.FEBRUARY 101872. The Herald has been sold to the "Oro Fino clique." "Rosedale" is the latent squsalionat the Oro Fino Theater. The wheat crop IsNiid to be uninjured by the late hard weather. Ileal estate transactions in Portland are reported as being very brisk. The prospect for a good mining xea-1 sou in Eastern Oregon is very good. The HnrrLsuurg Academy will give au exhibition during the latterpart of nest month. Jacksonville is growing rapidly, and is now one of the most active towns in Oregon. The reports concerning the Ilarrifcburg bridge are pronounced false, byjtjiejiif- The Quartermaster at Vancouver is orderinga removal of buildings from the government reserve. ihe Northern Pacific Railroad has seven himdreu.mcn on the line from Kalama to Puget Sound. The winter in La Grande and Powder, River valleys has been very mild. Very little snow has fallen. The ico blockade has been broken up, and boats are now running regularly be- A Jl.T. , a . I . . en mis piaee anu inc uaucs. jo "Wyclie is mentioned as a prom inent Democratic candidate for the Del egatcship in "Washington Territory. The city council of Portland recently appropriated $2,500 to ascertain the best method of furnishing the city with water. Tho Reverend Huntington fulminated against woman Suffrage again at Olympia on Tuesday last. How ho does strive against fate. The contract, for building the Court house in Salem has been awarded by the County Court to Messrs. Boothby, Mil ler & Myers of that'eity. A. "W. Hart, the delinquent railroad contractor, has departed for Victoria. There is much tribulation among in jured creditors in consequence. The Territorial Treasurer of Idaho is reported to be a defaulter in the sum of some six- or seven thousand dollars. That's the way the money goes. A move is being made to construct a plank road to connect East Portland and Vancouver. This would surely redound to the benefit of both Portland and Van couver. Theeditorof the Mountaineer gives an qAAAimf tt lita first. smivnrrmpf ns n 1ml- tAnStfV .-ort time since, at the DadeKw Ut- was encored, and feels Ttoe ifpm .1 adverse claimants to righto in '& Caruthers estate of this 'ty havesgreed upon general terms of i'fromtoe. and are now engaged in seUMtheiletails. - SSSttiilcr's poem, entltlwl "To a IMiierstboajo tie addressed to mSittd.JoaquinMHlcr and which as Bn iblished in the New oimi - gfiing the rounds of the East ern pres. FftlDASft ' T-kic Dalles Mountaineer has news that England has declared war against the ilic United SLitos. It seems tliat in the Dalles have received more news than lias yet come toniaud here. "The right of way" is tho vexed question now in railroad quarters. Some of tho farmers of Lane county have made a pracioal test of the matter, even Eroimr so far as to tear up the track. Considerable litigation is going on about Jr. We have received a concise and rclia ble Business Directory of the leading wholesale and retail business houses of Saloni aud Portland, for 1872. Published and compiled at I. Samuel's Advertising Agency, unice, ira x roni tot., roruanu, Ogn. Tho feature of the Linn County Fair for 1872 will be a grand horse race for the magnificent premium of $1,000 in gold. We advise tho sensible men and women who take no stock in horse-racing to .stay at home and let the jockeys run the concern. Last Wednesday was St. Valentine's day, aud of course the usual amouut of sentimental silliness and nonsensical trash customary on this anniversary found its way through the postofllces. It was also the anniversary of Oregon's ad mission as a State. Murphy, city editor of the Herald, has "resigned." Chas. Newell takes this place under the new administration. The "Oro Fino fellows" evidently don't like the Hibernian Frenchman, henco his "resignation." Alas, alas, poor Murphy ! Hall and farewell. The land excitement In Olympia ap pears to have died away. The railway company have been presented with four thousand acres of land situated in and around Olympia, in return for which they engage to build a depot within one mile aud a half of the center of Ihe town. Gold has been discovered at Canyon City within 300 yards of the Court House. Great excitement exists there in consequence. The ledge is eight feet thick and yields gold in fabulous quan tities. This discovery It is believed Will create a revolution in affairs at Canvoh City. aodctfsi Lady's Booh for the montlis of January and February have just reached us. lioth are excellent num bers, and we enjoyed the readingof them exceedingly, if the malls did keep them back awnne. uoaeys lAiiitft Booh is one of the best, if not the best, magazine oi tuc time. Mr. Lassater, member of the Legisla ture from Walla. "Walla, W. T., and Mr. Newell, of thotValla Walla Statctihan. have been having a little unpleasant ness, a racy account of which appears in the Walla Walla 17iion. Newell called Ijassater names, In consequence of which Lassater pummeled Newell, for which amusement lie was nneu twenty uoitars, According to lieBcacdn, Kalama lias got a bran-new bake shop. Some of the "Wcbbfoot papers poke a little fun at the Beacon for its enthusiasm over the matter, but, after all, wc think our con-, temporary is right. A good bakery Is a very good thing especially for the stomach's sake. By a blunder it was slated in the last issue of the New Northwest that Mr. McCormick delivered his lecture on Father Matthew, the Irish apostle of temperance, on the evening of tho 3th inst. We were a week ahead of time. ilttl prune off last nielli, and alLstenedoly a bJgWyjpIeaseil au- Our many readers from the country who visit Portland should not fall to avail themselves of a visit to the Oro Fino Theater under its present manage ment. Rational, reasonable and honor able amusement is a necessity of the human family, and Mr. and Mrs. "Wal dron and troupe certainly furnish the best entertainments ever given in this city. General Tilton, who arrived in tills city yesterday, says tho Herald, informs us that thessiirveyorsof tiieNoriliern Pa cific Railroad are running lines on either side of Build's Inlet, for the purpose of asccrlainiug jJiicjis0To piosfpractiSl. As soon as the Hue is determined a town-site will be located. The company represents that the mud-flats in front of Olympia will render it impossible to make that place a shipping point of any considerable importance, and, therefore, tiic neccsMiy oi a new town. Rev. Mr. Eliot lectured on Tuesday evening before the "Washington Debat ing Society. Subject Music Tho lec ture was quite well attended, and the lecturer, as we expected, proved himself master of his subject. He treated of the diHercnt stages of the progress of inusi lSlcncetracIriglit stcp'hyiStepifroni the rudest creations of the savage brain to the divine achievements of Beetho ven, Handel, Mcndclson and other mas tens. He particularly urged the cultivu' ii t . . . i nun aim practice oi muic in tuc nomc circle and its study as a neccsarry : means oi ideal elevation. Mrs. Annie Joflrics lectured ou Men day evening of this week before a small but Intelligent and appreciative au dience in Philharmonic Hall. Her sub ject was the "Ethics of Marriage," and was very tersely, ably and happily han dled. It was the speaker's maiden ef fort, and her maniifr u-.m Mimmrlmi. constrained and'itnidj as might have been expected. She is quite young, a blonde of neat figure and pleasing ad dress. Her ideas are .sensible, plain and practical. We should have been pleased to see all the young men and maidens of this city present, and hope she will re peat the lecture soon before a lartre au dience. ThrikOrcffonfanhSays "lliatono day last week a'yo'inig lady at Forest Grove attempted to commit suicide by placing a quantity of chloroform in her bed and then getting In and covering her head and cars. The smell of the chloroform attracted the attention of the family, who by dint of hard labor, succeeded in defeating this little bit of a tragedy. A note on the stand explained all. Her beau had cut her acquaintance and had ! capered with other girls in a manner' not to be borne, mere is to be a wen ding soon, as the young man says he is now satisfied that she is 'stuck' after, him.'.',. The world. Jiastill .some fools Icfg 1 . iu? , utLiM&mW ui i Ajl The daily papers give an account of a horrible outrage upon the person of a little girl in this city recently, commit ted by a wretch named Hoboy. And they also tell of the disgraceful fact that large numbers of men and boys flocked to the Police Court to hear the revolting particulars, who were wisely deprived of their prurient feast by His Honor Judge Denny, who turned the case over to the Grand Jury. Scarcely a day passes but wc hear of some dreadful depredation upon feminine purity, committed by sbm'oZballot.BieldcXiOfttllc Ipjptect ing" sex, who pride themselves upon their prowess as defenders of womanhood. We emphatically declare that nobody but mothers have any moral right to try or sentence that villain, and that fath ers only have a moral right to execute their sentence. A Pica Entertainment. In London, a young Englishman is conducting au exhibition of a very curi ous character. He is tho proprietor of a stud of performing fleas; or, to tiso the words of his own announcements, of "trained Apfcrjus insects, thconjypec inieii!,6rtlieArticiiIataoerta"uglit to perforin." The London Daily Xeics says: " c went to the sight, fearing that our sense of refinement would be shocked; but found, on entering the room, a tastefully decorated apart ment, and several ladies, with their children, admiring the household foes which a whoiesomeseiiseorduty teaches them generally to crush. Mr. Kifeliing-j man, the exhibitor, has toiled hard and long to bring his exhibition to Its pres ent successful condition. Like the ever lasting cookery-book hare, the fleas have had first to bo caught, then ship ped hither from Russia, Belgium and France, or elsewhere, and afterward subjected to a training in which severity and tenderness are pretty equally pro portioned. Without going so far as the exhibitor, who believes the little wretches he protects have intellects', and says he hat seen their brain, we must confess our astonishment at the novel figure they are made to cut, although in nn aire like this, one-oncht not to be amazedinfcsuch a trifle as the aprend of education among fleas. The insects in Regent street draw carriages, act as tug n man-of-war. fire oil a gun. Perform on the tight-rope, draw a bucket out of an imaginary wen, leap aim swing, ami execute other evolutions upon a while, smooth table. . . "These things, However, are not uone by the fleas as by other beings. The vnlmitnrv svstom is nuitc ignored, and the wonder of the exhibition is rather the marvellous delicacy of the ma chinery than the genius of the perform ers. Mr. Kitchlugman, aiter years oi patience, has perfected, a sct.qf Lillipu tian.articlcs, designed and.madc by his own hands, that arc' of themselves of inc rarest Kind, anuinu visnui perceive that they are most ingeniously made for the fleas, and not the fleas for them. Taking the raw untutored flea between his linger and thumb, with a touch that few could command, the pro prietor fastens, by a peculiar noose, a tine hair round the insect's trunk, leav ing the two ends standing an inch or two above the back, like a couple of overgrown feelers. These hair ends are fastened to the apparatus, generally by insertion in the split of a tiny straw, and this diflicult operation having been done without injury to wing or limb, the harnessed captive is attached to the particular jmrrlnx for wliioli if a.tnlotits """Tho-RussIanand BelglaiTfle.i3are lavome pupus,j)ut tueuEugiish breed, otcrmuch starving and training,-be-eoine the toughest and best. "We ob served one on Saturday, however, fret ting in the collar very painfully, and drawing his ivory car with a hop, skip and Jump, iustead of the steady, ea'y trot which the Russian or Belgian at fected. Perhaps it was too much to ex pect a right-minded flea to be docile un der the circumstances in the presence of rudily children and blonde ladies. One or two of the performers were pointed out as having reached a green old age; they had lived nine months, and were now, In the course of nature, Hearing the day of their death. Three or four (months nay, weeks however.are con- siuereu a nam ago for a Ilea to live. -JIr;,3vUCWngma"n, with touching nueciiaii, allows his lieas to live out or himself, which is nothing but fair, see ing that he lives out of them. Every day. when something attcmnted and "Somethlug done lias earned them a flight's ronnsiv lio f.wvl lil ilnolr unnti ftlie back of his hand, puts each iudivid- uaLbetwecn two blankets, and the whole layer into a box, where tney slumber ccuref out-of harm's-way, and ought-to be able to rise in the morning with clear consciences toward all mankind. The untrained reserve stock (two or three hundred; arc kept in a stoppered bottle full of flannel wool. Theexhibitorgives his visitors much information upon this special branch of natural history." THANKS TO G'OY. CAMPBELL. At a recent business meeting of the New York Woman Sutrrage Organization, Mrs. Jj. D. Blake presented the following-resolution,-which was unanimously a'tlodted: Thai' this organlzatloiTpre sentu its hearty thanks to Gov. Camp bell, of Wyoming, for his noble courijc in vetoiug the bill repealing woman suffrage in that Territory, and hones that he may long remain in the oilice which lie honors, to do battle for justice and rigitt. A worthy Quaker thus wrote : "I cx pect to pass throtiiih this world but once: if it. - t . . " muruiuiv, uiuru can ue any Kiiiimess i can show, or any good tiling I can do to j any fellpw human being, let me do it , now. lief mc'not defer nor"n?glect it, " I for I will not pa.s this way again." XEW THIS AVEEK. 1 1 cjt QOXOItrNIOXAI.CA-NDIDATliiM w. s. Mcdowell, m. d., AXXOUXCES HIMSELF AS THR !?llo'si 'JTeiiipoi'nnoe WOMAN SUFFRAGE CANDIDATE i ,ii POIt Full lnrtirutnrs Next Week. ca-"ivm:iti:-sa ' OB-I)Id Mrs. It. Oct Hint 1'nt Clilcln'iiT'-Sa "1rHY, DONT YOU KNOW? SHE GOT , II It at , ASCHENHEIM i. BUIKEUY'S WASHINGTON ..... -V. .MARKET Itfllen! they keep all kinds of Freh Fish , (iiiineanil Poultry." I N. 15. Consignment from the country solle- ueu. nun. I T VI iit or. .oaaaHURQREN & SHINDLER.T.. TYIRECT IMPOKTRItS AND MANL'FAC ij turerHofcTcr)varIetytolt i " r.r.Lon, .it Y JIM DINIXO, LIIIHAUY AN!) COUXTIXO-HOUsn K, T. ,TJ 11 13 1 'J : - i 'Mix... ' r ;r o'ak,'Winut, Euseiiiwd, (brslnnl, Ur. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER I'liln, Ifnlr, Moss, llxrrlslor JIue, ' - Etci-'Etc.,- Etc. 1 . '. : Tilt: LAJUinST STOCJi! Tin: bust coons; THE LOWEST 1'RICKS i WAltE noons Xos. lCfl, .ICS, 170 and 172, Cor. ssiwuou aim r iri.-is., i-onianu, urrsou. ulltf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ACENTS WANTED! TIIK LOT CITY CHICAGO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS, AllISTOKY OF TUB CURAT CHICACO . !'.i(V- Truthful iind accurate A vivid and Ueiailud account of the nioM terrible calamlty L. L,Va .cver !tallcii the civilized worlX gtartlliiB .IncIdcutH. "Hair Itrcadth 'capcu." me learliil ravasex of the Fire Fiend. Tlie it-mil oil error, rnuusciy and U-alltilully II ltiRlrated. Including vieva nr n.f. n.- t.t... and since the lire, still KuMlmcly uraiid In its ruins. Onlcrxvrlliltc filled and received. The fntcst selling IjooIc nvcr old hy agents. Send 31 for can-.i-lni outfit and ux-iire an Ascnry liuioisiinici. Auii ;iimj I4r WONDERS OF THE WORLD. One Thousand Illustrations, comprising f tar llln scenes, arfere.stins InclilentHaud wonder ful events lu oil Countries and among nil leo- ple. A. I- BASCKOIT L- Sau Francisco, Cal, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GROCERIES IX POHTI.AXI) QAX KB HAD BY CALLtXt AT J. P. MATTINCLY'S, Comer of II and First street, Portland, Ore- NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES ' noi.Mns ,t mccaix. Clioicc Gi'occi'icB. Etc ComcrTliIrd and Yamhill streets. iB-HiaiIBST PniCESpald forQounUTVro- uucc. nxu i-Pcrflana'Marketr Flour Extra, Sfl 73 per barrel; Extra couutry brands, StfSVGai. ... ; Wheat SI OVfcl 39 per bushel. Butter Fine dairy, tS'V.' per pound; ordin ary, :Visnc. Eggs atsZic per dozen. Potatoes, per luhcl,tte$$I 01 OUR AGENTS. Tlic following persons are duly authorized to act a.Age,nts ror.tho Ni:w- .Noin-iiWK.ST: , Mi'rrj5KnfiCT.ft..-...iilVrtIarid 1. It. lllood Tnivellus Agent Mrs. M. Jcllrles .Traveling Agent It. H. Welch - ashington county Dr. J. Watt Lafayette A. X. Amold.....;.'.'.. ,, " Albany O. "W. Lawson : ...Salem M. I. Owen .saicm Mr, t. A, Cobum Oregon City Mrs. J. DoVore Johnson -Orecon City Tho. I"aroiis , MjiiiwauKie -The Dalles R. Pentland Miss Saliie Applcgate. Miss It. .V. Owens -loucalla Kosebunr T. Scott. KM1..... Forest tirove Mrn. A. K. Corwin ... -Xchalem W. Morgan... W. Jackson- ym 'il' 1 i".olla Walhi P. Fisher -San Francisco Mrs. Laura DcForce Gordon MKs Nellie Mossman . - Califumla .Olvmnla Vancouver Oilier parties desiring to act as Agents will please fonvard their name". We want Agents at every postofllcc throughout Oregon aud Wash 1 nu ton iTerrltory. NEW ADVEIlTISEMEXTri. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. OATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE l'ortluim as IoIIowk : 1'or The Dalle : Dally (Sundays excepted) at o o'clock A. M. For Astoria: Monday, Vedncvlay and Friday at 5 o'clock A. 31. ttillya'tTj'clrfcli a?x." ' " ' nJ7 J. C. AIXKWOltTH, President. t Oro Fino Theater. ESSES AND MANAOEIt- 0. 11. WALDUON STAOE MANAOKIt IJiVDrHt OFCnC'lIK-STItA GEO. F. IIIUI) CH.Vfi. 11UAY LtlirilESTOX All the Lntc Xovcltlct Will bVlironglTt out lii'rapid RnrloiT. Open Every Evening Except Sunday. GRAND MATINEE Ivery Saturday afternoon at o'clock. Admission : Pre Cirri 1 hi Hllery. - ...... ft) Mat I ! price to all partsofthu houe. to ezrnnx OFFICE onen from 10 a. m. to 1 1. m. when seats can Ih secured without extra charge. iyrtotsyyamangiuhroniciej; yn-. TRACHKIt OF i, iini -iu ItIlltIXS' A.lIi:iMC.l.V MI'.TIIOI) PIANOFORTE GUITAR 'AND ORGAN, REC ENTLY FROM THE EAST. AXD MORE recently rnouSau Fraiirlsro, Is stoplngat J. C. CARSOX'S, csinwr Jelferson and Thlnl Ms,, hack of the Cougregatloiial Chlircii, when - she would be clad to ms nil Interested In inn- btleiandlwlslttto'Ueam'to playii!iUiol-t!iirtet rpOsslliKtlme Tly this tnetliixl n pupil sees at slglit what the fingers lire nsiulred to iM-rfonii: giving a more thorough knowledge of harmony and thorough !ass ; learning to play the Piano and Organ In one-half the tiiiieof the old meth od. PIcnc give her an Immediate call aud In quire what the method I. no .i nouin iroiu 10 4 anu i in !i r. M. Mrs. WHITE is also Aceut and has for sale. Wm. McCoiumon's celebrated full Iron rim Pi anos, of Albany, X. Y. u:;tf LADD & TILTON, , B .2 3ST DSL 0E. BL & , 1'OKTI.AXD .OltEUOX EwtnlllKiiotl, 1S50. DETOSITS RECEIVED AXD ACCOUNTS keiit subject to check ou draft. INTEREST allowed 011 TIME DElOSITSor TRUST FUNDS, In sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS rrom datoordcposH. MONEY UlANED on approveil security, lloiids. Stocks and oilier valuables received on denosll for safe keeiiliur. 1 oiircuoiis mane anu proccetis promptly re mitted. .InvetmeuU In - ReaLEstatcand' other 'pmp erty made for parties. Sight and Telegrahlc' Exchange on San Fran cisco and tne Atlantic states lor sate. I JGovenimcnt Securities Imught and sold. .igcui ior inc iransaciiou 01 an kiiius 01 ri nanclal and Trust Business. nl I 31. I'AltRIMir. IS. V WATKIXS. - W. roiINKLI. Parrish, Watkins & Cornell, REAL' "ESTATE" "AGENTS, (E. W. CORNELL, NOTARY PUBLIC) 00 Front St., bet. Washington and Alder ,Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. -IUK ATTEND TO THE BUYING AXD Selling of Real Estate, Negotiate Iiaiif, Rent Houses. Titles searched and Acknowl edgements taken. . .1 ' WE KCY AXD NELL City and County Property, PIT - TAXES, COLLECT NOTES AND ACCOUNTS, Xesotla(eLoans on Approved Security. Nearly Teuly "i'earsi' Residence In Oregon has made us familiar with the value of Clly and Pounty Property, together with the anuus locations. ' " Tor 'irlro'rinnllon' Appertaining to t be a teal Katate business, par- lies win 11110 it 10 inciriiiieresno niivisewitli Mr. Pnrrlsh, who is the oldest Real Estate jjeaierin tiiei ity. Strangers Dcvirlug Infonuntiou Are requested to call Un us. Wo are pre pared to offer desirable investments in every pariui un-gou unu iisuiuswu ii-miur, We'Afe' 'fTell Snpplled With Official .Maps,ad other important Infor mation, whielf in otnsnM to the Public" - -IARRINII XVAVniSHiA: CORNELL. "nS52m NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal for the People, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. 'ELLEN DOWD, THE FARMER'S WIFE," A Serial Store which elves promise of bclnir even more Interesting than "Judith Held," is now bem: published lioni vrecic to week. Arrangement have been made to secure the Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects of Public Interest. The Ni:w XoirrHWKST 1 not a Woman's ltlirhls. but a Human ltlshtx onran. devotsl to whatever policy may . necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no sex.no iwllllcs.no religion, no party, no color, no creel. Its foundation Is fastened upon me rocK oi h.iemai liioeriy, universal Emancipation aud I'litnimineled Progrejulon. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an inducement tor our friends to make exertions to secure lance clubs for the New Nokthw kst. we otrcr the following list of val uable premiums: For twenty suu-cnuers, at si iucacu,accom nanie.1 hv the cash, wc will sive the HOME .SIIUTTLK SKWIXtt MAC1IIXK. without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. I'rice, $.10. For thirtv-llve subscribers. at SlOu each.ac- coiuiianletl hy the cash, we will glveallOMH SIIUTTLK KkWIXO l ACIIIXE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicely finished. Price, StV. l ' r. . t .- c..k..i.ll.nH ftrt 1. pauied hvthPcash.wewlllKlveallOMBSlIuT TI.BSEWlNH MACHINK, llnlshed In extra style, wltli Ulaclc walnut table and cover. Price, Kit The above Rowing Machines, which arc war ranted first-class In every particular, can he cen at the office oi Oeo. v. Trover. 112 I'ront trect,IMrtland. for nny suoscrioers, ai 5.1 uu cacu, accom- raniel iy the cash, wo will give a MASON 4 lAMLIN POItTAHLK OlttiAX, four octave, slugle reed, with black walnut case, automatic Mellows swell, iwn mow peiiais, impmvcu cen ter pressure reed valve, etc. Price, $.71. For seventy-live nuliscrlbcrs. at S3 (JO each, ac companied by the casli.a double reed MAhOX Si HAMLIN OKISAN; resembles the first cx eetit that It has also a kne ston. Price. STS. or Hcveniy-nvo Kuoscni.H;rs, ai S3 U) each, accnmnanled hv the cash and twentv-Mre dollars auuiiionai, we win give a jiASOji Jt HAMLIN oucjan, or kivb octaves, one mil', sEi.K-.imusTiso ki:i:d valves, im- 1-lUlVEU IIEMIWS, TUC3IUI.ANT AND KNEE- kwixu rnce, ;iuu. " For ono liundrol subscribers, at (3 DO each and twenty dollars auultlonaj, we will give a .M.VWJiS ll.V.lll,l.S UliliA.X, FIVE OCTAVE. KtVE STOPS, TWO SETS OK ItmilATOIW TllUOCflll- Otrr, IJJPltOVKII OR.IH-ATKll SEI.P-AUICHTINU 1IEKI) VALVES, IMr)U)VKIHIKLIjOWMTREMCLA!T AMI LZsl.l.HW .UUU 1UIj., lll.Vl'Ar FLUTK. TltKMUIVNT. IT ce. S12V. Thosn who desire to work for these nremlums can send the names mid monev an fjtioi re ceived. The subscrilers will le placed to their credit, ami if enough names are not received uuring me year 10 procure ine premium ue slrcd tliey canchooen leserprcmlum,orthey wlll l eutitleil to receive twviitv-Uve percent. In cash of the amount remitted "for their labor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As THE New Xoimi west has already proved a popular Min-c. we an- divided tliat ft sliall also prove a TTiir Mm. To enable our friend- who may decide to can vass for our paper to lienetlt both themselves and us by Increa-liigourSuliscrlntioii Lists, we projxise to give the following additional l're mlums to canva-ssers : Any suhscrilier who Is in arrears for Hie Xew Noirrii wt-st, who will send ushls orherown sulcriptlon fin, anil one new subM'rilKr, ac minpmiletl by the cash -B UI we will give: A iwir larlan Marble Va-es; Or a llolii'iotait 11um VrtM; lira iMliemian onis i-sinl iteeeiver; Or J4 dozen Ivory Xnpkln Rings; Or Vs. dozen Plated Tea Hnoon: Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Or a spangled I July's Fan, leathered edge; OralllnlCuge; Orau Album for holding MO pictures: (Irnn Album (extra) forholillng"ii)plvlures: Orn Fancy lA'tterCnse: fit- ti Uir 1'ikllot rtl..lw ..t.,.ll... chalk, l.eriiimery. etc.; ' irn ltritannlaTea I'ot; Ora Kerosene Lamp; 1 Or 1 dozen lilass (ioblcls; firiitiireti :i:ikXtntihii.n.- Ora large Olass Fruit Dish;' )ra Work Basket; Ora Fine Kmbmldereil Hiindkervhief; Or V- dozen IJneu Handkerehif; OraWslcii Table Cover; OrM dozen Table Xupklns; Or Ji dozen Towels; Or au elegant Portiiionla. Any suliscrllH-r who Is In nrrears tor a year's subscription, and who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscrlliers, ac companied by the cash making j!) iw we will send : A set oi Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted: Oru set of Rogcrs'TableSpoons.trlple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or a set of Rogers' Ten Shhius, triple plated, 011 white metal, warranted; Or H dozen Rogers' Russcll'H Table Knives, ncsifiuaiii.v, wamimcu; ' Ora handsome Bin! Cage. Any persojj In arreorsforsubscription to Tun Nkw NonTliwi-sT, who will semi his or her subscription fee and three new Mihcrileni, ac companied hy the cash, making I2 00, we will send : A handsome Mui-salllcs Quill; Ora handsome Woolen uulll. red and while or blue and white; OrupalrorTable Cloths; Or two iwlrs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three ltalrs Alexandre's Kldtiloves. any color or size: Or a Japanese Inlaid Work Box; Or l.S yards liest yd. wldo sheeting. For seven subcrllers at S3 1)0 each, amount ing in s'.'i uj. wo win semi : An extra Castor, triple plated, on whlto metal valued at S9 Ml; Ora Ud".s writing Iicsk.orcsiual vuiue; OraCabtnct.Jaiwnese Inlaid: Or an Kxtni Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all valuable, and are war ranted to lie Just as we represent I hem. Per sons living 111 1111s city orwuocan visuuscan receive these articles fmm our own hands at an hours notice; or ir not convenient in visit us, we will send the articles by express to any ad dress. No order of this kind will receive attention unless the cosh accomnanle It. semi monev In lVistoillce orders at the cus tomary rates of currency, or send draft If pre ferred. ah micrs nroiiinuv aiientieti 10. We liieen-lv hone that this unparalleled offer, which l a new feature In the newspaper business in Oregon, will mcei wiiu a nearry re siionse fnuii the many friends of our paper, who up to this time have seemed to rail to real ize that Tin: Nkw Xoirriiwnrr cannot be run without money. Xow is the time to makeup Mniui lietnre some other person gets the start of you. see what you can do for your self, the Public and Tin: new :oRTHwrjrr DR. ABORN, Oculist and Aurlst. Throat and I.uilff 1MIYNICIAX. Laboratory. Consultinc and Operartinp APARTMENTS, CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STS., Portland. Oreson. n20 MRS. 31. J. KXSKiX, Eashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Near WnshlUEton, T'EEPS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAT- XV tcni, trimmed anu uniriniiiieu. COUNTRY DRESS-MAKERS Will find It to their advantage to give her a calL Ordm Eicrnlra with XcatiirM and Dispatch. Cliarges Itensonable. n23 BK. MART A. TIIOMI'SOX, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR T-EsinRvr'rc and OFFICE THIRD sr. XL between Salmon and Main, opposite the mono Square. . Calls attended In anv Dart of the city. Batteries for sale and Instructions given on the use ofelcctrlcity as a Remedial Agent. nL PORTIiAOTJ ADVERTISEMENTS. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. JS" WISHING THE SEUVICES ofa Competent American X'ursic Can secure the same by calling at the corner of Filth and Clay sts. niaf PORTLANI CLOTHING FACTORY ASD... Soys ClotliiMfiT jEjiiioi-tm Washlnctou Nlrcet, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS POSTLANTJ, OREGON. A. ROBERTS froprlelor nl CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy Dry Notions, UdlfV mod GHtt Kurnlihlns Goods. If.. Ac. Cor. First and Washlagton streets, Portland, Oresrou. Inl2 SB TO HENDEE'S GALLERY FOlt UEMBILUsTS, PHOTOtSAPIIS, SUN Pearl", Life-size Pictures, aud Pleturesi of Every (Irnile, Children's and babies' Pictures taken cheer fully and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod erate. In 12 PKOF. GAX.S GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences or Pupils. TERMS REASONABLE, antecd. Satisfaction Onar 112 $30 SAVED! Why Fay 875 lor a Kenrltiir Machine: THE IMPROVED HOME SHUTrLK KEW lng Machine, with black walnut table and treadle, nicely llnlshed, Complete for $45 ! A flrst-clas Sewing Machine: uses straight Needle; under feed: makes "Lock Stitch;" warranted to do all kinds of family sewing as wen as any macnine in ine marKei. A few inor Agentx wanted to canvas coun ties (not taken for the Improved Hand Ma chineprice, $;) in Oiegou, Washington and Idaho Territory- Call on or address HUME SIIVTTI.r. AOr.XCY, 112 Front St., IMrtland. ROYAL- A SMITH, Agents . Salem DR. R. C. HILL A SsIN, Agents Allany levins rrts. ach, TUST RETURNED FROM SAN FRAX- O Cisco with n large and Splendid Stock of XDEf5T . GOODS, SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese SiUu, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseilles, Kte. -.ALSO... A Largo and Beautiful Assortment ot MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Pine Laces, Etc., Of every variety aud description. Straw Goods, Parasols and Kid Cloves OI the best quality. JEWELRY, FANCY tiOODS. ETC., On hand and made to order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of all descriptions. Call and Examine the Stock. Oooh Sold (o Suit the Time. I ACH, 37 First street, Portland. mar CONSTANTLY' Receiving New Supplies by every steamer. 112 MKS. S. J. HC.MKKY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER CAN BE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, 011 the thinl floor of Corbetl's New Building, from lu a.v. till 1 r. it. of rich d.iy sTL.ES.sOMI GIVEN IS L.SICArE FAINT ING. Ill MUM. K. LAWLESS, jJ-ANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SHIRTS, UK31HSHIHI5, DKAWtKS, ETC., Corner Front and Yamhill streets, Portland. Nhlrts Made to Order Of the best material, and warranted to fit. All klndsofmendingdonc. n5 Temperance House. LOVE'S HOTEL.. UTIU FrUble Proprietor PIRST STREET, between Main and Madison, IDrtIand, Oregon. New House, New Fur niture, ucrllent Accommodations. Board per week, Hi to $S, Per day, J 1 to il TO, according to room. niMf HOME AND SCHOOL FOR BOYS. PaclHc Vnlverslty, rorent Grove. -WINO TO AN ENIVRQEJIENT. FOUR KJ more Pupils will :UM1 Will tu mH.h-A.1 S5....,.. limited to twelve. " for particulars, address rresident Marsh, or REV. C M. BLAKE, A. M., n39-f Forest Grove, Oregon. PIRTLAHI LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. KOOH.t-Coruer First aud Stark Ms., overl-add A Tilton's Bank. fsiUlu Orrr Three Thouuai rhulre Books AND... Svor 19 Papers aad Magazine. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Bnes 81 00 Payable Qnnrterly DirtECTons Charles E. Calef, Erasmus D. Shattuck, Win. S. I-nId, P. C Sehuvler, Jr., M. P. Deady, L. II. Wakefield, W. II. Braekett. A. a Glbbs, C. n. Iwis, F. S. Osthelm. Officers: L. IL WAKEFIELD- -President W. II. BKACKETT. HENRY A. OXEIL P. C. SCHUYLER, Jrt .Vice President -Librarian ..Treasurer WEED KEMEDY.". ;the. unk weed remedy, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: alHIS UEMEDY IS COMPOSED OF THE Active principle of tho Unk AWed.Kng. Thasplum CnrilatumOriisInls.ljit. Indijenoua to Oreaon. Qmws most abundantly and ir fcotly in Wnshington county. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Active and Votatllr Principle, extracted by Ether, and a bitter Touie ITin ciple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES : It Is the most sure and speedy cure for Rheumatism, Rheumatic liout and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds thatwascver introduced Into the .Materia Medlca. Tho UXIC WHED REM EDY, as prepared by us, in consequence of the existing bitter principle, possesses the neces tary virtue of being a Powci'inl Xonic,v Promoting the Appetite and Invigorating the wiiile Digestive Appurutus, thus building up and strengthening the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, Ik-Ihc ab sorbed in the blood, acts ypeclfieully ou tho Rheumatic I"oson, removing it from the circu lation and system. There are few remedies known to tho Medical Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison from the blood, but whose action Is so powerful in depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their use has to be abandoned before specific effects arc obtainable, and heilcothe want of success in treating this prevalent and consequently heretofore incurable disease. Unlike these medicines, already known, the UXIC WEED ItHMEllY,although producing as active aryl as liowerrul eirecls on the blood and system In re moving the Rheumatic Poison, also posessesft strong Tonic and Recuperating Element which admits of Its continued use even by the most delicate and debilitated. Thus we havo the combination for the first time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which ac countsfor Its superiorand never-fulling curative I'lUx-ts in Rheumatism, Rheumatic Uout and Rheumatic, Pains of all kinds. X. IL The I'XK WEED REMEDY Is partic ularly APPLICABLE TO LADIES, in conse quence of its Tonic Qualities. TESTIMONIALS : We are aware of the fact that it lsgenerally an eivsy matter to procure certificates; attesting thoellicaey of patent remedies from a certain cla.s of those who use them. AVc- havo selected the following bccnue the names attached to them are those of men of the most carefnl and scrupulous character, and becnuse the largo class of their acqualnlances in Oregon will not. Tor a moment, acriieor suspect them of any esasgendlon in the statements they may make: Certificate rrom the Deputy Jailor of Mult nomah CouutyJull: City Jail, Portlnnd, Oregon,) June T, 1S7L ) Dr. A. M. Loryea A Co.: I was attacked with :i severe case of rheumatism. It was In my thlglis, hips, lingers, shoulder blade Indeed in all the joints or my Ixwly I suirered great pain and anguish. I wus attended by a regular phy sician, but with noefTeci. I was Induced to try your Unk AVeeil Remedy, and it immediately etirrtl me up. I consider it, from my expe rience, the let remedy for rheumatism known. ALFRED F. TURNER. Deputy Jailor. Tills l to certify that the above statement is correct to my own knowledge. JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. Altn California Book and Job Print in Ofilce,") ."itii California street, 5 SanFrancieo,Junel,lS71. J Dr. A. M. Iryea i Co.: For several years I have been subject to rheumatism in my right arm and shoulder, rendering me unable to work. On a recurrence of the attack some time since, I was induced to try your "Unk Weed Remedv," and the result was a perfect cure In a few days. I took only two-thirds of the contents of one bottle. My firm belief is that the "Unk" Is :i certain cure for rheuma tism In all its form, audi would heartily rec ommend all afflicted with that dreadful dis ease to try your "Remedy" and lie cured. JNO. IL MCLANE. Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Esq., special con trlhutorto the "Willamette Farmer," and Sec retary ot the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, March W, 1S7I. Dr. A. M. Loryea: Some lour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; In fact I was almo-t helpless, r sent to you for one 10 ouiice bottle or thu "Unk Weed Remedy," by the use of which I experienced almostlmme dlnte reller, and by the lime the bottle was i-riin- tho rheumatism was rone. From mv own experience, and from what I have heard others say who have u-ed the Unk Weed, I believe it to lie a certain cureiorrueiimaiism. Yours respeeiruiiy, A. lu SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dtifur. ex-Prosl. dent 01 tiic Oregon state Agricultural Society and authorof "Statistics of Oregon:" Enst Portlnnd, April 1, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Iryett A Co.: I was afflicted with n. severe attack of clminic rheumatism; was con fined to my bed must of the time from January to July, when I used the Unk Weed and it cured me up. A. J. DUFU1L V1.1.V..L ." unmcn 111 uw. liir l-VltUraU-U st,oek-growerand "King of the Oregon Turf:" n.ritlMlari..i T .. . , . ... T.-l 11 1 Sauvle's Island, January I J, 1S71. To Dr. A. M. Ijirvea&Co.: TlilIstonekiinrl. edge the efficacy of your"Uuk Wel Itemed v. or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I wus afflicted for montlis wltli a very serious attack of in tiammatwry rheumatism, and tried nearly all of the so-called rheumatic remedies without any reuci perceivauie. 1 men tried your Remedy, and Its use resulted lu the most hannv effects a perfeat cure. Truly yours. J A JIM Lilit.tZ. Ccrtllicatc from the well-known merchant. O. W. Weaver, Esq.: The Dalles, May St, lgll. Dr. .V. M. Loryea Sz Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Remedy," and can cheerfully recom mend It to persons afflicted wltli intlammatnry rheuinatism. It cured me of that disease. My hands, wrist, ankles indeed, all my Joints were swollen and very painful. O. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Nat. II. Lane. Pilot Commlsslonerof Oregon, and a member of the City Council ot East Portland: East Portland, April 10, 1SH. Dr. A. M. Iyiryea A Co.: I have been afflicted for several years past wltli "weakness in the back." and wandering rheumatic nalns. ac companied hy severe constipation. By the use of one Isittle of your "1'nk Weed Remedy.or uregon itiusiiuauc ciin'," 1 nave ueen ennreiy relieved, and I cheerfully recommend it as a most valuable and effective Tcmed v. NAT. H. LANE. Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tlbbetts, a member of the City council of East Portland: Enst Portland, April 7, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Iorvea A Co.-tiont-s: This is to in- form you tliat I have used your "Lnk ced" ror neuralgia and rlieumatlc pains, and found relieffromthonseof only one bottle, and can ed?.mme"Y"..'hWejGIDTIBBl- Certificate from Hon. E. L. Quimby, ex County Commiasloner of Multnomah county, Oregon: . Kast Portland, April 1, 1S71, Dr. A. M. Loryea & .Co.: I have Used the "Unk Weeil Remedy," and am satisfied it Is a valua ble medicine. It regulate and Invigorates tho svstem. This is my experience with the Rem edy. Truly yours, E. L. QUTJIRY: Certificate from the celebrated musician, Prof. Otto Vleuxtemps: Oregon Musical Institute. 1 Portland, May 22, 1371. f Dr. A. M Loryea & Co.: I was attacked with severe Inflammatory rheumatism, suffering great pain, and wis so prostrated that I was unable to tend to my busl noss. I used one bot tle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and wns entirely cured hy it alone. OTTO VIEUXTEMPS. riJT TJP IN TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, One DoIInr ami Fifty Cents per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, nr 1312. LORYEV sSs CO., ILVST PORTH.VND, OItKC!Q. bstFor SAtn nv ali. Diwsourre. mis