V t -V lYr1- Jl. '-a 4 - FRIDAY- DECEVBEJt r; I87L Vwa ad tba juaorUgjbonihaMJaaffuj aion from tba pea of a woman wbo ; bopaa to gain little cheap notoriety by traducing bar friend In tba column of t man'a rlgbta Journal. It la well to jay, by way of explanation, tbat tha column of tba New Nobth war were pen foe any respectful eotnmuulceUon from tbia nian-wonhlpper andjtha) gooa imw, to aay notuiag. of discretion, would bar led her to make a denial if such were needed, m a lady'i -, . Editor AuUe-?Zi ilJJSTlha Woman'a HoUtlcal ! .iaktlonAaociaiMMi, waj w w.UthLi place, aragiren) and among other llilnn llva namM of the oftWf aud .X- aouUva Committee are published, and to ur surprise I And myself mention a. taa Executive Conirulttee. rnuonea I l arould Ilk fo stale, turougu your pa rer. ' ()! I mi not, d recent at tba aneetlna. and tbat I waa placed on tbat Commit tee without my knowledira of eouerat, Tbia la truly a Land of liberty, but Ue liberty of publlablng any IndlvlduaT name la any aocb connection without their conaeat U, in my opinion, a liberty 'peculiar;" nor hi niy name the only one which baa been need In tbla manner. - Any eauoe which la built op through deception tha etorme of truth muat err- - Wa pronounca til abova a groee, n proTokad libel wpon tba worthy ladles -l Vareat Ora Boiawatie bf tbetBTwe do not recoUert wbon propoaed tola 'womaafa nasaaaaaaambarof tba Ezn wUra Oaffnmlttaa, ant of eonrtasy, repra aentlng ber aa k woman' who waa foro Mat lit rafuna BMTeenenU, aud wba had tba good of aoclety vary much at 'aeart " The lady who reoomaaended her sadly mistaken,. M IM sequel proraa. Hat tbia man'a rlgbta eaUrer -. bad ample epportonity to raalga tba po sition with credit to herself before the : minute of tba meeting1 were printed, If . aha had bean aa dicpoeed, aa wa read Uta tlantaa t tha eloaa af ear bkit leotare laaPorest Orore, eight days before they were pabllabad, and bar name waa there proclaimed aa a naarahar of tha Exaou tlra Committee. - Again, tba raaswr wlO perceive that ber letter to tha BtdUHm written an tha mha.wjacltymi.aiif publication day, aad tba paper waa not sent to Forest Orove nUl the 9th, showing plalhly that thU Jod-Jbd premadlUtad . tbla .attack upon ; bar friends. - She U aa welooma to all aba aaabe by ber Infsasoua eondnct aaf poor Judas waa. , r r,:' . Tba public eaa sometimes forgirt men who, so far forget their aalf-iaapaai aa to traduce - their neighbor . women, bat whea a woman stoops thus low, aba 1 beyond redemption. Wo congratulate tba ladle of Forest Grove la tbat they bare anaarthed tbla lper, ,l It la well wbesi women know whom they may -. . . - i . L wo anna oaw twfrrj te that ref atyla" mat- baa not Joined ia'tbla attack upon ber friends, wa conclude tbat aba la worthy -af bet high position. ...r yg ynTTimr : But wa have brought tha facts to tba front; and these facts show that the people have been made to pay, by tba ' bad faith and naal-admlnlstiation of our county officials, "profligate and unwar rantable" amounU fj money, to men whose legal fees. Will) out extra allow ances, ought to be suCWlant to amtUfy. anybody. uetxua. : An old woman Uved In tbc bac k woods aad cultivated a tobaooo patch, by wblob aba managed to make money enough to keep her legal protector" In bis necee- - rtrpplylAyvwaatbahu band's wont to wander among tba luxu riant rows of the growing weed and boast about bla success IntheTobaow bus aesa, while bU wife did tbo work and -earned tbc money which last, a to us ual, you know, the Id. mar alwajr - "put la his owa pocket, ,r .-. -j One year tha tobaooo crop bad boon unusually large, and tba old worked night and day to aavc ft from approaching storms. X neighbor, la paaalag na day,- saw the crop safely boused and, entering the cabin, punched tbo toxy "tord' la tbo ribs with bis aana, a belay asleep In tba comer, and 7 Halloa, beta I acnart yoa been! Tobacco all safe, I V. '!Oh 1 yea, ludeed I" aaid the old brag gart, aUrtlng ape "Wt have '- deral (Tbo whole crop would ha apTJt IT I bada't been so busy r K AOIaJmCITT XTlTAIALLrtTO I V Tba ITfmhL ikmvlBia- toa aurkl trv " the New yoamwajr at lie tricka of l" eofanlranoe in county cnibexxlementa. 4 r-' now sot only ralsaa the Matop Ihler1 1 i : - cry, by which It hopes to distract pablie i . .: atteation from tba facta which we afoae . " -' are responsible for having collected and placed before tbc public, but bo patron i : :.iL.L: Islngly turns to us with tbla sort of soft sawder t : '' ' -- - i . r: Tlta elUrasa of thelftW Koktuu xiit aaa, or late, engaged In an enterprise la which she baa our moat hearty aympa c thy. Wa allude to ber exposure of the : offlclal corruptions of the Kadlcato of v-uiinoman eouuiy, ana sbe to doing It 1 . most thoroughly. We give ber Wave to I r- abuse us to ber heart's content, while e f . aha to engaged In such a good work. Uo f ' ahead, and may suocees attend voa la - , tbla ooterprisa. If yon think it adds force to vour blows to strike throua-h ua. ; why stlu we sayritlt away, the heavier uk bettor. e are not soman, you see. . Aai urotaer jkoi were, loo oki a . bird to ba trapped by chain ., v r "The 1Udlcala" would never rm! our blows If wo should strike Ihrouxh you. , if you tlmt A criminal .who aaa turaod f tale's eiHdenca ta an attempt to save hto own Mbaooii' mast bear bto honors meekly each aa tbey .are. - . - - -Why wMywa garble the Urand J-rr RepartT 1 Why have you not vet nab- Uabedlt? AsdvhT M Vm .It.Mnl la! Steal out thunder? , , 1 r When the:', followed by Hie fc.roiakM,aoc time ago deqlared that the Grand Jury Rvr waa VeroiV'? document, ca up t the f W a for political Lumw that a ( a. aaendowtfeSxt WoCd b miH(. lnde those Iiopubllceua wbo bad been so far o mindful of their part dutica as to re gard their higher dutiaa a lira ad Juror so we bar tbc wean tat ton. Tbj Jftbe bar. whose bPI--IAuent bar. TTnt . ami . - "' FbrrLAKn. Dae. IS. 171. We. the andenlrMd nwmbere of tba lata grand Jury of Jd uUuoiaxh eouuty, atata tbat a document put fortQT aa our report, by pyivester rennoyer, was not signed by urn. Wa objected to the docu ment, and told Mr. lYnnoyer that vt did not Intend It aliould be submitted to tba coort In tha ahapa In which it waa presented, . Wa made no examination of tba county record, and do not know whether tba figure preaeated in the aoruuMnt are correct or not. -" " The document la not a rcpoft'of The grand Jury, tort a composition by 1r. Wnnoyar, which wa aa member of the grand Jury declined U accept. We went Into court lor I n-t ructions wilb an un derstanding tbat we should return te tha Jury room with the report and eon aider tba eontenta thereof. " Bat on tba Court a asking Mr. Poonoyer, tba fore man, If titer waa any further baarneaa before tba mad Jury, ba answered, Be, and the Court dtocharged ' mm for tba term. ' Trro. J. OotnjL i V J. K.OHK, - ; ItuiaLMt. Members of tba Uta Uraad Jury. owTllfiak equal to signing oaVa owa deatb warrant T..Wa pity the man who la aa' jauoh a party slave aa to aV taeh fata ataas to auob a ttbet upon bio- -BarrtanOemeii dr;tua. prar7Ery7lW14TWwia ajvquTJUou loiliay tbo ease baa g too bu- to be diaixmad of by your feeble remonstrance. Ao nial o (Ae arte txmtaimed in A Ortmd Jurg Jtejtori hat oecM wtad. No euch denial can ba made, for tbey arr taken from tha official records.": In this stage of tba aoatrovaray Ulsof but Utile auo aaent whetber tha Grand Jury IlesMtrt be a genuine document nr not.- That Beport called tba atUnUon of tbo Nrw NoaruwiaT to tba matter of eouafjr ft- nanoea, and Investigation than corroborated the statements there- f In frontal ftwJ. - t- ovrrr ft r " ' A 1 1 lil Wa bad several times Imagined some WoT Binng retmko fbr tho" Demtrrati reoent oflenetva fling at ua bat whenever wo would tbfask of It, a tataptwoabt gat tba) batter of Indigna tion, and axs wonld glva if bp disgust How, however, comas forward tba Oro- gon aaallefan, wbleh proceeds la tba fcl- bnrlag masterly style to tight tbla bat tie, and la tbo name of decency wo thank tbat Journal for tha assistance t tery exhlUted by tl iMmoorta la are- hferringacbariraof tbat charaotor against us, wa wiu rauaara. uuu in wo two pre ceding paragraphs of tbo same leading arucie iron, vaiw vt copy um Ba IkAWaU extract tliera U usetf Janguaga. so .broad ana coarse, ana at ute ciosa or loo nrst of too two paragraphs, so shockingly nasi la hi onpaMoaabie foul a ass, and awond, that tha community In which his pans is Is sued would totoratcft Without indig nant protest. It Is positively the aaatl eat BButeaeo wc have ever seen la print la tba Htate, except ta one ltiatanco-aad tbat waa wherein the editor of tha saute 1 paper published what ha kn anotner caitof or anotnor uunnl or- unnt wheal fan printed In Albany, with he aad beea la partuei rshli p. Yet the per- i i , V i . i i - . i the uncottaolonable audacitv to aacuse ua of indulge ooe la tbo 'Oregon style." I tf H-a bare a corrodt Idea T6T Hua wfcCT is termed tha "Oregon style," It to tba t ooenaive, auurnuoua, - uavioan language, uuflt fur publtoatloa. z. Wouett of Oregon, docI you sec thati when men revile ua and; apeak evil of aa fatoaiy la tbo public walka of life, thai pentUmtn aatnralry stand ready to nil aad Dunlsh them. And. If tbev defend aa, will tbey not also demand jrowy O, yo of llttla faith "t Wa carmot oally tha If w Noarnwwsi with tbo fr4- tHmoctafa acurrlllty, therefore wc can not tell you what that Journal aaid. Bat yon can form a Just opinion of tbo at tack from tbo jrugcrtwwagiarka; "-vrr t A woman walked to towa waa dav this week, a dlataooa of twelve as ilea, to a ciiarre of asaanit ana battery agaiaat her bojdiaad, wbo abo: all egad beating iter tat vears. after a warraat bad been aseaad, a aaa- tnal frload arrived aad aueoaodad In atopplna! tha proceed! nee. lie save fceaayrebaeyeaos artgbtaned out er ber wits, and ao one wel onouirh ta- terest In tbo matter to Had out which etery ta trao, eer-o'ja. r a ""So one feel- ertovgh latereal In the mailer lo find but which story to true l If a man had atade that eomplalat against his wife a woadei ful axoti would have rollowed, and ' the ' Whole thing would, have beea charged to the aoaouat of tbo "wemaa movemanL" It la a woman, however, who complains of harsh usage, It to doe rood a matter of little conaequeoce, forsooth, because It aaid that alt to ereay, whea la all probability If aha ta erajtylt waa ber huaband brutal treatment that made Woaaaa af Oregon, with ao asaay ta- ataaeee kindred to this all thowhlle oc curring around you, think you that you have 'all the righta yen waatr' . - awaasnsBBwaBBBBawsa I 7: V7 Tit AQUMJ ' ; The Oreffomlan last Week stated that a certain Juetioe of the reaca la rbrtland lAatraascatal ta Insreaslng the county expenses. Tba Btato casta la JutlCM CourU la 1870 post Ibe eouuiy U,9M nat la 1871, HU bV vldoaUy tbat oiplaaatlon won't da. Try again. Vvmi lnraa rtf hnnnWttnn tsf tartfef lh - iw - J IlarAXCATICaf. The Herald of last Tuesday waa re plete ufth full and convincing roof, rTowL"! thai Ex-Secrt'ery tl f ( at to tba taia of Oreawola tk if ouU of tlt,a Wc dip the f 7 l t&H It coixmna, tfTSaOrand oicuneni maava ta i Jury at fato-jj. GraBJ JurT u ssantyat tao-sato ti rover presented the facta ahowlng the dentalte and embeaalementa of Hautuel K. May, late Hecartary of tHatc render nanirai mie. -Fouretoastaof tbeee thefts wcrclhtfwV U awaa p, to about alt. UK), aa far discovered, aud yet, owing to the cou rused eooditlon of the Ktate aocounto and tbo aaodea adopted of doing, ar rather asHtoiag. tbo ttublio buslnsss, tbo as- eertaiuiuf of all losses to not now poasi ' Tha flra Indictment foaad are a fol low! - - . t ! ' L larceny, of SiSeo 79; taken from the t-per cent, fund, arising from the alee of United Htatea public la L Larceny, of $1,867 ; takomv froat toe a-per casts. lUM. a . I li . I Sk alU sales of A Iknbcullng the proceeds of the seven hundred and fortr-two cot4a of tbc Code, authorised to be sold ataa per votame, a4,.i oa. .... .- a iMtwity of..aLUx 00. School University fund, arising from the sal of taiHxa, " a. Lajeeny of tS,3S Sa, paid to' May aa Hecretary oa account of an persons la the lasses Aaylosa, aad mmt paid to the Treasurer aa the. law, re- Ottirea. ' - -Alt the money paid to May aa one of taa aaaard of Baboal Load Oseu oracaaaot be now aaecrtalaed. Board "under Hadioal rule" kept no re cord of tnclr proceedings as a Hoard, and no record of the deeds executed by worn. 4 ,r. r- - Tbc evidence la aaid to strongly Im plicate Fx Hevaraer Woada, aa wall aa May, la the above tranaacUona, E. IX Foudray, of Jackson county, baa been thua it goav Sew avldonoa to ooaUaaally coming to light of the ro ntoisclcas manner ta which the people are being plundered by their rooreant puUle.aarvaata.--ror Weode aad May there-to no excuscv - But wa have to-day A IUng at HsJem, composed of the mem bera of the present BUUGiivrrumant, by the aide of whose offlotoi tivxiagre- atoaa thoaa of Woods and May sink Into comparative obscurity. The time to not far distant who the deeds of the Ulrg la power at Baloa will have au atrtag. ! .A 1OTIAL. ; Under tbla head the Albany Xtenaaoroi ppsceed to scold the Portland dally pa pers In a beflttlng manner for having perpetrated a gross outrage upon com avta decency. Wc think, however, tbat ear brother abould exonerate the atdVo eatt and the Nrw Koarra west from tbelmpUcatloa that they, belag ."Fort laad cxritaagea.H ware guilty af tbto abomination. Bays the Demonnli ' Our Portland exchangee last Week contained a detailed account of Victoria Woodbuu'a recent lecture delivered New . York City,, but, tba uttoraaose therein contained are so utterly at va riance with common decency that WC re frain from giving them aa air lax throurh our columns belle vine s we do, that neither the family circle nor aoclety at lanre eaa receive anv benefit from their persuaLUta lecture waa l BlgUU4wUU sassl aaasatlng tir7Theuocument uiMnavuivi wvmtnvnm w iitvu iic fer tile brain and corrupt . heart of the Woodhull could devise, and the laa- nre need cannot fall to shock tba mora ut "and seiial lire class of people. The doctrine therein promulgated goes farther and deeoeuds deeper Into the slough of free lust than we have before beard of emenating from the lowest class or iree lovers." it Is not ouly sicken ing In Its vile Matltodre but TnolUne to all Cbrtatendotn In 1Ur ri.toehvn.inT spired charge and insinuation against Keered Writ and the teachings of our lowlv Kavlor. It la a fearful avomrJI. flcation of tbc oVhasIng Influences of wuat la called ute "woman movement," which la really n "flaak movement" of IMwjllJtojMnj!B..a frmh tmflng-JuJ those aarred plaoea where lie has for the past few centuries found his influ ence and teachings losing caste. It Is asmilting the Very citadel of the heaven- oruatned marital reution and to attack ing bumanltv in It weakest spots: and It la strange that the publication of such Indecent utterances can be tolerated In commuulUea which claim to beclviilzerL christianised and Virtuous. T Our brother aay trnty that ttMiuovi to a fearful exeupllnoatioa of what f called the "wemaa nseveasent,' u - The gueU and pure and noble wives aud mothej-sof (he jtatkm, wbo have Bto conaotontloualy to the work of their own emaneJpatloa In large hara ber. have jonf aubmrtted to the whnU. af the Oregea presa; aad it to a cheeriag dgu of the times whoa one newspaper of the man'a rlgbta party faarleaaly-salarnister auob well-timed robukoa. ? . -'i.ta ii; ' 'WmaBWaammmaamamm"BBj, f . ,,1 a niH. ubl.h.-.m. ill. a Tbto theft It the hlcheat tolaeea of trust m our Btato, and atartttng to boa- et men, ta one invoivloe; the of the entire beard af Of. leer under the last Radleal Mate adsaintstraUon. It Involves Msy to a eertainiv, and almost aa vxnarnry i( involve w Tbc above to very true.. It baa been suggested to aa,. however, thai It will apply very well In a abort time who we get the Item la chape for publication, to certain membera of the Belea Ring, by merely subaUUiUag i We propose to act oa the Cuggeetlon. '. . a i ii if i i .f j ; J 7 The Orrpiaiaa gJvee the SsaeJl saw- yers" a 'luiaJlngjaTar the coakr" of rt wrath for Increasing the county ex pasaee by huutlngup catUesTTor HHgaT ttonv while aothlns; to aaid of the big lawyers engaged la the same disreputa ble traffic. The Ortffrmiaa't remark are significant la the premiss aa ledioaUug that tha "small lawyea"- don't totbelUag. ' :' -:.: f-KiciujkArrcri.muLATici The itan af 'mlaosllaasous" la late mounted ta ISM S, aad la 171 to tl 014 tX. Oar tBpertanccuaw popnh Iloa must bo Inorensl ug raplCyii fr 10- ..VIM!.. 1 A.ar ; i . . - 7 The recaoHs of the Grand jury . :it.Mr f ayaaua m I U .0m ap- jm mm Mn iiftt" v. ww Ayr vtusLaaddoaotkaorf wht Je er .e ft ira thereia cootalnei are cut awtoraC - ..- ' . To show you, gentlemen, tbc manner In which you perforated) your official duty granting that trie foregoing to correct allow as to "f!veyou a litUe law upon the subject. " ' Rectlona 82 aad M, page 450. of the Or- egea, Cbde, day t -A ? -LLTk Bansaaah la adalttentotao aswse and duty Mescribed la section it the grand Jury baa power, and It to their aoty to lacralrer -1 ' i ...x-. c- . wi . into tbo aoadltloat aad, aaaaage saent of every public prison la the, coun ty: and f 1 lata the condition and tbc manage ment of tbo cAeee psrtaiotag to tbc courta of Justice la tba coanty. , riaLTlux U. Tbey shall be eutlUed to free ajccesa at all reasonable timea to tba p rise as and taJhose ment toned In aee tksa tcL and also to the oxaaaiaafJaxn, without rbarge, of all pablie r-rerd la tha coanty, i -". Tbwa It will be sera that the Grand Jurors wbo.algaed tbc .recantatloa la doing ao have algaed a coufesaion of their own aegtart of jduty , Wh4 a hameful proredurel " a "7 7a-j "Their stateaamt also rcoorts atrongfy a pun the Circuit Jwdge, who, If the Grand Jury Ihrio ar spurious doou eseut, maK have beea ta. connivance with Mr. raaooyer. r- .,j t . "f There may be atreagth la aumbera, but Mrtreaatyar,!Lne4Uon public to much more raviaUe thaa tbat i : X OITXCXIDIT.O .1 ItUe ITmifrf toat Trhasiay-waa flltod with eeeeoaU of the dVfalca Uoos of 8. hV May, Kx rWiretary af Oietuu. We give that paper fuUL credit aa being Uie first ouo to authoritatively put the facta before the public.- When Ute tSawryoaJMWKOT aasarthad tbo ex travagant tranaactlona of the' Court House Rlag la FortUad ' Ute Jftrnld remained atloat for over a week, aad tbea had tit audacity to come out aud clatoa that It ha4 brought the fact to light," Vow, Bra. Ike, how Would you like U wore are to come forward and claim that wo had expaaed tlta misdo ing y ou talu nnteh j ride ta parad lag before tlie public T ; tn 1 . The traaget part of the whole pro cedure te that the BttaUt haa beea aad to pot bached ap la tbia claim by the like there waa an agreement among our editorial brethren to Ignore net Very Well. ' We eaa stand It. We aappoao It to aa simplification of the man'a rights doctrine that a woman It never entitled to credit, no matter what er how groat her services. -" -- r-1 . Kever mind, geatlemea; the time will cocao ta oar politico aye, aad 1 near at bond Whoa you wilt not Bo readily Ignore th effort of women, aad whea yea will, perchance, be sorry that you over did so. A BOLD, BAD MAI t to not report of the grand Jury, but a compos! lUon by Mr. rennoyer, which wo aa meuibet of the grand Jury aeolmed to accept. We wcoi Into court for asatructione with aa aa (lent ta ruling tlutt wa abould return to the Jury room with the report and con- sMier tue conieaia anreoi. . iui on toe Court' asking Mr. lWaover, tlta fore man, if there waa aay fart bar businea berore ine grami jury, nc answerfXI. Jso, ami the. (JOSII rt alstiltarsTil - fov-the tersa.--ir Afeaveera of she Lato Oram! Te cap the climax af all this abaurdl ', then, the sanaating Grand James, Whea l the documeat in ejaaatloa was to tlta tVidrtr were audVlenly slmk dumWtacholog aup poos) ion tbia tahjhty I'eunoyer aad made no rcmonstraaca agalast the Be port being accepted a genuine. ., vt Ah, iVuiuiy er, you are a bold, bad man I: To tbiak thai you wumI as de ceive ywar aaeaupeetiag vtotlass. pain aft wa the Grand Jury aad the Coast numiknllM that tby. area uoomposiUenncf yourownl You should be abut up la some aafe place for prac ticing year arte oa nasophlstioated ba nian, nature, or, better still, be burned for a witch! . 'A Mrs. Daaiwav haa asolarad ttrat whea Victoria Wood bail ahoald bo eleetad bv tlte woaaaa of tbto eountnr as PrsaiilettL . 1. . in m .t ' . 1 1 uh auiw 01 iaiTyHMa sooutu oe tongwr iraM rile once as. collector at Favtlaad. Of eouvse Mr. Wsodhali to hat caadldataa C SmUrprim. - Which to nat true. We did aay that whea Elisabeth Cody Btaatou became President somebody might bo reeaeved from the rurtlaad Custom House, The Itmyviss, aa usual, to very ecotiosalcal la Ito aa of truth, a well aa decency The Orrmmimm ve-publtohee a short table of county; finaneea from the JTer old, claiming that It completely eton- eratca the Ring from all suspicion ; of ex- travagaaceor dlsltonesty. Oanalderlng that every- charge a tat made against the IUng to fully verified therein, the eflbrt made at JusUfieatloa bjr tta puhrl oatiou to desperate Indeed, aad the at tempt to draw comfort titerefrom to uggcetlvh af vain endeavor U gather beat from aa Iceberg er aunbaaaaa from Hcumbera. ... , u., 1 rxOBLEf I01TED. : flow much, then, ta k inaa better thaa abeep 125 11 1 i - ; . ; Tba maa wlto ruined a gtrl la aeh(te the Prison for three year. The man wbeatole a nule to sent for one year.- - JVo, th kffal eoae of a young wom an In Oregon 1 three vulea,. . 4 Pprrui th century."' Zrrr Tf.!l T" lllaaxn. auV auto. eu7 t-aiaTuui dlmta btcnTJtnara "' r 1 I .. . . . . ...... ... --i -I LZ2y CAM I v 1 KU." (By the auCof tboryuaea In the H?mld, entitled "Wotuau'e Sights aud r Zr- for which the writer la eorry jA pardon, ICa. Js'aw NoaTif- TbeslAbaat:, noneenslcal twaddle of cur yret immortal Joaquin" often appeared ta tbo writings of Byron, and In lamentable fact aaoma to have been a "Cblkle Harold," who, (the author I mean) although a mighty genlua In hto wayi afea gave wito JrpHUl Jieeyl 1 Mute of a lck-bralnef i blld, Xet ua turn rrom tnal great poeiiiuai fumlaary, whose lustre time baa scarce ly yet dimmed, and behold the epheme ral sky-rocket that baa lately abet fUelf Into our literary boa vena.' ' ' Our Orrgoulaa Iatoreate, now perched upon the dixxy pinnacle of fame, mar vels ut hi own atupendoua genlua, looks scornfully" down on humanlty and, fee bly echoing Byron;' sing, ' ! do not care for men." I 'wonder If It mstters to men whether you do or no ""But don't turn the cold shoulder on u that way, Joaqulu rfoa'fr-'Wa have read your poetry with njuch patience. ' We have Buffered much mmrA ' ' Don't aay you don't care fur ua, Joaquin, for you afo, though. Just aee what pain 700 take to gain our praise. ' Oh t how you inch yoor brain ao reaa oM admlra tloa t ' ITow It doe pleas you td'bear Jonce of Smith apeak of yo as "th great Korth American pootP It to for thla. mv 1 vouner - and IneXtierteacad friend, that you write. You waat warI,nM bea,, unotber aerial, write; that we may aee what a great fel low you are." If we, the public,' wet not around; If you, like Crusoe, had the Iwauuy all to wmTfryoy wouldpoi write a Itnar--t Vim Pshaw I any musical young man It waa fur aioa aud their pre to tbat you became a wanderer from the dear ones at 'home,' fbraaklag litVe elngto Jewel, lovet'Te Irvtfev forsooth, and for what? That you might be reoa aud by whom? By Wv My dear boy, you have gone to a great ileal of painX "for mea," aad you'll find In the future that, like Esau, yea have 'made a Meat of It Aad you'll also find, la after year, whea yea have geowa toot-aero 4a your pilgrfenago to the ahrlna of Notorietyr that raate-to but aa amutu bubble after all. And whea you tuns your thought Inward and nallxe the lonely deaert you have made la your heart, whose denotation to peopled by the phantoms of past pleasu res thtTverTirreturh!Tthen you will algh forth almple aad the true of the long ago, and your heart win bow down la Its aorrow, and your who! be ing will eonfee that obscurity were preferable tothe fame of -Byron, If put- chased at the price you have been will ing to "pay for t,l?7:' "Adten, thy young and inexperienced Mend, a41eua!!l ant sorry for yoiLJSut don't -pea drm't-ktiRet anna na any WMtie each falsehood ne "t Ar' Mr -1 "1 a ww urn. - ,a ,Jli JsATUlaiMal. iv rOiu oftylaarhaaKrvm "The" last week by aolitlclana froaa all parts of the State Vaxtoua minor aa to the plana adopted tor the campaigt. next June are afloat. The meet remarkable oae W hat beard Is tliai a bargain has beea cfAeted btwoea certain Rlaga, ay which aarae partlee who are In the habit of tnanipuUUag 4 Beparfdieaa-polittca are to aseure the nomination for Con Creaa to Joe. WlisoaV while cataaalbly working la the laterost of W. IX Hare tbea to bring about tha nomination of Democratic eandidate for Caugroasman. Tlta BepubUcan Rlag will tbea throw He Influaueo ta favor of Neeanltk for Cong rasa, aad a retura the Danocratlc attqua aforesaid will use their Influence to secaea the election of the Republican Binea candidal to the rafted States Beaata. t la Uta trade the Democratic twhHrsrrTiitwr'io Hlierlfr of tbto county. This, If true. fuUy eorrefcorataa the receat report of the ootnbiaatloa of Rlaga hamabeata, taa itaauttfal worfcinga of a Ring within -mi tUtux. Wvgtva the ta- aaor for what Jt to nmcib. is -it-tut - fo am txif. Ubatandlna: tho nnnaralleled In clemency of the weather oa Monday evening, the good people of Oregon City turned out In creditable number to bear our aaklrca upoa "women' duty aacit- liens, and editors duty as gentlemen." The nlatoat atieotioa aud good feeling prevaUed.- pa Tueotlax. veiling M re. Miller waa also greeted with a large but we regret to aay somewhat disorderly audlencr.Jv:A. splendid report of her meeting baa reached us too late for this Owing to , the reoent anow atom and the fact that ladle are generally afraid of attending lectures In. bad we reluctantly retraced our steps, after holding a meeting In Oregon dir. re solved to start again wben tha anow die appeared. We leant from a letter Just received from Balem tbat a large audi ence turned out at that place oa Wed nesday evening to greet us. Wa aasur them that had vie known tbat wc should have had half aa audience we abould been have on hand ; but there to no fan In laTklug to empty benchee In a anow storm, and we thought we wouldn't risk 1U . Better luck next time. Glad to learn tbat you are plucky, ladies. - CTltB MOUXrOJUll", LOQia . The Orrotmkuk seem to think that beeauae former county administration paU an extra aad unwarranted amount tothe Sheriff and Or, tha therefore II to all right now. In other word. It I an right to steal now, becaue aomebody rtoit btfureL 1: -; ' - ' ; - ' . , ! flf , ..4 Ik ... I .At'--. A SSEIUrr COT TUtUiJ. A corresaxIdtar-rSa; ua from Ruseburg, syya that the eberlfT of the county aftdtook to get up a dance la of ToaiCoa t Miss Ahtbony'e lecture at tUt ptooc, and that- the danoa, aa wall aa the ppoattloa, was total failure, aa the people proved themselves ao far aa- perior o their sheriff a to pay more need to brain than heels. Well, well; Hi n mta'a righto aisa way J nat as well succumb to circumstance. - Tbey arc mere, pigmies la the wajt ot. human progress, and their futile CtbrUonly prove how weak their oiipositlon really IsT-MVeU ILT. rrlgl.UiJ.lrrlir lo attend the ttext Woman Saffrago lec ture and help the public to .forgot what t ridiculous blunderer ho haa proved blmself. ' '' -' "v ' i i. "i -i ev Hay,Mr Bherlff, won't you Cocao out to hear uv whea we gxi to Hamburg T We'll .do you good .audiataV avlUw atc-d earnestly aasur you. ,nf ..t . ' v- il ij aa. .11 axaaa)1: jij.lir .1. -I) i. , I ,J ITJBatlD. T. 7 ,Wc thla week flnUn Uie story of "jj dl'th lteld." ThU aerial baa beea baa tity dashed1 off at lutervals during1 the past eight' niontba, to suit the demand of out printer f barla of If having been Written perhaps In'twenty dlnerent' lo calities, mailed without the possibility of revision and published without op portunity for us to read the "proof. " It lias met With awst deckled public ap proval, aa bundretb of letters In our poa- ssssinii am4yssUfyla J-1 , en til Ittcd,Ta. u" 'r rarmerw Wt,ofwhb,h 1 la .u.n huim InlaMllnv than JawrHU be even more interesting than "Judith Reld. Kow hrtha time hrWncrrb. Friend of our causa, awnd ta your name a' BdneyTT'BecaHUf ttUkStl premium totyt-"' 1 - -.rf r t -i a.,1 i; "rTraas'TBaio ' The 'following report of the 'Joint Committor of the Washington Territory Legislature appointed for the purpose stated m tn jvpon, is uui auotner evi dence of the corruption everywhere pervading our politic Udayr . 7 Nr. President i The "Joint committee. com posed or lite commute on ways, Means ana xxatma at 10c two riouaai whom are referred the report of Territorial AmUtor and Treasurer, after a laborious session, bee leave to submit a report neceasarily brief on aocowntof the hrT- f -hJTL.r.l.lr. , . or ouatueaaincrnwaf toine eioa- I The committee spent several days In ekamlnina: and eouiimrina the accounts and voacliers of the audi tor and treasurer. Title lob waa malciilly liaaened by the aim pis ana extremely novel manner adooted by these aentlemen In keepiua their accounts. For Instance, whenever the a editor paid the treasurer his salary, hia rent or ether Incldentai expenses of his ornoe, tbat omeer would suggest tbat there was no Awec-lly foi taking rcoetpta for the same, and tbc auditor, appreciat ing tble laboe caving auggoatioii, would pacefuUy eonacnt, When taa auditor likewise received hi salary, postage stamps and etcetera, the aame unique system swems to have been nifeptedsr And thua tie ssaantoa rale of donbss' ontry gave way to M'o aiore imp! oue of uo eiiir., . . j r "T-. "The auditor having charred $30 pel month for the rent of a small room labia art rata dwellina need as aa office, the wnrnmillss ressiainiend that hebealiowed 10 per montb for tna us or the same. A her an examination of the treasurer1 vouchers, tltoeomniltto iwacooded tathe otTito of hi deputy, to count the balance on band, as sliowu by taat omccrs re port to the Legislstlve Asecmbly, ITer again the lahors of the committee were greatly cxpediled, for taatead of having to count tlte several thousand dollars which shank! have been In the aafe, we were jxdltrly tnfonrled that "the balance waa a nemrou one, ami tnat tnera waa uot really a dollar left with which the committee could drluk the health of tlte treasurer , upon bis retirement to the walk of private life.' The uudttur'a voucher acre gtncrallji In due fol ui, and we were unaiti to diaoever any taotance where the Territory bail paid two bills lor tue sei 1 ion ivuucreii, bihi TiierCTDn nciieve mat no iwnmn na been peounl arllv aacriflced bv tho Territonr-s : l l.'pon axamiiuttiou of the variouaeoat bills found iu the auditor's oflloe. tba coinmittttC were atrucx seeriiieas witb simi ration at tbc eminent financiering euiiity or several ex use suertna, unt par ticularly that of sheriff Carson, of I'kireo. Thlsoftioer. aa the committee have here- toiow jTpnrtcuv.waa. able totra4iaporta4 prisoner ait toe way rrom nioiwouom 10 Vanoouver aad bring two back anoia. for tit insigninoant sura oti,usi. Amoux tlie numerous items of this bill, we find that It cost f JO lo go from Hurt land to Vancouver on the steamer Cascadiw. Now the reirnavr far was just $&, aud Ute committee titereiore conclude that sner- ttl (.'arson, fully imbued with the 1 ra the portaiioe awl rtHrnnrof hi official post tioas ehartored tbc whole etaamer. to tha admiration of the naiivee of i'ortland and particularly the OrexQu Htcam, Xav ion vomnanv. tm. ute return tnn. we Aud a chanre of at LiiikllghteVa, nndaalaUtUlghuwtnfbnaath eonunit- lo tbat be ouly. reeeivett at, it to pea sumoiJ Uiat this gentlenuui, aympatbia lug with the rigid economy, of sheriff (arson, on settlt-metit of tna aeooant. uetlucted W0 from the bill. We also find that the aame ameer haa charged for the keeping- of couuty prisouera, retarnlnx them aa Territorial, coavlcta to tlte auditor. 'Your committee further find that vnen conVIcl 1 ouiur escaped fi the peaitentiary, aud was aliaeut aome Uiree nioutiis. that sheriff Carson not only charged IS per day for hto boaed, but also brought la a bill for clothing furnished ilurlnx tbo aame time. The committee here beg leave to remark that this practice la in accordance with the regulations of allotlteT first -class heusi. no deduetione bains; made for either hoard .or -lodging unless - the) : guest noUflea th landlord of the time of hia departure. . . " ' The Assent Wv will pardon tt-edtrrea- atoo and permit aa to state that ta oar opinloathe gravel wastes and Ar solitude of Pierce caa never afford scope for the brilliant financial ability and fertile re sources of tills officer. Let bint seek the nottoa'a groat atetropoiMV New York, and We are sanguine that Boa Tweed will at once band over th belt to the clamdlrger sheriff.' - - ' ' - Thocxantlrwtlon developed Interest! nr. phaav in the toulag of tho coettractfor keelng Ute Insane and repair f tit aay luiii bulUllnra.Tiitract4r Ilartiton waa authorised to expend M In repairing tna buiuunga, ana ao eo ctoaeiy uiowad InatruAasoa that the account rendered only amounts to a Uui mors than M,CU& Tlte committee conclude that daily ass a elation with tlte luaonebaa randatad the eaatractor stark mad, aad we await with great anxiey the next report of resident ai nyeietaa item 1 men way, Jncoucl conclusion, w reramutend the paa- sage oi the siwiujny Ut re-olutiutt. ' K. I. r' UiTM, LV CO" ill Co. wiiaaaaa, VbH K-i-sa Cvc', ' WUKHKAs. Tha exauilnatlon T tlva Joint committee eppotnted to in vest irate us, aeeoantoof the lerrHortal Aaditer oud Treasurer, diacluaea tha fact that gvoss frauU have been perpetrated Ulioa the TrvrttorUi rreaaury,' by frauduient aassua-uKlstsaralmM tSiaka,olMM,L. lluaa. ' ooaywWnn, That the proaveuUnr attor neya of the several diatrirta ar hereby Instructed to com nteaeo aetiavt, at vll or criminal, or both, against any and all persons who may have thus frattduiently or uulaa fully obtained Territorial fund. I not our fair land cursed with "Inatl tutloos." wrinaeconrealed aim Is tot fiord anrebuked llccnae to Just such crime aa tbia? These grim mausoleums are not patronised a loner by-tboae unfortunate victim of mtoplaocd coarkleoen, who, lo eoueoal a pravtoua violation of the aev euth eomuaBBKlmoat, desperately raaort to a reck lea break Uig of the aixtlv- It were a mercy to inauklud, If ouly euch. were pensloneva upon these charnel bouaea. But from line not friendly to nasty foaaln, w learn that wricnen, bound by ealemn Vow of wedlock, not infrequently Invoke the superior aclon tiflc skill aud professional allvantajrsa(T) - par And for what f - Tbat the sweet buds af prowls may ba nipped with sums subtle aiLwillan vmiiimIv ' ' If mAlhan will an. cept a reciprocity treaty with Itinerant voadere of aefarloua poisons and murderous, advice, tbey wilt un doubtedly be enabled to work auarvetoof rata bukI desolation. There naay be, at hrst. n ahlvertug aorror at toe. bejoaug gsstlea of aotng violence to Desn ana bone; out to tbo thojf(lit, aud aay gveHto misgiv ing may anon be stlnitooj. Coasclenee, waeau tampered ' srtthy Wilt ' pdlly psychologiae natural atlectioN, aad toad . duty blindfold to tbc brink of rkttoua re Itelfion, aud thrust ber down headlong. Tli auinrestlve picture affords - Just tnresi foetl frleoaaiest rorvboUlngf ' It that nothUir ' abort af weald eeeai dtiutolilacal Id aattafbe-: torily account for such dire wickedness: and a pity It to, that the perpetrator are not pernritted. like ercaturea similarly pgmisiiit of obi, to go violently dewa aoni -SUep place -aud pariah la 4b waters. I( tlte thundering threats of Sluai will not deter womanhood from the perpctratioa of such erlma,iet soci-. ety arm itself, ami let the glittering sword of aa avenging pablie opinion be nasi toathed for tba protect! oa of the la aooent, The public eoiawdence haa bo come very maty aad slip-shod upon the subject, and so attenuated aa to be hardly recognisable. .- We cannot dlamtoa ao graraauisttor with a I wad eyuVfniaHwn phraeocalculatcd to tickle th popular laate. There Is too much of serious Im port in it. - Frivolous, pleasure-loving womanhood haa brought no Into thla di lemma; practical, conscientious woman hood an Raid viae some escape therefrom. What arrumenta will avail to terforata tba atrong artnof of vemtir apparent- prodetermlnatioa to avoid the s hackles maternity t W ara ta tbo .very midst of ,aa imperiled present, aad it would be sheer nulary to dwell on the possibilities or future Utopias. What to substantially right, and what can vrao- questTon which should cxerctoe ua. The world need powerrui revival ormotber- hood. There abould baa genuine Fcnto- costal of sweet and loving mater- . aitr. addiaar aaaltitudea of eon verts to tho order of true wotnanhood. JiatAsn hood, n Orrriartd Monthly for lMmber, m .. ' - low Tarribl DiaaxUr wax lrovcataa. How a fcarfut rIIroa4 accident wax prevented to thua toM by a-convspon-ml yf ths t'tla Jftralif at Ilsrhaesdj N.Y., where tint accident ha ripened: Fourfreixht car, heavilv laden with lumber and , merchandise, - had beea - - brought to the Junction near tVasvllle, by a eoei trsra. Theao earn wore earo leaal y ancouplcd on a grade of elghty flve feet to the mile, ih Immediately bevan backing toward - Utlca. Thev - gained Momentum at a fearful rata, and all exlerta toatoptbera by throwing raito and other obatructlonaon tho track were Ineffectual. A train left Utlca but eight minute before, and evcrv on waa wall aware that la a few minute the heavy freight car would go orUshlng Into ita rear.' Fortuneatelv tba ona-ina of that coal Iraiu stood on a switch, and Engta ccr rerrw at oace determined to gtvo the flying car a cnaaa. All hand mount to tha uost of dot yr tho aiavsal 4a atvoa. and tba race to befrun.Tbera is awful dangvraliead. for if tii tit work men should Dav th rati tirs or tlte or tlte ffrlnr cam taeataelve should loavetk track. vrv man would be In eternity In an lostani Mile after mile the cliaaa to kettt tin. and the locomotive gains Inch by luch. At tost the fuxitlve are overtakenr tKa critical ruement haa cetna.' A mistake aud all I over; the flying car wUloaly,. ba haaleaed Iu their flight by th collu sion. But tlte fireman and brahemaa are reaching down from the rear of the tortdeev one Witb tho drawbe and tat ether with, tlte eoepllag-pin, The car touch; tba draw-bar carefully guided enters the wicket, and the pin dro Into" Ua place, - The danger la over, tho speed gradaallr chocked, and ii tea the engine and rescued care aroagaia climbing the grade to CaaavUlo, The deed of the engineer and hto faithful aasiataata waa one of tree heroima, and will, bar bo reeaiimhi is J ay those la th crowded paasangar trala, whioh waa ' but a. few hundred foet In advanea at them, and whose fives thev baved at tha mlnent risk of their own. -1 1 X ' 1 1 e.s -; rf VlXTTB RfVilMD. . A VII . Vuia. Teuaa. The Norwich JMlrtin aar: A well-known Justice of tha Pmm - auratcribed five dollar to th Chicago ' rteilef rund, and returning to tho ado r immediately reeetyc'l that amount for marrying a couple, mu s virtu re warded Another man waa reooeated to ' eoatribarfe, bat declined, and wkhiavtwo : boors beard tbat bto tnotner-te-iew had - come to stsr a month with him. Caa any one beeltate what course to pursuer Visitor to editor fbrt-klyl "Ahl how - newt Collecting your arattatedtiaanwhta, -I ceo. i ., u u. C i -f-.-r - - Wltor, (niallyV-"Vaax; Just fet- ling my Idea Into shape. " " . . Vialtor (regarding n pile of dipplnir). "eotloet eae'a thoughta scattered tbraaurh a many papers." i ..... . Ixll tor fwith aaveritvWMnsr nardon air, out uits is our busiest hour. Call . r again, air call again." ' 1 1 I 111 I I lU llflCl. . The widow of a paa-enger wbo waa Hied bv tha axrOoaion of tha aiama. Weatfiefd brought suit sirs 1 11st the own ers to recover damage. The remarkable . ptoa waa act wp by the oYfeiia that tbo weecaoad had no right . b oa the boat on Hunday, aa under tlte law of Kew York traveling on that day to a misde meanor, la other Words, it served him tight ta he bkvwa ap! . :. ,... -4 . -j '. aawaaaaaai-.i 1-. A rich bachelor of ICewJeraevr-- eeutly died, leaving by will several leg aeieaef from tea to twenty-five Uicweand doltofa each, to ladies wbo bad rejected him. . Ii aaid that they had afUnrards Town to bo ao uxlv tbat he could not bo aulHclently grateful. 1 ; - v 44- -1 '- i ? -it' v l. -v - rr.. r'-r -t i T-T--T ' " r -7-J-7. . "-'".W!i