She ile$y fevlteesi FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1S71. -"Whom Tint IVc Lose BY JULIA -vrAnn HOWE. WIhhh Bnt Tre Jove, j-OTknowre ',I,"",?'d ! Time rates us all. And lb Indeed, W: a ot Hie thing we planned It out ere '" iS? ' And then we women cannot choose our 101. Mi must be borne which ill i brd ,"tr:0 Muei given away which It were sweet to God hlu! -who need ''"i"'?'--,,, AndM, I know the shejinerd loves Ills hecf. And ttiey ur, too, his mother's sunny hair. Bmt vfcen be sJeeiw and tun lies upon my knee. And rout feel his light breath ooine and go, lean think ofom Heaven lielp and pity roe! Who loved me, and whom 1 loved, long ago. Who might liave been ah, what I dare not think. We are all eliancm!. find liulnf rr dm Go lwlp hs to do our duty, humbly, and not And trust In Heaven, humbly, for the rest. But blame wwnen not. If mine apear Too coM at limes and some too say nnd light ; Same griefs gnaw deep; some woes are hard to bear Who know the past ? Ami who can Judge us . right ? Ah,w-uwe Judged by what wc 11118111 have And what we are to apt to fall ! MvIHMe ehlkl he sleeps between These thoughts and me. In Heaven we ahull know all. Bits byjhe "Way."' JIV MADALKMS CLAIIKE. Every one should be blessed with a Cousin John. Even "respectable family" should occasionally speak of iousin .loun. Alter giving my opinion, ail unasked, concerning this couslnsliip, I will proceed to soy that I, myself, have really a Cousin John, a good sort of a creature, although the whole four gen erations demonstrated all kinds of reck lessness by "John," ever since there was such an individual. He is a generous-hearted person, everybody appeals to him for sympathy, from the mayor down to the chimney-sweep, and always obtains it. He had a cheerful word for ovary one. And yet lie was a heedless, lawless, forgetful lellow. All the rela tives nredicfod a failure when John stnrtetf in business, and were somewhat surprised when he M-ent quietly on. At last the rumor came to me that John was to be married. I was credu lous, believing he would forget all about it, oven if the day "had been set." One morning lie came to me, blushing and stammering. "Well, John," said I, "what disgrace are you in now?" "You have the control of your own time," said ho nervously, "and I do wish you would come up to my new house and begin the housekeeping. I am goiiig to T , the week after next, after Mrs. John, and I would like everything home-like and cozy. I have no sisters; you will not refuse me, Susan?" "If I were sure of your return " There, there!" he cried, "I have been lectured by all the other members of iny nice, ami I wish you would for bear. Just say you will go, and I will come for you in tiie morning." When a woman begins to count thirty in years, she must exitect to make her self a convenience, if she happens to remain in possession of her own cogno men. That is the reason I felt myself bound to accede to John's request, x had become accustomed to being the "odd number." and had shouldered all the duties of the position a number of years ; placed myself in the toay when I might be useful, ereptquietlyoutwlien I discovered my room would be more acceptable than my presence. In fact I had considered myself a sort of "itin erant" long before John made known his especial need of me. In due time the cottage was in order; very pleasant, save the odor of new fur niture, and John brought his wife. She was a bright, rosy woman girlish, I thought. I was afraid my cousin had made a very injudicious selection, inas much as he was so unstable himself. I feared she lacked firmness, and had little decision of character. I promised to remain a few weeks, until the wheclsof household curcshould become well in motion. And I was all the more willing because I wished to know how 'Mrs. John succeeded with her careless husband. J may as well state here that John had a temper, and when any one ventured to speak of his . irregular habit, he usually made quite a show of it. I am sorry to say, the particular family to which I belong are considered ill-tcmicred. I take it for granted that no other family are so af flicted, from the fact that whenever one of us manifest this disposition, I hear it said that "that is the of him or her," using the family name in place of the blank. I considered tamper a common frailty until I had made an especial note of this. John was the best of husbands for a time that was natural. Rut his care less ways overcame his tender care at last, and Mrs. John was perplexed. He invariably forgot to bring home any article for which she had asked, and was indispensable Mnv John was a UrUdfMlt Wifn In 1, !... .1.1 . , . . uiv iiuuotiiuni ui twin oblivious to the fact thatsheJiad promised to leave an order at the market, until ...v. uiutiei-iuiur. ritinf,' a,Hl U,e" Jrta.e of a co'ld d ...... ... nun., iie always came home happy, with a glib excuse, and one could never scold him. Mrs. .John was somewhat astonished when I informed her one day that her husband was merely conducting himself In his natural manner, and that she must expect to endure it -ill her life. I also informed her that the relatives were watching her domestic management, Qsjiecially of John. I fancied her rosy cheeks grew crimson, or else it was a reflection from the grate; but she said not one word. John came home at last, eheerful and overflowing with oxtusk as usual. His wife smiled very out of i-mee a uiougiit and tiie matter seemed seiueu. Next day Mrs. John was singing like n litnl lit..... ...III. l . . 0 ... . u?jj ull ,,cr mubiC nappy wit ner liowers. I -onilv hint.-i ti...t ti wliii10 Hjfe114 1,ot b0 w far off as she foliiitl1;. J,?1'.' w- "ot have dinner iunpir J. B"e; I'0" a,ul I will take a find ioM ,ii1.?f -y a- -f John did palt welve uKno?"1 at haIf Ibr a wonder XhnlerXSl norV" inastouisllmtau?ntHl- Mrs. John stood on her ti,wt.. , him, and then said ..Yoi tocs YlhirCil have been very Snieli ,,,U!ir' 1 knowing how little you SWu' and just concluded we woVdl"' A light dawned in my slow brali. "Very well," he ropfied. Joh-iV., a good dinner, and I knew he was vexed He endeavored to be genial, but miserably-failed. Complainiugof headache, lie bade us good-bye, leaving Mrs. John smiling and patting the cnret with her little foot The afternoon passed swiftly, as we had callers, and oveiiiiigseomed to come an too soon, 'lea was late, John early. Mrs. John was in no hurry; she.leisurciy, went her way, growing more "sunny as! John grew morose; and when the teal Iteallv. .he was (iiiilf fiF 8et, aJ-,ab,l IheSdinner-hour, dine at the hotel with a friend, leaving -Mrs. John and ...:.c llll was prepared, she danced up to him, aiid winding lier anus about Ins neck, said she felt so wrry for Ills headache, and .hp was almost ashamed to s-uv she had forgotten to mend his coat Mrs. Ames was so entertaining that site could think of nothing else hut Iter. And so it went on for weeks. Mrs. John was out (shopping, and didn't come home to tea, or she took dinner with Mrs. Ames, because they were going up to mu iMuiui ai one o'ciock, ana sue really didn't thiuk it would pay to run home and get out of breath. She forgot to mend John's stockings, and never thought to warm his slippers. ai iasi uic storm burst; l na neen expecting it; for John was sure to show the family name of his race at last. .Mrs. John opened her eyes in aston- ishmcnt. "Why, my dear," said she, after he had delivered an oration of i considerable length, "I supposed you desired this method of conducting our allairs; you setme the example yourself, and I have endeavored to follow it. I have heard that a team must pull the same way, and I shall always take your direction I ounht to, John! Just so long as you continue to meet 'good fel- ! favor which the movement has received lows,' and are late in consequence, 1 1 from many of the Republican part y, the shall meet my friends and do the same. ' subject of suffrage for women is one that If you please to forget errands really deserves u most careful and respectful essential, or even for my gratification consideration. and comfort remember, my dear, lam This resolution is important and sig bound to make this a happy family, and ; nificant as being the first ever adopted i siiuu loilow your example, to be congenial, our tastes must be alike, and they shall be." The relatives were all astonished to learn that John had really settled down into the most thoughtful, obliging, and best of husbands, while Kitty grew more sunny every day. Rut I wasn't at all surprised. She knew how to manage the bits by the way. The Republican Convention. Last week, on behalf of Woman Suf frage Republican, we appealed to the Republican party of Massachusetts to give us a Woman Suffrage platform and a Woman Suffrage candidate. The Republican State Convention has responded by giving us a non-committal but not unfriendly resolution in the platform, and a candidate who is not publicly committed cither in our favor or against us, bnt whoe private views uiKJii the subject we have not yet been able to ascertain. Woman Suffrage has undoubtcdlv achieved a very imiiortuiit and useful political victory, in compelling the withdrawal of Hon. Harvey Jewell from the canvas", and in inducing tiie substi tution of a cent Ionian whose record unon this vital question is not positively ob jectionable. The public exposure of Soaker Jewell's record in regard to Woman Sullrajre was sullicicnt to make ids nomination and election, under ex isting circumstances, morally impossi ble. Let M)liticiaus take warning by the example. Of the three candidates who were un derstood to be friendly to our movement, Aics-srs. miner, lxiring and luce, each laued 10 secure tnc nomiautiou for va rious public and private reasons quite foreign tp their viows on suffrage. In deed, the sympathy and support ex tended by these gentlemen to our reform undoubtedly strengthened each of them more or less, and would have done so still more if the struggle had been pro longed in the Convention. The proceedings of the Convention upon the direct question of suffrage were brief, and appear still more so in conse quence of the imperfect reports in the newspaperR. The Boston Journal is the only city paper that publishes the text of the Woman Suffrage Memorial, or that gives (ien. Henry Rriggs and the citizens of l'iltsfield the credit of offer ing a resolution in its support. Neither the Roston Post nor the Worcester Spy so much as alludes to the subject. in ins admirable address as chairman of the Convention, Hon. George F. Hoar of Worcester made the following capital statement : The republic implies, as I understand, two tilings: 1st, absolute cyuality, so that tho government expresses the choice of the whole eopIe. This only is self-government, the highest act, whether of the individual or the State. Kvery other Is government or one port of the people by another which in the end is bad and degrad ing for both. I know that in this matter, to convince the public, judgment must precede statutes, constitutions or even party platforms. Rut, while I have no right to speak for every one of you, your having placed me here gives me the right to say for myself, that until every human being of full age, of whatever condition in life and of what ever sex, has his or her omnil vnlp in framing the laws which are to govern i the State of which lie or she forms a ! art; until the woman helps regulate the public education of the child; until, in deciding the question which you submit vcnrlv In vmir Intriw trlmtli tl. 1 , . r, , . . - . , .ll.-l.ll.-l inu 11110- band or the son may lawfully be tempted by strong drink the wish of the wife and the mother is counted, your republic and your republicanism arc incomplete; until you endeavor to accomplish this, your Republican party lias not fully vindicated iUs title to its august name. (Great applause). Immediately after the appointment of the Committee on Resolutions, Charles W. Slack, Ksq., presented the following MKMOItlAI, OK Till: MASSACIIUSKXTS WOMAN SL'KrilA'lE ASSOCIATION. To the Uenublican Jtrty of MaMacJiu ctl, in State Convention assembled'. The Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association respectfully request the Ite- puuiicau party 01 -Massachusetts, In State Convention assembled, to adopt a resolution affirming the right of women to tho elective franchise Under our form of government, and to take such other measures as in its judgment seems best calculated to enable the women of .uassaeiiusetis to exercise this right. V omen have tho same iiersonal and property rights as men. They should Have the same power to protect their rights. In n republican government self-protection takes the political form of suflrage. Women nav taxos. nml li.,ti,i i.. voice in the amount and expenditure of Women obey laws, and should have a voice in their enactment. Impartial sulfrage for moil and women will prove the only effectual safeguard of individual rights and personal liberty, the only practical guarantee against corrupt political combinations and class legislation. The Memorial Mas rocL-ivixi wiih '-ivn-i.iuii.- uiM-niue. ine i iiainuuu en quired whether it was Mr. Slack's desire that It should bo read. He replied In the negative, on hr rmmnl iimt it i,.i L;.nMl.l rr., already been extensively distributed among the delegates in printed form. We regret that it was not read, because many of the delegates had not seen it. v-en. iienrv urimrs r l H.finl.l n,n.. 1 n,,,i Mr; V airu,an--U n numerous , l'iiL,icda,)Il! - of citizens of con-i,i?!l ,tIincu a" 4. women, convened t' j ' fr.i7. . ""-.'l"iion ot uonian .su f. nlal r,,,... 'V onian inn,- lei:,lu "at resolution ' . on Platform t ,uon Jiilttce follows:- reboiunoii wa8 ,M Jicsolvcd, That the Kopubllc fill party ,, ' "LUp.m;.-, Mure request n i " '-."f v.s oiuivo -." nu unu jo Use our inlluencu to Keciirr. -i i-nS i t.ralii." "urarmutcd iiot lo crack or Hon in fn vn.. r 4" "2-"? rJSO IU- ! changecolor.undcrtlic severest usuze. ftlHIracc ill hi'. for years." of Massachusetts, having aided In abol ishing political distinctions on account of race, should now, in accordance with its principles, proceed to abolish political distinctions on account of sex. and to establish in the Commonwealth a gov ernment of the people, by the people, for the people, upon the basis of impartial suffrage for men and women. The resolution was referred accord ingly. The Committee on Resolutions was ready to report early iri the afternoon, but. in consequence of the delay in set tling the claims of contested delegations and the subsequent election of candi dates, the platform was not read until long after midnight, amid noise and confusion in the intervals of balloting. The resolution on the Woman Suffrage 1 question is as follows: Ilatolec d. That the Republican partv of Massachusetts is mindful of iU obli gations to the loyal women of America for their patriotic devotion to the cause of freedom; that wc rejoice in the late action of our State Legislature in recog nizing the fitness of women Tor public trusts, and that in view of the great , by a lCcnubiicau convention in ew Luc-laud on the subject. A minority rcjxirt would have been offered in the form of a square Woman Suffrage reso lution if the lateness of the hour had not resulted in the return home of the gentleman who intended to force the question to an issue. From the hearty applause which greeted the resolution in its present form, we feci convinced that the resolution of Gen. Rriggs could have been carried without dilllculty. The temper of the Convention was unmis takably friendly. Rut the fact remains. The Republi can party have again postponed the question of Woman Suffrage. From present apjearaiices, they are likely to elect their candidates. Rut if they had adopted a Woman Suffrage platform and enlisted the active efforts of the Woman Suffrage party, they would have gained many thousand votes at the coming election, and would have placed them selves in a nobler and more manly atti tude before the country and the world. Woman's Journal, Boston, Mast. Want of Success in Journalism. Some ieoplo have a mania for pub lishing papers, and think that to be able to write and have a certain amount of capital, is all that is necessary to make a successful newspaper. The history of our most eminent journalists contradicts this theory. They will tell you that they owe their success rather to their Knowledge or the practical than the the oretical or acsthcical brandies of tha business. Ronuer, for instance, is not a a writer, still he has accumulated great wealth, and has succeeded in establish ing a paper which is remarkable both for circulation and literary ability. Printers now in this city who worked at the "case" witli him, state that he was not only a quick and clean compositor, but was noted for ills regular habits, for never varying in his hours, and for working hard, early and late, to attain tiie object he had in view the accumu lation of sufficient capital to start in business lor nimscii. Jicnry J. Ray lnoiid toiled for years as a reiortcr, working a position of the time at a sal ary of seven dollars a week; and it was only attcr years of trial that he ail vaneed, step by step, to the position he occupied at tne time oi ins ucam. Our best newspaper men, ir success is to be taken as a criterion, are those who commenced their career at the "case," and who gained their inform:! tion while setting up the articles of otli crs. There are no better judges of an article, whether it be a political leader or a classical essay, than practical prin ters, isonie oi our nest authors place more ileitcndence on them than they are willing to concede. Printers have a way of smoothing and makiugiutelligl ble an ambiguous sentence, which is peculiarly their own; the result of the closest attention to detail. Good nature, like a bee, collects honey iran even neni. ill-nature, HKc a spidersucks poison from the sweetest nuwenvf Enapiro jSvlSLox-y , DELLINGEIt As CO, WiixhhiKton Sl.,ll.teconil nnilThlnl, 1-OICTI.AXn . -OHHGOX AY ri! MAXUFACTUUB AX a xo. i auticm: or I1UBAI1, CltACKKILO, CAKKS, ;VlJn.1.1 knJ"nMtr-.-uunllj-fmmtI In allrtt C!u Iiakery. BtT floods ile llrered in any. part of the ill" J-il.TlnlS On Xhii'rt .Sti-ecjt, Ilrturrn .Murrloon nml TiiiulillI, AT JOHN WILSON'S CAN HE 1IAI1: WHIT E COODS-rialn. Check nml .Strlixrd .Natusool-, SJort Khililictl Unmlirlc, aii.uiFji iiint, icmnn sti-.j -muii, linir, (vim and Cliecltn,TvvIIlI i"s in'iii, feque, eic or. TOrtmcnt ever ofleml In tlilu Mur- Kct u sizes ana price. H C,SI E R Y EnRllslt, French nml Gennnn, In IM1IIIMU 3 111IU 1.-A1I11 IV'11111., Hir ljHUltf. Ml-' and Children: Cicnts' nml jioj-m iio-c and I'micrwear, etc. LINEN Cambric HandlcerchIeK I'lnln, ucmmctiHiul lli'm-).!ltched.Iky'und Senw Hemmed, Children's! Linen Hi-aided .Suit, Dress Linen, Tabic Linen, clc. SUNDRIES-Paiis, Parasols (silk and al paca), White Zeiihyr Knit .Shawls, Ladies' Pa-vcr Collars (a prize In each Ikix), Iico Collars, Rubber Cloth, Silk Ilultons.Trlmmlngand Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, IJSlc Thread Gloves, etc NEW COODS-Oicnedcvcryweek. u!2 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Joiirnnl fur the People, AXI DEVOTED TO THE INTETESTS OF HUMANITY. Our Intensely InterosllnK Serial Story, "JUDITH REID, A I'lnln Story or n I'lnlu AVoiunu," Is now being publlihed from week to week, and Is attrnclln; universal attention. A limited supply or back numbers yet on hand. Arrangements have been made to secure the Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subjects or Public Interest. The Nkw Normtwjs.-r Is not a Woman' Itightx, but a Human ItlshK orjan, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to kecure the urealest j-ood to the cnnte-t number. It knows no sex, no lolltlcs, no religion, no parly. iiuninir,!!!) creeu. us lounuanon is rastcueu nixm tho rock of Ktcrnal Lllerty, Universal Emancipation and Untrammeled Prosresxlon. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As nu Inducement lor our friends lo make exertions to secun' lanre clubs for tho Xrw NoimiWKxT, we offer the following Ht of val- unine premiums: por twenty subscribers, nt 51 mc.idi.nrrnm panleil by the rash, we will clvo the HOME SHUTTLE SKWIXO MACHINE, without ta ble, beautifully oniamented. Price. ML For tblrty-flvc subMTibers.nt 1UI inch,ne eompnnleil by thernsli.we will give n HOME SHUTTLE SEWINO JIACIIINL-, Willi lllack .walnut inmc, uronzeii mm nicely Imlxlicd. l'rice, i. For forl v subcrllers. nt sl m enrb. nrmin panied by lbecjb,we will give a HOM E .SHUT TLE SEWINC1 MACHINE, thilslinl 111 extra Myie, wiiii iiihck walnut table mid cover. 1'rlee, f.11. The nlHive Sewing .Machines, which are war muted llrvt-lass in every particular, ran be seen ut the ollii-e of Ueo. W.Tnivcr, 112 Front htnel. Portland. For liny nilrserllwrs, t ! (X) caeh, acctim paniiil by the rah, we will slve a MASON A HAMLIN l-OltTAlILE OI1I1AN, four octave, slnsle mil, wllli lihu-k wiiIiiiitint.e,iiiitomatie Ik-IIiiws swell, two blow IHiluls, Impnived cen ter pressure mil valves, etc Price, Mo. Forkevcnly-llve suhvrilH-rs. nt 1 ui...,1. companliil by lliecasli.a ilouble reei! MASON I v ii..ui.i. uiui.u ; reneiiinies mo Ilrst ex cept that it has alo n kneo stop. 1'rlre, T3. For seventy-live sulxcrilwrs, at S3W earn. ai-niiiilKinll by tiie cash and twenlv-tlve W'J7tv.Wi,,,Jin?l--vo,w-'- lvo H -MASON & HAMLIN OI1GAN, of kivk ovtavkm, one .-T01 .SKI.IAUJUSTIMJ l(KKI VAI.VIM, ISI I'COVKll IIKLUJWS, TKKJICLANT ANII KSKE-SWKI.1- Price, Sit". OUT, IMrnilVKII fSIUIIfATKIl SKI.K-AIUfSTIXH nKKII VALVES, IMI-KOVKI1 IIEI.t)WS,TllEMLI. INT ANI KNKR-svrKt.Ln. VIOLA, DIAP V.SON FLUTE, TREMULANT. Price. $12i. ' Those wlio desire to work ror these premiums can send Iho names and money ns fast ns re ceived. The ; Mibscriben. will be placed to their credit, and If enough names arc not receives during tho year to procure tho premium de slrjsl they ran ehoisen lesserprenilum.orthey will beentl led to re-celve twenty-ilve percent. In easli of the amount remitted for their labor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. An Til K New XoimiWEsT has already proved a IH.pnlar success, we are decided that U shall iiImi prove umifMI'It. To enable our Mends who may dei-ldc to can vass for our paper to benefit both themselves and us by lurrca-shigoiirSubserlptloii Lists, we proiMise to give the following addltioual Pre miums to canvruseni : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for the New Noirrn west, who win m-ii.I us his or her own ,, )I1P nnr siibscrll) co iiimule,! by the cash-So uwe will give : A i-alr Parian Marble Vases: "-. Ora Ibiliemlan Glass Vase Or a lloheiiilan Glass Canl Reeeher: Or dozen Ivor Napkin Rings; Or ' J ,lozcn Platrtl Tin Sikhiiis: Or I lalr Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Or" Vcae"ltly,', ,"0-ll'r"1 xe; Or an Album for holding im pictures; or h Ih.x Toilet Articles, Including chalk, erfumery. etc.; " Ora llrltnnnl.iTea Pot; Or n Kerosene Lamp; Or dozen tJlass Goblets; Or S dozen (;iasTiiinl,lcr; Ora large Glass Fruit Dih; or a Work Itaskct: soap, or a 1- Ine Embroidertil Handkerchief r 1 1. i. . , . Or an elermut INirinwitiif, ,;HyJ?.".'scrll'cr.x',", " "rears lorn year's sllbscrlntloll.and ir lmrlll v.,.l i.i.,.i.-L suliscrlptlon ree.nnd two new subscribers, ne erimpaiilcd by the cash-mnklng 9 W-we wlll ..b ,tS 'll,11?' TaUe. Kork". "I'lo Plated. on While Illetlll. waminrN. Ornsctof Rogers'TalifeSpoons.trlple platetl, on while metal, warranted; 1 ' nLuu'ytJtVKvn' Ten sI'n.rlple plate-1, on while metal, waminie,!- if 54 ,,men Urer' Russell's Tabic Knives, lestiiuiillty, warranted; ur a iianiisomc IHnl Cnge. ..l"'lH r"" "rrcarsrorsulscriptlon to The ..I wr. wno will send his or her .7. .i I ! ";" iiiree iicwsuicrllers,ae- send oisu.maKing I2 ), we will A handsome Marwilllcs Quill; Or a haiiilsome Wisden Oullt. .....i ..-i.h.. or blue and white: OrapnlrorTahle Clolhs; Or two iKilrs orNoltlnglinm Iiei Curtains; Or three nalrs Ab.viitnirv. l-i.i.,, colororslze: " "-. "T Orn JiiiKincxc Inlaid Work Rox; Or Is yards ber.t yd. wide .Slieelln-. .ngiVwrwnUel,,','': 00 -"' '- -iIhVi"r"$aim:',r' ,r""e,,i,,c,,01' wl"e rtJUMVVV''"""-' ."k.oftsmal value; OrnCnbriicl.Jupanese Inlaid; Or nn Extra Jaiianese Inlaid Work Rox, These articles air nil v..i..i.i.. ranU-jl lo Iw Just ns we representl hem. I'cr M"VvJ"fClniliNcll.v orwhocan visit us can receive these articles from our own hands nt an hour's nolle..; or ir not convenient to visit us. we will. send t he articles bt-xr...u ......... dres. ' Noonleror this kind will receive atlenllon unless the cash aeeompnnlcs It. Send money hi ItrstoMce orders nt the cus tomary rates of cuiTeiicy, or send draft if pre ferred. All orders promptly attended lo. We sincerely hone Hint tbi ""'.which Is a now feature In the uewsmper w " , Mm iiii-i-i won ii nearly re- sjjoiise from the many friends of our paiwr. w ho ui, to tills time haveseemed to full In rval Ize that The New Noirriiwtxr cannot le run without money. Nuw Is lln. iim. , clubs, llegln Ik fore some other lierxin "eU Iheslart of you. See whatyoiican doforymir sell.lhe Public mul The New Xoimiu-iW 13niliie Ilotol, MAIN STREET, DALLKS CITY, OREGON. BOARD HY THE DAY. Week or Month, on the most reasonable terms. Superior iiccommodiitlmis for families, Cmeortl Coach lonnd from the house free A largo safe for Hie keeping ot valuable. ' House ojien nil night. nl7 THOMAH SMITH, Proprietor. SHADE & CO. R fi . .iTI-5 U'Y JN--OI1M THE Hint they have established a PUULIC PIONEER DYEING, AND SCOURING BUSINESS hstaullshmcnt. First St.. lictwecii Oak and , " I "'e "n-gon Hakcry .mj .1,1111. vini. SHADE A CO. $20rA DAY TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS ! rjy INTRODUCE THE CELEBR-VTED $25 Backeye Shuttle Sewing Hachiae. Stitch alike on botli sides, and Is the only licensed shuttle Machine in tbc United states for less Ihmi sin. It uses tho Celebrated Wil son Feed, and Is ucknowlcdgedby all to be the nest f amily .nacnine ror neavy anu iigut sew ing In tho market. outfit Tree. Addresj MINKK A PE.11WOV, ul General Agents, Albany, Oregon. lor one hundred siibseriliers nt l) each and twenty dollar, additional, wc will give a MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN. MVK Vjctav KIVESlTIM,TWOK-TSOP KtlllLlTOIM Til l!.n-.:,i! llr jL ilfirrxi 1. II Or a oolen Table Cover; Or J4 dozen Table Napkins; Or H dozen Towels In this city, and arc prepared to receive orders for Dyeing nnd Cfennlns Ladles' Dresses Cloaks nnd Mantles. Also, Damask Curtains and Gents' Clothing. Work done In the best stvle and Warranted. Kid Gloves neally Cleansed. Please e v.. n mil TUNIC WEED KEJIEDY. THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY : rniHS REMEDY LS MMPfism nv tut- J. Active principle or the Unk Weed.Ene Thasplum Cordatum Orlglnls, Iat. Indigenous to Oregon. Grows most abundantly and ner- PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Actlvoand Volatile Principle, extracted by Elhcr, and c bitter Tonic Prin ciple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES It is tne most sure and speedv cure for Ilhcumallsm, Ilhenmatlc Gout and Ilheumatlc Fains of all kinds that was ever Introduced Into Ibe Materia Medlea. The UNK WEED REM EDY, as prepared by u. In consequence of the existing bitter principle, possesses the neces- raij iiiiic- Ui ucuig a. 3?o-voviul Tonic, Promollng the Appetite and Invigorating the while Digestive Apparatus, thus building up and streiigtlienlnir the svHtrm. wiiii nt i. same time the volatile principle, lehig nt- suriK-n in ine uiooii, iicik specincaiiv on tne Ilheumatlc l'olMin, removing It from the circu lation ami system. There are few remedies known lo the Medical Profession which will remove the Ithenmntii. Poison from the blood, but whose action Is so powerful In denressliur the svslem if thr. rtl. ready enfeebled Ilheumatlc patient, that their use mis 10 oe anantioucu oeiore speeiue cilects are obtainable, nnd hence the want of success in treating mis prevalent ana consequently heretofore Incurable disease. Unlike these medicines, already known, the UNK WEED ltEMEDY.ulllioiigh producing ns active and as IKiwenui eiierixoii ine ihomi nnd system in re moving tne llicumatlel'olon,nlso possesses a strong Tonic and Itrriijvcratliig Element which admits of Its continued us even by the most delicate nnd dcbllltateil. Thus we have the combination for the llrst time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which ac- riMiuiM ion is stijicriornimiicver-ia! ling curative eirerls hi Ilheiimatlsni, Ilhcumallo Gout and Itbeiiniiitlc Pains of nil kinds. X. IL Tiie UNK WEED REMEDY Is partic ularly APPLICA1ILE TO LADIES, In tonse- .lin.-111-t; ui 11-. Xllllll' limuiuc. TESTIMONIALS: We arc aware of the fact thai It I, i-i-nenillv an easy inatlcr to procure certificates attesting inccnicBcy or patent remedies from a certain class of (hose who iisctliem. We have selected the following U-causc the names attached to Ihem are those of men of the most careful and scrupulous character, and lrccause Iho large class of their acquaintance In Oregon will not, .... .. .... ,, it- ur su.sjrcci. iiieiii oi any .ARKftciHiiuii in i, it- siaieiiieiiis mey may CerlirieHle from the Deputy Jailor of Mult- ipiuiHU v.oiiuiy uaii; Cliy Jail, Portland, Oregon,! June 7- 1ST1. Dr. A. M. Lorym.V Co.: I was attucke.1 with a severe case ot rueumatlsm. It was In my tidKii-, mir-, iiuci, snoiiiuerijinue inueeu in all the Joints of my Isidy I suffered great pain .mi .uiiiunii. . ii. iiuviiuiii oy ii regular pay siclan, but with no etrect. I was induced to try your Unk Weed Remedy, and It immediately cureil me up. I consider it. fmm m- nm. rlence, the IhkI remtsly forrheumatism known. ALFRED F. TURNER, Deputy Jailor. Tills Is to certify that the above statement is correei 10 my own Kiiowieuge. JOHN I. WARD, Jailor. Altn California Rook and Job PrlntlngOflice.l .'etirallfornla street. . San Francisco, June 1, 1ST1. J Dr. A. M. Irvea .t Co.: For several vnr I have liei'ii subject to rheumatism In mv right arm and shoulder, rendering me unable to mirk. On a recurrence or the attack, some time since. I was Induced tn t I Wml Remedv," and the result was a perfect cure in a iew nays. 1 iook only two-thirds of ine rouiems oi one isittie. Mv firm belief Is that the "Unk" is a certain wire for rliciimii. tlm III all Its forms.nnd I would hcartllv rec ommend all ailllctcd with that dreadful dis ease io iry your -licmeuy" and be cured. JNO. It. McIVNE. Cerllfleale of A. R. Shlnlev. Isn.. sneoini rn. tributorto the "Willamette Farmer," and Si- iviiii. ui mi? urvgon iionicuiiurai rjcieiy: OswiMro. Orer-nn. Afnwb V lsrl Dr. .V. M. Iryen: Some lour weeks ngo I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism: In fact I was almost helpless. I sent to you for one 10 otincc bottle of the "Unk Weed Remedy," by nu-ue ui unieii i experienced almost linine- uiiiie rain, aim oy me time tne Ixittle ras gone me rueumatlsm was gone. From mv own experience, and from what I have hearil outers nay who nave useii me unk Weeil, behove, It lo lie a certain cure for tlicumatl.Mn. "tours respectfully, A. R. SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufur, ex-Presl- ii.-ui in nu- iin-pin r.uiie Agricultural society ....tiiTf. ifi .i.itisiiir-ui im'Koii. Easl Portland. Anril I. isri Dr. A. M. hmcn A Co.: I was ninicirsi .vin. . severe alluek of chronic rheumatism; wnscon- iiii.ii if in. m.n iiiosi oi me nine irom januarv lo July, when I ued the Unk Weed and ft i-urisi mc Up. J. IJUFUR. Certlfleatc from James Ilybce, the crlehrated .ucKTrowcr anu -King or tnc Oregon Turf:" &HlVl.M Tulrtdil Tnminn if 1H-I To Dr. A. M. LoryeaACo.: This Is to acknowl edge the etllcaey of your "Unk AVecd Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was nmicted for months with n very serious nltack ofln- iiiiniiiiiiery nieiimniism, ami trleil nearly nil of the so-culled rheumatic remedies without i, rV'"-1 i-cn-eivnoic. i men tried your unnrajgiuni in iiso rcsuiicu lumemosi nappy eireels a perrwt cure. Truly yours, JAMES RYREE. mCvJII,: rnL-" "ie 1TO"'si'wn merchanl. The Dalles. MnvSl utri Dr. A. 51. Iiryea A Vo.i I have iiseil the "Unk ei ueiueuy," ami can clieernilly recom mend It to persons nflUcted with Inlhimmatory rheumatism, it cured me of that disease. My liiuids, wrists, ankles Indeed, nil my Jolnts- nt.iMii-u Uiltl paillllll. O. W. WEAVER. Certificate from Hon. Nat. H. Lane, Pilot Commissioner or Oregon, and a member of the City Council ot East lVirlland: . . . . ... East. Portland, April 19, 187b Dr. A- M. Loryea A Co.: I have been mulcted for several years past with "weakness in the back." nnd waliderinir rhciiiniiih. nnlns. n coiiianleil by severe constipation, lly the use or one Isittle of your "Unk Weeil Remedy.or Oregon Rhctimntic Cure." I have lieen enlfrely relleveil, and I cheerfully recommend It as a most valuable and effective remrslv. NAT. 'II. LANE. fVrilHiiitit fniiu Itmi ':i.liwn, m.,.A,.. memlierofthe City council of East Portland: East Portland, April Dr. A. M. 1irvin A Co. rit-nts T, 1871. : Tins is loin- form ymi that I liave used your"Unk Weed" ior neuralgia nun rueumaiie palm, and round rellrffnim Ihe ueof only one Isittlc, and can recommend Itlolhose In nf iii a eily. Yours, GIDEON TIHI1ETTH. (Vrtllii-ale from linn V. 1. nii,.i..- .... County Commissioner of Mullnoinah county. Onifoii: . . I-Jist Portland, April 1,1X71. Dr. A. M. Im-Hti .(- f-.. T Im.-A iiuJLl ,1... ,.f...,. Wets! Remedy," mid am satisfied It Is a valua ble medicine. It re-riilnles nml lnvl-.,minu n, sysjem. This Is my exerienre with Ibe Rem- iniiy yours, js. u 1,UIMI1Y. ,. rJ.',?. tmm 11,0 celebrated Prof. Otto Vieuxlemps: musician, Oregon Musical Institute, 1 , . Portland, May S.'.lS71.f Dr. A. M Iiryea A Co.: I was attackeil with severe inflammatoo' rheumatism, siinVrhig great jKiln. ami was so prostrated that I was uiiauie in iciiu lomviiusiness. iiisciioiie uot lle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entlrelvctired by- Italohc. OTTO VIr.UA 1 r-.J'iv. rur ui ixtkx-o'ck uorrLEs, AT One Ilollnr nml nny Cent, per Ilottlr. PREPARED AT THE OEEGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, -M -'-t-BvV s.f J- -3 IK. I.OKVEA -Sc CO., EAST PORTLAND, OREGON. For Hale by all DKCcotsia. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. LADD & TILTON, 33 -A. 3XT JESL ES S , PORTLAND. .OREGON EKtnlli.-.liea, 18C9. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kept subject to check on draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR . i.mi- . . , If ' . - urii.uuin irum uaie oi SIONEY LOANED on approved security, llonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. collections made anu proceeus pruinpuj u mittcd. Investments In Real Estate and other prop erty made for parties. Sight and Tclegrahle Exchange on San Fran cisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought nnu soiu. Agent for the transaction of all kinds of Fi nancial and Trust Business. nl DR. MARY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR RESIDENCE AND OFFICE THIRD ST., lictween Salmon and Main, opposite Ihe til one square. cans attended in any pan oi tiie cuy. liatterles for sale and Instructions given on the use of electricity as a Remedial Agent, nl. ISAAC ltr.RGJIAN', TJnion for. Second mill insliliigtoll Stsv. HAVINO RECENTLY PURCHASED THIS Market, I am now prepared lo sell on reas onable terms the best Meats the country af- loms. nt PROF. GANlt IVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences of Pnpili. HU'RMS REASONABLE. X anteed. Satisfaction Guar- DR. J. R. CARD WEI.!.. Scutist. Dkntai. Rooms No. 89 First St., Portland. ce-Tlic Latcum! Improved Styles of work at ucuurai ibiies. citrous uxiue lias for tne IKiiniess cxtraciion oi teetii. lnl: CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In o, i i r- rs -s i oxapie ana rancy ury laooas, Notions, Ladles' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, ir., Xr Cor. First anl Waslilngton streets, Portlnml, Ore,T;oii. lit! $30 SAVED! Why Pay 375 for a Sewlnir Machine: fPHE IMPROVED HOME SHUTrLE SEW- X in? Machine, with black walnut tabic and treadle, nicely finished, Complete for $45 ! A first-class Sewhur Machine : uses straight Needle; under feed; makes "Lock Stitch;" warranted to do all kinds of family sewing as well as any machine in the market. A few mor- Ascnts wanted to canvass coun ties (not taken for the Improved Hand Ma chineprice, $00) In Oregon, Washington and iuano lemiory. call on or address CEO. W. TRATER, General Agent, 112 Front St., Portland. ROYAL A SMITH, Asentx Salem iiu is. c ini.1. a: .--0-., Agents lbany JcSlns PIANOS AND ORGANS. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST X siihmc ever nroiignt tonus market, consisting of the following makes of Pianos: HAUETT A. DAVIS', (Celebrated New Scale), 1'lilckcrliic fc Son's. Parlor Gem, BRADBURY PIANO, And coming by rail Something Entirely New ! In the line of Piano Fortes. 3Iy Stock will range In price ITx-oiii !-s350 to $(JOO. I have also a large Stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET OKGANS I AVhich I offer for sale at Eastern Prices. W. T. SIIANA1IAN. No. T3 First street, (near Ladd and Tilton's ii. Bank) Portland, Oregon. MKS. ACH, TUST RETURNED FROM SAN FRAN J clsco with a large and Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS, SILKS, WORSTED GOODS, GRENADINES, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Alpacas, Lawns, Marseille., Etc. ...ALSO -V Large and Beautiful Assortment ot. . MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, Fine Laces, Etc., Of every variety and description. Slraiv Goods, Parasols and Kid Gloves 01 the best quality. JEWELRY, FANCY (iOOI)S, ETC., On hand and made lo order. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' CLOTHES Of nil descriptions. Call mul Examine the Stock. Good-1 Sold to' Sdit thq Times. i Acir. UT First street, Portland. ot-CONSTANTLY Receiving New Supplies by every Steamer. n- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE! No. NO Front St.. Amcrlenit Exchnuge Ilnlldiiig. CONTILVCTORS, Hotel Keepers, Farmers Carpenters and Builders, Families, and In fact all who require help or any kind, will rind It lo their advantage to call and leave their ad dress. J. R. WITHERELL. 1. S. I have also some Good Farms and Lots for sale. n2 J. 1L W. .qpB.UKX o'Mcq.VBEJ.r.-o-dpi1iiarielpMa Boot & Shoe Store, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 5 WASHINGTON STREET, TJP-STAIR.S, Portlnuil, Oregon. Woik done at REASONABLE RATES, nl PORTEND ii)VERTISElIENTS. DR. II. It- FREELAXD, (U.VTE or SAN pn.vxcisco,) E IV T I S T . x OFFICE CORNER FRONT AND WASII- ,vri- trT-O ltnilTf AVTI 1.1UIV.1 lltS . vy . . . HAVING HAD A NUMBER OF YEARS' practice In San Francisco. I feel competent to do First Class Work In all Dental opera tions. SntLsiactton guammcvu. Nitrous Oxide administered. References : Rer. Win. Roberts, Judge O. N. Denny, Dr. Dickson, Messrs Qulmby and 1'erKins, ana Mrs- DanlwayiOrineBW oictiiwki. nl DR. J. . GLEXX, 33 3ST T X S T , 107 Front Street, rORTIfAND - OREGON nl F D. SlIATTUCIv. MLI.I2-. SIIATTCCIC Jk HILUX, Attorncys-at-Lnv. VFFICB IN PARRISIPS BRICK, south side I Wnsliinston street, between Iront and First, Portland, Oregon. nltf MURPHY A KELLY, DKAI.IH I J FAMILY GROCERIES, coixtui i'i:ouiiE,rr,UTS a.d iegetabim, rnnn. nr Tiiir.i inwl W.-Lslilnnton streetR (op- . i. i i...t.... r-ntiniiii. l'nrtland. Oreson. Uooils delivered to all parts of the city HIKE OF CHARCJK. PORTLAND CLOTHING FACTORY Boys Clotliiixjr Emiioi'him AVnslilnstoii Street, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON. Proprietor A. ROI1F.RTS ul ARCHITECT. MR. ii. Mcdonald NOW PREPARED TO FURNISU r PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ...POK... Business and Dwelling- Houses Of every description. Also Chnrrhrs, Bridges and Fa-lory Balldlnf-s. Bills of Materials, together with Detailed Danrln-s of all classes of Bulldln. AH Work tVnrrnnted. OFFICE In Weller's Building, opposite the Oro Fino Theater. n2 GO TO HENDEE'S GALLERY IOR HEM BRANTS, PHOT0OAPHS, SUN . Pearls, Li fe-slze Pictures, aud Pictures or Every Crnile, Children's and babies' Pictures taken cheer fully and satisfaction guaranteed Prices mod- erate. lnl2 MRS. R, ILAWLKSS, jyj.VNUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, ETC., Corner Front and Yamhill streets, Portland. Shirts Mnde to Order Of the best material, and warranted to fit. Alt kinds or mending done. no SAN FRANC-ISCO ADVERTISKJ1ENTS. T0B1N, DAVISSON & GO. IMPORTERS, INVITE TUB ATTENTION 0PTIIE TRADE to their Large Stock of American, KnslLsli, French and German FAACY GOODS, SMALL WARES. PRRI'UMKRY, STATION ERY, POCKET CUTLERY, MILLINERY GOODS, Yankee Notions, White Goods, GENTS' FURNTSHTN'G GOODS Linen Handkerchiefs, s-il- mlligsi. Rress Trim. Ilosltrr. Kir;, Elr., Kir. WHICH THBY 0FFRR AT THK LOWEST - RATBS. Coruer Sutter nml Snnsonie Sis., SAN FRAN'ttlSCO. nlTl 'IIARI.ES TMNCE A CO.. Importers or FRENCH MILLINERY, STRAW AND FANCY GOODS, NUMBER 13 SANSOME STREET, Between Bush and Sutter, next Cosmopolitan Hotel, San Francisco. No. 32 Rue du Faubourg-rolssionniere, Paris volnl MRS. S. J. RUM.NEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER CAN BE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the third floor or Corbctt'st New Building, from 10 A. X. till 1 1. m. of each day bit Lessors oivkx ii? IsiihCAPB Paint ing, nl KAST & RICHARDS, ' Have just j-olved a New Stock or Boots and- Shoes, Etc. All are Invltcdito onR and examine. No. 112 Front street (opposite MeCormlck' U3 Book Store), Portland.