The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, March 01, 1872, Image 1

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    )t gem jgsrtlf.
MRS. A. J. DKNIWAT, Edllor and Proprietor
OFFICE-Cor. Third and Washington St.
A Journal for the reoplft.
Devoted to the Interests of Humanity.
Independent In Politics and Religion.
Alive to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly
Radical In Opposing and Exposing the Wrongs J
of the Masses.
One year.
- 1 78
.. 1
Six months
Three months.
Correspondents writing over assumed slgna
tures must make known their names to the
Editor, or no attention will be given to their
Free Speech, Free Press, Free People.
ADVErtTISEMEXTSInsertedon Reasonable
in r ! i w Wn m
NEwi Ui !J liii til
Written for the New Northwest.
Jly Boy.
Dedicated to my Mother.
One gtanee at the forest and hills,
One sound of the rivers and rills.
And my wild heart throbs and thrills
"With memory's sweetest Joys.
O hills that furrow the skyl
O rivers that gurgle by!
Heed my fond heart's cry
0 tell me otmy boys!
Pair trees, shake hands together,
Nod long plumes like a feather,
And swear to be the tether
That binds them unto me.
Let winds a thy speech,
And all thy fair laughs reach,
Linked to the low white beach,
And to the sun-edged sea.
Tell them in lisping tears,
"Well suited to their years,
Of all my hopes and fears.
Of all my cares and lows;
Tell them I weary am,
And that I long for calm,
Long for the soothing balm,
Dropping with their glad voices.
Tell them my hopes arc crushed,
And all my proud notes hushed;
The key I never touched
That waked the long-forstraln;
1 listened long and well
The sweet notes never fell,
My throbbing pulbe to quell;
My lingers reached in rain.
Swifter than any thought,
Fleeter than message brought
By magic courier fraught
"With lightnings from on high,
riay over my babies' cheeks,
"Where the loud-voiced ocean shrieks,
With a kiss and a breath that speaks
Like a mothers lonely sigh.
Tdll them that when the sky
Sends white clouds drilling by.
And the summer winds arc high,
And low the summer tides.
When they hear the sea-lions' roar
Come to the answering shore,
Hid them lay the long, white oar
Where Ihe heavy anchor hides.
Bid them loose the boat full toon
When they sec the curved moon
Dipping In the white lagoon,
Where the blue, old lilies float;
When the sea-birds leave the river,
And the spotted fishes quiver,
And the homeless breakers shiver.
Darlings, bring the little boat.
roRTLAND, Oregon.
from one rocky ledge to another yet "But vour other slstera wore your "What is your name, little one?" their husbands, which would destroy
more precipitous, often astonishing her- father's name. Don't you think it jus- The question was so abrupt that it the equality that should exist between
self by her own agile feats. And when tice to your mother's memory for you to startled her. voters." The author of this quotation
"What is that to you, sir?" will undoubtedly agree with me that
"Nothing, if you don't want to tell when women gain the ballot, the po
me." lineal power oi nusuanus win be ettec-
The child seemed fascinated. Draw-1 tually proscribed, and thus the equality
ing near to him, she laid her trembling now existing between votors would be
at last, tired out wiiu ner wiiu wander- consent to bear the title she was once so
ing, the twain wouia repair to the barn, proud of?"
many were the apronsrui or pearly, pre- "I will wear It. but nnl r to please von.
-- i .
clous eggs that rewarueu meir searches It doesn't seem my real name."
in the miniature niurdocK lorests. Mrs. Brandon had inet nnoueb to for-
Ellen had expressed such decided dis- bear the mention of studies or discipline hand upon his arm and said, "Tell me preserved. After informing us that "to
allow woman the ballot while still under
the dictations of her master" her vote
would only tend to "strengthen the
chains with which man has bound
woman to his will," he further says
women arc ever to emancipate
themselves it seems to mo they must all
vote and vote together. This will not
be the case so long as their oppressors
approbation of the Idea of a governess until she should have time to become your name and I'll tell you mine.
that for weeks, which at length gathered better acquainted with her pupil, and Thai's fair, Isn't it?"
themselves into months, she was permit- this act of discretionary forbearance was "Certainly; Hezekiah Jones."
fed to roam and gambol at her will, there- evidence of much tact and skill. "My name is Ellen Dowd."
by gaining such strength of nerve and "Pray introduce me," said the gentle- quickly, "No, 'tlsn't."
muscle as was much needed in the liv- man. "Ellen Dowd did you say ?"
ing trials of her after years. . "I don't wan't an Introduction to a "No, I didn't mean it."
But the weeks and months wore ou, ghoul," was Ellen's reply, whispered A summons from her grandmother
and at length the storm king, who for (for a wonder) in Mrs. Brandon's ear. interrupted further conversation, and
many days had threatened the peaceful "He's good and kind and true, dar- she reluctantly repaired to the parlor, hold so large a majority of them in the
valley witu a siege, gamereu ms allies ling, ana it will be well for you to secure where the line old harp, which had been bondage imposed by the marriage rela
and, swooping down upon the unguard- his friendship. Speak kindly to him, her mother's, was skillfully played by tion." I am glad to find that ourjiuthor
ed dale, took sole possession of the soil there's a dear." the hump-backed musician, acconipau- understands, at last, the true position,
and trees and air. Jir. Killingsworth, Miss Ellen DAr- led by the sweet voice of the govern- and acknowledges so frankly that man
The cold was as Intense as any that cy," said the grandfather. ess, making such melody as for more made the law that so harshly compels
Ellen had before experienced ; and "A killing name," whispered the than twenty years had not been heard submission to his own will, and that he
Bouncer, being well stricken in years, child, but she advanced and demurely in the grand old house. freely admits that men who make the
grew more and more rheumatic, until presented her hand. Ellen could lind no excuse to repair to marriage relation a bondage arc opprcs
his kind owner, fearing for his life if left "slender lingers these, but they are the kitchen again that evening, and sors. "We shall find, as we proceed in
in his outside kennel, prevailed upon just the things to play upon the harp, when she awoke the- next morning the pur investigations of Scriptural author-
Harris, the hired man, to give him win- Have you over learned anything about strange driver had departed, and Boun- ity, that opjtrcssors are no part of the
ter quarters under the woodshed in an music, little one?" leer lay outside in his kennel in the
'I sing, sometimes."
wood-shed, stiff" and bloated and dead.
outside chimney corner of the kitchen
fireplace, where he dally baked his stiff- "Can't you give me a little song this He had been poisoned
ening joints and enjoyed the luxury of evening?" (To be continued.)
high life as though he had been to the "I can, but I icon'.."'
i-- I 4 1 1 e . - .
mauur uuru. -v iwk ui surprise was loiiowed by a tjq WHOM IT MAY 00N0ERN,
.eaten was standing at tue parior win- uiush, wuiuu cxicnucu over his shining
dow in the dusky twilight The snow pate and kindled into a ruddy glow at
was falling in blinding fury, filling up the the roots of his straggling side locks.
the idea of woman's enfranchisement in
all the multifarious bearings in which it
5- ed rows of rotten teeth "And you won't baa becn tcU b those who per- crn
say t when you learn to know me bet- sistcntiy oppose the movement, I will Ioolf
Entered, according to the Act of Congress, In
the year IS72, by Mrs. A. J. Dunlway, In the Of
flee of the Librarian of Congress at Washington
To correctly delineate the many inci
dents of the weary journey of our friends
toward the distant rising sun would oc
cupy a space beyond the limits of this
narrative. Other and more thrilling
phases in the life of Ellen Dowd are
waiting to be narrated, and for this rea
son we must hasten forward.
The autumn with its golden fruitage
had blazed upon the earth ere the haven
of the D'Arcys home was reached.
Chesnut trees dropped their bounteous
fruitace in the crav. old woods, and
squirrels chattered to each other from
the laden branches. Apples fell contin
ually from their leafy lairs, and luscious
pears fell helpless from the parent stem
The long, wide walks around the quaint
D'Arcy mansion were beautifully bor
dered with box and myrtle. Chickens
cackled in the baniyard ; birds sang in
the groves; lambkins capered on the
hillside; cows grazed in the meadows
horses galloped over the pastures; the
hired man and his wife, the prim old
housekeeper, who had made the D'Arcy
house their home for thirty years, all
seemed to these long stinted and impov
erished children as so many living won
The two older sisters were soon placed
In boarding school, whore they remained
for several years; and as soon after leav
ing school they married and settled in
the city of New York, I will not pursue
them further.
, Old Mr. D'Arcy decided that Ellen
who seemed the exact copy of her moth
er, must not be sent away to school.
"I'll teach her myself; I'll employ
governess; I'll go to any expense or
submit to any sort of inconvenience
rather than part with her," he said
"But, father," softly expostulated the
grandmother,"wecan't keep her always,
-Somebody will want to marry her some
day. It isn't best to place our affections
too deeply upon her. Remember how
we suffered once."
"But, thank Heaven, there can never
be another Peter Dowd!"
"There's a Ziek Hamilton though
dear. "We must not pride ourselves too
much upon the safety of our lamb."
"Surely the devil never owed me
grudges enough to pay me off in any
more such matches. "Wife, I swear by
the Eternal that I will shoot any self
ish, low-lived wretch who dares lo rob
lne of my child!"
"Well, father, this is borrowing troub
ie. t.iien may not live to be a woman,
She may never fancy a man who is her
inferior if she ever becomes marriagea
ble. She may never get an offer. Let's
not worry about her, at any rate, for
few years yet"
The old gentleman was firm in his de
termination to keep Ellen at li
the child, only too glad of the wild free
dom of the groves and streamlets, soon
, swoc over the separation
from her sisters and her western home,
and grew as happy as the day. Bouncer
was her daily companion. The flocks
aim uerus ueiongmg to the farm were at
first afraid of the rheumatic do but
they gradually became accustomed to
his presence. Accompanied by the sa.
gacious uug, tue cnuu would wander
the grandmother
of articles which I find in the late
numbers of your papcrr entitled, "What
will you do with it?" iu which the
author, iu his various windings and
turnings, seems to have entirely lost
sight of the principles of justice.
In article No. 1 1 find the followin;
"Every member of the commonwealth,
no matter of what sex, what color, or
where born, if free from the tutelage im-
poscd by the domestic relations, should
have the right to vote .or hold office, if
morally and mentally qualified to do so."
Editor New Northwest:
As I am deeply interested, as well as
door-yard, making pyramids upon the "Young ladies seldom sty 'I M0 lo - ' hn
rritn nncfo 'ind IniHmrf friTtM. iliu olmc mo.1' (in Cfiiil tIHt 41. i l.i I 1
and larches with a weight under which have been handsome but for his wretch
they creaked and groaned most dis
4 - II .. rti i r i . .1..
e uiumeu luoiuiau juauu siuw i. I nfT!r n. frw tlinm'hfs in ronlv fn n unrto
and halted at the gate as if uncertain as afraid of you?"
to his locality, while the jingle of sleigh "Ellen D'Arcy, come to me!"exclaimed
bells was faintly heard in the distance, her grandfather.
"Grandmother, do come and look!" But Ellen had been brought up with-
said Ellen. "Here's a man nm Med to lout other discipline than her own wild
his eyes in a great fur overcoat, coming will, and manifested no disposition to
floundering through the snow; and I obey.
oeneve ue-s coming nerc : And l to prevent a scene
hear sleigh bells, too. Come quick!" and i spoke.
the excited child danced before the win-1 "Supper is ready and waiting, father.
dow in a perfect flutter of expectation. And I know the travelers must be hun
".No wonder you're excited, child, we gry after their long, cold ride," and the
,;mUiu ua.cuuj BjmiMuj, uuk ncic suuu uusiesn iircceueu mem to me Xow. wlillp T froolv ulmtt Hnl Mm
A, . , At 1 I 1 -' I T . . . . . I I ...... ..w
BAjH.-ci.iug a iiuiy auu gemiemau uere Kitcuen, wuere a bountuui repast was auM,or of Mm nlmvn Is. m,,M. mnrn lllw
uo are to you uirougu u regular spreau upon u long, narrow tame, wnere crai than many of his sex, yet his con
course oi siuuy.- iiospuaiiiy uau ocen dispensed lor ai- ,inii nm nni. (n.,t.
Ellen's countenance fell. "I don't in- most half a century. isfv our roasonal.lo .lomaml rr noiinni
iciiu iu line -eiu luai amueu;- aiicei- llie 11 U ire 10JT lire in llie lone Old- fivuxlnm
ciaimea. "x:ii nave no more long, i lasnioned nrepiace nad burned to a He further says: "I think vou will
ureamyuaysinuiewoos;anui iiiiave glowing neap oi embers, wnicn sent a agree with me that no person should
to be on my guard lorever, lest 1 say or ruddy glow of mellow light up through vote who is not free to vote their own
do something to displease them when the long festoons of dried pumpkins and opinions and sentiments " I have man v
apples, or which the mansion always times heard of men who dnrl nnl. wlmn
contained an ample winter store. at the noils "vote their own nnlntnna vexed question.
The driver of the sleigh had becn aid- and sentiments" for 11m renoon Mmt earth" in ages past Had but a
ed by the hired man in caring for the their employer, who held opposite glimmering of the principles of the
iaded team, and he now sat baklne-his i:mo 1,0.1 n,toi i.t.i ,... sublime justice taught 111 the sacred
0 uiiiiiiuiui iiuu f?aauuiu likt
The old gentleman tied his comforter shins before the glowing coals, appar- vote contrary to their wishes to dis-
about his ears and advanced to meet the ently absorbed in the one idea Of be-1 ohfirrm Mmm frnm Mmlr sorvlpo. Mmroliv
....... 1 .... 1 0 -
travelers, wuo, preceded oy tne driver, coming comfortably warm. rendering them helpless to supply them
who nau been limiting out tne way oni wny did .nen start and stare at selves and families with bread. Is it
foot through the snow for several miles, him? Her heart at first stood still, and possible that the author of No. 1 enter-
huw siuuu ujiuu 111c uiuau, siuiit; uuui i nicu muuiuu in jieak ueuvjr uiuua ilia. I talUS the Idea Of disfranchising 7J1C1
steps, stamping their feet to restore the seemed as if they would choke her. I Mm rnmnolloil tn vnf Mm "nnininn.
benumbed circulation. No aristocratic ideas of caste prevailed nnt spnMmonK" of mmf lmr. Anronlimr government that offered such perfect re-
Wraps were removed in the outer in that homestead, and all were alike to the last nuotation it would be lust ligious tolerance as that secured to us by
hall, and the two teachers entered the invited to partake of the royal fare so But perhaps our author will regard those our own; yet so long aswives are denied
large, square room with its low ceiling, generously spread before them by the employers as tyrants. a share in the law-making power because
waiuscotted walls, deep windows and thrifty housekeeper. Just what he means bv "the tutelage of their religious faith, just so long will
wide fireplace. As they stood beforo the The winds howled through the tree imposed bv the domestic relations" is t" beautiful structure be faulty. L 11-
crackling lire of logs, shivering and rub- tops, wailed in the gorges, whistled expressed in this : "I obiect to dvinc doubtedly the authorofso.2 is familiar
down the chimney, whizzed through
the key holes and rattled the heavy
casements and the strong oak doors.
Bouncer whined at Intervals, and his
they put on airs."
"Ellen, Ellen, Viiw7 Don't let your
grandfather hear your complaints. "We
are considering only your own best in
Christian economy.
Again, "women cannot be free voters
so long as marriage is a covenant of
obedience on the part of the wife, pro
tection on the part of the husband." On
what authority is marriage made a
"covenant" of compulsory obedience on
the part of the wife? Not on that of the
Bible, as we shall see. Ecclesiastical
rites and ceremonies should not be
allowed to hold political sway in this
land of religious freedom. Is our Gov
ernment, whicli we have been wont to
upon with affectionate and grateful
pride as the nursing mother of freedom
of conscience, just at the moment that
other nations are emerging from relig
ious thralldom, to set up the inquisition
and our rulers to assume inquisitorial
robes that they may judge of our religi
ous fitness to receive the ballot? But,
would not the marriage contract be as
holy and quite as binding if obedience
were left a voluntary .offering on the
part of the wife, the husband and wife
simply covenanting to love, cherish and
protect cacJi other, thus making them
politically equal? Thus much for lo.
In paper No. 2 is the followin,
"Without claiming for the Bible divine
origin or superhuman I claim for it,
both it must be acknowledged that it is
the basis of the religion and jurispru
dence of all the nations of the earth in
which women have any rights accorded
to them." I am satislled that our
author has in the foregoing expression
found (perhaps unconsciously to himself)
the right key to the solution of the
The nations of the
had but a faint
writings contained in the Bible. I be
lieve that wherever its precepts have
been taught and received, therehas been
elevation of the minds of men, corres
ponding to their perceptions of the truths
ta light It has been repeatedly asserted
that no nation has ever possessed a
bmg their hands, Ellen, who was
crouched in the dark comer behind the
jambstone, carefully scanned their fea
the ballot to a woman under the tutelage
of a husband, 1st, because a person
bound by fier religion to obedience in
'all things' to her husband or tutelary,
with the histories of the deadly persecu
tlons which occurred under the power of
the popes of Rome, at whose bidding
emperors and kings seemed to vie with
The lady was a pale blonde, evidently complaints smote - heavily on Ellen's amj wlio cannot by law dispose of either each other in the butchery of their sub-
upon the shady side of thirty, queenly ear. her person or property without his con- Jects; also the victims of the infamous
and beautiful, but there were lines of "There's always sorrow a-bre wing for sent, cannot be a free voter therefore Jeflries, who under the reigns of Charles
thought about the forehead and mouth me when Bouncer whines like that,"
and a sort of spasmodic expression In she said softly to her grandmother.
the tight-set lips that betokened sadness Tut ! tut ! child ! Don't be supersti-
and suffering. The child intuitively felt tious."
that they would become friends, and the "I'm not superstitious, but I know
idea of having a "governess" lost half that when Sarah got married he whined
its repulsivcness. I just as he whines now. And when any
The tutor was a stoop-shouldered, lit- bad luck befell us he always gave me
tie old man of sixty, with a shining pate warning."
and snow-white side locks. As he re- "Where Is this wonderful animal?"
moved his cloak a hideous lump upon queried Mrs. Brandon, poising a piece
should not vote." second and James second 01 .cngianu
Asthcaulhordoes not inform us except reveled " t,,e Wood of those who dared
bvinferencowhatnarticularrelltrlontlie to excrciso tne nguis 01 conscience.
wife is held by, I conclude by that iu- Undoubtedly those persecutors, in their
ference that he has reference to that blind WgtO, thought they were doing
taught in the Scriptures. Tho Bible God service in compelling submission,
tvmlma nlmlloimo fn linslmmla nnil van because 1110 fccripiures plainly leacil
shall sec, further on, in that manner the to be subject to their rules,
admonition to obedieuco is applied to us I We will examine some of the argu
by the Author of that Holy Book. But ments brought forward in No- 2 by our
I inquire, are there not wives all over author. He says, after giving'us to mi
nis back revealed the cause of his stoorH of pumpkin pie upon her fork, as she our land who are devotedly attached tolderstand that the Bible "has received
ing, and when he smiled a distorted row looked up with a quiet smile. "Can't their husbands, and whose love Is rccip- some rude shocks from the truths of As-
of teeth, in all stages of decomposition, I you invite him iii to entertain us?" I rocatcd by those husbands, who do not tronomy and the natural sciences,"
gave a hideous expression to an other- The invitation was seconued by me recognize obedience to husbands as any I "that which accords with Its teachings-
wise pleasing mouth. The eyes were of grandparents, and -t-ncn, giad 01 tue op- part of their religion f Would our is right that which Is in violation of
a beautiful, beaminsr blue, the chin per- portunity to introduce the animal, ad- author prohibit such wives from voting? them wrong or sin." He continues
feet iu outline, and the nose, as if nature mitted him to tneir presence. ne uog There should especially in our land be (though with the expression still wear-
had made an effort to establish an equi- had in younger days performed many freedom of conscience on this point as ing the shadow of his own doubts) :
llbrium iu his form, boasted a huge amusing tricks, and his young mistress, well as others. Again, may not the peoplo that believes in the Bible will, as
lump,- which would have made it a Ro- anxious that he should create a favora- "everything" mentioned in the Scrip- a matter of conscience, live in obedience
man nose had not the effort been so bad- hie impression, urged him to show offl tures, have reference to matters strictly I to laws winch accord with its moral
ly overdone. some of the feats with which lie hail so private between the husband and wife? teachings." But professing to believe,
"Catch wc ever learning sums or iiiu- oiten uciignteii nersen anu sisters, uut jugnt not tne man-made law, of which and humbly believing at the same
sic of a ghoul like that!" said Ellen, to the poor fellow was evidently in his our author speaks, prohibiting the wife time and governing the life by the
herself. dotage, and was not in a mood for fun or from disposing of her person or property principles laid down in the Scriptures,
"Where is my little charge." asked frolic He sat upon his haunches for without the husband's consent-thereby are very different, and we are often
the lady, pleasantly. several moments, wagging his tail and destroying the freedom of her vote be forced to admit that though many (hus-
"Ellen! Ellen!" called her grand- watching the fire; and then turning es- made, with equal justice, to turn upon bands included) profess to see rules in
mother. pled the strange driver, who, occupied nusuanus as well as wives? It is fro- the Bible which they delight to see
"Ah! here's the chick!" said the grand- with his supper, had taken no apparent quently alleged and dwelt upon with af- others practice, they will not so much
notice of his other surroundings. The fecting pathos by men, that a great as. lift a feather's weight to lighten the
dog suddenly appeared attracted to the inauy husbauds are so effectually ruled cross others are bearing. There are sev
stranger, and again as suddculy re-! by their wives that they dare not dispose I eral portions of Scripture which contain
The child drew back as if struck witli pelled. His conduct was certainly sin- of any article of property, be it important admonitions to husbauds and wives, but
a Whip. iy name a .i-iii-n -iuiHi( 1 guiar, auu x.iieii UAuaineu iv uui j.i-i- 1 v. luiuui iu. uaiing u vote I -. uuiiuiu iuut uuuuu ijussulu is (juuicu
she said. mother that Bouncer's actions exactly their own opinions and sentiments," witli more supreme satisfaction by the
"Darlincr." said her grandmother, ner- expressed her own feelings. without first obtaining the consent of opponents of Woman Suffrage than
vously, "your grandfather has adopted Supper over, the tutor and governess tneir respective wives, isow will not "wivessubmit yourselvesuntoyourowi
you as Ellen D'Arcy, and that is now returned with the grandparents to the our author attend to the immediate dis- husbands." I do not certainly know, as
vour lejral name, it was the maiden great parlor, while Ellen lingered to ca- iranciiiscineut 01 nusuanus . According our author does not say, whether he in
name of your mother, who died to give ress the dog. to 111s ruies expressed 111 the quotations tends this or any other passage 111 par-
you life. Will you not wear it?" The strange kitchen guest threw off above, it would be perfectly just ticular, when he speaks of the authority
It was not my father's name, I his reserve as soon as the quartette had "id, to allow women so bound to vote which husbands exercise over wives, but
though." I departed. 1 would m effect be giving two votes to 1 1 shall venture a few remarks concern
father, rubbing his hands. "Mrs. Bran
don, my adopted daughter, Ellen D'Ar-
j -
ing its real significance. If the reader
will take the trouble to turn to the fifth
chapter of Ephesians, and beginning
with the twenty-second verse, reading
to the end of the chapter, it will be
found that Paul in this chapter brings
forward the relations existing between
husbands and wives as the figure of a
perfect -church, for he says in verse
thirty-second: "This is a great mystery:
but I speak concerning Christ ami the
church." The next verse begins thus:
'Nevertheless let every one of you in
particular so love his wife even as him
self, and the wife see that she reverence
her husband." The word "nevertheless"
ndicates with certainty in what light
Paul intends his readers to interpret the
entire latter portion of the chapter, and
I feel very confident that if husbands so
loved their wives even as themselves
wives would find rib difficulty in rever
encing them, were it not that men
roll tliis particular portion of Scripture
as a sweet morsel under their tongues,
to the exclusion of all others, so that
even the words of the blessed Saviour,
'Do unto others even as yo would that
others should do unto you," are passed
unheeded by them in their haste to
quote Paul, I should expect that when
they do at last comprehend the entire
freedom which wives will enjoy wlieu
the civil law ceases to uphold the tyran
nical mandates of husbands, they will
"chew the cud of bitter fancy" without
reserve. But admitting that tho "civil
ami religious institutions of all ages"
have placed the wife and the children,
equally, under the tutelage of the hus
band, docs it necessarily follow that, ill
au enlightened nation, whose laws arc in
tended to govern au entirely free people,
the laws cannot be so arranged that they
may be equally agreeable to the wife as
well as to the husband? It is certainly
a singular spectacle to witness in this
country renowned for its intelligent and
progressive ideas, meu, right in the light
of truth and science, unblushingly advo
cate oppression, toward those, too, for
whom they profess to entertain the ten-
derest regard. It truly is a sight at
which men and angels might with pro
priety weep. But if it is true that
woman has been regarded toy the "civil
and religious institutions of all nations
and ages" as under the control of their
.husbands, thus rendering them oliti
caily impotent, how is it that all nations
and ages have ever recognized the
sovereign power of women as rulers
over empires and kingdoms, which they
certainly have done, as far back at least
as profane history gives information
concerning governments. We shall not
here enumerate the wives and mothers
ho arc described throughout the his
tories of nations, as having successfully
governed empires and kingdoms, at the
same time attending to their wifely and
motherly duties as well, but come at
once to cite one who iu our own time
lias rendered her name illustious by
the noble character she has manifested
both in public and in private Victoria
of England. She was a devoted wife,
now a widow, always an affectionate
mother, and has been throughout her
entire womanhood and still is a success
ful ruler of her country. We have the
testimony of Mr. D'Israeli that her pub
lic duties were always and arc now
numerous and arduous, but thoroughly
performed. But there is an explanation
regarding the independence of woman
which it would seem our author has not
thought of. Has it never occurred to
him and others whose tongues and pens
have moved so freely on this question
within the last few years, that tt?c, like
themselves, are free moral agents? Is
it wise for men at the present time to
arrogate to themselves power, of which
Paul (judging from the persuasive char
acter of his writings) never dreamed
that men with their creeds and bigoted
dogmas should Inspire their fellow men
with the idea that husbands, be they
ever so bestial and degraded in infamy,
are placed here for the purpose of forcing
their wives into heaven, where, because
of their own moral unfitness, they cair
not enter .' au, gentleman, you are
entirely too kind ! Your dose may be
very sweet to you, but it proves very
nauseating to those to whom you delight
to administer it Cannot you perceive
that the Scriptures arc offered to us on
precisely the same terms that they are
to you namely, for our acceptance or
rejection, the consequence of our decision
to forever rest upon ourselves and not
upon you ? Or are you willing to repre
sent us at the last great assize, as you
insist upon doing now? If we shall
stand as our own representatives then.
so we may stand now.
As our author in No. 2 endeavors to
impress us witli the fact that our Gov
ernment is based upon the principles
laid down in the Bible which are
founded upon justice he .certainly
ought to find no fault if we wish to act
upon that impression. But I ask, is the
Bible partial, giving one law for the
government of the husband and another
for the government of the wife persuas
ion for the former, force for the latter?
I trow not, if I shall be permitted to in
terpret lis precepts for myself. Is our
author or any other person so utterly
regardless of reason as to entertain the
Idea even for a moment that Paul, wlmn
he speaks of "the man being the head
of the woman, wen as Christ is head of
tne uiiurcu," intended in this figure to
meiuuu imiueis auu atheists who. how
ever much they may respect mau-made
laws, have not the slightest regard for
the laws of God as expressed in the Bi
ble? That such men, together with an
innumerable multitude of drunken,, las
civious debauchees, should venture to
take up the language of Paul, exclusive
ly designed for the admonition of file
humble followers of Jesus, and use it to
further their own selfish schemes, is
nothing less than the most outrageous
blasphemy. But if our author will
search the Scriptures with care, he will
find Paul giving utterance to this : "Ho
that givetli his daughter in marriage
doetli well, but he that giveth her not
in marriage doetli better;" all of which
I feel bound to believe, 1st, because I
have perfect faith in the inspiration of
Paul's teachings ; and, 2d, if husbands
intend to call in the aid of the civil law
to assist them in the subjugation of
wives, daughters had much better re
main, tinder God, the arbiters of their
own destinies than link themselves in
marriage with men who, having the
power, do not lack the will to compc j
submission, regardless of justice. But
last finishing, nourishing flourish
the author in No. 2 tells us that "voting
is nothing Itself it is only a means to
gain an end." That is the very reason
we desire the ballot, that we may assist
11 gaining a good end, and that we may
enjoy the freedom which men declare is
so precious to them.
Again, lie asks, "Have you considered
the terrible consequences that may re
sult to yourselves by abolishing tho
marriage relations?" Who desires tho
abolition of the marriage relation? Cer
tainly not the majority of women, for
they entertain the highest veneration
for that institution. Do the majority of
men regard the marriage institution
with reverence? If so, then there will
be no abolition of "marriage relations,"
and these "terrible consequences" need
not result from the enfranchisement of
By reference to the quotation given in
the first part of this artiele it will bo
seen that our author admits that women
who arc "free from the tutelage of the
domestic relation" should be allowed
the ballot. Is the author of that quota
tion not aware that the idea thus ad
vanced is only adding insult to the Fujii
ry wives are already enduring? He says
that lie is willing to grant the privi
leges of the ballot to "maids and wid
ows," but cannot consent to allow those
privileges to be enjoyed by wives. Is it
in this way that our author intends to
perpetuate the "marriage relations"
about which he seems so much exor
cised? Has lie no fear that women, pos
sessed of intelligence enough to enable
them to comprehend the disadvanta
geous position in which marriage would
place them, would not.hesitate to choose
freedom instead of marriage?
In paper No. 31 lind the following:
The marriage ceremony, as prescribed
by the rituals of all Christian churches,
enjoins obedience upon 'the wife as one
of its covenants." I again respectfully
inquire, are church rituals to be made a
political test? If so, it is quite time
that the fact be thoroughly understood.
Our author, further on, places before us
gloomy picture of.the anarchy and de
moralization which lie declares will in
evitably follow the exclusion of the "ob
noxious clause" from the "marriage cer
emony," but 1 have not the least idea
that such a result need attend the en
franchisement of wives. In speaking of
the relations existing between husband
and wife, our author, -an illustration of
his argument, says: "In case a husband
and wife d.fler on a vital point, both be
ing equal, one or the other must yield,
or separation is inevitable." Now, con
cerning this very point, Paul whose
authority I believe holds good on suck
matters with our opponents speaks
with distinctness. He says in such a
case as the one cited by our author.
'But if the unbelieving depart, let him.
depart" If husbands would not persist
in unbelief, refusing to receive Paui's
admonition to "so love their wives even
as themselves," said wives wnnl.l lm
much more likely to yield in matters
relating to the control of the family. .
isow, whether the author of the pa
pers entitled "What will you do with
it?" is already on tho shady side of life,
and, having a wife to whom he has
sung, during the many years past, his
merciless song of "wives submit," with
out once mingling the harsh music with
the sweet refrain of "do unto others even
as ye would that others should do unto
you," or is a youth not yet attained to
his majority, thus denied the delicious
privilege of using his vote as well as his
pen against Woman Suffrage, I will not
here inquire ; but his question, being a
pertinent one, deserves an amwr
When we get the right of franchise, of
which wc have so long been unjustly
defrauded, we will use it in a manner
that will (if such a thintr be iiii
open the eyes and ears of men who are
now blind and deaf to everything that
does not tend to minister to their own
pleasure, pride and the increase of their
own power-men who now seem per
fectly unconscious of the fact that our
Constitution was so framed that all may
enjoy the right to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness, and by the power
of the ballot we will cause tyrants to
tremble. ObivK.
Oregon Cm-, Feb. 14, 1S72.
How the worst man can make homo
happy keeping away from it.