The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 05, 1872, Image 2

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.,PKIL 5, 1S72.
The season is now near at band when
many hundreds of our subscriptions to
the 2f ew Northwest will expire. Wo
urge upon our friends everywhere the
importance of immediately renewing
their subscription fees. A little effort
now upon the part of each of our numer
ous readers will enable us to start out
with the Second Volume with debts all
canceled and in the enjoyment of safe
financial prospects for the future. "We
could then bring a light heart to our
work, to which, since we took up the
load of financial care that a large news-
paper business requires, we have been a
stranger. There are also yet many de
linquents upon our list men and women
who have regularly enjoyed the products
of our toil for the pas.t year, and yet neg
lect to pay for their paper. To all such
we say in respectful solicitude, tec need
tlte money. The sum of three dollars is
small to each of you, but the aggregate
indebtedness of several hundred 'delin
quents makes a sum of much import
ance to us. We trust that this call will
not be passed unheeded. We have toiled
diligently at dress-making, millinery,
lecturing, story -writing, editorial work
and canvassing, doing faithfully the
work of half a dozen to keep up the ex
penses of the paper, and our strength is
severely over-taxed; and we now ask
our friends, one and all, to cheerfully
put shoulder to the wheel and help us
through the Second Volume, which
shall be in all resists superior to the
The clerical and lay delegates to the General
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
to bo bold In the city of Brooklyn, . Y., May
lst,lS72, are hereby specially requested to In
form the undersigned. Secretary or the Com
mittee on General Conference arrangements, If
they have made any private arrangements for
thetr lodgings, or ir they have friends with
whom It would be their pleasure to be enter
tained ?
P. 8. The Committee take no responsibility
to provide entertainment Tor the wives or dele
gates. Delegates will please Rend their address to
the .secretary. J. K., Sec of Com.
liltoOKLVN, X. V., Feb. 26, 1872.
Tliore, ye women who for years and
years have borne the heat aud burden of
the ministerial day; who through self-
denial, poverty, sickness and suffering
have endured aud struggled that you
might be able to do the silent but ardu
ous work of giving aid and comfort to
your lords in broadcloth; who have
cooked for well-kept preachers when, in
justice to yourselves -and unborn babes,
you should have been in bed ; who have
night after night slept on the floor witli
your husband aud children that you
might thus accommodate a pair of min
isters, when the town was full of dele
gates to your Annual Conference, lay
not the flattering unction to your souls
that you will be welcome at the General
Conference, for there is there "no enter
tainment for the wives of delegates."
No matter if the greatMethodist church
does owe its prosperity to the work of
the ministers' wives; no matter if you
do liave interests at stake identical with
the best interests of your husbands; no
matter If your brains do badly need the
intellectual feast which thousands of
the wives of lay members will be able
to enjoy; no matter if you have done
two-thirds of the ministerial work and
borne four-fifths of the ministerial in
conveniences during your married years,
you do not own a dollar. The salary all
goes to the men. You're nothing but
women do you hear? Of course you
can't attend the Conference, for you
have no money to pay your board at ho
tels; and "the Committee take no re
sponsibility to provide entertainment"
for such impecunious, irresponsible, dis
franchised nobodies as your self-deny
ing selves. Ministers' wives, how do
you like it? Don't you know that you
never will have opportunities equal to
these ministerial lords, no matter how
hard you may toil for them, until you
vole T Until you, like them, become re
sponsible citizens of these United States,
like man, commanding pecuniary rec
ompense for your labor, and, like him,
demanding recognition of your equal
inalienable rights, you need not expect
but that you will be snubbed by the
purse-holding half of humanity. And
if you don't speedily begin to demand
your freedom.we shall begin to fear that
you deserve the snubbing.
uur brothers or the Portland press
are busily engaged in puffing the "com
position" read on two occasions before
societies in Portland, by Bro. Ike, alias
"Col.", alias B. B. Taylor, of the Her
ald. AY e had the extreme gratification
of being present when this brother read
his piece before the Y. M. C. A's, but we
became so amused in watching the nod
ding pantomime of the scattering aud
","",l"c"1' auuience that we went off
peculations about the sudorific
properties or the reader's animal mag
netism. Tjist -n-i. .... .
.1.7: "e spared our
u,ul"" announcement, but we have
since seen such a gushing letter to the
"local" of the Herald, written. Z
agine, by Bro. Ike himself, in which he
claims the honor of being so cxtremelv
class all other speakers (save one) who
nave, aunng me past winter, edi
lied audiences before these societies, with
"buffoons" and "clowns," that we are
constrained to tell the people the fact
that the attendance on the eveniug
of the repetition of the composition, in
stead of being "large," was very small
indeed. Probably these people were "in
telligent" enough, but they were cer
tainly susceptible of sedative influences,
for they, with: few exceptIonsr8lept1
calmly to the close.
Our brother, as au editor, has mis
taken his calling. Ho is in reality a
genuine country parson, and ought to
have pastoral charge of Sleepy Hollow
or the Land of Shades.
Conic forward, ye other brethren of
the Mutual Admiration Society of the
Portland Press, and let the public see
if you can equal Bro. Ike with your su
dorifics. J
Since the above was written somebody
has informed our brother of the Herald,
who, being lately from Missouri, is ver
dant about the sentiments of Oregon-
ians, that his fulsome laudation of
himself was in bad taste, so, though he
does not take it back, lie instructs his
local to apologize for its publication.
The Orcgonian shows shows signs of
lcavingthe Mutual Admiration Society;
so now tho other editors must write
each otherup as "the best lecturers of the
season," before whom such orators as
Condon and Nesbltt are nowhere.
The Willamette Farmer of last week
came back at the Bulletin in the follow
ing gritty style, because it had accused
that journal of becoming "a Democratic
organ :
When James Flsk. Jr.. was murdered In Sr
York, there was not a few newspapers to exult
over the crime, as If Flsk was the meanest,
most lascivious, and despicable wretch unhung.
Yet circumstances are coming to light every
uay uiai ucmuiisirate inai luc raurutiu ring in
Portland Is Incomparably meaner and more
dangerous than ever was the Erie, ring, of
wnicn i-isk was ine ncau. j-o complete is
nowadays ring organized, that If anybody In
Oregon offends against him, he cracks his whip
In the style of rlne-niaster to a circus, and
out trots one of his sleek hash-caters,nppearlng
as it a nan a oarrei i mru nnu occn useu in
nutting him In "condition." receives bis orders.
and executes his commission with an alacrity
and subserviency that would surprise the most
visionary writer of Action. If the offense has
been committed In Portland, Salem, Albany,
Eugcne.orany other town of the valley.all the
trained houudsor the ring In that particular lo
cality are turned loose upon the track of the of
fender, and he is worried by libels and false
hoods, and all means adopted from which will
result Inconvenience and vexation In business.
The "Farmer" has seen proper to compliment
Mr. Holladaysencrgyonseveral occasions; but
recently It has deemed It a duty to warn the
peopleagalnst allowing themselves to be drawn
Into this man's power, which would chain them
more securely than was ever the more nbieet
slave tliat moved under the burnlnc urn of the
equator to the flourish of the master's whip.
To silence this Insubordination on our part. It
was circulated around the streets of Portland
tnul wc had made a proposition to Holladay to
buy us out, and that, falling, we saw proper to
make an attack on him. Falling to accoinnllsh
anything by this report, Mr. Ilolladay's paper.
wic -isuueun," naA mmeu loose lu last gun
and thinks to send terror Into our camp bv
calling the "Farmer" a "Democratic organ."
This is too thin. If Mr. Holladay expects to
kkulk behind the Republican party and call
persons "Democratic," or If he thinks to crawl
in me renr oi me Democratic party, and de
nounce nil menas"Itcpubllcans,"becausc they
oppose his heartless schemes to enslave our
poopie, no snows a weaker brain than wc have
given him credit for.
Ihe "tanner's" mission Is to advise and
counsel the people as to their best Interests: Mr.
business is to fleece them to the
last farthing. We shall continue on In the tlls-
cuunje oi our amy, regardless or threats, and
we expect Mr. Holladay to continue on his
present coarse until he is brought up at a
'snubblng-posf by the people.
The genuine ginger pop that sparkles
in tho foregoing is peculiarly refreshing,
whatever may be said of its adap
tability to tho throats of the occa
sion. Give us an editor who dares to
speak his sentiments, no matter whose
toes he may tread upon, or whose pet
interests aro thereby exposed to criti
cism. If such an editor is wronir. time
and tho public will convince him of his
errors; if he is right, the truth ought to
be told, no matter who gets hit. The
Farmer evinces a spirit of fairness in
publishing an article in the issue con
taining the above, signed Justice,
which we are gratified to see.
"Wonder if that journal would allow
both sides of the momentous Woman
Question debated in its columns, that
thereby the hundreds of lonely farmers'
wives whom it regularly visits, who
have no other journal to read, might be
able to form some correct estimate as to
the legitimate object of the movement?
We shall see.
e are glad to see our whilom re
spected brother giving evidence of relief
from liis recent attack of rabies. His
lias been the only journal which the
puonc tieems respectaoie mat. to our
knowledge, has stooped so low as to
copy the Vancouver sheet's scurrilous
falsehoods concerning somo truthful but
humiliating revelations published by
us upon the authority of some of the
best citizens of Vancouver, and which
the aforesaid sheet did not dare to meet
in a respectful and dignified manner,
that would warrant any lady or gentle
man in noticing his calumniations. And
now, brother Smith, as you show some
evidences of returning to your senses,
we take pleasure in giving you the ben
efit of the following clipping from your
paper, asking you, in return, to copy
our correspondence signed C. and the
reply, on the first page of this paper,
that your friends may see that you are
willing to deal as fairly by us as we de
sire to deal by you. We don't wan't to
mislead our readers about your sobriety,
and we hope you do not want to mislead
yours about our veracity. "We shall
see. But here is the clipping from the
"Walla "Walla Udion:
Mrs. Dunlwav thinks that wc "snnlrm" ho-
cause we know the vote of women will do more
to abate the whisky nuisance- than all other
agencies combined. Wc think you are slightly
in error, sister. We have no Interest in the
"nuisance" Whatever, and have Imbibed no
more or it uuring our me man has your own
temperate self, let that be however small an
amount as It may.
The "Walla "Walla Statesman found
something about the "woman market"
in Woodhull which it thinks "might be
tolerated In a bagnio," but he "can't see
how anybody could publish it to the
world." Now, brother Statesman, are
these bagnios In themselves tolerable?
"We have not seen the article in "Wood-
hull to which you allude, but we have no
doubt but Its fearless and defiant editor
lias been excoriating some of the legiti
mate outgrowths of this very "bagnio"
Many men grow virtuously indignant
over the exposition of man-made vices
and cry out against these "women's
rights papers" because they hold up the
"tolerations of the bagnio" to the eyes
of the public that that public, becoming
awake to the awful realities of tho insti
tution, may arouse to the necessity of
itsexternilnatlon. " Men wlHTpcrmitj
and tolerate such sheets as the Day's
Doings and Police Gazelle, and all other
papers which encourage the vices of the
bagnio, or roll immoral ideas as sweet
morsels under their journalistic tongues,
should look to the causes which have
made women's excoriations of these
public abuses necessary before they
take on spasms of journalistic prudery
and raise the stop thief cry of holy hor
ror because their pet and private insti
tutions arc being shown up in their true
character before an astonished, awe
struck world. If anything is "tolerated
in the lowest bagnio" that is not fit for
the public eye, it is not fit to exist even
there. Let every man and woman who
lias the courage to stir up these awful
abominations and expose them to the
purifying atmosphere of public inspec
tlon shrink not from their manifest
duty. It is not a shame that these things
are fearlessly exposed, but it is a great
and crying shame that they exist at all.
In the good time coming we shall have
none of them, and then indecent publi
cations will die of themselves.
Last summer, when we fearlessly gave
our own opinion of the one-sided legis
lation which permitted a man to go scot
free who had attacked an unarmed fellow-citizen,
first with a cow-hide, aud
then with u revolver, utterly ruining
his health and almost depriving him of
reason, our Democratic friends cried out
that the New Nokthwest was a Re
publican organ, because it dared to de
nounce the ruffianly conduct of an en
raged Democrat Since that time we
have sometimes denounced the misdeeds
of Republicans, and the cry Is now
raised that we are running a Democratic
organ. Again comes up the same
Clarke-Watkinds affair, which first
alarmed our Democratic brethren about
our politics, and of course, when we
chronicle the facts, somebody will again
cry out that tho New Northwest is a
Republican organ. Sam Clarke, ex-ed
itor of the Salem Statesman, (.who, as
our readers know, doesn't love any
more than the law requires) sued the
man Watkinds for $10,000 damages, for
injuries sustained from a cow-hide and
bullet "Watklnds procured a change of
venue and removed the trial from the
Republican county of Marlon to the
Democratic one of Linn. A jury, com
posed of eleven Democrats and one Re
publican, advised by a Democratic
judge, decided that the price of cow-hid
ing and shooting, and thus maiming for
life an unarmed, unwarned man, was
one dollar. The evidence hung upon
the defendant's Democracy; the plead
ing of the defendant's counsel was of Si
mon-pure Democratic origin; and the
verdict was rendered in accordance with
Democratic ideas of justice. Jud
Strong, of this city, counsel for the
plaintiff, himself a Democrat, argued
that this was the first occasion, in ail
ins practice at tho bar, where party pol
itics had been allowed to sway a judge
or jury.
We hope Clarke will, if possible, carry
this matter to n. higher tribunal.
"Whether he loves or hates us, wc want
to see him the recipient of justice, and
we know he did not get it in the Linn
county court
Tills woman slanderer, this flippant-
tongued simpleton, this brazen faced
sham, this bilk and cheat, who peram
bulated through Oregon and Washing
ton last fall, making frantic eflorts to
Induce all men to believe that all worn
en were as bad as herself; who went
away Indebted for advertising and hall
rent from almost every town she visited:
who took up with a fifth rate showman
and passed him through the country,
sometimes as her uncle, sometimes as
ner nusuauu, and sometimes as her
agent, and with him made a raid into
Victoria lecturing upon the downfall of
the United States Government; who
purchased large quantities of Victoria
merchandise and decamped without
making payment; who purchased a city
residence for $3,000, and a farm for
$15,000 from the honest-minded subjects
of Queen Victoria, and forgot to make
her payments; who did more good in
the great Northwest by lecturingagalnst
Woman Suffrage than ten thousand of
her class could do in speaking in its
favor has begun to "nip" the Callfornl
ans. She recently lectured before a
large audience in Sacramento, in which
she said that none were Woman Suffra
gists except free lovers, infidels aud lewd
women. Her "male" must have been
lately engaged iu giving her lessons in
grammar and elocution, for Sacramento
papers say nothing about her style of
murdering the King's English which
made so much fun for the Portland re
porters. Our readers will remember that she,
while here, made great boasts about her
"virtue," which she thought would bo
ruined forever if she should once vote,
nere is what Hon. John A. Collins, a
noble man and brother, a conscientious
helper In the great woman movement,
and an uncompromising advocate of
justice and fair dealing, tells about her
in the Pioneer:
When Mrs. Emily Pltt-s Stevens, at the close
or her lecture, extended to Mrs. Frost her liand
aud congratulated her upon her ability to
make so effective a discourse on the wrong side
of the question, she exhibited the generosity of
a noble nature. When Mrs. Frost, withdraw
ing her hand, repulsed Mrs. Stevens with the
Pharisaical remark, "I'm a virtuous woman,
and want nothing to do with your free love
class," or words of similar Import, Mrs. Frost
demonstrated to our mind that she was not
only n conceited, cold and heartless woman,
but as pretentious to her virtue as to her
knowledge or facts.
Wc hope the opponents to our cause will In
terest themselves in giving Mrs. rrost an ex
tensive hearing in every city, town and school
district in this State. We hope W oman Suf
frage friends will be sure to nttend her lectures.
Such labor on her part would stimulate those
women who believe In suffrage, but are now
Idle and Indifferent, to acUon and effort, to se
cure the great object lor which we labor.
The culture and sale of flowers is a
light and remunerative business for
women of taste.
Smoky lamps may he Improved by
putting three or four spoonfuls of salt in
' them.
Knrron If ew Northwest:
Knowing your journal to bo the
champion of progress In regard to this
movement, I thought a few sober ideas,
from a masculine standpoint would bo
In tho Inclplency of every reform, the
opponents are generally inclined to rid
icule it, and thus kill it in the minds of
weak persons before it has established
its demands for candid investigation.
Tho woman movement has nassed
through this ordeal and has come out
better and stronger. Woman's rights is
no longer called a fanataclsm of much
abused New England; but its presses are
scattered from tho Atlantic to the
Pacific, demanding as a right that the
voice of oppressed woman should be
heard and her wrongs alleviated. It is
gaining a hold upon tho public mind,
and what we heard laughed at In our
boyhood is now In our manhood spoken
of in soberness and discussed in legisla
tive assemblies. It is time that we
wake out of the lethargy that wo have
been in for ages past, and canvass and
discuss with reason this subject which
we once spoke of with ridicule. We
have been looking at an object through
a mist and its proportions and excres-
ences have been greatly enlarged to our
vision; let us throw the light of reason
and intelligence upon it, and we may
find that that which we so much de
tested on account of its ill proportions
lias become graceful and even beautiful
to our sight.
Let us throw up the debris that his
tory lias covered the "angel of crea
tion" with, and see whether under this
docs not shine forth an intelligence and
virtue that sheds a lustre over theage iu
whicli she lived. True, we have fur
nished the majority of the poets, heroes
and statesmen of the past, but yet nobly
shines forth the names of Zenobia, the
Spartan mothers, Joan of Arc, and sev
eral others who have asserted rights
which belonged alono to men at that
time; aud who liave not only added
lustre to their nation's annals, but who
helped to make the history of the world
But woman's field of labor has been In se
cret, andlfwecouldonlylook"behlnd the
scenes," wo might seo many a noble-
hearted matron instilling the principles
Into a son while yet in infancy which in
after life has placed him high In the list
of fame. Heroes, statesmen and poets
receive their first impressions, which
finally grow to future greatness, lu the
cradle or on tho maternal knee. The
son is landed to the skies for his talents
and virtues, but the mother is forgotten
in oblivion. The tale of the Spartans at
Thermopylae is read with enthusiasm by
evcryoouy, uui wnat cnronicler ever
spoke of the noble mothers who made
those Grecian youths the "bravest of
the brave?" Not one. Even Rolliu,
the candid and Christian historian,
mentions them with upbraiding. Yes,
it is no falsity to state that history (pro
fane) has covered women with the debris
of oblivion, and that such characters as
have struck out into tho ocean of pub
licity, (like Zenobia, Boadicca and Joan
oi Any nave citiier been ridiculed or
considered fanatics.
Tho history of the world In ages past
furnishes proof that woman was not
only possessed of great mental powers,
but rid of its prejudices and sophistries,
shows that the nucleus of Republics,
moral reforms and social and intcllectu
al advancements were first formed In
prattling infancy and imbibed from
uoblo mothers. Tho world to-day, no
doubt, is Indebted to a Christian mother
for Luther's reformation, and to the
same for the social and moral revolu
tions which have followed since. It is
not penned, but we know that ideas
gained from the cradle liavo ripened
Into acts which have astonished Chris
But "let the dead past bun' its dead,"
and let us give our attention to the pres
ent age of progress, and see whether or
not in the advanced civilization of our
own loved country we arc dragging with
us somo of tho "debris" of history's past
sucn mat tiio "coming" man or worn
an will have to dig up and throw to the
winds. Have we no Spartan mothers.
whose fame spreads no farther than the
domestic hearth, and whose sphere of
labor is contracted to the wash-tub and
kitchen? We have noble-hearted worn
en in the United States, who, If only nl-
lowcd the right, would turn the world
upside down, and set in successful oper
ation reforms which we liave vainly en
deavored to do for years past But
thank God, Americans are arousing to a
fun sense of the right of the woman
movement, and It Is no longer a disgrace
for woman to appear in public in the
capacity of the debater or reformer.
Churches are awakening to the true text
of their theology; and wc hail with joy
tho solicitations of some denominations
for women preachers, who have hitherto
ensnrouded themselves with coats of
doctrine mildewed with bigotry and
superstition. The sun has appeared in
the cast, and the beams of its transcen-
dant light have sped over the snowy
peaks of the Rocky moun tai ns, descended
deep down Into the valleys of the Sierras
and dispelled the mists on the minds of
the dwellers by Willamette's flowing
stream, until the New Northwest lias
made rapid strides to overtake her older
sister the East
Wc arc often asked the question, are
tne gins or to-day competent to exercise
tho newly acquired rights, if gained?
True, some girls are not intelligent on
general subjects. But that is the fault
of tho old fogyisms that we drag with us
from the past Throw open the colleges
(as is already being done in many
places) to girls, and we shall find wom
en as competent to fill the professions as
men. Let mothers teach daughters
self-reliance instead of dependence, and
we shall soon find that woman will
need no natural protectory. Besides,
there arc a certain class of women that
are forced to self-protection such as
widows and single ladies who have no
brothers or sons to support or care for
them and. wo do think, they should
have equal rights with men before the
law. Certainly, thev can mam- hut. n
true woman will not barter away her
persou when sho cannot give her heart.
The "girl of the period" has received
much blame and condemnation, and in
some instances she merits it. Wc know
there are thousauds of girls fed on music
and French by Christian mothers, in
order to charm the ear and please the
taste of some old candidate for matri
mony, who pays the price and gets his
slave; but he lives long enough to regret
his purchase and she to deplore her
slavery. But this is another "debris,"
and wc are glad toheartiiedisseminators
of woman's rights preaching a doctrine
of common sense and morality, aud
telling girls to eoir out of the market,
and mothers that a noble son-in-law
loved by the daughter is more to be de
sired than a rich one to whom the
daughter has been sold. The new regime
will effectually dispel thlsmlst which has
crept into society in company with the
worship of gold, and when theso music
and French dollies shall have learned
hard sense by a dependence on them
selves and a sojourn In college, they
will learn to ridicule this foolish and
wicked notion of weak-minded mothers,
The world is moving in this direction,
and wo thank the propogators of this
new movement for the onward march.
I have attempted to rid the masculine
mind of some of its prejudice, but find I
have only stepped upon, the threshold of
a subject which opens vast fields for in
vestigation; but your space forbids any
further thought on this important sub
ject at this time. Unknown.
Portland, March 31st, 1S72.
Corvallis, Ogn., March 27th, 1S72.
Mr Dun Northwest:
I seo you haven't much news of our
beautiful little place, therefore I have
made bold towrltetoyou. lamonethat
would oppose Woman Suffrage bitterly.
i cannot tliliiK it right tliat women
should have the ballot. To be sure
consider tueir intellect is as great as
man's, If not greater. But If they mix
with the "lords of creation," on just the
same footing that they stand, it will
destroy all the fine sensibilities of a pure
and true womanhood. I think that
women have rightscnough. Give them
what they ask now, and soon they will
be after more. As a general thing
women arc more ambitious than men,
and will not stop to join in their monot
onous life thcygctfalrlystarted in their
pursuit, whatever it may be! Now,
honestly, how would you like to have a
woman rule you? I, for one, could
never endure it. To bo sure Victoria
rules England, but that is quite a differ
ent matter. When our fathers cast off
the oppressor's yoke, they made alto
gether new laws. When Washington
was President why didn't he give tcomcn
the ballot? Simply because they didn't
need it. Perhaps you think I am like
Mr. Stevens in the late rebellion wait
ing to see the popular side before going
in too strong. But I already see the
popular side. Beyond a doubt women
will have the privilege to vote iu a short
time. Well, I'm open to conviction.
wishlcouM think It right. Can't you
convince mo? I have heard that you
will not publish anything in opposition
to Woman Suffrage. If so, I've come to
a ilangcrous place. I nave read your
paper regularly for several months.
always have to borrow It of a friend, as
my step-mother would not allow me to
subscribe for it I enjoy your witty re
torts on some of the masculines very
much. I think you have one of the
best edited papers published in Oregon
But my opinion will be nothing to you
I'm afraid, as I'm only a young girl of
sixteen. Yours witli respect,
As "Gipsy" is only a "young girl of
sixteen," we think there is little doubt
but that she will be "convinced" that
sho ought to have a few more rights
than women now have by the time she
arrives at womanhood. The benefit of
a few "Northwest" breezes will help
wonderfully to bring her latent ideas of
justice and equality into healthy, vigor
ous action.
Ridott, 111., March 17, 1872.
Mrs. A. J. Duniway:! liave just seen
a couple of numbers of theNEW North
west, dated last July and August, that
were sent to a rrlcnd of mine here by
her daughter, who resides near Ellens
burg, Curry county, Southwestern Ore
gon. I like yourpaperand feel strongly
In sympathy with all the truly progres
sive and self-reliant, In whom adversity
has wroughtdepth of thought and calm
ness of soul. Such must bear this great
burden of the Woman Question of the
im-si-iii, uuj-, iur me ucneut oi our
weaker sisters. Enclosed you will find
subscription price for your paper three
months. I hope to come to Oregon this
season, and am seeking all the informa
tion I can get I wish you would send
me those Prize Essays on the resources
and advantages of Oregon by yourself
aim j. ijuinn Thornton. Are there any
maps accompanying them? I cannot
get a good map of your State here. I
am a widow, with eight children, poor
in this world's goods, but have health,
energy and capacity to adapt myself to
circumstances, and am determined to
plant my family on tho Pacific coast
I believe it Is a better climate, a better
fruit region, and that labor and energy
are better rewarded there than in tills
region of long, severe winters.
Please answer as soon as convenient
Yours, etc., S. E. M.
The Essays to which you allude have
not yet been published. Consequently
wo are unable to comply with your re
quest. Do not know how soon they will
bo published, or whether they will be
published at all.
Gervais, OrcgonrApril 3, 1S72. :
Dear New SfoirrawxsT : ,
The largest audience here last night
that ever convened in the village. All
the citizens of the place were out; even
the saloons were closed. Farmers came
from a distance on horseback, in two
horse and four-horse wagons, aud on
foot. The church, whicli is a very com
modious oue,was literally packed, many
men standiujr patiently for over two
hours to hear the new gospel of peace on
earth and good will to men and women.
Two drunken men were present in the
beginning, who evidently had some sort
of backing among a very small but ac
tive rowdy element, and they undertook
to display some disorderly conduct, but
the constable soon settled them, and
one Is to be tried to-day before a Justice
for attempting to disturb tho peace.
e had been told, immediately upon
arriving, that certain gentlemen were
veryauxious for opportunity to debate,
and our friends wished them ruled out
of order in consideration of the fact that
we had been invited to lecture rather
than debate. So our would-be oppon
ents sat there, fearing that their fine
speeches would perish In embryo ; but,
as usual, at the end of the lecture we in
vited those who had anything to say to
come forward and address the meeting.
A Mr. Eagen, who had been preparing
himself to slaughter us for a week or
two, was called out, and after the stereo
typed apology that "the honor was whol
ly unexpected," he proceeded to make
his speech. He is a bachelor, and like
ail men in his situation, terrifically
frightened lest women will neglect their
babies ; aud he drew a lurid picture of
poor, wailing infants, for whose natural
nourishment their unnatural mothers
had prepared India rubber substitutes,
and closed by the old saw about "crow
ing hens."
We replied that it was nothing unus
ual for bachelors to worry lest mothers
neglect their children; that married
men liave no such uneasiness, for they
know that true mothers will not neglect
their children under any circumstances.
In answer to the "crowing lien" story,
we remarked that we once saw a rooster
try to "set," and, like the crowing lien,
lie made a failure ; so that hen argument
was all exploded."
He came forward a second lime, but
couldn't awaken any enthusiasm.
Dr. Magcrs, in the Chair, took the
sense of the audience as to whether the
meeting should be protracted. Carried
Gekvais, Oregon, April 4, 1S72.
Dear Sew Nokthwest:
Packed house again. Subject, contin
uation of "Women and Politics." A
few questions submitted in writing, but
no debate or opposition could be aroused.
Great enthusiasm. Many new subscrib
On the first evening our opponent,
Mr. Eagan, had said that women, if
voters, could not enforce the laws; there
fore they should not help to make
We told them last evening, in reply,
that we had seen a drunken vagabond
enter the hotel in Gcrvais, and the land
lady, with grace and dignity, stepped to
the door, opened it and asked him out.
He hung his head aud departed like a
whipped puppy; that if that woman
had been sent to the front on the pre
vious evening to arrest the drunken un
fortunate who had made tho disturbance
in the church, he would not have re
sisted the arrest, but would have also
obeyed abjectly; that woman had moral
power to more than match man's phys
leal force, and that there was here :
home illustration of the fact
This morning the drunken man, who
was arrested on Tuesday evening, came
round to the hotel and gave this item
for the New Northwest: "On Tuesday
evening a woman peaeeably ejected
drunken man from the hotel. On Wed
nesday evening I was left in the care of
the wife of the constable, while he at
tended a woman's lecture. And if a
woman had asked me to leave the
church because I was drunk and disor
derly, I would have been all obedience.
I'm a woman's rights man ; and when
tho women vote they'll stop the whisky
The Gcrvais citizens are social, excel
lent people. Wc have been cordially
treated by scores who were previously
pledged against the womaan move
ment Everybody is ready to espouse
it when the scales of prejudice fall from
their eyes and they are permitted to see
through the optics of reason.
Lafayette, Ogn., March 31, 1872.
Dear Mrs. Dunitcay:! have just fin
idled reading Mrs. Beechcr Hooker's
unanswerable argument before the Ju
diclary Committee, and am highly
pleased with it But I would like to of
fer you a few thoughts of my own on
the same subject.
If I were opposed to Woman Suffrage,
I would come out and say, as did Chief
Justice Taney in the Dred Scott decis
ion, in regard to negroes, that women
were not persons in the eyes of the law.
That is what our opponents mean, and
I, for one, would respect them more If i
they would speak out plainly and be
done with it I think the whole matter
rests on that word "persons" iu the
Fourteenth Amendment If women are
"nersons" thev are entitled to vote and
have all the rights and Immunities of
other citizens. If women are not per
sons" they are no better than any other
animals; they have no souls, and there
fore arc not responsible for their actions
any more than other animals, and their
keepers should bo made responsible for
them. And, if women are not persons,
all the money spent in educating them
is so mucli money thrown away; the
more ignorant they aro tho easier kept
in subjection.
But I hope for better things. The
time is not far distant when women will
exercise all the rights of other citizens,
and our (gOYC5!,imcn .wijlfcarry, puffin
action, .is vtcu us in' iiuiiic, me' great
principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence and the Constitution of tho
United States.
Hoping you will visit our town and
lecture on the great question of human
rights that is agitating the public
mind, T subscribe myself,
Sistek Mary.
A friend calls attention to the fact that
Gen. Miller, President of the late Che-
meketi Hotel Company, ha3liftedall
that Company's obligations for which
the State was liable, and says tliat we
have omitted to mention the fact, al
though wc gave publicity to the other
side of the question. We regret this In
advertence, for itlias been nothing else.
We certainly have no cause to do Gen.
Miller any personal injustice, and would
not attempt such a thing if we had.
If our expositions hurried up that set
tlement on behalf of tho State we are
very thankful we got the facts.
Wonder if our Clarke imbroglio isn't
going to benelit the State, too?
In pleasing contrast with the efforts
of a few shoddy aristocrats to do Sway
with the City High School stands' forth
the magnanimous example of such men
as Mr. Falling and W. S. Ladd, two of
the largest tax-payers in the city, who
not only contribute large sums annually
to its support, but who have worked for
ears witli disinterested zeal to foster
its best interests.
Rev. C. M. Blake, late Chaplain IJ. S.
., has the honor to invite W. D. Hare,
elector nominee, pledged to vote - for
Ulysses S. Grant for President of the
United States a second term, to a Pub
lic Discussion ers to the merits of Grant
before the people the same to take
place at Hillsboro, iu Washington qoun-
y, Oregon, during somo night in the
last weok of this mouth, other prelimi
naries to be arranged hereafter.
Forest Grove. Or., April 2, 1872.
Ex-Governor Yates. Ex-Senator
Yates Is reported lying in a critical con
dition. What a warning this man's
life should be to our young men. A
man of brilliant talents, genial, culti
vated and warm-hearted, who by the
pre-eminence of his ability rose step by
step to a uign station; a man to wuom
life was full of the greatest possibilities,
and who could bravely aim at the most
exalted position, and yet what an awful
ran lie nas nau. a victim to a base
appetite, lie lias readied the lowest
depths of degradation, and is scoffed at
ami jecreu uy tnosc who once iawneu
upon him and sought his favor, while
even Ills friends and admirers can only
bow tbeir Heads in grief and sliame as
they speak of poor Dick Yates. His
life, once so bright, so full of promise,
Is now going out in the densest gloom.
Young men, his life is an awful example.
Consider it well, lliere nave been few
fairer works of God, and few blotted out
so blackly. He fell, not iu a dayt or
willingly. He fougut against lugeset
tiug sin, yielded again to temptation.
repented witli a bitter repentance, ana
fell again. Before he knew his danger,
he was bound hand and foot in the
chains of his appetite. Consider his life
well, roor Dick Yates 1 Ualcsburg
tV most calamitous earthquake oc
curred in Owens River Valley, Califor
nia, on the 20th of March. At Lone
Pino tlie houses were shaken to pieces
and the people buried beneath the ruins.
The scene which ensued is beyond de
scription. Groans and screams were
uearu in all directions. iNeany tiio
whole population of the town were
buried be'neath the ruins. Cries for help
and screams of nain from the wounded
filled the air, while those who escaped
from the ruins were calling for help to
rescue fathers, brothers, wives and chil
dren. The first shock was followed in
quick succession by three others. Over
tliree Hundred distinct shocks wore felt
between half-past two o'clock and sun
rise; in fact, the earth was in a constant
shakeand tremble. Forover three hours
a chasm was opened extending thirty
five miles down the vailej, ranging
from three inches to forty feet in width.
Rocks were torn from their places and
hurled down into the valley everywhere.
Through the valley arc seen evidences
of the terrible convulsion of nature. A
large list of killed and wounded is pub
lished in the telegraphic dispatches.
Should such an earthquake visit San
Francisco its fate would be terrible.
Portland Market. , .
Flour Krtra, 6 per barrel; Extra -country
brands, $5 !iogu To. ,
Wheat Market nuscttled. - '
Butter Flno dairy, -tVyjCc per pound; ordin
ary, SVgjTTKe.
Egss Zfc per dozen.
The following persons are duly antlierizeU to
act as Agent for the Nnw Northwest :
Mrs. M. J. Ensign Perttand
0. 1L Wood Travellnc Agent
Mr. M. Jell'rles. .Traveling Ascent
II. II. Welch Washington county
Dr. J. Wntbt Ijifiiyette
A. N. Arnoltl Albany
O. W. Lawson .Salem
M. r. Owen saiem
Mrs. C. A. Cobum
Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson
Thos. Parsons .
R. Pcntlnnd -
Mlis Snllle Applecate.-.-
Oregon Clty
Oreson City
The Dalles
Forest Grove
MIks 1L A. Owens
J. T. Scott, Esq
Mrs. A. E. Corwln
O. W. Morgan
J. W. Jackson- -
Wlln Walla
.sin rraneiseo
MN Nellie Mossman 01ympia
I. T. Maul'by. aireouver
Othor parties desiring to act as Agent will
please forward their names. We want Agents
at every po'tollce througliout Oregon and
Washington Territory.
Affections of the I.unsrs. Deafness. Discharges
from the Ears. Nervous or Cenerat Tkthllitv.
Sorc Eyes, Granulated Lids, Opacity of the Cor
nea, hums, etc.. are successfully treated by Dr.
Aborn. comer Third and Morrison streets.
riirrmVTr thui? t2uci . .. n ... i.
as have resisted the ordinary modes or treat
ment, are the class of nmfadles which Dr.
Aborn treats with unnamllplMi tmoM!t-
CHARGE for Consultation.
Terms Moderate and agreeable to the clr
cumstanccs or the patient, so that all who are
afflicted can procure his treatment If they
wish. nS2tf
I'ortlnnd, Oregon.
Woik done at REASONABLE RATES. u