M . A Journal r the Veopte. Ueroled to Hie Interest of Humanity. AHva to all Iues, and Thoroughly Radical In OWHlHe and Exposing the Wrongs o( tbe Maas. rjaneKMKHtei't writing over assumed Klena- utre mMt make known their names to the Editor, or no attention will bo given to their coHimuRtotUftiw. Original. Keply to Slnrali. Who art thou whose pensive notes Fall In sweet cadence on the air. And In their mournful beauty float Into my soul, and And an echo there t 0, what Is man, more than thou art ? Vm he not formed or earth rude dust ? BfconM be hare power to ploreo thy heart, When feltlile hb to thy confiding trust ? Tjiv foriu was made of finer clay, Tby spirit more esqulrtte far; Why HIM unjuot demands obey Br aeedleaa caeriAre thy soul to mar T Tst thy lrt urteve no more; Oattnotrnwrnineeou the wild; Itfhr lowofsti.r restore That aty which man'scruehydespo'led. W weie not made to brood o'er gilet; Mm uuli weald Morva on fare so rude; glM ramlr- MlWHhllLm Rlro relief, An4 sed the with eternal food. Thea plowe thy (tptrkf; geklen wing, Nor quail at any tyrant's nod; Bat aoaring, let It everstng, -I kewa aarth no master but my God 1" OOXSTAJtCn. Halkh, OfOavn, Nov. it, 1S7L Fnix Speecu, Free Press, Fbee People. VOLTOIE 1. PORTL AON"X , OREGON, FRIDAY, Js'0T3MBER 1S71. JUDITH BED) A Pram Story of a Plain "Woman. (HntoMa.aeeonllng to the Act of Congress, in the year h7I, by Mrs. A. J. Duniway, in the OfHeeuf the librarian of Concrete at Washing ton Clty.J CIIA1TKRXXVIH. Alone we wandered through the Mut tering corn. Thorns and thistles grew up In the furrows. Tangled vines over lapped each other in their luxuriant growth and great golden-yellow pump kins showed their shining sides at inter vals, while around the thrifty corn- .i.ti. i i i . i i .. ni..n.. stains nun iuuuii uvuu iiiua uuuf promising, all together, a bounteous irarveei? for the prudent husbandman. Pursuing our way with difficulty through this wilderness of vegetation, we at last reached the clearing, where hundreds of acres were covered with stumps, cord-woodandtiw--logs, through which wo made our way to the place where once the Falls and iny dear Fairy Bower were to me as living, thinking j companions, with whom T had so often vrhiled away the fleeting days. As the patient reader who lias thus far followed me is well aware, no vestige of the ok! and hallowed scenes remained; 'hut, to my surprise and disappointment, my husband did not seem astonished or grieved. Now I hate crying people. They are generally nervous, fretful, peevish no bodies, who make everybody uncom fortable who is so unfortunate as to be thrown in their company. But my the ory in this instance was quite different from my practice, for I threw myself upon the grass and burst into an uncoil' t Tollable fit of weeping. 'William stood a while intently watching me and then began pacing up and down the path as if in earnest thought. "Some, Judith, child!" lie said, at length, "It saddens me to see you yield to grief like this. But, after all, I do not wonder that it should be so. I have often been here during the past year and have, of course, become accus tomed to the present state of things." "Why.Willlam," said I, wonderlngly, "is it possible that you were acquainted with these changes before you came here to-day?" "I ought to be, my dear. This mill is my property." "Oh, "William! havo you then permit ted this devastation, this awful desecra tion of this peered spot?" "No, my poor Judith. This property became mine a very short time ago. I bought it for the sake of olden memories and to make you a present "Will you ac cept It?" and lie placed a deed in my hands as he stwke, which proved to be a UUe to the sole possession and owner ship of the "Gibbon Mill property." "Words of mine cannot repay you, dearest." "Nonsense, Judith! I do not require pay; besides, we are one, you know, and what is yours is mine." "Then why did you give this deed Aviiolly in my name?" "Because, under existing laws, you, as a married woman, are a complete nonentity, and cannot legally hold joint property with myself. A married wom an may not go into business co-partnership with her own husband." "But I trust you entirely, my noble husband. I did not need this token of your regard." "I did not say you did, my dear; but I do say that while the laws of this so called free Republic recognize the hus band and wife as one, and that one the htuband, good men will screen their wives from the possible consequences of sueh a law." "But wliat shall be done with Lad men who never see this injustice, except to take undue advantage of it?" "Nothing can be done, except to change the laws and usages so that woman may become a pecuniarily and politically responsible being; aud, until tlio laws are so modified I never trill hold one dollar's worth of real estate." "But suppose such an improbable thing should occur as that I should take advantage of your generosity. How could you get redress ?" "I have considered all that, Judith and I reason thus: If either of us is entl tied in justice to pecuniary advantage ov;ccttheother, it should be the wife and mother, whose helplessness should be her lawful shield against the possibility of want. Therefore, I am resolved that ienable right to life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness, and also that her minor children shall be so protected. I shall give her such advantages as the existing laws must recognize." "But, "William, I already own prop erty in the far distant "West. I should decidedly prefer not to hold more than the 'balance of power.' " "When equitable laws are made, by which the wife may become a recognized financial co-partnor in the marriage firm, we'll reconsider this; but, until then, let's talk of something else." "We had slowly wandered as we talked, and now we stood before the gate that opened into the dooryard that led to the house from which I had once boforc, when faint and sick and weary, been rudely turned away. "Come," said my husband, "let's go into the boarding house and hear what the woman of the establishment has to say about the purchase." ""What!" I answered, "go there to be intuited by that dowdy creature in a dirty table-cloth, who met mo once at the door and ordered me away ? Not tr I know myself, my lord and liego!" I was growing angry. "Come, my dear," lie said, coaxingly, and by force of his will I was Impelled to enter the door, where we wero met by the same woman, with seemingly the same identical unique apron upou her dowdy person which had so disgusted me once before. The woman greeted my husband with a weary smile, but turned ashy pale when she recognized myself. "Allow me, good woman," said my husband, pleasantly, "to introduce to you my wife, the recent purchaser and sole proprietor of this farm, the mill and all appurtenances." It was really amusing to observe the woman's fright. She staggered back a lacc or two and dropped into a chair. "Well, really!" she said at last; but still she sat there, gazing at me in blank astonishment. "Come, Mrs. Stone, give us some din nor." said my husband, pleasantly. "Indeed," said I, indignantly, "I'll eat no food in this house! Do you rc- membernq"am, that you insulted me tn 1nit i1mttT ro r Iiam nvlin lldfful one day wlietiI-came here exhausted and asked you for a lunch?' "I had no I had no ufeJ" she stammered, reluctantly. "Well, madam!" I replied, "give your self no further uneasiness. Fortunately, I stand in the social scale far above your hung in charred and lifeless desponden cy all over the moss-grown roof. T was surprised at the good-natured intimacy between my husband and the bright-eyed mother of the crowing babe. She kissed and welcomed me with genu ine delight, aud seemed to heartily en joy some secret, which slio could conceal with difficulty. , "So you got your wife tit hist, Mr. Snyder!" she said, archly. "Yes. And.thanks to some good ma neuvering on your part, I got to sec her once without her knowledge or con sent" "When was that?" ! asked, quiekly. "While you were unconscjoTg that day before tho doctor came. - JMyntched beside you for an hour and made out the prescription which helped to restore you to life ami consciousness. A stupid blunder of ono of the mill men sent that doctor here, or you would probably have never seen him." "Well, where did you go after I be came convalescent?" I would not see you again until I could have opportunity to know that you would favor my suit, so I wrote let ters to you from a pretended distance, while I managed to geta glimpse of you ilmo-it every day." The thrifty, tidy housewife excused herself and went out to prepare dinner. "Now, husband mine, explain to me, if you can, why it was that Dr. Gordon took such interest in me. He would tremble like an aspen when I alluded to you ; aud, really, sometimes I half be lieved he was yourself in disguise." "Dr. Gordon was an outlaw, Judith. No wonder tho poor fellow trembled when he thought of me! 1 met him suddenly in the street one day when he was going to your houso-ln the city, and lie begged me not to publicly identify him. I watched him, however, for I knew that he had made up his mind to fascinato you. It took all the force of my own magnetic influence to help you break the spell." Then you knew about it all the time?" "Of course I did ; and, but for tho fact that I was determined, If I could win you a second time, you must come to me of your own free will, I should have gone to you and presented my claims." "No wonder I dreamed I was hanging over a precipice! Tell mo, did you kiss nleovhen I lav in a faint that day in yondeHittle east room?" "Would y&ujiave kissed wic under just-how the scenery appears, and all about the premises." "Then why didn't you seek me out in time to prevent my wicked marriage ?" "Judith, dear, do you forget that I was a convict? that my native land had cursed niQ and that I could not visit you when you were John SmitIC strife!" "But I did not become Ids wife for many years. I should think you would have known this fact had you pos sessed clairvoyant power." "But I did not discover that I pos sessed such power; or, rather, I did not understand the power until compara tively recently. I used to attribute all this to an over-wrought imagination." "It has always seemed to be supersti tion, T admit;" I said ; "but I acknowl edge that if tho whole was a delusion, it was tt very solacing one." "I bcllovc, my dear, that the scientific world is ono the eve of a great discovery In relation to plirenology, clairvoyancy, premonitions, or inspirations it mat ters little tonc what the phenomenon is called. AVhat the discovery may be of course I do not know; but" I shall not cease to investigate for myself." The bright and busy housewife came bustling in to announce her dinner. "Do you kuow,.Mr. Snyder," said she, gleefully, "thtt,secrot you imtioscd upon mo that day you know what I mean- was almost more than than I could keep?" "You did keep it, though, didn't you ?" "Oh, yes!. But I'll not keep anothor such. I thought sure you'd conic back that day; so It dressed my patient in my nest wrapper ana rigged Her up beautifully, just to have tho doubtful satisfaction of seeing that upstart of a doctor taken by storm ! I had a good Mill to toll ydu-ali about it" "so you were in the conspiracy against me, too?" I said, laughingly. "Not willingly, but from the force of circumstances," was the quick reply. "A truco to olden mysteries, and let's eat this elegant dinner," said my hus band, leading tho way, and we gathered around the well-filled board and, in the the same low kitchen where my mother had tolled and drudged, we sat aud talked of Auld Lang Syne. (To bo continued.) power to injure me; but let me suggest like circumstances?" to you that hereafter tho best plan forJ The mystery of the closing incident in you to adopt is to treat strangers decent- Pmy dream was solved lv until thev are proven miiltv. no mat- V'Willlam. I have often told you or a ter what .rumors may be afloat about them.'' "I'm sure I beg your pardon, ma'am. But I had heard such awful stories And, (though I admit your face be 'em, Vet I didu't dare to got my band and all the mill men a-sneering because Jiad befriended a bad woman.' "Your excuse is accepted, my poor woman. But tell me, how much pay do you get for all theiabor you perform in tltis house?" "Pay!" and the pale blue oyes stood open at an extra width. "Married women never get no pay! I Just expect to go on drudgin' this way all my days, without any hope of anything better. I've one consolation, though. I shan't livelong." - Yet, my good woman," said I, kind ly, "we women who strive, according to the light that God lias given us, to right tho wrongs of just such women as your self arc maligned, misunderstood aud misrepresented, often by the very unfor tunates whom we would befriend." "But my husband told me tliat no woman of good sense or good character wanted to get out of her sphere." "That is all true enough; but all women of good sense and good charac ter, who give tho matter any thought at all, agree that man has no right to dc jmo woman's spuerc. i-rom ins very nature lie is not able to comprehend wnat nor sphere ought to be." 'But toll mc,"-anxIouslv interrupted the eager listener, "do you Iwlievc in free 10VCJ" My husband laughed Iinmodoratclv. "My dear woman, do you believe in It?" I asked. "And would you inactive it if you had the right to control vour own earnings and shape your own cir cumstances?" "Madam! if you didn'towu this houso I'd order you out of it! The idee" and she rocked angrily to and fro. Of course I Know you would not practice it if you could help yourself," I said. "But your weary, haggard face proclaims that you are attlieted with le galized lust, and when wo women help to make the laws, and thereby make you pecuniarily indeperfdent ot", your uusuauu, you ivm iia o uX'PrMlnity to control your own person, and the meu. knowing this, become alarmed, and then, to frighten you, they cry 'free love. " "Well, I never exject anything better in my timo!" said the woman, hope lessly " "The gods help those who help them selves," I answered, cheerfully, and we passed out, my husbaud' and I, into the dooryard and, bidding the poor, tired drudge good-bye, hurried on to the dear quaint old home nest, where a recent CORBESPONDEKOE. strange and mystic -light, from which our own pure face would beam, and which would appear so vividly real that could not resist the belief that you ere near me. Can you explain it ."' Tell me of some particular time ten you thus viewed my apparitioti?" 'I-ceinember particularly haw plainly ou appeared to me the tlay my father died. He was sitting at the window, and lie pointed you out and called my attention tp you himself." "I was atUliat time in Koine, aud on that day It went out alone with my whole beingiso wrapped in thouglit and conjectures lconcerning you that it seemed that I must see you or die. Sud denly I fell you call me. I do not know how to express the sensation otherwise. knew I dii not hear you, but I was certain I was tolled. I sat down upon a way-side resting-place and seemed to fall asleep. For an instant I seemed to stand before you, and I saw your father and yourself as plainly as I see you now. Your father sat in a great arm chair looking out at the window, and you were kneeling by his side. You looked faded, jaded and care-worn; your dress was a dark-colored calico, with a bluc-aud-whifc checked apron and coarse brogan shoes. I felt that I must speak to you and promise to explain, but a sudden twinge brought hack my con sciousness, and showed me nothing but the quiet street anil my own lonoly life." "Was this the first time you visited me in spirit?" "Oil, no ! I often saw you, but not so frequently before that time as within the past few years." "How do you account for tltis?" A'My dear, this is to me one of the un accountable phenomena of which life Is largely composed. AVhcn you can tell me why you see a color and cannot feel it ; when you tell me why the same soil, climate and conditions bring forth i. I I 111 m . cci. anu inner mitt; wiien you can tell me wny my will controls my tongue. or hand, or foot; or why fire blazes; or way Ice Is cold ; or how sentient beings became endowed with never-dying af fection; or why" "Stop !" I interrupted ; "I am satis fied that you do not understand the matter any better than I do. Bit have you any name fgr this power, or mys tery, or phenomenon, or whatever you are pleased to call it?" "It must -be a sort of psychology. Evidently it is the power of one intense imagination over another." "Did I ever seem to appear to you in the same way ?" "No ; I never realized that you came to me, but I very often went to you. I have seen tho graves on the hlll-sldo in OALIPOEKIA " WOMAN STJPFBAGE ASSOCIATION. 014 Brsn St., Sax Fn.vxcisco, Nov. 10, 1871. j Bear Mrs. Dunitvay -Mrs. Gordon requests me to give you a brief state ment of a meeting held yesterday in my rooms for publication in your paper; and I find I have only time to say that a preliminary meeting to form a State Central Committee to act in concert witli thcNational Committee of Woman Sufl'ragc at Washington, D. C. of which Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Gordon arc members for California was largely attended, and over one hundred dollars were subscribed to help defray Mrs. Gor don's expenses to Washington, where both she and Mrs. Sartrent are going to work with other members of the Na tional Committee to obtain the passage of a Declaratory Act at the coining ses sion of Congress, declaring that women have the right to voto under the Four teenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constltutiq'n. A second meeting will be held next Saturday, when needed officers will bo chosen, and work systematized and at once commenced. Last evening Mrs. Gordon lectured in the Hall of the -Young Men's Christian Association to a large and sympathetic audience, whicli added considerably to the subscription fund. I read weekly the New Noktuwkst and circulate it as. extensively as I am able. I am sure . it is doing a -good work. Some one wijl furnish you the plans and methods adopted by our next meet ing, and I trust the friends m Oregon will unite heartily in this grand effort to put in practice the justico which the fnimers of a reP'ihhcati government In stini'tivelv cive expression to while they cling to the barbarism of the past With best wishes, BellcVc me yours sincerely, C. II. Spkah. This department of the New North west is to be a general vehicle for ex change of Ideas concerning any and all matters that may be legitimately dis cussed in ourcolumns. Findingitpracti cally impossible to answer each corres pondent by private letter, wo adopt this mode of communication to save our friends the disappointment that would othorwiscaccruefrom ourinability toan swer their queries. Weeonliaily invite everybody that has a question to ask, a suggestion to make, or a scolding to give to contribute to tho CorrespondentV Column. Carrie G. : Mako your water proof cloak in the form- of a loose sack, largo enough to fit comfortably over the dress and long enough to protect your skirts from the mud. Button it down the front with large guttti pcreha buttons and line tho waist and sleeves throughout with flannel. Then make a circular cape with a hood attached, and line the wnole with flannel of any bright color that is becoming to your complexion. All wool water proof is best. The half cotton wears grey and "seedy" in a little while. Molllc: "Winsey" is a very durable, t. . , uuavy iircw gooug, generally woven in two colors. It is very fashionable, but is not in as general favor as the onlinary double-width water proof. "Wigans' is a still goods much Used for facing dress skirts. Wo do not like it. Wom au's dress should be undulating and drapery-like ; anything still' and un wieldy makes her form appear ungrace ful. Gcorgo II. : Wo havo not had oppor tunity as yet to investigate the matter. Mrs. A. G. C: You ought not to know that you have "nerves." But you will never be well and strong until you learn to take exercise in tho open ah. A woman witli a vigorous constitution would be killed in a month if she were placed in your inert position ; and tho only reason that you do not die is be cause, from the force of habit, you have become a lackiilasiaca. .nobody. Now don't get angry! If you apply to a phy sician for relief, you must not complain If the dose is bitter. Get your husband to "let" you arouse yourself from your lethargy, and strike out in tho world of WQrk and mak 4KL0?!"outse1' he won't "let" yQHYTTanyhow. The woman who sacrifices her days to a pent up hotel and her nights to her owner's bedchamber prostitutes licr soul and body for 'a "supiiort" that brings her nothing but jutsiich a state of irrita bility and hysteries as you complain of. Take our advice and follow it, and from the ruin of your health and strength you will arise ennobled, strengthened, useful. Go on in the old way and your useless life will soon be spent, and you will pass away and be forgotten. We always get earnest over these important truths. Mrs. V. G.: We send you the file of back numbers. You will find that the lrcrald comes in for a fair share of plain dealing. Politically, we are independent of any and all parties ; publicly, we are after our opponents with the best weap ons we can command ; and personally, we are on good terms with everybody. Thanks for the remembrance. MRS. . J. urXHV.1T, Edltar aniij-roMittgr --- & OFFICE Cor. Third and Washington St. THRMS, IX ADVANCE : Ono Venn- Six months. Three months- ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Reason.tW -Terms. A Thrilling Incident. It occurred some years ago in our State that the question came up in pub lie meeting in township, whether any person should be allowed to sell rum. One man spoke against it Strange as It may seem, the clergyman, tho dea con and the physician all favored grant ing licenses. The question was about to be put, when all at once there arose from one corner of the room a miserable woman. She wa3 thinly clad, and her appearance indicated the utmost wretch edness rid that her mortal career was almost ended. After a moment of si lence, all eves beiiur fixed upon her, she stretched her attenuated body to its ut most height and her arms to their great est length, and, raising her voice to a shrill pitch, she called to all to look upon her. "Yes," she said, "look uiwii me, and then hear me. All that the last speaker has said in relation to temperance drinking being the father of drunken ness-is true. All practice, all experi ence, declare its truth. All drinking ot alcoholic poison, as a beverage, in health, is excess. You all know me. or onee did. You know 1 was onee mis tress of the best farm in town. You all know, too, I had one of rite best, the most devoted or husbands. 1 ou all know I had fine, noble-hearted Iwys. Where are thoy now, Doctor? Where are they now 7 lou all know.. ou all know that they lie in a row, side by side, in yonder church-yard ; all, every one of incm,jtiiuirj the aruiiiMra's grave, uney were all taught that temperate drinking was safe excess alone ought to be avoided, and they never acknowledged excess. They quoted you, and you," pointing, with her shred of a linger, to the priest, deacon and doctor as author ity. "They thought themselves safe un der such teachers. Hut I saw the grad ual change cominc over mv f; prospects witli dismay and horror; that we wero all to be overwhelmed in one common ruin. I tried to wanl off the blow; I tried to break the spell the delusive spell in which the idea of the benefits of temperate drinking hud mur dered my husband and sons. I begged, I prayed. "But tho wlds were agains me. "The minister said that the poison that was destroying my husband and boys was u good creature of God ; the deacon (who sits under the pulpit there, who took our farm to pay his rum bills) sold them the poison ; the doctor said a little was good, and excesses ought to be avoided. My ioor husband and dear boys fell into the snare, and they could not escape; and one after another were conveyed to the sorrowful grave of a drunkard. Now look at mo again. You probably see mo for the last time. My sand has nearly run. I have dragged my exhausted frame from my home, your poor-house, to warn you, Deacon ; to warn you, false teacher of God's word," and, with her arms thrown high and her tall form stretched to its utmost, and her voice raised to an unearthly pitch, she exclaimed: "I shall soon I shall meet you there, you false noteworthy of the recent manifestations guides, and be a witness against you all." The miserable woman vanished; a dead silence pervaded theassemblyjthepriest deacon and doctor hung their heads; and when the president of the meeting put the question, "Shall intoxicang liq uors be sold in this town?" the unani mous vote was "No." Lancaster (X. JL Herald. Finf. Manners in WojrKN. Is there any Iwrrier against presumption, oral against an attempt at equality, like thorough-bred courtesy? "Do what yon will, you can never bo so thorough a lady as I am," was the impression made upon me by the sweet humility, the plain dress, the almost forlorn sur roundings of Mrs. Curtis, the former mistress of Arlington. It was more what she did not do, the absence of ef fort, coupled With the desire to make yu happy, the thorough breeding-, the self-abnegation, the graceful dignity, that made this lady a duchess in iter faded realm. Such breeding and such manners as hers arc not within the reach of every one they are partly nat ural gifts but the virtues which led to them arc to be cultivated by everybody witli some hope of success. Miss Sedg wick was one of these wonderful well bred women. No woman hWVm erica was more famous than she ihinlt prime, and she had much of the grace, with lit tle of the formality, of those "okl-school" manifers In which she must have been trained. Flattery never turned her head ; she was modest and humble as Madam do Sevinge. Her manner of in troducing two persons lias never been surpassed; she made them ImjHi feel honored and distinguished. Her atti tude of listening was in itself a compli ment, and to the very last she main tained a charm beyond beauty, theoharm nfjpcrfect manners. LtppbtcolP Magazine. A TitAfiEPY. How many acts are there in a tragedy ? Five, I believe. Aer I. Young man starting from home. Parents and sisters weeping to have him go. Wagon passing over the hill. Farewell kiss thrown uwek. IHny the bell and lei the curtain arop. cr JI. Marriage altar. JJnelit uneven trailing 'myer, and excla mations of "How well she looks!" Itbtg the bell ami let the curtain drop. Act HI. Midnight Woman waiting for staggering steps. Old garments stuck into the broken window pane. Many rmarks of hardships on the face. Biting ; of the nailsof bloodless fingers. Neglect, ' cruelty, disgrace. Jiing the bell and let I the curtain drop. Act IV. Three graves in a very dark place. Grave of a husband awl lather who died of dissipation. Plenty of weeds but no flowers. O, whnta blasted heath with three graves! Ring the hell caul let the curtain drop. Act V. A destroyed soul's eternity. No liclit.no music.'no hope! Despair ! coiling around the heart with unuttera ble anguish. Blackness ami darkness forever. Woe! woe! woel I cannot bear longer to look. I close my eyes at this last act of the tragedy. Quick ! quick! King the bell and let the curtain drop. Rev. T. BeWilt Talmadge. A Mrs. Conway has been awarded the contract for building a.raiIwajMiOur.y land, and already has her workmen bus ily enzasred in" differing-, carting, and track-laying. This is niueh the most tho r.nl ACT li. .Marriage i milfnnd "S1"8- l'USi. AVI rror-feltltllrouSh tho aisle 1nl rror, 1 leit .. -..tT.v wh11 of female determination to rival man In fields heretofore exclusively occupied by nim. wo nave oecome-so accustomed . to the Western girl who cultivates a farm of forty acres, planting, plowing, and irrigating it in manly fashion, that; sue is no longer an item oi interest. Al so the young woman who perpetually gocs out upon a raging sea m a small boat and rescues shipwrecked sailors bids fair to exasperate mankind by her wearisome iteration of what was once a pleasing philanthropic noveltv. But a r 1 a i i i . . i .i , , , . f., woman who imuciuiMS w uuim a i.m- i Tt V iZT.mta nm .pn'w Pves herself a mistress of ML? 3..VWntW 6 1 Si?W ballasting and bridge-building: ,,,ii,t toil vnn ii.if who understands the mysteries or My dear friend, I might tell JO" tnat ,,,..,,.,.,, s , thpre are thousands of childless mothers i c.luurb anlL Vi0'!!?.' , a. w "...??" ing for comfort here and there, and hnti none; but that would not irfp you. I might tell you, too, that if you knew all the sorrowful histories that have been told me by tongue and pen, for many To Her "Who Will Understand it. with discretion and authority, deserves at least a transitory tame. Seur Jeney Mechanic. The frost had blackened the morning glories, I your Pacific home. Iam certain that my wife shall be jwce'Jnher inal- and the -leaves of the great hop vine -1 know just how jour house is built, Common Sense. Let us remember that womanhood is the great fact wife hood ami motherhood its incidents. A place in the world of work, in tho trades and professions, will enable women to marry from tho highest motives, not from their necessities. It will teach hp value of money to earn what they spend will be the bestjrssiblc check to extravagance, and eutifituchof the -domestio contention over the almlghtv dollar. And this place she Is slowly conquering to-day. Let every wlun r-ifi.ni- jxlumte his dauehtcr to self- support If he would make her life happy and independent If girls had occupa tion. Kind ratners aim muiui-u n not be so often called to deplore the un fortunate marriages so many of their daughters make. If they were kept in colleges, as their brothers arc, until twenty-live, studying science and phil osophy, they would not commence the study of man at sixteen. Mrs. J-X C Slanton. It lias been lately decided that hotel keepers are liable for watches stolen from their t?urLH. nlthoueli they may have notices posted that they will not be resxnsible for money, jewels and orna ments, which are not put in tho hotel safe, for safe keeping. The court holds that- watches are- not ornaments, but as useful during tb night as during the day. This item .ill Interest hotel keepers as well as travelers. The Hahit ok Luxury. The fol- lowiiur Is from an article ou marriaceby Herbert Stanly, in the Oetorber number oi LttiptncoWs Magazine: "The English nobleman who sends to Paris for his daughter's dresses, is rea sonably certain that he, and his daugh ter's husband after hint, can continue sending, aud that in the training of his child heisiostenngno habit which can not be rightly indulged in. The Amer ican knows, if he knows anything, that the habit of luxury inwhich his child is reared unfits her for the duties of the life to which she will in all likelihood bo called that he cannot hope that his family wealth can long survive him, any more than that his -daughter will love a mau to whom that wealth will be un important Experience aud observation alike tell him that wealth in this coun try rarely continues in nlamily three generations, and that at any time he may find himself a poor man again. Yet he regulates his life and that of his children as if his wealth and theirs were assured, and as though the habits of a lifetime were to be broken like wispof straw."3 Jills (laughters are not tit to marry any but tho rich men they ex perience so much difficulty in finding, and a man of moderate means is careful to avoid asking them to change their habits or lire, lhero are few sadder pictures than the one we see when some such woman of braver heart than most of her sex chooses that portion of a poor man's love and vainly seeks to adapt hersclt to a lifeor winch she has hitherto known nothing, l he habits or her girl hood bind her like strong fetters, her knowledge of domestic duties weighs her to tho earth, the loss ofsoelul position or the fevered efforts she makes to support it, wear out her life in bitter repining until her health gives way and she dies, leaving her faults to vex the world in her children, and her virtues undiscov ered save by the husband, who hides from himself all else of her nremory." The Physical Strength of Young V omen. Some one asked Mrs. X'aily fetmton ir she thought that girls ikjs scssed the physiqiu; necessary for the wear and tear of a college course of study. Her reply is both sensible and sarcastic "I would like to see you," said Mrs. ouiuiuii, -uikc uiirteeii hundred young meu, and lace them up, and hang ten to twenty pounds wdghtof clothes to their Miusu-, percii them upon threc-tnen Future. "Generation after x line writer, "have and their lives were They passed like tear the less, or keep you from feeling '. n t n, ,11 wtr. aw n as uanicr w uuar uiau i m..i i.u i. i.ii, 1 (vmini-oHm, bfivu ' rivirs x-nll u-mllll lip rInil flint vniir Imliv I $,-"-"""" . f:r.f " .. .,!,. r. felt as we now reel, s B i ""-' " "' Tu1:: " ' as active as our own. iiiir. i iitii. i it i in ihil n?i; ii mi. lu sum i un til ill your sorrow theirs. I could tell you that God is good thev now are nround our tractions lor our onspring yet uiiuoru as she once had for us children. Yet a little while all will have happened. The throbbing heart will be at rest. Our funeral will wind its way, and prayers will bo said aud then we will be left alone in silence and in darkness for the worms, and it may be but a short timo we shall bo spoken of, but the things of life will creep in, and our names will soon be forgotten. Days will continue to move on, and laughter ami song will be heard ill the room in which we died; and tho eves that mourned for us will be dried, and glisten again lor joy; and even our children will cease to think ot us, and will not remember to Map o" i name. so dimmed that time only can enable you to see it It is because I know that , nature must have way, or you could not live and bear it, that I can only say to vou now. I am so sorry for you. I know- just how you go about, listening for the little appealing cry that you may never more -near; touching tistiessiy tue imie useless clothes that you fashioned, witli your heart so full of love and hope. I too have done nil tuts, i nave rain with my check close to the grass upon my baby's grave, lest she should be lonely without me, though I knew she was not there. And yet I have lived to thank Him who took her so early, that the storms or Ine which aiterward overtook me, did not burst over her little head. So, as 1 say I shall not reason with you now, for that were worse than useless. I only reach out my woman's hand and clasp yours In sympathy, although we never have and never may meet in this world. But ono tiling I know, that in the other world your baby and mine will know us their mothers, else God were not God. By the strong love that came with them, and the grtcr that roiiowed, tills must be; we could not be so cruelly mocked if this were to be the end. Now, do not sit down and brood over your grief if you can help it Do not close your blinds and shut out me sun shine. Let it warm you, though your baby is cold. You would rather have felt its little warm clasp even for that brief time, than -to not have known the bliss of motherhood, would you not Well then warm your poor heart with that bit of comfort A'oif there is i a lad der reaching to Heaven, only seen bj vou onlv used by you. Heaven is not lipir its music, anu ouu -. j. mothers car will detect; and none who heels, cover their heads with ripples, clliguous. rats nml mi n! tiok ten thousand hair-plus into their scalps, if mcy cau stand all this, they will stanu a little Latin and Greek." A ladv has started a paperat Porttami, Orecon. which she colls the Northwest Her salutatory open m this vigorous style: "We lvo.n a rr-frnlar annrcnticesli p at working- washing, scrubbing, ironing, (tan i ig, ?r',-.V..! nMvin?. raisitiK babies. "rTminsr. ami poultry raising. lllllAillSt 1 . . 1 . J raising babies, try rt lit i mtis . written ior me Wpt At Mull a messenger having requested London clergyman to announce that "if Dr. Leach was among his audience lie was urgently wanted," the clergy man added from sympathy, "and may God have mercy on the ioor patient!" "I wish I was dead," is the heading to a quack advertisemcut Tills wish can speedily be gratified by taking the medicine. i 1. n-ltlGlf.. WrillUU 1U1 HUMS- twiners, ado speeches, and carried on nnexionsiv""'"-j business. We can prove by the public that thi3 work has been well done. Now, having reached the age of thirty six, and having brought up a family of boys to set type, and a daughter to run the millinery store, we propose to edit and publish a newspaper; and we intend to estauusu il us one ui tue permanent, institutions of the country." Which Is not only straightforward talk, but better poetry, we leave it to anybody, than Walt Whitman's. X. J. Mechanic. A gentleman was describing to Doug las Jerrold the story of his courtship and marriage how his wue nan convent anu was u ,-nit wlmn his pres- n?n iir nnmntttred sight viiv(. vuiv uiwh a- i - -r and she took him as her husband. Jer rold listened to the end ot tue a "'f "V" then quietly remarked: "alio snnplj thought you better than "" No nation, no rfQh party, no race ever