrowed light, to bo extin guished when he departs, than that the husband should be the satellite of the wife. With reciprocal love, the depend ence should be mutual. Each should be allowed to struggle and labor to achieve knowledge aud honor according to taste, inclination and capacity. It is an evidence of a servile mind, to wil lingly consent to remain in a condition of Inferiority and degradation. We honor the wife whose aspiring mind re fuses to be bribeilvvitli tiie flimsy gew gaws of fashion or with a princely pal ace, with regiments of servants and all tho means for gorgeous display. We honor the woman who refuses to sell herself into wifehood for these material considerations. These frequent applications for di vorce on the part of wives arc a valuable lesson to which parents in particular, and society in general, should pay par ticular attention. It demonstrates that lliprn is snmcthiii" nuliiaillv wmn? somewhere. It shows tliat woman, who ! in the burnt district, in all stages of con- is proverbially passive, patient and for-1 struction, from comer stone- laying to giving, is now the restless and complain- roof fitting, is enough to convince the ing purty. Tiie fault cannot be justly most skeptical that Chicago will live laid to her door, though it is not proba- 1 again as grand and massive as ever, ble that hho isalwavs blameless. Mnnv . Steadily through the winter months: of the husbands complained of often are j in cold and snow and rain, the work of intelligent and kind, generous, and of rebuilding has gone on. And it will continue to go on uniu tne uurnt uis- tnct is covered oy tne new umcago. .no one who will observe tne amount ot Chicago's Beaurrection. I have been over the greater portion of the burnt district, but can only at tempt a brief general description with out going into details. Hero you will see what is to be seen nowhere else, in the world a living city and a dead one occupying the samo ground. It is a strange conglomeration of ruins, shan ties, substantial buildings and rubbish. Here you will see the blackened ruins, the gloomy walls of a palace gutted by the flames, and next to it a rough board shanty with ono window, and a stove pipe runningup through the roof. Then next to that Is a handsome five storv brick, put up since the fire, and filled from top to bottom with merchandise; then more shanties, then great baro walls of buildings in course of erection, then more of tho blackest, gloomiest, saddest ruins human eye ever looked upon. ' And, withal, the streets are well nigh impassable. Teams that no man can number, loaded down with building material, file through them; heaps of brick, rock, lumber, lime, sand and rub bish are "stacked" all along. There are no sidewalks, and getting about in the burnt district is a matter of extreme dif ficulty. Every few blocks you will come upon a "jam." A wagon has run against a brick pile; another wagon has run against that; teams going each way are blockaded and can't turn back on occount of every possible obstruction being on the ground that ever went into a building, aud a regular Broadway jam is the consequence. It is almost Impos sible to go through the burnt district with a carriage during work hours. Tho best way is to walk, and then you are frequently delayed, or at least have to climb over stacks of lumber and piles of brick aud sand. The scenes along tho principal streets remind one of pictures of the building of Babel. Every block lias itsgrand army of workmen, nud thereseems to bcabout as much confusion all the time ns there was at Babel immediately aftertlie con founding of language. But it is a con fusion of teams aud material, and not of tongues, for hammers, saws and trow els make such a fuss that voices are lost. The number of buildings under way Mount Hood. To see the town and forest well, and enjoy the wild nud the tame, the natural and tho artificial, go back on the fir-topped hills, a mile west of tho river, and turn your face toward sunrise nud Mount Hood. Here, with your back jammed up against a wood, dense, deep, and magnificent, you have a mile of city at your feet: then a tide- river, with many ships, and nofr unlikcH the Thames; then a nine or open town: then firs, tall, taller, deep, dense, and black as Erebus, In the distance; then hills, forest-crowned, of course; then grander hills, still black with forests. but nearly hidden in thq clouds rolling ciouus. mai sometimes sweep nice seas, men unit, and iazuy drag memsclvcs through tho tree toja; higher up are peaks, crags, clouds: then Mount Hood, rugged, scarred aud broken, m.atplitns-3 and magulflcent. and white forever, as iue luroiic oi uou. Grand atid lovely, beyond the touch of words, are theso steep and stupendous peaks of snow in Oregon, when Hashing unuL-i u Bumuici euii. aaoon is ouiv an v.uti uiumcr oi u Mcu-raiscu lanilly. under skies that are less intensely blue, they might not thrill von n Ttf.x stand as in other lauds, only as additions to and extensions of ollior gray, barren, and colorless, the effect then might not be so great. But here the shining pyramids of white, starting sudden and solitary from tho great black sea of firs, standing as supporting pillars to tho dome of intense blue sky, startle thrill, and delight you, though you have stood unmoved before tho sublimcst scenes or cann. joaqutn Miller, April Overland Monthly. clothes, keep their souls pure and their manners refined, and add to the num ber every year. She was not strong in any sense; so she stitched, nud nursed and trained them, witli the dirty walls about her ntnl the torn matting uuder foot, and the crowd of children grew shabbier and coarser and more vulgar, day by day. One day an old accom plishment or her girlhood recurred to henllower painting, molding in clay, designing it does not matter what; work, however, in which her real na ture would have found food and ex pression, and the pay for whicli would have been comparative affluence. Siie sent a specimen of her work for trial, which was approved; but men were employed who were trained to the busi ness. Only the machine was left, and the work for her children's bodies and souls that she could not do. It grew and grew beforo licr sight until the day came when she dropped as under an in tolerable burden. As she lay on the bed, day after day, slowly dying, hus band and children were loud in sorrow and astonishment "How had she come by such manifold diseases? Machine work and want of air? It was incredi ble." She struggled with her work yet, sewed ns she lay on her back, drew her children close to herwith a hungry, un satisfied love in her eyes that they could not understand. But ns the hour came for her to quit the world that had been so niggardly of its comfort or bounty to her, sho was beset with rest less fancies, which to her husband seemed scarcely sane. "She thinks if ir she could sec and smell a thorny rose that used to grow wild about the farms down there in Maryland, where she was born, she would be well again. Now, what good could there be in a rose?" He could not see why she would make them put the children out of the room, and turn out the gas that sho could not see the machine, and so He looking up at the natch of skv. above the brick walls. When she was dead he cried, "I did what I could: Iani not to blame." And It was true; no man can go beyond ins nature. What was to blame? Not poverty; not the working for bread and butter; not the unequal marriage. Since the world began lung Cophetuas have mar ried beggar girk untitled and clothed them royally in meir own iames; nnu manias have rejoiced to worship an ass. l$ut u sue nau ueen taugnt practically the one occupation for which her taste and ability fitted her? If all women were so thoroughly taught sucli occupations that employment would be open to them as much as to men? The answer brings little to her now. A day or two ago the woni-out body was laid back in tiie earui to wmcu it nau oeen drawn by such subtle kinship. To what rest or recompense inoour ot me gen tle lady passed only He knows who took it thence. Her work remains un finished. But it is because there are so many thousands of over-worked women nrouud us on every side, staring blank ly at their uncouqucraoie woric, anu lives wasted at noonday, -that we have fold lmr storv aud.rovcrently held back her name for this one brief moment of the cteniai sncncv. j. j.nuuc. good report in the community in which tlicv reside. It is unreasonable aud un just to lay all the blame to their inten tional miscouuuct. rue evil nas its foundation in the false condition of things social, industrial and pecuniary. Many of the more thoughtful and intel ligent women of to-day feel that they have a higherand nobler mission than to be cither slave, drudge, personal de pendent or parlor ornament. They feel that their intellectual capacities entitle them to something and somebody in the world of thought and work, of in llucnce and personal power. They feel that a field of usefulness aud honor is spread out before them which they can cultivate without injury to their wom anly, wifely or maternal instincts. Husbands, who devote their time to business or pleasure, .or both, providing their wives with ample means for home comfort and luxury, but using their homes more as boarding and lodging houses, than to invest them with the charms of their personal presence, spend ing the leisure hours, days and evenings with their masculine chums in club rooms, Odd Fellows, Masonic, Red Men's or other lodges, cannot reasonably ex pect intelligent wives in these days of Jiopular education, science and general progress, to be satisfied with their lot. Tiie neglect, the contempt expressed or implied for their natural incapacity and deficiency injudgmcnt, which were for merly accepted as a matter of course, now awaken emotions of distrust, which soon ripen into hate against the of fending parties, be the same husband or guardian. Society must ndapt itself to the growing demands of one new or der of things. Woman must be eman cipated: her equality as to personal property nun political rights rnusi oe When this shall be done, and woman placed In a condition of comparative pecuniary independence, unhappy mar riages will become less frequent, and divorces will be known more as a histor ical than practical fact. S'. F. Pioneer. work already done under the disadvan tages of inclement weather and high prices can doubt this. But, much as has been done this winter, ten times as much will be accomplished this sum mer. With April will begin an amouut of building incomprehensible to any one not here to sec what there is to build, aud the plans to be pursued. A singular fact in connection with these gigantic operations and plans of operations, is the abundance of funds. Everybody seems to have money to re build, or, at least, to make a start The money to rebuild Chicago seems to be already at hand. Currency Is abundant, more abundant than bricks, in fact. This is readily accounted for. Hen of wealth, in Boston, New York, Philadel phia, and, in fact, all over the countrj'j were largely Interested in real estate here before the fire, and, not being seri ously injured by the burning of the tene ments thereon, they set about immedi ately to rebuild. Men who have made fortunes in Chicago town lots do not propose to withdraw from the field now now when there is as good a chance for remunerative investments as over. Rents are two and three times as higli as before the fire, and notwithstanding the amount of buildingdone still remain at the stiff figure. Chicago Correspond ent Cincinnati Commercial. TnCYE.utSEENTY-Two. Tiie year 1S72 contains ntty-two bundays &ep m!nr nnd December each beginning on a Sunday, January, April aud Jury on Monday. October is the only month beginning OU TUCSUiiy. ruurunrj- ueKau .,Yi nn,iu nn Thursday conseoucntly we have five Thursdays, which will not n..ii, until the year 1000. In the year IStO February will have fivo Sun- davs. which win "". "n-" the year 1820. The year 1S71 began on Sunday and ended on Sunday. This will occur again In 18S2, aud every eleventh year thereafter. Afrwintnn p.irena Itosa has been en gaged as principal vocalist for the Ithcn fsh fMtivni nt Dusseldorf. next summer. and accordingly will leave for Europe about the first or -nay. A WOKD TO THE LADIES. Is not much of the follv and dissipation of the times chargeable to the ladies? Do . . 11. - i M .1 lliey not give meir sweet- mmius aiiu Eleasant voices to those who dress the est and the most extravagant? Will a lady be so particular as to stop in the street and ttlk with a mechanic as she will with a well dressed young mau? We can point to many a woman, who gave her heart and hand io a meaiy- mouthed. deiicate-sKinueu, ony-naireu, fashionable young man, who has bit terly repented of her choice. A man who has but little business, except to curl his hair, consult the tailor, and talk-insipidly, is not lit for a husband we care not how much money he may count. So long as young women aro so unwise as to smile on such, mere win be follvand dissipation among ourmen. Ladies should be wise and consult their duties and futurehappiuess. lady, win you not reflect upon this subject? Will you not pursue a course in regard to choosing a partner ior iue, iuai tho means of your future happiness In stead of chosing one who will be tho means of all your troubles, and who will, perhaps, be the means of bringing you to an early grave ? We say this to you for your own bcnenuiwcnoiogicai Journal. John Weiss has made a good sugges tion. It is that we should have a spec ial court of divorce, on whoso bench no hin matrons should sit by the side of ac- mlished men. to throw the Instinct of wifehood aud the subtle judgment of the woman Into their grave balancing. We have held this opinion, aud arc only too glad to have it set forth by so clear . ..... A, , , . . and siiarp-siguieu a miiiKcr as Air. Weiss. Were a special commission for divorce, consisting of an equal number of men and matrons appointed for each county, to consider every application in secret session and render a final decision or send a recommendation to a higher court, -wo should havoa nearer approxi mation to justice in matter of the greatest delicacy and difficulty, and be saved the disgraceful and demoralizing publication of the reports of divorce trials. Tdlorta Golden Age. The Right of Laiior. The Assem bly of Illinois refused yesterday to pass the following harmless Senate bill: Be it enacted, etc., That no person shall be precluded or debarred from auy occupa tion, profession or employment (except military) on account of sex: Provided, That this act shall not be construed to af fect the eligibility of anyperson to an elec tive office. The object of this bill is to open to women certain privileges from which they arc now debarred by a med iaeval state statute, built in days when women were good for nothing but scul lions and farm hands. There are dozens of towns in Illinois in which the highest convenience of the people will be served by giving to women tne power oi be coming Notaries Public. There is no town, or county, orcuy in Illinois wnicu can. by any. human possibility, bo in jured by the passage of this bill. It is merely a bin to cniorce uieuaxunungui. of women to earn their bread in any way they honestly can. It confers upon them no right which they do not al ready hold in justice and equity. It merely asserts that the State will no longer keep her appointed gifts for one half of the pcoplo to the enforced ex clusion of the other half. The bill sim ply enables every individual in the State to earn a living? in whatever way that individual chooses. Its principal effect will be to permit women of intel ligence and education to be Notaries Public and to practice law. Any man who in our day refuses these two simple rights to qualified women is a man born centuries after he should have been in his grave. He does not belong to this age or to this nation, and he has no bus iness In the Legislative Assembly of Ill inois. Under tho State constitution and the charters, women arc eligible to any appointive office, but they are ex cluded from the practice of law and all cniolumentstmder it. Every university and law school in the country, which has a reputable name, admits and invites them to qualify themselves for the pro fession. Is the Stito of Illinois to re fuse them the right to practice it, after they have spent years and money in" fitting themselves? The bill has nothing to do with suf frage. It cannot offend any man's sense oi justice, it ought to be reeoiisiucic" and passed. Chicago Evening Tot. The champion palm-leaf hat muter of the Granite Stable is a girl f tUrfeen summers and twelve winters, who plies her trade in Chester county. Ic i a .am- n?enhAndo thy's work for an expert, and few womencan contrive to make more" than one man nt a time miserable.