The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 26, 1872, Image 1

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    . -Jkajv aaaa.' a'! aa ,,
a rt. uia " W.i hri''Mlk .k AJ 4 - i uav kAAW Uttl -
it '::.. f4ii :j"-a"i.;i .t '..-."k . 'yv 1
ttn" ti i t I -- 1
A imnl tor tb rwapto. '
Jimla to lk lalwwu of UmmamUrt
laotaaaaaal ratltlas ana nrtlgioa.
aw. A. 4- mtWiV Ja.aadrraajrtaitt
fc - v. ,
rrirCO. Tkid Mail Waattli
- IM t atr Uvo ban, ao
adlaat la Oopoalag uU Eipoata; th Wi
' TERM 1
Oa a tar. .
Hit Stnalha
1 bent saisiiha
M .
-Tax krrn m, rtr. fKOM, rr raomJt-,
i I'OUTLAND. OIIKO OX, l1!! 1DAV, JAmTAltV qo; 1 r-irOc
ADVEanaueMEXTalaarnedea Rraaoamblr
Tariaa, , : ... ,
.aT ' ........ I. "V ' M J . . . V . TI T - - " " -
5 :rS r:"
r,'t A-.-.r s j ' ,: ,. .. ' y"j - !; ' ' '",1r - ' " "'
fHimiaaaSiaia witela n i naa I mm
tam aaaal ata kaowa itN aaaMa to k
! ' - jEdUor.or m altoaltoa wlU kofto to MmU
7 ' I Wrlttre tor Ik Woo Wkval
fVJbtAtftf aMaVsaU v oast aIaMsV "
' -Whom- blood rarltkrd Ik ktUtom;
"Awl eerily ww in to r klgk " "
T stark tk pad wkt saartyt It. "-'
W Mial kVtlr deeda af giaaluiaa ",
J And mud tku- prata no kor I aaotv,
-' AjmI, aa wt poada Ik apot . .
for aaa r-r to to torsot.
tkiMr a
fcrmi antes kavorabrs a, .,: .
WnJht orr awr ao al iow drwd '
W-rj pard aaa, walto I
"Vpr do ana's auk katoaa ata-pf
rilaitajtoliMaaliMa, ...
kad kp saaaaaaatol totok, -
Aat aoattkaawtoVaaf atoa
.full od litalr haagry urw wwM potf
- Iin tkollatttoadtaaWapkaaa,
"""FIsjObV aaftiai Intkfftfef avow MoTs "
I avlB todoaaar alghti
' Aa4 all tnay asaghl to
Maakly to boar Ma baatbta awl.
WHk swh-l, aaB kaada tbey ballad.
WMk kamit aad will aa4 toala lby aaollpd,
fhiaOnHkalf J
Tha - l-k i
' Waa koard aul ky Ik aar af Uhm
Wka ttM tkalr tlTaa la ealat rrpoar.
aar laaasarha, tola giddy I
M Ua.aodtoaarlfcadaat
Tk, awiaor Ilk, oa haa
Ban shad owktle, than dasp
itoiaakui araHfapaadlaaial; '"
Thy, Ilk a raat, a-arakalailaa ,
i Balaaaa k avtk vttfc kaaaaa atoa, ;
' AM aallad apaa ta crrmaoa tM, V -"
- WMk ata biuuiUm tor aa4 wfci. " '-
ilkatUMf wra
r Xasyai-atajr tkalr kMto toald aUto
BaalUaaly tkr Inal to Ikraaai
Oa.aaaiali ail at kaaii
Mar o a kMljr kaauia lkaaM
To tfMolatluM (bay ka4 arnmkt. !
-a tor vttkoatTka WfllUai aaW
Wkwf aoaia aa4 aovar na;a Ikatlv '
-Wit aiaialm Ik n taoak aafc
TlartraaaM aaaaalaa
aai aiaa wununi ay kaliaa) tk
- full mm a tlaa Hwaa laatra to kao
: Tkaaay af torlaw aiai ' . ..
IfaW k iki aiam f tmm to aaar.T
fAilkaayk kaawa Mtay wtokAant
J; TkyllnJfcaaaaaiailBkifcto
i WaaW aaatoaara iiai,
- aaiaatkanaWy
' O.tkatotakalm la tioryHtoaalk'
T1aMMalaWay Ikcatfatof deaOi
Vk aa faa4 atoaa a4 aaai
Aad aJtoaat at kai anal a .
b ra;lBiaortai FaMe!" erVt,
t Aad auully nakaa ta Ik artorl ' .,
TaHlnanla klaal
Am tknnden kruk dr anrarandl. "
' JFWUKmS- aaaaaiH aaaaVai aaMFa aaSrA aVtaltjr Wala"ar,i;W"!'
Vm aa brW drauchl fro, glory ara. " - -
Wkatkaf atoayraaa roalau af aaatf
JUtor to am toatr ktoa to tkroaay-.
Wkaitier Mlaarra to rim kaad
Harkoa klai IbrtlvwUk kkood-alaiard waad.
Ta toliU eaaraa, tlnyid la t
Alike k Mtoart at Ik all, . -
Ilia Utlrat to akaka. kal' kaaiU.
Aad aaa akoald at PaM itirta ador,'
kav aa Ua dawla, akaa aadaaatoed.
ad M
' It vkacaa kaal aa tiukra kamn,
-x it aaaaatraa jaaaa itoaarl
i tor atoia wonky daad
BgnaAaj k wka ataka toa tkaaaaad ktoad-
War la lh tyraara Bajaat coara
Ta ok Ik waak ky iraal ton;
A aarfcartaaa tkat all 1 1 eUaga
To blaat tk Joy of aartkly Ulnt;-
A a dlk, vkaa aaciy war
wavaa friMa aar laad tk atronf aad War ,
Aad taava atua aaoa la taof
Tk aalptraa, wka tlattr winaaja daatura.
FwHI waataa, taarid wk
. Kar la kl aWWaValkiblaak
RaUMMdadatttwd, kaiavad by all, .
Oatka Wa kaftato kimn tmXO " I
' aavntt tatolti Hi Htato aala
Caat tortk ayna anh'araanlaaa wild
l.oa wnaaaa, wllk tky arykaafd rklld
- wf
; Tky iter, afaaa, tv tortk ao rbykt
To (aid tk la Ik ilnaalaaj ikwita,
JaNkajf" ftaTttt tk9af at" "tVaaaaaaaaf aaa'aaaaaalj""""- 7"
' Bat yaam af Borrow, a i uag aad erttaa, '
Tataa tk Mk tk raaaar Tlaaav .
.': Aad tkaa taalt karwaal akaaa af woa,
Wklk aaca to aia amMUoa ow. r ' ' ,;
May Waaoaa kaataa aaaa to day J
Waaa ark kad aU akall hmO; "
tkdVaaaVaaTaaam -amtowAaWaaa
' W V-4aTaTaTaW-waat WHmWmrnWB wtnWV
; M aard to uk a toot an9 hj " T, "
Wara a haaktod ky tokl,'."
A dua la at darkaat akykt,
. Taat dw aa-k mi and (Iliad ami v '
2 Dora b lnatdra.iii ail iiiitil.V r
; Aad ky aar patwat aad toira, -
' Oar Iraat la toaa aad aaa aba.
Ua rrod Ik aaa, a-kaa waddad rbrkt, '
ktor autcat tkajt Ik ana avkrlaV'
ra aw tk watckat oa ta towar
, ITorlalm la dawalaa of tkat kwar ,
Wka kaada toa kaaad by raaaaaal rkala
Taak aaa Ud ajl iaa atokt akall tata
Ta la aar, wkk a aar. aat alwaaj,
Aaaatia(1aalaaaaaf wraaaj,' ';
W kirk tram pi la la daai of rank "
Taltwa"w St4BwVwkaMl wjf M9 (I'Vawty ;
Bank aakykUaat kraa tobjM to
. Xaattotkatt
Wlutll to akah aptfit aay.
at trtrtta af laantortal Mrtk.
- , Xor toelptaiod seat aofaarrai atoad ,. f
Thau Sii li aaS ii II ajato atiki fcaawa,--
". mm vwa ihoaa whoa to rd ami -
. . j Wkaory laaaslaa . .. hi,.
aatot waamakl. -. ' - .
war. ....
latadaaraTaaakaafcBatJ,: .
4 kkall iwrt to tk fldra aalda
Wb.ra atHaai aatol atwdaad ytolia, ,
. Tkaa oark akall akar aalkrr'a grtrt; !.- - ,i
U ktoaaawi.iaaaak 4 XOOO
Aad bMrtkr all aarh kowt lauln-.
TkVH karat aaaa
J Aad MM Umutaa ik. Wl k a.
arCalBll wa iaMiatWT wtt
" lata at TtO a
aaT l"ayaWta(aa
, Attulckty t4ikmawwpikakq.
fkfa Mpward lkuui; itanaxof
; fliall awrll tkanutikat nf IW fra
la adra atrataao) UaaaTTl N
T 7 OwarakljtotoiavH . , I
" " kaaMad waMaaaaaaoaaatoa .. - . i
aaaaaa toarrv r . . i (
' nfjitrrad, arrardlag to Ik Art tTOp,ia ,la
Ik prar aoi, ky atr A. J. totalway, to k
Jo af Ik Ukaaitaa af (aarrraa at Wkiklacto
curl - .
.. t,- t-JaAJTaTtt" IV.
la tb tIUam f Maekiiakw, tUtf
Bilkfa rom tb too boot of th orpliaa
bildren of my ttory, BMtHlnf wis 1
aamHaw, wbtaM aVllbanilooa ward an
tlj of wary (raw mmd ImporUnt
. Tbia vlllafa, which' at 'Ilia preaeut
wyttinc it a atourtoblug tnlaaU eUj, eoi
avtctaal aHta tk oatakla wortd by aaaaj
Chrubbliif; artarica of telegraph and rail,
at, at tba Uaka ot wLIcb I write, eaak
W four r flv loa; kuta, batter
bulH and mora eoaiinoJIoua tUaii liter
Lkywd't, but constructed after tba aaaaa
prluilUvB iimxUI, wlUt .u MiTuIiicti
aava auuli aa tbaj law- waaiUt ml tlaa aaaa
piling tahabttante rtMHUrt ahaolutel
pact aaa ry
A obhhiiuk VPinewnia unn waaa ui
A K 1 1 a I. & I . At II..
other, and atanrliag a little way aiatrt,
" - - y w .
aLto coufpatoiTo? rougLIyliaiwn tlrubwiV
wIUiUm InteraUoM A1W1 with clay,
from tba gablo end of. wblok a hngw
Hod and atlok ehiiuuy rvaraJ IU ugly
aaopurtiaiat, ad wblob waa uawd tut
wrhlp, krwn" ai" fcra" autirt and
cbwl-roopv wm -Warmed aud Jlgbied
by a raariug fir of lUckury aikI tuapte
log; aad aaounit IU ruddy bias a doaoa
itigbUagcd but kiudly ltearted tuea
amuked and chatted and puuderwL
Tba atonnj which had been ao furtoue,
bad been orcr for aeeral day, and now
the atear, wtld January flaeae Itaal aeU
tladnpn- tha iivtw-rlad yArttvgDdJyk
out Lbeae ptoneera from Interooaraa wltk
ataveraaUiaoacaU of tba tben far Weat
Tacla Jaaob did you aeud that letter
to tba relative of fMer Dewd, aayou
iprtmlaeaT' '. : -
Tha ytttoo aaun from a lank, raw-
aotdpatoofahultetjdt eeeentHeally
attired Inulrldual, who pufledvlgoroua
ly at bli i coTO-eob pipr aad, with bla
ahln apo hU await, made efbrt toJ
look I'nele Jacob In the faea by dea
troue wriokliag of bla weathrr-beaten
rolliag np a bwuatng hair of
klnrlly grey TV that peeped from be
hind a aback of yellow hair, with -a
gaaa like that of aoaaa good-natured an
laaal, ietlaff (rani Its lair., rr-
Of eoarae I didn't- Wek.' How lit
ereaUon could I cuJ a letter wbca tba
npT" aaU Jaaob
Orahaaa, avlklly, . - ,.:js ,
Wn, tbrrVa ana thing certain, Un
ci JaJcev-Them barefoot young 6nea H
all aVaeaa if aanaaiblng ten't dooa for
the m. ' Pd a hefiied 'em many a time
If It tukdkVt bean for Indulging reter
tkw4 la bia Ualaeaa. . Aad now Uutt
haa dead and gene, taa my hide for
aole leafber If I don't aea that hla chll-
do not uf6;r." ; '
"tiaodlZktkl goodie But wbaa will
yen begin thla wonderful workT' que
ried anotbcT from behind bla plpeT- :
'Til begin to-morrow, bg ginger t
And If aay of yoa ara m UllnrtgnrtpTrTnchos after Tm deod and gone,"
fd he glad of the eervice, for there's no
caah In my wallet, and r ve nothing to
depend upon but thaw luuaclea and Old
Huklah, alappiag bis arma and affao-
tlonately eyeing bla long, heavy rifle,
Ibal Uauod oaralemly against tha Jamb-
atone, Mrpporting tha belt of a powder
bora and snaggy abot pooch across (he
muule, from which many a death deal
ing bullet bad apod lis unerring way to
tba heart of a aeor, bear or buffalo.
"To brgta wftb, tb,-o," eaW one of the
oompany, "them youug cue's haven't
had a ahoa to thair foot for many a day.
It didn't matter a much white IVter
waa around to do ta chorea ootsMe, bat
now Ibateveo thlilg Uepcuds 7 upon
aW-aa, thay tuuat be ebod! That'a aer-
Of if a to know hoar rnu'M amln' la
ff "."'! mid Jtaclt. Jacob.
Then ain't money enough In the burg
t bur ei a rl r aHeee. - Betarr aa.I
akbaueied W auptlea when wc-ahod
WWa w If - - M : rr. -i: - t -
Poor Uacte Jaaob waa naturallji a lit
tle ctoaa about hla pocket, and It waa a
koraJ trlario btiuTlo are from bla lim
ited etore of caah a aufnclent. aum to
iimfartably etotbe jmmI educate the
nine niuirpharia who hT been but an-
welcome nenuge in niajicciinimy. nay.
Hie only htua-hter bad more than a
aloeea years before eloped with a worth
advtatatwr, aad, after a thoaie of
privation, hardship and eKcvt ma
ternity, had reaped tba last reward of
and departed to tba land of
haMtoa, teavhaa aaek a bordan of bodily
n4rcunlry can upon ber atred tau
aaa aa might well have somewhat
w penurious, closely aateulati ag
maa like Tool Jaaob, But hie wlfo,
deaf, aueirrtyi wholehearted soul, e
porisaaad na aucb aour feeltug. Her
bemii waa tonr owoagta to receive th
whole ojotkwlass keood, and, toally, bar
malett croat lay In tha querulous corn
plaiaid of bor vhuabaaJ, wbo alwaye
to fan! thai ha had baanvlo-
Umraed, kltheagli, U do hha Jaottea, bU
long waa hhr-woret "avpreaeutatlve.
Tbo wottblam aea la Uw aad akt parted
for wberaabeata - Unknown, aad ttte
thinklag 4 a iraod rid-
aarjee, made aa attenrpt t ham of him
It waa iltlla wonder that Jacob Graham
adtlhat h L4 aU the kousaltoij bus-
TberT's brJf a tiysJ oW leather ore
te tba blaekamltb abon, aad If any of
yon will furnish as a heavy, wvil-taaned
baekskln for uppers, Nl engage to anna
the whole VWW of UttU DoWa T ex
ffatlaed ahort, atout, barly-loaklag
backwaoiliiaaan, wbeaa lanlwraa aa-
rllutge blaekamlth made hlm.tbe ntoat
earful maa In tha aettlement,
"Do too think the DowiTi are eottef
aid Zlek, demurely pocketing hla pipe
and biting vigorously at a twisted roll
of home-manufactured : tobacea,
Uugblng with bla kind grey eyea.
Tbeyr human eulte and mut ba
bod that'a eertaln,n waa tha quick r
Aunt Dato, wbAbatqalatly aatteretL
knLUlnar work In hand, took a stool near
tba are and listened anateualy te the
courersAUoo. , . M,- .,.
"Bhora ata't mil they lack hf a luug
wayaj 1 eaa tell you. Tba poor ereetura
haven't a aeouud dud to their backs."
i?ITt'airft.iiiiwp: Iurl em.
Tbty twver had two dude at uuc4b A
little further experlouoa iu tba aanw U
rauUiMt woult aateuuV to utuvu," waa
I i t
1 .. m ,.. ti..t i i-nii,iViMM'l, i-
J aw 'i1. 'j1 aa aakaaav jav--daaaa; ' d'aAaFaWyyaya'aawww aaayay
ter o nights If llu Uowd 'a poor chil
drcu bad aboua au' atocLIuga an uudcr
clutluis. TUclr mother fretted beraulf to
death because bar children auflarad for
vuUi4MVMcUJJuct'ra. baard bet
say g heap w Umaa that if lVter would
only: let bar go ahead abe'd have what
they needed, bui ba-waa ao sUUUfae Ilka
-Umt I I eald I woukia't apeak IU of
the dead, aa' J won't, though It dor
aaem to ate that a maa oughtn't te bare
a family a alee be aaa provide for 'eiu.
waya Prevldeooe," and alia gave her
faster tbaa ever.
'Well, It'a aettled that tha Dowd'i ara
to be bod; that'a amno eetuiort," id
the bUeksntltU. -."V:..!::
If I'd
give the ahUat girls onke'yarn to kUlt
their atarkin'ar - Yah know I wouldu't
it tf fetor hadn't died," aad Aunt
Beteey'a vokao trembled aothoagh she
were asking a favor whose rastawaa oauld
ce-roaly he caleulatod. - j '
We've got youngnne of our own to
ktockln', BetaeyYon annad remambfr
I ain't rioa,' -
-"But 'peara to Were ronld apare the
yarn. I can heel aaP toe our old etoek
In'a an make em lat thraagb the wln
aaV aorrWlv'sealldrMtaaa aM bad.
off like Kllan Daard's." --y
Uncle Jacob leoked up rMh a bread
grla.. Uo aacretly admired, hla wlfa
twmrvolent aplrlt, and took about thclyqffcji'I
delight in tormenting Mr that a
cat betray when playing with a timid
Tha gieateet fear of my life te that
ru aoteatlive my wife. And,-lf I altould
die aad leave her, aoma maroaaary aoaW
awag would come along an abe'd marry
him out a pity or eta aoma preachu
would take tba bread out of bar mouth for
Imaginary heathen. I teU you, gentle
maa, It behooves mo to live aa long ao
Betsey does, if I can, for she'll starvo b;
"Jacob don't mean one word e that"
remarked Aunt Betaey, trying to speak
lightly, but aba waa wounded by bis
raillery, and ventured ao further aug-
geathNhv '. "'w - --;
ew," mid Zlek, "I want to know If
we're) going to bit Upon any connected
plaa by which wa may benefit those
Buffering children. We may talk hem
all alght without aecontpliablng any
thing." " - r .. .
"It's settled that Tm to shoe the colU,"
said the biatkaanith-vi -
"i'U keep 'em ia moat," said Uncle
Jacob, drily.
- "WU aut their fire-wood," aald aa
ether, speaking; for hianaetf and eam
paaion. .--.4---..-. ui.
TU milk for tha baby till
rjpee goes dry. Alaya't I, Jacob?". , . ;
'What dyo inoan, woanaa t Just a
Ifwahal 'nio" yoongune at home to
feed m'--4-r--------; ;
"But wa-aiu't"gut
preclooa, litiy
baby with a tender stomach atr no
mother!" ami Aunt Betsey bunt Into
tears, which. ahg qulekjj. wlpeA away
with tbo earner of her cboeked aproit,
and reaomed her occupation with t a
flying needle. I1- . r
. "They'll have to ha furniabod with a
hag & moat ovary week or two," aug-
gvoted Jacob. -An now the Mark i
nawa frose up, I dou't know Jiow welt
get any grindlu'." - r
"Ooeas I aaa spare Nm meal till the
creek opens," mid one. V - -
And thus tbo phut for provUlUtg for
those babaa la tha wood waa armaged
Saaaill llaa I laa II ail aaaaaa af aba bla I
hearted neighbor, And all, except Aunt
Betaey, went homo aaiaWled.
, In tbo ateaa Unas UteeUkliwn la the
lonely cabin weea employed la evoking
their food, caring for tha bahy and tba
little year-old waif, wbo waa far anon
Iroulil a tbaa the wee
Aunt IV toa y felt aoch keen soUrltwda.
; They had asea tbebr father gather tha
boaea of auiaaaJa which bo had Allied
and bora Utom la aba Asa, aad, fotiow.
Ing bla eiamplo, they gathered wprtbe
remaina ofThe, wolvea and, makJng a
Uog fire, WA nothing aeoatad UteeoUa
to note the wombat except the bteod
Mained snow, anderrr thla fhey thnv
wood aahee, ytoa covering the jfora front
abyht, . . . .J, i'NMl.,V .
v oottr' hnrah would aay, "I
the. Vwks .ot jury thrmj dnmdful t-Whyj"
eaa't very thing
l-t Y,cm ntlftil t vs,
world, I waoaVrf Mother
to me about bow aba longed for beautl
ful thing. 8beU ten af a far oaT Vow
England hoaae, where aoaaa and aUtaea
giwwrwmt nW teH of tkrr aad applea,
and plea and uough-nato, aad aay her
ehlldkaod waaaabright aaxl happy; aad
then abe'd eateh tno In
hag mo aver aa tight and beg mo, what
ever else I dtd, to never disobey my
mother) and to a abe'd wvep and aay
abe'd want to die If it wttoa't for as
ehihlreu t ami then, when mther woakl
aoaaa lu, abe'd htudt knd look
though I could aa plainly ! that
wasn't happy-tte I'm going -iu the
vary hast 1 na,iMt make evarythfag
pleasant. But I do wish we bad aaorn
and atocklnaw aadfa eiwUing hookr'
Tbua the chlKl would talk to the young
er stetera, M tbey would all koay Uaeai-
aetvea in making their
roontHnga aAeoinfortabla na
The Uuif vestige of the combat of the
night before was destroyed, and the day
hail Craned tnto-thr sfrwnwra, "when
t'uele Jacob was expled making hla way
row the Maeklnawr-Ht potketa
suspiciously plethoric, and, aa tha chil
dren crowilcd tutu the door-wayi be waa
aeeu to draw hi rough coat sleeve aerbas
hi eye; and be blew bla aoaa with a
wbeesln? ttoiar,- upg:oU m"iT jwnt-up
tears...... 1 ' 1
Tit tiilUlvu, tobuutbid-lug his quer
uloua . eoutplsliiinga, - waro somewhat
sby of biui, but his manner waa ao kind
and cordial that they gradually grew
aulf-asaured. t. '. i- u , ,i
"Smllit bow- would lyou lika, aoma
akain of tba snow-white woolen material
y from bla ample pookcta. . .
"Oh I ,ever so. much,
.Uncle Jaeob.
llamma ao often wanted iL Hhe used
to knit U altarea before she got ao sick.
and than we li4 koeklnfs ; but now
It'a been a Jong time licewe, ka4 any."
"Havi you got knJttln1 nrtUtor'
"Only one set. f Jhey're on the shelf
behind Uto luoklug-glaM," and 8arak
pioaeeded togrftthem down kbi) prepare
aoma knitting, at which sua was adtue-
Wbat adept
Can't ye knit, Fulr
,"I eould If I bad yam and ueJh.' -""Blesa
your heart ! You aliall4ave
yarn an' tteedla:' that's ir(ad2 aad
Unci Jacob drew tba arr ary art Meal
from bia poeket aodprenented them to
Susan andJdw
He then cut upenough of tlie f rosea
venison la convenient piece for cooking
to supply them for a day or two, split
sing to make a railing along tit
foot-lpg aa soon as th ic woultl, begla
to melt , :, u , . .,-
Aunt Betsey juanngod eyery. tlay or
two to amuggle a amali pail of frosea.
milk; and courey Jt M the oruhaa'
borne, and always suceeeiled In making
herself UOicva that sbo bod deeoiyr4rjiAK.C4einWwImwnv
bar coaaort whoa he, in fact, liad quret-
lJT Jauglied to bimseir over kasy iiraflbo-.
tual attemiits toooaoeal her prodigality.
The blacksmith Iu dua Umo famished 1
uta ciutaren ute auocs tnat na naa prom
htod. Clumsyi.awkwanLjlhiiiga .tbey
(.ware, but tbey proved very aarv ioAbl.
Other swighbora fumialiol mhor.nase
aariea aa tbey had promiaed, aad tlta
children grew and flouiiabed, faring
batter tbaa they over fared while V
Pptnalug upon UtrlfUom Teter Dowd. , "
. "If poor mam ata could only aea ua
now," said Huaan, aa aha coatamphtted
their altered drvuntaUneeaT "I should
bava all I want In thla world." - i .
j Tba baby, also, flourished ataoly, and
wa tha heart's ttelbibt of , tba auow
bound orphan.
c "The Ldtrd never aaudsa mouth but be
aaauagn to aetvl somethiag to iill it,"
Aunt lUaaey would often say . ,'
T .ftJaeaa If we'd waited for tbo Lord to
11 that raeutia, It wouldn't have beeu
tiled very anon. You've been steal! a' J
eU Bpec's milk all winter to food that
mouth, anLLeam'tbolieve tha tawd telJ
yo ia do-aftjruclt tbutfi1 aaid Uncle
Jaaob, wltk alaugk. . .
- "Wen, yea aiay aay what yon plaaae,"
waa tiny blashlog iwply, '.'bat I know
litolrdpttt ft tekoour-htouts to ears
for them heiplese laneeuuts. k I never
Would a atola the milk H you hadn't
aaid WO coukln't spare it,"- and Aant
Betsey vlgiwously -applkut . tbo : home
made broom to the baked aiay hearth,
which much eweoplaej had wora Into
orach awl gniUea, that wet
hoariy Ailing hp with aurajeobn, dirt and
aah,' "You afoto any atonkla' yarn,
old fellow, aaf I haver aald a word. I
gneaa wem even on tomlln', an I'U
hnab If laewwilt- - i
Wakla-r' tlte-e4rtodd
aabted iho n4raom to rveovor tbo
body as PMer Ikywd, whleb waa laid
away haaiaa tha wife and snotkoron tha
Mll-aU near the chiaSran's homo.
- Tha know and tea tuv woy ad Is to
th aaslavw breath and gialanaao nun
akin or t1a wa ending.- Blnls
aaag ia tba gmvaau. Jtuda i wo I ted aa tha
pbt mwbaa f e wer i sp s d aw area, teaf-
sweretl grotkaOJ April ahowen roll,
and aaotlasr earth, rejoiriag ta her hvo
Dnaaa, lay bmiMng volaptuonaly In tla
amea of her children, as (boy netinad
upon bee giarn clad hnaam or etbered
wMwOdd taaaaunolaaanry with which
to b4takioaaaeaaUry thete-aaasly
'wi ai x-1) a jt "-' 1
,,i lit iT haMnedJ s , ,,;v
T ,i
Th--rdher Sunday a tndyreacTrei J
I Vt twonain niomora-t trout me tvst;
nt onto Tod. wsarh o and the next work
the galteat ydh rf he osngragatiaai
gave ber a nice gow on.
Ttila i department of the J? W-JfOltTU
waar U to be a general Tehlele for ex
change .ofjdcae enneernlng any rind all
matter tlutt may be legitimately dlM
euaaed In our column, rlmling It praetl
rally ImpoMsible to answer earh cor res
pondeat by private letter, we aapt this
mode f commiinleatlon to aave our
friends the dlHappoindneiit that would
otherwineawx-rac from ourinahlllty teaiH
iwer their quriH.i . Weeordially invite
everybody thai ba a am tlaa to ask, a
auggetriloa to inako, or a aeoldiug to give
to OoatrilHite Co tho Iktrtwapi'mhrnte1
Mrs. C. II. H., rXan'Fmm-lafo? Your
letter of Jan. 7th baa been rwvfrl and
suggcatlon compiled wlthcry sorry
to bjara, aa wa do by manjrjdttem from
our fommoat worker In Gatlforuia. of
the dteaatMaotioa la certain quarters.
Rave writteu to the paHtea, and hope
they will aat upon the auggestlou of
their frieuda, I'anuot think juf relii-
qulabing our ptwseiti lucrativo fluid, but
but will open a breach lubIioUoa ofllca
la Han Fratmiaoo when wa oaa Ou so
without Infriuglng upon the right ot
otbera. " ..-.. ,
Mr. AW., Mayflekl, Ualtforular Your
paper have been sent regularly from
the receipt of tha name, but suppose the
obstruction of the moils by the recent
etornio ha ojelayed thetn. Doubtless
you bare reeoived them ere this. Hee
iswer to v. H. .:J:l:LL:'s l:.
Mrs.. J." F,. J.. Junction CH V i '' AV
rttilnk you mlKht do rruAonablv' well
With SUCh a burtfltsrk6fKpuaa7
Madam Uemoretf ifngttHtu) is a very
reliable one. ;You woubl find Uto your
advantage to take it fend u $3 00
UiTficy knd we wilf onler It for you.
Wa can get you gorura In I'orthtnd for
cash aa cheap 'as you can get them In J
Kan Fmnelseo. Will take pleasure In
filing your order" or giving yott any
informatioayou deatrw.
f 'JLJU Xcvailr-MajiyahAulMUfor
yours of Jan. 5th Whli-h has beeu de
btyed on the rout till It Is out of flate,
uhlch wo very much regret ' But tlia
Worst of the winter storms are ever
now, . and -iwa hoM Iq ber from vou
-ftee 'Klltorial"lenartarut"
comments upon tbeoIdrnirt?:it'jnt upp Ja protection and auiaport
Hutaa iipllUU flir IfiesVw Ko
received. ' " '
Mrs. 8. C, 8au Frmulncoj Acce4
our beart-felt condolence Jitour ttsrrl-
. Itt
that you may soon receive tidings which
Will make your heart glad. Clod bio
you for your aelf-denyUig devotion to
humanity.. whlcJt.MUee'.bold
your own aorrowa la aheyauce while
you cast your thougbu towan the great
and needed reforms of (lie aire.'
your copies of the Wondhol!. Thanks.
Tba; poatefHoara amy-yuat wrwelUbr-
wsru our liberal papers. They can't
of our Mentis. .
-Tra. Xf. a T.TIajvnTllgTLTitaV.
Una ha hnen nadn Rrn 1
Don Juan with the accent upon the pe-
aultlnate, thus, Don .Aran, making It
rhyme with "true one." Tlie Ppanlsh
pronnnetatloa is aaid 'to 1m Don Wan,
but a we're no Hpanfar.1 we don't youch
tor H. " ' :-:;
Mrs. IL C. I, Umatilla: We sent tlie
back iiumbt'iu of the New Xoktiiweht
to the Portland imotufflee over three
months ago, aa ve arcol, but found to-
day that they
py lutd not been given to
you when you callod for your tualL Ve
now forward them to Umatilla. Jtiqie
you have a postmaster then who under-
stand bla iluty.-. Ji, a u oiuau were iu
charge of tha rortlaud offtoe, and should
fall to do her simplest duties, she'd ba
one4Ji-aanmit. iiUgnri-, Men have
io bulret tJlng to keep liouae,
Whcthe for thentaelvV of ruJ Ram,
Tbey'r aur to make a botch of. itR
y -- i ' . . :i
f Tlia' towa Ptate Woman 6uTrire f m
vertthm, of wklelt kn Amelia lUoomee
is srestient, at IU reaent aaemteg paased
a reaulution declaring that the object
for which bat Hociety I orgauisad "is
to secure the ballot for woman, and that
H eaprtsaly disavow any reepontrlblllty
lor Ute oulBioiMl or utter aera tm any
party upon quaatlotta foreign to this, be
lie? Ins as w ao mat tne uanot iapow
er to be used only in Tlie mnuettce of
virtue and mnnlity." There wen few
men praam, whleb tbnw tba women
book on to their owu reaounsa; but they
forcibly dentofistratnl to all that it waa
Just a natural and possible tt women
to organise and eoraiuet me wotm ii-
laaa nf a aaraa aUlUaraakva hralw mm fnr
men.-Sot owtjr-tho order of ororinrmftoaatet I nternoaing
1 .i..n.. hrrduliui ao.'. -
ua Maa viaifiiiivii aaa v-jiict, i-v aimiior
conventions of men, bat the etnquenrv
argumouia aiai tome at ina women
speaken won aa parsaaal va, atraog and
conolitolve aa those of speaken lu oon
ventimts of the oppoaite sex. One of tha
local papers my, "We an mtlarVnl that
thla convention and tno nohte smmea
who have ao ably rondaelsd U'hav
si van an Utacmuaa of Woman Huflnge
an Impetus tlutt win carry. the Plate 4
Iowa, which hue v Wil mlleal for
krwrtjrhtoof ia,t1maaaiantty yov the
equal right of womV'. , j
Urv Lnwa C. Hereaway ha written
a bonk entitled the "llotnea of i'aiuoii
Americans" whieh U t be hknOaojnel
ltlutrated ami sold by siibacrlirtVnn.
aaom -kjaka flwaaaaUaa a4a" aaya 'Pa wU
of tbo iimnlJya law, ami Is a young
woman of great inuuatry aiirr journal l -
- Msrif peTaons think IhemsHveC ror-
artty Vtrtnot- brra oi. notag well ted
taejr- ann't aaawnrmssa betwosa virtue
ana vlctnaks.
- - - rvoyse I ktoo't Like.
I d am Ilk to kaar bint pray..,
Wtto 1MII at t wrMIV -S ivr mil:
j far tkaa I tbtak ttte aaravwar mar
Or iinianil la amy tar Inod aad r-nt;
And la Ibal Hh waaHatmnld keed. s
Wklak aava la bn akall l I4V-I,
Aa aareaal ka,,aata aaad,
II ituaa mt aay, -Taka lanrwl."
I do aat Ilk to kaar bint pray.
. ua kMMlal kaa,nnai u koa,,
rur sraraluaurad anhtiaa day. . -Who
knowa hla avlihlmr baa no (in,,
ld ratbarara kla aa aalll,
.' Aad bay la lankkaa kmtbar'kraail.
Aad aar bl ahiidrra aat twrlr all, ' '
Aad tataib bravaUt tblr kuuillc akrd.
I do axd like to bear hi in pray.
alwalMO wa Uta whhw be,"
- Who aarar arrka hat bnaa to aay,'"
-.- "l waat wwnskaa na, mtmm to bt. "
- I bata ta prayar, ao bxMl aad la.
That'a ollarad ajr lb urbau' wval
' By bin wbo aaaa him rnthd hr wpnnf , "
- i da aat Ilka tu bsr krr ry."":
Wlin Jr' aar and allkr dreaa,
Whoai wfciaai witmm talU all dar,
Aad tba a aadard r wirb aa iraw-kiM-b
pto aliavara 1 dittaa! - -
Wlin ldd batula and larrdrmarr '
"Thay IIU to kaa tbrir"aiimt ryaa,
Tk alaul tfca arataea uf in paa.
, I do not Ilk aurk auallraa ra.ani '
If wrnna 1 hap lo b lonrla-at ,
- .No anirfa wins thrtn npward ocara ;
Thryr ht a nilllloa anlm fruat aravra.
Tree Love.'1
.Vr. KlStnr.Jt mav be ttiNi T do not
utMlerstend wtiat Is meant by r'ree love.
but i nreoumo tna ntea entertaiuea by Its
auvotaaee te tlkat when a manor woman
uuua tha ureseuco of love iu their
breaste. thev have a rlirht tn art unoa
It, no matter what tit oauaea am that
produce it, or the mrounwtencos Utoy an
la when it is itroduoad: ami under this
bead I Will aay what I liave to say about
it But first let me say that, like your-
elf, I am a Arm upholder of universal
mental liberty. I rejoice In the dawn
of tlie em that allows meti to discus all
TnieSlTons without Injury to tiu-tnuolvea.
Itut ajrhen a iiiasrailvocnte the right
to act apon a foell ng almply because that
reeling exists, it is subversive or mental
liberty and destructive of tha power -of
Iv te a feellnr thaf mav proceed
front false pnmtoas as w II a true areuv-
teov A aimpltvanotiueated girl may bo
wneouieu into love by nicely turueu com-
ptl mmiot-aafrranneivdreak; or a
thousaaa other thing that may lead her
to form a wrong eoneeption fra at what
may spring her ova If alio acts uiuu
it sootier or Inter she will And that she
deceived beraclf, and her misery wilt' be
eompleto. Yon may open the door of
society to ner, and tu tier it isaiingbt,
but when she Amis IrW love is ju4 re
ciprocated, that of Itself Is sufficient to
pmtueo her misery. On the other hand,
If oho tveotvea lovo for tavv what aaa
Jaws or aaawanaate tbaa a bond
of each to each oilier, and the well-being
of any man or woman eventualities that
may sprtagtberMfntml .
The feeling of love may enter the
breast of a woman who has a good bus-'
nana ana a ismiiy or ciiimreu, and to
ilaa waat hi Iwj aliindy
auomtiuiuaet..j,Jjnay tovea woman tor
her sliicorUjf .oi: Intel Ion t another for
her beauty, or bar aocomplislimenta, or
from many cauaea. The feeling Is the
aant in all case, but thecauaes prorluo
tng It am dIAcrvnt, and reason must
dictate, according to our own rtrcum
stencoa, the peottioa of the pernon we
love, the cause producing that love, pro
vloua-engagements, and wiietuer wa
bava or have not tha the riirht to si't oa
It Tliencan be ua KetunU rule eeUb -
Ilaued that will leave ua free te act for.
like disease, eai h CAas reiulrus a differ-
,1 tit itoatuieut-trlctated byrcasoiir -T
u I ,r I K. .1 . .. L- ,
why not Inaugurate-Uh tloetrlue' of
Wliy sIhmiUI una feeling
ha moru fna thau another ? . Now It ta
right to hat something-, tnd wrong to
hate others.'- Ueason iolute out to ua
when to suppress ami a Ucii to encourage
this foeUiiK: tha same way with lov
common senas ami rxsaaua must dVteuu
wltcu to encourage or guptress tlie feel
Insr. - " - - -".
'Pita ' -- . U. tA-
firine; tlio ainpen- Atheist loves bisi
Truth aa they ara deruoiistmted to act
UMtu the feeling lnh-tieiiknt of hwii,
would and of tlie
y?. flflir' . r, ,
Lll vlllsJnv tor anvmau toejuleilvor to
establlah the rts-ht to act upon the feci
ing of love simply because It eilste lu
dependent of raa eon or common anna.
Then hi not a tktrk alley nor a aacltiiUnl
spot but what could tell its talo of Free
Love, to the lunation of the most radl-k-al
advocate of tlie doctrine, with It
attendant woe krtd sufferings, not en
Aocouut'of tba opiaiona of society, but
on aooouut of tit broken . vow, . tlie
falsa promises nf treacherous scoundrels
who received the love af poor, eotiMIng
features, vtao una not tno Mvag arm
of the law to proteot tbem from doariv
ff Wtf U tibotd the rtfltit of TfeeXoie.
wo'lustify i nn lu actlnc from hi
toolioga, the Infamy of which la obvious l
to any man wee nous tiisvory., ajt,
teaon iiHVmtiyutvr. . -
' Iu 18S3, Mr. areeleyMresel the fl
btwing noble words to Mr. Carol lue M.
rjeVeranosI 1 i-rwrr
"I roeogtkiae most thoroughly tlie right
of woman to choose her own sthem of
activity -and aafulnce, and to evolve
iU proper UmltaUonr- If Ae M
mirigaie rmirla,nrititmrwpfitr, JratM
Intra, naff afr rufen) any or off of
I know no net net pt tnat juauaes
ian uutuc . - - ------ , - n ;
htaa gom; en his recant, and that he
it la tint tiat an av tnat jar. orarirj
Hon ant tend M maw;r ot raiwnt aa u
onoa uial How moon bo la efifceted by .
hla political aspintban, we know not.
But bia word stand, ami la all lit op
position to Woman HuflVsir, h bss
never been ante toaaawor himaelf. II
haa nsess shown y. ''piiocli tlutt
JustlfWs man In interposing anv impoll
ment to Woman"' "wmiaa fair oJ
aefrft0 rafrrt." - And yet lie dost re to
lutvo sms Interpose Impedimenta, ao
tlutt women can nave no shan In Wtav
Utg tea Oaff flfrtimq racrs. M r. lne
ley'a INtbteittlal aapintlons can never
be irsJIaetU- becaum the Coral ng Man
must Im In harmony with the Comiag
Woman, wbo will voter Wvmtm'$Jotf
mat. - -: : i J .
IM noma Iauline4e Mrttet nlr h -lr tha lullana prsiHt bar metimd a rtd Iter voice,
weahlilest woman In Auwirla. iter real whleb, they say, rtmiintte Uumm of Ar
aaw te npw eland at atateerl million bonl'A Miml'blUIhadbeeala MUaa
norm.- War hualasaa, rMwc Btchanf, only font daya when an Mpigensrnt
stnaU mna of ha- Urr fortaae wail U Waa uttered her, allhouirh at tke ttm
waa twelve yean Auataian AntliaAaaih r 1 Uum wen three hundred singers ia tlta
at Paris. ' . v
1, Mfc L, ,1 I
MJliui t
MOaki Ua waUIn aank
-TT-Wfcat to aa wraaoid day r--
ub, UtoaHual 1 char lb, bring
lathi sad hiry fro say klo-r- (
Ljbl to uHl aaa km I aua
Ulury, to illuau tk way.
rather, help Bial Throuh the aky
' awapthaaa,eadBananekfk.
- Woary.totat, witk avo diatraucbt.
Half any work, aa yat, aawemtchl,
Lai a, oa wt atomaat, aaal,
lalhor.unUiy eiacloaa brraal; . . ..
HaiUird. aaataload, Uto1 kardoa tbaa
Uratulul, l'l, laka up aalu.
fatbar, gaard aaal Mkykt a bar.
tatlaioii, lumlwtw and rltr;
tat aaa hat TUy kanodla win
Hat aauaad aa wbila 1 knot
Kvary waat, aad ata aad fear,
. . Kaihar, to Thy pity I as aar. - - . ,t
Tkaa bH aanb day poaa, sad ao '
Lat aay Ufa gua aa aaiua.- .--. . -
iMy dawned: Within senrtatnrd room.
- kiitad twaaHtaaMwtib pcrtatH,
-A lady lay, at pulut of duunh . 'r -
lay akraodi A child bad ansa lb llyhi:
lUd f the lady, AUr Slid briyht,
Ub nwtad la andnaanlii alght.
Mprtng naat Tk ladyU ra waa ayaaa;
AuJ llalu rwaiU waa acrtt... r
Vg-nil- kiy,Hh Ihuughttsl aiara. 111
Yfan liml: fte wurcs manly lara-,
Awl atragslad la tka wariaa aiagk raa.
And taut, a loOy ulose.
- Aad tltea k dlitdt naaukl bafuaa ya.
lluiuaullya pour aam and lry,
I4tw dratb aad all that la of glory, r
Briarrto wmrre In Mi weh aT HJ ". -
A braghl and aottoaaa Sllla,
Aad to do litMl' will wllh s n-ady hrt
And kaada thai ar attl aad wlllla.
Than loanap lb aalaale, drla-al Ibraada
iH oar enrliMM Uvea aauaaar,
Aad tbaa btaao bosvra tor tk taagld ad,
-Aad aUatul srlfksud winder.
ClekBinf,. .
Ill-tlmetl: a brikeu chronometer. '
Tm flatlnga render frarmerits musical T
A question of lime: asking a lady's
age. ...
A novel Clirisiitias tireaent: a set of
WaVortey- - r-
A pltntrHrrapbcr kuuouncea , that be
rhever Ukva freekle.- - -
A WIoooomIo Justico of the iVaco luts
grantotl hlntaelf a divorce. ,x
W6ubl Vou make a araLllnw wayniant
of fine cloth ? Of course.
Tlie ulaco to look for rouiMknl per lot I
In circular letter of credit.
Ineendlary Unninfla'''ThoushtS that
breathe aud words tlutt biirn.'
A blow at real estate when ntoa an
engaged at breaking ground. -
Tbo woman who marries for ahoote
paya a high prioe for real estate.
Tlie moa eouraguous of birds is the -
i ....ri.tlln.1tt Mlt,--
Boma of tbo nioat trnstad llwhtlmiaaa.
keepers on the Atlantic ooaat an wom
en. . . .
Seventeen out of every twenty ladies
seen on the streets of Paris ara dressed
la mourning. ... - .
A woman who was taunted on pur
eltaalug a huftband replied, It la not good
for maa to be a loan.
fi - The man who offer atrtnmtand dor
ian aor s um tnat win make his nair
stand ott end is bald. ' ' -
A working man should marry a wom
an tailor tbaa himself, for alabonria
worthy of his higher. ..
, Vermont baa a woman who la aaid to
ImS the biolher of thirty-three children.
Hhe ileserve a itcUslon. .
One huiiilred bihI twenty-fly school
teachen wen thrown out of employ
ment by the Chicago Are.
II you begin to apologise for what can
not be defetaled, you Will end by (left-mi- ,
ing what can not be aitoioglaed for.
- A WlsKonatn woman the mother of
twenty chihlrcu, tulnka that tf paopte
an mad perfget tltruugh eufleriag, alt
mnst have nearly reached that point
It I well to preach aniuat cruelty to
aulmals; but Jixlging from tba reports
In the paiem, tha eocloty moot wantwl
now is one to prcveut cruelty to wives.
An okl bachelor aald ho tnioa foil In
love with a young uvly, but abandoned
all Idea of marrying her whoa bo found
that she and all her family were opposed
toit- .7 r-fr A
Caaaniineaa ia -tto-o.llineaaj'-
giKl tbla te tlta reason, my uttia dears,
why you an put In th tub on Katurday
night before being taken to church mi
twinhty awornlnga, rrut TZJr-
AnTrtshinatl torrkthc cars at Bniafon,
for Wen ante. On iumrarng from the .
cam he rontarkeil, tkat "if he bad known
lie eould have matte the Journey- in an
short a time, be would have walked
afoot' ' v - "
A girl was reproved by Iter teacher for
making awn poor headway, with the
remark, "When I waa your ago I knew
twice aa wwoh o yan da,u "ra, hut
you had a better teacher than I have,"
waa the rcp'T '
The luaataa husbands and wives have
their own property eeotind to them by
law, ami while neither I rwrnnaaihte for
th debt of th oilier the wife can sue
tier hnwhtrnd tf tw lefusei Vr pay wtikt
be owea her, fluch aasus have ocenrrd.
The lmnbu'ry "Jfirae tell of an tndi
vMnal wbo aaked the editor what the
charge waa for inserting a notice of the
death of bis wife. ' Oa being told that It.
would be done for nothing, he tight
ened unmnsbkiably and otaterved that
"ileath bad been rotthed of half Ito tor-
" , ' - --r-r-i-.-
i Tno Prlnet
Thyn of TVnntark, to
a4 Itake Alexia Uto be
whaaa tka tlamtd
maertad la a blonde with very light
halev eyeedlngty regular features, and
a high fonhend, InrHcatlng cmialdiTabte
oaJlaataal ratsteltv. Tlie Tonne FMn-
eem Is an evrn notier linguist man nar
fatwre tnaahamt, alte being famlllarwtth
no tern than six language. , ;
- Ml Matilda PWUlns ba aria-red tw
onera in Italy with great anneesa. Tlta
city waiting for employ menu
Patbar, btaas I