The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 19, 1872, Image 1

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    .-..a . -mm - - - ' ' ' ' i ! ' ! ' ' v' , H . : -n-i.-4.-t ,t all. . ,.-) i ., , ' . . iT? ; ' 1- 1 1 llaSltasa," " " ' V,
-tVTrnliliM. ' L 11 " ' i e TTT 11 111 111 "" T-riTw-TTmrwrTrT-if imi iii i.i i i. i r 1 ; i .j . 4 , '. J" .'. ,. , -' . : . . z: ".:
- n n Tirniimrfn T nnini rmajninTiT 1 , vn -m-7 - - . . - - - - .
Tares, . 7 "-7 7 . I . v w.auisa. a. r. .. 1-Uiri-liAMI,. UlllSWin( 'FJUUArr'JAnUAUY'JU! Wr., .
Tkm rala, Ik mUi(, U aUerln ralBj
aiag la mrmmm mm eesaft, i -
Wait lbs wlad m bM4 thwiwulm to lb w
IHMMItiw Mtk iMUtWrla rata,
Aa4 tk tkrota f Br kfM la M dull, chlBC
oa mj aillotr tanilakC
Oh,raataa4Mlvlaa, wImt n r SoVaT
am utm iiiainiMMnwn ay a
(Trtaf. "Bmt ad abUrtoa, vkoi art laea
Am4 hoM, la aar ailtal, warily attwi
- - At Mm naaaiua la ak ar aa4 wr.
TWnli, la hnka aa4 atUlaal rata,
. OaaiKa wra la wU4 frraay a algal 1
Tu wIM wlaala akoat aa la
ttriy Ib la aarlrklnc aaa riMlaat rata,
Wblk) I vtrarft lar alf aot tb cMbrt
. - vsia, .. . .
' Tar rrataa aata departed to-albt.
Ai la ana lhte Oarf aol , gUri
Th Ail Mila Zy lwaaalarMiahllUra
Sail- . . .
HW-a la aarkaow o'er a Ilk pall:
XnUMta rra the parrow lUSIyaaad JljaIJ-
inaT snow uirr U huTuIng lo amr.
Xa iala, laa aalUac aad ptuiM rala, '
Uaakatb auva la radvolo af tha aiaa
A6tron arlUwu.alUaa aaa altlkM rain.
A aank aa l
. TUua Mrca la rade, abrtokiaf wladl . :
TU day daa-a. HM (lumber Meal over air
Wall iltoally epeth U rala; , .
f rsrt Illtl hht arruw or (bma-taalna bow.
A Ihrtea wlnam luaibr WeaU ar ai
it Itnm, .!,... u-.jt'. .
Walla aUaatly waeaeU Ut rain.
" 1
4 -i-. j
- a wiv. taa itnm wiiia
(Eatrd,aMwdlB AMa(
a year UT. ay Mr. A." J. Haalway, la Ut Of-
anarlhaJJMrurlaa ofOmma i U'ukiiiLa
fT.l ., L , ,
AUnl Betary flraham led the van of
il uriKuuora. ra iua caoin uoor.
Ilia orphan babe hiy I atmmmpfl
KpibealUe tb (althful dog-, and It
terrlno aoreama naoundad through the
cabin like a dirge atf-dooin. i
The barefoot Mad abi raring half doaan
aider aoea, wba had been perniHtad to
follow their mother to her Jaat reaUna;
piare, were crying, noma Willi com and
tnera wiui ivu m m mi .
fltf -a lilt ! aaaBataaW alHttarlaal
with the realisation of the awful calam-1
Ity, and tney silently enterea tne nouse
and atood around Uia biasing fire, look'
ing a eaca oiuct iu vuiit uaHuicuii
am inwnnf wnu w vu, ' r
"IW.'IUt. tiny feetmtmfit.mltl Aimt
Ing babe, thereby .: relieving Bouncer,
who Manifested his aallstacUoa by ex-"
lreaaira wagging of his bushy talL :
."What ft pKy ' with IU
mother," was the. comment of ftnotbeijsod-bya to the lonely, sorrowing chll
"it seems an," was the quick reply.
"An' yet we don't know the ways
rrovldenoa.7 'rears to me aa u j. can
dowu tovuiuln' seftia nu aw suius
'anysteriousv'need of even a poor waif
... .. . . a
11 A l uia. , ra uuru uc wuuu
ain't we, baby T" now dandling the lit
tle ereatura In the ftlr, and again -cud
dling It to her bosom In motherly
a -nil.l... liaartaa .mI flnalla kllalw
. Ing It to sleep.
m . w
The older children crowded In the
. corner by Bouncer's side, and their cries
' and lamentations brought tears to the
eyes of rough and uncouth meu, before
unusew 10 weeping,
a .
"I say, neighbors," said Uncle Jacob,
Vwe' provision' got to be hialeToi
keepln.thls lot t yonnguva. i 'iletaey
an I have oar bands full with nine of
our own kith ah' klivAulwe can't lakauhe
none of 'em." ' I
Oh, yes, Jacob, I'm sure we ran keep
the haby," was Aunt Betsey's quick re
u Jc'I-eouWiJt aleep o'. ULU it-t
thought poor Jlen liowd's baby waa
ufrerTnrers iome sheTd haunt me
; If I didn't keep IU"
"An' I fty yoa Von't keep lt-4hal'
at I I never was particular fond d
younguna, as I'll liave no more babies
In my bouse.
J'Imleed youshouldn't bavs it If you
wanted Itr said Harah, the ahlrat of the
seven, aged ten years. "I intend to keep
my mothers baby and take care of It
m vself. I remember what she told me
before I started off that awful day. Hhe
'said If I never saw her ftgaln that I must
be a mother to tbe family. I promised
. L . V . 1 I I v l M
word," and the child confronted them
- " ' "tk . 1 i.u . wi . .'a v .
w i. iiviKf i jiiuaa your urmt ,
Tfor thlnkln' of It, but the very idett
ir ... u k t .
TmnnMlrrl YmiM alt mtm'wm A.. n
and Aunt Betsey rocked and jnoniied,
not knowing what to do.
Harah stcpied up to I'ncle Jacob and.
..lUAl.. ft. ft. . . ft. I - 1 ft
' Wi HB7f W VU t J VV
There was no realstlng that tneaL
"Of course t'tt help Ttr what I can.
little one. I Uka yewr grit, an am will-
1-1 I. . aa ... . .-4
. in- 10 neip anynony mat tries to help
Then let's ask tlieae snri to a,! aa
cut wp au thewpood tn tb yard, so
w can hav a Br, "men w won't
jLfrecsav WVv got meaLenoufh to last
mouth, and w'v got some aneat, ftnd
wTen"ihat' gon Til lend BounSRTaBd
1" tbe rua to get somebody to get mora.
and wVll do nicely. I' v don all the
Touswor1ft"for ver so lohf ; for poor
mainnU, been kick, yoa aoov, And
couldn't k4f m with t.'
"But, bouey, jr$ Mrirr bstl tb car
of a Ubjr."
: TbblU kna4 algnUUwtUly at tha
)rr okl UttU on, who was Itting
'Nobody aver waited aa llUla Kato
bat aaa, aba aatd, proadly. "Bat BaaaA
may keep ber now. and Til tak ear of
i3iaawwU call ber EUen, of ourae,
tor that vu tuotber't name." '
Om 0 tb nelg-bbon had taken the
child at her word, and, goinf orer the
Mackinaw to) Unde Jacob', procured
three axea, which, with the one In the
ontalde ehlmney "corner, that was !at
aed by Peter lowd, enabled four atrouf
men to cut a large pile of wood fu a reiyi
aMT vi unir,
AuntJktaty ihan'tae jet jtupptr
wr the men 7"
It wa Musan who akec( the question
8Ue had CAUg-bl the heroic sample of
ber alatef, and aeemed to feel her own
"Xo, honey; teaatwaye tliey won't ex
pect no upper."
JfercrtltwlHai I'ir.U Jaoob waa alld
In and aaked to ut up tbe haunch of
vaoinon and prepare t for Uie kettla. .
"What!" aaid he. In eonaternaUon.
"bll weea tbe food out of tbe young-
una Mouths' Not while my name's Ja
cob Graham r
Taking down the gun, and thereby
gladdening the heart of tlie good Boun
cer, who exprenacd hl b
f unmistakable liiuat;e he tarUd out
Ah a tiiltif am ! I
a flne .venlaon through tbe
now.- i .i. u - - - -v:rr
-t "Oueaa the younjruns won't Urve
while bread an meat he grunted
aviaracwily, -
Tha dnar arliL I. wa m a...
was soon nresaea and nunc up in tbe
cawn ny aa Ja or tue remains of the
single haonch-of Trataon,-whlch had
been' alarmingly lessened during the
three days in which It had teen tlie sta
ple food of Aunt Betary, Bouncer and
Dr. Ctoft:".rr:-.t7v . - .-.:rr-:-J
V The klnd-haarted nelgbbors earrled ft
largn supply of wood Into tlie cabin, re
plenished the fire and then, bidding the
gP godye dVparted lor
Uurfa aka -r - i
Aunt Hetney Uugerad over tbe baby
tUl the last moment
'JB'esa lU.heart L-IU ana tie don't
know how to leave it, noliowr' aabl alie,
aamtatly, and great aobs choked ber
further vtterance. ' - '" ' '
"Come nong,'oIe woman. The steers
bare had an awful tedious day of It,"
aald fncla Jacob, orttsquely, but there
were tear in bis volea, despite bis rough
exterior.' ! -'
' "Jacob," aaid Aant Betsey, as soon as
lhe could sneak steadily, after tha last
Orcft, ".'pears to me as if It's ft duty we
M Uaa Dawd'a sneeaary U make a
railln along thsf rooMog.lJj'jl
me etery night so long as It remains as
It la" V. .-
Vucle Jacob answered not ft word, lid
stalked along with beary strklea, eroaa
lng tha stream upon the Ice without
once pausing to look behind him. Aant
Betsey followed hlarinrTIghl run and
overtook him at tha aldl, where he was
busy yoking up his oxen. '
The ride borne waa made in alienee.
Both were too full of aad emotions to
haw room for speech'. '
Thatnlght nd many many hitter
nights thereafter did Aunt Betsey listen
to the roaring of tha winds around her
home, while the shrieks of woman In
death agonies thrilled her nerves, and
af ft tiny lufiint amot -
be conaclence aa an aeenalng spirit.
" But VncI Jacob waa not so hard
hearted m be had seeuied. 1 Alauy wer
tli favors that the children received a
his dlpe rising riatidJjindnianytlme
did they have cause to bless him befor
tb winter winged himself awayY ..
Night closed upon, th seven orphan
children and tbe faithful dog;
Sarah strictly obeyed Aunt' Betsey's
direction In tlie preparation of the ba
by's food. A wooden pall of froan milk,
from the good woman's only cow, was
buried la the snow near the door, and
with n knit the busy child eh!ppd off
enough of the congaaUd lacloal aiipjily
to make a suitable addition to th venl-
son broth with which, to replenish th
nursing-bottle. 1 "
7 nI)olgers" baked la tbe ashes and
venlsrtn broiled on the coals bad mad
th usual meal for the family for manv
weeks, and th children, being robust
and hearty, thrived vigorously upon
this primitive diet, hut, as they partook
thl evening t thoir aoHtary sneal, the
thought of how their sick and weary
mother had kftlbed such food waa re-
at tho sight of th fth-ovred
Indian bread. Barah and Busan mad
llnefTectaal attempts to , eat, and then.
dropping tueir heads upon in ucaety 1
lUbie, gav way to ft Itcrfect abandou of
grief. ..Bouncer arose upon his haunches
beside th sleeping babe and Indulged la
a prolonged And dismal howl.
-i'JJsteu!"It wa Mary!Jrl.a apok.
"Hark! I thought I heard omething.r
Btraiur whlnlnc la tba dlstanc waa
followed v ahorC atilek. sMcoeAsiv
yelps. Thochlldiwa left th tabl aad
crowdrorort tlletT
his f4, tekad. bU r and hrvat-
ed his shsjxy coat a If preparing for
battl. - - ... - - " " 7 - ; -7' '
.. ji 4 :7 -:.---
"Wolves r Mid Sarah, undr ber
breath.'. ' . -. ;. .. --.
"Wolves f at reamed tba ethar chil
dren, and all wees salted with ft sudden
panic. ,,...; ... :.
. Bouncer placed hlnwelf against (be
door, as If to barricade It. This remind
ed 8 rah of tbe necessity of securing
the fastenings, but she found, to her
consternation, that the latch Was alto
gether insecure ! - :-"V7
"The' bedstead ! let's move tha bed
stead, Busier and tbe children, with
their uulted strength, succeeded In plac
ing the great, rough specimen of clumsy
merbaaisai againt the battered door.
Bouncer gave a yelp of satisfaction,
then, placing himself under the window.
he aeemed to try to indicate the danger
there. . 1 ; ,. - : -
"Guess I'll get down the gun," said
SamIv ftauVcUnbIng..ppiMt, tha . table,
which aba and ber slater drew up before
the- Are, the Child succeeded In rahdiig
tne heavy rifle from Its pegs and baud-
Ing it down to lier alstcrs, Whose uulted
strength was barely able le hold"
"Now were all right, chlldren-aoe f
Kuatohlng a stufnng of old rags from
a- sort of loop-hula betide the whitlow,
tbreugb- which : thai flinty -bight 7alr
whistled keenly, she suceeedeil in in
serting the tuusile of tho gun. Then,
partly reatlug the breech uimmi chair
back, aha atood like Barbara Fritohie.
bidding deflance to her foes.
The heavy snow had driven larre
pack of wolves from their usual haunts
food. They liAdtracked the
tared deen nd the raid they wore mak
ing was uoabUeas owing to the fact that
they bad hecu thns enabled to find Its
hiding place. , . . v . . ..
The hungry demons came yelpiaa- up
to tbe oW, while the poor children.
wlte had never before known what real
danger was, were fairiv Mralvied with
Atrst theylledTwhen within a
few feet of the cabin, as If to hold a con
sultatlonThen In a body tbey-roslied
against ths Uttered door which, but
for tbe" inside bairiaade, would have
given way. Finding themselves foiled
iu this, -and baooming-lntlrirdated ut
Bouncer'a vociferous barking, they re
treated for a anomentrand then one,
iaAaaXTavvaJa'Xaar tlviT wliuloar.
Crack went Barah'a rifle at hla head,
and the monster, with one wild yell,
fell hack Upon the snow. -7
lelp me, Susie! quickie They're aai-
ing up the dead one, and, If we can load
tbe HHe fast enough, we'll give 'em all
a good supper," said Baran, as ana pre
pared for a aecond Attack-.. . ;
Tha ehlldren were almost aa familiar
with tha lifisv as poor Peter Dwd had
been:" and it was well for them, for
nothing but this knowledge saved them
through that fearful night. v
One by one tbe ugly monsters were
cut dowahy-ihnreaoluU child's unarc-
"newlwl wirrtTtlonTiMteeu
gorged, and long before midnight the
sated brute departed, yelping, to some
other haunt.
The moon waa shining with vivid
brightness over the wild waste of snow.
All around the house and uudcr the
door and wlndoW"were the bones' r lhe
dead wolves, a ghastly, awful apectacte
for these poor, frightened children. They
had forgotten to mplenlsh the fir dur
ing the-eombat, and It waa long before
they' could succeed In coaxing the snow
oovared wood Into a cheerful blase 77
"It will never do to let tbe fir go
down Ilka this," amid Sarah. And all
through that cheerless winter sh ever
after kepi her word. . - . . ! '
-mulled respectively
Ann, Jane and Knto, bad gone to sleep
upon tb floor,' and yilWM sdmost past
eonsc'louanem wilnl"cohl whenBarah's
fight was over and sli had tlm to at
tend to them.
-Taking the bedding, w
bast to barricade th door had been
thrown In ft heap In tb earner, the
girts nracaeded to mak a family bed,
Just as they had area their mother make
It on tb last night thaf they bad spent
at heme. To th child's surprise, much
of th necessary bedding was missing.
Aunt Betsey had carried all that had
been used about tb
ftwy,wlta ber to.
non to ir of her
tbe sufferer's couch
waah andVJiavlag
own to divide with
them, had said nothing lout It
There Isn't cover enough here to keep
I us warisr-that's rertaln," said Ui child.
I Then, taking the primitive lamp,
t with It sputtering, uncertain light ftud
1 poising It cautiously on ber hand, ahe
I mounted th ladder to tli loft In search
( of bedding, In which search she was nn-
J succcsstuL ' "' - 74 77
-The baby stirred arjlcrlod.7.
4 'Whatever sViff I dor was' her
frightened query. "But then It Isn't so
bad to be froaea to death ft to b de
voured by wolves; that' som eomfort"
But the child had nonotlon ofbclng
Tellhef' eaten or froscn..
Itosocndlng th laddcr,jdia mad tli
other children - a - comfortable '
posslbl upon th tied, piled addi
tional .wood upon tholfiiw. warmed th
baby'a foovFand, relieving Bouncer tor
th nonce, sat down to warm and foed
1 tho eravmlng waif, which fbnirrit in
I. . . r . . " 7
ftlf and scratched It fac with It dim
tor mmrtArasmt, la genuin bairy styls.
"HtrtBg thftt I don't gat tspy,oh
I aaid, with ft yawn, as ah watched tb
' '"' ' .' '-v.'!7?-' - v"
curious faces which, the liny creature
made at tb sputtering, sickly lamp
light" "D'eai U'U do Into se ysmp bu-
Ineaa turn o lea ; Its 'yested la
yamps," said aha, gaing,down into tbe
curious, blue-black eyes. , "Yell, mi I
(feaa I wouldn't whistle J" she broke
forth again, as tha little pink bud of
mouth puckered itself Into a. whistling
shape, and-tho eye roll i open wider
than ver,;;ir.aWXhtv M lrls to
whlrtle, so 'tis.
ft lnn. Iw. A.l
cause It's 'Itty an
idr'ert'" .
. For an hour tbe baby lay thus upon
her lap, toasting lis naked feet nd
stretching IU "Tfes fire, while
Jl.the rest, vf iiit Bouncer, lay.
in a Ureanilotis sltxp. - - n iB S
"h, doar mel" finaUy yawned the
child, ."I do believe I art, in dreamland.
Isn't it wonderful hew I ever iuanasud
to drive thent horrid wolves a way. -, 1
TJlieu ahedn.pe4 iitto o for au
lastaut, but started Uis believing that
tba forocious eyes of a black monster
that tho trustjr rttla for onoe had aliased
IU aim. . But it was only imagination,
Every thiugwiiapaJufuJlyA4tfully
u!et.iThe fooUali of MMHMe ouuld
bavs been beard. The baby, Urwd of it
examination ol the suldnlicht laum.
weuf to sleep and was placed again iu
Bouncers arc, and Sarah, by this time
completely tired ..out, streiuhed ber
weary form upon the floor at the foot of
tbe long, narrow bod, and, covering her
back and shoulders as best she
Willi tbe orer-n-ai-hlnir l.l-l.uli I
Ur arm and soon
waa sound ftaleep with' tbaruddy dro
ught play lug upon her placid fttaiuraa.
ber king hair straying over her ohildiah
fac and her barerliapped fast exposed
to tha warmth f tb fire and tlie oppos
ing cold of the wintry alr.,,.1 .
sleeping chlkj and hrmLbe Into her uu
cnnsclimsear sweet worda-ef-aaith- and
Smiles played uiHin her lhotibful
nd.J1PPy.drama becalmed, her
nerves ; and when tba vutruintz brake.
and they all awoke to conMcaeusnesu, she
felt nfreaaad and almost happy..,
(Ta-MauaUauail.).... (
t. 1 .li-i
wsstv la so be., a gnrl vehicle W .
chang of Ideas eonoemlng any and all
natters that, may be legitimately dks
cQ ed la aur columns. FisxiiaK it practi
cally impossible to answer each eorrea-
pondeat by private letter, w adopt tbU
mod of conuuunicatioii to save our
ftjeada the dimppotntrnout Uiat would
iberwlae accrue fn m our Ins bill ty to an
swer theirquerlea.r We cordis Ity Inrlte
veryhady that has a question to ask, a
snggeation to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to the - CortvarMavtents'
Column." . . " - ri'r'rr'-r"?
Mrs. 8. A. W., Thorndlke,' Mass, j
TonrTit7ifT)rri3lhair Junt been rts
made, and back nnmtcrj.
warded.' --' ' .
Mrs. B. K. V., Cedar Grove, Oregon:
Tour remittance, with the accompany
ing kindly t wonls, has been . received.
Vftder many-obliyntlons to yen - and
your husband for your eflbrUin behalf
of th kw XoHTiiWKHT. Th anec
dote, you give Is good. That! Just th
way. with men, they always Ilk to
throw th blame of their ill deeds upon
some woman if they pau7 The do loV
dearly fo fight Uteir battle behind some
woman, and then, in tbe event they ar
uiisuoeaaaful, of course, aa tn th Adam
and Ev aflslr, the aomaa s always to
Mrs. T., Portland: Your manuscript
ha bosn received. As yet w bav only
had tlm to give parts of it ber aad
then a hasty prttaal,hut Judg it to b
jrorjhyjt. nubllcatlon. Tl
ter will be publlsliedjiext wck. Hbould
be very much pleased to hav you call.
-7 UTn&TRQX 108EBUX. - f
77 r:77' ": RoftriBFita,-Jan. S, lSTi
riwroa Wsw Hosrawswri " - .
1 hftv Just finished -perusing Oov,
Campbell's veto messag upon th Nil
repealing th PUfrrage Act, and
at the closoof every sentence my heart
gar forth a throh of mod 1 ilea Mm!"
for this tbe greatest ana pes act or nisir make tb laws for Welti, tor
life! ,1 feel that I will be Joined in.thlsl
prayer by every tra, pntrfoUc woman I
in th land wno nas ner rmimry aooo
at heart i I hav but one bright nobl
boy.- In him all my earthly hope and
ambition ar centered, art my grotstV.t You youraclTe hav made u
tWsir U that h may grow to be truly a I WUe1 w WWTy. WUat arc we bu.1
good a well as a greaman.- 1 ire xrr-
est compllmenl I can pay
oov. I am-
bell Is, should my son ever occupy so
high, a position of trust, that he 'may
prove himself as . worthy as has v.
Campbell. S Many h'riglit and promising
Z"7 a. i--i-r -kajw-bMnh.ri
as. a worthy ekample oMmlUtlort
anxiou ana loving Hiu-r.
', .-.1 ... j , ,
An Knirllsh woman has married
nexlMiln Aran. "H me inierests or oei
y .. . ftk- a j i - i
Arabian jKjul.hU.
fTtss Tltmork.' 1 an lneTlcan,- has rc-
1 . e . . . ,.tj,
aaieasl the derre of Horror of
XZ iZihlt
"T M , ,
from tho Umvevaily of ocrch,i
A touhf tteltc's photograph anum a
l, ft. -m ft. Ua ' '
WUU . v, ftftftftua, ,
nee." Most of the American atria ar tn nw.. -;
would haveiwfcrtvd Wiarryonthersuta; hkrchildrasittlwwlnnHiaylng.
Picking up a paper not longr sine, I
saw an art Id entitled "Training
Horses." And I wonder why It Is that
w so aeldom see anything about Train
ing Children. It seems to me that tbl
subject does not receive so mnch thought
as Its Importance demands when we re
flect that In tb years of oar maturity
w develop the seed Implanted tn oar
heart In childhood. ' I vluocrvly believe
that nineteen-twentieth of the unhap-
plncas existing In our land Is tb result
of tb Imperfect training of our youth,
Parent are not as careful a they should
be of tb language they sometimes as
toward their cblldreu. They too often
hide Their love beneath a cold exterior,
and make their children feel that they
BWT-tHrrtnea: ana arawotixK to their
proierlty,lby uslu such expression
"I don't know what will liecoine of
yU yetTTbryoa have never half earnotl
your living," or, "You will mln me yet
lib your carclcaaucs f atxl 1 liave
eTriir1ii3fra or )arenu wlB.' 'TliaEe
this child; he is always In the way.1
Huch languagv as this sbouM "cirr be
used, for It check anrt ttirttinhc fltltil
Iovtt which nature ha UupUuted iu
each childish heart, and roUKcs Instead
wIllful,roudr"dcflurTiiIrIfr which
shows Itself lisulleiiiicsi and oft times
lUroct dlMobcliclice to the Wlnhes of pat
ents. ' " ' ';: ' ' -717-i
These exprvssioii are uttered In sonic
moment of ViXallun st auiu imlnnkwl.
(kifor occurrcnoe. and arc forgotten by the
parent almost eoon -as ptd.cTTr"nnt I
not so with the child: bo too often
broods over It until it ehihUlcrs" his
whole -exlstehor and he plunges Into
recklos disobedience for reveuge,
I would say to parents, loit your chil
dren. Remember they are too young to
"jgtJfeftUarcg llil.,trlals whkh.,
anufy and vex you. Welcome their re
turn borne from school with a smile. 1
and when they com home with a troub
led face don't check their story With the
stern command of "Don't come to me
1th any of your quarrels, or I'll flog
you, and then send word to Ui Uwi'hcr 1
to whip you beslW,HrTurTiear their
story patiently, and sympathise with
them when sympathy is-iiseeaiaryfwnd
gentlyrreprove- when .tbey" haveUone ;
UWatftibiws. a .yaS nblUraw,
which Is In Itself a Jewel WyoiKl all
price. Horn TMircutr whip their chil
dren for every Itttl misdemeanor, oth
ers whip their children only when they
are angry; and atttHbcie air ultu't'rwho
never whip at all. These are the three
extreme which -should be avoided.
Paranta, aetr rii your child avgrr,
for If you cannot control the passions of
your own heart, bow can you expect to
control those of your children T And
when you correct your child never lea v
him until be is conquered. Work with
him three hoars, If need be, to bring
backthe - wmmforto- hfrfitpc and"iftiMt-
IH ri nry, L.l'' t yiH-e1 slie Idulth bn toujlat
lumit u ,im ,aa, orsimccri and mannerpniut my
h.t crth can lMtnw, hwAtua congnwatlon at Hlng bam
greatest blessing that
If you will but treat them rightly. Tliclr
mirth -will tbwjr yeufhuiim lu'ttwn
childhood; n youth they will follow
your example;, and In lour old see they
will bless yoa ; ami when the tall grass
I green a bow your grave, In their heart
they will treasure your nam. next to
that of Ood. ; ... '.'-"" '
Y (hall surely reap that wlilch v
hv sown. r" . : Isola Worth.
-7 '"' w7fc!ii.vKaTox, Oregon.
Eorroa Ksw Kobtmwbst 1
Blnco I heard of you aikI your efforts
at "woman' advancement," I liav oP
ten thought of yon and tho cause with
which you ar Identified, and wish I
wer abl In som way to help usher la
th ' glad dsy7whlch !tJL4'h55Tiu'
woman man's equal at tbe polls, as
think she. would prov herself tolie eTsjs-
where. were site permitted to have a
vole in making tit laws by which she
I governed. Muclf bos bcen.ssid aoout
"Woman's having all the rights she
needs:" that "there 1 no heed of" her
votlua-l" her "male friend will "look
out or ber Interests at the polls," nd io
17 t . ma ask th gentlemen who talk
.1,1, if nM.ji auuldtHrwHllng lo let
wrtainf",y, gentlemen, we care as jnuch
ju. -M,r Interests a lo for 01 r.
1 Utiles, you are our Inferiors in
, UU(Ci My .0u, Well, I reply, what
rtutoUy bav w hal to hu -Olh-
. oonj.H to stay at liome
ij ifar your children,
rear tliem. devot pur b hoi time to you
and vour eottequeully ,' having to
u.a-lvt our own Improvement? Hp
1 t I. l v IWIh t
any wwnen o- a - r ;
ma Um to read." I tell you,
by!"" .7
lB.-an""l - . .T
i. . I mm altnnat. oerttminE
. MOor atrmtes.
1 sw-aat k lUifaf thai vou eannol de-
a ., tlrr' Ya
- i - ...
and "tike
- 1 iha mntliera of lue
Ulv us our riASr let U help mak lb
law hywhlc.bwrrodig;lve
ua (laa and oyiportiMic, ana sc 11 w
tnrovouf 'LalnntM-tfti'1 for vott.
Bubacrib for tb Nxw Noyrm wi
miHUEit ar.
A flgit at tk Eom of Kxry A. llvtr-
T . sr viaoiMiA r. raws-sax a.
"Malrose!" sbouted th conductor. I
was out on tb platform In a moment.
With the rest of tha human iaAk.
Marine; enrloualy up and down the quaint
old town, which strike one ai first
sight aa comfortably taking iu ease and
tb world at large in a peaceful, Rlp-ran-Wlnkle
aort of atmosphere. Met
rose, however, is only seven mile from
Boston, and liceplt tha air of sere n re
spectability with which it confronts a
stranger, must com In for It share In
tiieseaaoiiiiirof Attic salt, ami, no doubt,
get to the heart of it, la -aril tinenred
with he re sis and radlcalram. It was
tli lat afternoon of dim of Ummm Jaua
days Jewell, sings .about so iWlieioualy,
when f made my wsy ttirooirh the ahawV
ows of the nleasaiit. ilmmv nM
to th horn serosa whoso threshold
aa tiow to nasa lor'ttkritntl Uiua a I
soft, ocUc suiihhiiMj was on leavt auU
nowent; there were hushes, of winds
among locust and maples, and the
sweet twitter of robins throngh the still
1 when 1 found myself at tha house
where I was toiaias the uls-ht. A aulet.
unnreUtmlinir Sum- KiikUsxI liwnre stiawl
bAro me, liiUaued np in brawn, even
tu the blinds, a verauda sa'Aaattbs front,
and June ruses I n the very rice and riot f
bluasoniing-4btL axtrwH) si mpl rci tywf
Um wbolo Ih flna- barmonv with tlie
old town and tht aluulowy. alrw-t, even
inouinunc preaHiinK divinity here way
the strong, earneHt, iutuut mimiI wf Alary
A. li voruiore. I may aa well say at this
aint that, meaaureii by hours and in
terviews, we were almost at ran mm La
each other. A brief niceliuKor two. a
letter scut in when tit heart of the
writer was at white heat with lhe work
snd the glory of tne lliloajrn Military
, , ', 7'
taiu that hostess aud aroeat would met4
to-uiirht not as otranirern lo. If one
doe not foci at home with the first
glance at tli bouse, one Is ewrtaln to
the moment be Is across the threshold.
Tlie parlor which received me' was a
place to dream in for a duy. with nlc
tures, and eUKravlngs, ami pretty braek-l"
ets tlr svejsolorj-sLjetJiUdjd?
certain art is lie eaect to too wuol room.
While that subtile ebarm of a real home
atmosphere brooded over alt. I had a-
peeted to And in sirs. Uvonnore a good
hottaekeeBer - Indeed, wimr to think of
u, 1 new anew literary- woman In
u, 1 mvw aaew literary woman in',"c ( " laiiiiai ww-
the highest aense of the term . who did
not prove beraelf in her own home
Mpable-ilouieatlo "umnsger;". and havfl1
ing ut'ii in more than one or thena
houiea, I am, deapite the traditional
blue stocking, enUUed to apeak ax onM-
emVs-tm this matter. " JJy own room,
too, when I went into It, proved tho
ouulde, and waited, but not long.
Tliere was a rap at tlm door no aort.
appoaliiig flutter of fingers, but prompt,
very "uljix eaacnce'L ox anter and "M-fLurVTiMtMly'a1
svhara. I sat OOWII bV tlie WllMKiw, vKl " V7-7. Uaia.
ra.uti.iit for ant-tliiiiir but WOtClUsT lll " w""" uaua.
......1.1... ir. ,k. i,e an.l l.annt trm ture season, she has not siel
Btioiir. riK'IslvC 1 anwgetUnirwp, 'ConTTl.i -,i.t. ....uih. aolltarvonaaha
f.,lJ lrm. I Jv.rnuini Xlia waa a I
tall,-dignified, matronly presence, an
earnest, intent, attractive race, with
mil that eonss auddoniy and Itreaks
up th gravity witb a swet arenness,
with a voice full of a clear, ringing help
fulness and -ecllo, and the more you
se of her tb more you grow into a
sen of Iter reserved force sad her won
derful magnetic power, ami comprehend
what a shrewd physician meant, when
he saldi,"The liOfl male you 0PftMr4arraths-wiuBt bo nadcdhrrwalrr-
IJveniiore. to do a big hib of work 'In,
rthirVbrU." "I should lve oomeTi
jrav ua a reception yeateruay, aswi mis
momiasr 1 waa Ulp! totakoth six
o'clock train into-lloston to attend to
rcttlns: out of the psiier, so, when I
self with a couple pf hours idijp.'' W e
took -our snpper alone together that
night Asllvergobh-tstotNi at my plate,
and when I had taken my first draught,
Mrs. Uvennore remarked: "That gob-
let was 6-lvcn me by the soldiers at th
Chicago Hanltary Fair." Perhaps I was
unusually thirsty that nifht, at any
rate,-it seemed to me as I drained tbe
goblet llist no water nan ever iaswu
sweet -The silver waw simple enough
lib iu chasing and Iauu taacnpuou.
but it spok to me of weary Journey
through day and nights in
siiankerC over th wide, Timely plsItisT? ,, aut 1. out tn- A
th Northwest; of borden- under
which a atroag man might well bav
(altered, bom with calm, unflinching
courage; of wounded men Iu dreary Ivos
pl tals starting at the sound of the clear,
ringing voice. ; -
Iteibre we hart antanon our sapper -nr.
Liverutor entered a Hue-looking,
rather norflv n-tltlelnan. wltO evidently
it., a rf.tuii'rv.e a loke and a'Tirftfound
faith tn looking on tb bright aide of
things., . H reminded me of aotno Jolly
Fjiglisb squire, who would enjoy riding
i. ... ..... m tm . td . iiuimn. nn , 1 1
n - ,. - -- ,
i with "tha hravwi
Ik-J-tlrTrf a (
and hound to tli cn
est. but bo Is la reallt:
I'atvursaiisrp.nnrcn at iiina-uaiu.
- ... . ..... -
exchange works sometimes," said bis
Win-, with a laugn. -vinen mere is a
hleh preasure of bnslnens on m he
obligingly snare me the trouble of writ-
an 'editorial,' and, in turn, J occasion
ally preach for hliu." Deaplto tlie ap
palling fact tlmt bis wire Is an editor, a
kwturer: an occasional preaeher, and a
tn nnt iu iha ihw and sunsniua 01 an;.. ... j.. 4. .-k , 1....
ment iy.aeeln. thein hfJJB2
logelUer, COUIU wouo na !.."-
rm-in mrmrn a v.erftii.1 ami hanrV husbarsl
and Mrs. iWmor touk mo tub hctillf(,ri , n-hcl from a pnliSt r
sanoluBi. a nulet little nook, and
j.riv a. Kle Waller Kutrft'a library at
AWKlTorri. rnm me nacn winoows
tli Idyl of Mr. IJvermor' bom burst
sudiBHily nponrnela theli"jof "lya-
tat La as," a deiruiou hum suaet 01 wa
ter on whoa shoru her house stand.
It waa Just at sunset, and th winds
were out, and titer waa very daxxle
of silver waves along tb bauk as I
first eaBizht hrht-of tlie little lak be
tween lis low-lying shores. Here, too.
lav ft dalntr little rnwboaf. ttmt fitted
J for th fairy stream it was to'awvlgato.
llut Um creamy of the evening wa ye
to come At Ut w wer quietly sct-
UmI ilivn In ' Mrs. Llverttiore'a nw
room for th "Ulk" had tiecn Trw,7
bdns ooraalrea. It wa a talk wbWi,
followtng tkt taw, r,s1 attwrrrstra.
Livaruiora'a life.
in siaieiy ";".
AZT'ZL'Lr'ZlZJL wU4-A tmaawof yaauy i tb. tduir n.
wa again a cniio,
with Copp-s .in"
WlT.lealW oftbVlrtsircf
: : 'Kmi,. . -. -'-'I " X-". -'.--y----- 7. J
COrMaaaadaais rlliaa ow swusiad siaa- -
ssuat aiak kaawa ItMlr aamr to Ui
tUlltor.or aa alUttilya m be (IveS to Their
eanimuBlealHMia. '- Tfr
riotous sport Bh drew herself a wild.
ImnctuouSft overflowlnar Honibov" nf a
girl, brimming with fun and mischief;
tlie strong, native, vital forces la her
bringing her forever to grief, yet never
prematurely checked; tb rhauinlon ab
wsys of tbe poor and friendless: and a
ttrangew unJerly ing -suda getting -sometime
to the surface ihroiirb all
the boMerou mirth and mix hl This
woman -aa evldentlycut nut 011 a grand
pattern from the beglnnlngr '
When ttut a child ahe gave pmiatse of
that eloquence of speech for which her
after llfo has been so noted. Tb stern
okl Puritan method of correction was
fully observed In tlia training of tb ea
ger, intense, tumultuous Nsw Kuglsud
girl, Kh was scut supperleas to bed;
she was defrauded of that crowning
treasure and delight of childhood, Satur
day afternoon: and aim cried heraalf
sick, or would If any such tUlnir had
llMeu xwalbls to th fibre that Went to
tnuAttninrthebtouL robust Uttla
figure, and wished aU waa dead, nnd
tbeu broke the cords which held her ft
prliioner In the jlialr, anJ. luountlne
tlit,.male It serve for a pulpit anl
preached lo tb wall, warulmr sinners
lo "flee Irorn the wrath to come." while
lather and mother wmilil irtTifrMeriliig
rm wime asnasMt oewiiuermeni as itn .
Itilil s pauwluunte elotiueuce.-, Home-
IbueH, (m, lite old Baptist deacoii would
look nutortifiill V at Itla rhtnirritar: anit
syr"lf you harioHty tcn a boy, Mary,
what preacher in that ra you would
have uiatlo! i. would certalniy have
educated you for th hilnlwtry, and what'
a world of good yon might have doner'
But it never so mnch as entered the
lloxton (hmoort' heart that this atrane.
ImpuMve, fiery little shiI, whoas sex
he so keerily-ileploml, hod herown work
to do In the world, and wonM yet hold
vast masse breathless under tho power "
vests wwrt mi.
Hit '
ne Boston deacon's danrhtor rrew into
girlhood and womanhood, with, ber
marvelous energy, with iter keen, alert
mind, with her buurry rreed of knowl
edge, with Iter swift Boom of sophlstrte,
nut wiui , me warm, generous neart a
little steadied With th gathcrlnir years.
wlrt lielpfut now aa
aa swift and helpful now aa In tho old
day when It danced In tjopp'a burylns
jr round, aiufwaa tlie- ebauijio of all
th poor, netrteotod eiilMren.- j- .f--'
"When we were married, uaM Mra.1 Jv-
en n ore, with that humor whoa rwrrent
play and sparkles through all the earn-
. a. 1 k ..L . . I . . I .
or itei
mated or oooxs. low au my own work
cut ami made my husband's coat and
snU. Thor is no kind of housework
with wliksb.1 am not familiar, vl de fv
anybody to rival lue la that lin. . My
drawers, my cloacta. mv whole hrmao
are always free for inspection." "
It is marvelous, when you ootne to
during the lee-
on a oca,
except such poor suhatltnte or on- as .
loururca an ears And stsajuboau afiord.
!. uumcruusJ.hat--tho-veoioic
Ihiring th summer tier cugageniem
lTV . ! . - . 1
could command for the ensuing month.
Hn waa to speak in a few days la Clif
ton, N. Y., and to lecture Ufore tho
f raduating claa of the divinity school
11 Canton, this being th- first time In
the history of Americau Instltatlons
that such an honor has been awarded to'
a woman. Add to this Iter coustaut
reading, her duties as chief editress of
the HVwwrtH' Journal, tho letter that
MMlke .MwiMuL ilia imntn of,rnias.
ti...,m.i,iir i'Hli tlm -
r".T-;. t 1 .ft....... wl.i..Li-aha
hich i
kniiile or the a vmnnene
poured xlown on the
. . , . .1 . . ft. . V .
Workiiis lorsver. auaard sikI so welt V
"Tliere wer actnaHy ivmr pagea In this.
woman 3;
an ad
Um.l wUloMt Um W1..UU011 of
mirable physriiue, With few exceii
tlona, she has always exjoyed splendid
Stealth. Tlie stamina or Iter rum an
grandmothers saass W nave bea aw
uueathed miweakened to Mary A. Iav
ermoroft Tbeu, tliere are tlie constant
plaints on ber timoAnd rharltv.' As an
InsUnce In point, on year aho found
home wr ininy-tnrso enisireii, wvrwv
than orphana, ... . . . - .
. "I navar in mv life." she said "turned
anybody awav who came to m for help.
1 . '...!, - - . ... , I ....... I
nuad, souls say these words!
Amid our talk there shines two sen
tences of my hostess which haveevrmc
baear to wo so often aexi wnum sssmewa
such elear erystsls of truth that A can
not cJioos butw'rU tbtui licnvOun
was, "A IMvlue discontent must pursuo
all human lives;" ami tli other, "lAfo
is louely toery aouL"
dtat the' pleaaaatast .hours have
an end.- and we were on the flood-ible of
our talk, ami Mrs. IJvermore wore the
look or an inspired symi, ana 10a sn
1 wn, wear 1 ns wwan iuiuhiiuh w...-.
- ... . .
Hliurham nastAr. a
fce andhls air of th
With hi pleasant
ia KturllHli SUHire.,
saying, quietly, that
toMixHTow woubl ilerrtand tost heavy a
toil for th night fo-l aiecp, and ne
must send us tobeW 1 eutreatel him
to furnish us with some cordial thnt
would hold ns awakir and alert for the -prrious
hours of that on mght, but It
wasevidettiiAt hi pluvrmavy ylaUh-l
no such Inspiring draught; and bis wife
I roust bsll the, honest truth 1 here
med dinmaed to "obey" Mm Wttrr a
ichmeoknesa and alacrity aa tnougn
trnnlal Uiat. obnoxious. vsrU a
binding part of th marriage covenant
I . 7 l . - b,uul nrvm
aun down bravely to tb hospitals aad
bound the quivering limbs of po"r)'
awMiiiiLml aoliiicrs. or held a ooonng
draught to their fcWed Il-Hny, eeei.
a though tho -woman whom, IJos"'
long ago gave to sJbwjairo, ao w..
Chk-ago, liter Um ftW
BanlUry Falr wsS ?J1
back In tb Prim; of J
and th ripeness of her Intellect to Mos
LmT .had iwver.warwl tb isaunet and
raised tb War-cry of Ui )oy4tii.'JMir
aaif. - ' .- " . '. ' .
1 Gooh TCST. Tli teat r by whlcdira
young man cannot iau 10 unp
a' wife istosclwt one who wears her onn
hair ouiyr This f:trar irrft
by a -veweahM 1 vie von eicegynian. r.
BftTd aecertaia i'lh facrUlts bar bylbeT
bead and Jerk- , ,
!'J "rror Jr,t f