The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 15, 1871, Image 3

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.DECKMBEB 15, 1871.
tliw paper uaelgn starting evxli
apo lecturing tov p Um vlWjr.
! ' A ' OOOV vVOBJf "Trf AaTOvKrOn
TninoiT.-A let number of UwK
-York ZW&mm hu the ejuMged I rfra'
. to Vsaltlngtea Territory, which w .fee
for th benefit of pur myjtfro la
thai section : Wsshlna Territory has
tttnit aerailf to h npwti the
hiiMM him nf 1st fr-v- i Trv'f
and Kami street, by on of th Inest
collections of seoJuctsof theeoU ver
Mt eye w. It Incudes ajtdea m two
ponao weight, wtth enlarged spedniens
- of om of Mf hett-know varieties;
years aarly M largo aad very good;
turnip weighing thirty-four pounds
aeh, with host, paisBipo, oUl, to match,
and ft wondrous show of wheat, barley,
eats, ete ft. , Blackberry ease of tbia
tmi'i crowth. amply stout enough for
welklng-caoea, flv variety to th exhl-'
klUou. TV urgo th Ungcrr snout oar
elty, vainly waking "aoaaolhlng to do,"
to- oxaaaina theee prsducts erf land
whereof a settler can take MOacraa br
uorAta (and thers W plenty of such this
aide of th Mhewari) and bo. hmel ef
turning. their back . on.
th bounty. W
-Ood tn demnd mr a aaawwaii eutolow
onoe on th neenVorenprtM of man. TjL
rrW'BcKEDCiJL Tbe Oregon
CnlUbrnU BnUroad hast tamed n pew
time' eckodnle, : which took; .oflkwt, en
we learn thai the psaeenger trains bound
aontk fee re Portland at one "doc
p. v.; Oregon City at fctn p, x.; Balem,
4:47 T K.) Albany 7;li r. JC, ftcrlrlog
at Eugene at IJO Pi Coming north,
" the passenger train will leave Eugene at
4:80 A. M.; Albany, TK. A. . Balem,
: uregoa uiy, u:ju a. m-i
Eaet Fortland, 11:15 A. M.; arriving at
Portland at 11:48 A.,nv Tho freight and
aoeomnwdaUou train will leave Port
land, bound south, at iM A. K. and 4:90
p. it, arriving at Eugene (Sty at VM
u. and iM A. x.;, leering Eugene at 4
rmad f.45 PrKTarriylng in Port
: land at 40 P. M. and 4 a.m. ... .
. -' AwoTHni LocoMomra 1 p6 h
WhtBdi RaiumaBv-The bark Veb-
feot, eaye the AtUefte, which arrived
her on Monday from Ban rranouoo,
brought for the Oregon Central Railroad
S.12 bare of railroad jroti whJck jrlU
enable the Company to lay the track to
- CornelluaY T5e etfbot tekf preeent
discharging, and the track will very
toon bo laid. , The bark alao brougbi VP
n loeomeUveand tender which are Tin
tended for thle road. . They will be die
charged on this aide of the river, and
wtn ana ha I a hauling trains nrer
that portion of the rand oompleted.
Tn HAnantma BBiDhn-Tbe
Utrmld has been rnmUhed the following
sUtloUesof the dlminulnne the Hav
risburg bridge: One draw, span, C40 feet;
two How trueeea,oaeh tl feet, 430 feet;
two string heaaa trnuMn,' each m fbst,
tntt pll. i tl -A 1M
total fongtlrof brr feet.--Ths
. same ""rrrot nlso eaye th Or-1
Car - i rOosj v.:n 1 f to, to
th CU-: Use, . A next
year; and U those eooetrucC r .-t'other
end ef Cm line are equally ear-, we
mar r all th way front. rrtUnd to
New York by rail, In 1S71 V 1
MCTaorvuxn. A MclOnnvUle eor-
respolMt of. the BmlUUm furnlahes
that taper with the following striatic:
I this as ov and thriving b" ' rm town
'there are font large dry yr', I Jtorea, one
grocery store, three hotels, one Aloe res
taurant, bakery, two blaeksmlth shopa,
nuooa, four cburchea, one livery
stable, ne tin shop, two wagon shops,
flfe earpeoter shops, two paint' shops;
inno steanvand one watefpoWer grist
mill, two drug stores, nine physicians
and surgeons, a, fnrryg with preUy girls
la ahondanee, and of young men none.
:7PaosncTno!nv--Th Bentp Dem
1 W anya thai XMstrlot Attorny yfltci
has commended pruossdlngs against the
diflerent soloon-keeperstn thle clty to
" compel them to pay a county lleenss In
addition to the efty llcuns of $300 per
ysarrTnie aeUon Is
part of the defeudaaU, in order to teat
their liability to pay two licenses; they
. claiming the if ompIled to pay
county liesuee, theelty hasneelalmaen
- Atocai, Bxrua. Mr. C K, DuBola,
the furrier, say th JTermld.
eel red order from Yale College to make
up eeoUeotfcxiof the aknl.f aU ani
mals In this State, Wsahlngton Terri
tory and Alaska, for the siiiimu nS-
- tached to th has entered
upon his dnUesnlready, nod, loteudsje
-Juv eomptUd ere long anectlon
worthy of thto 8tntv
Bcnvg vs. Th 'BhtHm
tVwoeraf keys the surveyers ouj -be
. Westatde Rallrond passed through Cor
' rallls recently, making the preliminary
surrey to Jauetlou Clty .They, will
-aoan return ever ton earn rout, ad
fhen'-we'ean tett where' thPfoLd
wlTJ be tosntst.
- ' Dbatw or A(r Ou CrnsKK. In
. . .Ml
formation has reached' KiiX T Uie
death ef Jceepu Waldo at CUrksburg,
Went VuY?utn, ' The fli inl wusx for
ntaayyeanaresident of Marhm oeunty,
andwaa In nrg1nla.Tta1ttng Vl'jrela.
Uree when death stesed hlBX., V 1 ' '
4XsTCn M GnouwT Mr. Ceeidotl
lectured M fialeaf on Wednesday- and
Thursday evening of thle week on the
Cleomgy of Oregon. Mr. C. has
thle Mblam fchi ntoy fcr many
snd h J amply npnbl ef Interesting
. ail wn
Jot the Nrw Noamwnrr,
al fUrU
gainst W staled baa been tranamrnd
from Marlon to Una county for U1V
It Is nU thaa WeiiJnd sntod very dla-
ardorly In oonrt, for which ho was repri
manded by U Judge, n . a
waixa Waixa cxMJimr. iie total
amount of taxable property In Walla I
Wall county u a,isi so, via.t eouoeu
iax, $W 40; county tax, f IZ,4n 10;
poU tax, f714;, Territorial rtx, fky
,TWrta-Thsr tJwponlanf: toy
omnof th Oregon papere are etillad
vurtlalnfTnUerles. Which tsanoflense
against the Jaws of the.Bt, How
vtrtoous an4 law-abiding the Ortaxmiam
lt brought by Mr. Pampellr, who was
oxpelled rlQround because
he wouldn't diimtay n budge, has snded
br h Jr? 4WSng hint J7S hmakaai
TKn .WxsT Bid." Bra. Hundley
ha actually got n new drees for Us tTosi
Adentmnt We wish him suaossss, and
wlU take great pleasure to reading his
IKABi.r BAismTb steamer Ben
stor, which sunk recently near Ross Is
land, U nearly ha-t" In k tew 'days
mors ah will be reaysvhufowed to a
dook, to b repaired . .... ,
pMsnjMB y- nubUe Uw,
baa been lecturing at HilhtnorelaMy.
and eanvandng for her pnpiTvVlrleari
she la meeting with good success.
CAKrAasiMO. Mr. Jtosn Martin Is
works. Bh deeervee liberal patronage,
and we have no doubt will obtain it
. ItomniBUi Road. Becretary Chad
wick he retorondto.SsJem frofnetrlp
Id Boseburg. He reports the condition
of the stage roads as horrible. -
Nxw Bkatixo Burn. A new skating
riah In to be erected la a central portion
of th city by Messrs. I Beaser and C
D. Folger. .. .;. ; .; .' .. . . ' . .
PADrii--.Durlng the nrejjj
sin months of-tTttrqpatenU wire I
Issued to OregoutUvefeforft: I
Ten- CloexD. Tbs Willamette LTnl-
veraity closed Its first term yesterday,
(ThorsdsyV r.t r--
Tnm OalitbrBia t Oregon.'
BetweenTrek and the ton ef
range separathir California and Oreeon.
tne eoonuy as as bare ana ueeoiate as
can-well be imagined, yes tne cattle,
sheepand bsrati wurs In good condition.
The btmoA gram was ripe and dry, and.
until the hul rains should wash 1L was
equal to or better than the best cured I
It was a lonar, weaiiwMne. hot drive of
forty mllee to the mnlng-plaee. -r- Tnm
thie point the assent was continual. , In
three hours' drive we psseed from thS
parched aaee-bruah desert to the summit
of,. (Ilsklyou , mountain, where. cool
breesee. soft, and pertumea WlUi clover
and wlktveann) mnned our fsvered brow;
at wild nowess reaiea our
-One of the, enthualsetic
clearly coming out of Uado Into Hear
tVl.yf had notnippwedlt poauhlaJbetaasp
cllaial chamree .and -lines
sharply drawn or clearly defined in n
mountainous country as they were there.
Without n dDubtytbevpoil and th rocks
on thOregon nkle are tteusands ef
year older than on tne otberstde. Ore
gon has a splendid growth of deciduous
and evergreen tie; the California aide,
n stunted, gnarled growth of dwarf.
Oregon, m dark loam, thickly sodded
with succulent gisssua; the California
side, barren, sandy gravel and hard,
clayey soil. On th on side, eeerehingV
bot winds; en the other, cool breeses,
laden with moisture and perfumes. On
th one side, hot cloud of dust and sand;
ths mudnyt'taienty aw mllmumOUEt.
entl showers havs played hide and
aeek In the nppw bio im.
rawing down tne ureron aids, ws
mag .Eussa or csvcrod vwagons.
glimpses of tents and ramp-fires, where
travelers and emigrants were camping
to rest ami recuperate themselves and
their teatr The eleverand rich, green
grass was knee-high along the road-sides
and brMle-patbs. This, then, was Ore
gon I It was not Missouri, with it
cabins, and bag and hominy, but ft land
of be i-,-and sU- i,..fcJ a-d An
horses. A land of apple, plum and old
cherry orchards; of roomy hum houses,
with low eaves and honey sue k le-eoTerea
porebss. - Wo new spinal tHr-whseU and
skeins of yam, and uld todlee In whit
mps and cheeked aprons. We saw bare
foot, yellow-haired children, swinging
their ealloe sun-bonnett and their din
ner baskets. W nr led-eheeked
mothers nursing contented bahies. W
were carried back to ths memories of
nays thlrty-elglit years ago, Tn Northern
New York, where the" tanners went to
market one a month with bettor aad
enoess; to the dreary memories of the
early drive before fUyllrhA and the
noise Of the noonday, when an orange
and ptees of gingerbread coaxed us to
forget to cry; then of being wrapped and
told to go to sleep, for papa would toko
care of us; then of being lifted out and
carried Into the old Dutch kitchen, by
Uncle John: ef being tucked-un wltn
blankets and pillows Fn the book, and of
tne asm nessaeor tne pian-en ken, mir
klnned M gtandmotbev who waked
us up by saying! "Where's the child t
Het her In my Up: let me erf bow aha
Woks-- VJr oli 'WysL. has been
Hind thirty year.
Te-nlght, riding down the mountain,
sntohing glimps of the quiet homes
and bome-loee wefoeith gentle touch
of the bu flovera, strnklns; cheek and
grandnrther p mfher, v ing blessing
eoon their eMJreu's chlhlrenv Hleas-
Jieo, Orsnwn, for
exmorle or tne long sgo.-Jwr. t'. A.
Xy, in P. C Journal. -
fg'gJifee. sTttot fWnnsa
behind a veT 1 -.urfoiwy drrssed young
tlri, and t-..- lng s 1 looked at her
bfSMnMful rintisa ! wonder If she
takes half se mueh peine with her heart
as she does with her bouyz?.. A poor
old man w-t c",,t up tr,s walk with
n tnsdsri V.r.'....roWl. Sud lust before
he nat'OUUde two nttemptt to
gs l-e t--Mnf "-" SaHlm
CU Ass !... a.. I trv.i.1 swti'f berk
fore be i- Tt r- throHi Wait,",
Tw thj iK r, V .Jug lightV
forward. vjd U,li t.e f open," And
ah held thegate until be leased In, and
roer- 'v t-.v'h, .rteaeunt
emlie i , , J t df rre to
kave bt 1 1 j. U A
- n
WspfwBBthexwUh the mensrW por
tions of th lYeeldeot Message, not
harjog roofor j'4 e doeuienti . "
iias.uaing my -a
to the law-niailng branch of the Oev
ernment, It Is gratlfj ing to bo nbl to
state that during the past year auaum
has eenerallv aUended the eobrt to exe-
eutosiUKshiusfcnnelr. thnsj-jmsll
books. Th noliev haa been not to In-1
a sirs Into the wisdom of law already
enacted, nut to learn wstr spscisi is-
s - - . as i .
tercet, and to nforre hem Moordingiy,
ova - ronxio xuTio3ts rsm axa-
The seleiions of the United 8tntmwth
foreign powere oentinne to be fnm-
The year baa boon aa eventful one, in
wltneeeing two great nation speaking
one laasTuacs and having on lineage,
ssUUnsr. bv neaeeful arUtrstion. ue
eonfliea. An example has thus boon est,
srhLnh. if enoosssful ta tte Bnal
lie nnai imiis,
retviUasd na
sans of return-
may be followed by other eiriliaed na
tions. and be the final moans of return
ing to productive. Indust
rnalntslnnd to ssttaa
bv the bavonetand
id broadsword. I
I traaamU herewith n eopy of th treaty
Tn uovnoAnY acxanox tnatsui
f nnrrAix. i
HU Majesty, the Emperor of fjer
many hM toe blsssnvl to enmply with
the joint wish ol the two Oovernmente,
and nas aoneented to act as tne nrnum
torof theuianuted water boundary be
tween the United fttatas and Oreat Bete-
aln. Th contracting parties la th
treaty have andertaken to regard, as
ii res, siwain uniiuiie
for rhlr-Tnfted
mneementef their blstoty. They bar
also agreed to bring thee principles to
the suaowledg of the other naaritim
powers, and invite them to aeeede to
them; negormtiou are going on ns to
the form tn not vy wnkja um in
rttation is to be extended to the power.
I recommend th lesrlslatkm necessary
on the part of the U sited HUto U bring
Into operation the nrtiolee of th treaty
relating to ths fisheries and to th other
matters touching the mlaiiona of 4ho
United Btates toward the British North
Amoricsu psssnlmia. to
tive a soon as the proper leestattoa
shall be bad on the part of Ureal Britain
and it po esinne.-It Is much to
desired that this leelsUtlon may 1
come operatly hofore th hshermen of
tne in ilea relates begin to max ar-
imngemcnis or uie cooung
IT" TZSZyrT 27-
tn ir Anon At tmwrv
,vir.rV. ZlTTi
year, and by UMnenxiUatlon of National
sjsnm wntwuw new vvj tew a saw sw no
year, and by th nesroiiaUon of
bonds at a tower rato of ia teres, the ha
terest on the public debt has been ft for
diminished (bat now the sum to b
raised for interest account Is nearly sev
enteen millions of dollar lorn thaa on
the 1st of March, 180. It was highly
desirable that this rapid dl munition
should Uke-place. both la strenxthea
th creditor the country and to eon vinos
lis eiusens of tneir enure ability to meet
every dollar of liability without bank
ruptlns; them. Bat tn view of the ae
enmpiishment of these desirable ends, of
tn rapid development of U jresoumss
of the country, lie I nc teasing abtitty to
meet the large demands, andlhe mount
already paid, U Is not desirable that th
present reoeureee or country enoum
be taxed tn order to continue th;
lis rapid
MODrprrATfom ornrn TAmrr imT-
I therefore recommend a modiflcatton
of both the TarifT and I eternal Tan law.
Ireeemsaond that all taxes from tutor
nai sonme be abolished, except those en
spirituous, vinous and matt ii finer, to
bacco m its various forms, ana (rem
sALAnins p ootxacTons op rrrrox.
The present law for eoIlecUng revennee
arses, but provide for ebnre In all st
nres, whtehTat the principal ports of
entry particularly, raise the enmponm
ttoa of Ummhi eAcisle to a large eun. Ii
has always seemed to me as if this sys
tem must at times work perniciously It
neideeut innucemonm neuisnsnsst nmnv
should such get possession of those of
nosa, to be bvx In their scrutiny ef sjsods
entarsd, to enable them finally to man
large sefsure. Your attention I re-
psctftdi bnmumklmtx
I renew my r
public lends be regarded
rded as aharltag to
disposed of only as
teem and to set sal
our children, to be dlsp
required for oceans I ion
sett tow. 1 1 Those already granted have
been, In great part, disposes of tn such a
way as to assure aeee to the balance by
the hardy settle who may wish toavaQ
himself of them, but caution should be
exercised. .' ' ' .
- Then, in attaining so esssraUe aa eh
Jeot, our eduoaUooal Interest majr WeH
be assisted by the grant of proceeds ef
Bases pa one leaes to eseuers. I ae not
wish to be understood as reeosnsaeudlag
In the I met ik ams neurtallmantef was!
is being done hy the General Oevern
saenA fop the inenumgamsnt of sdnea
won. ,-,J'.',-;s.:---yr
jLOyJIt-hsatTJOni mbm,
Which can In a maaaure eorreet thle
abua, la vnerb desired.'
In mercantile
pursuits, th buslne man who gives a
letter of resomsaendatton toe friend to
obtain credit from
stvsoejsr, tm reearded ae asucally reapon
alble forth lutegrity of hief.ieejd and
his ability to
principle carried
inner great
caution la makJag
.3 r .J ... r
r .. .. frwn -sa nsWetts
Flour Ws nuote to-day; Extra at fit
Bnperaner A 6ur Extra country
wwiw, to se aane.
- Wbesl W to-day unei th
dull at $t IST' t
OatsWe eontinue sup lniilsHsas si
IDroJiAe nor bushel. -
Barley The price may be quoted fet
10(42 tt per cental. ,.t
. Potatoes We eonttnu to quoU at tl
per nuanei ror tsregoa ana rnget Hound.
Us is Tits teeeloto have avaatlv -"
oil, until there Is sorely enoarb sent for
ward to sepry tne oemand fordty eosv
sumption. , The result if that price
oare euvaaeeu irom rue t loeper ooaen
einre our last leport. . '
. JUy Ws onoto st tMr?.3S mtPton."
- ed Brsn at XtitSQ ne tea: Mbt
dlinge, NT to per ton; Oilmen!. 47 M
IMS ta-ssm i ..
J27- tan rraactsot Market.
' reinpcrfloe, n aecks. M zve-
V Tji7'7 Oregon and In-
r BVbi-i;-r hoica li'ii!!
Barhry--IUnre. tl aWA .
Von RaAfl Olf m4rkw4 tnm paIi ttlawt.
T ma. 14 e,.. A '
L syasw I- f 1 I w v T
meet am oansutiswa
out would
f. UlltJlirvrMSMM fPT If,
- Ry4t wk' ' 5 Vt-t t
Buokwht-4t W,
i i man m r I sm
k ,. . i. w-.V'
rcn Tins
icOeauxxv -lszxoi
rregg iJUsoawff Ann wmjnmcm
T0JMk Sit ecTPAQjaJ
'I ' -
' A.i--r.-t. ,gjg j JJgX"ri
.' f t" -.. ttTf -SMAJ8
,jtho vrAf-t,wa r - uit t ti
I ePsTunf fltaefw " ' .
Paul ant. Pea sVlaTHaanf 'W? t ' ' ' '
. - .ll'l ll-Jl iJI 1 ' 1"'J
sh.;. :) ttv'Xlji-i "3--l
STtOSttStSiir-i ts?ii-.- -
at OO,
dVk-u 114 MUJ It-ratfJllJIH fl4.i
.ssaMfZ .svsiO sslt -
ir - r-r hnmt tmtri yvuii
aTVwnM - JeUUtavwrr.
OTCm-Cr mnj PAC0T
t rttt?0-f?M f?-?. fees ffrtf
n ss w st ' e ww wains' wsw e -w
X u BAimoxB arnjutT,
: - " if visO rf.U
ok mi b tEl xi:wJ
llwl a) s
' $ X:i f- i-,'t if
Vea nee da PasSswj rsl Psrsv
JJUt.Kai M.1I MA. .
.' S . lWs
th coirnoni'sMi
ck PtssxjtrTKm
s of tse Its of Perrte., AI
MS, Is Ik Mssl Km 1 1 M
fill 181
And 1 1 is ml Hv
so sr Kn ss.
mi tun.
CCLL5CT ifirjACcs:jTeV
'' -
.rrrf?i m
IKSS S th PmI rta
MnCWill Cl
era cv-i tw t mt
l letls l Ujrv
.aM i se: J r
Ais as Mil Ssno as. w are sse-
BSrS fa SC 4mm- JS WW Willi J
psrasf Oessss ss sreslsesss TssrHerr.
0Vl Ms, ss ether Imewssat laB
m, slilia is i. in is pvsoo '
-) si'' W -fTW -rJs i
bse Pmi ii ii eae
mm tmmiumm km wmH Umamm.
M sllss sod
Vvtmt Una ) srvvai iismMj
ts-ieesejV kosv usiilsO -y rr .
Is rssUsa ft aasie SssUllse shcs tae vslae
st Cnr so ne ne rig. assess Ik
vsrto Isssftlsss.
! tas aiaisv nes .Estset I
r : . . . 11
! - i- - . . . . "
it pnrrmiin
Cg lata fair, 1st.
.iLtS)vl HnVt 1st. tafeveV af
JfiW 4 mm SI liTtl ttKt:
s eJs V-- T-f i"'"flt..''
'-.sisar--7'reTst"'1" "TT.i'"ii'i",
l.-(J.i,...'' 4 '. ' i
tllC3g ft DACHBLDHD,
nose- sa Js PrVston, whe laaead aU-
tSfUwUh s
s(l Pl um M. Myau WsnS say kM ST
f-1 'f w ts -i w4.f"- 1 ' -- 1
- v "3"'T. -4f,'i'I;: - ri. v-
r - i MB. W.I
MeSlraJ CMIee. OSW. Ms. Tt PtsU stmt,
Wssslsctaa ss mat, parussd, Ua
ssa. tMBaehearariuaaSs.u.sMu.lisAT
la . r. H. Maartsllur, Issssass sf the Skis.
Psrtteslsr AilssM esM as eslls Bra lk
Cmssmi. - i . aft) '
a cxa ra rain;
see- -.
ram TKixaBApama MPAwntKirT
nitl;!al Cssiiess C.lltwt
Absjsss sit Sss ssbUHIsb foea
ess o tS Is aaSMMs.
fasisissreusesesiaear eaasy Ssr
Tees I ae essasssi ht ihe week hmknv
Insersiiw sfyivP'-une sir I !.
At ssssr l sa iiiimmio
Ikm hsrsas sUa smois SV
a ysses srSseklsaa ma ska
s wlsk um mutwl aaiik -
u, a. wmcsxen.
Hats avd Okmt Fcnxtsmjia Ooooa,
ST' and 1
.. kongrrn.
PiaaM, aVsMa. Caiii, Omaei is,
Blsessis, Ttlaalsn,
STasyici am.
A Wf Aee o JIUmktH, Ton, Han-
Htmd. '
. ,t .1 '1
tnAC3 Cs TlLTCrSy
- ttJit we
Trpnerre nwrrvrp aito sawirw
1 keM knMeM teebeek mm Srsft. ; .
"fW!nrrrsiwsss s timk rpnnrrase
T ' f IX1M, 4sasse stltHS .AVLLjAJt
A0 ITVJllu rrs .
MOMET LtAHKU seen il noiMJi.
Mil, Mnrka ssd athee rslsskl feeelsSi
ertr Sn psrtlee. '
siass es Tsfi atslisi SO ftsa P
esssss Me AUssitf Sim Siresle.
y sul OiisHIIm ssssM so ssM. '
nr u iwMseMoo sf alt kjssa mi PV
ssd Trest llselsa al
j exava aeasnsusneeBM.) '
0PtiOBWryirnt pniwr -ad WAaa-
rrr-rr: illlelUII !, rVUTUAU r
TTAvnm ttat a wrwnrit or txawv
TTAwnm yi at swrwavrn or txawst
totoThCleaaWorfe'sll tiraial 6faia-
Uer. wTrs. Shi He, rsde X w.- trasy,rw.
THrkena, Mmrm ualaihy sad Hwwlaeseid
kra. IeWwjr,fleaw oTawwl.Bl
& ntLUa.
rrrcai A
Per rsriaat las aiisi
osajATinnuuaJk tTgjmaa w ee
sa armmmx asr sss i
Is i nil nun k Uasl Eaasi aad sisse sse
v wm4mmwaBwsUVsw tPBwhywiewWwBSe. ' ' 4 1
War usees sate tC.; t. J
gpprrBV-w PAnnrsjiw smtnCi saota ass
T Wa-hleetoo ateeet, belw a Pre aad
1 ers,PsrWaod, brTos. '. ' ,. ,.,
tnci - tr m mr awmrat,"
rMg tT?efA-Snel 1
iju urruroccB TCsxaMATED
tH finakry fkattl iolag -Ahlaa.
mnen alia aa aeaa aiaaa. sas si
Bus ii abeeUe Msihloa la the I s
eer leea ebso se h wees
asa Pes, sad btsekswwta
best Pssaily Mseaia nar I
s all ts hi
beevy sad llslu
Altrny, aellr eVauv aa
ATjr aeuarr. xutxen cttt. owo.
nD TTwn rr.
nil iltor intes.
sod Owe the beaea Thee.
Csoeee Oese to s
' A Wee ess the
R II II II shrht.
an - V . tmm
RXTAS3 TflltTSra egflTOL
AUsnm? A. sfAaWei . ....
'lype a nnrrr-cLAsn noAnnrwa noma
b per ths Bleat lies sf pee pie whs pes
reeotot bssse tbs nsfsoaa of a boto.
- I CO
sad Third,
- JLt-:
..I'. .
V 4 e '!' -Hi- -
Assakhidaeir pUeMjea sally
aa bbji y tew eft
f ' -,
naatAA '
- f ik - " S.S -
" if
....... - -, - -r ?' ' ' '
IlMofotlld IsAiooeofe f Pfe i
wmi Oaiwavd ImwhwiwII to lhe 1
lTn-ft-tnt strmtTf or ilhUllTT.
r lwlsreuiai ftaatal Susy, '
A PtsAa aasey or a Psslo Ws aa."
to ess- seise psMwVe feest oeeh a oeek. so -I
si Ms ssJveteel mimiim. a
Ssevlsea ef a .
compctent oomn or waiTCRa
epoa aay aad allNbieeuel PetIloIaUesL"T
i '
The KW Hosrew r la a
UiahU, mm a Huua Hiesls -
mmmm mnod the aissim ssMber. 11
ksso so ssa, so ssi Hies, as fi letoa, se ssetr .
mm t-eiur, so creed, lis Sissilelmo la ftnlise
asoo Ue rurh eT Elersal Ubeny, f slvii1
sssaetssuso sae nairsaie rrareama.
Aa a tads ii an Ine eer frlesda is ah
eaertlnos Is sansre swe elsbe ke Urn hw
MoBvawosr.wssSlse Slelse UMer el-
r Iwesir subsarlssia, st SS a earn, seeosa-
ssstel ky the read, we will aire the homk
kMl'TTLR ttKWIMU- MAC H1J.K, eithosl Is.
Sle, eeesursiiy erssstestes, rnre, js.
trmw Uiinr-sve euuwnovre. e w
mwpeiiletf sytlieeseh. vs will aire HOMK
HI'tTL.K KKWINd MAtHIM!, wlls Rlsrk,
wstsst immt
fhrtr seei1wer. W'Vi'aom-'
seeled b, I he eeek, we will elves HoanWil'T-
style, with JUseA
Welasi Ishls ss sovsr.
1 1 we. m
ts ssovw
Meehisee. whleh srswee
Sri 1 1 ni wm snwiiiMleti ees a-
e el tlie im at ties. W. Trsver.lll Pnonl
etreet, IVtHlssd. v - -
Pier CAv. as bias) lure, a St S sseh, anaaa
sssleon, I he re.h. we will siv s MASON
HAM LIST PORTABLE OIU1AK, ftjur ot-lmrm.
eiscle fee, vkk Msr wslseA esse, sseeesalia -hellmre
swell, two Mew sniile, lejiine ees-
r en rs isea Tsirsa, ne.. rrwm, D-rnl.
W aevenUr-Sve euleKVibers, st t V eerh, se.
ssmsente hr the peak, a eVieble reed M AMOK
MAMUM DsUiAJi Musilil-a the Sret
east lAst It ksa slso a ksee etufv )rtee, I'b. -Pur
seeesti-Sy esbecrlhats, st M S eeph.
smisra sdlltlosl. w will sirs a M AMU
les my e vmmm mmm iweeKj-wve
HAMUN uiviAn, aa rive wTiie
BBLr-Aiwrwriws valvks, is-
ssllows, raaMVLAJrr ass bsss-
ewsu. Piles, ana
Pee SOS Bss4re4 heerHMts, aa St.ssckv
an Iwrnty duller sdtlltkNuil, we Ml (Ive a
aira seurs, vws s or bisostd vasoreuv
evr, is reaves osasdatbs sbup-auium-ibo
ua r A Lvee, v rwy mo eei.ixi wltiik i lapt
ass Viol. A, lHAPAeuM,
TOsee whs Seslre to work tut Iheee Bferalaaia
eea eestflh nsntee end miincj a Qwtaessw.
ivl Th wi her rt here will be slsred to tlielr
ereSIt, ss ht esoseh senee ere out reerlve
snn se jmrnr e rri. taw v
etreS tser s elmuees leener premium, or Ihey
will be antlUsd In reeelee twesty-Sve per ereu
at sse sf the aaassat I
wsiiuea sjsi
tsi rev Pleural iiit. -.:
Aa T Hew Woei a r hs srresdy ore
see swleras we are Syrtded tsetUstuUI
Alsesesessrsii'aea. IMP :
To Vseble su Meade w UWif deelds toree-
rsas sir see peser es omn wnwirn
esd se by Isnriartsesw whaerlplWve Uele, we
sessn te tve nut aamfwui aauiuoosi rre-
Asy bmi k t. Wf a tm Is snwar tor the Hew
KasrrawBBMliff will eea ae bis or her owe
ii ili e r J. sad sas sew
aeikUvOtt'V t
A mmtr rartoa MerMe Veeeet -
J Hie mm mv mm wm a,,w , .
OrssVhemleaUlssayeeei. . . ,. 1
sea lews iiseeiTsri
Ivory Meek Is Km(:
Pleted T-e Hpntme;
Orlpelr Alexssdiww KMU
SlsBaled Lsdyatsa.res lliiiiwdedsst ,
OreBlrdCece: .
Or ee Albem for hnMtne Ma plrtnm;
Or as A Ihsea (eatre 1 SouaMliis W sisters;
Ors Pea letter Cee i
or a bns Tnilet Artlblaa, Inelodls asas.
Of s Rritoasle Tee Po
i T foe - - If
I esisi
Or U Buses Uieee Uubletol - . .
Or K doeeB (Usee Tnmhieret
Or PleeVmbrotJered Rejutkerrhler;
Or H Sosea Uses Hesdkefchlelb;
Or s Weotoa Tehl Osvert
Or W Sneee Tehle NesAisa . . - -
OrHsfiseoTowelei ; .
Or ss eleesnl Pnrlssnsls. '
Asp eebeerlherwive Is Is sneer rarS yesra
sheerlstloo. so who will eesd hie er her ewe
seeripilno M,sstd two sew sekerrlhera. ss
sosiDsslsd by tbs see b-asskln t r-w will
aeodt -
A ssi sr BwaeraTBMe reras, inpte ,
OrtMiof rUieere'TehleSpooae, triple pletod,
sa white aeeUl, wsrranied ;
Orsaetef Maieeee' Tea Hpooss, triple plsisd.
' r S sera RWiK
mm nn ene. vuiuwa
AJissla have sees aaaSa to msm i
s bssdensia Bird Cm
Ii.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a s-e end three wew enlia ilhefe. ae
i iwaaalad by lbs ease, smhls a , ws wUI
A Bssesmo Msresiiiea uniit;
OrsbssdensM Wuaha Uellt. red sad wbM'
er elae eed white;
leifew et Ttet4iemi
Or two pslra of Itotlinahem rm rnrtelss;
Or three pairs Alemaadrva KM Olore, say
eesrsr st i .. . ;i
ur s Jesaae laisai were eni
Or te rsrda beet yd. wide Mhxetlns. - : .
Pereeveeee seen hers st SI S eech, aaaossV
fc to SM esiwo will ad I
As sales la-tor, I
utaie a laia d-oo srbne metal
raised st te : , .
tws toayw wrnrse iiee B,saai rsios -j-
w m I j . w ri
Or sb Exlrs Jsy
TbssasnteUs a
laid Work Bos. ' '
ere sit valuable, sad srawsr.-
hi as jsea ae we rrpreernt laem. fr
Una b this sit who eea vlert ssa
eeeetr tbeeesrUcl froiasaf sws besde si so -
hour sotlce: or 11 sa eesvesient to rtelt ee.
wswIMsroeure aruebt y eapeeaa te ssf se
Moerder sf thle bred will easel sit Haa
aalees thesaeh aeenaipanlee It.
rodaraA U pre-
a il mmdmm siiwinllr sMeaded Sv
W, etaeerriy hope ihet IbU BMperAIIeled
whir Is s sew JHMere ta tbs aewepsper
a uieeso, win wis wua a assny rs-
apooee fro re the wisay friend of our paper,
whs ep bt thle Ha beveeeeated ta Sell to reet
r that Tas Maw hoermwasT ssst beraa
w II hs BMaaer. How le th tune to ate t
eluhe. Brfta Sire anroe SI her Serena te
the start of yos, bee what rosea do sr ynm
seiAUe PahUs Bod Ths Mkw Moorwwsar
.ciAt; Itix:tat8fi A.eafli,;:
' Ttseisaala and Retail D Mr la .
to, -;
- fjor. PI ret aad Whioto at -tela, .
nn. g. sa. ftuiB,!
u t
M xr p -X ;o r w
Tspy vVwLwrna
fCITlilT AM uxsxcirc PAlimi
riAff tm POTTm nr urn TTTto. oa ia
j third Soar of OorbeM-e hew Bstldi,
W A. B. till t P. . er ears any
terser Pro ee Ta hill sweet. Furtlead. ,
Orihesesf auirh eaw
All ktads f Btoodlae dose
m ti Ks::nt tkLWct
-fJtOW. nXplrRARTH, KlloTlJ llM,nti-
jrwsri, tjio-ei nnurreq.
. ' piaaaaia of Brory Stra
rwlMreaw sad AaMer PVfarea lk abeer
ad ellaetlue fwarasmA prh
Peswt. BV.-g. saiBUrgff. -"'
rr f ' s-r JOTT.
.-' tm . " l H Js.H Iki f.T-r
. it it - - iji t ... . I ..... li i, : . u -...' " v
ui.w. i e,...---; -