The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 08, 1871, Image 3

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"a-- -
riUDAT - DliCEilllEB 8. 187L
TV ;ttfe & Bests, asy tbsXcr-
aU, kut . Irsn ashore twenty-five mIIm
south of Op Flattery, Sowtmnr Cb,
during the preYslencs of ft terrific atorm,
and ta tote) baa. - Bbs was boawl to
BurrsrJ fWt, Britiah tidumbls.'for' A
losd of lumber. The officer wd
wsrs saved, and only mm sailor was la
jursd, sad bs bad a kg broken. " Ksws at
lbs diameter was ttlwtM al ii,.,
Holme aboard ths atma CailtonU,
which, was lying a Saab Bay, bjf a
party of Indian. The steamer ws
compelled to P"t ' tbsrs by Urn mums
Storm, which to aald to bo sos,of Um
asratsst ksows on Ibis coast for aersrkl
yesrs.. Tb rs rs eo high that the
ceape at tbs Indians bringing tbs aawa
was a pact alongalds tbs steamer, and
tbs occupant vers am red with difficulty.
A day or two preTloos Bias Indian were
drowned la fhs bay, tbeir raab Kgl
been overturned by tbs asms atorm.
Tbs captain of tbs ablp walksd bars
footed tweuty-fivs talks to aaud lateluV
genes at tbs dlasatsr. Tbs erew will
anlTa bers shortly. " Tbs ablp was
. uud K HaTrla A ITnl ma it a O.I a Iw
sad wasTsramt at tsj.oou, oa wftien therrK fr.
- was aa Insuraaos of $15,000. .
" KAT AMA Inrus Aa set
the Washington Territory Leglalatur
transferring that , portloa of Clarks
coeslr below Lewis river, and (a which,
Kaunas la situstsa, M uowuts county.
As act waa also fated providing that
la lbs electloa next Jane the voter of
Co wills county srso choose a eou uty
Kalama will probably bo ebosea.
- Kahuna baa.beea bwsorporated by act of
tbe Legislature, sad tbs followlnf per
sona have been deabrnatsd as officers
nntn tbs first city election, wblcb will
occur on (he flrat kfondsy la April: VoL
James Tllton, Mayor; H. II. Holt, Clark;
W. B.'DajUela, RcoaiaW'Wi BJT3si.tS
well. G. Young, a W. Basil, 3. M.
Bloomfleld and R O. IagaUa, Council-
nen71UiTressurer7Asftcesoff and Mir-
lamtAbsappolnUdby tbsCmincIL
, WBATam OasuvATiomi roa Xo-
TEtmtavWs glssja tbs following from
wss4ber :,obsenrstlons for Korember
take by Henry JW Over, librarian, st
tbs Portland Library Booms t! Rainfall,
T.ll of aa Inch': highest tejapsrstnre,
:es sa tbs SUA, at two w'stock
lowest temperature, 89", oa tbs 20U, st
asrsn seiock a. M.; mean tswpersturs,
Mnnmberof rainy days, IS; frssty est
Tth "flfh TTth WUh, TOth sad
swsfs"asesj ess wersrs; aw"ofta swrsw sssasssi
aotb; snow Ml Aoa tbs Bta.3Bth and
ntb, to tbf depth oT three Inches;-
slight Adl of snow oa the morning of tbs
Ota, suecseded by raia. . . , . - a
. tozwria Bchoou Ws leant that's
amber of yoang tsdles from the differ
sat sboreuss la UuscuynsTS
tbemsehres Into a eorpa of teachers to
takvs shares of a sewing school La wblcb
lastractlon win bs given In all branches
-of aeedle work, from tbs rodlmsau up,
to trteaersw years old aad vpwarda, or
U wan whs wish to svpport them-
-sstreS TT ThriMstns. ' Tbs schoot-wlH j
meet Wednesday and Bstarday alter
i. aoons, from'1 to ef4X at talta.
- rlaa Church, beginning to-morrow (gat-
- Albaity Cttt Euktiox. -Tbs slty
vary slsss, oUswinf ars. Vmi rOesm
shwUd aad tbstr maJoritleaj'Rsr: A
rf. Osieaiy (Des. Msyor, 1; James
B llsrrsa (Dem.) Eseorder 1ST c;"C.
Trsaswrer, t; William
RUey (RspO tarshal, sXsFoJkssqH
ars tbs Aldermaat Chartes VL Cart-
wrUbt OvT.; W. H. Kaha IBep.);
E. Yoang (fief.); G:a UIQ CPsnt)X
-Psekse(I)eeTt,)t A Hacklemaa i Deas, W
Coos Bat X: J. A Cr "
bs eseoir-tt-1 si n ' ri
BayJ iy 12. 12. lxr L
Is an tNa ways at Ca I:
twsaiy bars bssa tlr:
gsa rssi fjoaa Eossbarg la C
asartyc rrlslsd. It wUl U
tmval t '-i Ti3-' A lot of r
' 5oa
bases, L j bssa stlnssd
to Baa l;-aac.Mo.
tbatutsr. i 4
A large meeting was held at tbs Dalles
-lately for tbs purpose of mesftorUJUlng
rCong reeslor s land grant to7 aid la lbs
eorutmctlon of tbs Portland, BaJlce and
Bait' tabs' lUtlroad.- - TW memorUl
adopted was Indorsed and a Comtnltte
SppolnUd to proenrs atgnatures to 1V
'ItivtoATtoa so a vwhikh:
Is tbs Jsleaitsas tboOi y. Vom
pany to hsaJ off their stsamsrS from tbs
: Upper CvlawMa after IVesmbw M, on
aeooaat of tbs eoU Weather and Wn
e rsasad dsngers of naTlgktloa. t
- FASKX(tKa CAaPasasngr ears
WUl bsoa band at KaUma by the Int
.oflhsear. TWrs la lsL oTfobr nifW
of Iron to complete tbs lat twenty-are
fsh4 bt It wtU caass by tbs Widfoet,
' ' y7cjccrto4
Cmr. Junctloa City sK-
resdy soatelns thirty or forty baildinfa,
Ineludlaaf Stores, . salooaa, blscksmitb
ahopa, and two warehmmrs, and a two.
story dweinng, not tU;eA LOeLll
Hitrio ....
- GnADnra 0wrijrrx3.vrhs f
on tbs first twenty-nrs miles of tbs
Northern PsclSe Uai'jtMt J k- "nj oat of
JCalam has bssn oomui, r t.
- men and Isam dlacbargsd. , 'I.
, ... , . ,!?'.-
rAtnra Cash ; Aoai?. The Fate
Treasurer has commenced Jwp j out
caah scsla, as 'wmalisraUs rcxl. Is
a eoeulng In Iroia a ir counties,
.V -r-r"T taMMMMMn.. ma- -
Aanss-ra ik FoaTUtifft. Taw., waa
. .-jberaf arrests l c"j cC.M4 ta Ko
tern bar waa one hundred and forty
aJaai'--.-.T: : r r-Trfe-?.. --
Cf Us Terwt Cms V
IsTtstftiaa AjsoaUUflBi
VI re. DunlwaV, tkln tbe Cusjr. wkl
Itai m4mA nnnn
Whereupon ti Was moved, that krs.
fJker ba appointed Fremkhant aud Atis.
R. Keott Secretary pre Iss.
H Tbs motion having bees carried, tbs
respective oflbwft"' took' -their ststs;
whsrsttpoa tbe society was decbvre4 la
wsrkls order " " "
kOs. DrnUway oflered tbs followlnf
prsambU sad, rsaolotloa. bUJu,artr
WHKKEAS, The women of. Forest
Orsvs ass Js-Uous U lavesUgaUac Us
grsst txinclplaa ,. of . Goreramsat, - la
wblcb every eltlsen of tbe United Stat.
wbsther toiA bi WWkn U, or engbt U
bs inlessstsd sad. 'a v"i-Y'".
ars not aatagosiatlsaeepi la Uw sad
MHiuai. It Is tbs duty of woaasa ts
thoroughly Inform themselves npoa er-
try topis Wblcb aflects tbs welfare of
sodetyrSbr3:iiT0J3 BXiiTIOl
Meaolttt!, Thai we now proceed to ot
gsniss s penuanent SDctety for tbe far
Ui unman if ttsnsbjsa- m r,,
f a um pcrBparHi vumn in iiw Aawir
lion wees sleeted as folio wa!
-aiesrstaryrMrfc B. KeotU
Treasurer,Hr, p. E. BlaukT
iEzscaUrs Committee, Mrs. Ctnplell,
Mrs. Holier, MMamhMm. Lrabo,
li AsTicxa if oatom bs
called tbe Forest Orore Woman' Follt-
tAM. A Tkb(LC Uk Xm&r
(low shall bs ss inessmgs wssaan to la.
vest! gate tbsbaidsor goverumenLal prln-
Cfples, for tD'prrpoe tasosrUlnlng
what soaaUtMsea the dsitsa of womepss
free asd Independent ritlaena.' " 1
Aarrr l. Tbs TJffloers of thtsaaoola
..t .... . . . . . . .
eecTvutry, irvaaurvr anu an .iJtCCUUVe
Cbmmlttes of firs persona.
JAaX.ATha board of offlosrs shall
hsvs power ts sail sseetlnga, draft feso
laUonsswarspeaarsrM tt
other societies, procors taformsUoa-wf
doisg fwittkwi f e.
cbs la other mparts of lbs Uulon, and
raaaact all bwalneMjwhtch " ma jr bs
ai nana we important latsrest to tbs
members of this Aasocwtloa.
Oarsaotioa, ths Society-adJouraedTto'
jABstxnrnEn, -Two WeU-kbows eon
tractora, AJrUpte .AJrd.Vr'b. X BaaasUe!. sad tbs minority report of tbs
bars absconded, Waring debts unsettled
I Portland to a Urge amount. ItvlU
bs remembered that a contract was
awanled to them connection
wUhr. MoltUropof'lUa city, by lbs
Jf. FllU It. Co., but as they were aaaUs
IS sirs bocKla ths aesnuatioaw were
never completed!. AbaasmUag eeatraot-
ora arcm to bs tbs order of ths da
iirremhcikgt tr JoWaa," tiis ; eoai
tractor wb7Tt waa reported had ab-
secsaded from regoa City, has returned.
Wo explatuUfst ef,hrvljrUl aooduct
mi uade. .
Palmer baa doas away with sll
Pauwcat at ths BRssscratipaj
and gOTerns hi Indiana ,bymoral .saa
TlgKM t Yr. fg tiersnl ldriay. ' ; " '
w wane hpir-M la tos) We call your speehu attenlloa to tbs
new sdesrlutsfasata
Utsr for InsarUon la thfs lasos. They
prill appear next week.
, ! Fxktiok at Balkm. Tbs Balem
munlcirbjlsfliwrrf"1"4 llfiMr of
ths Republican Isrgs ma-
Isrittes. ' :v
TlAin Duposkj or.i-At tbs Otympts
Land Office daring the month of No
yejmbcr 11,000 acres of Und were dlapoaed
Y FATTtiea Pri.TWT Fonlrrr - of all
kinds may bs tatted rapidly If kept abut
at time to make them aa fat aa they
1 bo mads. Ja Kn eland. Dorking
fowls are prepared for tbs Londoa mar
ket by bstn-iabsnVirs If tkr
ononaandfod on a Ulztnreof one pound
of suet chopped fine, and ooehaif pound
or sogsr, mixea wita rour pounos or
msaistua m 'giToa laass , ar arms
Saw or Ave tlmea a ay, and nneir thie
treatment a fowl will gain two pounds
la wsisbt la a work, 'louns turkeys
led thus hare been known to takw pa
three ppt.l fchts swiaJU lU la
our market bsssy weights are duly sp-
preclated. It would, be well lor tbsss who
Iisro noultry to feed to trr'thia nlaa.
Three assjade awok graven twspueiiabi,
Sftnxi to tns weigni oi a jurtcy jrom
this Urns to Chrixtiuas, would make tbe
bin! welciilna; forty pounds worth a
ikllas aiJoand la the mark; at least.
Urds of ibis wslght reguUriy bring that
rl,shwttlr-W" SXttlSiXttLTiT&
eooa It le wary nary to piare a rood sun
piJTary sarta aaow insta wrery ssy,
and to frequently TMMtt tbelr drop-
STvf eorM and tic.
He stood ra. itls Wt . iu
J?"1 y wa the eauae of the act;
far he kits he nerer felt before. n
aeamy kwh inev And Whyt la
bmv kkMtluu
la-tow had sailed to m ItooUmi mm-
for away, wases Usees aad makes prs-
sailed. JLad
f his ersd-
I tors, ino noas ofiiecta or mm1..
'resd--tJ Mrthwta' Mas atria
tauavwi WlBuanj amNny wnTa-sy aTV VIlUlaMV
fUpread. Obi now be might took for a
ouica urs, wr-i nn .never, paa saosra
as ret ftle trt.e wdlu afUI fwaaeaaod a
wt.j. and was not quits out of dVMV
I it he watched ths vessel, that alurular
r "irn, o'er ths warea, as aha vpped aadj
uowneu; ana ns Kit exactly as 11 -tns
exu lce waa erowned. Till orer the blue
borlaon'e ads- she ftasrsesrss from
rtewt then ap be leaped on a Chalky
ledgs, aad dauosd like a kangaroo! And
aad ry a Jpi Isv.hs
eevhS s.M aes,- V..1 eVoS 1
t lll-h!l
ass sank ths.- W, aad tbsa bs
to t
Flattery Is datisecoua. as ths yowag
man found who praised hla lady leys
ntu ahs was too proud to apeak to him.
to the rxixrricr .tkuiidi-
- Fair: us: We, tbs trodsrstgned, ask
to Unttr-ursarrf eoiretmUOB
tbs folio wlu slstetueat aad Appasd. "
It Is knows to many, aad should bo
knows ts all frisads of Womaa's FoUU-
4t Xfraacblssmsat, that last Wlatsr,
st ths nal ton aj ssplul, there was formed
eationsl CommUtss, who proposal! to
asks their office at Wasbiagtoa tbs
eeoter of all action npon Congress
the country. : j H
: TbsJoIlowtnK named ksdlss
Urn original LomsUUe. to vlt: Freal-deut,-!Mra.
Isabella Beecber Hooker,
Hartford, Coua. Beeretary, Josephine
& Griffiug, Waahlngton, IX C; Trsas
ams, Mary fljwsevMfaJhV- Dsa
alsoa. Miss Buvsa B." Anthony, Rocboa.
ter, V. Paulina Wright Da via, Fwv
klence, R. L Theas nohle women, as
aistsd by-others who sympathised la
thai alms. Jrsld daily MsstlMca la ths
eapttul at Vaahlugton, joined" Mrs.
Woodhsll rn praaaatlsg her raesssrial
to Ooagraaa, laborsd nlthfully aad ef
fectively la three days' convention held
la Washington during January fatat,
aad by Itiotusss la ysmans pasta af ths
city, and by laisreaUnc And explaining
to senators and reprsssaUUess tbeir
clalmi and reausata. awrformad a asses
sary and effective work toward ths ac-
sompUshmont of ths grsatest
r ThU Committee, at convention held
la ew, Xorx last jtay, Muaa u u
nambssf by sweoial appotatmsat, two
members for eachiUats sumI Territory
la tbs Union, -with InMrsctloos ts meet
la Washington, tbs coming winter, to
eaahla lbs Committee, latUoewhlnsd
Strength, gsthcrsd from all part of the
uatlon, ts presewt, with au Ins sle-
qoenee, utergy sad psnnaisnos
6sr claims to and demand tor suffrage.
Ores preparations ars being mads
far an as meat and aaooasatui hearlag of
oar cauat before tbs Incoming Congress.
Tbs members of tbs National Com
mutes for Cal!fbal Ellea a
rrreat sndIrs, LsHis1JlkForoeXr9r?
don., n -T ,.-
tLlDwrder to siabls'tht abemesabsrs
' --. n
j M eaTi rtlTalr n
ssfessiTsly4Usoharg thsir eXOciai da-
ties la, Washington tbs coming winter,
a Btat CtorTaiiQwwjxiHai baa been
formed, who herewith solicit ths syav
patby aad aid of every woman uflragtst
la theBtata.. fv t
tbs tmponauss of soaoarecd action at
thU.suapkfous tlmfi. wbea.tbs ohjeot
ss long Bought for seems ss near realisa
tion. " fTbs meatorial So Cssgrtea, -at
Its lasi ssaaJoo, la ths prsssntatloa of
tbs:Kstlonal Committes ' took
active part, was rsssactfallr rs
Judiciary Committee, la Its faror. has
bssa esnctioMed by seme sf ths sldest
lawyers aad judges la tbs country, aad
mm- amlhertutlw. mA
yet been- re adsred.1
It emly esmalaa, then, thai ths com
lag iMigresa psas.a uecuvratorr a at,
and women dtisens wiu vote tor
next aessident ' without . hlndra
Tbelr sligrbility to this hlrh offles Is al
ready settled by ths original Cbastlta
lina. A rt. x. Mee t 1
A united effort MOW and ths day Is
Let tbs women of California awake to
tbs Imports ass of ths stork to bs sons
hnmediatclr. . .
Whm f liAi-a ran hm found )tam or
UI mm piwi mw unni wv tmwww hui mm m
derartars. (-c women already dtlseas
4 nuusr um lata aaa uta Amenamenu,j
mlttee. ai
totarma sumacs
mlttee, and direct your Hscretary to
open a eormpsodeacs with tbs Hecre
U17 of ths Central Cseumltto wltboss
alrnpllclty of our orgsnlaatloaj, tbs basts
of whl
tea eeneiaia orieay ss iwe aruotes.
Art. fcdV bbject. . To obtain alsna
tnrsa Is ths PstiUon U Ouusmea sskisg
lor tbe paaasre or s uecianuory jlou
Art. 2d. - Wsysandm
Tbs collection of funds to aid ths
Tabors objects and also farm lag of eab
committees in ail pans or ut rusts.
AU those reoslvlus this "olrculai" wUl
plssas writs to ths Osarstary, srkaowW
edging tbs amms, and ststs what sctloa
yoi wilJLtaks Is aid la this great aad
nccrsaary work.
-Mas. KUZAnrrH T. Brwnmc "
7 t - ITealOent, ts. vaArt
Mis. JTFHAra,.
Oar. rtesestanr. K F.
Mas. as rrixaa, - r-
T.iJu "i :Traastirer, 8. F CaV .
r3eai"sin mcsefa
faatonsd with heavy
ittons or loons.
They ahould be lined
with beery eiik.
qniiteit, "-Tits-amar sum smisretis ars
fined Is ths same manuHT, aad may b
oca- Intlepsadsntly of - ths Jacket.
Heal skins trimmed with otter and aaUe
ars worn, but da not rain moch in
popuiar uror.. - ... ..-. ' ., ,
'A bretf!r four year old midset went
out to play on ths sidewalk. W hen she
returned with wet and muddy Tart.
ahowlnc (bat she had been somswbsrs
eli-a, her mother beraa to look "aeriotta;
wasrsspoa the rhiM. anuciasuas: uw
worst, mermnredj with ber bead In her
dood to me aad I'll bs dood to you."
tt- .: . ''' 1 ' -
A - young lady In a rttinday-schooi
asseq ner ciaas. - -now sooa snousi a
rtdUglrsiU heart to Uedr OasBUls
mT . - . - .: nee , as '
girt asht, ""Wim satrusa years sm:"
another, rtcar", another, -At
lenrth the faat child la tbs claea spoke
"jMai anoaa ae nrs snow wno uoa aa."
1 1 r
A jannneadentsf ths HoW Jomr
mnl aaeR -"I never read as article adV
Hrlslng rfrbj Or women seeking employ
men to go out to eerrlcs, iua 1 00a 1
leel bierined to aak- tbs Writes, 'DM yes
ever try Uyoarsslf r ", . 5
racs AJaning ana Ida lswis uavs a
rival In aa I rial 1 Lvlr. who. when men
refused to face the storm, rowed oat Us
wrecked brlgr iiear the anouib T Ths
.7? .a srns a man left on the
elnklag bsla. i,t
Tbs women of Leavenworth, Kaaass,
have euasertbed a ft . umi..
fT.nJ: keeping
late hours.
... . 1 ' ' 1 11 1 1 1 r " --Asnperflne
younx port esile win a
ths aalamaled fragineale ss -Tiiiitj,j
rainbows. Which is rather abowsry aa
well aa fiowery. r .
-i ' " " ' ''. 5-t r -
rptmi u,, BJUtU.
' Orsro Carketi.
Fnllowius: ws sire tle Mioes of tbe
nriaeinal artioles at ths various ettUions
sf tbs Oregoa aad Caiuwruia Railroad
. -.-- - p . .. pjMJw,.m maBm rsv
Wh.L tl l.V tlsts, fur: Bars
e"T-L "-t " - '""' 1-V-IAer
llama, lrlMr; Lenl. llor; Butter,
(freshj aMJKl lM)J ttgUSSiFV
Apples, iulWl-, hs I Si: Wool;
IlABBisat-ao, Decembers.
12J T Ba Hhrmldsfn, nsad; Hama, ltfc
to Wc; lard. 13 e to Met 'Batter, sue;
rm. sue; APfMsa, wuc, niwun, 11
Y 001, none.
t . . Alsakt, December a.
lie; Bacon rUumlovra, sic; tiama, loc;
Lard, 14c; Butter, 6V; Krgs, 4V; Apples,
Sue: rotators. 91; ttooi, aooe in marsct.
JnrcTTOJf Cttt, December C
Wheat, $1 OS; Oats, nsns la the coun
try; Bacon Hides, J3c; nacon HDooMers,
luc; Haaaa,- Us; ylard. Uc:.' Butter, aoe;
Kna, 40c; Apises, (oaed), ao per
ruutoM, tl; wpoi, aooa, .,
Jitmasos, December a.
Wheat, $f AX Oata, Ree;) fwan Hides,
Uc: Bacon Miooldera, luc; llatna, lie;
Laid; lie Butter, eoe: JW Ur; Apples
(Oriea), ac; rouuoea, an, 001, we,, ,
' " EroRTg err rceoiber a.
' Wheei, $1; Oats, $1; fitota Bides, Met
Bsooa Bhaalders, lue; Umtha, Uc; Lard,
Iter Butter, toe; Ka, stsf Apples, sac;
Ocbvaih, December
' Wheat, tl 1&: Oe. TlWt uMm
bobo: Bssoa Baosfctora. aono; llama.
aoaet Lard. Me? patter. 4tot Ksxa, 17U;
Apples, ((lrtod), 40 pet Fotatoes, l;
Wool, aoae. ,. ,..
-' T 'FOaiTtAirD. December T.
Floor Our. asiilers oontiaos to ship
to Baa rrancieco, w ners tne oeas ursgoa
grades sell for tl ta per bsrmvl, although
ars mads at lower figures.
made St
Tbs market is weak at Extra at $7
per bhl; Baperfiae, M sOtAa T per bbL
Wheat 2 wt per cental.
Oata HOfefls ets per buahsl. ,
- Pot aloes (ailfornls, 0e per bashel;
Oresoa, 91 pee baahel; "Paget Bound,
40 ner dosea. f -'i
Butter We ouoto the family grades at
n(4ue per lb; solid butter, ax6e per
fo. inferior grades mil as low aa Sue per
ax- , t"7t : -
Meats Tlte market la well aupplled
with all desiptlooswlth perbsps the
exception of Veal. We quote Hogs st
WTieTlf-Beef, fd 5?7 nes-ltiO
mm; Bneep, x 00(59 sacn; yeai, l9a far
QKBsrAraa - Deci8ioj.. L " Any
petsoa who tskes s paper reruUriy from
lbs post.offloe i Whether directed to hm
name or snotber, or whether bs has
subsoribsd er notla rsspoastbls for ths
pay. ' f ir a person order his paper
-nMcoMinneq ne most pay au arrearase
or ths pubUaher may sonllnas to ssad
nnui paymsui is made, ana eotiect Mie
whole amount, a hetlier It U taken trim
too omceor aot. 0. tis coartshsys
decided that ref uslmr to take n wauauet a
and periodica Is front tbe poat-offies, or
removing aad leaving them aasailed for
la prima facts evidence or intenuoaal
A rlrl refused the oAW of a widos
on the grmrnd that aks did not return af
reeuons tnas aad bees wsxmsa over.
-TSS BnaS litffnomm aeaSaiy eulkarlieS le
art as Aaenae sr tke Vsw Woarn wear 1
it, aa. gnasj
. a Tttoml....
-TTBVellne Asm!
..Travrltoe Aceut
- . .
a. - 1 r
1 1 1 111 1 WW
14. W. - , "-1 I
M. P.Ow , . ..JUI-a
swtsaw sSsw w etjwwssaryi
Xn. J. UVm JoJTu
mm . . - . y '
TSna. Paniiaa
H. Itla4
MtaaiUla Aeviega
Mia R A. UB
j.T.kMt, ttmn
Jpinl Urnva
. N t h a Waa
an. a. awtwrwiav.
.TaiU Wa41
i. W. Jarfca
I. P. ri
-Jaaa Vimm
Mrs. Laaira hrl
ss ians win
rrsiK iMPHot-Kn ciotia snirrrrjt
1 tn Marti la, with MaeS vaiaaS aaete aad
iriaen,aini aaiaaaa, .... j
A Brat daw Mfwine atarh ne : mm MraarM
" . . - 1 . , Jn W lh. - 1 .M
waeiauateS le Se all tlaalaer ult aawUNJ aa
wu aa mmj arm IM uie ajBrmev
A Aar man Aarnua aai4 te aaa
Na mat tekra a- the luurnvrS Haeal Jaa-flnav-r-".
sn ta OerancL WmMwum had
WH1 rrriMwy. . .
As'lenera aaa - - ..js-
nmu aarcr.;
ROY At, A SWrm. Aev-S :. i.rr..:ii..Pmmm
ua a. o; uiix a Ae -..... , Aiaaay
fafMXilAlfi pAVIOtOM,
Rsal'EMtwts Dealer;
Tr t ruTAT rw imn cttt Awn itsst
A IWIIJ, ka Um mm ir ! inmlUmm,
eueta4lM of Utrm, II a if Baevsa saS Baeesa,
Uovaae aaS Hroank ? - - . . -
.... w . w ' :--
pea a4 Viriiw a Km,
ltt v ATKaUa a ws tora4 ! aM serla 4 tSe
jttctVeat .lawi.lauM. h taiTrv KM UnpuaaFk-
oet taa raraa) aant Tarfna, wtih ml
a ITaaan TBaae
ana aeaSM Laaaaia- tos W a
mm eas OtaiiM ee am larli 1 iaa
nuamtouiraA mm a HWam r'
cias aanl Aeascv beau aaa Tauutna
AeaneraeriltMj 0m IS IIIHrrnMMl
Towaai ta UMMVAt ftttxHeaoeil-llMaaa at
full l'anaaai aeA Sa-se4 ikm aaaae aa IIm
't m-iTZ:M9mm an s.jTt'ii9is
. t
- e- -a ,., ,
I'T all ra wTl r.-nina,aaj4 aj
ar all arn raajnlrr h-'r T klal, Will n4
Sram n- ITIIF. l r (J.
p. n. lbsys)a(wew
Sarwa an4 Istm
A K. W.
WBBM. , . ava
. - COBmX A McCABE,X -
cccx Ana ic3 rnraTsna
WAsHnyrrr fPtJJAiaat" 1
Werkensm B.VUSAWI RATalPk 1
Itav aa agaaiartaaai Baawaagl
t.'.-'-: ...!?
Fnrvr pnn r::un
1 Mats Fair, ttll.
1 17. .
1.. ji
-. -1 .
1 hook aad Jek rtialera, whe MeteM BU-
mm M Hlh a adrartlaauM aa aoae aa tWr fa
la the 1
1 ta Paast Bd M raa want say klaA af
r. t-t ,4 itnt r1
-.11- -frr-Tr:uTT'i:ff ;
n q w oo d do
Om Tlmljptl atrwst,:
joiict wiiiooii
ri W Wrraniq ATTRAt-nt r Kgw
BtWa.-; -. . ,
WlaUtS-7 WwaaffV -
, ,... A Wfaeaao.,"Jw ..jr
lt0tt:"r' am.1 TrlMtmlac. aaS
. ... . eaaxa,M wiaitta, , , , lriJ J!U
KtWrri . Flaaael Tawai, fimlniii
tOATta "beea aaS Batt,"etl,ee.. 't
. aeaa aaal lawaa Hrfca aad Fraeha.
T,T FaatU and Vaata IU be aolS al reduratl
1 ... . .....
l Dh aanek MaaaTata a lu.i4. Maa.
thine la the ttamllr bry linain aaa ra
-.4 .eiVil .-
AA ery HMnaa.r.a 1 1 im Aaauruur iJ .
"-' i 111 at iiiit, ;
BnllahlelDrrsaaiala.euBiiiililes m past , ,
I iMiiii i .) i- I (.,1 ... , -1 T,r
Terret, Aagaata, fiarj and nail Oitb
, I
Is areas, Variety,
Sst CsOan aad Chiaisettaa,
-TTf il '-li-- - t J ' I.".
i.-I TLali J WIK BACKiaJl J v
. vt.'i' ' .i (.lilt .... .. 1
caret, c jmtH, irni, iati,
55; faji, etaieeki'i
-3 J. i. !
V eeawa tri t w-m 1 -ni., .;., ....
' laSe" IhSeMMaaaaa V "f' TiT-
'-'' ' '; -. . tii ,'
i. i
. i --a n.v . s
m TTxroitArmw trpABTin()rr
AS., all the IhellMiea par s ltooah knotrp
aSaa lh la tmm
Tali 1 ai hnaS aaiB aj gaa Umii
aaaaajiu aaaaaaaa, 7 Hl:n. .,.., ,f
e haaSMaaS IS the nwalii naoes lavB
' a awaarlam ear teSl . " ,.".
r la eial'lahnriialM mr lillnaaL "Ji.
Uaaae haa Mane heara H MM earS aa a
as taa may eacapr OVa h Icheat aaMtttaawwhea
'I wua lae eaajeirra
Bak aim iaie Th
Car Slither laArtiaiaUoa
I aaaireaa
ft A. wr
.--.! afAISSS F. MOWla "
AtUsaspr OsaasslUp st aad
OwaatlarVax tl
i aaal llailaea Wa
ZSaspIre Ilotasi,
TJOARb BT THE I) AT, Waafc er MaeAh.ea
X aaa I raaianalile I
tail m4 aaaca ka aaal Imaa
A laaaxa nn .. haeplas e valaeMea. . '
RMwa ayae a 1 KM. ......
an -. i ' - T aval AS aaTBVrraarliiia.
I '
- 4 - -,-TT
OA PIT A 1. 1 OT !
it.. 1
. ..
ff if--r
1 - 1
aimv VaUXOKRoi txjl.
ll'i ' ) H .1.11
,!; A n-.-tVUI 'ti .ir
in ..-'. 1 h.-tvt c
I aJat .Tait 1 jt mm
dl ty. ri.;
. j.U" 11 i ' i-i-1-; ..
S'i : - t
. .,M ,1 1, i
B BB a BSaaaaatamaaaaaM
OOWrgaj. TaTB. AXI JttaBlkO.1W
a rtrtx AaammnnrT
rtriaaaaad aad aalrliaBaad.
or Tat-
Will i
PealeslS -i -
ii i" . . iX-iattL .OXgr .' .... ,..t.
..-((' 't vn- mn-f--tt: 1 -'
Hats abd Obmtb Fvairmauia Oaothv
' ls!- " lli-'H l i..:.-., '-..ut i"
Taotaau abo tnratMMKa mats ajt
i 'I ' taOBSaTin. ' "" '
I.tkci4' Cttwki
j r rnmrs, ue t. r
AOt3tT .Of. THB KliJTITlAtat - WOOtJUl
fers, rWeaff ernef Qumimarm , r i
' il. CbnatoaflF sa 1 l-
rOKTXAin)' - ADvraraFJCErra.
- . 11 um d 1 1" . j I?. " " " " ' " " X
oamm XaO'
' - "-A- ' '
DoXLur Ctor!
Valve Hats I
We have (Cs atalia) the LeepM aa4 Beat a
- lull Stark mi '
: iaix orm oww wronTATtox), :t
ParUaaMt, Or. . 1X71 "T"" X ..
j MyaaeaUS Saeek ef -
l is e i;i -(,,
A Lena aad BiaaUfSl Aaaortaaeat e ,
aiUIIIlT llllt, IIIIIHt,
- ftaui'XtBBaV' tttr,-irTT:"
Or every tsrlaty al
ttrav Fkrasals bb4 KM Ctom
" M y, heateaaltty. ''' "
incwma v. FASCT
a, rrv
llllllll'l All lirtlTI' IIITIII
. u joititt daaeaijpiaaaaV , ; ; :
., ,
iflWs AbM to o"ajtt Os 9ssea ..
-f --"'-.--. -t-i--
- . 5..-- (i r. . . .. - Sa, am-j-j
r! -r.', l'' . -f It ruea eateat, rarUaas. ,
aSV'OUirSTAXTt.V -' ' SaaailUa1
by rvaty maaaaar. . al
-- . . w. r AaawKtau
MaSk-aJ (IIM. OSlea, N 71 Pirat atraat,
hitweaa Waahlais aaal Miarh, piarUaaS, Ore.
pom. OaSaa kmmn Iraaa la.aiUa.tli,t
la I, a, a. HaatlalHy, lHaaaaaa mt the nstii.
Paeaeelor Ailaallaa paM e eaite Weaa the"
taaaasnr, , ,. " . , , aa-
. . '--. af
- --rit 't -li( ' J h---x i.:
!tt '-'-t ( iiiit htn-ft.H w'--'r ltti-
XBtm Onalw MakamafaMrtorT f.r
.irAXIh-i. X
U2sr isa KSTT nsi
. .'i- L. .-'.IT
:ttam or err. by clam
gsds to Order sa Hurt 'sties.
. i' ' - " "
' .-.; "' .-'----. . -r-l-.y
re -w-W" ' " 'sct
--irtR'i. jr
i' 'JL-J t..L .1 l'
lW ba-Tssl OxawasMi 'OsiUiv.
..iii 4 .-i.... . ' I....- -
. -r.-r- ass tub T"rV"'"r; "T"
-aj ,
, 1, . "ir- . t f - I I,.. ,1
...... , y .