The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 05, 1872, Image 2

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    FRroAY.....T.... .JANUARY 5, lS7i
The Governor of Missouri wants to be
President. In his annual message this
year he deprecates (lie tendency to cen
tralization at the expense of the local
State Governments, and severely criti
cises the national administration. Bul
Ictin. Of all the aspirants for the Presidency
who have yet testified their willingness
to be immolated upon their country's
Presidential altar, Gratz Brown is the
only one who comes out squaro and
strong for Woman Suffrage. Now,
brethren of the press, don't twit us with
"George Francis Train." lie has no
more desire to become President tlian
we have, and he heartily enjoys the fun
of being laughed at, therefore he styles
himself a candidate. But Gratz Brown
Is thoroughly and radically in earnest,
and because he is a Woman Suflrage
man we expect to see him succeed. The
thousand hungry aspirants for this high
position (not even excepting our Na-
InnM linrse. Inrdrevl who fenr to eSDOUsc
the "Woman Movement, lest they there
by lose political prestige, may learn
from the fate of A. A. Sargent, of Cali
fornia, what an awful thing It is to cs
iwuse an unpopular(?) cause.
We tell our brethren candidly that
the onlj- possible show for either party
to succeed in the next Presidential cam
paign is to choose a Woman Suflrage
candidate. Our party will elect the
next President. Depend upon it, we
are right.
A much esteemed friend, writing us
from Forest Grove, says:
I have a hint from Yamhill that there
are jiarties there who are trying to use
the Northwest as an opening wedge
to split the Republican party. General
Collin and Dave Logan are the prime
movers in this affair. Thoy arc work
ing through a secret organization that
was organized at Salem, and have a
branch in Portland, in the interest of
Judge Boise for the Senate, and in ha
tred of Ben Holladay. Some of them
have been out in our county, and. from
what I can hear on the outside, their
plans will come to grief, bo mote it be!
We give the above for what it is
worth. If such parties are trying to
circulate Jthe New Nokthwest it is
news to us, but we are very much
obliged to them ; and if the Republican
party swamps itself in its opposition to
the one issue of the day, we are ready to
let it swamp. We feel toward the polit
ical parties just as Artcmus Ward felt
about his wife's relations : we arc will
ing to sacrifice all of them upon the al
tar of right; and while wc would gladly
see the Republican party continue to
occupy the foremost scat in the car of
human progression, alas! alas! it no
longer progresses, and we must build
our hopes upon the rock of truth, -while
publicans fioat together adown time's
gutter, unwept, unhonored and unsung,
"Which or the items snow 'fraud' on
the part of the canity administration ?
Which of them is 'corrupt?' Which of
them is in any way improper? Which
of them is an expenditure that ought
not to nave been made?"
So queries the Orcgonian, and al
though the question is not directed to
us it being the policy of the Portland
daily press to ignore our humble jour
nalistic efforts in this matter we
would remind the Orcgonian editor
that although the New Northwest
has repeatedly called upon him to ex
piain sucn items as tne increase in
wood bill, stationer-! militia, etc., lie
has remained dumb as an oyster about
the matter. The only excuse he pre
sents for any of the increased expendi
tures having any semblance of plausi
bihty is -made for the Circuit Court, on
the plea of increase of business. Do the
tax-payers of Multnomah county be
lieve that the Circuit Court expenses
havtunereascd nearly one hundred per
cent, in one year? The question will
be answered next June, when the Court
House Ring will be routed, horse, foot
and dragoons, at the polls in Multno
mah county. In the mean time will
our brother please show that the items
we have mentioned arc not "corrupt"
or "impropor?"
It is very unfortunate for the Tam
many Ring of New York City that they
could not command the services of the
editor of the Orcgonian to "figure"
them out of their troubles. He lias re
cently shown at least he seems to
think so that a county administration
which required an increased expendi
ture of SH.OOO has actually saved the
sum of $17,000 to the county, and even
goes so far as to attempt to prove It by an
arithmetical jumble that reminds one
very much of the celebrated problem
"That one cat has'liine tails." It Is
verily an instance of figures run mad.
Had Mr. Scott not fought on the oc
casion to which reference is made we
would havedespised him. But he did just
wnat we expected mm to do Ue Touglit,
and he fought to win, and for having
none so we respect mm. isullelin.
Pennoyer, here's your chance! All
that you have to do in order to gain the
"respect" of the editor of the Bulletin is
to give him a sound drubbing. Wc
shall examine the records of the police
court with anxiety during the coming
"Brother Ike" is still boasting of the
"wonders" he has accomplished in ex
posing the Multnomah Court House
i:n Wonder if he thinks he can
hoodwink the community into bcliev.
lug that a falsehood well "stuck to" re
as good as the truth?
ti, wad some jwver the giftle gtc us
To nurkvls as lllicrs see us,
It would rrne many a blunder free us
Aud foolish no: Ion.
To show our thousand4 of readers,,!
who arc scattered all over the English
reading world, the" base depths of infa
my to which some of our obscure con?
temporaries have sunk in their frantic
endeavor to beslimc the Woman Move
ment with their own abominable ideas,
we priuLthe following, from.thcpeu.of.
a "drinking, chewing, smoking leper,"
vwio views the works or all good women
through his own lecherous imagination.
The obscure publication which .flings
ims nastiness Into the face of public de
cency is edited by a broken-down Se
cessionist, a rake and a roue, who, like
all men of his ilk, naturally think that
all women are as vile as himself, unless
controlled by men. Tho only reason
that we notice it is because we feel It to
bo our duty to fell our fellow-workers
where they may find Copperheads. We
do not allude to Copperheads who were
known as such during the recent war,
for many of them are advocates of
Woman Suffrage; but we do allude to
just such snakes in the grass as Beriah
Brown, who has been all his life a polit
ical and private failure, a dead weight
to his party and a scavenger of the low
est and most execrable type. We do not
wonder that his filthy sheet is In a
starving condition ; we would wonder
that it exists at all, only there are dog
geries and dens of infamy enough in Se
attle to give It half rations. The better
class of people in that growing and
beautiful town spurn this leper and shun
him as they would a viper, and yet he
essays to warn them against their
friends. Satan warned the Savior, but
it was all the good it did him :
Under other circumsrniips m slinnlil
deem It au ofTence against public de
cency and private morality, to publish
mi; extracts irom Airs. Vt oodliull's
speech, defining the position of herself
anu me party oi wnicii sue is the rec
ognized leader, upon the question of the
social rights of women. Our justifica
tion is, that the emissaries anil confed
erates of this bold, bad woman have been
in this community, planting the seeds
of which Mrs. Woodhull represents the
iruiis: mey nave been received In koi
r H . il i .
of our most respectable families, ha
rangued reputable audiences from Chris
tian pulpits, and initiated some of our
most, nigniy esteemed matrons and mal
dens into the first decree of their infa
mous order, under the pretext of organ
izing for the protection of women
against manifest wrongs, and propariu
uie minus oi me novitiate to receive
further revelations, which were prom
ised, and consist of the wrltlmrs of this
same Mrs. Wodhull. Mrs. Stanton and
others of that ilk, to the same purport
in me siteeuu irom wmcil we tJUOlc. At
me iast, an women oi resnectalilo so
cial standing, who were drawn into this
movement under misapprehension of its
purposes, have abandoned it to the ex
clusive control of the open advocates of
rree axivc. rMicu win be tlie case Here
' - ...... .... .J UllUblillVUIIl ..till
sooner that time comes the better for
public and private morality.
The fact is that "women of resjiccta-
ble social standing" in the East, to the
number of hundreds of thousands, are
stronger than ever in their noble work
for woman's enfranchisement and more
than ever determined that Woodhull
and such of her emissaries as Beriah
J'rown shall not be allowed to lead
Wc last week gave the current reiwrts
of an alleged elopement, in which
woman of hitherto irreproachable char
acter was accused of absconding with a
young man of good family. Later ad
vices throw an entirely different color
ing upon the affair. Not only is the
elopement denied, but the child
whipping is. proven to be a mere sensa
tional scandal. Mrs. Savage, having
grown tired of her lonely farm-life, and
having failed in her efforts to induce
her husband to spend the winter at
home, placed six of her children at
school or with relatives and taking her
baby, her own team, sewing machine
and other valuables, the product of her
own uidustryt hired the young man
t onnor to drive her to California, where
she intended to spend the winter among
ner relatives. Some suspicious demon
telegraphed to her master that she had
eloped. Now, while this woman was
not "brcachy," while she stayed in the
pasture to which her truant master con
signed her, ho could stay away content ;
but when the woman chose to exercise
little freedom presto, change! He
hastens home, pursues her as a crimi
nal, takes away her baby, robs her of
her team and money, blasts her reputa
tion and leaves her In a Southern town,
disgraced, outraced. heart-brok-pn. non-
niless; and this grief-stricken woman
can find no redress, beeansn ilm mall
who committed these outraees Is her
husband. Tins Mercury, which is the
only newsiKiper that has as yet dared to
speak for her, asks earnestly, "What
wm uecomc or her?" Will those all-1
tors who have so deeply sympathized
with the injurcd(? husband now come
forward and testify that they, as well as
that rash husband, have Injured that
poor, stricken wife?
Editor Nkw Xouthwest :
Mrs. Hoxter's so-callal "response" in
the Oregon Bulletin, of Dec 31st, has
caused me to take up once more mv
long idle pen. I should not for a mo
ment think of answering her, for she in
deal lias found a foeman worthy of her
steel in you, aud you do not ileal anv
help; but, as a Good Templar, equal
with herself in rank, 1 feci it to be my
duty to show her wliat a false position.
according to ner writings, she occupies
before the world. Had she not shown a
willingness to be enlightened by hum
bly acknowledging her limited opportu
nity oi gaming information, I should
give her over to licr own destruction:
oui, as sue uas eviueutly been lal bv
some schemer, who Is a secret cucmv to
the cause of Good Templars, to take one
false step, which naturally leads to
many others; and, as I wish to save her,
li possiuie, irom tne further fearful con
sequences of her own rashness, I now
proceed in all kindness to give her some
.evidently much needed information.
You say: "There arc laws in exist
ence which are opposed to tho best in
terests of woman, and I think man
would be willing to repeal all'such laws
and enact those which would be alto
gether efilcient." Now the question
comes briefly, ichy tlonU (hey, then t
You further say: "I cannot believe
that my father, or my husband, or my
brother, would legislate to my disad
vantage ; they are willing to protect me
In every possible way, and shall I say
to them, 'A few of our laws arc oppres
sive to me? I have no confidence in
you? Let me vote that I may make
them right?' No true woman would do
this." Now, my good sister, why are
you such an energetic Good Templar, if
it is not to lend your influence to make
a reformation in the laws? You are
surely occupying a false position, ac
cording to your writings, for, while you
say emphatically that you arc willing
to trust the men to make such laws as
we need, and that you believe that they
will do it, you are known as an active
worker in the Good Templar Organiza
tion, the object of which is to gain favor
with the law-makers to such an extent
that they will make laws, if not to en
tirely prohibit, to at least render the
liquor tralllc harmless. If this is not
the object, why have they so often me
morialized the Legislature to grant a
prohibitory law? Now, Mrs. lloxter,
you are surely dabbling in politics, and
therefore saying by your actions that
you can't trust the men to make the
much needed reformation in this direc
tion. One cannot doubt but that you
arc aware of the object of this society
after reading your report as G. W. V. T.,
from which I copy one paragraph: "I
trust that every olllccr or member who
forms a unit in this assembly has come
with a heart imbued with brotherly and
sisterly love, with no selfish motives,
but with n desire, a determination to
legislate in such a manner that our
work, as an Order, cannot fail to be clll
cient In time to come." My acquain
tance with you as a Good Templar
proves that you spend more time in the
discharge of your duties to the Order
than ninety-nine onc-hundredths of the
men do In their political duties ; and If
this is at the expense of the happiness
of your family, I beg of you to desist,
for one of the objects of the Order is to
restore families to happiness and peace,
and not by any means to cause disturb
ance. Docs it not savor a little of inconsist
ency to be so sanguine in regard to the
reformation of otic law which afleets
both men and women, and yet so seem
ingly willing to trust the men to make
the laws that are alone galling to wom
an's happiness? I cannot see wherein
woman's happiness is more at stake
with the present liquor laws than with
the laws in existence, which give the
man tho power to use his wife's earn
ings as he pleases, and to rob tho moth
er of her children, and leave his wife
penniless at his death, notwithstanding
that the property may have been all
hers at their marriage. My apprecia
tion of the liberties of free press and free
speech, bequeathed us by our forefath
ers, has prompted me to write this, and
I think as you become more enlight
ened you will "either withdraw from
your present public life, and let the
men make the much needed reforma
tions in their laws, or manifest your
willingness to work valiantly for the
reformation of all laws that are opiocd
to woman's best interests.
A Good Tinu-LAit.
Poktivnp, Jan. 5, 1ST2.
Kiimiu New Xokthwest:
The gentlemen's debating club held
forth last Tuesday evening in this place,
and I, with nine other ladios, "notwith
standing the inclemency of the weath
er," ventured out to hear them, attract-
ed by the following question: "Jlesolecd,
That woman be allowed the right of the
ballot the same as man," or something
equivalent to that; I may not give the
exact words. The first speaker on the
affirmative thought that woman's right
to vote was h recent need of society,
brought into requisition by the progress
of public enlightenment; that It had
sprung Into necessary existence since
the war; that woman had proval
self equal in intellectual and financial fraglsfs after you "flayed" hersoeffect
and governmental ability with her uaiVi i,ut the Marsh defense has comir
brother man whenever and wherever tcracled it. We are looking with much
she had been trial. He eulogizal the 1
women of the Revolution and the late
war; said that the Government had al
ways reccival the aid of women in time
of war and collected taxes from them
for the conducting of Governmental af
fairs; that the women were debarral
from their inalienable right to a voice
in public affairs and its consequent right
to hold public offices by pnysicaiioer,XorTiiw am, that ghe back
md not by reason or common sei.-i..
His logic was able, sound and, to the
minds of tho women, ovcrwiicimingij
Tho negative was so frigntcneu on uc-
pmmf nf tho tiivsenco of a few lames
that alwut all he could say was thatj
the ballot would degrade woman ; then ,
he blushal, hesitated and sat down
The next affirmative inougm- mui,
this question, involving as it did the In
terests of humanity at large, was one of
vital importance; it had set all iutcin
riancc, .k
gent men and women to Investigating,
the fundamental principles of govern-
ment and society; that all reform re -
quired agitation; that he was glad to
see the people discuss this question, pro
and con; that people were always timid
about advocating new reforms, but that
experience should teach them that pro
backward. Salu
thatlImewaswIicnmanypeop:ib"ThIs Is only the third time such an
the country would be ruined if the slaves uonor has been extended to a woman.
- .... MOfltt ' "V. 7'
were emancipated, but no "-"
had followed; and now, when wc arc on
the eve of enfranchising tho better elc-
meut of society, the same class of croak -
crs see nothing but ruin staring them in
the face ; there was no other country on
the face of the earth so enlightened as
our own, wherein the women had so
few privileges. He read a portion of the
Constitution and argued that "Govern
ment derives its just powers from the
consent of the governed." Evidently
the powers which denied woman the
right ofconsent or protest were noJust;
that tho reason we have so much cor
ruption in public life Is because men
and women do not meet in public as
they do at home. Enfranchise tho wom
en and we will soon have good men in
The next speaker on the negative de
clared women would become as corrupt
as men if they held office. Said that
the leader of the suffrage movement
was a bad woman, repeating all the
slang which is going the rounds of the
newspapers about a certain woman in
New York, but did not add to whom
alone the men who hold tho National
offices will hearken, and, as is usual,
laid the blame of these men's acts
upon the virtuous women of the coun
try, who have no influence over the
men whom our voters have placed over
us. Then he grew vehement about the
inability of women to do the work of
men. "Said women would not be able to
work the roads, build bridges, go to
war, and so on, all of which your cor
respondent knows to be much easier per
formed than the menial, unpaid drudg
ery to which thousands of women sub
mit all the days of their lives, and that,
too, without hope of ever reaching any
thing better, because they get no pay
for their drudgery. He said that if men
gave women the ballot they would vir
tually concede that they were not cajia
blc of any longer carrying on the Gov
ernment without the help of women.
Au affirmative then thought that
women ought to vote because their re
fining and ennobling influence was
needed In our legislation ; that the talk
which he heard about the hardships of
voters was Imaginary twaddle; that it
was as easy to dejto-dt a ballot as to mail
a letter; that many men were fright
ened over the fact that women were go
ing to vote ; that they sought by point
ing the finger of scorn at women who
arc determined to vote to deter their
wives from voting.
Then followed a number of other
speeches, pro and con, which arc not
worth recording. One man said he
knew women would never vote, because
he had a jircsaitimatl that they would
not, which assertion, taken in conjunc
tion with the remark of one speaker,
that "if women were granted their right
to vote, men would virtually concede
their inability" and so forth, satisfied
the astute judge, who promptly decided
in the negative. There was some visible
dissatisfaction at the decision, but all
ugly, rough and "smart" talk came, as
is usual, from the opposition.
The weather has been so very bad of
late that we have postponed our "Inves
tigation meetings," but will resume
them when the good, old-fashioned rain
comes again to gladden us. The people
here are about equally divided on the
suffrage issue.
Some of your best friends think you
were too severe on Mrs. lloxter, though
it Is true wc were astonished at her uncalled-for
conduct- She is a woman
who stood high among the Good Tem
plars here, and It Is a pity slip made the
mistake she did in attacking our Asso
ciation In the Bulletin. It has injured
her enough without your castigation,
and I regret that you were not a little
more merciful. Yours for
Woman Sufkisaok.
Forest Grove, Jan. .Til, 1S72.
Eihtoi: New N'oimiwusT:
This community has been considera
bly excited and amused over a certain
communication from the pen of one of
the Marsh brothers, which appeared in
a recent issue of the Bulletin over the
signatureofMrs.Hoxler. These Marshal
are members of the Forest Grove Facul
ty, and have frequently made them
selves ridiculous by their opposition to
Woman Suffrage. Of course it was not
intended that thoMarsh-y part of the afl
fair would be mado public, but, aside
from the fact that everyliody knows the
arguments- (?) therein given by heart,
the parties concerned were careless with
the "copy." There was some sympathy
her-There for Mrs. Hoxter amonir anti-suf-
interest for vour "renlv." but we arc
certain of one thing: It will not be writ
ten by a nifwi. Yours for the right.
For the benefit of those of our readers
who do not get the Oregon Bulletin it is
necessary to explain that Mrs. Hoxter
rallied her forces after our strictures
upon her were publishal in tho New
. . ,..,.. ...lth - two column
article of platitudes and fustian, to
which we plainly but courteously re
plied through the same iwpcr. The
above racy expose from Forest Grove is
in relation to this matter.
Jean Tngelow's name is generally mis
pronounced in this country- .Tho !fM
I. ii.ojlinft. as in Angelo. Au American who
? IloP savs that
she aud her sister rcmindal him of two
little brown birds. Miss Ingelow is
benevolent. She gives away a great
, , T ,. onrned bvauthorhii.
ig mU to gVe a dinner to the poor
. year, which is called Misslnge-
: low's copyright dinner.
Appress to the Legislature.
While addressing the meeting of wom-au-suirragisU
at the Hall of the Young
Mcu' Christian Association, Miss
Susan B. Anthony reccival a telegram
inviting ner to address tne legislature
at Sacramento before leaving the State.
, sjTEAMBOATixo. Boats arc running
regularly on the Willamette as far up as
' Corvallis.
Nevada.' City, Dec. IS, 1S71..
Dear Dunitcay:va now pushing.
Eastward. Not a line have I had from
you. Hope to get many of them when"
I rea"ch Rochester, New York.
Will you ask the friends in Oregon
and Washington Territory who paid
me the one dollar for the History of the
Woman Suffrage Movement, and other
tracts and arguments proving women
already citizens and voters, who haveJ
not received their package to write me
Immediately, care of Mrs. J. S. Grlf
ling, Washington, D. C, that I may
sec that all mistakes, if any, are recti
fied. I have gathered up and sent on to
Washington over two hundred names
and $200 during my tour in California,
Oregon and Washington Territory.
Some good seed sown, isn't there? and
sure to bring forth good fruit, too.
I find Laura DeForce Gordon working
right royally to plant the Fourteenth
Amendment gospel of women already
voters. Mrs. Gordon fully meets my
A'xpectallons of her. You can't imag
ine how it delights my soul to find
such an earnest, noble young woman
possessed of powers oratorical almost to
match our peerless Stanton.
Extend my kindly remembrance to
all the earnest friends I met throughout
your beautiful New Northwest country.
The five mouths spent on the Pacific
Coast will ever be a pleasant memory to
me. I carry over the mountains and
to the Washington Convention the
cheeriest words of the women of this
Coast so free, so ready to do and to
dare any and evcrythingso soon as they
sec the truth and the right.
Sincerely yours,
Si'SAN B. Anthony.
Upton, of tho Mercury, has much to
say about Woman's Rights. Guess he's
nu the anxious scat. One thing is cer
tain, he is not afraid to discuss the sub
ject, and we arc glad to find one Oregon
editor besides ourself who has stamina
enough to face the direct issue.
"Miss Alta M. Hewlett is a martyr to
the law of Illinois. She had studied
law, and. passed a successful examina
tion, but comintr before the courts was
denied the right to practice, and now if
something isn't done site will he let
loose as a lecturer to tell of the brutality
of man."
And this is all the Tribune has to say
of a decision which denies a competent
woman the right to practice law in the
Illinois courts. It tosses otl in an 1
don't-care style, a few sentences actually
in contempt of woman, instead of a word
concerning the Injustice of the law. If
the courts had denial a man the right to
practice law, or Had mere bo?n any
Constitution or statute abridging his
right to practice in the courts, would
not the Tribtme have had something to
"tell of the brutality of man," or of the
injustice of the law? Or, if woman had
thus legally abridgal the rights of man,
would not the Tribune have had some
thing to say about the brutality of
woman? Let us sec how Mr. Greeley
puts it when he is proscrlbal, or when
efforts arc made to injure his political
aspirations. In the Jribunc of .Nov
27th, Mr. Greeley, speaking of the iK)s- lC011Versation, and the interchange of
slbllity of himself being the next Prcsl- i congratulations upon the bright pros
dential candidate, says: ! liects of the cause they represent, the
lrt rnciuiAl I v. iimfnef nfmmar 1 1 lit ' ... . . . 1 l .... 1 1 ...
acrimony, tho malevolence, the pro-
scnptlve venom, manifestal by certain
journals which have been set on to clear
the field of all intruders."
Ah! It makes quite a difference when
the Tribune ox is goral ! Instead of en
gaging in it, why did not the Tribune
"protest against the acrimony, the ma
levolence, the proscriptivo venom, man
ifestal by certain journals," during the
recent campaign in this State? Mr.
Greeley is now being paid in the same
coin that he dealt out to others over the
political counter, and his article shows
clearly enough that he prefers to hand
it out nuner man receive it back,
Woman's Journal.
AVhat Was Hi:? A jolly young
fellow, namal Corcoran, when he ar
rival hi this county, some years since,
SS whiS1" '-ln presVnUng n
sMw Aorh.5 i-.?: l,$hl s . beautiful bouquet which I
in the N
belie val
lo i:ie siiuriem-u uiuiiiiiu-iai s
days. Corcoran went
for his "first papers,
s W. l.s
a serious old chap, who, without look
ing up, proceeded to put the formal in
terrogatories: "What's your name?" he demandal.
"John Corcoran."
," Your age?"
"Twenty-one!'' '
"What nativity?"
"Well, that's what bothers me; I'll
tell you, and maybe you can make it
out. My father was Irish, my mother
English, and I was born on a Dutch
brig, under the French flag, In Flemish
waters. Now, how Is It?" .
The old clerk looked upagliast.snovai
his spectacles on his brow, aud slowly
made answer: , ., ,
"Young man, your nativity, and that
of our Savior, are the only ones which
ever puzzlal me."
A Famous Doctor. Tlie cele
brated lady doctor Miss Fowler in
practice in New Jersey, was recent ly
inarrial, and is now Mrs. Ormsby. She
o r Knwler. the phrenologist,
and has niet with cxtraotlfnao-noc I
as a malical practloncr of the homeo-,
lvilhtc school. Her Income from her
Iiailiic ntiiooi. -- ,
L3TT, fr vears past been from I
ii-.m.i vcar. She treats Pa- .
timits. of both sexes: has the names of
over COO families on her practice books,
and has more business than all the half
dozen men doctors ot tlie place put to
In carrying on her profession
slie drives between fortv and liftv miles
every day. Sho is remarkably success-
fill as a doctor. She Is a handsome
woman of forty, clear-headed, stout-
heartal, strong willal, vivactousand in-
tcllcctual. Her husband is a New York
FijOffED Ci.HA Ovkiu The Oregon
City J-Mcmritc has all along been very
severe atrainst the "Lock and canal
Swindle." as it terms it. In its issue of
Friday It comes out in a long leader
squarely In favor and In praise of the
f'lifiin. "
It likewise Hatters the "Salem
Somebody has been tickling
The poor thing was up here lately to ' Another aged woman, a Mrs. McGuire.
receive Instructions and whatever else who lives on the corner of Seventh and
the Ring had to give, and It is a well Columbia streets, has been troubled so
fact that whatever tho lting touches much with sore eyes for the past five
turns not to gold perhaps, but gold no years that she could barely see a person
doubt turns It. It is safe to say that in a room. She placed herself under
Tonv was not an extensive purchase, the care of Dr. Aborn a week ago, and
Ho lias to be traded for too often to cost , now she can see distinctly objects at a
much at a time. They ought to get his long distance, and all soreness and ten
wholesale llgures and not let him retail derness have left the eyes. These facts
himself out by driblets in that way. speak for themselves, and there is no
Statesman. 1 necessity for comments. Herald.
"Women Already "Voters."
This was the subject of a lecture deliv
ered last evening by Susan B. Anthony,
at Piatt's Hall. Tho Hall was about
twotthirds full.
Miss Anthony said that during her
recent trip in Oregon she had delivered
sixty lectures, and had thereby pro veil
that she was capable of much more
physical endurance than was necessary
to enable her to cast a ballot.
She argued that the true province of a
Government was not to give rights, but
simply to protect citizens in their in
herent rights. The legislative bodies of
the United States seemed to be befogged
on this question, and to act on the sup
position that they had the power to
grant rights. According to the Consti
tution of California, special provision
had been made for the exclusion of cer
tain classes from voting, such as Indians,
idiots, etc, but no mention was made of
women, therefore women were not by
the Constitution debarred from voting.
She argued that it was foul injustice
to compel women to pay taxes, and
deny them the right of representation
by ballot. She cited cases of women
successfully resisting the tax collector,
and urged all women to efuse, as a
matter of duty, to pay taxes until al
lowed to vote. She argued from the
thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments, and from dictionary defi
nitions, ami from an early Supreme
Court decision that women are citizens,
The Government in many cases recog
nizes them as citizens in the registration
of ships, the pre-emption of lands, pass
ports, trial for treason, etc. Tho trial
and convic tion of Mrs. Surratt for trea
son established beyond a doubt that
women are citizens. No one except a
citizen can commit treason.
Charles Summer had told her that he
never should vote to enfranchise women,
for the law had already accomplished
that; also that woman had the brains,
the time and the money to work out
her own salvation through the courts.
The lecturer asserted that tho recent
decisions of Judge McKec and others
that women were not citizens were many
times more infamous than Chief Justice
Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case.
She scored Judge MeKee most unmerci
fully for his decision, anil gained much
applause thereby.
The speaker contended that under the
provisions of the common law of Eng
land in force in this country to-day, all
women were in a state of legal servitude.
But the Constitutional amendment
granted the ballot to all who had been
in a "previous condition of servitude;"
therefore women now have the right to
vote. She believed that the declaratory
act inakiiiir women voters would pass
the present Congress. Mr. Garfield of
Washington Territory, had been elected
by the votes of seventeen women.
President Grant came in for a quantity
of tongue-Iashingforhis reticenceon the
woman question. The next President
must be one pledged to universal suf
frage. She presented a resolution denouncing
urant, eulogizing Sargent, and support
ing her position on the suffrage question.
The lecture occupied two hours. Fri
day afternoon, at two o'clock, Miss An
thony will lecture at tne loung .Men's
I Christian Association Hall, to women
I only, on the subject of the social evil and
Dr. Holland's bill, and in the evening at
the same place a meeting will be held to
discuss the best method of concertal
action. .S'. K Bulletin, Dec. 1th
from the Kan Kmnnlsco Call or Doc. 11
Miss Anthony's Reception.
The friends of Miss Susan B. Anthony,
to the number of about fifty, comprising
the more prominent of the leaders of
tlie Stmrage movement, asscnibiai m
the parlors of the Grand Hotel last
ovnnnur Aftnrnn lintir sivnir in snoifil
,iing hall, where a bountiful collation
iiad been spread, to which ample justice
was done. After the music of the knives
and forks had ceased, and a short time
had been spent m a table talk,
Hose and said : My whole reception on
this (Toast, from San Francisco to Oregon
and Washington Territory, has been so
much beyond anything 1 had expected
tnat 1 cannot give expression to my
fa-lings. I go from you freightal with
a burden of low and gratitude, and of
the receptions I have met, none have
been more precious than those I have
reccival at the hands of tho hard-working
men and women with whom I have
been thrown in contact; and to-night
when the poor woman, who earns her
livelihood by selling flowers through the
hotel, came to thedooroftlie parlor, and
me witii tne
hold in my
. ,,,, ,... -, , i,:,. !,,...,. Vnn
workingwomen? it brought tears to
my eyes, unused to weeping, i mil a
thrill of gratitude that I had been per
nilttal to prosecute this work. o who
iro seated around this board to-mgiii,
probably have all the rights we need,
but we are not working for ourselves, it
Is for those whom we find all around us,
who, through the spread of wroiigJdeas
or woman, are suffering to-night. For
them, our sisters, and for future genera
tions, must we work. I wish to
Of San Francisco, whose representatives
are scatal with us to-night, for the gen
eral fairness and respect, couries.v, jjen
erosity and justice with which I, and
the cause I represent, have been treatal.
I thank all, of every class and station,
for all that has been done.
Miss Anthony took her seat amid
warm applause. Mrs. Gordon being
called upon, briefly roturna! thanks,
aud promised earnest and enthusiastic
ellorts in the new field to which she was
coing. Anumberof brief, pithy speeches
! were made, and at a late hour the recep-
,Tc oedVa 1 d IspV
J " . " ' Pf
y0' TPf?" lo, u, l,ut
l,i,l Mior lifiil
spcrsing witii a nearty
uciitcit nuiy in wnosc
"enaii tney nan assemoiai,
, I'kmarkaui.e Cukes. Dr.
Aborn .
the celebr.ital oculist and nurist, is still
continuing his wonderful cures. We
callal unon a man yesterday, Wm.
i Gaddy, of Nez Peree county, Idaho, who
' was totallv blind in one eye, and could
only fee a little through the other two
months ago, and who had been a 111 ic ted
that way for ten years previous. Afew
weeks ago he placal himself under the
care of the doctor, and now he can sec
as well as he could in his youngestdays.
I We saw this man when almost blind,
; audcould hardly believe it was thesame
man when we saw liim yestenlaj-j so
, mucn was ne cuangeu in iooks.
This is
certainly a very remarkable cure.
A young woman from Eugene Is also
under the doctor's care, to be cured of
deafness. A week ago she could hardly
I hear a loud sound, but now she can hear
the tickintrof a watch a loot irom ner.
. "Our Brooklyn friends arc having a
hard time battling with the enemies of
honest suffrage. The men who have
stuffed the ballol-boxesare now stealing
the fraudulent returns, both originals
and duplicates. Where their enemies
both lie and steal, honest men fight with
unequal weapons." ,,.,
So says the ScworiTrtbunc in a re
cent Issue, and we wonder why it does
not demand that the ballot shall bo
taken from men who so terribly abuse
their privileges. This is tho reason as
signed for having taken the ballot from
the women of New Jersey! It is as
serted by the opponents of woman's en
franchisement, that women in that
State behaved very naughtily aL.the
polls, that they disguised themselves,
and repeated their votes, and all that,
and so their rights and privileges were
abridged as a proper punishment.
We'll admit it all though facts do not
justify all that our opponents have said
about the New Jersey women. If the
ballot ought to have been taken from
women because they abused their priv
ileges, as claimed, why not deal pre
cisely so witii men for tho same reason?
The 'Tribune tells us how men voters not
only stuffed the ballot-boxes, but how
they steal the fraudulent returns. Why
not demand that the ballot bo taken
from these lying, thieving men? Ah!
gentlemen, it Is because you are unfair
and unjust towards women tuat-you dis
criminate against them, and make laws
that bear heavily and sometimes op
pressively upon them. You have one
mode of reasoning for women ami an
other for men. AVe protest against this
Injustice and inequality. II Oman's
Journal. '
Another Well Attcslcd Cure
Portiand, Oregon, Dec 1. 1S71.
This Is to certify that my IlUIe daughter, now
plghl years ofnge.ha!! been afllleted 'with Xufcal
Catarrh ulnce she was two years of age, cauMU
by scarlet fever.
I placed her under the care ol Dr. Aborn, anu
after two month!.' treatment sho wanenHrely
cured, and it Is now two months sinee the
treatment was discontinued. Her general
health has been greatly improved, and sheJiaa
ialnod several pounds In weight.
Another Cure Worthy or Xote;
The following Is an extract from a latter Just
received by Dr. Alwrn, fretu one or lite -tlcnts:
ASToniA, Oregon, Xor.SD, 1371.
Dn. Aeors Dear Sir:
I um happy to state that by foltowtncyour
directions and twlng your medicines for a
few weeks after I came home, I find that all
my ills aro removed; my hearing continues
good, my lungs, I believe, are sound, and the
catarrh Is cured. My brouebtal aiIetfons are
letter than they have been for ten yrars.
I am fully satisfied that no other Doctor
could have saved me from CoSsumitiok,
or cured me of deafness, bronchial affections,
My deafness was cured in three dtiy?, lungs
and bronchial affections in about four wesks.
May yon live long to blew the world by rettev
Ing suffering humanity. Yours truly,
Lectures in the Valley Towns.
DP, BOrUN'K, distinguished during nearly
twenty years InSan I'ranciwo.for Ills great
success In curing Chronic and Acute Diseases,
wmiouTTtir use of siKiucixresbelBc on his
return from a northern tour, will vbtitthetowns
In thcWlllHinctte valley within a few weeKsmd
will endeavor to Increase the measure of useful
knowledge among the people by lectures upon
"Himlf li-lts iirescrvation and restoration
impaireu iy uiM-ase, wimoiu uieuwoi mrm-
professional services may lie obtained by those
who have fulled to secure desired relief through
the ordinary modes, ami who are "slek and
tired" or medicines and medical miackery, and
none others, as Dr. liourne will Jvc no time to
waste uKn those who think medicinal poisons
necessary to the cure ot disease.
a aio niton I'liysioiogs , nc.
Il any desire to correspond, my auurerfs is
rortlnnd, Oregon.
Affections of the Lungs. Deafness, WlMnfes
from the Kars, Nervous or Ueneral rMWIlt,
S?re Kves, liram.taled MtK Oij ly;
ilea. Films, etc.. are successfully treated Dj Dr.
"lOTrti.conier Third ami Morrison streets.
CIIKONir DISKANKS, especially eh cases
as have resisted the ordinary modes of treat
ment are the cla-s of maladies which Dr.
YlHini treats with unparalleled suceeos. NO
CI I ItfIK rorfNinsultaltoH.
i-ir... Moderate and mtreMkle to the cir
cumstance of the patient, so Hint all who aro
arnlcted can procure his treatment if they
wish. "Mr
Real 33 n t it t o Dealer.
OPriCE-No. 64 Front Street,
XX, Portland, 111 the most desirable localities.
consisting of lrrs, JIai.f I:i.ocks ami l!xui.-u
IIocsKS and stores. '
Alo, iJtrnoVED Faums and Valuahi.t- ti.
cui.Tlv.VTKH I.anih, located In all turns or the
State, for sale.
ItnAt RsTATr. and other 1'roneriv mmh..i
for CorresiKindcnts, In this Citv anil tlrrouch
out the Ktatks aud Tkhihtokies, with great
care, and on the most Aiivantagkoxts Thrms
Houses ,xn Stoiiks I.vucn. t-.-u
tiatxd and Claims ok ai.i. DnscHimovu
i iai. and agency ISpscgm Tkan-sactki. ' "
Acns.-Tsofthls Office In all the Cities and
Towss In the State will receive descriptions of
i arm l'Koi-Kinv and forward the same to the
above address.
-I .f -
Xo. 80 Front
St., American Exchange
CONTRA CTOns, Hotel Keepers. Farmers
. .-"Tenters and Dullders, Kamllles.nnd In.
tact all who require help of mi v kind, will And
ittntheirailvuutageto call and leave thelrad
1 . Ss. I have also some (iood Farms and Lots
for sale, a J. It. V.
Portland. Oregon.
Wotk done at ItKASON'ABI.E HATES, nt