The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 08, 1871, Image 2

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-Drx;riBiai s, mi.
Oor county Oklais and the dolly
ffm U VoitUn&'faf evidently re
oofml pan n campaign of "masterly
la eUrttyT ln -erd to tb startling
aIsefosna mad I ifrone to the ad
feiiatretlon of the financial afflOra of
Uaaiwuah eountyv This course U evt
tat!? lneptred by a delaeirt hope that
the wboWjhln will blow over, only f.
- fcrdlnr gosejp for a "nine days' won
Vr,". . But taeTpoopla do not eo vtew the
BMttar; Evt copy that could asslbly
U spared of Urn Ism bums of tb Nrw
Kobth a w was speedily sold. To meet
- ---- the demand for tbo circulation of tb
atatomnta contained tborela we, hare
; ton a tid to re-publish Um Grand Jary
t Report and. our comments thereon, and
One tttmamd extra copies have already
::: bam bargained for by prominent elU-
xoeef PorUaad. i k -r-n r-y,i; , ,1 1
r,1f9 alao present to-day aomc'addi
' Uonal facta, which etUl further show Um
-. ' niter laooaapeteaey or aaaaJfest dlsbeo-
"eoty of oor county officials; -1st tbo peo-
plojudf which, r.
Qnoryi What la It that bushes the
dally press , of Portland eo effectually at
. Utto Juncture of affaire r bit-cash?
koxi nauxiiroi in inio.
Ia ear laee laaaa a a lantea eoine
atatoBMnta .anowlag now , oor oooaty
- afflOier bad beea aaaaipulaied,:-7TlM
BMnbera of Um King bare, not yet
"rlaea to explala," and as we aappooa
ithey wovldUaa to aaaka a "clean breaat
"of IT aflat oooeV we herewith pttaaatw
- fow addUfoaal tgureo for Uielr conald-
Tba coaaty oxponaea for 1870, aa
abown by ; the Grand Jary Report,
6W M, TbUaaMQBi, however, laclodea
tba payment of -m Jodient IbTM
U 7 . obtalaod " againei VMalttMtnab
jaoanty la tba.IUtrtoi.OBar Ibrdam
agea to child of Mr. MeCalla, Incurred
by tbo child falllag through a eoaaty
brldgo, arhMh shouUr-be uodaetod from
ay Increasing Um dl Serenes la the ex
ndJtnxsaJot Jba year4-7t to the
siaoawt of thai Jadgaaaat. , Dorian, the
last fiscal year this county had no ex
- traardtaary sipiaasaof any ktnd to
pay ! Dluc'',a: tha amount of ; this
judgmont from tko aggrega expendl
tures for 1870, and we bare ,T2 U as
tbo aaaa required to defray Um aarrent
; county expenses, against $M,47$ 82J for
18TI abowlng an actual Ineasaw In the
tratton of $U,7 6S dariag n slngU
year instead of 18,883 07 L as formerly
atatod. OotiatdartagUMiropiMrtaaltlea,
tba toregotng abowa that our county
arc equal to ototi Tammany fa
slpulatiag financa.'
for 1871 ware given, contrasted with the
Itsma for Um. previous year, and
aareaaa abowm :: The , article con
taining them la. again published, and
wUt bo aoonsd Imalotaiy 'foUowiag.
Here are some more figuree : '-;
- IftiMht UM a .hr ISTL lnfrr T
tmm ms wif n
mm H
rn es
earn , ,IAM
'Who win kmgerdouU the
--of ou coaaty admlnlstraUont.
tUa week's base br w
a m
Wa anUolpata that QM Grand Jury
BeMrt. pabUsbed aiatraero, ajdU bo of
soma faterest to oar tax-paying reader
residing la Maltaemab oawntyt The
dally papers of lxtland, wlutout an ex
ception, published tbo report In snob a
-garbled 004 muuTa&F shape as to al-
entirely obscure and ntdo from
' public view the toplea
ariMui nn , , , m m
i m Mown . IM H
aw a
! r to, and a wasnan's paper is the only One
, thai daM to sound i note orwafulug or
pot forth' a word of blame That the
r' BIUUm an4 Orvpwonshouil be lx
borriaed over tba Tammany fraads as to
: have no tiaae'to devote' to bomo affiUrt
Is, under tbo clirurostances, perfectly
nataral; bat that tbo JfmU, which
baa been m lustily and. fkenlsteatly on-;
gaged In showing ap the extmvagaoos,
of Um General Oxrroraraont, should al-
rl6W UM wmlaaaasa In office f Republi
can ofSclah) occurring under Its very
-aeon as go anrsbuked, la aaaeceuaUliM.
Bat tbeeo arc days of strange political
Tbo Grand Jury Report shows that
Um axpoadltures ofMuItnomab eoaai-f ,1
for tbo fiscal yW aiaaeOOO bscjr-;
of tbeni for 1870; or, to bo .xacabW W wrj and thop,
tbo cum of UMX U euOosd for
against XM,f78 84 thr lgrt an InmaMe
of $t,m 1V U cannot reasonably be
clrUmed that tbo Influx of population
or growth of crime aeooaata for" this
.,. I., V . . 1 . , ,
b very r-'jr acoouuied for other
wise. The Rcitart before referred to
shows Um4 t;twbn Ueu allowed the
County Clerk and fcheriflV to! the
ferrnr officer and $1,C0 to tlU Utler
. ' ' ... L - 1
W I DMUHI MI MnUmplated UJ UW.4
80 her 1 th snug little Mm of 12,100
of tht people's money aurreptltlously
PpfSI! by cur Iticro-loving public
servants accounted for at a atAcf dash
of the pen. Wert the mMm of Clerk
end BLerlg of Muhnoaish nmnf there
Igbt W- ahnolovr of oxcoarfecwactr
questionable transact loan,- but a the
1 contrarTjt k notorious ths t both Ilkcaajaeeured r Tht rn-"liihUta sad
have almost priaocly incomes. 1
Partisan malice eonld hare had nothing
to do with tbo Boport, aa a majority of
Um niembeni of tba Graad Jury were
BepubUcana. "4 i x "t . f ; .
But,llebvfiDg Um Report, wa pass 00 to
Um oonslderatlooof a few items for the
purpose of showing Um manner la whloh
this increased expense was eontrartod,
and this ran be done In no better way
than by comparing some of the expen
ditures for , 1871 with those of similar
character for ihe prerlous year. And
right here It may be appropriately ro
aaarbed "Without. how, v oi m
to throw discredit on Um former county
officials that it baa never been charged
that tht expeudituree for 1870 were too
rigidly economical or stinted. Tbo fbl-4
lowing table calls for a careful perusal
by all interested la Multnomah county
ITmv'i piiaHMntfaM Sf MtH DJMM
KMpiii( iMpm. 74 - , T, M - VMS IS
tumllnnrry. , m M rM u( U
Clmiu; tlirl - , M tM tJHt m
Mum. saer .. im u . us m
: itare we a lammany King among
as t TbonbovejscrtalnlToo
though we haL Borne surprise
been manifested that ths County Clerk
did not publishtbe nsoal flnaaolal oz-
blMt this year. Is Hnoi now-plain to
all why such financial exhibit was not
published r 4 '': '
ilhrt furthsroommeorapon Um reck
Itaa :axtrTaganco" noted Is needleea.
rigorea oro stubboni - thtags, - a wa
think the Crt JIoum Jtlng-WUl Und
to their cost next June. IVew York
City baa rpudlated IU Ring; lot the
honest people of Fortland and Multno
nisi) county combiafik. Irreepectlre of
pasty poUUcs, aad-rrpexficrte 9nrBlng.
' Ths Kcw yoaTMWEST is the bluer,!
unreleatfng foe of all manner of corrup
Uoa in office whetlMT OomnUUed by
Republlcanaor Democrats. 1 Oregon Is
WmUT enrsed by jjdjoualpjeboa,.
arsssat at twrni-i M hu.
gent "J "f Um 'ik party discipline.
We shall take especial pride In expos
ing Um "ways bat re dark" of these
eomrpt cliques, and our readers need not
be earprised If mora: exposures follow
; tes pounoAL smjinoi
' - 4.
; The signs of the times not only Indi
cate atatter for the most serious eonskt
S rati on of every reflecting eiUxen, but
plainly IbreafcadOW a general dUIntogra-
tlonofllM prsaent pollUoal parties.
The Democratic party, as aa effective
national organisation, pamed way with
the atuournment of tua inarieston von
venUon.- It asrved Its day and genera
Uoa, with varying devotion to Um de
velopment of the nation and the pmgrees
of clrUUaUon, and. succumbed to the
I cancer and curse of pro-slavery corrup
tion, wblcn national, progrcsa and the
eaase ef humanity wouldcrlongcf
tolerate or endurar -. f
That a nominal organisation of the
Democracy ' has ; been ' maintained
throughout the fnlon ainoe tSOA- U
quite trust but it baa bean dcaUtateof
living principles, and depended for Its
temporary aucceesea upon the glories of
Um past, Um passions or ptejwlieee of
the present, or the bod managoment of
the Republtoans. 1 The contlnuanoa of
auob'n state of aflklra ia a party U
aelUer wlsenor patrtotioTbo well-
boing of Um Republic demands orpos-
Ing parties, wltta vital organisations
and reaeoaabie and patriotic prlacipl
Amtaiaee tbo Dseneesae? art no tossrTbe Umptaiioa to -dundsr thnTraasnry
aula to bold tbo RrpuUloana uasattb-1
ful adarUnhrtraUon of Um Oovernroent,
or to carry Out any reform or1 policy of
their own, It becoatos Um part of wis
dom and patriotism to shaadon a imam
and orgaalaatloB rendered Impotent by
age and obnoxloua by tho bad reputa
tion of sympathy with aUvebolders and
secession. And In Such abandonment
let no old Democrat Imagine that be baa
t parted with the Vest of bis hopes for
the pollUoal redempUon of bis count rv.
Tola is, substantially, the direction of
tbo groat mam of the Democracy In Um
Eastern Btates, led by such able and
woUnformed Journals aa Um Missouri
KnmbUdm and Leolsvfllo lmrirr-
Journal; and this Is what wo would
commend to the serioue consltloraUonof
the Dcanocrata of Oregon. " " ";
On the ether hand, what does the
outlawed power and manacemant of
Um BepubUoan party preaaim tba no
Uouf IsltnasMandrestotauonatlhe
South, or a land "rent with civil feuds?
UllocprecUtlouef taxm ane I
OS wages, or um poor Cmwtng
mm ,um nob rkberT Is It to he the
OMfcnoa d of the glided bub
ble of wenia&l ami th mpmi..
Saof alMuTtfy 'arUrsU roll!.. 1.
ttanry and lording 1t In high place or
the gtorioue boon of comfort, compe
tence and education for the Uborer aad
his family f la U to be tbo aggrandiaa
I V. . 7 r- !--,
of moitf-moneyed corporsUoas,
eea before,' whose centnOlalng tenden
clea will demand the annulling of fcUU
corporaUoar Uwe, tbo oblStoratioa of
RUU lines, tbo aubprdi nation f UN)
rijftda of the dllseui JaJbo tuiere-iof
um aoqioratiou, and tbo enslavement of
the Ubonr to Ue wlfl of Um capita!
or arc wa to hare a fair, square, honest
administration of, tbo Government, la
Um Interest of tba great common wealth
hHlsas asssslnali,
mechanics ftumers and laborers, where
in tbo Independenco. of Um clUsen. the
purity of the beJtot-bovtbc integrity
of nubile officers, the freedom of tbel
pnfwm inu ute , euuoaiiou or me peupie
shall apear-o cardinal principles and
""I eug.euuuon ot u power end
Infloonoa of railroad and banking
poratioos within tba last
coma n matter of serioue eooeorn to Um
latirssts of the great mam of prodncara,
laborers and ooosumsta. - Ilallroauei
solidaUon now .regulates the pries of
Um farmer's wheat In Iowa aad tbo la
boreCa bread In New York, between
which two ends of Um lino Um man af
wealth appropriates Um lion'a sbnr of
UMfcod. ...... , . ...ittii..j.. .1
. The numerous "strikes' of miners
and mechanics attest the dissatisfaction
of labor under the domineering re
straints of capital.- r 7 , , ,
... Tba formaUou of "Rings" to plunder
ww euannwl of the Uovernroent
has been and bj now mora than aver Um
distinguishing feature of modern poll-
. The dsmaud for parUmn decisions
frosa Courts of Justice to sustain party
policies, thus poisoning . Justice at the
vary, fountain, nas alarmed every good
eiuaen. t. ..... . n
..TheJ,"Ku Klux,'? who murder the 00
groea, and 11m ' tkrpeiBagg-s,'? who
plunder all claim os by means of railroad
bonds - and' general Jobbery, 7 arc. the
curse of tbo South and tba reproach of
the naUon. The cry of 1t us have
peace" seems a cruel tnoekeryjhea Lno
TMSAhsbls tnoans yaro-ussd W secure it
"These questions of the hour cannot be
art : aside,' and reflecUng cltTsena are
aeriously. Inquiring whether the Re-pMlcejnriM-ty-eaJHtMTI
adopt and enforce Um necessary re
forms. It Is no answer to Um wholesale
plundering -of --tbo 8onthgrnKlates "by
tba Carpet-bag Republican to point to
Um sbamelees , tblerery of Tammany.
BuQock may not be as big a thief as
Boss" Tweed, but hejs lust ia -bed.
tMea and brethren of both political
parties, t Is painfully evident to us that
"honors are easy with you in Um
matter of putting away tite trifle of a
few millions of money pressed out of
the hard esralng V tho ptophy-Rest
assured that the people"wlll 'reform
these abuseecr Party aomea may delnde
for a season. But the people are hon
est. They do not expect to bold office
They desire, first of ail things, a good,
safe, honest, last administration of the
laws, and they will sooner or htete-L
wiw nui
such administration, and they will se
lect them without regard to party or
sex.-'-Vre have laws enough.1' Give us
few ebonest officers to enforce thctn,
and all will yet be well - - - v'' '
I I ".Hi I
' rvi-f-JlUS 4 SO UVMlma
OTA? JI tfl TtW
Tbo Increased expenditures of Mult
nomah county are tbo legitimate result
of the ananaer in which potttlce have
been engineered of late yeare by those
desirous of plsce, puise tMiwcr. T
Ring are afraid to truitt their chsncos of
success to a fair expression of the peo
ple. They therefore enter Into combi
nation with tbo law-breakers, promis
ing protection, etc. Then by systematic
manipulation of the primaries they
ours a majority of the delegates In Um
npmlnaUng convention,' while a minor
ity of the delegates are chosen 'of the
best men In the county In order to blind
the unsuspecUng and give- tno affiUr
some J; color" of - respectability. T
Rough ore (hen kirtd to put fheVit
through. Tbo ounvention that follows
Is a farce. Tbo respectable members of
Um cnaventlon see that they have been
sold, but they are In for It, according to
party .rules, and quteUy, tbougb, not
willingly anocamb. ; iT. X i.;.t?5.,
-The regular ticket In the Held,' the
Ring apply the lancet to the candidates,
and the blood-letting to terrible. Gold
is poured oat lavishly,, and numerous
promises of posiUonfe with Urge pay at
tached are mad. The result la that It
often costs a candidate more than the
fees of bis offleo to secure an election.
fO avf cm to too great to be
In fact it Is Uie policy PC UM.Rlug te
snake Um people pay for ibes expen
sive electiorsvond notonly yjojr but
siyfcr. ' : ..c-jl
But by far the worst foatur$ of ,Um
whoto programme la that the Roughs
who are active and useful la carrying
oat the plana of the Ring Ore never to
be coUTtdod wf .criaserr: Tbey-are-iDf ,
eonrss to submit, If eougbt, toarrsst and
temporary'- Imprisonment, r aad go
through tht fart 0 q rfof, Which trial
costs Um county thousands of dollars In
fees for the pockets of Um officers. The
Roughs oro aeqaitted, an Um people
wonder how It waa done. It brail plain
to the Ring It to the nsressary work
logo a complete system of political ma
alpulatlon. The Ring pocket the pro
ceeds, and tbo people r mado to bear
Um odium of failure to convict trana-
greoxoreof law. . '-
How do the Koneet tax-payers of
MultnoBMb like Um picture 7 1 ,
" I LJX 'lJljaXJj l.! '
The editor of this paper boa been lately
engaged In lecturing with graUfylng
urxsss at Forest Grove and Portland.
A rush of other matter prevents aa ex
tended noUo of these meetings
tosuo. Wo present to-day ' trsr
eeedinga af the forest Grove V
, rn ik-w uireaufalkMi AasorTaTlOll, ami
Politlcsl Ijretn Association, and
Our obtuse brother of Um Ortgoniam
at "not able to aeo Uet our ttefi tf
i 4 v tn nia VYootlbBtl uuinne is even
' ardally auooessfuL", We tbdik a
guol pair of leatluv-rpectaclee aouM
materially aastat his journalistic rye-
sight. - . ... ...
ft eVAIlliI km m elts tbAnseapsp (a mtlf Imsa-
lyin-peTlba oplnloa MWlt&nU U
entortaia respeeUng WoodhulL since It
evidently 1s sorb a great comfort to his
eblvalrM nature to east autre and dirt at
bss... 1 .
ask him U aU simplicity and oar
neatnsss to tell us whst Victoria Wood-
hull la, to as t . Wna bare we to
With her T. And what business Of
oura whether her husband be bet "affin
ity" or not . s,-' v.. . k -".:,.:
'' Despite his ttrcteuded, Ignorance . of
bar Influence erer Oongrcea, we know
that aha is a power among sua, and
that a wby our man's rights brethren
da m shriek aad cry. , Oap brother has
the man' rtghuj rabies bad. The symp
toms arc first: a feeling of "carnal secur
ity," which loads the patient to ignore Um
progress of ths age. , This symptom to
so vary mild that it at first creates but
UUle apprehension, At the secsud stage
of ths disease Um patient Imagines him
self In danger, and ca tehee at every
oramnjaf eouaotoMsatoOMwajrotsisiii
sad that bis anxious Imagination can
conjure up. The Uilroaod final stage of
tbo malady 4a accompanied by ravings,
mom Mesa severe, wbloh am.cbarao
toriaed by Inordinate tndntganM t dirty
expleUvee a sort of '"breaking out
about the mouth," la fact, which to ex
tremely offensive to persona of delicate
erganleatioorTTb friends of . patleni
who la than affiioUd make dus allawr
auoa for bht vagaries snd bok) naught
against blnv In asalios, no matter bow
badly be froth at tbo mouth ; and for
this reason wa shall not make further
mention of this patleut'f use of mips and
dirt. T
1 Blnco be says that Mr. Fay has not
become a Republican, we conclude that
either we have been, nUsluformed. "of
that he, for the aaaa of his argumeuy
disowns bis ally. If Um former, we ask
pardon of Mr. fay for the unintended
aatsifptescnUtlon. ...If .'Um .latter,, our
brother Is not wise, ,--1.
H There to nothing In which n political
enemy so delights as to giro unsolicited
adtdpa. T: Aad when our man's rights
brethren urge tb Waman Suinaglsts to
fhalt," It to bscauss they feat and feel
thai they are presslag bard apoa Um en
emy's linee, and net beranat tbey fear
Uiat tbrir opponents will overdo a vle-
tory JO-UMlf OTnoverthrow. Then
there to nothing which n political op
? .
ponent saum so moctLjee the. advice o4d- But IW - efltbo rnlled
enemies. - And wv well.knowlng tbe
feints ofr political maneuverena .are
marching on to vlctorjrt regardlsm of
masked 1-attarfes end wMy
. Our brother says he would not support
baa said tbo earns thing about ether
candidates, j but bis party ; alwagt
whlfptit hint aaben the ptoper ume
cam. . Men In party shackle must not
boast too loudly lost tbey do beeonae
eempeUcdt to-toke soma bmggadoclo
Y"V it-:;.' ii'lT'' .rt-r-K'! J.7iu
, We are as much opposed la pracUce
to oorrupt leadsra as out brother is ia
theory ' Aad when we get oug propct
Sphere" before the world as a voter, be,
aa well aa other men, ehall are that we,- aa
waH Mother women Ihsl eiosutsimied
In the movement, will bold both men
and women to a bar Una of public and
private recti tuda At prwino-we are
fioanderiag In tbo Ban of politios, in a
ship maarMg hymen, and Uey, and not
purself, af now rcspooslbb) for the lead-
era Umjp attempt to place 0vw.1uvA4. ux,
iVm. Davidsos, the enterprising and
dcfatixabl real tato oalr knows
better bow to Ksanaga bl advorttaa
nteTits to make tie people read and ap-
precial thsm than, any other man la
th Northwest Aa artloto, beaded a
above; ippoarad la tb ltrmid of Satar
day, Nov. -id, tb gist of which Is eon'-
Uittd la h foliswlag: '.I :.' v ," ;,'
Tb poet bearing th above namooV
parted for Han rVanslsoa on Thureday
evning.t II proposes to make a tor of
Bruit bam-, Iifcrter-Mnfoo. Crntml
tring out ncw.voMim c poena on
which h Is enraged.- It will take him
dghtess. months or tw years t com
plete it. If it should stwr aa snsiesl
as h awttetnaf, b wtM autniBtothss
city and asak It Ms ntnra hoaaa, far b
my toot in this HUM nm anther and
mothr, reiaUve and eaiidren rsMs
and he ts ktenUfted wish Oreroo. s H
ha five seder- to Mt Davtdssn to a,
feet for htm noUUwmtettM ktirt
sonnd to tn wsstam portkm tt tb
aiy. wner n can nn a gewa pao
rami view af Um eweoundtngossinsry.
for th reason, as be txpeosssd blntsslL
"I tbtak muck of aator and iHUe ef
- NO wonder thbTplf "tef et
men. If hs couslders himself aa an aver
age speoimenv . x,. . -i ' "T' ;
Again, tbo ZTcmrfpoenpoualy asserts
that wblla la Uile city not one nn
manly word against bis wife escaped Um
poet's Ilpe I MTat self-aboegaUenl
What sopeihuman self-sacrlnccl Could
bumaa philanthropy, any farther go? I
n&.. im . k t . . 1 . i t jt ii T
hi it tuia eaoaet fus ut4 vmuj mm
patsrnity of one of bis ehlldran and duos
to-day deny ItUersby tradaclng the
character of one of tbe meat Virtuous
and mj-anoriaoing wives and mothers
wojaajro ever known Tn wasssn who
never wttera - n word of rMwaaenv or
bbune against tbto abnk-tongaed ebaov
and who protc-ts wlUa. wifely delicacy
against tbo pnbUcnUen of bis acta ef ln
Justice, choosing rather to suffer In
fence, and thereby deters tbo Jtsw
NorrnwnT frotn giving out much tvl-
wblob tbo world baa need of to
bto real character t V"
The Iftraid further mys Uiat MITJer
"woe Id bar gon to bear bar -Ji
Mnlef J lecture but for fear bis T presence
would dlaeoncert ber. Tbto expremloa
certainly displays delicacy of feeling.'
fchaaa snd ansetr', lis i"i rot want
to witness her triuDiih a 1 nsv half a
dolb-f at fodoor. ' He ( idn't the eour-
"-4 aeuf;4 to In .re Lu rortlaud
biufttilf as ti liad f. qIjmmI, becaune he
w lntult4 enough to p-oeiva that
bis glory would pale by Um ooatast J so
be gave ap bis aatlclpatod "triumph,"
and besought Mrs. Miller eo long and
to lecture la Portland that ah yielded
to hie selfish Mellcacy, and allowd
M fe -wmponaly when, in, public, and
asnlJiiouHly when In pri
rste, close her
ntlias a sealed book.
The ifrrmld aim vympatblsee with a
tsaxm fabfpualtlau, bexsauiett tongue
andpea are bound and be cannot utter
a word to defend himself without a aae
rlfic of .dignity. a tMgMty," Indeod 1
"Dignity and vjourtesy are "Um
shields behind -which men entrench
themselves when they are publicly baf
fled and when they cannot prove aught
In their own defense, bscauss there to
nothing 10 their favor to tett.' 1 "
,But this literary rocket lam come and
expladod and goo ) and while we hope
our friend Wm. Davidson may continue
his sals of bandsome bonaestoada,'1 vre
fearthM Joaos't asnMstiful location
will forever tnmaln a myth and A' deln-
SIOjO.' '' ".,' f, I 1. !!.! 1
BurrxAai. aju uitujuesjOJ
' Wo are pleased to not In Wedusndey
mornlag's tasno r HMCArvuwiani are-
t.i-m - --- atiuMnS S Vmmn. 1
We had fcrewthathe Oreton atyloi' 1
would become cbronb) with tbe editor,
Judging from bh recent aevero attack of
rabies, of whlofs w are reluctanUy eom-
that be to oonvalmcowt, w propose to
review Me latest logic, which, w must
confess,' wo need leather' spectacles
enable as to clearly aeo. First, be ssys,
"qtlisnsblp toon thing and suffrage-
to another---That 1s Nrbemebsler
and hlmsetf hoM dlnT-nriit ptnl0 IHd, I
witn ail ou reference to in aeetsion oi
th totter, be munt pardor ns tf wvad
hem to Usat af tb foraaar, Webster my
that "CHI sen, lu the VhVcdTcdiilt a
person, nativo or Batnmtlaed, who has
frxmckit, and Of
Ing real estate. , Of ooursa, In a general
sense, cUlnr spot so af aa laboblt
ante, dweuera In any panlontar etty,
town or piansi had s not th
of lb cttlsonahlp to whlok vaailudaia
distinctly act forth In WebatsTS deflul.
tion tt tlMword a It applls far th
VnUtd Statm, ImimH -r-i .fv.fmv'ut
Again, Um Constitution of tb United
gtatoBf ArUcI 1, rfecttD4t,mra t2,All
person boeaof natarallsed In the Unit
BUtea, nndr of tho tttat wlMreln tbey
may reside.' . Xc State alMlljaake ar
enforo any law which aboil abridge the
priyJIeBjeo r Immunltioa of ciUssns of
th United Btntoa -nortdetfy-to
equal protection of the Lawa." , ,
Again, ArtioU I, Heetten I, of tb Flf
teoatb Amenttment to tSMCecwtltution,
myar "Tb right of aiUsen of the Ualt
ed States to vote shall not b denied or
abridged by b fnlted Utes on
COtfnt &T raoeVeoMr or previous eondiUon
of aatvltode." 1 ir- -'-'' rn int -r-i
T Moreover, tbo BUtea are expressly de
prived of th power to make or aafore
any taw which shall abridge the rights
of elUxeiia. -'TbOIMato of Oregon fan
Amc-mmeuU to Um Cbn?
sUtutforif tlwrefbT they Ore to-day a
law W Uils State as forcible, emphaUo
and binding as any law of . Congress can
be made. r: 7 i .......! j
L - Aa art evidence- that bur brothW has
received a glimmer of Constitutional
light upon' tba euflrag Issoo,' W are
pleased to note the following: '"'i'-
But wo do not road tnywbir that It,
(tboConoUtntten) prohlUte th United
ritate or anv Htato from dcnvlnsr the
right of oiUsen so vote on account of j
eg or aex, or for Want or Intelligence or
property. One too Htatee bad power to
JimM Urn auffrago by dlsti actions of
race, color, aex, property, lntoUlrence.
etc: they now hav Uiat power In re
spect only to th hut named distinctions.
aitd can no longer .ha esitoiUBens from
th ballot boa on account of rave or
oolor.... , : t t ' t .. .
' ,Xhti .tftn klipfOatirt that our
frieral ber tod himself to th verge of a
clause that would bar spoiled Um looks
of bis argument If he had gon a step
"prerious sonditlpa of servitude." This
reminds, us very forcibly of- bis weU
knowa devices to rid bis party In Ibis
Htato from tb aoppmwd odium of negro
suffrage, during the days when It. was
not oooeldered sate, a a party measure,
to Insist upon that principl openly. We
ar gratified that 1m oacede thus much,
and ihe dav to not far distant when be
- r ' i . J ; T . . .1 X5. mwmm yJ WK m W- w UHK
Will want all women to forget jiMjhe.iclal. malfeasanc.wbersby the tajc-pay-did
not aid thcmla UMir slruggUior-," dfrsu.fe.1 out of UmusamU of
th ballot to Um days of their
Th recent election for Chief Engineer
of the FTri lVpartmonlia thu'eUy pro
duced quite a contest for th posltteo,
and which resulted In tb defeat of Um
favorite of a certain "Ring" Which has
presumed to fix' thlags forth Repub
licans hereabouts. The successful man
was pat ibrward by lbs Asruand Water
Co. (by no means a popular Instltutioa
la this city) and th growing opposition
to 'Ring' domination may be calcu
lated frotn ths defeat of ths "Ring" can
Th people ar getting tbctr rye open.
Th combination between county and
Federal office-holders baa been -Vvfited.
and their power I rapidly departing.
Be Warned la time, gentiemea. It to not
a good plan to assume tb whole dire
tiod of political aflklrs to yourselves In
those part. - ' " - I
Jean Iorelnw baa written a new series
tt har tMortes ToU to a tiOU. n
regards bersslf
as aa arttet.
In the December Lt f the
Nw Noimwnrr the estion isaskad,
!IIe w famm'sao Blna. amsag
usfnnd 0m cotttmeut, follov?iag that
quwCon, altboOgli snowing Jargely la
created exparsfnurea and nbursements
In . your county aflklrs, yet offer
word of eapmtistlon aa to bow tbe mat
ter was brougtit about, Now. I think I
oxutaHr bow thswbol
done, and 'twas thusly f, The Bullet in
to owned by the sans party that was
and controls Um 'Cfcurt.Houak Bingi1
Kj "frt Ayo Pi'pg" win
controls the Orrgonictn; bene thorn two
papers at la. the mm Intsrsst. Now
for the Jlerald: , Yon must anderstand
that Um ,"Oro FIno Oentlumen' went
Into partnership with tb "Court Hous
Ring," and those "Oro Flno Geutle-
meni' now control Um Herald, and thus
you see there are two ring ; and on of
these rhar a ring wlthtu a ling, and of
course It costs more to run tw rings than
It used to cost to run one. I understand
that It to contemplated to oil the a
chlu't next year with "Dog Oil," which
will of necessity Increase muchly tbe
expenditure over end above tbe present
two rilig arrangement. . I)o you aoer. . .,
"x'iLYours truly, .
HXX.KH, Docember tbt 1871, t; . '
Wa are not suffiuieuUy versed In slang
phrase to understand what our corrsa-
to puliUool mlsnisnsnsmsnt. Will
wHghtea naf
'.la-jt t jte-tt:.
eiaiong a tW Tammany Rmrrttvlded
with tb Nw York 1 , that paper
was dumb a aa oyster as to Tammany
shortcomings, but its supplies cut ear, til
C tiled at a terribM rat, w eenitot
ring ourselves to believe that th Her-
1 1 pjtnetrlp-wtth th Hfultno-Tb
f"?"rww"f . " .UT
" Yot are mt liberty to believe Just What
vou nlsasc: vour beliefs or vour mlshe-
tlefe r quit Indifferent to us: but it to
quit lr yn do not bellev in acting
tiae a gtnticman. JTrmd Jicruut.
Kow It doe seem to us that BroUwr
Ike ought to bare by tbto Um out
grown the "Oregon sty la", of argument."
When he cannot disprove tbo spirited
accusation r implications of his cour
teous couteqiporsries, he get Into a fu
rious passion, settles himself behind bl
stomach, shakes bis bead and voelfer
tatea.Yoq are no geutwuuur" oi7You
are no hvlyr' Brother Ike, th. people
of Oregon are not verdant enough to be
blinded by , such dodge. .. Democrats,
ReiHibllcaus and. women ar allk re-
auow. Ibcm wp before tbe people, auob
tirader asran. lolbe' jronurpiot
X . .... 1 J ,
UOAllJJIa;., , . - f
TOnr brother of the Ckrittla Mtt
-it . . i in i.M Sb I
InodvortanUy pronounced him lfe4 bos
committed an act -of pUgstrlsm, for
wfateb we bald bixn atricUv aoemratable.
"libaa rosaly parediod out non-net
word.' - Hero I a mntonoe aa It so.
Ur to an aocusstlon of ptagalrtom
against an by this brother, In
to :n poem oT whloh bo datpoted our
credit of authorship. : Bald wee
Tbo posm may or may no bo Jalln
Ward llowe'e, but. If it la not. tho liter.
ary-wnriil iiu nnan most, s
' And this Is how our brother quote It
Bars be:
. We accept -1 tbo; explanation lu ' flic
niereoun-itowa caae, mao' ' in ' tn
Mxw KobthwbvT, 'the tt nsagror assy
not be Julia Ward UowV i. , It
wa clipped from Um newspapers, after
Deing puuusneu in um sam identical
stria for a aumher of tmm . ' ' . -
LTb fact that th sentenos Succeeding
tb asterisks wae need by as In th
article with o different eonnctloa do
hot exonerate our friend from tb grave
charge of IntenUonal ptagalrlsm.
-i... ; . . .,-
. !
Jtcrtmrtf has mad a groat
discovery. Its editor bss found that ths
Villain Foster baa received partial pun
Ishmeat or.-bls - heinous offence, and
then exulUnUy asks; "Who ever beard
of a woman being -jraigncd for seducing
a man, and might not Foster bar 9ben
seduoear'- We're looking for this man's
rights champion to demand a new bear
ing for this case with Footer a pUInUff,
WTm but Upton would have thought of
it -i - ' .-
'. -it re t-i
O !--. i:
1 K Tamaaxy ta rarusai.
- Tb GraaU Jury of MultnonVab county
recently mad a report to th Circuit
Court of that ouaay Imatleotlnfr th
Kiteniz ana uoanty ixer in acts o( otn-
-M'ssenit mi tax wsssaas uuintnT
phsus of t! wbola afteir Is, that all the
Iruaad usiltes wiitpressed the
of thsld report rn-ttug oa this old
oial . dvtinoueiiry.' We can - readtlv
etiowgli nnh rstoral Why th Jtullrtim
and U-vpoMto shirked thoir pUvte) lef
In tho matter, hot why Um llrrultt ritd
so to not apfiarent.' But for th Tf rw
Norrnrwzwr th nport bad' probably
tain naaeon In a tditoon hoi asr TMam.
Hotoawo th Tammany rinv divided
with Um New York rww, t&at psper
waa dumb as aa oyster as to Tammany
shortaetnlngs: but Its eupptteu ut oot
It roilod at a torriblo mtav Wo nnn
brina oorsslf to beUev that tb Htrmld
to In partnarsblp with Um Multnomah
county thieving ring. W by did It gar
ble this report f--iefe Mmrmnt. .
A younj
rotmg tarty la wya
Ing. VaT.
I naranU war arortb oonar
tor of a million bafor th war, hot w-s
feft by H t adversity, ba so---te4
them for th last thre rears by wi king
In the flelde by th day, aud ba as
much -nrkte wiiLad thatab wiU notao
eept neat of charity.,, , . .. , ,
Olive lintmn, who lecture I
tt "The file Yonng Man." ate touches
a Don th characters of tno w
sored, the lU-nwaaerod, tb fanny, tb
stupid, th wlUr, th cheerful, th eel.
lab. tb sauatoaL tb snlema. and
Ideal young man, and the young I
who wears eiotnea. :i
I i " - I r , it rJ-
To W. TV. Upton. Judir of the Circuit
Court for Multaomab county t ' -
-no otand Jary for the November
ten of tb Circuit Court tor Multnomah N
foentrJjeax leavat auhrult gho foUonN . ,
ing report I
In obedience to Its dut It !. .i.iti
tb Jail poorbous and bospttala within
sue county, ana made examination In
regard to their condition aad the condl
Uoa of UmIt lnnutoa. It ba ah tnu
onto examination in regard to the uv
Um county. . 1.",::
I Tc.fjmudrJary baa bad a cam
grtevoo hardship presented to It which
it deems a duty to report. Home time
during last August a yonng man waa
gagged by two men in tbto city' and
robbed of all bis money, as well as both
his boots. Ths two persons were arrested,
subjected to a preliminary examine Mtm
and Imprisoned to await tbe action of
tbto Grand Jury In Wegard to their
offense. The person robbed, being tbo
principal witness and not being a Lis to
procure bail, was also placed la this
county Jail aa a witness. Upo Investi
gation tb Grand Jary ascertained that
b bad been placed la tb nam ward
with persons Imprisoned for crime, one
of whom wa a Chinaman eorered with
In, trass whom ha blaasslf became
covered therewith, and that la addition
tlutralA ha Wji uililontjifi auoh muatl.
tvX frum
atwolnt hnngcri This te a btujshrp
upon persona guilty or no enmsor la
boring under bo Imputation: oT'crim,
which to grievone and anJustlflabU. It
Is bad enough to be robbed of money and"
ithout being covered "wttti TerT
mln and gnawed by hunger, and provis
ion should be mad so Utst .wltnessea;
uuable to give bail for their appearance
before the next term of court aho
comrwlled toaasotlaU wttlcrin.lnala.
- Tpon ei
.'pon examination of the oounty Jail
Mm Grand Jury And It In aa vererowded
condition, there having been conflnedat -
Um opening of this term thirty-one per
As the county Jail to property no placo
for person sentenced for crlme but a
pUe for th mfe koeptnfr oi poroonT
awaiting trial, the Grand Jury weald
suggmt that th county should Iroour ,
separate quarters for persona convicted
of any criminal otTens against tb laws ;
of th Stat lent than felony. When they 1
alwll beeompelled tewerkand payl
expensesj Instead of being a harden upon
tb Ux-pkyers of the county. W'ttbout '
much ouUay n portion ot the county .
farm jywld bcn4owed for tb aaf
Jail relieved of it verburdened condl
tion. oad an onerous tax removed from -Um
tax-payers by tba compelling auch r
erimlnala not only to pay tho expenses -
of their Incarceration, but also compel- -Hng
them, In eourse of time, to bring:!
eons Ineom Into tbe county treasury. )
- ww j ;jjmim, us4 aospuaj
waa found kept la quite satisfactory
ondlUonT. Ther are at preeeat twenty
ve inmatearTlnrUrand. Jury also vl-
Iled th 8tata Dmium Asylum, Um neat
and perfect condition of which la and hu
to Om rfetotoT-"
Tbere are at present oiM.hamlred. and
fifty-slX patients oaa fined ihasmav , -Tho
elty JaU wa also visited, but waa not
deemed worthy any tnontloa in tbto ri
port, it J-jcWi .rm?Uii W-r tf:i tif J J -
t Tpou examination af 11m hoels af lb
eooaty th. Grand Jary Had that tho ,
totsdApendlt eased tbo tiunty forth -v
ttoesi. year, ondlag July , U7V wa :
$, t -falnet XU.M8 U for th .i
previous year, among th items which,
wo flad tb aunvof $0,068 U for Uie-
keeping of nrfeoetex and $7,480 fit en ae-'t
eonnt f pauper. . tiiu,j . wmuti-'.
It also finds UuU Um em of $L00 p-m-
year to glvon to the Bberiar for extra ex ;.
penes a on acoonnt of Jailor ami JaaJtoruLJ-.
Clerk for. koapiag tbo twka of tb 4
cwtnty, feoth of which expendltvroa tbto .
body cannot hot bellev aa woAlgato-V'
nawarrantod. l Tb lav Upolate f
tbo Jaaaof beU those afn-, which i
amply BxC-oienl withoot the extra ooan r
Kspeessily to thi tm fi
to tb Oo of tthorlir of tbto
onnty Um legal oanolaaaants of whlcfe . r
aro aa vary gnat aa to onsUUtto- tboi-
fo. bot pnmamlnn of It al.
friitfulifoarot f triukery and, coryopl''i '
tion. k Snelt. bofaag Um eaao It osnnotbui r
b deemed as both InpoUUc and unjust
to tbe tax-nayera oTlhJa county to fur
Umt burden them by graatlngT to tbo :.
HlMruT.anch.: extra jumL nn warranted ':
amoont a that abov specified. -.. -, ', f
Tb Grand Jury ba bad Uilrty-Uire
coom bsfor it from wbtoh It ba.r.Tj-
prated fourteen trtM bills. V ' ftj.V
rm am- mnnnnmnaxBamBnm',P'-''"-
I .tsmx rxsi otTiA. V "'
win. IIUI
county association, continue, to jneet r
wrcry onmruaj vruium, iwiuat , -
to.galu strength fhm among oor best
men ana women. j . , j.i -
.- VT-.. fclUJ t m smstt v
im,uHr-ir -- ;. . n. .
nn um Mw. H. JsemoriaL" . Una bms..
tmst WIU u maun, mt no unaneo ex- -
. . : t ..a '
nttn Ming sw.esn, iniui uie cnaracwr "
. . . . ... . , .
of th elemenU now la mam at tbe Cap- .-. .
ttal. , Bargain and Bale, Truck 'and
Dicker ar tb order of thedsy.Tb T.:
desnoralisatlon.' oven of good men, to
fearful. Thus It to that w snffer from
tb wcakaea and folly of oar politically
Tttnf. 4 .', ... v, ,.' "
OarVkle, wbO so softly denied only a '
few days ago any wish or hop of r- '- '.
nomlnaUon, baa Raised or bis friend
bsrs few thousands to run g Utre or
for months' orvan on. Report "savs" L .
a oally and weekly will bias across Um -poUUoal
flrmammit- ontil aftee-Janar-
tlMa est in darkasm Uk aU tboiott mLZZI
(i's personal organs.
Terminus . fever raging nocter wan ....
Kaal mtata eolua a very fast.
A ctmnitte f ladies peoposs to Inter y
vtew J, C 1 Imbail about a tectum n .
Voman t-u -oou, as rumor, na ifc, .
lis Is going 1 -t soon. A,
i OiY Mria, W. T. , f
. -
t,r-t jlf ",
1 - i--