The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 27, 1871, Image 1

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    1 f
A Jonrnal for the Teople. "
lwvoted to the Interests of numa-nty
Independent In I'olltlea and ItoUg'on. ,
Ulve to all Uve Issues, and Tuorpugh'y
Radical In Opposing and B-iposhiK the AVronBB
ol the Masses.
MIM. A. J. Dr.VlVAT, Editor and l'roprltior.
OFFICECor. Third and Walilnirton St.
3 00
. 175
Three month..
1 00
Fkee Speech, Fkee Press, Free Peopix.
forrMpoflJenf! writing over aramed sfena
tures must make known their names tojthe
Editor, or no attention will be given to tnefr
ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Renwnable
One Hour.
IWjoW, at lat, my cbanjeful fate!
I t.koaW not think of tliee, I know;
. J tat TchMirean my lone heart ro.
In all this wide world desolate:
My early lore, lift up thy Urow;
Embalmed In many a heeret tear,
We haw been silent many a year;
O, It us speak together now.
Tin but a Mule boon I ak
For one who wanders, con nmore,
And tnvtx to reek a novel fchore;
It will Rot bf a dreary task.
There Its a place a lonely pot
llesMe a wild, fciueteretl sea;
Oo there Mmietline and think or me,
And mourn an hour our severed lot.
They'll point thee mu a spot whereon,
IntieaMve raeln and thonahlful mood,
Pali many a time a maiden xtood,
WtM-n ships were sending lights aloft
My spirit In that jriaeo you'll find;
The tinted shell upon the shore
All knew of me In days or yore;
The rocks and trees were never blind.
Fit ptaee for love' foods dream Is thh;
A ittaaatnc munte nils the air;
The sailing moon cant anchor there;
The Mraamlne Mars all weep for ull.
An andeHt llr, the eu. and fctrand;
He, hoary headed, speakelli sweet.
And cheeks Tor Iter hie ImIh ice,
And whooUhsh Iter wrinkles with his hand.
Seek then, my love, Imtonce that sea,
And ot upon the ell IPs dark brow
Ilegret, one hour, Hie broken voir.
And conwerate that boar to me.
Mi.vxie jr. Mii.lkk.
Salkm, Orexm.
A Plain Story of a Plain "Woman.
(Entered, aeeonllnz to the Act of Congress, In
the year 1S71, by Mrs. A. J. Dunlway, In the
0ee of I he Librarian or Congress at Wasliln?-
Mhi City.
A few evenings after tho scene just de
scribed, I again strolled out into the
grave of maples, whither I was wont to
repair when holding silcntand sweet, yet
sad and solemn, communings with my
inmost heart. Suddenly the sounds of
whispered conversation disturbed my
reverie. Instantly looking up, I again
perceived Dr. Armstrong and his com
panion, evidently engaged in earnest
discussion. Determined this time, if
possible, toa secure an explanation of
vital I saw, I stepped hastily forward to
where they were sitting.
Hie Doctor's companion arose and
hurried away, hut I felt, from tho mag
netic condition of the surrounding at
mosphere, that he could be no other per
son than Dr. Gordon, upon whose ac
count I was fast losing the strongest at
tribute of my nature, my innate self-respect.
"Let him that thinketh he standeth
take heed lest he fall!"
What good monitor whispered these
important words of warning? Certain
it is I seemed to hear them, and they
nerved my soul to strength.
"Judith Iteid ! said Dr. Armstrong,
timidly, "this is no fit place for yon
"Why are you out here alone at this hour?
"Whom did you expect to meet?"
"I am here alone because I have1 a right
to come and choose to exercise the right.
I expected to meet none hut the Creator
who streteheth out the heavens as
span. I came here to commune with
The Doctor's companion wrapped his
heavy cloak about his face and disap
peared in the black shadows of the
moon-lit grove.
"By what right do you transgress upon
my grounds?" I continued. "Your
companion flees at my approach and
you proceed to arraign me as a criminal
guilty of some flagrant misdemeanor.
Dr. Armstrong! I did not look for this
from you! "What does all this mean?"
"Judith Reid ! I command you to lis
ten to me ! Have I not sought your
highest good? Did T not follow you to
your northwestern home and snatch you
from the degradation of drudgery and
the very jaws of death?"
"There was no degradation in the fact
that I earned an honest livelihood ; and
I -would gladly welcome the ferocious
jaws of death to-night! Dr. Arm
strong, what motives prompted you to
seek me out? By whose connivance
was my early womanhood so badly
warped? "Why was I made the victim
of such awful circumstances?"
"God knows I never meant to harm
you, Judith. I have taken the deepest
interest in all that pertains to you ever
since I found you, many years ago, a ft
ery prey to your own morbid fancies and
a victim of unappreciation and poverty.
Do you remember that I then saved you r
"Would to God tliat you had let me
die!" I wailed, as I fell to my knees upon
the dew-bejeweled grass and poured out
my spirit In a prayer of silent agony.
The Doctor was moving away as if
glad to escape from my presence.
"Stop! I implore you!" I entreated.
"This is no time forfurther discussion,
my poor, frightened child. To-morrow
I will visit you and see what can be
dong. My daughter says you contem
plate an early return to the Pacific
coast." .
There was a tort of relief in hrs voice
as ho uttered these last words, which
caused me to feel that he would be very
glad to get rid of me. A suspicion had
for some time been vaguely gathering
form and substance in my brain a sort
of intuition that led ouc to feel that
this man knew more about my early
misfortune than he cared to unveil.
"Never will I leave this city," said I'
firmly, "until the mystery and misery
of my past life have been explained. I
have -wandered in darkuess all the days
of my life, and now, by the Eternal, I
swear, and these stars overhead shall
bear me witness, I will ferret out the
labyrinth of past mysterious circum
stances and explore the darkest depths
of fate."
"Judith, you are in a frenzy. You
know not what you say."
"Indeed I am not mad," I said. "The
words of trutlt and soberness are on my
tongue. I feel and how that you arc in
some unaccountable manner connected
with the great mystery that shrouds my
life, and I will know the whole if the in
vestigation brings you to the gallows and
me to perdition!"
The strong man quailed and hesitated.
"Speak! sir, speak!" I shouted. "Tell
me how and why youarc connected with
my fate, and how and why you came to
be my good and evil genius."
"You shall know all in time, my poor,
bruised lambkin. If I have been, as you
assert, your evil genius, I have not so
intended. God and the angels benr me
witness that I have never meant, by
word or deed, to bring: you ought but
happiness. And if there is any work
that I can accomplish by which you
may obtain that peace of mind to which
I for many years have been a stranger,
personal humiliation shall be nothing
to me. I will do my duty though my
own roof tree full and though'the blight
shall crush me. Judith, Clod only knows
how unhappy I am ! I have carried a
secret sorrow all the days of my man
hood. I am about to tell you that which
I have struggled all my life to keep from
the world. John Smith, the mau whose
name 3-011 bear, and the man witlt whom
you saw me in the grove have had me
in their power many, many years.
Poor John has gone the way of all the
The Doctor stopped abruptly here and
began pacing up and down the graveled
"Oh, Doctor! tell me all! I implore
you to spare me not, for I feel and know
that something that you can, nay, must
reveal, most vitally concerns myself."
"Indeed it does, poor stricken child!
Indeed it does I" and he kept on pacing
up and down the graveled -walk.
"Dr. Armstrong! I will bear with you
no longer! Who is this man Gordon,
and why is it that he so deeply interests
me?" I asked, savagely.
'Judith !" and the tone was sad and
sepulchral, "Will you give me the word
of an earnest, honest woman that you
will not betray my trust ?"
"The word of a woman Is pledged to
you, my friend. But hark! Doesn't
somebody listen?"
A slight rustling in the bushes was
detected, but soon all was still, and we
were satisfied that we could not he
"The man whom you know as Dr.
Gordon is my natural son ! Nay, don't
run as thouch I were a demon ! His
mother was a pure and noble woman,
whom I loved with an intense devotion
which was only equaled by her implicit
confidence in me. I was young, pas
sionate, ignorant, undisciplined. My
father had failed in business; my
mother was proud, and I was, of course,
poor. The sins of my father were vis
ited heavily upon me, and my passional
nature, of the inordinate cause of which
I was wholly ignorant, was not under
that control which is born of knowl
edge. My Idol became the disgraced
and suffering mother of a child of
shame. I would have married her and
defied the world, but, poor, true, trust
ing creature, she was snatched from me
by her parents, and after lingering for n
few years in an insane asylum, her spirit
took its flight"
"Does Mrs. Armstrong know of this?"
"Of course she knew of Susan and the
child, but she has no Idea that the child
is here."
"How came you to marry Mrs. Ann-
strong, If all this that you have told me
is true?"
How came you to marry poor John
anuui ou sec. as socletv is. vountr
people are controlled almost altogether
by circumstances. I was known-as a
-.xipular and rising young physician:
Mrs. Armstrong as an heiress; and our
well meaning but ignorant friends did
the rest."
"Well, I am sure you have made the
Oest of the lot that has fallen to you, so
far as matrimony is concerned. But
what of this boy ? Where 1ms he been
all these years?"
"Poor boy ! he has been an Ishmael-
ite. He is to-aay an ouuaw
"The mystery grows darker. But,
Doctor, I must know it all."
"Not to-night, poor, wounded ilovc '."
"Why in the name of common sense
not tell me all to-night?"
"Because curious ears may listen and
Idle tongues tell tales."
"Well, then, good night, and come
to me alone to-morrow."
He disappeared In the shadows, and I,
all quaking with a terror I could not
understand, emerged into the limpid
light of moon and stars, and knolt down
to pray.
Hope and peace came to solace mo in
mj perturbation, and I arose from my
devotions refreshed and strong.
A figure glided past me through an
opening, and hid behind some clumps
of lilac. I hurriedly soucht out the in
truder, and found that my very reliable
servant had been spying out my move
"Nanette ! what are you doing here?"
"Indeed, ma'am, I'll leave your house
this very night ! A woman who meets
resectable men out at night to talk
about babies they had before marriage
ain't fit company for a young woman
who has a character to sustain. I will
go right straight to Mrs. Armstrong
and get a place, and when I tell her what
I've seen to-night there won't be no
row! Oh, no!"
"I am ashamed, good reader, to con
fess to you that I grew angry, but I
did. Here was an impudent, ignorant
quadroon who liad dogged my footsteps
to get material for false accusations,
and when caught in the disreputable
act she had the unblushing audacity to
threaten to leave and expose a woman,
whom she accused of wickedness, and
go to the house or the "respectable"
man, whom she adjudged an accomplice,
because she had a diameter to main
tain !
I was so indignant that I did not
stoop to refute her charges, but I gave
her a lesson upon the importance of
minding her own business which, if I
had only been prudent enough to have
said in gentlenessjjepuld doubtless have
satisfied the girl rind made her my fast
friend. Better and wiser ieople than
my.-elf have made just such ridiculous
' I would not let her remain with mo
till morning, but commanded her to
pack up and put off in a hurry, which
command sheobeyed, vowing vengeance
in a way that would have seriously dis
turbed me, had I not .been so conscious
of my own rectitude and her audac
ity that I did not care a fig for her
Entering my little parlor I dropped
my trembling frame into a chair.
Feathery rays of moonlight tangled
themselves In the vines and lattice, and
strayed through the trailing tendrils of
the sleeping morning glories. The hal
lowed stillness of the night was broken
by a screech owl's note, whose warning
carried me, as if by magic, away through
the long, dead years, hack to the forest
of the long ago, where the same sound
had jarred me. Clasping my hands
tightly over my throbbing temples, I
leaned back in tho chair and sat there
thinking, thinking, thinking.
A darkness that could be felt encom
passed me ; magnetic chills ran through
my veins; a mellow light gradually
acquired form and substance, and a be
nevolent face, with long, white bcanl
and beaming eyes, stood out in bold relief.
"A soft answer turncth away wrath,
but grevious words stir up anger."
These were tho words I heard, and
while I looked and listened the figure
vanished, the bright light and inky
darkness disappeared, and in my soul,
as in the olden time, the sweet and sol
emn promise, "I'll explain," attuned It
self to melody.
(To be continued.)
Is the title of a well written pamphlet
of forty pages, containing the lecture de
livered at Salem before the Marlon
County Teachers' Institute, Aug. 17th,
by our young friend, J. A. Waymire,
This is, perhaps, the most elaborate
and valuable contribution among the
many pleas for free schools that has ever
emanated from a confessed Oregonian.
Mr. Waymire has given a plentiful
supply of facta and figures; enough, we
would think, to start from his habitual
lethargy the dullest Oregonian and fill
him with an earnest conviction of the
necessity of dojng something more than
wc are doing for the education of our
youth, more than half of whom do not
attend school at all, or so irregularly as
to make no progress in their schooling.
On pages 2S, 29 and SO, under the sul
hcad of "What Oregon Is Doing," Is a
terse synopsis of the present educational
condition in this State, which compares
very well with the old slave-holding
States before the war, when the rich
aristocrats opposed school tax, educated
their children at private- and select
schools, while the children of the poor,
always by far the greater number, were
forced into mental starvation and degra
dation. Let ever inhabitant of the State read
what "Oregon Is Doing," and firmly re
solve that the next time Mr. Waymire
looks at the statistics he can report a
commendable progress in our educa
tional condition, even if wc arc not ready
to adopt tho "American Free School
System," the practicability of which I
think Mr. Waymire has fully demon
strated in the succeeding pages of his
On pages oil, 37 and 3S will be found a
statement of "Our School Funds," to
which I would invite the attention of
everybody concerned in the education
and training of youth.
Mr. W. says, "Our State has a rich
endowment for her schools." I thought
so once, and thousands besides, who im
migrated to this coast, came over the
great desert with the happy prospect of
ample provisions for the education of
their posterity. Lot me whisper to you,
friend W., that the rich endowment is lion
Do you call that a rich endowment
which does not yield enough revenue to
keep a 11 month's school In a year?
Why, sir, as compared with the States
of Illinois, Iowa and other new Western
States, we are iioorly endowed. A sln-
dled down to a very small affair.
For this very reason the greatest care,
theseverest economy, shouldbe bestowed
upon Its management. For this reason
the people of this State should never rest
until the work of tho last Legislature be
undone and the 500,000 acres restored to
the irreducible school fund, where the
people placed it by the adoption of our
Constitution. T. W. D.WExroirr.
Washixotox, D. C,
Sept. 11th, 1871.
Mrs. A. J. ncxtw.w, Kditor op the Xew
Dear Madam: Your name has been
proposed for Member of tho National
Woman Suffrage Committee (headquar
ters at Washington, D. C.) by our mu
tual friend, Mrs. L. DcForce Gordon. It
gives me great pleasure to Invite your
co-operation with the Committee, and
shall he happy to hear at your earliest
convenience that you will accept the position.
Our position is probably known to
you, and is tnc simple outgrowth of a
rapidly developing public sentiment in
behalf of woman's political and civil
equality. From all parts of tho eountry
the demand now comes for united ac
tion, and, to secure this, fundamental
knowledge on this subject must bo ex
tended to those ealled upon to act and
the Committee are straining every nerve
to put this whole argument in favor of
woman's voting, and tho evidence that
she is now entitled to vote under the
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
to the Constitution, into the hands of all
who manifest any interest individually
or through a representative to us.
What we ask of members of this Com
mittee is, help to organize committees or
societies in their localities or in any
way most cflective to circulate jeti-
tions asking for "a Declaratory Act" of
Congress, the coming session, that will
strike down the State laws that now,
contrary to the Supreme law of the land,
"deny'and "abridge" the right of wom
an to exercise the rights of a citizen of the
United States, which is tho only hin
drance to her exercise of the elective
franchise ovor the whole country to-day.
You will see how important Is this
work. We send you blank petitions.
Anothorpart of our work, and not less
important, is the circulation and sule of
our publications and the collection of
money therefrom, and by other means
to print tracts ami hear current ex
penses. Our "Address to the Women of
the United States," containing a pledge
and declaration of sentiment, invites all
r ' ' , , ., ., ., . . 1 women favoring the same to send thoir
has a creater fund than the whole State ! , . " , it ,.
of Oregon.
Tliis department of the New North
west is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding It practi
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, wc adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends the disappointment that would
othorwiseaccrucfromourinabillty toan-
swer their queries. We cordially invite
everybody that has a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to the Correspondents'
G. B. B., Jacksonville : Yes.
W. R. B., Harrlsburg: Your remit
tance received all right. Have not time
at present to answer by private letter,
but will take pleasure In doing so as soon
as opportunity offers.
Mrs. M. M. M., Salem : Should think
you would do well in Portland giving a
course of lectures, lou should be pre
pared, however, to extend your lecturing
tour to other points, "iou certainly
would have a good audience here. Hope
we"shall beable to answer you privately
It is indeed true that our good and gen
erous Uncle &'am did set off upon paper
a most princely inheritance to the chil
dren of Oregon, but what, with thesnow
cappetl ranges of mountains, which cool
our air and furnish us with pcrrcniitl
streams of purest water; the waste al
kali flats and scoriated hills; the elevat
ed table lands of grand extent, fit only
for pasturage; the giving of section and
half-section claims In the rich and fer
tile valleys to actual settlers In advance
of the surveys, by which most of the
lGth and SCth sections were blotted out
of the original bequest; and last, though
not least, the robbers committed by the
last Legislature and the Governor, Grc
ver, by which the 500,000 acres of laud
set apart by the Constitution of the State
as an irreducible school fund were given
away to a private corjwration, the educa
tional prospects of the aforesaid children
will come out at the little end of the
horn so far as the rich endowment goes.
It is true we have 75,000 acres for a
State University and 90,000 acres for an
Agricultural College, making 105,000
acres. But what the children arc most
Interested in knowing is, "How much
money will it bring?" wncrc is 1111s
land? In the Willamette or other val
leys? Is It mountain or sand plain? Is
It worth one cent or one dollar per acre?
"Will it ever be worth any more than it
Is now? Can it be sold at all? The
same questions must bo asked about
those lands selected in lieu of the 10th
and 30th- sections, called indemnity
The so-called rich endowment depends
for Its richness upon the answer to these
r , T , .. questions; and until they are answered
Madame Jeanette Power, one of the ,. , . . ,, , 44, . , ,r,i,
most eminent femlnliionni.imlUfsnf tl.o don't let us talk about the balance of the
day, has recently deceased in France. ! prcecedsof theSOO.rjOO acres, afterpaylng
rane wan Known as the ulscovererof the
secret of the maimer in which the shell
ot me nautilus is formed, and her cxper-
iniL-ino uiju mi! puuject aro among tne
most curious of the age. It is to Mad-
names in autograph that is, on a slip or
on a slieet with a page ol names ac
companied wltli one dollar for printing
fund the same to be placed In the great
National Autograph Book, which is al
ready nearly filled with the names of
noble and live women to be kept in the
archives of the nation. If more than
one dollar can be spared, let it come
and to all such contributors we respond
with a History of tho Movement for
twenty years, lately published by Mrs.
Paulina W. Davis. You will readily see
that this constitutes the bone and sinew
of our movement. Without it we can
not print and continue our educational
work tli at is, without the money. Con
tributions arc of course solicited in any
and all ways, that may best please the
taste or suit the convenience of the mem
bers of tho Committee and by each
one's effort, though it may be of small
amount, we shall accomplish the work
we propose to do, and, I trust, shall real
ize our hope of the speedy and peaceful
enfranchisement of woman.
I have written quite explicitly to indi
cate our programme of work, and hope
soon to hear of your favorable decision
and be able to forward you the samples
of our cheap tracts anil Constitutional
argument, and so feel the support of
your strong arm in the State of Oregon.
- . i .a.. it
.host rcsjieeiiiiiiy,
J. S. Gkikkixg, Sec'y.
Oi.YMPiA, W. T., Sept. 20th, 1S71.
JW. A. J. l)tnuway3fadam:I
have read with interest several numbers
of your excellent paper, and have felt as
If I should be glad to contribute a mite
in assisting the good work of reforming
our laws, so as to placoour feminine popu
lation in a not less eligible position than
the hardier sex.
I have not seen any criticism upon the
almost universal system of legislation,
on the exemption of property from exe
cution for debt, wherein there is nearly
always partiality against the widow and
In favor of the husband and wife. For
Instance, in this Territory, a man, mar
ried or unmarried, as u professional
man is entitled to a library and other
property to the value of hundreds of
dollars, which cannot be taken for debt ;
whereas the widow and children of such
man arc deprived of any such excini
tion in their favor. The working or the
law is thus: A rod-gloved lawyer or phy
sician with a library worth S500, and
wardrobe worth $300, may settle in this
Territory aud get in debt to a widow for
washing and ironing his clothes, and
not one cent's worth of his $S00 wortli
of property can she claim. But let her
call the physician when half a dozen
children aro sick of measles, and his
charge of $5 per visit holds half the value
of her small property of $S00 liable for
his debt.
I have not had occasion to examine
the statutes of othcrTcrritories or States
on this coast, but I imagine a similar
state of case will be found to exist in
others. You will find what I have stat
ed on pages SC, S7, &S of statutes pub
lished in 1SG9.
This letter is not for publication, but
merely to suggest what you may not,
have noticed and assist you in preparing
a suitable article on this subject. It is
by calling' public attention to these
wrongs that a correction of the abuse
may be expected.
With sentiments of respect I am
Your Ob't Serant, H.
1. S. You can can see the hardships
wrought against the widow of a lawyer
or physician. While he is alive and able
to assist his wife in the rearing and edu
cation of the family, they are favored
witli an exemption of $700 or more; the
moment she becomes a widow, and when
sho most needs help and protection, the
law withdraws and deprives her and her
children of the benefit of this exemp
tion, when every consideration for char
ity and humanity would say that she
should ratherhave increased than dimin
ished protection.
J.fff PHdding.Qzx the beef; se
lecting nice tender pieces, and to even
hundred-weight allow seven pounds of
salt, two ounces of saltpetre, one and a
half pounds of brown sugar and four
gallons of water. In the bottom of the
tub place the pieces you intend for dried
beef, then over them pack the other
meat. Watch it carefully, and when
you find tliat.meat and seasoning seem
well incorporated take out the drying
pieces and hang up. To the liquor add
a little more salt, and let the other
pieces remain until wanted. The dried
beef can be smoked as you do hams, if
preferred; but it is more delicate when
that is omitted.
Bread and Butter lidding. Make
a batter of five eggs and a pint of milk;
add a little salt before the egg are put
in. Have several slices of bread about
as thick as for toasting, and spread but
ter thickly on them. Better a pudding
dish, and put in a layerof bread and
butter, then raisins and currants and
another layer of bread and butter, until
the dish is nearly three-quarters full.
Flavor the butter with nutmeg; pour
over, ami bake till its seems firm and
done. Eat with sauce.
Baked Tomatoes -Take large toma
toes, make a hole in the ends, fill with
bread crumbs well seasoned with butter,
pepper and salt. Sctthem in a dripping
pun and bake.
Sweet Tomato Pickle. 'Mia ripe
tomatoes, wash and slice them. Sven
IKHinds of tomatoes, three pounds of
sugar, one pintof vinegar; boil till done.
Put in a stone pot anil cover well.
Canned P&irs. Pare and halve them,
and to a pound of fruit take a quarter ot
a pound ot sugar ana several pieces oi
ginger root the latter improves the
flavor, taKing away tne nasny, insipiu
taste. Fill the cans, and let thorn boil
gently ten minutes, or stew them in a
kettle, and pour into jars boiling hot. Tf
there is notsullieicnt syrup, till tip with
boiling water.
Another way is to pare them carefully,
taking care to leave on the stems. Half
the quantity of sugar as fruit; boll till
tender. Put the fruit in cans while very
hot. Seal quickly as possible.
I Canniny Tomatoes. Scald them, in
.order to remove the skins, stew them
I perfectly as for table, without salt, (ill the
I cans with pulp, leaving out much of the
water, and seal not.
Another way is to remove the skins in
the usual manner, scald them gently, hut
not enough to have them fall in pieces
put them one by one in the caus, and fill
up with the juice. When wished for
tabic, slice them carefully, and season
with pepper, vinegar, salt, etc., as you
would fre-dt tomatoes.
To Wah Windows. Wash well with
soap suds, rinse with warm water, rub
dry witli linen and finish by polishing
with soft dry paper. A fine polish Is
given to window glass by brushing over
with a paste of whiting; let it dry; rub
oil" with paperorclotb, and with a clean,
dry brush remove every particle of the
whiting from the corners.
"We Wait for an Answer."
The Oregon Statesman, In discussing
the nuestlon of woman suffrasre. at
tempts to palm off nearly a column.of
arctiment airaiiit the measure, the fol
lowinrr sentence from which is a fair
"We believe in treating woman with
all the consideration she can reasonably
demand, but we are not prepared to
force political privileges upon
against her will."
. Under this head the New York Stand
artl takes occasion to make a covert
attack on Mrs. Stanton and Miss An
thony, on account of sympathy alleged
to have been manifested towards Laura
D. Fair, now under sentence of death for
shooting Mr. Crittenden, a lawyer of
eminence, who had deserted his wife
and familv. and had. for vears. civen
himself, soul and body, to the woman ! sickness;
Thk Oi.r-RASinoxET MoTiiBn.r
Thank Got! ! some of us have an old
fashioned mother. Not a woman of the
period, enambled and painted, with her
great chignon, her curls and bustle;
whose white, jeweled hands never have
felt the clasp of baby fingers; but a dear,
old-fashioned, sweet-voiced mother, with
eyes in whose clear depths the love-light
shone, and brown hair, threaded with
silver, lying smooth upon her faded
cheek. Those dear hands, worn with
toil, gently guided our tottering steps in
childhood, and smoothed our pillowln
even reaciung out to us in
who finally avenged not only her own . yearning tenderness, when her sweeet
wrong, but the wrongs of his wife, by .spirit was baptized inlhepearlysprayof
iiieiemg hi nun ins just rewani. n is i im- inn.
not our intention to justify Mrs. Fair in Blessed is the memory of an old-fash-
hernct.hut that Crittenden met a fate i ioned mother. It floats to us now, like
lie richly deserved no one will deny. i the beautiful perfume of some woodland
Had Mrs. Crittenden shot both Mrs. I blossom. The music of other voices
Fair and her recreant and most guilty 1 may be lost, but the entrancing memory
husband, the world would have upheld I of hers will echo in our souls forever.
her. We have here to do simply with
the Standard in regard to the'article
under the above caption. It may per
haps appear a hard thing for a woman's
paper to utter; but if the editor of the
Standard were a woman, and had some
spite towards the ladies against whom it
makes repetition of a slanderous report,
we would account for the presence of that
article in its columns.
But what motive the editor of the
Standartl could have in giving further
Other faces will fade awav ami be for
gotten, but hers will shine on until the
light from heaven's portals shall glority
our own. When in the fitful pauses of
busy life ourfeet wander back to the old
homestead, and, crossing thcwell-worn
threshold, stand once more in tho low,
quaint room, so hallowed by her pres
ence, how the feeling of childish inno
cence and dependence comes over us, and
we kneel down in the molten sunshine.
; .i a i , '
siren-mug uiruugu mo western window
circulation to a matter calculated to cast i . just where long years ago we knelt by
a shadow on the proceedings of two our mother's knee, lisping "OurFather."
ladies whose conduct and motives have i How many times when the tempter lures
always been, and now are, above suspic- us on has the memory of those sacred
ion, we are at a loss to guess. We must I hours, that mother's words, her faith
reiterate that that article appears to us ! and prayers, saved us from plunging
the fruit of a longingdcsirc or hope that j into the deep abyss of sin ! Years have
the ladies named may have done some-' filled great drifts between her and us,
thing censurable, and worthy of wither- i but they have not hidden from our siglit
iug rebuke. To throw the shadow of a , the glory of her pure, unselfish love.
doubt on these women is a crime against i Selected.
an society, as well as against the noble, i
fearless women themselves. To utter a
laisehood, and then apologise nud con
tradict it, is no compensation to the in
jured party, nor yet to public morality,
which is outraged thereby. To publish
a malignant falsehood, and qualify it
witli a feeble, lantruidlv exnrossod bono
her i that it may be a mistake, or malicious
misrepresentation of the press, should be
ame Power that we owe, likewise, the
invention of the aquarium. She was
much esteemed In the scientific world, a
member of most of the European acada
mies of science, anil held a grade of high
distinction at tho Academy of Brussels,
and, withal, so truly feminine and
simple-hearted that all this honor and
glory was ireeiy given.
A convention of scientific agricultural
gentlemen has been in session in Chi
cago, attended by some forty delegates
from most of tho Northern and Western
itn.1 i i r -ir..i,.i.
nuiies. i tula uuu uiiiiuii i iuia nuaiii
of tho Iowa Agricultural College, said
the woman question had never uecn a
matter of doubt with him, and in one
respect It had been entirely successful.
The element introduced by women Into
schools was oue which had made gov
ernment most easy. The proposition to
admit women into agricultural colleges
was favorablj commented upon.
the $200,000 and Interest to the Canal
and Locks Company for their disinter
ested labor in behalf of the State.
There isno balance of the proceeds of
the 500,000 acres. There never will be
any if the funds and lands are managed
as the law provides.
That llttlo Lock Bill effectually gob
bled up the whole of that irreducible
school fund. There are no means of
knowing what amount could be realized
from a judicious handling of the 500,000
acres; probably $1,000,000, which, at 12
percent, per aunum, would yield S120,
000, and, with the other funds, would
give us a free school six months in a year.
Whatever they arc, are gone all gone
not even so much as the baseless fabric
of a vision left to the children of the State
to compensate them for the loss of that
rich endowment.
The fact is, that, owing to the peculiar
geographical character of Oregon and
tho peculiar circumstances attending
Of course men are to be the only poor consolation to a conscience not
judges as to what shall constitute her i wholly seared by its own lascivious and
reasonable demands. Women, like
slaves, must he passive. The hypocrit
ical talk about "lorcing pouuem privil
eges on woman against her will" is too
bald and transparent to require note or
comment to make it apparent to onli
narily intelligent readers. A novice in
govern mental requirements would nat-imilK-Vonclude.
on reading that class of
American newspapers of which the
Statesman is a type, mat voting -nua
compulson; that the citizen to whom
the "privilege" was granted had no
alternative but to devote his time to
politics, dav and night, weoK-uays ami
Sundays, to the exclusion of other busi
nns iiintt.-rs nttnnd caucuses, iro to the
polls on election days at the risk of life
fflffiSftSi'iS'SSSS ' tninsfer of the laws of this State by
"I think not," was the reply; "father's . tne General Government, our rich en
got all the laziness he ever had." dowment for school purposes has dwin-
free-love doctrines and practices.
We maintain that a visit to the pris
oner, man or woman, incarcerated for
crime, of whatever character, is always
in ordor with really virtuous ami honor
able women. If Jesus forgave the wom
an taken in adultery, and said to the
thief on the cross, "This day shalt thou
be with me in Paradise," we should like
to know what there Is, or can be crimi
nal, or needing any answer or explana
tion in the visit of two resiiectable, in
telligent ladies, with world-wide repu
tation for ability and purity of life, to
the cell of the vilest creature alive for
the purpose of condolence, or any other
purKse such women could go for?
we wait lor an answer also. Wi
or limb, or be lined aud imprisoned for , would like to know when the writer of
neclect of political duties. F.vcn Mate
and National election demonstrates that
armies of voters neglect to vote; and so
long as masculines exclusively shall
continue to engineer our political sys
tem, by which thieves, roughs and row
dies exerciseacontrolling influence, both
at conventions, caucuses and the polls,
so long will the better classes continue
to absent themselves from the polls,
and will only Interest themselves in
political matters when to do so in the
interest of personal friends or for local
improvements. Pioneer.
tnnt articio became possessed nf
immaculate virtue that scofls at sympa
thy with the fallen, and whether such
virtue would not be more sccmlv if a
little less ostentatious. Rcvolutio'ii.
Abraham Lincoln, being annoyed on
S,WiIinfronofjl8 I,ousc. sent him
out a dollar, with the message that one
scraper was enough at the door.
Two-thirds of the women in lunatic
asylums are wives of farmers.
How Womkx "Will VOTE.-J-A cotem-
porary speaking of woman's deadly hate
to the whisky trolllo and how thev
I sometimes deiort themselves on trying
incisions, reuutja uu cutuiiu wuiuuu 111
a certafn town In Ohio took it upon
themselves, recently, to close the gin
mills, and, assembling in squads, thoy
betook themselves to tho taverns, and
quietly sat down with their knitting the
whole day, working and talking uncon
cernedly. Husbands and brothers came
in unawares, and of courcs did not drink
under such circumstances, and the re
form has proved lasting. The query Is
would these women, If allowed tho uso
of the ballot, duplicate the vote of their
husbands, or voteacconliiirrf !,:
. . ... & fcv IM1L
judgment as to the pressing necessities
ami me nour .' 1'ioneer.
,Hw!iLnEu?AN-Tuo Woman
Suffragists of this State will not be
ikely to forget that at the very outset
in .Mrs Van alkenberg's registration
suit, Judge Hagan made a free oflerof
his semces to conduct that suit, and did
the same ably. Failing to gain a favor
able verdict in the District Cdurt. he
promptly offered, gratultiously, to plead
tho case before the Supreme Court or this
to carry it). This generous courtesy on
the part of Judge Hagan makes it easy
and possible to bring the question of
woman's right to vote under the 14th and
loth amendments to tho Constitution to
a speedy trial. It will be argued at, the
October term of the Court, and we shall
await tho result with great interest.
Young ladies suffering from a pain
In the side may reiievetit by wearing a