The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, February 16, 1872, Image 1

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    MRS. A. J. Dr.MWAT, Editor nni rreprlrtor,
OFFICE Cor. Third and Wasblurtou St.
rwx BHB1W.
Three menthF
.$3 00
I 75
- 1 CO
ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Reasonable
For the New North west.
Tlie Moiled Dove.
"A eoartecan, having become weary er thb
life, attempted to reach the other before the
man with the sickle called her, last Friday
night, between the h.mrs of 18 and 11 o'clock,
by taking a heavy duse of morphine. The
iHOMipt arrival of a physician wived her from
reaehlm: 'that bourn," anil nhc in now well
again. The eaue for thU attempt at 'felo de
m that mme character did not return t be out
pourings of her heart." Portland Herald.
Onee I was youns: and pure, with col Jen hair
And violet eyes. The rose and Illy
Blended o'er my cheeks, and when I smiled
Ripe, erimMD llpt dUplaycd white, neKtllns
My form was melody holidlllcd,
I'ovseolng qualities that men do love
And women envy. Artists thought of me
White dreamingly creating their Ideals.
The day pasted in miMle, love and flowers
Morn opening like the prelude to an air,
KIgilt but limine the Instrument anew.
IJfe seemed a garden of endUM delights.
And I wm happy, for I then beheld
The world with youthful eyes, and never
That blackest subterranean hells were arched
By lovely garden"! fair.
Tin past. I foil!
Alas! alas! alas! and now my life's
A dead flower, wentlewi and colorle&s, that
JAes midst the rubbish on the dirty road.
Pa-sing feet crut-li mc deeper in the dust.
Till I am lost from sight amid the slime
O why, my God! O why, O why Is this?
Sec! sec! how when I puss along the street
They all do shrink and shudder as I go!
And yet I've harmed them not, nor yet am I
Lcp'rous nor contagious still do they shrink;
And men who creep Into my den at night
Pass quickly by, lest I should recognize;
And only children, with their sunny eyes,
Smile ou me; no, no, no, they do not know!
O, that my mother had but strangled mc
When I lay sleeping guileless in her arms!
Then what I am I never would have been
This hideous present that my soul doth loathe!
0 would-that death were an entcmal sleep,
Unbroken either by heaven or hell !
How gladly, madly, would I take the leap,
And fling my woes Into eternal night!
Think they such as I can know no love?
That my poor weeping heart no feeling hath?
That all Hs nobler sentiment is dead;
All, should I dare reveal its secret throb,
Its yearning love for one, he'd coarsely scoff
And mock and laugh; to him It Is a Jest;
To me It's dearer far than all the stars
The altar of my highest, fairest hope
The single cfl'llo of my loudest dream;
And when I found It rudely dashed tndust,
1 took a drug to lull me off to sleep
To sleep to never wake on earth again.
Alas! they brought me back to life and woe!
2 Li I'ii'
Free Speech, Fuee Tress, Fuek PEori.E.
Entered, according to the Aet of Congress.ln
the year 1S72, by Mrs. A. J. Dunlway, in the Of
fieeof the librarian of Congress at Washington
'""""Tits,, children looked abashed. Evi
dentbthey had formed no other idea
than that they would be solicited to fol
low their grandparents to their New
England home, and were not prepared
for a rebuff!
" Tears to me you might as well take
'em homes with you," suggested Aunt
Betsey. "Jacob and I took our nine or
phans into our horue-ucst, and we raised
every one of 'cm to an age of usefulness,
Father would growl sometimes, but wc
lived through it all, an' I've no doubt
but we're just as well off in the world
to-day as we'd a1 been if wc had turned
'em off to starve though it did seem
hard for me, after raisin' my own house
hold and burying every blessed one of
'cm, to take up jist such another burden
in my old age. But there's no account-
in' for the ways o' Providence"
"Come to me, Ellen D'Arcy," said the
old contlemau, fondly turning and
olasping Ellen's hand, while Bouncer,
who had wearily followed the carriage
upon his rheumatic feet, came up and
joined her, looking in her face with
longing, eager gaze of intelligence, as
much as to say, "You wont forsake me
will you?"
Ellen suffered her grandfather to draw
hor to him, but she cla.ped her arm
arouna tne uog aim snni, "(iooti iiouu
cer, you shall never leave mc." Then
turning to her grandmother and Aunt
Betsey, she appealed to them to know
if hor decision was not right.
"Who said it was wrong, little one?"
asked her grandfather, with a smile.
"There's D'Arcy blood enough in you to
atone for the want of it in the others,
and you shall all go home with us,
"But Bouncer is old and feeble, and
he couldn't follow the carriage I can
walk, though, and he can ride in my
place," said Ellen, dropping to her knees
and fondljvcarcsslng the faithful crea
ture. "Yon were my stepmother when
I was a. wee baby, weren't you, Boun-
"Child, do not worry. You shall keep
your dog," and the old gentleman in h
turn caressed the noble fellow, who ex
pressed his gratitude in dog language,
consisting of peculiar whines and vigor
ous wagging of his bushy tan.
Aunt Betsey and grandmother D'Arcy
wandered out alone among the trees,
Great maples, with their scaly sides
pierced in numerous places for the ad
mission of the sap collector's "spiles,
that now lay idly rotting in the dried
up troughs at their base, spread their
leaiy loiiage-above them, while tangled
bluegrass and sweet pennyroyal carpeted
we cariu uencatn their feet
Grandmother D'Arcy, in a tilain black
linen dress, silk apron and snowy cap
and 'kerchief, walked feebly beside the
bent lorrn or Aunt Betsey, who In
dress or Home-made cotton, a
ruflled cap of orange and blue calico, and
a blue and while cotton liandkcrchief
folded and carefully pinned across her
shrunken bosom, contrasted strongly
with wo llellcatcly 'bred companion at
companion at
to me," said voluble Aunt
Betsey, "that tho ways o' Providence
her side.
" 'Pears
arc Wonderful mysterious that's sar
tin." "0, madam!" and the eyes of her
companion took on a hungry, appealing
look, "tell me all you know about my
daughter. Did she starve?"
"Why, bless you, no! Peter Dowd
never let her get out o' dodgers an' deer
meet. You had the same kind o' vic
tuals for dinner to-day, I reckon. But
how did your daughter ever happen to
niarry such a shiftless, good for nothin'
there! I said I wouldn't slander the
dead, an I won't, though it 'pears to mc
that Peter might have been n better
provider. But It's always to with runa
way matches. I never kuowed one to
turn' out happy no, never. An' I've
had my share o' such trials, the Lord
"Peter Dowd was the son of an old
man with some money and great expec
tations. The Dowds were of a decayed
.Southern stock, and Peter's father was
always looking for a legacy from some
of his distaut relatives ; so he brought
up his son as a gentleman, and he was a
very likely, well appearing lad. I had
no suspicion that our only daughter
would ever think of marrying him
They had been brought up in each oth
er's society, but when Ellen came home
from boarding school our home .seemed
cry lonely for her, and he would often
Islt at our house. I encouraged his
isits because we had so little company;
but it all came upon mc like a thunder
bolt when I learned that Ellen was go
ing to marry him. Her father was im
perious and angry, I was firm and bit
ter, and the result was that they ran
away, and I never saw my darling af
terward;. She left every vestige of her
ardrobc except the clothes she wore,
Poor child ! she must have often felt the
need of clothing for herself and chil
"But it 'pears very strange that he
liould take naterally to a backwoods
man's life after the bringin' up he had."
The two had wandered to a prostrate,
bark-shorn elm, upon which they sat
down, beneath the shade of a protecting
maple. They were not aware that they
had a listener, and were quite surprised
when Dr. GofT, now a well established
country physician, emerged from a
leafy covert, where he had been enjoy
ing a nap, which their coming had dis
"Dr. uoll, tins is .Miss Darcy, poor
Ellen Dowd's own mother," said Aunt
Betsey, nervously. "An' he's the same
doctor that tended on her when she
Reverently Dr. Goff advanced to greet
the stranger. He was a nervous, wiry
little man, with keen, searching eyes
and a thoughtful countenance.
"Doctor," said the lady, anxiously,
'I trust that you, as a physician, can
give mc much information relative to
my daughter's life and death."
"Iudocd, my dear madam, there is lit
tle information to impart Peter Dowd
degenerated into a listless, lazy, unas
piring lout (You sec I have nouc of
Aunt Betsey's compunctions of con
science about speaking evil of the dead
when they deserve it.) ire got into the
habit of lounging around the tavern, or
spending his time with his dog and gun,
and the habit became chronic and con
sumed his manhood. He never was
cross to yonr daughter. He preferred to
sit by and pet her occasionally, while
she and the children were destitute. I
do not agree with Aunt Betsey that it is
at all strange that he should take a
fancy to such an idle, dreamless, thrift
less mode of life. He had neither trade
nor profession. He had no money and
no credit, and the life he led in the back
woods just suited him. Ellen seemed to
cherish the deepest affection for him,
and, but for her dying words, would
never have revealed the fact that &he
was at all uuhappy."
"Can you repeat her dying wonls ?"
"I can. She was fondling the tiny
waif of a baby, that lay nestling in her
bosom, and addressing herself to me,
believing me to be her husband, when
she exclaimed, 'It would be a Lord's
blessing if our baby would never see
daylight ! Wouldn't you rather see her
die than live to toil and sutler as I do?' "
Mrs. D'Arcy burled her face in her
hands and groaned aloud.
"It's strange that the daughter of
Lsuch 'people' as you and vour man
should 'take up' with such a but I
won't speak ill of the dead," remarked
Aunt Bet.ey.
"Oh, she became infatuated with
him," said Mrs. D'Arcy. "Slie was
nothing but a mere child when they
married. If the laws of the land would
protect a child from legal marriage un
til she should become of sufficient age
to exercise cool, unbiased judgment
about the most Important act of her
life, we should have few such matches,
But the law steps between the parent
and the child. At least, a strong willed
girl, urged on by an older and stronger
will than her own, docs not need to go
very far to evade the government of
parents. Ellen was married just over
the border, within two miles of home."
"But 'pears to mc," said good Aunt
Betsey, "that it's always better to let
.m innrrv. Thev nilubt do worse, you
"Do worse!" ejaculated Dr. Goff.
"How am they do worse? They merely
legalize and enforce the most horrible
system of prostitution when they shield
themselves in such unequal unions be
hind the legalizing cloak of marriage.
Don't tell mo that Ziek Hamilton has
done anything else but debauch that
poor, misguided child, whom he daily
defiles under the (to him) protecting
cloak of wedlock! I'm out of all pa
tience with such cant and nonsense."
Grandmother D'Arcy looked up ap
palled. That was a quarter of a century
ago, good reader, and public and private
minds were alike unprepared to hear
and consider the momentous subjects
which are to-day so fearlessly discussed
In every lecture room and household.
"Don't tell mc!" continued the Doc
tor, pacing excitedly back aud forth be
fore his listeners, "that Ellen Dowd
could have done worse than marry this
pig-headed, easy-going, good-natured,
good-for-nothing lout!"
"Well," said Mrs. D'Arcy, "she would
go with him at all events, and I was
glad to have the sanction of the law to
cover her transgression."
"Sanction or the liddlcstiek! If she
and the poor shuck who ruined her had
known that neither law nor gospel
would sanction a match at her tender
years, they would not have dared to at
tempt it"
"Well, Doctor, you must admit that
Ellen might have been led into disgrace
if she hadn't been allowed to marry.
When my Sally run away it well nigh
broke my heart She was the last one,
her brothers an' sisters all beln' dead,
an' I felt so lonesome and dreary like,
while n great heavy pain tugged away
at my heart strings ; but after all it was
a comfort that she was Kier Slocum's
legal wife, an' In no danger of beln'
mined by his wiles."
"Poor child'! I pronounced her ruined,
soul, body and spirit, the first time my
eyes beheld her!" said the Doctor, sollo
voce; but he did not have the heart to
further wound tho feelings of the sor
rowing and childless mothers; so he
bade them good day and disappeared in
the foot-path that wound away through
the hazel thicket, while the astonished
women gazed after him in wonder and
"'Pears to me it would be a very
strange world if we didn't have the law
of marriage to protect tho young people
from tho disgraceful consequences of
their own foolishness!" exclaimed Aunt
Betsey, Indignantly.
"I'm sure I can't see wherein or by
what means the marriage law protected
my poor Ellen!" was Mrs. D'Arcy's
"Why, Miss Darcy, don't you believe
in marriage?"
A bitter smile played around the thlu
aud tightly set lips of the bereaved
mother, but she answered meaningly:
"I have adhered to the strictest letter
of the marriage law for more than two
score years. Let my life be my answer,
madam. But this law too often inter
feres with and undermines the laws and
regulations of the home. For instance,
the fond mother of a beautiful young
girl may enjoin and enforce strict obedi
ence from her as a minor until some
hot-brained animal chooses to make
her his legal mistress, and. then a short
ceremony of a few awful words of the
law takes the child from the protecting
influences of the home-nest, whlch,whilc
it makes of her au accursed nonentity,
renders tho further attempts of parents
to protect their darling futile, null and
Well, Miss Darcy, you talk like a
preacher, an' you tell the truth, too;
still I must say that it was a great relief
to me when my Sally's hot-headed im
prudence was shielded from the world
by the laws of the land."
"iuc law laneu to save my x.iicn
from herself! It failed to save her from
the lust and poverty and wretchedness
entailed upon her by a worthless no
body. I often wonder why the laws are
not made to protect the weak rather
than to favor the strong."
"Well, our talkln' hero won't mend
m. Let's get back to the house an' fix
up oine supper."
plain, substantial mcnl was soon In
readiness, and, as there was no accom
modation for the grandparents in tho
orphans' home, It was decided that they
should remain with their hot until tne
The orphan children and the faithful
dog returned to their humble abode by
the very foot-path which poor Peter
Dowd had followed on the fatal night
when Ellen for the first time opened her
eyes upon the earth. The children were
subdued and heavy hearted. Evidently
the unexpected visit of their strange
grandparents had brought them little
joy. The fatal foot-log from which their
father had fallen Into the water was
nowsomcwhat decayed and moss-grown,
but the substantial railing with which
Uncle Jacob had hanlstered Us entire
length was as sound and firm as ever It
had been.
The older sisters passed over the Mack
inaw to attend to home duties, but Ellen
lingered long upon the log, leaning over
and gazing Into the clear, dark depths
of the lazy current, which mirrored her
elfish face beneath its waters and pic
tured her to her own imagination as a
wild genie of her native forest. Bouncer
plunged his heated body in the stream
and soon emerged from its depths upon
the other side, where ho lazily shook
himself and sat down upon the rocks to
await her coming. Tho summer breeze
played with her tangled hair, and tho
slanting sunbeams, as they flitted across
her face, lit up her bright, wild eyes
with an electric fire.
"O river, grove and log and cabin,
how I do adore you!" soliloquized the
child. "Every pebble on your bantaj
dear Mackinaw, has told me its .own
history. Every bird and tree and bush
and flower says a sad good-bye. Boun
cer, dear, faithful darling, must we leave
all these?"
The dog, thus addressed, set up a
mournful howl.
"You know all about it, don't you,
Bouncer?" crossing the log end clasping
his damp body in her arms. We're go
ing to leave everything we love aud ev
erything that makes us happy, just to
please relations that wc never saw be
fore this day!" and Ellen bowed her
head upon tho dog and gave way to an
uncontrollable flood of tears.
Gradually her keenest sorrow spent
Itself, and wending her way at last to
her favorite play-ground, near her par
ents' graves, she sat hi silent commun
ion with her own sad heart AH uuuscd
as she had ever been to congenial soci
ety, the child had spent her life almost
alone in the midst of the companionship
of her sisters.
"Bouncer knows more about mc, and
more about what pleases me, than every
body else does," she often said to Uncle
Jacob Graham, who was her firmest
"Everybody else but Bouncer thinks
that I'm a good-for-nothing, Idle, lazy
chiltl. But Bouncer knows when I'm
busy, if nobody else docs. He'll lay
still for hours with my head pillowed on
his side, while I gaze up into the clouds
or tree tops and build sucli glorious cas
tles as the world has never seen," said
she, when at last she entered the cabin,
where her sisten Avero engaged In the
preliminary preparations for a speedy
"I'm afraid the world will itctrr sec
your glorious castles, Nell," said Kate,
with a light laugh.
"It won't realize Ma loss, then that's
some comfort!" (illicitly retorted tne
(To be continued.)
vant come and said there was a gentle
man below wishing to see me. My
heart told me who it was, and sure
enough on running down I found Willie.
It was the first time in all those seven
years that a gentleman had called to see
me. I had not been in the parlor long
till my Aunt and Anabel came in.
Willie, seeing my Aunt's look of dis
pleasure aud my embarrassment, re
marked that we had been acquainted in
Kor the New Northwest.
"Auiothercould not have been a more
tender nurse than was uncouth Bridget
Flanagan. I learned to love hcrln those
long, weary days. It was through her
kind care that health relumed.
I never saw either aunt or cousins un
til T wna nliln in Trn in flin IlllfciAn-
Xevershali I forget someof theremarks childhood, and that recognized me
nt m.m .1p l.vmv n, cousins on tue evening before, butl had left before
mv first appearing among them. hc had a cUancc to slxk to mc-
O, Bridget, I thought you said she -ny auiu repiiea, - am sorry i cannot
-n n r.i linfnilv !' cried Anabel. a tall. Induce her to go into society, fehe is so
slender cirl of eleven. 'Why, she Is just singular. I can uo notmng witn ncr.
as homely as can be I wouldn't be such But perhaps if you will use your persua-
a scare-crow for any tiling ! " c powers you may uc more succcssiui
Hain't si in rrot awfol eves, thoueh ?' than 1 Have been.'
A Journal for the People.
Uovoted to the Interests-of Humanity.
Independent in Polities and neltgion.
Ulve to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly
Radical In Opposing and BxpoMng the Wrongs
of the Masses.
Correspondents writing over assumed signa
tures must make known their names to the
Editor, or no attention will bo given to their
exclaimed Master Fred.
Bridget did not hear these comments.
She was busy quieting the year old
babe, that had been frightened nearly
into tits by the appearance of his strange
Before he concluded his call lie had au
opportunity to whisper in my ear, 'Be
ready, Kittle, at three o'clock to hike a
sleigh ride with inc.'
As the hall door closed ou him I
started to leave the room, but my Aunt
I covered my face with my hands that requested me to be seated, she wished
thev micht not see the tears that were sltK wiw me fcitc commenced :
coursing down my cheeks. I was sadly "I Have set my Heart on a match we
disappoiuted. I had anticipated so tweeu Mr. Wilson aud Anabel. As you
much pleasure in the company of the uave long been au inmate or our House,
children. I did not expect to see a great out of gratitude you shouVd assist Anabel
deal of Carrie, for she was three yars In securing so distinguished a person for
my senior, and quite a belle in fashion- a husband. Being acquainted with Mr.
able society. But I longed to give Ana- Wilson, It is In your powor to render us
bel a sister's place in my heart As soon a great service.'
as I could I went to my room, and tak- I answered, 'Mr. Wilson has invited
intr down a small trlass that hung on the nie to take a sleigh ride this afternoon,
wii T n vlou- nf mvKplf tlia first and if an opportunity oilers I will re-
slnco mv illness. I did not wonder at member you.'
their remarks, for certainly I was a
fright. I . knew that I had lost my
curls, but had no Idea that sickness
could make such a change In one's ap
I soon learned that I was not to asso
ciate as an equal with my cousins. In
deed I was forbidden to claim relation
Punctually at the appointed hour the
sleigh was at the door. Scarcely was
seated till he asked, How is it, KIttie,
that I find you in this situation?'
I then gave him a history of how my
mother had deserted us on the very
evening he had left our house, and of my
father's failure and death.
You must have suffered greatly,
I read it aloud to Willie When I fin
ished he burst into a laugh.
'That is fine,' said he. 'I understand
the game It may be an advantage to
the family to be able to claim such a
connection. If it could not be Mr. Wil
son my son-in-law, it Is my noice's hus
'How shall I answer it ?' I inquired.
'It Is not necessary to reply, and it will
be time enough to visit her when she
needs our assistance'
'Butshehos asked my forgiveness, and
you know we must forgive as we would
be forgiven.'
'That was only a plea to write She
ouly asks forgiveness for what she said
in my presence; not for the way in which
sho treated you for seven years.'
That aftornoon we started for the Old
World. For five years we led a wandering
life. Then wo returned to find America
embroiled in civil war.
I found Bridget Flanagan sick aud out
of employment. As I now had a home
of my own, I could in a measure repay
her for her kindness to me when I was a
fricudlcMJ orphau.
My Uncle's finally was sadly scattered.
Anabel had married a man nearly old
enough to be hor grandfather, and lived
very unhappily. Frank and Fred had
joined the ranks of tho South, but after
their first engagement Fred was sent
homo to die
When I review the past and see how
one that passed his early youth in pov
erty and obscurity as a kitchen boy has
made his way to his present exalted po
sition, and another who was surrounded
by every Indulgence that wealth could
procure sunk to a penniless orphan, and
then ponder the changes in my Uncle's
family all remind me that such are the
ways of life."
This department of the 2Ckw "oivrn-
wkst Is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of ideas concerning any aud all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding it practi
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends the disappointment that would
othcrwlscacc rue from ouriuability to an
swer their queries. We cordially invite
everybody that litis a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to the Correspondents'
F. S., Walla Walla: You are right.
Your name aud another gentleman's
arc so nearly alike that wc mistook one
for the other. Lost our memorandum
for the evening In which you reminded
us in your last Hence the mistake.
J. W., Walla Walla : Editorial MSS
goes through the post-offices at the pos
tal rates for newspapers, but the MSS of
private contributors requires letter post
M. B., W. T. : Have forwarded the
letter as you requested. Address, Portland.
Mrs. M., Corvallis: Registered letter
received. Thanks. Hope soon to hear
of your daughter's recovery. Will write
you privately soon.
Mrs. L. M., San Francisco: Your let
tcr, with good wonls of cheer, is grate
fully acknowledged. Glad to hear of
your good prospects. Is married.
Guess yousaw-thenoticeinthc papers.
Mrs. M. P.: Conyuunication accepted
Margaret S.: Would be very glad to
aid you.
Susan C: Wc beg you to do nothing
rashly. Yoit know the old adage:
"Marry in haste to repent at leisure'
Let nothing but disinterested attach
ment Influence you In your decision
O. P. H., Union Ridge, W. T., gives
the following cure for chilblains: A cor
respondent in your Issue of Jan. 23d re
quests a recipe for the euro of chilblains,
In the year 1SG3 my wife was so Fevcre-
ly afflicted with one of these pests that
we wore fearful that she would be com
pclleil to submit to a surgleil operation
went to a druggist In Keokuk, who
prepared a liniment, of which nitric
acid was tho principal Ingredient, which
proved a wonderful remedy, and the
druggist became locally famous for cur
ing chilblains. I have about half of that
liniment now on hand. I do not know
what the other ingredients are, but will
furnish any physician or chemist
small quantity to analyze, as I do not
bolieve It has been patented. I pro
nounce this liniment an infallible cure,
Another correspondent also writes that
equal parts of table salt and scraped po
tato is a certain cure for chilblains.
At first my place of usefulness was in KIttie I wish I could have come to you
tho nurserv. to tend baby and hear I-red sooner.'
and George say their morning lecssous. 'But,' I Inquired, 'Where have you
I was far from bel ng happy. There was been all these years ?'
only one thing that reconciled me to 'When I left your father's house,' said
my lot that was my love for Bridget. i,e, 'I went straight to Illinois. There I
But, when I had recovered my usual Was very fortunate I had not been in
health, my Aunt, for economy's sake, .Springfield twenty-four hours till I found
tsmi.-sed Anabel's music teacher, and lny father's only surviving brother. lie
gave me tlie situation, bite Knew my
parents had given me evcryopportunity
to cultivate my ono gift, and there was
not a better musician of the same age in
the city.
of my Uncle's house I had seen Carrie
go forth a bride to a new home Anabel
was now a lovely young lady, admired
by all her acquaintances. But in all
that time little change had come forme
had, however, heanl of my mother's
death in the last year.
It was ou tlie occasion of a Christmas
parly when nil the wealth and beauty
were present Fortune-seeking misses j
ind mammas were till eager to get a
Housukkepino Hints. All kinds of
iwuitry and meat can be cooked quicker
by addiutr to the water in wiitMi i..-
arc boiled a little vinegar or a piece of
luiuuu. -uj use vi un aciu Were will
be a considerable saving of fuci !UJ wcn
asshorteuinir of time TlKm.ti.n, t t.
eficlal on old, tough meats, rendering
them quite tender and easy to be di
gested. Tainted meats and fowls
will lose their bad taste and odor if
cooked in wis way. and if not used too
trceiy, no taste ot it win be acquired.
Nature Against "Woman Suffrage.
In a review of a chapter on Woman
Education in Hillard's Sixth Reader,
which elosses woman suffrage as a war
against Mature, Henry B. Blackwell,
in the Woman's Journal, after quot
ing some of the objectionable passages,
"As a tax-payer of Boston, I demand
cither that Hillanl's Sixth Beader be
excluded, or that this passage be ex
punged. Iam unwilling thattuy money
should be used to pervert the minds of
children bv justifying the meaucst and
welcomed nie as tnougii xwere a son suoiiesi iorm oi aristocracy lueiwmi-
old bachelor that he was. I was sent to ! cai aristocracy oi sex.
..,.,. ... . aiiu coiiiciiiiii. iui cumuli s juiciicci,
the best schools in our laud, and then at , wh;cll 1)rev.uI( society i lke an atmosi
the age of eighteen hc took mc to nhcre. lias its foundation in au unen
lightened public sentiment By a
thousand such influences as the above,
in the family, in the church, in litera
ture, in society, even in the school, the
minds of our children are warjed and
Ierverted from their very cradles, and
then we are coolly informed that it is
the masculine instinct to rule and the
feminine iustincttoobcy,and that equal
rights for men and women would be 'a
reform against Nature'"
Against Nature! Why, three centu
ries ago, suffrage for lawyers, physi
cians, merchants, aud manufacturers
was thought contrary to Nature Only
uoblemcn were entitled to rule. Two
Europe While at St Petersburg he
For seven long years I was an Inmate died, leaving me all his worldly posses
sions. But the memory of a dark-eyed
girl hastened my return to my native
land. Neither the wealth of Loudon nor
the gaiety of Paris had any charms for
mc unless shared by her. Kittle, you
know who I mean. My chief object in
life will be to make you happy. May I
have that right? You know wc have
iilways loved each other.'
I answered : 'I was this morning in
structed to use my iniluettce to make a
glimpse of the great traveler and autbor, match between vou and my cousin An-! centuries ago, sullVage for Baptists and
.,.. ... ..:..,. , i...i.: i:.... L1...1 , .. , . ,, 1 IJonititt Catliohcs was contrary to Na-
who was to-night to make his first ap
pearance in their circle.
The hoiuc was crowded. I had retired
to my own room. What had I to do
with the gay throng below? My task
was done when I saw Anabel ready to
receive the eomtiauy. Late in the
evening my Aunt hurried into my room,
saying :
Kate, you must conic down. e
have some new music that the guests arc
all dying to hear, and there Is no one
that will undertake It.1
But, Aunt,' I pleaded, ! cannot play
before a room full of strangers.'
You must not think of the company.
Come, they aro all waiting.'
auei. ram; is iiauusoinc, anu ncr iamny , flms 1.. Mass!iehnsytt. Onlv lr.pml.prs
one of the best in the city. I am a poor , of Orthodox churches were entitled to
orphan, without home orfriends. A man , rule. A hundrc-d yours ago, suffrage for
in your position should look for a wife
tip;iror liii rillfil
.....w. -"1
A fig !' hc exclaimed, 'for equality as
known In fashionable life! Give nie a
true and loving heart. That isall I ask.
Bu t you have not answered my question.
Do not keep me longer In suspense.'
Placing my hand in his, I said, 'You
arc very dear to me, and 1 only wish 1
was more worthy of you.'
'There, there, that will do,' he said.
You have made me a happy man. But
what is to prevent us from Iraving the
ceremony performed to-night ? I know
farmers, mechanics, nnd day laborers
was contrary to Nature Only the
wealtlty were entitled to rule. Ten
And without letting me even smooth you do not wish longer to be dependent
my hair, she led me to the drawing- on your Uncle's bounty, and I would like
room. Stopping at the door to whisper, to introduce my wife to Mrs. Steadman.
You must leave the room assoonas you If she thinks to catch me for her daugh
are through at the piano,' she conducted ter she will find I prefer worth to beauty.'
mo to the music stool. 'If wc are to be married,' I replied, 'I
How out of place my black dress am just as ready to-tlay as 1 will be to-
seemed in that brilliant assembly ! The morrow
contrast brought sad memories to my
mind. But glancing over the music, I
proceeded to entertain the company.
One niece after auothcr was called for. I
The horses heails were turned toward
the city. It was not long till we found
the house of a clergyman, and in a very
j short space of time I was transformed
was getting tired, and there seemed no Into Mrs. Wilson,
prospect of my leaving the instrument It was dark when we alighted at my
But my Aunt came to the rescue by pro- Uncle's door. Willie ushered me into
posing some new amusement. As the the parlor. My Aunt was the only oc-
crowd moved away, I heard a gentleman cupant He then had the pleasure of
ask, 'Who is that young lady !' My introducing his wife I was amused to
unt answered, 'Anabers music see her look of surprise, but she soon
teacher.' found speech, nnd turning to me, cried
After complying with her wishes I felt out, 'You area selfish, deceitful croature!
this unkindness severely; but now was Is this the way you repay us for our
my time to leave unnoticed. I arose kimluessto you? We took. you out of
aud crossed tho room. A gentleman the streets, you might say, for had it not
stepped forward and opened the door as been for us you would have been a beg-
I passed out. He supped a cam in my gar.'
hand. I was surprised at such boldness, 'Madam, this woman is my wife,
but hastened to my chamber to sec what Whoever insults herinsults me If this
it could mean. On glancing at the ami is the treatment she receives from her
I saw the name of William Wilson, the relations It is the last time she will
playmate of my childhood. It seemed trouble them.'
that even after this length of time lie With that we left the house, re-entered
had not forgotten me I could.scarccly the sleigh, and drove to a hotel. I had
resist tho temptation to run down and dreaded a scene, but now it was over,
speak to him, but I knew my Aunt and I was safe In the care of my husband,
would never forgive me for taking such The next day I received a note from
a liberty. Mrs. Steadman. It run thus:
The next morning was dull. A heavy 'Dear Kate : Can you forgive mc for
snow had fallen during the night, and the way in which I spoke to you yester
the storm still continued. Anabel was day? I was so taken by surprise that I
out of humor with every one about her. hardly knew what I was saying. I do
She kept saying, 'It Is too bad ! I ex- not wish a misunderstanding between
peeled Mr. Wilson to call this inoruing, us. If you can pardon me T Would like
but no one can be out in this weather.' you aud Mr. Wilsomto spend the cven-
We were surprised to hear, the door ing with us. Your affectionate
bell ring, and I still moro when a ser- Aunt.'
yeirs ago, sulirage for negro men was
contrary to Nature. Only white men
were entitled to rule.
It is tiniethisscarecrow wasabolished.
Progress is a part of nature. The Pio
neer. Gi;n BuTi-Kn's Woman Suffrage
Bii.u The following is the text of the
Woman Suln-age Bill, recently intro
duced into the House of representatives,
by Gen. B. F. Butler, declaring tho
women of the United States voters under
the provisions of the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitu
tion of the United States:
Section 1. No citizen of the United
States having the qualifications pre
scribed by law entitling such citizens to
vote at any election in any State or
Territory, shall be in any manner hin
dered or deprived of a vote at any elec
tion by reason of, or on account of, any
distinction of sex.
Section 2. That the provisions of an
act entitled "An act to enforce the rights
of citizens of the United States to vote
in the several States of this Union, and
for other purposes," approved May 31st
1870, appropriate to enforcing the pro
visions of this act are horeby made ap
piicable thereto.
Easier Said than Done. I was
standing at a railway station in the
Black Country, one day, when my
attention was arrested by an altercation
between the station master and a large
collier, the occupant of a third-class car-
"You must pay for the dog, I tell you,"
said thestation master, pointing toafine
specimen of the bull type which sat
bandy-legged? and blinking serenely,
beneath the seat
"I sho'," returned tlie collier curtly.
"Then he must come out," rejoined the
station master.
"Fotch him out, then."
The dog, seeming to understand it all,
seconded his master's invitation by a
slight lifting of the upper lip and a
wicked gleam In his eyes. He went on
by that train, and no fare was paid for
Toiiacco Boys. Tobacco boys will
make tobacco men, with tobacco
mouths, and tobacco breaths, and to
bacco teeth, and tobacco pockets, and a
1 i ll . . whnt IS
woise they will have tobacco appetites,
which will crave tobacco enough in their
lifo time to feed them, to buy a small
farm and raise a small family, lbcy
will, moreover, spit tobacco all along
their wavthrough life, to the atinoyauce
their wives and families.
Preferred crcditors-thdse who don't