1 Ml. ; 1 i! . r MS ..JANUARY 19, U72. TUSTTt bit rpLincs. - The Nw York Herald is out with a obg leader upon "anti-Grant RepuMl nm" And la tbe masterly way la Which the subject U handled, w ar led to bellev that there are mh wIm Biyteretand the tormlty of political I trickery, whether they dealr to abolish corraptioa or not. - " rJ " "A bery of malcontent and beads' la the camp of tha party tower la no new thine Under the 'a hava had them, tuolw or leaa, nndsr --.s,lno.t rerr adinlutotratton bom WMhlngtoo down. Under General Jackson there waa a remarkably abun- fBIDAY IMJlt riV) VV ... J m wuot. - method of deeliug with sorehead waa er eflW4lT and aatUlactory. Calhoun -- and hia Southern naalcontenU, however, ' wera at last too much for Van Bureu. -- They killed him otr and they ruined poor Pierce and Buchanan. 'Honest Old AU IJnooln" had a whole Cabinet of i'realdentlal rival and hostile intrlg uera; but be was a shrewd diplomat with hostile conspirators, and ha an Quietly shelved them all that eren tha Chief . Justice to this day haa not discovered how It waa done. General Grant, In hla turn. In hla honest eudearora to satisfy the country In the administration of the a rat Irs or nis great otnea, omm raiacai up a consilerable number of dlaaprwlnted, disaffected and plottluit, bortlle poli ticians. Conspicuous anion, the leeler and trumpeters of these anti-Orant Re- publicans are rtenators runnier, renion Trumbull and Carl Hebura.-iJovemoi Grata Brown, of Missouri, and Mr. Greeley, our Uter Franklin.' " This aalrroonfeaalon of the rapacity of corrupt office eeofcera la given without neatly failing to see that tbera la that in party politics which engenders "sore ... . haa is." a sort of rottenness, ao to speak, which aSeotaaU politlelaaa who mil to secure public bounties, continues t jL: "Mt Fentoa aspired to and xpeeted1 . tb control of tbe spoils sud pluiuier oi tha New York Custom House, and, fall ing In this expectation, and outraged beyond endurance la seeing his col leacue. tike amiable Conkilna. with Tom Murphy, master of tha situation, what eise waa left to tha aorely anointed Ken- toa bat revenge aral net Qran Conkling, thanTa email matter T Ha vaaunoU thatlarananaaiaa tbe Maw York Rapubliean party Mr. Fen ton, without tha spoils of tha Custom House, can do ..nothing? And Is thiaaiot exactly the caee with air. Greeley, aa sir. rrutou' - riahthower f - Of course, thro. t a net -aWUy eiear to Mr. Fentoa 'that the aat vatlna of the eoantry requires tha defeat of General Grant: and. of course. Mr. GUy iaeonvlnced that anlsaa w re duce General Grant to-one' term, tha eourttry-wUL-be ruined, and every man la Maw York willhave to go-out Went and buy a (arm.' Verily our law-makers have created a . enof thieves, and we'll venture t affirm ' -tot tha Ken York Herald is in eome way eompenaated by the m for writing an thla expose of 4he outt; elss why should that Journal thus apeak of "the ; aw laft 'wyJMldlH 'liarry'Tff'ao ' nothing," giving forth no word of censure against sxlsting customs? Verily our political house-keeping la a pretty mess! If woman wera not coming to tha rescue wa should soon see the National roof-tfee fljj through. IU, lniuM-enAlottcnnaaa.1 .But though all the dcbrU aocamulatad .during many eaoeeasiva decades of Na tional bachelordom offends ber aense of r, aba la coming to bring order out of confusion, and, by tha help of bar brother man, begin at tha bad- . rook, of first . prindples llah our government upon tbe mopolltan Idea of Liberty, Justice and- -Fratamityr rather than th-poltid plunder of Custom Houses, -and the dispensation of. public patronage from tha band of a man's rights Executive. OUI 1EPLT TO FAPIX 10. 1 We art sorry to see our Bible-ad ber ing brother entangling himself la such a fog. First ha told us last week that . Woman ftaffrage waa right; than he aald It waa wrtmg for married women because they wara not free ; and now lie na that all natloua who hava ao- : corded to woman any right hava based their religious belief upon tha Bible, - and because audi nations enjoin wifely ooedienca, "that tha wife la rightly sub ordinate to the husband ;" ami tuataa cauaa "among tha Inferior animals the ' male la soperior in stature, strength and beauty tothe female," and beoauss the male, among them, Is tha "protector and tha female subordinate,', be fears that women Wtn.ly their freedom, ''en- danger tha marriage relation."- 1 oar brother propoaas loretura to first aytn el plea and be governed by brutal preca ha most Ignore tha marriage reta Uoa utterly, making aiioaf In every In atanca the rule' for Ho V. We beg him to consliler that wbiuen i aa rufftaa-lsla - ara not dealing with animals, but with aantlcnt, Intellectual belags, who ought to be . mperior to tb brute creation. JWbH wa ara willing to admit that man la superior In rtatur to woman, wa ar not willing to concede that she la hia . Inferior la InUllertaeJ strength and . beauty.. (.We think our brother .forgot himself, or rather his argnavsut, wtofra ba triad to claaa waanen with aniasals on tb score of beauty.) -. W deny thai marriag la or ought to ' ba a covenant of obedience upon tha part af tbe wife. This obedience la ratio of tha barbaron time In which It waa chronicled, and baa so far gone into disrepute among tha church that of them have dropped tha word "obey" from their marriage service. ' W per sonally, refused to prom la ta obey, and ; Wr sustained In lha refusal by good Methodist minister nearly twenty years ago; and, though w havepbeyd la tamUtouamnd Instoncea, It has been bo- mw It waa expedient ta do ao, and not . from a foaling of "aubordlnatlon." y That tb BlbU, aonatruad la tha light a actaaMa, asonie to aunfllct with many Zl"iklV?tW wj-t'r- tawiitil rca.Trtoa.IiuU; but waannnotaeawhy laaniest. tbouahlful audUncaa. and wa why if follows that lu lrecpta ahoald ba hut (ram tha light of ectenoe simply they, have beeu long estab lished ; neither can wa as why tlta la- Juuctloa of ''obedience'' should ha rtllf- ioualy adbai4 to la tha eaauftagauT reason, while a thnnaa ml other reltr4 01 barbarian aad igaoranoe, which wara taught and toloraUd In Bible days, ar now known to ba abaurd aad ara aonaa- quently considered obsolete by Chris tiana.? Ther la Just aa strong B gurnent for poly aaroy a obedleiM, and tea times "stronger arguments for klug dowa than republic. The people ara out-rowing these . things. ..... But brother must ramainltar that the lUWe has al way been interpreted by inca. Although women Id Bible days did many wonderful things, humanity had not then adranced far enough above tha "brute creation to acknowledge tha Justloe of equal rights ; but now, ia the aga of reason, they ara searching the rJcripturee for themselves, and they find that Christ "cama to Weak every yoke and let tha oppriamd go res." AiiTizia jrai oitice. Tha New York Timet, a Republieaa Journal, which Justly distinguished It self during tha late Tammany war, which la In high far or with the present Administration, and which la therefore a party tool of tha moat flexible eharae ler, unwittingly exposes political wire pulling In tha following morsel of deleo? table information! Ish mission and retamed to Waslitag - ton. whera ha an in anoited to Mr. Lin coln, this tlate for a Major Oeneral'a commission In tlte army. This Mr. Lincoln declined, because or tbe hiiin- ber of men then In service who had earned promoUon in tbe field. He then gave Mr. Lincoln to understand, lu tua most em- phatie auannerr tost ir na wera not give at least a Brigadier tteneral's oommlaslou, with a Major Geaeral'a eommand, Utea fee would at onee "withdraw hu two nundrod thousand Oermana and oppose the Administra tion." Ho, Mr. Bcburi became a 'Brigadier General, with a Major General's com mand," because be frightened tha Pree Ident by threats of "withdrawing the 1 German ".w l"t Bfl th forced i the Republloana to snfianchlaejiy-remlnded of amutktr oocaaluu a hen tha negroes by threatening to oust them from office, thus com pel ling them to in crease their constituency. Tha Timet eontinues: t tha tfosrofTOi warTTiiST ins; at once mustered out, as other olti- eera of far superior ability and mora or Sclent service wera, be aaain anada nse of his alleged Influence with tha German element to continue in commission for a eonsiderabie time after there was any use for him.--- - - t - - There, gentlemen I " yon hava the vbole thlog In a nut-sheU.An Ad mlalatratlon one In power Is tha ver iest slava toelrcuniatanoearlt la com pelled to cringe and bow to any politi cal aspirant who possesses Influence over voters, while worthy and honors- adWAnd yet you cheat yourselves Into tha belief that this la a free country, un der tha government of tha people I - - ' Now that r Carl Schurx danounoes corruption in office, of which, tha . showing . of . tha Timet, he aridentty nowraoocnTshoU pack of ins ara ready to torn and rend him, aa if the highest earthly necessity of humanity consists la keeping the Ins I and tha outs oof. , We will never have pure and wise legislation until we have Just such civil aervloa reform as that against which ths U ars fightings And we shall not. ba able to aecura this reform until thi wonjeu are enfranchised ; hence the op. positioh of the Republican parjjr or fratller th bffloe-houling portion of it - to tli "coming woman," who Uatmqs'i here, X1LAK1. Oa Friday and Haturday cveuings of last week w bad the pleasure, of visit ing till embryo city and addraaing its clticeo upon tha Issue of tha day. W found tha lower part of the town as w expected, pretty well buried In tha mud; but sidewalks on tha narrow guag prin ciple cross aad recroa at eooveuicut in tervals, while boards and bridge spaa tha ruU and cliasms, making locomo tion possible. Tbs alght of Kalam ia really a vary flae oua. Tha reader who act thla saaartlnn, wha haa only seen K.aiama from tha boat-landinc. may laugh at our oinlon, but If ba win take atML-tliroughrh town, past .the btwJIhg-bouses, saJoona, stores, postof. flea tt4 OetiDrt gueTBeaJquartcrav ana then us hi eyev he will see that wa ara correct In aar declaration. It la possible to fill ap the tower portion of -J the town flat to a desired, levrl from Lhe waste soil that Will accumulate frosa terracing tb hill aides, thus snaking this crude alto rmposingly hamtsottM. For a year-old town, with no mining excitement to promote it growth, it eertalnry ha blade casnmendable proR reaa, and while there are many dleastla fled persons there, they ara mostly those of liaaitad swaana, who settled in Kahuna In tha vala nana af rapidly accumulat ing princely fortaoe from tha rise In their very limited amount of real estate. Tbera wara twa flaw-looking Passenger ear on tb track, to which tha little construction engine- as- hitched, and they promenaded back and forthXhrough tha town oa Hatardayt but reallv ws could not tell whether thla display was ror our ncnent or for the ratertalametit of our friend tioyd Brook. ; - - ara.- M . . . ... sue ssnoouie cnuren, wbsvu was generously placed st our disposal by Its aocom mods ting pastor, la quaintly new tied la the billa, commanding a mod view of tha OoJambia river, and la close proxomlty to a roaring cataract, which at tha Urn of our visit. was cvtrgoiged by heavy ralal that sent it aplaahing: daahing, clashing down n dorp abyss that lost Itself amid th dark boss. arneat, thoughtful s4(dioca, and gathered ap B good harvewt of aubsrribers to tha New Nobthwbst, whom wa shall delight to remember. , v Wa visited tha office and uada the acuaiutanoe af Mr. and Mrs. Money, who proved Very aprigbtry and agsaeaoia perauua. . They hava aa axtenalva Joh ffica, la coanectioa with their, paper, and seam qulta busy with work for the Railroad Company. LETT?! nOM OLTatril; Ome m ha- W.- T., Jan. U, 1872. Olympia as a tcrtnluua la quiet and ounteuted, glad to aocore tha prisa ao many were contending for, and fa yaat now readjusting her prices for house lots and terminal lauds. Three tlmea, and la one Instance Ave times, haa property Locreasod la value over Wet week's ap praisement for lota uear the steamboat land ira. Rev. J. C Kimball baa couaeutca to give a lecture soon before tbe County Association. Wa anticipate a treat la this address. .Mr. Kimball haa lew equals lu public- speakers available to us, nod ba a ill draw a large audience. Rev. C A. Huntington lectured on Saturday evening In Tacouia Hall airainst Woman Buffraga. - In tha out set Its disclaimed any inteution to ridl eule the advoeatea of thia new doctrine. Haid titers wera many good men and women among them, but aha cause waa all bad. And be drew a aad picture of the coming time when woman, dragged from her presenthlgu and holy estate; to which aha Is consigned by law and 1 religloIwondertf he wasn't thinking of the large army af prosHtuUs F.ix shall mingle la the filth and corruption of public Ufa. FTIs ILcu read a part OMffof Mrs. Hot tera first attack upon tha Forest Grove W. B. Boclet y. and ' your comments thereon, and thought be was. making out. a splendid case against you, when his calculations wera suddenly upset by a gentleman, who requested him to read tha portions which he bad purposely omitted. . Ha waa compelled to comply, but did It with a bad grace, and the au dience trlumphautly eutaina . your criticisms and dlscomfltted tbe Rever- ejuULImajj tomebodg waa caught In the act of aup preaalng and misquoting Bcripture In a certain Convention In Olympic Hall, and, though ha did not exhibit as much on thirtXTa- aion. "the -wind waa taken from hla sails" aad hla effort foil stillborn. - Balk, sociables, masquerades, dancing parties, lectures and meetings of all kinds hava kept us on the Jump all win ter. "'-r Never eo-llvely: a araaon before. Buslneaa begins to feel tha fresh boon of life which the railroad has; Infused. And where three month ago were gloom and doubt la now a feeling of security and hope. . . -- l No time for mora now. Will write lOrl karraa In XusrruwssTt - --; ; " As I informed you In my lata com- hr jmunlcatlon, when soma years ago I suauieu tut suqiev Ol sunrage X UCUMU ueauowwrrHw- lul-lu. 1 A 11 . 1 ...... . . . - uiivci au uie iigui upon vn subject elicited by lata dlstjutolone baa failed to change my opinion on that suhjoct- ' -:- '- Without-claiming for Bibla Divine origin or suprrhuuian wisdom, It must ba acknowledged that It 1 the basis of tbe religion aud Jurlxprudence of sll the nallmu ' 'd llio urfl. I. I.L.L .. ave aliFrTiflita wuaieveraccontml to Uiem. . lYrhaja two-thlnU of the leopl sJt - U Lulled State Liliev tha Bible a rrevelation from God, aud though It ha received some rude shock from . th truth of Astronomy and the natural sciences; It is still th unquestioned haa of our religion, and tha supreme and una. erring moral rule and guid In all the circumstances, relation and conditions of human life. That which accords with It teaching ia right that which is la violation of them wrong or ain. It re- quirss aoiabiitUng anor thaa the enal tie of a criminal coda to maintain good government In a fUate, and wise, law makers have always 'appealed to tha re ligious sense of the People to aid thaus I a securing these object. A people 4bat believe lath Bible will, as a matter oflfa. conseience, Uve In obedience to law which accord with It moral teach Inn. but no penalty, however severe, can Ions- Dtwiiieuc to laws lu violation of them. Our '""""""lit la ao tolerant on tha subject of Rellgton a to be hot Improperly called a "free thluker.yet IU lsws and lustltutious are stronaly and wholly based upon the religion and morality taught by the Bbtv and aa the naTBarw.l Basasnaa tmntlMT In 111 aasf aaawsBBB) ea -esswwassaaa sssw -'at'wswswTawgmr'ajr waw tn-TaWw,! Is fonmled apon this basis, no member of tlta l'nln can long sanction tyr law any practice contrary to Ita moral leaching. Ctah llliwt rates thi fact. Tha Ooveru- ment loe not luterfore with th faith of the Mormons, but It punUhe polygamy a crime against the national con science. If the Bible Is to b ontiuaed br tha ugnt or sricnoe, and Its. meaning modi fled where It seem to conflict with th known law, of nature,-iu PrecenU wu:iii man suaiagrebrtrmgihrkd and rwtablislied when found to be In atrict acrordanca with them. That tha wife ia rightfully ubordi- haled to her husband Is proven t 1st. By tha cjvil and religion Insti tution of all nations, and In all age, which hava placed the ycuag, until the ag of discretion under tha tutelage ol their parents, and th wits In nearly an equal degree under the control af ber husband. '". ; 3d. .. By the fast, that a la aaajtrso4 among all Inferior animals tha malc'ia Mperior la atatura, strength and beauty to tha female" and Immature af both sexea, and enforce tha power W Gad af uiuralbB. bartowed upon blm to rabjeet them to hia w UL - them to hia UL d. iucept in those aoiaial whoa natural Inst 1 nets and opportunities have been destroyed by sabjugatloa to man, tha relation af husband and wife exists. th male tha protaotor or stronger, the ft: male aahordinated to hint aa the weaker ar protected. f J am -willing tea weanea as waU as free mea should vote, hat I am not will ing to disrupt or avsa weaken a tie be- weaa tha sexes founded la nature, made keJy ay reiiclon, the Use of theduies tlo aaectlona, and older than all laws and constitutions of government, only to Inareaaa tha number of free voters I Voting at last la notbluf lu Itself It is only a means to gain aa and. May not tha end which you bullae wish to accomplish by .Woman Suffrage be gained by means safer to yourselves, and less dangerous to" society,' than a course that will bring la Issue tha marriage re lation" Hava you eoualdered the terri bleconsequeucea that ' tuy result to yourselves by abolishing that relation ? "What will yoa do with It 7" : OLTXPLi 00US8P01DEXCX. ' Olthma, W. T., Jan. 12, 1872. garrua Waw Kosravsovi On Saturday eveulng last about thirty persons aasemMed in uooa fempiarr HaU to hear tJ "7M7 -A. Hantlngton lecture aaalnat tiwM.nage. Tbe loctura was written, and tha reading oc cupied ana hour and a quarter. Bro. H. storied out by saying that If ba believed It were better for their own Interests,-ba .would favor- tha women voting, hut ha didn't ao believe. He wentfor Bible argumenta, "wives, ub- mlt yourselves," etc, and said ba was willing to take the Bible, lead whera it may bOtwe soon, learned ihathe would take tha Bible only with ais am Inter pretation oT Its meanior. aa most all others do. He dwelt at length on tha horror oft the ballot leading woman "Into the filthy pool of politics," and asked with seeming agony of aoul If wa men "were Minx to let tha women lower their dignity by mingling In the corruption of political action and meeting," and then praceeded to give Garfielde a well merited eastlgatlon for his twMtlrsljfahricato two huwltwd-illfauaJai rUrIon, afUrwhich he pronounced a eulogy on woman that made her a per fect anrel. and gave n description of saan which was calculated to cast a rravs doubt upon tbe Intelligence of God for having created ,o Hie a crea tuianJagalB asked" W woman should lower her dignity and stain her virtue by asaociatioa (at the electiorT polls) with these filthy, degraded men. ' Now, I ooecf, 1 deny, first, that ara tha penect, angeis nro, Huntington painted them .and I deny. second, that man ara tha low, mean, contemptible being he called n That woman ara mora refined, vlrtaoua, purs aad spiritual thaa men few or none will deny: but that there I such an awful, such an Impassible gulf between men .ai;if naa anaj' wsi sm.ii m ighty gulf bstwsen as, and If allowing woman to exercise her natural right of a voice la tha Government would tend to lessen tha difference and bring the little nearer toaatber. I aav Ood . - -- i hfii'iwa aistaao af ' n- -- taraa tha better for man, even though It sbeuld. H-riag her ana ar two rounds down frot't the fop of the Udder of fwia parity) ftorchanoa It might raSe us poof degraded atea a round or two on th same sadder, thereby enabling as to sea abov tha thickest of th filth of the political pool O, f twaddJel sum si leer "Mvner Is all sut:h p.- ...tHmani. iIi.iumI.-j. don't ball believe it f but they ara so driven I to tha waH fur arguments that they grasp at shadow tor a pretext. Th lecturer aald If hi wife wera per mitted to Vote, It would simply mak him a Ttr,' unmistakably imply Ing that ba should eoutpf l bar to vote Air ticket ferry fisr. . II said : "When I led ber to tha altar, wa became marriage forming a onenea of WITT,' of Judgment, of action, and lam that one.1' IZTfll - wv4 coast relish fAtif from k ChristUn I minister T H also aald t "If lova U ll. . a a -a ... . I wanung, marnaga 1 in worst xlnd I f nelL yet th man aw rule hi ownJ oa - - - so w ji . . . - ;i... 1 twiteratad the stale at or y of "wom-t aa being out of ber iheT, nealectlnc I a . a a a a . I I ahoul4tbIakUiLjmmanta would drop that worn-out sswirto-a and try tola tirveur an Browses to twt tlwir oo-l luon. Bot th burden af th harangue 1 can ba almmarad down to a .very few wamL . II - . ft. A ik. Cl..avi . . I " , WW lll ,a nauiagl SnOVO- I and as thernn aivitwnlln.1. .nalhUaia Hw. urf geuuomaa'a atand-poiai way a!, aa.al0 cry ior spilled milk", we put on Christian, should wish to perpetuate a j -J-LJ, .. " T ' m . . K . parity tas ha describe woman) and such I j bestial impurity (a ha describes menl I 1 . . ... . 1.. .. wnicn reiauon na say givas tha Hie creature man mjw i sic control over the virtuous, . refined woman, pbyalcaily, mentally, morally, financially in abort, In everything. O, conalsteucy.I thou aratadeedajwell - Bro. IL quoted tb WeodhuU and gar ber aa the bead, front and "guiding star of the new party," la which asr tion h displayed on af twa things: either ha I ignorant of tha truth or does not wish to toll If I feav th Intelli gent reader ta J udg which position Bro. Huntington occupies. roof old man I H la now standing on the Sam ground that has heea held by thi oppossr of needed reform la all age of tha world. There ba never been a roforwaavtary aaoveaaeat inaugurated to any age or la gay cllm do.1 tbe clergy twn. Ik. M I a ... l ...i aftwiww- "I J-" ""lavta, I- - vl f.aw ,j tha last to yield: yet la all reform tbera hav he noUo axwptiaua amoag eler gf asm. In aaaiy-faatanf) whara txna rsllglofi, genuine Christianity got th ascendency aver creeds, dogma and phariaarlsai, tb aiiaistar baa roa Ilka tower of strength and arrayed himself on. tha aide af jastioe and humanity. ilivk mlulslAra mm tt ornametit to Lhe Charcb and an honor to the great Godf tha lad verse. Tbera are many of such now numbered in our great army af suffrage reform. v-v -MrE- , i . ii... ji as 'i THE SIITE1EICE. It Is wonian'a nrovlnca to keep tlie nm ana) care foe- -tha hs)Sjsateoait,'Wwaia' lbs husiand and father goes fort 1 1 Jo ob tain the food and raiiueuU This is a law of nature, ami nothing can change It. OrryoaMiM, Jan. av - i - - 1 wmL i A HluialaaUr Hal woman, the wile ot an mvauu auu mother of tweutv-six children, picked cranberries euouKii last fail to pay otr a mortgage on the farm. trgotai , on. la. The Wett-Side calls Attorney-General Williams "Oregon's favorite eon." Tliat must be a new Idea to Williams, who baa always regarded himself as Oregon' addy. Such hi fame. V Eard Timet and Watt Causes Tleta. We ara fast beeowlnr a nation af schemer to live without genuine work Our boys are not learning trades, our farmers' sons are crowding Into cities, look Ina for clerkships and postoflloes; hardly one Aaiericaa girl la each huodV md will do housework for wajraa. how ever urgent the need; so we sre sending to Europe for workmen and buying of her artisaua millions worth or products that ws ouabt to make lor ourselves. Thousb our crop of raacala la heavy, we do not arrow our own hemp: though we are overrun with lada who rieaerve flag ellation, wa import our wiiiowa. uur women tunicas deceived) shine in Kuro nean fabrics: our men dress In forelfro clothes; the toys which amuse our liule children bava aeneraiiy reacneu us over the sea. Wo are-lifce tlte farniet wiw hires his neighbor's sons to cut bis wood feed his stock aud ruu hia errand white hia own boy lounge at the grogshop, uiaylug billarda, and then wonaera why In bdIUi of his best etlort - . ii lo debt, till the Khertfl cleans htm out, and he starts West to brain siralu. W must turn over a new leaf. Our Imys and girls must be taught to love labor by qualifying themselves to do It efficiently. We muat turn out fewer nrofesslooals and mora skilled artisans. as well aa food-growers. Wa must grow 1 value per annum, that we now inipnry and so reduce tha foreign debt that we hava ao long aud ao suceeesully.au nieuted v ear bv year. We must quail our clever boys to erect and run facto- .1 . . . k. .1 T I . . 1 1 1 annla macbJna shops, etc; to open anu wora ! pilnesLimprove and fashion ijuplemeut. and double uie presvnt pruuuv uiurir futher'a farm. '8o sliall w tem the Mdeof debt that sets steadily rains our shorea. ami rear to be visited and an noyed by bard time. .....:--:-- Gkisii?mi Wheat Without Miix- rroxa. At a recent meeting In Lulin- burr, of tha British Association or HcH eneer a paper waa read by Mr. Thomas Carr, upon a new mm "r gnmuns; wheat by percussion wiuie it is unsup ported and projected through tbe air. When the wheat Passes throue-h tha machine it is struck by a series of bars ypoalta direction. - inese Twiittng mar no rnfarious neating U caused, aiidaonaequenily the flour is of a much superior quality to that obtained by the usual way of grind ing and also at a. much leas cosL An L'.Vll...u M t . ,. . , " 2 f one oi tnese uimie-j toliraUwa flour mills in full operation, and Uie advaaUge in 1U favor over -the nilii-aloiia it auuarseJia are tw Intel I mil la Mr. Carr a pas?r. It rarely need re- painnr in comparison wttn other mlll- I tonast require fewer men, and thus I "J,.An , U " frou lo "B, vwiNica, ivaw siascv, auu qui Col uirea less drivliia power, and lu adill- m Wkll this produces a superior Dual ity of flour. . n-w . .... aanilbllaalfam. t I 1 . nifur..-, 1.1 r.auinD. a iaov in a - - iiwiii . iMieiiuiPi NITI, . i "iiere ss tn averr other hotel in Kaavrrewarded bv the munlciia.! amin-. . " uhins, a too oar-aeepinir, llw regltenjfajrivils and assiffntng room to giicsta, receiving payment of J 0111-, etc. rs in tue teiefrraptt otTice, ami ia all tha stores and shops young anu wsu-urcaseu iauiea form a large part of th attendani-e. I wa greatly struck with it, and believe It would b well for nn, aMnb Irt . - ... f ti fuj-iiiahiiig employment to n Urge and most . dependent claaa of- our -People, Wherever there Is lisrht ami nimbleJ" work to be done, we nniversally found ladles employed. : In tha exteiialra draper esublialmient of Leo, in Liver- I j,',,, ' , m lwa.v tb long liWof cou7u7r; Wr7at7nded h scores of beautiful. voun rirls. tastefull v djessod, sod who were waiting apou the I aTCsanVawwlas jf laa. iliaai staul mhI..im. .... ,.t. I '"'tvl"","":" urvu- " ' . . . BaaBBaaBaawaB "WosTAa'S -JlKIBTu.'' Our kellor I baJf aatoaJaludii tbs other day Lv pro - f'" Uii. question, VCaa I llgaVnl ina nifsaBmni-sn T Vtrbllt anmriantf I rt MAVto- .M,t.w'rA.t..i.. lit UeJ)esi,le hersel?, and fearing n-caill !'.'r l"".I n.ucas r 1 1 . . a . . . i uuiairu tuat sue naa better .call . on 'aoma other man," and by the manner and by the manner in which sbe reclvi thi w.mu m.V. m . 1 I . I . . . t l. . . . . ' I l lavilliru aw luiua II lueajaeu Ilef. sue then lipid nn a nloa litila. lni,i li - "z i t "i : -"i i iraiwwTn w,,a w uaun t declined lie . .ft late M""" nn, nhMl' ' are glad women ara to hav their rirhta. Wi aitvia. ail tbe "lord." who are Invited. toatUndtha ladlea ball, and ace for UB7Tiw!t: nicely women manage affair when they havaannlwl I J .. . . r "no. Aw Onioi.xAi. View or thi Cuea tiom. An Jvuglish traveler describe a Mytery'' caliod th "CrwaUon," which h saw perforated at Bamber. In Gcr- prieau had the wings of gee tied ou tlteir. ehouhiera to personate angels. Adam appeared on the scene In a bla curled wis; and a brocade morning gown. Among tha animal that passed before him to receive their nama au .u shod hrc, pies with ring in their itoaea, and a niastilT with a brass collar A eow'e rib bona had toon provided for lbf JormaMorr-of Eva, but tha maatilT W rr",n ' h carrleil it .T . r" tnea wr Whistle him back, but not suew.llnw tu.- Zt "'"1. kim I.," TT "' V viiaam htm, gave him a kk klag and recovered tha bone, which law .Jl ... . I tran-door l,w ll.. .I.I.. 'JTl " Adam, wlience there coon emerel MBky priest. In a lnna vnlw. I fa - air -IIimIh.. rr" :.t.i 1 on Kobert In tlcsgo. but Purpose tolVFHil&iZZZZ huiXlt.-" ;.TV ft. ,kh' I "TTW a00" laianas to toav tut cago soon, V ' -. ; ( . , . Trl tllitl TrililMr ihmwnm. A u. dMilliB.aaHklst. w U h v elap ' has m ! a ay ot MtMM I hvWIng lolmu newi sjr SjSMuf IMS, UMN1ICI"! newMfhilf t TlMMtH all IS mj s asrk, Ta mis umy ain MMumws-, As4 wmtlf SIHS a Isr ; fair tntr as sa SViMWlsa, - TIhmkIikmUviM: . Ims mom ss UaMri Uul iuu fur jf Uu4rs4. Illhtlr slswai. ,M4 BUI to rmll ml i . W' fwl lusirius ut s'sitssss. Vt'h.-u aiara ar nishlly alilhlns, 'TT . fcmuuras Mil rrsiiilns. sun mui sue juy i - Clsaaiaga.' Big gun ar apt to be great boras. r Many "a good tnatch" baa proved Tlte hlk-h-abey-man W tha nation the dairymen, .. Not conducive to publls safety po litical ueau-iocxa. The vesMt-ls most in demand at Wash lugtou clerk-ships. Pattl receive tdU,U00 for four mouth' slug ing at ht. ivtersburg. An extraordinary locality tb local ity where tha JJead ttea. Mauy of tbe richest plautsra of Jama ica II v on eooea grouuoa. Motto for a French exile: Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder. Miss Kmily Blackmau Is writlua a his tory of the buaquenaaua Valley. Motto lor tha Sheriff Render- unto sctzer the thing that ars seller's. Ths most peaceable way to have knock-down is to get up an auutiou; ft iiuestions, but the queervst. - Why was lhe dealir T7'hiLlWgcr pre feral le to mm or tuaries it ie cause a hot tteak I better thaa a cold oof. --, . ; f . It must ba a haiiv thouirht toa Jer sey lover that his blood aud that of his swectlieart mingle In tlie same mos- quito. The difference betweeuLalf a glass of water and a broken engagement: one is not filial full aiKt the other Is not rul- nnod. Olive liocran. the well-known lecturer. was married to Wirt Kike,-, the welt- know a writer. Dec- la lUibert CoUyer of Chicago tied tb wve knot, ---r-r " .7717" setts women are librarians. That la on res soli" Why lh tllirartra arc so popuiar ami so well Mtroniaed by the young men;, "MraTTarttiigton telle of a "minister who had "served the litrd for thirty years, first aa a cirrus rider, then aa a locust preacher, aud last r as - an ex haunter." . i A latly who made a sech ta favor of J woman's riirhis, at 1 1 slits ill truaeia. 1 seiitenced on the followins; mornlna by a police Judge to two days' lmpriaonrncnt on oread anu water. i NuaianawiHH laswaswaMH , lady from XaeyJlTor if. fiXSi. A JJoutana editor, describing a yoaag morulnir:' full of tricka aa a dm a.i happy aa a w holeAocjLoiLstiow-Mrda." Clara Ioran. who Is anniuwiaJ ni, tua editorial atafl of tlaa iuti k... t . 1:..... ... , . . . g"w ,, wiy taer lectures OJL "fcna received .wllh great favor lu Wsshlnr-I iinn, anu iioniea." Bvliu-h oai Mlas-Iiatle Bovnton lrr Jrt haa written a story entitled Out af k ripoerc." it was published for tha .. oa . . i. . iion.isys, ana as the title i mi lea tea re lates to points of special latorast Juat now. Zuailauie Ilcgiua Dal t in, a fitmoua sursreoil nf Aiialrla -kavbitf i I - . . ----, i twu i imis nuiwireu anu nrtv am.-nf..i r-. t .1.. l .!. ,!. 1 , " . . . . 1 I mua III lin vilJOWrauill lllMIa. 1 wmi a tetter of tuauas and f goldV- a puma of At ; anartv. while a vmitiw l.lw Playing with I peculiar brilliancy of touch, a bystander baalielor exelaimed: waa K' uia world for those Angers." "IVrbaps you might get tha whols band mrnsamg,-; sain I lie young lady's, ob? Vn,K "! ,aneu rerfiifr mamma; th dlsriushroogh tha door. ' r - - "I look upon the great fire, sir as a I PunlalinMiit at l.wfln.1 .kln. I people for their wickedness." A -weii.'aaW tb other, "did you bain n? I "Vaa. air." ... ki r -., . really more than I wa able to tha sLf" 9. . - . . aMl tilW I i-n-r. -T.r"' """ " intended for a niiriiuiimnni aasait . m ij .1 1 "'""ti asaxMSj aw hsu nan wnaaawaSj Ivle. bv what rlahl .11.1 I..r L.. 1 JieIp ta mltlrsu tha wslihisMi w. I had Inflicted? What business had you J gam 1 nriiHaara. avlth Ilia saaa 1 . " 1 . . . iu . rrUa4 Market, Extra 1 M a sswai, wabss. to' 7a. p bubl. aarss haryM Awt WacTlwatal. '''' INltalllal fca-.ti ,, a.,. . at aa . . la pnbl Sirebnlr hfldBora. Btor-J-lnw atofry. mm pr mnmm. lim .n H a ma. Iau ta- r r-i hid ajr sv Whaata,,- tmh 1-srd-ia bass, lIHt, per a; Is eons, Ulsr ra. onKmaIUyl.P fir par K Malt J Wr.M t.l a ' . Urarpoxl. !. o. TT. rl7'"9 nm-mmr p ife. llayMSIftwina. ' rwTl.llrnn.UffB M mrt Ina i ULUn ..-.I ,rr?,"..! "ft - pbH.7 "'j Oh Irkana tl toi awr duseuT TurHlpa-jr par h. r raran)pa-s(arB4 ,., rarnit r par Bk mSVZt, W?i S.'H.'TJi!'.?' Baaa j aa.. t - r bn, - - .i -. Uuassd Oil-t( m, M par rsltoa. Tbs l lowing seranaa are duly aatborlsad I art ss Asmta tor m Msw HowraWssv Mrs. M. A rsslss , rwrllaad H. a hlft...........Trllns Asrat Mra. M. -- Tywvwllaa Am H. H. Al-b WaaSlaluu tnmmty It. 1. , . ' -'- '-t A, N, i -' in i - - , .Lr 11, W. I.WU. toitoail W. r. Owea . V. A M;.mrm ..T t-ur s,J. l""ri luaaaw Tho. pan-ma H. IVnilaBd .... Joa tHy lMilaukll Tb IftSlHwl Mi - h - JII. Appb-raaa. tonvlla ..Sjnaoh.. I it. . ri Mrs. A. K. fjnrwla. -Furlto w. u.iffM W. Jarba -WsJto Walla I a a-. .I... ec ra IvKw'Zkwxbja.l'. i-i aCallSmiia .. IMvaanka O r-rtto. sMrtof to art s AsTts rVaacoiiirar WIU Ws want Assau IhlVHUbaaa " as Wsbaloa Tsrrltor, t, - sera tie a. A ws raw of A Jes. Twesjr T , .. .j m L. '.. i ..if V. t liu . TO TMt rnjBLICl Fcsr sboat wstf ysor I fcsat toes, a esse iSm srHh a ! ahlea ervfcs, hnth ! ilitr asat Ml, saal 1 lurt all the H1. on Utst sklawTsa eotalds IsrsalsslsJ Isvs- akweeiloa Saul taaoor Ilk Ihsl at a esaeee aad tW the east two rears I y bsslMsss. Tbe pala sras se arsss twees' weav vlieaOHej av sad !tl. ausbls lo sWf fur a wrS si s liwe.ssd Ihsd alnMial fives vt sll hup o .in bMns rurt-s. I raakls lu Bakvr suusl. ftrrsiM . ssr haker fltr. On the Srat of last Kmatrr I iesi . xinaiiaaaii r -bUb, tu MaJi auWaSU, WHS a VkFW cat SSh- lltins l s sursirsi .wtenMoat as mi hf of blniesrrlurrvB kavuic mi aum-r-ls anll'vmwU. oa sue arrlsl st tits Islras Uuai H.iK-l, rVarUaaMt, wm i 1 ma4 oT UkS grrwl skill ss4 auim of Iw. AUara. So, lie-. levlnx insi as enaia so bii uuw in nm maw M-t nimusj awkl. wa Mwats lr I o erfns luHsn Kraiu-I.aii, ami I s4al ayair anlar tola sara. aud as rlmU a lanrs se as air jaw suaa. ami slau ihs maJisiwul I lMaatltsrBw. Is Styiil ktour altor subuittlins Hiraall at Dr. Abaara's vhh-l WHmiHffMtv, inai n waa ,i smbII 041 saa tnuBmi lias s avw smuss sm . flM lh lalM taf two MMHIIbS. at law ttmm taf two aainibi, iia.il aaial taa aliiaf air Bae bas i haal. Is ehaJis Baa bra su ftrm aiui iw saarkable thai on narualiill wllh liiy awr euaailtam suuld sraxwly ballvvs tbal aura. u enuld havs taM-n aoriiiplulMl or su- , aa skill. I hsve raliwl aiwa snaada la Kb. auS aavail at vr (rmtanil to Mas aBIU uflw. AtxwB lir llfn. I wtMtlil slau alala lUal III baurtus laat aiaW waa lfl". saw y H. Auura'a Biaul tt-fcaa bora r4orr),as Ua4 aa 1 sua basr lh U.laf asr a wasca. I - aas BOW at.lMIlf ai ms jtauftrmui ai-ua., waltla Bjrtlia rlvrbopn up loth laillnk -Ah-IVINIia. - roBTLASO, Jsa. M, 1CX stev. M. sIUeBa. ' MTULAcsoii, W. T., law, S3, WCU : IHL ABOBSrHrllaad,.Orrsoai -1nrts fMj tts datjoJajrlestlaioBy Ur; ywur skill la tus traatiusst taf my esas. Yoa raaaSar' aaa laf mywrW mtftrr nasv teaal mvmi Inr wamfaraa. 1 Sad besa bars ui Start as Unt Imu yira.auj wty 111 rmr waa altucart I telly aWaf, aud was iMUafal aud Brrouipaatoil " wllh a SI swashls ai iibbIIimi J bA by yaw akilllul Bauasw,awl all a. I a saal anaari is bluaa bar bvoa raauuvsw, aud Bow niy aar l,( s, vwry gnud. It. IATTKKIHN. issHwr Carsl free ttev.' Ia. Aauas lieawKlri I abas Cesss tt B duty tfewslojron to ssskstb IUiwloc stslaassat af fasts to ssswsa to tor f Wbaa adlea a turn Juu Wst TtuVeniter t kfsfa aaa aver tb atsMef mjr hsbi yt as as to satafl bar ars lbs sriM; bad ben la Ibal eoaulltoa tor av niava yvsra, and had bern pnmouiMnl by oas to sss alils, aad tbai & waa hrrwtd Mi skill af Bay pbtrab-laa lod It any runal: but, Ibsnks to yoar aklllfal sad aaanaaful BMalsnf prwrlbw. M ass as lap,Mi'd Owl tu-tlay arbKaaaa 4 was pbie Wises iaa.ura.iins iiniatttsrwiapiT--a litis ibat I hal a4 been al.l to dVr-(or lor abaaui arVBla TflMirw. May -you kaag Uv to . ba a btaaalns t BliAr-rllif humanity. I lbs avayer ef yuut ". H. IATTBMUSU- imfiwajwiata.- W,baadraiBsa, oavlnf beta lha reels toats af las ssyrkos af kfrs. at. C Wane la toasblag lbs atlas to af Maato an lhe Ttoss fcsTto, tabs pbasaMFW to ftofcaf Or hsarU SHII -asowtol tbat-w bar apUyd bey la ear . I mtm I ma atrueHua," aad Uat It baa urn amav. an aay a....id we asr war kaowa; sad tha 1 tboasb ths trat al aiay bsa utassraator thaa esse others, we tollers It to be la Ihs ssts fato Saarb rhsapor, b-Ud tmlmt iiinIMm- - ia UH ar us, . Wa i pi-waar ja rmMusoeadlus aaw j m ail rao may bs a.li. pstraa- il n Inf s roaaof oblalnlnf iiiHM diwliw b, kaw hwmw abaml It Harm laimilai aai ia -i u . . . . i lavlialb,, !, call at imr boaai'i aud laUarvlaw r puHla. ta"! " WIXARO HOLM AW. - . w. eor. Hrvsntb and l'u4l- u,a.7 - - - - -llWIl W. HILI.Uak ft Itomiid Kl Portland. ..i-j . ti XAT. M. Ubl4. , . . .- rl'toUaa. sUar 1'jaTbASu.JssvX IrTL r.M?-Jr- ; "iTav-RrapaebMl Madaai y llavlae hwanl af yuar KMm af teaebtos tba rtaiWMTicta, aswwn aa the UoMiil Aiuerlraai ' ronaaim or lit luwl dimHu - - - - Marhalk Ban,,, atn.,1 and Uib) altor lbs shert torm4aixaMsilistollluaj. Altowsjwtoetpraas My apnmlwlloa nf ynar lastrwMtoa. sad wnb ray Isms wlaba fiK- yyur ssjuwaa allow sua to aubanHb -toysair, Yimra Krapsrirnlly, Mm sad La44f lu Kaat rurtlanU MsshI. hi. rAsuurr.i-nrf.iaT SI a. la, william tAviotoi, -r"r- Ueatl Kstatc Dealer. rriOaVao. 4 . ra nr la a sk, a Tl IAL KKTATR 1 t VHHH-rrr-ivn r iL?lT'.'"ihr. !rr.."--u -'. - uZZZmZmimT" Alan. twrwnVRB rtwoaATad Vnn... . I'.. WM LAans, isaHl is all isuts aflk I ataaa, turlaala. . . RUL KMTaTB BBS MB llMHlHV M. aar t1irrealinBl,lla. In TBla ftrv aaj laiuiaa. ut lbs wtatm ami TaaarraHnaa, wlib sraat sare, aad aa tbs stoat AbVASIAuaora Tssas Bora as ASS aroaca Iaasa. Iaiii Kau. TISTBP Sd 4'LAIB r aLIt iw-allTIOMS -I raaam.1 ikluma. uavd a uaaaa.i. viatfta. I CISL aad An user tttsissas TaVASsai.'rsjb Aoss rs nf this nil 11 a la all lha rmm sad T a la tb Htstb will nrHvdrrlnllaaaaf r" ass Paorwavi aad torsaxd tbs saws to tbs . sbunrs sddress. a BMPIOTHIsTT orricn Ua a fiaal Aaars Ba. a-rwTWtrTriBa, net" l twrpaa fwrpantar and ItuiMaea. laaIIUa. and la bant all wavaranalr krla nf an klud. win iaa II u thsir advautssa to fall aaul laava 11. m.. awd. - Orjaa. J. U. WITHKHKLIa. ' P.M. I bars slaa anan Ouud lam. and It At 7ato. vT .- ai . J. a. W. -? : ' - : aX)BVRX.A McCABK, 4, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS VAniuKOTox trtnt.tr, vr-Htiin, ' , rr '-awiiann. nna Wowk daaa at RXAMliIf ARUI ItATKa. al AjrrniaiA. arsirTiaj, cATAnni ramfaaaa. Ilataima tor Fx, .raalaid lla.fMrMr nf lb Yr ss rUaaa, Uv. ars saw, a aafiAy twstod b llr. AbM-n.carnar Tbtol and Huaan airaaia, . ( HI0KJ llHKAHKN,pnrall7 awrb ss bava raalatad tbs ordinary meat tA ti whb - A nor a Irrala WUb " '- 'HlklUir.lwfMiaiH.ll.a, j - Trws ktonVrato and asTSrabls to tbs )r nmaaMM af lb pmwnt, an that alt wbn ara smitoad aaa nr. aura bia tfwaliara If '! - wrn r-n m ll i s-w days i'f?t mj.ti'."rr.'r' "'. " ruuw SSMubvldiaa. tawevTW rietlanl. I waa murb aurnrlaad BSMt asaaMllarlv araUBad. mi ia. - - - 1