! BM - f A Journal for the People. Devoted to the Interests of Humanity. Tndcpcndcnt lrTrolitlcs and Religion. Mia. A. i. DrMffAT, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE-Cor. Third and fTashlBtrton St. 11V0 to all IJye Issues, and Thoroughly Radical In Opposing and Exposing tho'Vr'rongs I J0' TERMS, IK ADVANCE: One year,..,. - $3 00 HiX mnnlhi, , 1 73 . Three months. , 1 00 ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Ileasonable Titob. , ELLEIT DOWD, THEPAEMEE'S WIFE. Entered, according to the Act of Congress. Jn the year 1S72, by Mrs. A. J. Dunlnray, In the Of fice of the Librarian of Congress nt Washington city. CIIA1TER I. The Louse was a dilapidated log cabin of severely primitive pattern, black with age, and weak and tottering from the effect of many adverse battles with the wind and sun and snow and rain. A half dozen small and smoky panes of glass struggled feebly in their efforts to admit the waning twilight A fire of wet walnut logs made vain endeavor to emit a feeble blaze, while the dense smoke filled the low room with a stifling odor from the charring, steaming wood. PitfuIgusts-of wild north-wind howled over the low mud chlmneV, whined through the latch-hole of the battered, rickety door, whistled through crevices between the jamb-stones and shrieked and wailed in the rude loft-room o-er- hcad. Tiie old nurse, Aunt Betsey Graham, with her pale hut beaming face, watched ior a iuu in me tempest, and wiicn a hard gust had spent itself, in its efforts to overturn the rickety cabin, she tim idly opened the door and peered out into the fast falling night. "Dear a-rae!" she sighed, despondiug- ly. "I fear they'll never make a trip over the foot-log on such a night and in such a wind as this. I've told Jacob for many a day that it was a duty we owed our fellow creeturs to fix a railin' along that log." The wind, which had for a moment receded, as if to gather courage for a fresh attack, came howling up the hill, freighted with mingled snow and sleet. Aunt Betsey threw herself against the door with all her force, aud managed by severe exertion to secure the latch. She then turned to the smoking, steaming pile of logs and was able at last, by dint of coaxing, dextrous blowing aud deft re-arranging of sticks aud splinters, to fan the feeble flames into a sickly blaze. "Aunt Betsey!" called a timid, fright ened voice from the low bed in the cor ner, "do you think Peter and the doctor will be here soon ?" "I should reckon so. Leastways they've been gone now cen-a-most an Free Speech, Free Tuxs. Free People. VOIL.TJ3rE 1. POTR.XX.A.1ND, OREGON, FKIDAT, .TAVIST TJ A.TJ. Y &, 187S. the Mae. rvwroisnnndents m-itln? over assumed slzna- turei must mako known their names to the Editor, or no attention will be given to their communications. hour." "But do you believe they can cross the foot-log? You kuow the Mackinaw j is up aud raging." "'Pears to me," said Aunt Betsey, lighting her pipe as she spoke, "that a man wouldn't amount to much that couldn't coon a log like that to get to the bedside of the mother of his children.1' "I do hope they'll hurry!" was the terror-stricken answer. "Oh ! Aunt Betsey !" There was no mistaking the awful ag ony of that scream of pain. Aunt Bet sey laid aside her pipe andfc fully aware of the difficulties of the situation, made needed preparation for the coming crisis. And she indeed had need of all her nerve and skill. . Scream after scream pierced the smoke-laden air of the lonely cabin; loud and louder howled the wind ; fast and faster fell the blinding snow; and deep and deeper grew her keen solici tude. "Aunt Betsey," said the sufferer, "do you think the children all passed safely over that log?" "Certain, child. I seed 'em with my own eyes. What put such a notion as that In your head ?" "Oh, it seemed as if I slept just now, and I thought some terrible accident had happened to my family; and I felt a3 if that awful foot-log had something to do with it." i "Well, don't worry any more about it,'1 honey. I seed 'em all go over safe; and my word for it, they'll not try comin' back till the weather settles." Another paroxysm of pain, another ter riflcsscream, and the patient clenched - her hands, rolled back her great, shin ing eyes and stared upon vacancy. "God protect her now, poor Iamb! Xothln' but the Lord's mercy will help her out of this!'' said the now excited nurse, and she fell upou her knees and began an Incoherent prayer. The convulsion was long and terrible. "The Lord pity me; I must work as well as pray!" exclaimed the good wom an, rising from her kneeling posture and going to the fire, which had by this time blazed and burned into a ruddy prayers for many minutes in vain. But the eyelids finally began to twitch with a rapid motion, the set jaws suddenly1 relaxed, and the spent form lay limp and motionless. Bouncer barked, and somebody from outside hallooed. Aunt Betsey's heart gave a great thump of thankfulness. She flew to the door, hastily undid the fastenings and admitted Dr. GofT, whose clothes wcro dripping wet and freezing rapidly. Bouncer entered, shook him self before the flreand freed his shaggy coat from an armor of fast forming ici cles. The land o' mercy, Doctor ! is tills you in this plight?" Dr. Goff placed his tiugcrs upon his Iirs,.eiijoliiiiig.5ilcnce.M -- - . i "Aunt Betsey," said he, cheerfully, "can't you give me some of Peter's clothes ? I am too wet and cold to go to the patient's bedside as I am." "Where's Peter, Doctor? O, tell me where he is, or I shall die!" said the pa tient, starting up. "Don't worry about your husband, ma'am. I met with a slight accident in crossing the foot-log, and thought Peter ought not to attempt it,' A mournful howl from the noble dog arose above the howl of the tempest. A terrific scream from the sulTercr was followed by a feeble wail, and tiny El len Dowd, the heroine of my story, opened her eyes upon the earth. The mother sank away into a deathly stupor, emitting, at long intervals, low, guttural groans, and breathing all the while with Irregular gasps. " 'Pears to me, Doctor, that this baby was born to see trouble. You kuow it came into the world with a veil over its face, and that's a mighty bad sign." Dr. GofT smiled grimly. A sad nut somewhat contemptuous expression set tled over his features, aud then he gazed helplessly into the glowing lire. "Aunt Betsey," said he, in a whisper, "if I tell you something aicful will you promise not to start or scream? It's something that our patient must not know." "Yes, I promise, 'pon my faith as a Christian; but what have you got to tell me that's so awful, Doctor?" Bouncer whined dolefully, the suffer ing patient groaned in guttural accents, and the wee baby snapped its sparkling eyes and looked knowingly at the feeble light that was emitted from a bunting wick in a saucer of melted lard, which was sputtering away on a rude shelf above the fireplace and doing its sickly best to shine. "Remember, Aunt Betsey, she mustn't know it not now." "Well, you can trust me. Has any thing hnnnened to to IVtir9" "He fell from the log just after I did, and we should both have gone under the drift if it had not been for Bouncer." "Then Peter is" "Dead" exclaimed the Doctor, and great, silent tears coursed each other down his furrowed checks and settled in pearly globules on his heavy beard, "God help the widow and her seven chicks!" sighed good Aunt Betsey Graham, 'Die patient stirred aud moaned again, and Dr. Goff, placing his finger upon his lips, looked hard at Aunt Betsey be fore hurrying to the bedside. "Peter, darling, is it you?" The Doctor stroked her brow and chafed her hands, but did not auswer. "Is my baby a boy, Peter?" Aunt Betsey brought the little waif, now clothed in faded calico and wrapped in a dingy, homespun shawl, and laid it on the mother's bosom "It's as likely a girl sis any in the lot dear Ellen. It has mighty rcg'lar fee- lure and powerful neat hands and feet; and what's surprisin', it's hair Is heavy and real long. See what a darlin' It is!" standing out of tho way of the feeble light from the primitivo lamp, which, to do it justice, really seemed to give a half dozen extra sputters in its effort to do its sickly best at that important mo ment. "A girl, is it?" cuddling the little in truder to her bosom. "It would be a Lord's blessing if It would never see daylight." "Oh, honey! don't talk liko that! 'Pears like as if you was strugglln' agin rrovidencc. e'rc all born in tills world for some wise purpose; and It's uie jra s privilege to senu as many children as he pleases, though I do con "Tako it from me, or I'll Mil it !" she exclaimed, and throughout the long and ; dreary hours preceding that awful mid night the Doctor and the nurse stood guard over that lowly cot, while the poor patient writhed and raved by turns, her one idea being a determination to destroy the fragile bud which had so re cently opened its tiny petals to the blasts of winter and the blights of earth. Meanwhile the baby slept upon a bed of rags beside the mastiff, who guarded it with a fitting sense of tho dignity and responsibility of his important posi tion. "Midnight!" said the Doctor, looking at his watch. "I'll know by oue o'clock whether we shall be able to save her or uoL!' . The baby wakened, and in real baby language screamed out vigorously. "Poor crcctur! It's hungry. I ought to have been prepared for this, but I've been so taken-a-back by everything that's happened that I couldn't think. There's not a drap o' milk in the house, and of course the baby can't depend on its mother. It's always seemed strange to me, if the Lord sends children which of course he does why he don't send more of 'cm to the rich, that have something to feed them on." But Aunt Betsey was equal to the emergency. A great haunch of frozen venison hung from a peg by the bedside, from which she hastily cut a few very thin slices, and put them in a sauce-pan; then, adding some water and salt, aud some crumbs of Indian bread, she put the mixture upou a great bed of glow ing coals to stew, A nursing-bottle was next needed, but there was no such useful .article about the house. A bottle half filled with camphor stood conspicuous among the few dishes uimjii the "dresser." Aunt Betsey emptied the camphor into a pew ter bowl, aud, with the aid of a lump of salcratus aud some boiling water from the huge iron kettle, sho was soon able to cleanse the bottle of everything but a faint smell of tho odoriferous gum. Pouring tne broth from tno stew into a pitcher, and adding a handful of snow to hasten the necessary cooling process, she proceeded to wrap a snort goose quill with a bit of rag, and was ready to feed tho baby. Tho tiny, hungry waif drank from this unique "feeder" with a relish which promised well for its future ability to accept gratefully such fare as effort is being made, I understand, to hush up the whisperings that have have gone about concerning this mat ter, but as the statements have been bruited by members of the principal medium's own household, and as a re-, port of it has already been sent to the Banner of Light and published, It Is not likely that tho curiosity concerning it will be quieted until some further in vestigation is made. I give you the gossip for what it is worth, and you can believe it or not, as you choose. DiTiCE Mara. OOERESPOHDENOE. This department of the "ev North- liEW YOEE OOBRESPOHDEHOE. 2 ew York, Nov. 28, 1871. Just now the "women women," as the World facetiously calls those of us who are addicted to suffrage, ate doing very little in the way of publie work. There I Is no association devoted to "the cause" with any vitality in It. Since Susan of course you know I mean Miss An thony went away the women seem to have lost all cohesion aud energy. They are scattered, divided by petty jealousies and Interests, aud in consequence there is absolutely no active work being done for Woman Suffrage excep what is done in the columns of the Jtcvolulion and I!'. C.'s Weekly, aud, if I speak the opinion of the many, their work is of 1 west is to bo a general vehicle for ex a rather- dubious eoii. The Jtcvolulion I change of ideas concerning any anil all has lost the vim it jiossessed under the matters that may be legitimately dis administration of Miss Anthony, and cussed in our columns. Findingitpractl the force that was given It by Mrs. I cully impossible to answer each corrcs- Stanton and that modern Jeremiah, pondent by private letter, we adopt this Parker Pillsbury. The present manage- mode of communication to save our mentis unexceptionable If the paper is friends the disappointment that would viewed simply as a Lady's Journal, de- otherwiscaccruefromourinability toan- votcd to refinement, literary culture and swer their queries. Wc cordially invite a record of affairs pertaining to matters everybody that has a question to ask, a of interest to women ; but as un engine suggestion to make, orascoldingtogivc of reform, as an earnest woman's paper to contribute to the Correspondents' aud an advocate of suflrage, it falls far I Column. short of our needs. I should as soon Mrs. S. E. M., M. D Cincinnati! : If think of running the Great Eastern into you are "doing well pecuniarily" where port with an engine of ten-horse power you are, wc would not advise you to pull as to expect great results from this pa- up stakes and emigrate for the purpose per as now managed. It is a good of bettering your condition. There are paper, and if it were any paper but the more professional men and women in Jtcvolulion I should be satisfied with its Oregon, according to population, than gentle management ; but it in the Jlcv- in. any other part of the Union. Yet we olution. The paper that led the van as welcome all new comers who wish to the Woman Sullrago organ ought to cast their lot with us aud help to build row stronger year by year instead of up or develop our resources. There is weaker. It is now no longer radical, one lady physician in Portland of your but a competitor with the Boston ! school who is doing a thriving business. Woman's Journal for the patronago of I If you wisli to correspond with her, you the conservative suflrage interest, can find her address in our advertising Its circulation is increasing, and that is columns. good for the publisher. But its iuflu- Mrs. E. C. F., Grand Mound, W. T. e'neo as a sullrago organ cannot be as Your letter was Ixst week Inadvertantly strong as It was. But, after all, it is an mislaid; therefore we could not answer educator, and a good ono as far as it it as wo wished, although we gave our goes; only I wish they would change opinion of the poems. The letter has the name, or let some Sampson pos- been resurrected since, and we arc able sessed of strength and ability run the to notice it further. You say: "You Jtcvolulion. have doubtless read of Mr. Thornton i Communicated.' THE "PEEEL0YE" OEY. Gentlemen of the Press, we rise to a point of order. Let a division of the question be made, and let us settle one question at a time. Confounding ques tions produces confusion, and no satis factory results are obtained. There is an effort to divert the contro versy upon Woman Suffrage, from its legitimate channel, and other questions foreign to the subject have been forced into discussion by our opponents. Free Love has no more to do with Woman Suflrage than the general com mingling of the races in social life had to do with the emancipation of the slaves. And it was only when the friends of the anti-slavery cause came resolutely to the conclusion that it was the question of slavery or anti-slavcry that was to be settled, leaving society to settle the other question, that they were able to make much headway. We would have it distinctly understood that we arc not advocates, but on the contrary bitter opponents, of the Free- Love doctrine. But we do not propose to let our opponents drag us into the discussion of the hideous dogmas of Free Love. Our purpose is to secure to woman the right to the ballot, and that is the question under consideration. History is repeating itself every day. Prior to tho late Rebellion aud during the anti-slavery struggle the enemies of that movement and those who were worse the pretended friends were con stantly raising the cry of "amalgation," "miscegenation," and the like clap-trap theories. Ti mid people shuddered at the thought; and fell back to the rear of that pro gressive movement, but still the cause went on to a successful termination and dragged these timid souls along with it Havo any of the predictions made by the opponents of the anti-slavery move ment been verified? o, not one, Against Woman Suffrage we have the same class of men and women prophe sying all manner of evil consequences, Many in days gone by would say, "I am opposed to slavery I want to see every body free but, Oh ! I dread the con W. & a' Weekly, on the other hand, and his two little boys who were killed , 8Wluencw. that the transition will entail cripples Itself and is shut out of the In fluence it might exert by its Pantarchy and frequent publication of matter Im moral or verging upon Indecency. The avowed principles of Mrs. Woodhull, expressed In her paper, in her lectures recently by the falling of a large tree. ' This happened in the morning, and the following night, as the wife and mother lay beside tho mangled body with her eyes closed, her husband came and stood beside her, trembling and silent. She might be given it, a cheering omc to goou ,uni, iietsey, w no juuiciousii au- anJ in her 1)rcsent COHduct of life, keep asked him if he felt pain. He answered niUHSiereu no inure iuuu nmu nnc . nnrwr from lmvinf nnv irrat fur- tin l.nf Ms sntrl in tint . vo fron fmm thought it prudent to bestow. thcrimr influence on this important the bodv. and from the effects of the "Zcrc,"' said she, caressingly tucking 8XlhiecU sudden and terrible shock." There cer- up the little intruder m us uncoutn go gee iu lhJg Kreat city we arc talnly is something wonderful in this wrappings. "It'u 'Ittle and tiny and U.thout any sucU inflUCncc in the aid of manifestation, yet you must admit that, s ect; an-u mus s cep-ens au oe uuou- 8ufr orKanizcd effort and the though the theory that spirits mav re ens, till muzzcr uits trcu-uns," ana sue . wv.cr of tn 1)n;sa lve Nevertheless turn is beautiful, it was nuifo nossll.1.. 1 A.l li !.. l.ni mnllinrl V tinUMll I , , ... ... - - . uusi;raii,i;uu) w.. ... j - women arc growing in inuepciiuencu oi m tins case for the mmd of the affo- thought and action, and are gradually nized widow to be so thoroughly excited asserting their rights, by proving tncir by her sudden and terrible bereavement capability to hold places of emolument that her brain could easily form such and influence. visions and dream such dreams. Wc The latest movement worthy of note I are honestly and earnestly endeavoring is that among the worKingwomcn to to gain light upon any and all subjects fmiml n wnrklttf'vnm!l1l hnmft Oil tile i that. firi nf vllfll lnnrnf In liimimttti" ,, ...H..U1 :.. i.t, 1 - nM, 1 " o " ------ j, iue, aim iusi, ii, . v..M.. , .v.. . operatlve 1)lnIli Ti,ero are three or therefore wo hope whenever matters ner coucn oi suuenug, 3iuuiS i.. four ,,,1 W0I upon society!" So it is now. They think woman ought to have equal righ and privileges with man. But, "Free Love! Oh! what a dreadful state society it will bring about I" Yet the cause is marching on" to a triumphant victory, and these timid souls will come strasrclintr along by-and-by after the victory Is won. They never will enjoy the pleasure of a ride on the advance car of human progress. and went over to Bouncer's corner and placed the burden once more In his care. "Aunt Betsey," said the Doctor, hur riedly, "the crisis has come. Here, quick !" Poor Ellen Dowd, the mother of seven cirls. whose husband had risked his idly. "May I speak to her, Doctor?" que ried Aunt Betsey, in an awe-stricken tone. "Yes, arouse her, by all means, if you can. I fear to speak to her, lest I awak en her frenzy about her husband." "Ellen, Ellen Dowd; honey, won't you talk to poor Aunt Betsey?" and the nurse shook her tenderly. There was no response. "The campflrc. Doctor. Bring the campfirc." The bowl containing the liquid solu tion of camphor was brought, and Aunt Betsey bathed the sufferer's face and filled her nostrils with the pungent aroma of the oue medicine which is al ways found in tho houses of the poor. A long, low moan gurgicu up irom tuc 1IousCi 45 Elizabeth St., forbidding right to take a new husband every day if patient's tnroat. cue oponeu ucr eje tmj boarders to hold meetings for the shechooscs.wedenyintoto. Nohuman and, gazing eagerly into vacancy, said ,. , f t, ,uismaaKcment of beincr has a rhrht to become a dcbauclicc. timidly, 1 ctcr, 1 come. ,ho institution, or to find fault in any and certainly a new husband every day Aunt jsetseys iunncrenons 10 unnj. , j rl to the movemcnt of would level a woman to the lowest ranks her back to consciousness were unavall- ... T IU,ai. jt is nrobable tnat the of restitution. While her iournal is in 4 1-- - heat. She seized a half dozen large cars , fess it 'pears as if he might be more of Indian corn and plunged them into boiling water, in an immense, old-fashioned pot When they became hot and steaming sho a'pplled them to the suffer er's body, thereby relaxing their rigid muscles, and the patient awoke again to consciousness. "I say, Aunt Betsey, something awful has happened at that dreadful foot-log!" she exclaimed, and again gave a pierc ing shriek and relapsed into convul sions. .. .The, large watch-dog, which usually slept outside the cabin In the chimney corner, butwhich had been admitted to - the fireside by his master during his flight for the doctor, now set up a dis mal howl and, going to the door, pawed and struggled to escape. "Qp, poor fellow," said Aunt Betsey, unfastening the door, and Bouncer ran 1 Ms.yelpirigltq thcav-atcr'Acdge.crtft (The sufferer was long In coming back to consciousness. The trood nurw riJi her usual restoratives and incoherent equal sometimes aoout the sex of 'em, But then it ain't for me to question the ravstcrics of Providence." "Don't preach to me, Aunt Betsey. She'll never be anything but a slave to circumstances. Peter, wouldn't you rather sec her die than live to suffer and toll as I do?" Peter was not there to answer, and an awkward silence followed, broken at last by a deep howl from Bouncer. "Down! Bouncer! down! Bo ashamed of yourself !" said Dr. Goff. Ah. Doctor, Is this youf here's Peter?" "I told you once, my dear madam that I did not think it safe for him to cross tho log to-night. It was all that I could do myself to 'make' it." "All, Doctor! Something awful's hap pened! I know It! I've dreamed it ever so often to-night! Peter's under the drift, and he'll never see this poor, wee baby !" The patient suddenly grew furious. vorkingwomcn's houses worth recording, which arc properly au- here, but none of them arc successes, thenticated, come under the observation simply because their founders and man- of our subscribers, they will -write us as agers make the mistake of confounding you have done. We cannot return the charity with benevolence. They are MS. Paid ten cents postage to get It every one of them stamped with "char- from the office. ity" from corucr stone to chimney top, Mrs. M. O. B., Seattle : Your copy of and the consequence Ls that self-respect- Woodhull A Clajlin, containing the ing workingwoincn do not find them Whole of the article on "Chastity," ''homes." In all these institutions the about whicli so much has been said in the boarders pay a full equivalent for tho papers, has been received. It was all they receive, and In consequence just as we expected. The piece was gar- claim the right to exercise Independence bled shamefully by the press, yet there of conduct and to receive respectful at-1 ia no denying that Mrs. Woodhull's tention from the managers 01 tne nomes. theories upon the social question are But instead they find themselves Utopian. If humauity ever arises to treated in the manner of women in a such a moral plane as will require no work-house or reformatory institution, laws or restrictions in any sense, then An arbitrary edict on the part of tho ! her idea of "free marriage" may safely Trustees of the Woman's Boarding prevail. Her assertion that she has a LETTEE PBOM WEST VIRGINIA. West Columiua, Mason Co., "1 West Virginia, Xov. 1U, 1871. J Editor Xmr Northwest: I have just seen an extract from your salutatory, In the Christian Union, cop ied from the Advance. I like your style, and believing in a woman's capabdity, as well as her right, to do such tilings as much as that of a man's especially when the publication is devoted to the interests of women I ask you to send me some specimen copies of your paper, and I will sec if I cannot get some subscribers for you. It requires no small effort to step out from the beaten paths of our "illustrious predecessors," and more especially as a pioneer reformer. But brains, not brawn activity, not inertness are the motive powers that propel forward the car of progression. Do not be discouraged if your sub scription list docs not grow fast in the East. The East does not know enough of the West yet. More Pacific Rail roads are wanted, "for many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be in creased." Hoping and trusting you may reach the topmost round in the ladder of the profession you have chosen, I am fraternally thine, B. J. Wilson. Trades Unions and Cosmopolitan Con- Tho storm spirit was abroad, unfet- ,,. .vm come rorwarii al,d aid in tered, and he howled aud walled arounu thc ejrort It j, a gooJ ,n0vcmcnt iu the humble tenement as if in league the ri ht direction. There is no reason with Furies from the wierd inferno, , should not have a dozen of who had sent him abroad with orders to lhcgc establishments, for both sexes, destroy the habitations or thc ciniiiren t for wonlcn aioue in ti,3 city. With of earth. mnir management thev could from Tenderly Aunt Betsey straightened .. start l)C ma,ie Self-sustalnlng, the now lifeless limbs. V ltn me loc- anJ jn a sllort time sufficiently profita- tor's assistance the body was removed bl t any ioan requlred for their irom thc bed to a blanket on the punch- start amj to set apart a fund to extend eon floor, from between whose crevices mtion3 and take care of invalid 41... ...1.tl 1 e il. I 1 imc ciUwu-m:uu niusueu lonu a fcmi mcnlbers Of the CO-OperatiOll ueuancc. "You'll never feel the cold again, poor crectur," said the good nurse, in a com passionate tone. The soiled bedding was then carefully gathered up and packed into an empty barrel, which had held the family's winter store of potatoes, but which was as was indeed all other re As a bit of floating gossip I must tell you that the Spiritualists affirm that Plymouth Church (II. W. Beechers) Is thc scene on Sundays not only of its eloquent pastor's discourses, but of veri table spiritual "manifestations," ac cording to tho vocabulary of the splr- many respects the ablest In America, we must pronounce its head as a being who is theoretically if not practically insane upon the marriage question. Yet, when we consider what her Woodhull marriage was to a mind like hers, it is little won- dea if she is crazy. Mrs. S.E. W., San Francisco: We have received a letter from you, including mauy "notices of thc press," for which we gratefully return thanks. As you say, "the S. F. papers are indeed very respectful toward thc woman move ment now." You speak of having written us four days previous to your last, which letter we have not yet received. itlsts. This new outnourinrr of tho now empty, as was inuceu an on er re- IIo, Qhost ,s (1 M T understaU(l onnf nMoa fnr fnrul. With IllR CXCentloil Of i . ... ... ... v.v-ww. 1 r 1 " to tne reporters tauic, at which some one huge bag, half full of Indian meal, lmII(. .,. , v,,nwn na , ,n which, with the frozen venison, const - toko notc3 of tlle KmQa for th tuted thc only visible means of subsis - 1)apers Quf of t,w lnd,es ,g influenC( cucc for thc eight survivors of this sud den and terrible calamity. (To bo continued.) While a woman with a sick child in hir amis was beinir tried III an English Dolice court, a short time since, the child died. by the spirit of the departed journalist, Heury J. Raymond. "What is more natural," say the Spiritualists, "than that the great journalist should frequent the church 01 the divine who was his friend in tho earth-life aud who so elo quently eulogized him after death. An Anger Without Sin. One of the late Dr. Spencer's panslioners In Brook lyn, 2ew York, met. 111m nurrieuiy urg inir hit wav down the street ono day his Hn was set. and there was some thing strange in that grey eye. "How arc you to-day. Doctor?" he said, pleas antly. He waked as from a dream, and replied soberly, "I am mad!" It was a new word for a mild, true-hearted Christian: but he waited, and with deep, earnest voice went on: "I found a widow- staudinir by her coods thrown In the street: sue could not pay the month's rent; the landlord turned her out;- and one of her children Is going to dior 'and that man is -a member" of the church! I told her .to tako her thnlgs back again, i.am on, rriy, way to see him." Stili. Queen ok Fashion. The ixjiiuou jcicgrapn tiius moralizes or scolds we hardly know which to term it: Paris has learned nothing, fonrotten nothing, and she sends out to-dav stvles 01 autre as snamciess in their immod esty, vanity, prodigality and defiance of true lemimne grace as anything which scanuanzeu the last years of the Empire. oue avenges herself 011 the modest Uer- man women with a hook; of fashions which Is calculated, to ruin all moderate revenues, to put chastity and sobriety to scorn, anil to drive evon Queens into uourts of law. Those prodigious trains, those senseless apnendasres. that huee sham mass of dead hair, which no long er so much as alfects to be natural ; the countless flounces aud furbelows, scrolls and rushes, which arc the negation and death of drapery; the hats and bonnets which have ceased to be more than a lu dicrous caprice; theplled-up pase-men- tertc anu costly inartistic trimmings an tticse. wiin nign necis, breeding corns and bunions: black lead under the eves. causing early blindness; aud a tout cn jsm&fc which would make modest wom en blush, if poudrc dcperlcs allowed it arc what we get from Paris, where so little apparently has survived except the curse which every honest heart prayed From the AVoman's IJoston) Journal. "Woman Suffrage ia "Wyoming Territory. The followintr telegram was published recently in the New York Globe: A final vote was reached in the House to-day on bill Xo. 4, entitled, "An Act to Repeal tho Woman Suftrace Law." The bill was Introduced by C. S. Castle, or Anita county. The votes stood : Ayes l'lair, fastie, Dayton, Friend, Kay, Kendall, Sheefcs, Pease aud Wilson, all Democrats. Navs Brown, Haley aud 2ickeraon, all Republicans. Wc recently published an extract from Gov. Campbell's message, recommend ing that the law be not repealed, because it had been productive of such good -" suits. Still, it having worked again. class of unscrupulous politicians, ami defeated their wicked machinations, they now are determined on the repeal of the "act" giving women in Wyoming the franchise. A report which needs confirmation, but which the opponents of Woman Suffrage are "rolling as a sweet morsel under their tongues," conies to us, that the Governor has igned thc bill repealing tho sutirage act." If he has done So, he shows imsclf to be a weak man, after having 1st staled that the law had been very beneficial iu thc Territory, and in his judgment ought not to bo repealed. The testimony is cumulative, irom uvi-o source, that tho law has done food, and that continually. 11 nos ueicaicu im bad purposes of scheming politicians, and "that's what's the matter." In the Laramie Dady Sentinel, ot JNov. -Mm, we find a report ot a speccn, irom nun. ( w Timvnpv. delivered in the Council on this question, and in speaking of the good eiiects 01 iue law, ne suj s; "Vrune nas ucen pumsitt-u, Tt-jvun have been established; courts have ceased to be a mockery; lechery is no longer a 2rcmium." S?o important is .nr. uunc) a iu- mony, ho being on thc ground anu 00 serving thc working of the law, that we give the following extract irom 111s speech, as we find it reported in the Lar amie i'icntmci: Wyoming, the newest of thoJ.errito- ries, has tried an experiment upon an issue, whien nas uecn garnering sirengui and importance by slow degrees, until now, when it is auoot to ue roucu upon. tho nation as a national question, ior national action and national decision, we find the Democratic party endeavor ing to Impede tho progress of this mighty reform. But all their efforts to suppress its advancement will be as vain and futile as were those of the old Danish King Canute, who endeavored to make the ocean waves obey his man date, and although this great reform may to-day, so far as actual results are concerned, appear as insignificant as a llakc of snow, fresh driven from the" frosty clouds on high, it will speedily roll and revolve itself into an avalanche that will annihilate and sweep away all opposition. - If there is any one thing which, more than another, lias given positiveness to the reputation and character of Wyom ing, it is her early recognition and favorable consideration of woman suf frage as a coming issue. It is now pro posed to declare its demerits and repudi ate it, without a thorough and exhaust ive trial, in the very Infancy of the experiment. Mr. Chairman, I would avoid, if pos sible, in the discussion of this question, any allusion to party lines. "Whether it stands or falls, it is iu its nature above the throes of ordinary party strife, and should stand upon its own merits. But what Is thc history of the experiment ? Two years ago a Democratic Legislature passed a law giving women the right to vote and hold office, as a strict jarty measure. Thc Republicans accepted thc enact ment nnd in good faith aided in an im partial trial of thc result. With the ef ficient aid of woman suffrage, a Republi can delegate to Congress was chosen at the ensuing election. At the Territorial Legislature the first effort of this Democratic majority is to project tho repeal, as a strict party meas ure, 01 the law winch at the last Legis lature they enacted as a strict varti measure. Be it remembered that this is not an ordinary question of policy, but thc sup pression of a right of one-half of our people, and the belter half. I would not . 1 r . - iiiipugii iuu 1UUUYU3 ui any puny ur ui any man, but I must condemn that leg islation, which degrades the high priv ilege of the elective franchise to the level of party schemes, and remorselessly grants or suppresses, for the accomjilish- menl of party ends, and becomes a lit object "ior the hand of scorn to point his slow, unmoving linger at." T - i , e 1 . - 1 i t ... 1 e xici. us hmjiv mriiier 11110 uie insiory ot thc experiment. Woman, truer to her nobler and better impulses than man, ornatedwith political and official privil eges, has proven the loe or vice, corrup tion and debauchery. Crime has been punished, reforms have been established, courts have ceased to be a mockery, lechery Is no longer at a premium. Aro we, as men, restive under these changes? Is it because these changes have trans- Slred that we would now repeal the law? loos the higher light of womanly virtue and purity too much display our own deformity? Progress encounters carping adversa ries at every stride, and these adversaries arc not without piausiuic anu ottin cogent argipuent. Substantial reforms cannot transpire with one accord. They must lirst be broached to be deride.!; then urged to beconsidercd; then striven for to be adopted, and then tested be established or repudiated, to the measure of their merits or demerits. It is not surprising that the women of the tar region of North Carolina aro high-pitched. In Paris the first call of a new ac quaintance must be. returned - within three days. Silks cure sulks. If you wish tohave a healthy stonwh do not wear a belt, oranyother thing in the form of clothing, tight around your waist. Dyspepsia with girls and wom en Is often caused by reason of tlghtiu-'s of clothing over tho stomach. With men it is often caused by the high waist band on their pantaloons or drawers, worn tight about the bodv over the pit of the stomach. Let all your clothing be thoroughly loose at that point. Bad as tight clothing is on any part of the body, there is no place where it can, bo more productive or disease man m. about, or over the stomach. The stoni- . 1 nAf Tin ach needs plenty or room 10 not press it from without. If you do it will shrink to get away from the pres sure. A great many persons have dj s pepsla because they T.avc contracted the stomach from wftbont. Mha ng spaco enough in which to,work health, ?Jimrso shriveled Jip that is not KiSfeSSgS "to I retain jtlmt food tho bo3y need! for the- maintenance of strength and health.