The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 08, 1871, Image 1

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. " . ' - t 1 ' 14 r . ft . . . I I v.i. r- . i ' 1 ----1 x 1 - r 1 ia 'r" . 1 - e 14-4. . , k ix i y i I ff l t t .ia I i', r
I - .' .fvitat, jx, 4vult.., V :1rj r I T.v.t. f , ,i trt - --' m. '-- . m ; ! -i ; 'H, M.mi u., t, , , . t
t - I ItoaVaa . . - MI ' -- ' - - . - . -j i i u , . ma 1 MT fl 1 1 "T
4a.oxX-aaB r VrBuf B1 rWI ' - 1 - - - - - . L - ' -r rT -
(FortM Mr KatkwA)
MmrirMraMMtrya4 Via
T. rn wfm. t-Wtmm toam.rr .y.i.
WMl W 9M
for mitnum m furytta 1, . . . .
AtUt aoU to ot ! kit (kj oI f
. .. ). 8if. -'j !
Mrvrf juw mm;, . ,
W art t BMcht b wtul rtchfT,
Ma ttk Mit wttk Msla m4 mlrtil. '
II .. I' - f ,--. -
II CilT aa tara aajr worn jrholMajartwC
B dooi WrJ an aaorfci, aa4 ao troag ar.
I . ' Ma abaMfaMgaa o inaVfcMm aaa -
I WlaaaMaaar
Aa4 aaaUH aaalra-iialntW f
. . aaatataaaM
, Wtthlatraaara
A4 aark af aa wiU arora a traa t.a ,.L ; H
Taariarlkal )yua; , tl t
- TkHNUi Warn aaaa4aln ail aaH
Aa4alKa'va(n ariitaaiaeaa i
WmM alcfe,flAk, Ml ark wnrr a
Mttl karabMtaa4 tbta fcmaaaf " M
Hiallfallilaaia ainW fail- ir.-.Ia
ae ttotauan Duaailw Hiaat t ;;hl
.... mtraMr aaa bmv aa arajr
Jt- HboaW Waaaaa.1 Caaa rmf wla U (lajrt VrZ
wnai iaaieroaa ftxyaf mi af aui
Wha lor Ikair aoMwa woal
Thalr all'af alaaawa, all af Inn,
Tbfhk voatlaaiTine WanihialT
- WTaM aaj iai iae mi aiiwai t -rggp Ctu,
Aa4 ombM w OH m rata ran .o f rr f
mraua oar ixwctvm raiMpaMf
t w haaa.t
vatiut aim ni av tmvi iw
Ta wtraa aa4 a Hail Lak ' t' 7 '
Tar ttiiax-t MnpaR lHtI1triUr.
Or ftr aa keMat waaiwii wkjr.
Lm W. r
Baa,1Aiallke,aarateha'fair9 wi ,n1
. Watreaaaatl eaa.aaaaorr IwWijjai
Traa.oaa aopaaa, kot wlUt !" u im
Aad skaw ur,a arlalalleel, . , -rr;
rnyoarwa hUihw reerakna t,t,.-li
aa" mf ai ywrwri kxl,''1
Kpysnrw a men i .. t aVtaara. ' ..ii i tii.i.f
(gntrd, arvnrdlna la tha Art ofOiaarraa, ta
Ciena f ika Uaiertan af Oaaariai al Hfiiktag
toaiCMy.tii Ju l w- .'
J1m wailing winter aoonjringed hint
eelf asnajr; and ay-rtag, aejoaalag-1
wltMthoeleminti oe at
Inlaanoa ttfont to! neaiie laager
feett) Marcav the rat Worn of the
eon, adw aaraalent and Maatortog,
agattt mmakat with tsrtgatntaa, ytaoded
to tatiabny( ApkU- davo and
hlmaetU hU annual aleea, whllo Aprl
OaroalMaaa and boon portly
Julia their aUempt i gatawv ibelr
phmaaaV ptiaalim nador oai
-FooTMha aalf daatw wtwim thof had
o ltrtatr wore domleUod Willi
to aU the othenv and the otaar, a atrnkg
wbtev hot 'waeotitli aad Igao
boy a-waa kept at home the one to aear
a yoang family of half aaothor aAleh
teat f-r har tittili. rtrntil aather and
hie aelpleia, igaoraha ydaae? wl wad
the othed, to mtlow the plow as an d
afi9aaaHtBnlBtlBMV Amfo-taeMaBr- l--IM'fc4tt'
aaao ytMav'tnmlry wttii mod aad
clataaM' I'- it t -i
. It wna la waia that w wrTrd.ta
father to aoaihla eahae hat fat aa farm
and honaehold; ne knew hi own
Inaaa beat,'' he aaid, aad ao that girl and
bor -ore elofmai oTlC1gaoraaeft
with taotr feuire life and ltraanoeai darh-
ouad and their aeaee f yoottor omrmlty
ootnLfoa, nuianea atmoniataaee; '
elwnniwlhoyeopMnnttjea. r "t
Wfien the' world herouone-half a
tZzmchat ttm other twnwe71i,
l wy aVameaako, been I oaaUy aainirrLd
'i r-t-' wiae mnat be In onler to eomnei
"maa and wowian' to fuWW the beat In
JernrtA of hutnanlty, aodety AocUU
ortncWI maaanct the few wilt Inter
fere to protect hi eblktto-w1o t )
i , oVetiiy encYnxted In hi own ftctSah
l- . - that he aacriflee htl welt Ug pT U
t ' oltfcr member bf ht LouieholJ to nU
P V. - ungovenied abltnal ln'atlncia. '"' "
pl.w iiai Inl 1
t docdrfno
aterynnipularpaetopraach.' Friend
and kimlred wlioparc patiently watched
be enfolding of thla hlatoty have eorae-
uaiea beggwi me to .dValet, mylng that,
WUU the thine of which 1 aneak are
vnryTTMwM onlj be puUiahed InT
memcat Worka and reveaUd to tJivat.
tlana and bailenta, whlld'the manCe bT
T1 W'tai theee
fact. - .,. . :, .. , 4..
J'rtend and brethreniluVri
of tmpraawmeat - It la not alone thai
,1 Wlee aaw invraeat who weed the tlxki.
The path of duty ahould be revealMi n
Llrrtry aoa aod daurfatr.oL.WonAa U
aanjate awktathegTwat aaUoT lie
L BUBtty, whether 1U harwAt far whtoh
7 they toll be aataA rrar'jd Wf a
hlgh-oora dealra to do lj a'J C-'r- unto
Othara whataoevar they would that oth
I". .III aaawaaaaajaaaaaaaai
fn Ilka rlrcunjatAnc,. loul4
HOUlDMa, ... . ,
r Tti ttext trct luwou that man moat
barn U th roolrol nf JtU aanaual app
Ut4. And tb ftnt atrp ior lilm t UXt
la rJr .to aoqvilra tbU $ rat leaaoa la
ta kraaa tb UmhU of ppraonal obedient.
With . vblvh ' Im MtNi voaukiv, that
thereby h, ot himarlf, may eon
trot the much abuerd function! of moth-
erbood, which ahoulj t tight bclonj a
Batch V rerr whoaa'tolDaa It
U Ut clothe mail with ToimorUIKjr, aa It
tiaionKalvvnqutloned by her mata to
every Uruta wlHch perUhetb. I 4o not
Write theee thlnce to gain anpUttae, I
chronicle them berauae, (hry are true,
and becanae the work! baa need id them.
M V, WMM Ump tnalattU work! ron-
denina I euaattlataa fala Uta aroba
lion f the weak and towry,1brwhni
Jee4 Ibiee thlnae ae writteay I aee4
nothlf fee the ooutuweiy ef thoae wrho;
betng pierced by truth, cry eat Vweaae
ifce iauea atftlwi Itwilf . "' "
r Herflta rfUnny. ftnoi oua of the
mnch abuaed, aailly aBtTfd mother of
the rare, which la to ue far rWt
thnnaaaua who, oeeepymir hlah plaof,
woaid erefe to leataar tpmt me etnplr
honor for,' ether work which WauJJ
avail pMpeonlo acht-? r f.j
HOod haw yoa,M wrttea thtrlowry
WOUaah.'.lOr your teitleaa teachlnf
Had I known, Jurt twenty yemnr bjkj, the
1 trnthf that yew to-day eveal, I ahnwld
haeo ao olintloealj ami trailed my per
eon and eared the world U drkmlardt."
ntany noble,' anfleriag wltea and motli-
era, In thht orcaJI land of freeddtn",
Sire evor? day a living death, becanae
they arelfoWnd itopeteealy and helplew
ly, by law'nd'ewitom.'to endure the
aiilHnlmbr(3C:,bf -Srlcked huUn.U,
whoae Jbiimerou enittlren are thrown
npmi Hho" world, "atotd iU anah; and
teoipiatfon, with anlnneHUnce'or vl
I Uated arpctlle and UnfforernaUa )
aJon; Who, IK torn, a life la, are to take
the phce of their rfce-rklden father a
i.e urcrecj of meaicai worn," li-
lfoeaiBeJCWTJW"K anapioniH ilimtia
ail cry out ajralnM thta damning aliame!
aiy nnabana entered eagerly Into my
many plana. . If devoted hhneelf to the
au perm tobdeooe of tbd childretr'a atooV
mVfcAwnml L.'AAnaAatabaanw1 Wo ItMfMP 4WmlnWCft
a oaok. and ncaoBkaapir, Oavoiaa eet-Ungony,
of -ovary toay oe taob? ta i
atiwattemlatbofrngalawUbf ttm. Thaw
the ayjaand wik wore owanvwrAneiTeacnlng out to hoero aelXtn met
boaao gmw geandly keaualfot n.lef ahof
ekUUwi Imada af myrtiaUc haaband. i4
apont partotthe-day alone, whlua I had
aorieaflyjm pryJotoy aa Lbad oao af
my own aad. wan" tberamra amamoaU
Tha waaad Woman ore ao on
aaedileaoaW ahoot men iNfv4 W
aatloa for their , own active imagine
Hone. .1 . "
"jadiui," mii my ncgo, . one uay.
fwhy Uj yoa never aak parmMo to
vlatt my prlvoti otaee rt. nt, t,
I Becauae," I knewefed,' "I reaaonaMy
eoicluded tnat yod . would not want a
tffiaaarwrTT-TirTTjvaU' 4touH
beawobUlact.'.', .. i ji ;,'.i !
rtatmimi,i. bajn berB awgagod
foc a ioag iimo apoa oomt work, which
to booj ready to your hiaaaotlon. , yiW
you com ami me n 7". r-,. ,;,t i
Taah.Wonderinajly I W lowed rhn-aohtaftat with the lovar af my IHe
etudlo, ami wj wpoa oaava wvrotwo
ekquUlte oil palntlugaV xejjite.ljlthjKilam jmlaW darted awroaa' aiy tralM
aklirwhlca I -W not drvni mat my
U The Brat picture riveted thy ryei with 1
each inbnae attention tnat.l Ml recalled
enUrely front my . preapnt; aclf, iThe.
accne waa a gorgeoaa dlaptay of aummcr
elooda, white, guldttg aw! toaeaU,
against which rose Ui rounded maple
tree-tops or my cTmlboors home. An
bbenlna'"amonr the treea revealed a
rapid rivulet, which burst In atigry furvl
over aa atirnai diallelty.ana balltd and
bubbled la thedeepabyaa below.. Ilaael,
brake and an mac grew; In vlld profualoa
at ,'ttoa , w-Atcr a; edge. . on lite tittle
lawn ia iae lerogfooad agured, aa j had
alway kepg If M the eawmtera of my
yoiltb, "(he ' roa)fnl-aWero4 ,"liKdour
called "4ude JiUi.I'a Fairy Bowel.",. ,t A.
lUa-i anaab wor aeed to tU the ad lag
aalym ;flw 1owr-r ilnor; wad
on,. th grey ' tiiMi aeat tli aame
Hiadal and ' hiejwl ; aialdi!BVIn-iH?r
araat, haaaeapaa gown, Awkward aaoee
and heATy.trroicS with the Tame wild,
wUt( eye aiai flarce. eipm-ioo' which
maaakmaoa me to a fare , whea l aw
tiaawi ta a akaarh made by my lever la
hhe tsVa1ot tone. - " .
farf i waa attuvk, dumb with bKfcnnn
t J-aoaung awww taaaae ju aiaa-
tMmA I rained my haade In Mttto appeal
toT-..ttit lthrftrprm horn for
a - aaa 4 m ' a'
A. ll " ,
InV VmUa w f g e n
Magnetlo ( cbllla ran . through my
aotvee, fcllowod al arat hy sort of Im
rrtrlraMi 4krakWs wK-wafUr a
Urn reeoU-d by a mellow,flgtt. that
eun4i to radiate fram'lha tnu and
fcatama of my haabaad. Oradvally 1
loot all coiMFiottsneaa And aank away In
a kind of aweet forgptratneaa, front which
I aeeme.1 to awake at last and find mjr
and flowor flonrialied la tUa Ulmy air.
-nmllaee of ouriu deaiga Wore
h the frultogv-nf thwvlne,
lHU-sliapad " eummer? Uusea.' ' 1o
which trang Unta, the Ilk of which 1
awyer beforo iUvemed ot, ahook
their ferajFotie plumaaj in the meUow
annllcht at wadded aong of f laditeap In
tUeiiro a7ovea,w;hiJe Miwy e4 he
iWp graaa of the lawa eooUaated plraa
Ingly with e Tery tiat and elude of color
whielitUmiudeaapkHttro, tj
..tew tho aoMtoeluuMted, aiMl in .a
wretoked hovel by the wajevUW (ouLL
ae a aaanauwtcbeuupua a awueaaaiM.
aaflerinc with fome leatbeoate; atimentt
the exact naiore mf wlt-ch t oould
Judge, a MJe imareoatkMU thmta and
graana wonThofiikkv ;iL,Utciawl, ami
my hho4 raaootL- nB&r&u3irr-tei
"Dui-iA ti Uta fclii ancety
traraaaa the .victim of .aaae'e
lore, or ambition I Anathema fbrerer
reet nnon. hfc7wi3T',Tlf Vea7,4-p
woman, - nother of my ead exletenee,
thymtf a victim of miactoede af
Ibyaelf la thy narrow houa and abont I
The wmaa araom nay atther paaf erred
before then, after thoa weal all hie own,
la now the vietaC that BUhor' oa I
'INahoaored frbri oalla iuaohVtaat
haughty iather hal ha JiV-and moa
hlrat. obody ptUed thro, my avother
done, whoa in iho ,agoay .C thy groat
Itamw tber eotdvrodd tamed it back
upon thee, aad thoa worteaat a maniac
tMea prtaan ccti. toieKptau thy gnat
mlafortun.bjUind It Iron grate aad In
It frarfal gloamf Li.. , .,
rt fjeavnlalona oeereame the euAWing
wratchr and 'aVappad ale mvinga ior a
little Wht)V t-. t t nt
, A woman, olad la widow'a weada, her
hair dlahevelod and be ehalkwikUe mr
all kaggard, rma atia bfl Ue
'Ovt you- gouel I mat bo, I kmto, I
rom year vailed the aoikaroayt Oo
back to ymtt mtaw haaanad, who denied
me and my mather all hot lite, aad my
to hint that yofe jrare aa aTamLaa he I
Aak aim kww hr llkee trlekery aad
falaabood whoa alioft aittkea borne t
Soon, very eoon, my Hooded lamp of Urn
wllaaaae toahtnot i Hemle gold! .Yea,
goUf hal rhalihaDPart of the tuwt
&nJ f fc,aiklMlllJ IIMlllMia kti
i ii m.k.. t. .a i
back to hialii-Bu may t dont go till
am gone to nr home I Yea
aeeda'k taary" Joag. Aaothor awful
Impreoatlon oaraped tho ravlar aaan,
mi vritn
I lL'.' il ii'n-1 J.i;
SeaMe htm atoodiuo hacgard wobmo
with dlahoveW nokiu aat! bam-ann
1 Tamtjtg . aUgkOy, i araa her
f i I . . I il.
oace imperiour wife TDr. Aimatrong,
aow -eo eaanged gad, hnpelma her
cot J dimly rikrrWjadJrat, heanUful
ethereal and heavenly, that )t at.flnt
I appeared a adeluakmrqtaa niyeyoa
arett riveted upon her taoe, I obtained a
better vlew. With" her pure; white
hand ah aoottied Utoaaffarar'a hrov, aad
iwliuUiig. TOward With "aW f eager
aeech him to place hi truat ta tbe Bear
by futhr: , I tried to avert my gaae bat
aaalil anf ; aial oAlatooil, eagagad la I ho
accne, the beaming faeovamo clone to'
that of the Uagvard woman, ana aeara
her aay, la tone all aweet aad womatdy,1
time and the fattier of my aon."
and dewa my apiao.i
again eaoompaaaed aie and I awoko, to
And my huaband kneeling beaMe me in
bis atadto, chafing my Ice-coW handn,
and beggtug me fa tone of tendcrnemto
arouse and recognlu him. " '
-tiare area 1 them ueaf. oatd
Heea whom, darling miner
aiave ' aeea T. ' CJorrton And -Kni
Armritronfh' lletf dying and ahe lkby
hi an! both are wrefchclz:
Jodltkv Are yoa cmty ?- ' '" r'
T ll.Iuk' not?? "T-ff" t":'-"1,'
r. "Wefl. what I the'mktler: then T
"I'm aure t cannot tell' Yofcf. f only
apeak what T YuowJ And Miff of that
wbtrh t havoaeen 1 f
v "But, my ileal WouSart, yW lave todt
been abacnt from thla mom,."
- Tw aure I did not -aay I had been,
dear. ; nutTd4m711anmwThem. He
Udylng f;U4U3aiir.tmlaerlIe;
Your.. iter Ida, mother, aul Pr. Amv
atroug'a victim bent Above hint, beg
ging Mr. Armatrofig to Meal gently
with the Jovef of her life-lime and the
father of her eon.' Theee were her word.
my darling, aa I hope t-r merry.
3fy t uaml bega n pacing tip and down
the ioaaitv' Judith,? aVI ht auddenjy
"let a aotf tim day of the month, ao
that we may Investigate thla matter.
fAiu. inclined to bcjlere JIiaI yoa have
iuai expertantesle pbev uldalrTpyauce.
We shall
I arose. from. the, lounge and' etoed
again -bafoco ,,the , fainting, through,
which I ld pvallcd my lormer wlord
and aluah et-lL galn atootLlranafixod,
but my huaband eeclng me again about
toy WW t aeuie anAccounUfcle hifliKiicc,
kid me to the other picture which wa
Allfc-llk portrait of myself a he Lai
trim ma 1 fUn, In mrpf't1iiT1- tar
T ,r a 2 !4 .4f . . K - f .i- .l
. lie had paiatod avaiaa kneeling
ture beaWe the raatl ng fdoooa of my dead,
afydreoi waw pUlaad Miwe-.wwltao
wild eyaa and loatroae hair Were grandly
beautlfuV " The peaty tfeAee frit In
wavy Trofulon over the oiender Ibrm.
and the brown hand were Tracbed to
ward heaven in arp 'M &T-?n
, -O, TTUnam, when did yon find time
to complete thrae pictwrear I aaked,
While I wept tor very luppliieaa. " I"
, "I llnlaued thent here, bat made the
outllnea of both When Id Home. The
fint repreaetit yon a I mwyod In your
Fairy Jkfwer, fcifl waa lAetclied! wtiot ry
from memory. -The awwcvdwaa Inaptrod
by k' momentary glhnpaf of yon, when
7, In far-ofr Italy, waa ao' lapreaoid by
tbonghU otyonr poaafbie trial that I
flt that muat fly to meet yoa. ' t had
beeoaie ao deeply )iyclidlnflxed of the
constant thottgb t of yotf that I felt that
Iiaee could not longer oamte n.' I
onro dracri bed to yow the' atraae aawaa
t ion wltlnrhleh I waa i-he day overcome,
Tien Ute fiM agoay of bteaement
oVeroawe tod, and yott knelt; beald the
grave of Nettle, 'jraa weTvatttreeTjuot aaitP-r
you areytetered tvee.-Vfy JatlKb, yoa
aiw rxtrntnety' ImprraahMral. "I have
deeply tneoatlgated thla aabject of pay
chotogy and clairvoyance hot after all
I an oaty ablo aaaetaMVwledgo that I
tcnnol"mfrsfactnylaccouitt mr It. I
Dppba thai fpMtaatMta would call yowl
k medium." and he kept on paefnf np
and down the thtor.' ,u" ' - : lS '
Wett. what aarve that I anTmld
f, playfully, a I clung to hU arnTamt
, A model tromaii, abide, "afatnien and
tree " he anawered, with a amlle.' -'
1'Bnt do-vex onl.aee 4m JtptriHtJUm P I
Yed know I aWav want to hrob to the
very wjandatlba of any aabject when I
gut on my tavtetltatlon tap." r " "" "'
' . "I am not prepared to dVuttunue it,
(larltng.! "." -
" ?Bat, aaaband, aear; I havo aeard of
ao many rldrettlowr phaaea of thla air
called votlglow hart aeen many j
people' avert tarOed wltk tt lave
known of eoanany itdtewowo 'eaaaltee.
tailona, ae-calied t Idea' which aeemed
War to toollah for oenafbU brain to
entertain for'a moment, that I am deep
ly -dUgteted with th Whole move-
WmciH t- uiijM Jnt
"rnderatand' mei ludllh, dear. 'I do
not key that I anf or am not a lietlevet
in Bpirltandtaa. r am not mtiklled aboot
the awaarw ovrhaf yow term WoKfled
pirituaJ aanlltlooj'tMitTltL.wtn give, namely! jrour, plighted, trotlv
voa have made tone to-dav. I aliatf be
" 1
f warrantea ia vouvrymg to nr. Arm-
8110114 aome Immediate tiding relating
to hi wife and aow t-f? " .
MSot,huaband;1 hAVe we1 IdVd w4eW
to yout I aaanrt yow' fflal I lavre not
t ff 'It
Tow weiw Withnalaatir enoogh over
It lltllo whlle ago, my oil.M (
l. l tTOtoaaaaOaAIi u- j ,
TIiw eolebrated and very rlmr Tv.
Abemotby, of IjooUou, mow opened hi
mind to anJAincrioan, whoaought advkv
"1'U he liamfwt," aafrt W, "tf f etw
taw a Yankee thai dida! bolt
eia- ata food I
How the
whole, like a boa constrictor.
i ihm u h you aaaeat to Agent Bwxi that
you neither take the tmuUe to disaent
nor the time to maalhaie It'a no
wonder' yoa tnaw year leeth,- mr.ywa.1
never aa them nor year dlgeation, mr
you overload it; nor yu aalKa, for yoa
exind It pn the rarpeti Instead of on
your mod, ,ir db-guauag; u-a neaauy.
Yea Yankee toad yoav atoaaarha ae a
Devonshire moadoea but oara, aa foil aa
It can tiokLand ae fast a lieeaa pltoh it
la with a dung-fork, and driveoff and
then yoa complain thaf eovh a load f
conrpnot le too aeavy for J 1 lyapep
la,hr InAvnial avaalUir, vto aieaa.
I'll tetl you what, take -Bait tab Una to
eat that yoa do todrawi eot yourvvda.
chew voor food half a morn ae yoa do
your irihy toWco, and yeWII be waU la
t ... , ,,j a it4T- t tld 4 J a
' A &iaa e Hxrvav
Htravev the di Umraitaod aatrooonaeT of
laltm-ey -baa acea Jua:yoam4 waaonuag
the rmgaed rJataaat aad iho aanarawaa
of m aaaae riagaoaa atorera, aaaitry
liiaaaaiinl mint ol a ho appeared to
bo vapor, hooUea aea to approach the
planet aad to wnlea ite oMateaee from
the other rkaaKuith oaamed to be dntd
In rtitwaotor ar ne-aop amulo . of
mrml'ef aaiali aiuea, aiovlag to
gethef like thoatreaaai meAeara wkie
aimlr the Mrsadto ahowora, Bat dr
tntz Haaaeveeal moBsnaat It haa Bdlen
more ranidlv. Awt family the attnetien,
of Katurn anLlrelr eTcrcamo the centrJ-'
fugal force and clooid opm the hotly of
the planet, forming belt which gradn
ally diffuaed over 1U aurfaca, ao theee le
new no trace of the ring left. : Is this to
be the fate also of the other riaga, or
will they altlmatelf gather Into satel
lite, aa haa more ertumonly been nop-
.peead? - -.. " - .
been believed that the earth la composed
of a molten maae etvelope.1 la. a aolkl
in inn haatan thick W of Abe eroat hoe
rramalnod a aubieet of vagaa eotdectare.
ProL Thompson, lioatver, now l.owa to
tha Brltl'h A "'-U'J" tnaf nOJMcR-
- i m imuf IHM ... lJ
eaable aha oraov to rnWat tk. t0o-iratkf
ettng force of thoua at moon. A
tltinner erut, he aaj , wuuH. be bult'etl
an tie a tl.Ie Itlifn line molten niasa PlkC
the tide t the owea'a. :r' K perl menu
boartag apoa llil aaimina. patoi have
lately fvea waW dining. ; tk. opt attn
of ainking a aliafl ,t vl igan, ahd In
which It was fU'"' ' Uniferatiire
af the otraio.' obleli, at a leith ervlflj
ynrda, Woa H, dojpwaa. note to Wr tie
greea at mm yarda. Tha rua or incrcaae
of tomparaturv exLiliiled ju thla ease
waa alwut one x th grv9 Fahrenheit
for overv A4A7 foot doaeeal natm
Mt i i'-l
rA wnlrUbU saat tha lap of laxiry.
wey amjwouurn-t ii aimM-iamtew wntTOriitj
tare aim ana un. i-ewie wita aucn aa-joot marry at all, for J fx ou break
MUiHMWii reTeia.mia aa 1 piti wimie I raw. voa win wtait la. Lmak k rui
Thia depaKment of tboXlTW Jf OKTH
wnrr la to be a general Vohlet
ebang of Ueaa eoneernlng aay aad all
matter the may ho togltlmntely die.
iiuaiidmonroalamna. rhtdlng It aoaenV
eally lmpaaattdo aoanawvr oeh euavaa
pmidant by private letter, aw adopt thla
mde of-tanaaiaatnatU-n to oar
frieado the daiapfadnrniOtit thot wwald
etlerwlmotrruefr(m ailr I nahlUty to an
swer that ijoerioav-i Wa oorOlally tm Ha
vary body that haa a qoeatloa to aak, a
awggeatioa to make, or a acolding togtvo
to ooatrlbuM ttr tMorreptwlnto
Qilwaaa. ' 1 'fill i t i ''-' '.i
A tanaer wife, Gaatern Orcgonli "VT
noticed mveral accuuiiti but aummcr of
aagar navlng been Tmado from 'water'
mekm, and we have no dontd bat mat
la your etlmatei Where meloh aecm el
BMat lndlgenotn, fhe mknafaeture of aw
-could-ho made a aource of large
arnuav-W oo tt
whew 1U Ina
ir-Hment of
apoa the farm, tried tlie experiment ' of
boiling four gallona of watermelon Juice
dowa to one, and the reanlt wa a very
Beautiful avrun. rather thin, but clear
fiihLcrf ahd w bcHeve, If we had bad
eaaBaOBBat wJWaw""B'PO(owwwwSB
that w ahonld have made vxcellent av
gar. ' Sugar beeta are extentlvely euitl
rated In aome part oCCalllbrnla, and
wo have learned thai tW mannfnctnre
of an gar from thla Vegetable li already
cooahleraWe.r : ' '
Ooorge The ThcaiivtMuruue'.Va-"
rlettea, OayetfeijrUs, are IowTnfkmouii,
oiieo piat-tw m amuwuifiu, mien,
a reapectable tuien and womeA do not
enter, we cannot tell you what U going
peak ad vlaodly. They are deus which
am a laatlngdiKgracc toour clty, ir, If
they were auttable place of rcaort, gen
tlemen and ' ladle' w outd meet each
other tliere ai tbey do ai other' place.
dance and alng ai Qieac dtna and 'that
crowd of men and boye tlU them; but
further w cannot dcacrlbo tlicnL-. Htay
J MolU G 4"onln4; Tl man who.
knowing you to be ougaged to authrf
would preautne to Ingratlato hlmavlt in
tour favor ro' by the ,verr act tttat
he I an worthy, of you , lie l eudvar-
orlng to obtain that.aly1'" J MvLy9Vr
- ---gr.-yajnur oriilaO)
to leas than man and woman lea than
womaav AiTiage has uo power to kind
the oonnabial oontract- ;Tb wreanony
ammmmetm it, and that I all ;- the tdw
are made before, and If you canhotbe
aad there la ao otlvat hala thai galle
andfrote tha apirit like diatasUftd wedr
look.. Tell your, new lover that you have
and fiat thai vim will
.. . .... ..... a-.
Womax Prkjiiokjit. In ana weir to
the queatlon proponnded by the XJotdm
4i7 8liaH the aext traidonl of the
t'nitod rJUkaa ao a woman T the
(liarltfatoa JifjMiblumn aaye: ,'Thlaking
it an over,- we uom tibw iui a hat it
fi.btf ItTutbmtalw' WiUtyotdiawyaityri
- ' Vn , , ' ,;r, . I
Tt1. wB1itfbU
If she be young aixl l-rautLfuK raven
treaatar marblg ttTjrr.TaTrytot-tB.'Brtc1v
chtaeled noae, a toaibud of a -month.
really ktaeablo, and all thai eott of
thing; ao oftoa give of their aerotaos
bv the noveliH of tlie romance achool:
aud If abe had the intellect of a Uacou
or a Mebaler, and k new how to hoM her
loagae wnen l mportont atote. kntrru Are
to be kept, then where would be the
objection? Mind, we don't aay there
would be none, we only ask - what the
otdertioa would be T r Anyhow, all mnat
admit that eoch a Prealdrew arould give
a live iatereat to aTovernatentai alfalm
But we repeaL it very greatly depeud.
uunn Lha kliul bf Wmiian." " " '
Hnctl?haa 'been ieKT of the Inlenae
heal of the flraa whhd daetmyed PisuV
tiro, Alenekaaae. WUIiaBssonviUe, aArv,
hut all that I
haa been, mid cannot give
the at ranger even a mint cmicenllou. of
the reality. XTae Beat Boo Bare, onm
tauad aa tkaat aaa a ii k4h a aatae
enaeeatratad oa, mt-abjecv. by blow
Jrtpe, uut even tnat . wouio, not account
aome of the phenomena. 'For In
Maaco. We have ta oar iioim aalow a coix
pwrWtara foom the pocket of aiintrmidonly.twn
dead man In lite fsshllvo ur Itush,
which WIU Illustrate our point.. This
cent haa been partially fused, but an lit
rriama Ita roamt form ana' the Inaerln
m areoa it reaible. Otlwre la the
asm taieket were aartiallr. mcited -ofl.
and yet ie clothimy ami tk 'r llf tif IhrY
ami -o aor rem amircrr.' vt e th not
know aay way to account for thla. wa
Ireo, aa le aaaerted by aome, tlietornaiio
aad fire were accompanied by electrical
i it. . .j n ' i .
if iMRktRs or Ixroi.rx( v.-Vori a
little eajoy II fet and are such burden to
themaeivea, aa tltaoe wtMT aa ve nothing
to oo. TKo active have only the ire
relish of lit. 11 ' who knows not what
it I to labor, know nut what Ills to en
toy. - Keereatroa ta only valuable a It
anbend an." Tbe itlle knew aothirur'of
iw- 1 1 is eaavuoo ,nai revKtor eea d--llaMfat,
andteep-iweet a-sl uudla-
b 1 nat tbe banolneaa or lire ae
on the regular proaecntiow of aome
gagea, helyaaud cuUvrjis alj our pnwera.
let those bear wltneaa, who, after anend
In veara In artleafaVlaava.
retire to
enjoy tliemselvc. Titer are afilinicn to
themoblve. v-.i ; ..I i' i
'' , 1 I ' ill .
The onasUon of frceailioola, aa agaiuM
TmriM-lilsl of private st'lioola, is ui loiiuft
in-anib4, evt a to benluhtrd Arkamisss, I
for a Mr, ttooaor aaa takvrr the etama
la faver of tlaa former, and every an
know that la auch a cause womaa Is
irresistible, . , ..'
feafcecrtb for th KrSotrruwiiT.
ii x . J liu umiiji t a .i
;' Conoaraihr; Married ceata.''1--"''
-. .L 'H'rrox, (VI. 10, lsti.
Mr Dbab Ajrnaw-And you revteve.!
the aniMinoriunt of my4rothal wUk
earprW, yon aay. Why ao f la It any
worae for Uy aaal Itaoamber" e unUe
Ihelr bkMwnii and fruata to-day than
mr the atrange phenomenon to occur a
Srw year bvter, when tlie wife la Decern,
ber an.1 Im-j hubawd May, remark
aide atate of preaervatloii? I tell you.
nuuMart, thai one thing even 1 hove eb.
aervrd, and thla it la every wile, I
know, took at leant from ten to tweutr
yeam oioVr then her buabamd aad ao I
rvaolved that when "in the eourae of
huulan event It became irecvenary for"
me to (all m love, I wowU eeder Jo
amml noawoo to flow towanta aorna
aenmrof adne T at leaat thlHv veara.
The doiro of my heart la rmr-haimd
and bearuml, and he walka with a ran j
(Jlvwa thirty yearn the, atari, ought a
ajoderatety alww woman to reneh 'the
aere autl yellow leaf" a day aoouer tbau
thedaariv aotoveUr '
UaaTyoirall mo. AmuVrwhr bridea
My eahkt youth and vivacity with their
jor"g tdoaaama-! Caw you, elearer-vliv
'i4" y .-- -U-
inlereat in "itannonlo rAotk-tiea." in
private theatricals, in whist and danc
ing f Wlien did a bradcKmom eve fold
hi regard for audi aiiiuwinents in his
white eeat ami soallow-talt,-Ainaf
u away in a wvnoxr-awented a beat,
af "amaaaV'Biel'aaw aa-BW w4vv9laltP1wttc9vC 'ISrftfaa
ar never too old or tired to loin "aweet
atxteen in her pastime tt la aatontau
Ing bow gout and sneetaclea can play
enwuet with a nimble-footed, brh;ht
eyed malen -very aatoniatimg lioar
oLeaity of sixty years' accunialaUoii can
"trip the light ranlastlc toe" with a co
Jiuettfahdaaaaelae extra wetfrhtt Einal
y wonderful Its I,, when, the human
voice ouglit to be marvhinjr soU-tuiily
thrnfigh Uhl Humlmil or uunde and
resting tremulously on each no to, as f
It hardly dared vcuf ure beyond, to hear
It rippling demiaeail-qnavor and aantt
Biental rlivmaa with the. .ball., ef -tap
evening! Why, bleaayon, Anna! their
wlvet void piped a ahrill treble year
ago, and they would no more attempt a
glee than they would a skipping roiwT
m nw m.a snij.iniu jwis BCgiriBg
the doar old lady for one jiiore aoug or
one more minuet, aa ner dear old bus
latety-eomr-oul young lady! Again I
ask, Anna, why Is oM kin so mi rule red
mim iws.T,rwa"iaBriti., ti nfi...!., 4i.Mt 1 v.
ing In a; wouaail aud ao IrTewlatihaf la a
man? , . - . , ,
Marriage ooprfit not to make a Woman
prcmaturviy md-idxuid aot-.'Wi the
crave of her amliltlon. the extinmlsliar
of her dream. Maternity should not
aiiaug the enrront of tier lit and make
It flow through solitary place, till at It
cloae It l only a narrow, aluggish
atream. naerly dried utu . If auvtldMo
lean widen ahd deepen her whole being.
ia iih rir. ci cuiiuren ; out n ia a fact
nat wituthcm eomo art naaey earea by
HKflt aiwi liar tnui iuu muuilr LiLiii
pen the aHar of ln-r love, a alowly eon
issuiif anorunw. vtrauo yi Bet bus.
- ... ... " '"j ... i .a1 "i en
Joying society with a keen relish, more
lb admlraVio boau tluut in hie yoitugev :
day s.bccAuaa a largo expt-rhiueoUaddtai
to lit graeea and ho can humor: the
whims of society to iu beajt'a eunteat.
uia wu simijrtHjLujvA wiiat lie, en toy
or renounce sncUt ehtcriailimeiila alto.
jretuer,. The Mare exeeitioibd Jnatamwa,
vi coarse, w ner women are the devotee
of as ensure .women to whom kasu to s
I i-wiexaea and faaebaad "ooi fogW'4at t
Miy artpaxvvry fwJ. a Ilot.
ibuu iuu iiw 4iraw ou imagination for
hi "Jeremy Trnln. Tlicre are degree
of auoh recneant men, aad he etioae tbe
blghtot in sin. 1 bare in wind the low
at.. Mett who cauuot. hulu keeping
young, more than their wives can Vein
growing old, and In show In their nref-
ereace for freao. young aoelety. never
"lame women lor audi aatato of af-J
' w a delicate i
piantj that doevnc. tlirlvp a t'H oit har-
rea atau . neeaaae It onca-takio root ta
nut pcauf ptWilv tlaxt it wiU come to
fruiiiou WitlKMIt aunliaht and anrina-
aim. "Sire won me by her ram muaicai
talent," mid an amateur la moate of hi
wife, "tmt at aea our mbrrlago aae doc
to i4ay or alar, end 1 am forced
to Kb from home for eniornieuL M Kald
Miother benedict,' Would yow believe
tuat aay wile ever reaa ao aaeiy aa Alias
Iaaraun? Klut ditk and iotdt m Itoul
by storm by her reel tat iona; but her
tongue ha forgotten it cunning and
Iter vote it wiu-hcrr. Hlnoe wa twain
were mad one aae baa not mad a line of
iotryl.,.ana. aXratd ilie .ba aettled
down into t hodalneat prune.". There ta
no need of repeating any more. You
and I have heard anmberleae auch" eon-
Yae were aevni naarie In. a
lauii-nouing spirit. tbo tut . aw
arceblMl aa Uie InavlLabla vfTei ut umr.
rl0.i'.'-.t;i .
Tbowlfo haa orwaea for tier Hided:
Jaded look. 4- ria U aajr . woadae that I
Lseetn . ok! And , aplrllleaa." aho. aaka.
"wlien you cotislder alia! I do All
thl honsework, these ehlidren and aew
f tianda to -do
all, aad one pel
rvani: a wontier i, am nut. la my
raver' rlia doe not eomnlslo of snv
rone, nn haa a vagoe notion that mar
riaew ta a eorWof b4rr-dr-er. aad aha
wy-ropoMiinOT-ioT en
nave one acconitiishmnt, 1
it wp with my latest breath.
am ano attsncaioa, if atmll tke-eadulooe
ly guarnoo. , ho, Anna, II yoa visit
(as you will of course), do not think to
oe tne peiie or the crouuet around. I
will wear a trim a boot a yoa If I am
made a Cripple for life! I esmataa yea
excel la tiiuatfi but I rait boat yu at
whist. Ilouackceping ahaU not add ai
. ...... . . f Vi . . . . i. .. . I
reamers wriinik I wilt tm rrwij w situ.
niiiirr..r.,.ifc J'" , l!T't L i. .Tha Uoard 01 JtAlucaUon la iiowing
tb lvo wlwm my n" ahnto hlet.ult , nf fc r,oe f7he la.!' In
store. Wbcnevor I IM htm an own
bookkeeper, aahoinan and errand hoy,i :
will le my own cook,, lauudre and
AfMivos.Jf'!wf before 'Will f be a
larMosinaear' tvady for ever tatvok
aad every JUad of .rretgliUipe ydu a I
know wiier mart-led ium tvil. .l
ama1ng,-7a1mrrYv B Ifnioot
nraSI by laett ertwra. -Having inn many
lr- to the gr haaeonvrt4uoosan(ls
bf happy 1 lirj.U Into, aervoaa.. I
women, luiaJtli. K-autv. snlrlt. all
hji, iiiv 11 title i
l4at Week onr"old krfwaftinnT. kfsrVI
raisw, tv-' Ai aerraaerai, 1 tn
hear.1 ar- rttldilriiWof.ria
nuiilc Tier irlva iMit .st, i'' I'WI.v 'I .
aald tbe ktupid hian, .sbc'e-'allu bcnjgngb h endthat he wa taaanw.
atoat done bar on a work ever aenco.
ialM'.eai Bianrteit, and hod thraoerrtwlog of these same lawyer.
dronin-flvarean, ton? Whal ilklAii4
ofr' ' , ,, ,
"She dVl tfctotMfvt kftirHy
-a Tuaraa! kaniVn-gpla. "" ' ' ' "' . . . " '
tmaad U taalabaaataot keaaaai.Ilf 13 Jk
: ,.. J.M ta .rkrfnYltlae. V
- ikva to all Ii raj, i en,' aad Tkoroocbiy;
itaaa-aimainaiae aaa r.tuiu( ia w raaea
a. is K
-v'. i
wrntag eaii aaaaatidtawa1 "
aaaka aoawn lali aaoie toeIL-
aa ewaauna vU to ,n to tkslr
i-1 ;. swaa
amwefvd.lorrvwUg a. word fron) myt-.h
HUle tdece, who onoa told nte of what -diaeaeea
er largo foanlry- of dotal rtled.''
After exlatuating the list, elk toeadoao,-,
dead doll, atlll unprovill with any TT
cuae for dlaaorattan. ' At tast abe wikadT'
up brightly and oald, " And. thla ecea.M
Anly,dledofdcoacaIr - -'
T I atkaU not die ef oVmdoas. Year J
a ever, . t v , .. Fait it OatawoM,
nu fiAni a n.l;fiM-ji; fwm'
la night for A Iark' we all
went to the etrcua. . It waaa ta.llaiaaln.-
eiroua in luoriHlon and develotiment, .,
and, like moat thing belonging to thai
great country, tt la etepemioae.-J an .vt
aure I never saw auch magnificent per- ,
lorinanoea, eqoestnan and acrobatic
and I have alwaya bad a Utrkeaajrwrnk iu
nan for tbe nnx for tue eawuust and,
tlnset, and the Ttoop and the hurd1eeJ
for the pie-bald hocre aad ridar,aobold :j
and t (ashing, yet ao aereno and grave .
amltheelown with 111 ancient -fokoa; M
rntd the riag-maeter with his sierual
circular tramp and hia whip ef iDflnlle
eracklneei. In tondon I ought-AaA.TT
ley'Abofom Convent Alarletv ri
liv tar the moat accomplished nerroriu .
era that nletit were women, to aaoee -
ial two bhnulea, wiiodid the UUMtdArilig , j
and aatonialiiug things on lite trapeto,
ami on the tapl,-aa aFrottttarnia, Oh,
beavrata:. aa tunaiihtaf jtjene.-o. any
very ' dreadful a " mudtluif,' ahnaat
ghaoUyeahibtOoa of. Womaa'allif bti
All old-fashioned conacrvsttve enuld not
hare been inoreahockedwIieaKtlaabeth
Blackwelt wont into medlolae, aad An a
toluette Brown into divinity, than I waa
at arcing Hieae women, in horrible .!
areea,. -swinging aau tuiuuiinib.
ptunging heel over heal out of llielr ----aiiliere.
-rMIII. it wae--ometMng to-eea"
tliat a-amea eouid ho ao. ouwgotwnv oa rt
okjllful, and ao strong could attain
t'b Heiwiiiieaaof nerve ani avmnaaaor
niuacTe, and UnTreUIu7 wniiirtfiotr "
tremendous idiyslcal exertion, ' the
beauty aad grace of their forme aad alt
the fullneaa ami aoft curve ofjrouth! I ,
hATUntfiTxed dcIIgnT 'InTlne- wonderful""
riding, aklil aad daring, BletOMWadeaea.ia
and inatchleaa physical atrength, of a
yoonr California girl, called Pulley A4ae
(She ntauaged, with the utmost eaa and. ) ,
grace, Hur horse, having lour younger
brotlreri and aistere waruln all
way tnan,0
flut the alarM of Wirhl wa the erased
of rapocsUra--lM)lween two and thrvo ,4
thouwiml people of all classes and raue '
roogtier, freer, noisier, than any plena- d
tue-eeeklugerowd,! had ever before if
knked rrion, yet gwat-homoreil and
merry, ana snmcleatly otUerty me Jot-rr -
Uty. When In tha. early part of the
evenlng there came up a auddon than 1
derobowor. na tae rata Taung in ooi
the upper tier of benchce drove hundiwVi
down In the drclo,' Just outside tlia"
ring, thooert taem woaoalld aneaa aavu.x
a tline; and aome confusion, there was
etMtWftoaccldentaofany klnL' Tha '
furr waa mnat uaraatoe over tlie draw.
In-of the prizca fiftv In number.
tnustly worthlaaa. 1 held all The even-"'
lag a ooiaatve BM i paiax ta my haauVn t
reueivad at the door, aud rvpresentln
alUriiaUIy; to my fond fanfy, 'a value-""
bto wont h' aad aatf.ltur TierT- '
atar waa not. in tlie aacendant In thla
atrange eky The watch Went tkkhnr'a
iTfrr tn lite poc aaa nr i ifrVrM yyimai
miner, wuo mail good time out or, the
ring bofor a whirlwind jof yeHa. "Thet
calf aieaa imaaliaiJLT 1 1 waeeat or WOfa.
forme. Home ten nilnutce of mingled
hup and fear, and I aa a Peaverlte'
lead the prla nff ta triumph, "amid thh)
shouting multitude." I don't believe
that lottery was managed faliry.' '-'i"';''
Dricsm. It baa become tbe ruslrnn In
Kniand Among old tamillee and thaae
boidincan uadeaUbla position la tber:
SW-Ut. wut.u, ...4 .tv iwur, .ltt.
great simplicity of d reaa wpou all exoerti M
1.1 .1.1 .1.. T . I : 4. . ..4
apooiar xtccaatorra, tma ia xn mora
marked aow, when extmvaganee' and
lay aeem to bo tbe rtlllng paaaloB,
anl, aittxltng to the execs of ornament, .
and finery so frequently adoptetl by the
beunroa tk-Kt, An KnKlli-ti lady of rank
remarked, "I now leave that aprt ofthui
tontv maid.' n rrj-. J i. tt i- .. $
f Ttjeday ha long alne passed vrhear-
aooial gmiia wero distinguished by Unv
1 costume, -nor I It any lunger iiaonaaary i
to ar ear gon, laeo oa tnO"'."OaoarOTae
ine nounaaa,! Dugn a utaiiif n warHsry
haa become extinct, and It Is a mistake
to euppoae tliat tho worM noaf erorrJa
lie rr imrri la I lota nlinaa fiuini for
sliow, while, however, lit true thai In '
reaeot to deaa Iteuiot fall toadmlre
the becoming. ' Oraev of peiwnrandrof "
mind am What eAPti vataj a id dlAtnonda
and lac can taally make tire wearer
mrrre attractive. If these are wanting. ' '
rWeaiaaiiapatai4af avamattha-t
pmaunt day la becoming a aorioua evil:
it ha caused Many A11 achfngheart, and
It wilt tie a Aasppy aiax-jrJiea rfaabion
shall ao order It that tbd latly la to be ,
distinguished by aeTTinarrayed apparel,-
I llawerurg no rongar ia tha glitter. of a, ,'
flctllloua brtiuaucy of autre; , it will at -all
event be a matter of rejotclirg for-s
tlar a vvraaar Ibir ir .., .,
A Merbotrrnr Ariatmlla, Mrr aw-
f "The Indie are paahlng titoie wgy.i-do.j
the colony.'' A lew year Imm-K, at every
. . . , ti- .v.. torn.. innaiitov,il
1 mtrr.u hla rlianira. Tbe lelevraitli of.
cee, aceorning 10 11 r. t raneis, are to-'
be Invaded by the lailiea, and ana re il r. .
Turner will be sura to air them a wel
come at the Paat-omeiv" lightly, and 1
deftly they will aort tl letter and will
auench t h 1 mjuIslLl vuwa foj wTtlcli"
the fotr daughter of Eve are pmverbieJ. a
The Uoard of .Education la following
their arboota, Jit- artat only -afaoaV.
one-third of tho teaehcra tn the colony-
am women, while 1u America out or ten' emptoyoU' ata are twoawoavr
Aa attempt la to be made to alter tho,
or women teaenera, anu is
the sewing year It to ex
dm .nmM of VniTne Is4
ex parted thalJali
ladle will be en
gaffed in InatrtKllng Wyoatlr"of th
oaioay." ' "",:'tTej-Tit
SHAM PtirWA-A good InUnet
of slHaru rn-othx lj that of B inaa la
Dljlo, who was aotmWtcd of murder on a
tdea7of taWaitn ll had aarorod ka
.towy rJr g i hg her a niortgage onj
niaica 111 mort-
0 hen be Biade iUaoeordlag to theahowK
' . : -r
leutUnf retdy T The retort, " J
Ma tretrtitt 1 k...i.i . .i.IMn of ihm m.
if nrrfelirt4.nla aoualit f.r tlie TliTiier nianT" "
ahall give Mmiimg Ifebea ar now U be found V .
If I Boa-1 .--..I.. - skl ulsrwa ami iieoeliM, . .
t "w-rJ 4 : . ym .1 .
r: -"I
-y -
4 S