The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 05, 1872, Image 1

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    Mia. A. J. LIMU'AT, Editor and Proprietor
OrriCK-Cor. Third mill Wa-.liluCtou St.
One rear-
-$3 00
1 751
1 00
Six months
Three months...
ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Reasonable I
Entered, according to the ActofConrress.ln
the year 1S72, by Mr. A. J. Dunlway, In the 0-
nee or the Librarian or congress at Washington
rnAPTEit xiv.
Ellen, assisted by Aunty Harris, had
slyly secured aud packed away such ar
6 wu uuumnl
in her superior experience considered
necessary for her comfort. These things
were tied up In a linen pillow case, for
which a cover of dark calico was made,
,vPr of dark ,i0
anu ner unique traveling trunk was
"I feel dreadfully miserable, dearie,"
t .i i,- , ......
isam tue goou woman. "When your
moiiicr ran away tho birds wereslnrfn,
In the lilacs, and the springing grass
was green and beautiful. The warm
sunshine lit up everything with a sort of
hazy brightness, and the white clouds
lay back in great rolls, showing deep
dark patches of clear bluo sky. She
loved your father, dearie that was lior
sunshine but you don't love your Pe-
tcrDowd. It's no wonder the sky's liko
lead. The weather is so cold aud bitter
I'm afraid you'll freeze," aud she
wanned her wrinkled hands over the "Is this the way you keep your con
crackling log fire and moaned aloud in tracts, Ellen Dowd?" and he leaned for
mer solicitude.
"i love ner well enough to win her af-
fections in time, Aunty. You don't de-
spise me now, do you, darling?" and the
man, wait tears In Ills voice, gazed with
dry eyes into the half averted face of the
troubled maiden.
"Peter Dowd. T'll Inm tt t
i-iease say no more about it now. I am
going to marry you because I must
You made the offer and accepted the
conditions'. I will fulfill my part of our
contract to the letter. Look to it that
you live up to yours."
x cier jjowu urougnt up uis norse to
the kitchen door, and mounting, seated
-r-iieu ueuiuu mm, anu in the darkness
ui tue eany morning uie twain set out
upon their journey through the snow-
. 1 JM A . II ... - I
units to me ooruer or a neighboring
btate, where the local laws would not
prevent a legal marriage.
Aunty Harris, at parting with her
dear young friend, had presented her
with a package, accompanied by the in-
junction that she was not to open it for
a rortnfght. Tins package contained a
ti e ift .... i
ruuoi uiiis, anu was securely Hidden in
Her bosom.
Peter Dowd's worldly possessions con-
sistea or a good, substantial suit of
clothes, the sorrel horse they rode, and
twenty dollars.
Many young couples have started out
In life with pecuniary prospects far less
nattering, who have made life's voyage
successful. Let us with hope and solic-
ltude pursue them in their flight, look-
ing, as they do, to the brighter side of
life's vicissitudes.
"Come, Sorrel, hurry up, or we shan't
make the border by daylight," said Pe
ter, encouraging his horse.
"What will you do if they discover
us?" queried Ellen, anxiously.
"I'd like to see them help themselves,"
was the exultant reply. "They may
not see anybody from the village for a
"But Aunty will send Grundy to the
neighbors' with a letter."
Peter Dowd bit his lips and said noth
ing. He had slyly given the poor dog a
bait which had sent him into death ago
nies, before the quaint gables and many
paned windows of the old mansion had
faded from their sight.
The traveling was excessively tedious
and difficult. The frost-laden air was so
piereing that to breathe it almost froze
tnelr vitals.
Ellen, with her head enveloped in a
quilted hood, lined with fur, a pair of
uome-Knii mittens, the gift of the good
uouseueeper, protectlnc her shacelv
hands, with overshoes of sheenskln on
her feet, and a large, heavy, fur-lined
cloak enveloping her slight form, yet
smvereu in tne biting air.
Peter Dowd sat in the saddle, moody
and silont. Evidently ho was very anx
ious to reach the border, for he soon be
gan to urge his steed forward through
the drifts with pitiless haste; and the
poor beast, that for two months had
been unaccustomed to fatigue of any
kind, became enveloped in frozen foam.
He turn bled and fell to his knees, and
Ellen became so sorry for him that she
declared her intention to walk, and thus
relieve lain of his burden. But her pro
tector would not consent to her proposi
tion; neither would he walk himself.
"Peter Dowd," said Ellen, sternly,
"you're cruel as the grave. Remember,
this horse is the only piece of property
you possess. Y'ou will kill him before
we reach our destination. Besides, It's
wicked to overwork him so."
"That's my lookout, my dear. But
yonder Is the spire or the village church.
Day is breaking now, and we are almost
Upon nearing the village the road be
came more passable, and just as the
morning sun, in a lurid garb of molten
atmosphere, gazed forth upon the lurid
landscape, the young couple halted in
front of the tavern, next door to the in
telligence office, where, a few short
months before, Ellen Dowd had met her
The drowsy landlord was aroused with
difficulty. Evidently he was not accus
tomed to early rising.
Ellen was ushered into a square apart
ment designated as "the parlor," where
the air seemed even more intensely cold
than the frost-laden breeze outside.
"For the love of mercy, Peter, let us
have a fire!" she exclaimed, shivering
In every nerve. "My very marrow is be
coming frozen."
Soon the large sheet Iron stove -was
aglow with a ruddy heat, and Ellen
crouched behind it on the dingy carpet,
warming ner benumbed feet and lingers,
, ., . M.ppfca tlnn-i1 win,
i ,". . , , '"""i1
Ta$ f "d , ,,e5 fro,zfn
. . . -bu uursc
m cnar OI a Broora. a entering, sat
down opposite the timid, shrinking form
of the child-woman, whom It seemed
that the very fates and furies had en
trusted to his keeping; and sitting there,
cioua ot momentary humiliation
passed over his face, as though he felt
that he was taking advantago of that
young creature's helplessness in thus
claiming her as his own.
"0, Peter Dowd, my father's cousin,"
8:11(1 :L1Ien pleadingly, "I entreat you
t0 E back to my grandfather. You
have Uone a ereat and manly and noble
deed In thus rescuing me from a fate I
loaineu ana dreaded, and now I beg that
you wlu 6 and leave me."
ward and gazed long and earnestly into
her eyes. "I have sent for a macis
Irate, and we are to be married at nine
o'clock. Are you willing to revoke your
vow, stultify yourself and make a vll-
Inge laughing-stock of the man whom
you have promised to love, honor and
"God help me," said the frichtcned
child. "I know not what to do."
"I know very well what you will do,
niy charming little one," was tho mean
i"gly smiling answer, as Peter T)ow.l
drew near to her and began chafing her
"an irozen nanus. "You'll bo my own
sweet little wife, and we'll work toeethcr
au through life as an honest, lovinir
couple ought to do."
"Hut I do not love you, Peter Dowd
a-ta . .
U'lease let us postpone this marriage. I
can teach music, cook, do chatnberwork,
wash, make butter, or do anything else
mat oilers, lou can find a situation
somewhere, and we can get married in
a few years. Let's not be too hasty
Remember that If we once get married
there Is no undoing our error then."
t tmi. i . . ...
"mar, my uear, is the. very reason
why I Insist upon the marriage now. I
I know very well that if it is postponed
old lvIIIIngsworth will get you, and
then, of course, we'll never marry at
"That grinning old ghoul ugh! that
settles it! I'm ready for the sacrifice.
I'll become your wife this minute, Peter
"Oh, you needn't be in a hurry, dar
Hng," leaning forward and giving her a
fervent kiss. "We are not to be married
till nine o'clock."
"Then, Peter Dowd, I have one request
to mako of you. For two hours longer
I am to have the privilege of belonging
to myself. I want to be left alone dur
ing that time. "Will you leave me till
the magistrate conies?"
"But I have ordered breakfast, Ellen.
We shall want food, you know."
"Peter Dowd, I declare to you that
food will choke me. Think you that I
will waste the last precious hours of my
maidenly freedom by eating breakfast?
Leave me this instant, and do not come
into my presence again before the clock
strikes the fatal hour of nine. If you do
I will not marry you."
The groom elect reluctantly obeyed.
Once alone in the apartment, Ellen
Dowd began pacing hurriedly up and
down the floor, with her hands tightly
clasped over her burning face. Thoughts
of her sisters; of her parents whom she
had never seen; of her well remembered
cabin home; of her aged grandparents
in their cricf and comlnc poverty; of
good Mrs. Harris ; then of her months
and years of study; of Mrs. Brandon and
thegipseys; and again of the dwarfed,
deformed old man, who had lain such
deep schemes to possess her and the
D'Arcy estate, chased each other through
her dizzy brain.
"There is some strange and awful fate
hanging over me," she said. "I'm sure
of that. Why are women so helpless?
wuo would think of compelllm: a boy
to marry against his will at seventeen?
Who would think of compelling a man
to marry, myhowf But women, upon
whom must alwnys fall tho heaviest
burdens of the married state, are left
with no freedom of will no chance to
control their own destiny. Oh, If I only
were a man! O, 6lster Sarah! O, my
mother dear! O, destiny! O, fate!
whither am I whirling?" she said aloud
Then, dropping on her knees, she raised
her hands to Heaven, and an invocation
for light, for wisdom, strength, submis
sion, endurance, floated up in low, meas
ured cadences from her throat aud Hps,
and reached the ear of the great Infin
"I will not insult Thee, Almighty
Father, by asking Thee for happiness.
I only pray for strength sunicient ror
mv day."
Arising from her knees, the poor child
reclined in a large easy chair, and with
her eyes closed, sat motionless for a full
hour, thinking, thinking, thinking.
Again the wierd old glpsey, whose
mysterious visit at her first and only
party had so seriously disturbed her,
teemed to stand before her, and she
heard, or seemed to hear, the same sep-
uicnrai voice repeat the words:
The mothers mantle falls upon the child;
The mother was, the daughter win be soon be
en) led.
Woe, woe the day, when from thy distant
Thy loved ones urged thee to Uiese halls to
She arose and hurriedly paced up and
down the room.
"Am I going crazy?!' she whispered,
"Yes, I am crazy, for I now recall every
burning word that old crone uttered.
The time has indeed come when I
'Ijnj for the henrso and the shroud and the
But It's to lato to retrace my footsteps.
I was impelled to this course against
my own inclination, and now I must
'Become the glad bride or tho gentleman true,
Who would fain kneel before me his suit to
His 'glad bride' Indeed! His 'tad bride'
the old glpsey had much better said.
But, hark! The clock strikes nine.
Farewell freedom! Farewell individual
ity! Farewell hope !"
Patient reader, do not become disgust
ed with this straightforward story.
Thousands are the women who marry
from sheer force of circumstances, whose
inward thoughts of repulsion are nono
the less real, expressive and hitter be
cause skillfully concealed. Never will
womanhood become disenthralled from
this yoke of matrimonial oppression un
til every conventional yoke is broken
winch binds her as a slave to clrcum
stances, and she, like man, endowed
with power to shape and control her
own opportunities, accepts matrimony
as a choice instead of a necessity. That
very many women do become mated
from choice does not prove that womau's
present status is correct. It only proves
tuat they are often comparatively happy
In spite of proscribed opportunities.
while tho many sad, disappointed, mis-
mated aud misanthropic ones bear daily
testimony to the fact that women need
the greatest largess of personal liberty
to enable them to choose for themselves
such lots as seem to suit them.
Tho civil magistrate, who entered
witii the groom and landlord to perform
tho marriage ceremony, proved to be
the proprietor of the intelligence office,
whom Ellen painfully remembered, as
he entered the room with the inevitable
pen behind his ear.
"Bless my eyes, but this is a pleas
ure!" he exclaimed, nibblnir those
"blessed" members till they resembled
inflamed feline optics, that had been
treated to a dose of diluted vitriol. "I
didn't expect such a denoument as this
when you came, my pert and plucky
little lady, to seek a hired mau in my
office though I might have known It,
for these matters usually terminate just
so. Are you ready ?"
Ellen bowed assent. For her life she
could not have spoken.
Peter Dowd crossed tho room and,
taking her by the hand, led her forth, as
Ellen inwardly expressed it, "like a
lamb to the altar of sacrifice."
A short ceremony; a promise on one
side to "love, protect and cherish," and
on the other, to "love, honor and obey,"
was quickly over, and Ellen became
merged by law into the personifi
cation and ownership of her husband.
"What God hath joined together let not
man put asunder," was the final com
ment of the magistrate.
Ah, reader, does God ever join two
human souls under circumstances like
The marriage certificate was duly
signed, scaled and delivered, the re
quired fee was paid, and the officer of
the law and the landlord, as his witness,
left the newly married couple alone.
"By ginger, Jenkins!" said the land
lord, In a low, earnest tone, "I feel
dreadful blue over this transaction. It's
very nearly thirty years since Ellen
D'Arcy, that girl's mother, married Pe
ter Dowd, that man's cousin, In this
very house. I don't at all liko the stock
of them Dowds. A prettier girl than
Ellen D'Arcy, or a better mannered.
more accomplished one, didn't exist in
her time; and her daughter's quite up
to her. Old D'Arcy's daughter had a
dooccd hard time of it in this world,
and if I'm not mistaken, his grand
daughter won't recline on roses."
"If you had any objection to the
match, why didn't you say so?" queried
the magistrate, very virtuously indig
nant, now that his fee was In his pocket
and any objection to the marriage would
be forever too late.
"I keep a public house to make mou
cy, sir; and If I'd spoil the little made
up games of impetuous young folks I'd
lose much of my business. Can't afford
it, sir. Do you understand ?"
"Business Is business, that's a fact,"
was the rejoinder, and the two sat down
behind the bar room stove to smoke and
grow serene.
Peter Dowd ordered breakfast, and a
pale, motherly woman spread a tiny ta
ble with an appetizing meal of savory
Ellen tried, but could not eat. She
seemed as one in a trance. So pre-occu-pied
was she tliat her husband was com'
pclled to address her repeatedly to
arouse her sufficiently to cause her to
reply to his well meant admonitions to
partake of food.
Breakfast over, tile young couple de
parted for Chicago, by way of the great
lakes. Peter Dowd sold his horse for
fifty dollars, which, added to his purse
of twenty dollars, minus tho hotel bill
and marriage fee, made a sum upon
which he calculated to reach the west
era home of Ziek Hamilton, whose fam
Fker Sra:en,"FBEE Press, Fbee People.
ily his bride was excessively anxious to
Arriving at Chicago in due time, and
finding the weather so severe as to ren'
der the Journey by stago impracticable
for the season, they were compelled to
enter cheap lodgings and engage In some
sort of occupation for the winter.
Ellen, wiser than most young brides,
kept her own counsel about the roll of
bills presented her by Aunty Harris,
and thus gave her husband no reason to
believe that lie could have other tempo
rary dependence for a livelihood than
his own hands and brain ; but she soon
plainly saw that he would depend upon
her, for ho engaged an infant school for
her at terms to suit himself, and coolly
so informed her after the bargain was
The D'Arcy blood arose at this, not
but that she was willing and anxious to
work, but she felt that if her lord and
master had consulted her wishes it
would have been easier for her to endure
the burden. With compressed lips and
resolute heart she took up her labors
and performed them faithfully, while
her able-bodied consort remained idle,
contenting himself by saying that he
could find no work to do.
"Take my school, then, and let me
rest," said Ellen, when the term was
half completed.
Her health was rapidly giving way
under tho double "curse" so often borne
by wives whose husbands not only "rule
over them," but, in addition, compel
them to earn tho "bread" for both "in
the sweat of the face."
"How would it look for me, a man
weighing two hundred, to engage in
teaching an infant school?" ho said,
"Quito as well as it looks to see you
living off my labor," was Ellen's bitter
but unspoken reply.
(To be continued.)
Tills department of the New Noktii-
west Is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of Ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding itpractl
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends the disappointment that would
otherwise accrue from our I nablli ty to an
swer their queries. "Weconlially Invite
everybody that has a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, orascolding togive
to contribute to the Correspondents'
Editor 2Tcw ICorlhicc&t: A few weeks
since I read, with great regret, some re
marks by you touching Mrs. Victoria C.
Woodhull. I felt at the time, that the
period must come when you would per
ceive thatyour judgment was too hastily
formed, from data which would lose Its
weight; or, that in some form you would
obtain greater light and be able to
accept her as she truly Is, a noble helper
or leader in the great cause of human
rights. Has that time of enlightenment
arrived? Yours truly,
We cannot agree with you that we
have hastily or otherwise formed unjust
opinions of this wonderful woman. We
have only judged her by her own words.
While we believe her life to be as pure
as man's or woman's can be, we regret
her reckless defiance of public and pri
vate opinion; which leads bad men to
the wlshed-for opportunity to accuse her,
from their own stand-point, of obscenity
aud wickedness. We have the testi
mony of at least a dozen of the best
men and women of the nation, as to her
present social purity; and so long as we
live as a loyal subject of men high in
political power, whose early social life
the same men who denounce Mrs.
Woodhull tell us musn't be exposed, be
cause they have reformed, it would in
deed illy become us as a woman to de
nounce a Sister, who, granting that
all that her detainers say is true, shows
uo blacker record than docs the present
President of the United Stales. As a
woman suffragist, Mrs. Woodhull is
wielding a vast and telling power. As
a wife and mother, her present social re
lations are beyond reproach. General
Grant, as President, is wielding a power
that is doing the nation great good. As
a husband aud father, his present social
life is as pure as Mrs. Woodhull's. It is
not what these public workers have
done, but what they are doing now, that
we must judge them by. Wo cannot
accept Mrs. Woodhull's social theories,
as wo understand them. We have
nothing to do with her vagaries, hut wo
glory in her work for the great cause of
Woman Suffrage.
Dear Mrs. Duniway : You hae cordl
ally invited those who have a question
to ask, or a scolding to give you, to con
tribute to tho correspondent's column
Now I como with both: 1st. Are you
certain that your aspersions upon the
character of tho President are true I 2d.
Don't you think you were "fool-hardy"
in making such statcmenU? 3d. Do
you think any good cau. come of them ?
I like your fearless utterances, and your
usually noble staud for truth and justice,
but 1 must scold you roundly for attack
ing the social character of the President
of the United States, to whom this great
nation is fondly looking as its present
stay and future hope.
Yours indignantly, C,
Thank you, friend C. We like a man
1 r '.
that is not afraid to speak his senti
ments. 1st. If the "attack," as you
term it, upon tho social life of the Presi
dent had been false, we should not have
dared to utter It. Gen. Grant has many
rich and powerful devotees In Oregon
who would bind us to tho very racl; of
public contumely for thus telling the
truth if they had any shadow of hope
that they could prove it false. No
respectable newspaper has attempted to
deny It, nor will any. They know
better. 2d. We may have been "fool
hardy," as you term it, but we counted
the cost, and were prepared for a thous
and fold more "indignation" than we
have received. One -man only stopped
his paper, and he writes us that if he
had believed the accusation fine, ho
would have been glad to see it published.
3d. Much good has already come of that
exposition. Men by hundreds are seeing
tho injustice of their attacks upon the
social character of leading women in
the nation, who could not have been led
to see it in any other way than by
thrusting their own disgusting prescrip
tions down their own throats. Desperate
diseases require desperate remedies.
"While we do not agree with you that
Grant Is our nation's only hope, wo
know that uo human power will pre
vent his re-election, and we are glad that
ho has reformed from his early bad
habits. But we demand for fallen wom
en equal opportunity with fallen men to
arise from tho degradation of prostitu
tion and intoxication, and become
Presidents, If the people men and
women so will It. But In the good
tlmo coming, when the women vote, Ave
have no doubt but that rulers of both
sexes will be chosen whose lives have
been socially spotless from their begin
ning. R. P., Dalles: Sent you the "list"
called for in December, but, as the
"blockade" arrived soon after, suppose
you did not receive It. "Will now let it
rest till the occasion of our next visit.
Shall go to Dalles to hold a "protracted
meeting" soon.
Miss B. A. 0., Roscburg : Letter re
ceived. Thanks.
South Salem : Shall accept your Invi
tation. Cannot yet name the day.
Uipy : Your prose is bctter than your
poetry. "Polls" and "beaux" are not
legitimato rhymes; neitlierare "bright'
and "riot" You can do better. Try
Other letters attended to next week.
Remahkaulk Scene in a Church.
Last Sunday eveiiini; a most remarkable
scene was witnessed In the old Church
of St. John's (Catholic! Parish, Pat-
tersou. The Rev. William McNulty, pas
tor, at all the mornlnir masses had read
Bishop Bayley's Lenten pastoral, and
feelingly dwelt upon the passage where
in the Bishop declares that "the spec
tacle of a strong man behind a bar deal
ing out crime, misery and death, instead
of earning an honest living In some
manly way, was the most pitiable sight
imaclnablo." He announced that the
old church, in which they had worshiped
ror years, would be opeued that even
ing for the purpose of administering the
total abstinence pledge to all who
in I slit wish to commence Lent in this
praiseworthy mnnner, and that he had
nvited the president oi tne uitnouc
State Temperance Union to deliver an
address, aud would himself address to
tnem some exhortations on tuo subject.
About two thousand people were packed
in the old church at seven o'clock. The
altar was hidden away behind draperies
aud banners, a platform being erected
in tront. l'ews anu aisles on tne uoor
and galleries were crowded. Tho pastor
delivered an impressive address which
was listened to with breathless attention
and introduced Mr. J. W. O'Brien,
of the State Union, who spoke for an
hour. Father McNulty then called upon
his people to join the army of teetotalers,
aud told those so disposed to stand up.
in an instant miiy 1,000 people were on
their feet. Thcv repeated the pledce
aloud, and received tho priest's benedic
tion. The Presidents or bt. i-atricn's,
St. Joseph's, St John's (of Patterson),
and Passaic St. Patrick's societies were
on tho platform. The meetings was
compared to one of O'Connell's monster
emancipation meeting. A". 3' Herald,
rcb. -lsf.
Mahk Twain on Wojian Suffraqe.
Mark Twain says that when women
frame laws, the first thing they will do
will be to enact:
1. That all men should be at home at
ten i sr.. without fail.
2 That married men should bestow
considerable attention upon their own
3. That It should be a haiiKiiiff onense
to hell whisky in saloons, and that fines
and disfranchisement should follow in
such places.
4. That tho smokniK of clears to ex
cess should be forbidden, and the smok-
inf of nines utterly abolished.
.1. That tho wifo should have the title
of her own property when she marries a
man that hasn't any.
"Such tvrannv as tins," says .jiaru,
"we could never stand. Our free souls
could never endure such degrading
thraldom, woman, go aways been not
to beguile us of our imperial privileges,
fVintPiit vourself with your httlo femi
nine trlllcs your babies, your benevo
lent societies anu your Knuiing anu ici
your natural bosses uo tue vouuk.
Stand back you will be wanting to go
to war next. "We will let you teach
school as much as you want to, and pay
you half price too; but beware! wo
dont want you to crowd us too much."
As Russia will not raise croia much
beyond what are necessary for home
consumption, this year, she may afford
us a market for a portion of our surplus.
No one need starve In this world if the
United States are Informed in season.
Of all the disagreeable habits the
world was ever tormented with, scolding
Is the most annoying. To hear a saw
filled, to hear a peacock, scream, or an
Indian yell, is music compared with it.
From the Democratic Era.
Ye Jiulisnnut Gliost or Kit C'nrson
Like shadows we sat, Hie lights burning dim.
Itanged In n circle Khoaly and erini.
Our hands clasping hands; tongues silent and
Patiently waiting ye spirits lo come.
The medium's brow grew sullen and red
And Hashing her glance she rose nndRlie said
"I'm Kit Canon's ghostr I "pear to your eye
To say 'Kit Carson's Hide' Is a He.
From tho realms' of the unknown and unseen
From the mouldering shroud and coffin I've
Called by that WebXbot poet, Joaquin.
1-et the folks stand aduisetl, I have denied
Uesertln' that gal In 'Kit Canton's Hide:'
Such heroism I'd rather decline
TwasnrldcofJoaqnln Miller's, not mine.
I'm only a rough, wild son of the woods),
AVho never had much of lenrnln' or goods,
A hero of benr and Indian fights,
Such like adventures and such like delights.
But I've been n man, whatever I've been.
And no one can say Kit Carson was mean :
Hut I've been treated mean, and manviw.
Tumbled and tossed in 'over' and 'clover'
jvaa -over ana 'clover' ana 'clover1 and 'over,'
And made to desert an Indian lover,
And cowardly leavo her to burn and moan,
While I rode off with her mustang alone.
in was alive In flesh and blood
I'd nut 'a head' on that met. T would
Hut I'm only a chost and can but mninl.-iln
Joaquin, don't make me your hero again."
Blue Eyes Behind the Veil.
Mr. Edge was late at blcakfast. That
was not an unusual occurreuce, and he
was disposed to bo cross; which was
likewise nothing new. So he retired
behind tho newspaper, and devoured his
eggs and toast, without venturing any
repiy to tne remarKS oi tne iresiilooklng
little lady opposite, to wit: Mrs. Edge.
But she was Catherine toeether her
forces for the final onslaught, and when
at length Mr. Edge had got down to the
last paragraph, aud laid aside the paper,
il came.
"Dear, didn't you say you were going
to have a hundred dollars for mv new
furs, to-day?"
wuat rursv" (rather suortly was
this spoken.) "Oh, pshaw! what is the
use of being so extravagant? I have no
money to lay out in useless follies. Tho
old ones arc good enough for any seusi-
oie woman to wear."
Mrs. Edee, cood meek little soul that
she was, relapsed Into obedient silence.
bue only sighed asoit inward sigh, aud
presently began a new attack.
iienry, win you go with me to my
aunt's, to-night?"
"Can't you go alone ?"
"Alone, how it would look!" Mrs. E's
temper for sho had one, though It did
not often parade itself was aroused.
"You arc so neglectful of those little at
tentions you used to pay me once; you
never walk with me, nor pick up my
handkerchief, nor notice my dress as
you once did."
"Well, a fellow can't be forever wait
hig on women, can he?" growled Mr.
"You could be polite enough to Mrs.
waters, last night, when you never
thought to ask whether I wanted any
thing, though you knew perfectly well
that I had a headache I don't believe
yon care as much for me as you used
to." And Mrs. Edge looked extremely
pretty with tears in her bluo eyes and a
quiver on the round, rosy lips.
"Pshaw," said the husband peevish
ly. "Now don't be silly, Maria."
"And In the stage, yesterday, you
never asked me if I was warm enoueh.
or put my shawl around me, while Mr.
Brown was so aflectionato to his wife.
It was mortUvlinr cnouirli. Henrv: in
deed it was."
"I didn't know women were such
fools," said Mr. Edge, as he drew on his
overcoat, to escape the tempest which
was fast approachincr. "Am I the sort
of man to make a nlnnyof myself doing
wiu pome to any sort oi a lemaie creat
ure? Did you ever know me to be con
scious whether a woman had on a shawl
or a Bwallow-tailed coat?"
Maria eclipsed the bluo eyes behind a
little pocket handkerchief, and Harry,
tho savage, banged the door loud enough
to give Betty in the kitchen a nervous
"Raining again! I do believe wo are
oing to have a second edition of tho
eluec," said Mr. Edee to himself, that
evening, as ho ensconced six feet of ini
quity in the southwest corner of the car
at the city hall. "Go ahead, conductor,
can't you see we are full, and it is dark
"In one moment sir," said tho con
ductor, as he helped a little woman, with
a basket, on board. "Now, sir, move up
a iiitie, li you piease."
.Mr. i-Mco was exceedingly comforta
ble and did not want to move, but the
light of the lamp falling on the pearly
forehead and shinine eolden hair of the
comer, he altered liis mind aud moved
" wuat lovely oyes," quoth he, men
tally, as ho bestowed a smcle acknowl
edging smile. "Real violet, the very
color I most admire! Bless me! what
eyes. There, she has drawn a confounded
veil over her race, and the light is as dim
as a tallow dip; but those were pretty
The fair possessor of thoso bluo eyes
shivered slightly aud drew her mantilla
ciose arounu ner shoulders.
"Are you cold, Miss? Pray honor me
by wearing my shawl. I do not need It
She did not refuse she murmured
some faint apology for troubling him,
but it was not a refusal.
"No trouble not a bit," said ho with
alacrity, arrancine it on her tapcriue
shoulders, aud then as the young lady
handed her tare to the conductor, he said
to himself, "what a slender little hand!
if there is anything I admire In a wom
an it is a pretty hand. Wonder what
kind of a mouth she has got? It must
be a delightful one if it corresponds with
tho hair and eyes plague take the
But "nlairue." whoever that mvstical
power may be, did not take possession of
the veil, so Mr. Edge's curiosity about
tno biue-cyed damsel remained uusatis
"Have you room cuough, Miss?
fear you arc crowded.
Pray sit a little
closer to inc."
"Thank you,
was the soft ret
coming from behind the veil, as Mr.
rAigo reuecieu iiko an angel iroin a
dark cloud. Aud his heart gave a large
thump as the pretty shoulder touehml
his own shaggy overcoat in a hesitating
QUI I Ul ib UJ
"Decidedly, this was cettinir oulfo m.
mantle," thought he, and then with an
audiuie whisper, "what would Maria
lherestof that long dreary ride was
delicious, with the shoulder against his
ow,". How eallantly he Jumped up to
null the strap for her by some freak it
happened to be at the very street whero
he intended to stop. And under the cir -
A Journal for the People. - -' 0
Devoted to the Interests of Humanity..
Independent In Politics and Religion.'
llve 'I o nil T.lvp Tmas. nn.l TlinM..'.i.i
Radical in Opposing and Exposlng'the Wrongs
ol the Masses.
Correspondents- wrlllnir ovorassnmpil er nn.
tores must make known their nama n t.
Editor, or no attention will be given to their
cumstancos we hardly blame him, when
the car stopped so suddenly that she
caught at his arm, for tho squeeze he
rriva 41... ..1 , ,
u,w- juuuip rosy nanu any man ot
sense would have done the same it was
SU,Ci ,a.n inviting little lily.
Allow me to carry your basket, liss,
timrpaihs 110 m tho same direction,"
r . "'Sei courteously, relieving her
or her burden as he spoke; "and and
may be you'd find less difficulty if you
take my arm."
"Well, wasn't It delightful ? Mr. Edge
forgot the wet streets- and pitchy dark
nesshe thought he was walking on
roses. Only as he approached his door
he began to feel a little nervous, and
wished the little incognito would not
hold on so tight. Suppose Maria should
be at tho window on the lookout, as she
often was, how would she interpret mat
ters? He could not make her believe
thatlie only wanted to be polite to the
fair traveler. Besides, his sweeping de
clarations in the morning she would be
sure to recall them. As he stopped" in
front of the right number, and bado her
adieu, he was astonished to see her like
wise run up the steps to enter. Gra
cious Apollo! he burst into a cold per
spiration at the idea of the young lady's
error. .
"I think you must havo made a mis
take, Miss," he stammered; "this can't
oe your i.ouse."
But it was too late she was already
In the brilliantly lighted hall, and turn
ing around threw off her dripping hab
iliments, and made a low curtesy.
"Why, it's my wife!" gasped "Mr.
Edge. .
"And happy to see that you have not
forgotten all your gallantly toward us
ladles," pursued the merciless little
puss, her blue -eyes (they were pretty)
all In a dance of suppressed roguery.
JSdgo looked rrom ceiling to uoor m
vain search for a loophole to retreat, but
the searcli was unavailing.
"Well," he said in the most sheepish
of tones, "it's the first time I was ever
polite to a lady in tue cars, and hang mo
if it shan't be the last."
"You see, my dear," said the ecstatic
little lady, "I didn't expect to be delayed
so long, and had not any idea I should
meet with such attention in the cars,
and that from my husband, too! Good
ness gracious, how Aunt Priscilla will
enjoy the joke."
"If you tell thatold harpy I will never
hear the last of it," said Edge in desper
ation. "Very probable," was the provoking
reply of his wife.
"Now, look here, darling," said Mr.
Edge, coaxingly, "you won't say any
thing, will you? A fellow don't want
to be laughed at by all the world. I say,
Maria, you shall have the prettiest furs
in New York if you will only keep quiet
you shall, upon my honor."
The terms were satisfactory, nml-iMnriu
capitulated who wouldn't? And that
is the way she got those splendid furs
that filled the hearts of all her Indv
friends with envy. And perhaps It was
what made Mr. Edge such a courteous
husband ever since.
Fried Beefsteak to Resemble
Broiling. Heat a spider so. very hot
that flour will burn on it instantly:
wipe it free from dust, and lay in the
steak;! t should brown immediately; thko
it from the spider before it has had time
to cook any part except the browningiof
the side that came in contact with the
spider; lay it on the platter, which
should stand over hot water; heat the
spideragain; wipo it free from fat; and
brown theotherside in the same man
ner as the first. Have butter, pepper
and salt for thn gravy laid on the plat
ter to melt, while the last is browning;
remove the steak to the platter, and soak
it in the gravy, add a tablespoon of boil
ing water to the gravy, and serve im
mediately. When these directions are
followed to tho letter, there are but few
that would ImaeinC the beef otherwiso
cooked than broiled. Is is far before
a poorly broiled steak. If desired well
done the process must bo repeated, not
left in to fry, until cooked through, as
that would give a taste like fried beef to
the whole dish. If the juice of the meat
stands on the steak, when the first side
is urowiaug, mi tne Deei careiuiiy; so'as
to pour It from the beef into the platter.'
If any escapes to the snider, it will bo
worse than wasted if added to the gravy.
Utah in Lixe ox Wojlvx Suffrage.
The recent convention in Utah, com-
poseu oi jiormons anu uentiics, which
irameu a constitution lor a State Uov
crnnient, was nobly loyal to tho princi
ples of a Republican Government, so far
as women were concerned. "Without
diplomatic ambiguity or verbal dodging,
me convention in unmistaKaute inglisu
placed woman's political enfranchise
ment beyond the possible reach of tho
courts or the Legislature to disturb, as
tho following extract from Section 1 of
Article II. of that document will showr
"Sec. 1. Everv citizen of the United
States, male and female (not laboring
under the disabilities named in the con
stitution), of the age of twenty-oneyears
and over, who shall have resided in tho
btate six months, and in the county
thirtv dnvs nixt nrecedine anv election.
shall bo entitled to vote for all officers,
that now are, or hereattcr maybe elected
bv the people, and upon all questions
subniiteu to the electors at such elec
tion." Pioneer.
A youne lady In a nciehborine town
has taken up dentistry for a living. AH
the centlemen patronize her. Whm
sho puts her arm around the neck of the
patient, anu caresses His jaw for the of
fending member, the sensation is nhnnr.
as nice as they make 'em. One youne
man is hopelessly infatuated with her.
Consequently he hasn't a tooth in his
head. She has nulled evnrv Moaatui
of them, and made him two new sets
and pulled them. She is now at work
uu uis miners saw. .tie holds the saw.
Professor Marsh, of tliVni HniWn
expedition, who passed through Idaho
last year, visited the Shoshone Falls on
Snake river. He savs that tho lean of
those falls is greater and the gorge deeper
and grander than Niagara. Thq expe
dition gathered an immense quantity of
fossils, including at least fifty new spec
imens of animals entirely new to sci
ence. Pittsburg has a singular divorce suit
on its hands. The complainant alleges
that tho defendant fell ? ,
love with her photograph that he pro
posed" and was accepted, ",d,snrao
ffall the way from Ireland" te . marry
i.t. iw. , iiicliaiitetl him,
and now has recourse l t'e Ior re
1 dress.