The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 26, 1872, Image 3

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-" THI H1UI10E XniTI0I,H
Elsewhere will br found a coiuniunl
reitua beerlug tue'abbv title, which we
propose to briefly answer.
The writer, after depicting the evil of
the itrcscnt marriage hiul.lin them
reduced to tit "aiei4e code," hatma-
1 rlsee hoold last ee hng auly mutual
admiration exist, aad that ebould a
separation be desired ou the 'ground ef
(TlXlllLeV UU0UUfVtkls11tjr Uf Vliatlajrtubtl-
Hjr," it should be hmansdistely grauted.
r 1 tlil theory be cermet, why should
..-i there, be any marriage law at all t" ;'. Tbe
- 1 very Idea of lam in. mum sink a state
of thins la rbl bullous.
There U undoubtedly much that ' fcr:
yrartoaa and hard to be Umit In (lie
marriage relaUou m It at present exist,
but we can aee ealrvltloa of Ita woea
to be bad by the application of the o
called doctrine of "Free Love." '. Under
Ita rrf lme women would be tenfold
more belpleaa than even new, while tbe
-lewd and vkiou elemeeU ut both
mm, devoid of aH restraint of, Jaw,
would be let ktnae t pery apon the pure
and virtuous. ' . ' i -r. ' ;" v ' ; v r " ;
; A not her tmpeatsirt rjeajatina that pre
srnts Itself Is : i What wouht become ef
. children bora la euch a rbao of aocMy ?
Many a heart lees wrKoh new ahandoue
his wife and new-born babe to the cold
'charities of the world. Would not In-,
Unce of this kind tie multiplied a
huadnd add whea all marital obllga-
tioa la praetlcally art aafth? y
rJat wbal the law goveruliig" ILe
marriage relatioa and aeuaraUea r dl
voree sliould be, wt axe not prepared te
say. Oood men and women should
' make theui,Towever"Tuey should not
be made try a body of wmakers eoui
posed eeliKdvaiy?B one aex. And
whenever wa have marriage and dl vorce
law framed by the pare, Intelligent and
patrlotief both aeaea af ear lend, we
believe that very many, of Ih preecnt
hardahipa which beset tnatrltHonlnl life
.TilL1 thlnr hn p"ni.
While absent from home ou Thorsdav
and Friday of lat week for tle purpose
nf llllrtiv a niihll ahn.tni ITH1-
bom. ar.rkn.Ji m, i Mi i.r..u
where, we were led Into knowledge af
1 , -, -, aasw
iyJq-JgMHd .rallrraule eooiMHnieally,
which we consider great fan for capital
ists, but di-et h to the people. ' '
i - It appears that one M. fV JIart bad
contracted with Mr. IfolUvlay to build
the Wet4 fl.le Itallroad troni IVrUand
toCoruellua forastlpulatel oum, w hich,
awing to bad management at" otlier
eaiihra, wivwTJitadtkiia(elo mei't the
espenaea. ul ' ttwrisi
The cUlscna of nUlnlro amf the &tr-
mer ef the cnentanniryi Vlnf aiutloaa
to nave tne Mxwl cr.IijjJ.4-.I, aad mim
pnsaeaMlaf a pardonaMe desire earn a
little motley, placed tlteir provisions;
hay, oata, etc-, at the di-poeal of the
aontractor and his employee Jbe mer-.
chants, Ivf and boanllnc hottae kecp
em 'furnialied mcrrfaandlse,' board aad
lodging aa time, expecting when pay
day should eomc to be aLl to meet tkeir
obligations out of tbe proeeede af their
labor; poor men. with tbelr wires and
children, established these 1 res at Onr
nellus aad lIlllfNre aad spent unM to
the" limit of their credit to auatala
.. boa tiling,, houses far laborer; weewen
arose at 4 A. at and tolled til! 11 at la
taa Dope U glean a harvest foe tlieir
w later' toll wbm the taborera, rcWlv-
K thetr pay, suoulJ aettle all arrears ;
td ww,-the-Toa1)eing completed to
the point claimed la llieTcoulrat't, the
known, leaving a aoiail army of labor
ing; men' Utterly destitute, . without
mean to return to their famlllea. . And
the, . laborers, ntervltauj
bnarding itauee keepem feet that irg
built the railroad aad the tympany
wiu reap the praflta of their toil, taean-
"venience and destitution. The men are
of&ring their railroad scrip for S3 cents
oa the dolUr, aad cannot sell tlie whole
' proceed of two atonth work for a week's
h.. i '--" ' ' . ; r-
IperajLhould It a .tatuts tompvdllugjtcndlnipieelertara IMd la many dlrcc -
moa a ho enter lata ouutraoU for earn-jtloiui during Ute coming year. In lhe
pletlitcioUrequiriiur a Jarrn aaUae of
capuai to give apuda whereby, la
j?Jl!ur?J h Jrwiaay-eela fcfar
aire. We naee no doubt but that Mr.
Horiaday, CouM he horvi,.t ih jrvtui
. OLUtese labors a did, would sea
Itltese aalTnrs shouhl have Jatloe dotte
them J but he has deoarted lor tits Faf .
- ; and, from what wo can Isara, we bar
- - ttttla hope that the men and wotnen
. JCwn0t.lui,rt IU ,,h railroad UI ever
- ' 'eret. compenaatloa . for their privation
, and auffring, while the. n ocr will
" receive a princely., benefit, from aure-
. qatifti toil, s -r. ml a i "V,
r'TXUTll M !atIOHTTt.Jr
c Itoa. flea, W. Julian, who baa beeu
. ' raeMhinel in some quarter a a enndt
t tot. wr the rreaidency, reccnUy ad-
oreaaea a t viuialltee of Labar Jteturm
ttrtr aen la Han Francisea, who had
)tijM ltt hlut aad others to co-emt iH
Jonuiag a new political aartr. ia whlrli.
after OMuin eeveral other meaaure
of admin lt rati re reform; he ulC-red the
tUlowtu eUnteat 1 rrgard to Worn.
1 an'alUjrhtat !.'!' v i-.ti .i-
"Perfect mnency; liwleed, kniti.lj.
that' the Jtepubiican party sltoakl go
, "till forth or, eadibvhtre iiacir Ja-Jaor
Tzt the entrajM'Uisentent of woman. We
,V ,br taught aaa fundamaittal po
litloai axiom that , taaattoa wUImmiI
arreenUiMi k, tyraauyj.and et o
av Olte.ltaU af tlieeiUsensaf the lie-.4tuUljo--a4a
-tuat-thw better- half re
aul irOVaruml Ilk 1 -
- . - -
aa LZS. Z-Z-r'. "
a .
as ae an arietecracy
"b. a mnmllev.TTl- . r"T
n ah.aad if .I-T 'Z.ll
ar enfrar- h.U t mm, a JT 'JZ
Cltlren. .ball W'
te aave twenty milium Aaierk-ma
ettlien. aad cuitfly of our owa race, 1
believe It a 111 not be very lobg before a
national party will be organised that
will resuluuriy law the duly
Howvela fcnd futile, aad wane tain
foolish, are the efjhrhi of weeh-mltxJed
mea and Mroag-auliHUd women who,
failing 0 fore lua taaoMNfiale future
that tooma np before profiles Ire hu
manity,; Insanely strive to hinder tlie
.7... Tt... or.U
of Hon. (Ira. W. Julian are brave aad
elaer, aad have the ring of honest pat
riotism. Ve ask our reader to weigh,
and ponder theul, and tbea eonlraat iia
Ideai wUinW amy" elairap airTin.t1caue. of ;tlibdimcul(y;i'ai"eveTuea
tlte nioveoif, orrulcn we ftouirtimea
I lint average saeelaiaae, that they may
aee the ebaractef aad aaliUre of lite t-
pmrtrfonrTrtrU l mighty" and wilf pre-
Hon. John L Oarblan, of (aUatrnia,
has lutruducod a Joint resolution in the
Mouse ronnaiim uew ArliuU. whirh,
whea ratined by tbeee-faurtlMi af the
States, ahall bet-otne a parf of the (W
atltutloa of the I'uiteH HUtea. It read
a follow:: i -..
"Hertlon I. The, poWlc land of the
raited hlaU auall Mot be disposed of
exart to actual aettler then-en, for
iMtmcsteaa purposes oniy, ana in quau
tltlee limited by general laws.""
It was read lwke, rvferml to the
(VHMBitttec on the JwdMary ami ofdVrvd
to be priuUd. Mr. Coahlaa has under
taken a great refxnu, but as it reoairva,
Ix-fore It can be submitted to the States,
that t wa-third of eatklivaaa ahall eou
cur tlterein, It appears uopeksswtki.
Mcoff. ; ,- -vr- - -- -- - : - -
I Nowhere- hive we seen aaythlar la
iUm iluia tJ Vlra, tJ tltm tluMa' Intm
XUAvh era haw galliaead algl.ti. linpi
than from tlte peraaal of the
lie above. The
wanton distribution of public laud
amongrevclouiand- greeeJj 'pollU-'
elm, the granUngi of -barge facta of
the public dotnaln t railroad eeeapaalee
and tniloaX ' corporai I011 ud the
aaaaequeut eautralUathMi of capital and
power In the hands of a few indirkluass
have been among the i moat flagrant
evil grow log out of our system of legis
lation, . But that this abase will in time
work not Its awn evlolng weJMier
auThor. If tbe people will only W,
and act ltannonloUNly ; If they a 111 hot
ae their latent pawer aa cltiaea'; aad
will bot attend, aa they .should, to the
promotion' of" their own be tntereeta,
they eaa prevent the further oversltad-
awlag c Ue paldiadomala.
- i -
have"dvtie wftK
loanyins; to iriraina;
pcillUdaii.4 We mnet awake to Iht feet
af our individual e poenbUUy aalate
gra part of tlte body polltle and pre
Tent a land-holding ' ailatocracy from
gettlog aa under llteir aterrilcea tUomb,
or "we, the people," v III a.Ki be ajta
tton af baakrapta. 1 ' ' ' ' '
,1Tnghlan,s AmcBtlment u, I Indeeda
great reiornu .We are not saugulae that
tweHhirda of tee Mattse wUi very aneis
eonrar therein, bat waare satlaM ttua
the aroaitty af looking- after their owa
interests rather taaa rraatlae; poHtleal
wtre-ptiners to mismanage affaire at the
Capital J therefore we bellere tliat the
reform. of the present averduvdowlag
aystent bYVery far front '''hop leas. w
? opojioi orrs pixss." ' !
The OoM im Aetr of rhr nla ty,-
Nevada, Jn commenting ''upon Jdiss
Authany'e lecture apaa the 'Power of
the Ilallot" said 8 --" -.
' It wa totally unanswerable, even' by
the most obHtinateiy bigoted eueaker.
writer or satirist. eieclaliy If too illib
eral to attend ami learn a little (rood,
ennnl, practical scnae. In the matter nf
who bare resJIy tlte beet right to the
ballot, and who would be 1cM beneflted
..vre are sorry mat alias Ant bony was
unable to rive another lectnre here, aa
anew oniigea to Kave ror Keno, where
Mr. Ijturs lie rerordo. wtthwbo...
he I to go overland to Vahlnrton. -
We reaiwctfully auk our man' rlgltU
bet-threa of the Oregon press If they are
wrafiaidthU tb bMfiUelite will
ktae poHUal prestige , by'apraklni tlte
a.el. - .'. ,T ,
Mrs. Pnnlw-RV l at rreWnt leiuriiutlUtedrosaof sncicty: the poor woman who
1 ut Ute. jut filue lownaha la auwlUtg
with graUXylng ueeea aad dcaign K
wean tltue Iter pen will nut be ldla Tit
readura of the kw ' earn warr will be
ffuwted aeekly with her eertat : story
aud the wa amount of ciritorial ptM-1
saArIt hi her JnU-utknTo liet Jltej
Orgaa of HunuMa Uinutaaradl tuned aud t
in staunch arttarr'nad aha nrgea theilitto moral rulu. becaoae there. Is not
mentis of tnUepetaicnt Journallaut to
stand ay aad iiport the one ncwpeper
sbMnia ArisMily apeuiUeww baeia,
owns Itself and la not air sale. Hhe be-!
IWvee t henjwn Trrpr.rt wh Jour-!
aal, ati t abe Ii rvaol ved U give thorn an
opportualty to prove It,
The dltor af thai aaaer-waa naa-U
br a larw. inl..llln.n .. ,
audience In UlUalw t.Thtur I
evauhigei last weak. Foaeal the iaaeahlt
men aad wtmmm. aaut. m. . -
the Ww rfVj!ifjtqual right and har-( ,p- 7 ,,ap, license mf In
tuualaus legi-latiou., othliui ovcurred IT ,,h,n,', "wWy. are
to ante the 4eaeare ef the trip ee the ', T" k weU as the fasoinatinns of
the mewtlnr. ab,l, a. uanal. bW' ,h
evit-1.. -I .. .Ifrlvolltlee if aeMy cme:1' Without
t ""J - -. rwta eerie j lUf I
Kawivaiai! aa. gatluired anOd!
thsrtmutoa; -
"Roh- of . aaaalael-.:h..I''
aaatj-fc-hloir ofcglertiDg I no,?wttk 'f "P'a7 ptrhapa aha Is
ir ranrr when thev contain
"fliuir" aath a the above, conied bv
:gotlni L0l.TfenUf LfTcT. fotalitmcl
h reckheat aaaertlon become nt tbe
, , . .
king ears! rtiCfig
- I . . . ' . . v . . ' 1
oevss s llltUf-
may be.- 1 ttilat vimlJ.A Hrtng Jirgt-
trr..r . T I
- a-tin sau im j m a -
Mi PHrbe rvrtift,a? Pr. T-wK Im
admtned to practice as a sawyer. 1
:Z.ZZZZZ iTiVb? AX? - tempJatoiM amMurh to wrtto IU -1
tie.woxiv Qmnoi-io. 1.
- s - 1"otuakp, Jaa. 23, 197i
tareua iav Vaciajaraat st
It hf avw iteauuaed. U ahuw why
iVontaa Hut ra will Improve Biaraja La
teneral, Ctoeorthe aaeat diffleult arufc
leaia 4af rtrtUutioa ut to arark eat p
proiiec regalallaa 'of the paaaloaa of
mankind. Tttey'bare errr bea fike
maga'aea of deetrartkMi, breaking dirth
aial uWavjriiui all iwaceiul, ItHaOt aad
proaiienMM conviction of aorlety, or like
the gradual overflow of devouring flood.
aubmerging ail luoralaud luialvlual
growtba. It may be kva that tlte main
the unetjaelattaiaaieatt aad dialribuUoa
af power, which lavariaUy leade to
oea cannot control itself, the only wan-
aurrmant of this atrongest ineUact of.
humaa nature, which,. a de
structive, but which, iMt doubt. Is na
ture' law fur good aad wise purpose, 1
to balance the various eiemauts af u
power between themaolves or by other
esual cheeks. , .; S
Man baa abtalaed power auMrtor to
wesaaa, and aa hla labors are of a aaore
masculine nature than here, he ie ia
ntaay resfiects atronger than sue; but
whether mature has given blot greater
elements of strength titan aite, is not
here ataterlat, a la euy event she i en
titled to equal benefits with him, -
The natural result of Lb Is unequal dis-
triautioaaf powerbriwecu the atxeaia
that woniaa has beest aultordiaatsd to a
thing af paaaioa in the lowest da,n
by the moat barbarous age or people,
I " -. i
rwm worn umm tvtgmmM imB) 8m nwa
and wuet-their aneat subaeiestae hmagt;
The aaoet chlvalroua and enlightened
Datlotn'liiVeTiaa, aixl 'aun hare, the
moat exalted aeatimentsfor ner.-'IIer
charaM have aver cteatH enthualaatie
worship aad her purity lnv aroused
noble aMttimenta; but all these aentl
nwnte i and tide worship have beet
eimfdy tlte arare dainty diaita of raaed
appetites of auiutal ieawlotu- Tltepareft
VKteunave berti averridden. by
these aelOah Impulse. The high cUint
of protection to woman which have and
are now proclaimed have no f mudatlea
lu fact. A wife, ntuther, aiatr juc lave,
site receive the mast screl regard, the
atoat tcuiler care and utnauat devwUunal
she maul
gt guapled agajnat the paeaiauaot that
sniue world. Hhe la deapiaed e Jer
weakness, aad her latemat are furgottea
for want of power toafwert t
Tu1Tlaii;uage.aeeuia hanji,. becaune
tlie truth I daily ovrtloocil. IniL'edJt
br liltlicnnndcr that wondilp of -the
tihartua whk-h the few poanees, and under
loose high aeidintenla wLkh are avowed
by the world, but which are practically
exemplified only when beauty, love or
klndredal , ik'VoUoM command. - We
n4 aa bj uui nwiiit
ciety,- via : That womankliML umler
man control, 1 either a thing of brute
passion, of utter neglect, or an kkd of
warship aeaupytayaa kteal sfdwie. Tlie
age of chivalry Is llghfcd npwItU lite
moat romantic charm," as the flay "of
the moat devotional woman worahlp, a
atrpreme rn manly eoarntfe and Knightly
valor, and aa flat age of the most exalted
seutlmeata Of parity and protection to
the weak, ench a tbe widow, tbe orphan
and tlte maiden. r' These aentlmeuts,
however, were no checks to the abuse of
woman worWhtp. The are was one of1
the most- licentkHuvrT beaufynand
verythlae; was - permlasalde.
yhlle the weak ahd tlminaW i a ere tw
pressed and oatragotL-To-iUy K ie not
much lea so. Boclety laviahea upon her
iiuoUaed Queen all that wealth aSbrd.
-x-!'.v.ry .for, embner
tar.aU Ita luxuries for uer comfort,
i u1 acience and art for her palaewa. To
'wf tlte great ia rank, power and wealth
xneel tu tlte ntoat abject hontage yet
- aa a useful humaa faring has un
tallncatioiia, uorU slierviulrcdte have
aiv . ' " ' ..... "
inn lite maitlen wlewe virgin aodeaty
never Iwq ttphM-ed or retouvlted by
ua noi recei veti tlte encliantlmj toucb
nnbejol.hiii wsial of the wurhl or the
1 l''la one whose outward aHwaraitoe la
ilkx to the native worth and purity
j "bln; mtott tbsee the world explode
1 ""we fine sciitluit-bU and dlslitu-renied
I.ow of faith and n4etiou. The
worlda ltcitloMajgou4toil
wo. It, buaewr, not otily neglects
Utttt,Uut opjiwe antTdrivee litem
i suOicteut check -. to uaaa'a , eaaairol .: of
wauamna interest or to tha influeau of
! hi ilcalre.
Tliere are many examples of dlsibtcW
estd act and aeU denial to fai thfulucee
lattd protect ioa to w onsen ia this liberal
l and enltgtitened age; but these are ex
ccidloa t6 Ute general rulc.v 8lte' le
aiore or lee at whatever merry theef-
(hi paaston
or reflned, as M bap
standard "of- soHctt rWlU
M rr
"T w HhW-aajeiaIIy eu,
w" noer ana assiBUMM or ween
a , . . ' . , ' i
.TUT "-"l
llnlZZ dli'LlZr:
J.rWtaM' P rcW rd hef UbnT
maveametoul tnaa aeaa. h etaeaetr looks
down upon her for rMiif that Ueey labor
for which M he. nor the ywatif nian,abd
while n to thtM siiittieied by saclcty.
crowueTaway t roil ItsJliJliglan honeat
ln-LTioud and living a bare JlCe. kk U
- W A TKm mmmm m
ana noasee (roes that same werM
"'f tlment and noble voW." 1.
any wonder, that many fall? I
ilwrt any wander that there ar maar
raaMana tot a aaaporf ae for the foarinaV
Hist af wealth and
WfhJek toad to
iaaunsrraUa xlnnn af atarrlage? Ia
there. any woudcf that mauy nun will
not marry because (hey will not or can
nut support that extravaganer and
abuses, and are thus led to life aa. Im
moral UfcT WUtW wootaa U tlta auule
a thing of aeitsuajltr. either In It Una or
eoarse auall ty, U H aay womler OaU hef
- -
botly should be as much a thing of mer-
ckaudlae? - ;. . -
Voman, Jlrted upon tlte plln of
equal righta and riHuBabll!tlcs of Lu
maulty, without- regard to sex, a ill be
too proud to surrender all fur the use of
her body or IU charms. . Iu tlte place of'
U auattow frlvolltle of the world abet
wiD have solid and useful knowledge ai
laatead af exhaust
flah4twrealtnoTne worldTaBiOrw;
aad inlie eatravaganeea of style aad
adoramaat, aba will add wealth toU by
haroliwreaaiil.. bsiifulassa. i. laatead of
negieetiag bee sons aad daughtora, aad
setting them bad example, aha will
have bettor capacity and Inclination to
learn aad bring tlisia up a a wothrr
anly aaa da, ripliere af labor would be
opened aaually fur jaaa and waeaan,
equally honorable, which would make
her la dependant of the sale af her body,
either ia public, to society, at In uarri
age. ; A true married Ilia would be wore
attainable aud aeuve ecinnton. la short,
ea loag aa aha remalae a cypher. eaerpt
to euljurve the paaalone or pleasures of
seen, a now she will be a vaia, prootlese
liiirdea. Titlallagf-1 r r"T suwioty.
, When she U allowed to take the balM
aad other-lae perform an active aud
useful part In the world, aba will impart
wealth, health and Vigor to society and
aad less dlsalpatiou af laaalon, and
more even au4, hartnouiou yrgulatioo
of affair .between the eexea. . - ,
KeapectfullT. eU
;r ; - TH TEXT
Or iT. i :
Tner'tbllowlng communication
sent b'thc editor of this paper to the
editor of the BuOrtU ta reply to a letter
thatwa pMlll4il In" that paper of
Saturday laat, but l peremptorily
re fused by that dignitary on the ground
he had "vowed to the Hox&r"'
that Act letter should be "the Iaxt of It"
We therefore give apace to her attack
and our comments, although It 1 oar
rule to yield the palm of theOrcgon
1 yby to JanteH tTMeara, in whose col-
umn the whole matter would .touch
more appropriately appear; ' !
JSrWfor Bulletin M did Hot Intend to
treapasr again upon your- hoepitallty
about a matter that tut become of ' per
sonal rather titan public Interest, butTa
it would not be at all courteous for me
to faU to acknowledge hc. palnj' shot
of my .amiable antagoabtt, wha has
stooped so low to gain a tittle cheap no
toriety aa to aatlufy the pnbNc that If.
f Jfa?JijoL4U for rofg. 1 am once
more, and for the last time, compelled
r ,u for a little upM'-.
help Iter to a UUIe-aenre nf Ute kind of
notoriety for which a lie becnmltif'fa-
HwhewMrRrHoJilfi addi. anal mt -tojO""- fasa-"inage ;awa tluX witfc,,"
her drttrjfrtmd, site reminded arte of her
notoriou prohdype. who betrayed LU
nuater with a klm; and as she, "becou-
Ing angry - aad - baUb-rao-," - becanae
eaoght'la her trickeryr has begun
"throwing mud la geanine school boy
fashion, ana "thereby consider, herself
the victor, lam wllllsg she abouM en
Joy the delusion, while I retire from
her Held and respect fully addreea the
Nmhy "JtlaanTf Forest Orare. To
them I declare positively that I did
hava BIT hUITIor arrange men t con-
NoarnwaeT for the West Side towns
an Tharaday night aattl Dee. 1 flat,
when, learning that my Forest Grave
pat roue were Impatient because they
did not get tba Hnr Noam a tar on
j FrMay wbctL they recei red the weekly
Bmllrfi, I Increaseil my mallhig force,
and for tha first Una 1a three month.
snceeeded In sending tlte paper to the
West Hl.le town an the day of publica
tion, etnee which time It haebeen eru-
I larly sent tothePortiand office for tltose
towa on Thuraday night- Thl I can
prav hy the affidavit of wry wml ting
Kletk, ahkih jdtJTba forthcoming,
If neceiiiry. Tberelore I -reiterate
my ehnrg that M. K. Hoxtor attacked
the w smua af Foceet Oreee through (he
Btttttim, a a letter dated Dae. ttk.
f aairovoked apcralea ' upon
-t.mmm m, mw mW I l
w,ln 1
affected Indignation that she had eon
see tod to act as a member af the Kxeeu-
Uve Committee af tha Fsesst Ctrave Ast
aaalattoa, ehv, ate, before alio saw tbe
Maw Koernrwaer af Dea. Mh eantoin-
laaj the asi noise ef that msitlng. t It
waa for perlkly toward woeaaahood, and
for nothing etee, that I very properly
fmalahed hoc -" , , .
1 II la ant etraagu that aha ahoahl pre
vail upon a fear personal friends, who
evidently pitied her la bar humiliation,
toaiga a eVtcwaseat which eaa aa anally
ha prevea fklaa, aad I have no feelinf of
raaantnaeul toward theaa for ench a tU-
grant misdemiaaoe, he aee ao eo but
myself Is liable to foal tha attack, mJ I
not ear a single straw for It. - .
The expose ef the "Marsh-Hotter kt-
tpr," wahea afmlssd it vbrtlm aa aorr-
ly, araa written by ana af the Grave Ut-
I did net reastre U aaUl aitor
y farmer Utter had mwared la tlte
MmlUiim, m ahaaid, haea aaawertit
MaNh tontoail af Hoxtor. f The student
did ( my which particular Marsh was
ImaJtoataeV and I neither kne-ev sav
eared anything about it but it was a.
racy expaaa, aad It parusal made Jaliy
good fun. . The Uaxtor setter to tha
feeM wan sarthlnr bat brlllUnt, al I
w in,,, wmw mm mmm. u I -ww
" A I . If 1.- tlmtmm Mm, mm
feeling toward the womaa ba them of
profound idty. ff I ehoakl publUh the
letter from Good "Templars, which I
bar lu toerry ta be Withheld, because
they are aa bitter aaraiaat hec,ahe woukf
swam iat bat I will aet shew the
public what tha bash nf Is againat her
among her hmthreu, unless her future
e)a4uct landere the CaaUgntloa Bsie
ry beu I go agal a to r wrest tiro ve l
ahaltj )4rsoaalIrlutrvlew the man
whose name have beeff signed to the
lloxtcr iefenaa and sift tbe matter to
tha bottom lot my ewa edification. I'
have no words to bandy with tlte
whipped and whimpering egotM who
evidently . Jhlnksjieraelf so "autartr
She ha learned one . vaTuaLti' Icaaou,
and It ha cost her dearly a keaon that
will i vre vent her In tlie future from stab
bint; her friends In the back to gain a
ttrrle Cheap notoHety, wb fctraad
itonorabe drallng aha ooukl not aeoutfe.
Hitch -effort "ever Coat their ajithvr
dear.".,--,, jjJti ..k- -.j-4-
lu eoncluaioav i thauk.tha euitor tf
the JMIOak for tha courtesy extended
to me lu tha publication of my iksfeue
Vthi wa aaUoipated ; t take it all bac k;)
aud, respectfully A tuakijuf r my bow to
Uiiu audehie aaUoua, kave tlie Avid id
iieraonal .ncwajaiper conUuvcrny to M.
tL, Uoxter, the notoriou man' right
mud alliigefc...T. A.1. ItJ i
t' PkkI!(, W. T.,! Jan. la,
Mi."A. f. Ihnt! tray tihnr itmtum :
Your of 7th inat.V with my mammprlit.
was received.
' Yoo think iiiytheoty mpra.-tIeaMe
so long as hotnanity-' needs taw -or h-r
lalatlon of any kind to keep them under
moral restraint. " 1,1 Free Love" In lu
blghesjMind holiest sense needs na law
for iforeement f : It 1 only Tulse tnar.
f rlatt that teualrce htw tu pnforre trrHBd
ftietlce demaada'a modlncatlon af our
lawe ea as to easily rt-lease all rho de
sire It from false marriage. Our present
law' ' rcgulatliie 'sexuaT rHatloit are
mont roalUeSj-'enfordng the most' de
basing prostitution In very many caaea.
But haw i iublie aentlment to be edn-
eated nw to a reform unk as attentfon ia
called to present abuses? Is It possible
uatb'r anjuat lawe for the people to ro-
gre-4 te that ourtty whioh.aaeiu ao
jlawt lsMnareaaary te bring th I
utxlae tha ea force tant of aajtist bvw ia
order 'ta bold the impure audor
stralntr I it not safe to release tt
poor fraat the enforeeenenl of anjut
laa?-Orcanhc tmpare be bCoentted
by nujaat law t 1 -turn 'i X--'-"
- rupnoae anr msrrisge-laws were "US
ducel to thU aiiiiple coda tv Whenever
taa could reaeiit thaaaelvea to be reg-
istrred aa man and wife under tha dec
laration that tiie-unton wanaaagbt an-
dcr tlu would earue
murrtagx, founitsdan tke-aiataai at-
mimthin af each other, aad shoukl beao
reglatoretl: and ah an id they eohssrpirnt-
ly rteslre a separatum, an Um'fnml of
dielika,. uaeonreoUIity or aiiadapUoil
ltyranI it should lie foralth grant al,
I what tiatal , Wouid any iajustire be
donef ' (Hi the ether hand, would it not
be tha. bight. nf tnjuattra autd be IsVHmt
a-arfhui km to foeoe thasa br law tm m-
main as man and wlfef lienv then, l
all titer to of 4' Free lve." f. It aim ply
tor aav aaay and neoniut releaw
grant tt tttstead af laws to enforce fab
-A w m7 views of "Free Ixtv-? being
rreuciaua,- i claim that they am found
ed in Jaatice natural aad iaallaaable
rigltt and arc not at all rellgloua. , Be
ligioua law make sexual alaves Justice
aaakae au arxuaUyfrre, - The law of
Just loo and religious law frequently
-i awur eoutewuo aaieamue reierenea to
nfy magnanimity in the nw f- f rr
one yeac's eubatYiptkat'
Just n
fer you lea iliaa the regular eubacrip
tioa irloe in advanoa.. Nut having n
No. of your paper at hand, I waaaudcr
tlie'lniprMaioii that 12 wa your regu
lar aulaarriptioa prion hence tha rhllcu-luuali-ht
ia which I placed myself. .
I herewith send you a copy of U'oorf-
hull 4t VUylm't h'r Uf, a It' seems you
doitUgt-tUlaeJuhaitge,, ( 4
..,. ,,r..ii.- i
1 Our reallCCtfully, M, .. I
Un. H oxter' Last Letter ut to ''Bel'-
j& t t tdr . . -anr J,--j ; i, i
FukkwT liwovK, Jan.b, nj.
- Afr. ihtniwny ftrnr.: frjrrut: ... It 1
again -"uabHan iha i'utoama'' ami Ume
you lieani from me. I eongratulato you
tn Uta tmpruveuMMit aiparcut la your
oommuulatlou to tlte JMlHit, coin
nared to-that a bl.h aMteaited In tba
LSauj NmrrawKur of the skl. It savor
I -1,a. Ik. aUKH,
down to the tone of one who 1 adlrr--
lug a-whijiped ehlkl,- and rloaex with
worn or eoliinimseiwtbensnd sympathy.
Itoaily.this would be atuaaiug were It
ant s ridicukana, I .did my intend to
write any more, and ahould not notice
your letter If It were not tor tne challenge
it eotitaBri- vmarnarwe nat my note ol
the nth wen wriUeuUevfor. aeettex Uauao
miuutf lu your paar, aaxl dare uis to
dernrM, slating that tlie 22.1 was the
Brat Frlila. y - uprnwli Wiethe.. X kw
Noirrnu est waa mailed ar- Faeest
tirave, J deny Ut aliarge, anl propuac
to prove your statement -falie by your
own paUvna. - ' -V
: Tlie lii4 aatoulaLinveVMbr of all kt.a
nato la thw iKw oamiw:sT ef Jainr-i
ary Mh, under the title f "The Marah
lloxter IartU-r," from whk-h I copy i -
This community
blyjexeitad and amuiajd aver a eertairi
enmmaideatam front the pan -? mm of
the. Marsh brothers,, which appeared la
a recent to-uc of the Bulletin over the
aiirnature of M raj If ox ter. Of eourae, It
waa not ItUeuiteJ that tha Marab-y. )a,rt
of tlte atlair alMMtbi be at star public tlx
rtiea euiicerued .were cairkWwHh tha
coii y. etc. '. lsVrTIArnU.
What ' convenient 'litstnimeut ttuee
aveUwors'aeH Any statement--'-buwevwc
.absurtl or flnr mar k,au.u
ami foiatdi upou tlm pubUcaaatMuetitihg
Olacoreved Ijjr thcnV. I cannot believe
any af my Foreat tlreve friend would
fobriuBsa aech afoimlssad.' 4jaaa. airs.
luthiaav. oauuiwandaaAa vourr-.LjIbut the unirlt of the law and the
aivl theaan or 4 liive Ihtmi i ,.
a .1 - . ".I . 7" w. i
thla blare, a ha wnukl HU .ii - 1 1 mawer lie brtwesa
yaw. . .' ' . ., i .j. . -V -M-iwt
Thera are two brother to tb place
who bear the name of Marsh. . Cue 1
fVeskleut of the tnllcre katei here, a
Minister af the Ooapcr. and a torVaia
raaawner aa it aa dMwut, my fortunafo
hear la thla atato. . The otber is a Fra
nasur of Isnguagwa, and ia conaidered a
thororhr firtrnt-t. I anv1 unknown to
JoaMHedr.) What little I have hereto-.
fore wrilU-n has keea scut to the (roud
Tcmttlar, alir wbk-h ha but a aluall
circuiatiuu a 1 Lara never atiolted to gain h
a ,rcputattui aa ji wmct ta bw-t laave
bad nooueieiH'mmjraaiiiiytu write;
ray article ntuat oerauuiy iwr
oat ueii if yoa Mutauter it worthy
the p. ar eltber of eueae aa tk-roeu. ir
tlte piwiaulgatiau of aneh folarltooiHi as
that qoteu above wa part or tne wnrx.
your investigators are expected to do,
you us the rierht picllation. when you
call thorn huniblcj I dkl not before un-
dtptandilic fiavt'JbctPrUcatioL It
1 of but httle couaetiueltce what you
may say or think of ute, but I want It
illUiu'tlyiiiikTatfrtil that am not one
of tbeae tiiMtrunu-ttia, J proteeC agaluat
havliut ahat tittle tnrhtetice I may mjs-
U u,-or' to buiuj
thMmpli tteerntkiM.
I ahall rev
mraf arrnmeiiTT T aibrety"lt lah to meet
your ohaikutae. Tbi may be kuntillat-
imt to you, but do not iutaltte I derive
any aatifactiwu therefrom; far from It,
I always share iulitehuntiliatiouof any
of my own aex, rnnsimicb a her act
may weaken the faith af ntaaklad ia
true nomaa hood.- 1 au rompelied to
Uo Wii iu kclT-dcfvUsc; and 1 simwvlv
loiic, for your own anke, thitt you will
not-'' it-Iterate the statement nf year
Mlnvastbator,"and comni I further ex
pimure. " ,
Vou aald, a hiU! lu-re, that you coulj
convert any woman, to your bclhf la
twetite ml nil tea, if aha waald talk with
yam. "'lliey may be eiiened, but wot
eout liu vd.; Jt M'S UlluuUs Two
youth are diacusiuiti; aome iiH-tloit,
when one bcwmltir angry awl N i later
ou ' commences ttirem lus; mud, - the
otht-r, to avoid evil carttasswuea leave
the liekl,, wliiW tlie one reiuuiuiuj( ia
tW mud conaldcrs himself the victor. "
Tlianklng the Kdltor of tlie" BtlMU
tor giving ute a hearing tliaaugh hia na
pve, I wake uiv bow to the puohcaud re
tire from the l!t.:M L. llorrta. -
JLUBrnr thvuuayaSo
j January lutu. Mi. ... i
The Ni.a' 'oUTIIWT liaa beeu re
ci-lvel at this nfflee on Friday of each
wee Ir, since tbenrst of December, to my
knowlcdxe.' v I ... . n-'U
. F IWtitatiir. I
t Welm had tlie Snr oar trwnrr
lu eu toutiiiea un Ftitht the same
day it wait publiahed prior to the !d
Ulf. lTKritEX llliAXK,"
,,.: -'. .:. K 1U.A,' - V j
- . .j I- i II. U. WKbUH.v-4
.--fi F, . Bl loan, ;
Ira, JtoipeMibilit iorMlUuoau aal
,.u la.jVaaaf vtaaman. , 3 ,
4 Wrtered " (vornoratkn - are. simply
suUatM.uttakir.luui vidua! action in Per
forming eoiiiinoii duties.. In fluaucea,
1',-iriIi-iiTnrly In lenklnir, they sncreed
not-only In Obtaining extra privtleges,
bat extra Imauuti tioa from eaponallill
Itr, lu tW reapevt It dot not aet-m
dtlTt-rcnL-allh auy cltarU-red cttrpora
tloii. For ccrtaiu duties ami benefit to
the pul)ll always prmulaed aad thera
fora ia the, future, they claim and mo-
. rv;
lcfiva ctrlaiii prUth'gia Hot grautsd ter
cliurn in coiunton, anti immunillee
from Hahility foritcbr. .'
' liaehiaaieewVtBlm-d avaaetored awt-
noiuly atralKutway they set tlulr wib
reduce tlTrtr reponliilMrr.
lu workjo r xiciki (iieir iraiM-iitwHi anu
Ami hav
ing gained poah,s4mi af the ossstttma,
tba nteiMiy, lue laws -and 4ae ma her.
aa well as lue court, lite pui.lic ar at
their mercy, and they dctroy tlfirattd
property with a reck leaaneaw truly an.
pnlliiiK. . Thoasamls af Uvea and ait
(ioita ef property are annually destroyed,
alaaj- tlimujfli the u?;l!geuu.yf tlte
mosttrnat worthy1 empioyee-flnen" Wlto
wer never deretn-t be tew -wha nlway
nave iiern reliable
hie ajt jtroppr , lUit
8 &.npou: alia people
muHered; Ipxtueets are
are mitiiKlol and miirl-red; livueata are
new; eeriiieia are rmncreii, wnicn may
all be summed up in a llaet Aa Inei
dentnl nettkect ef au untiHually,! good
baml aud a criminal iiegUgeiice of the
manntrcment And there the matter
amialty ends, except an aeeasionat ver
dict tor uanuun-s; bat foe tint aavat partin
ute maugu-u aurvivom -aocept a aum
promlae . rather than purue a- legal
courxc airninxt k riitantlc mononolv that
can bur and hold courts and leeialature
their rvKpouiibility for the couduct of
"'t ; -'y ' " " Yt. ir.Trffyf-i 71
employer cxtcndu ftnly to Iheaet of
land a-ithlu the apeeiAo dtreotimuv of
rule.. Tuafoveruiueat of the Lai tail
fttuUa m-U tito example in thi rva jicx-t,
uumlnt and practlclng-on tUlnassunip
tlon, to the frn-af rraniswc ef many eiti
euw. Hiionbleratraaa. girt authoritv'
which the ciliaeii may not reaiat; or if
ho doc It la at hia perl I. Hboukleratmp
y I want your burst, your forage;
ettiarn aay I Want a f wM pro iua.
vaiuauie cuiuthiuraiion, 1 atu bi.vai, but
j 1 am a!6 poor, and so cannot oft'ord this.
lHhonl.kmtnaay - tilngthelualgnU
' 'i.....w-iim.. irerw many
.,oUaltw- aald..aJ I aa-UI m-mmi Wf
1'iUieu jrlelun, aud tit thivemntent
pU-adalu bar of the t lalnt that theofu-t-r
wa not in the fine of hi duty; but
he el hi have m the aitoubUrstrMm. Ha
foUowina suit. euioukn employ la-
vi-HwMtutamtwa, grvrnt twnisge rssuits;
it la lud tlio fault of the, company, the
mail drwertod rds-pimt4:dtalntMt follow
dinetlona, ae may be had token an wna-
aualdiop, and waa somen hat erajwTused. -f
W hat tl they , rare fox tit fienaura of a
iiiry; It fnrtt it iu tlie general
mrtah of -fifei 1 .' " x' ' T? . t
It ia hiab time wa-alMiakl Iwvanoae
wrf fr soch anpblsuMt ami ttUtmttoe, and
bill n l the peuaUie
where tli
iey intlong.
To lllualralei A-. stage eomiMtiiy em-
ploy a driver who, by leaving tha aaaln
rtat l, anseta the enaeb aad manaiea the
pasaenicers; he as lfC iu. the Una of
duty tha actkui aud Ita result attach
to thedrivi-rand not the Company. -'But
the brataml pasamiawri did not hire the
an vac tney miptoyea taa umiiany
and paid It a osnaiiWratiua tor doing f
I- .1.1... m V '
Mira ai J iuift, mtrnx. ,iiiaraillou H . a
driver who, through carelessness ar
malevnlence. Jeopardise their II res, is
the act of the company, ami tha ean
panr is waponslbia for hia acta aa tong
aa he is in charge with full eoutrui of
the Coiivt-yaitce, and he la to all lutent
and purpoaca (he comininy, pre (cmmce.
I Mtsm
gmsisysn. -it tea tatrt of
trm:t ol a rail rue-1 or auy other nubile
carrier, with the fsoiia. carrie.1, that
A 1 a a d
uu a.xiiiein anau nsppen timmgn wewll
wrtuf w IrterHnneteiier. , The psikii
lmvwnpart in the aamureaaant, they
cannot iaiect or dismiss iMpmner per
son; tlda ia the bualneae 01 the hisn
ircrrreTTt, whb-h titer TvAiae to tranaar,
or hare mabtWd artth ha any wapusThe
l'rewhietii af tha aomnaay 1 tbe prnner
person to altaok. -If, toateed of arrewt
litg six I trylnr swierhmen. aad oihae
au hordlnate ofnia, ere woum raanw im
rreaklcnm of tha ritmesmm wewt hold
them eaapsajeibia, 'rat eady to tba letter
. .-.I,.."., -. ml.. a .
wrw far .v-tdea;
trttci witn lite mmir, eiifruei nenr m
The friendAof Wodian aaffrar fa Mas
aanhuaeiU think that iMate will b the
flrat to eufranclii-w woman.' Tliat I
what they are worklnir to accrmirdlah.
Maarttuaetta fo a aohle aid hUbl aiulla
mmm m mM-mm lamimai am awe Wvm-
an; she. never goaa back oa he his
tory, aiui ahcU h lakes this forward
etep she will carry tbe natron wtth her.
1 I . 1 - . . - ., II '
Krcrwnos)e'-' a tn n. r-k. y a I , J
iT a, -, 4 ftxa ; ,
More rVsjt lssOMlstlai'
. ';.,. s - I t.
- -r-ir jL t- I '). ..'' .t'.tVJ
4 t
c-ARu rt im in x. rox. EKQ,
euaWaf teaaall,Ua a taaiebaH. Altur
sir i aa Qienarlisn a lJm, an i. atuur-
aaa raAactaoa, tva. la. tara.
Ihe etaai a a la 1 sops U Star
ka mUmm o aanMtt bawaalti , y UUuraa-
Ma itf-ai vhrrt they ruuld tad rIkCJ
ntM Uaa Uaat m. A Sara su M-sn-
tuuailal uf lb aah uf Jauomrr. for tbe lieataaU
atada a ana mj time, la aaaa-eilut lslrla tot
i are- aa btm. have bea more auanrom I baa
pruatabU va ma. AsJ still Ibey auat. . .
rasarribe aeceMiljr I' further oeraonat aa '-r-
elleailra, let ui aajr U tbuae Uu jar furmjr
oalnkMi, that tint baa onlv te-T.fTbead atr
am BXRwaaU oa4ala at Vr. AHnra, an4 nir ,.
iwfclriK. In 11m. awB.upt nt the swre ef-
'i't'U ij mm. aii ar am
eaburrk, vSM:k Bmi bnuau u a ktuu charac
ter, aS-etlHC tl U-arini ajij the thr.ul, rivla
m at tlaara aauta mm4 at mSara ram-
Mlaa MMinia ia tbe rnr. with ttv.iiinf ht-,.l-
'M, aaa aw a imiMiT am, una w
iua. Ii im ail tu. aol Itie wltAUae mmm
pTOiiaet'il, imiC ajr anr apeeiea or euariaiaaatai,
m malar aaaaaet M7 a Uartur. aa tor a
Mir4 pmrtwa eallin siaillnlnaam Uwatm
arh art.H-0 a uot allivU-U. Ixai b) llw .lllluil
MllletuMi ol loittrlnm dtfvettv t tbe aana
W wa lwait taan Mm laamar
a cwrtjf Hiaa la li I. InU'R-Mt, lj.n-,
mmii Ilia JaSan Mm I Uaws Sjim. SMm
anfc' iimii i Im, Ual lw la a aea;ula tlrtnlaii,
ItMieuMalily annual iUl a HI, m autuH, uftba
kumau kotly, and ptumt iiaae a iMrt.H, Ja
tn-c tit kkill ia Ik, laalmiq mi tn n i Imai
.anw ba mak- k.n w
. . ..'.-a -wrrf--'l "- --Tl
Tki, U asanUhaiasvaasni
over liirra ymm wtta Aslkma mm nsascaMa, -aa4
seat twaat eeatymsasi sa Utr Uwe ea -MimMalHUM
rr amaUr art
mt I baeaal asm semi iuafrnaa I aaa Id
ma ba ruaaUi mm4 1 l imn aa weaU ba I
CMild n.rwijr eaik up a Bialal of amira, a4 t -happened
lu w a b-tlrr fn.iu Uwyrr llouah
l.n auuht Ibat ba mmm W4n treat kr ir. 1, am- waa metwr snsar reiiet; aar T
iaMrlit 1 mU4 aud m lua buetawi IhU I
had Utile hnue M rltlne rr, aitx-k Vaa a
run'. llHU waa a, tha IMh ml Jaaaarv,
rn;a,aod aa Say lamtmsaaaa wall mas, lam
any-alaa yrmn ,4d. Mjr axil her aud aMtet sMvd
with llw aaina dlaeaae. I ariid till card, Miw:
lt.-lled.-Sa. Mr. A bora, ahlahme Mm! U mlh -mwet
lUw a am, a myamjiialtimarn abo
" " is '";." : ; Ji.r
J. V.
- J'-:-'.r
3a-a.lba, bar"e brrs MVa 1
kwta arf f 'arrruwa a Mr, at. C. Wbne ta
te-blwe the ail, iw tt arwv an Ike ftaso
me, take leaare-V Clv1Hl a beset y Veall-
aumlal lha we bare emair)il bee h ear:
IkmlMsa as a searaTberWw airland af la. .
ii m ikm, mm that U baa ameis aaaartwe t
any maiiMM wa bare ee kimwat aaa) lbs al-
imaicll tbe Seal ml may has IrlOe maalevlbaa ',
aoaaa atbeie. wa rnlta WMUW Mm I
fute mora rlwtaar, UsiMi Imlaq -a tsmi
miUHatarum Wa lerla lake areal
tea-tewr la reertiaietnr her m Ike pnTron
a af all warn may h di liaa mmtalif a
mnrral eda 'alias) aaa .upivtui loanaiur.
T tnuae who m-airs to kauw Mir auwut U
hfSiee laetirrlaff anv expenae, we sit a enrdtal
) Invltiillini In eall al aaa I am ia I
i h-',Vu',ned. r.l.ll ClRn notJCAX,
f - . wTV.eor. aereuta smt tiuiiewa m.
"S r
- a .... . roruand.
, n.Ji lk W. HtU.MAb..
Ml. l-umaad.-
fl AT.
H. t.M:.
Bad rorUajMt.
r AST F uttuii a, Jaa. t HCX
Maa. M. C. H'wrra-lbHipeenHt Wadam i
avliic heard or roar raw nf leaeriraff the -
rtarwMiirta, Baaww mm u, ii mm -a Aaarma
Matuud, and bat los bava arm ml a a-w da a
aiaea at-tha axeretae nfune '4 ynur paplla, Mlm
lanr, .ar Kaal IN'W'l taad. I waa wmeh anraetaad
and exam taaety Bran ft.! . at lha avnat-i ser-j
formaMeeol Xiue imal UiaVurt pto, (ach aa -Ihdarhalk
fUi.r-s ete.J and lb I a alter lb abort
term mi ai muatha tuahaa. -' " ' . -'
A tfcrw aaa a exarma wur a.ppahMna f rati
ui ( iiuiruttiou, ana witn my
my Umt
.. , . ., , Vaam Unpawn
BW ind J.ra.l. rof IUKM lon'aii4 Hand.
1 II- rAHWII . ITUL 111 MM L
ti kj -..., V U'-"-" . ' . I a.
'an- tttw 'lf t i-i vr .tii 4t - V
iteul Ualate
errioav-wfa. rwat t-w
raaruxa, ni
rueUaaML In lit tiaat dualrabla hwaUuaa. .
Inc uf lr, IlAi.r HiM-sa and ItLOcaa,
Alaa. Iarrai Fabjm and Viu-iiui r
ci-LTtv tTi I,.im, Wtd la all aarta f the -
hsai. ftaiM-nt ami WTiT TfrH-'rty tm,
a- llreawMHlnta, la rata ( mr aad thmaa-h-m
tha Mr ana cam rmnwaa, wo a (real
rara, aad mm Ihiiwai Aimimwi a Iut
ttnraaa ABB niaasa4uaBBrh I ataim Kno
riTKB aad LLauaa mm AtA. waninau
aaeri.v t i,and a i ax .!. rsaJt-.'
rial, aad Aorik-v Hcmf Hal TWaaaaa-Tsax
Aaaa-aaaftblsOerH B la all tha Crnniit
f owna la UaeHTATC III rrtedaer1wttns at
-i ., -..! -ij. . . .J., t- j. .
tMUwf WnlnNI rwee ml Aashssa naieV
sesiaaiila ar III SHsjer Mtiaiaa
sl ratlseh'' ' " - ' "" "
I ... . , .. ...' t . I ! I .
na at v
slh '1
mi rairwrr mmm wrmn taw
. ...
rt m mmrmjim-mju
r ' .
a- S I- a- .
lly Mm- H,
a, aa rramt at.
I . mrfrnm rm ami bninlerw. rmiilrtc. n.l laJ
v.,w 'to ....Ifu l -
lar all whaimmrea helper aav kmd, will nd
II ta Ihetr BUaaalBS as aaM Sm haa there aV
dra. j,lln IIKK1.U.
r. H. I have Stan Wimk f fcaal Kami" and IamH
teaaJa. rt
J. n. a .
COCX Ata3 )C3 PRIMTCns i
WAaHtninwit aTKurr, trAiha, -
- -- set samaasBBjvenmsmah'-e nrt ' -Wet
mmrVl 6 .()u51nlji IlltfDC'il
AaWn.aiawTBtir'fjtTira. fteabieaa. Teweiaraea K
irm Bin, Piwiai aa-aaraarat rawllir,
Mm Krea,uraaataud lada.ttiiarMr ml tla r-
am, w lima, eieara auo lulll maii v aw
Ataa,, Trilrd and Mmrt-rtf atrreta.
ihkiin ! irinr aaiai ami ruin
4ad Mm wnaiHaO' awalaa d weal- ,
ri. J" i.,f.lli alileb Ir.
Akura Hi ma WMh aaarallelad nwraa KU
t It R'ilC rucCinaaliailoa.
Tram. . ajadamm aaa aiaania en vwe err-
mt tha aaawm.aa mm ail a aa aea .,
aaa arm-are .im ufaiairai o inry
- '-., ,a i i aaa .
i ll. ! ta,",t
I '' -,r. " -.
nrr ' 1' ',.
W M. t i