The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 22, 1871, Image 1

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    r "V
r4 -VI trVcL
M.J. A."
txiura, is sDvixcri '
usai abja-
-- twn tkito mm
g4Usc, a ataoUa wlfl to e I
- - . ... ' 1 .,... .-. -. - -m t rXJr'WLWSg
i :2 . '--i-----1--':9-'.: r-:T-.rr-r--r- ir i'f Taaa araara. faaa faaaa aaa ruexa. r : - - -- .. sarMPiflrWMpi
x-i'lC'wilSl-mUa SsS
. tnea
AM aat ebaa MM
W - - fcn.
-- i.i '
The lieai of rh 1oa bright ibjl Tu
tgwpwajhy jnre juonatol
which to vicoratod with IMi
breath MM) WleC, henlUl-toderi
.?Tb Doctor and hk daughter wiU be
han by mm toay," aaid VW1, exule-
fitly. The children hod forgotten the
gad really looked fomitl to
t npproaalne; risi Willi dtdlght.
:' " ' "Our myetefoee visitor arm front the i
-tftMdtfitft MUatoppotI hoisily TelbV
W indow and ssgsn, nssehaakaHy,toa
fang the drapery. TVs, eociag that
the eyes of all were Im4 lovuJt bf,
3b tfAed qnleU pot into Um) Ttrrmndab
I believa thai vomaa kstfws aoora
aWaaailtbaa ha fana lo kUamM
!jWMmwHUMlni Olfllllll
' ' ' . -.-- . .
ssasi ! pw mi stir. f
e .
; UP . ts h H. WM M Ms -.
aa Vsrraaaiiii.o
.' ' " 71 rtouCajyt . u , ... . , n
''jataaawasyaea" ' "
rillmmt thU htm a, ah ler fctWt J3nf JttfJflprlow:ajraf
ft tntrif aha tooUiiTMltf
Vaaf"""' t ia k
-Wba aoaitW jmntf mmm jvm
!, aaM arr haatiaBd, -Vitk auDe. 3
"""ABd as cblralrooi ad eoarafaovaf'
u JTamaUy, ataaoat hafcaa tha laagh at
. Urti'a txpeoaa bad aabafbad braid
iwiftialaaj aaraaav
tba tba ataga"1 taaab
baited bj tha and Dr. Araaatroof,
rhat lnartlftoaa aarpalaawa aad
alatad bla dangbtar to alight. -!;7lMhlldrajk
atortad , latoadiag to
Vara naiiiid aaddaBly by aajr hajahaad,
"Srb vhlanrrad aomathlar to trb '
tWav hicb bad tha aXkrt to ataadjr
ySM tha tbaogbl thai thry bad a ra
ayonilt aacrat to kaap. ', ' . I' "t
X Tba Daatoc bad growa axtraaaal
bald, Hka afaacgy orabmra war aa
.5rhIM aa vaal aad bla gar aya war
"''ak aad dUa.,L'"""'-r:" ' ' . ' "' t
; Mm Xavia Wad aldar by a doaea
yaara tba vbaa f bad aaaa bat bwi.
Tha tobtattlaa af tha pareata bad bora
: bolWw caaaaa
.lhii inroTttBiajnywajda'fiba
wlado of. tha ratal chamhar.
ibroacb tha laaa aartaiaja I aoold aaa
I aMtral aaaa, wbaaa toak f aa
"wnr baant aaa all any lita.
.liar banda wara claapad to bar baart and
abriaklac fcrat -waa ta b Ttataai
ApaitaMjata vara aarardad to aur
Who retirad . to rantora Ibair
4faaUiB aalla. Vbaa thay aa-
apaairail, afa fcar aat daam la aarbaaga
lrXBAfaaatfaag,M I bagaa, "thara la
Ua Ja caa JaU
to kaaw I - DM yaar
rrar wrlta to yog t Did yoa flad
j4 vbat baeaaaj) at bar T Did yaa arar
Dc Oaaiaa agaiart
i at Ubm, dear adita,"
7 aaid bay baahaad, aaaklBf aa aflbrt to
Waalaa, bat ba swathed wtta diaVadty
la bla great aaritaaaaat aad really ap
paatadleaaealaa tbaa tL,
r-"Yoa reaneabar, ideraaid tba
.Daeton "that ya anroia aaa af yaar
' eadaVa atairrayaat fheaaa aad faa aaa
aarfa aVacrtpUWM c thejywetj VbtA
ahbd4lraa to joaaagaTatoataaoaM
aaaa aa to aba wbaraaaaata or
'aabgaHil taaaliy. Aatlag
atovaUooa, T , croaaed tba Atlantic
caaaaa, riaiUaaaa tUjiHat aaother,
aad SaaUy eaata to lha oataklrto af a
aDaga, AUad vtU aqaailid iahabitoaaa,
fraea vboea 1 laaraad that Hanrf had
dlad o tba Tery day of tba noatfe
Which yoa bad vrittaa bml ,Kj faot
rlb weaiirait U aai aad aoaa after
coaaaUttcd auicida. I rtaHad tlMavaaty
graraa af each and ptaoted ptaia aiarbta
at their hcada. They alaav baaUa tba
aaanaartag aaa, aad I bapa aad traW
-aat M la vail artth thraa. IV tbO.
dreat ..After all, they, lika laoat af
anh'a . aalortaaataa, vara
M vail aa aUaarawltoa
alat that at vttaaat
rnach apoa tbalr awetory."
aaid ay baUa
ly, aa ba laaaad lurwmrd aad loakad kto
Tieitar atarnty la tba aya, yoa baaa
aarar toU aia vbat heeatna of any poor
goad raaaoa to bcUera that yiM kaaar
r anawarea tba atortoavfaaaaaad to aaaa beraatf ta aardlUUoa
AaacaJr. 'laha baa baaa dead tor
tbaathMyyaaiar Har raaialaa lWia
am Caatera atMuca-yafd. X Wtoi bar
grara tbia atuajaer aa I vaa aa aay vay
lJ -a -
'.A a aawartaia atoywaa board
riaaely vailad, glidad,
aileaeapa-aayaai tola tba aa ainr
Bat, Doctor, I akraat bathrri
ahaladaadtnaaldL ' . , -
.''Would to tiod that I aould know aha
at deadr ba aaavarad. "AH tba
aaanilnlng daya o ay aaJatoaea aboald
ba apaat la, aieaent tut bar vronga,
U I eoold know that aba rat lirav , But
kaow jt caaaot ba. . aditb, yoa oare
abirit raraa eawrUng aaar aay
dying aaa. Oh, I Aaaw that aba to
dead!" aad ba bowed kia haad upon hie
baada aad weyC - -
"Harry, da yoa kaow aaa ru
aaztoaa, traaaaloaa aad
MMai at Mat! , Tbaak Ctodf I ferraat-
tf aaaiaimad, and any baabeuad aodX,
taking Mr. LevU by the arm, left thaaa
loag aulihia nali aliai wrtb their
happiaeaa aad CML ,r ' 7
Tnith la atrmaffcr tbu flKioo," mU
Doctor' dMchUr, wbo, poor cbiU,
had bcca m 4M4f bambled bj (h b
Ujr1 KWorUuje that sb ni nmdj to
pen forberMbcr ai the mi
of pwaonalpritM.'..
for boara aobodjr diatorbod tba two,
vbatjrar aa Way Urla tha aalaaiac
Ilnka f tbeir paat Ufa that tbeyef
eaarac, took HtXieaote of time. nnaHylu.,! htmmt back in a areateaar ahirli eajabj aftkaLbcatba
sjuh4jimi ... ...... w.
diaaar boar.,
aaaa Iba aaaa, artth
loakad la aia aad tba awaet, happy tora-
wbo aboald aaaa aoaa bar baa-
baadtbraogfa a3 tha toag-goaa yeare. -
7Naa caaaot 11 t by lova alona,1 aaid
L Wa baaa dinner at tha goad, aid-
hoar of aaoa, aad w await
ynwpnaanca.'V jj; ,
VI aaanot ga to diaaar, dear," aaid
ir ai itrr, ha wady... ! p aifir to dhaa la
y taoaa to-day. . Afterward I aball
hop to Join yaaj.!:
After diaaar Dc Araaatrong eaUed for
ha rataraad tba bight bad ftdV
aa, aad tba fall, laaad, barraat aaooa
Mda aagaily taraagh ftWy, aaakwblto
fdUat kiTeTlaaaa.
Jloaat Hood, with bla hoary head and
efeJeiy aai eailad to tha ailaat "Bio-.
la a alin, aaaan aoie. while thry
la grata aad hwatlniaa atood atm aad
bowad la reeognitloa af bia grand aalata.
Tba dark, afeaee foreata tdad away, la
tba aaoontaiaa
ttda at atatlnnad thamaalvea bealda tha
broad WUlaaaette a a ataadlng amy,
ahvdlaDald array.
Ob, what a gorgeooa
aay frlaad, tba Doctor'a daagbtor,
aad gaaad lata tha baoatooaa aigbt.
had aot thoogbt of fading au-h a wealth
ajHrorgaooa aeeaery U theaa orthwc
ara wDda."-' a
Hweonatry la brokaa aad dlTaraV-
Bed, bat It la Indeed grand and btaaiK
tui. Our aoU is fartllo, oar water aaro,
pbar aartteabMly aalabrloaa aad
Bfc waa aay anthaal at k reply.
aaa dear,' eaiiad aay
, ahiarfuOy, "we baaa a Uttla
anrpttaa for yea. to-algbt One Into
fBarIor.M .
DavJkajaatiaaaT aad tba cblidraa af oar
aaaabakt lama aaaaaabiad and awaiting
MWa'ra to bare a wadOladbera to-
m atbara dapaed tbait baade la gtoa. .
Wbera'a tha sUaieterT" aaked Mr.
"I aaa a aaagtolraaa, aaadaa. twytlad
r aaband, ad year wtee BUhor baa
tto Ikaae ready, vf caa teatlrY that
ath aioaf lawful aauTlageaUa age, and
goaaa all ara aaady., i.
Alone T want to a-trh tba brtda. A
suit of dladty, of qoalnt, ald-raablonad
aaakaj aad yellow with ago, odoraod
A vail of rlcbv
faahtooed toaa aaTtlopcd bet Ilka aihd, j
while la Ilea of oraaga blnaanmi pray
of heart'e aaaa twined theaiaelTea all
earelraaly aaaoeg bar eilrery'leeka. -
Tarty yean ago to-night I waa all
ready fat tbia weddlag," aaid aba, aadly.
atttreaflngiy. , " .
"I waa ready aad waiting, bat ba did
rteaaMV They told hlaa I waa mad.
Tbay aaa aaa to aa la iaai aeyhua, aad,
wbea toy baby waa bora, they took hlaa
ftoea tna and locked aia ap to die.' I
bathed tba fdtyeiriaa. far X had jevele,
andbeaaad taoaa far loaay alaaty of
M. Ha aaada ba!le- that I bad died.
whea tt waa aa aakaowa waoaaa wbo
to lnV Ba aay frtoada bariad bar,
tbtoktat t -waa tba vtetiaa who aW
dead, and t earapad, to Ihre thjvogh all
thaaa kong yaara alone. I hater aawaiy
bay aAar ha woe aao aaaath aid. I
cavff knew bU fata antfl ta-day. Oh,
1 rYAn-jtrorjywi are aotlhaaaJy aaa
alaa aaa wracsad aaa! Eittorly bare
I argad, nha
are walUBg.n, : f .
"Veal I icaaraabaf I
waajiww'aj aawpaa
bat be didn't aoaae." , , , . , , !st f
"Ha Ja baa;aowBjjalatoVj poena
with aaa.. y- . .'.a ' t . . .tt
Taking bar by tba band aa though aha
had been a child, I lad bar through the
eorridor aad dowa tba ataira to the
awooa-Ugbtad parlor, wbrrt toy huabnnd
prianaacrl,, the .word thai lkfUy
wadded thcaa long aeYared aoala. , ,
.The portor'a laaa waa radiant and' ai
aaaat bandaoaaa, while front ha foataro
of the brVi beamed forth a quiet bappi-
aaaa that tllad aay anal with, bUa naut
tarabja,. ,rVhat Ood, bath Joined together M
aot aaaa pot aaaade.,ltJ', r-v; j-,
Thaaa word, aa they foU twMa .ny
baabaAd Upa, laapirad an with aacb a
aealiiliig an rflbMlTaVrp atgnjftraaoa
aal bad. ao area CWt vbaa,Uaay lone
toaaatnaalgbty han-
M aaoh a anioa tone deferred,
I lee Uieetel baaaaae my way to
It bad ladjaAihcwigb tba bllataw ng
patha of aoriww, toil and vMaaitade,
apoa. which I onoJd aaw took back with
aaiitode, aa I aaaaaaaberad that I had
at but rant had the barea of peaxw aad
an waa watt..' r .1 T'iL-I
Hal caraaaauy area and a)naUaM
Uona raihrt, wa galharad naaaad tba
wadded pair and aakad thaaa to relate
thatr blatory tor tba benefit ef Xbayaoag
t aw baaatbilaV whom We
aa to tbia aiaee, to heap
la Igaoranca of atneb that bad traaa-
I aat oo kam l
tba qaaiat laaAto brida, aad atta aaa-l
aaa aaattau ao aadly, aaal yet aa awaatly.
tbat I faaad JK diOcult to refrala frofA
Dr. Anaatroot aroa aod eaid ;
that I aboaid apeak tor both of aa to-
aigbt. .:Oar ilia baa baaa aad aad
blighted aaa tha Muli ef a great sin
aad a greater wrong- Va ainnad In our
yaatb against oararlre and agaiiait oar
eon, .We were , wronged, all . through
what aboald bare beam tba bast part of
oaf. lift by fiaexl andignoraaee. I aay
igworaara, bocaaaa I full wall know that
bad ear relatirea known aa know, that
Ued held joined aa, and that It waa
tbertfora their duty to ratify the antoa,
wa could together bar atoned for conch
af which we bad baaa guilty. .r ;V T'
"Tn World of inaoklnd. bjct aaary
thlag to learn, .Hamaolty, atanbood
and awunllhoonrijaabaaaT Tgaoranl
of tbo aaaanl aad aathaal laws af oan-
tha great lawa of aa-
taia tf"i -vrr -'T- ' "ftTrs- - ; i
. .tarrtoga, to ba aaa aa i trar, ah alii
to atrktly aaoangaaiU.; Nothing bat
high aad holy lore aboald fern
laaaenra twaeeala to toka
aalras tala greaa, atarnal ablltattea.
abonld taai aaaal n ajoaall IMty to
which tbey ahaaid
lito ara-woll nigh
XJaaaa, doar,"
liaa. had aoane
wa aaaa toaa ltd aay wilt and i to table 1
tajtoaaansTparti1 meaila atn-aone.
day. Oar-anada of
ranlat In oar few remalaing awyawatTTaOaat rendac, Us ptora story of plain
baaa to irra together aa we abaald baaa
Uwd thraagh aU tha away dead yaara,
had aot tha a aartoty tato wbtoh we
had -Uaax throwa. by , alapairialiBMi
ar wblah-w bad no ooairel, aoasrired
to ernareta aa. tf . r,
Tl lejalea, aW Wiaaa, aay toatbar
aad aay afetor, to yoar ptaaaat bnppi.
aaaa aaa twaapamy. And if I
raw, aa WalTaa year Jay! treat that
yoa will
Laacago t toaraed the Nttor leaaoa
that tba way of tba trangreaaor la hard.
But ! bar aha learned thai tba ways of
airtaa aad aaafubates aTewaye of picaa
aatacas, aad all their paths ara peace."
r . uv lauaui wgoiuinu oooueu ute
grand aoito of rooaaa aad hU, apoa
Ilka a Uaabant glory ' . "
Dr. Armstrong aaated blanaelf oealde
bla wife, aad thejpjjIDcefrewjl.
anon painrui. . . . ,
'Doctor," nay huaband said, at laat.
1 ruVaToolTbf7irloJyTng paydbotogy
or elairToyanoe. I 11 1, wbaa Judith
bad been antranoed ooe day bet May,
aad wbca aba declared, after tba spell
was atr, that aba bad area tha spirit
brat af toy slater and beard bar lor log
admoaiUoee concerning yoareetf, that
wa bad poalUr proof of bar death, and
of br; aatam- to tha. earth as a aptriL
Whea aha rauaa amona aa la tha flnh.
my thaoriea wara all apart, and yet It bvi'000
tree that Judith dncribed macb else
that baa been verified. I aia n ai ere."
Tasa, boaband, aaid I, coaslngly.
"doaft gira as any mora of yoar bob
biea to-alrht, pleaee. Toa kaow t iaai
like to bear yoa talking about "ptrtto-
ftnd that Juat. what this all
"What lathi ground bTyour olto
tloa ta Fptrrtaanan, Jldlth r! aaked
MraXawta. C
"On, I bare never aaaa any good grow
ua is, iHauiiMutvia wut ua SMUiS,
tbay pretend that they gat aw many ab
aool ravalations aad do ao many ridioa
loas thing that I doa'f want to ba Idea.
tihen eiu
"Aen olaTI,"-wa tb ukk "
awar, Ut Jhara la aaon'JtrUaaJUaas
taught U tba Hilda than, to any other
'."Tbaa why do aot Its adroratee aU
OS. , hnn :Hrt"tn nil tl.' "
-flaraaii, to err a baaaan. ) Chjcnv
Uana, tbroagb wail-aeant ayaeawaea,
bars atood directly Id tba way of this
inform, and U foUowara, auaUy igaor
aat, to enlaltata, baaa deal ad tba Bporit
4jan af the Bsbar. rn ir?
Thle eoBtrareray to aawdleas,"' Intcr
ropted tba Doctor. ; ,
' Ills wita sroae, pal bet hsad lovlagiy
arar blsasoath and mid: -
' TW let aw tnaka aTmf Tspaacb?
Whether Ppirttoallsm ba or ba not true
k Just now a aoatter bf tittle aaoomat :
but J do believe and kiwfw that 0 a paa
alhU for tba spirit or ailnd .of a penon
to be aometlmea abaent fHaa tha body
wallr tba body Brae. I bars ber.a
aiamoranduat of what I did and bbat I
saw vpoo that day la Way of which yoa
apeak, j was then la MlnjoeaoU, where
for many yearalllvad aa a arbool tcacb-
aa vary tired tbat day and told
oowa upon tna lounge la aiy room to
rent. ?1 foB aelaca and dwj sand that I
asyaoadytagaaataaga toiul. and
by bia atda atood a, wamaa who
waa bia toiarrw enemy. I dreamed that
I argad bar ta deal anally with tha
of my Ufatlaia and tha fat law of
Wbaa I awoke I waa sorad, h if
extreana. aaritWwy tbat, I
!y stand aoaa any ilaary.
I batters Latoltod thras that day ia tha
aptfm waiia my body waa alaap,"..,.j t
n see aothiag liapeaalaU or
ml to aiwh a sapaaalUoaa 3 if tha
th,body ia waka, It
m amiipbf want aay
Annetaonej?" anal i, aarnanUyj n ,n
I mr that myatarto ara aft ssnaal
aa, Xt sh of aa thta alght reaalre
ancwthaX n UJa aWlnnmtonh w
WiU ao live and act thot whan tha boar
adeathabsilrnansitabnllanaaatf wh
aa. . iMuSawtaamUabody'a theory
ar rallgfoa., Xaa aa rather aaaa ni to all
a.charnittor tor oommoa
aaewibartag that aaoh baa
aad ladiTldaal rights, apoa which an
aaa or aboald Jtotraaa.!. .x. t .
Ught brataMatiiredttotoaaniiaaaa.
siayad apoa the gaay sartalaa -aad
waked tha awasa aaatody of on aollnn
harp, that bad baaa silent aU tha erea-
Wa aat
Ftaeently a waiUag sniasawa ran aad
mblad aad tbia atid aaaywblla
awaet aoanralaoacnagbt a rlad refrsla of
harmooy and aent it up vibrating apoa
the lofty ceiHug, wbrs It seemed to
float aad borer la peso and eeatory, j
:-It Wara wail worth a liar of
to know each biles aa tkUT f
ry axclslnted, and toy dVar bnabaad at-
terod a sarreat naamaw .i.-t :i
Bat-why linger laager among tbb
happy group? , .v jrri :
Tbey are oar Brubra aaw, tor tbey
bare oast thatr tot with as, aad to the
and splendid reaidence aear oara.
Wall aalbay, assy to
1 my truly, whan, the and shall
that wa aboil bare tba world
bettor thaw wa roand IL
Judith Bald to dona, aad If yoa bevel.
amsovad to kagar over the bla-1
ha llfo-rieiaaltnsW ar If, ma
tory ef hay IhVriii Uattnam, or If,
tortrkatoaad vaatormryouorf may gala
aaarags to work and haps aad wait, aaa.
taiaed by aa abiding mUh tbat all Will
yat to wall with aa, my ftleut toll for
weeks aad aaaatba aball wot baaa baaa
to yain. ' 1 " ,"" ''Vi-ais,tij
. mmv ' ' -. a '
COlPCpiTCE.. .
, Tbia aVpaitamatof tba wiXawrw.
waar t to ba a a-narnl awblrartor ok.
ebang af Ideas amarulng kny aad all
matters that niayjba legUinuUcly dW
cwaaedtoaaraotonana, lading Upraatl.
cally tmaoastbla to anawaaoacb sorraa
postdent by pat rata bH tor, wa adopt this
made of aemrasataatloa to mra our
friaada tba aMaappototmaat that would
athrwtormaaawaraaaatflaaUlty to an
sa Ihelr ewirtes.Ajrotew.lUlly terite
to ask, i
saggestkm to makt, araaauhflngaTglrs
to con tribute to Urn Oalaapablllta
Calaauv -JZTLZZliZl . '
Uarriabarg ilroBtan. Ja cornrtly
Btwooanocd Jironto. - AatborlUas dlOar
aattooatTectproannaiationaf Jgmnaa
not wa toUeae toe Bwtat poaplagiTatba
kUarg ttoaoaadof j Wbaa tbey apeak
the weed thus, Biaa. We aaaa, bow
aver, beard mfliof rait are say thk to
l WiU soma oaa of oar Swim
subseribars aieaaa aapUia ?
Traa lawo." Trom what wa ara able
to maraof ITVeimaA mMd CtaWt Wrrk-
tg rtwrn tae' tonV arlgbto raeaa, wa
dude tbat year ssmmaakailaawwhlch
k wail wrfrtertad tnffeBldWa wuuU to
weJcoma ta lu aalumas. - Wkk we ad
bere auoat rigUly to our motto "Free
Speech, Fraa Proas, Fran People, wa do
aot take oidee for or agalaat any of tba
sectarian dugmae or bobbysof tba day;
1 and as your view of "FreelTf" W.tvt
dawUy rtligimm raiber tana potititsttt, tt
would be aat af place la our eo taai an
Year ofler of fi hT Uia 'rw XoaTW-
Wawt for ana y oar pntrtded wa jartof yoa,
tone atagnaaimnua to iaalntnat wijm
thair deny laaoaa, t hop yet assay' Tanrs i of tenee
:Tbe" auWripGua prnw of tha
paprr to 99 00 a year in atfraner.
Inquirer: Engiink patent Taivat aaa
to had to alt eolom at S3 to 94 a oar
yard; It k Tcry toahtoaabto an a dram
trimming, many suits being etahorateli
with uV k i vataena aaa oheaper,
of tba popular ahadce rannot
now to obtained fa this luarket, though
wa learn that all colors aad ahajdesanay
to at dad by tha hnlidaya. -v'.i
Huaaa 1 "Hatlne," tranaaasil aatfaan,
b a hcary, durable dreea joada, twilled
poa tba fright" or finished antoV II is
aery elegant aa il buhlnaaala, and aaafcaa
patent yarret ar Tafretana. It caa. ba
hoi la all aotor. a prkeaAom e& cto
toll at par yamU " r
kamir&arTJ Ovaa Ctaafw aflka ara henry
and durable."" Tbey dtflef from Kept Ja
Toa whowM proooai tbo word tbak:
oa or,, r:z
Lj. H. &t.n.. MiUef a poem JTt9
Poet" waa publUhed - In tha Hi
ITtrmwaaW ofToeemba Mth. ia -
Ufr afX. Q.aaaa.
Mr. Adams save be "shall leal it Lis
duty to stand by the tiuiuswwn lal divh
oa axaieaivnieaaMraacaDnr' ibaawoea
Iba eajraei wbtoh aeasaa aa bint to tie at
tha very JoandnUun ol audetr. . bo
Butwnat Jtaa tbta to- no wilb lb
right of woman to atv bar aoaaent to
toe law aaa to required to ooey ;
air. AQsms raniiy peueva tnns it nv
oc tha runeuonaor men to govern woman
without thatr couarnt? If not, what
doea he mean T ' ''i -;
John Adanaa, tba gitaHcraadfathnr of
Ma Adanaa, aa ana u( the algnaf a tha
llaclaratlon f ludCDenueuc. aaaertatl
that -"govenunenta . derive - their Just
fullv eserclae onlv tba tb-lented riahta
belooging orlgiually to the individual
member of auutotr. In other -wonia.
government l only tha arentof Indi
vidual eiUsaoaT ociriiataat far' self-da-.
tonan, 'aw,apaavWa theory, U inU
vidua! man bavs a natural right to gov
ern Individual womrn, tliru govern
aaent, eompoaed af men In the amrra
eaaa, ban n deiagnted figba to feaom
1 fa ina aggreaato. .ftaa otnar
viae. For no man or act of men can
delegate a Tight be or they never pue
aaaa. J aa ttnb rldaala. '
WIU Mr. Adaaaaairt that avarrmaa
baa n natural right togovarn bia woman
relatirea f llaa be a rlht to govern
bla wife tDr bis niuuarrtod slstars and
daurhW after they tiara attained tha
Vearraf dlarrrtlonf If ao, blapnattloa
k.loirfoaL-Bnt If nai, wa reepertfully
mm aaa rtgm M
ooerra wo aaaa T And rr wiiue, aa la
dtvtduats, bar the right of aelf-govera-manL.
bow nan It be nnaalhle tliat arotn-
err, as air aibws uf atxircryand sufject oft
law, have ao rlgnt pamrlpatata gov
em n teat ? " . -
Tba aTeat-trandmotheT of J. tj. Ad
ams, the noble wife af Praaldeat John
Adams and tha Brat attstreae or the
Wbito Ilouaa. baa rarorded la her tot
rtoratoJasr huaband ber Immortal pro
test againat a govern meat or men alone,
aa contrary to the principles of Ameri
can liberty.- Ala, that the descendant
of then noble ancaatora, who protected
agaiaat tyraany In tha aightevntb raw
lury, aiat.uki publicly upnoia n bow i
Immemorial amge can never anactlrV
lnjuetlc. 2or is precedent aitogather
mttsrsTor. ia tne vonvrntioa wnicn
framed tba ptaaaat Cooatltutlew of
aachuactts, nearly a eentory ago, every
clauaa two nmiu ausraga to men
aioaawaa aarnratly nryoal. Ttua
aucreaaira motiona to en-fake aaf tAaarord
nwafr. wherever it occur, ware mad
and defeated.- Xow If the limitation t
a precedent, ao 1 the protest. , If tha re
atrictlon k lawiicfBortaL ao kthsatrug-
(gle fur 1U ahoUtion.
-"7 fdid mn U willing to review
y,, lBi fjrt ap,
that John Uutncv Adams win some day
reverae his baaty decision, and help aa
to error the ballot for woman." .
Ofilaia. d tiooa alerdiac a4r lo aaa. '
IL H.JL an WmmmitJmnrmaL
Iwiat lnaataos,
-Jt IsttorTfjojnrraad, atotos- Ihotrat
young ueuteaant, wounueu in tne tat war
between Frsoce snl Orrmany, waa aeat
toa quiet villains in that canton tore.
Ibk atiaagia.' Thaaa ha aande tae
Jnlsaaa of yanag may ,or,ue
yillana. ami the eoopla been aaa en.
raced. The rrtcf of the tovera, whea
tha time mm fa-part, may to toMtoad,
bat with aiaay vowa of eonataaoy, the
lieu tenant nt last ana aianair away, ana
In due yam arrived at Berlin. At first
hie letters war BUed with rroteatat
ef tha aodarlng nature of hiatova, but
gradoally.aa linta wore on, tbey
torn traqusnt ana ooklef In
waaka had aknaarl .ainoa Ji
wriuom when, in if wad of a toner fail of
r arose baa, tba iieuteaaai roceived a
telegram ffotu hk "dear Mara
tbo foUowina words: "Dear
bav Juat received a letter, Informing
ma that my aix-le, who waa a mllllonnir
at Fmakbur, la the (net Indies, Is aVnd,
nod that 1 aaa aia one JM-traaa." The
lieutenant lost no time. JIa art out for
the villare. The. young lady was over
Wbetmed wRb toy oa eeelng her tover
oaa anoro, bat prcliad him far bis
knar Wkncav Doft b-t talk of it.
uent Marte." a replied. - "IT-re la
a ototaci K ar an Km. Th a
Meted tMllTtoneWMcfi'ovldenc
ea sent na kaa rorpirad the abfactlati of
my pareuie to our aaarriaga- lor n wow
aaaa a great, sweutinenl " At thaaa
wexde Marie aonkadat bimwKhapaa.
slaa aiprteaian, and taking aia nana,
said. "Frits, do aot maks fun of me.'?
Ttotovar draw out of hie pocket th trie
ha entree van. oaaiaa . nar
mmaawafajt ,
lalra ai
MMy unck haa
Frankhur. I
im Itnal dlad a million!
lOlrrty aalflundrd, klark
diunwd hh band, and Wbaa aha raaav
ared th aaaa bar Waagwai aaaa aadly,
bar eyes OUing with tear, "Dear Frtu,
there U n nxutaX lallia- Wirram.
What I rMi wa; 'Mr Uim-U baa juat
dkda iaiwrtiitT-dta Qgraat ladle.'
and th amount b ha left aaa k Juat
tanrr; tV. The Ifewlanant fataraed to
.Tb ht"""i .' 'guu'' arc often tb rnvu
aat 'bore.--.--: . - - 1 -
. .1 V mwa)0laaaV ft
' l' - U'huiwa'wrara rra.
'One bawl of chopped meat; one bow)
of choDMd aneri on bowl of chormed
rabtina; an bowl of rider; on bowl of
surer: twa bowl of chopped aipW; one
hair bowl of mnkMwaVreeWmons;
nksi aa laaie.
i t i,ur- -pi
Bl Caa poaadaWamaandlukybaeA
nntil leader, and wbito boiiiitan kaaa
cloaaly covarad; wbaa aoul, ebup very
ane,- taw ar
baafsuat; seed
Chop wall, three nuuada of
seC seed three pom a. la of
i of rabuna,
sndchoas three aewadaaf waU waabod
and dried eurrat,two pouaii of citron
cut lata thto alios: axel the rind of aU
fresh kmoas; two taliltapenntfuj of ala
aaasea; saur good aiaa nutmega grate;
on teaesMoaTnl around wbito a laser:
aaa tsnajnonful ofaaU; chop dneiy four,
toon auod ataad pipiaai. mix. tbeae waD
nwiiia7aa.aaiiii a iiimryn 1 anaaaa
pi: nut to a aiuaa mUi aoocr It with
kept la a coot, dry plac, aud
lmprovas by heeninar, a UtU good enter
la quit aa tow
t, added juat ba
fore it k aaAcd. ,
atrwea rtastwo. ran.
J-Tk ra ppuada af lcsdcr Ihsii lf, on.
I pound of auct. two poun-I of cuoitwU
appks, two of rakina, two' of currauU,
aaa of eitroa, twa aad aaa half of angnr,
atu-of aaoJaaaonr of rasa water, aaa
juice of two lemon, the aameef omnau,
Uteot at rauar cnoppea nna ana aaumi;
and one pint of brandy; clove, eJkpfes,
pepper, etna
aaaUttl5(V wMtwWWwV f VmS
raa to to.- Add cider pc visas to bak-
tag 1
Bavit ovaTKa fla' ' '
etrsiaoff the Ikiuor from Uw oyatora,
and pat it oa to bull, with amw butter,
maoe. nutmeg, pepper and rait. Juste
tt aoik, etrr in a tUvkaalag of milk aad
ear, put ta tha oyatora, and stir a alii
tbay an auflk'iesUjr stowed, tbaa take
tbom ofi and put In the yolks of two
ejrr, well beaten, (do not pat thk la
It ia aotiiac. or it win curdle 1.
Wi. with pufT
aui u wita wok augisssd
or n napkin, to keep tb top paat from
(ailing In; put on top pasta and bake.
naa own, rsasava tn top mix rare..
tfalljr. aad toka oat Uwenaiw m4m.
land poor ia tha oyatara.- Hand tt not to
szr. BadatAlaaal
Taka a kuisa aal lh anal, an
the pulp and juic inta n bowl be sue
to re mora everr aaad; to which add a
toarapsnl ot wbito augar, on of now
aaiih or water, a toUe.aoaaral -of earn
starch, and the yolk of two awao well
bmtenj poor thla miiturelnjo nlcef
passiispi iau uaae siowij. ueai loe
wanes at two cmr toaaua: nota, aau
wbaa tbo an to inwtdawo. awar It over
Juat to stifft-n, not brown. ,t , y
, . ..,j.BAma.TlKIA aOXXaV. .t,
Oaa quart of water, two ounce of but
ter: one gill of yeast, and a little aalt.
Mix them at am o'clock at Bight, aa
mica na yoa caa stir wita a spoon, ai
art them la a warm nlarr. Km
morutng iwwnoura oerora orenamax, laaa
aanra-Boucr make tbrtn Into a llrht
dough, put tbaja iar'pan, and let them
stand antlt Ught. Hake - flfteea or
twenty annate ta a hot oven, i . .
TZ icm rum rcnmxa,
Ooa nap af awaet or anwr milk. 00
awp af m 11 Is mis, half a cap of buiur, ia 1
ac soda, auu a aoaad af
sbpp sd mean, half n pound ef enrranta.
apaoe to tha tests, finer anoagh to make
u as sua as pnami aaaa aut,-fwi it
a data, isavmg niaaty of roaen tor
the podding to aweU. rkrve with wine
woAa araixuMa.. 1-..,. '
-"mteapaaalawawW aWlwarw waff allf IfOTV gawrtteT
with a amntl aaantlty of atom In tt. to
give permanency to tn color, win make
aa excellent d re, Weed af -a white
rotor recetvea, front th apptk-attou af
Which is aot liable to fade -It kfwrttc-f
tnia iiquM, a ncautirui yet low tinge.
adapted for fumllure
y.T IaraatoalMatiag. .
' Ivtok at frtntinc. an egg over which
rhnawht- laaahalid aaa tknamaik af
yaarai The grm af the printer' art U
saoU aa the bricks of Moeveb. The
yinavitos printed their 'records on sun
dried kviek. W knew their history In
no ether way. Th sassa thing la true af
ttokrvptiaaa. Their monnrwanta war
printed by a prooeaa that anticipated
Outtontorg by scores ef reuturlca. The
bat hi their eslialia, aaade as af mnt
rixaa intotogato, wbtoh left impreeaso
la reikf anoa their tike and pottery.
There ar tboenaada of apaclsaena from
wbtoh by means of prontoae ink lotara
ble Improaslnna oeuld to mad to-day.
nt tn tiles ia euntotent to
atomnn acribe
th tjjpaaphioal eatj tnnttol
awsaaytato mtobt hove tod to th
'ji feats
vaiaawof tne
iUomtaat. ,
Tha net nf artatlag. IndeoL wnaoaeof
thaaa aUseoeortoa which wee ta tha aa
taeenf Ik togs InrT-ttafak, the eatly
wonder to that bars a I sakoa dad with.
oat a- la l.tiina the art waa known far
back of ell recooL Their to block
priaUna, which wiU taobabty tonr ra
in aaawni aaa aaaong tneaa, a
rabwaynacewith three
hundred characters would to but a
enure of trouble and dels v. Block
fbrtuttngwn la am la Kagiand to the
wj waton pasiac eacua wa aaupvra.
Blblia faeperam.' , Moreover, aevaral
Tsars In fir 1 msvsbls tyaes ware to-
watod, Atoart larereagraved oa block
of wood bia owe farnoua aVairna. and
tbaa multiplied them for tbo ase ef the
public. 7 Aa yet, booeaer, the priator'a
art.noariya ttweo aspnaiuasa on aU
aldan, waa bet U lu abeU: and tha in
vention was oaly fairly hatched nbea
Oattenbcrr, In 1t, dlsporvred the
mainou as eppiyii asevauce tyas,to
tba ret w lu iliiaef siHtoaasatter. He
waa a native ef Meatsy. purulag the
craft of kpidary at Ktraaoug. Tb rvnnd
Ulea was almost thrust npdu him. There
waa no narking for it. Thts ccownfns;
InrawUon of art we the Beteral reaait af
a drmand attang apua liigowaliy and tha
wests for wealtla. : .... . .
A, qonmbvnae coerpla were dlsewasleg
ttosobjactof er4topbserd umbstssm,
mmA th. aato: "III eVrac. what
kind af a aaoaa do rwa aonosa thagill.
give aa when I
tover was the
re aa When I dar -annama aay
srkdi JWarstaf tba Zartk; LI-
nf Cycikai Dalogsa" ar
that to which tba tradlltwT w'l.V
kngoagea refer nba great dwii?-
and sp urred 1,300 ysar sgo; when, the
sun's beat baring euflVlrntly t aoftcned
the vast accumulation of ice around tha -Karth
role, tha frsgnmnt of the ice
mountains rushed ta a body toward the
Houth, csaaiag k sudden di 'placement of
tba earth's renter of gravity, and carry
ing with., them, tba glgsntk ; erratic -bouUera,
whoa presence In northern
UtltadeaatUI puixle ta geologtst. Tha
aeat grand brrak-up will occur, accord
lug to Mr. Walker, about year
bene,' when a eouuter-osciHation of th
ftouth Ben will occur;, th Antarctic
glacier wit! ba shattered;' the southern
orator wOl rub d a a anon the northern
hemisphere, which win
nl gnli whilst tatbr rJoath tu
known conttornts wiU appear. Admiral
Wlikaa. af oar navy, will took foaward
wtth latsrma to tbat day kt than tha
Antarctic tontinent nhich be claiatcd
to iave discorered In 1S40, but u
1n ainrnboaa tartelbae.aiKl otetwti
tna. aisss ana otaar awvaaaaa
aiam uy -Admiral n uaawa .
uuont may then eome to tb eufac of
the water; and hk ueluory may cease
to be n enejeewnf amass me nt to gecjavo
asaara aad aaattonl nar a. .Tba theory af
the perWJcUy af great deluge waa pro
pounded by Alphonaa Joseph Adbcmar,
In Ida work etiUtled MltcrolurUma da to
Mer,1 wbaa b aia, me that th water
ara now rising ia the aaa ef the North
ern Jtewkabora, and tbat tha Antarctic
ire k alrenJypilad up to a bright of
sixty mi Ira. II Invitee attention to tha
contour of th earth w ahadow upon th
moon daai lay lunar eeUpaaa, wilhavtaw
ef vnrirjinx Uiacalculatiooa. Ttoreeuju
of the ara accrited by the present
author, wbo seeks to snatala them by
vnrton nrguanawta danww areas aanbary.
Tha oaiama baa asoarcf aaautlfie nt
tana one would auprmaa It likely to poa
aese after noticing the aenaatlniial lliua-
t ratio anna it Utlerjr. - TW Tmba-
oooeser, la a
point tbat only malhiiUie rn "ccttt.
Meanwhile, it la
renaaurinit Id be" tuJ.r
inst tn next cyclical dt-juae win ant
orror nntil tb year T88t of our ara. even
TttboUfrh, upon that oranakm, veareaabb
ana animal iua on tha north of ,tbo
iuator will ta a great measure to de
stroyed; wbik the same moot happen to
th human rose 0 that tomietdnxo, ex-
who, 1
aw, psrtispa, a faw tribes art sari Ike,
pang a ta nlrneat tatJa-laml.
and mogniatu r
unt tl earth, may
back almost Imme
1 surrire, ouiy to
diately late a stat of torpid toitorknt,
- A Bay's Adviaa ta Old Maa.
f cannot pick an a aewspaper without
"Ad r toa to TVtts" atarea m la the mca.
Old aaaa writs tt. T an pooaa. Nobody
eke k aspabk of giviaa;ndvle to burs.
I rhey"vTculhcy hare bece there.
Advic 1 a rood tning to nvv no
doubt, and no family akenlit to without
it, hut a fellow don't want to ba crammed
with ft ail the time to the eacluatoa of
aU other diet.. , r ,
Xow, old aaca need advic occasional
ly ; but in leaking through the newvpa
per I doa't ass that they get it. Mo I Just
Lbouahl I woukl wrlto a llttk "Advice
to Old men" aiyaalt - If I ant wot pre
suming too much (as Aaat Cbloa arij,
and I nreauma I am. - - -
ln tne first placeryou old chaps ought
to act over tcllinar bow much smarter
boys were when yoa were boy than
Yea Missvo tt yeuraatf,
1 you've told It aa many
times, Ixit wa eau t "mi lb We haven
notion that boys ar boys, pretty macb.
(except KBULJjnt arfol late worfal aver,
and 000 wiasratlsa af thaaa aVni't lay
over aaotbor genrrntioa to any alarming
Only let yoa tdl It, and you could bat
run, out Jump, wot wrestle, and eat eay-
tniog a tea ar tne name: aajoerauua of to
day wbaa yea were a boy. Urandiatber.
rwho has got tba gout and half a doscn
dirlerant kind of rbeantatknt, k always
aaylesr that "I
1 wore n hoy
were too. , If I
" 1 iii, -a
eoobto't beat him running and flop him .
oa hk back, aide bolt, 1 don't want a
cent. - '.- '
I wouldn't go 00 far aa to aay wPnr
as. oeer vosur ahll.lmn." but l .wwuid
ugat to fatbsra Ahat tbay give Ua a
bearing occasionally en matters Tn
wna-w wa art lut maarinteTetj parr.
Don't make aa go and alkk down bill
when we want to akal. aad enake
preacbera of na whea wa much peeler to
rue a eaw-willL
'After rtrlngna boys asawadvka about
ear oanJaat and hew to Senas, own oU
euaat to e aaaefui bow yaw get to
rekUsaT yonc.boybdt ecrapea t each
other, and knghlag over thent before
we gr oat a sisnst. -
A'tibT'lirTKav-The adiowfng k
tVora the Heruamr t Indiana. Praca:
"Mb Lulk A. Moame. the ret death tor
of the wretched Vditof of thla paper.
becoming dl?ruted with thav tmop
geatlemaaly" ravine; and aaaaahis artn
tore a town we bar amptoyed aariag the
paat taw anuaths, swapping no for au
otber every few daya or weeks, cleared
the tost ou oat last week, and drter
mtoed to do all tha work hraet. Every
type la thk ksoa wee set by her niaabto
Ourrra, ladadlag the aaw advertise
menu, inc our lost issue, end ha haa
three eoinmna over forwent auk. And
.lmot ftr Bewwnrrs. aud took
end si wink v ttttk nria-
tcrcs declare bar lutaniton to act the
wuoie sit never
dianapoli paper '
prrcUUre frtbef
tbk work was I
whole paprf bcrartf hereafter.' Aa la-
r woniers wast tne rv
1 dolnr whlk all
bffa aTwP ' WfiWaf rrTHSwra1. " a "
ssrm fair, at toast, thai be afcnold
same the weeks washing aimseir
If latoi.
an IWk Wraafa to
,Jit w. wmt ef Me. tHMdoay
aa eporatioa. tulte aa mace, if oat
mora, than lbs editor af the rrWW-r re
lled from tb aocraU when be bid
Ina Liarftaida. to hk boo aeill
' O0TrrT.---Tba fiftfm of Xov.tmh
fa raeraMMUbk far thisi -l"rof. Hummer
to studying oae of Jusjnwtd MiUsa uo
eeaa. lie read It as well that Lb an-
Ibnr haa loan able to wet, a faint i-tr of-
lu meaning. 'W'bkb U bully for l"Uim-
.V :"