FRIDAY APRIL 5, 1872. Weather delightful. Montana has the small-pox. Portland lias music on the Plaza again. Butter is selling at Lcwiston at $1 50 per pound. The Albany Collegiate Institute is pros pering finely. A steam sash and door factory is to be started at Halsey. The U. P. Presbytery of Oregon met at Albany yesterday. A daily mail between Salem and La fayette is talked of. During March 120 arrests were made by the Portland Police. Ah article from thepen of "Go"nslance" will appear next week. Parties at "Walla "Walla offer forty cents a pound for the spring clip of wool. During the year 1871 the Y. SL, a A. of Portland received and disbursed SL OW. Mrs. Carrie F. Young is leoturing at present on the Michigan Temperance law. Frank 13. Hotlgkin has been engaged as local reporter for the Salem States man. T. I). Odeneal has received his com mission as Superintendent of Indian af fairs. There will be music on the Plaza next Saturday evening betweon 5:30 and C:30 o'clock. Jacob Conser is announced as an inde pendent caudidate for Sheriff in Marion countjv , :. i Rev. R. Stewart of Salem lectured be fore the Young Men's Christian Associa tion last Tuesday evening. Sylvester C. Simpson lectures before the"Ybung"Meri's Ciiristian Association or rortlaud next Tuesday evening. Two hundred and twenty-one students have attended the Willamette Univer sity at balcm during the past year. Attention is called to the card of Miss E. Phillips, fashionable dress and cloak maker, wuicu appears in this issue. Arlwr's Magazine and Children's Hour for April are received. Both perl odicals are fully up to the standard. Col. Parish, late commercial editor of the Oregmian, now has charge of the commercial department of tho Herald. J. M. Fryer has something to tell the patrons of this paper. His advertise ment 11 bo found among "New To day." In "Walla Walla valley the prospect is fair for all kinds of fruit except peaches. It is feared that peaches generally are killed. If you want anything in tho grocery line, go to Anderson, Horsfall & Co's, cor. Third ami Alder Sts., in the new Masonic building. Mrs. Victor'snew work, "All Over Ore gon and Washington Territory," will be ready for delivery to subscribers in a very short time. Atkinson, Woodwanl & Co., real es tate agents, fling their banner to the breeze in this issue of the NEWSfoitiir west. Long may it wave. The Oregon State Horticultural So ciety held a meeting in this city yester day, the object being to make arrange ments for a fair next June. At the school meeting last Monday evening Drs. Giltner and' Glenn were elected Directors, and Mr. R. J. Ladd Clork all in favor of the High School. Mrs. C. T. Finlayson, well known to many in Oregon, died recently at Fol- som, California, of consumption. Mr. Finlaysoii is hopelessly ill with the samenliseasc. Judge D. C. Lewis, of this city, has been appointed by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to make a topograph ical survey of the land, river and steam era on this division of the road; Mrs. H. S. Crawford, HilLsboro, Ore gon, keeps a general assortment of mil llnery goods, and does bleaching and pressing to order. Ladles in her vicln lty will do well to patronize her. rue Waldron troupe had crowded houses at Salem last week. This-weck at Oro Fino Theater "Wine Works Wonders," "Rosedale" and "The Streets ot jnow xorK" nave boon the plays. Thebalem Statesman says: "Rev J, L. Parrish offers to donate a full block of lots in North Salem as a site for the Deaf and Dumb school. The block of fered is 880 by 370, and worth about $2, The "Lookout Mountain Mining Con pauy," with a capital of $3GG,000, has been organized at Salem. Its object is to more fully develop the Washington lead and silver leads of Lookout Moun tain, in the Santiam District of Linn county. Mr. Anderson Cox, of Walla Walla, W. T., and for many years a prominent citizen of Oregon, died very suddenly a few days ago while on his way home from tho Palouse country. Ho was at one time a member of the Oregon Legis lature from Linn county. MissMaenaraam,a lady who has been for several years past a great favorite with those who delight in "loves of hats and bonnet-, in Mrs. Levy's store, is now home with a very valuable stock of spring mimnery, which she has brought up on her own account. She has secured the store next door to Ladd & Tillon'e bank, and yesterday favored the public with her spring opening. 1 The Corvallis 7Kecsays: "William Davidson, a well known real estate dealer in Portland, Oregon, ranks as one of the most efficient and liberal workers in our State in disseminating informa tion relative to our resources. r-iinw etc. His letters and concise, truthful uwumtuia are printed in cliflcrcnt lan guages and scattered broadcast in v., rope, as well as in the United States ami British Provinces. We are In recipt of a handsome pamphlet, bearing his office stamp, containing'valuable information remuve io,inc History, route, resources etcVJf the North Pacific Railroad." There is talk of a new ferry across tho Willamette at Salem about half a mile below the present one. v The Albany Register says' thSt .fall wheat generally looks magnificent, and promises to yield a fair crop to reward those who were fortunate enough to get into the ground in season. Tho late fine weather has been put in eagerly by ag riculturists in plowing and preparing the ground fortheSpringcrops. Avery large area will be sown should the pres ent favorable weather continue. The colored citizens of Portland, will celebrate theratificatlon of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, attheWashingtonGuard Armory, on Tuesday, April 0, 1872, at 7:30 P. M., by a literary and musical en tertainment, on which occasion Miss Octavia Mercier will sing one of her fa vorite selections. The Oration will bo delivered by Rev. Daniel Jones. We acknowledge receipt of complimentary tickets. The Lewiston, W. T, Signal says that articles of incorporation of a new navi gation company have been filed, whose object is tho navigation of the Colum bia river; that some stockholders of the O. S. N. Co. are among the incorpora tors; that the North Pacific Railroad Company are largely in tho interest of the new corporation; that they propose to buy out tho O. S. N. Co.'s boats, rail road, etc, and also build other new and more commodious boats; that they also propose to cause the removal of obstruc tions to navigation of the upper Colum bia and Snake rivers as far as Lewiston. We have received a neat pamphlet of over forty pages, accompanied by our "Horoscope" and "Nativity," from W. H. Chaney, Prof, of Astrology, for which the Professor will please accept our thanks. "The Horoscope," says the pamphlet of explanations, "is a diagram or map, showing the position of the heavenly bodies at tho moment of a person's birth, and is always sent with a 'Nativity,' together with this work." "A Nativity comprehends a personal delineation and future events by tran sits till the next century, and possesses many advantages over tho 'Prenologl cal Chart,' giving the nature and loca tion of disease, warning of the approach of fortunate and unfortunate periods," etc We promise our readers to faith fully note the fulfillment of our destiny as described in our "Horoscope" and "Nativity," and on the New Year's day of the twentieth century we'll tell them how correct it is. In tlin menu limn buy a "Horoscope" for yourselves and wait for future developments. Price from five to one hundred dollars. To keen a dim licht. without smoke. carefully place find powdered salt on the canuie, until it reaches the black part of the wick. A small caudle will thus burn steadily all night. Add a little carbonate of soda to the water containing flowers, if you wish to preserve them fresh a fortnight or more. For the very best photographs, go to Ilradley A Rulofson's Gallery without STAIRS BS8-ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, tS Mont gomery St., San Francisco. NEW TO-DAY. J. L. Atkinson, Notary luldle. Tyler WoonwAiin. D. W. "Wakefield. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., (Lato Atkinson A Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NO. 102 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon, TTAVE FOR SALE FARMS AND UNIM- 11 proved Lands In Orciron and Washington Tcrritorrv. Also, UllUlUE UITY PROPERTY, lor Sale and to Rent. We attend to Buying and Selling Real Estate In City and Country. special attention given in tno iteming oi Property and Collection of Rents, looking after iieoairs ana rayment or -raxes on lTopeny in our hands when desired. Legal papers written and acknowledgments taken. LOANS NEGOTIATED on Real Estate Se curity. Parties having .Money to Loan are in vited to give us a call. nistr AXKiissui, wouuwauu k tu. ,T. 3X- FRYER, SEALER IX DRY GOODS & CLOTHING, Groceries, Boot, Shoes, Nnlls, Etc, ..AND PURCHASER OF FARMERS' PRODUCE Highest Cash Price paid for 'WOOL. CORNER FIRST AND MADLSON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. a.j-nli-tf MISS MACNAMARA TTAS OPENED A LARGE AND CHOICE AS XX sort men tor ZMCilliner-y Goods, At 1 First St, bet, Washington d: Stork. Next door to Ladd A Tilton's Bank, And hopes by attention to buslncssand prompt. ness in executing oruers to meet u snare oi put ronage. Two nrst-ciass milliners wanted immediate ly. To nrst-class hands highest wages paid. Also two small girls wanted as apprentices, APP'y at the store,71 First street. Immediately. apanoisu NEW MASONIC GROCERY STORE, Portland, Oregon. A FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT ! GOODS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY VEBT tO WEST POSSinLE PKICES! mrThc patronage of citizens Is respectfully solicited. ANDERSON, HORSFALL & CO. B7Goods delivered free ot charge to any part of the city. nJStf MISS E. PHILLIPS, (ASHIQNA61E DRESS, BASQDIHE& CtOAK-MAIEH Rooms over Mrs. Levy's store. Orders Eiecntrd with Promptness and Dlpslrh. nl9-tr MILS. II. H. CRAWFORD, Hillsboro,. -Oregon, KEEPS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY thlng In the Mllltnerv line. Bleaching and Pressing done to order, ntj-lm NEW THIS WEEK. ACH, JUST RETURNED FROM SAX FRAN tclsco villi a large and Splendid Stock or JDJELST GOODS, SUCH AS SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseille Etc. A Largo and Beautiful Assortment ot MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Fine Laces, Etc., OLevery variety and description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid Cloves Ot the best quality. JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, ETC., On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Or all descriptions. Cull nuil Examine the Slock. Goods Sold to Suit the Times. . .. 'S r.t: ACH, 97 First street, rortlaud. 03" CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies uy every mcamer. nu NEW ADVERTISESEENTS. HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. OTRAH.HT NEEDLE. SELF-ADJUSTING n Tension. Adapted to every vnrlctv or tarn lly Sewing, from the lightest muslin to the heaviest cloths. Agents Wan'cd. Call on or address . IV, TKAVEK, 112 Front St., Portland ROYAL A SMITH. Agents Salem DR. IL C. HILL A SON, Agents Albany DR. VAN DEN BERGH'S "Worm Syx-up. So-cxcifr niHIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE X Is warranted to expel all worms from the lnwels and Stomach, rxrept Taje and Chain Worms. The nronrietor has taken much pains to test the comparative merits of the principal Worm Mcuicinesoi me uay,wnicn, numerous as me Entozoa themselves, hnvc overspread the land, each claiming for ltuclf thenamcof spe cific; and, while we frankly acknowledge that many or them are orten succcssmi.anu uo great good, were we not assured that this combines advantages possessed by no other worm medi cine. Its Introduction at this late day would not nave Deen auempieu. Tim nleasant taste and exceedingly small quantity of this medicine required to test the CXISienCC OI worm", or IU initu ; wvtj vjihj from the system Its operating in a few hours, unaided by any other purge, together with Its certainty of effect, constitute it one of the most brilliant aiscovenes oi uiu ngi. Had we space here, scores of certificates might be adduced to idiow Its progressive and rapidly Increasing reputation for the last few years; but to promulgate Its fame and estab lish Its character, we only ask for a trial. Its speedy operation in an suuuen auacics, ns rnnvnlsions. colic, fits or spasms, gives It an unrivaled superiority. Sent by express on re ceipt of price. Sixnvssur nuiuu. Alternate nallmr and flushing of the coun tenance, dull expression oi me eyes, urowii- iness, ucningui mc iit.-,i "i'i' "fi tnmrue whltely furred and thickly speckled with red polnts.fcted breath, an enlarged belly, nnnini nr t-encml swellim: or miffingnessol the tectn, n sensation as n somciinuK lodged in me mroai, a pniuuui iuuuk j ure tin.), cioknox of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, at other times loose, great fretfulness and imtanntiy oi lempcr.pain m u and bowels, colic, fits, convulsions and palsy. It valuo in removing masses of crudities fmM tbA KtAinarli and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot w too unuij es timated. . . .. , , Prcparetl anu soiu, wnoieiiie nnu rcum, u DR. VAN DEN BERGHand Agents In all cit ies and towns, rir v'nn rvn Ttonrli can bo consulted on all diseases that the human system Is heir to. His long experience in tnscnscs oi women anu iiiiiinn run not bo surnassed by any physl .inn in the iTnltnl States or Eurono. Dr.V. ail- vises ladles troubled Willi any Irregularities of the Uterus to try his new remedies and get cured. ... . By consulting anu undergoing a sirapio amlnatlon the nnilcted can icarn uicir iis tx irnmii or not. At all events. Dr. Van Den Bcrgh ran ten uiem irom wiiav uisvase f Iiav om enfTerlrnr. Consultations and examinations free of charge. , .-, OFKICE ItOOMS i anu oer xuaiumcvi Letters uescnuing mo luriuuu m nminntlr nnsirprml. and nersons living at a distance will be saved the expenso and trouble of calling on me ixxitor. Auurrss DIL J. H . YA lr iibituii, 45 P.O. Box 172, Salcin, Oregon, HURGREN & SHINDLER, TMRECT IMPORTERS AND MANUFAC- XJ turers or every variety of PARIX3R, BED-ROOM, DINING, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE FITBNITITRE Oak, Walnut, Kosewood, Chntnnt, Etr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, Pulu, Hair, 7fois Excelsior Glue, Etc, Etc, Etc THE LARGEST STOCK I Tlin BEST GOODS I TIIE LOWEST PRICES! Wake Booms No. VJS, 309, 170 and 12, Cor. Salmon ana rirstis., romanu, umwu. nlltf NEW-1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Oregon Steam. Navigation Co's Notice. -nOATS OF TOE COMPANY WILL LEAVE X) Portland as follows : For The Dullest Dally (Sundays cxccptcdiatWclock a. M. For AHtorin: - Monday. Wednesday and Frldayat 5 o'clock For Montlrello : Dally at 7 o'clock: A. v. n37 J. C. AINSWORTH, President. LADD & TILTON, 33 u3l-3ST:k:-3E2 DEL S , PORTLAND- OREGON EHtalllHlied, 1859 -rvEPOsrrs received and accounts I kent sublect to check on draft. TVTLMILN.'P in TIM I. !M'1W1-IV I TRUST KUDS, in sums or u.u DOLLAR AND UPWARDS from data of deposit. Jiu.Mil LAJATtbu on approveu security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables nvelve-1 on deposit for safe keeping. .uouections maaojanu proceeds promptly re mitted. Investments In Real Estate, and other prop erty made for parties. Sight and Tclcgrahlc Exchange on San Fran- ciscounu iiicAiianucsiaiesiorsaie. , , I IGovemracnt Securities boucht and sold. Agent for the transaction of all kinds of Fi nancial ana Trust uusincss. nl I M. r-ARIUSlI. C. E. VTATKISS. E. W. CORNELL. Parrish, Watkins & Cornell, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, (E. W. CORNELL, NOTARY PUBLIC) 90 Front St., bet. Washington and Alder Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. rE ATTEND TO THE BUYING AND Selling of Real Estate, Negotiate Ixians, ibi-uk auum jiiii-a t.uarcueu anu acsnowi eugements taken. WE BUY AND SELL City and County Property, pat Taxes, COLLECT NOTES AND ACCOUNTS, Negotiate Loans on Approicd Security. Nearty Tirenty Ycnrn Keslileitce In Oregon has made us familiar with the value ot Utly and County Property, together witli the various locations. For Information Appertaining to the Itcal Estate business, par lies win nnu it to mcir interest to auvise wiiu Mr. I'arrlMi, who Is the oldest Real Estate Dealer in the City. Strangers Desiring: Information Are requested to call upon us. We are p re- pa mi 10 oner iiesirauie investments in every Iaui uregon anu wasnington icrruory. We Are Well Sapplled With Official Maps, and other Important Infor mation, wiiicii is ouereu to inc i-uniic PAItlllSII, WATICINS A COltNEI.I. nl'.tm illSCELTANEOUS. rlllt tONtlltr.VSIONAI. caxdidate! s. w. Mcdowell, m. d., or Snleiu. ANNOUNCED AS THE Peoile'HK.Tciriporanco WOMAN SUFFRAGE CANDIDATE C0NGEESS. . . . j : . - i rpHE DOCTOR WILL FURNISH HIS PHO JL tograph to any address In good style (cabi net size;, wim ins ucKci,ioany person winning to vote that ticket next Junc.for the small sum of Ti) cts. In postage k lamps. Send by mall or I otncrwlsc. .uuress S. W. 3ICDOWr;LI, 31. D., nil Salem, Oregon. Empire Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. TJOARD BY THE DAY, Week or Month, on ! mc most reasonable terms. superior nccommouations lor iamiucs, Cucord Coach to and from the house free. A large safe for the keeping ot valuables. House open all night. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. MANNING KEEPS A FIRST-CLASS HOARDING HOUSE for the accommodation of people who pre fer a quiet home to the confusion oj a hotel. lcnns moticrutc tjiyiiipia, . i. iraii. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law andl NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the English. French. Ger-1 man anu Jiouanu languages. nzi. UK. MAItY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR. T" ESIDENCE AND OFFICE THIim RT. XX between Salmon and Main, opposite the imoiic square. cniisnucnucu in itnv pan oi inc env. tlatterles for sale, and Instruotlnns irlvnn nn the use of electricity as a Remedial Agent, nl. MILS. IL LVWLESS, JANUFACTURER -VND DEALER IN SHIRTS, BNUtRSMIMIS, DaAWiRS, ETC., Comer Front and Yamhill streets,. Portland. Shirts Made to Order Of the best materlahand warranted to fit. All kinds of nienaing none. no cr "WIIEHE-ttn ornid Mrs. B.ct that Fnt Chlclten?VB VVHY DONT YOU KNOW? SHE GOT II it at ASCHENHE1M i. BULKEIET'S WASHINGTON MARItl, where they keen all kinds of Fresh Poul try, Game and Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vegetables." N. D. Consignments from the country sollo Temperance House. LOVE'S HOTEL, Will Frlsble. --Proprietor IV iS5i?ii m." vn' nlture. Excellent Accommodations, iioard per I week, fU to 58. Per day, SI to 31 0, according n39-tf PORTLAND ADVERTISE5IENTS. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. INY ONE WISHING THE SERVICES Of a Competent American Xane Can secure the same by calling at the corner of r mu anu uiay sis. nxni GO TO HENDEE'S GALLERY FJ tS118' SUN Pictures of Every Grade, Children's and babies' Pictures taken cheer fully and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod- I erate. lnI2 PROF. CANS GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE of Pupils. Residence! Terms reasonable. antevd. Satisfaction Guar n2 MRS. S. J. RUHSEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, AIX BE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the J mini noorot mrieii'B new uuiiuin, irom B"LKSSOXS OIVEN IX .UAXDSCAPE rAINT- INO. nl PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROOM.S-Corncr First and Stark Sts., over Ladd & Tilton's Bank. Contains Over Three Thousand Cholre Book Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Dues 81 OO I'nynble quarterly DiKECTons Charles E. Calef. Erasmus D. Shattuck, Wm. K. Ladd, P. & Schuyler, Jr., n. r. ueauy, i u. v asicneiu, w. ti. uracKeiu A. a Glbbs, C. 11. Lewis, F. S. Ostheira. Officers: U IX. WAKEFIELD -President W. If. 11RACKETT ..Vice Iresident IIKNItY A. tlXKll.- -Librarian P. C. SCHUYLER, JR -Treasurer JIKS. II. J. EXS1GX, Fasluonable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Near WihInEton, TT-EEPS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAT- AV terns, trimmed and unlrlmmcd. COUNTRY DRESS-MAKEKS Will find it to their advantage to clvc her a can. Orders Eiecntrd ulth Xrstncss snd Dlspatrb. Charges Reasonable. n2D EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. "Withorcll Jto Holmnn, No. 80 Front Street, Portland, WILL FIND EMPIAJYMENT FOR ALL 1 1 those applying for situations In any ca pacity irom vt oou-cnopper uown to a r at ui- nee. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm ti.i. ii t ii.ii i r .. .. . i .. irrespective of Nationality. Partlrs sending orders from a distance must lie explicit In their orders, stating Just what they want, what they will pay, etc, (accompa nied by our office fees, S2 U), which may de ducted from employee's wages), stating wheth er mey win or win not uerexpousiuie lor trav eling expenses oi uircu ueip. j. it- llllUIbU nlltf F. DILLARD HOLM AN. OR. ABORN, OculUt and Aurlst, Throat and Lnnr PHYSICIAN. Laboratory, Coniulting- and Opcrartinff APARTMENTS, CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STS., Portland. Oregon. r9 Oro Pino Theater. LESSEE AND MANAGERO. B. WAIJJRON STAGE MANAGER GEO. F. BIRD LEADER OF ORCHESTRA CHAS. BRAY SCENIC ARTIST. 1. BESTON All the Lntc Novelties Will be brought out In rapid succession. Open Every Evening Except Sunday. GRAND MATINEE Every Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Admission: Dress Circle. -SI 00 Gallery. SO SO Matinee prices to all partsof the house- ra-EOX OFFICE open from 10 a. m. to i r. sc.. when seats can be secured without extra charge. f or cast sec "jiramatic unronicic." ass JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladle' and MlssrV TRIMMMED AND UNTRIM.MED HATS AND bonnets, Frames, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc Dress Goods, White Goods, Tankee Xo tlons, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, mings, CIoaK Trlm- Etc. AGENT OF THE ELLENDALE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Itll Stock of Ulankets, Yarns, Bca vers, Tweeds and Cassimeres Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLES BY EVERY STEAMER. to I n&- PARTICULAR ATTENTION' Paid to Orders. UXK "WEED REMEDY. THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: rruns remedy is composed op mi- 1 Active principle of tho tTrTt ivJFJTKE Thasplum Cordatum Orlglnis, Lnu-lndfenoilj' fectly in Washington county. J and per- PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Active and Volatile PrinrinTn cAiiativu iiiutii uuu n uiiiiTa iuuic f-n n clple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the most sure and sneedr raw fnr uneumatism. Ilneumatlc Gout and .Rheumatic Pains of all kinds that was ever Introduced into the Materia Mcdlca. The UNK WEED REM- TJ" T W" 1... . I . . 1 nuiiiupMim us, ill Ljti-xluullTO Ul ill, existing bitter principle, possesses the necea- l?o-veiliil Tonic, Promoting tho Appetite and Invigorating the whole Digestive APDUrutus. thus buildlns- un and strengthening the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, being ab sorbed In tho blood, acts specifically on the luieunuuic i-oison, removing it irom tno circu lation ana system. There are few remedies known to the Medical Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison from the blood, but whose action is so powerful in depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic natlent. that their use has to be abandoned before specific effects arc obtainable, and hence tho want of success in treating tms prevalent and conveniently heretofore incurable disease. Unlike thesu medicines, already known, the UNK WEED REMEDY.although producing as active and as powerful effects on the blood and system In re- uiutuiK me iiiieuniauci'oion,niso possesses n strong Tonic and Recuneratlnir Klemnnt riiioii admits of its continued use even by tho most ueiicaiu anu ueuiinateu. llius we Uave tno combination for the first time of these two necessary elements in one remedy, which ac-countsroriusupcriorandncver-falilngcuratlve effects In Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds. N. R. The UNK WEED REMEDY Is partic ularly APPLICABLE TO LADIES. In Vnn se quence of Its Tonic Qualities. TESTIMONIALS : Wo arc aware of tho fact that it Is Generally an easy matter to procure certificates attesting tho efficacy of patent remedies from a certain class of Hiom; who use them. We have selected the following because the names attached to them are those of men of the most careful and scrunulous character, and because the l&nre class of their acquaintances In Oregon will not. lor a mnmcni, accuse or suspect mem ot any exaggeration In the statements they may maKc: Certificate from the Deputy Jailor of Mult- uomau i;ouuiy jaii: City Jail, Portland, Oregon, June 7. 1871. Dr. A. M. Ioryea A Co.: I was attacked with a severe case of rheumatism. It was in my thlchs. hips. lingers, shoulder blade indeed in all the Joints of my !ody I suffered great pain and amrulsh. I was attended by u reirular ihv- slclan, but with no effect. I was induced to try lour Unk Weed Remedy, and it Immediatulv cured mc up. I consider it, from my expe rience, tne nciremeuy iorriicumatism Known. ALFRED F. TURNER. Deputy Jailor. Tills Is to certify that the above statement Is correct to ray own Knowieuge. JOHN P. WARD.Jallor. AltaCallfornlaBookandJobPrintlngOmce,') 021 California street, f San Francisco. June I.1S7L 1 Dr. A. M. Loryea & Co.: For several years I have been subject to rheumatism In my right arm and shoulder, rendering mc unable to work. On a recurrence of the attack some time since, I was induced to try your "Unk Weed Remedy," and the result was a perfect cure In n few days. I took only two-thirds of the content or one bottle. My Arm belief Is that the "Unk" Is a certain cure for rheuma tism In all its forms and I would heartily rec ommend all afflicted with that dreadful dis ease to try your"Remedy" and be cured. JNO. IL MCLANE. Certificate of A. It. Shipley, Esq., special con- triuuiorto me iiiameue r armer," anu sec retary of the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, March 2S, 1871. Dr. A. M. Loryea: Some lour weeks ago I was entirely prostrntcd with rheumatism; In fact I was almost helpless. I sent to you for one 10 ouncc bottle of the "Unk Weed Remedy," by the use of which I experienced almost Imme diate relief, and by the time the bottle was gone tho rheumatism was gone. From my own experience, and from what I have heard others say who have used tho Unk Weed, I believe It to be a certain cureforrheumatism. Yours respectfully, A. R. SHU'LEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufur. pi-PtpsI- dent or the Oregon State Agricultural Society and author of "Statistics of Oregon:" East Portland, April 1, 1871. Dr. A. M. Lorvca A Co.: I was amirted with a severe attack of chronic rheumatism ; was con fined to my bed most of the time from January to July, when I used the Unk Weed and it cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. n.iHt.fM Tm T t.u. I. 1 I ...I stock-grower and "King of the Oregon Turf :" Sauvie's Island, January 11, 1S71. To Dr. A. M. Loryea A Co.: Tliisls to acknowl edge the efllracy of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was afflicted for months with a very serious attack or In flammatory rheumatism, and tried nearly all of the so-called rheumatic remedies without any relief pereeivnblc. I then tried your Remedy, and Its use resulted in the most happy effects u perfect cure. Truly yours. JA31123 11 lilt r Certificate from the well-known merchant, . W. Weaver, Esq.: Tho Dalles, May 3, 1S71. Dr. A M. Loryea Jc Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedy," and can cheerfully recom mend It to persons afflicted with Inflammatory rheumatism. It cured mc of that disease. My hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints- were swollen anu very painiui. V. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Nat. IL Lane. Pilot ixmimissioncr oi uregon,anu a mcmoerot me City Council ot East Portland: East Portland. April 19. 1571. Dr. A. M. Lorvea & Co.: I have lieen afflicted for several years past with "weakness In the back," and wandering rheumatic pains, ac companied by severe constipation, liy tho use of one bottle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon itncumatic uurc," I nave been entirely relieved, and I cheerfully recommend It as a most valuable and effective remedy. Af. II. lAZtE. iA-4lftMf TTnn P1.1 rfl 1.1. .... member of the City council of East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1S7I. Dr. A. M. Loryea i Co. Gents: This Is tn In form you that I have used your "Unk Weed" ior neuralgia aim rueumatic pains, anu lounu relief from tho use of only one bottle, and can recommend it to those In need of such a rem edy. Yours, GIDEON TIBBETTS. Certificate from Hon. K. L. Ouimbv. ex- County Commissioner of Multnomah county, Oregon: East Tortland, April 1, 1871. Dr. A. M. Lorvca A Co.: Ihavcused the"Lnk Weed Remedy," and am satisfied it Is a valua ble meuicine. it regulates anu invigorates tne system. This is my experience with tho Rem edy. Truly yours, E. L. QUIMBY. Certificate from tho celebrated musician. Prof. Otto Vlcuxlcmps: Oregon Musical Institute. 1 Portland, May 23, 1871. f Dr. A. M Loryea A Co.: 1 was attacked with severe inflammatory rheumatism, sunenng great pain, and was so prostrated that I was unaoie to icnu to ray ousmess. i useu one uoi tle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cured by It alone. OTTO VIEUXTEMPS. PUT UP IX TEX-OUKCE BOTTLES, One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, -BY JUOJLYITV & CO., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. ,rF0R SALB By AIADnUOGISTS. 1U12 t- 'i jtf-SUBSCRIBE NOW IS THE TIME SI tVtSit'M rH, . Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journnl for the People. DEVOTED TO THE 1HTETESTS' OF HUMANITY. 'ELLEN DOWD, THE FARMER'S WIFE," A Serial Story which gives promise of being even more Interesting than "Judith Reid," is now being published from week lo week. Arrangements have been, made to secure tho Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. Tho New Northwest Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever iollcy may be necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no jxiitics,no ruiigion, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation is fastened upon the rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation mid untrammeieu progression. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement for our friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for the New Noutiiwest, we offer the following list of val uable premiums : For twenty subscribers, at $3 CO each, accom panied by tho cash, we will give the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. Price, S30. For thirty-five subscribers, at SI 00 each, ac companied by the cash, we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Price, SIj. For forty subscribers, at $3 00 each, accom- ? anted by thecash, we will give a HOMESHUT LE SEWEs'G MACHINE, finished in extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. Vrlce, sra. The nbovc Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-class In every particular, can be seen at the oflice of Geo. W. Traver, 112 Front street, Portland. For fifty subscribers, at S3 09 each, accom- J anled by the rash, we will give a MASON A IAMLIN PORTABLE ORGAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut ease, automatic bellows swell, two blow pedals, Improved cen ter pressure reed valves, etc. Price, $3). For seventy-five subscribers, at S-t 00 each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN ; resembles the first ex cept that it has also a knee stop. Price, STa. For seventy-five subscribers, at $3 00 each, accompanied by the cash and twentjflve dollars additional, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN, or five octaves, one STOP. SEWADJCSTISC keep valves, im proved hei.loh-s, tkemdlaxt ajtd jcnee sweli. Price, JiOO. For one hundred subscribers, at J3 00 each, and twenty dollars additional, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN, VIVE octaves, five stops, nvo sets or kibkators tiirodoh- OCT, IMPROVED GRADUATED SELF-ADJUSTIXU REED VALVES, IMPROVED BEI.LO WS.TREMULAXT AND KNEE-SWELLS. VIOLA, DIAPASON. FLUTE, TREMULANT. Price, 8125. Those who desire to work for these premium can send tho names and money as fast as re ceived. The subscribers will be nlnee.1 tn credlt, and ir enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de sired they can choosealesserpremlum.orthey will be entitled to receive twenty-five percent. In cash of the amount remitted for their labor OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The New Northwest hnsnlmndy nmi a popular success, we are decided that ft shall also prove a triumph. To enable our friends who may decide to can vass for our paper to benefit both themselves and us by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we tuu luuuwiug nuaitiouai iTe mlums to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for the New Northwest, who will send us his or her own subscription fee, and one new subscriber, ac companied by the cash 56 00 we will give : -v jjuir l uriun juiruje uses; ura iioncminn uiass vase; iSnonn Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves? Or a spangled Lady's Fan, leathered edge: Or a Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 pictures: Ornn Album (extra) forlioIdlngGO pictures: ' Or a Fancy Letter Case; Or a box Toilet Articles, Including soap, chalk, perfumery, etc.; Or a Britannia Tea Pot; :i ' Or a Kerosene Lamp: . ," Or i dozen Glass Goblets; urjuuien umssmmnicrs: Or a largo Glass Fruit Dish; Or a Work Basket ; OraFIne Embroidered Handkerchief; Or dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or M dozen Table Napkins; Or dozen Towels ; Orau olegant Portmonla. Any subscriber who is in arrears lora year's subscription, and who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac companied by the cash making S3 00 we will send: A set of Rogers' Tabic Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or a set or Rogers' Table Spoons, triple plated, on wnitc mcuii, warrantcu; Or a set of Rogers' Tea Spoons, triple plated. on white metal, warranted; Ur J4 uozen itogcrs'd: uusseirs lame Jvnlves, best quality, warranted ; or a uanusome mru inge. Any person In arrears for subscription to Tne New Northwest, who will send his or her subscription rec and three new subscribers, ac companied by Ihe cash, maklmr S12 00. we Trill send : A handsome Marsalllcs Quilt; Ora handsome Woolen Guilt. xi nn.i n-i.ii.. or blue and white; Or a pair ot Table Cloths; Or two pairs or Nottingham Lace Curtains: Or three pairs Alexandria l-i,i rsKI. colororsize: Ora Japanese Inlaid Work Box- Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheetln". For seven subscribers nt ci ...i. . log to $21 00. we will send : "" valued at iM:0r, trIPIeDlatel.n white metal' n A?K.y V "ting Desk, orequal value; OraCablnct,Japanese Inlaid; ""-. Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all ni.,oKi .TT. nifiLLb, ? we represent them. Per !S lv2eln th s.clty or who can visit us can recelj e these articles from our own hands at an uuur uuum: or it not convenient to vlsltus, dress. articles by express to any ad- No order of tills kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies it. .-xuuuuinc; in roslomce oruers ai mc.. tomary rates or currency, or send draft ir pre ferred. All orders promptly attended to. We sincerely hope that this unparalleled offer, which Is a new feature In $en?: business in Oregon, will meet with heart re sponse from the many friends or our paper, who up to this time haveseemed W fail toreal Izc that THE New Northwit cannot be run without money. Now Is H" I'" T12rsfln cets club. Begin Wore some 4'S0rSr,voSrt tlie start of you. See what yoocai self, the Public aud Tiik NW ortuwest.