The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 15, 1871, Image 2

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    7. -
1 . ,
.... ZATCTJ.' ,
noga aUed elephant ea fete hands
la the ahape of clearing ap tb niladd
lag af the Multnomah King, end, w
deeply ymnthi with him. Ofeeera
. he a bound, fey the ruk of party poll
tlca, If be would reUia a. position af
or All mumM pnsltlnas ef
Bad omolamoal, to defend bin po-
Htlcal friend, right or wrong. But wear
mjr aaaa Bofmest the tome equere-
ly ami aVlrly. UaaUr heretofore, he
bee eeJoyed the eepaUlloa af ilag
eulte as adept at Agurel j bat then
mast take toto comldoratloa that tt k
of a teak A" area eeexpe-
lapoUtlckaea tbe editor a tbe
. a plausible da
Asaas'af tba Muliaoanah Ring. Itara
k tbe way he ssat with hk figuring:
The cxpesilterce,of the eouaty
UM iimi year eaoiag jary a, tail,
oMT Kfc ageism aaaw
meikae year. Uara U aa I
expaaiHtura ef taais hV
Wottoe tha en fairs am of tba manner
la wbkb thk rtatemeht la put forth,
Kothlng whatever la aaid ef tba pay
neat of a Jedgmeat against tba eouaty
for M.8BS Tt la WTO, tba aartlealan ef
wbkb wa gave la ear lea bane, and
which awoik tba Iniriaii to ear county
aiiamaaa puiper la til. Til eW Far
ther oa we come to thk: ,
Tbi laaf ItontwmdeHte capture ef
la iiwNKwii, aaa wee in
curred ia ridding tba eommualty ef tba
weretgsag that plagued aad tarrorUad
it". -. .... , X r .... - -r. :
Aeptiaa; thia
foaaaa, permit aa ta lajaira lrhy you
did oi atabi thai tba aaaoaai W tba
-Jaagaaaaagalaat-tba: aaapty, paid
la UTQ waa aJao "axMptloMair Ba
, brothar, .- '
AUavtnctbat tba axpauditora af li
lt tl for aaaiaraaf ariaiiaalawaaaur-
raot aad proper and iroaMo't for
tba varld Tooeh that it waa tba ln
la eoaatr axpaaaaa woaOd aUU ba
; TTaa fclkrwlng tabto k aat paaaantod
Tbaa foUowa a labtwad bat i
ful attaoapt to Jaatlfy
Am tba atotlatka fhraa ta tba labia
bar feaaa takaaj from aar eotaainaaad
pubUabad la a garbkd aaaanar ahartag
tba foUaf tba Uraad Jury Beport-wo
ptaaaat agala tba tteana, abawtag wbara-
la tbara baa baaa taeraaaail
7Hf Mm mm far MX 1
k i mi iwm. I.M
f t bmh
4.M aa taa u
m.M umu f aa ""bjui
. Fhi far hm t t . a aa
aa aa
IwiU tbaa aa aaa
ItaaH tkf Mbf aipabaa for 1S7B
waa giaalar tbaa for tba yaar following.
Our aoanty aflVaak feara not maagad
tbalr aaabaaatoaaaBia dlaeraatly. - That
tbara ah oald ba adeeraaaa to thaatbar
axpaailltuiaa aad aoeb aa aztraanBnary
to.ltbaaa k rraiarkaMa. aad
of bat
J"' ,t - .i JJ ff' i
Wa ara earloua to know wby tha Ore-
aialiaa abJppad aarnae tba Hani lit a,
fnr Inataam. tba r"'tL. teal aad rta
ftoaary. Rather bard tblagt ta "ts
- plala," arew't they, neighbor f ; . ' .
yfm eloaa thk artlek by aaklag tha
Ortfo-ltm, aa It baa aaaatoad tba role af
rajntogtetfortha RtngTWtiarttTiac hot
aaaa ft to aaawar boretofora i Wby did
set aur Coaaty Clerk pobllah tba awaaJ
lnaitrtal exhibit thla yaa7- It will ba
rtoaaytbat tha books of the
ara apaa for laapacUoa, aa It k
aaa af tba qaastioa for tba great aoajor
.Ity af tba tar payers af Maltaamak to
- STsmlas tlieia. ' rrr-v-7::r:zi:
. Wa wait fop a answer.
.l....mmamw-BBHBa-- 1
Our men's rtritm brattilea af Ikrish
land daily pram wttb one aaeard entire
-.i-ti-- ..v ..
ly ignored the Uraad Jury neport until
tba Raw Ifoaiawaai wneartbed aad
preasatad It to tba tax-paying peopk of
unnnemaa eeumy, ahowtof tbam aad
tba aatim Bmto wkaraU they bad baaa
fobbed by Rings, aad creatiag each ax
mteaaaat aa aaa aot baaa kaawa la po
litical tJieka here ai aaa the Jaat Btate
alactllaa.. j . . v7t,-r
. ITot aaa af tbeaa dally paper baa aa
yet alladed to tba met that a womaa
aaa forced tbam to speak. They wait
aur articles ara copied aad
I apaa by tba Interior preen, and
tbay tbaa enrae timidly 4a tba front and
bold up the Balem Afereury at a shield,
Doaa hehiad which they assay to strike
as wblk awaking Mutant Mr. rVvnoycr.
First comes the ZbttrfM, (which baa
bscama taa msajth riim af the Bcpubli
caa party la tbk city, aad from which
tba CbvnuateM mast take IU mw brfore
Ilwarea aa aay a waru,aad ia a kag,
parmaai aiautae agataat the
af tba Oraad Jntf akemraa that taa Be
port which waa furniebed tba JTgW
Koa-rwwxar by tba Ckmaty Clerk as af-
ta dutr bound ta do. al
though U aidanUy waa ao glrea toyo
fttHy-k a spurious doeemint, gattoa ag
Tba OrepemVm speaks as aVoa as the
todtcm Ulk II what ta say, of course
i the IferoM tb kat aad
Mm all im . s i-
. wayvaxomaa Iteaaaaiv
ea at aad aemaUettJTTv VTl
Uouea Blag, la I
- w mm KMmn
fMP t'""" " '
I'Mwunan-nima . axaaa
. r-4wi - 'r ..
- a.anMiaaipL : aa at ' aa
. . uwniiuim . m at , . , aw a u. aa
"! .", ' . rmmt ' m aayaa n rtmm m Ufart
a that awtafcie af
TUa Orffmvnot WadoaadayeaaUlaa
a laa aad Called article paa th
tnmutj admin" traUpo, arhlb, aa It'U
tba Arat arau ryportWj boami baaJ
Un of tha toUe by 4ba4aU? pr-
which kia yet cane ta aur tJaa, a
praaaat, la tha aaaia, to aar raadara' tbla
vaak ; .aad wa aak aay aod all
caadld, aaaatbla lea, wba raa
aolafiini. If tbry do aot aaa'lSa aacaaalt
of a tafona to aar polltlaal anaaagu
rant a reform which ahall ba laauca
ntadlmapaatlaar party araaxt rJaya
enairt and fury raoaa aiJ Iw tt-
rtoaa offlota are ail to be awept aixt Pt
ia erdea daily, wood k ta ba aarrteaT la
aad. brae ara to ba kept aa. roatbkaar
vtaa aad for pay for a kilor $ la saaalb
baa baaa allowed . . .,
Now, we apeak af what pm da kaaw
aad ketify of that which wa hare aaaa
whea we declare that the court and Jury
ara tba farthest poaaikle raaaoraj
au prasoeai Maaa ar rooa Htrdar."
And, but for this Hem from the QncyoM
m, weahoald aevar draaaa that "eweep
lag aad puttiac aruar dally waa aay
part af tba official ptograaaaia. Wa
know Btaby wouea la Portland wba
would be glad to be allowed to da tbk
worV aad eVHtewU, for half the
' To abow that the arpeee doaa aot ye-
adit from tba axtreme virtue af Demo-
eratk lataenaa, a
Pa miala tblak these axpaaditojaa
H rlabt wbaa Ibelr baada are la the of
fice crib, the OrroomUm says trnthruDy
As to tha tW allowed tba-Clerb for
keeping tba eounty hooka, tba (Xaaaik
alaaara aaaa tbeir aptioai of paying it to
him ar paying it to eome ana eke, since
tbk work knot part of tbedaty required
af tba Clerk by kw. Wa may add that
to tha UsC IVrk (wba waa a Democrat)
tha ism o 1700 a year was allowed for
thk service.' . II strlkea ate that if tbara
kat "Tammany Kin" bare now, there
waa a very strong aaror oc xammaay
thee. Vat the foreman af tha late Grand
Janr, who waa then editor of tba JUercUoL,
bad no indignation at that tiaae to ex
pend, oa the subject. Expenditures Ube
lUaae were not "profliirsie and anwar
ranted whan they were made (and at
higher rates tbaa now) by bk own. party,
" .' T-e r;,- " e ..
Last wear and tba rear before wbaa tba
ty waa la i)emecraua baada theae
teas were peM eat af tba treasury
great nwaetanllty and witboat a
ward af eppoaiUoa from tha geatkmaa
whe la his recent "report" ebaraatariaea
I be at aa 'proalfrete aad unwarranted"
tboogb be was tbaa editor of the journal
which now thlnka that tha eoaatr aa
UMriUM wntca ailaw Uaeea ate a "TSm
amay itlng." .. .u.
"Tax-payers at If ultnonssb ooonvy,
doiTi yon" sea thafll k aoi merely M.
publican nfowa ocieasouioa arfowa wba
waste yaar maanyt Oaaaot yea aaa
that botk ara guilty af groaa extnrva-
gaaea? And do yoa not clearly see that
aoaa ara making bad work of our
aaaoaai house keeping T Weanea have
exposed thee mattera, eke our Taav
maoy Blag would have yet gona oa, la-
eraaaiag , tbaa a axtmvaauaaav until
there k aa teUiaaj where tbey
hava anded. ' The people,
weanea, are awakened aw, aad they win
We iliishm gtoa tba Q rpandmPa
aaaetal exhibit, with commeaU which
wa deem appropriate. Let tba peopk
judge of all three matters with a calm,
Tba ffmmU, ta aommenUng
tetter af explanatloa from tba Fi
of the late Grand Jury, which wa pub-
elsewhere, aay
Tba eommunieatioa aek rhrht a aaai
tar abaat wnasbeur two wmtampnrariaa,
la thia etty, have been disturbed,
namely: as ta tha value aad authentic
ity of a certain report, appertain! nfto
tha flaaneee af tba eeaat v. made bv the
4rajwi J rv at the UUe term of the
Mr. reaaoyer atatea, aa wiU ba
that the report as ha an aaa it, waa Arat
mil ml inn n in -real Iiiit lij hlanelf
aad received their apfaoval by a aaaai
aos vots no eoe eUecUsar. and U was
submitted to tha Court aa the report af
m uraaa jury, ni sua, wear, air.
Pwanoyer assures aa, that, the iJrand
Jury bstaa paeaent ta llaurt, weraaskad
by the Juttae if thk (holding it la bk
band) waa their report, to whiufc he, as
soraman. aaawtiaii amrmatlvetr ssr taa
Jury, aad no one dissented. Them eaa
be, then, no doubt that tt waa aad k a
genuine document. Aa Mr. raanoyar
says, the report k aot a partkaa
meni, tba majority af taa Jury tales
itodioak, whik Mr. Paanoyar k a Bam.
acrat. Had It baaa partkaa. it would,
aa doubt, baaa baaa hraored br tba aaa.
rn,f " "'"i T
llha.aabjact af aem
aad la taa newspmiicfa, are
aeUled and set rlxhtT - -
Tblaga betag tbaa understood, the
ilarmld k Bear able to say what it was
aot prepared to aay aatll now. . ,
"Did tba WmrMI, for a time, boilers
that tba .Oraad Jury Report was a "par.
tlsaa docameut H... And did It therefore
ignore it, kat Ito publics. Uoa asigtu in
jure Ito friends, tba Multnamab county
Court House Ring? If the 17m.M
aot a party to ills mat-administratioa,
why did It garble tba Report? Wby
baa It aot yet pabttahed ttt rtrrrrjrr
Ah, Mr. crnioV Tha peo14e'a eym
"f1. Tbey amdetornJaadJarap
aiato all Biaigs aad get eaatrol af tha ef
Aces tbemeetTea. It matter aot to tbam
bow much you ahake your Aet and
abaat, ie getlemenn or "aa kdy."
Neither do they foil to aaderetead yaar
preecnt coaarientlooa (?) .disclaimer.
aiara they know that yea wera banted
from your bulla place by tba weanea
of the county, and eourpeUed to tara
Btate's erldenca to mve, for the time
belag, your ewa poUtloal poaltloa.
roy 1t irblk yea may, poor
Tear time k abort! 1
ClUlSSCr llttyrr;,
The ether day the Jttrmid toU Ik
wltb great gaato that Jmwato
MUkrwaa golag to aelect a bandsome
residence aad Uke an bk abode la rort-
mad. New.thtt same raQaUe paUioa-
aatbat be k to wed a fbntebJ
laask and make bk heme la
WUieettlrteadDatldsoa be aa good as
to reserve that beautiful eito la
"Are yoa going ever ta the Dsxaoera-
yf V-..
Tbk twe-tioa va mr "."J. as
ty ay -mlart r"7blic a ai L:', wbr
wkliMbt'-wL atbeadafUc 'tt
r .rr-Ttl U L..a analnf r la'
A UUk aaaodeia, wbleb wa tU bare
relate, wll asm to illustrate aar
tloar ' '"""" '
'Aerula darkk waa eUisaed by two
aaa af waeem. belag of a relig
ious tara af miad, seat the vassal rexa-
larty U charch to kara ebedleaes to tba
Wbaa tba skv rataraad aaa aay, bk
beaked the sar-
"Se Ilka him, maamt fian bai toll a
Tatl toU Bambot Yoa mustn't talk
that way a bant tba aalaktcc. Bat what
MbaamwUuUwaafokar . s , .
i be aay a
Bt aay,
'Ha'U bata aa aaa aa' tab da adt
i aa 'apka aa adder.' Tatat
1 1 bale yea both alikeV
wbaa tba Bapatilliaa party
waa tha party af pragram, Aad to that
party we tbaa fondly leaked for
alttaltoa af aar bones, for tba aabaa-
eamaaaaataf aaa batfaf tba
Uy aad tba satsbllshmrat af a garena-
maat of aoaaeaay, aqaality, parity
Juati Baa abwt tbk party which
ppomleed aa ma tb, aad wbkb JUL la
pUsb so much gaad for a
I( exhausted Ito aaa kka wbeait sup
pressed the grant Rebellion, aad IU work
THt "'" p"y rmt,r"t"
eorpaa, nothing more, nothing
therefore tba women hope for aotblag
at Ik baada, aa It baa Indeed all that It
eaa aoanage la 1U eflbrk to make believe
that It cxkta. ' '...,
-Botb have doaa tbalr work' aad both
maat pam way r Aad whOe maay
and womaa from each Will eaalams lata
a BepubUoaa ar Damocratlaesioa, tab'
fng aaa name ar the other, tba precree-
atve spirit af tba age wtn aaa tba
stty af a party of IMaefple, wttb Jaatka,
progremloa, aad harmony M Ik
Uoa, aad apaa thk rock will we build
ear truei,---' -: " -sn-T..
ra cue)
TbarOryjomVaa aad Buffrffcrsay fhai
tha Report of the Oraad Jary k the Re
port of oa man, and not the opinion of
the entire Jary. How k tbk? ; Is thk
not easting a refkatloa apaa ear Hoa-
arahk Circuit Judge, whose duty it k to
aak tba persons composing tba Oraad
Jary,' after, receiving tba Report fn
tba baada af tbalr Feramaa. If tbk k
tba Report af tba Oraad Jary, aad, it
aot tmpaadad to afflrmatl vaTy, to rat
It to them? Is It aot ako mating a
nccUoa area tba lumslalag aortloa af
thaJurr. tolatlmea. ia
ed td indorse a document without know
ing Itseoateute? Waamaea t That aaa
ament s the Report af the Oraad Jary.
Ta doubt it la to east dbawedtt aa aayi
aadarary ofAolal deeamaat, aad destroy
confidence la tti am, Tba be
it to ba eorreot anlO tha eeairary, k
by tbeaa papers,
tbam topewva the Be-
part mka If they eaa
II the figures aad atatoamato glvaa
taare are true, they
aelvee, and It amttora
aot Indorea tbam. If they are aet
disprove tbeaa. The books ef the
county are apaa for the laspecUoa af ev
ly. The pablk waat to kaow them.
QTT XT rC73Z t ... . ,
spring, wbaa wa begaa the pab
Uca Uoa af tba Haw Boat a a aar, the
people enld:-"Her breflkr helps her!
No raana could manage nana a pa par I i
Hell gei fired of bk treable after a
while, aad tbaa tba breeae win Mow tt-
self eat.". Bat the weeks aad maatha
have gilded oa, and the paper Improve
wltb every tome, walk the puMie,hmra-
lug that the OnrpxMshm aad aaraaV af
aot only aet la each etber'e Utereat, but
la spiritod eaaaVsTeraV, aew I
That Paaaayar to aur saeaei
The AwA K that BaMber af
toy avermt edltarkl amk aware
af two for bk iipissJtlia, aad aba
baviaa su balded bmg age tiraan be
Iwaajtoa'!iiitokiar to bold bk ewa ta
aa argameat to wbkb be bad
y w stated. j,s 1 - ' u ,i1'ti ni.
Mtraage that palitklaaa eaaaat leant
It requlrm aoUdag but a weaeaa's
brala to anrarat inuUttoVj-.
Woador who'll be arastatod aavear
4aaammWamawJ . . M ,
Wa kara from frieada la the etty. aad
ay aameroaa let tara from tat
that laminate are exahaaf
expoee ef
Chat they ara Jaat
Wemea BuOraga aad the VtnLKi
wa . paal aaaw taa.bmdly, auatle-
teaa.' we'ra gtod ef yaar hale for ear
am asaat mU the
1'a Black
gettiag the
ta Uk Rag, aad abaBI
taa pauue yam as seea sake aaa
raady. Oar vac k aet apaa
hat ahawa weanea aa fovma, aad tbay
mast aot expect Xavwra Aar Ikamsiliaa.
Waaea aaraei trki, pay aar ewa
key, rua our ewa machine and ara ar-
aaaaUy reapsaslble ' mr au'en" state-
ekave to aa
aka pkaae waiatw that ywa bawa a
The r Hia etaJ aaoOer artl
ek wet CiT ' j k.e W bree weeks
to. Cerekaaof tti j
TNtaamafCyoreeaaewr 1
tot aeprv A term ef the Urer it t
Ml 'sai red ww a
at a tva Or-a r, w-t
i U f a; eat r saw they at tate
t-si frtUul demy af aaarale" to the
brilliant aueeem of Huaaa BL'a doe-
trtasar -V.Ua weren't ea-a -ataf
aa'Tr-all'? nor k-r eV- l?-s it.Js
proper lor aa to "viauMWte tue truth of
htstory,1 and place aome of the reanee-
ibUity for "fiV-MftU ascay af aaorabr
meeVaW waaaMr'liMsSaTaV f ! - af . V
Thaa lUlow a dissert slloa upoa I
"i oi mm pnauiueat eaueea u wvorce
la Oregoa, aame af wbleb am
tkily aerrect. - But oai
rys coatlasiuas are IBeclUmate, aa are
saoat maa's eaa klead I
woman to raanraad. r After telling ui
that the Donation Act was largely pra
duetive ef m-aasorted maJTiagca, be
"The tandaary to divorce
stoaUy paaaaatad to fomak tamptaUaa
mma aaa met tnat the win) waa
by the Federal kw wltb a half-aeetloa
of lead, whik Ural bvklatloa aad
eoe rta add allmoay, etc, to aa extent
reaee, eapeeially among tba early luad-
ef frmaJear; muery
t see that tba taa-
proparty la fee eimpie, bat bam me H
VM aaaWiV pfD whJma4 4sJ- OflgaPe
tt tbaa aBewamaebedy eke to dolt A
ptopeijy-eralna: a amia win "aa"aore
break the diajiiHam aad ererbearlag
eoatrat ef her hi
ty, whe abe eaa help herself, tbaa will
moor permit ike mam aaaipaUua; - It k
assMMtbat the kwa ef the kad am
aib Uaat awmaa aba aew ft)afty
kl bfwwa right
eeatiai ef It that It mahse wMa
toaaakaararea.' . f . '
-The caaaa doe ladeed Ik Msrpr
tbaa the brmiaat luiiim af Huaaa Bs
aoctrinea.w 1 W also agree that 8
& did aot create tbk hletory - It k
tbk history whicb she sVpUrm; but.
from the pecaalary aad political doeni-
natloa af maa, aba wul net be
tobbtala a dlvoree la erdar to eaatrol
bar wa persoa ar property Tbea bar-
meay win arte from cane
aioa, aad woman, the pear af maa In an
tblnga, -wm ba, to reality aa wall aa f a
All the
have, aot yet baaa
We bare a aaaa to report aad
aaa three weeks
ago, a man, having a wlfo aad severs!
children, living oa the hllla west of the
etty, eoaeladfd be waa tired af bk foa
ly, gathered ap all the money which
bad beea saved by two years' bard khor
of the twaia la the milk and hatter to
lneas, ameaatlnaj to aome ai haadrsd
doUara, aad dam w pad for CbUfomk,
leevtM r" mm- " a y
ebudraa to mpport, aad aotblnr but
three cow to .aid her. Wltb a brave
heart, which- shew the womaa to be ia
truth tba "better half" aba coerageeue
y meed bar hard fortune, and may
ery morning be Mea winding her lonely
way (walking) to thk city, through two
long mile of maddy weed, with a
mlUt-caa foil of. milk In each band,
which aba selk to their aid customers,
aad tbaa walks back, to eat fire-wood.
feed her cows aad toke care of her chll-
: Thk k bard: but harder sUU k the
tma, mads by aUvalroaa men,- which
prohlbiU that peer womaa from aelllag
ef Chose cows, renting their llttk
tog la fact aay contract
about the. property left oa her baada to
lighten bar toil, which to enough to kill
strong men, and all because aba k the
rV af a cowardly aaeak of a runaway
It eecme to as that area a
woman, If she were (a tba Oregoa Legis
lature, would have aeaea aad ability
enough Udrawjip about bra Unas nf
kw that would eOVr a poor, deserted
wlfo some pretoettoa la
' tt wemia eiaij abate la the raited
States -weald ge to work, aa have the
tatofllgeaa aad aeaackBtloua todke of
Fereal . Oraiabelr 3ttompto to ia-
Kliaiief gerammiatand
aeiHrcal - artoattoa, r they
Id apeedlly aaa that Uka matter ef
duty for them to Uka bold of the aflblr
af Btate aad berp their brothers to purt-
?y Bk Augaaa atabk ef paiitkal
fbraaghuat ear moral atmoaphara. The
east Otwee toCea kkvetas after pol-
Utea yast at away af ga Fortbtml wom
eaaJeeVla;,aadWeshankokfbrmacb gaad to reaalt froalbelr laTeattgatka
Aaancktlea. .,,..,..'.,,.-.
ti eauaanesBMpaeeusase '-f s-
rn tziB.
, Tbekrafcf Iklaks that
aa taeeatly. appeared la the ! 'kv
5omfHT, ailriamf to Caek Ike by
hk niece Faiaay, ara aotblag but 'Hloa
geret" wbaa be k the aabjeet of aong;
bat wbaa taa aame rhyme ami meter
arpeared la the JSrrafcf, appontng'
Wamaa frnga, the aame Ipwraal was
dellgbtod. Kew, If Brother Ike bad
kaawa that the Una wbkb be calk
"ductaret ware writara by tha wlk af
aae ef the most prooaiarat Deaaocrat
la lartmad, aad arrremd by berhae-
rband, who biuagbt tbeaa to tbk aOee
fof pabneeitoa, be weatl aet have eared!
to make seek aa asaertka. . Bach k the
met, howeter, mmi "rack Ike? k jmlit.
lean- "iked" : ' '
A.Tj t
la stnitadtr k
a asrwatassi aa tmlA MemtVataria
ear a r
Voa.aail to 1mmm-.' have wa to
aa wfcb her? And wk-t bawaem k It
aT ear wawtbee her Laraad be bar
ranai'y" ar ami Aar JaWaat
nouunsT eiass
woaaeWyj r
Our brut liar eeasa'
aeacy for dlrerre eama, not ascnam
I ... aa"
-Wee-k tbe rs. ss.
Carroa Haw Vwrrawssri
TP a expras... fpof C" used by
yoer Ha km eerrespo' tat ia the kat
r rf the K" ?orHwaaT. evt-
.11 j n. jra to portant polltkai
ents, la which La appaam to be wall
-eted. rHavlo3 baaa- referred to, tt
igbt aa well be brought to lbs surface
aad almd a little. .
Beveral eara agoTbut w I thla the
proAUbk smaggtlag operation waa car
ried aa between Victoria aad Portland,
which, prommaal ol3ckb were accused
ufjuWUjysg ai.JJaka and, barrelof
brandy, saarked "Do Fish Oil," ware
flooding our market. Re efflclal could
are It, Finally the parties engaged la
the business quarreled about the divis
ion of the spoils, aad the whok aflhlr
became public," aad everybody knew
what "Dog Fkb Oil" meant, ' bat dkl
aot know bow to apply It to polltlca, un
til the affair of Jack Burcbard prceented
a aolutlon. - ---;z IS 't-H'' --
Some ef the parties engaged la the
former tranaactloa were aide to deposit
f 1,000 a bail moticy fur the appearance
of mU Jack Burcbard, tbaa lying la the
county Jail, awaiting a trial under aa
Indictment for murder. 'The deposit
waf made ea election day, under aa ar
rangement wttb the (Beeghs) friends
and co-worker ef Burcbard faakl to be
forty la bumberX who agreed. If their
comrade was released, that they (his
Meed) -would -rote a caitaia- ticket
The deposlLwaa made, the ma
east, aa per acre Ue tit, aad Jack Bur
cbard walked boldly out Into the fresh
air, aad that to the last ever beard ef
Jack. ' The ticket ..was triumphantly
elected, aad the Rougba became aatkfied
I that they were a power la poiltica.' -
laming in aaa ivs inaawinaj aogeta-
ar, aa weader that year Balem corree
poadont tboagbt there waa efficacy la
"Dog Fkb Otr to alltag the peUtieal
to tbk eoanty. It k the bue-
of the Ring to know how to obtaia
tba TU," as wall aa to apply It to the
amcblnsry. aad wall they knew their
h aslaem ' ' - CrvTTX.
-IarrLAB, Dee. U, ten.-'-' ' ;
aBasnwrnrnmamsnwaamw -wt.s.
; &4LBX, Oregoa, Dec ft, 18TL
Kataaaltaw Hum man ' '
"The baaaat people bare ef all parties
are delighted with year rereat expoee ef
the Multnomah BiufV Maay art talk
lag ef taklag the Kaw KoaiHwaaf. . I
aaadrou the aame af Jadae d. of - Cor-
pay ever to yea wbaa I came to Pbrt-
The Judge said for me to tell j
artioteaa Malta amah'a Ring
blav to aubacrthe. rt. Wby
don't you abow ap the Balem Blag? -
yi . a':..K'.-t vsl , ' ' ft f nV
bubeorlbera are earning la from every
quarter: aad if the demand becomes
mach greater wa shall start a dally jar
: We'ra getting ready for the Salem
Brag, goad friend.-Be patkat. ;r ' "
lOUi cocjti crrrrioTcsisi.
TbeOmpaaaaa aaya tbaa tha Osaaty
thud therefore ear eouaty aSklrs
all Jlght,-Daiaa't- tba
that three ef the
la Sew York etty, of whom mar
O. Roberta wrae eaa, bad taa
pMoly drawa ever tbalr eyes by
Tammany that they reported, tba dty
Aaeaeee aU right;
ay ba.aeoired aome-
UX9 0U1V.
Oar balem correspondent kat . week
ated that the Orroimia waa owned by
the Court Heuae lUn. Thk we did
aot belkVe a( first, but have alnce reluc
tantly eoate to the eoaclusloa that tt k
so, from IU foebk aflorta to shield our
traaagiamtog rftnaty rfflelsk j ' i
How have the mighty fallen f 777
- Tha eerreepoadent who baa favored as
wltb aa axpkaattoa ef "Bag- OH," as
applied to polltlca, aaya to as la a pri
vate aote that tba transact lorn
to ocenrmd before tba preeeat
Heuae etnmak were la pews
aeqweatly raaaot appty ta aay way lo
I - !(
We are aot aararkad at the
e panose, of the Maltaamak Osart H
"weed bill,N ataee the Orpsafaa
explalasd that the lecrnase af aar pepa.
bUtoaJuatiAmbV -r - , . ... r
. . m;1 JaanaaBBsmamaamHaaanaaal
- Ia ItTA tt east Aial al to aweply the
a-m a eaa us. . . . J -
unar Moan wtb smiisaaiy. la uri
tt east g ua.Iasmaa, H ia. Ae
ether tenet of the rare-ton af poaakttoa,
. la im tha militia coat Multnomah
eoanty fS3S C7; Ja I87J. t U6S U. Our
oouaty government la evkkatly prepar
ing tut
"To A . Fort.'! We publish ea the
rat pare a poem from the pea of Mrs.
M, bL Killer, entitled aa above, and ad-
1 to nor Buatmad. Jeaouia Milkr.
rersee nave re msdiyeiietloa
. 1 . .
hi'h eaeomlamna la the liUanry riralea
of Knglaad. - Home fugitive pkcee and
many extraeto freea Joaquln'a pnraui
have met aur eyes; ia none have we de
tected a merit euual to that which pre
vadee every aanteaee of the verses writ
tea "by bk avwkrted wife. They ap
peared erirlaally la the Nrw Kowth
Wbbt. ' Wa eommead tbalr ---
critical and discriminating reader, and
cballeu a comparison with the beat af
Jeefeta't poems. kriA? Ttibmme.
i'I mua af 1
yea aupfwee, ' aakt a: lady to her minla-t-r,
who bad ceiled vpna bat during her
uusree, "tot 1 snaae tietsey all at the
window aa soon as the ball begtaa to
ckisae,- aad toll me who ara aoi aar to
whether tbry have aay-
ei tbecr r4-rH
Yoa ara at rack by t i naaaberef
rhiidraa everywhere bere. rSome houses
oiuV'T ov rfiowlr T with them; aome
toe ev ewereu ia tuttw'
Tie dk.rant e-to along very
1 tortef reaerai.y, bet that k Uttk
Mkr, aaat-adrar.' i of agraasaaat
not mam to snare women toe caree m
saaterat 1 aaw a Morama Bouse
hold ia which two amkktle-aged wives
them. . I tout tweliUkkir-hairedgiria
for twine and ther were a anrt of aulyr-
amstlf twins, bora almost at tba aame
time la the aot names, at eunereni
mothers. It seema to ma that tha ehil-
araa berwdo ao took aa kafiy sad
krtrhi ea in aur towns: I marv that the
Uule girls, at least, have something of
the subdued, represses took of their
avauy. aad nearly all neatly and com
fortably dresead. I bear that they have
verr rood arhoola. aad ara wader good
dkrlpllae at home aaewerinr to the
rail-eall at abrht, aad duly baworiag
their Is lose aad their motoara. .
Many Mormon wires ara alstrrs, and
It k mid they grt along quite barmonl
auelT. The Very nature af wema seams
to be changed bare, aad turned apaide
dowa aad laaide auL Aa luteUigeet
first wUe told a Oeatite aeigbbor that
the only wicked feeling abe bad about her
huabaad taklag a atcond will waa that
bedidaee Uka bar atater, whe wanted
bias, or rather a share la him. rib
would have liked to have the property
kept la the family. I mw the ether day
a pair af young wives, sisters, walking
hasm la aaawt. Urease alike la every
particular, oc toe aame neigbi aaa
piexJou, and of the same aeon real
Indeed, looking aa exactly alike that tt
waa almost a earn or m mauled bigamy i
It must aaem queer, evea to. them, to
my "our hue band,'? as they Used to my
Kuir tiUiM." at Hntie Mmv J
The moat ' alngaUr and aaaataral
amrrtaave here are those ef seen with
tbeir wives' mothers. These ara aot
anfreqaent. It strikes me thk k a se
ditious trfot asalntt Immemorial domes
tic authority, the most anckat court af
ajsataiae apiwal nai n la aa attempt m
do a war wttb aiotber-ia-kw. ' hea
young wives ara taken, the three or four
or Ave do aot always bicama aaa A ash,
there le ao met lutes ranetuoa snit eeai,
hostility aa the Dart of the old wile.
Occasionally a husband object to bav
ins even a second wife Imposed oa him.
I heard of one the other day who. though
be Anally submitted to the aommaad af
tba imperial Brisbane, that ha a
mka and nrovide for. a eertala
woman "a lone, lone eretur" declared
that that be couldn't "bear her" and at
once put her away aa a ranch forty mike
from townpensioned aod pastured her
ML csraee oi atimaaa a iw smrm
r Biabop Hi
Invited toal
maatfng nf
the Womaa. Hufirare
Iowa, reaponded as followsi ' - 1
Tttr. I. HaaijLmar- Stmafvi
Yean laomslag Mrfa-rtovery'e bind lav
vttation waa recetveu oemra 1 anam
koto. I would be pleased to com pi
with her Invitation, toiaed aa It k with
vooe sj-nawt. solicitation. But I am an-
W hands if not to keep the
at least to keep alienee eo far as either
sermons or puotie nujimma are cn
eeraad, aattt the full n iteration ef a
1 am alad to my my health
improrlng. -1 havepreeided at flveeou-
leesaeee thla mil - two suu awart 1
But I have not yeoturtd aay extra
rieaae-eoavey ta Alra. rJaTary pay
tbaaka Am her kiod invltatioa, auj my
to her that I sympathise fully with the
Woman rUiffrage AsaocUtioa la Us de-
aira to auaia or wamaa the nan
Ana 1 none in aaaoctauoa WIU keep
ciear rrora ait otner topica ana question
with which the movement k
entaarkd. It k for .Ito aaoral
I desire it: thk wives It stranctlw
Imprudent epeecbee ef some of it a
ratea ara Injuring It mora tbaa al
aiora tbaa all the
argumenw ana eaone o lie oppomini
norvs of lie opnoBrtnw.
"lours, truiy. m. Hiareosr.
We are glad to lay before ear ma ia
thk cordial - letter of sympathy for
wouuut's enfranchlsemeiit from so "fhil
neut a man.- We appreciate the full
force of Biabop Bimpson'a ata tern sat at
the close nf hk Bote, and deeply regret
that be baa occasion to write ia tbla
way. - There ara a few Identified with
the Woman Bnftraga cause, who adue
ettier noestions, which do arm! harm to
tbeeuflraav movement. The true frieada
af . woman' enfranchises eat 'rm
Mra feet thk. aod many fool esilad
upoa to publicly protest aajalnat lc . la
Polk County. Iowa, a Woman Buffraaw
uonveutiou waa recently neiu. ana was
buvely rapremakd by ita members and
rnenOs, who rem sat ad aaaiaat a naner lore, wnma advw
eatea. la connection wttb auffrage, "fro
Lxu.H atwl IILwnalns-tuaaaaanr nrtmii-
uoa.' at omaMri awwii.
Mr. Laary denlee that her cow kicked
ever the kma that aet fire to the straw
that burned the stsbie that causa d the
abstraction ef half af Cbleaaa. Wbkb
sxoaadiagly aesoajtdeby the
wau-aaowa met mat uiucaao cow
aerar-kiek, and folcage kerosene k a
non-eombontils Auid, aad Cbleago bay
k gathered from ami li aa and teae sat-
with aait that it will ana barn.
and that Mr. Lerr' abed was built of
fire-proof materiaU, and that the dee
trurtlou of Cblcaao Waa la aaaiahmaat
or its sine, aaa, moreover, bv
blaming for whioh tbeaa wba
burned out are exeeedinxlv aratefuL
taa eaw most oe exonerateo.
Ptrrr MitM or Fiar-The Chicago
aunaffl my immt aa apeewx
aremeot of the 11 ds of street destroyed
ay tne greea nre anowa inai aoout 0rt
muVe of street were laid waat a - Thk
M vra 0'reader a fair kka ef the extent
of the conflagration; aad the faet that
nearly all these ruined street were lit
erally lined with bonding, aocne of
whhb were among the finest la the
werhi, will give him a folr kka af the
magnitude of the QMetracUoa. ..
Jones my that he Brat met bk wife
In a atorm, took her to the Arat ball to a
storm, popped the ouaatlan ta a aearm,
amrrted her la a etorm, lived bk subse
quent married life ia a storm, but buried
her la pleasant weather...
Ia a kta aWsatka letter Ham j Ward
eeeher eaasaaratos aa amaae tSm da-'
lights of summer rest, tha ptirlteaeof
wearing obi clot tie. Thk b a prl Viieee
that a good many clergy
1 aave taa
year round. - . ,-
' Aa enthaalaatk editor, sneaking af a
aew prima donna, aaysr . "tlpt veiee k
aa aaft aa a rail af reivai, aad aa tender
aa a pair ef alopehop paatekioaa.". . r
A CtnrfnnaU 1ree aortof sdvrtkm
to trnrti n horse to stng. wbkb aur .mm
to Um Beatoa baf that wt have afa
alngera already.
f JeorreHand k wrttlae a aovel wbich.
tt k mid, wlU atmek "ad that waa para,
vlrtuoaa and good'' ta tba af Ce ea-
- Latter fsam Cr.
t., "oKTU!fr, fevoV.
ta me Jbiilmn ul ike MmmUi-mSmm .
The Orrjfamimt of thla morning dasie-'
nates the report of tha UrandJ ury for thla
eoanty as 'a spurioua document, " and
It waa aot aude by the
Oraad Jury but that ttfwa written.
wwpw maa aiaaeu ay amy an
bar af that body." fa reply, I i
have to
my 1 net aucn report la
document: that it waa
a aparioue
da by -the
Oraad Jury, and waa b that body
eepted. Ou the kat day of ita eeseioa I
wrote, taa repon ia tne uraaa jury
mom, read It to the Jary after belag ,
abated. wBersapea,-ay veae ac
Oraad Jary, it waa Indorsed aa tbeir m--
port, ana so prasentea te we tourv
ltoariesmejNamaa aa ita analenta JA
baa beea cbanred that it was written la
a partkaa s4rit. riuch a charge to at.,
teriy souailksa, aa the Impri son maul .4 .
ef wltui an with crimlaak and the pay-
t af ankwful aUpenda to the Uarb -
and Hheriff bad baaa done endee Dosao.
eratk aa wall aa Hepahikaa eouaty ad- " "
mlaiatrations. , it waa me ammm uuu
were complained of, aad aot the eouaty
ometak. It waa the unaalmoua oploioa
af tba Oraad Jary that while the im- -
prtaoatnent of witnesses wtta crtauaaia .
waa aa outrage, yet luai ine jauor eeusa
aot be la the least bkmed, aa be waa
reapaaaible for the earn keepiae; ef each
wltaeaaea, aad bad aew here eke to keep -j
them The several items ef eouaty ex- ,
peed! tare were merely givea for public
Information, aad were eccom pealed by
aa eeeameato whaarver. ' Allow me to
a. IW ia Leo ees-v beaSaf me ability. -
I avoided making what mbrht ba dremed
a partiaaa report, but that being placed
ia a poaitioo where ft was toy duty to
speak pUialy.Idid an, aad waa aastsind
by the entire Uraad Jery, the
majority of wbkb waa Republican.
am alaaaed to aay thk to their credit.
lt waa a matter of aorprim to me that
the aakwful payment, of the sumo dea
igaaaao, e ute uera anu raeno,
never ttefore nera nouoaa ay
Oraad Juries, but that such arenas had i
beooene aaoct lotted by the precedent of ,
several years. Aad it k equally a mat.
Car eurprtae o me vnat tnera aooum
nmadeneainakpanariaMuitaamsh -
county ready to mail ten the Oraad Jury -
war aiscnarcmg 11s aimpw ouiy, ia ee- . ,.
aoaacing Ibk proflbrate expenditure of 1
It, am the reel plant of munificent mlar-
ka. ' : BrLvasTxa PxsxoTKa. ZZZ1. .4.
, Tne MilsVaiwisi ars ealy i
est m Aseafa (u th Saw yoavawam -
n. a - . "t
Mia. at. lilTrtss L ' --"- Aasa
il u. a-ia..,.n.r. .Wsiaise w 'r
Im J. Wsiai ., .1 , lafarew-
A. V. ft M , mi1 -r
h. r. uo
Mm. C. A. Ouku r-K.
t L
Tb. rtnoa
B. Vtmltmm.
T. ImrKXK, aminnlaaed 4e?tB
XJ IWselr rw la Has Vimrmo,tai bis
hmm Im surtne Chfele H w
vaa usa ee aatMcneas. estse mm mm
fnua m aMkm mmr, will rtxt the towns In Ike
Wuiwattajrslwuaje sruj
ksowlaUss sum UM 1 s Is br IsslsMi M -Rssla-UsarsTiSi
4nsiell swkoa.
lmina Sr SI. mi. tth fai
aoao Pfej-afcalasy.
fattsesnsearaMlrd relM-ft
Mdtrin snd mertind qusrkefy, sad
ass. ss Ur. Biann win mmw mm U waa aa
1 aaa taa eke Uilah lilliaal
' ut utr ears or dlnsss.
- "TTwusna,
xe-Mrrm, r ATaJtmav
ASWIoa ofth Iaiiss IXiaoioaa, tHa-han
ass Kra,
F.ym, Uraaa lain U4-k(MPtr af Um ) 'r-
mmwm, maa ar iMmw Mai
alljr a
1 i In ria.
lUMKAKKM, aiBn-tallf
SKtleary aij
MB, ar to rtaas ar niaiaUia whlea .
CHAUua Ouaasllalliai
Twi-MirraM aa screeahl lo Ik eta
lamt"-3ag t at t mlM eal,
- rtioi
; l. saajTiAwav 1
RK-AI arrAT."' iia rrrr Aim run
rUao( Is Urs asaat asalraWa InraiuM.
g '' fj'm. llAar ItrasWIuxaL
Heesse an
-".J-vaevsa Pans i4 Valc asl T.
m w m raa Btsl ar sTaa, g
Baaa Bam aa ether
fa loMjmlaM, Ha TMta I'rrT aaJthraoaZL
III 1 1 as aM TojUTuklM, wita taa
sae,a ea um aaoat Aavserseaoca rimkm
wm mrnmrnrn JjjuLm, tAin jit
m vl.Aia mw ALL
ciA mmm Aaaact kiuaaa nuautu
. . . . . c:r. .
Aaaans ariaU Orra-a ta all Ihs Cmm sa4
Towns Ha Um Mtatb a-iil .. - TT?. .
jr asm raoeaan aaa .fareajU aaa --- - -
aoyve. adilrsss.. ,.
$3 SAVED I 4-4 i-t
KOV anfaai s'aaat.
Maraiaa, aHa eUMU rn'r-il aahaaaaa
, sua-ir laiow, Fmm - aaa
hWUHM 1 am 1, 11 .
tfrrmnm (iy... .
ii 1 . .
,Tss tauis
Bcnsllis n n 1 1 . Iseislls ' ,
is a a. "
ti T. HeoU, rl 1 1 t , j-r ' A
Ml. A, K. Ourals Tsf -q- Wsasu-ai :
I. W. Jrsoew ,m . ,. ....... .. Kmr
U 1. Tfcr.... .,, aa Fr-m !, -
Mm, m prrwos Uisntiia , . I'll -r-ta 1
MusMsllls Mswss , ... .. uirtmptm
.1 1 . BFEClAOTICEa. v - ;
. Ietaxm w ta Ta '
Wbg WrilVito atoea-met T"
fWrwlWi.ll tCIV antiane'aM s . -jij..
Sla-l-t a lati. ... . ' i
well aa aar saillai ka ta eaaraw. '
A tre Inn AjrvnU i
ma a.
.MMV pi... m ia ia - -
nru AKxr.
POT A t.' e aVTTH,
bava. c Auixa
1 rr"-
V nana as
m al mmn r ( n
lna.ramiMaa,saU HI
iMHp nr ana fcla4. will la
a sell sad hmmn ihaleaaV
K. V iTHLht.JJ.
a ranuaM Imtm -
1 wAAHiarrua xnxrr, xrr4rnxi;1
r v a av
Aaoill. .
. ' aafnavaam waa
ate.t. - : : "
Hi .
unprem cjmaahv