i Seller IfoViteei FRIDAY OCTOBER 0, 1871. OUR AGENTS. The following iwr-ons arc duly authorized to i.-t as Agents for the NEW AOKtiivMn-; U. R. RlOOd Mr. M. Jeffries.. It. II. Welch.. .. lr. J. Wftttfc- A. N. Arnold u. W. Lawaou. M. 1. Owen Mrs. O. A. ColHim Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson 111 ok. 1 -arsons . ... It Pentland .Traveling Agent T ravelins AKent Washington county ..', Iifayette Albany .Snlem .Salem Oregon City Oregon City .3liwauKie "BimKJn. Hi is i ni ""HAKBISBOnO mcnsc structure was completed Tuesday niglti, ays the Orcgonian, and at half pafct 11 o'clock r. M. the first locomotive the J. B. slcphcnb ruu over it, haul ins leu Hat car loaded with one hun The Dalles Yonenlla Rosehurg forest Urove Miss Sallic AlcgHte Miss IS. A. iwras.. .1 T KiVftU. K&a I. P. risner -..sail rraneisco Mrs. I.aura DeFwree Gordon-. California other parties desiring to aet as Agents will please forward their names. We want Agents nt every iosUrlIlce throughout Oregon and Washington Territory- TELt-YoTni-Wim-lt, you are In NOW IS" THE' TIHETO-SUBSCRIBE I irouuieor in aquanaary, tell your wire that ia if you have one all about it at rnnt fT,.., a 1 ff it III bolve your diflicultv wxmcr than all! llnnarallP.fi lntlHC6niGntS tO Clllhsl LVOUrlOffie. The wit, nftrnmnn linn hemi I raisctl, but her instincts are quicker iii.l I, ...... 11 I 1 dred and twenty tons ot iron, lliol wjti, your wife, or your motlieror sister, THE NEW NORTHWEST, iirttige is even iiuumt-n ni u-mj anu e assured liciit will liasii uponi ifeet lonp.- Tlteretarei two string-bcani p"""'" darkness, women are too com- spans of a feet each, one at each end. i . There are two Howe iruss spans or iil ' phieal student of the sex thus ludires hrvniED Tfl each, and in the muiuie a draw zw feet tnein. nieir lnt ut Ions, or Inslglits, arc in leiiRth. The first work done on the '"V". Tlm' au " cannot see a n.ofifi. .1,,.. t o,.,i rat in t!,e meal, there is no cat there, piers was on the 26th daj o. June, ' 1 eounselhif; a man to tell his troubles the firt train passed over it on the 3d to his wire, wo would go farther and ad dav of October, the construction occupv- ' vie Iilm to keep none of his affairs se- - r I r f 1 1 nir onlv three inonths and seven days. A Journal Tor the People. Great Enterprise ix Southren Oreoon A letter from Southern Ore gon to the San Francisco Bulletin states that the practicability and advantages of irrigation will shortly be tried on a great Hle in the Klamath country. Jesse D. Qirr has made a contract with Jesse Applegate to cut a ditch or canal from Lost river through Klamath Val ley into Klamath river, a distance of ten mites, at a eo-t of $50,000. Tliis ditch will tap Lost river at the gap of Klam- atli alley and drain Tule lake, into which Lost river empties itself, and thereby drain at least 350,000 acres of what is now know as swamp land, and with the water of this lake aiTdTiver irrigate, through the medium of this ditch, the Klamath valley on the cot ern side of Klamath river, bringing at least 350,000acres more to yield from five to ten times tho grass it does at present, or what is more like, convert the whole valley into wheat fields that will viol with tho UmiMiua or Jtoguc River val leys in productiveness. Mr. Carr has the capital and enterprise and Mr. Applegate has the brains and exper ience to accomplish the work. Lecture ox the Early Days oi wKf.uiir. new ti. xi. spauKiing, one of the pioneer Mjttlors of the Pacific coast, says the Orcgonian, litis written a letter to a friond in this city, antiounc ing that he Mill be here next Mondav, and that he desires on that evening to "defend the early pioneers of Oregon, especially the Presbyterian nilsfonaries, in their successful, honorable, self-denying, bloody efforts to save the Pacific coast to the people of tho United States, the Democratic Senate of Oregon and the presentllouse ofReprcsentativcs, 1'. 8." "I will give a brief account," lie says, "oT the glorious success of our mission to "Washington in the Senate of the U. S. lat winter, the important ac tion of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Chicago last May." Arrangements' will be made by IKirties here to provide a hall for Mr. Spaulding. The address will be free. Okixww State F.vnt. Next Monday, the 9th inst., the Eleventh Annual Fair of the Oregon Agricultural Society will commence at the Fair Grounds near Salem. Arrangements have been made by whieh the heretofore almost unen durable dust on tho Fair Grounds and on tho roftd to and from Snlem will be laid by sprinkling. The Oregon & Cal ifornia Railroad will be finished as far as Eugene City by the conimoneemenV of the. Fair, and new additional passen ger ears will be put on to accommodate the multitudes who will repair thither. The display of articles competing for premiums promises to rival the best exhibit of other years, if not indeed to eclipse it. Everybody is going, and everybody should go. Tim EMi'ini: IIoteu This hotel at The Dalles is one of the best-ordered and most commodious and well-kept houses f public entertainment in the State. Tlios. Smith, proprietor, is an accommo dating gentleman who is untiring in his eflbrts to make his guests comforta ble. Furthermore, he proves his adapt ability to his position by advertising in the New Xoutiiwest. Let our valley friends remember to give him a call and satisfy themselves of the excellence of the table, the cleanliness of the house and the aflkbilitv of the landlord. The cost of the bridge is in the neigh borhood of $00,000. The immense weight of the train, over 210,000 pountI., passed over without starting a bolt or rod, or cracking a casting. Some iron had al ready been run across, and the track had ben laid for a short distance. Tiie track will be laid to Eugene City by Sunday noon or night, and the first reg ular freight train will start from Eugene for Portland at 10 minutes before nine next Monday morning. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS.' td AJ l CJi Cuw ST., San Kkancico. ( ( UlUNClI, la KlttSTftT., I l)ltTLAXH,Of! The Smaix Pox. It is reported that the small pox has broken out sit Walla Walla. The disease is said to be rapidly spreading, and nu-iincss is very nearly : sile most craves not reciprocate, If but for the pleasure of meeting commence witu commence.' We are certain that no man succeeds so well in the world as he who. taking a partner for life, makes her the jmr titer of all his purjxjses and hones. What is wrou of his imnulses or imlirineiit, she will check and set right with her al most universally right instincts. "Help meet" was no insignificant title, as ap plied to man's companion. She is a meet help to him in every darkness. difficulty, and sorrow of life. And what NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. suspended. The first case there was I confidence without which love is never brought from the Oro Fino mines, free from shadow Travelers up and down the Columbia will no doubt be a little careful lest they come in contact with this loathsome scourge. The city authorities of the various corjwrations in immediate dan ger should take hasty measures to pre vent its further spread. Tit.vixs roit F.vm Week. During the Fair week, commencing next Mon day morning, passenger trains will leave Portland at 7 A. jt., arriving at Salem in three hours. The return accommodation train will leave Salem at five r. M., and arrive in Portland at S v. m. Trains will also leave Eugene City every day at S:40 a. m., arriving at Salem at 10 A. jr., and returning leave Salem at o i m., reach ing Eugene City at S:40. Tin: Home SittTTi.E Sewing Ma chine. This excellent machine, which we oiler as premiums for subscribers to the New Nokthwest, will be exhibited at tho State Fair by the Salem agents, Messrs. Royal A Smith, who will take pleasure in showing the Indies and gentlemen present the variety of work to whieh it is adapted. The General Agent in this city is meeting with ex cellent success in disposing of them. Wbathhii Notes foii Sbitbmiibe. The following observations for the mouth of September, JS7I, were taken at the rooms of the Portland Library by Henry L. Oxer, Librarian: Highest temperature, S9 on the 10th, at 2 1. m.; lowest temperature, 44 on the Sth, at 7 A. K.; mean temperature, OS9. The rainfall was 1.13 inches. There was considerable foggy weather during the mouth. Axn THE INTETESTS OF HUMAHIIr. Our Intensely Interesting serial story, "JUDITH REID X l'lnliw Story of a Plain Woman," eret from her. .Many a homo has been Is now being puMM.ed from week to week.nnd ...HiuiMicuauu many a luriuiie re- , attracting universal attention. A limited in J , ? V " commence in "is supply of hack numbers yet on hand. "vuti nun. woman is iur mure u seer anu propnet- man man, 11 sue nave Arrangement have been made to secure the . tan I'liiinuc. as a general ruie ivra Service of confide the minutest of their plans and ' tuoiigiits to their Husbands, Having no comctitni vuKr-a ur WRITERS Involvements to screeii from them. Why UDO am, aI, ,,.,, or p..,,,,- ,,., The Xkw Northwest Is not a Woman' Eights, but a Human Eights organ, devoted I to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest good to the greatest numler. It I l:nou no sex.no iolltics,no religion, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation Ix fastened upon the ruck of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation and Untnimnipled Progression. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement lor our friends to make i most deserves, is exertions to secure large clubs lor the Xkw onTiiwr-T, weoueriue lonowiug list or val uable premiums: ror twenty subscribers, at 3 (0 each, accom panied by the cash, we will give the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, without ta bic, beautifully ornamented. I'rlee, J30. Kor thirty-live siibMrrlbers.at SJ 00 cach.ac- compaulcsl by the cash, we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SKWINO MACHINE, with Black alimt table, bronzed urn! nicely tinishud. Price, 13 Kor forty MtbTibers, at 3 CO each, accom panied by the cash, we will given HOMESHUT- TLE SEWINli MACHINE, tinMicd in extra style, with Illack Walnut table and cover. Price, Sou. The above Sewing Machine., which are war ranted llrst-ela-s In every particular, can be seen at the otHce of Ccu. W. Tniver, 112 Front street, Portland. g For nny subscrilK-rs, at ;5 0D each, accom panied uy me cash, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN ItMtTAULE OUOAN, four octave, M . CRAY, Importer nud Dealer In all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Sole Axeill for tiie l'neilie (unit ...FOK... STEINWAY'S AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, . Asn,. Tlio "Burdett" Ox'jraiiK "PORTIIAJND -ADVERTISEMENTS? TJ E L ESTATE JLM Stitz el & uptoN REAL ESTATE BROKERS! CORNER FRONT AND WASHINGTON STS., 1'onTLtM), OIIKGO.V. Agents for the Sale of lots and Blocks In HOLLADAY'S ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND. UNKMED -REMEDY- THE UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: THIS RF.MRDY IS COMPOSRD OF TUB Actlvo principle or tho Unk "Weed, H&s Thasplum COrdntum Originto, IjL Iixlenowi to Oregon. Grows most abundantly and per fectly In Washington county. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains an Actlvo and Volatile PrlBelnle, extracted by Ether, and a bitter Tonic Principle. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: The Best World ! MTEW ! PIANOS AND ORGANS TO RENT And rent applied to purchase. ALL KINDS OK MUSICAL I.VSTRUMEXTS Tn n eil nml Itepiilrcil. CAIjIj AT Every Instrument Fully FOR FIVE YEARS. Warranted AckernlaVs One Dollar Store, I'lrt .Street Rtween Washington and Alder, nxt to Dr. Chapman's nnigtore. I single reed, with black walnut eae, automatic I cation to WA.VTKIl: AKeiltx lu i:ery Toun In the Mute. Catalogue and Price List Mint free on appll- . I IelltAXS. Manager Gray'.i Rranoh Music faore, . 121 First St., Portland, Oregon. August 1, 1S71. lull PACIFIC Frioes Lower THAN ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST Ackeraian's Dollar Store ! bellows xwell, two blow pedal;, Improved cen tcr prenure reed valve, etc Price, $.71. r or fievciity-tlve nub'icrlbiT!', at S3 00 each, ac companied by the cash, a double rcedM.JfsON A HAMLIN ORGAN ; rexemblc the llit ex ceptthat It has also a knee stop. Price, STi Kor Keventy-tlve sub"crllcrx, at &(0 etich. aecomiKinled by the cash and twenty-flve dollars additional, we will glvo a M.VSON A i..v...i.. , riVE OCTAVES, ONB n. rL Ki t -.. I CTOf. nKi.i'-Ai.ii'.sTixo itKEr. valves, im- Knni 3II1I ollllc 111 H III I d Ij I U I V I swr:i.T. Price, 11. For one hundred subscribers, at 1 00 each. and twenty dollar additional, we will give a MASON .t HAMLIN ORGAN, fivi: octave. FIVE STOPS, TWO SETS Of IttlllLV TOILS TllltOUlill- OIT, IMI-noVEl) OIUDfATEII .Snt-K-AIUUSTISU ltEEu v.tA-is,tMrnovEi HEt.uw.s,TitfarursT and KNEE-swEr.r.i. VIOLA. DIAPASON. FLUTE, TREMUUVNT. I'rlee, jlSV. Those who desire to work for these premiums I AniFS1 AND GENTS' FINE SHOES run S.M1U me names aim money us last ns re ceived. The subscribers will Ik plnceil to their credit, and If enough names are not received , fW OCR PATRONS AND THE PLM1LIO 1 Genenilly desiring to make SAKE and RK LIAISI.E INVESTMENTS IN REAL l'ROP ERTY.wc beg leave at this time tneall your attention to mis iiesimoie inici, wiueii nas been subdivldeil Into Rloeks and Ixits.and Is now In the market, to be sold In Alternate Lots and Rloeks. No one has ever visited this body of land but what will say that It Is the most eligible tor Suburban Residences ot any onered in tills market, the land having a gradual slope from the river back to Seventeenth St., there being searcelv anv Klock in thccntlrc tract but what it Flr View of the City of Portlaud and the Wil lamette river can be had. Another advantage tills property will have for residences : No high water will cverafl'eet the drainage of the city. THE O. A C. R. It. COS NEW KERRY 1SOAT Is now making regular trips from the foot of K St.. Couch's Addition, to the loot of Oregon St., Holladay's Addition. IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: rmm '':iiitiiT imiirovenieiits now ill contemplation by tiie Railroad Company, In tlic construction ot v nanes, arenouses ami Machine Shops, mute a number or citizens win commence erecting Uno llesiuences anu lius- lness Houses. Also, street Improvements, un der contract, by gradingand planking Holladay Avenue lis cmiro icngiu.ro connect, wiui ino Sandy road. We can say that at least Half a Million rwuars win oe expeniicii in permanent improvements on this Addtlon the present season. Tenui of fnle: It Is the most sure and speedy cure far Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds that wasever introduced Into the Materia Medica. The UNK WEED REM EDY, as prepared by u. In conseijuoneo of tho existing hitter principle, possesses the neces sary virtue of being a J?oavcx'1ii1 Toiiie, Promoting the Appetite and In vigomtlisg the while Digestive Apparatus, thus bulkllmc up and strengthening the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, lenn ab sorbed In the blood, acts specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, removing it from the circu lation and system. There are few remedies known to the Medical Profession which will remove the RhettmaUe INilson from the blood, but whose action 1 so liowerful in depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their Use has to be abandoned belore speeltie elleeU are obtainable, and hence the want of Mteeess in treiitiiiir this urevalciit and consequently heretofore incurable disease. Unlike these medicines, already known, the UNK WEED REMEDY.although producing at active and as jiowcrtul effects on the blood and system In re in. Ing the Rheumatic Poison, also possesses a strong Tonic and Recupcrating'EIement which admits of its continued use even by tliemost delicate and debilitated.- Tims we have the combination for the llrst time of these two necessary elements in one remedy, which ac-eount.siorllssuperIornndnever-falIiM!efaiive eflects in Rheumatism, Rheumatic Goat ana Rheumatic Pains of all kinds. X. R. The UNK WEED KKJIKPY is partic ularly API'I.ICAllLE TO LADIES, In conse quence of Its Tonic Qualities. kClltt Oillv MtlllllflKitOl'J- Uu the Northern Coast I LATLir .1M 1XS UlllhV, MPiSbVAMI rillLUiltO'S during the year to procure the premium de sired they can choosea leaser premium, or they Velvet Hats ! School Lecture. A copy, in nam-! plilot form, of a lecture on "Free ScIiooIk for Oregon," delivered before the Marion county Teacher's Institute, Augut 17th, by Mr. J. A. "Waymire, has been sent u.. Ave have not hail the time to criti cally examine it, but judge It to be excellent , Wasco CJouxty Property. The total value of property in Wasco county 13,1,943,142, but under the 1lav which allows indebtedness to be deducted, 780,000 of it oeupes taxation. TIIR.VTRUAU Mr. and Mrs. K. M. 15a tes will return to Portland shortlv. I ,1, i1 nfimliioilpn ;illoflinr ,liv!irniniif n i Oro Fino Tlieater about the 153d last. RESIDES, AT OUR ONE DOLLAR STORE We have lUp-Ktalrs) the Largest and Rest Se lected Stock of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, ALL OUR OWN IMPORTATIOX), Wliolesnlr mill Itetnll. Portland, Oct. !, 1S71 n21 Whe-vt. Nearly one thousand tons of wheat are now lying in warehouse at Oregon City. Three lwaU are now carrying wheat down from above. Good Templars' Hall Mr. Jacob Ktitzel aunouuees that nearly half the stock for a Good Templar's Hall in this city lias already been subscribed. PitoSPEROUS. The Corvallia Gcuclte boasts that twenty dollar pieces are as plenty in Benton county as half dollars were last year. What Galusha A. Grow Says. The following Is an extract from a Pen nsylvania paper: "Hon. Galuslia A. Grow 1ms turned from a three months' trip to tli Roeky Mountains, Califor nia, Oregon and Washington Territory. The honorable gentleman, who is one of the closest of observers, rpenks in terms of highest praise of Oregon; de claring that tho future greatness of the Pacific coast will be owing to the devel opment of Oregon, which is a far bettor farming and grazing country than much-lioasted of California." Articles of Ixcorporatiox. A lo cal insurance company, under the name oftheXorth Pacific Marine Insurance Company, .ays ilxelferald, has been or ganised in this city, and filed articles of incorporation recently. The object of the corporation is to transact such bus! lies as aiiiertaii)s to it. Its duration is toliea term of fifty years. The capital -took is to consist of $100,000, divided into shares of $100 each. The principal oineewiii be in this ei( v. XoRTiiniiN p. r. it. Bonds T.v ken. uen. niton is authority for the staiomeut, aecortllng to the Orcaonlmu that London bunkers have concluded to take fifty million dollars of the bonds t n. -v ii. v-w n ot trie .oriiient x aeutc Kailroad. The news was received by telegraph from Air. .ucuunocn, ionuon, to Jav Cooke New York. Thus every obstacle to the rapid construction and early completion of thb road is removed. Alhany Saw Mill. C. C. Ivtihn is putting up a new saw-mill at Albany, which will cut ten thousand fectper day. Guide Boards. The Fanner adver tises for "twenty thousand good guide boards for Oregon roads." Ixiad. The Olympia TribHm says that- Puget Sound will f-oon furnish coal for tiie whole Pacific coast. BANCROFT & MORSE, wholealr and. rrtail BOOKS, AND STATIONERY, NhwM. K. Church.: ThcMclhodMsf have nearly completed a new church at McMinnville. Salem Water Works. The Water Works at Salem are now in operation. Presrytery. The Oregon O. S. iL'resby tery met at Corvaliis (Thursday). Lbe Mission Cemetery. a nlat of ground tobft jisejl 1fprthe purpose or sepulture lnfr been laid off near Salem and named "Lee Mission Cemetery," in honor of the earliest Methodist Mission ary of Oregon. Jenny June in her last fashion arti cle writes sensibly, as ioiiows: "The braiding and embroidery mania has probably reached its height, and mav henceforth be exiected to decline. Tho literal ovcn-Iaughing of every ar-1 tide for household use and family wear, by- heavy designs executetl in coarse stitch or cotton braiding, the adding to this everywhere and on everything, vanls and vards of ruflling and nuffinu becomes not only wearisome but pain- , ful when one reflects upon the amount ; of time and labor spent upon it. If the j wife of the millionaire wants to throw i away money ou.drcsslng sacks covered ( Willi einuroiucry, letueruotu ii sne i wants to render her baby's life a torment . to itself and others, let her add the hor rible milling and pulling ana braining and bill!" embroidering to a dragging Ieinrth of skirt, because tne quicKer its I little life is ended the better. But, for the poor, hard worked mothers to try to follow such an example is idmiily in sanity. Let her put the cost in the fine ness and purity of the material, make it up plainly but amply, and spare the la bor 'and quick distinction of trimming and furbelowings." 104 First Kirret, 2Eortli.jic3.s Oregon : .'! sail. Portland, OctitVl'Wl-na McCIBENY'S ACADEM.Y MUSIC, Corner rilllt auil ColiimblH Strcrt. WIIJ. OPEN Wednesday, September 13, 1871. DEmpii'c Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES Cm, OKtuu.-s TJOARD UY THE DAY. Week or Month, on JL me most reasonable term. Atinerlnr nnvtrnmnililtlani for families. Cmcord Coach to and from the lioue free. A large rare for the keeping ot tuiuuuic-, irmisj onen fill nlcrhf- nl7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. will bo entitled to receive twenty-five tier cent. In tli of the amount remitted for their labor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. AsTltrrTTETrXonniWKMTlinxni-rady proved a populnrMicecvi, we are decided that it liall alo provcaTiumti-ii. To enable our frleniN who may decide to can vass for our aHr to lK-m flt both theuiclv" and n by Increnj-liiiourSiiWrlptlon IJts.we propose to give tlio foilowlns nddlllou.il Pre- miumn to cnnvaxtcni : ,ny xuliwrilKT who U in arrcon. for the Xi:w Noktiiwkst.wIio will send uohU orherowu subscription fee, and one new Mibcriber,nc- conipniileil by Ihe cah tt)-we will give : A pair Kirinn Marble Vane: Or a Rohemlnn Oln. Vne; Ora llolicmtnn Gln-i Cunl Roeelxer; Or dozen Ivory Xnpkin Ringx; Or J4 dozen Plated Ten Simkihi; Or I pair AIoxnndrcN Kid Gloves; Ora hjKingicd ijidyN Fnn.Ieatlicreil eilae; OrnRIrd Case; Oran Album forlioldlus VO picture; Or an Album (extra) for lioldliisW pieturc; Orafmicy letter f!ae; Or a Imx Toilet Articles, Ineludlnf; foap. chalk, ierfuiiier-, etc.; Ora Itrltaniila Twi Pot; Or a Kcroene Limp; Ordozcn f!In-. Ooldet-; Or dozen (!la-TumbIer(-; Ora InrseGl.isi Fruit DIli; Ora Work Rasket;! Ora Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or H dozen Linen Handkerchief; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or dozen Table Napkin; Or H dozen Towels; Or nn elegant Portmoiila. Any Mibtcriber who H In arrears lor a year1 Kuhhcrlptlon, and who will send hl or her own subscription fec.nndtwo new ubcrlbersi, ac companied by the caxh makliij; Sfi DO we will end : A ct of Rose-rs' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Ora wtorRoscns'T.ihleSiioonstrlpIc plated, on white metal, warranted; Orn set of Ro;crx' Tea Kpooni, triple plated. on white metal, warranted: Or M dozen Hoser' A RuwelPs Tabic Knives, bet quality, warranted; Ora lmiid-ioiiie RInl Case. Any person In arrears forMihscriptlon to Tin: Xkw NoitTHWEST, who will send hli or her subcrIptlon fee and three new subscribers, ac companied by the ca.h,makln: $12 Ci), we will send : A handsome Mirsailles Quilt; Ora linndMjine Woolen Quill, nil and while or blue and while; Ora pair ofTuble Cloth; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Oloves, any color or size: Ora Japanese Inlaid Work Rox; Or IS yards bet yd. wide Slicctlni. For seven subcrilers at 33 Oft cach.aniouiit- Inj; to 21 00, we will send : An extra Castor, triple plated.on white metal valued at 9 (0; Or a Lady's Wrltlns IKsk, of ciptal value; Or a Cabinet, Japanese Inlaid; Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Rox. These articles arc all valuable, and are war ranted to lie Just as we represent them. Per son living In this city or who can visit us can receive- these nrttclcsfrom our own hands at an hour's notice; or If not convenient to visit us, we win send the articles by express tnanyud arcs. No order of this kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies it. Send money in Postouicc orders at the cus tomary rates of currency, or send draft If pre- lerrcu. All orders promptly attended to. We sincerely hope that this unparalleled oner, wiucu is a new reature in the newspaper business in Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse from the many friends of our paper, wno up to tuts time naveseciucd to fall to real Ize that The New Northwest cannot be run without money. Now is the time lo makeup clubs. Begin before some other person rets the start of you. See what you can do for your self, the Public and the New Xorthwjwt. Forir ier cent. cash down; deferred nay- meiits.sixaiid twelve months, with interest at the rate or ten percent, per annum. -0 QUESTION AS TO TITLK! STITZEL& UPTON Oner for sale a large amount of 1HJRTLAXD and EAST nmi i.a:s i isr.-siui-iuK anu BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1 Inrtles wishing to purchase farms or binds will lie convoyed to them and shown the same free or cliarxe aim ill an limes io sun i lie convenience of our patrons. A large amount, oi cuoiee r aumii, l.A.iirs for sale situated lu Multnomah, Wnshlnton, Yamhill, INilk, Ronton, Lane, Marlon, Clack amas, and other counties of this State. For PRICE LIT call at our ottlce. I'OIl S.VI.E: Eighty Acre Lot forsale.adjolnlnts Holladay's iddltlon on the east. Apply to Stltzel A Upton. Five and Ten Acre Lots for sale, adjoining East Portland, on reasonable terms. Apply to stltzel A- ITpton. Five and Twenty Acre Lots for sale on the MeAdamized road three miles south of the city limits. Apply to Stltzel i Upton. HOKS OF EVHRY CLASS Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale aud Retail. 3STEW S'CC'rX2SS ! ANE BEING MADE DAILY. DEPOT AT PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, I'rotiiunu. tlllllliHii A Co.. Corner First and Morrison St., Portland. J VST O ITT: The Box-Toed Oxfords and Gaiters, ASI THE JERSEY TIE, The easiest tilting Summer Shoe made. AUfru-t i, 1S7I. 1"! SHADE & CO. T ESIT-CTFI'LLY INFORM THE I"UIII.IU XL that I hey have established a PIONEER DYEING AND SCOURING BUSINESS In this clly, and are prepared to receive orders r.,r iiv..lii- milt I 'imiii inr I tulles' iiresses. Cloaks and Mantles. Ali. IMinask Curtains and Gents' Clothlns. A ork done In the best stvle and Warranted. Kid filoves neatly Cfeanscd. Piiaseglve us a call at our Dyeing Establishment. First St.. oeiwecn uas ami A-li.opiioslieiueureson iiaKcrj-. JUiy 1,1.1. Villi. nn..i.i.ivw. BOARD AND LODGING. A LADY HAS OPENED A .... i ahaiiia unnor HOAKU NU Anu uuuuinu n u t v.r iiivimnies nnd Ijiliorlng Men. on Salmon street, between Front and First, she respect fully solicits a share of llttuic raironsige. juiy i, iii. iiii CAItMS TO ItrAT. "c haven number of Improved Farms, ltu- ateil in wasliiiieton county, irom lourieen to twenty miles of Porland. "WANTED. At Ibis oliiee, immcdiat4y, from Two to Three Hundred Dwelling Houses, situated In Portland and East Portland. Tenants waiting patiently. ill STIT7.EI. A UPTON. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In ID JEi. "3T &OODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Ornts Kurnishino Goods, I.ndleo- mill MNe. TRIMMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND RONNETS, Frames, Rmlds, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Rlhtions, Trimmings, etc. Drrs Goods, White Goods, Tankee No tions, Etr. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AfSENT OF THE HLLENDALE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Full Stock of Blanket, Yarm, Bea ver, Tweeds and Caxsimcre Constantly on Jfand. LATENT STYLES UY i:VEltYSTKi.3Ii:iL TESTIMONIALS: M-uimninir.. nf (lie fact Hint It Isvenanillr an easy matter to procure certificates atMMlHK tne emeacv or paieni remeoies irom class of those who usethem. We hve seleetau the following because the names atutenwi them are those of men of the most reftu d scrupulous character, and leeaiie the urge class of thclracquaiiitaneefi in Oregon will not, for a moment, accuse or supee them of any exaaacratlon lu the statement they may make: Certlfleate from tiie Deputy Jailor of Mult nomah Comity Jail: City Jnll, Portland, Oncon,) Jum T, 1S7L i Dr. A. M. Iiryea A Co.: I was attacked with a severe casu of rheumatism. It was In my tlilRhs, lilix, llnrers, shoulder blade indeed in all the Joints of my body I suffered great pain and anzui'-li. I was attended by a regular phy sician, tint with no effect. I wan induced to try your Unk Weed Remedy, and it Immediately cured me up. I consider it, from my expe rience, rue best remeitv ror rnenniausm Known. ALFRED F. TURNER, Deimty Jailor. This Is to certify that the above statement is correct to my own knowledge. JOHN I". WARD, Jailor. Altn California Rook and Job Printing Office,") !iit California street, -San Francisco, June 1, 1S71. ) Dr. A. M. Loryea Jt Co.: For several years I have lieen subject to rheumatism in my right arm nnd shoulder, rendering me unable tn work. On a recurrence of the attaek, some time since, I was Induced to try your "Unk Weed Remeilv," and the result was a perfect cure In a few days. I took only two-third of the contents of one liottle. My firm belief is that the "Unk" is a certain eure lor rheuma tism in all its forms, and I would heartily rec ommend all atnicted with that dreadful dis ease to try your "Remedy" and be cured. JNO. R. McLAXE. DlLTLIlXGJaii Sr, CO.. Washington St., bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND OREGON ar PARTICULAR Orders. ATTENTION Paid to nl On TliiWl Sti'oot, IlelMt-eii Morrison and Yam 111 It, AT JOHN WILSON'S CAN RE HAD: TK MANHFAOTURrt-AN A SO. 1 ATITICI.E OF I1REAR, CRACKIIRS, flVKI-S, And all kinds of Pastry mually fauna lu a First CIu lUkery. -Good delivered to any.jxirtcs the cliv JZLTlnU WH ITE .CO O DS-I'laln, Check and Strliyl Nainsook, Soa Flnlsheil Cambric, Ill-hop Ijmii, Victoria Lawn. SwLss Mull, llalr, Cord and Checks, Twilled Ixmg Cloth, Peouc, etc. CORSETS-In White and Grey. The best i assortment ever onereu. in mw -uhi- i ket all sizes and prices. H OS I ER Y Encllsh, French and German, in ! ordinary and extra lengths, for Ladles. Misses and Children; Gents and Roy's Hose and Underwear, etc. ! Hemmed and Hcm-stltchcd, Roys' and 1 Gents' Hemmed. Children's Linen I llralded Suits, Dress Linen, Table Uncn.etc. BLACK DRESS SILKS-"American Gros Gralu," "warranted not to crack or chanse color, under t lie severest nsase. for years." SUNDRIES-Fans, Parasols fsilk and al P1' .S,lte ZePQf Knit Shawls, Ladles' Paper Collars (a prize In each box), Lace Collars, Rubber Cloth, Silk Buttons TrimralnKanil Sash Ribbons, elvct Ribbons, Lisle Thread Gloves, etc. NEW GOODS Opened every week. nl2 Certificate of A. R. Shlplev, Esq., special con tributor to the "Willamette Farmer," ami Sec retary or the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oresron, March 2S, 1571. Dr. A. M. Loryea: Some tour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; In fact I was almost helpless. I sent to you for oik 10 ounce bottle of the "Unk Weeil Remedy," by the use of which I experienced almo-t Imme diate relief, nnd by the time the bottle wan sone the rheumatism was gone. From my own experience, and from what I have heard others say who have used the Unk Weed, I lielleve It to lie a certain cure for rheumatism. Yours respectfully, A. R. SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufnr, ex-Prest-dent of the Oreeon state Agricultural Society anil author of "Statistics of Oregon:" East Portland, April 1, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Loryea Co.: I was atllleted with a severe attack or chronic rheumatism; wtt con fined to my bed most of the time from January to July, when 1 u--ed the Unk Weed and ft cured ino up. A. J. DUHITIL Certificate from James Rybeo, the celebrated stoefc-jtrower and "Kins of the Oregon Turf:" Sauvle's Island, January' 1 1. 1371. To Dr. A. M. Ijnryea A Co.: TliisistoackiinwI vdse the etllcacy of your"Unk Weetl Remedjr, or Oreson Rheumatic Cure." I was n filleted Tor months with a verj' serkms attaek of la tin minatory rheumatism, and tried nearly all of the so-called rheumatic remedies wUltotlt any relief perceivable. I then tried yor Remedy, audits use resulted In tliemost happy effects a perfect cure. Truly yoHrs, JAMES RYHEE. Certlfleate from the well-known merchant, O. W. Weaver, Esq.: The Dalles, May 3, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Loryea t Co.: I have uses! the "Unk Weed Remedy," and can cheerfully recom mend It to persons atllleted with Inflammatory rheumatism. It cured me of that disease. My hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints were swollen nnd very painful. O. W. WKAVKIL Certificate rmm Hon. Nat. II. Lane, Pilot Commissioner of Oregon, and a member of the City Counell ol East Portland: East Portland, April 19, M71. Dr. A. M. Loryea Co.: I have been atllleted for several years past with "weakness In the back." and wandering rheumatic pain, ae comiKinled by severe constipation. Ry the use or one liottle of your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," I have been entirely relieved, and I cheerfully recommend It as a most valuable and effective remedy. . NAT. II. LANE. Certificate Trom Hon. Gideon Tlbbett. a member of the City council or East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1371. Dr. A. M. Loryea & Co.-Gents: Tlii tetoln; i i....-A ,c.i vfnr"ITnk eed" io i in tmti i ii---- - - . . . lorneuralRiaana rhwimnllo n 'J JV! ii.r .ri.n...Ani nil v miH iMiltle. atMi can jgniuend It Jo those Vji"-"- ,,. unn. K. L. Oulmbr. ex- County Commissioner of .Multnomah county, Oregon: rwitiin.!. Anril 1. 1571. . - inn-MilCa: Ihaveuscslthe"Unk Weml ' licmedy." and am satisfied It is a valua blenieillclnc. It resulates and Invigorates the svsiem This is my experience wiin me item sstcm. 1,"Tnl,yJ.oal E.L.QUIMHY. Certificate from the celebrated musician, Prof. Otto Vicuxtcmps: Oregon Musleal Institute. ) Portland, May 22, 1871. f Dr. A. M Iiryea t Co.: I was attacked with severe Inflammatory rncumaiism, snnerlng great pain, anu was so prostrated mat l wa& unable to tend tomybusiness. I used one bot tle or your "UtiK weed itemed-, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cured by It alone. OTTO VIBUXJTKMPS. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, BY.- EAST PORTLAND. ORHG01T. DR. PUT UP IN TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, One Dollar nml Fifty Cents per liottle. CO., iWFORSAI.EBYAI.I.DKUoalST. 4lnl2 I 't