The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 19, 1872, Image 4

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i A, .
' k -
glje Ijfiu Qovt
-rrsi.-.t r-.-rw
' at. abalaids A. rwM-roa, -
BUSbadwevhermrhHr.t7 rmbd14hI A
mla.-- etmlr llier limb;
Tbe etuwd elelf that ward ta whar
Ibaekieed eclala bii., -v l
Round which tb haaellua aplrlta wait tu
opaalnf of tb Ooldca bat.
AB1 mp with anscr joiiiff nj
r,lll prcaalng
awwaru, avaitu mi Mm, . ' ' t
And soma, wllh waary Map and ajoaa.anoa,
vhn Uutlr brtovMl bImm! :
Yi 'P lb pby atair Uev Urab, W4 onward
by h Anfrt Tim.- t
A anaaea hands lull kack to door, lite D(hl
that RocxU III vrrjr tu,
la but l ha ahadow from wllbla of (he
lory hid ira titer;
AM mora aad. ivr, aad aoon sad lata. tb
, batiuvm yaaavrllitla Um f4. i
As an by an they enter ta, ami thaatrrn por
Tka halo Htn to linger roaad tboac kneetlaf
flMl la lb door;
tor itwt lulnriwl Onm that ptae ahlnea
still apuaj tbe walrbe- Sara. '. . . "
Tka mint, low erhn that w hear of Ikr-on" ma
aarawrmabtail J""-- ,r -
Tka silent air wltk lova and Aavr, sad tka
world a claiwura all (new all 11. .
- I'atil tat annate rlwae aata, and leave a toU
, laf oa ta paitb . i , - . , . ,
Complain ao ihat lh way fa loag wast lees'
ta waary that leasda theref ,
. Bat let Ilia auxel taka lay luted d trad ttiae
ap Ilia mlatjr atatr,
Aad I Imp a with bwuliif baart awall tit opening
- of in Ooldca bate.
Tie QaakdT M! ta aUbfcsr.
. Tb moat ho neat of all Quttkera, Toby
Plmpaon, llYed at Iyindon. In a pleanant
lttU dwalHng Kracetl by the preaencfl of
bis taMigitr Manr. - Mm waa ttot quit)
-3 aermtevn rem of af; waa tnarmingi
par ut age; was ciisnuiR;iv
lue eyes, and possess cd m
itTHMiatjr. All the young
father's acquaintance were
rain oaa biua
- anttcll modeat;
men "r her falber'a aeaoal
ber aultora; all thoae of Um nelehbortioo1
to araita Ut woUoe. - Vam aflntlat
alary waa no eonuetto: and iitatead of
trnjojrlnf tba efftaft produced by her
charma, aha waa vexed on account of tba
manneni ot all her admlrera, except one
Kdward Wereaford, a young artlat, ad
mitted to tba intiaiacy of tba family. :
A very almple aveut had cauaed hla
frlendHlilp. A permattira tleatlt Jiad
carried off tlia Quakar'a witf. - Kit waa
younr and beautiful, and, tlealrlna to
perpetrata tba Iimn of ber wbo waa ao
dear to him, ha had eauaad tba art I at to
come to the 'tied of death, I It waa there
that Edward aaw the deanlata da mac I; It
..waa there a aarloaa fin lore took: -places
mid the tear af one and the ttoae work
-of tba other. Tba. year which alapaed
after thla epoch bad but atremrthened
um tMnM tormaa under tneaa aoapicea,
and tba young man bad ahowed to the
nine Dotn nu oeairea aixl lio
ITie axeellent Toby had no reaaoti
whataver tor opposing the mutual Inrll-
nationa or the two young pemona.
Without belna rich. Kdwanl earned bv
maana of hla.. pencil what tiftlred to
rnport a family honorably. Hla father.
Mr. Wareaford, aa old merrbant of tbe
city, bad retired front buoiiieaa, with a
ftnuna Ineraajed mora than ten fold.
Thla waa a rare example 0 rapid auoreaa
In a peculation o rapid, titdeed, that
few ware able to follow it pnigrwe. Yet
- Waranrbrd, of eo blunt and atarn dlapo
aition. II vad alona la a auburb of Loudon.
and without caring wbathla aen waa
dolnar. loft him entlrelr at llbertr. Ha
waa one of tlioMaecomnMdailngegntlata
woo trouDia no one, provtiiea tney
roubla hot lhem--rjcron of perfct't
crHuplalaaDce If you -aak - Bothliur of
Edward, therefore, eould WlUiout in
terruption, court his pretty Quakereas,
-well aaanred that ba father would sever
think of opposing his marriage. The
situsUoa of tha iovtug ooupla was. ta all
a waaa-ymjw w am w JJS mjmr-i waa a auu uuum
-Toby did-not put oil tbe day of their
marruga longar tua a to. couect um ar
mnum of bla rente: ha destined the
money for the extraordinary eiieuaeaof
tne ceremony. 1 or una purpose ue went
to bla eounlrr seat, eome milea from
liondon. ta order to reculate bla affWIra.
He bad passed but one day away from
borne; and aa ha waa about to put ap bis
borae for Ilk night, he perceived at some
distance Itoraeiuan, who had barred
tbe road, ilestoppod. uncrtaJaaabrther
to go on r turn back. Meanwhile the
Quaker could not even think of eacaping:
- ne, iiicrriara, put on a goon race, am
nrougnc nia norae to a walk.' In ap-
a -a a a a. .
aaatiM-SM, lie percvived tliat he was
masked, a grevioim augury, which was
. soon eouurniea. ,- in uiiKuown enowed
; 4stol, and directed the mat a la to the
iraveler, demanding hi pure. The
Quaker old Hot Waut courage, but calm
; by character, Inofleiisl ve by religion, and
van unable, without arnia, to reaiat an
armed man, he nulled from hla rocket.
Very coolly, a puma containing twelve
guinea, The robber took it, counted
i the piaaea, and left the poor devil whom
ha had topied to coon, while he put hut
borae to Um trot But Um robber, seeing
- the alight resistance ha had opposed, and
allured by tha hope of a accund booty,
tmmamafAlw wkA tiMu.1 iivj.m
rdaoad himself aaew in his way. ami
ceaeBtlng his pistol M before, cried out
Voirrwatch: P
The Quaker, surprised,
less unmoved. He coolly
v took bla watch
, waa iiriTninr
from the fob. looked at the hoar, and nut
1 , the vastly article into the hand of the
- robber, saying r
-wow. 1 Deaeacu uice, permit me to go
-to my dwelling-my daughter will be
weaay at my absence.'
UA tnonMUt more." rvDllad th luaakod
cavslller, the noes aotf luor banlaiMd
, py tnta oncnity; "swear to- ma that you
have no other sum f
never swear," said tha uaak,
- "Very welL. Affirm that you lutve no
r ., mnrr money, am on tna niltn of Au
. honest robber. Incapable of uklna br
vloleace from a man who ylalda with so
tgnou a grace, 1 win let you continue on
yonr journey."
Tha Quaker re Reeled moment ami
anooR bla head.
"What tblnkeat thou," he said gravel r,
wot -www Mfovffw mmi ' 1 mm
- Quaker, and arilr nnt tvtraw rKa .k
-- though at the peril of my life. Thoa i
. deelart to tbee that I have umler my
aacblle cloth the sum of two hnndrcdl
- Two hualradpountlsaterlliigr' crlei'
tna lobtier, while bis eyes sparkled
- Hinwiirn n m mass:. .
- "But ifthou art good aa thou art kind."
twpllad Um Quaker, "thou wilt leave mm
thla money. I wish In establish" mv
daughter; and thla sum la necessary; for
long tiine I shall not have a similar
sum at my disposal. Tha dear child
- loveth her in tern bid, and it will be cruel
a jeiay tnta wnttm, "i Hon naat R
peradventure, And thou woukUt Dot
commit thla wicked act."
"What care I for your daughter, and
iht lorer, ana tiieir msrriKw 7 lx-ss
talk, and more promptitude of execution t
I "u"t have this money." . , .
. I.wltaaalgh, Ufted UM cloth, took
M heavy enotialu and tauated It aLwlv
-toMMtnaakpa hiau. Ilia Intention then
waa toglhmo(r.
"Htonanin. rrtn.i - 1 1
tM VbhheW
M '"s.yoUwIU denounce
. to order. I hare nothing to say: but I
tauat hart tha advance 3 ba proVasa of
to-nlicht, at leat Mr tiorxe 1 feM,
and hi, bealdea, fatigued; your hnrap, ou
tba contrary, apinmnt vlgoroua, fur the
weight of lb la bag doea nut iuootuntoU
him. Alight, and glre ma ymir beaat;
ou may Uke mine, If you will."
r M wtwawartartav teglrr4TrT4TTC9
plyi bc-aor thfc vrtjea cxlgcoHii nctt
Ufa nature to raiaa tlia tlil-rof tlte tuuai
patient maav TtM aort tntrfi finwerer,
deavanderl, and raalgnedly tok the aor
row lade which waa Ml him in exrbauge.
"It I barl known," be continued bintaelf
in thinking, "1 vmiM have IM at tbe
fjtgiicouiitar-Witli tbia nigiw, ami .
eertaiuly it la not with thia counter that
ha wouM have gained in tba rac-e," "
During ' thla. time aba luaaked man
ironically thanking' hinr for hla com
piaiaance, applied Lih spur ami diaap
peared. '
Beiora ha raacbed Luudoit, Toly had
time to rrtlectou hla iuifortuue, ou the
chagrin of the two young peraon who
loved, ami whoaa happlneaa would be
Hit oft. Tba auut taken frara him waa
Irrrrorably !ot,"5ot therlcaat of It
euald be 'raeaJaail, nor uuld lw a
4laVO&aaanaV -PlaaaMtf - aattaW ftaaBWBNia4aBBBBBwXaaaaa
while, aa a auddeu Idea a truck biiu. ha
atopped. ' .
" .ea." aaJ h. I'thla niaana' war auc-
ooed If tbia niaa Uvcth in LaiuiUhi, I
may ieradvuUira meet him agalu.
ftaaaVata, MO '4MMtbWaa4aa WaaMMt jlMakaM
hould have been ao very Imprudent." .
Homrwbat conaolad. by I know-not
what hope, Toby went honM without
h owing any trouMr, nr laying anghrnf
nia ad vantura. Ha did not go to tna
ma a; Ut rate, but ambraced hla daughter,
who auanected notliin and lav down and
lept-flla faith waa in Clod.
ext day ha aocretly thought of co
operating with Irovluenc in making
reacarcn. lie let tna iiorne out or me
station where tbaaulmal had paaaed tba
night, and threw tha bridle over It nark,
In hojiea that tba animal led-by habit
would naturally go to tba house of Its
master. He then-fore sent off tha poor
beaat which had Wart taatirur. fc waiKk
at lanra throcgh the-atrms arXaitdnn,
and followed it. Hat he suppoaed tha
animal to have more Instinct than It had;
for a long time It want right and left,
making a thousand turn and returns
without Alm, without direction, some
times t a stand, then taking a contrary
course. Toby dcapalreiL "My robber,"
thought he, "doth not Jive Ut Iaimlon.
What folly In me t Inntcad af going to
tha magistrate when I had tlia time, to
have puttered myself to be led away by
this wretched animal t" '
HiHkleuly, however, the beaat pricked
up lie ears and set off on a briak trot,
ftdiowed-eloealy by tha iua k cr.-
"Btop ? . atop V. , waa tbe cry ou .all
Detain ma not?" - cried the Quaker;
"I entreat you detain dm not."
And anxiously following with bit eye
the course of the animal, he saw it
rapidly enterlug the gate of ad welling in
tlia Subnrb. " f -r"r i :: x? ifftfttx?, r
TIs here," thought the Ouaker, rais-
In, hi. eye. towrdJyJ,Ultot
rwviuanoei - . f-
" W hat. have you been In these parts?"
waa the-answer, "that you don't know
thai tbia'la thadweUing af therMt aier-
chant Weresford V - , . , .
The Quaker flood petri.fled. -'
"F:xcuse me, my friend, excuse me,"
replied Toby. i
He could not recover from hid eCupor.
"Weresford, the father of Edward, a
man of note, ny robber ! "-"
He believed he waa dreaming, knd de
sired to Come to himself. MeanUme
many examples occurred to hla memory,
of many respectable persona who were iq
league with bandittA. ' Toby resolved to
Investigate the mystery.
Hetntercd bold I Into the court, and
demsNxled to- speak w Kir the pro or I tor,
wIm had Just gone to bed, though it was
near midday a new Indication of a night
iif fiaURU! Tba Quak laiate.1 ,iMt
introtluceil, aim! aoon found himself In
arearonra beuVOisuiuer. . JtemibMMr
used to be disturbed, robbed his eyes fend
demanded with some Impatience t
""Whoarayou-slrf WluUdo you want
wlth iner'"' ' '
11m sound of voice waa recognised by
Toby, and thoroughly convluced him.
Ha tranquilly drew a chair and aeatetl
himself at the bedside, -hla bat u hia
bead. .,, 1 , . "
"Do you remain covered ?" cried the
merchant In surprise.
"I am Quakerg
TbewHhtnuch calmiwga.'imt thoU kTiowcsi
that such la our uaave."
- At these words of the Quaker, Weres
ford sat uplu bed and eyed the stranger.
He, ilnuliUfM mmgnlAwl I1I111. ,fnr
liirnnil l.aMllw Vm.1a
.nl,iU mimnlml bllll
"Well," .h'niamled hej sUmmerlng.
-"What la it If von nleaae the-!ihe
1 pleaiM
imfil.iakA I Ik I vna muii almlat T
"1 ask thy allowanca for apicjkniig so
pressing," answered Toby; "but between
n,na writ hrkut Mranionv tv ak ftie tka
.rim wai'h V ..
I It ..! It k.l.nm.1 In raw
poor wife, ami I canwit do without it. f
Vi li-.. e.i..i 4 1. . 1.1....... .. 1
AldcrmAii !
ra I to fait 1
wel to bla '
ww w U"!
would never funriva tna. were
for one day to return Um Jewel
- Tha name of an Akierraaa app red
to make aotua Impression upon Weree-
fordV Without waiting for aa answer.
nr con tinned
Thou wilt do me the pleasure to re-
turn also tha twelve guineas which I
lent thee at tha same time. Neverthe-
1 If I hrui rt in f t m..
sent to let tliee have tliem for tome lime;!
on condition that thou, glre me a
OflPla i. . . r. w .,....
The s1im of tha Quakaa flasa.
eerted the old merchant that he could
not deny tha p oast salon of the articles,
but, not liking to acknom-ledge hia crl me,
lie? lieni la tei - to empower. -wbew Toby
atkted.i - ' " ' ' ,
1 wish thee tn part Id pat at the ap
proaching marriage., of nqr daughter
Mary. Ilitvl reaerrol Im snni of two
hundred poumle sterling for the britlal
of the eaiiouaetl, hut an accldeiit han-
peneil to pt last night ou the road in
Iamkinl was eutunletely roblieL so I
came to pray thee to givw thy ann a por
tion, Which otherwise I would nut hare
asked of thee." . .,. , ..-
-My son 1 . ! i
"Yea. Itost tltou not know that ha la
Mary's lover, and that lis be that la to
marry berT" ..- 1 . - ., , ...
"lalward I'JLaAelmhnad the mefrbanr
throwing hlmsalffrom tha bed.--- -"Kdward
Wart. toed." mlhllv renlksl
the Quaker, whllequletly taking a pinch
orsuurr., tome, do this thing for him
1 Iklna 1
I would not, verily, that be should know
aiiKhlof wbat paaaed last Bight, amltf
hmmi tKaH not rurnlsh him with the sum
that I promlsetL It will be wall forM to
tell him howl lost It."
. Wereavford ran to a bureau, ami draw
OUt A Casket With a trtnU took, ama.1 it
Tbon hsat rovedjfaud returned succcsavely to Toby Ida
purse, nia wstcu, and hla bag of btoMiw.
"Very well," said Um Quaker aa he
received tliem, "I see that 1 had reason
to count on thee." ... ...
"Is this all Ihat yaw see 7" tlemamUl
tlM merchant With one of his blunt airs.
Jay. I yet need something of thy
"Thou will dUinherlt. him. -1 sce-notl
but that soma may aay I have peculated
on thy fortaaa. . , -
On fiuisbltig tneaa words iim Quaker
reft the chamber.' -.-'
"No." murmured lie. when he tmtul
himself aloaebilderu are at anaavf-
able for the fanlta of their parents. Mary
shall marry the sou of this mau, but the
pb'ien money Im snail never toucu.-
W hen Im reaciicd tiM rutin, ua caiiea
out to Wereaford, wbo bad coma to the
"Ho t my friend, I brought back thy
bora, lleturu mine."
U I t . I t ... It
rwuH huhhiw aiwiaani, a w I
mounted, carryinf by the top his bag of
money, lurnuiiau wnu nia wau-u and
purse, readied home at A moderate trot.
"I made a visit this mornina; to thy
father," said he to KdwaruVwhom be
Mrr V'' rpierlt'g yllii hlm I btiliu'
art. mIimII luiyr "
Yw4 boa rsafu-rwara WsetaLca ArAaea
at Um house of Totiy, ami taking him
apart, aald : :
"Honest Quaker, your rueeedingB
have deeply a (Tec leu uiy very soul! You
might have dislionored hm disiionored
my sou: ruined ma lu hta catiiuaUoa,
and caused tha misCurtuiM oCtrefusing
him your daughter.- Yuu'bava shown
yourself a uisu in baud aud heart. -1
shall not Affaiu -blush lu your itmieliee.
Take these papura. Farewell 1 you will
never see um ajraln. . And be departed.
Tha Quaker,: t0 alathvotianad the
paper. . They showed . obllicalioua of
couaiilerable value on ou tbe first beuk
era of Ixtixion, with a long list of names.
aud orjosJte each name, in figures, the
sum greater or lasa lu amount. A billet
waa atided, wherein he Quaker Ia1 a
foliowar' i. MA)!a,
These are the name of persons who
were robbed; the figures are the sums
which, should be restored; as to the
money with tha bankers, ta my name.
let It go to tha stranger, hut mak tbe
rest! tutton secretly yourself. What re
mains will be my legitimate fortune, and
your daughter will soma day possess my
- Tha next day . Weresford left London,
and everybody waa certain that be had
rone to France to spend his fortune. - t
- Ou theday of the marriage, Um Quaker
brought together a company of merry
friends, among whom were noticed a
TiumberrfTreonr enchanted with the
conduct of the robbers of London, who.
through the'luterpiitioaif Toby, had
made restitution of their lost capital
with interest.' .
; Maria Aateiaetta.
But the end of all waa at band her
trial and death. No one could be found
bold euoutrh to defend her, antl tha tri
bunal Itself . waa obliged to appoint
counsel, it waa on a dull tictotier morn
ins; that she waa conducted from the
Couclergerie through the dark '.winding
nasawges ot the Ancient monastery to
which the trials were held. The hall of
A..iivmiH.m la a haitm alooinv sua
ment, with sparse and narrow windows.
through tba dusty panes of which the
dull yellow light without trot pa erag
glshly. A tew dimly-lit lanterns are
scattered here and there, but the atmos
phere is heavy and foggy, ami half the
hall la intllaUnct and fall
with their blood-stained aprons and
long, AitArp Aiuvaa
belts. Above them
terrible aa tba Paresa weaving tba web
ot rate; some nave cants in their bands,
upon which, by the prick of a pin, they
count tha votea for and against as they
are declared from tha Tribune. Every
where Are scattered scrowUng faces ea
ger for tha blood of tha unhappy wom
an.' From without coma the murmurs
of tha savage crowd, thrcateuliur. death
to Uioae who dare to ute warua tba
comleni nation of "( Aftrirhicmnrf'jiMA
aa the doers apea and ahut. their stir
ami fierce cries snrge heavily luto-UM4
couru 1 11a truu lasts yiree uaya. ua
the last day the proceeding begin at
iioou and last Until four the uaxt moru
ing. All these hours the Queen of
France stands la tlia hot, polluted a-
r11. 'f
lipe. Iturtihltt with thirst Im begs for
a drink: of water: Bo .one dares to stir
leaa 1m should be tnarkad aa A autjaraf.
Faint nml exhAUHted, she asks a second
time, and then ab officer of gemlunne,
in whose heart a spark of sympathy yet
lingers, puts a eup of water In her eager,
trembling hands. ' A howl of llpro
batlon follow tb feet. : He will lw dis
missed, but his story- will Immortalise
hi ml. TlM.liHlietmnMta agaiast hat AK
eiionaouit, soma absurd; for instance.
one clMrgw l the uiaker -of ahoes alte
b? .T.t"!!? ?opf r fr'
ameil' axalnst
Iter as bribes to buy over the iwonlc,
Tu all her answers are calm, aim i.U ami
eonciae. At 1 so grth Herbert aceueea ber
of having cornii.te.1 her own child. At!
niaa, uviuuio viuuzm av auuuuur iuiia
I ijvugh tba court. Im la alletit but
tbe-mwsciea wf bar faos quiver. The
Uvtiol Ja presaeil, ami then, with a
heavy breast, she turns upon her ac
cuser with sublime IndicnnUon. crvina:
ii 1 nave not answcretl, it is because
nature UaeU favolla ajraliist such an
' cusatlou brought against a moUMT.
J apwl to all mothers who are hero Is
it pUBSluM T"
t P-aai
A murmur rwits Utrouah the courtv-
m f tne guillotine are aof-
tcuol by that pathetic apeal. Calmly
lhttcii to the sentence of death, ami
1 t .1.1 ... - 1
leaves the court without a murmur. It
strikes four aa aba la conducted back to
hC celL A few. houaa snore, and Uie
tumhril takes her to Um Place tie la
Ittuuhitloii. TbererJaolag ItlgTrardeB
of the Tulleriea, the guillotine afsed.ite
grisly need; and tiietw, mem that pal
ace, whither she bad baa aoaducted by
a rung biiiiu me aociainanous 01 a na-
Mon eorrnundeitiny adorn ineibblt
wno would nave naked their .Uvea a
thousaud times to win a smila from her
Hue, ,eotteort to thw heir of taxe ioat
r' nitld throne In Curlstemloin, young,
sllngly beadtlful, siilemlld In Jewels,
buoyant with happlneaa, know tug sor
asw only as a harne, a aassuaUisely aged
woman with white hair, a pallid, worn
face, furrowed by tears, art I cm I in filthy
tatters, lays her weary bead beneath
the knife, am hi the obscene song", the
execrations of the vilest of Um human
race; and the body of ber who for thirty
five years had reposed upon velvet and
satin Is thrown Into a ditch, ami there
consumed with quicklime. Ttmpte
Hor. - , "
v -. 1 i m a a 1 I -
7 ffr.Xhrrtr W'pKATif.irATuesilay
evening last one of those sad acenea
which make tbe heart Ache, waa brought
to sight. A ffentleman In istsalna by a
certnln ' Iwniae oaF'ottrth 'atreetr liearti
low bioaiis procesaiiag - ttonv-A aaaia
opening oil the street, and a generous
lmvulsv urged him to Investigate farther.
He knocked but received no answer, save
the painful moans which had at first ar
rested hia attrhUon.- Ha aawhed open
the door and .Utere, ia tha reater at the
roma 1 almost bore nf firrniiirm.,' sat a
yeun woman racking a rieaVI Infant ta
her arm. The visitor asked what ailed
Um child, and abe reapoaded, uvd.!'.
Ha at mice procured aaslatance, and y es
ter, is y morning the child was burled.!
Tbe same aid etoiy ewduoed and then
deserted. enly, wiUi such a scene lie
fore our eyea, we cry encouragement to
the rm inber from rvmacaa. wha baa pre
pared a bill for makJng tiiia most base
and cruel of crimes a ariaiinal o flense at
leThe unf.irtnnate jnolhcr la beihg
careiT for bv kUdlv havmis.--. j-
fsnssa . , , -1 , 1
Tit stiaft nn tbe flotilil furre mln
l doWB l.sOO feet Lha dMHwait inn ran
tow iviiitiicMa., . .
i . i .
A picture of content: a nortralt of fa-
Uestc. :
l eaa asaeraly brar," aha Btarmarrd,
for air bawrt kaali toad aad femt,
a aawlHai ti tar. tafdilaaa).- - j l - J
i wahoaraauamdallaaa.a - -!
"it la oaljr la raapvai alating,
7:,.4 Aa tA earry boaa llr aiaaavas; .
t "Z J"d tha vvwalna hraaaa haa rtaaw
ll la raiUaA la UM Uaw, . ..
leaf Ik ara aotaea Ulktaa."
lajtf aJl .1.11, aa iliait
Vat ker vulew rrrw Aalat aad leraaaliuf.
AM IMntlwtMvraMn. . .
"ll laouljr lhartilUliva playlas
Tj fW, aa tkr4r work la , , ,
- At laach thai tAetreyea stw Jaatba
Hi ihyaj t id IU artua im."
ralatrarrwkariMaad wtmker, , .
Aa wllh aaiMMMa-va ah mod,
"Jiuwa lh aHuao(ctanau , , ' ..
NHllWlt.lWHMI rM" ! f '
"It 1 oaly lha dorr that waea Swdlng
In th lwrd oa lh rUnrr slawa;
" 1 .Tarr wrrr atavrt kxi, and SKd ta tliOit.du
.V Vltrj uw I tin rrwptf pam." '
Jfow lha ateht
la alien
ttirda lair ia thwir loair aaak
Aad tha dawr eourkad la tha Sir, -
Aad lh rhlldraa war at raat :
Thetw waaoaly s isiiad of weeping
ram wat4iara aeoaad a bed,
Jim mwt to fii wearr aplrlt, ..n f'di'
Tit orkiBe Wemea't leeting.
The penufne working women who met
recently at Cooper IasUtuto, have inaug
urated a work which strikes at the rout
of the evils from which they suffer. At
wa have repeatedly said, tha saviours of
Uie people must be of tba people. All
radical reform must bare Ita Impetus
from the heart of tbe class which
la Its subject. If tha eoadiUon
of "the working claasne ta to be
Iraprored, It piuat be done by tbe work
ing classes. Tha worklngUMn disoov
ered thla rears ago, and by anion and
combination hsra dona much to coun
teract tbe tyranny of capital. The
power of these i'nlona ia demonstrated
by tbe opposition they meet with from
capital lata. Xa atone that the monopo
list can lift but la turned against them,
and were It not for tbe determined and
prRSUlxod resistance af .llic L'nlona they,
would long ere thla have ground them
under their heel and have reduced them
to a worse condition than they were be
fore. Their example baa effect
"Upon women. - Terrible aa waa tha eaa
of the workingmen, the sltuattou of the
wmbm ta mr worn. The trades open
to them are ao few. and tha supply of
operatives In each trade so far excWing I
Um demand, that women have been al
most entirely at Um mercy of employ,
ere. They look In vain for help from
any aource until they looked to tliem
selves. But jm sooner did they show
the disposition to help theraealvee then
XW aa4waVaT" $aAnWfc aff forwaidj with at1
most one accord to assl't them. Anll
Just Aa rapidly aa tlM women themsul vea
diaoovar what they need and make thoae
want known, the men eome forward
aad .uphold thera. - Tha organ las Liou
lias progress nil bravely In tha East, and
now that it baa commenced here we
aaraestly hope it will not be allowed jo
an appreciative understanding of what
tba apeakara aald. And It seems to us
thera should be amotis them women
caps hie aud determined aa their Eastern
sister to- organise aasociations and set
themselves determinedly to obtain Uie.
protection they need, and th education
neofssary togive them cqnal skill to
. . I
aasunatai with BMn.
Any reform la America baa to paaa
through various stagea of treatment.
Tba first and most tedious Is th "talking
ap" tdago. Thla waa efiectnaily done
test night, tn regard to women tabor re
form; and addrman and resolutions
were passed wiilek, tr acted up to, will
no doubt rreAUr benefit the condition
of the worklngwomen of thla city. We
would remind th fair workers, how
ever, that the mere passage of a string
of reeoluUoos doea but liltls good. "All
I r,
thoa la favor or shorter-1 tours and
Aye! aaye everybody.-
But bow about th wage T They do
not go up or tlM hours go down until
some combined action ia taken to com
pel employers to concede what th em
ployee demand, -Xow, ladles, follow up
Um movement commenced yesterday;
appoint committee to carry out your
Idea of cooperation, and to receive sub
scriptions, or tha work of last evening
wll be lost. JV. Y. nhongt.. . - .
Mrs, Btanlou, in tha Ooldr Age, has
some sensible romarks concerning that
tta aamaitlvw class of Women Huffraire
rvfornient, who are ao troubled about Uie
sochtf rwordif Victoria WoikIuuII, and
other leading women exlvecatee of wom
an's right tu tha ballot: -
Tbw fears of women of otM another,
lest they should be com prom land by
tlios they ImagiiM less reputable than
themaelvee, Is aa amusing aa painful. I
ant told Uiat Um English women were
onlte nervous at tba report that Anna
lilckluaon. Hat tebl and Olive Logan
telked of vlsiUug that utintry -liiey
were ao afraid lest they, by soma liidls
erstion. might Injur the suflnnre move
mcnt. While each of thea arermallyj
arrahl or eacu otner and tna movament,
the weak minded and Um miulsters are
afraid of tin, one and all, and wa In turn
ar afraid of eacli other. Th women of
Kansaa war. areaUy troulilrai by icr
Htono, when th traveled' through that
Htate, because aha did not bear ber bus-
baud s aaaaa, ana bad publicity prousted
against the civil code in tbe legal mar
rUe. while ah Is equally . disturbed
whh'ATctoriarWdhttlt for fotltrwlbg
bet: examnla. . Women with, two aad
three husbands living at tha same time,
who advocate the ttHMtomnte relation.
are afraid of me, though I never bad but
on husband,-aad advocai uirorc tor
Um at lacirald. - -
Now I think we batl better agree to
fljrht thla battl Just as our fatlH-ra And
bualisBila liava their two revotuUorta-a.
enroll alt that are loyal to th principle.
Haw much of aa army should w have
had for tbe rebellion u every man wbo
came to enroll himself had been asked,
aiu jini aiiinacs nirw, 1 1... riou, iiv,
ft ...... 1 1. . .flMlHfl. A I I .-
swearf Ar yon low-bred, Illiterate or
iicciitioua? ir so. you cannot nifiu ir
freedom.' Waa It not just this element
we. ewer Into tba army f -And were
not they the better for suffering and dy
ing for a Bobl cause? UwrelMaAadaw
forwr aannciaUona ar Just Um place to
drawlntbe sinners and Inspire theml
wiui a new and nouis purpM. , aiso
for those llutrisaea that ar - forever
thanking the Ird that they are not
I ike other meu, Jesus, the good and per
fect one. ate and talked with buhl leans
and sinners, and was ever kind and mer
ciful to the errlog aad antbrttrnata Mag
dalen of hia limes. Let ua, one and ail,
loikrw bla asampte. . -
Death la bat a kind of welcome ser-
vsnt. wbo unlocks with nolaeless bands
ire's flower encircled door to abow as
those wa lore. Mourn not the living
dead; they tU batr paaaed from tha
lire ttf ooV of higher acUvlty. They
wbo walk with aa day aad aigUL cavil
ing a away from solid eares to thlaga
tliat perish not; they are not "dead, but
they are dead wboa aim lew aoata re
flect no glory on their path. Our Father
awalta to greet aa beyond the aea of
V th.' "Wheti Uie wave nreatroil the
abora of u life atarnal Ua wUlcotna
to bear aa lu safety to ur bomaa. xn
taborer ara scarce at JorjfH
r ., wt wsvsoata araemsioyeu oa iu
liarvsa t load and aaload veaswla.
t 'T',,
Y "t f-w t
tit) Cmr.
A t.
rllM KKMgDY IM COkirtWn Of THE
Artlir prliirtole of th t'nk Wd, Fiif
Tiiaauiaaa tiraaiutniansiaia, j.u iwiii
to timoai- iwa aaoat-aanndaiitly aad par
IwrUjr lu VI aaiilimloaauuul..
i:t nmtvxx; nc.1 ' ..' '
k ssabilas sa Asaive aad Votatlie Priarlple,
rainmlrd if 1-ihar and a UlfC .Iail. l'ria:
UtCltAL rRSFWTUI U1 . Mil t
ft M "th snnat
sure and apeedr ear r
1 HI
rHalnaol aU k.ada lhal waa rye r hatraxluavd laid
IU Malaria Halloa Tits LK H I.I.UUt:N
i:iY. aa pn-parwd by u. In euaanurnrw of lha
aaiatiaf miaae pnaeiptfi
aary virtu af beuag a : ,
. rwcrlul Xotlo,
rmmoilnr th AxtUe sad Invtsnratluc
irhllo litseatlwa Apsmwtim. tkas butldiag
.fti atttftflrthalah 11,. a 1 1 in a. UiL. aftt
him tloia lh 4aula irinelilf. bVln ae
aurhod tw th klajud, arts apaaldaally on tba
lUnsaaiitta Himaiai, aasaovtag It Iwiaa Uw auww
buiua aau ajrateaa. -
Tlirre ar n-w rrneilltHikteowsto the Madleal
lrnlwaaliiN whlrh wilt ramof-a th Rlwaaisatle
ptMaiin rmra th btuud, but weaae artioa Is an
powerful la aU-Br-walus tha wtta of th at
rraily cnlVeblad Hheuuiattv pallaiit, that Ibrlr
aa baa to bs aaaadoned aefor apart fas aAuiiU
ar omauiauie. anu aue ut waut ea aaomaa
In trailnj Hi la prevahftt auil xohanturnily
baretitfor Inenrabl dtaaaa. fnllti thea
mnj Piin, a I mad y known, Ui INK WKMi
RKMKDT.'alttiuUKli pnlu. lni aa'io'llve aud aa
powerful rnVeta on the blond and ayatem In rv
UMivliia ll. Kiieanuule INatwia, alao pmnnnrw a
irons Tonic attd tVfupwral I lis ICIeaaaat whit-It
atliuli uf II ewnilnurd uar avca by tba uiual
dellxata and uabllluued. - Thaa wa bar tint
eaiabiaatlon far th and lima of thaa wu
airaaaary altitnawla la ona fwawalv, arhtaA a
raiilahirHaanprtorBa)d awrerfalllnsrmratlv
affaeta In Mtoaaaatlaw. Khaamatl trowt sod
kbaurualle Paina of all kind.
A:u?A fiiY'tn
auenee oftta Toale Vtualltlea.
Alt' ara swat of tha Aw that It la awnorally
iicv of iitttfnt riii-dlra frum a.M?rtaia
rlarn ortlvaw who aar llieaa W baa aalaraad
lh a.liowtiia la-raita the namea atlarhad to
thewt ara tboaaof tnea of the mmt eareful and
apruimltata ettararter. and bweauaa tba larva
olaaaof llialr aoqualutaoceain Uresoa will aot,
Sw a atoaaaat, arrw or twaapart them f any
exassirratloa la Ilia atatfciucnta Ibvy avay
Ortlnmifa front Jad llapalf Jalhw of iduty
r Jail: ;
nu Jail, Korthtnd,
land, fHwana, t
daa T, lCt.
raa aUai'kcd with
fir. A. M. Ixiryea A Co.: I waa aUarked with
S arvare raar of rtieumanam. It waa la aiy
thlsha, hlla, anaara, aUualiinr lila.1 Indaed In
all lha lolnla or my Ualf I aunVtwd arvwt pals
and aarnlaBj. I waa attanded by a tawaler pby.
aarian, but won novntjci. iwaiiaaumiwiry
sour li'iik Weed Urnanly.snd It laatnadlatalr
cured nia up. -1 eonatuer It, rront my eipa-
rit-B-, th- i-t rrniii- irrhuBuviiwi known.
. I Pll L' I. ft' 'f'. .'.'I. 1
AUltKIi V. TI HXKH. Iruul, J.lluj-.
Thla U Ut rrnlf j Ihat lha abuv alalcmanl la
eorrwtt to my owa anown-u
JlJHJt . WARrvJsJIor.
AltaCatUirnl Book and Job Prlnllng Office, 1
T . 4 IMIfurulaslrvtM, I
Han Kranrlaro, Jqna (, l"7. )
" lr. A. K. fArye A (!u. For avral yeaaa I
niijert-bJ rhenmatunt la at rHrht
work, im a rmtu-iwnaa of tba ailark
lime alur. I was Induced to try your "I uk
rur la a S-w day. I took only two-th
ami lai'tweay," nam taw reanit waa a
Ilia eonlcnl of on sottla. My Brm belief la
that Ilia Tna- la a eertala rur tor rhaaata
tiam in au Ita S.rm. aaa I wuald Iwarilly
nmmend all alTHriHl wllh thm lrM..lfi, jfif
ran to try JiiUr "lUuiadlf and b cured.
rcrtlltcaU. of A. R. Wtlrday, Kaq..apeelsl eon.
trlbnlor .o tba Wlllainrlta Variucr," and Nnv
vtary at tas uraaua ll ruuKuoii nustct
flwea, Otwcoa, BTarrh 2, im.
lr. A. M. tatryea: Hotua lour week a ago I waa
entirely pmatraied wllh rhwiiaiatlaia ;ln fart I
waa a I m i ail kcluleaa. I aen I lu yoa for ona b
rciiir butll
ot in -una wasi
lhauaafif which 1 exbcrlencwd alinoat liana.
U lata relief, aaa by the ll tb bntlla
rtm tha rheamallam waa
(one. Krom aiy
owa experience, and IroM what I hate beard
olliera aay who hava aacd IIm t'nk Weed, 1
bcllere H tn bs a eerlnln nireHM-rhenmnltimi.
yourieWTiriilly. R. AHinjiT.
rcrtlflcaie fmtn A. J. Imhir. ax-Praal-dent
nf Ua lrwoa Htala Aartcwllaral Hoclwty
and author of "ntaiUUra of Orcsua;" '
Raal rVtrtlaad, April I, HTM.
Iieya A I Vv: I waa afflicted wllh a
rk of chronic rliaamatlain waa con-
Kr. A. M.
aevrre aliaa'
to July, when I aacd th t'nk Wwed "and ft
oavrad tua ap, , . - , . " . A. t. tiCi'b'M. ,
rvrtrfli-ale fnml Junica Rvha. lha aa le bra ted
sbiokarrowwr aad fgissj ef Uw tttrwon Turf r."
Knnvlc't I'.ltiiid; January 14, 171.'
To I. A. M.4wyAtw.hTlitahilaacBnow1.
edge tha cflVacy of yMU"lHk Wcd HnHa1y.
or Uregon Khcumalle Cum." I waa afflict
tMr nioiilha wlUt a vary serious attack of In
flammatory rtiewtnat feat, and tried nearly all
of th aexwdlcd rhauiaaU man id tea ww'howt
any reUef pemelvalile. then tried yoar
Hetnady.aaillia aaa srawltcd th tha a. nat happy
efltiaa a pertacAourw, Truly ywara.
. -i t,,.i . w " w.. . JAMAH BVBKl
Pan locate' fcbm hi weH-haowa soerrbant,
a W. Weaver, Ko,i-
fr. A. W. Inryea A To.: I bav uaeU (Us "L'uk
Weed Ptemedf." an.1 eon ebeerfnlly reeom-
tana n to paraoas aniiwuni wtia laaataaialary
rwawwiini.m ii mitwa waaortnat trtacsan. -M
kanda, wrtau, ankle ladced, all lux Jolau
wtr, ,wviaa am nrf vainiui.
. i .i ' . . V. W. WVaVKK.-
Pert I Ilea ta front Hon. Mat. IT. Lane, Flkd
Ooinmlaatonerof Orewiia. and a Btaxubaeof lb
LV',l7,VyP''Kl'-gLKi IwaBtU - .
- - mux rnrtianxi, April pi, r7I.
I. A. AT. loryaa A 4'o.t I bar bcew sfntrtee)
air awerwl yeara pwaf with wak aa la the
beck," and waadarla rbeaaaatl. palivs ae
wasipatilad ktaawae aaaatl paiaan. by b aaa
of owe laiHIe of your Tna. Weed rWaMdy.or
arewon niiauMalir Caca.a nav bean anllrrly
tvlleveA, and I beeifaltv raeominsad Mass
aal yalaabb aad caVwUee ratwbdy.
: ... i. .-. . v SAT. H. UtKK.
t-niaiw ipmi law, itnieon yinoatta. s
m.amwa lamiy awuni ii at fjum ronlaoai .
V " rrortWnaAjpHI7llsn.
T. A. U. ftryes A Cotienu; Thla la ta In
form yos that I have uerd yourTnk Weed"
w nenralxlaand rheamntlc palna, and ftmnd
relief from tna aaa of only one bottle, aad can
reeomiuead It lw thoas In need of auch a reta
edy. Voura, . ; UlUKUM TlboKTla. .
' fenllteaf fmtn Hon. F, t. Qalmkr, -fanly
ComatlaaloBer of Mulluonaah euttnly.
tlrrcua: . r ... -
, - -rPnrtlaiHi. April l,UCI.
py. A. M.lryeaA lab I bav.aaed lha'nk
M eed lveoied," aud am aallaAed It U a valua
ble medicine. It rasalalea and Invigorate tna
yatcm. Thla ta mv experleoee wllh the Rem-
-f r Traly TtMrs-Jt. L, , VIM BV.
Certlficat eaanr- the iglcbcatad
,-Tit. tnio icuxiempa: ,
y taMgam Wnateal fastawta, 1 -Ponlattd.
May tr, ish. r
icrea A 1 41. : 1 waa au.i.1.1 . ik
v -
A. at Iswre
aever Inlaminaftri rtteamall.m, aanVa)a(
fecal pain, and waa aw penetrated that I Waa
aabla bi lemt lomy bwafifteaa. sard ami kflit-
fare," sad waa euurelv cwred nr
. -WTTU VltUXTKati-M.
ii anex
sm dlar aatd rifly ta. a Bwt4
XIC. . LctIlA'IlAft. . OO..
"fTom AaLS av lu paaaauia. IsU
f 1 v. " ' MIrK'EUJkjrBOU.i tt- t v)
'-irw '' '.'
r.e-i... ' ' ii '--'
' : '..if i " ; f i . '
,'j 'i .t N.f a -f-M , - .."f.- ; '.
ju4- .2awrt!t?ir: "i. -J" t:
" T I..T al t i-TT ii.' ""''i TT
. t . . ..' 1 ' l
Axt a or-o h a H OE
t--: : . r I
- i I. Illl .- ' J .'. UM." Ll " '
rii.tiii!Stfi LttnlaSflfi j Kills I
... ,
" ' ..VAT... " " ,
-.t . i ,l .1 .-it t'
lumi, WaVBHuroTox tu,
THI MnMirTM AT tflTtlf,
.- tSO A SAT -
Ti male - ita nmit ttrsn t
tU lackay laattlt fgvia- X
milch alike oa bath Idea, sad la lh aal
Itewnaad W ua.!.. i. . 1. ,.....
,ai ta It aaea th I VIebraiad Wlr-
i-u, um mi KiaHmawH ait tw im m
tsaally fctachtn Aay aaavy aad Mcht sew.
. Osifll fra. ' '
Addraa laTKAt dt ritkM.
; - Oenarai Asaala, Allmajr, Ucastaa.
Attaraay, eeaasetlar at taw aa
It wt Aatir runjo.
" ... i.
I. '.-.Tawa trA -Uotstlj-rJi
z '
H'ARD HT THK PAT. W-aak or Monttvaa
tba null raa ana a b I larma. . . r..., . -
MUPerbiraccftOl..ltftilatlflifta Sic !Vb.IIIm
I aliened Cnacb ia aad rrom tba bam fre
A buaa aafa kar th keeptaa at valaaalaa.
Ma opca all mrnb '
BI7 . TllUatAA A3ilTH,aartea
'x wlttatx ioiiDnrq Korrtx. ;
' . " ALBKBT A. MilllM ' "
I bar Hi acmMamudatloa of peopla wbw pre-fi-r
a ouiet bom to lha fHrii,iin i a koteL
Terma madcata. tdympta, W. T. - aWtf.
... Wbola.aU sad ttsssil psslsrs la "
ka4 fiaala TMSeml.
. - - mmk v s. cwt. i -
SAW n rUt'Vp Iff HER ATt'TMO. th
third Boar of OorUrlfa N aatlldlaa.bwa
b M. till a. .arfaVbway -
srustan aivsa a b-tsascAra tAtny-
fao. - at
jAxrrAcnRKn asd dkaxji. ,
- tauif aaw. in 1 1 a, aaanua, hi,-
Or lha k maletlal, swd wwrrmated la Ab
awi ataaaai aia.iniii -tt t , AS
ca tx rrrrtit tuirrr
S-lrlauaa Li Kwwa-w aiawaa-
rhlldraaai aad - Wt ti.mi. - - --' - -
rally aad aatlMaeAeaagiiiaiiai ia. frtaaa aawd-
r ? 'pV-, ' i . 1 ' . i
tn .. -
- '. " J -' "' ' au j a.: ,. r a m mm itit , . , . . V,
-y. jjj' f 13 It M laoniaj. Ik a-K. gtrat PufUaaaV. ! '
- - .- V. -A
Irda of I 1 - . ". ' '"i''l '.: I f-Tr.Li-Taft;'a--.'a .-.awa. a - . . .- -t
4ilt PikTici'i.tiia iv'iirmv aw nia I . - - V
-Lgt "..I r'T "' "Wwtrg-ygAMt'rAtTt'ltJ! AV J- JLii - ut
. " v r. .1 S' If ' :.. .. .1 . - .- (' ." V
-.i... .-; ".; -tsi l-i. V '-W . ' ,. - A . t AatTICUt ar. .". ' .
trFM'ia r tie yiy ittmwMV' 'vr: '!-: ' " i:"'V y; J'i jy'
-r :'.-r -...oa ar- 1 " ' rr: ' '.. 1 ''-.- -
t " 1 ' . ' " . I ' " ' ' ' ' : S
esta, Aw Af
, Cor. mratsad Waahlactoa atracU,
1. Faettaag. - '- laU
H-s.jvft a v sa-syr 4r-
'"I Y:VIAlft . a-.. .- AUI.'IJ
Jinrt Krrt'itKEn' rnoM ham rKAJt
twee auks laiw aad buleadld Mark el
- !,...... .. - ,1..,. tjtl
aura a , t ,. .,
wus, vmrn mms, Mwmn,.
Mka, retdtaa,
.- 'slatwslllaa.' ft,'
A ! aad Beautllal AaairtaMrat . . ,
yiluMiir out, imtNf ,
-Of evavy ysrtety sad asserts!. f
It raw (iaads, raraaai aad KM fiUin
V ' ;anJMaantr: "UT
jEwumtrrAxrr ; mb. .tr-
' . OtaaataWaVIMlWlel, ..
lllllll'l Alt IIMMtl' tllfltl
, W1I aad EsaawJaM ttM aMwelt.
f Hmt auwwt, fajrtlsa.1.
-- .. :-.;'..j;.-;..;.g-rrr
a0SHTAKTt.T IWeetvlna WaW Wuppllet
ha avaaw tataauaaSSV. i . - . . Aa
srTba late and Improved fttvle of work I
nattucaa itat. It iftmwa una uaa sr '
MaVSaMS SaAtBMailMt id laWta). ., .
Vky rjr ra as a Mawta. asalaf
. V .., i,, (. , .i . ...i : , K'.
riH MPBOf:r)0MEfarxTrLK r'
1 bif Mathme-, wmfbttuk Ttaluul labts sod
b-ad la, ataa I y aalabed, i- ...... i
A Arwbelaas Mvlai Maehbast aaea atealslat
Jiaadlai liavda bd "lark aultcb'
wajxauied to do all klutUof lauiily sewing as
well aa any aiachln in th a.arket.
A lew mnri AaewMwaated tw aaa v aaa aoua
llaa I aid bakf n Jli Jmpr.ij.-Jlandla-rtilne
prh-e, C In urcfou, Waabliifloa aud
Mab Taerlaary. V ,, JL a ,
( -all oa or ad Jrewl l!A V'
.... AHrTTLa tourr, .
'.'J-,.. lis rmat Ab, rarUaadi
ItOTAt. A aMIThT Arctium..
1H- H. U UibL. A nu.N, Asvula
-- . -i4. , ,
DKXMQIwU "ate CO.,
1.,. -
MU-1 W lMt .,- f- -A--aaw.
, t . s. ti. uuu, ,
ixa w- --? x jb ja? f
(WT rrewa atases,
MrarMg Kci4,ta
WaMa ta
wwaatn wwai tw. rsairs aaa tuuiun,
-Aarweavm? Tttl id sad WsaMiislun Mrsaaa I na. '
poalla PreabTlerian I 'hnrehi, liwtlaml, (irewoa.
tMl il n 1 1 n it Wi . napunT .i.. -i. -
ve vrt Aiuir- x .i
aIL ABW 1. masaaav
A Aooo0cani
l..7i.i; ti" " " " stata, appaatM la
1 " mm mm ih, ijii e., m . rw-ew .
j ... , , . jrifTiagiJ PRECOX -
. -r
' aiaMncj in any parr or the ell r. ..
' aWtwrlea for aala aitdatraotloaa sivwa I
'a M of lewtrtclly aa a Hemcdlal Aaat, a. ; ' . . I
, , i . '- '. '-
.. .. .... . . - i
UAAr uaaati.
TJnion Mavli.
" tW. Unand and Waaklaaa sia.
TTMia2i Kr,t!r" ri nrHAarD mm
onabl ttnai lh beat Mcala tli auualry af-
mraa. i. , - . al
crruxa ciothixb tactoit
. . . . . I . .. 11
Umym CloChlaflr ICseiporttai
Iff Jf
"'-'-r- lla as wajr-ta, ' ..L-.L'.: .
- ' p VS Ti- Ti 1' 94 T'V
iitinHyt'rwo, idea-vytmwrriiSa
Oar. rTrwt aaa WaaaiBfloa ma., raruand.
prweOew la aaa Ytmrn I iaomatwia
Ij k'lrat Cbvaa Work la al Dcsla) Cpara-
: ballarbntlna ruaraalft-dT ' )
K U eawa Uxrdc adm llHatcred, --4-'
. Raw. Wm. RrnWrtt. JiabT ft W. rtebspTlV.'
Plckwin. Maaara Qnlnibrand Ivrxloa. aad
Mrs. thww Koarwwwwv. n
A a. aaarrtca. . .
a. ului.
, A 1 1 rn cy w an t -X. n W
Vrias, w arm aarawij im-i laaaureauA, .
aMaajosIsw '
at - - ... , ", ,; ' J. ...
. t .
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JU .
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